Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 24 2018

Hello I'm The Chemistry Guy. In this video we will learn more about atomic

structure, and in particular learn about the atomic orbitals and how those

orbitals correspond to the Periodic Table.

In the presentation called "Atomic Structure" we learned that electrons are particles

that also behave as waves. This is known as the particle-wave duality, and in fact

all objects that are moving have this particle-wave duality, but the electron

is the only particle that is small enough that this is actually a

measurable amount. The wavefunctions describing the probability density of an

electron can be solved for the hydrogen atom, and these wave functions

depend upon three quantum numbers n, l and m. As we learned earlier, the quantum

numbers also have the following rules: n is an integer one two three etc for

each value of n, l can be 0 up to the number 1 less than n, and for each value

of l, m can be from minus l up to positive l. Again to review, n is called

the principal quantum number and it determines the size of the electron

density contour, which is just called an orbital. As n gets larger the orbital

gets larger and on average the electron is further away from the nucleus.

l determines the shape of the orbital and each value of l has a 1-letter

designation. If l is 0 it's an s-orbital, or spherically shaped. If l is equal to 1

it's a p-orbital, l is equal to 2 it's a d-orbital, and L is equal to 3 it's an f-orbital.

m determines the orientation of this orbital or electron density contour,

and in general there are 2l plus 1 such orbitals for each value of l.

We also learned that electrons have a magnetic moment that kind of like a little magnet,

and we call this the electron spin. It is denoted by the quantum number s.

s can have values of -1/2 and 1/2, which we call spin-up and spin-down.

Therefore the electron in an atom is labeled by four quantum numbers n, l, m, and s.

Finally the Pauli Exclusion Principle states that no two electrons

in an atom, or even in a molecule, can have the same four quantum numbers. this

This means that a specific orbital, which for an atom is a set of allowed values of n, l, and m,

can hold only at most two electrons, one spin up and one spin down.

If an atom only has a single electron the energy of the electron is only

determined by the value of n. This means that the 2s and three 2p orbitals all

have the same energy. As soon as the second electron is added this is no

longer true. Here we will use the Periodic Table to see how the orbital

energies are affected as more electrons are present in the atom. the simplest

The simplest atom is hydrogen, which generally has only a single proton in the nucleus and

a single electron around it. It therefore has an elemental number of 1 and is up

here in the upper left-hand corner of the Periodic Table. This electron will go

into the 1s orbital, so we denote the electronic configuration as 1s1 where

the superscript 1 is the number of electrons in this orbital.

Helium has two protons in the nucleus and therefore has two electrons around it.

The second electron also goes into the 1s orbital; one of the electrons will have a spin up

and the other electron will have a spin down and the electronic configuration is 1s2.

These two electrons are all that will fit in the n equals 1 orbital,

which is called the first shell. The column at the right are all closed shell

atoms and are called the Noble Gases.

Lithium has three protons in the nucleus and three electrons around it in the

neutral atom. The first two electrons again go into the 1s orbital, one spin up

and one spin down, and the third electron goes into the 2s orbital. Therefore the

electronic configuration is 1s2 2s1.

Beryllium has four protons in the nucleus and four electrons; two electrons go into the 1s

orbital and the other two going to the 2s orbital. Again the two electrons in a

given orbital must have opposite spins one up and one down.

The electronic configuration for beryllium is 1s2 2s2. Now remember it is

not a filled shell because you've still got all of the 2p orbitals in that

second shell. That is why it's sitting next to lithium.

Boron has an atomic number of 5. Therefore it has 5 protons in the nucleus and 5 electrons around

the neutral atom. Two electrons go into the 1s orbital, two go into the 2s orbital

and the fifth electron goes into a 2p orbital. Remember the two electrons in

the 1s and the 2s orbitals have to have opposite spin.

The electronic configuration of boron therefore is 1s2 2s2 2p1.

Carbon, atomic number six, has six protons in the nucleus and six electrons around it.

It's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p2.

Since electrons are negatively charged they repel each other.

Therefore the two electrons in the 2p orbitals will be in different orbitals,

meaning different values of m. There is a slight advantage in

having the same spins; the magnets will be aligned so they will both be spin up,

for example, when aligned with an external magnetic field.

The electronic configuration for nitrogen, which is atomic number seven, is 1s2 2s2 2p3,

where each of the three electrons in the 2p orbitals will be in different orbitals

and will all have the same spin; all spin up or all spin down.

Oxygen, atomic number 8, has 8 electrons around the nucleus so it's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4.

Two of the electrons in the p-orbitals will have to go into the same orbital, so one must be

spin up and one must be spin down, and the other two will go into separate p-orbitals

with the same spin. fluorine has nine electrons is atomic number nine

Fluorine, atomic number 9, and nine electrons and it's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2s5.

Two P orbitals will be doubly occupied, one spin up and one spin down,

and the third a 2p orbital will only contain a single electron. neon completes

Neon completes the second row of the Periodic Table. It is atomic number ten so it has ten

protons in the nucleus and ten electrons around it and it will fill all of the 1s

2s and 2p orbitals. it's electronic configuration therefore is 1s2 2s2 2s6.

It is a closed shell system and it

is the second member of the Noble Gases.

We can see that we have a noble gas whenever a set of p-orbitals within a shell, which is a

value of n, is filled. Argon is the third noble Noble Gas.

It has an electronic configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6,

filling the third row. It is considered a closed shell system even

though there are 3d orbitals present that are unoccupied.

So again Noble Gases only really are filling the s and p orbitals of a given shell.

Looking at the 4th row of the Periodic Table, the first two electrons

go into the 4s orbital, the next 10 electrons go into the 3d orbitals, and

the final 6 electrons go into the 4p orbitals. The electronic configuration

for Krypton is 1s2, filling the first shell, 2s2 2p6, filling the second shell,

3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6.

This is cumbersome so instead we can just write

Ar 4s2 3d10 4p6, where Ar just means the

electronic configuration of argon, which takes care of the first and second

shells and the 3s2 3p6. Things get a little crazy when

we get to the sixth row of the Periodic Table because, as you can see, here we

have a breakout which is the Lathanide series, which is actually represents the

4f orbitals. So as we start to fill across, the first two electrons will go

into the 6ss orbitals, and then we start put one into a 5d and jump down

here, so by the time we get to Lutentium, Lu, which is atomic number

71, the electronic configuration is 6s2 4f14 5d1.

From there we fill up the rest of the 5d orbitals so that by Mercury (Hg) which

is here, atomic number eighty, the electronic

configuration is xenon 6s2 4f14 5d10.

Then we add the next six electrons to

the 6p orbitals to get radon, atomic number 86, and therefore its electronic

configuration is Xenon 6s2 4f14 5d10,6p6.

As you've probably figured out, the Periodic Table

has the following form. Each row corresponds to the quantum number n so

as you go across for the s and p-orbitals they get larger for the outermost electrons for each Element.

The first two columns are for

the s-orbitals. These columns over here are generally for the p-orbitals. In the

middle we've got the d-orbitals but the d-orbitals are for the quantum number

one below the row. So even though this is the fourth row these are the 3d

orbitals here, and then we've got the Lanthanides and Actinides down here that

correspond to the f-orbitals. They are for the shell two lower, so again when

I've got the 6s, I then go to the 4fs,

the 5d's and then the 6p's. The only exception to this periodic table is

Helium. Some Periodic Tables place it above Beryllium since it's electronic

configuration is 1s2 or two electrons in an s-orbital. But since it

fills the n equals 1 shell, most Periodic Tables place it in the last column

so that all of the Nobel Gases are together.

