Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2018

enjoy the video lad

For more infomation >> Fifty to One - An Ultimate Custom Night Song - Duration: 2:43.


Volvo V60 1.6 D2 115 PK 6-Bak Kinetic - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 1.6 D2 115 PK 6-Bak Kinetic - Duration: 1:06.


Me escaping my responsibilities 😂😂 Escaping Fish Vine - Duration: 0:07.

[me escaping my responsibilities]

fish escapes ....

For more infomation >> Me escaping my responsibilities 😂😂 Escaping Fish Vine - Duration: 0:07.


#歸正神學怎麼看重生與悔改的先後次序?(感情聖化要理問答39) - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> #歸正神學怎麼看重生與悔改的先後次序?(感情聖化要理問答39) - Duration: 2:31.


今日のセルフトーク 7月3日「自分を二重人格のように感じてしまっていませんか?」 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> 今日のセルフトーク 7月3日「自分を二重人格のように感じてしまっていませんか?」 - Duration: 2:14.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


🔴Bare Lymphocyte S by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. Element connected to heavenly world. - Duration: 10:57.

It is a healing video channel that can experience the frequency which is said to increase self healing power by listening with earphones.

This sound source contains frequencies of bands that can not be heard much.

Early disabled people can expect effects by vibration from the earphone.

After exiting, please take enough moisture. Please turn off the fluorescent light.

To obtain the effect of this video please listen for at least 5 minutes.

All videos are posted on the official page "428 Hz Hybrid Sound".

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For more infomation >> 🔴Bare Lymphocyte S by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. Element connected to heavenly world. - Duration: 10:57.


Land Rover Freelander 2.2 TD4 S - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Freelander 2.2 TD4 S - Duration: 0:49.


Someone shooting windows with BB guns in WAco - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Someone shooting windows with BB guns in WAco - Duration: 0:25.


5 Treatments to Fight Vaginitis Naturally - Duration: 9:43.

5 Treatments to Fight Vaginitis Naturally

Vaginitis is a condition that is caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the inside of the vagina.

It can originate due to an excessive growth of pathogenic bacteria, or be due to yeast infections, nutritional deficiencies and alterations in the pH of the vaginal flora.

Vaginitis is characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation, as well as bad smells, itching of the vulva and changes in the texture and color of vaginal fluids.

It's more common during the reproductive stage.

However, it can also start during menopause due to reduction in the production of estrogen.

Vaginitis doesn't usually cause serious complications.

However, it's essential to seek a treatment to restore your vaginal pH and prevent the development of other infections.

Luckily, in addition to conventional medical treatments, there are several natural solutions that help accelerate your recovery.

In this article, we want to share 5 interesting alternatives.

Don't hesitate to apply them when you have this problem!.

Take note!.

1,Garlic infusion.

The sulfurous compounds of garlic give it antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that can help you fight vaginitis naturally.

The external application of your infusion helps to regulate the activity of the bacteria in the vaginal flora.

In turn, it creates a protective barrier against pathogenic microorganisms.

Ingredients. 3 cloves of raw garlic.

2 cups of water (500 ml). Preparation.

First, crush the cloves of garlic into a paste, and add it to a pot with boiling water.

Let the liquid steep for 10 or 15 minutes and strain it.

How to use it.

Rinse the outer areas of the vagina with the infusion.

Repeat the remedy up to 2 times a day for a week.

Read also: The benefits of black garlic.

2, Mallow and plantain tea.

Consuming a mallow and plantain tea helps to control the hormonal imbalances that influence the appearance of vaginitis.

Its anti-inflammatory compounds reduce the irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

In turn, they soothe pain and excess secretions.


1 teaspoon of mallow leaves (5 g).

1 teaspoon of plantain leaves (5 g).

A cup of water (250 ml). Preparation.

First, boil a cup of water.

When it reaches a boil, add the plants.

Reduce the heat and leave it for 3 or 5 minutes more.

Remove the drink from the heat, cover it and let it steep for 10 minutes.

How to use it.

Drink the twice a day, for 2 weeks in a row.

3, Coconut oil and vitamin E.

The antimicrobial and antifungal properties of coconut oil combine with the moisturizing power of vitamin E to make a complete treatment against the symptoms of vaginitis.

Applying it externally reduces the sensation of itching and burning.

In addition, it neutralizes odors, excess flow or, if this is the case, dryness.


2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g).

1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil (5 g).


Combine the coconut oil with a teaspoon of vitamin E oil.

How to use it.

Apply the treatment to the inflamed areas and leave it to work without rinsing.

Use it for a week before going to bed.

4,Aloe vera and tea tree oil.

By combining the properties of aloe vera gel with the anti-fungal and antimicrobial power of tea tree oil, you can achieve an effective treatment against the discomfort caused by vaginitis.

These ingredients boost the natural lubricant of the intimate area.

This favors the growth of healthy bacteria of the vaginal flora.

Its compounds help eliminate bacteria and yeast and control inflammation, bad smells and burning.


3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 g).

5 drops of tea tree essential oil.


Mix the aloe vera gel with the drops of tea tree essential oil.

How to use it.

Rub the treatment on the outer areas of the vagina and let it work without rinsing.

Use it 2 times a day for a week.

Visit this article: Tea Tree Oil: the Amazing Oil that Provides Many Benefits.

5, Milk and turmeric.

The anti-fungal and antibiotic properties of turmeric help strengthen your defenses to fight yeast and bacteria.

Although you can apply it externally, it's also a good idea to take it with milk to reduce the symptoms of vaginitis.


1 teaspoon turmeric powder (5 g).

1 cup of milk (250 ml). Preparation.

Heat a cup of milk and add the teaspoon of turmeric powder.

