Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2018

Featuring storage for up to 500 songs,

built-in GPS and more than 15 preloaded activities and Garmin Pay,

vívoactive 3 Music is the smartwatch for your everyday life.

In this video, we'll introduce you to your new smartwatch

and show you how to start using it.

When you first take vívoactive 3 Music out of the box, give it a charge.

Just plug the included charging cable into the port at the back of the device.

Then plug the other end into any USB port.

After it's charged, you can complete the easy setup process.

It will walk you through how to get your smartwatch up and running and paired with your phone.

Now, let's take a look at your watch.

This is the home screen. You'll notice a button on the side of the watch face.

You can press and hold the button to view the controls menu.

The controls menu contains shortcuts that let you do things like

turn on do-not-disturb mode and access your Garmin Pay wallet or music controls.

You can swipe up or down to scroll through the widgets,

including the music controls.

You can also see at-a-glance summaries of your daily activity,

smart notifications, heart rate and more.

To start an activity, press the button from your home screen.

If this is the first time you're accessing this menu,

you'll be prompted to choose your favorite activities.

Scroll through the available activities and select one by tapping on the screen.

GPS will turn on automatically if you've selected an outdoor activity.

Go outside and wait for the device to locate satellites.

When it does, you can press the button again to start the timer.

At the end of your activity, press the button to stop the timer.

When you're done with your activity, select "Done" on screen.

Then either save and review your activity, or discard it.

Thanks for watching. To learn more about using vívoactive 3 Music like downloading your music,

watch the other video in this series.

For more infomation >> vívoactive 3 Music: Getting the Most Out of Your Device - Duration: 2:10.


Nightcore - Solo / Rockabye (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:42.

Solo x Rockabye (Switching Vocals) - Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Solo / Rockabye (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:42.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Retrouvailles entre un chien et sa maîtresse, une semaine après s'être fait percutés par... - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Retrouvailles entre un chien et sa maîtresse, une semaine après s'être fait percutés par... - Duration: 3:56.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S '111' EDITION - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S '111' EDITION - Duration: 1:04.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI AMBITION PRO LINE S - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI AMBITION PRO LINE S - Duration: 0:54.


小S女儿跳舞得金牌,大S调侃"得罪"妹妹:蛮想踢飞大S的! - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 小S女儿跳舞得金牌,大S调侃"得罪"妹妹:蛮想踢飞大S的! - Duration: 2:18.


✅ EXKLUZIVNĚ! Zpověď Topolánkovy přítelkyně (39): Čím ji Tomáš (25) okouzlil a jak to má s Mirkem? - Duration: 2:08.

 „Rozhovory do médií neposkytujeme, snažíme se vztah raději žít," řekla nám skvěle naladěná Tereza Michovská (39), pro naši redakci ale přeci jen udělala výjimku

 „S Tomášem jsme se poznali naprosto banálním způsobem, v baru. Bylo to nečekané. Rozuměli jsme si, ale rozhodně jsem neplánovala, že bych s ním začala chodit

Ale nějak se to stalo, přeskočila jiskra a pořád to pokračuje. Už skoro dva roky," řekla nám Tereza, která je evidentně čím dál zamilovanější

 „Je to hodně vzdělaný kluk. Tomáš je mnohem vyspělejší, než muži v jeho věku bývají. Má také úplně jiné životní zkušenosti kvůli tomu, v čem vyrůstal

Navíc je to skvělý partner. Pozorný a hrozně vtipný," nešetřila Tereza superlativy.  A i když věkový rozdíl mezi nimi je docela vysoký, prý se nestali terčem žádné zdrcující kritiky

 „Lidé, kteří nás znají, nám od začátku strašně fandí. Asi to bude tím, že máme stejnou energii. Některé to spíš překvapilo, stejně jako mě, ale vyloženě negativních reakcí moc nebylo," těší sympaťandu, která se živí marketingem

 A co takhle svatba, přijde?  „Nevím, co bude dál. Mám za sebou dlouhý vztah, budoucnost opravdu moc neřeším," hází podobné úvahy za hlavu

 Leckterá žena by se asi bála předstoupit před Tomášova otce jako jeho potenciální budoucí snacha. Tereza je ale z Mirka Topolánka, někdejšího premiéra a nedávno také prezidentského kandidáta, nadšená

 „S tatínkem jsme si skvěle sedli. Je super. Znám celou rodinu," dodala Tereza Michovská s tím, že do Varů, kde se s Tomem zase objevili bok po boku, přijeli hlavně kvůli kamarádům

Akcí se vyjma jedné nezúčastní.

For more infomation >> ✅ EXKLUZIVNĚ! Zpověď Topolánkovy přítelkyně (39): Čím ji Tomáš (25) okouzlil a jak to má s Mirkem? - Duration: 2:08.


1717 TALBOTT - 2 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 1717 TALBOTT - 2 - Duration: 3:21.


Interview d'expert - Experience collaborateur et les nouvelles compétences RH - Remi Malenfant - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Interview d'expert - Experience collaborateur et les nouvelles compétences RH - Remi Malenfant - Duration: 2:56.


The S Pen for the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has gone through its biggest update ever ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 1:32.

Exactly one week ago, we passed along some exciting news from Twitter tipster Ice Universe

about the S Pen accessory that will come in the box with the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note


The tweet said that the new S Pen is "worth the wait."

Samsung has since focused on the S Pen by featuring it on the invitation it sent out

for the Unpacked event being held on August 9th.

At that event, the Galaxy Note 9 will be introduced.

According to Ice Universe, the new S Pen will be able to control music and a long-range


The most interesting part of the tweet says that the S Pen will also have a function related

to Bluetooth that has nothing to do with the accessory being a pen.

There is some speculation that the S Pen will double as a wireless Bluetooth speaker.

If this pans out, you can expect a thicker S Pen for the Galaxy Note 9 because it will

need to be battery powered.

We will know more on August 9th, but to whet your appetite, consider that this S Pen has

reportedly gone through the biggest update in the history of the accessory.

For many of you, the next Unpacked event can't get here soon enough.

For more infomation >> The S Pen for the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has gone through its biggest update ever ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 1:32.


MIEUX RESPIRER : tout savoir sur la magie de la RESPIRATION - Duration: 19:04.

For more infomation >> MIEUX RESPIRER : tout savoir sur la magie de la RESPIRATION - Duration: 19:04.


Frottez cette épice sur votre visage pour faire disparaître vos rides - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Frottez cette épice sur votre visage pour faire disparaître vos rides - Duration: 2:19.


French ElfQuest set from Snorgleux Comics || Unboxing Video #14 - Duration: 31:21.

I still get chills, like, every time I do that goodbye. I get-- I get to the "Shade and

Sweet Water..." and doing-- I'm getting chills just doing this-- get to the "Shade and

Sweet Water" part, and it's just like-- *long sigh*


I love making these ElfQuest videos! ok--

(music plays: "Xanadu" by Slammerkin)

Welcome to the ElfQuest Collector's Guide! I'm your Pack Leader for this Hunt, Mandy

Roncalio-Meyer, or you can call me Shadowfire, either way works! in any case

guys, I got a really really cool unboxing for today! so first, before we get to the

unboxing, I wanted to apologize for there not being very many ElfQuest videos

recently. the ElfQuest videos take more work, they take a little more effort; I

have to do my research on them, and so therefore, they take a lot more effort.