Nobel Gases are very stable and other atoms, if possible, would like to look

like a Noble Gas. Therefore Lithium, which is basically the two electrons in

the 1s plus a single electron in the 2s, easily loses an electron to become

Lithium plus. Remember that's called an a cation, or just an ion, so that it's

electronic configuration is the same as helium. Calcium will lose two electrons

forming Ca 2+ so that it's electronic configuration is the same as Neon.

Losing an electron is easier as the atom gets bigger in other words as the n

or the shell of the last electron gets larger.

At the other extreme fluorine and chlorine would like to gain an electron to become F- and Cl-, or anions,

so that they look like Neon and Argon, respectively. This will fill either

the second shell or the fill out the 3s and 3p electron orbitals. The desire to

gain or lose an electron is called the electronegativity. Atoms with a lower net

electronegativity will lose electrons and those with a high electronegativity

will want to gain electrons. Therefore the electronegativity increases from the

lower left of the periodic table to the upper right,

not counting the noble gases as they already have the desired electronic configuration.

So again the elements down here in this corner have the lowest

electronegativity and will easily lose an electron or two electrons depending

upon what column they're in and it goes all the way up to here with Fluorine and

Chlorine having very high electronegativities because they want to

gain an electron so that they look like two Nobel Gases.

Carbon is in a weird position. it's electronic configuration is 1 s

square 2 s squared 2 P squared therefore It would have to lose 4 electrons from

the n equals 2 shell, or gain 4 electrons, in order to look like a Noble Gas.

Neither of these are possible, so instead it shares its 4 outermost electrons,

called valence electrons, with an electron from up to four other atoms so

that it effectively has eight electrons in this outermost shell. This is known as

the octet rule. We will talk about chemical bonding in "Atomic Orbitals,

Molecular Orbitals and Bonding. As a final point on the Periodic Table, the

Elements are put together into various groups. In the first column with the

exception of hydrogen we've got the Alkali Metals then and they will all

want to lose an electron. In the second column there are the

Alkaline Earth elements, and they want to lose two electrons.

Through here we've got the Transition Metals. We then have the metals. We know that

aluminum is a metal. These are called the Metalloids. Silicon is a semiconductor

used in computer chips because it kind of allows electrons to

flow. Then Hydrogen and this group right here, which is the great majority of the

chemistry in our bodies, are nonmetals they only want to form bonds.

Generally though, Hydrogen can lose an electron. The next group are the Halogens.

They want to gain an electron so that they look electronically like the Noble

Gases. Then down here we've got the Lathanides and we've got the Actinides.

Please note that this picture is not mine, I got it from the web, and they

messed up on the colors between the Lathanides and Actinides. Lathanides should be light

purple and the Actinides should be the salmon color.

I hope you enjoyed this video and if you enjoyed it I hope you will support my

Patreon page

For more infomation >> How is the Electronic Structure of Atoms Reflected in the Periodic Table of the Elements? - Duration: 18:07.


Jack and Dani spark SPLIT fears as she makes confession after huge Love Island row - Duration: 3:33.

 Love Island stars Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham's massive row over the lie detector test results might lead to the couple's break-up, as Dani is convinced she "can't be with a liar"

 The lovebirds, who have been paired up since the first episode, had been tipped to win the show, but the lie detector test had cause their biggest argument yet

 Their row broke out after Jack Fincham answered "No" when he was asked if he would be tempted by other girls outside the villa, which the lie detector determined to be a lie

 With the handsome islander having cheated on his previous partners, Dani Dyer highlighted that this question meant the most to her and got quite upset following the test

 Confused by the results, she confessed to the girls: "I can't be with a liar."  After confronting her beau about it, a huge argument broke and Dani decided to walk away from the conversation, which further upset Jack

 During Tuesday night's episode, the Essex beauty further explained her upset at the Beach Hut saying: "I'm just so upset with him right now

I just think I've never had to walk away from a situation but he wasn't listening to a word I had to say

   "He was just being so defensive of it all. I just want him to understand where I'm coming from

I'm p****d off with him and I never am. I'm just hurt, I am hurt with Jack."  However, Jack was convinced he was in the right and that Dani getting upset over the test results was meaningless, as he told the boys: "Do you know what mate, I'm just really upset and angry at how that went and I'll tell you for why

   "She's upset like 'could you be tempted by other girls outside of here?' All I can do is say to her 'Dan, you've got nothing to worry about, let me show you

' Which is what I kept saying.  Related Love Island: Jack and Dani on the rocks after huge falling out Love Island: Dani reacts to Alexandra's hideaway lingerie Love Island: Paul dodges Alexandra kiss avdances Love Island fans threaten to BOYCOTT the show if Jack Fincham and Dani Dyer split Love Island: Fans are concerned after Jack Fincham and Dani Dyer's chicken fajitas Jack Love Island: Fans DISGUSTED at Jack Fincham over 'gross' habit Love Island's Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham to get their own show as fans demand it Jack and Dani kissing: Love Island fans 'concerned' over Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham kiss  "But she wasn't having any of it

Do you know the thing that's upset me the most right? She's upset and having a go at me for something that hasn't even happened yet

".  Love Island continues on ITV2 every night from 9pm.

For more infomation >> Jack and Dani spark SPLIT fears as she makes confession after huge Love Island row - Duration: 3:33.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 EXCLUSIVE ALLGRIP - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 EXCLUSIVE ALLGRIP - Duration: 1:12.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-CONNECTA Trekhaak/ Nav. - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-CONNECTA Trekhaak/ Nav. - Duration: 1:08.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 1:05.


Fiat 500C TwinAir® Turbo S Cabriolet - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500C TwinAir® Turbo S Cabriolet - Duration: 1:07.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTI SOL S-LINE PAKKET. LEER. AIRCO. 1e EIGENAAR. - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTI SOL S-LINE PAKKET. LEER. AIRCO. 1e EIGENAAR. - Duration: 0:53.


✅ Suicide d'Oksana Chatchko : La Femen de 31 ans s'est donné la mort à Paris - Duration: 3:32.

 C'est un coup dur pour les féministes et toutes les militantes des droits des femmes qui perdent l'une de leurs icônes

D'après l'AFP, la cofondatrice des Femen, l'Ukrainienne Oksana Chatchko, est morte lundi 23 juillet 2018 dans son appartement à Paris

Elle était âgée de 31 ans.   C'est l'activiste Inna Shevchenko, leader de l'organisation, qui a confirmé la triste nouvelle

"Oksana a été retrouvée hier à Paris dans son appartement. Elle s'est suicidée", a-t-elle précisé par téléphone à l'AFP

Dans la matinée, Anna Goutsol, autre cofondatrice du mouvement, a également confirmé son décès sur sa page Facebook, restant toutefois prudente sur les causes de sa mort : "La plus courageuse

(.) Oksana Chatchko nous a quittés. Avec ses proches et sa famille, nous sommes en deuil et nous attendons la version officielle de la police

Pour le moment, ce que nous savons, c'est que (.) le corps d'Oksana a été retrouvé dans son appartement à Paris

Selon ses amis, elle a laissé une lettre de suicide."   Avec d'autres militantes, Oksana Chatchko avait fondé le mouvement féministe qui s'est fait connaître pour ses actions seins nus en avril 2008 à Kiev, en Ukraine

Exilée en France depuis 2013, la jeune femme avait quitté l'organisation et continuait son travail d'artiste peintre

En 2014, elle s'était confiée au magazine Philosophie pour évoquer son combat pour les femmes et sa peur des représailles

"Nous luttions dès 2008 contre ce système, et pour le droit, avec nos moyens, au nom de la liberté personnelle mais aussi au nom de l'humanité, pour défendre le droit des femmes et leur place dans la société

Ce ne sont pas de grands mots : je dois pouvoir montrer l'exemple si je crois en ce que je fais. Nous avons ainsi protesté contre Poutine, contre le dictateur biélorusse Loukachenko

J'ai été arrêtée, couverte de plumes et teinte en verte, battue, torturée. J'ai cru que la fin était proche. Je suis psychologiquement prête à être défigurée ou tuée, même s'il m'arrive, comme tous, d'éprouver la peur dans la vie quotidienne

Les semaines de préparation qui précèdent nos actions suscitent parfois de l'appréhension. Mais celle-ci laisse place, dans l'action résolue, à un sentiment très particulier qui ne repose ni sur la peur, ni sur la honte, ni même sur le courage

On éprouve un sentiment de grande force soutenu par la pensée que nos actions sont justes. Si je suis prête à donner ma vie pour mes idées ? Mais je l'ai déjà donnée ! Je l'ai donnée, mue par une conviction : le véritable art, c'est la révolution


For more infomation >> ✅ Suicide d'Oksana Chatchko : La Femen de 31 ans s'est donné la mort à Paris - Duration: 3:32.


