When I was at Bethel, I knew that God was calling me to be a lead pastor and so,
at the time I was a youth pastor actually, which was great because I could take
what I learned and apply it every single day. And then I knew that God was
eventually calling me to plant a church. We started a Renovation Church in 2009.
I started by just basically having breakfast lunch and dinner with
everybody that I had ever met my entire life. [laughs]
And so we started with about 80 people and then just watched God's hand on it,
watched it grow from 80 to 100, and then to 200, 300, 400. You know, we now average
about 450 people on a Sunday and when you're setting up a church in a gym in
a school and you walk in it's an empty gym at 6:45 in the morning and you gotta
set it up and turn it into a church and all the children's programs. It just
takes an army of people. We had to bring every single week that we were, our
vision of our church, is to be a people being changed by God to change the world.
We learned that in this typical suburban community that people will do
absolutely anything for their kids and so we started just doing event
evangelism for example in the fall we do an event called Family Fun Day where we
bring in a whole bunch of inflatables for kids to jump on, we bring in free
food trucks and it just draws on a whole lot of people. So it's just cool to
see how we've just begun to learn how do you reach people in this context and
just see God's hand in it. This last Easter we did a 30,000-egg egg hunt and so we saw
2,000 people come to Easter we're at church at 450 so we had, you know, over
1,500 visitors at Easter. We saw 43 people accept Christ, just in
one weekend but we're in an elementary school gym, so we did seven services for
Easter because can't fit that many people in a gym. So it's just cool to
see how we've just begun to learn how do you reach people in this context and
just see God's hand in it. I felt like growing up, I didn't grow up in a Christian home,
I didn't learn the Bible, I didn't know how to teach the Bible and I knew God
was calling me into ministry. I couldn't imagine leading
a church of four or five hundred people and not having been trained in what I
learned at Bethel and so, I'm just I'm grateful for it every day. I had this
moment, just the Holy Spirit moment, a few years ago where guy was talking about
his church of 3,000 people and I thought "Lord what are the chances that I lead a
church of 3,000 people someday?" And I thought "I don't know, 2% maybe, I don't know?" But what
are the chances that we at Renovation Church could start a network of church
plants that could reach 3,000 people and I think 90%. And so the fact that we've
already started three churches, we're starting our fourth this year. The next
year we have plans already, people lined up to start five, six, and seven. We know
that we're gonna be able to do infinitely more through giving our
people away, through giving our resources away to reach people for Christ, than we
ever would if we were just building our own kingdom. But I know that my call is
not to build the kingdom of Renovation it's to build the Kingdom of God and I
know that we can do that exponentially greater through church planting and
through giving our people and resources away. That's what I'm most proud of.
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