Absolutely Stunning Custom Single Loft from Texzen Tiny House
스코다, 비전 E 컨셉 스케치 공개..새로운 디자인 감각 ′주목′ - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
特朗普总统"6月12日新加坡评论......正在进行中" | HK Gossip 24.7 - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
Academy of Art University - W...-------------------------------------------
Rollerskates, Time Capsule, & Abandoned Exporing - Duration: 13:56.Oh oh my goodness oh my gosh what was that I got like a
mini tornado or a wind tunnel that was intense
yeah don't come to Nebraska guys there's nothing here nothing here you might
enjoy twin lakes out here would it surprise you that I met another free
campground in Nebraska there's a spider web one the lens this is another
Wildlife Management Area free camping for 14 days also very popular for
anglers out here awfully pretty out here what a nice day the waters a little
green though I'm not fantastically excited about dipping in the water but
if I need to and I get back later today I will so yeah obviously that wasn't a
tornado that I drove through just a crazy strong little wind tunnel that
looked like a tornado to me I don't know I just drive right through it no biggie
but yeah I'm about 15 miles outside of Lincoln Nebraska and I want to do some
stuff in Lincoln so what we're gonna do is leave the RV parked here make sure
it's cool make sure all my security stuffs in place and my remote start for
air conditioning Jack's if I need to if the thermometer goes up over 80 inside
the RV but I don't think I'm gonna have that problem today I think this is a
better spot to really park and then go into town on the bike instead because
I'm not gonna be able to drive and maneuver this thing very well in the
city and parking is gonna be cheap on the bike so so yeah that's what we do
let's let's have some fun today then we'll get back and relax later
so there's where I just came from and right where the gravel turns to pavement
here is quite a sight whoo that's old abandoned house Billina
it says Prairie Peace Park if you don't know I tend to find abandoned places
really a lot more interesting than other people it's just the little stuff like
the way the weeds grow through the concrete and then trees seem to grow
like from within the building itself look at that art though I mean you just
have to wonder what it was like in its heyday
or more importantly why was it just abandoned and destroyed and just left to
rot it is possible to believe in peace yeah look at these rickety old steps to
the balcony no windows every window has been broken out this building and then
here's the back of the building more art it's just very strange
okay because some people have said that I have an eye for abandoned stuff I
really don't I mean we all ride past the same exact stuff it's just I see it and
then my mind starts racing like okay what what is this what does it do what
did it do and why is it like this weird
you guys know what this is behind me I I mentioned this when I was back home when
I stumbled across one of these from my home town actually right off I five and
lacy right near the exit 111 if you look up on the hill there's a big round thing
it's about a five foot diameter around time capsule up there and this is the
world's largest time capsule there is actually some information out here front
it even says site of the world's largest time capsule
it contains a 1975 Chevrolet Vega plus a multitude of memorabilia of the Year
1975 it's huge it's a it's built like it's like a huge
pyramid I've never seen one this big or this shape and if you're not familiar
with time capsules essentially at some point they put a bunch of stuff that is
supposed to be open in the future and this one is right around the corner from
1975 we are opening this in 2025 - look at this neat stuff so this one this
one's cool because the time is almost here some of them have like a hundred
years or two or three hundred years before you get to see what's inside look
at the artifacts what's this walkman you know that kind
of stuff so that's pretty cool it there's a preserved brand-new car inside
this one interesting
okay a very strange sight to see remember I said something about world's
largest covered wagon and a few a few videos ago that wasn't even covered no
no no world's largest covered wagon behind me
indeed the property here apparently actually used to be something a
restaurant or something online it says there used to be wheels out front too so
it it really looked like a covered wagon and held the title of the world's
largest covered wagon which was also a shop and I do see a for sale sign there
so there you go if you got any crazy ideas guys that's big covered wagons for
sale oh and this big piece of metal here actually came off the roof over there I
mean if nothing else why not like a tourist shop with some Lincoln Highway
type stuff I don't know weird off to look and see if I can find some pictures
online of what this looked like in its prime may have been a cool spot
well darn it I came out here for some chicken as evidence of this ginormous
rooster but now this place is actually closed on Mondays well there are a lot
of restaurants that just randomly closed on Mondays and Tuesdays or one of those
bummer I really wanted to put some money back into the community here but you
know I may just go fast-food now cuz let's see
yeah KFC just as good right no no it's comfort food love them mashed potatoes
don't be at a traitor they have an all day but they here all-you-can-eat for 10
we're starting with drumsticks potatoes plate more drumsticks Cato's and gravy
and now mac and cheese yeah C KFC has never let me down never
