Sunday, May 27, 2018

Youtube daily report May 27 2018




Oklahoma restaurant shooting victims recovering - Duration: 5:16.

Oklahoma restaurant shooting victims recovering

OKLAHOMA CITY — The family of a woman and girl who were wounded in an Oklahoma restaurant shooting said Saturday that the victims didnt know the gunman or why he attacked them as they walked into the lakeside restaurant for a birthday party.

Dennis Will said his daughter, 39-year-old Natalie Giles, was grazed by bullets and that her 12-year-old daughter was shot in the stomach during the Thursday night shooting.

The suspected gunman, 28-year-old Alexander Tilghman, was shot dead moments later outside the Oklahoma City restaurant by two armed bystanders.

She said she turned and saw him, she had no idea who he was, Will said, recalling a conversation with his daughter.

Will said his granddaughter underwent surgery and was still in a lot of pain at Oklahoma Childrens Hospital on Saturday.

The hospital said the girl was in good condition, and Will said his daughter was treated and released.

The mother and daughter, along with a 14-year-old family friend, were shot as they arrived for a birthday party at Louies On The Lake in Oklahoma City.

Police said the family friend was shot in the arm or wrist, though no updates were provided Saturday.

The birthday dinner was for Giles other daughter, who wasnt injured.

Will said hundreds of people were in and around the restaurant at the time.

Police have said the shooting appeared to be random and confirmed that theyre looking into Tilghmans mental health.

On a Facebook page that police said belonged to Tilghman, the man posts a video in which he claims his television is possessed by the devil.

The page uses the same profile photo as a YouTube channel where a man that appears to be Tilghman also describes demons possessing his TV and being surrounded by computers.

He calmly begs for help from a real human, saying hes suicidal, lonely and really losing it.

The director of the LGBT rights group Freedom Oklahoma said Tilghman is the same man who distributed flyers across Oklahoma City earlier this year warning of demons taking over peoples bodies.

And a reporter with the LGBT publication The Gayly conducted an interview in January with Tilghman, who warned of demons in cloned transexual (sic) bodies..

Flyers with similar messages were plastered all over a vehicle Tilghman drove, said Ryan Beaulac, who lives in the apartment complex where Tilghman lived in northwest Oklahoma City.

Beaulac said he was told by his landlord that nothing could be done because the postings were protected free speech.

Beaulac said Saturday that he saw Tilghman only once, a day before the shooting, while walking home with his 3-year-old daughter.

Beaulac said Tilghman was acting strangely, so he moved to remove his daughter from the situation but Tilghman cursed at them.

Beaulac said he turned to confront him, but Tilghman ran away.

Tilghman was licensed as an armed security guard, which authorized him to carry a firearm, said Gerald Konkler, general counsel for the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training.

The council certifies law enforcement officers and other armed personnel across the state.

Obtaining such a license requires a background check and at least 72 hours of training.

Konkler said state law prohibits him from revealing whether there were any pending complaints against Tilghman, but said there were no final orders against him regarding potential disciplinary action.

Police have praised the two bystanders who confronted Tilghman on Thursday: Juan Carlos Nazario and Bryan Whittle, who each retrieved a firearm from their vehicle and shot Tilghman outside the restaurant.

I just did what I was trained to do to neutralize the situation, Nazario, a trained security guard, told local television station KWTV.

Whittle also briefly spoke with the station, saying only that he stopped the threat..

For more infomation >> Oklahoma restaurant shooting victims recovering - Duration: 5:16.


US lost track of 1,500 undocumented children, but says it's not 'legally responsible' - Duration: 5:04.

US lost track of 1,500 undocumented children, but says it's not 'legally responsible'

The federal government has placed thousands of unaccompanied immigrant children in the homes of sponsors, but last year it couldnt account for nearly 1,500 of them.

Steven Wagner, a top official with the Department of Health and Human Services,disclosed the number to a Senate subcommittee last month while discussing the state of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) that oversees the care of unaccompanied immigrant children.

Wagner is the acting assistant secretary for the Administration for Children and Families, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services.

ORR is a program of the Administration for Children and Families.

Wagners statement has attracted more attention amid reports that immigrant children are being separated from their parents at the US border.

Wagner said the Department of Homeland Security referred more than 40,000 immigrant children to the ORR during the 2017 fiscal year.

After a stay in an ORR shelter, the majority of children are sent to live with sponsors who have close ties to the children -- typically a parent or close relative, Wagner said, though some end up living with other-than-close relatives or non-relatives.

Between October and December 2017, Wagner told the subcommittee, the ORR reached out to 7,635 unaccompanied children to check on them.

But the ORR was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 children, Wagner testified.

An additional 28 had run away.

Thats more than 19% of the children that were placed by the ORR.

But Wagner said HHS is not responsible for the children.

I understand that it has been HHSs long-standing interpretation of the law that ORR is not legally responsible for children after they are released from ORR care, Wagner said.

The office is taking a fresh look at that question, he added.

But if the ORR were to be legally responsible for the well-being of unaccompanied immigrant children, it would need a significant increase in resources.

A request for comment from HHS on Saturday has not been returned.

The ORR has a series of evaluations to determine if a sponsor is suitable to provide and care for a child.

Those policies have also been enhanced since February 2016.

Among the ORRs practices, it evaluates potential sponsors relationship with the children and conducts background checks to ensure children are protected from human traffickers or smugglers, Wagner said.

Wagners statement has received increased scrutiny a month after the Department of Homeland Security defended an agency policy that will result in more families being separated at the border.

At a Senate hearing earlier this month, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said similar separations happen in the US every day.

Nielsen said the policy will refer everyone caught crossing the border illegally for prosecution, even if they are claiming they deserve asylum or have small children.

Any parents who are prosecuted as a result will be separated from their children in the process.

Our policy is if you break the law, we will prosecute you, Nielsen said.

You have an option to go to a port of entry and not illegally cross into our country..

CNNs Tal Kopan contributed to this report.

For more infomation >> US lost track of 1,500 undocumented children, but says it's not 'legally responsible' - Duration: 5:04.






The Transphobe's Paradox | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 5:44.

Hey everyone!

So today, I wanna talk about what I call, the Transphobe's Paradox.

