Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 3 2018

simple maggam work designs

For more infomation >> simple maggam work blouse designs | mirror work neck designs | hand embroidery stitches | Diy - Duration: 7:48.


鼠國以為我們「人傻錢多」 乘機起價 我國取消訂單 鼠國損失心慌 - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> 鼠國以為我們「人傻錢多」 乘機起價 我國取消訂單 鼠國損失心慌 - Duration: 9:01.


Che clima farà? - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Che clima farà? - Duration: 1:35.


Che cos'è un bioparco? - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Che cos'è un bioparco? - Duration: 1:51.


✅ 銀魂大好きback numberが映画主題歌担当「踏み込んだことのない領域の熱量で歌えた」 - Duration: 1:58.

 の新曲「大不正解」が、8月17日より全国の劇場で公開される映 「銀魂2 掟は破るためにこそある」の主題歌に決定した。  「銀魂 掟は破るためにこそある」は雑誌「週刊少年ジャンプ」で連載中の空 英秋の人気マンガ「銀魂」を原作とした実写映画シリーズの第2弾

2017年7月に公開された前作に続いて福田雄一が監督し、小栗旬、 田将暉、橋本環奈ら前作のキャストが続投する。 「大不正解」は以前 ら原作マンガの大ファンだったというが映画のために書き下ろした楽曲 清水依与吏(Vo, G)はこの曲について「自分達の中にある『銀魂 の世界と、実際の人生の中での『銀魂』な瞬間を、あまり踏み込んだこ のない領域の熱量で歌えたと思います」とコメントを寄せている

For more infomation >> ✅ 銀魂大好きback numberが映画主題歌担当「踏み込んだことのない領域の熱量で歌えた」 - Duration: 1:58.


KHÔNG THỂ CHẠM KLED NÀY | Cao Thủ Liên Minh - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> KHÔNG THỂ CHẠM KLED NÀY | Cao Thủ Liên Minh - Duration: 5:10.


중국 H-6폭격기에 대한 최신 업그레이드형 지속, 차세대 폭격기 H-20 개발연구도 계속. - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> 중국 H-6폭격기에 대한 최신 업그레이드형 지속, 차세대 폭격기 H-20 개발연구도 계속. - Duration: 7:55.


必看高深莫測元老級林伯的這番話「彷彿在暗示著新內閣部長」 - Duration: 14:18.

For more infomation >> 必看高深莫測元老級林伯的這番話「彷彿在暗示著新內閣部長」 - Duration: 14:18.


Yamaha SX Series: Interview with Lisa Yui - Duration: 2:27.

The Yamaha SX Series pianos are incredibly powerful

When I first played this instrument I thought, "okay, it's not a concert grand"

but once I played it

it was as powerful and as colorful

as a concert grand piano.

I was able to produce as soft a pianissimo and still a beautiful sound

on this instrument, and the fortissimos

were loud and yet still sonorous

and golden in sound.

In addition, this piano has the quality

of what one would expect from a Yamaha instrument.

The SX piano, I find, is like a blank canvas.

I'm able to splash colors onto it

and it's able to reproduce everything I want to do

exactly the way I want to do it.

Having a wide range is an essential part of a fine instrument

On the SX pianos, I can play beautifully

in a small salon setting, but also

in a larger concert hall as well.

PIanists are so very much at the mercy of this piano that is lying on the stage

and I am always enormously relieved when I walk up on stage

and I see that it's a Yamaha

because I know that it's an instrument I could rely on

and that would be able to speak everything that I want to speak.

The SX pianos are a powerful instrument

and it will speak as softly and as loudly

and as mysteriously or as furiously

as I would wish at that moment.

For more infomation >> Yamaha SX Series: Interview with Lisa Yui - Duration: 2:27.


💓 #1 Cause Of High Blood Pressure - Shocking Facts! - Duration: 6:25.

Hi, I'm Dr Sam Robbins,

I've talked a lot about high blood pressure in the past - causes and solutions.

I've done this because hypertension is called the "silent killer" because there are

no symptoms for it.

Some people think it's having headaches or being dizzy or something similar - but,

it's not.

