Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2018

Supernanny wants to make sure that Debbie keeps up the good work a family

diary should improve the communication between Debbie and her daughters every

day I was gonna sit down with you and she's gonna say Betty what did you do

today that you really really liked and you know tell mommy it's gonna write it

in the book I keep a collection of it what if you like doing today oh it's fun

I think that's funny it was nice about the Diary is that it

provokes conversation so the girls will sit down and actually say to mom what

they enjoyed about the day and hence that will motivate mom to want to do it

more I think the more that can go in that book the better for Debbie and what

did you do today that you really enjoy yeah what did you do that was very

telling I'm very interesting mommy because what

it showed was is that Bethenny like spending time with you without being

interrupted it feels very nice I have all the things she's done today she's

actually put down a little said she liked playing with me when Bethenny

starts being nasty to Hannah Supernanny is on hand to make sure Debbie carries

through the discipline system properly

and you will go in the naughty corner

you are going in the nautical remember you don't talk into the explanations on

the corner remember mom you can keep car right explain contain sir

look at me please you have been put on the naughty corner because you were told

to stop teasing Hannah and you carried on you will sit there for five minutes

important that Debbie carries on having fun with Ruth and Hannah so that they

don't feel they are also being punished

okay to be fantastic what we see what difference with you not talking to her

makes so good welcome well this go Enzo I put you on the naughty corner because

you were teasing Hannah after you were told not to so what do you say I want an

apology look at me what do you say

okay taupe you get let me interrupt Oh boys right she can play well the girls

we're still doing that diagonally what vent joy doing today


For more infomation >> Supernanny | Introducing The Family Diary - Duration: 4:20.


Why Does Nature Make You Feel Better? - Duration: 5:45.

[♪ INTRO ]

It's probably no surprise that nature is beneficial to our mental health.

From hitting the beach, to taking a long stroll through the park, multiple studies have shown

that there's something about nature that helps us feel happier, more focused, or just generally better.

But why that happens is trickier to figure out.

From what psychologists can tell, though, it's not just about getting in some sunshine

and Vitamin D. Instead, it might have to do with our sense of belonging.

The idea that nature is healing isn't a new one, and exposure to natural environments

has been an important part of mental health treatments for a long time.

As early as the Middle Ages, monasteries for those with mental illnesses created so-called

restorative gardens.

And in the 1800s, people designing mental hospitals would try and make sure their buildings

were surrounded by acres of natural land.

So far, modern research really supports this idea, too.

Studies have shown that being exposed to nature — whether it's a wilderness preserve or

a tree-lined city street — can improve wellbeing in a bunch of ways, both in those with and

without clinical conditions.

For example, a 2011 meta-analysis looked at studies involving a total of almost 850 participants

— mostly students.

It found that exercising in a natural environment resulted in higher feelings of revitalization

than doing the same exercise indoors.

And another study from 2012 found that walking through nature for 50 minutes provided a mood

boost and other cognitive benefits for twenty participants with depression.

There's also evidence to suggest that those with schizophrenia, ADHD, and a whole host

of other illnesses experience similar benefits from just taking in a little scenery.

So far, there are several factors that have been floated around as possible explanations for this.

One is that nature allows us to recover from stress and attention fatigue.

This is the idea that urban environments have too many things competing for our attention.

Other studies suggest that nature offers exercise opportunities, facilitation of social interaction

and development, and opportunities for personal development in general.

But a lot of these factors haven't been investigated in rigorous depth.

They also don't really explain the mechanisms of how we gain psychological benefits just

from existing in nature, rather than running around in nature, chilling with friends with


In fact, most research on the subject seems to describe the mechanisms as 'elusive'.

Which is psychologist speak for, "We dunno.

We're workin' on it."

Still, that doesn't mean we don't have a hypotheses or two.

Some researchers argue that these positive effects, at least in part, come about because

of an increased sense of connectedness to the natural world.

One significant experiment about this was published in 2009 in Environment and Behavior,

and it looked at the effect of exposure to nature on mood and problem solving.

In this study, 76 students were asked to complete questionnaires on mood, along with the Connectedness

with Nature Scale – or CNS – which measures pretty much what the name implies.

It asks participants to rate how they feel about some vaguely hippy-ish stuff, like 'Right

now I'm feeling a sense of oneness with the natural world'.

Or 'I'm feeling like the natural world is a community to which I belong'.

