Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Youtube daily report May 3 2018

The final race of the season is yet another street circuit. This time we race at Tokyo Bay Coastal R.

By this point, it looks like the game's hating me for playing as Gudelhian.

Due to the complex layout, Tokyo Bay Coastal R can be more difficult than the original counterpart.

Soon after this left hander is the tight 90 degree turn to the right.

A lot of cornering problem is this race comes from the car not drifting after you've de-acceled in the previous corner.

If you bump into any wall, you get a chance to drift like I'm doing now.

However, if you manage to avoid a wall, you need to deal with consecutive sessions of grip driving.

The car should build enough speed to drift into the next corner.

My driving here is not the best, but trust me that the AIs have even worse time than me here.

Besides, I ran this qualifying for like 30 times. it'd take forever to bring out a video if I were any more picky than I already am.

This section is not so hard.

Don't de-accel at this corner, since the car will slide into an upcoming outside barrier. Your car still have grip, let it roll into the center of the road.

The upcoming slope is some of the worst runs in the game.

It's a downhill slope that goes small right, then another right followed by a sudden deep left.

Unless your timing is really great, you'll have a lot of hard time here.

This right hander goes very deep and more than your grip capacity toward the end.

The wall to your left narrows down and acts as a trap for anybody who takes the usual apex exit.

Straighten your car and activate the second boost.

The upcoming corners are less extreme than the previous ones, but they are still troublesome.

The 90 degree corners here aren't as tough to go through due to the large tarmac area.

Just stick to the racing line and go for the finish line.

I'm 17.6 seconds above the pace. Hayato's P5 and Kaga's last. I should be fine.

Now, that's rude.

This isn't going to be easy, is it?

Heinel took himself out, as usual.

This is becoming less like a formula racing but more Mini 4wd "tap the wall and turn" racing.

Someone overtook Heinel, and he's fast.

Weirdly enough, taping the wall actually help me centering myself for the boost thanks to no damage.

Three laps to go. Oh boy...

So far, P2 is struggling as well, but I'm not sure how long he'll catch up.

Kaga? What happened to Kazami?

Best lap, but I doubt I'm faster than Kaga right now.

Nice overtake!

Okay, Kaga's just gone off the minimap. WHAT is that just now?

The game starts to glitch out a bit. No problem, though.

I just ran pass Heinel, who is still on the highway. He's that slow even with HG-165.

The one following him that I can imagine is probably Shinjyo. He has a really bad year.

Final lap, personal record, Kaga's chase continues.

This is getting very dangerous. I still get the title at this rate, but I don't want to lose the race.

Kaga staggered at the highway entry. This is my chance.

I got hit from behind and was forced to de-accel to avoid the wall. I need to grip at the final corner.

I win.

Hayato's P3. That seals the championship points.

There sure is lot of things to unlock.

Next video: Future GPX Cyber Formula SAGA. Stay tuned.

For more infomation >> Future GPX Cyber Formula: Road to the Infinity 2 Walkthrough Part 23: Street Circuit Nightmare - Duration: 17:39.


美媒報道:中國對美貿易談判展示強硬態度(組圖) - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> 美媒報道:中國對美貿易談判展示強硬態度(組圖) - Duration: 6:46.


Final Jeopardy!: Theodosia | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 2:05.

- The category is fashion brands

and here is the clue players.


Translated from roman numerals, "55", appears in luggage

and watch product names from a company founded by this man.

You have 30 seconds, good luck.

(Jeopardy! theme music)

We start with you Jan Brown.

You wrote down, who is Versace?


It's going to cost you.

How much? $7,000.

You drop to $2,800.

Let's go to Jeff now.

He was in second place with $13,600.

He's smiling because he came up with Versace, also.


he lost $6,001.

Let's go over to our champion, Osmand.

You were leading with $13,900, you put Versace down twice.

(Osmand laughs) Louis Vuitton,

LV, LV, for "55".

Let's take a look at what you lose, $9000.

Well, it worked out for you Jeff.

You are left with $7,599. (crowd cheering)

and you're the new Jeopardy! champion.

(crowd applauding) Not a big sum,

but you get to play again and add to it tomorrow.

(crowd applauding)

(Jeopardy! theme music)

For more infomation >> Final Jeopardy!: Theodosia | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 2:05.


Shoplifter takes $3K in merchandise - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> Shoplifter takes $3K in merchandise - Duration: 0:14.


Giuliani: Trump Repaid Cohen $130K For Payment To Porn Star - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Giuliani: Trump Repaid Cohen $130K For Payment To Porn Star - Duration: 0:36.


Symphony Under the Stars receives $157K - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Symphony Under the Stars receives $157K - Duration: 0:52.


Mayor Bowser says DC must spend $500K to meet stop and frisk data requirement - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Mayor Bowser says DC must spend $500K to meet stop and frisk data requirement - Duration: 3:51.