How to use it.

Drink once a day for 8 or 10 days.

Do you feel vaginal discomfort? Do you notice alteration in your vaginal discharge? If you experience any sign of vaginitis, try any of these remedies and fight it as soon as possible.

If the problem persists, consult your doctor or trusted gynecologist.

For more infomation >> 5 Treatments to Fight Vaginitis Naturally - Duration: 9:43.


明星的独家育儿事业经,小S的有点奇葩 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 明星的独家育儿事业经,小S的有点奇葩 - Duration: 2:48.


一夥戰場上的死神,戰鬥力爆棚,卻單單不敢踏入中國境內 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 一夥戰場上的死神,戰鬥力爆棚,卻單單不敢踏入中國境內 - Duration: 3:05.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.


Perdido na floresta com...PABLLO VITTAR POSSUÍDO?! - Duration: 17:06.

For more infomation >> Perdido na floresta com...PABLLO VITTAR POSSUÍDO?! - Duration: 17:06.


터어키, 러시아와 S-400 Triumph 도입에 합의 - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> 터어키, 러시아와 S-400 Triumph 도입에 합의 - Duration: 5:09.


Životní styl - Duration: 0:21.

  Musím říct, že jsem načerpal řadu vjemů Celou zkušenost jsem konfrontoval s učením na maturitu Takže na zkouškách se povalovaly různé knihy a učebnice Co se týče vystoupení, tak to vstřebávám ještě teď, protože být v aréně, kde je 20 000 lidí a vědět, že se na vás dívají další miliony on-line, považuji za úplně neskutečný zážitek Ale to je jen jedna věc Druhá je ta, že jsem si skvěle sednul s Mikolasem a celým týmem a tančil po boku se starším bráchou Autor: Kristian Mensa Tancujeme spolu už 10 let, začínali jsme úplně stejně Mně bylo osm a bráchovi deset Nejvíc nás inspiroval výlet s rodičema do Paříže, na Champs Elyséés se tehdy točil nějakej kluk na hlavě S bráchou nás to úplně uchvátilo, začali jsme se vyptávat, jak to dělá a co je to za tanec On nám vysvětlil, že tancuje breakdance a tak jsme si řekli, že to chceme taky zkusit Našli si taneční skupinu (Opatow Flavours) v Praze a vyrazili na první trénink Od té doby spolu trénujeme třikrát až čtyřikrát týdně Jezdíme na soutěže a trávíme spolu spoustu času Ti se postupně připojili před čtyřmi lety Mladší brácha Sebík (12) už s náma jezdí trénovat do tělocvičny na Opatov, ségru Klárku trénji v rámci lekcí, které vedu u nás v Břežanech Jsem na ně hrdej Ségře je deset a musím říct, že z nás čtyř má asi největší kuráž, i když je to holka Na trampolíně skáče všelijaká salta a otočky levou zadní a nedávno se začala věnovat parkouru Autor: Kristian Mensa Často, když je mladší brácha na tréninku, a já ho trénuju, tak se stane, že jsem na něj příliš přísný Přece jen je to můj brácha a já se snažím ho namotivovat, aby šel tou správnou cestou A občas, když jsme doma, tak si dáme taneční battly na koberci, ale rivalové jsme spíš v pozitivním slova smyslu NIKDO NEMUSÍ TANČIT, JAK BY MĚL STAČÍ TANČIT TAK, JAK SAMI CHCEME… Jak jsi na tom s moderním tancem V červenci budeš mít workshop na jednom z největších open-air tanečních festivalů v České republice Na co se mohou návštěvníci těšit v tvém podání? Začínal jsem před 10 lety s breakem, mám rád undergroundový přístup, ale zkouším i víc experimentální věci Moderní tanec a přístupy obdivuji Co se týče workshopu ve Ždáru nad Sázavou pro veřejnost, tak tam bych chtěl propojit rytmus a jednoduchou práci s tělem jako reakci na hudbu a nějaké téma  Například, když si člověk představí, že se stává přírodním živlem a snaží se tancovat jako oheň, země, voda nebo vzduch Nebude to nic konkrétního, na workshopu se necháme unášet pouze náladou a emocemi, které vycházejí z každého z nás O co se chci snažit bude, aby se každý ve své mysli uvolnil a zkusil tancovat tak, jak je mu přirozené Spousta lidí na tanečních párty přemýšlí spíše nad tím, jak by měli tancovat, takže začnou skákat a švihat rukama do vzduchu Za mě by měli všichni tancovat tak, jak si myslí, že by se sami chtěli vyjádřit Jde spíše o určitý druh uvolnění těla i mysli Žádné složitosti Určitě se těším na tanečníky z Ghana Dance Ensemble, je to skupina, se kterou jsem v Praze trávil hodně času a účastnil se jejich workshopů Navíc já sám mám africký původ Je skvělé, že na KoresponDance bude někdo, kdo má podobné kořeny, jako já a tak třeba načerpám inspiraci na budoucí cestu do druhého domova A samozřejmě se těším i na jiné, protože jde o festival na mezinárodní úrovni Stejně tak považuji za skvělé, že festival má přesah i do nového cirkusu a pohybového divadla Také jsem zvědavý na prostor barokního zámku, kde celý festival probíhá To, že máš africký původ ti pomohlo nebo spíš uškodilo? Mám na mysli především v tanci Myslím, si, že kousek afrického temperamentu mám, takže dokážu zvládat lépe několikahodinové tréninky bez únavy A kdykoli slyším hudbu, tak se musím „hejbat", takže možná ve mně něco exotickýho bude 😊 A v tom tanci je to jedno, přece jen, když jedete na soutěž, účastní se jí lidé z různých částí světa a z různých etnik a to hlavní, na co se všichni soustředí, je tanec, ne to, jak člověk vypadá a odkud pochází Kromě tancování i zdatně ilustruješ, svůj styl si nazval Smart Art  Co je ti bližší, tanec nebo ilustrátorské pero? Chystáš vlastní výstavu? Tanec a ilustrace vnímám jako určitý druh uměleckého vyjádření a myslím si, že tyto dvě aktivity se doplňují Sám se rád vyjadřuji jinak než slovem Na tanci je krásné, že se jedná i o fyzickou záležitost, takže je po tréninku ta práce znát Kreslení cítím jako vizuální vyjádření, které zůstává v čase Co se týče výstavy, tu budu mít v kavárně AntHill u Náměstí Míru v červnu Bude to průřez mých výtvarných děl, tentokrát je nebudu tisknout digitálně, ale najdete tu reálné obrazy Obrazy budu kombinovat s hmatatelnými předměty Autor: Kristian Mensa Chtěl bych, ale zatím jsem nevymyslel způsob V tanci si představuji často, že kreslím do vzduchu obrazce Nemusí to být rukou, ale klidně i ramenem nebo celým tělem Je to vlastně takové malování, ale nekonkrétní Jen tanečník sám ví, co kreslí… Právě jsem dodělal maturitu, po maturitě budu mít tříměsíční prázdniny, potom studium v zahraničí Našel jsem si grafickou školu v Berlíně, kam mě vzali Lákají mě výzvy Když je člověk sám, ve městě, které nezná a musí si najít novou cestu Autor: Kristian Mensa VYSTOUPIT Z KOMFORTNÍ ZÓNY A ZAŽÍT DOBRODRUŽSTVÍ – TO JE TO, CO MĚ BAVÍ A NABÍJÍ

