Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 24 2018

I'm not afraid to admit I've got a bit of a Crush on the Panzerkampfwagen Fünf Panther.

In my honest opinion, it is the best looking tank of the war, and I was quite excited to

meet this one when I went to Tank fest this year.

Since I came back, I've been trying to play them in game, and I've made some rather

interesting and controversial discoveries.

Which ones?

Let's find out, in the second episode of War Thunder Classics.

The story of the Panther begins with Operation Barbarossa, and the germans' first encounter

with the T-34.

Being used to converted breadboxes as tanks, the concept of sloping your armour to make

it more effective left them all scratching their heads, so they decided to build a T-34

of their own.

No, seriously.

Daimler-Benz' VK 30.02 prototype looks extremely similar to the Russian counterpart.

The tank was rather narrow which limited turret ring diameter and, as a direct consequence,

made it rather difficult to fit bigger guns.

After some redesigns by both Daimler-Benz and MAN, the Panther was born.

Featuring the Tiger I's engine on a much lighter chassis, a high velocity gun with

even more penetration power than the Tiger's 88mm cannon and strong armour, the Panther

is considered to be one of the first examples of the Main Battle Tank idea.

Contrary to what you might think, it wasn't even that expensive either.

It was just a tad bit more expensive than the much older Panzer IV, but still less than

half the price of one Tiger I.

Quite cost effective.

Sadly the first batch of Panthers, renamed model D, were rushed into production and suffered

reliability issues as a direct result.

As the war and the Panther models progressed, the tanks got more reliable, although the

armour suffered in quality due to lack of alloys.

In spite of all of this, the Panther left its mark in history with over 6000 units built,

and continues to foster heated discussions between wehraboos as to whether it was the

best tank of the war or not.

In War Thunder, the Panthers are represented in quite a varied choice of models.

In the german tech tree, you have the Panther D and Ersatz M10 at rank 3 and battle rating

5.7, with the models A, G and F at rank 4 and battle rating 6.0.

I've done a video comparing the stats and explaining the differences of all of the Panther

variants a long time a go, and you can find a link to that in the description and the

info card above.

In short, the Panther A is the best overall model, with the Ersatz M10 and the Russian

captured T-V both being based on this one.

In the background you'll mostly see gameplay of the Panther A and the Ersatz M10, although

the general characteristics and tactics apply to all of the Panther variants.

Small deviations only really occur on the Panther A and Panther F. The Panther A has

the fastest turret traverse and as such is the best for CQB brawling tactics, and the

Panther F has a different turret design and a faster reload than all the other Panthers.

With the general characteristics out of the way, let's see how the Panther performs

in the holy trinity of tank warfare, the Armour-mobility-firepower triangle.


The Panther series has a large upper frontal plate with an effective thickness of around

120mm, surpassing even the Tiger I.

Unless facing very high calibre guns or APDS, little can defeat this plate, and due to its

size the probability is high that it is hit instead of anything else.

That said, there is a weakpoint in the hull machine gun mount.

With only 80mm, pretty much anything you face can cut through there, but thankfully it is

a rather small and hard to hit target.

The lower plate is quite weak, only 50mm thick but angled.

Generally speaking most shells can go through it, but tend to get absorbed by the transmission

and do little damage.

High power APHE shells however can cause substantial damage to the crew this way.

The turret is the main weakpoint of the Panthers.

Most have a rounded gun mantlet which can bounce most poorly aimed shells quite easily,

but since the plate itself is only 100mm thick and is made of cast homogenous armour, further

reducing effective thickness, a flat hit results in a guaranteed penetration from anything

you face.

This is especially problematic with APHE shells from M4s, M18s, and T-34s, which can often

one shot the Panther this way.

That said, the Panther is one of the best examples of tanks that benefit greatly from

the addition of bushes, as hiding the outline of the mantlet can make it hard for the enemy

to get a precise flat shot, buying you extra time to retaliate.

The side and rear armour are mostly negligible.

They're strong enough to withstand most AA fire up to 25mm calibre, but 37mm cannons

and up can defeat the armour flat on at close ranges, especially on the flat lower hull


To note is the rather weak top armour.

With only between 15-17mm on the hull and turret roof, most Panthers are actually susceptible

to American .50 cal AP rounds fired from aircraft directly above.

I've been killed in a single strafe from a corsair myself, and given their lack of

any kind of roof mounted machine gun, they lack the ability to defend themselves against

air attacks.

The only exception to this is the Panther F, which boasts 25mm to 40mm of top armour,

and as such is immune to .50 cal munitions.


Despite being a rather large and heavy machine, the mobility of the Panther series is surprisingly


The power to weight ratio of 15.5 hp/ton is almost identical of that to the battle rating

5.7 T-34-85, as is the identical top speed of 55km/h.

The statcard only tells so much though, so I've done some more in depth mobility comparisons

between a fully upgraded Panther A and a fully upgraded T-34-85:

Acceleration is quite similar.

From zero to 30Km/h, the T-34-85 takes 6.2 seconds whilst the Panther A takes 6.8 seconds,

only just over half a second longer.

Hull traverse is a grey area.

The Panther A is capable of maintaining 3rd gear whilst turning, giving it a blisteringly

fast 360 degree turn time of 10.1 seconds, much faster than the 15.5 seconds of the T-34

which defaulted back to first gear.

Simultaneously, the Panther series is able to neutral turn on the spot, something the

T-34 can't do.

This allows you to easily manipulate the hull in tight spaces, but also takes quite a while


Compared to the T-34's 16.7 second hull turn from stop, a Panther's Neutral turn

takes a whole 25.5 seconds to complete.

It's definitely worth it getting into third gear before attempting to turn the hull in

a Panther, given you have the space to do so.

The final test is one lap around the Tank Polygon test track.

This track has a good balance of elevation changes and obstacles on offroad pavement,

and can be used to compare the general mobility between two tanks.

The T-34-85 is one of the more mobile tanks at this tier, and was able to complete the

course in 4 minutes and 45 seconds.

Surely the Panther can't compete with that.

To my surprise, it's not too far off.

It is slower, at a lap time of 5 minutes and 7 seconds, but I was expecting it to be a

lot slower.

I did lose a lot of time in the slaloms where my panther was stuck in 4th gear, where it

would have turned a lot faster in 3rd, but even so the Panther can hold a candle to the

T-34-85 in general mobility, whilst having much better armour.

That isn't the whole story though.

The Panther benefits greatly from travelling on paved roads, and thanks to that I've

been able to flank entire teams in city maps and maps with long connecting roads.

They never expected a german tank of all things to get there quite that quickly.

There is one major drawback to the Panther series however, they have a horrendous reverse

speed of only 4km/h.

This can often mean death as you're unable to escape a firefight and get into cover quickly,

once you're around a corner, you're committed.


Finally, firepower.

The Panzerkampfwagen Fünf Ausführung D, A und G feature the 7,5 zentimeter Kampfwagenkanone

42 L/70 with a base reload of 9.6 seconds.

The notable exception here is the Panther F, which features the KwK 44.

This gun retains the same ballistics, but offers a faster base reload of 8.7 seconds.

The reload of the KwK 42 is identical to that of the Tiger I and T-34-85, which seems weird

given the lower calibre, but makes sense when looking at the performance of this cannon.

This is one of the best guns at this tier, period.

All Panthers come stock with the best and only shell you'll ever need, the Panzergranate

39/42 APHE shell with a muzzle velocity of 935 m/s, an explosive filler equivalent of

29 grams of TNT and a flat maximum penetration of 187mm.

Whilst having only a third of the explosive power of the Tiger 1's base shell, the Panther's

rounds travel much faster and offer much higher penetration, even on angled surfaces.

This gun can even deal with Sherman Jumbos by shooting the top half of the upper frontal

plate at close to medium distances, just like the Russian 85mm guns.

Up to your own battle rating, there isn't really much that can withstand this gun, and

it's only against 6.7 heavies that you really start to struggle.

Even then, the high muzzle velocity and accuracy allows you to aim for weakspots decently easily.