After rating 13 of those peace and love statements, the students were split into two groups, and

bundled onto buses for a field trip.

They took a 20-minute drive to either a nature reserve or a downtown parking lot.

Then, they spent around 15 minutes silently walking, sitting, and taking in the scenery

before filling out those questionnaires again.

The results showed that participants who went to the nature reserve reported significantly

more of a mood boost from their trip.

Their feelings of being connected to nature were also higher than those who took a stroll

in the parking lot.

Now, this in itself isn't massively surprising.

You can imagine it's probably hard to feel at one with the universe standing on a stretch

of concrete.

What was more interesting is that the CNS survey results seemed to mediate the effects

of the environment.

More specifically, when people reported that they felt part of nature, their mood boost

tended to be bigger.

So it wasn't just about seeing nature; it was about feeling like they are part of it.

The scientists behind this experiment argue that it's that sense of connectedness that

causes all those positive benefits.

And they cite something called the biophilia hypothesis as a possible mechanism for this.

The hypothesis theorizes that since, evolutionarily speaking, we're used living in natural environments,

we all have some innate urge to seek out nature.

The researchers suggest that we need to see ourselves as part of it, belonging to the

same group as the various plant and wildlife species we share our planet with.

It can be hard to prove evolutionary hypotheses like this, especially when they're as abstract

as this one.

But the concept that we need to belong to groups to stay mentally healthy is one of

the main principles of social psychology research.

In fact, it's such an important concept that having a sense of belonging with other

people is seen as a core human need in some models.

Not having this sense of belonging can lead to things like lowered immune response, and

poorer sleep quality.

And, conveniently, those are exactly the kind of functions researchers have seen improve

when we're exposed to natural environments.

So it's not that huge of a stretch to think that maybe that need to feel like we belong

extends beyond human interactions, to seeing ourselves as part of the wider ecosystem on

our planet.

It's a plausible idea, and the results of this study certainly support it.

But like with a lot of other big ideas, it would help to have more research to be sure.

If nothing else, though, studies do suggest that time in nature is really good for you.

So even if we don't totally know why, it's probably worth visiting your local park sometime.

Your brain — and your mood — will thank you.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you enjoy hanging out in nature and want to learn more about it, you can check out

one of our new sister channels, Nature League!

In it, SciShow Psych's very own Brit Garner explores all things wild — and takes you

on some field trips as a bonus.

You can find it at

[ ♪ OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> Why Does Nature Make You Feel Better? - Duration: 5:45.


Back To Yoga | Daily Vlog #423 - Duration: 16:28.

Good morning, it's July 1st. 2018. Today is a Sunday. I've been cleaning my room a little bit

I just started so still kind of working at it. Um, I threw out all the trash

I'm making a pile of dishes to go wash but I have not washed them yet. I'll do that

Soonish I need to do laundry, but I don't think I'm gonna do that today

Because I don't have enough quarters and I think the building that has to change machine 1 it's far away

it's about almost as far as you can get from this building and

I don't think it's open today. It might be I'm not sure


Not gonna do that today. I don't think and

I do need to go pick up some flags later because someone from the color guard a new member

wants to practice

Since I'm captain like she came to me and I was like, yeah, let's practice so I have to go get us some flags

One thing Amy was supposed to Amy's our director

Amy was supposed to leave out the flag so that I could pick them up after work on Friday

But she forgot so she told me

That someone is gonna be in the building on Sunday to have a key that I can go to

To get the flag, so I'll have to walk over there later

Then I need to film a video today. I think I'm gonna film the like college hacks video. It has also been extremely hot. I

didn't go outside this building at all yesterday and it went up to like

94 degrees and it was like feels like 100 degrees. So

Not looking forward to being outside. There's no where indoors we can go because it's it's Sunday and it's summer so everything's closed right now

So we're gonna have to try to find a shady spot and fortunately she's not coming until the evening

So hopefully it'll have cooled off a little bit, hopefully

Anyway, that's it for now

It just looks hot.

Like I haven't even like even yesterday I didn't open the blinds

Because my bed is right next to the window so if they're open it just like

Makes me really really hot. I'm even hot just like standing at this window

Alright, so I'm about to go wash dishes after I've re-put my hair up. I'm pulling hair out of my brush right now

It's a lot of hair

Um, I was gonna make a time-lapse like bring you all with me and make a time-lapse of me washing dishes

But I kind of felt like you know, and I'd be kind of boring

Um plus like there are genuinely dirty dishes. So like why would you want to look at that?

