Saturday, May 26, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018

- Okay, so here we are.

Here's another episode of Eating Your Feed.

So, we have both been on here before.

- Yeah. - I saw you boil the peach.

^That was pretty neat.

^- Who knew peaches looked like that on the inside?

Yeah, I had no idea what I was doing in there.

^- If I'm gonna be forced to make this show, Adam,

this is gonna be a little bit of a weird one.

^We're gonna do this thing called a timpano.

^Basically, it looks like this stretched animal skin

^over a bucket of meats, pastas, sauces.

^Eggs go in there, that's kinda crazy,

^and then you kinda fold that dough over

^and you bake the whole thing off.

We've seen it on this show called Binging with Babish,

awesome food show online.

He made it based on

one of my favorite movies called Big Night.

New York Times did a version.

Chef I love, David Chang,

posted his own version on Instagram recently.

- Whoa. - It's crazy, yeah.

So, as always, we're going to bring on Rie.

I think we're not gonna make our own fresh pasta

except for the shell.

We'll make our own meatballs, sauce,

Italian sausages, stuffed shells.

Anything that we should look out for?

- Make a solid game plan. (laughing)

- This is the biggest pot that we have available to us

^here at Tasty right now.

^I think I wanna go a little bit bigger than this.

^- Sure.

^- We'll make a real thick one with two c's.

- So, we're gonna go get our stuff now.

^- Look at the thing. - Boom, look at that.

Alright, let's get started, yeah.

You do the tomato sauce in this and I'm gonna take this guy

and fire off the mushroom ragu.

- I'm ready to get into the paste.

- The paste? - The paste, right?

- You're making the tomato sauce.

- Sauce, why did I call it paste?

- I don't know.

- I'm just Google searching Buzfeed tomato sauce.

- I'm gonna start cutting an onion up (groans)

- Oh, wow, yeah.

- It's the one time I get to cry.

So, my mushroom recipe...

I don't think I bought all of the right ingredients

for any one particular recipe.

So, I'm just kind of making it up

and combining a bunch of them.

- A pound of spaghetti, but we're not doing that right now.

Yeah, we ain't gotta worry about that.

Get the hunk of parm. - I don't think you need...

- We don't need the hunk of parm either.

- Cut this up. - Great, thank you.

- Put it in the pot - Yes.

- when it's hot, - This is what I need.

- and then the other (bleep) goes in.

That's it, that's it.

How much butter do I need, I don't know.

- So, I'm just gonna chop this in half.

This is appropriate, right? - What are you doing there?

- Choppin' this up!

- So, you take your knife

and you cut almost all the way through.

Each of these is a distinct strand like that,

so when I cut this way, then you got a little cube.

You ready for this?

Pinching it together, you go boom, and now look at that.

This is the shape of your onion.

Next we're gonna do garlic.

- Alright, where's our sink?

- It's in the other room.

- Like most kitchens, it's in the other room.

^- Shit-ache.

Salt, more mushrooms.

How's it going, pal? - We're gettin' there, man.

- I'm going to add a little bit of tomato paste,

I'm gonna add an anchovy,

and then I'm gonna deglaze that with brandy.

Okay, it smells really fishy.

- Opened up our tomatoes.

Look at how mushed up they are, look at that!

This is weird, I'll tell you what.

- Is it?

- Okay, so we have olive oil, salt, pepper,

onion, garlic, and carrot.

^Trying to get that umami flavor, right?

- I'm gonna throw some rosemary in my mushroom ragu here

because why not, you know?

- [Patrick] And then pretty soon

^we're gonna add our anchovies here.

- I'm really trying to make this look cool.

- Next, add the crushed red pepper flakes

and the tomato paste.

It's such color.

- I swear, that's my first bowl of wine.

Let it spill over, don't stop pouring.

Tip it and keep going.

I love the double steam columns

we've got comin' off of here, you know?

It's like our two turntables, like Daft Punk.

