Remove the rear wheels
Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17. Unscrew the stabilizer rod fasteners
Remove the link from the stabilizer
Install a new rod, tighten the fasteners. Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17
เรื่องที่ 4.3 ท่าฝึกการบริหารสมอง (ตอนที่ 2/3) - Duration: 7:41.-------------------------------------------
Ford Focus Wagon 1.6 TDCi Titanium - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Thêm Một Lần Đau Cover Lưu Vũ Ninh - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Como substituir a tirante da barra estabilizadora no VW GOLF 5 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:12.Remove the rear wheels
Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17. Unscrew the stabilizer rod fasteners
Remove the link from the stabilizer
Install a new rod, tighten the fasteners. Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17
Morning Yoga Workout !! Yoga Workout Challenge !! yoga workout 2018 - Duration: 10:35.Morning Yoga Workout !! Yoga Workout Challenge !! yoga workout 2018
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition Pro Line Business // Leder interieur // Cruise control // navi / - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Top 20 Bản EDM Hay Nhất Hot Streamer, Youtuber Tiền Zombie V4 Làm Clip | EDM Music - Duration: 1:15:02.AE nhớ like, share và sub ủng hộ mình nha ^_^
Bronx bodega slay suspects getting special treatment on Rikers Island - Duration: 5:57.The eight men charged with the machete death of a Bronx teenager have been getting special treatment in jail due to threats against their lives
The suspected Trinitarios gangbangers were removed from general population on Rikers Island after constant death threats over the June 20 slaying of Lesandro 'Junior' Guzman-Feliz, 15, a source told the New York Post
Every time one of the eight inmates is moved from his cell, the block is placed on lockdown and corrections officers surround him while a captain films the transfer, the source said
The eight suspects, who have all pleaded not guilty, are: Jose 'Canelito' Muniz, 21, Elvin Garcia, 23, Jose Taverez, 21, Manuel Rivera, 18, Danel Fernandez, 21, Joniki Martinez, 24, Santiago Rodriguez, 24, and Kevin Alvarez, 19
RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Newly painted mural of the 15-year-old Bronx teen who was
'I remember his face, he was so scared': New video shows. 'This works for me because I'm a G': Suspect in
Brave parents of Bronx teen slashed to death in horrific. Share this article Share 13k shares Protective measures are standard procedure in most jails for high-profile inmates or those under threat
Prosecutors say that the shocking murder was a case of mistaken identity, when one of the gang members falsely believed Guzman to be a man he'd seen having sex with a female love interest in a Snapchat video
The case has drawn national outrage and fury at the Dominican street gang, with one member even apologizing to the victim's family over social media
On Saturday, two of the suspects spoke out to protest their innocence, saying they had no part in the grisly crime
Martinez-Estrella, 24, told the New York Daily News that he was hundreds of miles away in Pennsylvania when Guzman was forcibly dragged from the bodega and hacked to death on the sidewalk
Police say that Martinez-Estrella was the one who delivered the fatal blow that ended Guzman's life
But his defense attorney points out that the attacker caught on tape has a tattoo on his neck, while his client does not
'Look at my neck,' said Martinez-Estrella. 'I have nothing.'Meanwhile, Tavarez told the newspaper that his sole focus over the last year has been working towards earning his high school diploma and avoiding street violence
'I'm a guy who works and studies,' Tavarez claimed from behind bars. 'I don't have the heart to kill anyone
' While Tavarez admits he was at the bodega on the night of Guzman's killing, he said that Martinez-Estrella was not
He also said that he ran the moment someone pulled out a weapon.'I ran into the bodega because I was afraid,' Tavarez said in Spanish
'I saw the guys with the machete and I got scared.' The murder suspect also insisted that Guzman-Feliz is 'not the innocent child everyone is claiming he is,' but says that family still deserves justice
'You come to New York to make your life better,' Tavarez said. 'I am not that kind of guy (who would do anything like this)
' Guzman was a member of the NYPD Explorer program and dreamed of someday becoming a cop
He was also remembered as a die-hard Yankees fan. He was buried on Wednesday after a funeral service attended by thousands
ワークアウト 音楽 - ベストジムトレーニング音楽2018 - やる気のジムでのエクササイズ #1 - Duration: 1:06:31.-------------------------------------------
少年と魔法のロボット❤The Boy And The Robot❤(CC) - Duration: 5:07.In the city with Clock Tower,
I love singing
A boy lived there.