Lots of things can cause these situations.

And of course, high blood pressure can lead to a heart attack or stroke and it's more

of a problem in my opinion, than having "high" cholesterol if you're concerned about heart


Additionally, going from a high blood pressure (over 140/90 mmHg) to normal levels (120/80

mmHG ), let alone to ideal blood pressure levels (115/75 mmHG) dramatically improves

your life by1

38% lower risk of heart failure; 43% lower risk of cardiovascular death;

27% lower risk of mortality overall.

Thus, you're going to live a much longer and healthier life, simply by improving your

blood pressure, which is a big deal in my opinion because it can easily be done and

you do NOT need drugs.

However, today I'm going to reveal the #1 cause of high blood pressure and NO, it's

not your diet, lack of exercise or stress!

It's because of the negative changes in your hormones, due to AGING!

I'll show you the clinical stats in a minute.

However, I know this to be very true because my own family and especially my parents.

And you can get the details on how I lowered their blood pressure naturally, below this

video in the description area.

But don't go their just yet.

First, take a look at the stats and chart from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention) of high blood pressure among adults2 over the age of 18 between 2015-2016

The first bar on the left that's kinda black, shows the TOTAL number of people who have

high blood pressure.

Basically, it's 30% of the population over the age of 18.

That's a lot.

What's worse is that this does NOT take into account PRE-hypertension numbers, which

means even more people have "almost" high blood pressure and don't even know it.

The second, gray bar, shows the % from age 18-39.

Men are 9.2% and women 5.6%.

So, things are NOT improving.

The third, green bar, shows the % for age 40-59.

Men are at 37.2% and women 29.4%.

This is a MASSIVE jump, up 420% for men and a whopping 525% for women!!!

Why such a huge jump all of a sudden?...

Because men's testosterone starts to declined in his late 20's and even more so in his


However, there's a huge drop starting in his 40's and it's called "andropause".

And women, they start "menopause" in their 40's as well, which causes massive negative

changes in all their hormones - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, adrenal and thyroid


Finally, the forth, lighter-green bar, shows the % for age 60 and over.

Men are 58.5% and women 66.8%.

Both age groups are significantly worse.

But the women are much worse because the negative changes in hormones because of menopause is

more dramatic than men's "andropause" So What Does This Mean For You?

Well, you're probably thinking "great, there's nothing I can do.

I can't turn back time, so I guess this is it?!!"

No, this just means you have to be more proactive about monitoring and improving your blood

pressure levels as you age, especially after the age of 40.

Now, the best way to find solutions to problems, is to know the CAUSE of it.

So what you need to do is make some simple lifestyle changes and utilize specific nutrients

that a more "mature" body needs, because of the changes in hormones, ... so your body

can help heal itself naturally, from within.

This is the ONLY long-term, safe solution for improving your blood pressure and overall

health… and I think you'd agree with this.

Unfortunately, Pharmaceutical companies (and most doctors) don't want do deal with the

cause, they just want to "mask" the symptoms with drugs.

In fact, this is why there are over 75 different blood pressure drugs with over a dozen different


This is also why most people with hypertension end up taking on average 2 drugs AT THE SAME

TIME, to make improvements.

I know this because both my parents, my aunts and uncles were dealing with all of these

same situations.

Of course, if you have extremely high blood pressure, such as 180/120, then you MUST take

a drug right away to lower it fast and get it under control immediately.

However, even in these extreme situations, this type of person will eventually need to

find natural solutions because you should NOT be taking drugs, long-term, for the rest

of you life.

We ALL know this - it's just too toxic and they have too many negative side-effects.

YES, lifestyle matters because DIET - what you put in your body (food and

liquids), EXERCISE - How much, how often and what kind.

STRESS MANAGEMENT - emotional and physical SUPPLEMENTS - herbs, plant extracts, vitamins,

minerals and amino acids … ALL affect your hormones and turn genes

ON or OFF.

Anyway, just because you're getting "older", does NOT mean you have to look and feel "old"

and deal with the potential health problems and one of them being high blood pressure.

Now below this video, I've got two special links for you.