- [Patrick] Addin' our tomato.

- I'm adding fish sauce to this.

I think it's just gonna add a smack of depth to it.

You won't even know it's there.

- Okay, I mean, I trust you.

- Alright, so I'm happy with where

the mushroom ragu's at for now.

You want a bite, Adam?

- It's like Christmas.

- It's delicious.

- There's no comparison here.

I mean, this is... - Oh, no, no, no, no.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - People are gonna be

talking about your sauce more than they talk about my sauce.

- Get the heck outta here.

- Now we're gonna make some meatballs.

This is a hilariously large bowl.

- [Patrick] We got ground beef here and our ground pork.

- Throwin' some onion in here.

Crack two eggs right in there.

- Cheese and juice.

- [Andrew] I like a pretty green in my meatballs.

I'm gonna preemptively add some bread crumbs.

^- [Patrick] I don't even recall buying that.

- I slipped it in at the last moment.

- Sneaky.

- Splash of milk in here.

Alright, start squeezing those around.

- You got it, pal.

I mean, I love what you added in here last minute.

The milk, the other thing that I can't remember.

- Let's start rolling these up.

Oh, that's a big meatball.

You know what, that's okay.

- That is a big boy.

- Boom, that's a tray of meatballs if I've ever seen 'em.

Oh (laughs) okay.

I'll just wash my hands, it's okay.

And so, these guys are goin' in.

End of day one.

Mushroom ragu is done, we got our tomato sauce,

oh, we gotta pull our meatballs out of the oven.

- Yeah, the whole thing.

- [Andrew] I am giddy with joy right now.

- I'm happy that you're excited, quite honestly.

I might wear a suit tomorrow, I'm so...

I wanna impress this meal.

- Let's invite Rie on to check out

what's been goin' on all day.

- Yeah, it's so good!

- Okay, so today's the big day.

We gotta cook our pasta, we're gonna make stuffed shells,

cook sausages, and make boiled eggs.

We also have to make the whole crust.

So, we've got our sausages here.

I'm just gonna...

Three hot, three mild.

These are hefty.

We're just gonna bake these.

This recipe comes from the Binging with Babish video.

We're just gonna use his recipe for the crust

to ensure that we have enough dough to fill our timpano.

Adam just asked if service here

goes up proportionally to volume.

I just don't know where to start with that question.

Is it safe to assume that we should just

increase the recipe by 50%?

- Yeah, just do it and we'll see what's gonna happen.

- So, we're gonna do 30 ounces of Double 0 Flour,

four whole eggs, and 12 yolks.

I'm actually really bad at cracking eggs.

Okay, see, we're gonna have a bad time here.

Oh, I'm cracking, I'm cracking, it's going in.

- That was 11,

do you wanna do the last one? - Here's 12!

Do you want some egg whites?

Maybe somebody wants this for lunch.

We're just gonna pour out our dough, make a little well,

pour our eggs in, a little squirt of salt.

I'm gonna add a little bit of olive oil.

Oh, god, this is a.... - Oh, boy.

- I didn't do this right.

- Um... - What, what's wrong?

- [Rie] Oh, no, nothing, nothing is wrong.

It's okay. - It's there.

Let's just go for it, there's no going back now.

Can't control z this moment.

- Oh, okay, that feels great.

Oh, God, can somebody check the sausages?

Alright, our sausage is cooked.

So, the dough feels pretty dry,

so we're gonna add an egg to get some more moisture in there

and try to get this thing together.

We're totally in the dark here, you know?

At some point, I'll be out of this,

but right now it sucks and I cannot see the light.

So, last time we did a bad job

of making sure all the eggs were incorporated

before trying to get all of the flour together,

so we're gonna make another batch,

but tackle it in two separate smaller batches.

Rie's gonna help with one of them.

- I think you gonna use flour little by little.

- [Andrew] Alright, this looks like fun,

so I'm gonna get started over here.