A wimpy boy,
I can not feel confident in my voice
I can not sing in public.
Boy and magical robot
Music and lyrics ... 40 mP
Vocal ... GUMI
Movie ... Tama
Team 40 m
"Music recital ..."
"Anyway this year ..."
Dr. who saw it
I do not sleep every night,
I will make it for a boy.
Cotoba and melody
Just teach, you see.
A magical robot that sings as you want.
"I will sing the music that you made."
The boy whose eyes were rounded
Pleasantly, I pushed the button.
It's a bit clumsy voice,
That voice that sounded in the night sky
It certainly reached the heart of the boy.
It was arrived.
From that day the boy
I do not sleep every night,
I make it for the robot.
Cotoba and melody
Every time I teach, here.
A magical robot that sings happily.
"I want someone to listen to the music I made,"
("I'm playing" I'm playing machines! ")
The boy who glowed his eyes
I smelled it, I pushed the button.
It's a bit clumsy voice,
That voice that sounded all over the world
It certainly reached people's mind.
It was arrived.
"Keep your forever singing ..."
One day the season has gone,
The boy also became an adult.
At that time, the song that taught me.
I still remember it. ("Happy birthday") ("Please open!")
It is a bit unnatural voice,
This voice that sounded in the night sky
Are you still reaching that heart of you?
Have you received it? ("A song is ...")
"Can you hear me singing voice?" ("Arigato La")
Boy and magical robot
الخبر-نصائح للتخلص من الكرش عقب الولادة - Duration: 3:01.تعاني الأمهات عقب الولادة القيصرية خاصة، من ظهور الكرش الذي يحول دون تمتعهن بقوامٍ رشيق فترة زمنية طويلة
ولأن البطن تكون أضعف الأجزاء التي يصعب تمامًا إعادتها لما سبق، يبقى هناك مجموعة من النصائح الهامة التي يجب عليكِ الالتزام بها لإعادة حجم بطنكِ إلى شكله الطبيعي قبل الولادة: شرب المياه : تساعدكِ هذه النقطة كثيرًا في تعويض الجهد والعرق، بالإضافة أيضًا إلى أهميتها الكبرى في تحسين الدورة الدموية وتعويض الدم المفقود، بل وزيادة إدرار لبن الرضاعة
الإكثار من الخضروات : من المعروف أن تناول الخضروات، الفواكه والعصائر الطازجة المعدة في المنزل بدون سكر يلعب دورًا كبيرًا في مد الجسم بالفوائد اللازمة بل وسد الشعور بالجوع
لذلك ننصحكِ بالإكثار من أكل التفاح والخرشوف، لتعويض فقد الدم والحديد. ممارسة الرياضة : بمجرد مرور أسبوعين من ولادتكِ، ابدئي التمارين بعشر دقائق ثم زيديها تدريجيًا لتصبح 20 دقيقة في الشهر الثاني ونصف ساعة في الشهر الثالث يوميًا
أما عن تمرينات البطن، فيتم ممارستها بعد شهر على الولادة القيصرية والتئام الجرح، ولكن ينبغي استشارة طبيبكِ خاصة وأنها هي الوسيلة الأهم لإعادة بطنكِ المسطحة الرشيقة
تناول منتجات الحديد : يكفي أن تعلمي أن هذه المنتجات هي وسيلتكِ الأهم لتعويض جسمكِ بالحديد ومده بالكثير من الطاقة، لهذا السبب يجب عليكِ تناول الموز والكبد، على أن تكون بالطريقة المشوية، منعًا لتناول الدهون
ستجدينه أيضًا في"السمسم، الجمبري، العدس، والمشمش الجاف بكمية لا تزيد عن 3 يوميًا، اللوز بدون ملح ولا تحميص، والسبانخ"
البروتينيات النباتية : لا غنى عن تضمين البروتينات النباتية بكافة أنواعها ضمن نظامكِ الغذائي، بالإضافة كذلك للحيوانية مثل "السمك، الدجاج"، مع مراعاة التقليل من اللحوم والبيض بمعدل مرة أسبوعيًا
تجنب المعجنات : مهما بلغت درجة عشقكِ لها، ضعي في اعتباركِ أن المعجنات والفطائر الدسمة ستزيد وضع جسمكِ سوءًا
كما أن المقليات والموالح تُعد أيضًا من الأطعمة الخطيرة التي تحول دون إنقاص وزنكِ، لذا ابتعدي عنها تمامًا
【J圖backup】身材爆燈香港本地學生妹食過就翻唔到轉頭 - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Brava Lingerie | Elomi Energise Multiway Sports Bra (D-K cup) - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Le défi de la semaine #27 - Plier le genoux - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Top 20 Bản EDM Hay Nhất Hot Streamer, Youtuber Tiền Zombie V4 Làm Clip | EDM Music - Duration: 1:15:02.AE nhớ like, share và sub ủng hộ mình nha ^_^
少年と魔法のロボット❤The Boy And The Robot❤(CC) - Duration: 5:07.In the city with Clock Tower,
I love singing
A boy lived there.