Charlotte Casiraghi et son fiancé rejoignent Caroline à St Tropez -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi et son fiancé rejoignent Caroline à St Tropez -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.


✅ Emmanuel Macron réapparaît avec une personnalité : découvrez laquelle - Duration: 1:50.

Emmanuel Macron traverse sans doute la plus grave crise politique depuis son élection en mai 2017. La semaine dernière, Le Monde révélait qu'Alexandre Benalla, l'ancien garde du corps du président, s'en était violemment pris à des jeunes le 1er mai lors d'une manifestation qui s'était terminée place de la Contrescarpe, dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris

Une altercation qui a mis le feu aux poudres et conduit le jeune homme en garde à vue. Silencieux depuis les premières révélations de cette affaire, Emmanuel Macron est apparu ce mardi en compagnie d'une fervente défenseuse de la cause animale… Brigitte Bardot ! Un rendez-vous au cours duquel « tous les aspects de la condition animale en France et ses attentes » ont été évoqués

Si l'ex-gloire du cinéma avait déjà rencontré Nicolas Sarkozy à ce sujet en 2007, elle espère que les choses avancent davantage avec l'actuel chef de l'Etat

Elle l'avait d'ailleurs interpellé en début d'année sur « retour des chasses présidentielles et les reculades concernant la vidéosurveillance dans les abattoirs »

Si cet entretien promettait d'être animé, il n'en était rien. La pensionnaire de la Madrague en est ressortie satisfaite, comme le rapporte Christophe Marie, son bras droit

« Globalement Brigitte a été très agréablement surprise par cet entretien, Emmanuel Macron était dans une démarche réfléchie et intellectuelle à la différence de Nicolas Sarkozy autrefois qui était plus dans la séduction pour faire plaisir à Brigitte sans vraiment être dans l'analyse de ses demandes qu'il n'a d'ailleurs pas tenues… » Présent durant l'entrevue, Nemo a dû certainement faire les yeux doux à BB

For more infomation >> ✅ Emmanuel Macron réapparaît avec une personnalité : découvrez laquelle - Duration: 1:50.


[LIVE] [German] [+18] Random Zeug | Green-Screen Facecam - Duration: 1:08:27.

For more infomation >> [LIVE] [German] [+18] Random Zeug | Green-Screen Facecam - Duration: 1:08:27.


✅ PHOTO Lara Fabian sans maquillage : ses fans sont sous le charme - Duration: 2:00.

L'été est là depuis longtemps et Lara Fabian espère bien panser ses plaies. Ces derniers mois ont été difficiles pour la chanteuse de 48 ans qui pleure toujours le décès de sa grande amie Maurane, retrouvée morte le 7 mai dernier

Après une émouvante lettre d'adieu et un hommage bouleversant sur scène, celle qui interprétait Tu es mon autre avec la star belge comptait sur sa tournée pour trouver du réconfort auprès de ses fans

Alors qu'elle fait actuellement une petite pause dans sa série de shows, Lara Fabian profite du beau temps et de ses vacances pour retrouver l'apaisement

Depuis quelques jours, la chanteuse affiche de nouveau sa joie de vivre et son sourire éclatant sur les réseaux sociaux

Et quoi de mieux pour se ressourcer que de revenir à l'essentiel. Sur son compte Instagram, Lara Fabian a publié une photo pour souhaiter « une bonne semaine » à tous ses internautes

Vêtue d'un bustier ou d'un maillot de bain, la Belgo-Canadienne a décidé de se dévoiler sans maquillage. Un cliché 100% naturel qui a séduit ses abonnés

« Bellissima », « magnifique même au naturel », « il y a quelque chose d'authentique qui me touche » ou encore « jolie tout court », peut-on lire en commentaires sur le réseau social

Autant de compliments pour lui crier «  je t'aime ! »

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Lara Fabian sans maquillage : ses fans sont sous le charme - Duration: 2:00.


✅ Larm om skottlossning i Göteborg - Duration: 1:34.

Polisen har larmats till en skottlossning i västra Göteborg. Arkivbild.Bild: Stina Stjernkvist/TT Polisen i Göteborg har larmats till en misstänkt skottlossning vid Kungstensmotet i den västra delen av staden

Vittnen uppger för polisen att två maskerade personer på en moped skjutit mot en tredje person och sedan kört vidare

– Vi är på platsen och pratar med folk som eventuellt har sett någonting. Ingen har hittats skadad, säger Hans Lippens, presstalesperson vid polisen

Larmet kom vid 18-tiden på tisdagen. Händelsen rubriceras inledningsvis som försök till mord

En plats är avspärrad men polisen har inte säkrat några spår efter skottlossning, exempelvis tomhylsor

TT: Är vittnesmålen om att det varit skottlossning trovärdiga?– Ja, det är trovärdigt

Sedan vet vi inte om det är skarpa skott eller något annat, säger Hans Lippens.

For more infomation >> ✅ Larm om skottlossning i Göteborg - Duration: 1:34.





How is the Electronic Structure of Atoms Reflected in the Periodic Table of the Elements? - Duration: 18:07.

Hello I'm The Chemistry Guy. In this video we will learn more about atomic

structure, and in particular learn about the atomic orbitals and how those

orbitals correspond to the Periodic Table.

In the presentation called "Atomic Structure" we learned that electrons are particles

that also behave as waves. This is known as the particle-wave duality, and in fact

all objects that are moving have this particle-wave duality, but the electron

is the only particle that is small enough that this is actually a

measurable amount. The wavefunctions describing the probability density of an

electron can be solved for the hydrogen atom, and these wave functions

depend upon three quantum numbers n, l and m. As we learned earlier, the quantum

numbers also have the following rules: n is an integer one two three etc for

each value of n, l can be 0 up to the number 1 less than n, and for each value

of l, m can be from minus l up to positive l. Again to review, n is called

the principal quantum number and it determines the size of the electron

density contour, which is just called an orbital. As n gets larger the orbital

gets larger and on average the electron is further away from the nucleus.

l determines the shape of the orbital and each value of l has a 1-letter

designation. If l is 0 it's an s-orbital, or spherically shaped. If l is equal to 1

it's a p-orbital, l is equal to 2 it's a d-orbital, and L is equal to 3 it's an f-orbital.

m determines the orientation of this orbital or electron density contour,

and in general there are 2l plus 1 such orbitals for each value of l.

We also learned that electrons have a magnetic moment that kind of like a little magnet,

and we call this the electron spin. It is denoted by the quantum number s.

s can have values of -1/2 and 1/2, which we call spin-up and spin-down.

Therefore the electron in an atom is labeled by four quantum numbers n, l, m, and s.

Finally the Pauli Exclusion Principle states that no two electrons

in an atom, or even in a molecule, can have the same four quantum numbers. this

This means that a specific orbital, which for an atom is a set of allowed values of n, l, and m,

can hold only at most two electrons, one spin up and one spin down.