That said, thanks to the good mobility you can play in a way that allows you to flank

the enemy, and apart from a T95 Doom Turtle, nothing can withstand side shots from a Panther.

Now whilst the 29 grams of explosive filler seem rather low, the APHE shell does it's

job perfectly well.

You aren't always going to one shot everything, but any penetration is going to hurt them

badly, and center mass shots tend to take out even the biggest of tanks.

Going for crew and ammo racks is how the Panther's gun gets its kills.

(Lineups) There are two lineups you can make with Panthers,

one for 5.7, one for 6.0.

Contrary to intuition I do not recommend the 5.7 one, but we'll get into that later.

For 5.7 you want to find a decent balance.

On the tech tree you only have a single Panther available, the Panther D.

This one however has an extremely slow turret traverse and really should be played more

like a tank destroyer than a medium tank, any kind of close quarters engagement usually

doesn't go well for you.

If you have the event Ersatz M10, take that alongside or even over the Panther D, as it

is much better overall.

As for supporting vehicles, You can bring one Tiger, although never spawn in it first

as it costs too many spawn points and is much more useful late game when the enemy has lost

their best guns.

A Panzer IV G or H serves as a decent backup, with the Waffenträger being useful in very

long range and open maps with its long 88mm cannon.

I recommend bringing both the Ostwind and the Wirbelwind for SPAA duties, but if you

have to choose take the Ostwind since it can also act as a light tank destroyer.

Speaking of, the Panzer IV/70 packs the same armour and gun as the Panther at tank destroyer

spawn costs, but is much slower and unsuitable for urban maps.

If you have access to premiums, I also recommend bringing a Panzer 2H for its scouting and

fast cap abilities.

As for aircraft, I recommend reserving two slots: one for a dedicated tank hunter, and

one for a fighter bomber.

Tank hunters can range from BF-110 G-2 to Do-335 with 30mm MK 103 HVAP, although I fully

recommend the premium Do 335 B-2 if available due to the surplus of 30mm ammunition it carries.

For the fighter bomber role, Fw-190 Ds are capable of carrying a 500kg bomb and carry

plenty of ammo for anti air duties, especially the premium 190 D-13, with the Ta 152 C-3

trading in bomb carrying abilities for an MK 103 in the nose.

And for the love of God don't bring Stukas, they're too slow and too easy a target for

both enemy fighters and SPAA to shoot you down before you ever get to attack.

Now I said earlier that I don't like the 5.7 lineup, and here's why.

Besides only having one or two panthers available, you're setting yourself up for failure at


Generally speaking, getting downtiered in any tank is great news, but not so in the


I've found more success getting myself uptiered to 6.7 than downtiered to 4.7, due to a couple

of factors.

One is the general mobility of tanks, especially the M18.

Whilst the Panther is relatively quick, M18s are the bane of your existence, and you're

going to face them in hordes in downtiers, much less often so in uptiers.

There's also more Jumbos and T-34s to deal with, which might not be a big issue to your

panther but are a huge problem for your team mates in Panzer IVs.

I can't begin to count the amount of games I've had where I was doing perfectly well

in my panther in a downtier, but had the rest of my team completely wiped out, resulting

in loss after loss.

And this is why I strongly recommend forgetting about 5.7, and instead going for a 6.0 lineup


Most of the lineup stays the same, especially the aircraft and SPAA, but you can now swap

the Panzer IVs and Tiger Is which are just hindering you for a whole plethora of Panthers.

In my personal lineup I've got the Panther A, F and the Ersatz M10, although you can

swap that last one out for a Panther G if you don't have it.

And it just works, now you both have a much stronger lineup and much stronger teams, since

you're going to have King Tigers, Jagdpanthers, Ru 251s and Ferdinands to support.

Now you might think that constantly getting uptiered to 6.7 might be a problem, but the

Panther is one of the few tanks that shines in such a situation.

All of a sudden you go from the very mobile enemy composition of T-34s, M18s and more

that were constantly outflanking you in downtiers to slow heavy tanks that you can easily outflank

and destroy from the side whilst they are engaged with your King Tigers.

Seriously, the amount of flanks I've gotten off, destroying entire offensives who were

too busy slugging it out with my team's heavies is absurd, and once those flanks have

been dealt with and our King Tigers advance to the caps, the match tends to be over very


Now you might be tempted to push a little further and get some 6.3 tanks in your lineup

with the Porsche tiger and the Jagdpanther, but I strongly suggest not to do that for

one simple reason: As long as you keep to 6.0, you can't face IS-6s.

Those things will mess your Panthers and your teams up.


Here's how your average match in a Panther should look.

Given the medium tank spawn cost and the reduction for being uptiered, even if you get one shotted

without getting a cap or a kill you can still spawn in an ostwind and rebuild from there,

so you should be quite aggressive.

I tend to take the Panther A as my first spawn due to its superior turret traverse speed,

although the Panther F might also be a good choice due to its faster reload.

On three cap maps you can either cap the closest zone together with your team to facilitate

spawning into a Do 335 later, or you can take flanking routes and set up ambushes on anyone

trying to go for a capture point.

A perfect example of this is the game you're watching in the background, where I set up

to intercept multiple tanks who weren't expecting any tank to be there on their way

to B, and quickly dispatched most of their initial attacking wave, as well as distracting

any of their teammates behind who just saw multiple friendlies blow up.

This also allows your team to push up and get the cap advantage.

Once the initial wave has been dealt with, stay sneaky.

Make flanking enemy tanks your priority as they are the biggest danger to your team,

make sure to support your team mates by coming to their aid if you see them getting shot,

and set up ambushes to prevent the enemy from capturing the zones.

As I've mentioned, even if you die early on you'll still have an ostwind to fall

back onto from which you can rebuild, but getting a single cap and a kill is generally

enough to spawn an aircraft.

If it's very early in the game and the enemy hasn't gotten any caps off yet to spawn

their own aircraft, a Do 335 is the best choice, as it is incredibly potent at destroying lighter

tanks that are flanking your team.

If the enemy does have aircraft up, a FW-190 D with a 500kg bomb can be used to quickly

take out a heavy tank or critical target, and then intercept enemy planes.

Keep in mind that the Fws are energy fighters, you want to stay fast and unseen.

If you get caught in a dogfight, you're dead, so don't try to outturn anything unless

it's a bomber.


The Panther is honestly one of the most enjoyable vehicles I've played recently, especially

so after I ditched the 5.7 lineup and embraced the MBT playstyle.

A great combination of Armour, mobility and firepower together with smart spawn point

cost management make this a very potent tank in the hands of someone who knows map positioning

and enemy weaknesses.

I fully recommend using it over any kind of Tiger I, you're going to see your stats

improve in the long run

As a closing note, some recommendations on specific roles for each variant.

The Panther D has the slowest turret rotation speed of the bunch, and as such is not a great

choice for close range combat.

Use it like a fixed gun tank destroyer, like a faster Jagdpanzer IV/70, rather than a medium


The Panther A is the best brawler of the bunch thanks to its turret traverse speed.

It's great for close quarters and long range alike, and really is the most adaptable to

any situation.

The Panther G is somewhere in between the previous two, with a slight change to the

gun mantlet.

The shot trap is removed, but the flat bit of armour at the bottom actually make for

a larger target area that can be reliably penetrated by the enemy.

If you own an Ersatz M10, I recommend skipping this one.

Finally the Panther F is best suited as a sniper.

The turret traverse isn't quite as fast as the A and the turret front, whilst presenting

a narrower target, is flat and easily penetrable at close ranges.

At long ranges however, the availability of a built in Rangefinder and the faster reload

of the gun make it great for quickly dispatching enemy medium tanks.

One final note, I recommend unlocking tracks over turret traverse mods on all panthers.

The tracks upgrade really helps with the overall mobility of the tank, which is especially

important in close quarters.

And that has been the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther mit 7,5 zentimeter kampfwagenkanone 42 oder

44 L/70.

I know I know, it's been over a month again, but I really wanted to get this right and

spent quite a bit of time playing the tanks and lineups to get a proper feel.

This is about as in depth as you're going to get from me.

