Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 3 2018

Hey everybody and welcome back to another episode where were going to be exploring 3

amazing street foods that you have to try in this hot and happening city!

This deep fried flatbread which comes with a plethora of toppings, is a common street

food in Hungary!

As Raam and I were exploring the city, most of the locals suggested we check out Retro

Langos, a much beloved joint that we absolutely could not miss!

This place was clearly a hit as tons of locals kept coming every few seconds for a bite to


The menu was extensive, serving close to 15 different toppings, of which we ended up choosing

the one with cheese and fried onions.

This golden brown delight was not just crispy on the outsides, but also soft and warm in

the inside.

Absolutely mouthwatering!

When in Budapest, there is no way you can leave without having eaten the official dessert

of Hungary.

This freshly baked good has a crispy crunchy outside and a light fluffy dough inside.

It's cylindrical in shape and can be stuffed with not just hot chocolate, but also ice-cream

and other sweet fillings.

We were super eager to also find a shop that could show us how it was made, and guess what,

we were in luck!

Invented by the famous Jozsef C. Dobos, this Hungarian sponge cake is layered with chocolate

buttercream and topped with caramel.

It is said to be a speciality especially in the Jewish Quarter, right next to the famous

Dohany Street Synagogue, which is why we made our way to a cozy Jewish bakery there for


The place was charming, people were extremely friendly and most importantly: the cake was

amazing! One of a kind.

For more infomation >> 3 Awesome Street Food Snacks To Eat in Budapest, Hungary - Triple P - Duration: 4:37.


贾静雯性感亮相,网友:p的脸都歪了,长点心吧! - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> 贾静雯性感亮相,网友:p的脸都歪了,长点心吧! - Duration: 2:41.


State provides funding relief for firefighting efforts - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> State provides funding relief for firefighting efforts - Duration: 2:34.


문재인 정부 첫 대형무기 사업인 해상초계기 도입 사업 2파전 양상으로 구체화 - 군사 비밀 - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> 문재인 정부 첫 대형무기 사업인 해상초계기 도입 사업 2파전 양상으로 구체화 - 군사 비밀 - Duration: 7:30.


曾嗆郝「好去死死」 文大案柯P改稱公務員遊走法律邊緣 - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> 曾嗆郝「好去死死」 文大案柯P改稱公務員遊走法律邊緣 - Duration: 5:53.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


大S的肤质确实好,就是这张脸感觉像被打肿了 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 大S的肤质确实好,就是这张脸感觉像被打肿了 - Duration: 2:19.


Morgan Evans' 'Kiss Somebody' Music Video: All the Behind-the-Scenes Details - News Today - Duration: 2:39.

 Morgan Evans may have found his happily ever after, but he's lending a hand to those in pursuit of finding their special someone

 On Monday night, the Australian musician, 33 – who's married to fellow country singer Kelsea Ballerini – is scheduled to perform his single "Kiss Somebody" on Becca Kufrin's season of The Bachelorette

 His U.S. debut single, which is currently No. 11 on Billboard's Country Airplay chart, is inspired by a brokenhearted friend who had trouble getting over a relationship

 And after watching PEOPLE's exclusive behind-the-scenes clip from his music video shoot, you're definitely going to want to kiss somebody, too!  "Every time we do a take it's a huge mess to clean up," a flower-toting Evans says in the clip, adding, "But it's going to be worth it

"  After Evans announced his performance via Twitter, his wife — a longtime fan of the show — revealed she's excited for his appearance for a multitude of reasons

 "Soooo, I'm gonna be playing Kiss Somebody on @BacheloretteABC this Monday!" Evans Tweeted on Thursday, with the "Legends" singer responding, "Does this mean you'll watch it with me? FINALLY?!"  "I'm scared to watch," Evans said, stating the obvious

"It's so addictive."  "It's a date," Ballerini, 24, replied. "I'll bring the popcorn

"  After nine months of dating, Evans popped the question to Ballerini on Dec. 25, 2016 while eating pancakes in their Nashville kitchen and listening to Michael Bublé's holiday album

 And nearly one year later on Dec. 2, 2017, the country singers tied the knot in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

 The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

For more infomation >> Morgan Evans' 'Kiss Somebody' Music Video: All the Behind-the-Scenes Details - News Today - Duration: 2:39.


