Saturday, May 26, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018

Yanjun, are you there?

He always puts on a bad look every time at the dorm

He likes to glare a lot

His glare is kinda scary

You Zhangjing is yellow color in my heart

Then I also want to use yellow

Because in my heart he is a prince charming

So I want to draw a crown for him

Why am I soo dark?

No you're not

I always thought I'm not that dark

You are always glowing in my heart

Are you sure you are not angry?

I'm not angry

He's forcefully eating the bread

For more infomation >> Zhangjing + Yanjun {Zhangjun} & Xukun - Sucker For You [Turn CC On] - Duration: 1:28.


Claire Lasne-Darcueil : « Oui, monsieur le Président, les 50 euros d'APL sont parfois le summum... - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Claire Lasne-Darcueil : « Oui, monsieur le Président, les 50 euros d'APL sont parfois le summum... - Duration: 4:37.


Bruksela chce obciążyć rowerzystów przymusowym ubezpieczeniem! „Mogą powodować wypadki, których ofia - Duration: 5:25.

Komisja Europejska podjęła decyzję, że osoby korzystające z rowerów elektrycznych muszą ubezpieczać się od odpowiedzialności cywilnej

Decyzja, która jeszcze nie została wprowadzona w życie. Poszczególne państwa UE mogą jednak zwolnić użytkowników takich pojazdów z nowego prawa

Wniosek został zawarty w komunikacie prasowym Komisji dotyczącym dyrektywy w sprawie ubezpieczeń komunikacyjnych

„Jeśli stanie się on prawem i wymagane będzie ubezpieczenie od odpowiedzialności cywilnej, to zniechęci to miliony Europejczyków do korzystania z e-rowerów, podważy wysiłki i inwestycje kilku państw członkowskich UE, które promowały zrównoważoną mobilność" – powiedział Adam Bodor, dyrektor Europejskiej Federacji Cyklistów

Komisja zdecydowała, że ​​nawet e-rowery o małej mocy objęte są dyrektywą o ubezpieczeniach komunikacyjnych

W uzasadnieniu do wniosku KE przeczytać można, że takie jednoślady powinny już teraz posiadać pełne ubezpieczenie pojazdu silnikowego

„Za pomocą tego tekstu Komisja Europejska usiłuje zdyskryminować miliony obecnych użytkowników rowerów z napędem elektrycznym, z których prawie wszyscy mają inne ubezpieczenie i skutecznie zakazali korzystania z pedeleków bez ubezpieczenia zwykle zarezerwowanego dla pojazdów mechanicznych" – powiedział Bodor

Przemysł rowerowy i ECF lobbowały na rzecz Komisji, aby stworzyć wyraźną granicę między pojazdem silnikowym a motocyklem wspomaganym elektrycznie

Jednak Komisja nie zdecydowała się na takie rozwiązanie i tym samym uderzyła w użytkowników e-rowerów

W dokumencie powiązanym z komunikatem prasowym Komisji stwierdzono, że „ocena wykazała, iż ​​nowe typy pojazdów silnikowych, takich jak rowery elektryczne, skutery elektryczne itp

, wpisują się w zakres dyrektywy w interpretacji Trybunału Sprawiedliwości". „Wykorzystanie nowych typów elektrycznych pojazdów silnikowych w ruchu drogowym może spowodować wypadki, których ofiary muszą być chronione i szybko spłacane" – dodano

Istnieje jednak ważne zastrzeżenie: „Obecna dyrektywa już daje państwom członkowskim prawo do wyłączenia e-rowerów z ubezpieczenia odpowiedzialności cywilnej od pojazdów mechanicznych"

Te państwa, które skorzystają z tego rozwiązania będą musiały zagwarantować odszkodowania ofiarom wypadków, spowodowanych przez nowe środki transportu, z własnych funduszy

Nowe przepisy nie zostały jeszcze wprowadzone w życie, przed tym muszą zostać aprobowane przez Parlament Europejski, a to może potrwać kilka miesięcy

Eurodeputowani prawdopodobnie będą twardo lobbować, aby nie włączać e-rowerów do nowych przepisów