If you didn't know, I did go to Tank Fest in bovington earlier this month and gathered

some footage, but I'm having some issues with my editing software to process it, so

the video of that might take a bit longer.

That said, I've been invited by Gaijin to go to Gamescom from the 20th to the 23rd of

August, in Cologne, Germany.

I'll likely be hanging out around the Gaijin booth and might even do some official streams

for them, so if you happen to be around the area don't be shy and say hello, I know

quite a few War Thunder Youtubers are going to be there, so it's going to be a blast.

In any case, hopefully you have enjoyed this video, if you did I would greatly appreciate

a like given the time this took.

I rarely ask for those nowadays.

But as always, My name has been MikeGoesBoom, and thank you for watching

For more infomation >> The PzKpfw V Panther - War Thunder Classics Ep. 2 - Duration: 22:10.


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Welcome to Gusack's World!!!

Fuck all! Yeah! I am Gusack!

Fuck all! Yeah! I am Gusack!

Next week on Gusak's World: the dessert!!! (SHOUT WITH STRENGTH)

Next week on Gusak's World: the dessert!!! (SHOUT WITH STRENGTH)

This is produced by TedAnimationStudio

For more infomation >> Gusack's World!!! (Episode 1/5) - Duration: 0:23.


One Minute Singing Secrets: Find Out What You Are Good At - Duration: 1:46.

Are you ready?

One minute singing secrets video is starting right now.



Singers are used to constantly evaluate themselves.

They ask questions like: How did it feel?

Can I make it better?

How did it sound?

Can I make the sound bigger or clearer?

How can I breathe more efficiently?

How can I sing with more ease?

Yes, it is ok to ask all those questions but today, I want to challenge you.

Take a piece of paper and write down everything that you like about your voice and your singing.

For some singers, this is going to be hard because they are hard on themselves.

Are you one of them?

Give yourself a credit for what you have already achieved.

In your mind, go 5 years back and look at your present self from that perspective.

What would you admire about your present self back then?

Be kind and generous.

I dare you to write at least 10 things.

Write down everything that comes to your mind, don't use censorship.

Now, display the list in a prominent place so that you can see it every day and remind

yourself how awesome you are.

It's going to build your confidence.

For more infomation >> One Minute Singing Secrets: Find Out What You Are Good At - Duration: 1:46.


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海贼王: 草帽团初吻丢失的已有一半, 路飞首当其冲, 女帝怎么想? - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 海贼王: 草帽团初吻丢失的已有一半, 路飞首当其冲, 女帝怎么想? - Duration: 5:27.


《火影忍者经典语录》:鼬最伤感,大蛇丸深情,最后一个太现实 - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> 《火影忍者经典语录》:鼬最伤感,大蛇丸深情,最后一个太现实 - Duration: 12:07.


Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker [+] Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Health Tracker! - Duration: 2:35.

Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker

Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker

Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker

Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker

Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker

Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker

For more infomation >> Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Jewelry Health Tracker [+] Bellabeat Leaf Nature Smart Health Tracker! - Duration: 2:35.


Slim Twin Vanilla | Low-Carb Vanilla Ice Cream review - Duration: 5:37.

Time for the penultimate review in my series of videos in which I check out

the flavors of Slim Twin. This one's Vanilla. I'm a little worried.

I can hear it rattling around in there already, but my review is coming up right

after this.

Hey guys! Welcome to A.D. Keto. My name is Aaron. This is the channel where you can

watch a weird dad work his way through the ketogenic diet. I do some keto

eating vlogs, I do some keto product reviews, I do some keto giveaways. If this

is your first time here, please consider subscribing, and if you do, make sure

you're on notification squad by clicking the bell. Alrighty.

Time to review Vanilla from Slim Twin. Now vanilla -- I will not quote Barenaked

Ladies, because I'm not a fan of Barenaked Ladies (the band). But it is

the finest of the flavors, if you ask me. I really do like a good vanilla ice

cream. a lot of people poo-poo vanilla. Vanilla gets a bad rap, no matter what

you're talking about. "Oh, that's so vanilla!" I really like vanilla. I would

consider that a compliment I've had some good vanilla ice cream, so we'll see

where Slim Twin stacks up. If you've been here before, you may or may not know --

I divide my reviews into four parts. First is the texture.

What's the ice cream feel like coming out of the pint? What's it feel like once

I put it in my mouth? Second part of the review is the taste.

Do I like it? I've got some high expectations for this vanilla from Slim

Twin. We'll see whether or not they meet them. Third part of the review is the

carbs. How does it stack up in the carbs department? Can I put this whole pint

away in one sitting, if I so choose? The fourth part is the ingredients, where I

just run down the list of ingredients, see what's in this guy. So let's get into

it. Slim Twin, of course -- best lids. Best lids in the game, if you ask me.

Little pull tab. Of course I can't get it open now.

There we go. Little tab. You know, I had... I had a bad feeling about this, guys. It's

pulled away from the side of the pint. I don't know. This looks like it might have

been warmed up and frozen a few times over.

It looks pretty frosty. It's been out of my freezer for 35, 40 minutes, but we're

gonna give it a go here, and see how we do with the texture of Slim Twin Vanilla.

You know, not as... it looks frostier than it is. I will say, though -- I do see some

crystals on there. I should always just let it sit out longer than I think I

need to.

The texture is a little grainy, again, because it's... it's like -- it's a little

chalky and clumpy. They'll probably get better the longer I left it out, but not

the best texture. Yeah, it's like... falling all -- it's like, dry. Just dry, flaky, powdery,

clumpy. Boo. And the flavor, I mean I may have been

spoiled by Killer Whey's Vanilla, which tasted like vanilla extract, almost. Like,

really, a strong vanilla flavor. This feels really tame by comparison. Let's

look at the carbs. Serving size is 1/2 a cup, so they're 4 servings per container.

10 grams of carbs, three dietary fiber, 3 sugar alcohol. So 4 grams of net carbs

per serving. 20 grams of carbs per pint. If I had a zero carb day, wanted to come

home and indulge a little bit, this would fit the bill. 20 grams of carbs in the

pint. That's pretty good. Let's look at the ingredients. Nonfat milk, egg yolk, milk

protein concentrate, erythritol, soluble tapioca fiber, cream, vanilla extract, cane

sugar, locust bean gum, and monk fruit extract. All of those are organic. A

little bit shorter list of ingredients than were in the Cookies & Cream

review, which you can see right up there. So a little bit better, as far as the

ingredients go. I'm looking for as few ingredients as possible, with as many

pronounceable names as possible. This is not too bad in that department. So you

know, I got high standards when it comes to vanilla. If I'm comparing this to my

favorite vanilla ice cream, which is Killer Whey's Chilla in Vanilla. This

does not come close to that, both in carbs, ingredients, taste, texture. I mean,

there's no comparing them. Compared to Halo Top, this comes out on top of Halo

Top in the carbs department, and in the taste department, I think I'd have to

give a slight nod to Halo Top over this. So that's vanilla. I had really high hopes. A

little bit dashed, but not entirely. It's very serviceable. The taste is just

a little subtle for my liking. I have one more flavor of Slim Twin left to go. I'm

not sure when I'm gonna get to it, but I've saved it for last because I'm

hopeful that it will be my favorite. It's their Lemon Cake flavor. I am a sucker

for lemon ice creams. So that's my review of Slim Twin's Vanilla, guys. Let me know

what you think of it. If you've had it, let me know in the comments. Really

appreciate you watching and subscribing. I hope you have a fantastic day, and I will see

you next time.

all righty all righty all righty righty righty

For more infomation >> Slim Twin Vanilla | Low-Carb Vanilla Ice Cream review - Duration: 5:37.


《潮音战纪》今晚继续,伍嘉成周震南舞台首秀,Jony-J退赛 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 《潮音战纪》今晚继续,伍嘉成周震南舞台首秀,Jony-J退赛 - Duration: 3:16.


Killer Whey - Caramels Back | New keto ice cream flavor! - Duration: 5:49.

