Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 24 2018

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video

where I'll try to pronounce "Hello" in a lot of languages.

First, let me thank you, thank you everyone,

who has helped me on this project.

OK, so shall we start?

Let's do it!

For more infomation >> The most TINGLY Greetings? ("Hello" in 80+ languages)(ASMR Whispers) - Duration: 18:33.


BMW 335 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW 335 - Duration: 1:12.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:11.


Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:08.


Ivanka Trump's Fashion Brand Is Shutting Down - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Ivanka Trump's Fashion Brand Is Shutting Down - Duration: 1:49.


U.S. Appeals Court: Constitution Gives Right To Carry Gun In Public - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> U.S. Appeals Court: Constitution Gives Right To Carry Gun In Public - Duration: 4:20.


Exploding targets caused Badger Point Fire | News - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Exploding targets caused Badger Point Fire | News - Duration: 3:11.


Exploding targets caused Badger Point Fire | News - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Exploding targets caused Badger Point Fire | News - Duration: 3:10.


Trump praises Hawley in his backyard: 'We need Josh badly' - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Trump praises Hawley in his backyard: 'We need Josh badly' - Duration: 2:25.


Jay-Z's Made in America Festival Will Remain in Philadelphia - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Jay-Z's Made in America Festival Will Remain in Philadelphia - Duration: 2:58.


Receita de CHÁ MILAGROSO para Impotência Sexual e Disfunção Erétil - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Receita de CHÁ MILAGROSO para Impotência Sexual e Disfunção Erétil - Duration: 3:37.


Skoda Citigo - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Skoda Citigo - Duration: 0:48.


Garth Triple live 6 covers - Duration: 3:32.

HEY TRIPPSTERS Garth Brook's triple live CD he gave us a sort of an update on it I

guess you would say he says it's still not ready but it is very very close to

being done they're doing the mixing part now but the big news for me

anyway about the triple live CD is this there's going to be six different covers

upon release of the CD now if you remember double live had six different

covers when it was originally released the difference the way he described it

was he made it sound like the six different covers isn't all going to be

released in one like place in all places the way he made it sound was six

different covers will be released but they will be released all over the world

and in order to get them all you're going to have to you know find other

fans and trade with them and things like that that's how he made it sound that's

not what he said officially but that is how he made it sound okay so what we

know for sure is yes it is coming and the other thing we know for sure is yes

there will be six different covers now we also know that it will be re-released

one year after the original release so I'm guessing that there will be a

special seventh cover to go along with the first six upon the release because

he has already told that he is already planning for the re-release which you

know I'm sorry it's the hole who tape thing guys it's he's already planning to

re-release something but he hasn't even released yet oh my god one thing at a

time dude one thing to have done yeah I'm just saying huh anyway that was

the biggest thing that he talked about for me it was the biggest thing on

inside studio gene Monday night so we get six different covers and we just

have to wait until it's released and we don't know when the hell that is going

to be but he keeps talking about it like oh

it's so close oh it's so close but we do not have an official date of release yet

but if and when he ever does let us know I will let you guys know and another

thing he said was if you are not signed up on his official website Garth Brooks

calm on the little and it's at the top of the page now they moved it it's a

little bar that says subscribe just put your email in there you may want to do

that because apparently he is planning on sending stuff to the fans through

that email subscription thing and it will be early releases of stuff that you

won't be able to get anywhere else first the way he made it sound was you will be

able to get it in other places but the first place that you're ever going to

get it will be through that email through that subscription email of his

and he made it also sound like he's going to send songs or something to the

fans that are subscribed excuse me for free through that subscription email so

if you're not subscribed you may want to check that out okay but guys I think

that is going to do it for now this is Icepets Queen and I am

Tripping out

For more infomation >> Garth Triple live 6 covers - Duration: 3:32.


Ritz, Goldfish cracker recalls: What you need to know about salmonella - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Ritz, Goldfish cracker recalls: What you need to know about salmonella - Duration: 5:56.


Matt Lauer Calls Himself an 'Easy Mark' in First Interview Since Sexual Misconduct Scandal - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Matt Lauer Calls Himself an 'Easy Mark' in First Interview Since Sexual Misconduct Scandal - Duration: 4:56.


Skoda Citigo - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Skoda Citigo - Duration: 0:48.


Land Rover Andere - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Andere - Duration: 1:05.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.


Audi Q3 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 - Duration: 1:04.


Peugeot 2008 1.6 VTi 120pk Allure Navi | Bluetooth carkit en audio | ECC | PDC | Stoelverwarming | H - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.6 VTi 120pk Allure Navi | Bluetooth carkit en audio | ECC | PDC | Stoelverwarming | H - Duration: 1:13.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.6 JTDM SPRINT - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.6 JTDM SPRINT - Duration: 1:09.


Atheist Has the Bible Removed - Duration: 6:15.

