Saturday, May 26, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018

Hucznie zapowiadana Narodowa Gala Boksu na Stadionie Narodowym okazała się totalną klapą

Pomimo niskich cen biletów, próby wyprzedania wolnych miejsc za pośrednictwem Groupona i zniżek, nie znalazło się wystarczająco dużo chętnych, by wypełnić trybuny stadionu

Nie pomogło nawet rozpaczliwe nawoływanie dziewczyn bokserów w mediach społecznościowych, które starały się w akcie desperacji sprzedawać 3 bilety w cenie 2

W efekcie realizatorzy gali musieli posiłkować się przyciemnianiem obrazu i wyłączaniem świateł na widowni, by zatrzeć niesmak niemal zupełnie pustego stadionu

Galę transmitowała Telewizja Polska, która po raz kolejny zainwestowała w imprezę, która nie przyciągnęła przed telewizory nawet fanów sportu

Pierwszym rozczarowaniem była walka Marcina Najmana z Bigisem, zakontraktowana na sześć rund

Niestety, fanom boksu nie było dane zobaczyć tak długiej walki. Na początku czwartej części spotkania pięściarzy, Polak doznał kontuzji barku i oddał walkę

Niespodziewanie walkowerem wygrał reprezentant Łotwy, pokonując tym samym organizatora gali

Część artystyczna, w którą zaangażowana była Edyta Górniak, również nie powaliła na kolana

Piosenkarka śpiewała największe hity, jednocześnie skacząc boso po zakrwawionej macie w ringu

Kolejne wielkie rozczarowanie spotkało amatorów sztuk walki podczas spotkania brata Osi Ugonoh, uczestniczki Top Model, Izu Ugonoha z pięściarzem Fredem Kassim, który po dwóch rundach stwierdził, że bolą go noga oraz głowa i nie będzie walczył

Trudno oprzeć się wrażeniu, że Kassiemu po prostu nie chciało się walczyć, na co być może, wpłynęła atmosfera panująca na stadionie

Jedynymi plusami gali mogą być wygrane walki Artura Szpilki, który w końcu przełamał się po ostatnich kompromitacjach i Ewy Piątkowskiej, która pokonała rywalkę na punkty


For more infomation >> Porażka Narodowej Gali Boksu: puste trybuny, przegrane walki, ból g... [Wiadomości] - Duration: 3:19.


iherb snack haul ep2 | Gobby - Duration: 15:25.

Hello Everyone~

For more infomation >> iherb snack haul ep2 | Gobby - Duration: 15:25.


Al Bano e Romina Power in concerto, oggi 26 maggio 2018 su Rai 1 | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Power in concerto, oggi 26 maggio 2018 su Rai 1 | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:07.


✅ How to Network and Grow PROPERLY on Twitch - Duration: 9:36.

What's up guys, welcome back once again to the Gaming Careers YouTube channel

where we aim to teach you everything you need to know to make it as a successful

streamer or content creator in the gaming niche. so today we're going to be

looking at 5 tips to help you network as a Twitch streamer and I know that

networking, that word just makes me think of LinkedIn and CV's and emails and

things like that because it's such a business-ey word, but it really is an important

skill that you're going to need to learn to grow as a Twitch streamer, because it

will really help you grow as long as you do it right. So today we're going to be

covering five tips, let's jump in!

Tip number one is to be genuine, and you can

apply this tip across all of the other tips I'm going to be sharing in this

video. There is no point networking unless you are being genuine, it is not

about racing up the ladder and trying to get yourself to the top of the Twitch

directories, it's about building bridges and actually building real relationships

and friendships with other people in the community who may in turn help you as

you help them. Trust me there is no bigger turnoff than somebody coming into

discord or you know messaging you on Twitter and saying hey can you check out

my channel, can you promote it, can you share it? If you're just going to be

spamming your Twitch URL or your latest video to people, people are going

to see straight through that. You're just trying to help yourself,

you're not honestly trying to build a real friendship and a real relationship

and that can end up damaging your brand rather than helping it. If however you

are genuine and you're building real relationships and friendships with

people then over time these people are going to be helping you as much as you

help them, so really I want to drill that point home, the biggest takeaway from

networking is that you have to be genuine and not spammy and just trying

to promote yourself. Tip number two is to be active on at least 3 different

platforms and for me I recommend that those are Twitch or whatever website

your streaming to but I imagine most of you are streaming to Twitch, Discord and

Twitter. I think these are the key three to have in your tool kit because

that is where I believe the majority of the community are socializing, hanging

out and active. So let's cover those in a little bit

more detail. So first of all Twitch, that might sound a little bit strange because

you're already streaming to Twitch so maybe you know I'm already active on

Twitch, but I'm talking more about the other people that are streaming on

Twitch. Maybe you stream a small game that only

gets you know a couple of thousand people watching across the whole

directory. Really find those other channels that are streaming your game go

and hang out in those channels, take part in the chat don't just be promoting

yourself but actually be genuinely interested in the people that are

streaming it. Ask them questions and hopefully they'll ask you questions back,

remember this isn't a short-term hang out on their stream once and

then send them your link at the end of the stream. I really want to discourage

that, it's more about finding people that you really enjoy watching, hanging out in

their chat and actually making a real friendship. Secondly let's look at

Discord. Now Discord has only been around for a few years but it's kind of

hard to imagine streaming and gaming life without it. It's had that big of an impact. A

lot of your favorite streamers probably have their own Discord channels that are

busy and bustling with lots of people talking, even after the streamers ended

people are still talking about things, movies, whatever but that is the

sign of a great community that the streamer has built one that keeps going

even when the stream is down. So what I want you to do is to get involved in

some of these streamers Discord's. People that you genuinely do like, get in there and

talk to people, help people out, people are always having questions about

streaming or whatnot and if you can help people out you're gonna get recognized

in that community and it's all about getting your name out there, because you

know one day maybe they stumble across your stream and they recognize the name.

Again, as always please do not just join Discord servers and spam people or

message people with your link asking them to check out your stream, it's gonna

damage your reputation more than it's going to help it, and maybe a quick tip

is if you haven't yet joined the Gaming Careers Discord, there's so many people I

think over 600 people now all talking about streaming and helping each other

out so there is an opportunity to chat in there as well.

Eventually you might get to the point where you want to start your own Discord

server but that might be a little bit further down the line. I would encourage

doing that when you know you're gonna get quite a few members

and there's going to be quite a lot of chitter chatter, because if you're doing

it right from the beginning and you're only getting a few people joining

they're probably going to leave when they see that it's not that active in

the Discord, so I would encourage being active in other people's Discord's before

building your own as you grow your audience. The final of the three platform

that we're going to talk about is Twitter, now I have held off on Twitter

for such a long time, when I started this channel I decided to make a Twitter

account and I haven't really done that much with it until recently. Over the

last three to six months I've really understood what Twitter is all about and

there's so many streamers on there talking and messaging each other and

including each other and mentioning each other's streams and things like that.

It's such an important community to get yourselves involved in, there's some

great hashtags to follow like support small streamers,

there's hundreds of people that are going through the process of getting

affiliate and partnership and this is a really great way to network with

different people and you know ask questions and really involve yourself.

