Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2018

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! a hotto motto haul I bought 9 bento from there

All sorts of different yummy looking bentos itadakimasu

I will start off with their limited edition gapao rice

It comes with this unique lemon and nampla dressing

It looks like you put it on your salad

So we have this Thai fried rice fried egg Some lemon and the salad

I think you put the lemon on the thai rice

The minced meat is so spicy And is a perfect accompaniment for the rice

It's rather spicy And the lemon dressing that came with the salad is yummy

You can really taste the nampla in it

Next we have a cheese hamburg steak bento

It's covered in melted cheese

The cheese goes so perfectly with the hamburger

Next up we have katsu don

I dunno why but I but another katsu dish as well

I must'a been craving it a lot

katsu are so yummy aren't they

The pork Katsu go so nicely with a fluffy egg and The rice that has soaked up the sweet sauce

Another katsu style bowl

The katsu goes so perfectly with the rice

next we have a chicken kara-age bento

the kara age spice is especially yummy

the kara-age looks so yummy

The batter is so crispy And chicken Within has soaked up the soy sauce and garlic marinade

next up is a kara-age curry

It comes with this crazy hot spice

Let's first try it out without any of the spice

There's plenty of depth of flavor and its so yummy

I will now add all the spice

The spice looks so spicy

It does make it rather hot At first I felt as though the curry was sweet but

With the added space and makes it really hot its very... "curry-like" now

next is a ginger pork bento

It's toped with plenty of ginger

The meat has a nice mouth feel and you can really taste the ginger

It's also full of onion Which makes me so happy

next up is a yakiniku bento

It comes with some gochujang

The beef taste so good with the sauce

The gochujang sauce adds extra depth

last up is a chicken tartar bento with flavored soy sauce

add the grated daikon

and the sauce don't it look yummy

The batter is so crunchy and you can really taste the garlic and ginger flavor in the sauce

Last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita hotto motto's bentos were so very yummy

The limited edition thai rice was so spicy and was very yummy

All of these were very strongly flavored and made a perfect accompaniment for rice

It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you want

Need to do or each please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Hotto Motto] New Spicy Gapao Rice, Radish Chicken, Cutlet..Etc! 9Items,4Kg 6334kcal[CC] - Duration: 5:30.


Jaguar I Unlock & Learn – Episodio. 1: El Nuevo I-PACE 100% Eléctrico - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Jaguar I Unlock & Learn – Episodio. 1: El Nuevo I-PACE 100% Eléctrico - Duration: 5:17.


Tình Yêu Đất Khách Remix | 在人间 | Wang Jianfang Cover |What are words| - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Tình Yêu Đất Khách Remix | 在人间 | Wang Jianfang Cover |What are words| - Duration: 4:47.


Comment s'inscrire gratuitement à Youtube premium pendant 3 mois - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Comment s'inscrire gratuitement à Youtube premium pendant 3 mois - Duration: 2:09.


Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TDI Ultra S-Tronic Automaat Xenon Sportstoelen PDC 18 Inch Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TDI Ultra S-Tronic Automaat Xenon Sportstoelen PDC 18 Inch Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:10.


汪小菲深夜发文告白大S:找到了刚结婚时的感觉 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 汪小菲深夜发文告白大S:找到了刚结婚时的感觉 - Duration: 1:30.


Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TDI 190pk s-tronic Launch Edition - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TDI 190pk s-tronic Launch Edition - Duration: 1:10.


Damien : c'est une aventure... on a la tête dans les étoiles ! #PITCH - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Damien : c'est une aventure... on a la tête dans les étoiles ! #PITCH - Duration: 3:34.


Video-pozdrav: Tata Bojs - Duration: 0:57.

This is the band Tata Bojs on Vltava river.

Oddly enough, we suport band Dunaj.

They were one of our favourite bands in the 1990s,

we knew them before that actually,

but in the 90s we listened to them a lot,

we were going to see them at Delta and wherever it was possible

and I remember we have actually played together with them

in that most famous era in 1993 at Alternativa, alternative music festival.

It's an absolutely vital band for us.

Now there's being made a film about hem

and with this short video

we would like to ask everyone who would like to support this film,

because we feel - all of us we are here

that it's a good thing to do.

We are delighted that such a film is being created.

Because Dunaj is the best band in the wold.

Yeah, really?

Well, maybe that could be said too.

Maybe they'll get an Oscat if not Grammy.

Long live!

For more infomation >> Video-pozdrav: Tata Bojs - Duration: 0:57.


✅ Affaiblie, la reine Elizabeth II refuse de subir une opération chirurgicale - Duration: 2:41.