had you know red blood coming out of the chicken or anything crazy like that
I always walk out of there with a smile on my face although I pretty much always
overdo it with the buffet so I'll get back on the road
wait for it Lincoln Nebraska is home to the USA
roller sports National Museum of rollerskating
that's right you did not know that there was a museum for rollerskating did you
oh it takes me back we had skate land back home you know a roller skating yes
all right everybody it's a free museum where those old skates
early 1900s roller skate 1890s 1883 1870s at 1860s Wow
disco lights I definitely feel like I'm in a skating rink they got all the Betty
Boop stuff here but that's because remember the car hops at the drive-in
places on skates yeah that's why did you know dance skating is a thing just like
ice skating yeah jeez can you even imagine trying to comfortably skate on
those metal it just does not look comfortable whoo
Wow that looks like the rollerblade type
stuff speaking at rollerblades look at that you can't see how big those tires
aren't but those are about six inch wheels on there and look at that cool
dude an early motorized skate yeah that just
sounds scary cowboy boot roller skate yes please
even Barnum and Bailey joins the roller skate group they had bears on skates
that's right yes your head okay interesting little
Museum you might want to spend some time in here and look around not a Victrola
but this is a gramophone Wow hello hello hello
alright the air conditioning museum was nice then get back on the bike I'm
itching to see Jack still make sure he's okay and everything but it's nice
because long as we're moving and not on traffic it's like free air conditioning
on a motorcycle
well I got parked here downtown Lincoln Nebraska and I was trying to think what
should i do what should I do and then a light bulb went off in my head
so it's called illuminating Lincoln lighthouse 2015 the hand and a very
interesting piece of artwork I like it okay I didn't plan that very well there
is a neat looking it looks neat free telephone Museum a block away it is only
open on Sundays for three hours one day a week for three hours didn't know that
Google Maps did not know that either oh well would have been cool but you're not
gonna get a lot of traffic in there you only open one day a week
it's a pretty little park though here I checked in on Jax looked at the cameras
he is dead asleep passed out comfortable so no worries there okay what is this
wind stream fountain well it's clearly not fountain right now it's that's too
bad it's a collecting garbage at the moment you know I just wanted to get a
taste of downtown Lincoln I know everything's probably called Lincoln
Lincoln mini-storage Lincoln everything but doesn't really
have much to do with Lincoln Highway
it's 90 degrees out today in Nebraska and this mountains close - that's weird
are they like Wyoming where they only do stuff oh my gosh okay that's weird
can you hear it trickling with water there it's uh I don't know if it's
supposed to be like a fountain it's not working as well but
strange but get up here close so you can hear any one of these as a speaker or
something it's art guys so I'm gonna hop back on the bike and head to our nice
little camp spot there and spend the rest of the last two hours of sunlight
with Jax I brought him some chicken I don't think you're supposed to do that
from the buffet but I have some chicken for him are you serious man hi we have
all these beds that has a cat bed right there for you is a cat bed right here
for you as a bed in the back and you chose my seat I brought you something
do you want something do you want anything
Chex min are you thinking about it
I missed you today I thought about putting the basket on the motorcycle but
you don't like the sound yeah you don't is that pretty good then do you want to
talk about how good that makes you feel oh okay
drink your water please anyways I did a lot today I got a lot of editing still
to do tonight so there's that but anyway yes well wish you all a good morning
afternoon evening Jackson I'll try to catch up with you in a couple days here
from Omaha and possibly my last day in Nebraska before another new one on the
Lincoln Highway so have a good day guys Jackson I'll see you soon
首相说出事实真相,只有他们懂一马公司资金藏在哪! - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
大马低阶警员向首相发公开信,力数高层的不是,盼新政府纠正(附上马来文原文) - Duration: 7:16.-------------------------------------------
Obama's Political Comeback Comes to Sudden Halt After Air Force Officer Exposes Nasty Secret - Duration: 14:35.Obama's Political Comeback Comes to Sudden Halt After Air Force Officer Exposes Nasty
Retired Air Force Capt. Joni Marquez, a highly decorated officer, is telling the story about
how Barack Obama caused the deaths of 38 soldiers in Afghanistan in what was the deadliest attack
on Navy SEALS in U.S. history.
This information comes 6 years after the tragedy occurred.
According to Marquez, had Obama not compromised the safety of these SEALS, in a sick effort
to protect lives of Muslim terrorists, these American soldiers would still be alive today.
The attack on these soldiers took place in on August 6, 2011.
On that day Marquez and her crew were working on their AC-130 gunship, when they were told
to take part in a mission that she described as "almost like a 9-1-1 type of a situation."
According to a report in Circa:
The gunship was ordered to fly close-in air support above Afghanistan's dangerous Tangi
Valley, in Wardak Province, assisting troops with the Army's 75th Ranger Regiment who
were being fired on by eight heavily armed Taliban insurgents.