Pretty much every streamer has a Twitter so if you go and check out somebody on

Twitch you've really enjoyed it why don't you just send them a tweet

afterwards saying really enjoyed watching your stream and tag them. People

love seeing themselves mentioned in Twitter comments so I would definitely

recommend getting active on Twitter, follow Gaming Careers whilst you're at

it, we try and share some motivational posts on Mondays and Wednesdays as well

as loads of useful information so get yourself a Twitter account. Tip number

three is to take advantage of hosting or auto hosting on Twitch. For those of you

that don't know, you can host other channels when you're not online on

Twitch, so say somebody comes to your Twitch page you're not online, you can

actually be hosting somebody else's stream so they'll still get to watch

somebody else's stream through your page and Twitch makes it super obvious that

they're not watching you and you're watching somebody else and that you've

chosen to host that person. But it's a really great way not only to show your

support to fellow Twitch streamers, people that you're networking with, but

also to keep the live entertainment going after you finish your stream.

Twitch actually made it even easier with a feature called auto host which is

somewhere in your settings in the backend of Twitch, you can basically

fill out a list of streamers and Twitch will pick from those anybody that is

live as soon as you finish streaming, and automatically host one of these other

streamers. Another great way to help others and grow your channel. Tip number

four is to interact with other streamers on these platforms and I've kind of

covered this but I want to really drill home a point here. If somebody comes into

your stream and maybe you're a brand-new streamer and you don't get many viewers,

but somebody comes in and they start talking to you on chat, find that person

on Twitter and tweet them after they've finished watching your stream and just

say thanks for stopping by. People love seeing that kind of thing,

it doesn't matter if it's a viewer or somebody that subscribed maybe or

somebody that hosted you, just be involved in thanking them through these

social medias or add them to your auto host list. It's really about helping

others as you would like to be helped yourselves, and don't expect anything

back, you're purely doing that because you enjoyed them stopping by your stream

or you enjoyed them hosting a stream and you wanted to say thank you, and that's

all you're doing, is being genuine and thanking them later. I've put a couple of

examples on stream now of some of the Gaming Careers community that I see

doing this and they're doing it really well. People love seeing these

mentions on Twitter and some of them will retweet it or like it or

however they want to show their appreciation. Tip number five is all

about helping newcomers as you would have liked to have been helped yourself.

Twitch is a scary place for newcomers and maybe there are some streamers that

are coming into your directory that have lower view counts than you. It's not all

about going for people that have higher view counts and trying to network with

them, as I said this is about building real friendships with people so reach

out to a newcomer, help them out, maybe they have some technical questions

about OBS or all sorts of things like that.

You can really make a difference to somebody stream and if people see that

you're doing that in a genuine way, it's only going to help you. Maybe write a

guide on Medium or on Reddit or something like that, help somebody in

some way, people are really going to appreciate that and are much more likely

to reciprocate in some sort of support. I could keep going forever with these tips

about networking and in particular I'd love to talk a bit more about networking

at conventions and meetups and things like that especially as Twitchcon isn't

that far away, but I'll probably save that for another video. So thank you very

much for watching, as always thank you to our patrons for supporting the Gaming

Careers YouTube channel through our page at slash

Gaming Careers. If you'd also like to check it out and consider supporting as

little as a dollar, there's some perks including promotion of your livestream

through our discord so be sure to check that out if that's something that you're

interested in, and subscribers I'll see you in the next video. Peace!


For more infomation >> ✅ How to Network and Grow PROPERLY on Twitch - Duration: 9:36.


Johnny Hally­day : un ami proche dévoile la phobie du chan­teur - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day : un ami proche dévoile la phobie du chan­teur - Duration: 2:48.


나경원 비서 박창훈, 故 노무현 전 대통령 비하 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 나경원 비서 박창훈, 故 노무현 전 대통령 비하 - Duration: 2:51.


SsangYong Tivoli Cameleon - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> SsangYong Tivoli Cameleon - Duration: 0:54.


Uomini e donne,la scelta di Sara: lacrime per Lorenzo? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne,la scelta di Sara: lacrime per Lorenzo? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


Temptation Island 2018: chi sono le prime coppie? Ecco i nomi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island 2018: chi sono le prime coppie? Ecco i nomi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:02.


Uomini e Donne: Nilufar e Giordano stanno insieme dopo lo 'scandalo'? La verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Nilufar e Giordano stanno insieme dopo lo 'scandalo'? La verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:14.


배성재 시계 자랑? "박선영 아나운서 형 배성우 결혼 이상형 집안 윤태진 열애설?"|K-News - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> 배성재 시계 자랑? "박선영 아나운서 형 배성우 결혼 이상형 집안 윤태진 열애설?"|K-News - Duration: 8:05.


'해피투게더' 박수홍 전 여자친구 결별? "아파트 박수애 결혼 발표 군대 선임 재산?" 엄마 나이|K-News - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> '해피투게더' 박수홍 전 여자친구 결별? "아파트 박수애 결혼 발표 군대 선임 재산?" 엄마 나이|K-News - Duration: 7:29.


불후의 명곡, 박기영 처음 그 날처럼 "박용하 자살 사망원인 소지섭 유진 열애"|K-News - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 불후의 명곡, 박기영 처음 그 날처럼 "박용하 자살 사망원인 소지섭 유진 열애"|K-News - Duration: 8:27.


Il dolce? Che schifo! Così gli scarafaggi evitano le trappole - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Il dolce? Che schifo! Così gli scarafaggi evitano le trappole - Duration: 2:23.


Così nasce una farfalla - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Così nasce una farfalla - Duration: 6:50.


RV Cell Booster Install For Enhanced WiFi/Wireless - Duration: 15:26.