This week's video is a review of something cool! Literally, cool. It's in my

hand, and my hand, it's kind of cold. It is Killer Whey's new flavor, Caramels Back,

and my review is starting right now. Hey, everybody. Welcome to A.D. Keto. My name is

Aaron. This is the channel where you can watch a weird dad work his way through

the ketogenic diet. I do some keto eating blogs, I do some keto product reviews, and

I do some keto giveaways. If this is your first time here, please consider

subscribing, and if you do, make sure you're on Notification Squad by clicking

the bell. All right, guys. My pals at killer Whey have

a couple of new flavors. This is the first of them that I'm gonna be trying.

It's called Caramels Back, as in the straw that CRUSHED the camel's back. Very

excited to try it. It's their salted caramel flavor. If you've seen any of my

reviews before, particularly the ice cream reviews, you know that I break them

down into four parts. The first part is the texture. What's it feel like coming out

to the pint? Is it smooth? This is 45 minutes post-freezer, so it's been at

room temperature for about 45 minutes, now. The next part of the review is the

taste. Do I like the way it tastes? I'm a huge fan of salted caramel, so we'll see

how this stacks up in that department. Then I talk about the carbs. And the

last part of the review -- I discuss the ingredients. So let's get into this guy.

Caramels Back. It's the straw that broke the caramels back. I like Killer Whey's lid

game. Wow! It is like glass! Look how smooth that is. The thing to know about

Killer Whey is that they are a keto- specific ice cream.

They're not afraid to have more fat than protein in their ice cream, and not

afraid of calories, either. We'll get there. But these guys know what they're

doing when it comes to keto-specific ice cream. That looks really good. I like the

color of it immediately. It's sort of a... you know, sort of a beige-ey. All right, let's

see what the texture is like after for....

it... um... it made me stop talking. Texture looks to be very good. Oh, that is really

something else. That tastes very, very good. And the texture is so smooth, and

like... fatty. It's the fattiest ice cream. It's so good.

Nutrition facts: the serving size is 1/2 cup - 85 grams. Servings per container: four.

This is where things are completely different than any other low carb or

keto-friendly ice cream. Calories: 150 grams per serving, 130 of those coming

from fat. So 600 calories in this pint. If you're counting calories, be forewarned.

600 calories right here, if you put this whole thing away. Total fat 15 grams, 10

grams of saturated fat, no trans fats. 6 grams... or 16 milligrams.

excuse me, of cholesterol. 90 milligrams of sodium. 3 grams of protein. total

carbohydrates: 13, dietary fiber: 2, sugar alcohol: 8. So just like it says right

there on the front -- 3 grams of net carbs per serving, 12 grams of carbs. All right.

Let's now look at the ingredients. A low-carb frozen dessert created to fit

your ketogenic lifestyle. Our desserts are handcrafted in small batches,

utilizing simple, all-natural ingredients with your health and wellness in mind.

Ingredients: cream, filtered water, erythritol, whey protein concentrate,

chicory root fiber, MCT oil, vegetable glycerin, natural flavor, sea salt,

stevia, gums (xanthan, locust bean, and guar). Contains milk and coconut. Those

are really fantastic ingredients. They've got little icons here on the side. No

sugar added, M... guys, it's still there. Killer Whey! You're killing me, Killer Whey.

this says "MTC oil". Something to to maybe redesign slightly. All-natural, 15 grams

of total fat per serving, three grams net carbs per serving.

Guys, Killer Whey is -- I'm not ashamed to say -- my favorite ice cream.

Oh. Like when that stuff melts around the sides? Look... oh. Look out! Oh boy. I don't

know where I'd rank this. I've got a video up here, where I rank the flavors that

Killer Whey has put out prior to this. There are four. This is gonna be very

close to the top, if not on the top. I am kind of over the moon about this flavor.

So get yourself some. Speaking of which, I have the same coupon code as before.

It's KETOAD10. Use that at check out. That discount code, which used to be for

$10 off is now 10% off.

For more infomation >> Killer Whey - Caramels Back | New keto ice cream flavor! - Duration: 5:49.


How To Skyrocket Your SEO with This SIMPLE Link Building Process - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> How To Skyrocket Your SEO with This SIMPLE Link Building Process - Duration: 3:36.


[HD][VOSTFR] ASTRO - Always You - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> [HD][VOSTFR] ASTRO - Always You - Duration: 3:48.


FAQ Juillet 2018 - Corneline - Duration: 18:28.

Hi everyone ! Corneline here.

I hope you're doing well. Today we meet for the first Q&A sessions.

I've gathered the questions by theme for it all to be clear

and I'll start by the beginning of the story.

First question:

Who are you and what do you do in life?

That's a long story! So I'm Caroline, 23,

...for the moment,

and I'm a professional costume maker.

I've completed my studies 3 years ago.

I've also been singing for 10 years at home as non-professional.

Then, I've got several questions mainly about the Witcher:

Why this costume's choice? What did you like in the Witcher series

(style, universe, game, books…)?

Are you a Witcher fan or is it just an inspiration source for costuming?

What fascinates you in the Witcher? What impact did it have on your projects?

Do you have a connection with the character of Priscilla or the Witcher's world in general?

As these questions are very close I'll answer to all of them at the same time.

The story begin in Spring 2015

when I meet a musician on the Internet named Alexandre.

We did some collabs together.

And what happens in Spring 2015?

The Witcher 3 comes out, and it becomes very popular. I don't know this universe at all.

Alexandre asks me if we could cover Priscilla's song.

Then it is love at first sight.

I discover a medieval-fantasy universe

with a lot of details, with amazing costumes,

a sweet and wistful song,

I say,

ok, such a huge discovery!

That's everything I love!

I'm very fond of these kind of medfan universes,

so I start to dig: I read the whole books series.

I've watched to whole Witcher 3 Playthrough by Bob Lennon.

I've watched Hearts of Stones' cinematics, as a movie,

I've played Blood and Wine but didn't finished it

(because I can't fight Dettlaff, but hush…)

There's a great work on the costumes because it mixes fantasy details

and historically accurate details.

The lore is rich, stories are captivating,

places are wonderfully brought to life,

characters are complex…

The Witcher is a very rich universe, and that's what's super interesting,

especially in a world where fantasy

is often kept on its simple basics,

and sometimes we can get bored.

So yes, the Witcher is a complete world with costumes everywhere,


So spring 2015 was the end of my costume making studies.

Priscilla was in fact my first challenge after this,

to know if I was able to make on my own

from head to toe, a character's costume according to the game's design.

So I've spent summer 2015 slowly working on it.

Once it was done,

I've made my first cosplay pics (big memory!) With a friend.

I've sent the pics and the vocal demo to the studio.

So, this was our work with Alexandre,

and we've sent it to the studio

who appreciated it!

They hired me for Paris Games Week 2015

to promote Hearts of Stone.

Then they hired me for Blood and Wine promotion

in an Italian castle,

with Youtubers from all around the world.

For sure my eyes were sparkling!

And finally I've worked for them at Gamescom 2016.

So, I have been official character three times,

with stage perfomances to sing Priscilla's song.

One of the videos we've recorded at Geek Days Lille

(because I also began to perform in conventions,

and sing Priscilla's song of course)

this video we've recorded with Let's Play – Festival and Canasucre production,

worked very well because it is about to reach half a million views-

and that's incredible!

I've also been cosplay judge ar Blavicon this year.

If you don't know Blavicon, it is a Witcher special convention in Czech Republic.

A great experience too.

So, what impact did this all had on my projects, and I would say on my whole life,

well it's just shaped my current life. That's all!

It opened the doors of professional cosplaying

- since CDPROJEKT hired me three times.

I've met a lot of people thanks to Priscilla and cosplay in general,

that are today my friends

and people I evolve with.

I could also find other jobs

because it filled my portfolio,

and when I had job interviews

I had some content to show.

I was able to work in the Puy du Fou costumes workshop.

I loved working for them!!

Concerning my private life,

it is also thanks to Priscilla cosplay that I've met my darling!

So, it really has shaped entirely my current life.

Do I have a connection with Priscilla?

I'd say yes,

we're both artists,

we're both women that love to create the show,

as soon as someone gives us an idea, we make it grow,

we make something out of it.