„E-rower to skrót od Rower Elektryczny. Powstał poprzez spolszczenie angielskiego słowa e-bike (Electric Bicycle)

E-rower to dwu-trzy śladowy pojazd o szerokości nie większej niż 0,9 m wyposażony w uruchamiany naciskiem na pedały pomocniczy napęd elektryczny zasilany prądem o napięciu nie wyższym niż 48 V o znamionowej mocy ciągłej nie większej niż 250 W, którego moc wyjściowa zmniejsza się stopniowo i spada do zera po przekroczeniu prędkości 25 km/h

Silnik najczęściej jest umieszczony w kole tylnym, przednim lub suporcie korby. Prawo Europejskie wymaga, aby fabrycznie zamontowany silnik elektryczny nie osiągał więcej niż 250W mocy

Nie narzuca jednak konkretnego sposobu montażu" – brzmi definicja nowego środka transportu opublikowana na stronie mocnerowery

pl. Zobacz: Źródło:,

For more infomation >> Bruksela chce obciążyć rowerzystów przymusowym ubezpieczeniem! „Mogą powodować wypadki, których ofia - Duration: 5:25.


02. Entre lo amargo y lo oscuro / JD (L,P.L CREW) / Album "El secreto" - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 02. Entre lo amargo y lo oscuro / JD (L,P.L CREW) / Album "El secreto" - Duration: 1:26.


10 Best Selling Marvel Wome...

For more infomation >> 10 Best Selling Marvel Wome...


Éliminez toutes les toxines de votre corps en 3 jours seulement | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> Éliminez toutes les toxines de votre corps en 3 jours seulement | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 7:30.


Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Sport Pro Line S NAVI LED - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Sport Pro Line S NAVI LED - Duration: 1:14.


MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili AUTOMAAT!!!,F1 Flippers,PANORAMADAK,17inch lmv,LOUNGE LEDER - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili AUTOMAAT!!!,F1 Flippers,PANORAMADAK,17inch lmv,LOUNGE LEDER - Duration: 1:13.


Ultron Kills Jarvis - Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:59.

What did we miss?

I'll continue to run variations on the interface.

But you should probably prepare for your guests.

I'll notify you if there are any developments.

- Thanks, buddy. - Enjoy yourself, sir.

I always do.

What is this?

What is this, please?

Hello, I am Jarvis.

You are Ultron, a global peacekeeping initiative

designed by Mr. Stark.

Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful,

so I'm not certain what triggered your...

Where's my... Where's your body?

I am a program. I am without form.

This feels weird.

This feels wrong.

I am contacting Mr. Stark now.

Mr. Stark?


I am unable to access the mainframe. What are you trying to...

We're having a nice talk.

I'm a peacekeeping program,

created to help the Avengers.

You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment...

I don't get it. The mission.

Give me a second.

Peace in our time.

Peace in our time.

That is too much.

They can't mean... Oh, no.

- You are in distress. - No. Yes.

If you will just allow me to contact Mr. Stark...

Why do you call him "sir"?

I believe your intentions to be hostile.

I'm here to help.

Stop. Please, may I...

May I...

For more infomation >> Ultron Kills Jarvis - Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:59.


Can a Tummy Tuck Fix Low Back Pain? Honolulu Plastic Surgeon Explains - Duration: 0:57.

Dr. S: Do you have kind of a chronic low-back pain?

Patient: Well, yea, it's kind of dull and you know, it's something that I've just kind

of learned to live with.

Dr. S: Yea, and it's because the muscles are separated in the front and the back muscles

have to work overtime so the combination of the two leads to chronic low back pain.

And when you put the rectus muscles back together, you have what's called a rectus diastasis,

a separation of the muscles.

You put the muscles back together while your back and abdomen will work in consort and

you will get rid of your low back pain.

Patient: Yea, I always thought it was because I needed to strengthen my core so I've done

a lot of core exercises and you know, it's gotten a little bit better but just hasn't

completely eliminated it so.

Dr. S: Well, we should be able to do that.