The Rangers had called in for assault helicopters to engage the enemy hiding among the rocky
The air weapons team fired on the Taliban fighters, but not all of the insurgents were
killed as originally believed.
According to Marquez, what should have been a simple mission of taking out terrorists
never occurred, as Obama's generals never gave the gunship permission to fire on them.
Marquez explained, "We had seen two of [the insurgents] moving, crawling away from the
area, as to not really make a whole lot of scene."
Marquez then said to the ground commander, "You have two enemy forces that are still
alive," she said.
"Permission to engage."
Marquez was never given the go-ahead to engage, allowing the two terrorists to get away.
Marquez and her team then tracked the enemy insurgents, watching as headed to a village,
where they rallied more terrorists to join them in their fight.
During this time, a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, with the call sign Extortion 17, was brought
into the firefight.
Ultimately, a rocket-launched grenade from a Taliban fighter connected with the Chinook,
sending the helicopter into a downward spiral, which killed all 38 people who were aboard.
Seventeen of the victims were Navy SEALs.
Marquez emphasized, "If we would've been allowed to engage that night, we would've
taken out those two men immediately"
Marquez's account of that painful day has been corroborated by the Inspector General
of the Defense Department, in a top-secret report that was previously sealed.
Had Obama not made changes to the U.S. military's rules of engagements in 2009, essentially
giving precedence to the lives of Muslim terrorists over the lives of American soldiers, it is
likely that this tragedy would have been avoided.
It is Marzuez's hope that her story will be shared so as to expose the truth about
what happened that night.
She wants our military's rules of engagement to be changed and she thinks this could be
part of a plan to accomplish that.
Marquez said, "I won't rest until some kind of justice is served, in a manner of
either, you know, the people that were responsible for that night, for making those calls, come
forward and are honest about it…"
H/T jumboreport
스코다, 비전 E 컨셉 스케치 공개..새로운 디자인 감각 ′주목′ - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Detto Fatto: Laura Chiatti o Elena Santarelli al posto della Balivo? - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
J UMP IN T H C A AC【SHITPOST】【 ft. Cuphead】plz open subtittle - Duration: 0:22.Ay
A Y !!!
I got a gun
* gun sound *
Nu girls
Girls gotta DIE
CoU F *Gun bang sound *
C O U F *Gun bang sound *
Wake up in the
hdfvuhefhuohfuofhscaihbusdkhviuedhihvsihyidshfbivshbvfuihbeyibibhkbvkdbeyihgeyihvieibirbhkedbehiosguiydvfhjbveruuivbcoidovedgioebkrogjeoprijpo;ksgloiefjvkmdvoisfgdhnbdmvk;ginbj dfvnoeiubgjnld mefouehvfljndfiudgkjbfnfdvivhn cdvouldjnuiodnjiunfkj
i can :)
i can't :(
BaBy JeAnS (sHorTs)
u and ur
JJ J J J J J J J J J JJ J J J J J J U U U U U U U U U U UU U U UU U U U U U U M M M M M MM M M M M M MM M M M M, , , , M M M M M M M M
Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V ACCESS | AIRCO | LM VELGEN | 5-DRS - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto 1.2 Sound AIRCO - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra TwinTop 1.8 COSMO AUTOMAAT | CABRIO | LEDER | LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Renault Twingo 1.2 INITIALE AIRCO/LEER /PANORAMADAK - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
盧廣仲合唱J.Sheon嗨翻! 「口袋沒錢中發票」互讚理由爆笑 - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
盧廣仲合唱J.Sheon嗨翻! 「口袋沒錢中發票」互讚理由爆笑 - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
花 Misia フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
나라 위해 헌신했는데…'K-9 자주포 폭발' 사고로 배우의 꿈 산산조각 났다 - Duration: 5:28.-------------------------------------------
Chris Brown And Baby Mama Throwing $30k 4th Birthday Party For Royalty - Duration: 1:48.Chris Brown And Baby Mama Throwing $30k 4th Birthday Party For Royalty
Chris Brown and his baby mama, Nia Guzman, have called a truce in their never-ending custody war. deciding for the sake of Royalty that theyll throw a joint 4th birthday party.
Royalty turns 4 on Sunday and were told theres only gonna be one bash this year.
In the past, Chris and Nia have each thrown their own parties for Royalty because they werent speaking to one another, but were told theyre actually on good terms now.
Royalty wanted a princess ball for her birthday and Chris and Nia are planning to go all out by dropping well north of $30k on the party.
Were told every Disney princess from Cinderella to Jasmine will be there along with a fairy godmother. Theyre having a horse and carriage with a grand duke and coachman.
crab cakes, California rolls, shrimp tempura, as well as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, mac and cheese and burgers for the kids.