so good morning everybody here's where we're at today first of all

this video may be out of order I don't know about the sequencing there's a

couple different parts of this video that I want to put together so I don't

know about when it's gonna get aired or how will fit into my normal tribal life

but today something very very important is going to happen on the RV as you know

for me I rely heavily on having a cell tower nearby in order to upload videos

in order to navigate and in order to interact with my viewers on the road

it's very important me to have cell towers and oftentimes I would get to

places that either don't have any service or have very weak service or

have very slow transfer speeds for data over the last year I've heard lots of

people talk about cell boosters being installed in their RVs and I've been

looking into this a lot to the point where I realized it is time that I get

my own and it has it turns out right when I was looking a company called we

boost also Wilson Electronics reached out to me and although this is not a

paid advertisement they did send me one of their RV specific units for free to

install in the RV review and share it with my viewers that way in case I liked

it and I could share it that it works maybe somebody else might also want to

get it as well so gonna show you this on top of my buddy's Plymouth here at the

shop but this is the 32 times better RV cellular signal booster the drive for

gx4 RV a couple of things I just want to clarify about this unit it's different

than a booster that grabs Wi-Fi from like McDonald's or out there at

Starbucks or something like that that would be a booster that you place

inside your RV that tries to grab Wi-Fi signal that's available in a week you

can grab that Wi-Fi and you can pull it into your RV to get it what this does is

it grabs the cell towers themselves it grabs data and voice signal from cell

towers and it brings it into the RV and then it amplifies it just inside the RV

like I think this one is ready to need to be within three to nine feet of the

receiver part of this that's gonna be in the RV so the RV park next to me is not

going to be stealing my boosted amplified signal that I have inside the

RV the other thing about the install itself

is it works on class ABCs trailers everything it talks about putting the

antenna outside preferably and then having a distance between that and where

the booster is stored and powered and then the blue line this is the antenna

where I get the signal from inside you'd want to have that even five to ten feet

away from that so that you want to have this dynamic range to not get

interference basically so essentially there's some sort of some planning

involved here and logistics on how you want to install this this thing includes

everything it has a hole saw kit in it so you can drill right into your RV it

also has the cap to hide the wires hopefully I will not be drilling any new

holes into the RV I have holes that I can tap into I believe but this kit

comes with an antenna mount for the ladder which i think is a great most RVs

and trailers are gonna have this ladder so I think we're gonna put it up there

on the top of my ladder and then run the wire back and go back through where my

solar connection is and then we'll find a spot inside it's said to work with all

of the major networks so AT&T Verizon t-mobile Sprint any of those it's going

to be able to be compatible with that 3G 4G LTE it's not just going to help with

your cell phone I mean I know that's what a lot of people are gonna use it

for for getting their navigation to work when there's no service at the

campground sending an email it's for voice calls it's for data data is the

real key so I think that this is gonna be very unique I don't think a lot of

people have used it for that but when you think of data this is my Wi-Fi

hotspot device this is how I get all of my 500 to 600 gigabytes a month use out

of uploading videos watching Netflix watching mariners through my ps4 live on

the road this device requires a cell tower this is a data device and so the

drive for GX signal booster is going to be used on this as well this is going to

grab that boosted signal hopefully and I will be able to have my continued

unlimited internet through this device amplified through the new booster that's

my goal anyway but let's open this up and let's see what we got in the package

so we will take a very quick look inside and see what all comes with

it's got directions and a phone number you can call in case you need more help

and a user guide inside the big box are two little boxes box install a and box

install B box a has two more boxes it has step one which is the antenna which

we're doing first and then includes step two three six and eight so we will have

to open the other box in between to get five and seven before but mount the

antenna outside to a pole or ladder so that the entire outside intenta antenna

is above the roof line of the RV and clear of other metal obstructions

there's the antenna there and there's the brackets for installing it on the

ladder all right so I attached the L bracket to the bottom of the antenna

like the direction say there's that part and then we'll move on to step two so

step two is this whole bit drill it says drill into your RV unless a you're using

an existing cable entry point which we are so we aren't doing that we're gonna

go in the existing hole next step is going to hook up this coax cable and run

that through my old solar wiring hole so I got the cable going across underneath

one solar panel and then we come over here I drilled out the old hole which I

had already had drilled for the solar wires that go down their coax goes down

there the kit comes with a new cap which is kind of convenient so that cap will

go on there with the wires and the only thing this can't really didn't come with

is the dyke or self-leveling to seal this back up afterwards but I have some

still left over and then the last thing to do the kit comes with these stake

downs with zip ties that you put through so that I can secure this to the roof

without drilling any more holes in the roof but that'll be the last step

alrighty so steps four and five are to mount the booster device which has the

smaller connection right there to mount that and to hook up the wire what I'm

going to do is probably run the wire into this cabinet and mount this device

on the backside back there to get it as far away as possible also close to a

power source I have both DC available by the security camera

or I can run an AC underneath so I'm gonna mount this on the back back there

I'll just mention I will assume there will be some drilling involved for most

people but like I said my security camera wire already goes through that

cabinet goes up there and comes back out so I'm just utilizing some of the old

holes I drilled you're not gonna hurt anything by putting holes in the

cabinets up there to try to hide some of this on the other side of the cabinet

you can see how much came out I've got about 812 inches coming out and this

hooks into the bottom part of the booster freeing up the top one to go to

the interior antenna so I'm going to mount this right there and that coaxial

cable going to the bottom of this booster so I skipped ahead a little bit

I already grabbed the table top antenna and plugged it into the top I did that

just for clearance cuz it's gonna be really hard to do once I click this in

so don't mind this I've just skipped ahead I'm going to there we go that's

all secure oh are you helping thanks and that eventually the core to go in there

and come down and that's the tabletop antenna that is what needs to be within

three to nine feet of the cell phone or Wi-Fi device at all times having decided

where I'm gonna put just exactly it doesn't have any mounting brackets or

anything it may be some velcro or something we'll see all right but we

still need powers we got to think about power because power happens at the

booster itself which would be the middle of the components if you're talking

about the antenna the booster and the interior antenna power needs to be

powered at the booster that I just installed up here so it comes with 110

volt power supply you can just plug into any outlet which might work great if you

know you're always going to be plugged in in an RV park or if you have an

inverter like me that runs off solar in that inverter then goes underneath and

controls everything in this cabinet right there so these are normal-looking

hundred and ten outlets but they are being run off my pure sine and wave are

off of solar and batteries therefore giving me 24 hour power

in this box right here so I am going to use AC power just because it's more

convenient for my setup but this kit also comes with optional 12 volt where

you use air fuse there's not a fuse in this package but you could fuse it

directly to your battery or tap in anywhere inside the RV that has 12 volt

two wires and you could power the booster with 12 volt also alright

everything is connected except power to the actual booster this

plugging this into the back of that is the final step for right now I've got

the booster just sitting there on top of my tombstone frame picture but I mean I

haven't even plugged it in to see if there's power I know there's power let's

do a test on my phone real quick where we're at right now

you can see it says Cricut LTE but one bar service let's do a speed test first

okay looks like my downloads are going to be about three point six one

downloads now we'll do uploads ooh

0.22 uploads here not very good this is a perfect test because I have a really

crummy service here let's do this test again whoa whoa whoa download is good

sixteen point two download and upload is gonna be drastically improved as well

whoo two point six four wow what a great improvement this is a simple test really

because I've only tested in one location I've only tested it with one network it

works with all networks but I'm gonna be utilizing this booster for both my cell

phone and my internet so let's move over to Wi-Fi on this and see what the

difference is let me turn the booster off real quick alright so we are

connected to my network nomadic fanatic and let's do a speed test here

out the booster on 5.43 megabits per second download

and officially 1.1 megabits per second upload we're gonna do another test here

Oh oh really is that what you think Wow nineteen point six nine download and 5.0

three upload now whoo now I know this test is not official

it's not like everybody else does it in fact the company weboost wants us all to

test just the decibel gains okay so they want they want to prove and they want to

show you that yes with this system you're getting a higher decibel range of

boost well yes clearly I understand that but I don't feel like telling you well I

went from two decibels to forty two decibels in my booster that's not

telling you the effectiveness of it that's why I chose to do speed tests

instead of the before and after the booster because that's what that's what

really matters you know what am i able to stream youtube you know if it's down

in the one to two megabits per second range I don't even think you can really

watch Netflix or stream a Seattle Mariners game you know but if you're up

there over 15 to 19 to 20 downloads that I mean I can be watching something and

uploading something clearly clearly this test proves that that booster is is

grabbing a better signal from a cell tower amplifying here and giving me more

to work with which is going to improve my quality of life on the road as a

YouTube creator both for entertainment as well as getting those uploads done

faster when I have good service so that's that's my test again I know this

isn't official I know this is just one location as well later on it might be

interesting to revisit some of these places where I had no service all right

one bar but I couldn't even open up yahoo mail or something and maybe with

the booster now I'm able to stay in that area for a couple of nights with service

and be able to upload a video and Internet interact with viewers and stuff

like that so it will be interesting to see as the weeks and months go to see

how this booster really helps change my life on the road otherwise so far right

now I kind of have to recommend the device I'm not like I said I'm not being

paid by the company or anything they send it to me

for free and they're like do an honest review hey that's pretty bold but they

knew they knew what was gonna happen they they knew it was gonna improve

everything so all right I give it my official thumbs up a couple of other

things I just want to point about out about the booster itself let's pretend

like it didn't do what it says it's supposed to do and that's boost the

signal 32 times decibel what it was before even if it didn't do that

having the antenna outside and up away and making sure that everything I'm

doing inside the RV like my cell phone my Wi-Fi hotspot it's not depending on

site of line from my hand to the tower everything I do inside is now based on

site of line from this antenna to wherever the cellphone tower is so even

just having that changed right there might even be enough but pretty

confident in what I'm seeing that it is literally boosting that signal to a

crazy amount better than it was before I started before I didn't have a booster

at all but I got some work to do I still got to seal the roof up there I got to

contact the wires down I got to put some stuff away in here but cool more

projects more good stuff happening here on the road

For more infomation >> RV Cell Booster Install For Enhanced WiFi/Wireless - Duration: 15:26.


Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings #1 - Duration: 5:55.

Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings #1

In China, princelings are privileged relatives of high-level government officials.

Princelings benefit from nepotism and cronyism, using their family ties to conduct business and accumulate wealth.

They also serve as conduits for currying favor with their official relations.

Now President Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings.

They are his sons Donald Trump Jr.

and Eric Trump, daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Each engages in business activities and trades on their relationship with the president to pursue business deals and accumulate wealth.

Princelings Donald Jr.

and Eric run President Trump's worldwide business enterprises, although the president still owns and profits from his businesses.

Trump is the first president in modern times to refuse to divest ownership of holdings that were bound to cause conflicts of interest and create the impression of trading U.S.

policy for personal financial gain.

They were also bound to result in multiple violations of the Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause, which prohibits the president from receiving financial benefits from other governments without the consent of Congress, in order to prevent corrupting influence from abroad.

When the princeling sons tour the world developing business opportunities, they do so in the long shadow of the president.

Every prospective partner knows they are dealing with the president's sons, and this creates unique opportunities for foreign interests and governments to curry favor and buy influence with the president.

A recent example: In a move that stunned Trump's own advisers, and reversedthe government's previous position, Trump tweeted on May 13 that he wanted to help China's telecom giant ZTE avoid going out of business.

ZTE's problemsstemmed from violating American sanctions and a subsequent settlement of criminal and civil charges for those violations.

This had led to a ban on U.S companies exporting to ZTE, which prevented it from receiving American technology — the ban Trump undermined.

Lo and behold, it emerged that on May 11, two days before the presidential tweet, a Chinese state-owned construction company announced that it would make a loan of $500 million to Indonesian developers to help finance construction of a theme park.

The Trump Organization, operated by the princeling sons, is a partner in the theme park venture that reportedly will include a Trump-branded hotel and golf course.

Because Trump still owns his businesses, he is the beneficiary of all of this.

Today there are reports that Trump has reached a final deal with ZTE. These events raise at least the appearance of a corrupt bargain between China and Trump.

The American people have no way of knowing whether U.S.

policy was sold in return for advancing a major Trump business venture in Indonesia.

The questions only intensified when observers reported that China walked away from the latest round of trade negotiations with far more than they gave up.

This pattern raises serious questions about Trump violating the Foreign Emoluments Clause.

Princeling Jared Kushner was appointed to the White House staff as Trump's senior adviser with a broad range of responsibilities, including the Middle East and China.

Kushner partially divested some of his real estate business when he joined the White House staff, but he continued to own major real estate interests.

According to government financial disclosure reports, Kushner's real estate holdings and other investments are valued at as much as $761 million.

Kushner was known to need large sums of money for his real estate ventures.

Last year, after a founder of Apollo Global Management had multiple White House meetings with Kushner, the company loaned $184 million to the Kushner family real estate firm.

Similarly, shortly after Kushner met in the White House with the chief executive of Citigroup, the company lent the Kushner family real estate group and a partner $325 million.

For more infomation >> Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings #1 - Duration: 5:55.


Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings #2 - Duration: 5:31.

Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings #2

Now the Kushner family real estate business is reportedly close to entering a deal with a company linked to Qatar that could bail Kushner Cos.

out of a flagship troubled property and a huge financial hole.

Jared Kushner had previously sold his stake in the property involved to a trust run by his mother.

Nevertheless, the Kushner family real estate business stands to lose an enormous amount of money without this bailout, and Qatar certainly knows that Kushner's White House portfolio includes the Middle East.

Meanwhile, U.S.

policy towards Qatar has apparently softened after Trump originally took a hard line against the country.

Are these events just coincidences, or do they involve the exchange of U.S.

policy for financial benefits? The transactions create the appearance of a conflict of interest for Kushner, and through him for Trump.

Here too, there is no way for the American people to know what happened behind the scenes.

This is why it is so important for officials like Kushner to divest holdings that could cause conflicts and why it is so dangerous when they do not.

Princeling Ivanka Trump is also a White House official.

She has, despite partially divesting, maintained a number of business ventures which sell products all over the world.

A key to her business ventures is the ability to obtain Ivanka Trump trademarks for products.

According to media reports, her enterprise as of spring 2017 held more than 180 pending and registered trademarks in the U.S., Europe and other nations including Canada, India, Japan, Israel, Mexico, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

This included more than 30 trademark applications pending in China, with four marks granted preliminary approval.

Here is the princelings' game in operation: Ivanka Trump's company last year won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks on the same day that she and Kushner sat next to Chinese President Xi Jinping of China at a dinner at Mar-a-Lago.

By last summer, Ivanka Trump's business had reportedly obtained preliminary approval for four more trademarks in China. Five additional trademarks were approved earlier this month.

Not unknown to China is the fact that, in addition to Ivanka Trump being the president's daughter, her husband Jared Kushner has China as part of his White House portfolio.

When foreign governments do business with Ivanka Trump, they know that they are dealing with the favored daughter of the U.S.

president who also works in her father's White House.

Some countries will no doubt see this as a way to curry favor with President Trump.

Other countries may see the business requests made by his daughter's company as requests they cannot refuse.

All of these issues cause serious credibility problems for the president and his family of princelings with the American people.

A president sets the standards for his administration.

President Trump's standard is that public office can and should be used for private financial gain.

It is way past time for Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump to end their ongoing conflicts of interest that come at the expense of the American people.

They need to either fully divest their business enterprises or leave their White House jobs.

It is also irresponsible and an abuse of office for the president to continue to own his worldwide business enterprises.

But since the president refuses to divest his businesses, his princeling children need to stop misusing the presidency and leave the Trump businesses.

Fred Wertheimer is President of Democracy 21.

Norman Eisen, a senior fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, is the chair of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). .

For more infomation >> Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings #2 - Duration: 5:31.


Indiana middle schooler returns to class with 2 guns, shoots peer - Duration: 5:13.

Indiana middle schooler returns to class with 2 guns, shoots peer, teacher: 'I was thinking, it's not real'

A middle school boy allegedly opened fire at an Indiana school Friday morning, police said, leaving a teacher and another student injured, the latest in a string of school shootings this year.

I heard gunshots and a few screams, a seventh-grader who was across the hall from the shooting told ABC News.

I was scared, I was in shock. .

The suspected shooter, a student at Noblesville West Middle School, located about 27 miles north of Indianapolis, asked to be excused from class and then returned to the room armed with two handguns, Noblesville Police Chief Kevin Jowitt said at a news conference.