A wimpy boy,
I can not feel confident in my voice
I can not sing in public.
Boy and magical robot
Music and lyrics ... 40 mP
Vocal ... GUMI
Movie ... Tama
Team 40 m
"Music recital ..."
"Anyway this year ..."
Dr. who saw it
I do not sleep every night,
I will make it for a boy.
Cotoba and melody
Just teach, you see.
A magical robot that sings as you want.
"I will sing the music that you made."
The boy whose eyes were rounded
Pleasantly, I pushed the button.
It's a bit clumsy voice,
That voice that sounded in the night sky
It certainly reached the heart of the boy.
It was arrived.
From that day the boy
I do not sleep every night,
I make it for the robot.
Cotoba and melody
Every time I teach, here.
A magical robot that sings happily.
"I want someone to listen to the music I made,"
("I'm playing" I'm playing machines! ")
The boy who glowed his eyes
I smelled it, I pushed the button.
It's a bit clumsy voice,
That voice that sounded all over the world
It certainly reached people's mind.
It was arrived.
"Keep your forever singing ..."
One day the season has gone,
The boy also became an adult.
At that time, the song that taught me.
I still remember it. ("Happy birthday") ("Please open!")
It is a bit unnatural voice,
This voice that sounded in the night sky
Are you still reaching that heart of you?
Have you received it? ("A song is ...")
"Can you hear me singing voice?" ("Arigato La")
Boy and magical robot
#MRG kpop music tag! - Duration: 8:58.Read description pls thx
I'll leave you, turn around and walk away
I won't regret it, bye bye bye bye bye bye
I know what you're going to say, please don't say it
Don't know why, Dont know why
if you tie me down and trap me, then the love is also tied down
Shoot at me, Bang Bang
Your bullet, bullet, bullet
I'll take it anytime
I'm so sick of this fake love
fake love
Fake love
I wanna know
they say it's sweet like candy
I wanna know
they say it feels like flying
When I see you
My heart races
I think of you every night
Why are you doing this to me baby?
Oh wait til' I do what I do
Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du
I know it's a bit late
But don't let me go
I still love you
When I look into your eyes
Don't you know I'm a
Boss that'll lead you
Don't you know I'm a
Player that'll move you
Don't you know I'm a
Boss that'll lead you
Don't you know I'm a, Don't you know I'm a
Living life for own my way
it's me after all
It feel like I'm in Wonderland
My place is right next to you
We're like Geminis
Oh girl
Can't hide it baby come in
Always be with you, you, you, you, you, you (I miss you so, so much Jiong)
Like this again
Fiction in fiction
I can't forget you
Fiction in fiction
I am writing the story that will
never end in my heart
I will hold on to you
Fiction in fiction
come back so easily
If we run into eachother again
Forever young
Forever young
Someone's sigh
That heavy breath
The pretty words you left behind
They become a poem, They became our song
Our voices are flying
We know it'll reach you wherever you are
If a star vanishes, will they be forgotten?