So, yeah, I think we are alike somehow,

in what we love, in what we do.

Since the success of your Witcher cosplays, the question's to be asked:

what made you play video games? Since when? Which games do you play?

The first game I truly loved was...

The Wind Waker. I was 9 then

and my parents offered my sister and I the GameCube

– The Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time edition.

Since then, I'm a huge Zelda fan!

It was the first time a game had such an effect on me.

Before, I had played games like Mario Kart, other little games on GameBoy Advance…

But Zelda was a true revelation.

It was then I discovered I love medfan universes.

I've played a lot of other Zelda games after that.

In thoses days, I had also really loved StarFox Adventures.

I've played Skyrim of course.

More recently, I really liked Dishonored 2,

because, it's silly but I love to play hide-and-seek,

so an infiltration game

is so much fun for me!

And now I'm playing new Zelda Breath Of The Wild,

which is really really beautiful.

But generally I don't play a lot because I'm busy with my costumes.

I would love to play more to enlarge my culture,

but this would also mean slow down on creating costumes.

We know you mainly because of your Priscilla and Dandeliona cosplays,

but what else did you do?

I make concerts and costumes/cosplays.

As cosplays, I've made: Dandelion (male)

worn by Virgile Cosplay,

also official character for CDPROJEKT

I'm really happy of that once again!

Lara Croft (Reboot 2013)

I've made a cosplay from the Game Endless Legend:

it is a round by round strategy game,

with several factions. I've chosen the one I preferred,

the Roving Clans,

who are travelers and merchants,

and I loved the ethnical and colorful aspect of the design,

so I chose to make a Roving Clan diplomat.

I've made Iris Von Everec.

Vernon Roche, for Samus Cosplay.

I've also made Red from the game Transistor, which was my biggest project with Dandelion until now,

it took me 200 hours,

and many hours of reflection and conception because I would like to get on stage with it some day.

More recently, I've work on more modest cosplays

as Anastasia's boat dress

and Link, who's just behind me, in Ordon village version.

In term of original creations,

I've made an oriental pirate

I've named her Ayati.

A fantasy outfit for my first concert at the Geek Faëries,

with a lot of things I love and wanted to put in it.

And in my favourite color, red <3

And at last,

outfits for my concert Dwarves and Dragons, according to the songs I cover.

Do you still have Witcher projects?

(costumes, covers, events…)

If yes, can we have some clues?

Well, I'd love to make a Yennefer,

but not the game's version.

Yennefer inspired me a lot while I was reading the books,

so I would like to make my own version

fanart version, or a version I would draw.

Concerning events, I want to attend Blavicon 2019

because I truly loved the 2018 edition, and I want to go back for sure.

Will we see you at Gwent Homecoming lauching?


except if the studio asks me as official cosplayer

for the lauching of the game!

Cyberpunk cosplays are gonna kick aaasss!

I hope you'll have the occasion to do that!

There too, except if the studio hires me or if I join a cosplay group with my friends,

it is not the universe that I prefer,

so I don't think about being involved by myself.

Because you have to know that a costume is a lot of time and money.

This makes me jump to the next part of the video!

I know it depends on what we want to produce, but in average, how many time

and how much money do you spend on a costume? And where do you buy best materials?


I'm gonna say what everyone says: it depends!

But to give you a concrete example:

Anastasia takes 1 week

Link takes 2 weeks

Roving Clans Diplomat takes 3 weeks

Dandelion (male or female) takes 1 month and about 200euros of materials.

The time and money you will put into a costume depends on your degree of requirement,

and the budget you want or can put in it.

The more details you wanna do for your cosplay to be accurate,

the more time it will take.

And if you want a quality material, good-looking IRL or in photo or in video,

maybe I will cost more indeed.

It can also depend where you get you material: you can be very lucky.

Because you can find them everywhere. Let me explain.

You can find them in specialized stores for cosplay, on the internet or in conventions.

You can find them in classic fabric stores,

for clothing or furnishing.

Knowing it's very interesting to search in furnishing for costumes

because you'll find textures and reliable fabrics that you do not always find in clothing.

But you can also find you materials in flea-markets or any second-hand shop:

then it becomes interesting because your initial budget can lower.

For example: I've found Iris' dress fabric in Emmaüs.

It's an old hanging that was there, on the wall,

and as soon as I've seen it, I was like "wait, it's exactly the pattern I need for Iris!"

I knew, as an old fabrics, it had little chance to be mixed with synthetic fibers:

that meant I could dye it easily.

So, I've bought the fabric. It costed me 7 euros.

It's the main material of the cosplay but that was the cheapest part of it all!

And I simply dyed it black.

Gumtree is also very useful:

it's where I've found my pirate's musket and sabers.

You can also find materials in DIY shops.

When and what was your first cosplay?

It was a Steampunk Jedi

and it was in June 2014. I had made for Japan Expo. I was half-way in my costume making studies.

I was starting to discover the cosplay universe.

I'm not very proud of the first version,

that's why I worked on it once more to accentuate steam and adventurer side.

I've sold it to the beautiful Claire Obscure,

who's made some pics with it!

A common question but somebody has to ask:

an ambitious cosplay that you've haven't dared yet to make?


There are several in fact!

Since the time everyone around me tells me I have to make it,

first would be Midona.

They all see me as Midona but I don't even know how to make it right!

Looking at the character…

There's a lot of work!

It's not impossible but there are a lot of things looking difficult to me.

Other ambitious cosplay dreams: I love the White Witch from Narnia.

And, I would also love to recreate on stage the snow dance from Memoirs of a Geisha.

If you could travel back through time to your first cover/cosplay,

what would you say to your younger self?

Go on!

But don't forget to get some pleasure

and feel what you are doing.

It's not only about technic or perfection.

It has to be heartfelt.


please yourself, enjoy:

because only this, makes it all worth it.

Then, I have some questions about singing:

Are you a professional singer as you perform in conventions

or other cultural events?

Do you make a living of your music or do you have another job?

So, I'm not a professional singer, as I don't make a living of my music,

and I'm basically a professional costume maker.

Do you plan an album some day?

Well not yet, I only make covers

so there's not enough maturity to claim recording an album for the moment.

What are your next musical projects?

I would love to make a music video with Red:

she's a singer so it seems clear.

And I would love to come back the Geek Faëries 2019 with Dwarves and Dragons,

so that a lot of other people can also see the show.

Have you ever thought about learning to play the lute for real?


But that's not a good idea.

In which conventions will you been next and we'll we see you again at Lille's Geek Days?

I would love to visit Cidre et Dragon in September, I've never been to and I've heard a lot of good about it,

so I would like to try.

Maybe Comic Con Paris this year. Blavicon 2019 for sure.

And Japan Expo 2019 because I would like to try ECG French selections.

I don't think about coming back to the Geek Days.

A last question: Will you be visiting Orlando, Florida any time soon?

No, except, once again, if I'm invited by a convention.

It's a bit far from home so it's a bit expansive! By myself, no I don't think so.

About the year to come: I would love to develop my activity as independent costume maker.

Make costumes on order, costumes for shows.

I would also love to collaborate with Tenhaku Photography,

make outfits for his shootings, so if there are models who can be interested, that could be a great project.

And, at the end of the year, in July,

well, the end of the year in one year,

well, that's not clear!

I would love to try ECG.

And to make some music videos in costumes.

That's what you can expect from the year to come.

If you are a convention interest by cosplay judge or concert,

don't hesitate to message me!

If you're a video game studio, and you want to order cosplay and cosplayer,

I am at your service!

I hope you liked this Q&A sessions!It was my first time

so I hope you weren't bored and I have been enough at ease.

Don't hesitate to ask other questions in the comments: I'll answer!

Don't hesitate if you want to make suggestions:

For instance, if you think it would be a good idea for me to open a Patreon.

If you already wanted to get some prints.

I've never had prints so I don't know how many people would be interested

to buy it in conventions or order them...

If you're interested by tutorials…

…or whatever you think!

Well, I hope you will keep on following me,

and see you soon!