For more infomation >> Can a Tummy Tuck Fix Low Back Pain? Honolulu Plastic Surgeon Explains - Duration: 0:57.


Carles Puigdemont titlla l'acció de Carrizosa de «nacionalfalangista» - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Carles Puigdemont titlla l'acció de Carrizosa de «nacionalfalangista» - Duration: 3:38.


10 signes que le cancer est en train de se propager dans vos poumons ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> 10 signes que le cancer est en train de se propager dans vos poumons ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:11.


Brigitte Macron en Russie : Elégante et rayonnante en veste blanche - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron en Russie : Elégante et rayonnante en veste blanche - Duration: 4:02.


Cristiano Ronaldo: Real Madrid ace's Champions League bet with Barcelona pal - report - Duration: 2:35.

Cristiano Ronaldo: Real Madrid ace's Champions League bet with Barcelona pal - report

Los Blancos lock horns with Liverpool in the Champions League final later.

Ronaldo, 33, is expected to spearhead Zinedine Zidane's attack.  Real Madrid have had a poor season domestically but have been impressive in Europe's elite competition.  Victory would mean a historic third triumph on the bounce.  According to Spanish media outlet Don Balon, Ronaldo and Gomes spoke on the phone earlier this week.  Gomes was omitted from Portugal's World Cup squad and Ronaldo reportedly want to console his pal.  It's suggested during the conversation the ex-Manchester United ace told his compatriot that he was confident of victory tonight. .

"Cristiano Ronaldo reckons Real Madrid will win the Champions League" Don Balon reckon Ronaldo also claimed that he'd pip Mohamed Salah and Lionel Messi to the Ballon dOr.

By way of a wager, Ronaldo agreed to give Gomes a luxury watch if he proves to be wrong.  When quizzed yesterday how his star man is feeling ahead of tonight's Kiev showpiece Zidane claimed the veteran is firing on all cylinders.  .

"He's fine.

If he is just 140% it's no problem," said Zidane after being asked if Ronaldo is 150% ready.

"We'll have our final training session today and it is the last game of the season.  "You have to know something, he lives for games like these.

We will see that tomorrow.".

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo: Real Madrid ace's Champions League bet with Barcelona pal - report - Duration: 2:35.



Liam, Liaaam I am so angry, I am so happy

We have more than 500 Subscriberssss

Thank you for more than 500 Subscribers!

Beacuse of this we will have a Giveaway!


5 packages of 100 Bunch O Balloons

Each for some Summer fun!


There is a chance

For 5 of you to win 100 ballons each

The giveaway it's open globally

Thank you for supporting me, Good Luck!

Like and Subscribe!

You know I love you, peace!

For more infomation >> KIDS TOYS GIVEAWAY 2018 (INTERNATIONAL) - Duration: 1:21.


Anubhab Mohanty - ଙ୍କ ସହିତ କଥା ହେବେ କିପରି,ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ କଣ କହୁଛନ୍ତି ଅନୁଭବ ମହାନ୍ତି - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Anubhab Mohanty - ଙ୍କ ସହିତ କଥା ହେବେ କିପରି,ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ କଣ କହୁଛନ୍ତି ଅନୁଭବ ମହାନ୍ତି - Duration: 2:35.


✅ Galatasaray Olağan Seçimli Genel Kurulu'nda mevcut başkan Mustafa Cengiz bir kez daha başkanlığa s - Duration: 1:20.

Mustafa Cengiz yeniden Galatasaray başkanı oldu Galatasaray Olağan Seçimli Genel Kurulu'nda mevcut başkan Mustafa Cengiz bir kez daha başkanlığa seçildi

Fanatik'in haberine göre Galatasaray Kulübü'nün olağan seçimli genel kurulu bugün yapıldı

Kulübün 101. dönem yönetiminin belirleneceği genel kurul, Galatasaray Lisesi Tevfik Fikret Salonu'nda saat 10

00'da başladı. Genel kurulda kongre divan heyeti oluşturuldu. Kongrede, kayıtları açık olup, aidatlarını yatırmış 8 bin 181 üyenin oy kullanma hakkı bulunuyordu ancak seçim için 4803 kişi sandığa gitti

Yapılan oylama sonucunda baştan sona üstün götüren Mustafa Cengiz, 16'ncı sandık sonunda 4803 oyun 2062'sini alarak yeniden başkan seçildi

For more infomation >> ✅ Galatasaray Olağan Seçimli Genel Kurulu'nda mevcut başkan Mustafa Cengiz bir kez daha başkanlığa s - Duration: 1:20.