The commander of EFI Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming remove the Bible from a

Pio wmia memorial now the commander Colonel Stacy J. Hussar was

responding to demands by a one-man

left-wing anti religious organization now to paint a picture

The memorial is a small round dining table with one place setting a candle on a white linen

Tablecloth and a Bible off to the right side. It is to remind people that there are those

still missing in action POWs never accounted for

and this is

Most installations have these and it's just a reminder that there are many we just they never came home and we don't know their status

but faith is something that many many hold on to and that faith is rooted in the

Judeo-christian religion the Bible representing that with us now is congressman Don bacon

He represents the second congressional district in Nebraska, and he serves on the House Armed Services Committee. He retired from the Air Force in

2014 during his career in the Air Force

congressman bacon specialized in electronic warfare

intelligence reconnaissance and public affairs

He served 16 assignments including four deployments three of which were in the Middle East and one assignment in Iraq

Congressman. Welcome to Washington watch Tony. Thanks for having me on

Well first let me thank you for your service in our nation's military and thank you for your service on Capitol Hill as well

Let me ask you your core question as a veteran as one who served a career in the Air Force

What are your thoughts about these?

activist atheist groups

Demanding that a Bible be removed from a display such as this well, you're right

It's a Pew wmia table and we have to remember people that go through that most often most of them

I will say how awful but most of them rely on their faith to carry them through

When you read about what happened and handle Hilton and be in Vietnam

Maybe was their faith. That's what carried on and

Having the Bible on the tables for a reflection about the debts

What is a strength for for most?

In that tough situation and I think when you read what Mikey Weinstein says and he calls Christians masters

Send they're terrorizing others. I am an unfortunate

it's for hate Tories waging a war against Christianity here and its goals to

Really sort of bleach out

Christianity out of the public

Sphere and say it's right if you want to worship in your home or worship in your church

But don't do it in public and you know

It's all right to exercise our faith freely in public as well

And we have to be able to I think we have to push back on that

because it's

it's a trend that we can't just sit idly by and what happened in our country we

It's not right. So I I I wish we would have pushed back on this and say hey

what's it's all right to leave the Bible on that table and

People of faith have a right to be in the public as well

Yeah, congressman bacon. I'm actually a bit surprised by this because

Under this administration now that this was happening consistently and we were fighting his battles on a regular basis during the Obama administration

but this administration

Has taken a very strong position on religious freedom including that in the military

In fact Heather Wilson Air Force Secretary has spoken out on religious freedom previously. So I'm a bit surprised

That this has happened on this Air Force installation

I'm wondering if this is something that the Armed Services Committee is going to look into

Almost really ask about it when we have the right subcommittee hearings

I don't I think this is probably a localized decision and we have to be honest, you know, it's commanders at the local level

they don't want the pressure and specially the visibility of

Someone like that talking about, you know diamond and talk about intolerance

And and so I imagine it was more of a localized as this decision

There was pressure I put on put on this commander, but I think we need to push back

I was always sort of hope that I was commander at two different bases that he would have called me

Because I would like to have had the opportunity

To push back on that but you know again we got to remember what he's about. He's calling Christians terrorists

monsters and in he's you know

Waging a war against Christ and Christianity here, and but I think we got pushed back on that

We have a right to be also in the public sphere with our faith and we have to be able to coexist

And and we shouldn't be told that we can only exist and only worship an hour

You know privacy of our homes or a church

We cannot let that happen s but that's where folks like Mike you want. I want to take us

Well, I think it's what you said the congressman begum

Very important that we we push back and I that that's a collective

We that's Congress that's individual citizens

Because my concern as a as a Marine veteran and as my son is getting ready to go into the military

Is that if we make?

our military void of


Conviction if we say you've got to check your faith at the door

that troubles me as to the type of environment that will be would be created and this type of

Action small you might say it's insignificant

Some would say that just removing a Bible but this is the that's the process by which we are

Marginalizing and stigmatizing something that's very important to a lot of those who serve in our nation's military

You know, the freedom of religion is so basic of our Bill of Rights and you're right

They want to keep encroaching on that and pushing that back and I think we have to you know, be tactful and do it

In a christ-like manner, but we have to we have to stand up and push back on this. I think we do it respectfully

you know, but we just gotta know what we're dealing with here this uh

when you're be called a master and a terrorist that sort of says it all I

Could not agree more Congressman Don bacon. Thanks so much for joining us today. And again, thanks for your service to our country

For more infomation >> Atheist Has the Bible Removed - Duration: 6:15.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:14.


Seat Ateca - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Seat Ateca - Duration: 0:42.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.


Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 TURBO DISTINCTIVE/PACK SPORT - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 TURBO DISTINCTIVE/PACK SPORT - Duration: 1:11.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:09.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:54.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> I CUT MY SLEEP IN HALF FOR A WEEK || THE LATEST SCIENCE (2018) - Duration: 21:16.


