Saturday, May 26, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018

Palin's son seeks to bar media in assault proceedings

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The eldest son of former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is seeking to bar the media from covering court hearings after he was accused of assaulting his father last year at the family home in Alaska.

A lawyer for Track Palin, 29, filed a motion Friday to prohibit or limit media access to proceedings in Veterans Court, including a hearing scheduled to take place Tuesday.

Palins attorney, Patrick Bergt, said the motion was filed on grounds to ensure the case does not become a distraction to other veterans in the system.

Veterans Court is part of Alaskas therapeutic court system.

Bergt said he also plans to file an application next week to formally transfer the case to the Veterans Court.

The case is officially in Superior Court in Palmer north of Anchorage.

Anchorage District Court Judge David Wallace denied media requests to cover pre-trial proceedings earlier this week in Veterans Court.

He cited an administrative rule that requires media requests to be submitted at least 24 hours ahead of time as the reason for barring reporters, though judges have leeway and have granted approval in a much shorter timeframe.

Wallace was appointed to the bench by Sarah Palin when she was Alaskas governor.

A phone message left at the court asking if Wallace planned to recuse himself because of that tie was not immediately returned.

Anchorage-based media attorney John McKay said he has no issue with Wallace overseeing the case, even as a Sarah Palin appointee.

The system allows either side to pre-empt a judge if they feel its appropriate, McKay said.

I think we have an excellent system of picking judges and an excellent track record with judges, he said.

McKay said he didnt know enough about the defense motion regarding the media to comment on it.

Track Palin was arrested in December after his mother told authorities her son was on some kind of medication and freaking out. A police affidavit says father Todd Palin was bleeding from head cuts.

He told police the dispute began when his son called to pick up his truck from the Palins home in Wasilla.

According to the affidavit, Todd Palin said he told Track Palin not to come to the house but that his son said he would come anyway to beat him up.

Todd Palin told police he got his pistol to protect his family..

Track Palin told police he broke a window, disarmed his father and put him on the ground.

A Wasilla police wrote in the affidavit that Todd and Sarah Palin had left the home when police arrived and that she was visibly upset.

Track Palin yelled at officers, calling them peasants, and moved around in a strange manner before being arrested without incident, the affidavit says.

He told police he consumed a few beers earlier, the document says.

Track Palin pleaded not guilty in January to a felony burglary charge in the incident.

He also faces misdemeanor charges of assault and criminal mischief.

In 2016, Track Palin was suspected of punching his then-girlfriend, who then became concerned that he was going to shoot himself with a rifle, court documents said.

He faced several charges but pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm while intoxicated, and the other charges were dismissed.

His then-girlfriend later filed for custody of their child and requested a protective order against Track Palin, who served in Iraq for a year in 2008.

Sarah Palin indicated that post-traumatic stress disorder might have been a factor in that case.

Veterans Court gives eligible veterans the option of enrolling in mental health treatment programs instead of a traditional sentence.

For more infomation >> Palin's son seeks to bar media in assault proceedings - Duration: 5:12.


Trump administration to hand student debt collection to loan servicers, ending use of collectors - Duration: 8:07.

Trump administration to hand student debt collection to loan servicers, ending use of collectors

The Education Department plans to stop using private debt collectors to handle overdue student loans, a practice that had drawn scorn from activists who said the companies stop at nothing in pursuit of tardy loans.

The decision emerged this week in a legal filing, in which attorneys for the department implored the U.S.

Court of Federal Claims to dismiss a lawsuit filed by collection agencies vying for a federal contract.

The attorneys say the case is no longer relevant because the Education Department is revamping the collection and resolution of overdue student debt.

Instead of having private collection agencies solely dedicated to recouping past-due education loans, the department will add those duties to the responsibilities of companies that service loans.

Those companies will try to help borrowers who fall behind on their payments before they end up in default.

The strategy is part of a broader overhaul of the federal student loan program, a project dubbed the Next Generation Financial Services Environment, or NextGen.

While the Federal Student Aid office implements its new approach, the 13 private debt-collection companies already under contract will absorb new accounts until the transition is completed.

The department has yet to set a completion date.

"Federal Student Aid's need for private collection agency services as a function separate from the work provided by the enhanced servicer(s) will diminish rapidly in the coming months and ultimately become nonexistent," the attorneys said in the court filing.

The private collection agencies involved in the case could not immediately be reached for comment.