À 92 ans, Elizabeth II est une femme encore très active. Avec plus de 200 engagements prévus pour l'année 2018, la reine d'Angleterre prouve qu'elle a une santé de fer, même s'il lui arrive d'avoir des coups de mou

C'est ce qui lui est arrivé jeudi 28 juin, quand elle a été contrainte d'annuler sa venue à la messe célébrant le 200e anniversaire des ordres de St Michael et St George à la Cathédrale St Paul de Londres

>>> Meghan Markle : la reine Elizabeth II est « impressionnée » par la femme du prince Harry Une légère défaillance due à un coup de froid, mais aussi à un problème plus profond pour lequel Elizabeth II refuse de se faire soigner

Selon le Sun, qui cite une source de Buckingham Palace, la reine souffrirait des genoux

La douleur empêcherait la grand-mère de William et Harry de se relever seule quand elle est assise

Pourtant, Elizabeth II se serait opposée à subir une opération qui pourrait diminuer ses souffrances

C'est lors d'une discussion avec « ses amis du Chelsea Flower Show », le plus grand salon horticole annuel, qu'Elizabeth II a avoué que « ses genoux faisaient des leurs »

La souveraine ne voudrait pas passer par la case chirurgie pour une simple et bonne raison : « Elle est réticente à l'idée de subir une opération à cause du temps qu'il lui faudrait pour récupérer

Elle est incroyablement courageuse ». >>> Meghan Markle : l'ingrédient étonnant que lui proscrit la reine Elizabeth II Impossible pour Elizabeth II d'imaginer annuler un nouveau rendez-vous important : « Les gens de sa génération se battent contre les problèmes et continuent

Sa Majesté n'aime pas se plaindre ». La preuve, en mai dernier, Elizabeth II avait subi une opération de la cataracte

Au lieu d'annuler ses engagements, la reine avait préféré porter des lunettes sombres pour que tout se déroule comme prévu

For more infomation >> ✅ Affaiblie, la reine Elizabeth II refuse de subir une opération chirurgicale - Duration: 2:41.


Season 3 Episode 26: , S:3, E:26, - - Duration: 43:38.

For more infomation >> Season 3 Episode 26: , S:3, E:26, - - Duration: 43:38.


Season 2 Episode 13: Houses of the Holy - Duration: 41:04.

For more infomation >> Season 2 Episode 13: Houses of the Holy - Duration: 41:04.


Season 4 Episode 18: The Bachelor - Duration: 21:31.

For more infomation >> Season 4 Episode 18: The Bachelor - Duration: 21:31.


Season 1 Episode 7: Fashion Police - Duration: 42:54.

For more infomation >> Season 1 Episode 7: Fashion Police - Duration: 42:54.


L'été à la montagne : vous ne risquez pas de vous ennuyer - Duration: 6:45.

LOISIRSAvec Pour attirer les vacanciers, villages et stations de montagne redoublent d'initiatives originales

Demandez le programme !  Les préjugés ont la vie dure : selon un récent sondage Opinea réalisé pour un gestionnaire de résidences de vacances, 90 % des Français n'iront pas passer l'été à la montagne

Parmi les motifs de désamour invoqués : "c'est trop cher" (32 %), "ça ne me vient pas à l'esprit" (31,2 %), "j'ai peur de m'ennuyer" (19,6 %)

   Peur de s'ennuyer ? Quelle idée ! Les stations ont redoublé d'imagination ces dernières années pour que les séjours touristiques à la montagne ne connaissent pas de temps mort : randonnées, pêche, nautisme, mountainboard, parapente, ski d'été, tyroliennes, saut à l'élastique, escalade, mais aussi visite à la ferme et découvertes des spécialités culinaires et de la viticulture d'altitude… Aujourd'hui, les stations françaises offrent une palette d'activité adaptée à chaque tempérament et à chaque bourse

L'été à la montagne : pour les sportifs  La randonnée reste l'activité phare de la montagne puisqu'elle est pratiquée par 79 % des vacanciers, majoritairement des seniors

D'autres activités sont destinées aux plus jeunes, dont le "moutainboard". Cet engin hybride est constitué par une planche montée sur 4 roues reliées par 2 essieux

La planche est équipée de "footstraps" dans lesquels le pilote, ou rider pour être tendance, cale ses pieds

Certains modèles possèdent des suspensions à ressorts. Ils permettent de dévaler les pentes à des vitesses qui sont parfois répréhensibles sur la route !    Une variante de la discipline, le kite (cerf volant), consiste à faire tirer le mountainboard par une aile de traction se manœuvrant avec une barre ou des poignées

On navigue alors en travers du vent à la manière d'une planche à voile. Montées d'adrénaline garantie !    Le ski d'été, le VTT, l'escalade, les vias ferratas (parcours d'escalade ferrés de marches métalliques dans les endroits plus difficiles d'accès), le parapente, sans oublier les glissades en tyroliennes sont également au programme

L'été à la montagne : pour les aventuriers Peu connue, la navigation en altitude permet d'explorer en famille, vallées, villages pittoresques et autres lacs cachés à partir d'un plan sur lequel des étapes ont été balisées

Ces parcours découverte peuvent s'effectuer en famille avec l'aide d'un GPS ou d'une boussole et ne sont pas réservés aux géographes !    Des balades peuvent aussi être organisées en compagnie d'animaux

Avec les chiens et les lamas, c'est l'âne qui tient la vedette dans ce type de périple

Cet animal, qui servit de compagnon à l'écrivain R.L. Stevenson (l'auteur de docteur jekyll et mister Hyde) lorsqu'il traversa les Cévennes en 1878, est un randonneur hors pair

Sa douceur lui permet de cheminer à côté des enfants sans danger.     Les parcs d'aventure aériens sont une autre activité tendance