If an atom only has a single electron the energy of the electron is only

determined by the value of n. This means that the 2s and three 2p orbitals all

have the same energy. As soon as the second electron is added this is no

longer true. Here we will use the Periodic Table to see how the orbital

energies are affected as more electrons are present in the atom. the simplest

The simplest atom is hydrogen, which generally has only a single proton in the nucleus and

a single electron around it. It therefore has an elemental number of 1 and is up

here in the upper left-hand corner of the Periodic Table. This electron will go

into the 1s orbital, so we denote the electronic configuration as 1s1 where

the superscript 1 is the number of electrons in this orbital.

Helium has two protons in the nucleus and therefore has two electrons around it.

The second electron also goes into the 1s orbital; one of the electrons will have a spin up

and the other electron will have a spin down and the electronic configuration is 1s2.

These two electrons are all that will fit in the n equals 1 orbital,

which is called the first shell. The column at the right are all closed shell

atoms and are called the Noble Gases.

Lithium has three protons in the nucleus and three electrons around it in the

neutral atom. The first two electrons again go into the 1s orbital, one spin up

and one spin down, and the third electron goes into the 2s orbital. Therefore the

electronic configuration is 1s2 2s1.

Beryllium has four protons in the nucleus and four electrons; two electrons go into the 1s

orbital and the other two going to the 2s orbital. Again the two electrons in a

given orbital must have opposite spins one up and one down.

The electronic configuration for beryllium is 1s2 2s2. Now remember it is

not a filled shell because you've still got all of the 2p orbitals in that

second shell. That is why it's sitting next to lithium.

Boron has an atomic number of 5. Therefore it has 5 protons in the nucleus and 5 electrons around

the neutral atom. Two electrons go into the 1s orbital, two go into the 2s orbital

and the fifth electron goes into a 2p orbital. Remember the two electrons in

the 1s and the 2s orbitals have to have opposite spin.

The electronic configuration of boron therefore is 1s2 2s2 2p1.

Carbon, atomic number six, has six protons in the nucleus and six electrons around it.

It's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p2.

Since electrons are negatively charged they repel each other.

Therefore the two electrons in the 2p orbitals will be in different orbitals,

meaning different values of m. There is a slight advantage in

having the same spins; the magnets will be aligned so they will both be spin up,

for example, when aligned with an external magnetic field.

The electronic configuration for nitrogen, which is atomic number seven, is 1s2 2s2 2p3,

where each of the three electrons in the 2p orbitals will be in different orbitals

and will all have the same spin; all spin up or all spin down.

Oxygen, atomic number 8, has 8 electrons around the nucleus so it's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4.

Two of the electrons in the p-orbitals will have to go into the same orbital, so one must be

spin up and one must be spin down, and the other two will go into separate p-orbitals

with the same spin. fluorine has nine electrons is atomic number nine

Fluorine, atomic number 9, and nine electrons and it's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2s5.

Two P orbitals will be doubly occupied, one spin up and one spin down,

and the third a 2p orbital will only contain a single electron. neon completes

Neon completes the second row of the Periodic Table. It is atomic number ten so it has ten

protons in the nucleus and ten electrons around it and it will fill all of the 1s

2s and 2p orbitals. it's electronic configuration therefore is 1s2 2s2 2s6.

It is a closed shell system and it

is the second member of the Noble Gases.

We can see that we have a noble gas whenever a set of p-orbitals within a shell, which is a

value of n, is filled. Argon is the third noble Noble Gas.

It has an electronic configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6,

filling the third row. It is considered a closed shell system even

though there are 3d orbitals present that are unoccupied.

So again Noble Gases only really are filling the s and p orbitals of a given shell.

Looking at the 4th row of the Periodic Table, the first two electrons

go into the 4s orbital, the next 10 electrons go into the 3d orbitals, and

the final 6 electrons go into the 4p orbitals. The electronic configuration

for Krypton is 1s2, filling the first shell, 2s2 2p6, filling the second shell,

3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6.

This is cumbersome so instead we can just write

Ar 4s2 3d10 4p6, where Ar just means the

electronic configuration of argon, which takes care of the first and second

shells and the 3s2 3p6. Things get a little crazy when

we get to the sixth row of the Periodic Table because, as you can see, here we

have a breakout which is the Lathanide series, which is actually represents the

4f orbitals. So as we start to fill across, the first two electrons will go

into the 6ss orbitals, and then we start put one into a 5d and jump down

here, so by the time we get to Lutentium, Lu, which is atomic number

71, the electronic configuration is 6s2 4f14 5d1.

From there we fill up the rest of the 5d orbitals so that by Mercury (Hg) which

is here, atomic number eighty, the electronic

configuration is xenon 6s2 4f14 5d10.

Then we add the next six electrons to

the 6p orbitals to get radon, atomic number 86, and therefore its electronic

configuration is Xenon 6s2 4f14 5d10,6p6.

As you've probably figured out, the Periodic Table

has the following form. Each row corresponds to the quantum number n so

as you go across for the s and p-orbitals they get larger for the outermost electrons for each Element.

The first two columns are for

the s-orbitals. These columns over here are generally for the p-orbitals. In the

middle we've got the d-orbitals but the d-orbitals are for the quantum number

one below the row. So even though this is the fourth row these are the 3d

orbitals here, and then we've got the Lanthanides and Actinides down here that

correspond to the f-orbitals. They are for the shell two lower, so again when

I've got the 6s, I then go to the 4fs,

the 5d's and then the 6p's. The only exception to this periodic table is

Helium. Some Periodic Tables place it above Beryllium since it's electronic

configuration is 1s2 or two electrons in an s-orbital. But since it

fills the n equals 1 shell, most Periodic Tables place it in the last column

so that all of the Nobel Gases are together.

Nobel Gases are very stable and other atoms, if possible, would like to look

like a Noble Gas. Therefore Lithium, which is basically the two electrons in

the 1s plus a single electron in the 2s, easily loses an electron to become

Lithium plus. Remember that's called an a cation, or just an ion, so that it's

electronic configuration is the same as helium. Calcium will lose two electrons

forming Ca 2+ so that it's electronic configuration is the same as Neon.

Losing an electron is easier as the atom gets bigger in other words as the n

or the shell of the last electron gets larger.

At the other extreme fluorine and chlorine would like to gain an electron to become F- and Cl-, or anions,

so that they look like Neon and Argon, respectively. This will fill either

the second shell or the fill out the 3s and 3p electron orbitals. The desire to

gain or lose an electron is called the electronegativity. Atoms with a lower net

electronegativity will lose electrons and those with a high electronegativity

will want to gain electrons. Therefore the electronegativity increases from the

lower left of the periodic table to the upper right,

not counting the noble gases as they already have the desired electronic configuration.

So again the elements down here in this corner have the lowest

electronegativity and will easily lose an electron or two electrons depending

upon what column they're in and it goes all the way up to here with Fluorine and

Chlorine having very high electronegativities because they want to

gain an electron so that they look like two Nobel Gases.

Carbon is in a weird position. it's electronic configuration is 1 s

square 2 s squared 2 P squared therefore It would have to lose 4 electrons from

the n equals 2 shell, or gain 4 electrons, in order to look like a Noble Gas.

Neither of these are possible, so instead it shares its 4 outermost electrons,

called valence electrons, with an electron from up to four other atoms so

that it effectively has eight electrons in this outermost shell. This is known as

the octet rule. We will talk about chemical bonding in "Atomic Orbitals,

Molecular Orbitals and Bonding. As a final point on the Periodic Table, the

Elements are put together into various groups. In the first column with the

exception of hydrogen we've got the Alkali Metals then and they will all

want to lose an electron. In the second column there are the

Alkaline Earth elements, and they want to lose two electrons.

