Sunday, May 27, 2018

Youtube daily report May 27 2018

Hey hey, my friend! Welcome to Parenting A to Z! I'm Kelly Bourne, and this week we're

taking a look at summer vacation. More specifically, how to deal with summer

boredom. Cuz oh my gosh, isn't it always the truth that we all

have these high expectations, we fantasize about what summer vacation with our

kids is gonna be like, and then we get there and it couldn't be further from

the truth. So this week we're gonna take a look at why you do not need to be your

kids' social convener this summer, and then some practical tips and tools to

help set you up for a successful SANE summer vacation!

So one of the first things I want to touch

on before I really dive into any tips or tools or strategies, is just to kind of

throw out there, perhaps, to maybe... that it might be a good idea to relieve

yourself of your social convener "hat" and hand some of that over to our kids,

allowing their boredom to become the secret-sauce to being creative and making up

their own fun. Because I feel like we can fall under that pressure, for sure, to

have activity centers, or we're gonna do this, or this is our

routine for the whole summer, and we're gonna -- I don't know why I'm speaking with

his voice?! But the pressure is real! The pressure is real. And heck, like we

want to know our kids are gonna be entertained, so maybe they're not bugging

us. They're not coming to us every five seconds wanting us to solve

their boredom problem. But I think that's also a key piece -- who's problem is it?

It's their problem! And I shouldn't really say "problem." It's their

opportunity to create whatever they want to create out of that boredom.

Because when we are the social convener, when we are the grand master of

their summers, we kind of take some of that away from them. Some

of that joy of figuring out what they want to do for themselves, and

making their own play, and making their own fun. And it also allows them to flex

some of those muscles, building autonomy building independence, building that

sense of creativity. It all comes from doing these things on their own, and

summer is an absolutely perfect time to do that. Especially for our kids who have

maybe been in preschool, maybe they're in junior

kindergarten or kindergarten, or the younger grades, or even the older grades,

where they they've had a routine every single day for the past ten months, and

now finally they have some freedom. We should allow them some space

to do that. And heck, save us some of the stress of feeling like we need to do

it for them! And I think one of the greatest ways to start actually looking

at your summer vacation, is rather than getting into the nitty-gritty of

what you're going to do, is look at what your needs are. What are your needs

as a parent? Are you working? Do you have any trips that you're doing? Any family

vacations? What about your kids? Do they have soccer practice or do they

have swimming practice? What are your big items that take up space on the

calendar? And even mapping that out a little bit can help. So take a look at

your schedule, look at what you need as far as child care, as far as summer camps

right off the bat, so you can take the stress level down a notch. When

you can look at it on the calendar and have everything, the big picture

mapped out, seeing when you maybe need child care, and maybe when it would be

good to have them home with you. But trust me, skipping that step can

lead to a summer full of stress, and frustration, and almost resentment.

Because sometimes, I know when we have that fantasy, it's like oh we're gonna

have the kids home, it's gonna be so great! And then we're busier with work

than we thought, or we can't be as attentive as we want to be, it can be

really tough. And it can really put a strain on the relationship. And

suddenly summer feels more like Survivor. So look at your schedule, and look at

your needs First plan out any camps, or playdates, or activities right off the

get-go, and then you can worry less about the day-in, day-out,

the boredom issues, when you've got those big picture items covered. So then when

you do have your big picture items, you know when the kids are gonna be home

with you, you know when they're gonna be at summer camps, you know when you're

gonna be on vacation, all that jazz, is then you can start to be a

little bit proactive about what the day-in, day-out is going to look like.

And my biggest suggestion for removing that "social convener" hat, is

talking about it with your kids. I know, I'm always looking at my kitchen table

when I'm talking with my kids, but talking with them about what they want

to do this summer, and what might be fun for them, and what are some

activities they think would be good, and what are some of their ideas of what we

should do if it's really rainy, or we can't go outside. And just sit down and

have a totally fun, totally casual, brainstorming session

where nothing is off-limits. You can write everything down, every wacky idea,

every crazy idea, and just get a really really big bank of things that they're

excited to do over the summer. Because then when it's been

raining for a week and everybody's going a little bit crazy, you don't really even

have to think in the moment you can just go back to your list and refer to that.

And same thing on the day-to-day. If your kids are bored, you can just refer them

to that list that they made. And you can constantly be updating, and when they get

new ideas you can throw it on the list. It's a total it's a total lifesaver.

Another thing I find really helps, too, is -- I'm not like a super-strict, like stick

to routine or a schedule kind of person, but I do find, especially in the summer,

having a rough idea of how our days are going to go really helps. And by

rough, I mean like super rough. I mean like have breakfast, and then usually in

the morning we'll go to a park, or if we're gonna drive somewhere we'll do

that then, have lunch, have a good chunk of downtime in the afternoon, two or

three hours, and then we'll go out and go to a park, or do something different

again. So we don't know the specifics, we don't really know what

we're going to do, but just having those big chunks of time kind of mapped

out in my head made it so much easier.

It just it made the day so much easier.

Rather than waking up in the morning and thinking like, oh my god what am I gonna

do all day with these kids?! When you have that rough idea it really helps.

And of course, if you are a planner, if you're a scheduler, you can sit down

with your kids, you can have them map out their schedule, and their agenda for the

day, especially if they are getting into school age where they can make

their own lists, they can write it out for themselves, their wish lists of

what want to do that day, of course by all

means! By all means. The routine can be as as jam-packed or as precise as you want

it to be, but just even having the loose plots of okay, breakfast, park,

lunch, downtime, park, it helps. It saves so much of your

sanity. Definitely. Loose routine is the way to go.

Another big thing, too, I know this one want to apply to everyone, but I think

it'll apply to a fair number of people, is as you're making your boredom buster

list we talked about before, and brainstorming what activities our kids

are interested in, or maybe things we want to take them to, certain museums or

certain attractions over the summer, when you're making that list is also talking

to your kids about screen time and what this summer screen time guidelines are

going to be for your family. And talking to your kids and getting their input on

what that will look like *before* summer starts. Another thing you can do too,

depending on your kids' ages, is make out a little agreement and make out a plan

in advance you can have everybody sign, that okay, we're gonna have our iPads

every day for this much time, or we're gonna have our iPads once a week,

whatever your family limits are. So that everybody is on the same page. And then

of course, you know me! I'm all about the practical. And I also live in

reality, with two little guys of my own. So I know that you can do all those

things, you can have all those discussions, you can have all those chats,

you can make all those lists, you can have your routines, and your kids can

still be bored. And they can still be kind of bugging you to solve their

boredom problem for them. So a few tips and tools, if you're finding

yourself in that

situation this summer, first thing, and this is something that I

do too, is listen and acknowledge my kids' boredom without solving it for them.

And that *without* solving it for them piece, I feel like is the key. Because as

soon as our kids start coming to us complaining of boredom, and we start fixing

it for them, it's just gonna keep happening, and keep happening, and keep

happening, and before you know it you've got your "social convenor" hat on, you're

driving the bus, running the show! And we're trying to

step back from that, right? We're trying to save ourselves some sanity.