For more infomation >> Životní styl - Duration: 0:21.


Full Cardin: 'We'll Use Every Tool In Our Disposal' To Fight Supreme Court Pick | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Full Cardin: 'We'll Use Every Tool In Our Disposal' To Fight Supreme Court Pick | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 7:20.


Déconstruction urbaine : de la donnée SIG au plan d'urbanisme BIM - Duration: 11:44.

This movie presents a real-life workflow scenario using the ARCHICAD - Grasshopper Live Connection Tool.

A series of earthquakes destroyed the historic center of Grisciano,

a small town in the centre of Italy in August 2016.

The town municipalities needed a solution to acquire the digital models of those buildings that were destroyed during these seismic events.

After the disaster, Sapienza University formed a wide group of multidisciplinary researchers

to focus on different aspects of the reconstruction.

The department of History Drawing and Restoration of Architecture of the Sapienza University in Roma

was committed to create digital model survey of the destroyed buildings.

Michele Calvano architect and researcher at Sapienza University, together with Mario Sacco architect and BIM expert from ArchiRADAR,

created a workflow that is applicable to an urban scale reconstruction.

These are the main steps of the workflow.

Their process can be used to generate the BIM project of buildings that no longer exist,

and where only photographs, laser-scanned point clouds and certain GIS data is available.

The BIM database of the destroyed buildings could be created by using the new features of the ARCHICAD - Grasshopper Live Connection Tool

and the data extrapolated from the point-clouds and GIS files.

QGIS, a free and open source GIS application is at the top left side of the screen.

GIS stands for Geographic Information System.

This is used to open and display the available GIS data of the urban area that was destroyed in the Earthquake.

Grasshopper is visible at the lower left side of the screen.

Grasshopper can read the GIS information, vectors and other meta-data provided by QGIS.

ARCHICAD is open on the right side of the screen.

The Grasshopper algorithms are using the GIS data for input.

Then using the Grasshopper-ARCHICAD live connection, we can create terrain mesh and mass building volumes in ARCHICAD.

Let's select one of the visible terrain contour lines in QGIS.

We can see that this line is at 710 meters above sea level.

This data is one of the inputs in the Grasshopper code.

The Grasshopper canvas displays various input data as well as algorithmic operations used to generate a model for the terrain in ARCHICAD.

Similarly, the mass building volumes may also be created as real BIM components in ARCHICAD.

Here is the geometry data of a building volume acquired from the GIS file in QGIS.

This also serves as input data for the Grasshopper code.

Finally, the mass building volume located on the terrain is visible in the ARCHICAD project.

Once the Grasshopper code is created,

the entire terrain and all the building volumes can be acquired and automatically transferred to ARCHICAD as real BIM components.

In other words: the GIS data of an entire settlement may be processed by the algorithmic definition of Grasshopper

which will generate the BIM-based master plan in ARCHICAD as an output, automatically.

The ARCHICAD 3D window on the right side of the screen

displays the terrain as well as all the building volumes that were acquired from the GIS database.

Let's continue and see how to fine-tune the mass building volumes generated earlier.

Rhinoceros is visible at the top left side of the screen.

The terrain contour lines and mass building volumes are displayed by red lines and surfaces.

Let's switch to ARCHICAD and show the layer that contains the point-cloud data.

This was imported to ARCHICAD earlier.

The point cloud data can be displayed in the 3D view of ARCHICAD.

Here you can see the streets, trees as well as details of the elevation and roof surfaces of the destroyed buildings.

The point cloud data is used as an "overlay", as a visual reference to help our work when breaking up the mass volumes to individual buildings.

The information received from the GIS data contains information about the orientation

and location of the mass volumes of the destroyed buildings only.

The point cloud provides additional information about the individual building and roof shapes,

colors, materials and textures, as well as story characteristics and openings.

First, we define the simplified shapes of the individual buildings using the Morph tool.