The Education Department's use of collection agencies has long been a point of contention among liberal lawmakers and advocacy groups.

Critics say the private firms pursue collection at all costs, with no consideration for providing borrowers with sustainable solutions to managing their debt.

"Private collection agencies are expensive, not well incented to help borrowers, and complicate the process by taking defaulted students out of one system and putting them into another," said Clare McCann, a former policy adviser at the Education Department during the Obama administration who is a senior policy analyst at New America, a think tank.

ACA International, the trade group representing debt collectors, contends that its members work to ensure that their employees comply with the rules set by lawmakers and enforced by government agencies.

"The accounts receivable management industry is critically important to the overall success of the U.S.

economy, and to consumers' ability to access credit," Mark Neeb, chief executive of ACA International, said in an email.

The court filing is the latest turn in a battle rooted in the federal government's attempt to whittle down the number of contractors managing overdue education debt. Companies that lost out on a 2016 debt-collection contract protested the decision to the Government Accountability Office, which faulted the Education Department with mismanaging some of the bids.

A few firms filed complaints with the federal claims court, leading authorities to put a hold on assigning new accounts to firms.

A federal judge in December directed the Education Department to complete its selection of loan collectors for the new contract.

The agency sought to further shave the number of contractors and decided on just two: Windham Professionals and Performant Financial, a company in which Education Secretary Betsy DeVos invested before becoming secretary.

The winners beat out nearly 40 other bidders for contracts valued at up to $400 million for each company.

Several losing firms took legal action, with some questioning the selection of Performant, because of its lackluster track record with the Education Department.

Companies also raised questions about Performant's relationship with DeVos, requesting documents related to the appearance of a conflict of interest between her and the company.

An Education Department spokesman has said DeVos divested from the firm within 90 days of taking office and had no involvement in the contract decision.

Earlier this month, attorneys for the Education Department notified the courts of the agency's plan to rescind the contracts it awarded to Windham and Performant, because of its new strategy for handling tardy loan payments.

In the latest filing, attorneys reiterated that the current contract solicitation "will not meet the needs and requirements of [Federal Student Aid] for the work to be performed by the enhanced servicer.

The new approach will place a greater emphasis on customer service and early outreach to address delinquencies with the full range of early options for borrowers.".

A dozen congressional Democrats sent a letter in January urging DeVos to reconsider the use of the collection firms, because of the excessive cost to taxpayers and concerns about their effectiveness.

Collection costs, the lawmakers argued, consume roughly 20 cents of every dollar borrowers pay, regardless of whether the amount comes close to the actual cost borne by the debt collector.

Last year, the federal government spent about $700 million on debt collection for fewer than 7 million borrowers in default — nearly the same amount it spent on loan servicing for more than 33 million people paying down their debt, according to an analysis by the Center for American Progress, a think tank.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates that, in some cases, the Education Department pays private collection agencies nearly $40 in compensation for every $1 in cash recovered from some borrowers whose loans are placed back into repayment through a rehabilitation program.

"The Education Department's contracts with private student loan debt collectors are a nightmare for student borrowers and a waste of hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars," Sen.

Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), one of those who sent the letter to the department, said Friday in a statement.

"Many of these companies have a disturbing history of lying to student borrowers and breaking the law.

It's time for this gravy train to start coming to an end.".

For more infomation >> Trump administration to hand student debt collection to loan servicers, ending use of collectors - Duration: 8:07.


✅ Ιζαμπέλα Κογεβίνα: 8+1 πράγματα που δεν γνωρίζαμε και μας εξέπληξαν - People Greece - Duration: 2:25.

H Ιζαμπέλα Κογεβίνα μιλά για τη ζωή της και μας εκπλήσσει… Το όνομά της έχει τις ρίζες του στην Κροατία παρόλο που η καταγωγή της είναι από την Κέρκυρα με ένα μικρό γαλλικό κομμάτι από την πλευρά της μητέρας της

Στο σχολείο ήταν αλάνι. Είχε μείνει δυο φορές μετεξεταστέα στην Γ΄γυμνασίου και στην Α' λυκείου ενώ είχε φάει αποβολές για κάπνισμα και φασαρίες

Έκανε κοπάνες ενώ όταν ήταν στην τάξη κοιμόταν ή μίλαγε. Έχει τρεις αδερφές δυο εκ των οποίων ετεροθαλείς από προηγούμενους γάμους του πατέρα της