看蔡政府做的5件事 網轟民進黨的台灣價值就是「騙」 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 看蔡政府做的5件事 網轟民進黨的台灣價值就是「騙」 - Duration: 2:18.





Porta-aviões USS Harry S. Truman chega ao Oriente Médio - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Porta-aviões USS Harry S. Truman chega ao Oriente Médio - Duration: 2:14.


"¿Volver a Madrid? Algo haré para ver más a mis hijos" - Duration: 3:30.

 "Me encanta vivir en Londres. Madrid y Londres son grandes. Lo único es que en Madrid viven mis hijos

Me gustaría que estuvieran cerca. Eso no quiere decir que vaya a volver. Pero para mí son muy importantes y voy a hacer algo para verles más", dijo tras el triunfo de Bélgica ante Japón, según recoge 'AS'

 El portero del Chelsea rechazó hablar de la posibilidad de jugar en el Real Madrid la próxima temporada

"No voy a hablar de eso ahora. Lo único que he dicho que veré todo tras el Mundial

Lo más importante son mis hijos y decidiré lo mejor para mí en todo", añadió el meta belga

 Courtois reconoció que Bélgica sufrió más de lo esperado ante Japón aunque su pasado en el Atlético Madrid le ha curtido en ese tipo de situaciones

"Aprendí a sufrir en el Atleti. Allí se sufría siempre", indicó.  "Japón es un buen equipo, tácticamente ha jugado bien

No encontrábamos espacios y nos vimos con 2-0 en contra. Pero al final metimos un gol que nos metió en el partido otra vez y creímos en la remontada", añadió el portero de Bélgica, que nunca perdió la fe igual que sus compañeros

 "Sabía que si metíamos un gol podíamos hacerlo. Se veía mal porque no marcábamos y su portero hizo grandes paradas

Parecía que no iba a ser posible", añadió Courtois que ya piensa en los cuartos de final contra Brasil

 "Brasil está jugando muy bien, sin conceder ocasiones. Es un gran equipo. El fútbol tiene cosas impensables

todo es posible. son un poco más favoritos pero haremos todo por ganar", concluyó el portero de Bélgica


For more infomation >> "¿Volver a Madrid? Algo haré para ver más a mis hijos" - Duration: 3:30.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 DCI S&S AIRCO SCHUIFDEUR NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 DCI S&S AIRCO SCHUIFDEUR NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:58.


內線猛將Noel與雷霆簽約兩年 曾拒千萬年薪如今拿老將底薪 - Duration: 0:53.

   據雅虎名記查拉尼亞報導,聯盟知情人士透露,自由球員No l將加盟雷霆,雙方將簽訂兩年合約,第二年Noel擁有球員選項 隨後,NBA官網記者大衛-阿爾德里奇透露,Noel簽訂的是老 底薪合同

 據悉,Noel在湖人、雷霆和巫師之間最終選擇了雷霆,雷 主帥Billy Donovan當地時間週六早上在邁阿密與No l進行了會面,威少和George也聯繫了這個大個子

 上賽季,Noel在小牛僅僅打了30場比賽,場均4.4分5 6個籃板球,雙方的相處很不愉快。四年的職業生涯,Noel場均 有9.3分7.2個籃板球,這個6尺11吋的大個子渴望重新開始 加入到一支有競爭力的球隊,最終他選擇了雷霆

   去年休賽期,Noel作為受限制自由球員渴望簽訂一份長 大合同,據悉他拒絕了小牛提供的4年7000萬美元的合約。如今 24歲的他只拿到一份老將底薪。

For more infomation >> 內線猛將Noel與雷霆簽約兩年 曾拒千萬年薪如今拿老將底薪 - Duration: 0:53.


Sultan d'Occitanie-Bourg Palette - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Sultan d'Occitanie-Bourg Palette - Duration: 3:00.


💓 #1 Cause Of High Blood Pressure - Shocking Facts! - Duration: 6:25.

Hi, I'm Dr Sam Robbins,

I've talked a lot about high blood pressure in the past - causes and solutions.

I've done this because hypertension is called the "silent killer" because there are

no symptoms for it.

Some people think it's having headaches or being dizzy or something similar - but,

it's not.

Lots of things can cause these situations.