So I'll just say like, "oh yeah, I know it's tough. That's tough, bud. I get bored

sometimes too." Listen. Acknowledge. Validate. Without solving! Acknowledging their

boredom without -- have I said that?! Have I mentioned that before?! I know, I'm

sounding like a broken record. But sometimes it takes a little bit of

practice, if our knee-jerk has always been to solve it for them. And one thing,

the second piece of that, is after acknowledging, and kind of listening to

them, is giving them some options. But not maybe giving them options in the way

that you're thinking... My options are generally, "oh yeah, I know that's tough,

bud. So I guess we have two choices. We can either continue to be bored, or we can

find something to do." Leave it in their hands! It's their choice! There's nothing

wrong with being bored. Heck, go lay on the grass, go lay on the couch, just stare

off into space. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing

wrong with that at all! Or you can find something to do.

Have at 'er! What do you feel like?! So offering them those two

choices I found is really really helpful at listening to them, respecting them, and

also keeping it in their hands. It's up to them to solve their own boredom

problem. For some of you, who are like, I know! It's just like,

they're totally driving me nuts! If you need to offer a suggestion of something

to do besides referring them to their list that you made in advance, one of my

absolute favorites, I guess this is kind of breaking my own rule of not solving

their boredom problem for them, is I'll say "okay,

well I have tons of -- you could sweep, or you could help me vacuum, or you

can go make your bed." I can come up with 50 million options that involve

cooperatively contributing to the functioning of the household. How does

that sound?! And it's pretty amazing how, you know

what?! Sometimes they actually will do it. One of my kids loves vacuuming. Which I

know it's weird, but hey! I am taking full advantage! Full advantage of that.

If they don't want to do that, they will very quickly start drawing, or start

colouring, or making up their own hide-and-seek game, or doing anything

else that doesn't involve cleaning up the house. So I think I'll leave it there!

I wish you the best of luck on summer vacation and dealing with summer boredom.

I know it's hard to kind of take off that "social convenor" hat if we're used

to planning everything out for our kids, but really I challenge you. I challenge

you to hand summer over to your kids. Allow them to make their own magic.

Allow them to create out of their boredom, to use their boredom as an

opportunity to do whatever the heck it is they want to do. Kids'

imaginations are absolutely amazing if we just step back and allow them the

opportunity to use them. So I'll leave it there, I'll leave it there. Let me know if

you have any questions or comments. Of course, if you're looking for any more

in-depth resources or support, make sure to check us out in the

Parent 'Hood. I hold regular office hours and I'd absolutely love to chat with you!

It'd be nice to chat with you face-to-face. Although this

for me, this kind of feels like face-to-face. But it's always good to see

the real person on the other end of these videos. So take care guys!

Happy happy planning! Happy planning for your summer, and I'll see you the next


For more infomation >> How to Deal With Bored Kids this Summer | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 12:07.


THE POWER OF USING A NAME - Instant Rapport - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> THE POWER OF USING A NAME - Instant Rapport - Duration: 2:19.


5 Things Not To Miss When Exploring EATALY in Milan, Italy - Duration: 5:03.

Hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of Triple P where we explore people,

places and palates.

So guys I am super excited to be in Milan today and to be showing you around Eataly

which is one of my favourite Italian food and lifestyle chains.

There are 50 of them around the world but the one in Milan is amazing!

It used to be a theatre and performance hall and legendary singers like David Bowie have

graced the stage.

I am going to be taking you guys through the 5 things that you should not miss when you

come and visit this Eataly.

You are going to be blown away by the authentic flavours, by the friendly staff and the

culture of learning.

So let's go!

When you walk into EATALY, the dedication

to variety, quality and authenticity will absolutely astound you.

Pick up some fresh veggies, perhaps a bottle of exclusive Italian extra virgin olive oil

or maybe sample the famous Grana Padano, Pecorino Romano or the handcrafted Mozzarella

3 out of the 300 different cheeses offered.

As for the meat section, you should definitely get your hands on some local Prosciutto and

Salumi, or perhaps you're interested in something more unique, such as their 3 week dry-aged

beef which is a speciality of theirs.

Trust me on one thing, EATALY's dedication to healthy, chemical free produce of the highest

quality will win you over!

At Eataly one thing I can guarantee you with

absolute certainty is that you'll never run out of amazing food options.

Whether you want to a beautifully cooked "al dente" pasta, a classic Neapolitana Pizza

with creamy mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes, a perfectly pan seared fish, or perhaps even

a meaty steak, you can definitely find it at one of their 6 restaurants.

If you're looking for something more unique, check off your bucket list of having eaten

at a Michelin Star restaurant by dining at Alice.

All in all I was super impressed by not only how flavourful everything was, but also at

the amazing hospitality of the staff.

Special shout out to goes to Mirko and Julia for being so welcoming and of course, how can I miss,

their fun pizza flipping skills!

If you have a major sweet tooth, you will

get lost in a wonderland here.

Eat your way through housemade pastries, creamy gelatos, classic cappuccinos, chocolate fountains

and other choco delights founded by the Artisan chocolatier Silvano Venchi from Torino,

That is actually where Eataly first started!

My favourite dessert is Tiramisu, so I indulged myself in this layered delight.

By the way, fun fact, do you know what Tiramisu means?

"Lift Me Up", and guess what, that is exactly what it did!

Now the first thing I advice you to do when

you get off at the top floor, is to find Alberto, the wine expert!

His hospitality blew me away - he took me all around the area showing me the international

and national wine selections, pouring me a glass of sweet Moscato to sample and imparting

some great knowledge.

The tour was absolutely memorable, and what made it even better, was getting some unique

wine pouches to take home as souvenirs!

After eating at all these amazing places, you may want to lounge around their books

section and sip on some coffee.

Learn about some new recipes and perhaps even buy yourself some handy Italian style utensils

for your kitchen back home!

If you want to take it a step further, perhaps sign up for a great cooking class at the Eataly

Scuola where you can get a first hand view of professional chefs preparing some amazing dishes!

Alright guys that takes us to the end of the video.

Thank you very much for watching and I really hope that you will continue on this travel

journey with me by clicking on the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE buttons below.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> 5 Things Not To Miss When Exploring EATALY in Milan, Italy - Duration: 5:03.


テスラCEO「飛行機は一般市民に重大な健康被害を及ぼす」→EV型飛行機を開発中? - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> テスラCEO「飛行機は一般市民に重大な健康被害を及ぼす」→EV型飛行機を開発中? - Duration: 2:04.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 5drs Aspiration | Navi | Safety Sense - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 5drs Aspiration | Navi | Safety Sense - Duration: 1:09.


ビットコインFXおすすめ仮想通貨取引所3選 超高倍率レバレッジ100倍リップルnemでもできる取引所とは?暴落中こそ大損しない様BTC FXで稼ぐ!今後に備える2018年5月6月最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> ビットコインFXおすすめ仮想通貨取引所3選 超高倍率レバレッジ100倍リップルnemでもできる取引所とは?暴落中こそ大損しない様BTC FXで稼ぐ!今後に備える2018年5月6月最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:26.


Khloe Kardashian Shares New Pic of Her 'Little Love' True - Duration: 1:55.

Khloe Kardashian Shares New Pic of Her 'Little Love' True

Khloe Kardashian has had quite the day!.

Hours after getting her roots touched up by celeb hair guru Tracey Cunningham, and then wishing Scott Disick a happy birthday with an epic throwback photo, the Good American designer took to Instagram to share a brand new pic of her baby girl, True Thompson.

Mommy's Little Love, Kardashian captioned a photo of herself cradling True. Kardashian wears a filter in the snap, sporting a flower on her ear and a few extra freckles while True lays fast asleep in her arms.