I am a slob and I'm covered in hair now

I only brought I don't know why I just like forgot but I only brought one hair tie when I moved in

So like I only have this one to use and now it's covered in hair

um, I

Can do a quick little time lapse of me making my bed when I get my hair up

um, but yeah after I wash dishes I'm probably gonna

Hang out just for like a little bit and then take a shower

And I still need to go

Get the flags I messaged the girl who wants to meet up and ask like hey, are we still meeting up?

I assume we are but she hasn't responded

So just waiting on that

and yeah now you can watch me make the bed

Alright I'm all done washing my dishes the thing is I don't have

Drying rack and I'm running low on paper towels and I don't have the money to get more paper towels

So my hands are still wet. My phone is like slipping out of my hand

So I put them all in the pot that I wash

hoping that can work at the drying rack and

I'm just hoping that this is good enough

Alright, so I want lunch, but I can't decide

What I want to eat. I'm not really interested in anything that I have and I don't have money to go get more food

Let me explain that so it's not like I'm not like dying or anything like I'm not like oh my god

I have no money. I don't have any money. I have four dollars

Why am I sharing this? What happened was?

It turns out I'm not getting paid when I thought I was gonna be getting paid when I moved in here and started working

So I came with some money obviously and I was like, okay, this will last me to my paycheck

Which should be on this day, and then I found out that I'm not getting that paycheck

For another two weeks after the original day that I had thought and I didn't know that until like a few days before I thought

I was gonna get the paycheck. So I

Already didn't come with like a ton of money. And then I was spending more of it than I should have thinking

That I had I was gonna be getting paid soon


Now I don't have money I get paid

I'm not gonna say when but I get paid this week

So I've got a little bit longer to go

But I'm not enjoying any of the food that I have

I kind of want to eat cereal which I shouldn't because I eat cereal this morning

And also I only have enough almond milk for one more Bowl, which I want to stay for tomorrow. Oh

No, I need to I need more almond milk. I don't feel like making a sandwich. I

Have some hot food or well frozen food that to be made hot

But I don't want to go cooking right now

Plus those are more dinner foods

Anyway, because if I eat one of those now, basically I'll be eating a sandwich for dinner

and then I have some like canned foods that I like always save

One cause they are not interesting and two kind of for emergencies. They don't have a can opener

So I'll let you know what I decided to eat I

Have some tomato soup I wouldn't mind eating but I don't have anything to go with it. I have a ton of spices

So like I can spice that up and I have like I don't I'm not big soup fan

So I don't really know what people eat tomato soup was I know people eat grilled cheese, but since I'm vegan

I'm not gonna be making grilled cheese and

Put this on a selfie stick. Alright, I'm holding this on a selfie stick


If you're not in the cameras, I'm just gonna let you know

IPhones don't have the greatest stabilizer, which means this might be shaky

We'll see

anyway, I don't even know why I decided to do this I think because like I like being able to show more than just like

An up close of my face, which I think some people like I just know I like to see more of what's around me

Anyway, so I have tomato soup a bunch of seasonings. I don't know what people eat tomato soup with I have bread I

feel like that's something people eat tomato soup was but I don't

I'm not like

Intrigued at the thought of just dipping whole wheat bread into tomato soup

I don't know what I wish I started my baguette because maybe that would have been bad. I don't know. Honestly, I'm not into

soggy bread anyway

So these really didn't solve any issues. I have sugar. I don't have tea. I really have been wanting tea

No idea what I want to do I have syrup I have chia seeds

Vegetables that need a can opener and that I don't have

Again I'll update you when I figure it out again now, I'm back to the not selfie stick

so I think I'm just gonna make sandwich and then I

Texted Roshan and asked if she has a can opener and if I can use it and if she does I will

Make some kind of vegetable

Hey. I hope you can hear me cause I'm moving around the room

I'm about to film a video and Roshan's bed is gonna be in it so I'm gonna try to make her bed

I don't understand this blanket

It's a very weird shape blanket Oh cuz I think the tag is on the side Ihope I'm being loud enough that you can actually hear me

That's the thing that's actually a little bit weird I've always had like the longest time

I've always had a bed up against the wall. So when I make the blanket

The end goes at the wall, and then this just hangs over but right now my bed is in the middle

So when I was making it earlier

I was like how to make these sides even I ended up making this side longer because I was like this side

It's gonna be the one of the video and why am I talking was like my head up here?