Through here we've got the Transition Metals. We then have the metals. We know that

aluminum is a metal. These are called the Metalloids. Silicon is a semiconductor

used in computer chips because it kind of allows electrons to

flow. Then Hydrogen and this group right here, which is the great majority of the

chemistry in our bodies, are nonmetals they only want to form bonds.

Generally though, Hydrogen can lose an electron. The next group are the Halogens.

They want to gain an electron so that they look electronically like the Noble

Gases. Then down here we've got the Lathanides and we've got the Actinides.

Please note that this picture is not mine, I got it from the web, and they

messed up on the colors between the Lathanides and Actinides. Lathanides should be light

purple and the Actinides should be the salmon color.

I hope you enjoyed this video and if you enjoyed it I hope you will support my

Patreon page

For more infomation >> How is the Electronic Structure of Atoms Reflected in the Periodic Table of the Elements? - Duration: 18:07.


The Dritvík Stones at Djupalonssandur - FULLSTERKUR - Duration: 0:55.


The most popular sport

throughout the centuries from the Vikings

was lifting heavy stones.

A very famous set of stones is in Dritvik.

They used to have these tests

you know, if you could lift the heaviest one

you were allowed to be one of the crew on the fishing boats.

But only very few

maybe one in a thousand or something

could lift the most heavy one...

...Full Strong.

For more infomation >> The Dritvík Stones at Djupalonssandur - FULLSTERKUR - Duration: 0:55.


Meghan Markle et Harry : la belle histoire romantique cachée derrière le cadeau d'Elizabeth II - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle et Harry : la belle histoire romantique cachée derrière le cadeau d'Elizabeth II - Duration: 2:42.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D | 18'' LMV - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D | 18'' LMV - Duration: 1:12.


✅ Suicide d'Oksana Chatchko : La Femen de 31 ans s'est donné la mort à Paris - Duration: 3:32.

 C'est un coup dur pour les féministes et toutes les militantes des droits des femmes qui perdent l'une de leurs icônes

D'après l'AFP, la cofondatrice des Femen, l'Ukrainienne Oksana Chatchko, est morte lundi 23 juillet 2018 dans son appartement à Paris

Elle était âgée de 31 ans.   C'est l'activiste Inna Shevchenko, leader de l'organisation, qui a confirmé la triste nouvelle

"Oksana a été retrouvée hier à Paris dans son appartement. Elle s'est suicidée", a-t-elle précisé par téléphone à l'AFP

Dans la matinée, Anna Goutsol, autre cofondatrice du mouvement, a également confirmé son décès sur sa page Facebook, restant toutefois prudente sur les causes de sa mort : "La plus courageuse

(.) Oksana Chatchko nous a quittés. Avec ses proches et sa famille, nous sommes en deuil et nous attendons la version officielle de la police

Pour le moment, ce que nous savons, c'est que (.) le corps d'Oksana a été retrouvé dans son appartement à Paris

Selon ses amis, elle a laissé une lettre de suicide."   Avec d'autres militantes, Oksana Chatchko avait fondé le mouvement féministe qui s'est fait connaître pour ses actions seins nus en avril 2008 à Kiev, en Ukraine

Exilée en France depuis 2013, la jeune femme avait quitté l'organisation et continuait son travail d'artiste peintre

En 2014, elle s'était confiée au magazine Philosophie pour évoquer son combat pour les femmes et sa peur des représailles

"Nous luttions dès 2008 contre ce système, et pour le droit, avec nos moyens, au nom de la liberté personnelle mais aussi au nom de l'humanité, pour défendre le droit des femmes et leur place dans la société

Ce ne sont pas de grands mots : je dois pouvoir montrer l'exemple si je crois en ce que je fais. Nous avons ainsi protesté contre Poutine, contre le dictateur biélorusse Loukachenko

J'ai été arrêtée, couverte de plumes et teinte en verte, battue, torturée. J'ai cru que la fin était proche. Je suis psychologiquement prête à être défigurée ou tuée, même s'il m'arrive, comme tous, d'éprouver la peur dans la vie quotidienne

Les semaines de préparation qui précèdent nos actions suscitent parfois de l'appréhension. Mais celle-ci laisse place, dans l'action résolue, à un sentiment très particulier qui ne repose ni sur la peur, ni sur la honte, ni même sur le courage

On éprouve un sentiment de grande force soutenu par la pensée que nos actions sont justes. Si je suis prête à donner ma vie pour mes idées ? Mais je l'ai déjà donnée ! Je l'ai donnée, mue par une conviction : le véritable art, c'est la révolution


For more infomation >> ✅ Suicide d'Oksana Chatchko : La Femen de 31 ans s'est donné la mort à Paris - Duration: 3:32.


De grands changements d'énergie comme la plus longue éclipse du siècle associée à la lune - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> De grands changements d'énergie comme la plus longue éclipse du siècle associée à la lune - Duration: 7:01.


Charlotte Casiraghi et son fiancé rejoignent Caroline à St Tropez -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi et son fiancé rejoignent Caroline à St Tropez -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.


BigBong - La Potion Magique du Ninja - Duration: 2:13.

Hey you there!

You want to be as strong and agile as a ninja?

Never mind, it's too hot!

Hi everybody, BigBong here!

For my birthday, my friends Pierre & Christian

gave me an amazing present

A Régénère juicer!

I've always wanted to have one, so thank you guys

I'm so happy!

Like more and more people

I try to be careful with my diet

and what better way than a freshly made juice to be full of energy *like a peach

Haha that's a bad pun!

So what I'd like to do today

is to prepare a juice that's simple but healthy

I call it the "Ninja's Magic Potion"

For this, we would need 1 apple, 3 carrots

1 handful of parsley, 2 garlic cloves and 1 piece of ginger

The machine is very easy to set up and once it's done

We just need to cut the ingredients so that they fit the drum's pipe

So we aim for chunks of about 3 cm

Then, we just need to insert all these chunks

by pushing them to the bottom of the drum if they block

and just let the magic work!

I love it and it's not noisy at all

There is even something satisfying listening to the sound of extraction

I call this juice "Ninja's Magic Potion"

because it's an excellent way to boost one's immunity

I'm certainly not an expert in the field

but roughly speaking, carrots and parsley are full of vitamins

especially vitamin A which is essential for vision

Carrots are also plenty of antioxidants

so excellent for the skin and for the weight

ginger and garlic stimulate the immune system

besides helping with digestion

and the apple gives a nice sweet taste

The waste is organic so 100% compostable

Yes, a true magic potion

which is going to give a nice little boost to your body!

For a most efficient preservation

I always use glass bottles that I recycle

Now if you live in Quebec

it's your lucky day!

Because by using the promotional code in the description

on GreenBalance Canada's website

you would not have to pay the delivery costs

for this Régénère HOR-3001 juicer

Don't wait too long!

Because the number of machines is limited

Either way, I can tell you that it's a good birthday gift!

Alright, see you soon for more videos!

For more infomation >> BigBong - La Potion Magique du Ninja - Duration: 2:13.


How to Improve the Male Singing Voice | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> How to Improve the Male Singing Voice | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 7:04.


✅ Emmanuel Macron réapparaît avec une personnalité : découvrez laquelle - Duration: 1:50.