The shot comes just two weeks after the reality star showed off her daughters face for the first time, in honor of her first month of life.

Kardashian -- who plans to stay in Cleveland, Ohio, for another month, a source recently told ET -- revealed what surprised her most about motherhood in a post on her blog earlier this week.

I think what surprises me most is no matter how tired you are, you find this energy and patience for your child, she noted.

You know that babies are so helpless and they rely on you for everything, she explained. So something just takes over and you find the energy to care for this helpless precious baby..

For more infomation >> Khloe Kardashian Shares New Pic of Her 'Little Love' True - Duration: 1:55.


24 시간 뉴스 l 가수 이선희 총정리, 집사부일체 10번째 사부(나이,키,데뷔,학력,결혼,남편,이혼,재혼,딸) - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 24 시간 뉴스 l 가수 이선희 총정리, 집사부일체 10번째 사부(나이,키,데뷔,학력,결혼,남편,이혼,재혼,딸) - Duration: 2:46.


핫이슈 l 가수 이선희 총정리, 집사부일체 10번째 사부(나이,키,데뷔,학력,결혼,남편,이혼,재혼,딸) - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l 가수 이선희 총정리, 집사부일체 10번째 사부(나이,키,데뷔,학력,결혼,남편,이혼,재혼,딸) - Duration: 2:44.


Caviar não - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Caviar não - Duration: 3:15.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


Judge Jeanine :Trump Urges probe into FBI s use of INFORMANT - Duration: 13:22.

Oh welcome to justice I'm Jeanine Pirro thanks for being with us tonight and

thanks once again for making justice number one in total viewers Saturday

night well you just saw it happen live president Trump welcoming American

Joshua holds back to the White House two years after he was taken hostage and

imprisoned in Venezuela we'll be talking about this more tonight and throughout

the hour White House press secretary Sarah Sanders Senator Lindsey Graham

congressman Lee Zeldin and Ann Coulter are all with us tonight but first my

opening statement this Memorial Day weekend as we honor more than a million

servicemen and women who sacrifice their lives to defend our nation and our

freedoms we come face-to-face with hard evidence that the deep state plan to

take down our duly-elected president a deep state from President Obama on down

that did everything in its power to destroy Donald Trump the latest a spy

placed in the Trump campaign sounds loony well last year we thought you'd

have to be wearing a tinfoil hat to believe president Trump when he said

that he'd been wired tapped and now we know secret surveillance was conducted

on at least seven trumpets and I'm asking of Americans done at a 350

percent increase in the presidential election year by Obama deep Staters and

now we find out a spy was placed by the FBI in a trump campaign you can be sure

that there's more as the DOJ and FBI fight the release of information sought

by Congress so will they ever admit there was a spy it's best I can tell

it's made up yeah I don't know where he's getting that from honestly and you

find that to be at all possible or probable and I just play devil's

advocate that there was a spy inserted into his campaign by an intelligence

agency I don't find it possible and I know it not to be true I think is very

typical of mr. Trump to mischaracterize he's

master of mischaracterization and dishonesty to label someone as a spy

when they're a confidential human source I think is doing a disservice to these

individuals but also to the FBI but like most Liars they can't keep their stories

straight clapper on the other hand pretty much

admits there was the spy and he thinks Trump should be grateful was the FBI

spying on Trump's campaign no they were not they were spying on a term I don't

particularly like but on what the Russians were doing trying to understand

what the Russians infiltrating trying to gain access trying to gain leverage and

influence so why just if you like that he should be happy though if ever you

weren't sure who to believe I'm gonna make this real easy for you the Obama

administration was so determined to get Hillary Clinton elected and Donald Trump

defeated that they let Hillary skate on her criminal activity and created a

narrative of criminal activity on the part of Donald Trump

they created a false predicate a made-up dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton the

DNC and the FBI in order to get a court to approve spying on Trump's campaign

and they were allowed to spy on the campaign for a year they kept it close

only the highest level of the FBI not the field offices the highest levels

work together to take Trump down they planned insurance in the event their

girl Hillary didn't win they leaked information harmful to Donald Trump to

the press and it was a head of the FBI at the best of James clapper who

privately told the president about the fake dossier so that they could leak it

to the press and the world so who you gonna believe take a look at this chart

they're all liars James Comey the head of the FBI lied about whether he had

ever been an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump or Clinton

investigations he replied never but mr. leaker himself had to admit that he did

so Comey also lied before Congress when he testified that he briefed the

president about the because he learned the media was about

to report on it in truth Comey briefed Trump for the

very purpose of getting that dossier out to the public and Comey said this

investigation of Hillary was thorough in truth he wrote an exoneration memo

long before essential witnesses were even interviewed and of course his

deputy director Andrew McCabe that I didn't even put on my chart lied so many

times the guy had to be fired and to get someone to fire and that agency is

amazing an attorney general Loretta Lynch who pushed to call the Clinton

investigation on matter lied when she said there were no emails between her

department and the FBI when she used an email with a fake name to write about

her infamous tarmac meeting with former President Clinton James clapper another

who the director of the National Intelligence Agency pretty much lies

whenever he opens his mouth like when he lied before Congress and answer to a

quite direct question about whether or not his agency collected data on

hundreds of millions of Americans he said no not wittingly he also lied

about the Trump dossier saying he never leaked it to CNN he since admitted that

he did and now he's unseen ends payroll John Brennan head of the CIA lied and

said the steeled dossier was not part of the intelligence community's to have

evidence on Russian interference in the 2016 election and again Liars not being

able to keep their stories straight he was contradicted by clapper now you

remember Susan Rice her lying started long before Benghazi in that despicable

video she also lied and said that in the final days of the Obama administration

she knew nothing about the surveillance of president-elect Trump and people

around him and she knew nothing about identities being unmasked shortly

thereafter she came clean telling House investigators she unmasked senior Trump

officials and the big kahuna at the top just before the inauguration President

Obama created new rules that allowed intelligence historically protected

within one agency to be spread across at least 16 agencies

signaling to his people let it all hang out and leak your heart away on Trump so

I for one am sick and tired of these Liars leakers and liberals attacking our

president and our democracy when they are the ones who tried to frame him

here's a primer for all of you if you're gonna set up a president to try to frame

him do it against someone who's dumber than you are and that's my open tell me

what you think on my facebook twitter instagram hashtag judge Janine and

joining me now the reaction to my opening statement and all of the

developing news tonight congressman Lee Zeldin a member of the House Foreign

Affairs Committee all right congressman welcome it's good to have you here in

studio let me ask you we just heard a few minutes ago the president regarding

the hostage from Venezuela we've been there for two years

released and there it is right on the screen and it was just a few weeks ago

that three hostages were brought back from North Korea why is the president so

successful at this a lot of winning I'm not tired yet

those three Korean Americans who returned home the look on their face

coming off the plane this family I know the whole state of Utah so I'll bring a

whole country is celebrating because of the success of President Trump the State

Department a senator corker went down there met with President Maduro came

home I know congresswoman Mia love these members of

Congress were personally any opportunity they could to speak to the president the