Accessibles à tous, les parcours sont coupés par des passerelles, des ponts de singe, des échelons, des étriers… Sécurisés par des baudriers, certains parcours se terminent par une descente en tyrolienne qui permet d'admirer le paysage… en le survolant !    La mer à la montagne : beaucoup de stations disposent de lacs naturels où l'air n'est pas saturé par l'odeur des lotions solaires

On peut s'y initier au nautisme sur des catamarans ou des dériveurs, partir se balader en canoës ou encore s'initier à la plongée sous-marine

   Pour les touristes d'humeur guerrière, certaines stations, comme les Menuires, présentent une activité de paintball

Lors des joutes, les joueurs sont équipés de masques de protection et de pistolets à air comprimé projetant des billes de peinture

Ils bataillent en toute sécurité. A essayer au moins une fois !L'été en montagne : pour les gourmands  Les périodes de transhumance sont le moment idéal pour découvrir le monde pastoral et les fermes d'alpage

C'est l'occasion de faire découvrir l'agropastoralisme (couplage de l'élevage et de l'agriculture) aux enfants, mais aussi de déguster les fromages de montagne : Tomme, Reblochon fermier, Tommette, Beaufort, etc, et les spécialités qui vont avec, raclettes, fondues, tartiflette, au menu toute l'année

   Les vacances à la montagne, c'est aussi l'occasion de découvrir les vins d'altitude, produits par des vignes situées à des altitudes supérieures à 500 mètres ou sur des pentes fortes de 30 % (et davantage)

Ces vins de montagne sont typés. Parmi les plus connus, on peut citer le vin jaune du Jura et le vin de paille, la Clairette de Die ou encore l'Irouléguy du Sud-Ouest

Les cépages Savagnin, Chardonnay, Poulsard, Pinot noir ou Trousseau sont aussi à découvrir

   Un séjour en montagne peut être l'occasion de se mettre à la pêche. Lancer sa ligne dans un lac de montagne d'altitude, un torrent, un ruisseau est une activité qui plaît aux grands comme aux petits

Notamment lorsque l'on peut déguster le soir même les truites prélevées dans la matinée !Emmanuel PICARDMis à jour : Créé : Twitter

For more infomation >> L'été à la montagne : vous ne risquez pas de vous ennuyer - Duration: 6:45.


Brzydzi cię seks podczas okresu? Ten kubeczek jest dla ciebie. Ani ty, ani partner nie zauważycie ró - Duration: 4:05.

Dobra wiadomość dla osób, które chcą kochać się w czasie menstruacji. Powstał pierwszy kubeczek menstruacyjny, który umożliwia seks w czasie okresu

Dla partnera jest całkowicie niewyczuwalny. W porównaniu z tradycyjnymi kubeczkami menstruacyjnymi, kubeczek, w którym można uprawiać seks w czasie okresu, wydaje się ogromny

Jest szeroki, dość płaski i znacznie krótszy niż typowe kubeczki menstruacyjne, przez co jest wygodny dla kobiet, które mają nisko położoną szyjkę macicy

Dla pozostałych jest zupełnie niewyczuwalny.Ziggy cup jest większy, ale bardziej płaski niż tradycyjny kubeczek menstruacyjny You Tube/ Pink CandyJednak to, co najważniejsze, używając go można swobodnie się kochać w czasie menstruacji, bez strachu, że kubeczek przesunie się w trakcie stosunku

Na miejscu trzyma go podwójną krawędź. Nie ma też ryzyka, że przecieknie, co czasem zdarza się kubeczkom menstruacyjnym, gdy np

źle dobierzemy rozmiar kubeczka albo po prostu kubeczek się przepełni.Jak często uprawiają seks szczęśliwe pary? [LEPSZY SEKS] Jak to działa? W trakcie stosunku penis nawet nie dotyka cienkiej, silikonowej ścianki kubeczka, tylko wsuwa się dokładnie pod niego

 A jeśli użyje się odpowiedniej ilości lubrykantu, kubeczek w ogóle nie jest wyczuwalny dla mężczyzny

 Niestety, są też minusy, a jednym z nich jest cena. Ziggy Cup, bo o tym kubeczku mowa, jest znacznie droższy od tradycyjnych kubeczków menstruacyjnych o około 50-100 złotych

 Cena tym bardziej wydaje się wygórowana, jeśli weźmiemy pod uwagę fakt, że będzie on nam służyć jedynie przez dwa lata

 Jeśli jednak kubeczek, który umożliwia współżycie, okaże się niezbędnym gadżetem, wówczas zniknie problem zastanawiania się nad wyborem odpowiedniego rozmiaru

Ziggy Cup ma jeden, uniwersalny, za to jest bardzo pojemny, bo jest w stanie pomieścić aż 77 ml krwi

Dla porównania, tradycyjny kubeczek menstruacyjny w rozmiarze "S" zbiera tylko 21 ml

  Przypomnijmy, że kubeczki menstruacyjne to ekonomiczna i ekologiczna alternatywa dla podpasek i tamponów

Kubeczek menstruacyjny jest wielokrotnego użytku i można go stosować przez wiele lat, nie produkując śmieci

 Ziggy Cup - kubeczek menstruacyjny, w którym można uprawiać seks Zobacz najnowsze wideo

For more infomation >> Brzydzi cię seks podczas okresu? Ten kubeczek jest dla ciebie. Ani ty, ani partner nie zauważycie ró - Duration: 4:05.