Emmanuel Macron traverse sans doute la plus grave crise politique depuis son élection en mai 2017. La semaine dernière, Le Monde révélait qu'Alexandre Benalla, l'ancien garde du corps du président, s'en était violemment pris à des jeunes le 1er mai lors d'une manifestation qui s'était terminée place de la Contrescarpe, dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris

Une altercation qui a mis le feu aux poudres et conduit le jeune homme en garde à vue. Silencieux depuis les premières révélations de cette affaire, Emmanuel Macron est apparu ce mardi en compagnie d'une fervente défenseuse de la cause animale… Brigitte Bardot ! Un rendez-vous au cours duquel « tous les aspects de la condition animale en France et ses attentes » ont été évoqués

Si l'ex-gloire du cinéma avait déjà rencontré Nicolas Sarkozy à ce sujet en 2007, elle espère que les choses avancent davantage avec l'actuel chef de l'Etat

Elle l'avait d'ailleurs interpellé en début d'année sur « retour des chasses présidentielles et les reculades concernant la vidéosurveillance dans les abattoirs »

Si cet entretien promettait d'être animé, il n'en était rien. La pensionnaire de la Madrague en est ressortie satisfaite, comme le rapporte Christophe Marie, son bras droit

« Globalement Brigitte a été très agréablement surprise par cet entretien, Emmanuel Macron était dans une démarche réfléchie et intellectuelle à la différence de Nicolas Sarkozy autrefois qui était plus dans la séduction pour faire plaisir à Brigitte sans vraiment être dans l'analyse de ses demandes qu'il n'a d'ailleurs pas tenues… » Présent durant l'entrevue, Nemo a dû certainement faire les yeux doux à BB

For more infomation >> ✅ Emmanuel Macron réapparaît avec une personnalité : découvrez laquelle - Duration: 1:50.


The most TINGLY Greetings? ("Hello" in 80+ languages)(ASMR Whispers) - Duration: 18:33.

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video

where I'll try to pronounce "Hello" in a lot of languages.

First, let me thank you, thank you everyone,

who has helped me on this project.

OK, so shall we start?

Let's do it!

For more infomation >> The most TINGLY Greetings? ("Hello" in 80+ languages)(ASMR Whispers) - Duration: 18:33.


A New Theory of Gravity | Erik Verlinde on Dark Energy, String Theory, and Reformulating Einstein - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> A New Theory of Gravity | Erik Verlinde on Dark Energy, String Theory, and Reformulating Einstein - Duration: 4:30.


Morato - Grissani - di mano in mano - 10 (23-7-2018) - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> Morato - Grissani - di mano in mano - 10 (23-7-2018) - Duration: 0:11.


La promesse déchirante que le Prince William a faite à Diana avant sa mo.r.t. Secret est dévoilé - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> La promesse déchirante que le Prince William a faite à Diana avant sa mo.r.t. Secret est dévoilé - Duration: 2:05.


Down goes the bike. - Duration: 1:47.


You're ok ?

Yeah. Can you help me lift it ?


How did you fall ?

I just wanted to stop. I fell at like 2 or 3 km/h.

Just wanted to stop and woush...

...it went away...

No hurt ?

I would love if you could help me lift it so I can remove my foot.

Oh, you're stuck.




You'll be ok ?

Yeah, it's fine.

I wanted to stop cause I caught a bug in my eye.

So I went to stop on the side and I slipped

And the ankle ? It's ok ?

Uh, yeah... The ankle is ok.

You want to call the firefighters ? (basically France's 911)

Nah, it's fine.

I tell you, I fell almost at full stop.

It just sucks for the bike.

Yeah... What you got [damaged] ? The fairings...

The gear selector is fine ? Not too bent?

Yeah, it's fine.

It's good ? No issue on this ?

Oh... It's sucks..

That happens...

For more infomation >> Down goes the bike. - Duration: 1:47.


Video 3 - Scaling a K8s Cluster in Symphony - Duration: 7:58.

Hello everyone, welcome to Stratoscale Hybrid DevOps Pros, I'm Ariel and I'm here with Liaz. Hi Ariel. Hi Liaz

So today we're going to see how we scale a Kubernetes cluster

okay, so we've deployed a Kubernetes cluster inside of a VPC using Terraform and then again using

Terraform we set up a load balancer and we deployed an application into that Kubernetes cluster

Now, let's see how we can scale that cluster. So I have

all kinds of stories from my customers on how much it's

an "easy" (quotes) to scale a Kubernetes cluster so if they're working on


Environment then they need to ask their IT guy get me another machine that might take days, weeks, virtual machines again

let's see how easy it is to extend on a unified solution such as

Symphony. So managed Kubernetes services on symphony 4.2.6

Make your life easier, right? They take away all the undifferentiated heavy lifting

making it easy to use Kubernetes and

Don't need to bother with deploying it. No. Just think of the business value need to supply so single finger

Extend. Now, we on 2 let's go to 3. All right

We're done, let's get coffee

So what a symphony do behind the scenes when you try to extend the Kubernetes cluster? So it's a

Said it's a managed solution. So it's not that easy behind the scenes. So engineers worked pretty hard

We are creating a virtual machine. It's gonna spawn give me a second - here it is

it is already spawned. So we have another instance that joined the cluster

Yes, so it will join the cluster and then it will be provisioned to be a Kubernetes cluster

It will show up here in

the Kubernetes

Dashboard, by the way, let's see how is it is to open it... So we're going to

allocate an instance. We're gonna provision an instance

We're going to deploy Kubernetes worker node into it and then it's going to join the Kubernetes cluster

Yes, that specific Kubernetes cluster

so again

If you're a bunch of people in the team in each and every one of you has a Kubernetes cluster

You don't have to worry where does my virtual machine will go - to that specific cluster and appear in your cluster. Yeah

Got it.

So if I look at the nodes right now

You still have 2 nodes, and if you look at the Symphony UI we're going to see it's still being

provisioned. So it's provisioned if I go to "Events" you see that it done?

Okay, we've allocated an instance and now we're deploying Kubernetes into it. Yes

Once it's done it's going to

join the cluster. We're sitting in a VPC environment

And let's take a look at our VPC... Yes, so the VPC you can see that I have now three virtual machines

I see. And one load balancer. I see - 3 instances and a load balancer.


The application is up and running. So we're just extending it, we're scaling it

The users of your application don't know anything that's going on right now behind the scenes. Okay, so it's not impacting the Kubernetes cluster yet

So again if we refresh

Still 2 nodes, still configuring

But I don't have to go to the Kubernetes UI because everything is reflected from Kubernetes

into symphony UI as a single pane of glass

So it's still provisioning then it will go to a "Degraded State", degrated mean I still did not do all the health checks

I need to do in order to make sure we are a healthy 3 node cluster

And once this is done, we'll be able to scale it in your application. Fantastic

Let's give it a couple minutes and see what happens

Oh! there you go! so it went from 2 degraded

Okay, so our cluster just grew and now it's going through health checks before it becomes available inside the Kubernetes. Yes

It is degraded, just to make sure you don't use the third cluster right now because

they're still doing some health checks, once it is running, then we'll scale the application

Ok, so we have 3 active nodes, Yeah - 3 active nodes, Kubernetes By the way

Already will already declare that

It has a third node. Ah, wonderful. Yes

So Kubernetes thinks it already has the third node

But we want to have some extra health checks... And here we see it 23 minutes, 20 minutes and 36 seconds ago. Yep. It launched a certain instance.

Okay, it's integrated and soon to be running. That's great

Oh! here we go. The cluster is now healthy

What do we do now that the cluster is bigger? Okay, so

Let's use it. So now we have an extra node in the cluster. Let's replicate our

Application to use the third node. Yes! So again... let's grow the application. Yes. So again, we'll do... we just scale the replicas to


Scale... let's ask what is the rollout status? Oh! now we are going 2 out of 3 in the process of scaling and

Soon it's going to be added to the application

But we still have one thing to go to - let's see the rollout status


But I still can't use that node. Oh, why not? Because I need to connect it to my load balancer. I see. Right, so

Again, super easy. We're in a unified solution. Okay, so my nodes are in my VPC

So now I can go to my ELB. Yes

And just modify the target group. Target group is how load balancer

connects into the instances. Okay, so I just gonna to modify it

Nothing to modify here. Just gonna say, okay, please add one more group


number two

And finish. Okay. Done

One last comment - I've done this through the UI, but there's no reason why not to do it using our

APIs, CLIs clients, I've just done it through UI for the sake of it

Fantastic. Okay, so now I can go back to

to make Kubernetes and

Again go to

Let's look at the app. Yes. So the app is... Oh

supposed to be here. Oh, I'm sorry. It's not in the Kubernetes it's in the Load Balancer

So I'll take that 143 which is actually where the application is exposed

And there it is! So now I see one host name - two host names

And if you refresh you're gonna hit a different host, depand on the load balancing. Perfect

By the way, we do have sticky sessions. But if I would use sticky sessions you won't see the host names...