Secretary of Pompeo two colleagues other ambassadors to other countries they did

whatever they can to make sure that he was coming home and his wife that's

amazing it really is and you know when you think about the the young man who

was in North Korea tell me his name he came back from UVA otto warmbier okay he

was there while President Obama was in office he's returned to us when

President Trump is in office and he dies within a few days I mean it's such a

dichotomy between the two administrations but but Len

talk about your resolution that you had signed by approximately 25 in Congress

looking for a second special counsel why a second special counsel and will this

make a difference as you highlighted in your opening there was so much

misconduct at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI when you look at FISA abuse

how and why the Hillary Clinton email probe ended how and why the Trump Russia

probe began 25 members of Congress signed on to this 12-page House

Resolution 9 0-7 this week there are other members of Congress including

people who are leadership committee chairs who have also come out in favor

of a second Special Counsel we need transparency we need accountability we

also need to do so as you pointed out this wasn't rank and file in field

offices oh yeah the the ranks of the DOJ and FBI are filled with people who love

our country and I don't say that enough either I mean I worked with them for 30

years they're fabulous but will this make a difference

congressman we all know we need a second special counsel what's so great is that

a year ago many of the facts that were aren't there in this 12-page resolution

where I'm not known by Congress they were not known by the American public in

the media but these are faxed and now this resolutions been out there for a

few days what's amazing is that no one in this country has been able to poke a

hole in a single word of this resolution it's all factual well and when you say a

single word I'm you make allegations like it was further not disclosed to the

FISA Court that the wife of fourth ranking DOJ official Bruce or worked for

fusion GPS and that Christopher Steele directly transmitted the dossier and

other information through Bruce or for submission to the FISA Court I mean you

know we could go on for hours about how corrupt this was but who ultimately

appoints the second Special Counsel the the power is in the Justice Department

and you can't expect the DOJ and FBI that I could do Jeff Sessions I'm sorry

he recused himself he's not doing it right Rosenstein isn't gonna do it you

have an inspector general who's been doing actually a pretty good job but he

can't you're right and Congress can't prosecute either right so this

information or to hold these people accountable to DOJ and FBI there's go

to be a need to appoint a second special counsel we have a special counsel right

now investigating the president for nothing for nothing okay but I want to

back up I want to get to my to what I'm saying

I applaud you for this but this doesn't make a difference in terms of getting

someone from the Department of Justice to a point and let me ask you this if

the president were to declassify information that would make it

unequivocal what happened in this last campaign that they literally tried to

take down a candidate and infiltrated a political opposing party in a

presidential year if he could do that then there'd have to be a second Council

the president should the Wall Street Journal editorial eyes with a burka is

leading Pro national security law enforcement publication they came out in

favor of the president declassifying what's it what's amazing is that while

congressional Democrats and many in the media have not wanted the public to get

any of this information it's very telling that congressional Republicans

and others in the media and others throughout the country they want more

information out so if the presidency classifies the FISA application you can

if there's anything as far as sources and methods you need to redact that's

fine we want the American public to get as much information it's possible to

form their own independent judgment okay all right congressman Selden thanks so

much for being with us again all right and next inside the administration's

talks with North Korea could the summit still happen White House press secretary

Sarah Sanders joins me next

The Associated pests reporting that according to South Korea's president

North Korean leader Kim jong-un has committed to the summit with President

Trump and he's committed to denuclearization that's big news if it's

true president Trump said tonight he's still

aiming for the June 12 sit-down with Kim it may still happen but earlier I spoke

with White House press secretary Sarah Sanders about North Korea and the latest

on what the president refers to as Spygate


For more infomation >> Judge Jeanine :Trump Urges probe into FBI s use of INFORMANT - Duration: 13:22.


S. Korea's Moon says N. Korea's Kim is committed to "complete denuclearization," summit with Trump - Duration: 2:41.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in gave his word that the North Korean leader is still

committed to the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula and to a planned meeting

with U.S. President Donald Trump.

Our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung has more from the South Korean leader's press

conference broadcast live on Sunday.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is determined to meet U.S. President Donald Trump to discuss

the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

That's South Korean President Moon Jae-in... in the first public account of his surprise

second face-to-face with North Korea's Kim on Saturday... to discuss salvaging a canceled

summit meeting between Mr. Kim and President Trump.

It's a new twist in the whirlwind of diplomacy over the fate of the North's nuclear arsenal.

"Chairman Kim once again clearly expressed his firm commitment to the complete denuclearization

of the Korean Peninsula.

He also expressed his intent to bury the history of war and confrontation and cooperate for

peace and prosperity through a successful North Korea-U.S summit."

. During their time together, President Moon

explained the outcome of his meeting with U.S. President Trump in Washington last week.

"I told Chairman Kim that if he decides and puts into practice a complete denuclearization,

President Trump is willing for economic cooperation and ending hostile relations."

. The South Korean president, who's been a huge

proponent of the North Korea, U.S. summit, told reporters at the Blue House that the

North Korean leader's main concern is that he needs absolute trust from the U.S. that

it will ensure regime guarantee after they completely denuclearize.

But, now that the two sides at least understand what the other wants and are willing to pledge,

Mr. Moon expects "the summit will turn out just fine" especially as working level officials

from North Korea and the U.S. have resumed talks.

The secret Moon, Kim meeting was the latest dramatic turn in a week of diplomatic ups

and downs surrounding the prospects for an unprecedented summit between North Korea and

the U.S., and the strongest sign yet that the leaders of the two Koreas are trying to

keep the on-again off-again meeting on track.

"The South Korean president referred to his role this time as defusing what he called

"little difficulties" surrounding the Kim, Trump summit, but what he's done essentially

is setting the stage for a direct trilateral communication line between the three leaders;

perhaps transforming his role from the mediator to the negotiator.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House."

For more infomation >> S. Korea's Moon says N. Korea's Kim is committed to "complete denuclearization," summit with Trump - Duration: 2:41.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:06.


MINI 1.6 COOPER S CHILI (Nieuwegein) Hippe Mini Cooper S, vele opties - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 COOPER S CHILI (Nieuwegein) Hippe Mini Cooper S, vele opties - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TDI QUATTRO S EDITION NAVIGATIE/ PANORAMADAK/ 19 INCH - Duration: 0:55.


网友晒郑爽拍戏最新路透:遭神秘男演员轻薄,S型走位火速闪躲 - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 网友晒郑爽拍戏最新路透:遭神秘男演员轻薄,S型走位火速闪躲 - Duration: 4:17.


Mais qui a inventé la fête des mères - DN? - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Mais qui a inventé la fête des mères - DN? - Duration: 5:15.


[ENG SUB] Explanation of Magic Shop by BTS Jung Kook - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Explanation of Magic Shop by BTS Jung Kook - Duration: 4:21.


Oroscopo 26-27 maggio Ada Alberti: le previsioni del weekend - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Oroscopo 26-27 maggio Ada Alberti: le previsioni del weekend - Duration: 2:05.


« Nous avons mis fin à l'impuissance française », affirme Emmanuel Macron - DN - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> « Nous avons mis fin à l'impuissance française », affirme Emmanuel Macron - DN - Duration: 6:40.


Toads brother! - Duration: 12:06.


Man I just love playing Mario kart 8 deluxe

Who would be at the door at this time

toad:can i help you? blue toad:hi i'm blue toad

You might not know you might not know me but i'm your brother toad:wait

You gotta be kidding me


So, how are you my brother


we look a lot like and


I just want to say I'm older than you

How are you older than me? I'm 15

You're 13

Wait, how do you know that? I'm 13. I'm

Your brother and I've known I've known you since you were born

That's cool

Yeah, ooh is that a Nintendo switch? I don't have one

Sure, you don't ooh

Mario Kart 8 deluxe

Wait, what what's that in the middle?