Toyota Avensis Wagon 2.0 D-4D Business | Navigatie | Parkeercamera | Trekhaak | Lichtmetalen Velgen - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis Wagon 2.0 D-4D Business | Navigatie | Parkeercamera | Trekhaak | Lichtmetalen Velgen - Duration: 1:09.


COD COI - 3 Astuces pour ne plus se tromper - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> COD COI - 3 Astuces pour ne plus se tromper - Duration: 5:51.


Nishchebrod on the hunt: cheap watercolors from Fix Price (Fix Price) - Duration: 11:32.

All greetings with you faith and I am very glad to see everyone on my channel

but before I get down to the topic of the video, I want to note that I have a lot of guys who are already watching

graduate their art education or

is about to end

I wanted to ask you

you have already decided what you will do next to help you a little

recommend an unusual school that will help you become a successful artist

school by only our school is an unusual school for those who have already completed artistic training and decided to be

the artist is taught how to become an artist, we take oskol for pots

teach them how to be if you want to realize yourself as an artist

how to make it so that the gallery owners would like to exhibit your work how to present themselves and achieve success in the art market

without the help of an art dealer of the school provides an opportunity to establish business contacts and participate in the most ambitious

art project of Europe just send your portfolio to the competitive selection and get the opportunity

to study in a unique school under the guidance of the famous gallerist Marat Gelman

together with the creative portal of the archive and the most important thing is already being selected for training in Montenegro

send the portfolio to July 5, the two best candidates will receive

free opportunity to study and live, and for a better graduate

will make your own mobile application make your great future contribution to the nip beyond our school

as you probably noticed I just love to challenge myself then draw a drawing with a pencil worth 1 ruble

then she draws literally in a stick, then of course there was not a stick but this

Here's a real stick of her art tool

in general, you can see all this on my channel and

somehow here one of these days went on a fix a price at and my attention has involved here

this is a set of watercolors that we have a bright packaging

Interesting colors which by the way on the form of release very much resemble

watercolor paints for children's series

firm derwent warhammer cashier for those who do not know these companies are engaged in children's line and in

completing the grams of cherries on the cake to the set, and the brush is attached, it's just fine considering that for

watercolors for a child attached a brush with a bristle

I do not know how much it is not to love children so that the set

watercolor paints put the taste okay already drop this moment kutsu brush


after that, no child will not paint, I guarantee you, but in addition to this pain and for example in my childhood there were more

when you are given a coloring for example, some kind of there


I'm just together in my childhood I adored the mermaid cartoon and I was given such a coloring and

I did not know which side to paint for me that the paper there was so thin that I had to choose

either you like this side of it or you like it from the other side, and if both of them were straight, you could burst into tears and

adults did not understand why but everything was simple and I

hated this thin paper if you had the same thing then put a kid or write


in general, if I see coloring in the stores, then immediately check the density of paper if it is enough then

super such salesmen are my respect to you because I

I understand all the pain that you experience when the reverse side of something to look through



faintly smell like plastic at least closed in the open and when they open the package they literally

fall apart on two sides but what I wanted for 50 rubles

here's a greedy say you

First I'll try the colors on a separate piece of watercolor paper to see if I can draw

cantina malanin we are a tank with pigments and I now did not swear I

enumerated the composition of paints on the packaging in general all seriously written even that the paint is designed for children strictly from 3 years

ponyatnenko means children from 3 years can be offended by all sorts of brushes with a bristle pig they put

I certainly will not draw this terrible brush I will use my favorite brush only now I will determine which of the

Several I have by the way in the pencil case have a special pocket for your favorite brushes for

unloved brushes and for the average favorite brushes, I have this order in the pencil case and you have me

decided this will be a brush imitation of the squirrels they I already told in the past video she has

surprisingly gentle synthetic pile and very well holds water and

the tip of this brush I can draw from a large fill to the smallest detail and I generally will not have any discomfort


who tried to take it from me for some reason, said that it was absolutely not convenient and the level of drawing

people was different me it really is very much surprising but

all the matter of taste as they say in the meantime I already have my ink on paper

I never tried this strange watercolor

even children's honey from the old review of cheap watercolor was

really watercolor is this which I am now drawing

I'm not afraid to say this word some parody of watercolors and gouaches together in the first even my thick

full of water brush that's hard to swirl kruglyash with paint as if I'm trying

soak a medical tablet and then paint it with such feelings

in the second it lies like sand Someone will say that it's rough grinding but I think it's in another

the manufacturer himself indicated that there are dyes, which means that there can not be any grinding, but

sand is the consequence of the presence only that makes this watercolor look like gouache by the way then when I drained the water

from jars which makkallo a brush I saw here this deposit

like you now you can see it

absolutely does not go down like watercolor every smear it line no you watercolor

receivers no fantasy you all stupid and clumsy and

if at first I was planning to draw something, now I'm absolutely sure that the paint is created

only for thoughtless and chaotic take-not on paper close-up is seen all well, let's try