Stop Eating Oatmeal For Breakfast! Oats Are NOT Healthy - Duration: 15:07.

So if you're concerned about consuming excess estrogens and other endocrine disrupters

rancid carcinogenic toxins and

Powerful mineral key leaders that actually strip vitamins and minerals out of your body

Then you definitely want to continue watching this video

you probably want to take oats out of your diet oats contain large amounts of excess estrogens that

Disrupt your hormonal balancing you don't increase estrogen activity in the body. They also interfere with our hormonal

Reproductive balance as well as contain mineral q aiders that strip minerals from your body

so in today's video i'm going to show the evidence and explore the research evidence peer-reviewed research that's showing

the vacuum of these exact claims

And by the end of this video you're gonna understand that you may want to take boats out of your diet if you want to

live a healthy life

First off

I really think it's important to identify

exactly what good health truly means because a lot of people say this or that food is healthy or this or that it's healthy in


But they don't really have a definition for what health is a lot of people take their their diet cults and they build their identities

Around those sort of things. We've got to rise above that. We have to actually define on a foundational level in the body

What is truly healthy and when you try and do this, actually what you find is surprisingly simple

there's actually two things that are responsible for health and the body the first is you need to correct all

Micronutrient deficiencies your body can't function properly if it's deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. You can't have any deficiencies and

So therefore anything that would promote a deficiency in the body is considered considered unhealthy

The second thing is hormonal balance

your body needs to be in a state of hormonal balance and what that means is actually that there's two classes of hormones in the

Body, there's protective hormones and stress hormones

So hormonal balance is characterized by the proper

Ratios between the two so you want to make sure that your reproductive hormones aiyoo protective hormones your thyroid hormone

Which is protective hormones, you know the different types of thyroid hormones

These things have to be in a good healthy level in men. For example high testosterone

There's a nice nice thing and you see a lot of benefits from that sort of thing

And have to their ratio dependent between the protective ones. Do you actually have to have low stress hormones things like cortisol estrogen prolactin?

SHBG these things cannot run out of control or else you're gonna have a lot of problems with your hormonal balance

now if you disagree with this fundamental idea that the body is healthiest when it doesn't have deficiencies and when it's in a state of

Hormonal balance then we foundationally just disagree about about health which that means that you think that the body

runs properly when it does it when it is deficient in

micronutrients and you think that the body runs properly when it is out of hormonal balance when it has

low, reproductive hormones and high stress hormones

If this is what you think then good luck. I mean nothing I can do for you on that one

but if you agree with me on the state of good health and you're watching this then it'll naturally come together of

you this framework that we're operating within and so if something goes against

Micronutrient deficiencies goes against hormonal balance technically is considered unhealthy

And this is a good way for us to develop a way of thinking that actually helps to promote our our healthy habits

So in this case though by this definition and I'll show you all of the evidence because there's quite a bit of it

Oats are not healthy. So let's dive into the research. So right here on Weston a price org we see

Phytic acid content in oats so phytic acid is actually a powerful mineral key later and it's very high quantities and oats

Don another video here on the channel talking all about phytic acid

I'll talk about the the content of phytic acid in beans in brown rice things like that that are all proven to

To chelate these minerals to strip your body of these minerals and cause massive wide-scale deficiencies

So this study right here shows that because of the dense nature of the negative phosphate groups when consumed it actually readily attaches to mineral

Ions rendering them unavailable for the take by the body

now this study states actually that

phytate has a strong chelating property and allows for poor bioavailability in the gastrointestinal tract of

Multivalent metal ions, especially zinc calcium and iron we see this a lot

So watch the phytic acid video to talk about this stuff a lot of these major deficiencies

And this one we talked about how phytic acid renders many essential minerals to be poorly bioavailable

It also talks about the mechanism even talks about how combine two proteins in certain ph levels on page 212 of this book

They state that the fact that the strong chelating effect of phytic acid

Has in that it shows that it forms insoluble compounds with a lot of essential minerals including copper cobalt magnesium manganese zinc calcium and iron

Now this one talks a bit about the chemistry with the calorie colorimetric study

with several minerals in their binding potential at phytic acid

This study was shown to cause an increase in excretion of minerals nitrogen and amino acids

This one showed that sodium phytate actually decreased the pepsin activity and digestive

Digestion of protein this study showed a dose-dependent manner I take causing inhibition of lipase activity

We sell out of it ends in somatic interactions like inhibition of important enzymes when consuming phytic acid

Here you see also that there's a good increase in the inhibition of pepsin as fight hate

intake increases as well

this one showed the inhibitory effect that fights it has an alpha amylase and proteases and

Then this study showed the effect of a mixture containing phytic acid the causing disruption of bacterial cell membranes

Degradation of DNA and that it caused pores in the membranes of the cells. So there was cellular damage from this

So let's look at some of the direct health effects of oats, you know

And people didn't these are studies with oats on that. They're showing these effects. So this one