It's pretty simple actually, it's two conflicting ideas that I constantly hear from

transphobes -- not just towards me, but to other trans folks as well, including trans

men, trans women, and non-binary people.

The first is people saying that "trans people are just playing into stereotypes".

So anytime a trans woman acts traditionally feminine or dresses in more feminine clothes,

they use this as an example of how trans women are just regurgitating stereotypes and aren't

actually genuinely women.

They do this with trans men as well.

If a trans man does more traditionally masculine activities or wears really masculine clothes,

these transphobes pop up out of the woodwork to use that as a reason why they're just

"playing into stereotypes" and therefore aren't "real men".

And it happens with non-binary folks, though maybe to a lesser extent because we don't

have as many established norms for what is "non-binary" in terms of activities or

behaviors, but when non-binary people dress or present ambiguously, transphobes often

use that as evidence that they're just playing into the stereotype of a non-binary person

being completely gender-neutral, just smack dab in between men and women.

But all of this "playing into stereotype" nonsense is just pure bullshit.

Sometimes women do traditionally feminine things, regardless of whether they're cis or trans.

Same for men doing masculine things, and non-binary people dressing androgynously.

Sometimes people behave in ways that are stereotypical for their group, and that's just how life works.

Not every single person on the planet needs to defy every stereotype.

And especially for trans people, maybe doing the stereotypical thing helps them alleviate some dysphoria.

Who fucking cares?

Let people be how they are and don't expect everyone to throw away a part of who they

are just because society has made it a stereotype for their group.

And it's worth noting that the transphobes who come at trans people for "playing into

a stereotype" almost never come at cis people in the same way.

For instance, when a cis woman does traditionally feminine things, these transphobes never accuse

her of secretly being a man who's just "playing into a stereotype", because to them she's

just inherently a woman.

That's exactly how we should be treating trans women -- as inherently women regardless

of what "stereotypes" they play into.

And the second part of this paradox is transphobes telling trans people that they "just aren't

trying hard enough."

If you've been subscribed to my channel for a while now, you probably know that I

have a fair amount of personal experience with this.

For like a solid year, an entire community on YouTube sprung up around attacking me,

saying that I was a "fake trans" because I "wasn't trying hard enough".

The point is, I'm very familiar with this particular brand of transphobe.

For them, every trans woman has to be the most feminine person on the planet.

They need to have 800 surgeries and debilitating dysphoria and wear a full face of makeup every

day and love dresses and hate sports and just be the literal epitome of traditionally feminine.

And I've seen the exact same shit in reverse towards trans men.

Just recently, I saw someone screencapped a tweet of someone saying that "trans men

aren't really men if they dye their hair or wear makeup," and I just can't wrap

my mind around how that would make any sense.

Men, cis or trans, don't have to be super macho masculine dudes.

They can wear makeup or dye their hair or paint their nails or wear skirts or do whatever

they want, and they're still men.

Clothes or nail polish don't determine your gender -- only *you* can determine your gender.

And non-binary people get this shit all the time!

If they wear dresses, people say they're too feminine and obviously a woman, if they

wear pants, people say they're too masculine and obviously a man.

People who can't think outside their arbitrary gender roles just want to force everything

into one of two boxes.

This kind of transphobe wants to enforce gender roles so badly that when they see trans people

disobeying their Official Gender Roles, they fucking lose it.

Gender roles are not gender, and anyone of any gender can be masculine or feminine or

whatever the fuck they want.

But the Transphobe's Paradox is that trans people constantly hear both of these things at once.

If you're a trans woman and you're too feminine, you're a stereotype.

If you're too masculine, you're not trying hard enough.

If you're a trans man and you're too masculine, you're a stereotype.

If you're too feminine, you're not trying hard enough.

And if you're non-binary and look super androgynous, you're a stereotype, but if

you lean in the slightest way towards being feminine or masculine, you're not trying

hard enough.

It's just fucking impossible for any trans people to please these transphobes.

No amount of making yourself feminine or masculine will make the harassment stop because it really

isn't about you being a stereotype or about you not trying hard enough, it's about these

assholes having a fundamental problem with the existence of trans people.

It's sucks that existing as a trans person means that lots of folks are going to be hyper

vigilant of exactly how masculine or feminine you are and judge you harshly based on that,

but that's the world we're in right now.

That's the Transphobe's Paradox.

So if you're trans and you've been hearing this shit from people, the best advice I can

give you is just to say fuck it and be however masculine or feminine you want to be.

You can't please them, so you might as well be your most authentic self, regardless of

whether that's the most feminine trans person in the world

or the most masculine or somewhere in the middle.

However you're comfortable expressing yourself is totally fine.

You don't have to prove your gender to these people, and honestly no matter how hard you

try to bend over backwards to please them, it will probably never be enough.

You are however you identity, and that's 100% okay.

And if you're not trans and you've maybe said one of these phrases to a trans person,

either telling them that they're "imitating a stereotype" or "not trying hard enough",

I really think you should consider not doing that anymore and maybe apologizing to the

trans people you've hurt, if that's appropriate for your situation.

Anyway, that's all I had for you today.

Normally, this is the part of the video where I ask you to support me on Patreon, but I

want to talk about that real quick -- because I've been having some serious financial

struggles and Patreon is my main source of income.

If you can spare a few dollars every month to help your local trans girl keep making

videos like these, you have no idea how much it would help me out.

But yeah, that's my spiel.

You can click over here to support me on Patreon or use the link in the description, and I

would really really appreciate it.

You can also click over here to subscribe to my channel.

Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> The Transphobe's Paradox | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 5:44.


朱婷归队香港训练挥汗如雨 攻扣拦发垫再显巨星风采 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 朱婷归队香港训练挥汗如雨 攻扣拦发垫再显巨星风采 - Duration: 1:30.