put a greasy drop of paint on a dry paper and on a wet and

Let's see how they dry up I still do not lose hope of getting something

watercolor on his 50 rubles but before I go to the final register

surprise that I suddenly gave this paint let's discuss the books that me

inspired this month and one question that I was afraid to discuss with you watercolor and sketch yang and

atmospheric watercolor publishing house myth is a very cool book I think that these are two complementary

books they teach expressively to drawing and there is such a problem that I was afraid

voice but still dare

those who throw me tomatoes and want to unsubscribe throw

unsubscribe people who have never studied drawing

self-taught can eventually draw much better than those who studied studied and can these very same

self-taught can have their own style and which is so fashionable to say and many dream

they can do things that can not be afforded by those who have studied and the whole point is that when you are just learning

especially to want to immediately start something cool to do

self-express here so self-taught and those who study long and hard

can somewhere along the way accidentally lose their self and their bright personality


generally cease to create something unusual and some after that still draw and throw

go the second formation to receive but the business is actually fixable

or constantly meet their need for express and

self-expression or if you are in a crisis I'm looking for

force and idea in books or in people, but in this case in books because I can specifically advise

that the atmospheric watercolor that a watercolor sketch it how to help at least a novice still yesterday took a pencil in the hands of a professional

wake up your creative

volcano not afraid of this word is not intricate drawings and very simple examples and bright juicy

appetizing and even the text in both books is full of go and interesting facts

will help in this matter

For example, in the watercolor sketch of Inge, there is much information about the colors of the

accessories for drawing and if you also want to learn everything in the video, then put it and comment on it.

now I want to return to our

ill-fated to the relay purple color I applied on wet paper and it broke up into blue and pink when

mixing of colors in general turns out the dirt is spent quickly and cracked and by the way with drying up

paint I began to notice how amazingly similar watercolor

watercolor with the effect of granulation can still it is in the acquisition for the sake of this effect

I thought, but not here it was after

drying and and it is easy to erase here since the bed is shorter than this one if you

after this video urgently needed this watercolor for some you only understandable effects, then please

buy but for children and just for beginners do not take a walk past

fix price many good things but definitely not this watercolor so categorically

I do not advise you if you liked the review is my thoughts at all or maybe you

liked the school which I spoke at the beginning

then write about everything in

comments I will read everything too

comment I really love you

hugs and kisses

up to fast meetings your faith is all for now

I will kill

For more infomation >> Nishchebrod on the hunt: cheap watercolors from Fix Price (Fix Price) - Duration: 11:32.


Mr. Y_Smart but personality is obnoxious? [Hongik Academy] - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Mr. Y_Smart but personality is obnoxious? [Hongik Academy] - Duration: 2:29.


The professional teaches! Lolita makeup【Eng Sub】|Migimimi sleep tight RYOHEI - Duration: 10:09.

Sliding multiple times while barely touching the skin

applying to the eyebrows

When I saw the finished face

I felt it was different from usual

Hello, I'm Ryohei from Migimimi Sleep Tight

I had a Doll type lolita makeup done on me this time

Who was responsible of the makeup was Miki -san

I'm Miki. Nice to meet you

So let's get this going


Circle Lens is Chocolate color from the Bambi Series

This series really enhances the rim

and since the color inside is very close to my eye color

So I really like it since I can add some flashiness naturally

The skin lotion is D Program freshen up series for sensitive skin

I am adding a lot to the cotton puff and tapping in, to blend with the skin

After the skin lotion, I'm using the Nivea Soft Cream

Spreading it all over the face and giving it a massage

For the massage, when I start from the middle and go outward,

The lymp nodes will run through

-Will it effect the makeup? -Yes it will

I am blending the cream into the cream as well so,

so the moisture of the skin will be preserved as well

After the cream is Primavista Anti-Sebum and preserve skin cream

Blending in around the Tzone

This will strengthen the skin and will keep the makeup on

After that is MAC concealer in orange

using under the eyes or around the mouth where it becomes blue

Using the Octard concealer to the same place to cover to tone up the skin

It's better than to add this first, adding it orderly will keep the color?

Yes, since the tone may go darker with the concealer

and since I want the tone to be lighter

so adding a lighter concealer on top

Mixing the Addiction foundation no.3 and 4

and make it a lighter tone

Next I'm using the Kikka foundation to make it blending throughly

Finally adding the SHU UEMURA foundation to the whole face and done

Since it is Lolita makeup this time, the tone is made lighter

The eye makeup begins with the white highlighter with pearl blended into the eyelid

This is to show feminine look?

Yes, in the end to make the eyes look brighter

and add the highlighter to the eye bags as well

Next is adding the brown highlighter with pearls to the eyelid

After adding the brown to the top eyelid

and on the bottom where you can enhance the eye bags

adding the same eye shadow

Giving it a 3D look?

Yes, adding a shadow below will give a 3D look

When you add contouring to the eye bags,

I will have people look down. When the eye sight goes down,

the eye bags will come up

and that's where I add the brush

That way it will enhance based on the shape

It won't look artificial

If I add too much, it will look fake so that's what I care

The Addiction pencil eyeliner to the inside of the eyelids

Between the eyelashes to fill in the gap

How or what do you match the colors?

For this time, to make the eyes bigger, I chose a black eyeliner

How about the shape? Do you have any tricks or skills for that?