Well, that's that's Mario tennis aces. It's uh, it's done an online tournament. I'm doing it


hope i try

is that super mario odyssey the #1 mario game out there

Yeah, I got bored with it because that was the only game I had cool



Where's your dad?

he's still sleeping

You know, you know what time it is, right

Yeah, it's like seven eight o'clock

Yeah, it says

You have a PlayStation 4. Yeah, that's cool. I

Had one I

Exploded how that how long did it explode?

I don't know. I don't know how I exploited maybe a hat. Maybe I headed on too long Oh

Maybe your point - my fortnight. Hey

What's a...


You don't know a fortnite is come on. It's like the the best game ever

It's like the best survival game ever better than The Walking Dead Oh

Better than The Walking Dead games. Oh, I don't like to watch the walking dead

Neither as a terrible show

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, there's a really terrible show. Yeah

So, what's your favorite movie from last year I like spider-man homecoming or Logan that was my favorite movie

Either go with guardians of the galaxy vol. 2 all, you know - I like that one. Yeah. Hey, did you see the New

Avengers movie. Yep

Yeah, but I have a theory for that but iit may contain spoilers, but I'm not going to stay until like

Next month. Okay, that's like a good plan. Okay

that should be called and

What's a week wait, what should we -

We could play Mario Kart 8 deluxe

Okay, we can play mario kart 8 deluxe well

Never played it before I never played on a Nintendo before. I know I'm an attendant character. That's right

I'm a Nintendo character

Yeah, I'm blue toad. I'm from New Super Mario Brothers. We and you

Man I miss New Super Mario Brothers probably come out with another one

Yep not alone


I hope we get like ten rolls this time not eight or six. 666

All right, you can play video games or we can do something oh no. Oh

Who's that

That's my dad

He's been really upset since his wife died Oh

Aka my mom

She died like two weeks ago. Well, that's really sad

Who was she her name was peach?

She died during the war

Wait, there was a war I never heard of it. What was it called? I

Forgot I think it was mushroom. Kingdom war Oh No Oh

What was I maybe I was in New York

maybe, Georgia

Maybe Washington

Texas I don't know I

could have been in Montana or

Springfield, I don't know what state



Yeah, then I'm gonna go to a bar he's been going wait

He's been going to a bar lately he's been really upset

Of that game has a picture of my wife like dead wife I'm a widower now

Are you smart? Yeah

Actually in high school

Okay, I can make something into our time machine



Possibly this can all stop

Really yeah, I can make up I can make this stop I can actually make um, I can make more you not

sad, oh

That's cool, yeah

I really want to play this game

Well, you can't why because I'm gonna be leaving soon. Are you going well? I'm going to the movies today

Yeah, I'm gonna go. See you solo




Wait the Han Solo

Yeah V Han Solo I mean Han Solo oh

So you're gonna see solo a Star Wars story I heard it was bad

Star Wars is dying .....agreed

Hey, I'm gonna go stop at a bar for a salmon I don't get a couple drinks I

Don't think the bar is open yet

Leave me alone

Who are you I'm blue toad

Toads, brother I

Didn't know you had a brother. Yeah, you did. You said that like a million times when he moved here

Really? I don't remember I said that all right, whatever. Peace

Well, I'm gonna go build the time machine you

Play all right on

Yeah, man, all right, I want you to go give me 20 bucks why because I'm gonna go I'm gonna go

Get a new game but

Video games are not that cheap. They're like 60 bucks. You got a pre-owned

Mario Kart 8 game which was

56 99 wait

What kind of member are you I'm just a regular you

Paid almost 60 bucks on a game. Yeah. I also pre-ordered call of duty black ops for

that games going to flop

souls gonna flop

If you say something bad about my movie one more time, I'm going to kill you Horne listen

Just listen what

I'm seeing your movie today. Oh, that's good. That's good

Okay, I got the time machine

There's just a time machine


It's a remote

Are you sure this is a time machine I built it it took an hour maybe three hours whatever the

timeline said oh

I hope this works

Damn it, he's gone now

Man I'm on or how undertaking Oh


Where were mi

Would be for you

I'm blue totin


Why do you have a friend here?

Wait, that's not my friend. That's my brother. Oh, I didn't know you had a brother and I know I was in a video game

Mmm, that's me. I'm suing the den. Oh

Wait, you can't sue Nintendo Nintendo?

owns you



You know what?

Mom I missed you. Yeah, is it past Mother's Day?


If you all know what i wish i was dead

But aren't you dead in the future? Those guys know how to party?


We have something for you or someone for you who or what


Mario me


Hey Mario, I missed you peach. I miss you so much

I miss you really much


Toad you did it you brought back your mom Mario. It's not a widower anymore

I'm actually happy

That's nice

That's nice

For more infomation >> Toads brother! - Duration: 12:06.


✅ No konečně! Ewa Farna ukázala větší lýtka a pak přišla konečně změna! Začala znovu makat - Duration: 1:48.

Poslední měsíce se spustila vlna kritiky na to, jak se mimořádně talentovaná čtyřiadvacetiletá zpěvačka zakulacuje

Navíc její fanoušci ji v jejím tloustnutí podporovali. Jenže Ewa sama moc dobře už začala tušit, že kdyby měla o pár kilogramů méně, všichni zmlknou a je klid

A především se nevystavuje zdravotním rizikům, které obezita přináší. Teď se objevila v prostorách posilovny, kde začala trápit s partou kamarádů své tělíčko

„Bylo to silné," uvedla ke snímku Ewa, která ještě nedávno klidně mohla být hvězdou přehlídkových mol

U zpěvačky se dlouhodobě vyskytl problém, kdy sama přiznala, že se nestačí zdravě a pravidelně stravovat

Při přejíždění z vystoupení a akcí si ráda zaplnila žaludek bagetou a nutriční průšvih byl na světě… Její metabolismus na to zareagoval po svém, když začal ukládat tuky a váha Ewy šla pomalými krůčky nahoru

Jestli jí nadšení z hubnutí vydrží, už brzy se dočkáme toho, že zpěvačka bude v neuvěřitelné formě

A všichni jí moc unisono přejí, aby předvedla, že má skutečně silnou vůli. Držme jí na její cestě za skvělou postavou palce!

For more infomation >> ✅ No konečně! Ewa Farna ukázala větší lýtka a pak přišla konečně změna! Začala znovu makat - Duration: 1:48.


Etats-Unis: Pendant le ramadan, des prisonniers musulmans ont été nourris avec du porc - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Etats-Unis: Pendant le ramadan, des prisonniers musulmans ont été nourris avec du porc - Duration: 1:57.


Hogyan legyen szervezettebb a vállalkozásod? - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Hogyan legyen szervezettebb a vállalkozásod? - Duration: 1:23.


Watch Beat Shazam Season ...

For more infomation >> Watch Beat Shazam Season ...


What Will Be Your First Meal After The Giro d'Italia? | GCN Asks The Pros - Duration: 3:50.

- The 2018 Giro d'Italia is drawing to a close

and I can tell you that the riders are pretty exhausted.

We thought we'd ask them what

they're really looking forward to eating

when they get home, at the end of the Giro.

After the Giro, what do you want to eat

when you go home at the end of the race, afterwards?

- Everything (laughs).

No, big pizza, for sure and a good pizza,

and then I think we go straight away,

after Rome stage, if we're in Rome, I hope so (laughs).