Right. So now we have that

She has this blanket

I'm into the look of like

blankets on top like that

like I know a lot of people like to have

Like an extra blanket at the foot of the bed and like I get that I don't like the way that looks

So I'm gonna fold this

Then she's got These two pillows

This throw pillow there

All right better

All right, I filmed my video. I think it went okay

Now I have to go pick up flags. The only thing the person I'm suppose to be spinning with tonight. I

Messaged her this morning and I was like, hey, are you still coming up and it's like four hours later, and she hasn't responded

so I'm

What I'm doing now is I have to go get the flags which are kind of on the other

not the far far other side of campus, but like I'm at one end and they're pretty much like in the

far middle


it's not gonna be the greatest thing in the world if I go all this way and

She ends up not coming

But it could be worse I guess

But yeah, I checked the weather before I left and it says feels like 101 degrees so I really am


Alright, Not gonna lie, I

made it to the Arts Building, which is that building behind me and I

Find the person was supposed to find to get the flags. She has no idea I'm talking about like she wasn't expecting me. So

Then we have to try to figure out how to find the flag

once we kind of find out I

Get a message from the girl that I'm supposed to helping say she's saying she can't make it

Which is what I was afraid of and why I texted her this morning, but she had to wait until now to text me so

I did all this

Hello vlog, I don't mind the lack of shirt

I'm still wearing like a bra, but it was really hot when I got back and I have the room to myself

So I was like why put a shirt back on so you're right. Um, I don't have anything else to really vlog today

So it's kind of why I'm just doing this update. I've been watching videos

I've been

Downloading clips onto my laptop. I'm about to start editing when I filmed earlier

and I think I'm gonna get another new feature game that I have like a gift card for I

Think I'm gonna edit a good portion of my video and then reward myself with

that game

So yeah, what just a fire comment, so I have the game

Turn that I've actually had this game in my library, which is great because I was literally about to buy it again

But I knew I had a couple names feature games in my library

And I thought I had played them all. So I was like, well, let's just check and see what I have

Maybe it's been long enough that I'd be okay to play one of the ones I already have again

So I checked and I already had this in the library and I was like, this is a second time

This has happened too. Cuz yesterday I got like bought a game

I was gonna buy one because a lot of the older ish ones are like five dollars or less and there was one that I

Wanted but I don't remember. I think it's also like I knew I had some Nancy Drew games on Steam

So I was gonna give this one game and I was like, okay

Well, let's go to steam and see what I have on there

Which I also thought I played them all and then I had the one that I was looking for

Already in my library and then it literally just happened today on Amazon. So

Lucky me. So right now I'm making dinner. That's the kitchen right there

I'm waiting right outside the kitchen if I just have something in the oven

watching vlogs, um question, so I'm looking into getting a screen recorder so that maybe I can

Record like me playing Sims or any other games. I have I have Nancy Drew games. I have Stardew Valley

stuff like that

So I tried downloading some free ones, but I couldn't get them to work

So I'm probably gonna have to buy one like in the future

So two things one if you know of a good free screen recorder

Let me know what that is and two if you're interested in seeing any of those things

Let me know so that I don't waste the money for nothing

All right. I'm about to do some yoga and then I'll probably end the vlog. I'm gonna do a time-lapse

Of me doing yoga, which I haven't done

Before honestly no matter where I put the camera

I'm either gonna have a bad angle or bad lighting. Okay, I'm gonna go for the bad lighting

I don't want to turn the lights on because I like to do yoga and dim lighting so I'm gonna keep it like this

But I I'll figure out where I'm gonna put the camera

Okay, so this was just a very simple yoga routine

Um kind of a day wanted to get back into it. I used to do yoga a lot

I used to do it every single day and then I stopped partly because it does take up time and

Really No good excuse I just stopped. So yeah. It was just a simple day one. Nothing too challenging

I did honestly think it was going to be tougher. I

Should have looked through the video

Before I started because there was a couple things I didn't go all-out on because I thought it was gonna get tougher from there

So I was like, let's save some energy and then it was over before I knew it. So I do kind of wish I had

Gone more out with that, but I'll know for tomorrow One thing that sucked though right at the end

I was like

You know relaxed feeling good feeling been feeling calm feeling good about myself and then people just screaming in the hallway