The simplified mass volume is now divided into multiple buildings along the street thanks to the point-cloud information.

The position of the external openings - windows and doors - can also be allocated using a simple planar object created in ARCHICAD

and then deconstructed in Grasshopper.

The ARCHICAD building model is starting to take shape,

the external building envelope is created using the colors, roof-shapes and opening positions taken from the point-cloud reference.

Let's continue by adding additional properties to the ARCHICAD Morphs.

This information will be used later to generate wall, slab and roof elements.

We will hide the layer containing the point cloud data, so the ARCHICAD project is more visible.

Please notice that all the individual buildings are created as Morph objects, defined by the code in Grasshopper.

The properties of the ARCHICAD Morphs are extended.

The additional Morph properties contain information about story-heights, wall and slab thicknesses.

This information can also be presented on Interactive Schedules.

Let's open the corresponding schedule sheet that displays all such data.

Let's select any of the schematic openings in the ARCHICAD model.

These openings are created in ARCHICAD using the point-cloud reference.

These planar surfaces are simple, custom-made ARCHICAD library parts to indicate the position and geometry of the openings.

These will be "deconstructed" later in Grasshopper to create real window and door objects.

Let's display the building shapes, colors and schematic openings in the 3D view.

Please notice that a Grasshopper component was used to define the size and the position of the external windows and doors in ARCHICAD,

based on the parameters of the planar reference openings placed earlier.

By selecting the corresponding Grasshopper components, all openings in the 3D window can be highlighted with one click.

Let's have a closer look at other parts of the Grasshopper code.

Here you can see how the story heights, wall and slab thicknesses as well as roof shapes are defined.

Now, for the last step in the workflow we'll create walls, floors, roofs and openings in the ARCHICAD BIM project.

Please note: first we used ARCHICAD's Morph tool to create the mass volumes of the buildings,

and we used simple, planar objects to indicate openings.

Then we added new properties to the ARCHICAD Morphs to define walls, slabs and roofs geometry.

Now, thanks to the new Grasshopper - ARCHICAD live connection feature

we will "deconstruct" the Morphs and extract their settings in Grasshopper.

In other words: we will acquire the ARCHICAD Morph properties in Grasshopper

and use the acquired information as input for further Grasshopper operations

which will generate real walls, slabs and roofs in the ARCHICAD project.

Let's add a Mesh component to the Grasshopper canvas, and connect it with the existing Morph component.

In practice, this means that we have "transformed" the entire project into a Mesh surface.

You can see the results in the 3D window of Rhino.

Now we will split this Mesh surface to create Slabs, Walls and Roofs.

We will also create ARCHICAD doors and windows using the properties of the planar surfaces created earlier.

Here are all the schematics, planar opening locations and geometry, selected in Grasshopper.

Both the 3D window of ARCHICAD and Rhino highlight these openings.

We extracted the properties of ARCHICAD elements in Grasshopper

and used this acquired element property data as input in Grasshopper to generate "real" openings in the ARHICAD project.

Here you can see the results in the 3D window of ARCHICAD.

The external openings are not schematic surfaces, but real ARCHICAD window and door elements that are placed into real ARCHICAD walls.

The possibility of deconstructing existing ARCHICAD elements and as a result,

having access to their parameter as well as property values in Grasshopper, is a new feature of the ARCHICAD-Grasshopper Live Connection Tool.

Let's select the code in Grasshopper that is responsible for creating slabs in ARCHICAD.

Thanks to the live connection, all corresponding slabs are highlighted in the 3D views.

We can also preview and highlight all the external walls or the roofs.

These elements were also created using components of the Grasshopper- ARCHICAD Live Connection tool.

Please note, that the creation of ARCHICAD BIM elements (walls, slabs, roofs and openings) are NOT a manual process,

but rather a fully automated one.

Thanks to the live connection between Grasshopper and ARCHICAD,

any changes in the mass volumes of the buildings will automatically update the entire, detailed ARCHICAD BIM project as well!

The upper right side of the screen displays the 3D view of the reconstructed BIM project.

The lower right side of the screen displays an elevation view of the project.

Let's display the simplified building model, created using Morph elements.

Please remember that we used these Morph elements to create the initial ARCHICAD model.

Let's select this initial building shape created as an ARCHICAD Morph.

We will change the height of the ridge line of this shape.

Please note that the geometry of the "final" Roof element - visible in the section view below - is automatically updated.

There was no need for any manual change or interaction.

The same change is also visible in the 3D view as soon as we display the layer combination that contains the wall, slab, and roof elements.

Here you can see the entire 3D model of the terrain and the building shapes in the ARCHICAD 3D window.

Now you can see the simple mass volumes we created using Morphs, while the point-cloud data is also visible as an overlay.

We are free to create sections, elevations, quantity estimations, etc. using the ARCHICAD BIM project.

Here you can see various floor plans of the destroyed buildings.

Please remember that the ARCHICAD BIM project was "automatically" generated from the GIS and point-cloud data using Grasshopper.

There was no need for any manual re-work or adjustments.

Thanks to the Grasshopper-ARCHICAD live connection the final, detailed ARCHICAD BIM project is now available.

For more infomation >> Déconstruction urbaine : de la donnée SIG au plan d'urbanisme BIM - Duration: 11:44.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse New A 180 d Automaat AMG Line | Advantage Pack | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse New A 180 d Automaat AMG Line | Advantage Pack | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:13.


Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse GLA 220 d 4Matic Automaat Prestige | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse GLA 220 d 4Matic Automaat Prestige | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:53.


Easy Chocolate Croissants recipe / Croissant al Cioccolato ricetta facile - Duration: 11:17.

Hy everyone and welcome back to my channel!