I'll always see the same server. Got it

Wonderful, so we just killed the Kubernetes cluster. Mhm

Very easy. Very easy - you scaled the Kubernetes cluster you

Automatically I've done it to the UI but it's very easy to also put it into a load balancer

Very easy to scale down the cluster. Fantastic

All you need to focus is on your application. That's great. That's how you scale a Kubernetes cluster with Symphony 4.2.6.

Thanks. Thank you

For more infomation >> Video 3 - Scaling a K8s Cluster in Symphony - Duration: 7:58.


Sergio Marchionne, lo sputo dell'operaio licenziato: "Nessuna lacrima, nessuna pietà" - Duration: 2:13.

 "Non verseremo nemmeno una lacrima per Sergio Marchionne". A dirlo, mentre l'ex Ceo di Fiat Chrysler è in fin di vita in una clinica svizzera, è Mimmo Mignano, uno dei cinque operai licenziati 4 anni fa a Pomigliano d'Arco dopo aver impiccato un manichino con le fattezze proprio di Marchionne

Era una protesta per tagli e cassaintegrazione e oggi Mignano ha fatto se possibile ancora peggio, presentandosi in quegli stessi stabilimenti e distribuendo volantini con su scritto quella frase, "nemmeno una lacrima"

 "Non possiamo avere nessuna pietà per chi non l'ha avuta nei confronti dei nostri colleghi cassintegrati morti suicidi", spiega l'uomo, intervistato dal sito Stylo24

it. "Si dice che Marchionne abbia portato anche i risultati, ma a che prezzo? Li ha portati sulla pelle degli operai italiani

Dodici anni di cassa integrazione, delocalizzazioni continue: questi sono i risultati della gestione Marchionne oggi tanto decantata sui giornali"

La sua posizione è a dir poco estrema: "Tra una settimana nessuno si ricorderà più di lui, nemmeno Elkann

Non vede come l'hanno usato e poi buttato? Già hanno nominato il suo successore. Probabilmente Marchionne è già morto e non vogliono ancora renderlo noto"

For more infomation >> Sergio Marchionne, lo sputo dell'operaio licenziato: "Nessuna lacrima, nessuna pietà" - Duration: 2:13.


火箭下賽季還能挑戰五星勇士?保羅哈登很淡然且自信,D'Antoni透露應對方法 - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> 火箭下賽季還能挑戰五星勇士?保羅哈登很淡然且自信,D'Antoni透露應對方法 - Duration: 12:16.


Dieffenbachia: una pianta ornamentale molto tossica - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Dieffenbachia: una pianta ornamentale molto tossica - Duration: 2:19.


✅ PHOTO Lara Fabian sans maquillage : ses fans sont sous le charme - Duration: 2:00.

L'été est là depuis longtemps et Lara Fabian espère bien panser ses plaies. Ces derniers mois ont été difficiles pour la chanteuse de 48 ans qui pleure toujours le décès de sa grande amie Maurane, retrouvée morte le 7 mai dernier

Après une émouvante lettre d'adieu et un hommage bouleversant sur scène, celle qui interprétait Tu es mon autre avec la star belge comptait sur sa tournée pour trouver du réconfort auprès de ses fans

Alors qu'elle fait actuellement une petite pause dans sa série de shows, Lara Fabian profite du beau temps et de ses vacances pour retrouver l'apaisement

Depuis quelques jours, la chanteuse affiche de nouveau sa joie de vivre et son sourire éclatant sur les réseaux sociaux

Et quoi de mieux pour se ressourcer que de revenir à l'essentiel. Sur son compte Instagram, Lara Fabian a publié une photo pour souhaiter « une bonne semaine » à tous ses internautes

Vêtue d'un bustier ou d'un maillot de bain, la Belgo-Canadienne a décidé de se dévoiler sans maquillage. Un cliché 100% naturel qui a séduit ses abonnés

« Bellissima », « magnifique même au naturel », « il y a quelque chose d'authentique qui me touche » ou encore « jolie tout court », peut-on lire en commentaires sur le réseau social

Autant de compliments pour lui crier «  je t'aime ! »

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Lara Fabian sans maquillage : ses fans sont sous le charme - Duration: 2:00.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:47.


Volvo C30 1.8F KINETIC - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo C30 1.8F KINETIC - Duration: 1:10.


All Turtles Paris Launch Event (full program) - Duration: 1:01:11.

For more infomation >> All Turtles Paris Launch Event (full program) - Duration: 1:01:11.


兩大球星恐降薪續約?未來又要稱霸!網友:只有火箭可以生存 - Duration: 7:56.

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How is the Electronic Structure of Atoms Reflected in the Periodic Table of the Elements? - Duration: 18:07.

Hello I'm The Chemistry Guy. In this video we will learn more about atomic

structure, and in particular learn about the atomic orbitals and how those

orbitals correspond to the Periodic Table.

In the presentation called "Atomic Structure" we learned that electrons are particles

that also behave as waves. This is known as the particle-wave duality, and in fact

all objects that are moving have this particle-wave duality, but the electron

is the only particle that is small enough that this is actually a

measurable amount. The wavefunctions describing the probability density of an

electron can be solved for the hydrogen atom, and these wave functions

depend upon three quantum numbers n, l and m. As we learned earlier, the quantum

numbers also have the following rules: n is an integer one two three etc for

each value of n, l can be 0 up to the number 1 less than n, and for each value

of l, m can be from minus l up to positive l. Again to review, n is called

the principal quantum number and it determines the size of the electron

density contour, which is just called an orbital. As n gets larger the orbital

gets larger and on average the electron is further away from the nucleus.

l determines the shape of the orbital and each value of l has a 1-letter

designation. If l is 0 it's an s-orbital, or spherically shaped. If l is equal to 1

it's a p-orbital, l is equal to 2 it's a d-orbital, and L is equal to 3 it's an f-orbital.

m determines the orientation of this orbital or electron density contour,

and in general there are 2l plus 1 such orbitals for each value of l.

We also learned that electrons have a magnetic moment that kind of like a little magnet,

and we call this the electron spin. It is denoted by the quantum number s.

s can have values of -1/2 and 1/2, which we call spin-up and spin-down.

Therefore the electron in an atom is labeled by four quantum numbers n, l, m, and s.

Finally the Pauli Exclusion Principle states that no two electrons

in an atom, or even in a molecule, can have the same four quantum numbers. this

This means that a specific orbital, which for an atom is a set of allowed values of n, l, and m,

can hold only at most two electrons, one spin up and one spin down.

If an atom only has a single electron the energy of the electron is only

determined by the value of n. This means that the 2s and three 2p orbitals all

have the same energy. As soon as the second electron is added this is no

longer true. Here we will use the Periodic Table to see how the orbital

energies are affected as more electrons are present in the atom. the simplest

The simplest atom is hydrogen, which generally has only a single proton in the nucleus and

a single electron around it. It therefore has an elemental number of 1 and is up

here in the upper left-hand corner of the Periodic Table. This electron will go

into the 1s orbital, so we denote the electronic configuration as 1s1 where

the superscript 1 is the number of electrons in this orbital.

Helium has two protons in the nucleus and therefore has two electrons around it.