Time to Choose, Mind or Heart - Duration: 11:54.

so much is changing and rapidly it seems as if we work through one aspect of self

fears doubts or worries only to be shown it again on a deeper level this time is

all about change but the underlying theme is can we trust and allow the

changes to flow can we be in a place of surrender and inactive creation at the

same time there is an unfolding taking place we are opening like a flower

blooming to all that we are it is a time in which we are being asked to let go of

all we think and know we are being asked to trust completely in ourselves our

soul and not allow the distractions of the world to cause us to lose focus

the words keep your eye on the prize have been ringing in my head whenever I

get pulled away from my Center the other word that has come front and center is

choose choose what we want for our lives choose how we want to give back choose

what we want to focus on choose who we want to be with this word can be

exciting and terrifying all at the same time for in it we can dare to dream of

all the possibilities yet it is with the full knowledge that this life is our

creation our responsibility and our platform for soul growth it is the

understanding that I am the most powerful person in my universe and you

are the most powerful person in yours number empowerment number ascension

click to tweet when we look at choosing what we want for our lives we will bring

towards us scenarios people and places that help us to define what we want and

what we don't want the more layered we are with programming

and beliefs that don't align with our truest self the more we will experience

and be shown what we don't want for our lives to experience the collapse of what

we thought we wanted who we thought we were or even what we defined as needing

can be very painful and full of stress it can look as if all around you is

collapsing but if you look real close you will see that while the foundation

may have looked pretty in reality it was only a house of cards when something is

in alignment with your soul and your growth it sticks it will not change

until it has shown you want you needed to learn or until it is no longer

assisting in your evolution the most painful place to be in these energies is

in a place of resistance when we fight the flow of energy of what is it is like

trying to stand still in a raging river it hurts and we can feel battered and

bruised it also firmly locks us into a reality that is no longer in our highest

interest it is when we allow the flow of the river to take us that we open

ourselves to miraculous change we don't have to like our current situation but

we do need to accept it and see it for the growth it provides physically we are

all over the place for many the Ascension process has

really ramped up to me it feels like my body is working double-time to catch up

to where my heart and mind have already landed what I am hearing many clients

complain of is pain in the lower back hips and feet these are the foundation

points as we remove ourselves from one grid and attach to another we can

experience pain in these areas as the form wants to upgrade an anchor sleep

gets crazy as we go through this process as well the energy coming in is also

causing lots of digestion issues including bloating headaches especially

in the temples are common centering hydration and minerals such as magnesium

cell salts and B vitamins are crucial spend plenty of time outside and in the

Sun members of the elemental kingdom are Master healers who contain the original

divine blueprint when we spend time in nature we can receive healing and when

we connect with the elementals we tap into that original blueprint that we are

all returning to mentally and emotionally deep deep patterns are

surfacing to be completely healed here again we must choose do I react as

I have always done or do I connect with my heart and find a new way victimhood

blame and the inability to forgive will literally create serious dysfunction

within and out there anxiety and depression are very common and can range

from mild to severe if you are experiencing severe symptoms please seek

assistance this can all be overwhelming I am finding that if a wave of anxiety

comes over me that I can settle and observe my thoughts when I do I find

where I was out of alignment with my soul which is the greatest cause of

anxiety by observing what is coming up to be seen I can then realign myself by

activating my heart and speaking my truth many are struggling to stay

centered and present this is especially true for those that are finding ideas

for future projects and creations flying in

it really takes skill to be present and create the new without tapping into the

anxiety associated with the unknown while this feels like a particularly

intense and difficulty passage know that we are receiving great assistance from

all around us this includes the planet alignments the Sun solar storms gateways

gamma bursts the Schumann resonance the Angels masters and guides it is all

conspiring to help us to be the best version of ourselves once one feels this

to our core they will switch from feeling that things are being done to

them but rather that all of these things are helping them the entire purpose of

all of the mental physical and emotional changes we are undergoing is for us to

uncover our truth and to step into our power with open-hearted pure

authenticity number ascension number lightworkers number activations click to

tweet what is needed now my guidance team explained to me that the greatest

issue at this moment is that people are not in their hearts but rather they are

in their heads they explained that the light coats and activations run through

the heart center if a person is closed they are unable to

run the programs think about it like this

the codes coming in are on CD they work great if you have a device to play a CD

but if you only have a cassette player then you will not be able to run the

higher light programming the only way to upgrade from a cassette player to a CD

player is through the heart to take this a step further they showed me the human

spine the disks in the spine actually contained programming it is not a

coincidence they are called disks the old programming on earth of lack fear

sacrifice patriarchy greed and domination are becoming obsolete

these programs will continue to run but are no longer being supported what this

means is that those running the old programs without opening their hearts

will find that their forms will begin to break down they showed me the human

spine crumbling as it is no longer supported it is rather like having an

old car whose replacement parts are no longer available it made perfect sense

to me because in some client sessions I have been guided to assist in the

upgrading of the discs within the spine we are beings of light sound and

frequency that are constantly being upgraded and expanded on this journey

number ascension number light being CLI ck to tweet all of the light codes

coming in are run processed an unboxed if you will by the heart it is why being

heart centered and consistently working on the things within that keep us from

opening our heart to the greatest degree our essential this does not mean that

those experiencing ill health are not opened hearted as the Ascension process

itself can create many health issues when I inquired why people are not

opening to the frequencies they showed me they've asleep human who is so

trapped into the day-to-day routine and are full of chemicals programming and

fear they showed it to me like layers piled on top of the human burying the

soul inside and obscuring the connection that should be theirs

I asked what could be done to assist and was told that each awakening soul can

assist by not only reacting to the world from a high vibrating place but also

through intention they shared with me these words I asked to be a conduit of

source light and unconditional love on this planet may everywhere I go and

everyone I come in contact with feel the power of unconditional love and opened

their hearts may I remind them of their highest calling and potential may I be

the catalyst for awakening another simply by being the highest expression

of self as you read these words feel the power in them it is not that we have to

inform or educate another it is simply that we asked to be the spark of

remembering in another for those that are beginning their process it can

provide a much-needed energy boost like a high five to the soul to be near one

who is a conduit for those who have not yet begun it can be the spark to help

them sort through the layers and open their hearts

I have been bringing these words into my morning intentions and find that each

time a feeling of blessed peace and love flows through me I hope these words find

you well in finding your truest self more and more know that the Creator is

grateful for the expression that you are each one of us holds the notes to a

glorious symphony each one important each one needed I am sending you all

lots of love and strength as we continue on this journey deepest gratitude for

all who share this work

For more infomation >> Time to Choose, Mind or Heart - Duration: 11:54.


Mercedes-Benz Vito 122 CDI 320 LANG DC LUXE 3.0 V6 , NAVI , CR CONTR , TREKH , SCHUIFD L+R , - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Vito 122 CDI 320 LANG DC LUXE 3.0 V6 , NAVI , CR CONTR , TREKH , SCHUIFD L+R , - Duration: 1:12.