- [Patrick] Yeah, this looks great.

- Sometimes depends on the size of egg,

maybe he's using large egg and our egg is small.

- It's extremely sticky, I don't know how you did this.

This makes a whole lot more sense.

I can already see why this is the way you do it.

^- Yeah. - Oh, that's beautiful.

^- Isn't that beautiful? - Good.

- We don't suck. - Eggs are about done.

- Next, we're gonna be making some dumbo shells.

I'm gonng make the filling for the stuffed shells now.

I'm gonna kind of make it up.

^I want ricotta, mozzarella, parmensan, and some herbs,

maybe a squeeze of lemon.

Yeah, that's it. - Brighten it up a little bit

with that lemon. - Brighten it up!


- [Patrick] Geeze, look at that.

- Looks like apple sauce. - Mhm.

- Let's start boiling some pasta.

What else could I sneak in here?

- A pasta spoon, what is a pasta spoon?

- Rigatoni pot lookin' hot.

Alright, I'm gonna start filling shells.

I've never done this before.

It's basically a savory cannoli.

Oh, sorry.

I might be overfilling them slightly, so...

Oh, nice job with these eggs.

Oh my God, just rolling your hands through a bunch of eggs.

- If I were to direct a music video, I would be like,

so the concept is hard boiled eggs in a bathtub,

and we're just gonna go crazy.

- Alright, alright, alright.

Timpano dough roll out.

This is one of the most satisfying looking things.

Woo hoo!

Unclear whether we have enough dough.

I think it'll be fine.

- [Patrick] Gonna line our dutch oven

with butter and olive oil.

- We're gonna start rollin' this thing on.

Okay, let's get the pot in.

- [Patrick] Nice, dude.

- [Andrew] I'm gonna gently push it into the sides.

- Yes! - Great, nice.

- Alright, you wanna start scooping rigatoni in?

- Sure.

- Almost half of the pasta didn't make a dent.

I'm worried about how much stuff we have.

Let's grate some of that cheese right into there.

- Pecorino Romano. - Ray Romano.

I'm gonna start doing meatballs now.

I think we should split them in half

so that we get an even layer of them.

Let's do a little bit of tomato sauce.

- Smell that.

- Yeah, I wanna see an even blanket of that.

Oh, we're gonna run out of space, actually.

Soft shells next. - Okay.

- Are we gonna have enough, I really hope so.

We'll just kinda do a little bit of cheese

along the sides here, fill it in a little bit.

- [Patrick] We got the sausages.

- Alright, let's just fill in these cracks with eggs, right?

Okay, we'll just have a couple leftover eggs for a snack.

- Someone's gonna have a really eggy part of this timpano.

- Yeah, there's no way this won't taste good.

Grating a little more pecorino on there.

Now we're just havin' fun, I feel like Bob Ross.

Leftovers, we have three eggs, one meatball,

and like a quarter cup of pasta.

How should we fold this together?

- Dude, I gotta try it once.

What am I doing standing here?

Look at this thing!

Oh my God.

- That's like a solid 45 pounds.


Alright, let's get this bad boy in the oven.

Okay, it's been about 50 minutes to an hour.

We're gonna take the lid off.

Maybe we shouldn't have put the butter on top.

- It's too brown?

- It's getting brown a little early.

- You think it's gonna burn? - I don't know.

An hour and a half in on the timpano bake.

A little bit concerned about the browning happening on top,

so we put some foil,

which I think will help deflect the heat.

I'm gonna go on the record as saying

I think a little danger adds a lot of excitement to a meal.

It's been over two hours now.

- Yes, yes. - Oh, it's perfect!

- Great. - We're gonna call that done.

We're going to unmold it.

Tell me about it, Adam.

Alright, here it comes, no hesitation.

(all cheering)

Oh, yeah. - That looks perfect.

- I just wanna stand here and fan it, you know?

I'm like, cool down already.

We can eat it now?

- Come on, everybody.

