Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Youtube daily report May 3 2018

Hi, welcome to the IMPIXELsg youtube channel! Today I'll be giving you a quick rundown on how to operate the SONY FS5.

In this video we'll be going through recording formats, manual exposure controls, focus and audio controls.

So to start off, over here you can find the power button which of course, turns on the camera.

And this is the LCD and you can find the power switch right on top.

The SD cards can be inserted over here and you can find the slot select button next to the SEL/SET wheel to decide which card the camera records to.

If you didn't know, the Sony FS5 is capable of 3 different recording formats, XAVC HD, XAVC QFHD 4K and AVCHD.

For XAVC HD, set it at 50 megabits per second and for 4K recording, set it at 100mbps.

Next up, manual exposure controls! If you wish to control the settings for manual exposure, you can find the buttons for ISO, white balance and shutter on this side of the camera.

Manual IRIS adjustments can also be made by turning this wheel, make sure to select the IRIS switch next to it first.

The ND filter knob should always be in the clear position.

After all this if you have decided to just use auto, press this button to go from Full Manual Exposure to Auto Exposure.

For focus controls, the Auto/Manual focus toggle can be found on this camera side

When it's in manual mode, you can control the focus with the smaller width ring on the attached lens. For auto focusing, toggle the switch to AUTO.

Now, in the camera kit you will find a condenser microphone that should be attached to XLR Input 2 and set it to MIC: +48V.

Over here you can flip open this door to adjust the audio levels manually but usually auto does just as well on its own.

If you wish to plug in your own earpiece or headphones, you can find the headphone jack in this corner right next to the battery.

And that's it for our tutorial video on how to use the SONY FS5! I hope you've found this guide useful and if you did please remember to like this video and subscribe to the IMPIXELsg channel.

Comment below what tutorial you'd like to see us do next and I hope to see you here again soon! Byebye!

For more infomation >> How to Use the Sony FS5 - Duration: 3:34.


L'inflammation des ganglions lymphatiques : quelle en est la cause ? - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> L'inflammation des ganglions lymphatiques : quelle en est la cause ? - Duration: 7:23.


U2 Greatest Hits Full Album 2018 - The Best Of U2 - Duration: 2:01:22.

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> U2 Greatest Hits Full Album 2018 - The Best Of U2 - Duration: 2:01:22.


Crea Tu Fondo De Pantalla - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Crea Tu Fondo De Pantalla - Duration: 3:04.


TOKYO CRITTERS "SPICE" CM - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> TOKYO CRITTERS "SPICE" CM - Duration: 0:39.


紫皇冠-高強度組裝油 Royal Purple Max Tuff - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> 紫皇冠-高強度組裝油 Royal Purple Max Tuff - Duration: 0:36.


ポルシェ新型カイエン ハイブリッド発表!燃費・航続距離や発売日など最新情報 - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> ポルシェ新型カイエン ハイブリッド発表!燃費・航続距離や発売日など最新情報 - Duration: 10:53.


LEGO City - Mining Gold Is T...

For more infomation >> LEGO City - Mining Gold Is T...


Amos, le paradis de l'eau douce menacé? - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Amos, le paradis de l'eau douce menacé? - Duration: 7:46.


New House Intel Docs Confirm This Obama 'Deep State' COUP Against President Trump - Duration: 4:48.

New House Intel Docs Confirm This Obama 'Deep State' COUP Against President Trump

Was there ever any doubt that Obama and his Deep State cronies were launching a coup against

President Trump?

Now, there are documents which back up the claim, and the House Intelligence Committee

included it in their 243-page report on the Obama spy-game and debunked Russia probe.From

Fox News

The team of opposition researchers behind the infamous anti-Trump dossier embraced by

the FBI were paid big bucks to continue trying to dig up dirt on Russian meddling in American

politics – even after the 2016 presidential election.

That revelation, buried inside a 243-page report released by House Intelligence Committee

Republicans last week, has sparked new speculation about the identities of the secretive donors

who were funding the post-election project.According to the House Intelligence Committee report,

Daniel J. Jones – the president of the Penn Quarter Group and a former staffer for Democratic

Sen. Dianne Feinstein – "secured the services" of dossier author and former British spy Christopher

Steele "to continue exposing Russian interference" after the election.