Ford Kuga 2.0 TDCI KEYLESS ENTRY | NAVI | AUTOMAAT | XENON | HALF LEDER | - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ford Kuga 2.0 TDCI KEYLESS ENTRY | NAVI | AUTOMAAT | XENON | HALF LEDER | - Duration: 0:52.


特朗普步步紧逼,伊朗硬刚怒怼:敢侵略,美国和萨达姆一个下场! - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 特朗普步步紧逼,伊朗硬刚怒怼:敢侵略,美国和萨达姆一个下场! - Duration: 5:25.


Coupe du Monde 2018 : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Espagne - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Coupe du Monde 2018 : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Espagne - Duration: 7:10.


Liverpool et l'Egypte donnent des nouvelles de Mohamed Salah - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Liverpool et l'Egypte donnent des nouvelles de Mohamed Salah - Duration: 2:46.


Camille Cerf, son poids critiqué : "J'ai de la cellulite", sa réponse magistrale - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Camille Cerf, son poids critiqué : "J'ai de la cellulite", sa réponse magistrale - Duration: 3:34.






Cozy Custom Cabin Tiny House Completely Finished for sale only $23k - Duration: 1:54.

Cozy Custom Cabin Tiny House Completely Finished for sale only $23k

For more infomation >> Cozy Custom Cabin Tiny House Completely Finished for sale only $23k - Duration: 1:54.


เลือกเข้าร่วมเจอร์ราโก่ เนื้อเรื่องมาร์คัส ตอน 2 ซับไทย - DETROIT BECOME HUMAN MARCUS PART 2 - Duration: 31:58.

For more infomation >> เลือกเข้าร่วมเจอร์ราโก่ เนื้อเรื่องมาร์คัส ตอน 2 ซับไทย - DETROIT BECOME HUMAN MARCUS PART 2 - Duration: 31:58.


Perhaps Love Season 3 Ep 12 Eng Sub - Heechul and Li Feier - Duration: 1:18:19.

(A new day)

(Their love continues)

the weather is so good

i seem like a boy waiting for his girlfriend

when is he coming?

It's like the city of love

everything you see is beautiful

(why isn't oppa here yet)

where's oppa (honey)

(Playful Heechul who's hiding)

(unknowing still taking a walk)

(at this moment)

ah! what the heck!

(sweet hug)

(the couple that is more and more sweet) oppa is here



yes....there's none~

did you sleep well?

yepp, but my body aches

my body hurts, but so does my lips


lol I have no idea


what are we doing today?


let's just go for now

(we'll discuss in the car)

(let's go)

What kind of interesting thing will happen to them?

where are we going?


(what idea does he have)

When we were in Korea

when I was driving, we ran away didn't we?

should just the two of us run away?

*high pitched excited screaming*


(in the end we were dragged back by the PDs)

shit, we got caught

(plan to flee failed)

we got caught?

dammit, we got caught

right now on this car...

(starting a new plan to run away)

there's no PD

that's right

We just need to bribe the cameraman

let's go play

but I don't have money

wait, no I DO have money


ah yeah, the money from yesterday

from before

oh, where is it

ah, here it is

there's 2000 dollars

we can bribe them with 1000 dollars

the other 1000 left for ourselves to spend

you hold onto one note first

do you have a cellphone?

I dont have one TT TT

It's ok if you don't, cause I have one

yes, yes, yes

This phone can be used anywhere


with 2000 dollars and this phone

we can go anywhere

with this phone

(100% confidence - this time we definitely won't be caught)

we can go anywhere we want

you like ice cream, right?

uh huh

I'll buy it for you <3


aice creem


thank you~

this is a secret!

I got it

(plan to run away is made)

good bye

We are going to begin a date with just the two of us now

bye bye~ don't come looking for us

bye bye, don't come looking for us!!

(car that is freely driving away)





go that way

we should go somewhere farther away

we ran to somewhere they can't find us

let's scare them a little

(message from the PDs: when travelling abroad, safety first)

(freedom officially starts now)

do you know where we can buy ice cream?

we can't find an ice cream shop lol

is it here?

ice cream, I just want to eat ice cream

this one

do you like this?

is this ok?

I like this

do you like this?


when it's just the two of us


when it's just the two of us

(can communicate even without translation)


(At this moment)

wow, it's so big



what flavour is this?

(enjoying food like a normal couple) coconut!

I can copy the way you talk try to copy the way I talk

I can't do it


you're seriously too pretty


a girl! a girl again!

honey who is this girl?!?!

seriously ahhh~


*embarrassed asf* what to do~~

what else is there? hmmm


Where are you looking again!?!?!!

no, I don't want any

where are you looking again? seriously!

why are you looking at other women again?!?

why are you looking at other women?

who is this woman? who is it??

honey, do you like your girlfriend?

what are you saying?!

who is this? again!!!?

who is this woman?!!!

exactly. who is that woman!?!?

who is this woman??!

honey, you're too pretty

I don't want to take a photo with you!


what to do~~~

(can't resist - our heechul is too cute)


this one is 650 meters away from us

this one is 450m away

this one is a bit far

are you guys here?

don't move, we're coming to find you right now

where, where??

did they find us?

dfhlsdhflsufdfsf <this cannot be translated>

oi! who is this woman again?!?!?

whO iS tHiS wOmaN hoNey? wHo iS iT~~

(happily - can't stop bickering)

honey who what is this woman?!!!?

seriously, honey. You have too many side chicks


lol nevermind it's you

let's quickly leave now

(fortunately they haven't caught up yet)

honey, where?


(heechul is enthusiastically waving to the fans)

aiya! who is this woman again?!?

fan! fan!

(the two people are having so much fun)



yes, this one, let's go

is this not it?

oh we can walk now

wait, do we walk this way?

(worrying - can we find the massage shop?)

you guys don't know the roads

didn't you guys get lost?

what century do you think we live in?

with an IVVI phone

you can go anywhere you want

<lowkey advertising the phone xD>

(the two people without a sense of direction)

(more difficult to find than they thought)

(it's not this street...?)

where is it?

(did we go the wrong way?)

(where is it?)