As for entertainment, were told therell be KIDZ BOP performances. UP-and-coming R&B singer Tone Stith will also perform and theres always a chance Royaltys dad will get on the mic. at least for the birthday song.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Avantgarde 143pk Automaat Clima/Cruise/Navi/Dealeronderhouden:APK:2019 - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
✅ Award im GNTM-Finale: Heidi Klum bricht Dankesrede von Klaudia mit K ab - Duration: 2:37.Auszeichnung für "Klaudia mit K" Giez im Staffelfinale von "Germany's next Topmodel", doch ihre Dankesrede wird von Heidi Klum unterbrochen Am Ende war sie doch eine Gewinnerin: „Klaudia mit K" Giez gewinnt den Preis für die beste Persönlichkeit, doch ihre Dankesrede wird abrupt von Heidi beendet
Düsseldorf - Im Staffelfinale von "Germany's next Topmodel" wurde nicht nur Heidis neue Modelkönigin gekürt
Alle Kandidatinnen hatten in drei Kategorien die Chance, eine Auszeichnung zu ergattern
So gab es einen Preis für die "Best Personality". Die Jury-Mitglieder Thomas Hyao (49) und Michael Mischalsky (51) durften aus ihren Teams jeweils drei Mädchen nominieren
Am Ende entschieden aber die Fans. Und "Klaudia mit K" Giez (21) durfte sich freuen
Bereits während der laufenden Staffel hat sich die 21-jährige Berlinerin zunehmend in die Herzen der Jury, aber vor allem auch der Zuschauer gemodelt
Mit ihrer aufgeweckten Art und dem Reden ohne Punkt und Komma hat sie auch auf Instagram mittlerweile über 300
000 Follower um sich gescharrt. Und nun der nächste Triumph für Klaudia mit K: Der "Best Personality"-Award
Sichtlich überrascht von diesem Preis trat sie vor das Publikum und bewies mit ihrer Dankensrede einmal mehr, dass sie quasseln kann ohne Unterlass
"Ich möchte mich bei meinen Freunden, meiner Familie, beim ProSieben-Team, bei meinen Mädels, bei Heidi bedanken", erklärt eine sprachlose Klaudia und fand auch noch Zeit für ein paar tiefgründige Anmerkungen
"Wir müssen aufhören, uns klein zu machen. Glaubt an euch, ihr seid toll".Nach einigen Minuten musste dann Heidi Klum (44) dazwischen grätschen: Sie bat die 21-Jährige sich kürzer zu fassen
Sie kam der Aufforderung nur halbherzig nach. Das ist eben Klaudia!
Rollerskates, Time Capsule, & Abandoned Exporing - Duration: 13:56.Oh oh my goodness oh my gosh what was that I got like a
mini tornado or a wind tunnel that was intense
yeah don't come to Nebraska guys there's nothing here nothing here you might
enjoy twin lakes out here would it surprise you that I met another free
campground in Nebraska there's a spider web one the lens this is another
Wildlife Management Area free camping for 14 days also very popular for
anglers out here awfully pretty out here what a nice day the waters a little
green though I'm not fantastically excited about dipping in the water but
if I need to and I get back later today I will so yeah obviously that wasn't a
tornado that I drove through just a crazy strong little wind tunnel that
looked like a tornado to me I don't know I just drive right through it no biggie
but yeah I'm about 15 miles outside of Lincoln Nebraska and I want to do some
stuff in Lincoln so what we're gonna do is leave the RV parked here make sure
it's cool make sure all my security stuffs in place and my remote start for
air conditioning Jack's if I need to if the thermometer goes up over 80 inside
the RV but I don't think I'm gonna have that problem today I think this is a
better spot to really park and then go into town on the bike instead because
I'm not gonna be able to drive and maneuver this thing very well in the
city and parking is gonna be cheap on the bike so so yeah that's what we do
let's let's have some fun today then we'll get back and relax later
so there's where I just came from and right where the gravel turns to pavement
here is quite a sight whoo that's old abandoned house Billina
it says Prairie Peace Park if you don't know I tend to find abandoned places
really a lot more interesting than other people it's just the little stuff like
the way the weeds grow through the concrete and then trees seem to grow
like from within the building itself look at that art though I mean you just
have to wonder what it was like in its heyday
or more importantly why was it just abandoned and destroyed and just left to
rot it is possible to believe in peace yeah look at these rickety old steps to
the balcony no windows every window has been broken out this building and then
here's the back of the building more art it's just very strange
okay because some people have said that I have an eye for abandoned stuff I
really don't I mean we all ride past the same exact stuff it's just I see it and
then my mind starts racing like okay what what is this what does it do what
did it do and why is it like this weird
you guys know what this is behind me I I mentioned this when I was back home when
I stumbled across one of these from my home town actually right off I five and
lacy right near the exit 111 if you look up on the hill there's a big round thing
it's about a five foot diameter around time capsule up there and this is the
world's largest time capsule there is actually some information out here front
it even says site of the world's largest time capsule
it contains a 1975 Chevrolet Vega plus a multitude of memorabilia of the Year
1975 it's huge it's a it's built like it's like a huge
pyramid I've never seen one this big or this shape and if you're not familiar
with time capsules essentially at some point they put a bunch of stuff that is
supposed to be open in the future and this one is right around the corner from
1975 we are opening this in 2025 - look at this neat stuff so this one this
one's cool because the time is almost here some of them have like a hundred
years or two or three hundred years before you get to see what's inside look
at the artifacts what's this walkman you know that kind
of stuff so that's pretty cool it there's a preserved brand-new car inside
this one interesting