For more infomation >> FAQ Juillet 2018 - Corneline - Duration: 18:28.


Why Firms Must Consider RPA - Duration: 5:01.

Why should financial services firms seriously consider RPA based systems?

As you know, in our information age and moves law that dictates that every

year the information flow doubles, we can't really afford not because the

sheer volume and the number of errors that may be associated with this volume

is constantly increasing. The robotic process automation is the only way to

solve this volume slosh error problem. Computers can handle multiple parallel

processes so that we can introduce redundancy in our documents and therefore reduce errors.

What kinds of operational changes should firms expect to make when embracing robotics?

Well, the number one operational change should be

looking at the existing processes and critically thinking through them, finding

which of them are still applicable. The operational changes will lead to

embracing people from different divisions from different parts of the

company to look from the outside in and see which of the process are still relevant.

Those are the main changes that people who are thinking of RPA going through.

Another change is to create awareness of the robotic system within the company

and create the desire to embrace it. That is the huge operational change.

What are some business culture barriers that firms may have to change?

The number one cultural change in any firm would be stop thinking as human.

Start thinking as machine. Because what we have been doing to date without the

RAP systems, as we fought through the processes that we implement in our

business from the human standpoint of view. And humans are

sequential, linear, they don't understand parallel processes. We also cannot think

of more than two dimensions. So, therefore, data structures that we

employ with RPA have to be changed. They have to be more and

dimensional so they will be more conducive to machine environment.

What is some of the major pitfalls that firms should avoid?

Well, the major pitfall, of course it's just automating bad processes. It is a very

common practice that we have all been doing this for so many years.

That's the way we've done it all the time. Let's automate it let's make it

faster, cheaper, more alive and so on so forth, without actually looking at the

process itself and seeing whether the logic of the process is broken. Another

pitfall is to try to automate everything. It is not, first of all, it's not possible.

Secondary, it is not advisable because only redundant, only repetitive processes

you should look at to automate first. The processes that are

very difficult to formalize, to create algorithms for, they should not be any of

front-runner sir automation process.

What would be a good example of a repetitive process that could easily be taken over by robots?

Well, for example, transaction records: after the trading day all the tickers

get summed up and get reconciliate it. Customer onboarding processes: it's a very

repetitive process, you need to fill out in many forms and such. There are many

many processes in financial world that are not creative, they're very repetitive.

We've got actually step further in our firm. We automated a lot more complex processes

such as the portfolio management, our artificial intelligence system,

we call Wallace, was able to automate something that no one tried before.

Is the intellectual ability of picking securities. That took us quite

a few years but those are the examples on the lower end and on the higher end of the processes.

For more infomation >> Why Firms Must Consider RPA - Duration: 5:01.


Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-I LINIA LUNA - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-I LINIA LUNA - Duration: 1:04.


How to Draw a Ghost Crab - Easy and Narrated - Duration: 4:29.

Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!

I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a ghost crab.

This is going to be pretty simple.

First we mark the upper part of the body

like so, pretty horizontal, slightly curving

then the bottom part, and the sides, it is like a box.

It will have some texture and the eyes will go up here, then the mouth

toward the middle, which we can simplify like this.

The oval toward the center is the orifice,

and then we have the claws, each can be of different size.

They have four legs on each side.

Probably this drawing will look cartoonish, but

it is actually pretty realistic.

They can run very quickly!

And they can do so to either side.

If they really want to go fast, they lift one pair of legs off the ground and

and do it with six.

The eyes of the crab popping up are pretty amazing.

They are so expressive!

I love them!

I will draw a guideline in the middle for reference.

For this drawing I'm using a carbon pencil for the darks and a white charcoal

pencil for the lights.

I'm working on a light blue cardboard paper.

They have some mouth appendages that cover the opening.

The list of materials, by the way is as always, in the description below the video.

These crabs are able to change color to match their surroundings

but do so slowly, they do this by adjusting the concentration of pigments.

If they are moved from a very light sand area to a dark sand beach, it may take them up

to about a month to fully have their new color.

Now with the white charcoal we beginning pulling some lights, some reflections…

Like so.

just with that, it starts taking another dimension.

I think… [laughter].

Generally, try to not mix them, do not combine both the black and the white

because they can get muddy.

I try to place the blacks on their spot and the whites on their own.

And I clean up the line with the kneaded eraser.

The ghost crab lives in holes that they dig in the sand by the sea,

in areas that are called intertidal because they are under water

when the tide of the sea is high, but they are above the water level when

the tide is low.

Let's give some texture to the surface of the claws

by making some little dots, white dots on them and we also reinforce some of the shadows

with the black.

At the end of the legs they have pretty slender claws

that are the ones they use for walking and running.

They must have a very good traction on the sand, like the spikes under the tennis

shoes of football players and stuff like that.

To give a better feel to the surroundings and

the background I added a line up there like a sea line at the shore

and also some reflections under the crab.

Let´s give some more light to the eyes, such expressive eyes that they have.

And also I would like to draw some texture of the sand that he has stepped top.

Let's give it the last touches and its ready!

If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends

and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.

And I will see you, on Tuesday ;)

Subtitled by Grethel Trejo

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Ghost Crab - Easy and Narrated - Duration: 4:29.


Nightcore - When We Were Young - (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:02.

This video includes lyrics on the video

For more infomation >> Nightcore - When We Were Young - (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:02.


WAT PA TAM WUA / How To Become A Monk In 10 Days - Duration: 6:57.

Really! Imagine yourself 2 secondes

10 days...

to pray

to meditate

to eat

to sing like a monk

It's weird because everyday i was like

It's ok... tomorrow i will leave

But i could see that it was good for me

Something new was in me

and it was more easy to understand

how to empty

and i learned that

we meditated 5, 10 or 15 minutes

but after we don't have time

so practice long meditation

receive more lessons

and take time to meditate

Here we only can do that

Just meditate...

So what is a daily routine?

wake up at 5am

morning chanting in your room

6.30am we give rice to monks

we take kind of spoons of rice in our plate

and you give to every monk

until your plate is empty!

after that it's pretty classic


like walking, sitting or lay down meditation

in the morning... evening...

7am and 11am, meal... vegetarian

we don't eat dinner

so when you arrived here you need to thing

well if you are distracted like me and you arrived at 12.15am

So dinner here is already gone

so you don't eat any food

so you don't eat during more than 20 hours

You really need to thing about that

if not you can be in trouble

so doesn't eat during more than 20 hours continue

after you have cleaning task

but in meditation!

really cool

also evening chanting

And after that... well meditation again!

I think. One of the most lesson that i learned

during this 10 days

Now when i feel an emotion

when i really feel an emotion

i focus my mind on that

and it disapears in one instant

that what i wanted

learn how to control emotions

and don't want that emotions control me...

this monastery is really good

adapt to traveller

or people who don't know about meditation

they teach how to practice

sitting meditation lay down or just walk

so yeah it's a good monastery for traveller people

really flexible for shedule

on how many days you can stay

so yeah it's a really good monastery

monks are really cool

really easy to listen

so yeah great experience to do

So when i arrived

i saw monks with smartphones

i was like "ok..."

But i didn't this vow

not to use my smartphone during my 10 days

It was really important for me so i did it

You want to learn how to meditate? really easy!

close your eyes

breathe in

breathe out

open your eyes

have an open mind!

see you next time


Well now i just want a good beer and a good steak!

For more infomation >> WAT PA TAM WUA / How To Become A Monk In 10 Days - Duration: 6:57.


Fuller Brush Co. 2X Power Fulsol Concentrated Cleaning K... - Duration: 19:36.

For more infomation >> Fuller Brush Co. 2X Power Fulsol Concentrated Cleaning K... - Duration: 19:36.


K-12 Release 13.08 - Duration: 4:01.

Hi! My name is Bob and I'm part of the K12 Content Design and Development team at Blackbaud.

Let's take a look at what's new for the July 25 release.


As promised, a new top navigation experience was released to all schools on July 9th.

It does not impact users with a single consistent persona (such as a student). However, admin users and users with multiple

personas (such as a parent who is also faculty) are impacted.