(can their runaway plan still continue?)

exhcusie me

(thought of asking the locals for help)

Walk straight here, then cross the street

smart *in korean*

smart *in chinese*

oh it's here

(finally arrived at the massage shop)

oh, it's here it's here

ok, let's take a picture in front of the store

tease the PDs

tease them

Use chinese to tease them

you can't find us ~

let's send it later

I'm going crazy

(customers who are receiving a massage)



(concern) is it fine?

(feeling uneasy)

do you want to try?

where are you going?!

ah sorry

(copying fei'er again) oppa who is this girl?!

you're really - !

no, I wanted to learn so I can massage you


(doesn't give him the chance) I'll learn it instead

you want to try?

what are you doing

(pulling up) oppa, start

(using strength)

is it okay if I use more strength? (starting to feel the pain)

One more (fei'er is learning seriously)

How old are you? (being a playboy)


(doesn't change)

(keep still - no tricks)

(massage continues)

oppa, is it your first time getting a massage like this with a girl?


(sincerely - I've only gotten a massage with you) first time



not with other women before?

(checking again)





(sweetly) cute

you're pretty

(quieting down - the two people start to enjoy the massage)

cute. baby

(the honeyed words make the atmosphere sweet)

(experienced all the romance and madness)

(the most precious experience is this moment's quiet)

(i want to always hold your hand)

(together experience every moment of this love)

you probably looked for us for a long time right

if there weren't any personnel

it's like the time belongs to the two of us

the feeling that it belongs to just the two of us

(comfortable - the massage ends) thank you

wait (let's make the PDs jealous)

oppa will take a picture to send to them

after we send it let's go

thank you

thank you

(the night arrives)

(the love story that belongs to only two people)

(continues to develop)

after the massage

the sky is dark already

then we went to the pool of a bar

because coming to thailand

we need to go play in the water

(sexy, pretty)

careful careful

do you like water?

it's cold

wait a sec

you can't just jump into it at once

because it's night the water is very cold!

I don't like (what to do)

wait a sec (cold like ice)

Im going in first

(playful - starts to attack) stop!

come in quickly

so cold (prepares to counterattack)

(this is also a way of showing sweet love)

(happy) (avoiding) seriously

come in quickly

i got it

I'm going! going!

why are you wearing something so sexy

(just you wait...)

(this baby is mad)

you want to die

(fine I was wrong)

come in quickly

it's not very deep

(still playful) come in!

got it

quickly quickly

i know!

(singing) you're my little apple, i can't love you enough

(an actor's name)

(starting to act)

(two people who love to act)

who are you?!

why do you always meet with girls?

(water fight breaks out) baby

sorry (self-made sound track)

I forfeit (can't hold up)

I give up

baby! (the man who's full of acting)

(swimming towards the woman he loves)

(are you trying to drown me)


oppa was a lifeguard before

it's okay

are you okay baby


(kim fei'er appears again) who is that woman?!

I want to cry

swimming at night is different from swimming during the day

because it's cold at night

because it's cold

so when couples are a bit cold in the winter

there will be more skinship

I thought of this

I... ah. Couple swim (ideas are here again)


falling into water

shout 'help me, help me' (kim PD is explaining the act)

I will then go to save them

right now you've fainted (seriously explaining)

i'll save you baby

are you okay (starting to act at once)

help! (reality is very different from what he imagined)


(i feel like I was fooled by you again)

why are you so heavy

(you're blaming me?!)

In my impression, pool acting scenes are supposed to be very romantic right

why is it that for us two

it becomes a comical thing

I couldn't do anything

come here baby

are you good at math?

not good

calculate this

(guessing blindly)

why? why is it five?

i don't know

my math is very bad

let me try



<hahaha him tossing the eraser is hilarious>

When he wiped it

it was very romantic

he used many different ways

his own ways

to express his feelings

i love you

don't come over

I love you baby

(liking should be loudly said)


(this kiss is full of deep emotions

(we're no longer afraid of gazing at each other)

(used to ourselves like this)

(Two hearts getting closer)


(this path we walked)

(full of laughter)

(got used to existing in each other's lives)

(although we bicker everyday)

(although sometimes we argue)

(i can always rely on your shoulder)

(i can experience your warmth and gentleness)


(this is the love that belongs to us)

(A bright sunny day)

(It's the couple's last day here)

(Today they will go experience a traditional Thai wedding)

Did you sleep well?

(the headstrong us made the PDs worry)

We have so many cameras

You guys worked hard

Thank you all for yesterday

What are you thanking them for? It's you who dragged me to run away


let's go in first

What is this?


Are you a couple that come to...?

(A sweet couple) Couple couple. Girlfriend

You are Mr. Kim?

Oh Kim Kim Kim

And Ms. Li?

We've prepared a beautiful wedding ceremony for you

(curious) (anticipating)

this is where traditional Thai weddings are held

now we need to change clothes

(playing around again)

it's okay with workers

come, I'll carry you

one, two, three

let's go

(carrying his wife - his heart feels worry-free)

am I heavy?

not bad (I can carry)

(shouldn't have tried to appear strong)

i can get down

really like a feather

(understanding) (caring)

the first room is for Mr. Kim

yes. for Ms Li it's the second room

go change

see you soon

(anticipating) (curious)

(what kind of traditional clothing is it?)

wow... traditional/formal Thai clothing

(can't wait to try it on)

(for showing the most beautiful self)

which one should I use?

pick one

(lipstick - giving you a great feel)

(first step: makeup)

(second step: hairstyle)

(third step: choosing a Thai formal outfit)

(fourth step: prepare to change)

how do I wear this? I dont know how to

i'll go change

(changed clothes) (calm feeling)

(put away the playfulness - showing the best self)

actually, Thai weddings are very different from Korean ones

when you don't know anything

changing clothes

there were many kinds of thoughts

(nervous yet full of anticipation)

yet there was nothing to think of

my skin improved after using the face masks

(mainitaining your milky white skin)


the last selfie as a bachelor (unmarried man)

now imagine the bride


beautiful is a given (fei'er is forever the prettiest in my heart)

I'm most looking forward to seeing fei'er in Thai traditional clothing

because I don't know at all what this outfit looks like

really look forward to it

(heechul who is waiting for fei'er to change)

(heart is nervous but full of anticipation)

(singing to change the mood)

(starting to imagine scenarios)

"live with me"


"be mine"


fei'er, thank you for choosing me


it's charismatic

fei'er. tonight

belongs to only the two of us

(crazy kim genius) oppa oppa


you don't love me?