okay a very strange sight to see remember I said something about world's
largest covered wagon and a few a few videos ago that wasn't even covered no
no no world's largest covered wagon behind me
indeed the property here apparently actually used to be something a
restaurant or something online it says there used to be wheels out front too so
it it really looked like a covered wagon and held the title of the world's
largest covered wagon which was also a shop and I do see a for sale sign there
so there you go if you got any crazy ideas guys that's big covered wagons for
sale oh and this big piece of metal here actually came off the roof over there I
mean if nothing else why not like a tourist shop with some Lincoln Highway
type stuff I don't know weird off to look and see if I can find some pictures
online of what this looked like in its prime may have been a cool spot
well darn it I came out here for some chicken as evidence of this ginormous
rooster but now this place is actually closed on Mondays well there are a lot
of restaurants that just randomly closed on Mondays and Tuesdays or one of those
bummer I really wanted to put some money back into the community here but you
know I may just go fast-food now cuz let's see
yeah KFC just as good right no no it's comfort food love them mashed potatoes
don't be at a traitor they have an all day but they here all-you-can-eat for 10
we're starting with drumsticks potatoes plate more drumsticks Cato's and gravy
and now mac and cheese yeah C KFC has never let me down never
had you know red blood coming out of the chicken or anything crazy like that
I always walk out of there with a smile on my face although I pretty much always
overdo it with the buffet so I'll get back on the road
wait for it Lincoln Nebraska is home to the USA
roller sports National Museum of rollerskating
that's right you did not know that there was a museum for rollerskating did you
oh it takes me back we had skate land back home you know a roller skating yes
all right everybody it's a free museum where those old skates
early 1900s roller skate 1890s 1883 1870s at 1860s Wow
disco lights I definitely feel like I'm in a skating rink they got all the Betty
Boop stuff here but that's because remember the car hops at the drive-in
places on skates yeah that's why did you know dance skating is a thing just like
ice skating yeah jeez can you even imagine trying to comfortably skate on
those metal it just does not look comfortable whoo
Wow that looks like the rollerblade type
stuff speaking at rollerblades look at that you can't see how big those tires
aren't but those are about six inch wheels on there and look at that cool
dude an early motorized skate yeah that just
sounds scary cowboy boot roller skate yes please
even Barnum and Bailey joins the roller skate group they had bears on skates
that's right yes your head okay interesting little
Museum you might want to spend some time in here and look around not a Victrola
but this is a gramophone Wow hello hello hello
alright the air conditioning museum was nice then get back on the bike I'm
itching to see Jack still make sure he's okay and everything but it's nice
because long as we're moving and not on traffic it's like free air conditioning
on a motorcycle
well I got parked here downtown Lincoln Nebraska and I was trying to think what
should i do what should I do and then a light bulb went off in my head
so it's called illuminating Lincoln lighthouse 2015 the hand and a very
interesting piece of artwork I like it okay I didn't plan that very well there
is a neat looking it looks neat free telephone Museum a block away it is only
open on Sundays for three hours one day a week for three hours didn't know that
Google Maps did not know that either oh well would have been cool but you're not
gonna get a lot of traffic in there you only open one day a week
it's a pretty little park though here I checked in on Jax looked at the cameras
he is dead asleep passed out comfortable so no worries there okay what is this
wind stream fountain well it's clearly not fountain right now it's that's too
bad it's a collecting garbage at the moment you know I just wanted to get a
taste of downtown Lincoln I know everything's probably called Lincoln
Lincoln mini-storage Lincoln everything but doesn't really
have much to do with Lincoln Highway
it's 90 degrees out today in Nebraska and this mountains close - that's weird
are they like Wyoming where they only do stuff oh my gosh okay that's weird
can you hear it trickling with water there it's uh I don't know if it's
supposed to be like a fountain it's not working as well but
strange but get up here close so you can hear any one of these as a speaker or
something it's art guys so I'm gonna hop back on the bike and head to our nice
little camp spot there and spend the rest of the last two hours of sunlight
with Jax I brought him some chicken I don't think you're supposed to do that
from the buffet but I have some chicken for him are you serious man hi we have
all these beds that has a cat bed right there for you is a cat bed right here
for you as a bed in the back and you chose my seat I brought you something
do you want something do you want anything
Chex min are you thinking about it
I missed you today I thought about putting the basket on the motorcycle but
you don't like the sound yeah you don't is that pretty good then do you want to
talk about how good that makes you feel oh okay
drink your water please anyways I did a lot today I got a lot of editing still
to do tonight so there's that but anyway yes well wish you all a good morning
afternoon evening Jackson I'll try to catch up with you in a couple days here
from Omaha and possibly my last day in Nebraska before another new one on the
Lincoln Highway so have a good day guys Jackson I'll see you soon
What Will Be Your First Meal After The Giro d'Italia? | GCN Asks The Pros - Duration: 3:50.- The 2018 Giro d'Italia is drawing to a close
and I can tell you that the riders are pretty exhausted.