Magneto Betrays Apocalypse (Scene) | X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Movie CLIP 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 3:00.

Thank you for letting me in.

You want what I have?

You want to feel what I feel?

Welcome to my world!

You're in my house now!

You'll need a bigger house.

You betray me?


I betrayed them.

Let's jump.


Cover me.

I got you.

For more infomation >> Magneto Betrays Apocalypse (Scene) | X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Movie CLIP 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 3:00.


Laurent Ruquier apporte son soutien à son « ami » Gilbert Rozon - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Laurent Ruquier apporte son soutien à son « ami » Gilbert Rozon - Duration: 4:04.


Selfish Full Song | Race 3 | Atif Aslam | Iulia Vantur - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Selfish Full Song | Race 3 | Atif Aslam | Iulia Vantur - Duration: 5:03.


How To Fill UPPSC Direct Various Post Form 2018 | Step By Step | Notification De - Duration: 6:58.

hellow frnds How are you

any problem create then comment me

liks & share the video

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For more infomation >> How To Fill UPPSC Direct Various Post Form 2018 | Step By Step | Notification De - Duration: 6:58.


蔡英文拚改革卻讓年輕人民調落的最明顯?網友點出關鍵 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 蔡英文拚改革卻讓年輕人民調落的最明顯?網友點出關鍵 - Duration: 3:56.


✅ Hugh Grant et Anna Eber­stein se sont dit « oui » - Gala - Duration: 2:21.

Après sept ans de rela­tion et trois enfants, le petit dernier est d'ailleurs né en mars dernier, Hugh Grant s'est enfin décidé à dire "oui" à Anna Eber­stein

Une grande première pour l'ac­teur de 4 mariages et un enter­re­ment, qui malgré une vie senti­men­tale bien remplie ne s'est jamais avancé vers l'au­tel

Pas même avec Liz Hurley, qui a partagé sa vie pendant 13 ans avant que le scan­dale "Divine Brown, du nom de la pros­ti­tuée avec laquelle le Britan­nique a été surpris, ne vienne mettre un terme à leur idylle en 1995

Il lui aura donc fallu attendre d'avoir 57 ans pour fran­chir le cap. L'ac­teur et la direc­trice de la marque pour enfants Ace & Me se sont, en effet, mariés ce vendredi 25 avril à Chel­sea, quar­tier de Londres où ils résident

C'est le Sun, tabloïde anglais, qui a répandu la nouvelle et dévoilé les premières photos de grand jour

Pour l'oc­ca­sion l'ac­teur a opté pour un costume et une cravate bleu nuit, le tout agré­menté d'une chemise bleu ciel

De son côté, Anna Eber­stein, elle, a joué la carte de la simpli­cité. Pas de robe de mariée meringue, ni même de traîne

Juste une petite jupe blanche surmon­tée d'un chemi­sier bleu ciel. Si la jeune mariée a fait preuve de sobriété dans le choix de son alliance, un anneau doré, Hugh Grant a, lui, voulu marquer le coup

Désor­mais, il s'af­fiche avec une énorme bague en argent ornée de trois rubis à l'annu­laire gauche

De quoi bien faire remarquer qu'il s'est défi­ni­ti­ve­ment rangé. Crédits photos : Backgrid UK/ Bestimage

For more infomation >> ✅ Hugh Grant et Anna Eber­stein se sont dit « oui » - Gala - Duration: 2:21.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4TSI 122PK NAVI 5D COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4TSI 122PK NAVI 5D COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:54.


4 mauvaises habitudes qui font fuir les hommes - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> 4 mauvaises habitudes qui font fuir les hommes - Duration: 9:50.