The teacher and student victims were shot in that room, Jowitt said, adding that the situation was resolved quickly.

The suspect, who wasnt injured and wasnt identified, was taken into custody, police said.

One student said he was in class taking a test when the suspect came in with a handgun and started shooting aimlessly, waiving his hand around, reported ABC affiliate RTV in Indianapolis.

The teacher -- whom multiple students identified as Jason Seaman -- allegedly stopped the shooter, the student told RTV.

The family of Ella Whistler, the student injured in the shooting, released a statement Friday night saying her status is critical but shes stable.

Our daughter, Ella Whistler, was involved in a horrific shooting today at her school.

We will spend the next days and weeks processing what happened and why, the statement reads.

But first, we wanted to say she is doing well at Riley Hospital for Children.

Her status is critical, yet we are pleased to report she is stable.

We'd like to thank everyone across the country who prayed for our family today.

We've felt those prayers and appreciate each of them.

We'd also like to thank the first responders, Noblesville police, Indiana State Police and the medical staff and surgeons at Riley..

Seaman was struck three times and underwent surgery, according to a Facebook post by his mother.

He is in stable condition at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, according to police.

His wife, Colette, provided a statement to ABC News from Jason.

First of all, thank you to the first responders from Noblesville and Fishers for their immediate action and care, the statement from Jason said.

I want to let everyone know that I was injured but am doing great.

To all the students, you are all wonderful and I thank you for your support.

You are the reason I teach..

Students were forced to shelter in classrooms and barricade doors during the incident.

I was thinking, Its not real, its not real, everything is going to be OK, student Gabbie Manns told ABC News of her time barricaded in the classroom.

We are holding hands holding tight.

people I didnt even know that well came over and held my hand and we all felt really united at that moment..

There was people crying.

it was really chaos, she added.

I thought about all the other school shootings..

For more infomation >> Indiana middle schooler returns to class with 2 guns, shoots peer - Duration: 5:13.


Summit or not, giant gulf separates US-NKorea on nukes - Duration: 7:23.

Summit or not, giant gulf separates US-NKorea on nukes

WASHINGTON (AP) — Even if conciliatory rhetoric revives U.

-North Korea summit plans, President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are still left with the gaping disconnect over what a deal on North Koreas nukes would look like.

Observers of the soap opera-style Trump-Kim summit drama that has played out this week could be forgiven for thinking that a fragile courtship is underway, where the tenor of each sides statements will determine whether the two can agree to sit down together.

But lying at the root of the Norths recent barrage of negative rhetoric that prompted Trump to cancel the summit is a fundamental difference of views on the path to denuclearization.

Reconciling those views may determine not just the success of any future meeting but whether a summit is in fact feasible.

You could look at this as trash talking in anticipation of the big game, said Christopher Hill, the lead U.S.

negotiator with North Korea under the George W.

Bush administration.

Frankly speaking, I think its more serious..

Trumps letter to Kim on Thursday blamed tremendous anger and open hostility by Pyongyang for derailing the June 12 meeting in Singapore.

Trump changed his tune after North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan responded not with more threats but qualified praise of the president and openness for talks.

Trump said Friday that the two sides were talking about putting the summit back on track, possibly on the originally planned date.

So unfolded a tempestuous 24 hours that left close U.S.

ally and summit-matchmaker South Korea perplexed; North Koreas traditional ally China indignant that Trump was blaming it for changing Kims hardening attitude; and officials in Trumps own administration struggling to stay up to speed with developments.

But amid the whirlwind of speculation over whether Trump and Kim would have their date with history or not, North Koreas fundamental position had not changed, even if its tone had.

Kim Kye Gwan explained that the Norths branding of Vice President Mike Pence as a political dummy and its warning of a potential nuclear showdown were a reaction to unbridled remarks by the U.S.

side pressing it to unilaterally scrap its atomic program.

For North Korea watchers, it was a diplomatic blow-up that had been waiting to happen ever since Trump impulsively agreed in March to meet with Kim to persuade him to abandon weapons that pose a growing threat to the continental U.

The massive gap between the United States and North Korea on denuclearization is the unspoken subtext to everything thats just transpired, said Evans Revere, a former senior State Department official for East Asia who since leaving the U.S.

government has periodically held informal talks with North Korean officials.

It speaks to the fact that the North Koreans were not prepared to come and give up all their weapons for promises, said Hill, and that the U.S.

was not prepared to offer any sanctions relief for anything until everything was done..

That was a theme Kim Kye Gwan, a veteran North Korean nuclear negotiator, had expressed in starker terms a week ago when he lashed out at Trumps national security adviser John Bolton for saying that the disarmament of Libya in 2004 was a model for a possible deal with North Korea.

For Pyongyang, that was a deeply provocative comparison for two reasons.

First, Libyan autocrat Moammar Gadhafi was killed following U.S.-supported military action in his country seven years after giving up his nuclear program.

Secondly, Libya had surrendered its fledgling program — far less advanced than North Koreas — before receiving any benefits.

North Korea is looking at a different type of deal.

Frank Aum, a former senior Pentagon adviser on North Korea, said it seeks a phased process in which each side takes progressive and synchronous steps toward denuclearization and peace.

The North has spent decades building a nuclear and missile capability to deter the U.S., and Aum remains skeptical that its truly interested in giving up those weapons although it sees value in going down that path to see what benefits it might get.

For the Trump administration, a phased process would replicate past failed aid-for-disarmament deals with North Korea, although Trump himself this week — before he canceled the summit — did not rule out an incremental approach that would provide incentives along the way to the North.

He said Kim would get security guarantees if he denuclearizes.

That suggests some flexibility on the part of Trump, who has vacillated between threats and flattery in his long-distance courtship of Kim and is clearly eager to have his shot at being the first U.S.

leader to meet with his North Korean counterpart and even bring peace to the divided Korean Peninsula.

Revere said whats needed now is what should have happened in the first place before Trump impulsively agreed to the summit — an effort by officials to try and bridge the vast gap between the two sides.

Its a gulf which does not appear to have narrowed despite two, rare trips to Pyongyang by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to meet with Kim.

For Trump to go into a meeting with Kim without any idea of what youre coming out with, said Hill, is frankly worse than having no summit at all..

For more infomation >> Summit or not, giant gulf separates US-NKorea on nukes - Duration: 7:23.


人気コンパクトSUV「プジョー 2008」 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 人気コンパクトSUV「プジョー 2008」 - Duration: 2:04.


N-BOX 用純正アクセサリー - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> N-BOX 用純正アクセサリー - Duration: 2:37.


اثث بيتك .. الحلقة 10 - 2018/5/26 - Duration: 55:04.

For more infomation >> اثث بيتك .. الحلقة 10 - 2018/5/26 - Duration: 55:04.


29+ illustrates my cat - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 29+ illustrates my cat - Duration: 2:54.


Hyundai H300 2.5 CRDI DYNAMIC 3-zitter, airco, 1e eigenaar, 2x schuifdeur Roetfilter, 2300kg trekgew - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai H300 2.5 CRDI DYNAMIC 3-zitter, airco, 1e eigenaar, 2x schuifdeur Roetfilter, 2300kg trekgew - Duration: 1:10.


How to Ask a Guy Out: Best 6 Ways To Get Him To Go Out With You - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> How to Ask a Guy Out: Best 6 Ways To Get Him To Go Out With You - Duration: 5:49.