We thought we'd ask them what
they're really looking forward to eating
when they get home, at the end of the Giro.
After the Giro, what do you want to eat
when you go home at the end of the race, afterwards?
- Everything (laughs).
No, big pizza, for sure and a good pizza,
and then I think we go straight away,
after Rome stage, if we're in Rome, I hope so (laughs).
Yeah, I think we go to the good restaurant
in centre of Rome, and then everyone order,
what you wanna eat, so, for me pizza please.
- What kind of pizza though?
- Just simple, prosciutto and mozzarella di buffalo.
That's nothing really heavy but yeah,
just (speaks in foreign language).
- I think, banana pancakes.
- Cool, delicious.
- It is, it is and topped up
with Nutella is absolutely perfect.
- Yeah it's good, I think the first meal,
I will take it here in Rome and I'm looking for a pizza.
I mean if you're on the Giro,
there is not other food that you have to take it,
and then once home, I don't know,
maybe, as you go to Spanish, some patatas bravas.
- Of course, and what kind of pizza?
- I think the pizza with more calories,
they have it on the menu.
- Probably burgers, burgers
with sweet potato fries could appear.
- That's multiple burgers, how many are you planning on?
- Alright, just two.
- Well actually my girlfriend and my kids
are coming over to Rome, so,
I promised them pizza and probably,
I'll have a beer with that, again.
- You mean you didn't have pizza and beer yet?
In Italy?
- We had pizza last Thursday and beers I had,
so that's the benefit of not doing GC I reckon.
You can every now and then enjoy Italian cuisine a bit.
- Wow that's a good question.
I'm a vegan, so I really struggle at the races.
I always eat the same type of food,
there's not much variety here,
so I'm a big fan of raw cakes,
so I definitely have a nice raw cake,
and just some homemade food.
You know I love cooking, my partner also loves cooking,
we actually have battles because we both wanna cook.
- A good argument to have though!
- Yeah, sometimes, sometimes (laughs).
- I think just not eat too much,
'cause we're eating lots and lots of food here,
so I'll be just happy to like, just,
even skip a meal (laughs).
- Fried eggs with sausage, Spanish sausage, maybe.
But, a super big ice cream.
- Great, that sounds very good.
I can understand you're probably craving that.
- Yeah (laughs).
- I don't know, I think I go to burger restaurant,
eat some nice burger (laughs).
I really like burger (laughs).
- Any particular chain or burger restaurant that you like?
- Yeah, it's in my hometown, it's really nice there.
But for sure I don't need anymore pasta
for a while (laughs).
- Yeah, I understand.
Right, there you have it.
A fairly clear consensus, I think,
for pizza or indeed any food that the riders
have not been allowed during the Giro,
and I can understand race food does get pretty bland,
after three or four weeks.
If you'd like to find out a little bit more
about riding nutrition, why not click down here
to see a video about nutrition with (mumbles).
All that talk about pizza has made me
really, really fancy pizza, so I think,
I mean I know I haven't earned it but,
I think I'm gonna get one for dinner anyway.
Top 20 Bản Nhạc EDM "Càng Nghe Càng Nhiện" | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất 2018 | BOONG - Duration: 1:11:14.-------------------------------------------
How to Deal With Bored Kids this Summer | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 12:07.Hey hey, my friend! Welcome to Parenting A to Z! I'm Kelly Bourne, and this week we're
taking a look at summer vacation. More specifically, how to deal with summer
boredom. Cuz oh my gosh, isn't it always the truth that we all
have these high expectations, we fantasize about what summer vacation with our
kids is gonna be like, and then we get there and it couldn't be further from
the truth. So this week we're gonna take a look at why you do not need to be your
kids' social convener this summer, and then some practical tips and tools to
help set you up for a successful SANE summer vacation!