Oh insert the clip here

So yeah, that was annoying

And they kind of break my mood a little bit, but I'm still fine. I really do miss doing yoga every day

I think the thing that I really really love about yoga is I've come to truly understand that it's about

what you can do in the moment and not

What you can't do it's not just about

What you hope to do in the future like like yeah

You do have goals and like I hope to be able to do this pose

This way at some point, but I'm happy with what I can do now. I

Don't know. It's just it's very nice to like be able to let yourself feel proud about what you can do. Even if it's not

The most impressive anything anybody's ever done. So I appreciate that

I am gonna end this vlog here though. If you like this video give it a thumbs up so I know

Subscribe if you want to see more of my videos hit the little bell if you want to be notified about those videos

And comment down below any kind of video that you want to see I also I'm going to be posting

Questions. I don't know why I said post. I'm gonna ask them on here questions every day

I want all of you to comment down below your answer and maybe comment on each other's

Comments as well get to know each other. I want to get to know you

So my question for today is if you could be fluent in any other language that you are not currently fluent in right now

What would you want to be fluent in I?

Don't have to say my answer is definitely American Sign Language

But I am currently learning that so if I were to pick a different one

I'd have to say Spanish because I feel like that would be the most useful to me. I

or maybe French if I feel like French can be difficult to learn the accent is really hard

Though that's my answer. So

Until tomorrow remember to inspire other stupid things and be happy

For more infomation >> Back To Yoga | Daily Vlog #423 - Duration: 16:28.


La Georgia del Sud ripulita da ratti e topi - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> La Georgia del Sud ripulita da ratti e topi - Duration: 4:01.


Il terremoto che può salvare gli elefanti - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Il terremoto che può salvare gli elefanti - Duration: 3:15.


Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:07.


Mitsubishi ASX 1.6 CLEARTEC INVITE+ | Navi | Cruise | Climate control | 17" LM velgen | Parkeercamer - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi ASX 1.6 CLEARTEC INVITE+ | Navi | Cruise | Climate control | 17" LM velgen | Parkeercamer - Duration: 1:11.


Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Design - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Design - Duration: 1:07.


Pré-campanha de Bolsonaro organiza megaevento conservador - Duration: 3:49.

 A coordenação da pré-campanha de Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) à Presidência da República, Jair Bolsonaro, organiza um megaevento para reunir conservadores e economistas liberais da América Latina

Na Cúpula Conservadora das Américas, aliados do deputado federal devem apresentar projetos feitos por lideranças de direita em outros países do continente

  Mais sobre o assunto Sem PR, Jair Bolsonaro avalia militar para vice-presidência TSE rejeita recurso de Bolsonaro contra cobertura da Globo Com Lula, PT faz 1ª reunião para elaborar programa de governo das eleições 2018 O evento será realizado em 28 de julho, em Foz do Iguaçu (PR)

A organização da cúpula espera a participação de 3.000 pessoas. Segundo ela, só convidados

Autoridades do Brasil, Estados Unidos, Paraguai, Chile e Colômbia já teriam confirmado presença -diz a organização

 O encontro tem sido idealizado como contraponto ao Foro de São Paulo, organização que reúne partidos e movimentos sociais de esquerda

O grupo foi fundado em 1990 pelo PT e pelo Partido Comunista Cubano. O Foro de São Paulo se reunirá em Havana entre os dias 15 e 17 de julho

 "Todos nós que assistimos, nos últimos anos, a ascensão bolivariana, conseguimos perceber os efeitos nefastos dessa política, que nos deixou como legado uma ditadura na Venezuela

Chegou a hora de firmarmos os novos rumos da América Latina", diz Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP), deputado e filho do presidenciável

CÚPULA CONSERVADORA DAS AMÉRICAS: Sábado, 28 de julho, Foz do Iguaçu/PR. Um marco pelas liberdades

Por @BolsonaroSP . Estaremos lá!  — Jair Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) 2 de julho de 2018    A pesquisadora da Universidade de Harvard Claire Wardle afirmou durante o 13º Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo, realizado em São Paulo, que o pré-candidato do PSL conta com apoio da extrema direita nos Estados Unidos

"Há muita evidência agora de que a extrema direita norte-americana esteja dando apoio ao Bolsonaro, criando memes e tentando influenciar as coisas

Vocês deveriam estar de olho no que acontece nos Estados Unidos porque, do nosso lado, já estamos vendo isso acontecer", disse em entrevista ao Livre, site parceiro do Metrópoles


For more infomation >> Pré-campanha de Bolsonaro organiza megaevento conservador - Duration: 3:49.


Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 1:07.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic Automatic S Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic Automatic S Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.


Helm Mikrofon -- Helmet Microphone - Duration: 7:33.

Hello girls and boys I'm Eddie and welcome

to a new video.

Topic today: microphone in the helmet

The microphone or my sound recordings

have really big problems lately

and you can see it here I film with a drift and it has a

Jack plug as such a plug for plugging an external

Microphones and of course I have a microphone, the original microphone

bought for the drift but the problem is that I have two helmets. One

the Nolan 43 Air with which I drive in the city and one the Schubert C3 which

is my tour helmet, now of course I would have to convert the microphone of

this helmet into these and back again and therefore I have considerd

Another solution and here twice the same microphone and indeed

these are the microphones from a headset of a Playstation 1. They were

thrown away and I took the two headsets and the microphones

and then these cables here with the plug and here is

usually a cinch jack on it, I pinch it off and on

solderd it on the Microphone and that worked very well here you can see it

and here's the microphone that works great in Schuberth

really excellent, only in my helmet it has massive problems

Firstly, they were a blank spot,

that was not from me but already from the production

because the microphone could have shorted often. That was not

the problem but in the beginning I had a loose connection. Later when I

solderd This plug, that has become loose, in the drift camera

I thought it was done and then I have several videos without sound and

Although for the reason that I pluged the plug

and later moved it and there you noticed that it always crashes

and has interruptions. I then have measured it with a gauge

and realised that it is thinner by a tenth of a millimeter than

the norm, as e.g. this one which I bought myself or just

this plug here and that caused that once

plugged in it made a sound and after the next movement, head movement

and/or the helmet or if you drove through a pothole the sound is gone.

Now I thought, okay I have

yes still a cable at home but I did not use that because it is from

a stereo. Have took a new bought one and thought okay solder it

right on this microphone and built it in,

and you can hear the result at the video 'Roller Ausfahrt' or 'scooter ride' in

where the noise was three times stronger than my voice and where I wasn't aufible anymore

at a Speed of 50 - 60 km/h because the wind noise

have covered everything. So I, after I

found it, immediately removed this microphone and soldered this again.

Yeah, you're probably wondering about this red foam, but I had nothing

other at home than this and since I did not get a replacement,

I just made one by myself and that's just how it always is.

Now I have to do one for the Schubert and now it's the cable, the new one

mounted on this top working microphone and the sound quality is back

really in the usual way. Top sound, no wind noise or something

vanishingly small that you barely notice it and yes this microphone

what do you do with something like that? Clearly throw away, it ends up in the trash. here will come

a foam on it and then everything is fine again. Yes and of course

what do you do with this cable? Yes, that's also belongs in the garbage, but before

that, you take that down, why do I have that above?

Because if you plug it in here and it would start raining for a while now,

the plug does not seal and that is from an earphone of these

Mobile earphones. is the one rubber sleeve that you give up

and that's a great thing, that seals off so well around here

that even in the pouring rain you can use it.

Anyway, it comes down and then the same thing happens with the cable,

thrown away quite logically, because one does not pick up on something where the

Production of the plug is thinner than it is prescribed by the standard.

Yes I hope you now hears the videos in the future again with full sound quality

and yes, of course, there is only one thing left to say, as always


For more infomation >> Helm Mikrofon -- Helmet Microphone - Duration: 7:33.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T 165pk Automaat Bus Exec | Premium Leder | LED | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T 165pk Automaat Bus Exec | Premium Leder | LED | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:12.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 BUSINESS EDITION Automaat | Camera | Clima | Keyless Entry | Bluetooth | Cr - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 BUSINESS EDITION Automaat | Camera | Clima | Keyless Entry | Bluetooth | Cr - Duration: 1:08.


Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton: Wen hätte Prinzessin Diana mehr gemocht ? - Duration: 13:43.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton: Wen hätte Prinzessin Diana mehr gemocht ? - Duration: 13:43.


Auszeit nach WM-Pleite: Sie ist Mesut Özils größte Stütze!! - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Auszeit nach WM-Pleite: Sie ist Mesut Özils größte Stütze!! - Duration: 2:18.