HallyuStreet Revue et Haul - Duration: 17:55.

For more infomation >> HallyuStreet Revue et Haul - Duration: 17:55.


WatchGang Wheel of Watches - Duration: 5:19.

Watch Gang Wheel of Watches Free Spin what is up guys today I am coming back to tear into a box that I received from

the watch game we love watches now if you're not familiar with watch gang we

love watches it's at the wheel calm you can definitely go check it out

interesting way to run it and when it have a chance of winning of watch

definitely check it out the wheel calm I personally do not purchase Wheel points

anymore for the simple fact that I have horrible luck and I typically never get

a watch on there that I want or like um however if you're a subscriber of

watching any of the subscription levels every time you renew you get points

towards the wheel so after time once that builds up you get free wheel spins

and that's exactly what I did I to built up enough points to do a tier 1 wheel

spin and today we're gonna take a look and see what I got from that once I do

this box opening and I'll also tell you why I selected this one as one of the

things I wanted to win anyway guys before we get started down there in the

right hand corner of the screen is that subscribe button go ahead and smash that

guy so you can follow us in the future

all right so as I mentioned this is a package that I received from the watch

game we love watching this now I am NOT a huge fan of the watches that are

available on tier one so typically what I do when I'm trying to burn through

some Wheel points is recently I'll say recently in the past month or two

they've started adding different watch accessories to the watch game we love

watches so I just default all my selections to watch accessories because

again I don't want to get stuck with a Tier one watch which is typically always

what happens because I have horrible luck with some of this stuff so we're

gonna open this up and see what I selected now this will be my second one

of these this one's a little bit different design but what I actually

opted for is a wolf watch roll and unbox that the box is actually decent this

boxes sometimes nicer than some of the wheel one watches or Tier one watches

wheel one watches that you get the warranty information from wolf and then

the wolf watch rolls always come in these little pouches and you can hear

that packing material in there even the tissue paper on these wolf rock watch

rolls if I can say it even this tissue paper has the wolf logo right on it and

this is the watch roll that I won from the watch gang we love watches now

interestingly enough it has the British flag right there on the inside and then

the pullout pillow for wrapping your watches around these wolf watch rolls

are great to just travel with a couple of

watches throw them in your suitcase or throw them in your carry-on keep your

watches protected one thing I will say about these guys though is if you have

nice watches or watches that are have a big K size case diameter you might only

want to put one in the watch role at a time one thing I have noticed using

these watch rolls is that the cases will bang together a little bit if you're not

careful the other thing you can do is you can actually stagger the watches on

the roll itself so that one watch pace is over here and then one is over here

so that if they are moving around they're not hitting case-to-case they're

hitting cased a bracelet or case to strap that'll protect your watches a

little bit more also but this is the wolf watch roll with British flag that I

won from the watch gang we love watches Tier one spin that I received for my

renewal points anyway guys post up in the comments below if you have any

questions what is uh if you guys have any experience with wolf products I know

they make some amazing watch winders post up in the comments below and let me

know what you think as always like subscribe and if you want to see what's

on my wrist on a daily basis you can follow us at Instagram / watch addiction

dye us thank you guys and have a great week Watch Gang Wheel of Watches Free Spin

For more infomation >> WatchGang Wheel of Watches - Duration: 5:19.


Audi A4 1.8 TFSI Pro Line Business Navi, Leer, Trekhaak, Zeer nette wagen! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.8 TFSI Pro Line Business Navi, Leer, Trekhaak, Zeer nette wagen! - Duration: 1:11.


Johnny Hally­day : un ami proche dévoile la phobie du chan­teur - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day : un ami proche dévoile la phobie du chan­teur - Duration: 2:48.


[和訳/ENG]WINGS[BTS/高音質] - Duration: 3:58.

Take me to the sky

Put your hands up to the sky

Yeah, if you feelin' the vibe

Uh, if you're ready to fly

Yo J, let's do it

I remember my childhood

Because I had no big worries

I knew these small feathers would become wings I knew the wings would make me fly

I had that faith Along with laughter

(Like a bird)

I went on the road that I was told not to go I did things I was told not to do

I wanted things I couldn't want I got hurt and hurt again

You can call me stupid Then I'll just smile

I don't wanna succeed By doing things I don't wanna do

I'm pushing myself Word

I believe in myself My back hurting is for my wings to come out

I believe in you, even if things are bleak right now The end will be great

Fly, fly up in the sky Fly, fly get 'em up high

It's the path you chose, dude don't be scared This is just the first flight

Take me to the sky

If I can fly If I can run away forever

If my wings could fly

Piercing through the air that's getting heavier

Flying, flying

Higher than higher than Higher than the sky

Flying, flying

With my reddened wings

Spread spread spread my wings

Spread spread spread my wings

Wings are made to fly fly fly

If my wings could fly

Now I know I'm breaking up with regretting with age

I made a decision I will have unconditional trust

It's time to be brave I'm not afraid

Because I believe Because I'm different from before

I won't cry on my path I won't hang my head low That is the sky

And I'll be flying there, fly

Spread spread spread my wings

Spread spread spread my wings

Wings are made to fly fly fly

If my wings could fly

For more infomation >> [和訳/ENG]WINGS[BTS/高音質] - Duration: 3:58.


기아차, 낭만적인 가을밤 'K-시네마 데이' 이벤트 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 기아차, 낭만적인 가을밤 'K-시네마 데이' 이벤트 - Duration: 2:37.


"죽기만 기도하고 있다" K-9 자주포 폭발 사고 당한 이찬호 병장이 올린 글 | 서울 KR - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> "죽기만 기도하고 있다" K-9 자주포 폭발 사고 당한 이찬호 병장이 올린 글 | 서울 KR - Duration: 3:30.


陈伟霆赵丽颖最新情况,圈内好友爆料两人恋情实锤 ✔ - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 陈伟霆赵丽颖最新情况,圈内好友爆料两人恋情实锤 ✔ - Duration: 2:39.


RV Cell Booster Install For Enhanced WiFi/Wireless - Duration: 15:26.