Showed basically that the consumption had a reduction in all male reproductive parameters

Including testosterone and spermatid formatic Genesis in general and spermatogenesis. Basically the

production of sperm

this one showed the lowering of cholesterol and

This one showed again another lowering of cholesterol. If you want to know more about why lowering your cholesterol is bad. I

recommend watching somebody like watch my polyunsaturated fat the bet vegetable oil conspiracy watch that video talk all about

How is the cholesterol thing is just a big myth and used for propaganda right now to basically poison your body

This one shows a greater postprandial increase in insulin and glucose

This one proves that oat beta glucan does not affect satiety in in humans

This one shows that statins have a testosterone lowering effect

Here we see that beta glucan again effectively reduces testosterone and DHT. So this one shows that that

zrl enone

You know what? It is. Basically that it's an estrogen compound. That's really common in oats

So zr1 own is estrogenic and immunotoxin and that's backed up over and over again. Now this one shows on

The amount of zr1. Oh and that's excreted by pigs that are fed with these oats that have it in it and

This shows the mycotoxin

content of a hundred

Organic and regular samples of oats. There are a lot of toxins and oats

Cereals that contain oats also contain a known carcinogen and mycotoxin in the u.s

Called okra toxin a and this is also well known. I mean, I don't know why they still sell this stuff

so this one talks about mycotoxins in Europe and the effects that they have on liver, kidney and

human matter poetic toxicity immune toxicity reproductive toxicity fetal toxicity and


So this one states that the the mycotoxins go unrecognized by doctors until epidemics occur

Ain't that the truth?

They're not looking for this stuff

So this one shows the effect of mycotoxins on dogs and that it slows their metabolism down

And that a common treatment for mycotoxin and food does not work this one shows okra toxin increasing

mortality not morality

mortality in the rate of e.coli infection in broiler chickens

This one shows the arlynn own effects on female pig reproduction these negative effects

This one shows Geralyn own and urine and muscle tissue and oat fed heifers. So a lot of a lot of livestock eats oats, obviously

This one showed 23 micro toxins that are present in baby food cereal formulas, etc

this stuffs everywhere guys

We gotta gotta wake up to it

This one shows early development of puberty and pre-pubertal girls due to estrogen etic estrogenic activity of Geralyn. Ah,

Scary geez these mycotoxins are extremely, you know prevalent and in these types of grains especially oats

Obviously, there's a lot of different effects this this your review kind of goes into their the effects of mycotoxins on human health

This one is a dissertation on

Mycotoxins in and human health and just shows all the like terrible effects that it has on your metabolism and your hormones in general

This shows the toxic effects of Zarrella known and the toxic effects that has on in vitro maturation of cells and 17 beta estradiol

This again shows more endocrine disruption

Of Zeeland own and pigs who eat oats this shows an oak based diet increasing estradiol and fibrinogen levels and women

This shows increased secretion in OU diet of fed to female pigs

The ARLA known also has suppressive effects on testosterone production in the late late excels of rats

You do not want to be suppressing your latex cells. That's for sure

So Lambs actually consume quite a bit of oat. So in lambs that have diets of 70% oats, there's a connection between increased estrogen

Leading to a greater likelihood of sex differentiating toward toward like more female offspring which is really interesting

What little antioxidants oats do have?

Has actually been proven in this study to be lost in the processing and cooking. So there's no nutritional value of these oats


So this shows processing in activates the antioxidants again on

In conclusion here. Basically what they had is that there they show that the the

polyunsaturated fatty acids in

In the oats themselves were actually oxidized and degraded

Before they even get to the shelves that you know in storage

So this shows that a range of alcohols aldehydes alkyl benzene steins and ketones was identified in processed samples of oats

They also show the development of rancidity and processing oats

So basically oats by the time they get to the the friggin grocery store or rancid and their moldy

They have mycotoxins all over them. They have rancid fats

This shows longer oats, the longer the oats are stored the more rancid they become

So one thing you're probably wondering is just literally like now I'm confused. What do I eat?

you know all these foods that you're talking about here and this channel Chris have have all these terrible things of them that go against

the dev the true definition of health

So that's why I wit and I put together a framework based on achieving these two goals

I want you to be able to correct your micronutrient deficiencies

I want you to be able to bring your body into a state of hormonal balance when you do those two things

You're gonna be truly healthy, you're gonna feel amazing and have a ton of energy

You're not gonna have any libido and sex drive issues

You're gonna have very high good levels of reproductive hormones and thyroid hormones of high metabolism

You're gonna have low stress hormones and low risk for cancers and diseases like that. So

What I did was I made a framework. I put together a tool. It's at the thermo diet

Calm slash quiz and it's where if you answer just a couple quick questions. It takes about 60 seconds. I'm gonna be able to identify

Which organ there are three key organs in the body? Which organ?