(embarrassed by his own acting <same heenim same>)

was that too much? sorry

(only for meeting you)

how is it? am I like a bride?

until i came out from changing my clothes

that's when I felt like it was real

knowing that it's a wedding

today i will get married

it's different from my past experiences of filming

filming is just when you do makeup, change clothes, and act with everyone

it's just different

it feels a bit real

(together chasing love's promise)

I'm now going to see

going to see

my husband (shy) (nervous)

i do really want to see him

let's go

(this is?!)

(beautiful bridesmaids)

we're all the same

what is this?

like this?

what is this?

it's not my imagination?

(with trembling feelings)

(walking towards the destination)

this is different from filming...

very complicated

weddings are very important in chinese culture

they're a very happy and joyful thing

it represents a very joyful beginning

very complicated

(full of curiosity and anticipation)

(step by step getting closer)

because I was wearing something like that

I was curious what he would be wearing

(this is...?)

(a kim heechul who's different from usual)

(it's the groom's welcome group)

so this is a wedding...

I must be more serious

(put away his usual playfulness)

because there can't be a mistake in a wedding... can't play around

because it's a wedding

so I treated it very seriously (today he become serious)

(the welcome group that is getting closer)

(what a loud commotion)

(hard to cross)

(it's time to test the groom)

(bridesmaids' question time) In "Perhaps Love",

when did you first meet the bride?

please enter the answer on the phone

you can only go in after you're successful

(searching his memory)





five? six?


okay, you can go it (successfully answered)

boyfriend (proved it with true ability)

(heechul passed the first door)

say what would you like to say to her

and together call her name loudly

(too easy)

(let me clear my throat)

(clearing throat)

be careful



HEECHUL'S BABY (the voice that filled the entire sky)

I. LIKE. YOU! (it's my dedication to loving you)

HEECHUL'S BABY (joy) (sweet)




<haha those expressions>

thank you

(successfully passed the second door)

(there are more?!)

how much do you love her?

you can dance

(can use dancing to prove it!)


no no no no

one more... dancing (not enough)

(careful) sorry sorry sorry sorry

no no no...

one more... dancing (still not sincere enough)

power? (explosive power?)


(young ladies dazed from watching)

(captivated young men)


(successfully passed the third door)

(is he here?)

(can we finally meet now?)

(a scene that suddenly became very nervewracking)

(only the two people are left)

(serious) (don't know what to do)

it felt very spiritual

it was so spiritual

so I was shy about being beside her

she seemed larger than life

i felt like after he came in

i was too afraid to look him in the eye

it was a an indescribable nervousness

he was very solemn

he's never been this solemn before

(seems like we should be doing something)

(let's hold hands)

(holding hands, we won't be nervous anymore)



(seems like there's something they want to say)


thank you (this is not the phrase she wants to hear)

(should really do something)

(why is there still no reaction)

what is it??

can't you smell it?

(heechul's sense of smell has become dull)

can't you smell it?

(delighted - this familiar smell)

you used the spray I gave you

yes, used a lot

a lot a lot

(because I know you like it)

my first time giving you a gift



i like it a lot

you must use it next time we meet

i promise

(the present that is always at her side)

(innocent and romantic)

(made herself laugh)

i think i need to use more

he can't smell it

I've been using it the entire time

but he hasn't smelled it

let's see if he can smell it now

(doesnt even miss her leg)

it's fine to waste a little... it's a wedding after all

(sprays horizontally)

(sprays vertically)

(can't miss the back)

how else can I spray it? (already used a year's worth!)

(still feels like it's not enough)

is this enough?

(sweet enough to kill you!)

I didn't even smell that scent

if it weren't for the wedding

usually it's very easy to detect it

(so nervous, his senses even became dull)

it shows that I was very captivated

(the two people in the nervous atmosphere)

so nervous

me too

(heechul is suddenly serious) li fei'er

marry me

marry me

what is this?

(shocked - what is this situation?)

marry me

right now is it a proposal?

you can't be like that

(you can't just say it)


what should I do?

i don't know either

(think of something yourself)

(I understand)

(use actual actions to confess to you)

(please accept my sincerity)

marry me (full of sincerity)

marry me

okay. I got it


(it's this kind of feeling)

careful careful

offcially entering the wedding segment

(full of fresh flowers)

romantic and warm

(waiting for the important moment that belongs to two people) (text: kim heechul <3 li fei'er)

please sit

(nervous as soon as they sat down)


(officiator of the wedding)

(putting powder on the forehead)

(symbolizes happiness and joy)

actually when filming a drama

there would often be wedding scenes

this has a totally different feeling from those

the wedding customs I understand

and the wedding customs I don't understand

the difference is really very big

(wears the flower necklace)

(wears the flower necklace - matching as a pair)

(double joy circle symbolizes fortune and fulfilment of wishes)

(ties hand)

(keeping lots of fortune and joy)

(accepting everyon's well-wishes)


the customs of every place is a little different

the moment that we sat there together

it's very magical

it's really a very magical feeling

the atmosphere was really really calm and quiet

everything seemed so real

including the feelings

(at last tied the two people together)

(represents that no matter when or where)

(they will be tied together forever)

(the wedding ceremony is complete)

getting tied together by the string represents hearts being connected

this is what I think

the head is also connected

hands are also tied together

forever tied like this string

forever being happy together

(officiator leads the newlyweds)

(the rest of the road is up to you yourselves)


for today

including what just happened

I haven't done with any other woman (heechul's sincere words)


I only see you

when tying the thread

can only be polite to other men

I saw (I know everything)


am no longer a flirt (working hard to express himself)

I know

you were just teasing me (I understand your heart)

oppa, thank you

you're welcome

(arrived at the newlywed room)

(carefully prepared room)

(full of sunlight)

(everything is like a wonderful dream)

please sit

(feast of food)

(can finally relax a bit)

the weather is nice

everything is great

is the weather pretty or fei'er pretty?

is the weather pretty or fei'er pretty?

oppa is pretty

oppa is the prettiest?


the oppa who is prettier than the weather

is your man

the oppa who is prettier than the weather

is your man

(sweet) (happiness) I'm so happy


do you want to change your clothes?

and go on a date?


wait a moment

(sharing the happy news with someone?)

what are you doing? (unknowing)

wait a moment

oh mom

<haha that expression>

(shocked) (happy) where are you?