so good morning everybody here's where we're at today first of all

this video may be out of order I don't know about the sequencing there's a

couple different parts of this video that I want to put together so I don't

know about when it's gonna get aired or how will fit into my normal tribal life

but today something very very important is going to happen on the RV as you know

for me I rely heavily on having a cell tower nearby in order to upload videos

in order to navigate and in order to interact with my viewers on the road

it's very important me to have cell towers and oftentimes I would get to

places that either don't have any service or have very weak service or

have very slow transfer speeds for data over the last year I've heard lots of

people talk about cell boosters being installed in their RVs and I've been

looking into this a lot to the point where I realized it is time that I get

my own and it has it turns out right when I was looking a company called we

boost also Wilson Electronics reached out to me and although this is not a

paid advertisement they did send me one of their RV specific units for free to

install in the RV review and share it with my viewers that way in case I liked

it and I could share it that it works maybe somebody else might also want to

get it as well so gonna show you this on top of my buddy's Plymouth here at the

shop but this is the 32 times better RV cellular signal booster the drive for

gx4 RV a couple of things I just want to clarify about this unit it's different

than a booster that grabs Wi-Fi from like McDonald's or out there at

Starbucks or something like that that would be a booster that you place

inside your RV that tries to grab Wi-Fi signal that's available in a week you

can grab that Wi-Fi and you can pull it into your RV to get it what this does is

it grabs the cell towers themselves it grabs data and voice signal from cell

towers and it brings it into the RV and then it amplifies it just inside the RV

like I think this one is ready to need to be within three to nine feet of the

receiver part of this that's gonna be in the RV so the RV park next to me is not

going to be stealing my boosted amplified signal that I have inside the

RV the other thing about the install itself

is it works on class ABCs trailers everything it talks about putting the

antenna outside preferably and then having a distance between that and where

the booster is stored and powered and then the blue line this is the antenna

where I get the signal from inside you'd want to have that even five to ten feet

away from that so that you want to have this dynamic range to not get

interference basically so essentially there's some sort of some planning

involved here and logistics on how you want to install this this thing includes

everything it has a hole saw kit in it so you can drill right into your RV it

also has the cap to hide the wires hopefully I will not be drilling any new

holes into the RV I have holes that I can tap into I believe but this kit

comes with an antenna mount for the ladder which i think is a great most RVs

and trailers are gonna have this ladder so I think we're gonna put it up there

on the top of my ladder and then run the wire back and go back through where my

solar connection is and then we'll find a spot inside it's said to work with all

of the major networks so AT&T Verizon t-mobile Sprint any of those it's going

to be able to be compatible with that 3G 4G LTE it's not just going to help with

your cell phone I mean I know that's what a lot of people are gonna use it

for for getting their navigation to work when there's no service at the

campground sending an email it's for voice calls it's for data data is the

real key so I think that this is gonna be very unique I don't think a lot of

people have used it for that but when you think of data this is my Wi-Fi

hotspot device this is how I get all of my 500 to 600 gigabytes a month use out

of uploading videos watching Netflix watching mariners through my ps4 live on

the road this device requires a cell tower this is a data device and so the

drive for GX signal booster is going to be used on this as well this is going to

grab that boosted signal hopefully and I will be able to have my continued

unlimited internet through this device amplified through the new booster that's

my goal anyway but let's open this up and let's see what we got in the package

so we will take a very quick look inside and see what all comes with

it's got directions and a phone number you can call in case you need more help

and a user guide inside the big box are two little boxes box install a and box

install B box a has two more boxes it has step one which is the antenna which

we're doing first and then includes step two three six and eight so we will have

to open the other box in between to get five and seven before but mount the

antenna outside to a pole or ladder so that the entire outside intenta antenna

is above the roof line of the RV and clear of other metal obstructions

there's the antenna there and there's the brackets for installing it on the

ladder all right so I attached the L bracket to the bottom of the antenna

like the direction say there's that part and then we'll move on to step two so

step two is this whole bit drill it says drill into your RV unless a you're using

an existing cable entry point which we are so we aren't doing that we're gonna

go in the existing hole next step is going to hook up this coax cable and run

that through my old solar wiring hole so I got the cable going across underneath

one solar panel and then we come over here I drilled out the old hole which I

had already had drilled for the solar wires that go down their coax goes down

there the kit comes with a new cap which is kind of convenient so that cap will

go on there with the wires and the only thing this can't really didn't come with

is the dyke or self-leveling to seal this back up afterwards but I have some

still left over and then the last thing to do the kit comes with these stake

downs with zip ties that you put through so that I can secure this to the roof

without drilling any more holes in the roof but that'll be the last step

alrighty so steps four and five are to mount the booster device which has the

smaller connection right there to mount that and to hook up the wire what I'm

going to do is probably run the wire into this cabinet and mount this device

on the backside back there to get it as far away as possible also close to a

power source I have both DC available by the security camera

or I can run an AC underneath so I'm gonna mount this on the back back there

I'll just mention I will assume there will be some drilling involved for most

people but like I said my security camera wire already goes through that

cabinet goes up there and comes back out so I'm just utilizing some of the old

holes I drilled you're not gonna hurt anything by putting holes in the

cabinets up there to try to hide some of this on the other side of the cabinet

you can see how much came out I've got about 812 inches coming out and this

hooks into the bottom part of the booster freeing up the top one to go to

the interior antenna so I'm going to mount this right there and that coaxial

cable going to the bottom of this booster so I skipped ahead a little bit

I already grabbed the table top antenna and plugged it into the top I did that

just for clearance cuz it's gonna be really hard to do once I click this in

so don't mind this I've just skipped ahead I'm going to there we go that's

all secure oh are you helping thanks and that eventually the core to go in there

and come down and that's the tabletop antenna that is what needs to be within

three to nine feet of the cell phone or Wi-Fi device at all times having decided

where I'm gonna put just exactly it doesn't have any mounting brackets or

anything it may be some velcro or something we'll see all right but we

still need powers we got to think about power because power happens at the

booster itself which would be the middle of the components if you're talking

about the antenna the booster and the interior antenna power needs to be

powered at the booster that I just installed up here so it comes with 110

volt power supply you can just plug into any outlet which might work great if you

know you're always going to be plugged in in an RV park or if you have an

inverter like me that runs off solar in that inverter then goes underneath and

controls everything in this cabinet right there so these are normal-looking

hundred and ten outlets but they are being run off my pure sine and wave are

off of solar and batteries therefore giving me 24 hour power

in this box right here so I am going to use AC power just because it's more

convenient for my setup but this kit also comes with optional 12 volt where

you use air fuse there's not a fuse in this package but you could fuse it

directly to your battery or tap in anywhere inside the RV that has 12 volt

two wires and you could power the booster with 12 volt also alright

everything is connected except power to the actual booster this

plugging this into the back of that is the final step for right now I've got

the booster just sitting there on top of my tombstone frame picture but I mean I

haven't even plugged it in to see if there's power I know there's power let's

do a test on my phone real quick where we're at right now

you can see it says Cricut LTE but one bar service let's do a speed test first

okay looks like my downloads are going to be about three point six one

downloads now we'll do uploads ooh

0.22 uploads here not very good this is a perfect test because I have a really

crummy service here let's do this test again whoa whoa whoa download is good

sixteen point two download and upload is gonna be drastically improved as well

whoo two point six four wow what a great improvement this is a simple test really

because I've only tested in one location I've only tested it with one network it

works with all networks but I'm gonna be utilizing this booster for both my cell

phone and my internet so let's move over to Wi-Fi on this and see what the

difference is let me turn the booster off real quick alright so we are

connected to my network nomadic fanatic and let's do a speed test here

out the booster on 5.43 megabits per second download

and officially 1.1 megabits per second upload we're gonna do another test here

Oh oh really is that what you think Wow nineteen point six nine download and 5.0

three upload now whoo now I know this test is not official

it's not like everybody else does it in fact the company weboost wants us all to

test just the decibel gains okay so they want they want to prove and they want to

show you that yes with this system you're getting a higher decibel range of

boost well yes clearly I understand that but I don't feel like telling you well I

went from two decibels to forty two decibels in my booster that's not

telling you the effectiveness of it that's why I chose to do speed tests

instead of the before and after the booster because that's what that's what

really matters you know what am i able to stream youtube you know if it's down

in the one to two megabits per second range I don't even think you can really

watch Netflix or stream a Seattle Mariners game you know but if you're up

there over 15 to 19 to 20 downloads that I mean I can be watching something and

uploading something clearly clearly this test proves that that booster is is

grabbing a better signal from a cell tower amplifying here and giving me more

to work with which is going to improve my quality of life on the road as a

YouTube creator both for entertainment as well as getting those uploads done

faster when I have good service so that's that's my test again I know this

isn't official I know this is just one location as well later on it might be

interesting to revisit some of these places where I had no service all right

one bar but I couldn't even open up yahoo mail or something and maybe with

the booster now I'm able to stay in that area for a couple of nights with service