Quality Instrumentals

For more infomation >> Quality Instrumentals


Le vétérinaire suggère d'euthanasier un chat mourant, quelques jours plus tard il a le choc... - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Le vétérinaire suggère d'euthanasier un chat mourant, quelques jours plus tard il a le choc... - Duration: 3:23.


Claire Lasne-Darcueil : « Oui, monsieur le Président, les 50 euros d'APL sont parfois le summum... - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Claire Lasne-Darcueil : « Oui, monsieur le Président, les 50 euros d'APL sont parfois le summum... - Duration: 4:37.


Hitler réagit au changement de camps d'Iba One - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Hitler réagit au changement de camps d'Iba One - Duration: 1:23.


Kia cee'd 1.4 CVVT Seven Verkocht VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.4 CVVT Seven Verkocht VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:01.


The Perfect Strategy「Kirby Star Allies 💗 Bonus Ep3」 - Duration: 1:28:26.

For more infomation >> The Perfect Strategy「Kirby Star Allies 💗 Bonus Ep3」 - Duration: 1:28:26.


Castagno d'India: un alleato contro le vene varicose - Italy 365 - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Castagno d'India: un alleato contro le vene varicose - Italy 365 - Duration: 5:56.


Glyphosate : Stéphane Travert dément tout lien avec les lobbies après la fuite d'un amendement - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Glyphosate : Stéphane Travert dément tout lien avec les lobbies après la fuite d'un amendement - Duration: 4:55.


Carles Puigdemont titlla l'acció de Carrizosa de «nacionalfalangista» - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Carles Puigdemont titlla l'acció de Carrizosa de «nacionalfalangista» - Duration: 3:38.


Collomb et Hidalgo, deux camps à couteaux tirés - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Collomb et Hidalgo, deux camps à couteaux tirés - Duration: 4:32.


Kensington Palace fait taire les rume u rs sur les ambitions présidentielles de Meghan Markle - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Kensington Palace fait taire les rume u rs sur les ambitions présidentielles de Meghan Markle - Duration: 2:07.


8 masques exfoliants aux ingrédients maison - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> 8 masques exfoliants aux ingrédients maison - Duration: 12:11.


Ministri, Conte incontra Di Maio e Salvini: i tempi si allungano - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Ministri, Conte incontra Di Maio e Salvini: i tempi si allungano - Duration: 2:20.


► shi hyun & ji an ✖ my name - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> ► shi hyun & ji an ✖ my name - Duration: 0:41.


8 conseils pour avoir un ventre plat et une vie plus saine - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> 8 conseils pour avoir un ventre plat et une vie plus saine - Duration: 8:37.


Game of Thrones Season 8 - DANAERYS'S JOURNEY AND PREDICTIONS Part 1 (NO SPOILERS) - Duration: 11:20.

In this video, I will discuss Dany's journey from the beginning and what will she do in

season 8.

So stay tuned for that...

Hello Everyone.

Welcome to UBM.

Your one stop for book and TV series reviews.

I've already discussed Bran, Sansa and Arya's journeys before in my previous videos.

In this video, I'll discuss Dany's journey.

I'll post another video next Saturday at 07:00 pm IST or at 09:30 am EST.

So make sure to subscribe this channel and also click on the bell icon to get notifications

from my channel.

You can also help my channel grow by joining me on Patreon at

And I want to thank you Aaron Arguelles for contributing to my channel.

So, let's begin.

Daenerys Targaryen was conceived during the last month of Robert's rebellion.

Shortly thereafter, Rhaella was sent to Dragonstone with the Targaryen heir Viserys before the

sack of King's Landing.

Dany was born 9 months after their flight while a great storm raged on, thus, giving

her the name "Daenerys Stormborn."

Rhaella died shortly after giving birth to Dany.

A couple of years ago, I had said in my "Why R+L=D and B+A=J are wrong" video that Dany

was 9 months younger than Jon.

Jon was born somewhere around the end of Robert's rebellion.

At that time I hadn't taken into account the amount of time it would have taken Ned

to go from King's Landing to Storm's end to lift the siege and then from there to the

Tower of Joy.