And of course, high blood pressure can lead to a heart attack or stroke and it's more

of a problem in my opinion, than having "high" cholesterol if you're concerned about heart


Additionally, going from a high blood pressure (over 140/90 mmHg) to normal levels (120/80

mmHG ), let alone to ideal blood pressure levels (115/75 mmHG) dramatically improves

your life by1

38% lower risk of heart failure; 43% lower risk of cardiovascular death;

27% lower risk of mortality overall.

Thus, you're going to live a much longer and healthier life, simply by improving your

blood pressure, which is a big deal in my opinion because it can easily be done and

you do NOT need drugs.

However, today I'm going to reveal the #1 cause of high blood pressure and NO, it's

not your diet, lack of exercise or stress!

It's because of the negative changes in your hormones, due to AGING!

I'll show you the clinical stats in a minute.

However, I know this to be very true because my own family and especially my parents.

And you can get the details on how I lowered their blood pressure naturally, below this

video in the description area.

But don't go their just yet.

First, take a look at the stats and chart from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention) of high blood pressure among adults2 over the age of 18 between 2015-2016

The first bar on the left that's kinda black, shows the TOTAL number of people who have

high blood pressure.

Basically, it's 30% of the population over the age of 18.

That's a lot.

What's worse is that this does NOT take into account PRE-hypertension numbers, which

means even more people have "almost" high blood pressure and don't even know it.

The second, gray bar, shows the % from age 18-39.

Men are 9.2% and women 5.6%.

So, things are NOT improving.

The third, green bar, shows the % for age 40-59.

Men are at 37.2% and women 29.4%.

This is a MASSIVE jump, up 420% for men and a whopping 525% for women!!!

Why such a huge jump all of a sudden?...

Because men's testosterone starts to declined in his late 20's and even more so in his


However, there's a huge drop starting in his 40's and it's called "andropause".

And women, they start "menopause" in their 40's as well, which causes massive negative

changes in all their hormones - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, adrenal and thyroid


Finally, the forth, lighter-green bar, shows the % for age 60 and over.

Men are 58.5% and women 66.8%.

Both age groups are significantly worse.

But the women are much worse because the negative changes in hormones because of menopause is

more dramatic than men's "andropause" So What Does This Mean For You?

Well, you're probably thinking "great, there's nothing I can do.

I can't turn back time, so I guess this is it?!!"

No, this just means you have to be more proactive about monitoring and improving your blood

pressure levels as you age, especially after the age of 40.

Now, the best way to find solutions to problems, is to know the CAUSE of it.

So what you need to do is make some simple lifestyle changes and utilize specific nutrients

that a more "mature" body needs, because of the changes in hormones, ... so your body

can help heal itself naturally, from within.

This is the ONLY long-term, safe solution for improving your blood pressure and overall

health… and I think you'd agree with this.

Unfortunately, Pharmaceutical companies (and most doctors) don't want do deal with the

cause, they just want to "mask" the symptoms with drugs.

In fact, this is why there are over 75 different blood pressure drugs with over a dozen different


This is also why most people with hypertension end up taking on average 2 drugs AT THE SAME

TIME, to make improvements.

I know this because both my parents, my aunts and uncles were dealing with all of these

same situations.

Of course, if you have extremely high blood pressure, such as 180/120, then you MUST take

a drug right away to lower it fast and get it under control immediately.

However, even in these extreme situations, this type of person will eventually need to

find natural solutions because you should NOT be taking drugs, long-term, for the rest

of you life.

We ALL know this - it's just too toxic and they have too many negative side-effects.

YES, lifestyle matters because DIET - what you put in your body (food and

liquids), EXERCISE - How much, how often and what kind.

STRESS MANAGEMENT - emotional and physical SUPPLEMENTS - herbs, plant extracts, vitamins,

minerals and amino acids … ALL affect your hormones and turn genes

ON or OFF.

Anyway, just because you're getting "older", does NOT mean you have to look and feel "old"

and deal with the potential health problems and one of them being high blood pressure.

Now below this video, I've got two special links for you.

One of them is a formula my dad and mom use to lower their blood pressure natural.

No drugs.

No crazy diets or exercise programs.

The second link is to a video that reveals the 5 best foods that are clinically proven

to help lower your blood pressure.