To switch to between personas and capabilities, use the menu in the upper left of each page. Previously, this menu was in the

top right corner.

You'll also notice that product names have been replaced by descriptive capabilities. For example, instead of selecting onBoard, you'll

now select Enrollment management.

Additionally, related functions were renamed and grouped together. For example, you'll use the Academics capability to manage

Attendance, Conduct, Grades, Scheduling, and more.

For additional tips and tricks, check out the user community.

If you want a little help to get oriented or find something that moved, search the map.


Schools now have access to our new Report Card Builder. The Report Card Builder is a drag and drop interface that allows schools to see a

visual representation of the report card while they build it. We have also added some new features to the report card builder this month.

Under Header, schools now have the ability to add student photos to report cards.

Under Details, Schools have the ability to add Academic Performance to report cards.

Teachers can now award extra credit points or deduct points from an assignment. When inside the Gradebook, teachers can override any

grade currently listed in the cell even if the grade was automatically determined by the Rubric calculation.

This override feature only pertains to rubrics using points and excludes comment only rubrics.

Parents and students now see a message under the points earned inside the rubric that a manual adjustment has been made to the


Teachers can now assign the same assignment multiple times through the course of a term.

From Add Assignment, teachers can select an option to only create one instance of the assignment or multiple versions of it.

Please note that this option is not available for assignments that already exist.

We've added an option to enable teachers to allow students to resubmit files for assignments as often as needed until the due date is met.

Select Allow resubmit until due date from Assignment details to enable this feature.

Students can now add a task to their Assignment Center. Select Add task to enter task details, the class its intended for and a

due date if necessary.

After selecting Save, a new task with the status of To do appears in the list.

Student submitted files from Google Drive are now automatically shared with the teachers of the class based on Core profile email.

Dorm supervisors now have access to Grading, enabling them to run reports.

Enrollment management

The SAO import process now accepts three new file types: Teacher Recommendations, Test Scores, and Transcripts.

These files are then displayed and can be opened through a PDF within the File Upload process center and User Profile for each

student or candidate.

Admissions managers can now add miscellaneous file types to Candidate profile settings as well as candidate checklist step

From Enrollment management, select Admissions, Admissions setup, and then Candidate profile settings to edit the

Miscellaneous File Types. After adding the file type name, you can make it active or delete existing file types from here.

These files can then be added, edited, or deleted from the record area of a candidate profile.

Parents of candidates can also now upload miscellaneous file types to a checklist step once its set up by an admissions manager.

Remember to check out the release letter for details about features mentioned in this video

and information about additional new features and enhancements.

As always, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> K-12 Release 13.08 - Duration: 4:01.


Franklin Electric Client Spotlight - Duration: 2:44.

Tracey Brown (Franklin Electric): Business intelligence to me is really about being about to get information out of the data that we have.

Aaron Crouch (BI Practice Lead, Aptera): When we first got to Franklin Electric, they had an existing BI system in place alraedy,

and it was a pretty decent system. It was a little antiquated, and I think it was put togther over time,

and that led to some issues around optimization. It would take, sometimes, all night for them to collect and process all the data.

and that led to some issues around optimization. It would take, sometimes, all night for them to collect and process all the data. Tracey: I think the biggest thing it did for us is, I think, there is a lot of manual calculations and whatnot that were being done on a regular basis.

Tracey: I think the biggest thing it did for us is, I think, there is a lot of manual calculations and whatnot that were being done on a regular basis.

This automated a lot of that, and for me, really, giving one source of the truth.

Aaron: So much effort goes into just the constant upkeep and updates of those existing reports, and you're really only meeting status quo.

You're still answering the same questions or slight variations of the same questions,

and where we see the leap across that gap from static reporting to BI being made is when the realization hits that,

"Hey we don't have to have 2 or 3 people full time building reports, you know, we can have a self-service business intelligence solution that allows the people who are asking to questions,

to ask the questions directly of the data themselves without having to interpret through an IT guy, for example."

Tracey: The business impact of what we do with business intelligence is actually some times hard to measure,

but we get a lot of feedback on a regular basis from our users that they wouldn't be able to do their daily jobs anymore if they didn't have BI.

Aaron: They were in the process of implementing a new ERP system at the same time that we're building a business intelligence solution that's going to use that data.

So, it was a little bit like hitting a moving target, but one of the areas that Aptera is fantastic with is its flexibility and its adaptability.

So, as the target moved on us, we were able to shift along with it and make sure we were meeting the goals.

Tracey: There's been times where we didn't have data available -- requirements changing along the way,

and we've been able to work well together to adjust to that.

Aaron: We are infrastructure; we are managed services; we are software; we are web;

and we are digital marketing as well as business intelligence,

so it's super easy for me to walk across the room and tap one of our software architects on the shoulder if I have a question about something.

It's not just one-stop shopping for BI, it's the full-service spectrum.

For more infomation >> Franklin Electric Client Spotlight - Duration: 2:44.


I Got Transformed Into KPop Star CL | Beauty Evolution | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:13.

CL is a part of a group called 2NE1 and I - that was my first introduction

to that group.

K-pop has consumed my life on many different levels.

I'll wake up in the morning and I'll watch YouTube videos of any like

new K-pop performances that I've missed.

I love CL because I read an interview of hers maybe a couple of years ago

where she talks about being a role model for a lot of younger Asian women who

look up to her.

She mentioned that, you know, a lot of people are sort of

afraid to kind of come out of their shells and fully represent themselves as like this

creative, human, expressive being.

She's trying to encourage these younger women to sort of embrace that.

If I were to meet CL, I would ask her if we could be friends, because I think

she's so cool.

Before we get into it, don't forget to subscribe down below.

In this first look, CL is performing with 2NE1 during Iggy's Best New Band

Concert in 2011.

It is reminiscent of one of her looks in the "I Am The Best"

music video from her outfit to her hair.

It is a distinct look from early on in her music career.

For her eyes, she has winged out eyeshadow.

CL's hair is pulled into a long dramatic ponytail and she has a full set of bangs.

For her lips, she has a nude gloss.





I do look like a completely -


This doesn't look like me.

Oh my god.

I like the, the eyes.

I've never had this hair color before, so it's kind of fun.

Oh my god.


The second look is from a Tiffany T Launch Party in 2014.

CL is a few years into her music career.

She is starting to experiment more with her look.

For her makeup, she has sharp long wings with a little bit of black shadows

smudged on her lower lash line.

She has platinum blonde hair that is braided together in a side fishtail.

The look is finished with a glossy red lip.


This is so crazy.

Oh my gosh.

This is one I feel like it could be a different version of me.

I look like a rich housewife.

You guys really outdid yourselves.

My hair looks good.

I feel fancy, fancy and famous.



This last look is from New York Fashion Week in 2016.

This look is what CL is known for today, where she has pursued more of a

solo career and released her own singles such as, "Hello Bitches".

Her makeup is very intense.

Her eyelids have a base of bronze eyeshadow with an intense black wing on top.

Her base is more contoured than previous looks.

As seen in her singles, she is rocking teased out grey hair.

And on her lips, she has a vampy berry lip.



Now I really look famous.

This is good guys.

I feel like this is like an actual K-pop star look I think for me.

My hair is really cool, and my makeup is bomb.com.

The first one I felt like a shock to the system maybe, because it was

my first transformation.

And the second one I felt like a rich mom, which was great,

cause that's me in the future.

This one is my favorite one.

I feel like this one is the most me.

I feel like I'm ready for my debut as a K-pop star.

I feel like, transformed.

I've evolved.

Thanks for watching.

Let us know what you want to see next time in the comments down below.

To subscribe to Refinery29's YouTube channel, click here,

and to watch more videos, click here.

For more infomation >> I Got Transformed Into KPop Star CL | Beauty Evolution | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:13.


Littlest Pet Shop - I'm Sorry Song (CZ) - Duration: 1:09.

I feel terrible,

if I and Penny would be friends again.