For Lolita

Yes, since I wanted to make a cute and doll looking makeup

So I'm sticking out a bit, maybe not dolly eyes but sticking out

After the eyeliner, since I don't have a line under the eyes,

I am only using brown eye shadow for the bottom liner

Is there a reason why you didn't add to the bottom?

When the outer eyeliner becomes a "<" shape, it will look too sharp

but since it's Lolita, I wanted it to look soft so...

so I used brown eyeliner

After that I'm using brown eyeshadow with glitter on the top eyelid

This gives a bright impression

Next is raising the eyelashes with a curler and adding mascara

Anything special for the mascara?

Well, when I'm doing to someone else, I try it on the very border and not to get it in the eyes

-That will give volume from the base? -Yes

This time I used the long version mascara

What's the key when using the curler?

For me, I would raise it once at the base

and go couple of times toward the tip

The eyebrows coloring

First using the eyebrow powder from the inner corner to determine the thickness

After that using the eyebrow pencil to extend the line

So the color of the eyebrows is based on the wig?

Yes, matching with the wig but a lighter tone

Any key points on the shape of the eyebrows?

Well, since this time it's a soft girl makeup

so making a parallel look but also giving thickness at the same time

and making it look soft

The eyelash mascara is a bit similar

You go on the edge barely touching the skin and going sideways

and after that adding from the inner corner to the nose a slight nose shadow

What is the difference with men's makeup?

Since for men, you want a sharp look so you add darker nose shadow

but here you want a soft image so no hard look here.

For the blush I am using Epic Mini from Three

This is different from powder blush and it is like a lip gloss

Since it's a gloss, you just add it to the high part which comes up when you smile

You add it toward the cheekbones,

and circle stretch with your fingers

This is different from the powder type so it gives a porcelain look and natural redness

Why did you choose this color?

Since there was a wig type, I chose the orange color

Not making it strong pink, adding a healthy looking orange

Adding some white highlighter as extra

This will enhance the highlighter to give even more 3D look

The reason you add now is to look at the balance with the blush?

Yes, you may want to add some more so

I added the lipstick, but this is actually the same Epic Mini on the blush

-Oh really? -This is a gloss type so you can use on lips

Aligning lips and cheek will give a unified look

Once the wig is on, the position of the bonnet is set

The ribbon goes through the ears and tied under the chin

So the wig is on, bonnet on, and I need to have extra color on the cheeks

so adding powder blush to the cheeks and the face line to add healthy look

The reason why you used the powder blush at the end is because it's different from gloss?

Yes, one reason is it is easy, and by stretching the powder at the end

It was easy to use

As a finish I need some shine to the lips so

I added a lip gloss with glitter on top

Is there a reason why you used glitter?

Well, for the final finish, I was missing something like shine so

it was missing a girly sparkle to it so I chose a glitter

So it was a doll type makeup

Thank you very much

So once again, could you tell us the key point of this doll type makeup?

Well, some things that I had especially tried was

the healthy look and the shine, with glitter

Those were the key points

For me, when I saw the finished look, the skin look and the shine

was very different from usual

I guess that's where the dolly makeup is coming from

And I felt just the blush will show a totally different look

The dress this time is borrowed from BABY

It's a really cute Lolita look

One key point that I wanted to wear this was

The contrast between the pink and sky blue was really cute

I felt that was really matching to the doll type makeup so I chose this

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For more infomation >> The professional teaches! Lolita makeup【Eng Sub】|Migimimi sleep tight RYOHEI - Duration: 10:09.


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For more infomation >> Dans "Scorpion", le nouvel album de Drake, un featuring avec... Michael Jackson - Duration: 2:01.


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For more infomation >> Damien : c'est une aventure... on a la tête dans les étoiles ! #PITCH - Duration: 3:34.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk, A/T Online Edition ** Automaat ** - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk, A/T Online Edition ** Automaat ** - Duration: 1:08.


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For more infomation >> Nissan Juke - Duration: 1:07.


أسرار الرياضيات: امتحان تجريبي استعداد للإستدراكية 2018 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> أسرار الرياضيات: امتحان تجريبي استعداد للإستدراكية 2018 - Duration: 1:16.


敦马宣布,正副部长职还有空位! - Duration: 1:32.

 希盟内阁27个部门当中,仍有一个部门的部长职依然悬空。-A mad Zamzahuri摄-  (吉隆坡2日讯)随着希望 盟政府宣布第三批内阁名单后,在总计后的25个部门当中,有一个 门的部长职悬空,另有4个部门没有副部长

 副部长职暂时悬空的4个部门,分别是国防部、经济事务部、房 及地方政府部,以及外交部。  一般相信,是与委任上议员不无 系。  在今日宣誓就职的内阁成员当中,有2人出掌首相署底下的 个专司部门,即法律事务和宗教事务,另有3人宣誓为副部长

 法律事务和宗教事务的正副部长已宣誓就职,不过,掌管国家 结与社会和谐事务的首相署部长,则暂时悬空。  掌管团结事务的 部长,则由土著团结党的莫哈末法立德宣誓出任

   首相敦马哈迪指出,还有3名人士將受委为部长,因此全 內阁將有29位部长。  他说,这3人將在受委为上议员后,才能 任部长职。  「还有3名人士尚未宣誓为上议员,因此他们还不能 委成为部长