So one of the first things I want to touch
on before I really dive into any tips or tools or strategies, is just to kind of
throw out there, perhaps, to maybe... that it might be a good idea to relieve
yourself of your social convener "hat" and hand some of that over to our kids,
allowing their boredom to become the secret-sauce to being creative and making up
their own fun. Because I feel like we can fall under that pressure, for sure, to
have activity centers, or we're gonna do this, or this is our
routine for the whole summer, and we're gonna -- I don't know why I'm speaking with
his voice?! But the pressure is real! The pressure is real. And heck, like we
want to know our kids are gonna be entertained, so maybe they're not bugging
us. They're not coming to us every five seconds wanting us to solve
their boredom problem. But I think that's also a key piece -- who's problem is it?
It's their problem! And I shouldn't really say "problem." It's their
opportunity to create whatever they want to create out of that boredom.
Because when we are the social convener, when we are the grand master of
their summers, we kind of take some of that away from them. Some
of that joy of figuring out what they want to do for themselves, and
making their own play, and making their own fun. And it also allows them to flex
some of those muscles, building autonomy building independence, building that
sense of creativity. It all comes from doing these things on their own, and
summer is an absolutely perfect time to do that. Especially for our kids who have
maybe been in preschool, maybe they're in junior
kindergarten or kindergarten, or the younger grades, or even the older grades,
where they they've had a routine every single day for the past ten months, and
now finally they have some freedom. We should allow them some space
to do that. And heck, save us some of the stress of feeling like we need to do
it for them! And I think one of the greatest ways to start actually looking
at your summer vacation, is rather than getting into the nitty-gritty of
what you're going to do, is look at what your needs are. What are your needs
as a parent? Are you working? Do you have any trips that you're doing? Any family
vacations? What about your kids? Do they have soccer practice or do they
have swimming practice? What are your big items that take up space on the
calendar? And even mapping that out a little bit can help. So take a look at
your schedule, look at what you need as far as child care, as far as summer camps
right off the bat, so you can take the stress level down a notch. When
you can look at it on the calendar and have everything, the big picture
mapped out, seeing when you maybe need child care, and maybe when it would be
good to have them home with you. But trust me, skipping that step can
lead to a summer full of stress, and frustration, and almost resentment.
Because sometimes, I know when we have that fantasy, it's like oh we're gonna
have the kids home, it's gonna be so great! And then we're busier with work
than we thought, or we can't be as attentive as we want to be, it can be
really tough. And it can really put a strain on the relationship. And
suddenly summer feels more like Survivor. So look at your schedule, and look at
your needs First plan out any camps, or playdates, or activities right off the
get-go, and then you can worry less about the day-in, day-out,
the boredom issues, when you've got those big picture items covered. So then when
you do have your big picture items, you know when the kids are gonna be home
with you, you know when they're gonna be at summer camps, you know when you're
gonna be on vacation, all that jazz, is then you can start to be a
little bit proactive about what the day-in, day-out is going to look like.
And my biggest suggestion for removing that "social convener" hat, is
talking about it with your kids. I know, I'm always looking at my kitchen table
when I'm talking with my kids, but talking with them about what they want
to do this summer, and what might be fun for them, and what are some
activities they think would be good, and what are some of their ideas of what we
should do if it's really rainy, or we can't go outside. And just sit down and
have a totally fun, totally casual, brainstorming session
where nothing is off-limits. You can write everything down, every wacky idea,
every crazy idea, and just get a really really big bank of things that they're
excited to do over the summer. Because then when it's been
raining for a week and everybody's going a little bit crazy, you don't really even
have to think in the moment you can just go back to your list and refer to that.
And same thing on the day-to-day. If your kids are bored, you can just refer them
to that list that they made. And you can constantly be updating, and when they get
new ideas you can throw it on the list. It's a total it's a total lifesaver.
Another thing I find really helps, too, is -- I'm not like a super-strict, like stick
to routine or a schedule kind of person, but I do find, especially in the summer,
having a rough idea of how our days are going to go really helps. And by
rough, I mean like super rough. I mean like have breakfast, and then usually in
the morning we'll go to a park, or if we're gonna drive somewhere we'll do
that then, have lunch, have a good chunk of downtime in the afternoon, two or
three hours, and then we'll go out and go to a park, or do something different
again. So we don't know the specifics, we don't really know what
we're going to do, but just having those big chunks of time kind of mapped
out in my head made it so much easier.
It just it made the day so much easier.
Rather than waking up in the morning and thinking like, oh my god what am I gonna
do all day with these kids?! When you have that rough idea it really helps.