Yeah, I think we go to the good restaurant

in centre of Rome, and then everyone order,

what you wanna eat, so, for me pizza please.

- What kind of pizza though?

- Just simple, prosciutto and mozzarella di buffalo.

That's nothing really heavy but yeah,

just (speaks in foreign language).

- I think, banana pancakes.

- Cool, delicious.

- It is, it is and topped up

with Nutella is absolutely perfect.

- Yeah it's good, I think the first meal,

I will take it here in Rome and I'm looking for a pizza.

I mean if you're on the Giro,

there is not other food that you have to take it,

and then once home, I don't know,

maybe, as you go to Spanish, some patatas bravas.

- Of course, and what kind of pizza?

- I think the pizza with more calories,

they have it on the menu.

- Probably burgers, burgers

with sweet potato fries could appear.

- That's multiple burgers, how many are you planning on?

- Alright, just two.

- Well actually my girlfriend and my kids

are coming over to Rome, so,

I promised them pizza and probably,

I'll have a beer with that, again.

- You mean you didn't have pizza and beer yet?

In Italy?

- We had pizza last Thursday and beers I had,

so that's the benefit of not doing GC I reckon.

You can every now and then enjoy Italian cuisine a bit.

- Wow that's a good question.

I'm a vegan, so I really struggle at the races.

I always eat the same type of food,

there's not much variety here,

so I'm a big fan of raw cakes,

so I definitely have a nice raw cake,

and just some homemade food.

You know I love cooking, my partner also loves cooking,

we actually have battles because we both wanna cook.

- A good argument to have though!

- Yeah, sometimes, sometimes (laughs).

- I think just not eat too much,

'cause we're eating lots and lots of food here,

so I'll be just happy to like, just,

even skip a meal (laughs).

- Fried eggs with sausage, Spanish sausage, maybe.

But, a super big ice cream.

- Great, that sounds very good.

I can understand you're probably craving that.

- Yeah (laughs).

- I don't know, I think I go to burger restaurant,

eat some nice burger (laughs).

I really like burger (laughs).

- Any particular chain or burger restaurant that you like?

- Yeah, it's in my hometown, it's really nice there.

But for sure I don't need anymore pasta

for a while (laughs).

- Yeah, I understand.

Right, there you have it.

A fairly clear consensus, I think,

for pizza or indeed any food that the riders

have not been allowed during the Giro,

and I can understand race food does get pretty bland,

after three or four weeks.

If you'd like to find out a little bit more

about riding nutrition, why not click down here

to see a video about nutrition with (mumbles).

All that talk about pizza has made me

really, really fancy pizza, so I think,

I mean I know I haven't earned it but,

I think I'm gonna get one for dinner anyway.

For more infomation >> What Will Be Your First Meal After The Giro d'Italia? | GCN Asks The Pros - Duration: 3:50.


MINI 1.6 Cooper D Chili - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 Cooper D Chili - Duration: 1:12.


방탄소년단 빌보드 1위 발표까지 D-2, 집계는 끝났다 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> 방탄소년단 빌보드 1위 발표까지 D-2, 집계는 끝났다 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 4:07.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 500 (DW8) APK MEI 2019/NETTE AUTO ! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 500 (DW8) APK MEI 2019/NETTE AUTO ! - Duration: 1:06.


This is the €4.0M Ferrari SP38 Deborah! WORLD DEBUT + Engine Sound [Sub ENG] - Duration: 7:48.

Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and today I should you the Ferrari SP38 on its world premiere.

A few days ago Ferrari unveliled this, the SP38 Deborah and today I'm on the splendid shores of Lake Como to see the live unveiling of this one-off!

Ferrari doesn't make often unique models, in fact one-off models are reserved to the most wealthy customers,

just to mention the production of one of these costs about 3-4m euros and this, the Ferrari SP38 Deborah,

is based off the Ferrari 488 GTB.

And probably as you may wonder YES, this Ferrari is called Deborah for real! As far as I know it's the first Ferrari called after a person's name, here you can see the plate

SP38 Deborah and this is given to the person who commissioned this one-off is a lady called Deborah.

Being able to commission and have your Ferrari built is a very long process, it takes several years of studies and development

and I think the price is more than justified, I think it's worth it to spend 3-4m to have your unique Ferrari, as long as you have lots of money and cars in the garage!

and what to say about the look of this car, personally I love it because here I find lots of lines from cars of the 80's,

I read they took inspiration from the Ferrari F40 to build this car but honestly I don't see any F40 in this car,

what I see are lots of styling clues taken off the Ferrari F50 like these beautiful and inedited wheels.

I see lots of F50 in this side, just look how beautiful the cover of the engine bay,

compared to a 488 the engine is the same,

a 3.9L twin turbo V8 with the same power, 670hp and 760nm of torque, look also

this very thin spoiler which reminds me alot the F50's that is bigger.

In terms of style we may see lots of inedited elements for being a Ferrari, but if there's a few elements

that I really hate on this car, this is it

the hole to insert the key which is so inappropriate and second thing,

these side lights that are literally the same you find on FIATs, I swear!

Also the front of this one-off is amazing,

with this beautiful day the sun shines and we can see this beautiful red triple-layer which is amazing,

Also this very thing cut of the headlights is beautiful, it reminds me the FXXK.

It's a shame that by opening the door and having a look at the interior we may notice that the interior of the SP38 is basically the same as a stock 488,

honestly if I spent 3-4m, I also want a customized and unique interior.

Do you see this lower part in carbon fibre? This is a detail that reminds me a lot the vintage Ferraris like the 512bb

that had the black lower side,

closely you may see it's carbon fibre but if you get far it looks black, this bicolor effect is very beautiful to look at.

The car won't be static for the whole day here at Villa d'Este, soon someone will come with the key to start and move the car so

we'll have the opportunity to let you hear it.

By looking through the grille I can tell the sylencer is smaller, compared to a 488 so I'm sure this engine will rumble more than a stock 488.

For more infomation >> This is the €4.0M Ferrari SP38 Deborah! WORLD DEBUT + Engine Sound [Sub ENG] - Duration: 7:48.


Ken, I Swear - Duration: 0:22.

Yeah, yeah, see I'm still keeping the gag running

<Ken> *sarcastically* Oh good for you Paul, that's amazing! :D

<Paul> Ken, I swear!

<Ken> I mean..doesn't Noah usually do the...???

Do it or i'm fired right?

//Ken, Ken, Ken, do it Ken or you're fired!\\

<Paul> Ken, I swear.


<Ken> Was that good?

<Paul> Ken, you dyed your hair green?

<Ken> *Oh crap*

<Paul> Ken, I swear

For more infomation >> Ken, I Swear - Duration: 0:22.


Where have I been? - Duration: 2:57.

I have been sick - very sick

Hi everybody

If you see my youtube then you have discovered that I have not been there for a while

There is a reason

I have been sick - very sick

I've got something up in my brain

It's not there now

It took me two months until now to get over

and there is still a long way to go

So I hope you are willing to wait yet where I and my videos come again

A little about the hospital two months ago

I got an operation and I was at the hospital in China for four weeks

After that, I was transported home to Denmark in a regular airplane on a boat accompanied by a doctor

I came home to our local hospital in Sønderborg, I was there for one week

After that I was moved to a hospital in Hammel

And now I'am in a hospital near to Billund

and they all do the same, it's about getting this leg and it's going to work again

Yes, it takes its time

Now I'm home for the first time for the weekend and I hope I can come home every weekend until I can finally come home

It takes some time before I'm ready to make a movie again

but you can always write to me by mail - I can still answer

I will wait a time before a send out a new video

thank you for this time, I hope to see you again soon

For more infomation >> Where have I been? - Duration: 2:57.