Gather round for this feast.


- Alright, let's get in there with a knife.

- [Patrick] I support you.

I give you my props here. - I think you've just

gotta commit. - Come on.

(all talking)

Oh, it's juicy.

- [Patrick] Here we go.

Oh boy, oh boy.

- Okay, the moment of truth.

You guys ready for this? - Hell yeah.

- [Woman] What's inside?

- Oh, nice.


- Look at that, yeah, well done.

There it is, yeah.

I cannot believe it.

- [Andrew] I swear to god, if this falls on the ground...

- [All] Cheers.

- Earlier in the video, I drank from a bowl.

Yeah, make it rain.

That's the timpano.


- [Patrick] Well done.

- Mm!

Holy crap. - Yeah, for real.

- Its like a surprise in every bite.

- I think this is the best thing you have ever made.

- Rie gives it a blessing.

I would probably leave the eggs out next time though.

I don't know why the eggs are there, I don't know why.

- The meatball is great.

- That ragu is just out of this world.

- This is actually really good.

Surprisers. (laughing)

- [Andrew] That's gonna happen with a timpano.

I think that was a great success.

- [Patrick] Thank you, Babish.

- [Andrew] I wouldn't not make it again.

- [Patrick] I would love to make this again,

are you kidding me?

This would be fun.

- Yeah, it was a great time. - It's just too much work.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> We Tried To Make The Most Intimidating Pasta Dish (Timpano) - Duration: 12:18.


ANDALUSIAN Knit Stitch Pattern - Duration: 4:37.

The Andalusian Knit Stitch Pattern.

Hi, Guys! I'm Kristen and thank you for

joining me here at Studio Knit.

This vintage Andalusian knit stitch pattern

is a sweet little update of the stockinette stitch it's a four row

repeat with just a little bit of visual interest and texture this is an easy

level project and it is perfect for everyone who has completed my

ABSOLUTE BEGINNER KNITTING SERIES because we are just using knits and pUrls we can see

the stitch pattern on the right side of our work if we turn it over on the wrong

side we'll see that it is not a reversible pattern however it does have

a really nice clean look on the backside here the stitch was named long ago after

the southern Spain community of Andalusia

I think this classic pattern would be perfect to knit up a darling baby blanket.

For our materials we are going to be using yarn you can use any

size you'd like appropriately sized knitting needles of course you want to

have scissors and a tapestry needle on hand if you'd like to know the exact

materials I'm using in this video I will link to those in the description for you

and if you like this pattern and what I do on my channel please LIKE IT UP

SUBSCRIBE. It really helps me out! For the written pattern you can head on over to

my website I have a link in the description below the pattern is written

out there for you totally for free I've also included a

knitting chart so if you'd like to start learning how to read charts then these

simple patterns are a great way to start doing that this pattern is also included

in my KNIT STITCH PATTERN BOOK available for purchase over on Etsy it's a

downloadable PDF that you can print out you also can have it saved on any mobile

device or desktop as well so let's knit it up we're going to begin with our

beloved Slip Knot and then we're casting on in multiples of two plus one so cast

on two stitches I'm doing the longtail cast on method here cast on

another two and keep testing on your needle for as many stitches as you'd

like and here I have 24 and then we'll finish up with just one last stitch

that's your plus one one last stitch and now we're ready to knit row one and the

entire row is simply the knit stitch so every single stitch all the way down our

row is knitting once you've completed Row 1,

Row 2 is simply purling so you'll want to make sure to have that yarn in the front of

your needle before you start purling and of course you'll be keeping that yarn in

the front and purl all the way down row 2 now here on row 3 this is where the

little bit of texture comes in on this stitch the first stitch is the knit

stitch then we bring our yarn to the front to purl and we just continue

between those two asterisks you'll see in the pattern we're knitting one and

we're purling one all the way down the row now when we get to the end here

you'll see we have three stitches so we'll knit one

we'll purl one and then this last little stitch that plus one that we cast on we

are going to knit this stitch right here

okay we are at row four already and that is simply purling all the way down the

row continue to knit rows one through four until your work is the length you desire.