You need to actually optimize and heal to bring your body back in the state of balance. Now these three key organs

in the body are actually the the liver the thyroid and the pituitary and what you're going to do is

Based on the answers to your questions. I'm going to be able to identify. Oh your liver has some problems and needs some work

So what we're gonna do is put you on a road to correcting that with this framework of diet nutrition

And this doesn't require you to be, you know, vegan or keto or any of these these like dietary

Identities it's more above that. It's an agnostic type of thing based on the actual healing and the health of your body

Not necessarily based on you know fighting about diets and that's where the stuff which a lot of people do

So go to the thermo diet calm slash quiz take these quiz answer a few questions

I'm gonna put you on the path toward great health

So thanks for watching the video if you liked it give it a thumbs up and I'll see how the next video

Rancid toxins and mineral key leaders that are going to strip your body of the essential vitamins of minerals that it needs

Then you may want to consider taking nuts out of your diet

For more infomation >> Stop Eating Oatmeal For Breakfast! Oats Are NOT Healthy - Duration: 15:07.


Importance of Sales Training - Duration: 0:59.

What do you look for, if it's sales training

what is that before and after?

Because it can be, increase in revenue and

sales but it can also be just a change in

demeanor, in confidence and that's what I

love about Dale Carnegie, it's not just about

business, it's kinda about life.

So do you take that holistic approach, or

is it really just like we need to get them

to sell more or is it both?

No I think it's a mixture of both, I think

back to a woman who was in insurance in

one of my classes and she had been

experienced maybe 30 years, 25 years and

when she told me at the end and wrote me a review

and said that the class helped build her confidence

and I always saw her as a very confident person

I was like WOW, like here she is, she's been

in her career for 30 years and she got confidence

from the program to be able to sell and I

think for some folks it's just confidence

speaking in front of people and engaging and

picking up the phone and calling people and

then some it's just confidence in just believing

in their product, right?

Cause we get them to start talking about that

and thinking why do you do what you do, right?

What drives you?

For more infomation >> Importance of Sales Training - Duration: 0:59.


The most TINGLY Greetings? ("Hello" in 80+ languages)(ASMR Whispers) - Duration: 18:33.

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video

where I'll try to pronounce "Hello" in a lot of languages.

First, let me thank you, thank you everyone,

who has helped me on this project.

OK, so shall we start?

Let's do it!

For more infomation >> The most TINGLY Greetings? ("Hello" in 80+ languages)(ASMR Whispers) - Duration: 18:33.


《潮音战纪》抢先看 周震南带伤乐战黄子韬"御用"音乐人宫阁 - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> 《潮音战纪》抢先看 周震南带伤乐战黄子韬"御用"音乐人宫阁 - Duration: 8:07.


Fuller Brush Co. 2X Power Fulsol Concentrated Cleaning K... - Duration: 20:54.

For more infomation >> Fuller Brush Co. 2X Power Fulsol Concentrated Cleaning K... - Duration: 20:54.


$50000 From ONE Shopify App | Abandoned Cart Emails For DROPSHIPPING - Duration: 15:58.

trust me you need to have this in place

what's going on guys it's your boy the Beast of ECOM and I am back with another

video dropping nothing but you already know value bombs if this is the first

time I'm ever watching one of our videos hello and welcome you are in the right

place I got nothing but insane value on a weekly basis with everything to do

with e-commerce Shopify and drop shipping so if you get some value please

make sure to LIKE comment and of course hit that subscribe button and hit the

notification bar so you stay up to date with my latest videos why because you do

not want to miss out on any of my upcoming content so in this video I want

to talk about something you need to have in place on your stores okay it doesn't

matter what type of store you're running you need to have this in place and what

is it I'm talking about abandoned car emails now I know in a previous video I

mentioned a Shopify app that you can use for abandoned car emails but I wanted to