and be able to upload a video and Internet interact with viewers and stuff

like that so it will be interesting to see as the weeks and months go to see

how this booster really helps change my life on the road otherwise so far right

now I kind of have to recommend the device I'm not like I said I'm not being

paid by the company or anything they send it to me

for free and they're like do an honest review hey that's pretty bold but they

knew they knew what was gonna happen they they knew it was gonna improve

everything so all right I give it my official thumbs up a couple of other

things I just want to point about out about the booster itself let's pretend

like it didn't do what it says it's supposed to do and that's boost the

signal 32 times decibel what it was before even if it didn't do that

having the antenna outside and up away and making sure that everything I'm

doing inside the RV like my cell phone my Wi-Fi hotspot it's not depending on

site of line from my hand to the tower everything I do inside is now based on

site of line from this antenna to wherever the cellphone tower is so even

just having that changed right there might even be enough but pretty

confident in what I'm seeing that it is literally boosting that signal to a

crazy amount better than it was before I started before I didn't have a booster

at all but I got some work to do I still got to seal the roof up there I got to

contact the wires down I got to put some stuff away in here but cool more

projects more good stuff happening here on the road

For more infomation >> RV Cell Booster Install For Enhanced WiFi/Wireless - Duration: 15:26.


배성재 시계 자랑? "박선영 아나운서 형 배성우 결혼 이상형 집안 윤태진 열애설?"|K-News - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> 배성재 시계 자랑? "박선영 아나운서 형 배성우 결혼 이상형 집안 윤태진 열애설?"|K-News - Duration: 8:05.


'해피투게더' 박수홍 전 여자친구 결별? "아파트 박수애 결혼 발표 군대 선임 재산?" 엄마 나이|K-News - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> '해피투게더' 박수홍 전 여자친구 결별? "아파트 박수애 결혼 발표 군대 선임 재산?" 엄마 나이|K-News - Duration: 7:29.


ANDALUSIAN Knit Stitch Pattern - Duration: 4:37.

The Andalusian Knit Stitch Pattern.

Hi, Guys! I'm Kristen and thank you for

joining me here at Studio Knit.

This vintage Andalusian knit stitch pattern

is a sweet little update of the stockinette stitch it's a four row

repeat with just a little bit of visual interest and texture this is an easy

level project and it is perfect for everyone who has completed my

ABSOLUTE BEGINNER KNITTING SERIES because we are just using knits and pUrls we can see

the stitch pattern on the right side of our work if we turn it over on the wrong

side we'll see that it is not a reversible pattern however it does have

a really nice clean look on the backside here the stitch was named long ago after

the southern Spain community of Andalusia

I think this classic pattern would be perfect to knit up a darling baby blanket.

For our materials we are going to be using yarn you can use any

size you'd like appropriately sized knitting needles of course you want to

have scissors and a tapestry needle on hand if you'd like to know the exact

materials I'm using in this video I will link to those in the description for you

and if you like this pattern and what I do on my channel please LIKE IT UP

SUBSCRIBE. It really helps me out! For the written pattern you can head on over to

my website I have a link in the description below the pattern is written

out there for you totally for free I've also included a

knitting chart so if you'd like to start learning how to read charts then these

simple patterns are a great way to start doing that this pattern is also included

in my KNIT STITCH PATTERN BOOK available for purchase over on Etsy it's a

downloadable PDF that you can print out you also can have it saved on any mobile

device or desktop as well so let's knit it up we're going to begin with our

beloved Slip Knot and then we're casting on in multiples of two plus one so cast

on two stitches I'm doing the longtail cast on method here cast on

another two and keep testing on your needle for as many stitches as you'd

like and here I have 24 and then we'll finish up with just one last stitch

that's your plus one one last stitch and now we're ready to knit row one and the

entire row is simply the knit stitch so every single stitch all the way down our

row is knitting once you've completed Row 1,

Row 2 is simply purling so you'll want to make sure to have that yarn in the front of

your needle before you start purling and of course you'll be keeping that yarn in

the front and purl all the way down row 2 now here on row 3 this is where the

little bit of texture comes in on this stitch the first stitch is the knit

stitch then we bring our yarn to the front to purl and we just continue

between those two asterisks you'll see in the pattern we're knitting one and

we're purling one all the way down the row now when we get to the end here

you'll see we have three stitches so we'll knit one

we'll purl one and then this last little stitch that plus one that we cast on we

are going to knit this stitch right here

okay we are at row four already and that is simply purling all the way down the

row continue to knit rows one through four until your work is the length you desire.

I hope you are inspired to knit up this really sweet

Andalusian knit stitch pattern please check out this video right here next I think you'll

really enjoy it of course please make sure you are

subscribed and like up this video

I will see you next time, Guys. BYE!

For more infomation >> ANDALUSIAN Knit Stitch Pattern - Duration: 4:37.


불후의 명곡, 박기영 처음 그 날처럼 "박용하 자살 사망원인 소지섭 유진 열애"|K-News - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 불후의 명곡, 박기영 처음 그 날처럼 "박용하 자살 사망원인 소지섭 유진 열애"|K-News - Duration: 8:27.


✅ Britney Spears: Ex-Mann Kevin Federline fordert jede Menge Unterhalt von der Pop-Sängerin - Duration: 2:04.

Nichts als Ärger mit dem Ex.Mehr als 11 Jahre nach der Scheidung zieht Kevin Federline (40) jetzt vor Gericht und verlangt mehr Geld von Britney Spears (36)

Kevin Federline instrumentalisiert seine SöhneEr versucht die gemeinsamen Söhne Sean (12) und Jayden (11) dazu zu benutzen, das Gericht auf seine Seite zu ziehen

Die Pop-Prinzessin zahlt dem ehemaligen Tänzer 20.000 Dollar Unterhalt im Monat, doch das ist K-Fed inzwischen viel zu wenig

In den Gerichtsakten beschwert er sich, dass seine Mietwohnung für sich, Ehefrau Victoria und seine insgesamt fünf Kinder zu klein ist: „Sean und Jayden leben im Luxus bei ihrer Mutter, die mit ihnen zum 5-Sterne-Urlaub nach Hawaii jettet

Ich konnte mir schon seit Jahren keinen Urlaub mehr leisten."Lesen Sie hier: Deswegen kassierte Britney Spears neulich einen Shitstorm auf Instagram!Britney Spears lebt mit ihren Söhnen im LuxusEr zählt danach auf, was für tolle Vorzüge (Basketball und Tennis Courts, Videospiele-Zimmer, Privatkoch, ATV und die neusten technischen Geräte) Sean und Jayden bei Spears zu Hause genießen:„Ich komme da nicht mit

Die Beiden müssen sich bei mir zu Hause sogar ein Zimmer teilen. Ich verdiene einfach nicht mehr genug, weil ich als DJ nicht mehr so gefragt wie früher und zum Tanzen zu alt bin

"Federline verweist auf das Jahreseinkommen (34 Millionen Dollar) von Britney und pocht laut seines Anwalts darauf, dass sie ihm monatlich mindestens 60 000 Dollar zahlen sollte – also das Dreifache

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