Un bon exercice de diction : je veux et j'exige... - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Un bon exercice de diction : je veux et j'exige... - Duration: 4:27.


J'ai mis du bicarbonate de soude et de l'huile de coco sur mon visage et cela m'a transformé - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> J'ai mis du bicarbonate de soude et de l'huile de coco sur mon visage et cela m'a transformé - Duration: 6:39.


the sky is beautiful today - Duration: 2:08.

wh e e z e

i dont usually do gifts

Im not to proud of this picture

but i also dont hate this picture



why do you still have captions on

this is a *speedpaint*

fam, you still have them on?

b o i


the thing froze and idk why

y'know i need to work on my map part lmao

but i decided to do this

im going to finish it




I have 2345678765432 of other animations and animatics I need to work on


that was me complaining lolol

i dont think I have alot



if i made a map

would you join?

probably not

issokay tho :D

i understand :''''''DDDDDDD


i like subtitles

Y e E t more effectsm;sjdbna

the glichy affects is cool (probably my favorite affect)

also the q&a is almost done you can still ask questions

lolol its been months honestly

D o n E------

wow you still have subtitles on smh

hope you liked the video :DDD

For more infomation >> the sky is beautiful today - Duration: 2:08.


Fiat Panda 1.2 Dynamic LAGE KMSTAND - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 1.2 Dynamic LAGE KMSTAND - Duration: 1:10.


Barbara O' Neill, hormonální nerovnováha - Duration: 51:01.

For more infomation >> Barbara O' Neill, hormonální nerovnováha - Duration: 51:01.


Renault Twingo 1.2 Expression AIRCO STUURBEKACHTIGING - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 1.2 Expression AIRCO STUURBEKACHTIGING - Duration: 0:52.


Fiat Panda 1.2 EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 1.2 EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO - Duration: 1:06.


Believe or Not, It Removes Spots From Your Face In Just 3 Nights! - Beauty Tips || Life Care - Duration: 3:47.

If you love outdoor activities, you are more likely to be exposed to sunlight on a frequent


The ultraviolet rays of the Sun can cause you to have facial spots that can make your

appearance very unpleasant indeed.

If your work entails that you spend long hour's outdoors everyday, you are equally exposed

to sunlight and you are at a higher risk of having unsightly facial spots.

There are over-the-counter facial spot removers, that tend to bleach out your skin, thinning

it out and leaving it susceptible to damage and infections.

These ointments and creams consist of harsh chemicals that are known to be carcinogenic

and can cause skin cancer.

You do not have to worry anymore about getting rid of those facial spots as you can do so

using a facial mask recipe comprising of 100% natural ingredients.

This homemade remedies have no side effects and will not endanger your health in any way.

The recipes involve the use of two natural ingredients, and the primary ingredient is

a potato.

Number one.

Organic Potato And Organic Lemon Juice Facial Mask Recipe.

The ingredients you need are.

One organic potato.

One or two organic lemon juice.

Preparation And Use.

Step 1.

Chop up the potato and incorporate it with your lemon juice in a blender and blend until

you get a thick homogeneous mixture.

Step 2.

Wash your face and pat dry with a clean towel, then apply the facial mask with your fingertips

and leave it on your face for a period of 20 minutes.

Step 3.

Rinse it off using lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Number two.

Organic Potato And Onion Facial Mask Recipe.

The ingredients you will need are.

One Organic potato.

One small Red onion.

Preparation And Use.

Step 1.

Incorporate the ingredients in a blender, and have them blended until you are able to

derive a smooth thick mixture.

Step 2.

Massage the mixture on your face, and leave it there for a period of a quarter of an hour.

Then rinse your face afterward using lukewarm water.

Number three.

Organic Potato And Organic Cucumber Facial Mask Recipe.

The ingredients you will need are.

One organic potato.

One medium-sized organic cucumber.

Preparation And Use.

Step 1.

Blend your cucumber and potato in a blender after chopping them into smaller pieces.

Blend until you get a thick, smooth and homogeneous mixture.

With your fingertips, gently massage the mixture on your face, after you have cleansed your

face by washing it, and drying it with a clean face towel.

Step 2.

Leave the mask on your face for a period of 20 minutes, once the time has elapsed, rinse

it off your face using lukewarm water.

By using any of these natural homemade facial mask recipes for removing facial spots, you

will be able to notice significant improvements in just 3 days of consecutive use.

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