Help, Somebody help
Somebody help
Somebody help me please tonight
I need you number nine, number nine
number nine. Don't leave me
I promise
I swear
I swear
Promise you baby
Shawty I got it
You can call me monster
I'm creeping in your heart babe
I'll flip you over, break you down and swallow you up
Now you listen to what I'm saying
All of this, however you want it, get it
However you want it
I hold out my hand
But not a single person is there to grab it
I'm riding on my pain and my tears
As I try to escape above
I'm on a hellevator
still even now, your voice still lingers in my ears
I want you to call out my name just once more
As I cried
I realised where I was
and lift up my head and go on
I'm calling out to you
But you don't answer
I apologize
You're the only one I love
I don't wanna hold you back
Your gaze became a lie
I'm looking at you
I don't wanna hold you back
Tell me now
I don't wanna hold you back
I'm looking at you
Shoot at me, Bang Bang
Your Bullet, Bullet, Bullet
I'll take it anytime
i guess jyp gets mad lmao, dont take down my videos pls ily
I don't know this song so lol, Anyways this drama
Its called dream knight
Bring tissues. its only 8 episodes
Its on netflix
Junior was a lil punk boi and i was mad at him the entire thing
Aw JB is so cute
Like you're under a spell
follow me
Everyone cheers for me
And you will too
ooh ooh
You can act like you wont
ooh ooh
Wanna make a bet?
Don't come so easily
That's no fun
stay right there
ooh ooh
Even when I see other girls
Nobody's like you
I have no courage
So I'm sorry
Go ahead, you can laugh at me all you want
I'm a loser who loves you
Yes, I'm in misery
To you, I'm a nuisance, I'm an outsider
But in this world, I only need you
Baby I'm only yours
Just stay the way you are, are, are, are, are, are
And I, I, I, I, I, I
Wouldn't want anything more than just that
So don't you change a single thing, thing, thing, thing
So don't you worry, worry, worry, worry, worry
Because your everything
Is everything that I ever wanted
So don't change a thing, thing, thing, thing, thing
proper credit to the owner
I just wanna fall in love
What to do
Keep me still
Make me like Ooh Ahh Ooh Ahh
Fake, fake, empty-hearted fake
Goodbye, good riddance huh
Give it to you
My eyes
My spilling touch
My one and only lover
From my head, bboom bboom
To my toes, bboom bboom bboom bboom
Just feel it, bboom bboom
This world is so full of lies
I think i'm ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Dont lie too my face
Telling me that I'm pretty
Why are you leaving a pretty woman like me behind?
Leaving me behind
You're leaving me so easily?
How're you leaving me so easily?
You promised we'd be together
But you're leaving, leaving me behind
I like you
I like you
boo boo
My heart is pounding
I like you
I like you a lot
Boo boo
When I look at you
My heart goes
Wee woo, wee woo
Wee woo, wee woo
14 Healthy Reasons to Eat Cabbage Plus an Awesome Recipe - Duration: 8:04.14 healthy reasons to eat cabbage plus an awesome recipe
Do I have to eat my cabbage?
When I was a little girl, I had my first taste of cabbage
I broke out in a cold sweat and gulped it down as instructed
To my surprise as well as my parents. I liked it whether it was raw or cooked
I love this stuff today when I want to shed a few pounds
I make a killer cabbage soup, which I will share with you later
but first I want you to know how healthy this member of the cruciferous family is
So stay tuned my friends. I'm about to knock your socks off with 14 reasons. Why you need to eat your cabbage
14 healthy reasons to love your cabbage
Hope that after you read this section
You'll let me know if you have learned more about this super healthy vegetable and whether you intend to include it in your diet
I'm also hoping you'll want to try my healthy
delicious cabbage soup recipe given below and now drumroll
It's my pleasure to share with you the 14 healthy reasons. You need cabbage in your diet throughout history
Cabbage has been harvested for its medicinal purposes
It's high in amino acids and is believed to help those who are suffering from any type of inflammation