Renter claims he was scammed out of nearly $2K - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Renter claims he was scammed out of nearly $2K - Duration: 1:54.


✔✔ 박진영, 구원파 논란 해명→연예인 농구대회 참석 뜨거운 하루 종합 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ 박진영, 구원파 논란 해명→연예인 농구대회 참석 뜨거운 하루 종합 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:24.


망고의 놀라운 7가지 효과 - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> 망고의 놀라운 7가지 효과 - Duration: 8:24.


How Much Sugar Are You Really Eating Every Day - Duration: 5:50.

How much sugar are you really eating every day a teaspoon of the stuff might make your medicine go down

that exceeding your recommended daily sugar intake could lead to obesity tooth problems heart disease and not so healthy eating habits

and for those reasons the world health organization WHL has just announced that it is cutting its recommended sugar intake for

adults in hath from the original 10% of total daily calories 25 percent

for a normal weight adult that's about 25 g

or 6 teaspoons per day

of course that's total sugar

and the American heart association

of home has said that people need to make a distinction between naturally occurring and

added sugars when it comes to daily sugar intake

the average American consumes around 22.2 teaspoons of added sugar every day and both

the WHL NT I call a note that we should really be eating a fraction of that amount

the a ha says that adult women should get 5 teaspoons

20 g of sugar per day adult men 9 teaspoons

36 g

and children 3 tsp. 12 g

to put that in perspective

a can of soda a loan can have as many as 40 g

or about 10 teaspoons of sugar

the Ogata I'd Lines published in a 2009 issue of the journal circulation

make the point that added sugars

such as high fructose corn syrup or ordinary table sugar added to sodas breads and other processed foods are likely responsible for the

increase in calorie consumption and the subsequent rise in obesity of the past few decades

naturally occurring sugars in fruits vegetables low fat dairy and whole grains don't need to be avoided

they make up part of a healthy diet

says Rachel Kay Johnson P HT

miles per hour road associate provost and professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont in Burlington and one of the experts

who came up with the ihop guidelines of course knowing how much sugar you should

be eating is completely different from calculating what you're actually eating

the food and drug administration doesn't require that nutrition labels list the amount of

naturally occurring sugars separate from the amounts of added sugars

making daily intakes of added sugar difficult to estimate notes Johnson

so their guidelines are for total sugar intake since it's difficult to parse out what's been added

that the caution that you should avoid added sugars first and worry less about sugars found in fruits and other whole foods we're not saying

that you should eliminate sugar from your diet or that you can't have sugar sweetened foods

she sat but when you can't stay within your recommended sugar intake you need to make up for it with extra exercise

over the past 30 years

according to the Ohara we've consumed an average of 150 to 300 more calories per day

50% of which come from beverages while our physical activity levels remain unchanged

the other than waste your sugar intake dawn sodas and other empty calories use it in a way that enhances the flavor and palatability of

already nutritional foods like flavored yogurt or flavored milk Johnson adds

the best way to cut added sugars out of your diet is to limit processed foods as much as possible

and satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit and while it's important to avoid added sugars in processed foods

you should also limit the amount of sugar you add at the table

whether it's table sugar

4 g of sugar per teaspoon

maple syrup 4 g per teaspoon or honey

5.6 g per teaspoon

make a practice of this and you won't need to spend so much time steering at food labels and

counting sugar Grams that since that's not always possible

we compiled a list of a few common processed food items and their average levels of total and added sugars

based on the U.S. Dept of agriculture's nutrient database plain bagel

5.05 g of sugar 4.8 of which are added whole wheat bread one slice of 5.57 g of sugar five of which are added regular sodas 8.97 g of sugar

all of it added fruit punch

a leaven 0.29 g of sugar

4.4 of which are added bowl of cornflakes 6.11 g of sugar all of it added fruit flavored yogurt 19 g of sugar

a leaven 0.4 of which are added Italian salad dressing

8.85 g of sugar

6.9 of which are added fruit cocktail

canned in light syrup 13.93 g of sugar

6.4 of which are added smooth peanut butter

9.22 g of sugar

3.1 of which are added granola bars

21.8 g of sugar

20.4 of which are added low sodium spaghetti sauce

a leaven 0.57 g of sugar 6.5 of which are added

For more infomation >> How Much Sugar Are You Really Eating Every Day - Duration: 5:50.


GroovyRoom x Loco Type Beat 2018 ''My Wish'' Happy R&B Type Beat 그루비룸 X 로꼬 타입 비트 힙합 알앤비 비트 - Duration: 3:25.

GroovyRoom x Loco Type Beat 2018 ''My Wish'' Happy R&B Type Beat 그루비룸 X 로꼬 타입 비트 힙합 알앤비 비트

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