I've been very very busy recently with just a whole lot of things going on in

life, and as I mentioned in previous videos, my laptop died recently! which

makes it even harder for me to do the ElfQuest videos, because that's where

all of my research is, that's where all of my links to info are, that's just

that's where all of my work as far as the ElfQuest Collector's Guide goes. so

it's been a little bit more of an effort trying to get these ElfQuest Collector's

Guide videos going, but don't worry guys! I'm not stopping them, they're more--

there's-- there's more on their way I just have to get to the work to do that. so

guys, for this video I've got a really really cool unboxing! so as you guys know,

ElfQuest is known all over the world! there has been multiple publications of

ElfQuest in several different languages, and there's a new company in France

currently reprinting ElfQuest, and I believe they're going to try to do all

the way through Final-- the Final Quest but don't quote me on that one guys. in

any case, this company-- I'm probably gonna axe-murder their name, because it is a

French name, and while I did take some French lessons in school, of course I'm

American and we axe-murder every other language, right? anyways guys, so the

company that makes the French editions of ElfQuest now, I believe it's called

Snorgleux ("snore-glue")

now I could be pronouncing that wrong, as I said, and I'm really

sorry to my French viewers if I'm saying that wrong! if you want to correct me go

ahead and send me a message on Facebook, with like a little little voice message

or something that says, "hey this is how it's pronounced." in any case

mispronunciations aside, this is a set of everything that Snorgleux

has come out for ElfQuest so far! basically, the entire Original Quest, I

believe it is. Uhm-- you guys are probably going to be very interested in joining

the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE group over on Facebook, because if it had not been

for that group-- which yes, I mentioned before I started that group, but it's so

much more than just me guys! there are so many helpful members over there! in any

case, if it hadn't have been for the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE group, I would

not be able to own this set! there is a member in the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE

group, a French member, and her and I have worked out a deal with the company to

get these books to members of the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE for a little

bit of a shipping discount! now, coming from France, these are super super

expensive to ship! like, just for example, I think was last week or the week-before,

I shipped out some individual comics. just one single issue of ElfQuest (each), and I

had to ship out four of them to people in France. now a single issue, from me to

ship to France, was $23! just for one in an envelope! I didn't put any like super

duper, like, extra-thick padding or anything, like just normal, standard

packaging: $23 guys! so the shipping for this set of books would have been really

really astronomically high! so over in the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE group, a

member of the group named Guita, I believe I'm pronouncing that right, again

she's French-- uh, got together with me, and we got together, and tried to work out a

different deal than what it ended up being. our original idea was we were

going to figure out a bulk order of these books to ship to ME, and then I

would basically kind-of act as an unofficial distributor, and send these

books to other ElfQuest fans that wanted them. now, that ended up being really

expensive to do! we didn't do that! we axed that idea. what we ended up finding

out though, was that Snorgleux is a very very awesome company!

they actually made a special shipping deal with us, through the ElfQuest

Collectors UNITE group! so guys, I'm gonna open this box, and you're gonna see these.

these are some beautiful hard covers! the pictures I've seen are gorgeous! if you

want this set for yourself, I highly recommend going and joining the ElfQuest

Collectors UNITE group! I'll put a link down in the video description, alright

guys? I think that's enough blabbering on for me! you guys know how I can be

long wind-- long worded and long-winded! let's get to opening this sucker! I am

super excited! several people that participated in this order actually

already got theirs-- yesterday I think it was-- so several people have already opened

them, and people have seen 'em, and my friends were telling me that they're

awesome, and I can't wait to see them for myself! so here we go guys! it might take

a little bit... looks like they might have Mandy-proofed it a little bit... they, uh-- put a

lot of tape on here, which I can appreciate, because they came all the way

from France! so I can appreciate that they packaged it

uber uber super safe! but we might skip forward until I have this already open,

alright guys? let's see...

so while I'm opening this, i'll just kind of gab-on a

little bit, because you guys know i like to do that. so don't forget guys that Wendy

and Richard are still on tour!

--Hey look I got a box!-- *Laughs*

Wendy and Richard are

still on tour. they only have a couple more appearances left. I think they might

add more appearances to the list, but don't quote me on that either, because I

don't know-- I just realized that they added one more appearance to the list, it

was yesterday actually, so, who knows, guys? they might add more appearances! we're

only halfway through the year, and they only have two appearances left on the

actual list-- well three now-- so I really hope they add more! and I got to be

honest: I hope they add more near me, because I would love to go see them

again, and hopefully not be so starstruck that I can't have a conversation!

in any case guys, back to this...



RAAHH! that's heavy! don't worry guys, I will

have more unboxings on their way as well! I know there's been a ton of RedBubble

designs put up that I haven't showcased yet, but don't worry, I'm saving up my

paychecks! I had to save up my paychecks for this order, and now the next big

thing I'm saving up for is a RedBubble order with a bunch of the new designs, so

I can show you guys! so stay tuned! I haven't put the order in yet. I'm still

saving my money up for it, but we're getting there! we're getting there...

oh beautiful, i can see already!

oh! how perfect is it, folks,

that, uh-- I opened it up, and the very first character I see00 I don't know if you guys

can see that-- very first character I see right here: Moonshade!

oooohh, but yeah!

you guys probably saw just then from that little sneak peek, these are gorgeously

colored! and they're bigger than I thought!!

look at the size of this thing, guys! like, normal comic books are about that

big-- like, oh probably about like that, is about the size of a normal comic book!

I mean, look how huge this is! now I think, um-- so Snorgleux had

several different variations of book number one. I-- I had to splurge, and

knowing that I might not get a good shipping deal again, I knew I had to get

the full set! so I really splurged on this guys! I got all the variants, and

everything included! so, I think this is one of the variant covers for book

number one. which also could be why it's so big. that is so big! like, I did not-- I did

not plan appropriately on my shelves for this size book! *laughs*

but that's okay because my whole collection needs to be rearranged! if you notice guys,

I am doing my unboxing outside, well first of all, it's because it's beautiful out

here! it's a beautiful summer day, and I love my yard because I live in the

middle of the forest! so I just thought I'd show you guys some of the forest! but

also, my ElfQuest corner is bit hectic right now guys! where I

normally do my recordings and my showcases and stuff? I've added a lot to

my collection recently, and I had to take some of my stuff down, and I had to put

other stuff up, and I took my lights down, and they're not back up-- in any case guys,

my recording area where I norm--i typ-- I typically do my ElfQuest videos-- it's

just not prepared! which is another reason why videos-- ElfQuest videos-- have

been a little delayed. it's just taken some while guys. I mean, these have--

these things happen! but just trust that I'm going to be redoing my ElfQuest

Collection, I'm gonna be redoing the corner where it is, my recording area. so

hopefully, it'll it'll be a little bit better looking, next time we get to it!

comment below guys! I've got a question for you, okay? what do you think about me

doing a Livestream session, where I rearrange my collection area? I would

basically be there, doing my thing, putting stuff around, but I would be able to chat

with you guys on the computer-- I'd be able to vocally chat with you, because

you'd be visibly able to see me! you can maybe help me decide where things could

go, I could show you and talk about items that I haven't talked about yet-- just

things like that! but let me know! Comment down below: what do you guys think about

me possibly doing a Livestream rearranging of my collection? what do you

guys think: yes or no?

okay let's get back to the books! I know! I keep getting

distracted! I haven't done an ElfQuest video for a while, so I've got a lot to

say! alright guys, but anyway, so I'm pretty

sure this is a variant and a gorgeous one! geez! I have to get a little bit closer to

the camera with this, just so you guys could see the coloring on it. like, look

at the coloring on it! I'll get it the sunlight... there we go. look at that! yeah!

*dog barks in background*

that would be my dog, Chops... *to Chops* Shh! quiet on the set!

--but then if you guys look on the

back too, really pretty! and of course, my beautiful Moonshade! I Love Her!

anyway guys, so there's, I believe, this is the variant. I'll let you know for sure when I open

the rest of the box!

okay, so there's that one! and I'm pretty sure that that's the variant, also

because it was in a separate box. it's like, packaged in its own thing. so my

guess is that that's the variant... and this-- GRRR-AH-- should be...

uuuurrrgghhh... the monster of the rest of the set! GGRRAHHH!

so guys, another thing I want to say is that, apparently according to Guita,

this deal will be offered again to the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE group! so if

you guys want to get in on this set, and if you guys want to get in on the future

ElfQuest books that Snorgleux puts out, join ElfQuest Collectors UNITE and watch

out for either mine or Guita's posts on the subject! if you're gonna be

getting the whole set. I know I'm gonna be going after the rest of them! I

believe, umm-- I believe I heard that they are currently working on Kings of the Broken Wheel,

so that'll be cool! good, it's good stuff guys! okay!

this is ready to check out though! so, also-- oh that was the other bonus! gosh, I

just keep-- I keep forgetting the bonuses! we got-- we-- there was a lot of bonuses to

this deal guys! another bonus was that, if you, I believe it was, if you got all of

the books, I don't think everybody got this, but if you order a full set of

books, they sent you basically, whatever ElfQuest-related extras they also

created! so, for example, they came out-- wow, this is super thick... Wow!

oh it's got other stuff inside. okay, so, for example, they also celebrate Free

Comic Book Day (FCBD) over in France! I didn't know that! I honestly thought it was a

United States-thing, but apparently it's at least international, and hopefully

worldwide! but in France, they also celebrate Free Comic Book Day, and

their free comic for this year featured a little bit of ElfQuest! you

can see Petalwing right here on the cover! and i believe i was told, that the story--

oh look at that! and then you open up-- wow! they're giving ElfQuest some love, guys!

this is uh-- the second page in, and they've already got an ad for the set of books

that I just got, and I think we're dipping right into the story-- yeah!

yep, and then we turn right in, and the very first story in their Free Comic

Book Day comic is Homespun, in French nonetheless! obviously because it was a

French comic-- but yeah! so very cool! so here we have Homespun, which is a tale

about the Preservers and how they began. *edit: nope, not how they began* and it's actually the story of umm...