I've actually tested the effects of cabbage and inflammation
I've dealt with this for years and can testify that cabbage has helped to reduce my own inflammation
besides being low in
Carbohydrates cabbage is also an excellent source of vitamin C
In fact one serving or cup of cabbage provides more than 50% of the daily requirement for vitamin C
Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K
One cup of cabbage provides more than 90% of the recommended daily allowance
Vitamin K plays an important role in helping the body fight against invaders and bacteria
Since cabbage is high in vitamin K it aids in
Strengthening the immune system and helps the body fight against sickness and disease
cabbage contains manganese
It's a good source of vitamin b6
This grew sephorus vegetable is loaded with fellate
Cabbage even contains omega-3 fatty acids if you're looking for vitamin b1 and b2 look no further
Cabbage supply you with this - you'll find plenty of potassium in this pungent vegetable
Vitamin ax is found in cabbage
Being rich in vitamin a cabbage is said to be very good for your eyes as well as your skin
Cabbage provides your body with tryptophan you'll even find protein in this inexpensive green or purple head of cabbage
Magnesium is yet another healthy mineral found in cabbage cabbage is also a rich source of dietary fiber
providing nearly
15% of the daily recommended requirement fiber is very important for ensuring that the body's digestive
System is functioning and regular eating cabbage is a great way to ensure that your digestive tract is
Functioning an optimum level here is an added bonus
cabbage contains
Phytonutrients that help the body in fighting against the free radicals responsible for damaging cell membranes also
phytonutrients aid in the production of enzymes that help in detoxification
Get a load of these additional cabbage benefits
Studies indicate that eating both red and green cabbage helps to prevent cancer
Many of us have lost loved ones due to this horrific disease
My mother died of breast cancer my best friend lost her battle with colon cancer
My ex-husband died of kidney cancer and I lost my beautiful son to testicular cancer
Because cabbage has been found to be associated with a lower incidence of cancer
especially lung stomach colon and prostate cancer
I urge you to include it in your diet here are more benefits
This vegetable is very good for building of muscles and a healthy body
This is because it is rich in iodine
Which is necessary for proper muscle development
Researchers have proved that fresh cabbage juice helps in the healing of stomach ulcers
It also contains sulphur which is very effective in the treatment of fungus in fact and gastritis
cabbage also contains plenty of vitamin C and vitamin D
the former helps in the burning of fat while the latter helps maintain skin vigor
Sulforaphane found in cabbage augments the production of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes in the body
according to
WWF MD comm
Sulforaphane may increase the death of cancer cells
cabbage contains lactic acid that acts to disinfect the colon
Lactic acid is also a significant source of energy for the body it even helps reduce soreness of muscles
Cabbage is known to have detoxifying properties
It purifies the blood and works to remove toxins from the body
the vitamin C and sulphur present in cabbage accounts for its
detoxifying qualities free radicals and uric acid which are identified to be the main cause of
rheumatism gout arthritis
renal calculi skin diseases
Eczema hardening and decolorization of skin etc are also removed from the body due to cabbage consumption
Drinking 25 to 50 milliliters of cabbage juice helps treat headache asthma bronchitis
And digestion problems the vitamin B and cabbage helps in sustaining voracity of nerve endings as well as boosting of energy metabolism
red cabbage contains an antioxidant known as antha CNN this
antioxidant is believed to be helpful in protection of brain cells and thus in the avoidance of Alzheimer's disease the
Vitamin E found in cabbage helps to keep the hair and skin healthy and beautiful