Croissants are made by alternating layers of dough and butter through a process of repeated

rolling and folding but this process is generally laborious and time-consuming.

In today's video i present you my shortcut method for making homemade chocolate croissants,

i also add a part of whole wheat flour, to make them more nutritious and flavorful.This

easy method takes less time and effort and produces soft, buttery croissants filled with

delicious chocolate hazelnut filling and they have nothing to envy to the croissants made

with the classic method.

these are the ingredients we need: flour, i'm using a mix of bread flour and whole wheat flour

water, room temperature; good quality butter, sliced and frozen, granulated sugar

dry yeast, fine salt

for the chocolate hazelnut filling: dark chocolate pieces

fine sugar, ground hazelnuts

milk, room temperature, egg wash

The first thing we need to do is mix the flours and then sift them together.

Place the yeast and 1 tablespoon sugar in a small bowl or a glass, add water and

leave until yeast has dissolved.

Pour the remaining water in the mixing bowl, add dissolved yeast, sugar and salt and start

mixing on low speed.

Gradually add the flour, then knead on medium speed for 7-8 minutes until dough gathers

into a smooth ball.

Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface, knead briefly then flatten into a disc shape.

Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for at least half an hour to rest and firm out a bit.

After resting, remove the dough from the fridge, and roll into a rectangle.

Mark the rectangle into three sections then

arrange frozen butter slices over two-thirds of the dough leaving a small border all round.

Make sure you don't leave any space between the butter slices.

Now fold the uncovered third of dough ontop of the middle third, then fold the two thirds

over the last third.

Gently press the edges of the dough together to seal.

Using a rolling pin, gently press dough to flatten and to soften the butter just enough

to make rolling out a bit easier.

Roll up the dough into a rectangle, adding just enough flour to the board and

the rolling pin to keep it from sticking.

Brush away any excess flour on the surface of the dough.

Fold the dough into thirds, then roll it out again to make a rectangle the same dimensions

as before.

Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to let

the gluten relax and to firm up the butter.

After the second resting period, repeat the rolling and folding process two more times

for a total of four turns.

After the final turn, wrap the dough, and refrigerate for at least one hour or overnight.

In the meanwhile, prepare the chocolate hazelnut filling.

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie then add the sugar, ground hazelnuts and the milk.

Mix all ingredients together to form a soft consistency.

When ready to bake, take your dough out of the fridge and roll into a large rectangle.

Using a pizza cutter or sharp knife trim the

edges neatly, then mark the rectangle into four segments and then cut into triangles.

Make a slit at the base of each triangle and stretch the two corners of the slit outward.

Place a piece of chocolate hazelnut mixture at the top and roll up towards tip

Place the croissants on a parchment-lined baking sheet leaving space in between to allow

them to expand.

Cover and proof the chocolate croissants at room temperature for 1-2 hours or until almost

doubled in size.

Make sure your room temperature is not too warm otherwise the butter can melt.

Once proved, brush the croissants twice with egg wash.

Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 230 degrees C (446 degrees F)

Place the croissants in the oven and reduce temperature to 190C (375F ).

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until deep golden brown.

This is the easiest quickest croissant recipe you'll ever make!

These chocolate croissants have a crisp exterior and a flaky soft interior and they taste amazingly


Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video, please leave a '' like '', and

don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Easy Chocolate Croissants recipe / Croissant al Cioccolato ricetta facile - Duration: 11:17.


Gemma Galgani spera nel ritorno di fiamma con Giorgio: Maria De Filippi non è d'accordo - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani spera nel ritorno di fiamma con Giorgio: Maria De Filippi non è d'accordo - Duration: 4:14.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.


[Vinahouse] Phá Đảo Thế Giới Ảo / Đập Tan Cái Nóng Mùa Hè ► DJ Tuấn Béo Mix | XTNon - Duration: 43:03.

For more infomation >> [Vinahouse] Phá Đảo Thế Giới Ảo / Đập Tan Cái Nóng Mùa Hè ► DJ Tuấn Béo Mix | XTNon - Duration: 43:03.


Déconstruction Simple : de l'étude volumique conceptuelle au projet BIM - Duration: 3:10.

The latest update of GRAPHISOFT's Grasshopper-ARCHICAD live connection

opens a new level of intelligent workflows between the two design environments:

algorithmic design… and BIM.

With the "Deconstruct" function, architects can use their Building Information Models as the backbone of their design,

and at the same time add algorithmic design logic using Grasshopper.

This allows designers to maintain the basic design logic in BIM (such as the base geometry of the building)

and extend that with intelligent design details that follow changes in the core design.

Let's take the example of the conceptual design phase, when architects create the first mass of building volumes,

then later want to add walls, roofs, slabs, and windows and doors as well, based on the conceptual mass model.

All we need to do is create a simple mock-up of the building volume using the MORPH tool in ARCHICAD.

It is unnecessary to divide the volume with floor slabs, etc.

This will be done using parametric data through the Grasshopper connection.

We continue by defining the location and shape of the windows using a simple planar ARCHICAD object.

We added additional properties to the conceptual Morph volumes.

Here you can see all the "Grasshopper Building Data" properties we added in ARCHICAD.

These additional Morph properties provide information about the number of stories,

the height of the individual stories as well as the wall, slab and roof thicknesses.

These properties may also be edited later on, if necessary.

Now it's time to connect the ARCHICAD building volume with Grasshopper!

We will add the new Morph shape to the code using the 3D window of ARCHICAD.

Using Grasshopper's functions, we "deconstructed" the MORPHs

and used their acquired properties to later arrive back in ARCHICAD with a complete Building Information Model,

containing genuine ARCHICAD wall, roof, slab, window and door elements.