Go away, bug!

and it's actually the story of Olbar the Mountain-Tall-- you guys remember him from

Original Quest?-- it's the story of his daughter.

remember he mentions his daughter, and they cut her and her lover open (from Wrap-Stuff) and what-not

in the Original Quest. well Homespun is the story of how they

got into the Preservers Wrap-Stuff to begin-with. but so that story is included

in here, and that's really cool! another thing that I thought was really awesome

that they included as a bonus for the members of the ElfQuest Collectors

UNITE that got in on this deal, was-- when Wendy and Richard went over to France

for that part of the tour, that leg of the tour, Snorgleux came out with some

special little cards. they're just a picture of Cutter. I believe this is a

rarely seen. or maybe even never-before-seen piece of artwork of

Cutter, and they're just some nifty little promotional cards with Cutter on

it. and then on the back, we've got all the publisher info on there. you know,

Dark Horse Books, Snorgleux, ElfQuest, and all the legal stuff that they've got to

have. all that legal jargon. but so that's pretty cool! they actually made these--

sorry, I didn't finish saying what they made these for-- they made these for Wendy

and Richard's appearances over in France. so these were like basically the little

special freebie, that you got for going to one of those events. and so they also

included them for the people of the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE that ordered the

books through that order!

so that's pretty cool! I'm gonna have to find like a little frame, or something

that this guy fits in! it's a very very awesome picture of Cutter! it's-- I-- I can't

say that it's never-before-seen, because I have seen it online, but I think it

might have been never published before. I don't think this print, this picture

has ever been in-print before. again guys, I could be wrong about that. but uh, yeah!

I really really love this picture of Cutter! he's-- it's-- it's an interesting kind of

pose for him. he kind of almost looks laid-back, but ready for action, just as

Cutter always is! so, awesome! okay! and now as you can see...

that's a set of books, guys!

this box was heavy! like, whoo! I had my husband carry it in the house

and out here to the table, because, I mean, I'm not a weakling, I can carry it, but I

didn't want to, because it's so heavy! in any case guys, these are beautiful!

okay... let's take this one-at-a-time, folks! hopefully, in order...

Ah, that one's Number One...

that's right! so, i

told you about the variants, which I was correct: this is one of the variants! this

is the special Deluxe edition variant! I thought it might have been, because it was a

little bit larger, I just didn't want to say for sure, but uh-- this is the Deluxe

Edition variant! it was a little bit pricier than the rest of the books, but

it's pretty! I can't-- I'm gonna-- haven't decided if I'm gonna rip the plastic

open and read it yet, but I probably will... or at least flip through it. but uh,

so this was the Deluxe Edition variant. then, they had just a standard variant as

well, besides the normal color-- er, cover, sorry. and that's what this one is! check

that out, guys! Madcoil and Bearclaw! now again, this is

just the start of the Original Quest. let me just peek on that-- yep, beautiful!

and I believe that's the colorings-- the inside-- is the colorings from the original Starblaze

colorings that Wendy did. I could be wrong, i could be wrong about that, guys!

whew, I'm short... I could be wrong about that guys, but I'm pretty sure, that the

colorings from these, are from the Starblaze editions that Wendy colored back

in the day, that are absolutely gorgeous! but yeah, so here's the variant for book

number one, with Madcoil and Bearclaw! then we've got Cutter watching Leetah dance. but yeah

and these are all hardcover, guys! no soft covers, all hardcover, and very very well

made! super well made! just take a peek at the colors inside.

Lookit-this! lookit those colors!

beautiful stuff,

guys! so, that's variant of book one.

now we've got the regular edition of book 1. so this one's gonna have the same

exact content as this book. but it's got a different cover. even the backs are

different-- same wording, different-- different cover pictures. so guess

these are essentially the same book. as most of you probably know, a Variant just

means it's like a limited edition, with a different col-- cover maybe different...

something special about it. but in any case, so these are the variants. this is

the normal edition, this is the variant edition, and then we also have the Deluxe

edition guys! this one is big, and so like-- there we go--

comparatively, it's a lot bigger than the other ones!

it's a big book!

but so there are the three variants of the start of the Original Quest. now, I believe the

Deluxe edition also has more story in it as well, besides what these two have. so

I'll have to check that out. maybe I'll get back to you guys online about that...

okay, but here is the normal edition of book one. very nice, very pretty covers!

I'll bring this up close, so you guys can see it too...

this one we've seen-- we've seen this artwork a lot, and this is a pretty

popular one. and then on the back, we've got the Wolfriders peering over the

edge, right there. watching the humans! ready to go save Redlance!

oh gosh, guys! these covers? so nice!

so beautiful! so this is book 2. as we can see, I believe this was-- I believe all of

these actually were the... yeah, yeah-- I remember that,

reading that now... all of the covers for these books, were actually covers that

were used for the Marvel Epic reprint series! and they basically took

those original covers, and recolored them-- personal opinion here: much better than

the Marvel covers were colored-- colored in the first place! but, beautiful

guys! here I'll bring them all up close, so you guys can see each one... so there's

book two! absolutely beautiful coloring on that cover! man, oh! and then on the

back-- yeah, we've got Skywise rushing into Nonna and Adar's hut to save Cutter--

"save" Cutter... *Laughs*

good ol' Skywise: he acts first, and thinks second, am i right, guys?

oh gosh, guys! i can't wait to have these on my shelf!

These are gonna look really really handsome on the shelf! just really nice!

all the covers are very very like simple. they all match, I love the Sending Star on them,

because I just absolutely love Sending Stars! it's one of my favorite little,

just simple designs. but here's book 3, guys. absolutely gorgeous! of course you

know I'm gonna love it, because it's got all sorts of shades of purples and blues

on there! but uh, yeah! check it out! when Savah "Goes Out" and can't return to

her body! and then we have Skywise being found by Preservers... Skywise better wake

up, or he's gonna get put in Wrap-Stuff! am i right, guys?

if I remember right-- yeah! they're putting his feet in Wrap-Stuff right now! so,

Skywise might wanna wake up!

Skywise; always sleeping on the job!

*gasps in joyful glee*

this is my favorite cover, and you guys can probably guess why! I'm gonna give

you three seconds to guess! all right guys?

three! two! one!

It's Winnowill!!

ooohh wow! this is definitely my favorite cover!

Winnowill in all of her evil glory!

*sighs* yeah...

check it out guys! look at this!

You know, i don't think we too-often see Winnowill

actually colored, so that we can see her skin tone. I'm really kind of curious

as-to how close the skin tone is to what Wendy would have chosen for her, because

with Winnowill's description, she's supposed to have like this really really

pale, pearlescent-almost skin, so kind of intrigued. this is like, Winnowill's got a

little bit of Sun, here guys. *laughs*

but I don't care; it's Winnowill and I love her!

and then I love the image they chose for the back; when Cutter is challenging Winnowill!

like, "I'm gonna get you!!" RAAAAHHHHHH!!!

So, yep! this: definitely my favorite cover! *clicks tongue*

alright guys, last, and of course, certainly not least, we have the final book! I love

how it's got like this nice sticker right here, let you know that this is the

Final Book. and yeah!

that's a pretty awesome cover guys! it's-- it's Skywise

passing the Lodestone over to Cutter, with the Spirits floating around them in the Palace.

spoiler alert! hey guys, if you're here, and you haven't

read the Original Quest, go read the Original Quest! because I try not to put

spoilers about the other series, like Kings the Broken Wheel, Shards, Hidden

Years, all those-- Final Quest, of course-- I try not to do any spoilers. but Original

Quest? if you haven't read the Original Quest, I'm really curious why you're here?!

are you interested in reading ElfQuest?! link down below!! link down below!!

go read ElfQuest, PLEASE!

alright, let's bring this-- whoa, WHOA! if I can get off my table without falling!-- bring this up close to

you guys. check that out, I just-- I can't stop gushing about the coloring on these!

they're just so gorgeously done! just well, well, WELL-colored! and on the back

of this one, we have the Wolves! now, if I remember right, this panel is actually of

the wolves that were being held captive by the trolls. so there we go, guys! so

that's the final book, the book 5! so all together guys, there is 7 books in this

set; there are 5 books that comprise the Original Quest. so if you want the set

guys, come on over to the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE group! myself and Guita

are very helpful-- of course, all the members of the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE

is are very helpful! but when it comes to this deal, Guita and I are very helpful,

and we're really, really wanting more and more people to pick up on this beautiful,

beautiful set here! it is well worth it! I am super happy I got it! thank you Snorgleux,

for taking such good care of ElfQuest! Thank You Guita, for helping me

to arrange this deal for the members of the ElfQuest Collectors UNITE group, and

yeah! as I said guys, Snorgleux will be coming out with more ElfQuest, and

they're going to be offering some similar shipping deals to us over in the

Collectors UNITE group! so join us over there, and you might be able to get this

awesome set for yourself! very beautiful, very well worth it! if you

want to get the set, join us over there, and connect with me and Guita!