Πριν 7 χρόνια πήρε ερασιτεχνικό πτυχίο πιλότου ενώ τώρα παίρνει και το επαγγελματικό της

Έχει κάνει τρία παιδιά. Δυο αγόρια με τον πρώτο της σύζυγο, με τον οποίο χώρισε το 2014, και μια κόρη με το δεύτερο που γνώρισε ένα χρόνο μετά το διαζύγιο

Η κόρη της είναι 6 μηνών. Το πιο δύσκολο κομμάτι στη μητρότητα ήταν ο θηλασμός και η αϋπνία

Θήλασε κάθε παιδί από ένα μήνα. Και με τους δυο της συζύγους πήγαιναν στο ίδιο σχολείο

Η πρόταση γάμου του πρώτου συζύγου ο οποίος είναι πιλότος, ήταν ευφάνταστη αφού έγινε σε ένα ελικόπτερο, η δεύτερη πρόταση γάμου ήταν πιο γλυκιά και ήσυχη

Το διαζύγιο την πόνεσε πολύ και έκανε όλα όσα μπορούσε για να αποφευχθεί. Ο λόγος χωρισμού… η ασυμφωνία χαρακτήρων

"Έχασε" τον μπαμπά της το 2010 και ζει με την μητέρα της που τη θεωρεί τον πιο δυνατό άνθρωπο που γνωρίζει

Δε λυγίζει ποτέ, όπως ισχυρίζεται. Πηγή: You Weekly

For more infomation >> ✅ Ιζαμπέλα Κογεβίνα: 8+1 πράγματα που δεν γνωρίζαμε και μας εξέπληξαν - People Greece - Duration: 2:25.


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✅ Ιζαμπέλα Κογεβίνα: 8+1 πράγματα που δεν γνωρίζαμε και μας εξέπληξαν - Duration: 2:25.

H Ιζαμπέλα Κογεβίνα μιλά για τη ζωή της και μας εκπλήσσει… Το όνομά της έχει τις ρίζες του στην Κροατία παρόλο που η καταγωγή της είναι από την Κέρκυρα με ένα μικρό γαλλικό κομμάτι από την πλευρά της μητέρας της

Στο σχολείο ήταν αλάνι. Είχε μείνει δυο φορές μετεξεταστέα στην Γ΄γυμνασίου και στην Α' λυκείου ενώ είχε φάει αποβολές για κάπνισμα και φασαρίες

Έκανε κοπάνες ενώ όταν ήταν στην τάξη κοιμόταν ή μίλαγε. Έχει τρεις αδερφές δυο εκ των οποίων ετεροθαλείς από προηγούμενους γάμους του πατέρα της

Πριν 7 χρόνια πήρε ερασιτεχνικό πτυχίο πιλότου ενώ τώρα παίρνει και το επαγγελματικό της

Έχει κάνει τρία παιδιά. Δυο αγόρια με τον πρώτο της σύζυγο, με τον οποίο χώρισε το 2014, και μια κόρη με το δεύτερο που γνώρισε ένα χρόνο μετά το διαζύγιο

Η κόρη της είναι 6 μηνών. Το πιο δύσκολο κομμάτι στη μητρότητα ήταν ο θηλασμός και η αϋπνία

Θήλασε κάθε παιδί από ένα μήνα. Και με τους δυο της συζύγους πήγαιναν στο ίδιο σχολείο

Η πρόταση γάμου του πρώτου συζύγου ο οποίος είναι πιλότος, ήταν ευφάνταστη αφού έγινε σε ένα ελικόπτερο, η δεύτερη πρόταση γάμου ήταν πιο γλυκιά και ήσυχη

Το διαζύγιο την πόνεσε πολύ και έκανε όλα όσα μπορούσε για να αποφευχθεί. Ο λόγος χωρισμού… η ασυμφωνία χαρακτήρων

"Έχασε" τον μπαμπά της το 2010 και ζει με την μητέρα της που τη θεωρεί τον πιο δυνατό άνθρωπο που γνωρίζει

Δε λυγίζει ποτέ, όπως ισχυρίζεται. Πηγή: You Weekly

For more infomation >> ✅ Ιζαμπέλα Κογεβίνα: 8+1 πράγματα που δεν γνωρίζαμε και μας εξέπληξαν - Duration: 2:25.



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