The second electron also goes into the 1s orbital; one of the electrons will have a spin up

and the other electron will have a spin down and the electronic configuration is 1s2.

These two electrons are all that will fit in the n equals 1 orbital,

which is called the first shell. The column at the right are all closed shell

atoms and are called the Noble Gases.

Lithium has three protons in the nucleus and three electrons around it in the

neutral atom. The first two electrons again go into the 1s orbital, one spin up

and one spin down, and the third electron goes into the 2s orbital. Therefore the

electronic configuration is 1s2 2s1.

Beryllium has four protons in the nucleus and four electrons; two electrons go into the 1s

orbital and the other two going to the 2s orbital. Again the two electrons in a

given orbital must have opposite spins one up and one down.

The electronic configuration for beryllium is 1s2 2s2. Now remember it is

not a filled shell because you've still got all of the 2p orbitals in that

second shell. That is why it's sitting next to lithium.

Boron has an atomic number of 5. Therefore it has 5 protons in the nucleus and 5 electrons around

the neutral atom. Two electrons go into the 1s orbital, two go into the 2s orbital

and the fifth electron goes into a 2p orbital. Remember the two electrons in

the 1s and the 2s orbitals have to have opposite spin.

The electronic configuration of boron therefore is 1s2 2s2 2p1.

Carbon, atomic number six, has six protons in the nucleus and six electrons around it.

It's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p2.

Since electrons are negatively charged they repel each other.

Therefore the two electrons in the 2p orbitals will be in different orbitals,

meaning different values of m. There is a slight advantage in

having the same spins; the magnets will be aligned so they will both be spin up,

for example, when aligned with an external magnetic field.

The electronic configuration for nitrogen, which is atomic number seven, is 1s2 2s2 2p3,

where each of the three electrons in the 2p orbitals will be in different orbitals

and will all have the same spin; all spin up or all spin down.

Oxygen, atomic number 8, has 8 electrons around the nucleus so it's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4.

Two of the electrons in the p-orbitals will have to go into the same orbital, so one must be

spin up and one must be spin down, and the other two will go into separate p-orbitals

with the same spin. fluorine has nine electrons is atomic number nine

Fluorine, atomic number 9, and nine electrons and it's electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2s5.

Two P orbitals will be doubly occupied, one spin up and one spin down,

and the third a 2p orbital will only contain a single electron. neon completes

Neon completes the second row of the Periodic Table. It is atomic number ten so it has ten

protons in the nucleus and ten electrons around it and it will fill all of the 1s

2s and 2p orbitals. it's electronic configuration therefore is 1s2 2s2 2s6.

It is a closed shell system and it

is the second member of the Noble Gases.

We can see that we have a noble gas whenever a set of p-orbitals within a shell, which is a

value of n, is filled. Argon is the third noble Noble Gas.

It has an electronic configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6,

filling the third row. It is considered a closed shell system even

though there are 3d orbitals present that are unoccupied.

So again Noble Gases only really are filling the s and p orbitals of a given shell.

Looking at the 4th row of the Periodic Table, the first two electrons

go into the 4s orbital, the next 10 electrons go into the 3d orbitals, and

the final 6 electrons go into the 4p orbitals. The electronic configuration

for Krypton is 1s2, filling the first shell, 2s2 2p6, filling the second shell,

3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6.

This is cumbersome so instead we can just write

Ar 4s2 3d10 4p6, where Ar just means the

electronic configuration of argon, which takes care of the first and second

shells and the 3s2 3p6. Things get a little crazy when

we get to the sixth row of the Periodic Table because, as you can see, here we

have a breakout which is the Lathanide series, which is actually represents the

4f orbitals. So as we start to fill across, the first two electrons will go

into the 6ss orbitals, and then we start put one into a 5d and jump down

here, so by the time we get to Lutentium, Lu, which is atomic number

71, the electronic configuration is 6s2 4f14 5d1.

From there we fill up the rest of the 5d orbitals so that by Mercury (Hg) which

is here, atomic number eighty, the electronic

configuration is xenon 6s2 4f14 5d10.

Then we add the next six electrons to

the 6p orbitals to get radon, atomic number 86, and therefore its electronic

configuration is Xenon 6s2 4f14 5d10,6p6.

As you've probably figured out, the Periodic Table

has the following form. Each row corresponds to the quantum number n so

as you go across for the s and p-orbitals they get larger for the outermost electrons for each Element.

The first two columns are for

the s-orbitals. These columns over here are generally for the p-orbitals. In the

middle we've got the d-orbitals but the d-orbitals are for the quantum number

one below the row. So even though this is the fourth row these are the 3d

orbitals here, and then we've got the Lanthanides and Actinides down here that

correspond to the f-orbitals. They are for the shell two lower, so again when

I've got the 6s, I then go to the 4fs,

the 5d's and then the 6p's. The only exception to this periodic table is

Helium. Some Periodic Tables place it above Beryllium since it's electronic

configuration is 1s2 or two electrons in an s-orbital. But since it

fills the n equals 1 shell, most Periodic Tables place it in the last column

so that all of the Nobel Gases are together.

Nobel Gases are very stable and other atoms, if possible, would like to look

like a Noble Gas. Therefore Lithium, which is basically the two electrons in

the 1s plus a single electron in the 2s, easily loses an electron to become

Lithium plus. Remember that's called an a cation, or just an ion, so that it's

electronic configuration is the same as helium. Calcium will lose two electrons

forming Ca 2+ so that it's electronic configuration is the same as Neon.

Losing an electron is easier as the atom gets bigger in other words as the n

or the shell of the last electron gets larger.

At the other extreme fluorine and chlorine would like to gain an electron to become F- and Cl-, or anions,

so that they look like Neon and Argon, respectively. This will fill either

the second shell or the fill out the 3s and 3p electron orbitals. The desire to

gain or lose an electron is called the electronegativity. Atoms with a lower net

electronegativity will lose electrons and those with a high electronegativity

will want to gain electrons. Therefore the electronegativity increases from the

lower left of the periodic table to the upper right,

not counting the noble gases as they already have the desired electronic configuration.

So again the elements down here in this corner have the lowest

electronegativity and will easily lose an electron or two electrons depending

upon what column they're in and it goes all the way up to here with Fluorine and

Chlorine having very high electronegativities because they want to

gain an electron so that they look like two Nobel Gases.

Carbon is in a weird position. it's electronic configuration is 1 s

square 2 s squared 2 P squared therefore It would have to lose 4 electrons from

the n equals 2 shell, or gain 4 electrons, in order to look like a Noble Gas.

Neither of these are possible, so instead it shares its 4 outermost electrons,

called valence electrons, with an electron from up to four other atoms so

that it effectively has eight electrons in this outermost shell. This is known as

the octet rule. We will talk about chemical bonding in "Atomic Orbitals,

Molecular Orbitals and Bonding. As a final point on the Periodic Table, the

Elements are put together into various groups. In the first column with the

exception of hydrogen we've got the Alkali Metals then and they will all

want to lose an electron. In the second column there are the

Alkaline Earth elements, and they want to lose two electrons.

Through here we've got the Transition Metals. We then have the metals. We know that

aluminum is a metal. These are called the Metalloids. Silicon is a semiconductor

used in computer chips because it kind of allows electrons to

flow. Then Hydrogen and this group right here, which is the great majority of the

chemistry in our bodies, are nonmetals they only want to form bonds.

Generally though, Hydrogen can lose an electron. The next group are the Halogens.

They want to gain an electron so that they look electronically like the Noble

Gases. Then down here we've got the Lathanides and we've got the Actinides.

Please note that this picture is not mine, I got it from the web, and they

messed up on the colors between the Lathanides and Actinides. Lathanides should be light

purple and the Actinides should be the salmon color.

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