We'll hook you up!

I realized I didn't take the Deluxe edition out of the plastic wrap! I

thought about it, I was going to keep it closed, but I'm just-- as I said, I'm not

that kind of collector! I am NOT the kind of collector to keep things in a package!

I would much rather open it. you can't enjoy things if they're stuck in the

wrapper! it ain't happening, guys! it ain't staying in the wrapper!

the wrapper is off... off!

and because it's a Deluxe edition it does have the nifty-- *clicks tongue* slip case

cover-- oh so cool! oh I love that feature! oh my gosh guys, so for the Deluxe

edition, it's got the dust cover which is beautiful, but check it out! if you take

the dust cover off, its the cover in black and white as well! that just

tickles my fancy! I love that! that is so cool! so it's like the total wraparound

cover; goes all the way around it. and then if you take the dust cover off, it's

the same wraparound cover in black and white! very nice touch! Snorgleux! very nice touch!

I would applaud you, if my hands weren't full of this gorgeous book that you've created!

oh cool! and opposed to how the regular editions are in color, the

Deluxe edition is in black and white. which I also find kind of interesting,

because normally with deluxe editions and normal editions, it's the other way

around. am i right? normally, like, regular editions are black and white, and then

you get a variant or a deluxe or whatever, and it's the one that's in

color. that's not how they did it this time, but I can appreciate that! I think

that's really really cool! so if you get this full set, you'll get both, a

beautiful colored rendition of ElfQuest, you also get-- if you get the Deluxe

edition-- you get a beautiful black and white version of it!

I saw bonus pages! I saw bonus pages in the back! I'm gonna check those out, yeah!

you know a lot of people-- there's-- there's kind of a constant debate going on

within the ElfQuest community: colored or black and white? what do you prefer? from

what I've noticed, it tends to kind-of go with whatever you read first. if you read

it in color first, that's what you tend to be attracted to, and that's what you

seem to be really connected to. if you read it in black and white first, that's

the one that you're gonna be connected to, and like the most. now I'm not saying

that's completely true, that's just what I've noticed myself, but in any case,

there's a big debate going on whether it's better to read ElfQuest in color or

in black and white. because in color, you-- you get kind of different details. you

get a little depth, but in black and white sometimes you can pick up stuff

that gets lost inside of all the coloring. so it's like I said, it's a

debate. if you want to join the debate go over to Facebook groups and join them

over there, and get it on those debates. but now I'm gonna check out what these

bonus pages are at the end... oh cool it's a-- it's a making-of, and

there's part of it in English! so I can read this, but the parts in English are

all the parts that Wendy and Richard hand wrote. all the notes and stuff, but

yeah! this is like a little making of ElfQuest in the back, cool! I think this

is all stuff that we've seen in other places too... but it could be wrong...

like I don't necessarily remember seeing the sketch work for these pages on lined

paper, but I could be wrong guys. it's been a long time since I've actually

looked at the sketch work from these, in some of the special edition stuff, and

the Gatherums and everywhere where all that background stuff can be found.

but uh, so cool! maybe some of this-- this-- some of this might be exclusive, but I

think for the most part its stuff that we've seen already, but just they haven't

gotten to see over there in France yet. and then here in the very far back, they've

got the covers for the rest of the set of books, but in black and white. so once

again you can kind of compare. you can take the colored covers, and set them

next to the black and white pages here, and be like, "do I like color, or do I like

the black and white better?" but in any case guys, so that was the Deluxe Edition,

and I think this is my favorite book of the set, other than the cover with Winnowill...

because it's Winnowill! but this is a really awesome addition to my collection!

this might even become one of my favorite versions, just because it's so

unique! it's huge, it's beautifully don,e I love the way they did the dust cover in

color, and the hardback in black and white! I just I think that's really cool!

but alright, so... well guys, that's all I've got for this unboxing video! as I said:

stay tuned! I will have more ElfQuest videos coming out pretty soon! I'm trying

to work on picking those back up guys. the "Just Mandy!" videos have been working

out for me recently, because they're really easy to just throw out there, and

you guys have been asking for them! because you guys have been asking to know more

about me and my life, and so that's what the "Just Mandy!" series is. so guys, I hope

you enjoyed this unboxing of these beautiful French editions from the

company, Snorgleux! and I hope you'll join us over in the

ElfQuest Collectors UNITE group, so we can help you get your own collection

going of this beautiful set, and so we can all benefit when they come out with

the next books, and we can all get a shipping deal for the next set of books

that they would be coming out with! so guys; thanks for watching, and until next time,

Shade and Sweet Water, and Happy Hunting!


(music plays: "Xanadu" by Slammerkin)

For more infomation >> French ElfQuest set from Snorgleux Comics || Unboxing Video #14 - Duration: 31:21.


郑爽和沈月校服对比照引关注,网友调侃应该和大S比 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 郑爽和沈月校服对比照引关注,网友调侃应该和大S比 - Duration: 4:04.


✅ Mort de Corbier : son fils, Wilfried Roux, lui rend un vibrant hommage - Duration: 3:17.

Toute une génération est plongée dans la tristesse. François Corbier s'est éteint dans la nuit du 30 juin au 1er juillet après une longue bataille contre la maladie

Une triste nouvelle annoncée sur Twitter par le producteur Jean-Luc Azoulay. « Corbier nous a quittés cette nuit

Qu'il repose en paix au Paradis des Poètes. Pensées à Doune et à Willy », a-t-il confié sur le réseau social, provocant ainsi toute une vague d'hommages de la part des internautes et des people

À 73 ans, Alain Roux, de son vrai nom, laisse derrière lui tous les fans de Récré A2 et du Club Dorothée qui ont entonné ses chansons enfantines comme Le Nez de Dorothée et Sans ma barbe

Même s'il avait vécu une traversée du désert après l'arrêt du Club Dorothée, en 1997, et qu'il refusait de se réunir aux côtés de ses anciens camarades de l'émission de TF1, Dorothée, a réagi à sa disparition avec une vive émotion sur Facebook : « Notre poète nous a quittés

Il nous manquera énormément. » Des mots tout aussi touchants que ceux écrits par son fils, Wilfried Roux

Sur les réseaux sociaux, ce dernier a tenu à faire ses adieux à son cher papa en lui adressant une longue lettre accompagnée, d'une photo d'enfance sur laquelle il prend la pose avec lui

« Ah mon p'tit père ! Qu'est-ce que tu m'auras fait marrer ! Aujourd'hui tu me fais sacrément pleurer… ce n'est pas la première fois mais ça sera la dernière, a-t-il écrit

Même si tu ne le disais pas, ou peu, par pudeur ou par timidité, je sais que tu étais fier de moi, autant que je t'admirais

Tu m'as beaucoup appris, toi qui n'avais pas fait d'études, énormément donné, toi qui ne possédais pas grand chose »

Le fils de Corbier a également tenu à remercier son papa pour lui avoir « transmis le goût des mots, de la langue, de la littérature, l'amour de la chanson, de la musique » ou encore appris à « s'émerveiller, réfléchir, douter, respecter, aimer, chérir et bien sûr chanter et rire », « des verbes qu'(il lui) a appris à conjuguer au quotidien »

« Comment oublier ton œil qui frisait quand tu fomentais une blague, tes coups de gueule contre l'injustice et la bêtise, tes colères aussi soudaines que terrifiantes que je redoutais tant enfant, tes yeux embués et ta voix brisée quand tu étais ému et dont j'ai hérité », a-t-il ajouté et de conclure avec nostalgie : « Aller p'pa t'avais raison c'est pas mal les Beatles, prends ta gratte qu'on chante Black Bird une dernière fois !  » Une lettre très émouvante qui a bouleversé les internautes submergés par l'émotion depuis le départ de celui qui a bercé toute leur enfance

For more infomation >> ✅ Mort de Corbier : son fils, Wilfried Roux, lui rend un vibrant hommage - Duration: 3:17.