I'm in Thailand

can you see me?

can you see me clearly?

(video chatting with her mom?)

wait let me introduce someone to you

oh great


r-really? (nervous) (nervous)

yes, what is it? (still not prepared, what to do?)

let me see

(quickly gets up to show respect)

hello (first time seeing his 'mother-in-law')

I'm Kim Heechul

I am

li fei'er's wife <hahaha cracked me up>


ah... sorry sorry, li fei'er's husband (so cute)

husband, husband

today we got married

oh but I didn't send a gift yet

it's fine (mother-in-law, you don't need to be formal)

what do you think about my boyfriend?

excellent and handsome

he's a good child

can you understand me?

thank you

mom, I love you

I love you, mom (expressing his gratitude)

come visit Beijing when you have time

come visit home

ah right, Beijing... I like Being roast duck

I like seafood

he likes seafood hotpot, like the type we usually eat

oh, then come to Beijing

we'll go eat together

yes yes yes... thanks mom

don't be formal

i'm hanging up now

take care of your health, be careful (mother-in-law's advice)

don't worry

i love you

(the love from the son-in-law)

using korean to say 'mother-in-law'

I couldn't go to visit in person

but instead used video-chat

mother-in-law, also talking today was very unexpected

thank you for patiently listening to my terrible chinese pronunciation

it's said that parents take care of their son-in-law

mother in law, <heart>

kim heechul's aegyo

really shy

should have done this to my mom sooner

never had a chance

to introduce him to my parents

although I've told my parents about this earlier

and showed my parents his photos and videos

but haven't really

had this kind of meeting

i must introduce him to my mom

so change your clothes

and go on a date


you should have given me some notice! (didn't express myself well)

this way is more fun! (this way you'll leave a deeper impression)

ah... can't get up

let's go

(after completing the wedding experience)

(night has fallen)

(in this city full of love)

(this pair of lovers... what kind of way will they say goodbye?)

(heechul arrived first, alone)

the first time we met

(prepared photos of the journey they walked together) if I used this hairstyle in the wedding

it's really not suitable, it's a good thing I cut it

li fei'er...

this is when we ...

(mango garden... the second meeting) the wound on the hand

it's a souvenir from our first meeting

like this wound... it's the first time meeting li fei'er

(until the scar fades, love also doesn't leave)

really will always be in my heart... until this scar fades away

this is when we played the game

(every photo was chosen personally by heechul) this hairstyle is really...

terrible to look at

this is li fei'er's action performance (every moment remains in this man's memory)

here we could only do a kiss on the cheek

now kissing on the mouth is already very natural

when I prepared the photos

the things that happened here, the things that happened there

everything is remembered again

and then

I thought of if I did this then

it would have been more sweet

if I'd leaned closer then (even the greatest love has regrets)

we would have become more intimate earlier on

although i have this kind of regrets

I was determined to put all this in book of memories

(heechul is seriously preparing everything)

must make it more beautiful

(want to give her the biggest romance)

like this... will she like it?

(using his own way)

(to give fei'er a romantic memory)

it's really what I prepared for her

hoping there won't be any mistakes

very good

like karaoke

can't put my hands in my pockets

one hand is so awkward, what do I do

usually you put your hand in your pocket, then bring it out (nervous)

is this okay?

I'm so nervous - what's gonna happen later?

super nervous (every cell is nervous)

there can't be any mistakes

that was in my head the entire time

(everything is prepared)

(this moment)

(she slowly walks here)

there's a

feeling like when we met for the first time

this road is very similar too

(like when they first met)

the first time they tightly held hands

every moment like yesterday

where is he? (anticipating)(curious)

here will she see me? (worry)

should I hide better?

(a never-felt-before nervousness) when will she get here

what's this?

(every moment in memory)

(is a memory of the road they've traveled)

(holding back tears)


our photos on the two sides

suddenly I couldn't hold it back anymore

really didn't want to cry (practiced many times to not let tears fall)

really really really didn't want to cry


it's a happy thing... no matter what, I shouldn't be sad


it's easy to say, isn't it

(getting emotions under control)

(continue walking forward)

(first meeting, I was very shy)

(sometimes I didn't know what to do)

(you worked hard to make me laugh)

(to dissolve the awkwardness)

(finally we opened our hearts and crossed this wall)

can we rewind?

the feeling at the time...

let us rewind... (wishing time could reverse)

and go back to San Ya

I don't want it to be the last time (love is very short)

I wish it was the first time we met


(so romantic)


where are you?

(come out quickly)

(saw something?)

(text: my only darling li fei'er)

what is this?

what is it?

what is it?

(don't ask anything)

for once, let me sing for you

don't make me cry

my... don't make me cry

<okay but I think I'm crying :'( >

(I held on to you tightly)

(listening to the sound of waves in winter)

(wipe away the tears you shed right now)

(don't cry)

(look at me)

(you are the one)

(only you are my love)

(you are the sun)

(warmly embracing my smile)

(you are my love)

(I also only belong to you)

(no matter when)

(stay at my side)


(my embrace is always open to you)

(I can't forget you)

(my breath is yours)

(my heartbeat is yours)

(everything is yours)

at that time I really wanted to

stop the song and hug him

when hugging

the microphone could hear my heartbeat

my heart was really going pit-pat pit-pat

I really liked this sound

and also what happened between us at that time

meeting li fei'er

she chose me, I chose her

it's a really beautiful meeting

I was thinking of this when I hugged her

so I kept on hugging her

oppa keeps on making jokes... sorry


I like it

just like this... li fei'er keep on smiling

(I like seeing you laugh)

(I like having you close to me)

really thank you

you really gave me many beautiful memories

originally, I was very shy

but being with you darling

I became very warm

I have a wish

you can only call me darling

even after this program ends

don't see other women!

filming hasn't ended yet

you can only see me - understand?

(because of love... can occasionnally be unreasonable)

let's go look at the pictures together

(holding hands, walking into the memories)

(seeing the two of us of that time)

you're really fearless

(love that is everywhere)

I'll take care of you!

