[Julian:] Hello and welcome to GeForce.
I'm Julian. And look, it's Meg!
[Meg:] Woah, it's me! [Julian:] Hi Meg!
[Meg:] Hi! [Julian:] Welcome to the studio.
Meg and I just got done
playing the demo for Anthem.
I mean, I was all about this game
beforehand, but I'm pretty pumped
about it now getting my hands on it. [Meg:] Yeah.
[Julian:] What's your reaction to the game?
[Meg:] So, initially, I was a little bit on the fence about Anthem.
I'm a long time, like, huge BioWare fan.
Dragon Age is my favorite game ever.
I also love Mass Effect, of course.
And so, seeing that they were taking
this game in a very different direction,
focused a lot more on, you know,
co-op gameplay and combat,
not as much on the story, I was a little like, hmm.
But now, after getting in, I got an amazing impression.
I think the story is going to be fantastic,
and I think it's going to be a really
great experience to play with your friends.
[Julian:] Yeah. I'm the kind of person who just jumps in.
I'm all onboard as soon as I see a trailer.
They even remarked like, I just dove into some
black abyss right away without looking.
So, I think I'm ready to get hurt again all the time.
But this game really, I mean, met the expectations
I had for playing through the demo. [Meg:] I agree.
[Julian:]What were some of the things that
you enjoyed about Anthem?
[Meg:] I love the flying, obviously.
You've got like, those little jetpacks that you can fly.
And, I found it really easy to transition from walking,
and running and flying.
It wasn't, kind of, like an annoying thing
where you had to go out of your way.
It felt very seamless. [Julian:] Yeah.
It was a game that we had exactly five seconds of like,
here's what all the buttons are.
Go! And you just jump in
and then you feel right at home.
So, that I thought was a great work.
I really like also the variety
of the things that your javelins can do.
We were just in one suit—the ranger.
[Meg:] Right. [Julian:] And, we could use
some frost grenades.
[Meg:] Those are awesome. [Julian:] We had a charge up pulse.
We, of course, had an assault rifle,
and then a submachine gun,
and then the super, which was like
Iron Man's multi-targeting missile pack. [Meg:] Yeah,
that was so cool. [Julian:] It was sweet.
What stands out most in your mind having played it now?
[Meg:] Ooh, I think, definitely the combat.
Something that I loved was getting combos.
So, you know, when you threw the frost grenade,
then you could fly down in melee,
and then you got a combo, and basically
like, instakilled whatever you are attacking.
And, it just makes you feel really awesome
and cool, that you're really good at games.
Julian:] I was all about the melee.
I was picking fights with the largest monsters.
[Meg:] Err... [Julian:] Like, all - just beating
on their big toe with my – just hammering away.
And, the cool thing about, you know,
we had it here actually at Nvidia.
Well, that's the only place at E3 proper – [Meg:] Yeah.
[Julian:] that people can get their hands on it.
So, that was pretty sweet. [Meg:] Right.
Playing it on the PC, of course. was just frickin' gorgeous.
[Meg:] Yes, oh my God. [Julian:] We did get a taste of that mix
of what it's going to be like between
the multiplayer and the single player.
Obviously, we played together, we had a few other
people in the demo with us.
But the way they described handling the single player was exactly
what it was advertised as, right?
It's just you, you have characters
telling you the story and what's going on,
and what your objectives are,
they're all really well-animated,
gorgeous-looking, very like, realistic human.
And then, you jump in into the javelin,
you pop out into the actual world,
and you're in the multiplayer all of a sudden.
[Julian:] So, it did have [Meg:] Right.
that nice tradeoff between the single player
and the multiplayer. [Meg:] Yeah, like
you said, I think this is definitely going
to be a really fun experience
to play with friends, like, I'm already
imagining who I want my squad to be,
and I think it's just going to be a blast.
[Julian:] Is it me?
Am I…? [Meg:] Of course!
[Julian:] Jeez! You're so sweet to lie like that.
[Julian:] We had a blast.
I think I can speak [Meg:] Yeah.
[Julian:] for the both of us on that. Definitely a lot of fun.
It's pretty much as advertised. It's beautiful.
The combat's really interesting and fluid and seamless.
And, it looks like it's going to have
a story built in the background
that I'm also really going to enjoy.
So, you guys, thanks for checking out Anthem.
Meg, thank you for hard carrying me through that demo.
[Meg:] You're welcome.
[Julian:] Thank you all for tuning in here on GeForce.
We've got plenty of coverage here from E3.
We talked to devs. We played games.
Meg's out there on the floor checking out all the cool stuff.
So, be sure to tune in to GeForce, and check out
all the other coverage here from E3.
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