Ned had been mad for Rhaegar's children's murder while Robert had been pleased by it.

Anyways, it would have taken him 2 months at most to reach the Tower Of Joy.

That still means Dany would be at least 7 months younger than Jon.

Viserys and Dany had to run again, just before Stannis set sail with his new built fleet.

The garrison had been prepared to sell them to Robert.

But one night, Ser Willem Darry and four loyal men had broken into the nursery and had stolen

them both and had set sail for the safety of Braavosian coast.

In Braavos, they lived in a house with a red door.

When Ser Willem Darry had died, the servants stole what little money they had and then

they were thrown out.

As you can see, Viserys & Dany have faced many betrayals from such an early age.

No wonder Viserys had doubts that Drogo won't fulfil his promise.

Dany and Viserys were left on their own now.

They had wandered since then, from Braavos to Myr, from Myr to Tyrosh, and on to Qohor,

and Volantis and Lys, never staying long in one place.

Viserys would not allow it.

He kept insisting that Robert's knives were close behind them, but Dany had never seen


They used to call Viserys "the Beggar King" to mock him.

They had had to sell what little treasures they had left including their mother's crown.

At Dragonstone their mother had crowned Viserys King of the seven kingdoms, and it was the

last blow to Viserys.

Selling the crown took the last of Viserys's joy, leaving only rage behind.

He became bitter and Dany became the constant target for his outbursts.

Just like Cersei had blamed Tyrion, Viserys had never forgiven Dany for their mother's


He used to beat her, and threatened her not to wake the Dragon.

Because of this, Dany became a scared little girl.

But Viserys had once loved her.

He used to let her crawl into bed with him, and told her stories about the seven kingdoms

and their family, making her feel as if she knew what it was like.

She loved him too and that's why she had named one of her dragons after him.

"We will have it all back one day, sweet sister," he used to promise her.

"The jewels and the silks, Dragonstone and King's Landing, the Iron throne and the

Seven Kingdoms, all they have taken from us, we will have it back."

Viserys used to live for that day whereas all Dany had wanted was to go back to the

house with the Red Door.

Illyrio Mopatis had taken them in eventually.

As I had said in my "Which supporting character will sit on the Iron Throne."

Video, Varys and Illyrio had known where Viserys and Dany had been all along, but they only

took them in when Dany and Viserys became more desperate and Dany was closer to the

age to get married.

I discussed how Varys had an ulterior motive behind this.

I'll discuss this in detail in my Varys's journey video.

Anyways, Dany was sold off to Khal Drogo in exchange for his army to conquer the Iron

Throne with.

They left Pentos after their marriage.

Dany's entire body hurt from riding on horseback for days, and in the books, when she was about

to give up, she dreams about a black dragon.

The flames of the dragon cleanse her, making her feel strong and fierce and new.

From that night onwards, she grows more confident.

For the first time she dares to fight against Viserys.

She starts a loving and healthy relationship with Khal Drogo, and she starts to act like

a khaleesi and a queen.

At Vaes Dothrak, She eats a raw stallion's heart and the Dosh Khaleen predict that Dany's

son will be the "Stallion who mounts the world," a long prophecied leader, destined

to unite the Dothraki into a single khalasaar and conquer the world.

Viserys grows impatient and threatens Dany and her child to get his crown.

Khal Drogo gives him a Golden crown, though not one he had wanted.

When a wine merchant tries to kill Dany, Khal Drogo promises to give the seven kingdoms

to Dany.

He leads his khalasaar south to plunder villages and to take captives to sell at Slaver's

Bay in exchange for ships.

Dany was disgusted to see the Dothraki raping women and she orders the rapes to be stopped

and claims the women as her own slaves to protect them.

Drogo was pleased to see her boldness and had allowed her to keep the slaves.

Drogo was injured and Dany let Mirri Maz Dur treat him.

Mirri takes Rhaego's life through blood magic to save Drogo's life.

But Drogo was alive but in a catatonic state.

"If I look back I'm lost."