(love as gentle as the wind)

(blowing upon us)

i like you so much - what to do?

(love as sweet as candy)

(surrounding us)

when it was my birthday

happy birthday to you

(love as moving as song)

my most beloved oppa

happy birthday to you (moving us)

when li fei'er is tired

happy, or sad

(love as hot as fire)

I will cheer you up

really. trust me

(warming us)

really thank you

thank you, oppa

it's good I cut my hair right

my girlfriend!

is called li fei'er!!!

oppa thank you

I like it

I like that hair

this is... when I first met you

do you know why I can't forget it?

back then I had a wound on my hand

this appeared when we first met

(love will sometimes be unreasonable)

i really got hurt

what to do?

(and hurt us like a knife)

this is a meaningful scar

don't worry


we should take a look at it

it's fine

this is when we first played games


(time flowing backwards towards the very beginning)

if we got married like this (love as shy as a maiden)

i like it

(now love is)

take care

you too

don't drink anymore

don't stay up all night playing games

don't get sick

got it

(a deep reluctance to part)

thank you for choosing oppa

close your eyes

(obeys without doubt)

close your eyes!

close my eyes?




what to do

(calmly) (waiting)

close your eyes

(love seems to be magical)

(it can make weak people become brave)

actually, a little sad

a little sad

(a sweet kiss turned sad)

that kiss

I feel like in my heart it's a sad kiss

wishing to not cry

i feel like the memory would change with li fei'er's tears

I don't want her to cry

(if you bravely love, there won't be regrets)

(unwilling to part)

wae~~ (feeling sorry)

let's go

i won't say things like 'goodbye'

because we will meet again

got it

(even knowing it's not a final goodbye)


(even knowing they'll meet again)

(but they still can't stop gazing at each other

don't get sick - you promised!

don't catch a cold (a parting promise)

you can't see other women!

eat well!

i know

don't drink too much

(hoping that you can live well even without me)

let's say 1 2 3 then turn around and leave

1... 2... 3

(still can't bear to part)

(can't resist turning back)




kim heechul!

darling li fei'er

thank you! (still so many things they want to say)

I love you

me too

good night

i'm going

(after turning away, love becomes only a memory)

i've said I'll always be behind you

(the most painful distance)

(is when you're not at my side)

i will gaze after your silhouette like this

who else can look at you like this

(but you're still in my heart)

darling heechul

the memories I created together with you

are like a fairytale

many people would be envious

i met you because of filming

because of filming

we must part

this kind of meeting

forgive me, I'm still practicing



in the future

i hope everything goes well for you

everything is successful

if we have the chance to meet again

i hope your smile

can be just like right now

in <If Love>

when you're smiling at me

warmer than sunlight

kim heechul

kim heechul

is someone i once loved

very good


my most precious person

(the scene after the shoot)

everyone worked hard (after filming, heechul is leaving)

(kindhearted fei'er returned to the scene to say goodbye to the staff)

i want to thank you all

thank you

let's all make a heart

(heechul didn't leave!)

hyung how to bring this over?

(pretended to leave to prepare the surprise)

today it's darling's birthday

(the unknowing fei'er)

careful careful

we can't drop the cake

(with the help of the staff, the surprise is successfully underway)

(staff silently leaving)

happy birthday to you

happy birthday to you

my beloved darling li fei'er

happy birthday to you


(still dazed)

didn't expect it

completely didn't expect it

when did i become so stupid?

before, li fei'er made me seaweed soup

now li fei'er's birthday is almost here

so i wanted her to see

that i prepared this for her

i purposefully asked for this picture

it's when darling made seaweed soup for me (a picture personally chosen by heechul)

because it was my birthday

thank you (touched)

make a wish right?

should i say it out loud or not?

don't say it

it's enough if we know it

say it later

got it

when I'm not here

(your wish is a secret that belongs to only the two of us)


(happy) thank you


he keeps on giving me so many unforgettable memories

i have something else prepared (a gift?)

what else is there?

my first impression of her

is her wearing a white hat

i was thankful for her appearing

(because of experiencing so much happiness)

(continue to recall over and over again)

very nervous

didn't know the person i will face after i walk down

what he will be like

how he'll react

(remembering the shyness of the first meeting)

li fei'er

you are mine

(remembering the nervousness of the confession)

delivery is here

(remembering the anticipation)

oppa thank you!

yahh caught you!

(remembering the drama-like romance)

when li fei'er hugged me

can hear her heartbeat

it made me nervous

(remembering the sudden wildness)

(remembering the lighthearted happiness)

(remembering every heart-warming surprise)

my girlfriend

(your every gesture, every smile)

i'll take care of you (your every word)

'i'll take care of you' is better than 'i love you'

you can lean on my shoulder

(are all saved in my memory)

two little bees

flying in the flowers

flying left, flying right

it finished?

it's really the end

how about we play that game for the last time?

if we tie

let's kiss

i'll start

you have to win even at the end

i prepared a lot

(the first time speaking perfect chinese)

(every word every sentence was prepared for li fei'er)


my darling li fei'er

(our dictionary doesn't contain the word 'sadness')

when he was in china

he filmed 'If Love' with a girl

in the process, all of our happiness

all of the hard work


will be remembered

meeting li fei'er

she chose me, i chose her

this kind of meeting

it's a beautiful kind of meeting

i'm afraid she'll think this is the end

i'm most worried about this

let's go

let's go~

we're leaving

don't follow us

cameras, don't follow us


(thanks to meeting that time)

(letting us have this love)

For more infomation >> Perhaps Love Season 3 Ep 12 Eng Sub - Heechul and Li Feier - Duration: 1:18:19.


Anticipazioni Tempesta d'amore: trame prossima settimana e tedesche - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Tempesta d'amore: trame prossima settimana e tedesche - Duration: 4:32.


Alda D'Eusanio a Sabato Italiano: "Corona non è una vittima" - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Alda D'Eusanio a Sabato Italiano: "Corona non è una vittima" - Duration: 4:28.


Grande Fratello: Danilo Aquino contro Alessia Prete - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello: Danilo Aquino contro Alessia Prete - Duration: 4:30.


Nadia Toffa morta? Lei ironizza sulla fake news - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa morta? Lei ironizza sulla fake news - Duration: 4:24.




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