One of them is a formula my dad and mom use to lower their blood pressure natural.

No drugs.

No crazy diets or exercise programs.

The second link is to a video that reveals the 5 best foods that are clinically proven

to help lower your blood pressure.

These solutions work at any age, for men and women.

So scroll down to the description area below, click the links, take advantage of the proven,

natural solutions and then leave your comments below and let me know about your results.

Also, please let me know what you liked and learned about today's video, so other people

can benefit as well.

Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 💓 #1 Cause Of High Blood Pressure - Shocking Facts! - Duration: 6:25.


Ana Guerra anuncia su primer single y videoclip, "Ni la hora", junto a Juan Magán - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Ana Guerra anuncia su primer single y videoclip, "Ni la hora", junto a Juan Magán - Duration: 3:14.


외계인 고문해 만들었다는' K-11 복합형 소총'의 정체 | korean army 24h - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> 외계인 고문해 만들었다는' K-11 복합형 소총'의 정체 | korean army 24h - Duration: 6:36.


인도, 자주포 최종후보로 삼성K-9 으로 단독 압축 - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> 인도, 자주포 최종후보로 삼성K-9 으로 단독 압축 - Duration: 8:47.


The Mookie Show S2, E133 (153 Madonna ! ? ) - Duration: 47:44.

For more infomation >> The Mookie Show S2, E133 (153 Madonna ! ? ) - Duration: 47:44.


Awakening {Glass:1} - Duration: 3:55.

I start my day like everyone else, an alarm clock ringing to start the misery. My life is boring.

I drive my car down the same road, and I listen to the same songs.

I kiss my grandma and say my prayers. However, no excitement, no change, and experience.

I want to break the monotony. Sometimes I think to my self that one day I am just going to quit cold turky

I drunkenly walk into work and change my life in to nothingness. Minute by minute.

I had dreams... aspirations that I wanted to follow until you came along.

You were a drug that I could not get enough of.

Like a daily chore having to wake up, do this, do that, and whip my ass while doing it. embarrassed at my lonely actions.

Not this week! I am going to go and have a "me day." Then once I wake up it none of you from here on out.

Once leave here life is going to be different for me! Change is inevitable and I am going to force it.

Once I wake my body my soul to take.,.j[a'iefg my ;lianevesav life...... Help......

What hell?

Where am I?

Did I not go home?

What was that?

Who"s there?

"We have been watching you"

"We see what you do 24/7"

"We have no body but walk everywhere with you"

"we are killers and love"

"we are with you, come find us."

what in the absolute hell was that?!?

Why can't I walk

I keep telling my feet to stop but they can't

Who did this to me

alright alright calm down, nothing to worry about some one just drugged you. but who

who would I have to have pissed off..

Alright wind that is good something reconize

Ah who am I fucking kidding, wind its all over the place

shit alright calm down no time to do this

what was that

okay didn't hear anything... calm.....

Shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck

run just run

Come on legs don't fail me now!



tHERE WE GO yES yeS yeS!!!!!


Who the fuck was that......

"pick up the tape recorder"

If the imagination intoxicates the poet, it is not inactive in other men.

The metamorphosis excites in the beholder an emotion of joy.

The use of symbols has a certain power of emancipation and exhilaration for all men.

We seem to be touched by a wand, which makes us dance and run about happily, like children.

"clue one has been given"

"Turn off your illuminations."

Glass 8/4/18

For more infomation >> Awakening {Glass:1} - Duration: 3:55.


Top 100 Musicas Romanticas Internacionais Anos 90 e 2000 - Musicas Romanticas Melhores - Duration: 1:55:21.

For more infomation >> Top 100 Musicas Romanticas Internacionais Anos 90 e 2000 - Musicas Romanticas Melhores - Duration: 1:55:21.


✔✔ 하늘에서 금괴 가 떨어져 러시아에서 벌어진 황당한 사건 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ 하늘에서 금괴 가 떨어져 러시아에서 벌어진 황당한 사건 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:53.


Lagu Adele Terbaik - Adele Hit Cover Terbesar Playlist 2018 - Duration: 1:11:47.

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