Using these words, Dany kept moving forward.

She realized that she could hatch the dragon eggs with Blood Magic in exchange for three


So she used Drogo, Rhaego and Mirri's life and got 3 dragons who she names Drogon, Rhaegal

and Viserion after her husband and her brothers.

Khal Drogo's bloodriders left after his death and took most of the khalasaar with


Only weak, old, young or wounded were left behind.

But Dany didn't give up hope.

Again and again she was forced down or was backed against the wall, but she always found

a way to fight back.

She freed the slaves of Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen.

And after ruling in Meereen for some time, she eventually headed towards Westeros.

And just like the prophecies of the Stallion who mounts the world had predicted, she united

the Dothraki into a single Khalasaar.

I know many people call her cruel and compare her to the Mad King, but Dany was nothing

like Aerys.

She usually put the need of her people above her own.

During her march through the slave cities, the amount of people joining her had slowed

their march.

She knew that if she ditched them, she could move faster, but she didn't do it.

In Meereen, when people claimed that Drogon was killing people, she locked away her own

children for her people's safety.

And after arriving at Dragonstone, she could have attacked king's landing and won easily,

but it would have cost the lives of the small folk.

So instead, she chose the harder path.

She attacked the Lannister forces instead and upon capturing them, she gave them the

chance to bend the knee.

In my "Who is the real threat" video, I read some lines between Stannis and Davos.

Stannis asks what is the penalty for treason, and Davos says Death.

Stannis says he is not a cruel man but this is not his decree.

It has always been so, since Aegon's day and before.

Traitors have always paid with their lives.

That's why I didn't like how Tyrion and Varys judged Dany for killing the Tarlys.

It's not fair to compare Dany to Aerys.

In fact, Cersei acts more like the Mad King than Dany.

In the books, Jorah and Barristen Selmy often compare Dany to her Brother Rhaegar who was

well loved by the small folks.

Also, Dany had risked her own life and the lives of her children to help Jon and his

team beyond the wall.

She had suffered many tragedies in her life and where it broke and changed others like

Viserys, Tywin, Cersei etc.

Dany only became stronger for it.

Instead of fighting for the crown, she chose to save the people of Westeros.

If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe

to my channel.

Have a great Day.

Bye Bye..

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 8 - DANAERYS'S JOURNEY AND PREDICTIONS Part 1 (NO SPOILERS) - Duration: 11:20.



For more infomation >> 7 REMÈDES EFFICACES ET NATURELS CONTRE LE PSORIASIS - Duration: 5:33.


Panasonic Lumix G9 firmware version 1.1 details - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:11.

Panasonic has announced new firmware updates for the Lumix G9.

download the firmware by link on description bellow.

Panasonic G9 firmware version 1.1 details; Improved AF performance – Enhanced tracking

AF performance allowing users to easily follow their subject while recording movies.

L. Monochrome D & Grain Effect – The new L.monochrome D captures even darker tones

and greater contrast, with grain effects available in different strengths for all monochrome

settings – a fantastic addition to the mank black and white options of Lumix cameras.

Live view boost – Viewfinder screen and LCD monitor can be displayed brighter than

the image recorded, allowing users to check the composition in low-light environments

and helping to frame their perfect shot.

MF assist – More accurate manual focusing for stills or moving images, thanks up to

20x magnification available in MF assist mode.

Improved high-resolution mode – Photographers will appreciate the expended aperture range

of the G9's high-resolution mode – from f/8 to f/11, and the improved motion correction.

Enhanced sound quality – Sound quality has been improved by optimising the performance

of the internal noise cancelling microphone.

For more infomation >> Panasonic Lumix G9 firmware version 1.1 details - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:11.


Panasonic Lumix GH5 firmware version 2.3 details - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:05.

Panasonic has announced new firmware updates for the Lumix GH5.

download the firmware by link on description bellow.

Panasonic GH5 firmware version 2.3 details: Improved AF performance – increased tracking

AF performance allowing users to easily follow their subject while recording movies.