The advantage of the ARCHICAD-Grasshopper Connection really comes to life,

when the shape or geometry of the conceptual building design is modified.

When adjusting the geometry of the Morph or the corresponding MORPH parameters,

the associated BIM model will update automatically.

Without the live connection tool, manually modifying all the building elements would have taken a considerable amount of time.

Here, there is no manual process necessary,

and any modifications to the original source volume will result in instant changes.

The building project example presented in this movie is part of a BIM reconstruction project

created by Michele Calvano

architect, researcher at the Department of History, Drawing and Restoration at the Sapienza University, in Roma

and Mario Sacco architect, BIM expert from ArchiRADAR.

Please view the corresponding video that presents the entire workflow.

The ARCHICAD–Grasshopper live connection tool ensures a seamless workflow,

taking the design from conceptual mass creation to the creation of real wall, slab, roof and opening elements

based on the conceptual shapes.

For more infomation >> Déconstruction Simple : de l'étude volumique conceptuelle au projet BIM - Duration: 3:10.


Me escaping my responsibilities 😂😂 Escaping Fish Vine - Duration: 0:07.

[me escaping my responsibilities]

fish escapes ....

For more infomation >> Me escaping my responsibilities 😂😂 Escaping Fish Vine - Duration: 0:07.


Lionel Messi vs Cristiano Ronaldo ● The Ballon D'Or Battle | 2018 HD - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> Lionel Messi vs Cristiano Ronaldo ● The Ballon D'Or Battle | 2018 HD - Duration: 6:39.


Samsung A6 Plus vs Samsung A8 Plus (2018)│Whats the diffference?│Comparison - Duration: 2:40.

hello guys it's me abhi from tech trends today we are gonna be having a comparison

video between Samsung Galaxy a6 plus and samsung galaxy a8 plus so let's get

started the Samsung Galaxy a6 plus comes in a

two variants which is 3gb 32gb variant with and 4 GB and 64 GB variants

while the samsung galacy a8 plus comes with 4 GB 32gb variant and 6 GB 64gb

variants now let's get on to the display section both of these devices have a

pretty similar display which is 6 inch Super AMOLED full hd+ display

with a resolution of 2260 by 1080 which is a 18.5 : 9 infinity display

that's pretty much it about the display and also to mention that the samsung a8

plus comes with the Corning Gorilla Glass protection now let's get on to the

camera the Samsung Galaxy S Plus comes with the dual rear facing camera with a

set of 16 megapixel primary sensor with F 1.7 aperture and a secondary

sensor of five megapixel which is F 1.9 aperture sensor and the front camera is

a 24 megapixel F 1.9 aperture lens while one the samsung galaxy a8+ the rear facing

camera is a 16 megapixel at 1.7 aperture and the rear facing camera is a single

camera and on the front the front camera is a dual front camera set up

with 16 megapixel primary sensor with F 1.9 aperture and 8 megapixel F 1.9 aperture

lens now let's get on to the performance section samsung galaxy a6 + comes with the

android 8.00 oreo with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor which is a

octacore processor at 1.8 GHz and the graphics provider is the Adreno 503

graphics samsung galaxy a8 plus comes with android 7.1.1 nougat and it

runs on the Exynos octa-core cpu at 2.2 GHz

and the graphics provided here is the mali g71 GPU now let's get on the

battery section both of these devices they were pretty much same battery

both comes with 35 milli ampere hour non-removable battery but on the samsung

galaxy a six plus the microUSB port is there and on the Samsung eight plus

the USB type C which is USB 2.0 is there so that's pretty much it guys thanks for

watching this video this is a quick comparison video between Samsung Galaxy

a6 Plus and Samsung Galaxy a8 plus so if you like this video then like comment

and subscribe to the channel peace out

For more infomation >> Samsung A6 Plus vs Samsung A8 Plus (2018)│Whats the diffference?│Comparison - Duration: 2:40.


VLOG - PMS, Grocery Shopping & McDonalds Sandwich Dupe! - Duration: 15:19.