do a special video on abandoned car emails because let's put it straight if

you haven't got abandoned car emails or a system in place then you are leaving

so much money on the table it is unreal remember if you're driving cold traffic

to your store most of the time depending on obviously your conversion rate not

everyone's going to convert but the good thing is that if you've got abandoned

car sequence or system in place then remember the sale is not lost now does

this sound like you because I get this quite a lot okay you running traffic you

getting visitors you getting Add to Cart but no purchases well if you're in that

bucket then this video is just for you and it's gonna help you out immensely

I'm gonna be showing you in the video some of the results I've been getting

with abandoned car emails and why I have it on all of my stores without fail and

of course dropping in a few value bombs as I always do with actionable content

so it make sure you stay to the end watch all of the video and most

importantly take what you learn from this video and implement it right away

so let's quickly talk in let's jump into the computer and let's get on with it

right let's jump into this and get cracking with it now I've got my

little pointer on and I know you guys do like the presentations so I'm trying to

do them as much as I possibly can to help you guys with the best learning

experience as possible so let's carry on with this one turning

fifty dollars into fifty thousand dollars with abandoned car emails I'm

gonna show you some of my results I'm going to show you you know what you can

do to achieve the same and of course it's dependent upon the amount of

traffic you're running of course the more traffic you and in the more active

cars you're gonna get the more chances you're gonna get to send abandoned car

emails of course that goes without saying but um let's carry on and jump

onto things well abandoned car emails you've got to remember okay seventy to

eighty percent of all online transactions or shopping ends in

abandoned car emails so like I mentioned you may be in this case and I get the

question a lot of times you know I'm getting visitors I'm getting out to

carts but no one is buying no purchases now that's expected okay because not

everyone is going to purchase your products now there's a few different

things that may be wrong in your funnel okay but most importantly if this if

they don't complete the purchase you have opportunities to follow up with the

sale and if you're not pushing into your abundant car emails you leaving so much

money on the table it is unreal as I'm going to show you okay now abandoned car

emails shows buying intent so if someone has added the product to their car but

not checked out then you know it shows buying intent so they are you know they

are in a process to buy it now there's a number of reasons which why people

abandon car which I'm gonna show you again a little bit later but you know at

the end of the day if someone lands on a page and they add it to their car

they're showing that they're in they're in they're in the mindset of you know

potentially buying it whether or not you know they couldn't do you know those

shipping costs or you know whatever it may be that influenced why they didn't

you know that point when they added it to cart and they clicked that burned it

shows buying intent now it can be the difference between breaking even a

break-even month or a profitable and I'm gonna show you some results but

basically you need to have this system in place you need to be doing abundant

car emails and you need to be doing them correctly it's all well and good send in

you know just normal abundant car emails but there's a few things you need to do

and need to understand to be able to push the person through the sales

process okay so like I mentioned it can be the difference between a break-even

month and a profitable one and any good marketer will tell you of course the

money is made on the back end have your back-end systems all in place working

succinctly and together that's where you're making money okay that's where

you can make your money and still be profitable even if you know you're not

doing fantastic on the front end so moving on to this here okay you can see

the primary reasons why people abandon their cars now this is in 2015

statistics for 2016 2015 now these are not gonna change you know these these

reasons still gonna be valid in 2017 2018 and in years to come ahead okay so

let's run through them really quickly unexpected shipping costs okay you know

that code goes without saying me I've done it before and it's no doubt

yourself watching it you get to the you know you get to the checkout and he's

like shipping costs no don't think so the funny thing is how many times of how

many of you guys have done this I've got to purchase something super expensive

okay you know it's like $200 and then shipping is like you know ten dollars

and it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no no no no it's like okay you