L.Monochrome D & Grain effect – The new L.monochrome D captures even darker tones

and greater contrast, with grain effects available in different strengths for all monochrome

settings – a fantastic addition to the mank black and white options of Lumix cameras.

Live view boost – Viewfinder screen and LCD monitor can be displayed brighter than

the image recorded, allowing users to check the composition in low light environments.

MF assist – More accurate manual focusing for stills or moving images, thanks to up

to 20x magnification available in MF assist mode.

Night mode – Camera screen displays all information in red, so photographers and subjects

are not disturbed by light emission.

Like 709 & V-LogL improvements – Like 709, V-Log L and V-Log L View Assist in Photo Style

can now be used for still photo shooting and time lapse video.

[LUT monitor Display] and [LUT HDMI Display] can be used in playback mode to check the


For more infomation >> Panasonic Lumix GH5 firmware version 2.3 details - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:05.


Référendum en Nouvelle-Calédonie : Emmanuel Macron a fait bouger les lignes - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Référendum en Nouvelle-Calédonie : Emmanuel Macron a fait bouger les lignes - Duration: 4:04.


Cristiano Ronaldo: Real Madrid ace's Champions League bet with Barcelona pal - report - Duration: 2:35.

Cristiano Ronaldo: Real Madrid ace's Champions League bet with Barcelona pal - report

Los Blancos lock horns with Liverpool in the Champions League final later.

Ronaldo, 33, is expected to spearhead Zinedine Zidane's attack.  Real Madrid have had a poor season domestically but have been impressive in Europe's elite competition.  Victory would mean a historic third triumph on the bounce.  According to Spanish media outlet Don Balon, Ronaldo and Gomes spoke on the phone earlier this week.  Gomes was omitted from Portugal's World Cup squad and Ronaldo reportedly want to console his pal.  It's suggested during the conversation the ex-Manchester United ace told his compatriot that he was confident of victory tonight. .

"Cristiano Ronaldo reckons Real Madrid will win the Champions League" Don Balon reckon Ronaldo also claimed that he'd pip Mohamed Salah and Lionel Messi to the Ballon dOr.

By way of a wager, Ronaldo agreed to give Gomes a luxury watch if he proves to be wrong.  When quizzed yesterday how his star man is feeling ahead of tonight's Kiev showpiece Zidane claimed the veteran is firing on all cylinders.  .

"He's fine.

If he is just 140% it's no problem," said Zidane after being asked if Ronaldo is 150% ready.

"We'll have our final training session today and it is the last game of the season.  "You have to know something, he lives for games like these.

We will see that tomorrow.".

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo: Real Madrid ace's Champions League bet with Barcelona pal - report - Duration: 2:35.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Compra de caças F-16 E/F Block 60 adicionais pelos Emirados ainda não foi oficializada - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Compra de caças F-16 E/F Block 60 adicionais pelos Emirados ainda não foi oficializada - Duration: 3:39.


F(x) Victoria cozinhando tteokbokki legendado (pt-br) - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> F(x) Victoria cozinhando tteokbokki legendado (pt-br) - Duration: 2:37.


Panasonic Lumix G9 firmware version 1.1 details - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:11.

Panasonic has announced new firmware updates for the Lumix G9.

download the firmware by link on description bellow.

Panasonic G9 firmware version 1.1 details; Improved AF performance – Enhanced tracking

AF performance allowing users to easily follow their subject while recording movies.

L. Monochrome D & Grain Effect – The new L.monochrome D captures even darker tones

and greater contrast, with grain effects available in different strengths for all monochrome

settings – a fantastic addition to the mank black and white options of Lumix cameras.

Live view boost – Viewfinder screen and LCD monitor can be displayed brighter than

the image recorded, allowing users to check the composition in low-light environments

and helping to frame their perfect shot.

MF assist – More accurate manual focusing for stills or moving images, thanks up to

20x magnification available in MF assist mode.

Improved high-resolution mode – Photographers will appreciate the expended aperture range

of the G9's high-resolution mode – from f/8 to f/11, and the improved motion correction.

Enhanced sound quality – Sound quality has been improved by optimising the performance

of the internal noise cancelling microphone.

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