so excited to show you guys okay so I just got this package from vibe they've

reached out to me and we're actually gonna be doing a giveaway you guys on my

IG you guys will get to win two hundred and fifty dollars to buy anything you

want on their website in order to enter the giveaway you guys you can subscribe

to my channel also follow me and them on Instagram I will leave the details all

down below so that you guys can enter and also don't forget to check out my IG

because that's where the giveaway will be so let's see what they sent me I love

this wrapping paper by the way it's super cute look at this so cute they

send me this red skirt with the stripe on the side and for those of you who are

interested I got a size small the small I can tell is going to fit me absolutely

perfect can I just say like how cute their logo is it's just so cute look at

this pink hide this is so adorable if you were in like a black bodysuit or a

very like baby pink bodysuit that'd be so cute I was looking for the perfect

pair of black and you know what that's so funny actually forgot that they were

sending me these I absolutely forgotten I've been looking for a pair I believe I

got this one in a medium to be safe yes I got in a size medium so let's see

what's next in here oh look at this look at this all the sporty looks are coming

out today it says to hottie and it's kind of like a baseball tee sort of

material like a sports teeth this one I got in a size small as well and it's

gonna fit perfect you can see myself doing like a pair of just plain jeans

that's oh this is oh my god this is so cute this is their tee with their logo

on it out the black one and the logo isn't like a very baby pink I thought

this was like very nice when I just want to be super super comfy I got it in a

size small and it does give you like a lot of room what else we got here

oh we got some gold going on here oh my god I can't wait to do this oh my god oh

my god what is this oh my god that is so cute

tumble oh my god so adorable and this is so cute what it says humble and it's

like in golden like a 3d lettering and then they send me the matching shorts so

I can wear like an outfit thank you guys so much so they sent me this like very

sporty gray dress it has a stripe around the top there looks like it's off the

shoulder and they sent it to me in a size size medium so it's gonna be like a

very comfortable fit especially for something that you can just like quickly

put on okay what is the army here uh-oh I'm getting excited oh my god these are

so cute track pants army track pants with the yellow on the side and guess

what you guys that tank top that I'm wearing is the exact same yellow as the

strength oh my god this is so adorable when I want to be like super super

casual a medium perfect because the medium I like it to be nice and

comfortable in my legs oh my god you guys their stuff is so cute today is

Tuesday god I'm always forgetting my day this is horrible this is what happens

when you're just like constantly working it like what day is it I have to go to

the grocery store I feel like my fridge as I come to the empty by the way I am

wearing my humble top how cute is this top and I'm also rocking my red lip I

just felt like really going out today yesterday I did not have a good day you

guys let me tell you so bad so bad it was really bad you guys it just it was

just not a good day um I think I'm actually gonna make a video about it

because seriously like an all honesty a joke

and I really think that it's gonna kind of it's gonna kind of be like my lazy

eye video where I kind of open up you know it's something that's new in my

life and it's kind of a new challenge and I think that a lot of women will be

able to relate so I think I'm gonna kind of work on that but it's not gonna be in

this video because I don't want to pull like that damn from this video I need to

do some meal prep because I have like no no cheats' finish up my stir-fry it was

so good if you guys didn't see that recipe make sure you guys check out that

blog I will linked up above but we're gonna go do a

little bit of grocery shopping what I might do is I think I have like

literally two new videos I need to edit for you guys so when I fill in my video

just so that you guys kind of know you guys might find it interesting because

Amy does it differently like Amy is able to film today and put the video up

tonight I'm just like I'm not at that point I

don't know if I ever will be it's just it just does not work with like how I

plan things out it just I don't know I just I can't do it what I like to do is

if I'm filming this this week then you're gonna see it next week so as I'm

filming this right now I have a video that was from last week that's gone up

today so just in case you guys want like a background kind of thing as to how I

kind of work it's just god bless myself I don't know why we say that but I

always say it I like to perfect things and I like to make sure everything is

like an order and I feel like it's just too fast for me my mood is very off this

week you guys like it's just very very off I'm usually like extremely bubbly

and that's why this morning I was like you need a red lip you need to go out

and feel cute because it's just it just really helps to like boost up my mood if

you guys are ever having like I down sort of day or write down week trying to

find things that kind of um that make you happy that boost up your mood you

know what I mean for me it's music music can like change my entire mood I'm so

fine something that you guys enjoy for me it's getting all like beautiful and

pretty that's what makes me feel good and getting like dressed and feeling

good and music definitely does help me if you like to do a certain activity go

out and do that the gym is a very good like stress reliever or if you're in a

bad mood I find for me it just it's my getaway and it's my place to kind of

like just be alone the gym has been going great you guys I have been feeling

amazing I've been having my mantra a lot of you guys have been saying why don't

you do decaf coffee it's just right now I'm just enjoying that bamboo you know

coffee alternative or substitute that I found I'm just enjoying it I bought it I

wasted like 12 dollars on it so I'm just going to use it in the meantime

can have decaf coffee there's nothing wrong with them I've actually fine I

haven't been a only drink coffee on the weekends when I go to breakfast I'm not

completely eliminating it I know it's kind of confusing because it's like

you're not eliminating your macho but you're eliminating your coffee I'm

honestly you guys are just trying something out I feel like I don't want

to be dependent on both of them so because I can't find a substitute for my

watch and I don't want to find a substitute that I'm gonna find one for

my coffee I feel like personally I fixed my low

blood pressure issue it's just not that I don't feel those weak episodes anymore

just my mood has been off like since yesterday it's it's because it's around

my period and it's just I don't know it's just like this new thing I've been

experiencing but like I said I think I'm gonna make a new video full-on talking

about it I mean it's not gonna be the most like positive video which I don't

like that's why I don't like making those videos but at the end of the day I

really think it's gonna help a lot of women especially if you guys are going

through something similar or if you guys are starting to so if you guys want me

to kind of talk about it and if this kind of sounds interesting to you let me

know down below and I will make the video for you guys so I'm gonna go and

pick up a few groceries and we'll see how it goes after you guys there's only

one more pair of organic bananas so we're gonna pick up these

I need some more of these mini cucumbers and I also need a tomato

I need some more of my pita breads these guys are the ones that I use for my

chicken burgers I'm low in those I've been making it a lot for lunch actually

lately actually wrote down my list this time you guys on the move it's so fun

you guys because I used to love having bagels and now I just don't even crave

them anymore

because I think today's my lucky day there was one more cilantro left one

more Lilydale and one more organic banana like this is so weird and I think

in each in noir I don't need chicken but I need my chicken burger I'm gonna

show you about it please tell me you have them yes

so I get these guys they're actually on sale is that these ones no something

looks different about them I am horrible with names you guys like I don't say to


it looks like these pop style chicken strips you know right at home fillets

this one I love these in my sandwich oh my god oh

my god you guys I'm not gonna lie these looks so good the Buffalo ones but

just kind of like a tip and trick you guys can get a sauce and just put it

over top I'm pretty sure it's still less calories

and I was actually comparing you guys if these worded ones over nearby pinches

and they're actually 40 calories less overall for two pieces I think I'm gonna

try these out do you guys know where we're headed our famous almond milk

organic ice to end July 27 that'll do it's a no salt one yeah I

already have a no salt mentality so I'm gonna get two of these and my black

beans are unsold for 99 cents I'm just gonna get another so I needed Mayo you

guys I'm gonna try it this one my compliments called balanced mayonnaise

style dressing and it's only 35 calories I do want definitely a lower option just