know I'm willing to pay $200 for an item but if you're charging me you know ten

dollars shipping is like whoa don't click exit and get out of there so

explain expertise shipping costs having to create a count on you know everyone

hates that having to sign up and putting your details it's just long was cooking

was conducting research to buy later some of us guys do do that of course

concerns about payment security you know there's a shot site look a little bit

shifty which obviously I always preach about you know getting those trust

badges and stuff in place to improve your conversion rate a long

and confusing checkout confine the coupon code and no Express shipping

available and again which I've mentioned in other videos on how to you know hack

extra money just add different shipping variants you know so moving on from this

here is some of my results okay as you can see for a period of time I think it

was approximately about about a month the app that I use is abandoned cart

abandoned car protect out when that vanishes it will show you abandoned

protector plus that is the app that I use you can do the exact same thing with

MailChimp you can do klaviyo as well descends abandoned car emails even

native Shopify cannot do abandoned car emails but I just find that this app

itself works fantastic for me I get the best delivery I get the best open rates

and it just works fantastic it's seamless so it's a reason why I've

always been using this app again I get no Commission's or affiliates or

anything like that for this app okay I have no affiliation with the company

whatsoever I've been using it on all of my stores and it's one of the reasons

why I always use it and mentioned it in my Shopify apps video if you haven't

make sure you check that one out so as you can see completed orders in

green recovery in blue and the abandoned carts in red so moving on here are some

of the results for a period it's our I think is about a month close to $600,000

$650,000 Bandon can't value so look here the

behavior the cells that I missed out on okay I missed out on near enough 150 100

and 140 hundred and forty-four thousand dollars I missed out on okay I missed

out on that amount okay if everyone who purchased and landed on my store

purchased I would be you know I would have made an extra one hundred and forty

four thousand dollars unfortunately it doesn't work like that so I didn't but

with the system in place with an up with a fantastic abandoned cart system in

place okay I was able to recover 50 over fifty thousand of it okay let that just

sink in okay I missed out on 100 40,000 of it okay but I was able to a

band I was able to recover 50 over 50,000 of it okay now obviously based on

the recovery race of abandoned I was able to recover over 25% now that is

fantastic resource if you ask me now this app costs pretty much at the time I

think it's about $50 per month so $50 per month to send these emails to make

$50,000 I'll pay that all day every day you know no matter what now of course

with saying that it is dependent upon an amount of traffic he was running now

obviously I was running a shitload of traffic okay but the add to cart' I was

getting loads about two carts obviously purchases as well but at the end of the

day like I said the main thing is when someone doesn't purchase the sale is not

lost and I didn't have this app on my store then you know I wouldn't have got

back that fifty one thousand dollars and I've cost fifty one thousand dollars in

a month just from something abandoned car emails you can see how powerful

having a fantastic system in place works so moving on to how you guys can do the

same giving you guys those value bombs as I always do so let's go move on with

that now I'll use a three-stage sequence most places will do a three-stage

sequence the first email right away you know I want to send them right away

within the first 10 to 15 minutes or so you know you can send an email to say

stock is running low okay you know that is gonna be the first

email that they get straight away just to remind them that they left something

in their car and that is running love scarcity okay now the second email you

can send you know within six hours or so maybe in four hours for six hours or so

offering them free shipping or or five percent off to push them through the

push them through the funnel now you got to remember you want to be alleviating

in these common issues which I'm gonna talk about in the next slide but

basically in the second email you know they may have abandoned car cuz they

didn't have free shipping second email they get free shipping next thing you

know they're purchased okay or 5% after price was too high again shipping costs

you know give them five percent off they think you know I'll take that all day

every day third email you can send within you know

24 hours the next day whatever maybe five percent off or ten percent off and

depending on how much you really want to play with the fob sent off temps and off

work great of course in the second one if you are doing Fox and off don't do

four percent off again it makes no sense just do ten percent off and again if

you're gonna do free shipping here then you can do five percent off but you get

what I mean now moving on of course point is to use

you need to use entire cent titles entice in opening email titles okay so

just hey you forgot this all whoa did you really leave this here something

like that something that's gonna make people question it and open it not

something just stupid and lame make sure you got something that actually want to

makes people open the email second of all of course you're gonna

need scarcity now always set a time line for your discount so say for example you

offering free shipping say it's valid for the next 24 hours is valid for the

next you know 24 hours 48 hours whatever it may be or five percent off it's valid

for the next you know 10 minutes or 30 minutes I'll probably go with 10 minutes

but uh you know maybe 24 hours 6 hours whatever it may be just to give them

that kick up the bump so that they actually complete the sale thirdly make

it personal okay make it personal put a name who is from

which you can do in the app you know you can do all these sorts of things such as

put in a name put in a personal person's name such as you know diurnal or make it

a woman's now people always that you know women generally get a better

response than men on emails less flame and stuff so put a put a woman's name

and make it sound personal such as hey you know I see you'd was there any

problems you know make it sound like it's coming from a person an actual

human and at the bottom here you want to be alleviating the common issues so

going back to this slide here okay an expected ship and cost alleviate that

okay I'm not having to have a create account in tube actually purchase you

can do that in Shopify that's really easy to do was conducting research

do much about that concerns about payment security you can put your trust

budget in your email if you want in your inviting car emails to show that you

check out via you know secured SS hours and stuff like that longer confusing

check out make it simple spell it out to them in the email if you need to put the

coupon code there and where to actually put it all these sorts of things what

you want to be doing when you alleviate in the common issues okay

now finally I know that people may say oh abandoned car emails gdpr you can't

have your marketing box ticked and all these sorts of things yes you're correct

however of course me myself and I I have it completely sorted how do I have it

sorted I use something called shop II checker now there'll be a link down

below for shopping check ER basically in short how it works if the customer is

from the EU such as UK etc then it or untick my pre marketing box so that I

don't get hit with any sort of GDP our GDP our you know fines or anything like

that if the person is not from the EU such as the states canada australia

blardy blardy blar then it keeps the marketing box ticked so that I can grow

my list and still you know send abundant car emails so again I use it on all of

my websites it is fantastic it's cheap make sure you get shopping checker of

course if you want to be gdpr compliant if you do want to take those risks then

that's fully up to yourself as a business owner okay but there like I

said the link will be down below for shopping check ER so um that is pretty

much it for this video and of course not last but not least value bombs as always

do as always I hope you got some value from this video if you did please please

do like comment and of course smash that subscribe button and hit the

notification bar so you stay up to date with all of my latest videos if you do

want to be gdpr compliant and have your marketing box at the checkout solved

make sure you check out sharp ichika it is fantastic I have used it on all of my

websites the link will be down below it will just say gdpr how part something

along those lines make sure you check it out and of course if you don't want to

use it and you want to take that risk then that's fully down tees

but that is it for this video I hope you got some value I'll be back with another

video on a weekly basis I know you always do dropping nothing but value

bombs so make sure you stay subscribed stay tuned and keep locking in so that

is it take care and I'll see you later

For more infomation >> $50000 From ONE Shopify App | Abandoned Cart Emails For DROPSHIPPING - Duration: 15:58.


Earn paytm money daily 60 to 100 dollars everyday with proof - Duration: 0:58.