I hope you are inspired to knit up this really sweet

Andalusian knit stitch pattern please check out this video right here next I think you'll

really enjoy it of course please make sure you are

subscribed and like up this video

I will see you next time, Guys. BYE!

For more infomation >> ANDALUSIAN Knit Stitch Pattern - Duration: 4:37.


Postal Recruitment 2018 | Postal Department Driver Jobs Notification 2018 | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 3:06.

Postal Recruitment 2018

Postal Department Driver Jobs Notification 2018

Omfut Tech And Jobs

For more infomation >> Postal Recruitment 2018 | Postal Department Driver Jobs Notification 2018 | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 3:06.


Resealing an Aquarium - Duration: 4:24.

okay today I'm gonna show you how I reseal a tank this can be a long process

and it really depends a lot on you getting all of the silicone from the

previous seal off this can be a bit of a tough job depending on how old the

silicone is and how good a silicone they used this was a fairly fresh silicone

job so it was a pain in the butt but you have to scrape with a razor and get

every last bit out of the seams it can take a little while but it's definitely

worth it because if you try to put silicone on top of silicone it's not

gonna stick properly and you will get a leak at some point if you can see that

little white paper label but where my hand just was that is on most tanks

should say the date that the tank was made if you bought a used tank ten years

old it's probably a good idea to seal it if you know it's been stored in a garage

or somewhere empty of water for a long time then definitely you're gonna want

to reseal it

just take the razor and keep on going at it get every last little bit out of

every one of the seams and get a what they call a window scraper that's

actually a razor blade with a little bit of a handle and that'll help a little

bit here you can see I'm using one of those right there it's a little bit of a

handle with just a straight razor blade on the end of it once you've got

everything out of the seams you want to tape up leaving it so that there's a

space where you can put your silicone in anywhere where the tape would interfere

with the line of silicone just take the razor and cut the tape straight and as

you can see every little bit of that corner is clean then you take your

caulking gun and just run a nice smooth even bead along all of those edges that

need to be sealed try to do one continuous movement from corner to

corner if you can if not don't worry too much about it

you're gonna smooth it out a little bit later with either a silicone smoother or

even just using your gloved finger wouldn't suggest using your finger

without gloves silicone is kind of gross this is a silicone smoother you can buy

this at any hardware store

you don't really need it though like I say you can

just put on a latex glove and use your fingertip do the same thing

I'm just going to smooth out that silicone

give it a nice smooth edge

and in case you're wondering what kind I use its GE silicone one all-purpose

comes in both the cocking tube and one of these ends squeeze tubes

and that's it.

make sure you peel the tape off after

the silicone is dry

For more infomation >> Resealing an Aquarium - Duration: 4:24.


파릇한 부추가 듬뿍! 부추 김밥 만들기 ► My Life ► - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 파릇한 부추가 듬뿍! 부추 김밥 만들기 ► My Life ► - Duration: 3:51.


超中肯 馬英九和柯文哲兩人犯的共同最大錯誤是 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 超中肯 馬英九和柯文哲兩人犯的共同最大錯誤是 - Duration: 2:10.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 600 MAYBACH - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 600 MAYBACH - Duration: 0:55.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S ANNIVERSARY EDITION airco! leer! cruise control! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S ANNIVERSARY EDITION airco! leer! cruise control! - Duration: 0:57.


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 400d 4Matic Lang, Premium Plus, Exclusief pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 400d 4Matic Lang, Premium Plus, Exclusief pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:09.


Raphaël Varane (Real Madrid) "Ça se saurait s'il y avait un plan miracle pour arrêter Mohamed Salah" - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> Raphaël Varane (Real Madrid) "Ça se saurait s'il y avait un plan miracle pour arrêter Mohamed Salah" - Duration: 9:49.


Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S line Edition 272 pk Tiptronic (vsb 18271) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S line Edition 272 pk Tiptronic (vsb 18271) - Duration: 1:13.


KARCHER Utiliser les outils LIDL PARKSIDE avec un KARCHER K2 K3 K4 K5 K7 (adaptateur inclus) - Duration: 3:44.

Do you use PARKSIDE accessories with a KARCHER? thank you to indicate the model / year in comment of the video, thank you

Can we use PARKSIDE accessories with a KARCHER?

hello, we'll see if we can use PARKSIDE accessories with a KARCHER pressure washer


when you buy a PARKSIDE accessory, usually there is an adapter included (for KARCHER or KARCHER compatible)

just put the adapter

I can not insert it into this gun KARCHER K4 FULL CONTROL

can be because it is the FULL CONTROL version? (we can not insert it completely)

I hope that PARKSIDE will modify its adapter in the future

I found a trick to put the adapter (it is necessary to remove the ring of tightening, for a correct maintenance)

it is inserted now (problem is lost in stability), then we insert its tool PARKSIDE

As I removed the clamping element, it is less stable (it moves), we will avoid this method

and if we reduced the clamping ring? :)

I will cut

at your own risk, be careful, (reducing from 3 to 4 millimeters is enough in my opinion)

I'm testing

now I can put it on and tighten

with a PARKSIDE accessory, the FULL CONTROL indicator does not work (it indicates mix instead of HARD)

cutting can be used the clamping ring and maintain properly

for those who would like to do like me: I have reduced by 9 millimeters, but reducing from 3 to 4 millimeters is enough

a new adapter, just reduce by 3 millimeters in my opinion

in my opinion it can be done with a belt sander also (we will be right) what do you think?

in summary, to be able to use parkside accessories with a KARCHER pressure washer

Normally, the adapter should work, if you can not insert it, or remove the clamping ring (not recommended because it moves)

otherwise you have to reduce the clamping ring from 3 to 4 millimeters (we can put it easily)

I think that the only PARKSIDE accessory that is not compatible KARCHER is the telescopic lance

if the adapter is not included with your PARKSIDE accessory, I put it in description of the video

important before buying a PARKSIDE tool, check the maximum working pressure

this accessory is 110 BAR MAX, your karcher must not exceed 110 BAR (it is not compatible with the K5 and K7)

Thanks and see you soon ++

For more infomation >> KARCHER Utiliser les outils LIDL PARKSIDE avec un KARCHER K2 K3 K4 K5 K7 (adaptateur inclus) - Duration: 3:44.


Suzuki Alto 1.1 S-LIMITED, 56.570Km, NL, BOEKJES, IETS MOOIS ... KEURIGE AUTO - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Alto 1.1 S-LIMITED, 56.570Km, NL, BOEKJES, IETS MOOIS ... KEURIGE AUTO - Duration: 1:06.


Business Mistakes: When to Apologize (And When to Keep Your Mouth Shut) - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Business Mistakes: When to Apologize (And When to Keep Your Mouth Shut) - Duration: 4:31.


勁有米!阿嬌低V婚紗做至索新娘閃嫁醫界男神!出嫁地點更是美國總統御用場地! - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 勁有米!阿嬌低V婚紗做至索新娘閃嫁醫界男神!出嫁地點更是美國總統御用場地! - Duration: 4:11.


Ce que vos positions de sommeil disent à propos de votre relation | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Ce que vos positions de sommeil disent à propos de votre relation | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 8:46.


How to Ask a Guy Out: Best 6 Ways To Get Him To Go Out With You - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> How to Ask a Guy Out: Best 6 Ways To Get Him To Go Out With You - Duration: 5:49.


人気コンパクトSUV「プジョー 2008」 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 人気コンパクトSUV「プジョー 2008」 - Duration: 2:04.


N-BOX 用純正アクセサリー - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> N-BOX 用純正アクセサリー - Duration: 2:37.