It also hired an associate of Steele's and the opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

That report doesn't list the donors.

But Jones told the FBI that the Penn Quarter Group was being funded by seven to 10 wealthy

donors, primarily in New York and California, who provided approximately $50 million to

the firm, it said.

Fusion and Steele originally teamed up during the 2016 campaign to compile a dossier of

salacious and unverified allegations about Trump's connections to Russia, paid for

by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign through

law firm Perkins Coie.

The dossier allegedly was used by the DOJ and FBI to obtain surveillance warrants to

spy on a member of the Trump team.

The post-election work presumably would have continued to look at any Trump team connections

– with an eye toward publicizing their findings.

The report said Jones told the FBI he planned to share any information he learned after

the election with policymakers on Capitol Hill, the press and the FBI.

He told the FBI his group was "exposing foreign influence in Western elections.Trump

has maintained there was no collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign, and tweeted

again on Tuesday morning that the ongoing special counsel probe is a "Witch Hunt."Jones

did not return a request for comment from Fox News sent to an address listed on the

Penn Quarter Group's website.Jones did not return a request for comment from Fox News

sent to an address listed on the Penn Quarter Group's website.

The Federalist first reported Jones' connection to Steele in February – ties that were confirmed

in the House report.

The Intelligence Committee report released last week redacts the full name of Jones in

a footnote.

But the report links to Jones' LinkedIn and firm online biographies, making clear

he is the individual in question.

Jones, who once worked for the FBI, also worked under Feinstein on the Senate Intelligence


A Feinstein spokesman did not return a request for comment.

Feinstein has played a significant role in the saga over Steele's dossier.

In January, Feinstein made news when she released a transcript of the committee's interview

with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.

In that interview, an attorney for Fusion GPS claimed "somebody's already been killed"

as a result of the publication of the anti-Trump dossier.

"He wants to be very careful to protect his sources," attorney Josh Levy said during

the Aug. 22 Senate Judiciary Committee interview of his client.

"Somebody's already been killed as a result of the publication of this dossier and no

harm should come to anybody related to this honest work."

The release itself provoked controversy, with an aide to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman

Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, calling it "confounding" for Feinstein to drop the transcript in the

"middle of an ongoing investigation."

For more infomation >> New House Intel Docs Confirm This Obama 'Deep State' COUP Against President Trump - Duration: 4:48.


Oumaima - Irregularitat sobrevinguda - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Oumaima - Irregularitat sobrevinguda - Duration: 4:06.


《创造101》双Battle巅峰对决,Sunnee成唯一顺利守位选手 - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 《创造101》双Battle巅峰对决,Sunnee成唯一顺利守位选手 - Duration: 4:40.


L'uso scorretto del reggiseno può avere delle cattive conseguenze sulla tua salute! - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> L'uso scorretto del reggiseno può avere delle cattive conseguenze sulla tua salute! - Duration: 2:19.


One Piece AMV - Thank You - Duration: 5:30.


After all the things that I have held on to

Have been put away by time I'm back to you

Funny but it's just today I understand

everything I need was right before me

All along the line

I never cared to read the sign

That love was the greatest gift life gave to me

and now it's setting me free and I...

Thank you for being the one

For being the sun

For being the rainbow after the rain

For being the blue in the sky

And I thank you for ending the night

By shining a light you've taken me home again

when I lost sight of all hope you were a friend

thank you for the love that lasted 'til the end

And so...

I begin to look at life in a new way

So much wiser now than I was yesterday

separating the forest from the trees

Learning from the love that rescued me now

All along the line

I never cared to read the sign

That love was the greatest gift life gave to me

and now it's setting me free and i...

Thank you for being the one

For being the sun

For being the rainbow after the rain

For being the blue in the sky

And I thank you for ending the night

By shining a light

you've taken me home again when I lost sight of all hope you were a Friend

thank you for the love that lasted 'til the end

With you right beside me I could fly

Spread my wings it'll take it to the sky

For you will be the wind that drives the sail you will always be there should I fail

Like you did before and you'll do once more

I believe that is true I'm giving it all back to you...