♪ What else next? ♪

♪ I do not know how to get your friendship. ♪

♪ And that's my big trouble. ♪

♪ More and more, it's serious to go crazy. ♪

♪ I'm trying to fix mistakes, ♪

♪ I do not give up. ♪

♪ If it does, I'm afraid, ♪

♪ I have bad luck. ♪

♪ I'm sorry for the bee. ♪

♪ Forgive me. ♪

For more infomation >> Littlest Pet Shop - I'm Sorry Song (CZ) - Duration: 1:09.


🏁Jak vyměnit zadní vrchní uložení tlumiče pružení na VW POLO 4 [NÁVOD AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 11:53.

Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.

Use a socket ı17 and an open-end wrench ı16. Unscrew the nut and remove the stabilizer link from the suspension strut.

Disconnect the wiring.

Use a socket ı10. Disconnect the wiring and the brake hose from the bracket on the shock strut.

Use a socket ı18 and a XZN ı M14. Unscrew the nut and remove the shock absorber lower mounting bolt.

Disconnect the steering knuckle from the shock absorber strut.

Open the hood.

Use a socket ı13. Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount.

Remove the suspension strut.

Using a special tool to compress the spring.

Use a combination spanner ı21 and a hex-nut wrench ı6. Remove the shock absorber piston rod fastening.

Remove the top strut mount.

Install a new strut mount.

Use a combination spanner ı21 and a hex-nut wrench ı6. Screw the shock strut piston rod upper fastening.

Place the shock absorber in the wheel arch and secure it.

Use a socket ı13. Tighten the upper fastener of the shock absorber strut mount.

Close the hood.

Support the lower control arm with a trolley jack.

Use a socket ı18 and a XZN ı M14. Tighten the nut fastening the shock absorber strut to the steering knuckle.

Use a socket ı10. Connect the wiring and the brake hose to the bracket on the shock strut.

Use a socket ı17 and an open-end wrench ı16. Secure the stabilizer link on the suspension strut.

Install the wheel.

For more infomation >> 🏁Jak vyměnit zadní vrchní uložení tlumiče pružení na VW POLO 4 [NÁVOD AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 11:53.


Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood Recap: K. Michelle Goes By Kimberly To Keep It Fake Classy - Duration: 9:48.

Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood Recap: K. Michelle Goes By Kimberly To Keep It Fake Classy

Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood is back and so is K.Michelle, who is now going by Kimberly.

Kimberly, like Erica Mena, just can't seem to get enough of the franchise.

Anyway, going by Kimberly is K. Michelle's attempt to class it up.

We'll see how long that lasts.

Tonight's episode of Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood starts with K. Michelle, uh, Kimberly, meeting up with Moniece and Bridget Kelly, and she's talking about her back-alley butt injections and how she wants to get them surgically removed.

We also find out that Brooke Valentine and Bridget Kelly squashed their beef.

Then we discover that Kimberly has some issues with Lyrica for showing up an hour late to perform at a show she invited her to in New York.

In other beef news, Moniece has been going around telling people that Brandy is Princess and Ray J's surrogate just to be petty because she hates "anyone with the last name Norwood.".

Kimberly finally gets her chance to tell Lyica that she feels some type of way about her unprofessional behavior (Lyrica's lateness cost Kimberly more money).

Lyrica blamed her management and then on the fact that Kimberly told her about the show three days before the show.

Basically, Lyrica wasn't accepting responsibility for her unprofessionalism, which just annoyed Kimberly so she started hitting low blows.

Actually, she dropped the Kimberly act swiftly by telling Lyrica that she was fake just like her marriage.

Mind you, Lyrica actually came in peace so this went left really fast.

It's also ironic that K. Michelle would call anyone else fake, but I digress.

These women continue verbally sparring and then K. Michelle says Safaree told her that Lyrica tried to sleep with him and she attempts to throw a stool at Lyrica but that good ol' security shuts it down.

So much for Kimberly. But we already knew that.

Anyway, life is good for Solo Lucci so he throws a party at a mansion.

A1 is there trying to chillax but then this stripper steps to him talmbout she wants to get into the music business.

Surprise! A stripper that wants to rap!.

Anyway, she starts rapping, and A1 is into it, but then she turns around and starts shaking her assets just to point out that it's there and it's real, and because she's literally doing her job.

Lyrica walks in on this of course and that doesn't go well.

She smacks A1 then starts going in on the stripper, who initially apologized, but turned up after Lyrica started insulting her.

Lyrica is already pissed about the K. Michelle situation which she explains to A1, so seeing the stripper twerking in her man's face just added another trigger.

Now A1 is involved because he plans to have a conversation with K. Michelle in his wife's honor.

It's important to note that he produced her first single on her last album.

Then we're at some event where a 6.5 month pregnant Princess Love inappropriately gets on the mic and calls Moniece out for spreading rumors.

They go back and forth.

Princess tells Moniece to see her after she has the baby so they can throw hands, then she says that maybe she'll show her how to be a good mother and that triggers Moniece enough to call Baby Norwood a demon seed and to try to throw a chair.

Yes, she tried to attack a pregnant woman.

Trash. A1 finally gets to have his chat with K. Michelle and it goes left quickly. A1 thinks K. Michelle is just jealous of his wife because her career is poppin and K's album flopped.

Uh…things are picking up for Lyrica's career, but is she really that poppin?.

Anyway, it gets really ugly when he tells her that her last album flopped because it sucked, her that vocals suck, and that she's banned from the radio for missing promo events.

The Safaree rumor pops up and A1 says he doesn't believe it happened.

This isn't the first time K. Michelle has told a major lie so who knows.

The insults continue until they're finally tired of it but this is just the beginning because now A1 plans to confront Safaree about this rumor.

Lyrica already brought it up to him and denies it, but judging from the fact that A1 runs across the table to charge at Safaree, we can assume the latter doesn't give a desirable answer.

For more infomation >> Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood Recap: K. Michelle Goes By Kimberly To Keep It Fake Classy - Duration: 9:48.


✅ Srdci po infarktu prospívají omega-3 mastné kyseliny - Duration: 2:02.

 Užívání omega-3 mastných kyselin pomáhá předcházet onemocněním srdce a cév. Dokonce prospívá i srdečnímu svalu, který byl již poškozen, například infarktem

Ten nastává, když se průtok krve do některé části srdce zablokuje (třeba krevní sraženinou)

Tento stav zabrání přísunu kyslíku a dochází k poškození srdce. Následně se zvyšuje riziko vzniku dalších srdečních onemocnění a komplikací

Podle nové studie dr. Kwonga a jeho týmu je možné toto riziko snížit užíváním denní dávky omega-3 mastných kyselin

Menší jizva   Léčba srdce po infarktu trvá přibližně 8 týdnů. Během tohoto období dochází obvykle k tvorbě jizvy, která občas změní strukturu a fungování srdce

Jizva může bránit správnému stahování tohoto svalu, čímž hrozí následný vznik arytmií, srdečního selhání i dalších onemocnění

Vědci zjistili, že lidé, kteří po infarktu užívali každý den vysokou dávku omega-3 mastných kyselin po dobu 6 měsíců, měli menší jizvu na srdečním svalu

Vykazovali také lepší srdeční funkci ve srovnání s pacienty po infarktu, kteří užívali placebo (přípravek, který neobsahuje účinnou látku)

Studie se zúčastnilo celkem 360 jedinců po infarktu. Zázračný rybí olej  Omega-3 mastné kyseliny jsou považovány za nezbytné pro zdraví

Lidské tělo si je však samo neumí vyrobit. Získat je můžeme, když do jídelníčku zařadíme: tučné ryby (losos, tuňák, platýs), kvalitní doplňky stravy (nejlépe s rybím olejem)

Jak docílit lepší prognózy?  Už dřívější studie zjistily, že omega-3 mastné kyseliny zvyšují šanci přežití po infarktu

Podle dr. Kwonga a jeho týmu však mechanismus, kterým se tak děje, zůstává nejasný

Vědci však potvrdili pozitivní účinky omega-3 mastných kyselin na lidský organismus

Pokud jsou užívané každodenně a v dostatečném množství, mohou být pro pacienty po infarktu velkým přínosem

 (hah)  Zdroj: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/312049.php

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