And of course, if you are a planner, if you're a scheduler, you can sit down
with your kids, you can have them map out their schedule, and their agenda for the
day, especially if they are getting into school age where they can make
their own lists, they can write it out for themselves, their wish lists of
what want to do that day, of course by all
means! By all means. The routine can be as as jam-packed or as precise as you want
it to be, but just even having the loose plots of okay, breakfast, park,
lunch, downtime, park, it helps. It saves so much of your
sanity. Definitely. Loose routine is the way to go.
Another big thing, too, I know this one want to apply to everyone, but I think
it'll apply to a fair number of people, is as you're making your boredom buster
list we talked about before, and brainstorming what activities our kids
are interested in, or maybe things we want to take them to, certain museums or
certain attractions over the summer, when you're making that list is also talking
to your kids about screen time and what this summer screen time guidelines are
going to be for your family. And talking to your kids and getting their input on
what that will look like *before* summer starts. Another thing you can do too,
depending on your kids' ages, is make out a little agreement and make out a plan
in advance you can have everybody sign, that okay, we're gonna have our iPads
every day for this much time, or we're gonna have our iPads once a week,
whatever your family limits are. So that everybody is on the same page. And then
of course, you know me! I'm all about the practical. And I also live in
reality, with two little guys of my own. So I know that you can do all those
things, you can have all those discussions, you can have all those chats,
you can make all those lists, you can have your routines, and your kids can
still be bored. And they can still be kind of bugging you to solve their
boredom problem for them. So a few tips and tools, if you're finding
yourself in that
situation this summer, first thing, and this is something that I
do too, is listen and acknowledge my kids' boredom without solving it for them.
And that *without* solving it for them piece, I feel like is the key. Because as
soon as our kids start coming to us complaining of boredom, and we start fixing
it for them, it's just gonna keep happening, and keep happening, and keep
happening, and before you know it you've got your "social convenor" hat on, you're
driving the bus, running the show! And we're trying to
step back from that, right? We're trying to save ourselves some sanity.
So I'll just say like, "oh yeah, I know it's tough. That's tough, bud. I get bored
sometimes too." Listen. Acknowledge. Validate. Without solving! Acknowledging their
boredom without -- have I said that?! Have I mentioned that before?! I know, I'm
sounding like a broken record. But sometimes it takes a little bit of
practice, if our knee-jerk has always been to solve it for them. And one thing,
the second piece of that, is after acknowledging, and kind of listening to
them, is giving them some options. But not maybe giving them options in the way
that you're thinking... My options are generally, "oh yeah, I know that's tough,
bud. So I guess we have two choices. We can either continue to be bored, or we can
find something to do." Leave it in their hands! It's their choice! There's nothing
wrong with being bored. Heck, go lay on the grass, go lay on the couch, just stare
off into space. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing
wrong with that at all! Or you can find something to do.
Have at 'er! What do you feel like?! So offering them those two
choices I found is really really helpful at listening to them, respecting them, and
also keeping it in their hands. It's up to them to solve their own boredom
problem. For some of you, who are like, I know! It's just like,
they're totally driving me nuts! If you need to offer a suggestion of something
to do besides referring them to their list that you made in advance, one of my
absolute favorites, I guess this is kind of breaking my own rule of not solving
their boredom problem for them, is I'll say "okay,
well I have tons of -- you could sweep, or you could help me vacuum, or you
can go make your bed." I can come up with 50 million options that involve
cooperatively contributing to the functioning of the household. How does
that sound?! And it's pretty amazing how, you know
what?! Sometimes they actually will do it. One of my kids loves vacuuming. Which I
know it's weird, but hey! I am taking full advantage! Full advantage of that.
If they don't want to do that, they will very quickly start drawing, or start
colouring, or making up their own hide-and-seek game, or doing anything
else that doesn't involve cleaning up the house. So I think I'll leave it there!
I wish you the best of luck on summer vacation and dealing with summer boredom.
I know it's hard to kind of take off that "social convenor" hat if we're used
to planning everything out for our kids, but really I challenge you. I challenge
you to hand summer over to your kids. Allow them to make their own magic.
Allow them to create out of their boredom, to use their boredom as an
opportunity to do whatever the heck it is they want to do. Kids'
imaginations are absolutely amazing if we just step back and allow them the
opportunity to use them. So I'll leave it there, I'll leave it there. Let me know if
you have any questions or comments. Of course, if you're looking for any more
in-depth resources or support, make sure to check us out in the
Parent 'Hood. I hold regular office hours and I'd absolutely love to chat with you!
It'd be nice to chat with you face-to-face. Although this
for me, this kind of feels like face-to-face. But it's always good to see
the real person on the other end of these videos. So take care guys!
Happy happy planning! Happy planning for your summer, and I'll see you the next
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