Thank you for being the one

For being the sun

For being the rainbow after the rain

For being the blue in the sky

And I thank you for ending the night

By shining a light

you've taken me home again when I lost sight of all hope you were a Friend

thank you for the love that lasted 'til the end

I thank you...

Yo, what's up guys? It is me Fire Fist Garp!

Today, I had to use my voice otherwise I couldn't be thankful enough.

I finally hit 1k subscribers ....

which is a huge milestone for me.

Thank You everyone for all the support.

All the likers, even the haters and subscribers

Special thanks to Flying Panda, Black Leg Vinsmoke and my long time subscriber, Fisnik...

who supported since the beginning.

And I am equally grateful to all of you guys..

Keep supporting..

Thanks again for 1k subscribers!

First time using voice so dunno what i said...ignore it!

For more infomation >> One Piece AMV - Thank You - Duration: 5:30.





Emilie Fiorelli maman, elle dévoile une adorable photo d'elle et de son bébé - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Emilie Fiorelli maman, elle dévoile une adorable photo d'elle et de son bébé - Duration: 2:35.


When Your Partner Doesn't Support Your Dreams - What To Do - Duration: 10:08.

Hey guys, how you going?

I hope you're having an awesome week so far.

How you been?

I'm here at Brenan Park once again. Just about to go for my run, before I do that

I thought I'd do its quick live video.

A number of times in the past I've

had people come up to me and say along the lines of, "Hey Mark,

loving what you do, it's great that you're doing what you love,

doing what you're passionate about, I wish I could do that but..."

and usually there's three things that come after that sentence.

Three reasons why people feel

that they can't do what they want to do.

Hello Kim.

Hey Justine.

And the three reasons usually comes down to: Time, Money and People.

So Time -

Perhaps it could be they feel that they just don't have time

because they've got too much things to do in the day and they've gotta work

9-5, gotta come home, perhaps look after the kids...

they can't manage their time.

Second: Money.

An example, perhaps they don't have the money to start a business.

Hey Maz!

They feel that they don't have the financial backing to support their goals.

And the third one is People.

And it's usually them feeling like

they don't have a supportive network.

So perhaps their partner, their husband, their wife, their boyfriend, their girlfriend

doesn't support them.

Perhaps their family doesn't support them.

They don't know who to reach out to, who to ask for help.

So it's usually those three things,

the reasons that I usually hear: Time, money and people.

And the one that I want to talk about this morning

is on the third one: People.

More specifically, what can you do

if your partner doesn't support your goals and your dreams?

And I'm very fortunate enough

to have a wife who is very supportive

and some people here might think that how can I give advice?

Well, here's the thing, here's what I noticed.

Is that when people say that their partner doesn't support them,

what happens is they start to lose that one thing

that's designed to actually help them achieve a lot of the things that

they want to achieve.

And that thing is Accountability.

So when we say, "My partner doesn't support me,

I don't have the time, I don't have the money,

that sort of thing, we're losing accountability.

So for example, in the past when I said to my wife,

"Hey babe, I know we're gonna have a kid- I'm gonna quit my job now

and I'm gonna pursue my business full-time".

I had to play my part

up to that point in order for my wife to be more convinced

to actually feel that, "Yes, I'm gonna support you in this vision, in your goal"

and that's where I find that a lot of people fall short, is when they feel

that their partner doesn't support them, they stop playing their part.

They're no longer playing their part in their journey.

And when you're no longer doing that, you're losing accountability,

you're no longer becoming responsible for your goals,

you're no longer in position to actually design the life that you want because

now you're relying on circumstances or people, external circumstance, whatever it is

to change in order for you to change your life... and usually that never happens.

So in order for you to create or design the life that you want, you have to learn how

to take 100% responsibility of that and really be accountable and play your part

to make things happen for you (and them). So in this video it's not about trying to

show you how to convince your partner to support your goal, it's not about

about trying to trick them into believing that they're gonna support you,

it's more about what YOU can do in order to inspire that change,

in order for them to want to actually support you and your dreams

and your goals.

So there's three things I want to share with you.

Number one is...

you've got to show your passion. You've got to show

that you're passionate about what you want to do.