These solutions work at any age, for men and women.

So scroll down to the description area below, click the links, take advantage of the proven,

natural solutions and then leave your comments below and let me know about your results.

Also, please let me know what you liked and learned about today's video, so other people

can benefit as well.

Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 💓 #1 Cause Of High Blood Pressure - Shocking Facts! - Duration: 6:25.


Russia star Mario Fernandes makes shock Spain claim after World Cup heroics - Duration: 5:17.

 On it was the slogan: "You were born to bring a fairytale to life." But even the old witch Baba Yaga from Russian folklore could not have predicted a night quite like it

 Russia were written off before this tournament. Vladimir Putin himself gave them no chance

Yet here they are, the lowest ranked nation in the finals, in the last eight. It took penalties to do it, and a new star was born in CSKA Moscow keeper Igor Akinfeev, who saved two in the shoot-out against 2010 winners Spain

 Somehow that seemed fitting in the land of the legendary Lev Yashin, the Black Spider

But no one saw it coming. No one except the players themselves.  They had been booed and jeered off just a few weeks ago when they drew 1-1 with Turkey to go seven games without a win, their worst run of the post-Soviet era

 But CSKA Moscow full-back Mario Fernandes, an adopted Russian born in Brazil who does not even speak the language, insists they never stopped believing

 "Before the tournament, no one thought we'd get here, no one believed we would get out of the group," Fernandes said

 "Only a few in the media supported us but the whole team believed in ourselves, knew we would fight

With everyone helping each other, we knew we could get something.  "Now we've knocked out Spain, one of the favourites

We just need some calmness. It's game by game, step by step now. We deserve a lot of credit

" Putin himself was a sceptic. Before the tournament he asked the team only to "play with dignity", and in a phone call with coach Stanislav Cherchesov before the Spain game, praised the team for having "already accomplished the impossible"

 The Russian president is enjoying this World Cup. He has sneaked out a rise in the pension age and raised taxes while everyone's attention has been on the football

But even he must be surprised at the scale of the transformation taking place in the nation's major cities

 There are people in Moscow who swear they haven't seen anything like it in their lifetimes

Car horns blared, girls in traditional dress danced in the street with strangers, and children watched it all in wide-eyed amazement

 Russians are not used to smiling. They find it suspicious. But they can't stop smiling now

Even the granny draped in the Russian flag staggering home at 1am with a kebab was grinning broadly from ear to ear

 You could hear them singing "ROSSIYA! ROSSIYA!" long into the early hours – and there were fans from all over the world joining in

 Fernandes, who only started playing for Russia last April after gaining citizenship in 2016, said: "To see the support here, everyone is happy

Everyone was good. For sure, it's my best moment in football. "I thank God for getting here

Without him, it wouldn't be possible. I'm happy to have helped the team." And just to add to the fairytale, the Russians, shockingly, didn't even practice penalties

You wouldn't have guessed from the way Fedor Smolov, Sergey Ignashevich, Aleksandr Golovin and Denis Cheryshev all despatched them

 "We didn't practice penalties," Fernandes said. "But Akinfeev is a top goalkeeper

He's one of the best, not only in Russia but in the whole world. "In football, Russia has never done something as big as this

The whole country is happy and supporting us. I'm so happy that the people are happy

" This is the first time Russia has reached the World Cup quarter-finals as an independent nation, and they are proud of it

They could even meet England now in the semi-finals. But Fernandes can't help but dream even bigger

"Of course, after Russia, Brazil are my team. It's the country where I was born. But I hope they don't get to the final…"

For more infomation >> Russia star Mario Fernandes makes shock Spain claim after World Cup heroics - Duration: 5:17.


Alabama Teacher Told Student She Wanted to Take His Virginity, Reports to Jail - Duration: 4:22.