Meet the Iranian skier who blazed a historic path in PyeongChang | Far From Home - Duration: 10:22.

Iran is not what the rest of the world thinks it is.

People think the hijab stops Iranian women

from doing what they want to do.

Our women can be just as strong as the men.




Are you ready?

The way I know myself is as an athlete.

I've been doing sports as long as I remember.

It is my biggest dream to be

the Iranian flag bearer at the Olympics.


When I imagine myself carrying the flag,

I think it will be the best day of my life.

In skiing you use your brain more than your body.


You have to imagine that you are at a turn,

and the position of your leg next to your body.

Forough has to work 10 times harder than before,

and compete better.

She's much stronger now, but mentally she has to be strong,

even stronger.


It's not clear who is going to the Olympics.

It all depends on the competitions in Turkey,

and the January 1st competition in Iran.


Forough was not like a girl.

Forough was a bright light on our life.

That's why we named her Forough, which means light.

I have to figure out what I want to do.

Right now, I have no idea who or what I'm supposed to become.

Maybe I continue with the gym, and do physical education,

for the Olympic committee.

Maybe even get married.

You have to think about all of these things.

I want to experience my youth.

Not that I'm tired of it, maybe I'll experience being young.

If you endure the hard times,

it will be worth it when you get to the Olympics.

If I get to the Olympics.

When I was a kid,

he put me in his backpack and we would go skiing.


My Dad has always been my inspiration.

I always wanted to be the best, just like him.

Forough is a really tough, really competitive girl.

I think she got that from me.

That was good.

- Go. Yeah. Just do one. - Me?

Can you do it? Just one?

Don't go too far down.

That's good. Three.

Come on, come on. One more.

Nice. Excellent.

Iran is not just some other country,

some unimportant, insignificant one.

Iran is so much more than that.

In Iran you have to compete while covered up.

This is just a rule. We have to respect the law.

Hijab is not something that can stop us.

The old way of thinking still exists.

Together we can help Iranian women

excel in sports.

We just have to want it and try hard to get there.

The more female athletes we have,

the stronger and healthier the country will be.

Other women will join us and our country will move forward.

I believe we can continue it.


Right now, the competition for the Olympics

is between two people.


The competition is stiff between

Forough and Atefeh for the Olympics.


Whichever athlete is the best will go to the Olympics.

Forough Abbasi is my main competition right now.

You just do your best and don't think about the rest.

Whatever happens, happens.

Forough's chances are 50/50 right now.

Forough's competitors have practised hard

in different countries over the past few months

to beat her.

They are very close right now,

so it all depends on how the competition goes.

In second place, Atefah Ahmadi.

In first place, Forough Abbasi.


Hi! How are you?

- You got first place? - Yes!

Thank God! My daughter is first!

I think I will be going to the Olympics.





I will continue to stand for Iran,

because I am proud to be an Iranian.

Iranian women are strong and can conquer

whatever they set their minds to.

Other women will join us and our country will move forward.

I believe we can continue it.


I have to say to myself it's enough to be here.

It's really hard to get a medal in the Olympic Games.

But it was really hard for me to be here

so that's enough for me.

I just have to think about that I have to have good lines

and keep my body on the gates.

Success, for me, just finish the line.

I'm not a loser.

Always I will be a winner.

So I am here and I'm so happy that I'm here.











For more infomation >> Meet the Iranian skier who blazed a historic path in PyeongChang | Far From Home - Duration: 10:22.


⚠️ YEŞİL UZAYLI SEVİYELERİ! - Minecraft ⚠️ (Dame To Cosita) - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> ⚠️ YEŞİL UZAYLI SEVİYELERİ! - Minecraft ⚠️ (Dame To Cosita) - Duration: 10:57.


Dinvor - L'homme infidèle - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Dinvor - L'homme infidèle - Duration: 4:04.


Ces jumelles sont nées avec une couleur de peau différente, 18 ans après, .. - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Ces jumelles sont nées avec une couleur de peau différente, 18 ans après, .. - Duration: 7:11.


Ecco le giuste razioni di cibo per perdere peso - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Ecco le giuste razioni di cibo per perdere peso - Duration: 7:16.


How Long Does It Take For Golden Milk To Work - Duration: 3:49.

What the heck is golden milk and should you be drinking at turmeric

coconut oil and almond milk have all been ultra trendy for awhile now so why did it take us so

long to combine the three into one incredible super food

say hello to golden milk or milk that's infused with fresh or ground turmeric

coconut oil and a mix of other spices like black pepper

ginger cinnamon and cardamom

it's become a bigger thing among clean eaters in recent months though it isn't exactly new for centuries practitioners of both your vide and

traditional Chinese medicine have been using golden milk reduce inflammation boost immunity

and improve digest and but it's not just crazy good for you

it's also crazy delicious

its creamy and spicy sort of like chai tea but with a bright yellow color and a slightly earthy are flavor thanks to all that turmeric

you might find gold and milk T oracle than milk latte at a cool coffee shop or clean eatery

that you can also easily make golden milk at home

though every recipe is a little different the basic idea goes like this one combined turmeric and your choice of other spices like black pepper

ginger cinnamon and cardamom

add enough hot water to make thick paste

to the mix in coconut oil or be along with some Ra honey

if you'd like to thicken mixture even more

three transfer mixture to jar and refrigerate

once it cools you have a paste that's easy to blend with your favorite milk to create golden

milk prefer to follow a recipe instead of just winging it

sure we get that trie savory Lotus golden turmeric paste its rich and spicy

and it makes a big batch that'll last in the fridge for up to three weeks

you can also use golden milk paste to add a flavor and antioxidant boost to all kinds of other yummy stuff

in fact we'd totally recommend trying it in any of these genius recipes

golden milk iced coffee

because a drink this a good for you shouldn't have to be limited to chilly weather enjoyment

the first mess ads turmeric

cardamom black pepper

and cinnamon to a sweet refreshing iced coffee made with plant based Milton sweetened with a touch of maple syrup

warning its addictive

golden milk popsicles

just call the sunny treats summer on a stick

do like food pleasure and health and make a batch of gold and milk pour it into Popsicle molds and let the popsicles freeze once there

ready take them out to your stoop or porch and share them with friends

golden milk smoothie here's how cotter crunch does golden milk for breakfast

blend golden milk with topology a banana

and frozen mingo all of which turn up the volume on that awesome yellow color

along with some coconut cream and vanilla extract for extra creaminess and flavor

it's crazy tasty

and it'll keep you full morning gold and milk overnight oats and here's how the boat john Gore made does it pour gold and milk over

rolled oats Chia seeds and hemp seeds and let the mixture hang out in the fridge overnight

in the morning topped the delicious miss with some fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey

and if our

For more infomation >> How Long Does It Take For Golden Milk To Work - Duration: 3:49.


The No. 1 Thing Coach Must Have - Duration: 3:05.

Hey this is Robert Simic, The Billionaire Coach and I felt inspired to share with you

the No. 1 thing a coach must have to be successful.

You see, most ordinary Life Coaches do not succeed in their chosen career, due to lack

of this one thing.

Granted, there could be many general things that are missing too... like actual marketing

and business knowledge, or still having unresolved, personal agendas, hidden from the public,

often ignored or not even aware of... that's sabotaging their success.