When we see people who are passionate

about their dreams and their goals , naturally we tend to want to support them,

we want to see them win. So you've got to have that

burning desire within you and that has to come out and that has to be expressed

out to the world so when your partner sees that, they see the passion in you

and that will inspire them to want to support you more.

Now, sometimes passion is not enough.

The second thing is you've got to have a plan.

What is your plan of attack? Because sometimes your passion is a

little bit intangible, so your partner might turn around and say,

"Yeah, it's just all in your head, it's all in your mind,

you'll get over it soon".

So when you create a plan, what's happening is

you're making that more real. You're making that more concrete.

So show your partner what your plan of attack is.

Put it in a spreadsheet, put it in a piece of paper, write it down...

what do you want to achieve in a year's time? What are your targets say

in the next three months or the next month? What does that look like?

Get really specific on those details,

make it as concrete as you can because when you create a plan,

that becomes a lot more real and that will help your partner see exactly

what is that you want to do. And when they can see that for themselves,

then they become more supportive.

So that's two things already.

The third one is simple execution.

A lot of times, showing or telling people

that you're passionate about something, this is what you want to do,

and then creating a plan but you're not executing,

that's not really convincing, right? And it doesn't have to be big action

that you've gotta take, as long as you do it consistently

that's the main thing.

Hey Justine. (reading Justine's comment)

Awesome, glad you're getting value from this.

So taking action, doing it consistently, executing.

Another tip is - I've seen people in the creative side where

part of their execution...they feel they're executing but all they're doing

is they're going on the computer and trying to improve their skills,

attending online courses, reading material, that sort of thing...

If that's all you're doing, you're not really executing.

You've got to actually go out there in the real world and put that

into practice. Find out who you can start connecting with,

who can support you and your goals, how can you turn that into a profit -

when you can do that, I'm sure your partner will be a lot more supportive of you.

So that's three things and a bonus tip is - part of the execution,

is get your partner involved.

In my business, I get my partner...

sometimes she'll do some calligraphy work because that's what she does.

If you can get them involved and at the same time get them to utilise their skills,

that's really powerful. And my wife is also the Customer Relationships Manager

for my business and she looks after some of the emails that come through,

and building that relationship with the clients and the prospects.

So get your partner involved and get them to utilise their skills.

So as a quick wrap-up of what we talked about, here's what you can do

if your partner is...if you feel they're unsupportive of your goals, your dreams:

1) Show that you're really passionate about what you do.

Really express that.

2) Create a plan. What is your plan?

Make it tangible, make it concrete for them so they can actually see that

what you're doing is real.

3) Simple execution.

Go out there in the real world and actually "doing",

connecting with people and executing rather than

just consuming material and learning. Go out there and actually take action.

And the bonus tip is: Get your partner involved.

Get them to utilise their natural skills

in helping you support your goals.

So I hope that helps, guys.

Thank you for your comments.

(Reading Justine's comments)

And that's the thing, you're only gonna get results once

you're actually applying those three things. So once you actually start executing,

that's when you're gonna start to get results.

Thanks for your contribution Justine

and to you guys who are watching this,

I hope that helps.

If you've got any questions, please send them through

and I look forward to it.

Have a great week, see you guys.

For more infomation >> When Your Partner Doesn't Support Your Dreams - What To Do - Duration: 10:08.


L'inflammation des ganglions lymphatiques : quelle en est la cause ? - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> L'inflammation des ganglions lymphatiques : quelle en est la cause ? - Duration: 7:23.


Come Home Soon

For more infomation >> Come Home Soon


Iraque recebe 4º lote de caças de F-16 dos EUA - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Iraque recebe 4º lote de caças de F-16 dos EUA - Duration: 2:12.


Чага с шиповником как заваривать - Duration: 0:38.

Making Chaga extract with Rosehip extract is very simple!

Now we will show how this is done

Open the package with Chaga extract

Pour 200 ml (7 fl oz)of water into a glass, temperature 60°С (140°F)

Take half a teaspoon of extract from the package

Pour into a glass and stir

Stir the Chaga extract until completely dissolved

Chaga extract with Rosehip extract is ready for use

Chaga extract with Rosehip extract and other extracts on the site

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