✅ Mondial 2018 : Benjamin Pavard, nouveau phénomène qui "vient de nulle part" - Duration: 2:18.

 Benjamin Pavard n'est plus seulement celui qui a remis un journaliste en place à la Coupe du monde après avoir été comparé à Jeff Tuche

Il est à présent aussi et surtout celui qui a réalisé une magnifique demi-volée synonyme d'égalisation contre l'Argentine le 30 juin 2018 (2-2), lors du huitième de finale de l'équipe de France qui s'est joué à Kazan

Originaire du Nord, âgé de 22 ans seulement, le jeune défenseur a ainsi prouvé qu'il méritait la confiance que lui a accordée Didier Deschamps malgré son manque de notoriété

   Lors d'une interview accordée à Télé Loisirs, son coéquipier Antoine Griezmann se félicite de la présence de Benjamin Pavard dans le groupe, un élément nouveau qui "vient de nulle part" et a su le surprendre

"Le but de Pavard ? C'est une frappe parfaite. Tu en fais dix comme ça, neuf partent dans les tribunes", a confié l'attaquant de 26 ans

  Rachel Legrain-Trapani très fière  En couple depuis quelques mois avec Miss France 2007 Rachel Legran-Trapani, Benjamin Pavard a pu compter sur sa présence et ses encouragements pour ce huitième de finale riche en émotions

Le jeune footballeur n'a pas hésité à rejoindre sa compagne dans les tribunes pour célébrer cette belle victoire, partager son immense joie et de tendres étreintes

Le tout devant les caméras du monde entier.  Interrogée par TF1 à sa sortie du stade de Kazan, Rachel Legrain-Trapani a exprimé sa fierté pour Le Mag de Denis Brogniart

"Je sais de quoi il est capable. Je suis surprise mais avec tout le travail qu'il fait, je comprends qu'il réussisse aujourd'hui", a-t-elle réagi avant d'être rejointe par Issa Doumbia, fervent supporter des Bleus


For more infomation >> ✅ Mondial 2018 : Benjamin Pavard, nouveau phénomène qui "vient de nulle part" - Duration: 2:18.


Nissan Kicks 1.6 manual: versão mais em conta não faz feio no dia a dia - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Nissan Kicks 1.6 manual: versão mais em conta não faz feio no dia a dia - Duration: 7:47.


Jamai Amar Kalo Bengali Hard Bass Mix By Music Creation - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Jamai Amar Kalo Bengali Hard Bass Mix By Music Creation - Duration: 2:47.


SiR "D'Evils" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 4:39.

I try not to take the 101 first and foremost.

I try not to be on the 405 certain times of the day and I try not to drive on the 101.

But if you are stuck in traffic, weed is hella important.

I mean it's not like I smoke and drive or anything like that.

It was me and my homie, DK The Punisher.

He's the one that produced the track.

He was flipping through samples.

He was going through some reggae stuff trying to find a vibe.

We stumbled across the Billy Boyo sample.

And I think both of us were vibing to the song and as soon as he said, "One spliff

a day," we both kinda looked at each other like, "That's tight."

The only time weed has ever like really solved a problem for me is when I was like emotionally

drawn to some like angry or some shit like that.

When it comes to like music and shit like that, I don't even pay attention.

I just kinda do it casually.

So I never really connected to "I smoke to get something done."

It's kind of counterproductive to smoke.

I usually smoke and I don't do anything.

Weed does affect my short term memory.

From my personal experience, I don't remember where most things are when I wake up in the morning.

The type of person I am, I'm really independent.

And when I was like 17, I moved out and I really haven't had to ask my mom for much

since then.

You know what I mean?

And I've always tried to make sure I took care of myself.

I don't wanna go to my mother for anything.

I don't want her to have to worry about me.

I love what I do so I have to respect what I do and smoking weed all day isn't always


Am I planning on quitting smoking any time soon?


I can see myself stepping away for at least a little bit.

Taking a break is healthy.

You know what I mean?

For all the kids out there, don't do drugs.

Drugs are bad, mkay?

The title of the song kind of came from the old Jay-Z song "D'Evils."

I'm a huge Jay-Z fan so any opportunity I get to do something that he might see,

I try to do it.

You know what I mean?

People come up to me like, "Yo your song Devils is so amazing!"

I'm like, "Thank you!"

For everyone that does not know, the song is pronounced, "D'Evils."

Getting women off of weed, that's a past life.

I don't do things like that anymore.

I'm a social smoker but I'm also a smoke-by-

myself-in-the-corner smoker too.

I think I respect weed enough to just kind of keep it to myself.

Alright so, me and my cousin Tiffany Gouche, we were on Crenshaw and 111th or something

like that.

We had this studio that we only had for like a month.

We went and we bought some bud and we bought these cookies called "Romeo's Last Ride."

We ate one whole cookie.

And you know, it had the disclaimer on there and everything like "Please don't eat

this whole cookie."

"Make sure you don't operate heavy machinery."

All kind of shit.

We ate the whole cookie and we're sitting there for about 20 minutes like

"I don't feel nothing."

So we roll up some weed.

Smoke the weed.

Then we eat another cookie.

About 10 minutes later, we're like, "Oh yeah, I'm starting to feel it."

"It feels good."

10 minutes after that, we're like, "Oh."

And 30 minutes later, we're just both laying flat on the ground like…

I look over at her and I'm like, "Tiffany are you dead?"

She was like, "Yeah."

I don't even wanna go into the detail of the suffering we were going through.

It was bad.

It was really bad.

For more infomation >> SiR "D'Evils" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 4:39.


Vice-amiral Rolland : « L'esprit d'équipage » - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Vice-amiral Rolland : « L'esprit d'équipage » - Duration: 7:36.


Live in the D: Creative magic at "Abrakadoodle" - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Creative magic at "Abrakadoodle" - Duration: 4:50.


Live in the D: What's the Buzz- Road Trips - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: What's the Buzz- Road Trips - Duration: 6:18.


Live in the D: How to groom your pet at home - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: How to groom your pet at home - Duration: 5:24.


Interview d'expert - Experience collaborateur et les nouvelles compétences RH - Remi Malenfant - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Interview d'expert - Experience collaborateur et les nouvelles compétences RH - Remi Malenfant - Duration: 2:56.


Live in the D: Talkin' with Tati - Favorite ice cream truck treat - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Talkin' with Tati - Favorite ice cream truck treat - Duration: 1:09.


MIEUX RESPIRER : tout savoir sur la magie de la RESPIRATION - Duration: 19:04.

For more infomation >> MIEUX RESPIRER : tout savoir sur la magie de la RESPIRATION - Duration: 19:04.


Kia cee'd 1.6 Automaat LPG X-ecutive Trekhaak Pdc - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 Automaat LPG X-ecutive Trekhaak Pdc - Duration: 1:04.


Mazda CX-3 1.5 SKYACTIV-D 105 Skylease+/ Full map navigatie/ Stoelverwarming/ Cruise control/ Tel. b - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 1.5 SKYACTIV-D 105 Skylease+/ Full map navigatie/ Stoelverwarming/ Cruise control/ Tel. b - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Shooting Brake Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Shooting Brake Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 1:12.


Frottez cette épice sur votre visage pour faire disparaître vos rides - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Frottez cette épice sur votre visage pour faire disparaître vos rides - Duration: 2:19.


Voici un remède simple et efficace pour éliminer la plaque dentaire à la maison | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Voici un remède simple et efficace pour éliminer la plaque dentaire à la maison | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:07.


JUNE/JULY FAVORITES - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> JUNE/JULY FAVORITES - Duration: 11:36.


viaggiare in camper"amalfi" - Duration: 8:26.

For more infomation >> viaggiare in camper"amalfi" - Duration: 8:26.


Marijuana prohibition is racist and criminal, harms kids, and ruins lives | Johann Hari - Duration: 10:23.

In the late 1920s a young man outside Tampa in Florida picked up an axe and hacked his

family to death.

His name was Victor Lacarta.

At that point cannabis was not illegal in the United States.