」  「我们总共会有29名部长,现在有26名,所以还会有3 部长职。」  希望联盟在第14届大选贏得中央政权后,敦马哈迪 是在5月10日宣誓为第7任首相,而第一批內阁部长则在5月21 宣誓,至于第二批內阁正副部长则迟至今日宣誓

 第14届第一季国会则將在今年7月16日至8月16日召开  敦马哈迪表示,他將与今日宣誓的正副部长会面,讲解有关他们 职务和所要扮演的角色。    针对新任联邦法院首席大法官的人 时,敦马哈迪指出,一旦现任联邦法院首席大法官敦劳勿斯的任期在 月杪结束时,他將宣佈新任首席大法官的任命

 他说,政府已有了首席大法官的人选,但目前还不能公佈。   敦劳勿斯目前正在放假,並將在本月杪退休,之后我们就会公佈新任 席大法官。」  meeting with the minis ers and deputy ministers who w re sworn in today to explain t them their roles and responsi ilities. — Reuters pic KUALA L MPUR, July 2 — Prime Minister un Dr Mahathir Mohamad said to ay three more ministers would e appointed to bring the numbe of Cabinet ministers to 29.   he three ministers could only e appointed after the individu ls had been sworn in as senato s, he said, indicating that th y might not be politicians but professionals.  "We will have a total of) 29 ministers. We h ve 26 now, there are three mor to go," he said when approach d by reporters after the swear ng in of 13 more ministers and 23 deputy ministers before the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan uhammad V, at Istana Negara.   hirteen ministers, led by Depu y Prime Minister and Women, Fa ily and Community Development inister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Aziz h Wan Ismail had been sworn in last month.  "So long as they re not sworn in as senators, t ey cannot be appointed as mini ters," said Dr Mahathir. The f rst meeting of the first sessi n of the 14th Parliament is sc eduled to convene from July 16 to Aug 16.    Dr Mahathir said he would have a meeting with t e ministers and deputy ministe s who were sworn in today to e plain to them their roles and esponsibilities.  Asked about he appointment of the new Chie Justice to succeed Tun Md Rau Sharif, the Prime Minister sa d an announcement would be mad after Md Raus completes his s rvice at the end of this month  The government has a candida e but the announcement could n t be made right now, he said. "He (Md Raus) is on leave now. He will go on optional retirem nt at the end of this month. T en we can announce his success r," he said. — Bernama

For more infomation >> 敦马宣布,正副部长职还有空位! - Duration: 1:32.


✅ Affaiblie, la reine Elizabeth II refuse de subir une opération chirurgicale - Duration: 2:41.

À 92 ans, Elizabeth II est une femme encore très active. Avec plus de 200 engagements prévus pour l'année 2018, la reine d'Angleterre prouve qu'elle a une santé de fer, même s'il lui arrive d'avoir des coups de mou

C'est ce qui lui est arrivé jeudi 28 juin, quand elle a été contrainte d'annuler sa venue à la messe célébrant le 200e anniversaire des ordres de St Michael et St George à la Cathédrale St Paul de Londres

>>> Meghan Markle : la reine Elizabeth II est « impressionnée » par la femme du prince Harry Une légère défaillance due à un coup de froid, mais aussi à un problème plus profond pour lequel Elizabeth II refuse de se faire soigner

Selon le Sun, qui cite une source de Buckingham Palace, la reine souffrirait des genoux

La douleur empêcherait la grand-mère de William et Harry de se relever seule quand elle est assise

Pourtant, Elizabeth II se serait opposée à subir une opération qui pourrait diminuer ses souffrances

C'est lors d'une discussion avec « ses amis du Chelsea Flower Show », le plus grand salon horticole annuel, qu'Elizabeth II a avoué que « ses genoux faisaient des leurs »

La souveraine ne voudrait pas passer par la case chirurgie pour une simple et bonne raison : « Elle est réticente à l'idée de subir une opération à cause du temps qu'il lui faudrait pour récupérer

Elle est incroyablement courageuse ». >>> Meghan Markle : l'ingrédient étonnant que lui proscrit la reine Elizabeth II Impossible pour Elizabeth II d'imaginer annuler un nouveau rendez-vous important : « Les gens de sa génération se battent contre les problèmes et continuent

Sa Majesté n'aime pas se plaindre ». La preuve, en mai dernier, Elizabeth II avait subi une opération de la cataracte

Au lieu d'annuler ses engagements, la reine avait préféré porter des lunettes sombres pour que tout se déroule comme prévu

For more infomation >> ✅ Affaiblie, la reine Elizabeth II refuse de subir une opération chirurgicale - Duration: 2:41.





How To Setup A YouTube Account And Know The Terms Of Service - Duration: 7:17.