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Arby's® | Smokehouse Beef Short Rib Sandwich Review! 🤠🍖🍞 - Duration: 5:02.

welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K

stay frosty hey everyone I'm headed into Arby's for today's review to check out

some of their all-new smokehouse beef short rib action and being that I'm a

huge fan of beef short ribs let's set ourselves up through that drive thru

welcome to Arby's please order whenever you're ready yeah

peep this out can I go for that new beef short rib sandwich please just by itself

sure know problem can I get you anything to drink or anything oh no that's fine great thanks a lot

beef short ribs smoked for 6+ hours sign me up

hey good man how you doin' great thank you actually let's get some horsey sauce too thanks so much my friend

you too stay frosty we'll see ya alright guys let's peep this one out up

close the Masters of Meatcraft are adding a new meat to their arsenal with

their only smokehouse beef short rib sandwich and they're starting it off by

putting it on some pretty nice-looking Texas toast let's pop the top on this

one and see what we've got well it looks like a pretty healthy

amount of what's supposed to be a smoky barbecue sauce drizzled all over a very

healthy portion of the beef short rib which itself has actually been smoked

for over 6+ hours before being pulled off the bone add in some crispy

onions and some melted cheddar cheese and you've got what looks to be a very

tasty looking sandwich from Arby's here guys so let's not waste any more time

with this one it's the smokehouse beef short rib sandwich let's peep out this

flavor alright we got to go quick on this one because it's over a 105 degrees

right now as I'm filming this it's the smokehouse beef short rib

sandwich from Arby's hmmmm right off the bat as soon as you bite down into that

thick texas toast you get the instant flavor from that beef short rib it's

nice and thick nice and chunky the close-up kind of looked like it was more

of kind of like a minced type of meat but man that is super flavorful just the

right amount of saltiness and a solid amount of that barbecue sauce nice and

smoky guys tasty Wow and then you can't beat the crispy onions mixing in with

that barbecue sauce that is freaking delicious hmm I'm glad I've got a little

sandwich wrapper to catch any meat trying to make a break for it in the

very back of the sandwich guys because it really is packed full of it this is

really really tasty and I got to say the flavor of that beef short rib is off the

chain nice and chunky it's got the right amount of saltiness like I said but just

overall the marinated smoke that it has in it really shines

through and then when you add even more smoke from the barbecue sauce along with

the crispy onions that is just off the chain guys it's just totally off the

chain very tasty and as expected unfortunately the casualty of the

sandwich is that melted cheddar cheese I can't really taste that at all and again

like I always say it's gonna be the glue to kind of hold some of this stuff

together I think that's the only reason that it's there aside from just looking

cool in the picture so just because I'm curious what do you say we hit it with

some horsey sauce let's see what that does

yeah horsey sauce is my friend and it should be your friend too if you love

Arby's like I do horseradish and beef you know what's coming right mmm

awesomeness that's what's coming that instant bite that you get from the

horsey sauce goes so well with just about any of the meats here at Arby's

and on the beef short rib already a favorite guys I think this is gonna be my

favorite sandwich by far so far from Arby's straight-up bomb.com with this

one there's really nothing else I can say about this one aside from the fact that

I wish the texas toast was just a little bit toastier to give it more of a

crunch and that the cheese itself stood out just a little bit more but

everything else guys swings for the fences and delivers in the flavor

department definitely a fantastic sandwich we may say Arby's is delicious

they really mean it guys I mean real talk if you're a carnivore you're gonna

dig this sandwich either way but the flavor that they're delivering because

it's beef short rib on top of that makes this one for me guys the flavor is just

insane and as much as I really like the smokehouse brisket itself this is easily

a favorite now I really love the thickness of the meat itself and just

the overall flavor that shines through over the barbecue sauce which is a nice

smoky flavor anyway very awesome on this so with that said I'm gonna have to give

the all-new smokehouse beef short rib sandwich here at Arby's and awesome

9 out of 10 it's sorry from the fact that you can't really taste the cheddar

cheese on this and the texas toast itself could be just a little bit toastier

this one completely delivers on everything that it's selling the smoke

is there the flavor is there and just overall it's a very hearty sandwich and

you're gonna be thankful that you've got this little sandwich diaper in the back

believe me but of course that's just my opinion what do you guys think are any

of you guys fans of beef short ribs in general and how excited are you to try

Arby's version of it drop those comments down below and definitely let me know

and with that this is Ian K closing out another episode of peep this out and

like I always say I've got brand new content every single week here on my

channel so while you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the

meantime stay frosty yeah Arby's is not just delicious they're freakin delicious

unsponsored hey guys do me a favor real fast drop some comments down below let

me know if you'd like me to swing on back to Arby's to check out their

all-new smokehouse beef short rib loaded curly fries man that's a mouthful if a

bunch of you guys are curious about that one I'll see about swinging on back to

give that one a shot alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

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