Assuming you've dealt with your "inner game" and you are absolutely aligned within

yourself already... then the following is the only thing you may still need.

This one thing is… "the ability to see your client's potential.

You must have this unwavering belief... an absolute knowing... that your client already

has all that he or she needs... within the self.

You see, not seeing this in your clients... is a problem.

Not believing in their health, their kids, their relationship, their business success...

is a problem.

You need to have this.

You need to believe in them, and you need to know this in your heart, on a deepest level.

And you already know what I'm going to say next, don't you?

It all starts… within yourself.

Seeing this in clients is super easy if… you can see it in yourself.

If you believe... if you wholeheartedly know that… you have all that you need... inside

of you already... than… you can make it happen.

You can make it happen for you, and you can make it happen for your clients.

You wouldn't buy into their perceived limitations, and you'd be able to show them the other


That's what they are paying you for.



And you need to be able to help them get there.

And a solid conviction about their ability to change and make it happen... combined with

a solid belief in your own ability and resources as a coach... will guide you through the needed


Now... if you've been trained by me...

I know you have the skills.

I know you have the tools most coaches and psychologists don't even dream about yet.

But... have you used them on you... in this specific context yet?

Have you got it, got it... got it?

Do you own it in every cell of your being?

Can you, feel it... now... inside out?

Let's get real, inside... and… out there... and let's help some people who need us.

Never mind the nay-sayers and never mind those who don't want your help.

There are soooo many people out there... ready for change... even crying for help... so focus

on them, and help those in need.

Sending you much love and gratitude, as always.

And if you haven't been trained by me yet… and you are watching this kind of a video

right now… looking at your screen, listening to the sound of my voice, wondering about

so many things… you'd be right… to think that… there is something for me to… learn

here… so please… only when… you are ready… reach out… from within and… make

contact with me, so that you too can… create the life of your dreams… inside… out.

For more infomation >> The No. 1 Thing Coach Must Have - Duration: 3:05.


6 façons simples pour attirer l'amour - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> 6 façons simples pour attirer l'amour - Duration: 11:02.


Renault Clio TCE 90 EXPRESSION COMPLEET RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCE 90 EXPRESSION COMPLEET RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:52.


Jenifer : Le beau cadeau inattendu de Slimane ! - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Jenifer : Le beau cadeau inattendu de Slimane ! - Duration: 3:42.


[莫亂購 #6] 手作鋼鐵人面具 | 動手做才好玩 | FT.伍兔 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> [莫亂購 #6] 手作鋼鐵人面具 | 動手做才好玩 | FT.伍兔 - Duration: 3:30.


Impardonnable Épisode 113 - Duration: 20:48.

For more infomation >> Impardonnable Épisode 113 - Duration: 20:48.


Biggest Excuses That Stops Us Moving Forward | Simon Alexander Ong - Duration: 4:33.

Hey I want to cover two of the biggest excuses of why many of us fail to take

action towards where we want to be in life and business. The first is whether

we are ready whether now is the right time to begin to take that step. Second

is whether this is the right decision, whether this is going to lead to where

we imagine it can lead to now if we look at the first one about whether now is

the right time, here's what I want to say to that, if you're waiting until things

are perfect whether now is the right moment you're waiting for that right

moment or when you are 100% ready. Well, bad news is you're likely to be waiting

your entire life and that's because there is no perfect

moment there is no time when you'll be a hundred percent fully ready because

there is always something that you can do in order to be ready, you can always

do something more so if you're always waiting for the right time

chances are you'll never begin. Second, about whether this is the right decision

well, everything to be honest is unknown until you try everything in life is

unknown until you try and give it a go. You know, both of these remind me of an

article written by Bonnie Ware, an Australian nurse that worked in

palliative care. This was the part of the hospital where patients were in their

final few weeks of dying, and she asked them what some of their biggest regrets

were, and compiled a list of the top ten regrets of the dying

and two of these were, one, I wish I'd not worry too much and, second, I wish I lived

more in the present. Now these regrets reading through them, are a great way for us

to heed these words to heed these regrets and not fall into that same trap

because what we do today, will impact where our lives will end. Now, you can't

go back and change how you began, or change what happened in the past, but

what you can do today, is change things so that your ending doesn't have to be

where it currently would be if you continued in your current direction. The focus here is

more on progress than perfection because what is perfect? So focus more on

progress over perfection, and reflect on what's most important to you right now

and have the courage to build your life around that. Because when you begin, I

guarantee when you take these small steps forward, you'll build momentum and

momentum is an amazing feeling, when you begin that momentum forward that new you

is going to look back at the old you and say I can't ever be like who I was

before, I'm loving this journey so much I can't

fathom what more could be possible for me. And here's the thing, if you begin

today to take just a tiny step forward, in years to come you could look back and

say I'm so glad I began then, or I wish I had started then.

The choice is yours. Thank you for watching today I hope you found it

useful and insightful, and I look forward to sharing more insights with you

Remember to subscribe by clicking the button below, and I'll see you next time

Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Biggest Excuses That Stops Us Moving Forward | Simon Alexander Ong - Duration: 4:33.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


How to 3D Printing ABS Filaments with Almost No Shrinkage - Duration: 1:05.

What if your 3D printer

could print with ABS-based materials

with almost no shrinkage?

Here's how we solved the ABS shrinkage

with LPD Plus technology.

Zortrax Inventure has been built around an enclosed,

heated printing chamber.

The chamber is practically sealed off from the surrounding environment.

While all ABS-based materials shrink about 8%

during cool down in an open 3D printer,

Zortrax Inventure keeps the temperature right in the material's optimal range,

significantly reducing this effect.

That's why Zortrax Inventure can 3D print with almost no shrinkage

even with ABS-based materials

guaranteeing proper dimensional accuracy.

See what else Zortrax Inventure 3D printer

can do for you.

For more infomation >> How to 3D Printing ABS Filaments with Almost No Shrinkage - Duration: 1:05.


[แปลไทย]คัทอีพี6-กลุ่มมีมี่(เพลง:ต่อต้านเเสง/Against The Light/逆光)-Produce 101 Girls China《创造101》 - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> [แปลไทย]คัทอีพี6-กลุ่มมีมี่(เพลง:ต่อต้านเเสง/Against The Light/逆光)-Produce 101 Girls China《创造101》 - Duration: 3:32.


以军F35实战空袭叙军事基地,巴沙尔:怒发100多枚回击! - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 以军F35实战空袭叙军事基地,巴沙尔:怒发100多枚回击! - Duration: 2:28.


温暖的弦大结局:南弦婚礼温暖来迟,三年后两人重逢再续前缘! - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 温暖的弦大结局:南弦婚礼温暖来迟,三年后两人重逢再续前缘! - Duration: 4:18.


High Hopes - Amber Liu | MV Cover By Yumiko Kiyomi. - Duration: 1:50.

Never turn back, never turn back (never going back)

Never turn back, never turn back.

Never turn back, never turn back (no...)

I´m still chasing lights as I go...

(Never turn back, never turn back)

I´m still chasing lights as I go...

(Never turn back, never turn back)

I´m running so fast my lungs can´t hold

(I´m running so fast my lungs can´t hold...)

I´m running so fast my lungs can´t hold

They´re calling my name to run back home.

I´m running so fast my lungs can´t hold.....

I´m running so fast my lungs can´t hold

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