You will need the following
1/2 medium head cabbage chopped 4 stalks of celery cut into small slices
1 sweet onion finely diced 4 large carrots cut into small slices
2 large potatoes peeled and sliced
114 point five ounces can organic Tomatoes 1 and 1/2 cups tomato vegetable juice cocktail
3 cups vegetable broth 1 14 five ounces chicken broth. Delete if vegetarian
3/4 cup ketchup or one canned tomato paste
Suggestions you can also add kale washed thoroughly or okra and perhaps a can of corn
place the cabbage into an 8 quart soup pot add
Carrots celery potatoes and any other veggies you choose add
sauteed onion stir in ketchup or tomato paste
Next add chicken and vegetable broth adding water 2 empty containers and cover
Bring mixture to a boil and simmer for 2 to 3 hours
I like to top off each individual serving with some Parmesan cheese and serve with a loaf of French baguette bread sliced
This recipe freezes well for a quick dinner when you need one
So there you have 14 healthy reasons to eat your cabbage and the recipe for a healthy soup
And if you want to lose a pound or two, this is a good way to get started and you can need all you want
确定已没入阁!倪可敏有话对大马人民说! - Duration: 1:32.第二批內阁部长今日宣誓,行动党候任安顺国会议员倪可敏虽未入 ,他仍在第一时间,在推特为新內阁成员献上祝福。 他在推特 发布贴文,並附上两张內阁成员宣誓的照片,表示:「衷心祝福所有 阁成员,是时候重建我们的国家,让马来西亚再次伟大
」 隨后,他再发佈一则贴文:「由衷感谢所有爱我与支持我的人 请大家继续支持希盟政府,一起重建我们挚爱的马来西亚。」 二批內阁13名部长今日宣誓,一如早前所流传的名单,倪可敏並未 委成为任何部长或副部长的职位
倪可敏早前强调,无论受委入阁与否,或是只能担任副部长,他 非常感谢华社给予的祝福,並会继续扮演好自己的角色,尽心尽力地 人民服务。 第14届大选期间,行动党秘书长林冠英在安 宣佈倪可敏候选人时,曾公开表示若倪氏中选为安顺国会议员,將推 倪可敏出任部长
与此同时,倪可敏,今日受记者联系时,以圣经经文表达心意 也是基督教徒的倪可敏是引用圣经提摩太后书4:7经文"那美 的仗我已经打过了,当跑的路我已经跑尽了,所信的道我已经守住了 ,以表达他在这个时候的心情
倪克敏表示,他会秉持为民服务精神,继续为选民服务,并 续为霹雳州人民争取更多福利。 国家皇宫今早举行13位部长 23位副部长宣誓就职仪式,完整名单出炉后,确定没有行动党霹雳 主席倪可敏
不过倪可敏也在第一时间,通过社交媒体推特为新的内阁成员献上祝 ,展现大将之风。 他在推特上传2张内阁宣誓就职图片,并写道 衷心祝福所有内阁成员。是时候重建我们的国家,并让马来西亚再次 大"
倪可敏早前坦言,即使自己不入阁,但有许多朋友在内阁 同样能为安顺和太平的选民带来发展,并认为当不当官如富贵浮云。
✔✔ 하루에 8천만원 아프리카TV 별풍선 신기록 세운 BJ ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
El otro partido entre Brasil y México... en redes sociales - Duration: 3:49.La Selección Mexicana se medirá a su similar de Brasil en los Octavos de Final de la Copa del Mundo de Rusia 2018 y deportivamente hablando el 'Scratch Du Oro' es favorito para clasificarse a Cuartos de Final, sin embargo, a nivel de Redes Sociales el "partido" luce diferente
En las tres principales Redes Sociales - Twitter, Instagram y Facebook - México y Brasil, a nivel selección, están muy igualados
Por otro lado, en lo que se refiere a los jugadores titulares de cada plantilla, muchos elementos cariocas destacan por su gran cantidad de seguidores, mientras que algunos aztecas todavía no rebasan la barrera del millón
Para empezar, la Selección Mexicana supera de manera importante a Brasil en Twitter
El combinado azteca cuenta con 5,9 millones de seguidores y el conjunto carioca tiene 4,4 millones de usuarios que se mantienen pendientes de sus últimas noticias
En el terreno de fotografías, la Pentacampeona derrota al plantel mexicano en Instagram
La Selección de Brasil tiene 3,4 millones de aficionados y el cuadro dirigido por Juan Carlos Osorio tienen 2,3 millones de seguidores
En Facebook, el "choque" entre México y Brasil está muy igualado, ya que ambos tienen más de 10 millones de seguidores en esta red social
El Tri tiene un total de 11,2 millones de seguidores y el 'Scratch Du Oro' cuenta con 11,8 millones
Por otro lado, la estrella de redes sociales del Brasil vs México es Neymar. El crack del PSG tiene 40 millones de seguidores en Twitter, 60 millones en Facebook y 90 millones de aficionados lo siguen en Instagram
Por su parte, Javier Hernández, Guillermo Ochoa y Miguel Layún son los elementos aztecas que más seguidores tienen en redes sociales
Chicharito, quien no cuenta con página de Facebook, tiene nueve millones de seguidores en Twitter y cinco millones en Instagram
A continuación, ESPN Digital te muestra los millones (M) y miles (K) de seguidores que tienen los titulares de México y Brasil de cara a su enfrentamiento el próximo lunes en la Samara Arena
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