because I like to put a lot when I'm making my sandwiches so I'm gonna go

with that one and I think the last thing on our list is I think that's it yeah

that's it but I need to stop at Walmart so we're gonna go there next so

everything's been going with my sodium but I find that I'm needing to eat more

frequently or else I do start getting like that weak sort of feeling I'm gonna

eat I'm gonna go to Walmart I need sunscreen for my trip I really really

need sunscreen cuz it's gonna be like super hot I'm assuming okay yeah okay

Wow yeah these are bigger I only have to use one so for one piece for my sandwich

it's only gonna be a hundred calories he's such a sauce person so every time I

go to McDonald's and I get my chicken sandwich I love hot mustard that they

have love love love it so I got this one that says sweet and spicy prepared

mustard and it's actually really low-calorie that's what I love about

mustard it's actually a really good like low-calorie sauce if you guys love it

the other thing I got that I'm gonna try I've never tried this guy before is

creamy horseradish a lot of you guys ask me where I get this one this was that

aioli or I Olli I only horseradish that I got from before from Whole Foods but

apparently they don't have them anymore so because that one's has horseradish

I'm also gonna try this one and see how they kind of compare so I just tasted it

you guys it is just a little bit more tangy than the other one is but that's

the bit of horseradish it is very very like tangy and if you come and use this

as a substitute but it is super super close to the other one what I did to the

other one is I actually added water to kind of lower down the calories says

here per two tablespoons it's 45 calories the other one is like a hundred

calories I think just for one tablespoon I actually put one of the fillets on a

plate and I put in some of the microwave for about two minutes and then I heat up

a pan on this side and that's how we're gonna get like all golden and cook it up

there just because when it's frozen it takes forever

so I warm it up first and now we're gonna add it into our pan over here you

guys this tastes so similar to the McDonald's hot mustard I'm so excited oh

my gosh I'm not gonna really measure you guys can measure if you want to them

kind of on a maintenance right now so that's how much I'm gonna be putting our

chicken is kind of getting golden up in here so excited to try these these ones

are way bigger than the actual Jain ones look how good that looks oh my gosh I'm

so hungry in it's literally 11:20 like I have been getting super super hungry so

fast and then I'll hold off until like the evening it's so weird

this sandwich tastes like a crispy chicken sandwich like these fillets are

so good this is not the first time I bought something from pitches before god

I'm sorry yes chicken breast fillet they were Bipin jeez it tastes like I just

went I'm not like I'm serious I'm not lying to you tastes like I went to KFC I

just ordered a crispy chicken sandwich this went well the southern you right I

felt like I just went to McDonald's it's so weird my mom found his article that

if you put baby powder that ants won't come like inside of your room and stuff

so I literally as soon as they passed the today I was like oh I'm getting that

look what I found I found my lean turkey pepperoni sticks they are 50 calories

each and they have 290 milligrams of sodium inside of them he's such a really

good like sodium boost if I need it on the go I can just put like two inside of

a plastic ziplock bag and bring it with me this sunscreen the 110 I looked it up

on Google to see like if 100 SPF even works because there's always that debate

it's actually like it only covers one percent more than the 50 61 doesn't do

is that that much more but I think I have it like stuck in my head because

one time I went to Cuba and I wore the hundred and I actually didn't get burnt

at all and I was in the Sun not this one more for my face and when I'm kind of

like traveling and I don't want to carry like a big bottle but I got this one to

put all over my body because I feel like this is such a small bottle and they

were the exact same price you guys they both were around $13 this one is the

sport one and it says 50-plus SPF by Umbro a lot of people have really good

reviews but umbrella but a lot of people really like Neutrogena as well I just

really needed some sunscreen because I got

really badly burned to Niagara and I didn't put any on because I'm like super

lazy when it comes to sunscreen I picked up some dark chocolate covered almonds I

love these especially right now like around the time of the month you just

like I just crave something sweet so bad mama what are you doing mama he's silly

yeah you like being in the Sun mama I know huge part of me is like go out

because you want to and the other part of me is like this cramp is stopping you

and telling you to stay home so I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do you guys

but I think if I am gonna go out I don't maybe I'll get like my hawk or ET I feel

like something hot just like my mom always told me that my grandma like

something hot I will sue this hitomi I can't even talk straight you guys like

I'm just the cramp is just unreal I don't really have cramps to be honest

with you guys like month to month I'm not really like that just and hope you

guys enjoyed this vlog make sure you guys give it a big thumbs up and also

don't forget to subscribe to our Channel if you guys are not following me on IG

it is Steph G Macedo so make sure you guys follow me thank you guys so much

for watching and I will see all of my beautiful babes in my next video

For more infomation >> VLOG - PMS, Grocery Shopping & McDonalds Sandwich Dupe! - Duration: 15:19.


Thrupp & Maberly Thames 48 HP Motor Stage Coach 1913 - Duration: 1:35.

The Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding & Engineering Company Ltd., founded in 1846, was one of Britian's most important shipyards.

From 1906 the company also produced motor cars, to the designs of Charles K. Edwards, a former Napier designer.

This Thames is the sole survivor from a fleet of gasoline-powered double deckers, built for Motor Coaches Limited.

The car is powered by a 5.0 litre six cylinder engine, which was placed at the front end of the chassis,

enabling the coachwork to resemble the shape of the ninteenth-century horse-drawn carriages as much as possible.

The coachwork, built by Thrupp & Maberly, accommodates nine persons inside and another sixteen on the roof.

Passengers would climb up a ladder to the roof, which formed a natural grandstand.

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