《擺婚心理》十二星座男想「進入婚姻」,必須先學會「克服這個困難」! - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> 《擺婚心理》十二星座男想「進入婚姻」,必須先學會「克服這個困難」! - Duration: 16:12.





20歲出道走紅,曾上春晚,上吊自殺十多天才被發現,享年59歲! - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> 20歲出道走紅,曾上春晚,上吊自殺十多天才被發現,享年59歲! - Duration: 8:36.


ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ БЕГ ЗА ЗОЛОТОМ #140 Принцесса Анджела ДРУЗЬЯ Хэнк ТОМ ФУТБОЛИСТ Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:19.

For more infomation >> ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ БЕГ ЗА ЗОЛОТОМ #140 Принцесса Анджела ДРУЗЬЯ Хэнк ТОМ ФУТБОЛИСТ Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:19.


Citroën C3 1.2 PT S&S Shine Automaat - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 PT S&S Shine Automaat - Duration: 1:12.


Top 20 Greatest Hits The Carpenter - Best songs Of The Carpenter - Duration: 56:06.

For more infomation >> Top 20 Greatest Hits The Carpenter - Best songs Of The Carpenter - Duration: 56:06.


沖縄Vlog 6🏖お掃除したら【日本語字幕】 - Duration: 3:03.

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Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

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Koh Lanta annulé – Eddy Guyot « Ils m'ont gâché la vie» - Duration: 1:41.

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BMW X3 2.0D High Executive Navigatie 19"LM 177PK! Leder L. 2e Pinksterdag autoshow! - Duration: 0:51.

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BMW X3 1.8d sDrive Executive X-Line Automaat-8 | Camera | Navi Pro | 18'' - Duration: 1:05.

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Plants vs Zombies 2 - Custom Level 2018 by PVZ gaming ei (GamePlay Part 2) - Duration: 15:14.

Hi! Welcome to my channel

I am back with a new video

Now ! Let us play :D

Have fun with my video !

Wow , the good idea but the combo is fixed :(

Thank you for Watching.Don't forget to Subscribe, Like and share my video.Thanks so much! <3

For more infomation >> Plants vs Zombies 2 - Custom Level 2018 by PVZ gaming ei (GamePlay Part 2) - Duration: 15:14.


Une ex du prince Harry brise le protocole au mariage royal - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Une ex du prince Harry brise le protocole au mariage royal - Duration: 1:41.


Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection(PS4/Switch/Xbox One) Unboxing!! - Duration: 3:51.

hey guys welcome back for another unboxing with popngames, today we're

going to be unboxing Street Fighter 30th anniversary collection for the Nintendo

switch the ps4 and the Xbox one. you see the front cover here with all the famous

Street Fighter characters, you have ryu chun-li M bison and many others. we

can see that the game is rated T for teen and it's developed and/or published

by Capcom. alrighty then moving on to the spines. red background on the switch gray

background on the Xbox one and black on the ps4 and on the top we can see that

all three are y-fold copies moving on to the back let's take a look

we see six shots of gameplay. to celebrate 30 years of Street Fighter, 12

arcade classics come home all on one essential disc and of course it says

essential game on the switch because it's not a disc on the switch. go online

with hyper fighting super SF II turbo alpha 3 and third strike, explore decades

of art and history in comprehensive galleries and down below it shows you

the list of all of the titles that are included: Street Fighter Street Fighter 2

and so on and so forth. you can see right there and down to the play modes on the

switch it is 1 to 4 players in both docked and tabletop mode and single

player in handheld mode, it's pro controller compatible basic reading

ability is needed to fully enjoy this game and wireless internet access is

required for online features. down here it gives you a little more

information, says one to two players offline one to four players online and

one to eight players tournament mode requires four consoles and on the Xbox

one it's single player Xbox multiplayer one to two Xbox Live multiplayer 2 to 4

& 6 gigabytes of storage required. on the ps4 1 to 2 players 2 to 4 players 6

gigabyte minimum online play optional and Dualshock 4 compatible and the game

is rated T due to alcohol reference mild blood suggestive themes and violence

let's open these up

alrighty then, so starting off with the ps4 copy, we have the game disc right there