Do you struggle with knowing how to set up a YouTube account? Are you put off

by stories of Youtubers having their accounts closed? Welcome to this video

entitled: "How To Setup A YouTube Account And Know The Terms Of Service". In other

words, learn how YouTube can massively benefit your business by learning the

rules of the game. Before we do so, be sure to watch the video to the very end

where you'll be able to download your free PDF copy entitled; "How To Be The Best You

Can At YouTube". Hi, my name is Jeff Laming from Video Cashflow and in this

video we're going to highlight how to set up your YouTube account and to find

out what the [YouTube] terms of service are. And if this is the first time you're watching

a Video Cashflow video and you like what you hear, see and read then please click

the "Subscribe" button at the bottom of this video to get more video marketing

and business videos on a weekly basis. By the time you've got to the stage of

setting up your YouTube account you have probably considered at least some of the

following:- 1. Why you would want to use video in your business; 2. Where video

fits into your overall marketing plan; 3. How video can elevate you and your

business to authority status; 4. How to rank your videos on page 1 of YouTube

and Google; 5. How your business can benefit in the short term; and 6. The long

term plan. So now we need to take action by setting up your Google account and

YouTube channel. Just to clarify - when people refer to a "YouTube account"

what it means is that an account is set up on Google - because Google own

YouTube - and then a YouTube channel has to be created before you can upload

videos to it. Here's the link to follow that provides clear steps on how to set

up your Google I.e. YouTube account which you'll find below [ ]. You can find many

YouTube videos on this very subject helping you set up your account, however,

YouTube and Google provide some very clear explanations and tutorials on most

aspects of YouTube and will also likely be more up-to-date than many videos so

I'd encourage you to use the resources already available to you. Once you've set

yourself up on Google there's one further step to take and it's probably the most

unglamorous aspect of YouTube you will ever come across!

However, it's probably the most important part of YouTube that you'll need to

learn because it will help maintain your status as a worthy Youtuber and ensure

your online business avoids an inherent and often overlooked risk. This next step

is YouTube's Terms of Service. You can find the URL link [ ] at the bottom

underneath this video. It won't take you long to read the terms and to

familiarise yourself with things like:- 1. General rules and restrictions on

what's acceptable and what's not; 2. Copyright issues; and 3. Content

guidelines. Most of it is all common-sense stuff. However, from a

business perspective it's important to put in place measures that will minimise

your risk in the event that you do have your YouTube account shut down so please

bear the following in mind:- 1. YouTube is a platform that is policed by YouTube and

Google and is no different to any other social media platform in that

respect; 2. Accept that your account will be suspended on the odd occasion. This is

because they act on the basis of taking action first and then asking questions later.

In other words, you are deemed to be guilty until you prove your innocence;

3. Do not build your business wholly around the YouTube platform. What I mean

by this is twofold: (1) Do not rely on YouTube viewers to form the basis of

your prospect numbers. Share your great information with the other social media

platforms whilst directing them to your YouTube channel and videos with

strategically placed calls to action; and (2) Build an email list. Basically, YouTube

is a marketing tool so you want to get viewers watching short ie 90 seconds or

so videos on YouTube that you can then direct them to your website or landing

pages for them to get access to your value-added information that will help

provide a solution to whatever issue or problems they require help with. For

the viewer to access the downloadable information which could be an e-book or

a short online mini video series, the viewer is required to opt-in and leave

their email address. This now enables you to provide more great information

in the form of regular emails where from time to time

you can also suggest other products and services that can help solve their

problems. A great example of providing these regular emails is what is known as

an autoresponder and there's a link to the AWeber site in the description box

below this video. The important thing to grasp here is that your email list is

under your control. if you start to monetise it to the extent that it

generates a relevant income stream for you then your email list has a value to

it: the more money it generates the more valuable the asset i.e. the list, becomes.

So, in the event that YouTube or Google do decide, for whatever reason, that you've

breached their terms of service, irrespective of how absurd the reasons

for doing so are, your business can continue to operate profitably. Yes, it

can be a bloody nuisance, but that's the way of the world and you have to move on

and focus your efforts on your business and serving your clients. So, summing up

then, basically, set up your Google account so you can set up your YouTube channel

after you familiarised yourself with YouTube's terms of service. The two key

URL links I referred to earlier are shown in the description box below

this video. And, to minimise risk of your online business being disrupted in any

way, start building an email list as soon as possible. That's it! I hope you found

the content of this video helpful and useful. in the meantime, if you'd like to

find out more about YouTube and YouTube advertising there's a couple of links

that I've placed in the description box below this video. One's called "Master

YouTube [should be Video, not YouTube] Ads" and the other one is called "Tube Video Camp Lifetime". You will also

find a URL link to TubeBuddy, an analytics and optimisation tool that

supplements and enhances the YouTube website. (Kindly note that these links are

affiliate links which means that if you go on to buy a product or service - and at

no extra cost to you - we'll receive a small commission). if you found any of the

information in this video helpful please enter "VIDBIZ" in the Comments section

underneath the video. And don't forget to download your free PDF copy entitled:

"How To Be The Best You Can At YouTube". You'll find the URL link in the

description box below this video. Thanks for watching. Look out for another video

on video marketing and YouTube coming your way next week. And if you like this

video please click the "Like" button underneath the video. Feel free to

share the video with friends, family, business colleagues and associates, and

by all means leave a comment or ask a question in the Comments section also

underneath the video. And don't forget to hit the "Subscribe" button if you'd like

more videos on video marketing and business tips, tactics, techniques and

strategies to help you with your own online business. Until next time.... bye for


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