 A former Alabama teacher convicted of sex crimes against three students who'd once taken classes with her reported to jail on Monday to begin serving her sentence, PEOPLE confirms

 Ashley Parkins Pruitt, a teacher and coach at Locust Fork High School and then at Appalachian High School, pleaded guilty in 2017 to two counts of performing a sex act with a student or deviant sexual intercourse with a student and two counts of distribution of pornography to a minor, according to a release from Pamela L

Casey, District Attorney for the 41st Judicial Circuit of Alabama.  She's required to serve one year in jail followed by two years of house arrest

 Between August and October of 2014, Blount sent pictures of her genitals and breasts to a student under the age of 18 via Snapchat, according to the release

She carried on multiple sexual conversations with the student, telling him she wanted to take his virginity, the release states

 During this time, Pruitt had sexual intercourse with a student under 19 and also performed a sex act on a third student under 19, according to the release

 All three victims had been in Pruitt's classes at one point, the release states

 "These three families entrusted our community to keep their children safe," Casey said in the release

"A member of our community violated that trust by perpetrating these deviant acts upon the children

Thanks to local law enforcement, the Children' Advocacy Center and the families of these victims, Ashley Pruitt is being held accountable for her actions

"  Pruitt appealed her conviction to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, but the court affirmed the conviction and then denied her application for a rehearing

 Pruitt's attorney Brett King tells PEOPLE he plans to appeal Pruitt's conviction

King says at the time of the encounters, the students were above the age of consent and Pruitt was a teacher at a different school from them

King says Pruitt's conviction is "a stretch" of the statute governing relationships between teachers and students

 King says Pruitt pleaded guilty because she does not dispute the underlying facts of the case, but rather believes the law was improperly interpreted

"We're not disputing what happened, we're saying you don't have the authority to make that illegal," he says

 Pruitt will have to wear an ankle monitor while under house arrest, prosecutor Scott Gilliland tells PEOPLE

 She was ordered to surrender all licenses issued by the state's Department of Education and will be required to register as a sex offender when she's released from jail, according to the release

 Last month, Tim Clevenger, the assistant principal at Locust Fork High School, was convicted of one count of producing child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography, according to Gilliland

 Clevenger videotaped a 14-year-old female through the window at his house while the victim was visiting his daughter

For more infomation >> Alabama Teacher Told Student She Wanted to Take His Virginity, Reports to Jail - Duration: 4:22.





Dresses for girls Exclusive - Duration: 2:41.

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For more infomation >> Dresses for girls Exclusive - Duration: 2:41.


海贼王:罗杰时代的五位剑豪,一位是红发师傅,一位打败过白胡子 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:罗杰时代的五位剑豪,一位是红发师傅,一位打败过白胡子 - Duration: 3:46.


✅ Queen Elizabeth II. tot: Englands Minister planen bereits den Tod der Königin (92) - Duration: 3:22.

 Am britischen Königshof ist man stets auf alle Eventualitäten vorbereitet. Besonders für Notfälle jedweder Art steht ein offizielles Protokoll bereit, das dann Anwendung finden soll

Auch wenn es für viele Beobachter mindestens merkwürdig erscheint, gilt das auch für die eventuelle Stunde Null am Königshof: dem Tod von Queen Elizabeth II

(92) Man darf sicher sein: Chaos wird es in diesem Moment nicht geben. Der Grund? Das Ableben der Monarchin wurde bereits geübt - von britischen Ministern

DAS passiert, wenn Queen Elizabeth II. tot ist  Zuletzt war die Aufregung um die 92-Jährige groß

Musste die Queen doch krankheitsbedingt ihren Termin in der St.-Pauls-Kathedrale in London absagen

Eine leichte Sommergrippe soll es lediglich gewesen sein, berichtete die britische "Daily Mail" später

Allerdings: Während die Queen mit ihrer Erkältung kämpfte, soll es ein Minister-Treffen gegeben haben, auf welchem der Tod der Königin geübt wurde

Das berichtet jedenfalls die "The Sunday Times". Demnach sei es das erste Treffen dieser Art gewesen, um zehn nationale Trauer-Tage vorzubereiten

  Wann erfährt die Öffentlichkeit vom Tod von Queen Elizabeth II.?  Für den Fall des Dahinscheidens wird dem Blatt zufolge das "Castle Dove"-Szenario zur Anwendung kommen, das den ersten Tag nach dem Tod der Queen regelt

Besprochen wurde laut "The Sunday Times", wann die Öffentlichkeit durch den/die Premierminister(in) informiert wird

Außerdem sollen Pläne erarbeitet worden sein, welche das Zusammentreffen der 600 Kronratsmitglieder im Buckingham Palace regeln sollen