And a man called Harry Anslinger had taken over the Department of Alcohol Prohibition

just as alcohol prohibition was ending.

So he inherits this huge government department that has just lost the war on alcohol.

It's riddled with corruption, and he wants to keep it going.

He had previously said that cannabis was not dangerous, we shouldn't worry about it.

He suddenly decided that cannabis was the most evil—literally these are his words:

"The most evil drug in the world."

He said it's much worse than heroin.

He said, "if Frankenstein's monster met cannabis on the staircase it would drop dead

of fright."

And he latched onto the case of Victor Lacarta.

With the help of kind of the Fox News of his day, which is called the Hearst Newspapers,

he announced that 'Victor Lacarta had smoked cannabis.

That's why he hacked his family to death with an axe.

And this is what will happen if we allow cannabis to spread, and we need to ban and prohibit


It was in the wake of that case that cannabis was banned.

Years later somebody goes back, a researcher went many years later, decades later, a researcher

went back and looked at Victor Lacarta's files.

There's no evidence he even smoked cannabis.

His family had been told he needed to be institutionalized a year before because he was severely mentally

ill, but they decided to keep him at home.

The origins of the war on drugs, which I wrote about in my book Chasing the Scream: The First

and Last Days of the War on Drugs, overwhelmingly looked like that.

If you'd asked me when I started to do the research for Chasing the Scream why was cannabis

banned I would have guessed they would have given the reasons then that if you stop someone

on the street now they would give, you know, we don't want kids to use drugs, we don't

want people to become addicted.

What's fascinating is that stuff virtually never came up when they were banning cannabis,

right, or indeed the other drugs.

It was overwhelmingly a kind of racial panic and absurd hysterias about what was going

to happen.

Now the one thing you can say in defense of the war on drugs and the war on cannabis in

particular is we've given it a fair shot, right?

The United States has spent a trillion dollars, it's imprisoned more people than any other

country in human history including Stalin's Russia and Mao's China.

It's destroyed whole countries like Columbia.

At the end of all that we can't even keep drugs out of our prisons, where we pay someone

to walk about the wall perimeter the whole time.

Which gives you some idea of how well we're going to keep it out of a country with 2,000-3,000

mile borders.

There is an alternative for how we can think about cannabis.

There are places that have legalized cannabis and we can see the results.

So I spent a lot of time in Colorado, in Washington state.

I actually spent time in places that have legalized other drugs – heroin, for example,

has been legalized in Switzerland with extraordinary results.

There have been zero overdose deaths on legal heroin in Switzerland in the more than 13

years since they legalized.

But with cannabis specifically, again we can see the results.

When you ban cannabis several things happen.

The first thing that happens is, you will have noticed, it does not disappear.

It's transferred from licensed legal businesses to armed criminal gangsters.

Those armed criminal gangsters have to operate differently to a licensed business.

So you will have noticed the head of Budweiser does not go and shoot the head of Heineken

in the face, right?

Your local liquor store does not send people to go and stab people in the local bar, right?

Exactly that happened at the alcohol prohibition, right?

I mean exactly that.

And it ended the day alcohol prohibition ended.


Because when you ban drugs they have to operate in an illegal market where there's no – and

I learned this from lots of drug dealers I spent time with for Chasing the Scream, not

just for fun.

Though there was some fun in there as well.

An illegal market could only operate through violence, right?

You have no recourse to—If I go up here now and I try to steal a bottle of vodka,

you know, the liquor store will call the cops.

The cops will come and take me away.

So there's no need for that to be violent, to be intimidating.

If I go out of here now and try to steal a bag of weed from the people who sell it not

so far away they can't call the cops, right?

The cops would come and arrest them.

They have to fight me.

Now you don't want to be having a fight every day if you're a dealer, so you've

got to establish a reputation for being so frightening that people wouldn't be so stupid

as to come and fight you, right?

So this is the ratchet effect you get with prohibition.

You create a market that can only be regulated by violence and where there's actually premium

on being the most violent person and the most intimidating person, where you have to be

violent and intimidating to protect your market.

Now when you legalize that goes away immediately.

Where is Al Capone?

Does anyone even know the head of Smirnoff's name?

Everyone watching this knows Al Capone's name.

I bet nobody watching this knows the head of Smirnoff's name.

What changed?

It's not the drug.

It's the fact that it went from being illegal and therefor controlled by gangsters to legal

and being controlled by legal and licensed businesses.

The second thing that happens, which is a slightly more wonky point but I think is really

interesting and important, is that milder forms of the drug disappear.

So you often get people to say "Well, we can't legalize cannabis because the cannabis

people use today isn't the cannabis people used in the 1960s, right?

It's much stronger."

It's things like skunk and super skunk.

That's true, and it's entirely the product of cannabis prohibition.

If you want to understand why you've got to understand something: Just before alcohol

was banned in the United States the most popular drinks by far were beer and wine.

After alcohol was legalized again the most popular drinks by far were beer and wine,

as they remain today.

And when alcohol was banned you couldn't get hold of beer or wine anywhere.

The most popular drinks were whiskey and moonshine.

Well why is that?

Why would banning a drug change the form of the drug?

It's kind of a rather prosaic reason.

Imagine we had to smuggle enough alcohol for your local bar from the Mexican border or

the Canadian border, right.

If we fill our wagon with beer we'll get drinks for 100 people.

If we fill our wagon with whiskey we'll get drinks for thousands of people.

When you ban drugs there's suddenly a premium on getting the biggest possible kick into

the smallest possible space because it's got to be smuggled, right?It's got to be

transported in secret.

This happens with all drugs.

This is why cannabis has become much more potent.

The most popular form of consuming cocaine prior to it being banned was in tea—coca


You may remember a drink called Coca Cola.

That really did contain exactly what it sounds like.

They don't exist anymore.

What do you ever hear about coca tea, right?

Coca Cola exists but it's not what it was obviously.

The most popular way of consuming opiates by far was a drink called laudanum and something

called Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.

It was small trace of opiates, right?

Again they disappeared and the most popular form becomes heroin.

When you ban a drug only the most extreme forms of that drug become available.

Now most people who smoke cannabis don't want skunk, right?

Just like if I go into a bar around the corner from here today, probably very few people

are going to be drinking vodka and no one is going to be drinking Absinthe, right?

If you're concerned about the more extreme forms of the drug, which I think we should

be with cannabis because there is – it's not a huge relationship but there's some

relationship with dysfunctional behavior—Then you want to put a really high premium on getting

milder forms of the drug available to almost all the users who want it, right?

So that's another effect that happens with legalization.

And you know, one of the things that's so moving—everywhere I went where they moved

beyond the war on drugs, from Portugal where they decriminalized all drugs to Switzerland

where they legalized heroin for addicts, to Uruguay and Washington and Colorado where

they legalized cannabis, the pattern was always the same.

It is super controversial at first and understand that people are really worried.

And then they see the effects.

It's not a silver bullet.

There's still problems, but there's such a significant improvement that the support

massively rises.

So 55 percent of people in Colorado voted to legalize it in 2015.

Today 70 percent of people support it.

Governor Hickenlooper who opposed it now says it works really well.

They've had a huge increase in tax revenue.

I interviewed one former police officer and he told me a story about this that really

stayed with me.

One day in the 70s he was staking out a dealer in a car park in Wayne in New Jersey in plainclothes.

And a kid came up to him and said, "Hey mister, will you go into that liquor store

and buy me some booze?

I'm not allowed to, I'm too young."

He was like a 12 year old or something.

And he said "No, get out of here."

So the kid walked over to the drug dealer and bought some drugs from him instead.

And he had this kind of epiphany.

He was like "Oh, actually legalization, a legal regulated system puts a barrier between

children and drugs that does not currently exist."

If you're a parent who doesn't want your child to smoke cannabis (and if you're a

parent you shouldn't because there is evidence that it can impair development for teenagers),

you want to put a really high premium on getting cannabis out of the hands of armed criminal

gangs who don't care whether the customers are 13, 30 or 80 and getting it into the hands

of licensed legal regulated businesses who have something to lose.

This is why in Colorado all the research shows there's been a really significant fall in

cartel and organized crime activities since they legalized.

There's been a fall in teenagers using—It was already quite low, but it's fallen.

There's been a massive increase in tax revenue.

You know it's not perfect.

There are some things I would have tweaked in the Colorado legalization but, you know,

you can tweak a legal market.

We don't have any power over an illegal market.

There's nothing we can do about it, right.