with Ryu on it and that is all. Xbox one same thing

there's Ryu. and the switch copy game card right there. no ryu on it and that

is that guys that'll wrap up this unboxing of Street Fighter 30th

Anniversary Collection for the Nintendo switch the Xbox one and the ps4. as

always thank you guys for staying tuned to popngames for these unboxing

videos and if you enjoyed this one you can let us know by liking commenting and

subscribing thanks for watching bye bye

For more infomation >> Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection(PS4/Switch/Xbox One) Unboxing!! - Duration: 3:51.


How to Ask a Guy Out: Best 6 Ways To Get Him To Go Out With You - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> How to Ask a Guy Out: Best 6 Ways To Get Him To Go Out With You - Duration: 5:49.


HEROBRİNE SAKIN BU AYNAYA BAKMASIN! 😱 - Minecraft - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> HEROBRİNE SAKIN BU AYNAYA BAKMASIN! 😱 - Minecraft - Duration: 10:03.


Signs And Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia - Duration: 2:45.

Signs And Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

When we're feeling lousy, most of us probably ignore the problem and tell ourselves it's

just a little thing.

And sure, nine times out of 10, we'd be right.

But it's also true that sometimes the body is, in fact, trying to warn us of something

more serious.

Take muscle and joint pain and fatigue, for example.

They're common symptoms that everybody experiences from time to time… but they could also be

symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by muscle and joint pain, fatigue, an increased

sensitivity to pain and variety of other symptoms.

According to the Center for Disease Control, approximately 2 percent of the U.S. adult

population suffers from the disease, comprising around 4 million Americans.

The Mayo Clinic states that the majority of those who are affected by the disease are


But genetics have been found to play a role, so if someone in your family has fibromyalgia,

you're more likely to get it.

Fibromyalgia can be difficult to treat, according to the National Institute of Health, so it's

important to know the symptoms so you can consult a physician, general internist, or

rheumatologist and get an accurate diagnosis and make a comprehensive plan about how to

feel better.

According to the UK's National Institute of Health, it's common for people who suffer

from fibromyalgia to have widespread pain for a long period of time, to have an increased

sensitivity to pain, and to have problems thinking clearly (a symptom known as "fibro-fog).

Chronic pain can also affect sleep, which in turn leads to even more pain and stress,

as well as chronic fatigue.

Here are some other common symptoms of fibromyalgia: • Morning stiffness

• Painful menstrual periods • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet

• Irritable bowel syndrome • Migraines and other kinds of headaches

• Joint disorders • Painful bladder syndrome

Even if you have several of these symptoms, it doesn't mean you have fibromyalgia.

But it is a clear sign that you should go to the doctor and investigate the matter.

Living with chronic pain increases the risk of developing other mental and physical illnesses,

so it's important to seek medical attention and diagnose the cause.

Once diagnosed, you'll be able to alleviate the symptoms and live a happy and healthy

life despite having the disease.

Treatment often consists of a combination of medication, exercise, eating well, and

sleeping well.

Please share this article to help spread awareness about fibromyalgia and its symptoms!


For more infomation >> Signs And Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia - Duration: 2:45.


LIKE A BOSS #39 ★ FUN & AMAZING - Duration: 5:08.


For more infomation >> LIKE A BOSS #39 ★ FUN & AMAZING - Duration: 5:08.


Voici pourquoi vous n'avez pas besoin d'un partenaire pour connaître le bonheur - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Voici pourquoi vous n'avez pas besoin d'un partenaire pour connaître le bonheur - Duration: 7:32.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

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LIKE A BOSS #39 ★ FUN & AMAZING - Duration: 5:08.


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