Ein Mammutakt, der vorher einer klaren Abstimmung bedarf. Queen Elizabeth Tod: Leichnam der Queen wird vier Tage lang aufgebahrt  Auch zum Verfahren mit dem Leichnam der Königin soll ein Plan ausgearbeitet worden sein

Demnach solle der Leichnam vier Tage lang in der Westminster Hall aufgebahrt werden

Für den neuen König sollen demnach bereits kurz nach der Thronbesteigung Reisen nach Schottland und Wales auf dem Programm stehen, um die Einigkeit des Königreiches zu bekunden

Übrigens: Der Queen soll es nach ihrer Sommergrippe schon wieder besser gehen. Ein Zusammenhang mit dem Ministertreffen habe britischen Medien zufolge nicht bestanden

 Folgen Sie schon bei Facebook, Google+ und Twitter? Hier finden Sie brandheiße News, tolle Gewinnspiele und den direkten Draht zur Redaktion


For more infomation >> ✅ Queen Elizabeth II. tot: Englands Minister planen bereits den Tod der Königin (92) - Duration: 3:22.


Gossip U&D, Sara confessa di aver sentito Lorenzo dopo la scelta: 'Mi ha mandato due sms' - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Sara confessa di aver sentito Lorenzo dopo la scelta: 'Mi ha mandato due sms' - Duration: 4:03.


[L'analisi] Il fanatico della paura si è mangiato i Cinque Stelle. Ecco perché la Lega è diventatail - Duration: 8:05.

Quello che dicono i sondaggi, si sente nell'aria, ormai si respira. Per dire che non ci sarebbe neanche bisogno della matematica e di grandi studiosi per capire quello che sta accadendo

La Grande Marcia della Lega travolge tutto e appare sempre di più inarrestabile, inghiotte gli alleati vecchi e nuovi, di ieri e di oggi, e ormai si divora anche gli avversari

Il trionfatore dei primi giorni di governo, ma pure di quelli lunghissimi che li hanno preceduti, è Matteo Salvini

E lo è a discapito di tutto e di tutti, anche di quelli che non ci credevano, che erano tanti, e anche di Roberto Maroni che gli diceva di lasciar perdere quest'avventura: «Il M5S è poco affidabile

I parlamentari della Lega rispondono a Salvini. Quelli del M5S invece a chi rispondono? A Di Maio? A Casaleggio? A Grillo? Alla rete? Imbarcarsi in un governo che potrebbe non durare 5 anni è rischioso»

Ma a Matteo non importa più quanto dura. Se si va al voto domani, lui ha già l'Italia in mano

E può permettersi pure di aspettare. Il suo è un credito che è solo in ascesa. Prima di cominciare sapeva già quale sarebbe stata la sua scommessa, la questione della difesa serrata delle frontiere, secondo il criterio tolleranza zero e immigrazione zero, in un Paese ormai stremato da anni e anni di invasione e di occupazione anche visiva del territorio, con i centri delle nostre città addirittura sommersi da negozi marocchini, pachistani, africani

Nella sua brutalità, risponde a una logica semplice, che se impedisci alle navi di arrivare e di varcare le acque territoriali, anche a costo di rischi etici tragici, prima o poi quelle zattere e quei traghetti saranno costretti a non partire

In fondo era quello che aveva promesso in campagna elettorale, e ora che realizza tutto questo, la prova di forza può essere dispiegata con notevole impatto simbolico e politico in una opinione pubblica «fanatizzata dalla paura», come dice Giuliano Ferrara, «da un governo che sembra nato apposta per accantonare scrupoli umanitari e far finire la pacchia»

Lo sospinge un vento che non è solo italiano, questo trumpismo trasversale, come dimostrano l'Ungheria e soprattutto l'America stessa, con un presidente che ha definito senza tentennamenti «stupratori» i clandestini venuti dal Messico, animali scappati «da paesi di merda», e accolti generosamente nel ricettacolo liberal dei progressisti californiani

La musica è la stessa. Ma da noi è solo apparentemente suonata da due cantori. Perché questa è sempre e solo stata la musica della Lega, come riconosco sottovoce molti grillini un po' recalcitranti: «Noi gli siamo semplicemente andati dietro»