At some point the president of Switzerland Ruth Dreifuss when she made the case to the

Swiss people for legalizing heroin— and she's one of the great heroes I've ever

met in my life—She explained to them, "You know, when you hear the word legalization

you picture like anarchy and chaos.

What we have now is anarchy and chaos!

We have unknown criminals selling unknown chemicals to unknown drug users all in the

dark all filled with violence, right?

Legalization is the way we restore order this chaos."

At some point we have to look at the results.

It's worked incredibly well, and let's look at the places that are maintaining a

criminal war on cannabis.

How well is that working out for you?

For more infomation >> Marijuana prohibition is racist and criminal, harms kids, and ruins lives | Johann Hari - Duration: 10:23.


Google Calendar adds "Out of Office", TickTick's new theme, Evernote's new Premium monthly & more - Duration: 5:20.

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Software Pulse

It is Francesco D'Alessio your host here for another video on the Keep Productive YouTube channel

So just before we dive in a big big, thank you to

who are sponsoring this full week here on the Keep Productive YouTube channel. For those who don't know is in project management

Resource I've done a full thirty-minute

review, which you can explore below and there will be an an 8% discount for yearly and 2- yearly accounts below so you can go

And enjoy that in description below a big big

Thank you to they're a very innovative and rising star in the productivity space

So it's great to have them as a sponsor. So we're back with some software news here on Software Pulse

So as I mentioned before this will be the last feature before I go on vacation so many apologies

Um, but it's a good point to ask you guys

If you have any feedback on software pulse obviously the animations we're working on than anything else things

You'd like to see apps you'd like to hear about

Maybe you want to change the style up a little pop them in the comments below

We're really open to adapting this section as it's only a weekly news segment

So without further ado, let's dive into this week here on the software pulse

so first off is evernote evernote have adapted their pricing a little I definitely on the UK side and they're showing a

per month pricing for Evernote premium

So this new pricing adaption is for premium, of course a couple of months ago

We lost evident Plus which was the middle bracket between basic and premium and now premium is for pound

99m months I'll include the u.s

Pricing below but this is a sort of a slightly different adoption

Than many people going for the yearly accounts on the premium for Evernote

so it's a big change monthly is definitely a different story for Evernote and they've also updated their

Yearly pricing for business. So now per user it's 109 pound

So that's actually good to see a nice adaption there. So next up in news is Google Tasks

Google Tasks had now

The lineup in G suite so that means any Google Apps

users will now get access to Google Tasks as a core experience of

Their setup and that's sweet. So that's a really nice addition. Of course, Google Tasks

I can definitely see rolling out on web very soon

And I believe they're going to be adding more and more functionality to it as time goes on as well as how Microsoft to do

sort of rally on I believe they're very similar in style and

Definitely company smells. So let's see how that pans out. So next up is Google Calendar

So Google's obviously and a good week Google Calendar have released a new

out-of-office feature allowing you to set out of office times and they could be for weekends or

even holidays but during this period of time it will stay tuned your calendar that you are clearly out of office and you cannot be

Booked and this is helpful for many of the new applications coming out allowing you to book through Google Calendar

Making it a bit more aware that this is your own personal time now

It's great as well because you can now set working hours which makes it a bit more definitive

Especially if you work with different time zones and different clients as well

So next up is Zen kit Zen kit. The pablor project management resource has released eight new languages

So that becomes more available and widely available

In those eight languages, so it's definitely worth checking them out. If it's one of the languages that meets your criteria

So ticktick have a brand new theme and that's the world cup theme at the moment. It's to russia

2018 well camp and ticktick have jumped on board with that. You can definitely access that in the pro experience

I'll definitely check out and add that in the description

If it's something that you can get on the free account, too

And finally, we had a big outage this week with slack slack was out for about three and a half hours

which doesn't seem a long time but pretty much all workspaces in slack were out which made a

Huge issue for a lot of us and worldwide customers that use slack. Of course, we hear that

I believe it's only eight million users or daily users of slack which seems a little low still but still a map

Imagine how many issues that caused for the workplace?

the outage went out for three and a half hours and they stated everything on social media and

Even two days after there was in small outage as well

So there was a couple of bugs creeping in the system, which I definitely think they'll be getting fixed

So guys that was this week here on the software pulse some nice adaptations, but not really any large future releases

So do keep your eye out of the next three weeks and do ping me on the Facebook group if you do see something there

Anyway guys a huge huge. Thank you for stopping by today

Thank you to for sponsoring this week here on the Keep Productive youtube channel. Now without further ado guys

Feel free to leave comments and cito is very rosy Cheers

For more infomation >> Google Calendar adds "Out of Office", TickTick's new theme, Evernote's new Premium monthly & more - Duration: 5:20.


Fourth of July food at Chase Field - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Fourth of July food at Chase Field - Duration: 3:34.


GéoCaching | Les 12 travaux de cupidon - Duration: 15:41.

For more infomation >> GéoCaching | Les 12 travaux de cupidon - Duration: 15:41.


Дорога [ Революционный - Зарево ] - Duration: 14:49.

For more infomation >> Дорога [ Революционный - Зарево ] - Duration: 14:49.


DCS F/A-18C Lot 20 - Taxi & Takeoff Tutorial #2 - English Subtitles - Duration: 10:16.

Hey What happen panda?!!! This is Revientor Reborn in DCS with an Spanish F18

a Spanish cammo from the 12 Wing

and I am going to speak about the Taxi and the takeoff

first of all after ramp start,

it´s config the DDIs, the manual say on the left DDI have the HUD repeater

that is a back up in case the HUD fail when landing or taking off

it´s an idea to keep the engine and fly information close one each other

the manual or DCS for the right DDI you select the FLCS info, I prefer use other info, is the ADI with the ins on

is you keep it in stnd by this will not move, but with the ins option it will work as expected

in a night takeoff is really easy to get the info how the plane is flying in case of you loose the situational awareness

I do not like the map view, because the options I almost can not read them , for that I turn of the map

look the airplane

you saw the horizontal stabilizers are parallel with the ground, and the verticals ones are parallel between them

acording the config of the plane, you can set a takeoff trim

in case of the FLAPS in half or full the vertical stabilizers go inside, the reason is to force the airplane aerodynamically to do straight

in full is the same

before the takeoff, you can do it now or later (remember the flaps in half to takeoff / full to land)

you have to push this button, rudder trim, (T/O trim) remember the horizontal stabilizers

look the auto trim is kind of fast, in the real life I think is slower, now the horizontal stabilizer is elevated with 12º

that is for help in the takeoff,

in other simulators about the F18, with that TO trim the plane takeoff alone, but in DCS you need slightly pull up the nose

in the case the NWS is not activated, you can select it with the own HOTAS key

if you push again that key, you see the NWS HI option activated while the key is pushed

that is the increase of the turn rate on ground

if I had to turn almos in my place, you can do it with that HI gain on

visually you can see it, with and with out the hi gain on

as usual to perform taxi, check your parking brake off,

in this position is activated, with left click you release and done

but look at this...

if I throttle up,

you get a parking brake warning

the master and the light on the DDI and the tone

first a turn with NO HI option, look the max tur rate with LO NWS,

now with HI NWS the turn rate is more decent

you must to have that in the HOTAs because of this

to deactivate the NWS, you can do it with the paddle switch

also in the HOTAS, remember in my tutorial I do not speak about the ATC protocols, you have a special video for that in my channel

the normal is check here for traffic, ask ATC for permission, check the TO Trim, the FLCS

here you can see the values of the TO Trim

as you can see, when I move the stick the values change

remember this is a alfa version of the module, I am not speak about the test, because not all of them work of are present.

as usual in all takeoff you have to be lined up with the runway as much as possible

there is a good position,

the NWS is not going to be disengage automatically when you reach a determinated air speed

you can manually disconnect it, but I recommend you wait until you get around 70 knots

with that, in hi speed you control the plane aerodynamically and you will not drift on the runway

set the DDIs as you want also you can change the multicolor display

that deepens on you, for my down there I do not like it

this is all about security

check the FLAPS, you can also check if your HOTAS works good

that´s all

now you can do as you want, directly set afterburner, brake and get 805 release pedals and full power, there are a ton of combinations

I like to brake, set 100% and then release and afterburner

DO NOT FORGET THE SEAT!!!!!! that warning tone was that

140 knots pull up a little, and easily go to the air

remember use the G to raise the landing gear and set the FLAPS in AUTO

get 300 knots and then set military trust and navigate

and do not forget set up your DDIs with what you need

for example, and time to fly

I hope you like the tutorial, I hope you learned do not forget to practices everything

this is a basic tutorial because this is a alpha, when this module is almost finish or in good shape I will redo the tutorials with more data


For more infomation >> DCS F/A-18C Lot 20 - Taxi & Takeoff Tutorial #2 - English Subtitles - Duration: 10:16.



For more infomation >> F-35: AL VIA A FORT WORTH L'ASSEMBLAGGIO DEL PRIMO F-35 ISRAELIANO - Duration: 3:39.


Impact Investing -Laurie Spengler (PROMO) - Duration: 1:07.

By the end of tonight I'm going to demonstrate to you you are all impact investors.

And you're going to make some changes perhaps in where you decide to

bank as a specific example. But that's the point it's accessible it's available to all of us.

It's very simple when you cut to the chase this is about investing

money with the intention and the expectation that you will generate a

social, environmental, economic return alongside a financial return.

This is relevant no matter who we are, where we live, where we work, our means.

It is relevant. Every decision we make with our money has an impact. It's up to us to

figure out what that impact is. So I would just encourage you to think about

that as you go forth.

What to buy... where you bank... all of this has impact and we

are stewards of our own capital and we should be owning that.

For more infomation >> Impact Investing -Laurie Spengler (PROMO) - Duration: 1:07.


Can Coffee Drinking Prolong Your Life? - Duration: 2:47.

Another day, another study extolling the virtues of coffee, this one suggesting that the dark,

delicious drink protects against all-cause mortality.

But there may not be as much joy in Mudville as it appears at first glance.

The study used a dataset called the UK Biobank and included 486,477 individuals.

At baseline, they were asked about their coffee drinking habits and they were followed for

a median of 7 years.

The cool part about this study was that the participants had genetic testing done at baseline

– this will become important in a moment.

You can see the results here.

Compared to non-drinkers, coffee drinkers had a lower risk of death.

In fact, there was a bit of a dose-response effect here – with more coffee being more



But there's a bit of a problem in this study – something that, frankly, makes me a skeptical

about other coffee studies too.

Remember how they had genetic data on these participants?

The researchers used the genetics to determine how fast they could metabolize caffeine.

Go with me on this for a minute.

The principal biologically-active ingredient in coffee is caffeine.

If greater caffeine exposure prolongs your life, than coffee-drinkers would live longer.

But those who metabolize caffeine more rapidly would not be benefitted by coffee as much

– they'd burn it away before it did all it's good stuff.

The link between coffee and survival would not be as strong.

This study did NOT show that effect.

In fact, the benefit of coffee was pretty similar whether you drank instant coffee,

ground coffee or decaffeinated coffee – which is – to quote David Letterman just useless

warm brown water.

The authors conclude: "These findings suggest the importance of non-caffeine constituents

in the coffee-mortality association".

In other words, it's not the caffeine, it's other compounds in coffee that give it this

great effect.

In my opinion, if it's not the caffeine, it's not the coffee at all.

Here's why: Caffeine is a drug that has significant, measurable

biological effects.

The other compounds in coffee, if they do anything, have subtle, difficult-to-measure


But now we're being asked to assume that the effect of caffeine on mortality is essentially

a wash, allowing these other subtle effects to be unmasked.

It's like if I mixed cocaine with vitamin C and told you that we could measure the effect

of vitamin C by seeing how people respond to the mixture.

The active ingredient is just going to overshadow everything else.

So I'm putting a marker down, mostly to see what people come up with as a counterargument

– if one observes a benefit in a population associated with consuming a food or beverage,

and the benefit is not mediated by the active ingredient in that food or beverage, the finding

is likely due to unmeasured confounding.

In other words, I think coffee is in the same camp as red wine: the observed benefits are

likely due more to the type of person who drinks it than what's actually in the drink.

For more infomation >> Can Coffee Drinking Prolong Your Life? - Duration: 2:47.


✅ Κορίνα Δαμουλιάνου: Το συγκινητικό μήνυμα για τον θάνατο της Τζέσυς Παπουτσή | News | - Duration: 1:07.

 Αδιαμφισβήτητα, το «Πάτερ Ημών» είναι μια σειρά που άφησε εποχή στην ελληνική τηλεόραση και ο ρόλος της «κυρίας Κόλλια» για την Τζέσυ Παπουτσή θα μείνει αξέχαστος

 Η «μικρή Κορίνα» ή κατά κόσμον Κορίνα Δαμουλιάνου, η οποία έπαιξε μαζί με τη ηθοποιό στο επιτυχημένο σίριαλ του ΑΝΤ1έστειλε ένα συγκινητικό μήνυμα για τη μεγάλη απώλεια

 Αναρτώντας ένα στιγμιότυπο από κοινή σκηνή τους στη σειρά, έγραψε στο προσωπικό της προφίλ στο facebook: «Τέτοιες στιγμές ότι και να πεις είναι λίγο…Καλό Παράδεισο αγαπημένη μου Κα Κόλλια»

 Δείτε την ανάρτησή της.

For more infomation >> ✅ Κορίνα Δαμουλιάνου: Το συγκινητικό μήνυμα για τον θάνατο της Τζέσυς Παπουτσή | News | - Duration: 1:07.


한국 공군이 300대나 도입 하려고 한 전투기의 정체 - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 한국 공군이 300대나 도입 하려고 한 전투기의 정체 - Duration: 4:44.


Κορίνα Δαμουλιάνου: Το συγκινητικό μήνυμα για τον θάνατο της Τζέσυς Παπουτσή | News | - Duration: 1:09.

 Αδιαμφισβήτητα, το «Πάτερ Ημών» είναι μια σειρά που άφησε εποχή στην ελληνική τηλεόραση και ο ρόλος της «κυρίας Κόλλια» για την Τζέσυ Παπουτσή θα μείνει αξέχαστος

 Η «μικρή Κορίνα» ή κατά κόσμον Κορίνα Δαμουλιάνου, η οποία έπαιξε μαζί με τη ηθοποιό στο επιτυχημένο σίριαλ του ΑΝΤ1έστειλε ένα συγκινητικό μήνυμα για τη μεγάλη απώλεια

 Αναρτώντας ένα στιγμιότυπο από κοινή σκηνή τους στη σειρά, έγραψε στο προσωπικό της προφίλ στο facebook: «Τέτοιες στιγμές ότι και να πεις είναι λίγο…Καλό Παράδεισο αγαπημένη μου Κα Κόλλια»

 Δείτε την ανάρτησή της.

For more infomation >> Κορίνα Δαμουλιάνου: Το συγκινητικό μήνυμα για τον θάνατο της Τζέσυς Παπουτσή | News | - Duration: 1:09.


「Kongo Watanabe」 | スズキ 新型 HIGHLIGHT ハスラー マイナーチェンジ 特別仕様車「J STYLE Ⅲ」「FリミテッドII」2017年12月4日発売 - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> 「Kongo Watanabe」 | スズキ 新型 HIGHLIGHT ハスラー マイナーチェンジ 特別仕様車「J STYLE Ⅲ」「FリミテッドII」2017年12月4日発売 - Duration: 5:36.


1년 국가 예산과 맞먹는 돈을 벌어들이는 무기제조 회사 TOP5 - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 1년 국가 예산과 맞먹는 돈을 벌어들이는 무기제조 회사 TOP5 - Duration: 7:16.


Got a Minute? 13 - Sicario: Day of the Soldado (SPOILER-FREE) - Duration: 1:18.

Denis Villeneuve's Sicario was one of the best movies of the last 5 years, the product

of several of the very best at what they do coming together to make an incredible film.

And now we get a sequel that has no real narrative reason to be, without Villeneuve, Roger Deakins,

Johan Johannson or even the main character from the original.

So why then, is this movie so fucking awesome?

For starters, if you haven't already, it's time to take notice of the work Taylor Sheridan

has been doing in Hollywood these last 5 years.

Having written the original Sicario, as well as the Academy Award-nominated Hell or High

Water and last year's outstanding Wind River, Sheridan returns with a bleak, visceral portrayal

of life under the thumb of drug cartels.

The soundtrack, cinematography and overall feel of the movie stay true to the original

in every way.

To say Stefano Sollima made a copy of the style of the original is not to criticize,

it is to praise.

The cast is superb, with Del Toro shining and Isabela Moner making a lasting impression.

There is no reason for this movie to exist, and certainly no reason for it to be good.

And yet here it stands as an extremely worthy sequel.

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