Alle copie si preferisce sempre l'originale, in fondo è così ovvio. E dopo aver divorato Forza Italia, ormai destinata a sparire completamente dentro le sue fila, nonostante gli ultimi, disperati tentativi di Berlusconi di ricostruirne un'identità, Salvini ha cominciato a erodere i suoi nuovi alleati, prima riducendone le distanze e poi avviando l'operazione sorpasso, soprattutto nel cuore dei suoi smottamenti periferici

Molto più dei sondaggi hanno parlato chiaro i voti delle ultime comunali. In Toscana la Lega arriva al 25 per cento a Pisa, da dove era partita, cinque anni fa dallo 0,35, quasi inesistente, roba da Mario Monti o da prospettive berlusconiane

Il 4 marzo aveva ottenuto il 17. In 3 mesi è salita di quasi il 50 per cento. E il pd è dietro col 23 per cento, il M5S ha il 10, Forza Italia il 3,5

L'Istituto Cattaneo pubblica questa analisi sui flussi di voto a Pisa: gli elettori dei 5 Stelle «in larga maggioranza hanno preferito astenersi»

Per il resto si è diviso tra chi (il 37 per cento) è rimasto fedele al simbolo che aveva votato e quelli che hanno preferito il centrodestra (il 43)

Quasi insignificante il passaggio a sinistra. Potrebbe voler dire che, in pratica, il voto di sinistra del Movimento ha scelto semplicemente di disertare le urne (come dargli torto?)

A tutto questo, bisogna aggiungere lo smottamento periferico che sta interessando i Cinque Stelle, in Emilia, in Veneto, e in Campania, la regione di Luigi Di Maio e Roberto Fico

Dora Palumbo, ha annunciato le sue dimissioni dal gruppo consiliare di Palazzo d'Accursio a Bologna con queste parole: «Quella con la Lega è un'alleanza con la casta che per tanti anni avevamo combattuto

Andiamo a governare con una forza politica che non ha a cuore gli ultimi, ma cerca il consenso seminando odio e paura»

Prima del voto di fiducia al governo si era dimessa Francesca Menna, dicndoe di aver ricevuto degli incarichi universitari inconciliabili con il suo ruolo di consigliere comunale

Pure Nicola Sguera, a Benevento, ha abbandonato il suo scranno: «Con la Lega neanche sotto tortura»

Raccontano le cronache di altre fibrillazioni in Campania. E in Veneto, dove a Belluno, se ne erano andati in sette, tuonando «siamo diventati come gli altri partiti!»

A Vicenza, il M5S non si è neanche presentato alle amministrative, come a Siena. A Torino la pattuglia di cinque NoTav integralisti stanno sostenendo la giunta Appendino per ora con qualche sbuffo e fatica

Quando è scoppiato il caso dell'Aquarius, una di loro ha sbottato ironicamente: «Preferivo che questo governo fermasse un treno»

Il risultato alla fine è abbastanza banale, e sotto gli occhi di tutti. La prima, e più evidente, è che le cose della Lega si possono fare, senza considerare le questioni economiche, che quelle saranno un capitolo a parte

Perché non è vero che Salvini sta dettando l'agenda. E' vero soltanto che i suoi temi hanno molta più presa popolare di quelli grillini, dall'immigrazione alla sicurezza

Per il Movimento 5 Stelle ci sono i vitalizi, di cui si parla tanto, ma non si fa niente

E poi c'è la Giustizia contro i corrotti. E qui bisognerebbe chiedersi perché nella percezaione popolare lo Sceriffo Bullo (Lega) piaccia molto di più del Magistrato Inflessibile (5 Stelle)

Forse perché lo Sceriffo è visto come uno che se la prende solo con gli altri, mentre il Magistrato con tutti? E quindi anche con noi?

For more infomation >> [L'analisi] Il fanatico della paura si è mangiato i Cinque Stelle. Ecco perché la Lega è diventatail - Duration: 8:05.


Messi llega como la esperanza de Argentina - Duration: 1:25.

 Buenos Aires, Argentina. El astro argentino Lionel Messi arribó el martes a su país e inmediatamente se puso a las órdenes del técnico Jorge Sampaoli para comenzar a preparar junto a su selección la participación en el Mundial de Rusia

 Messi, que participará en su cuarta Copa del Mundo, se sumó a los futbolistas que desde el lunes entrenan en el campo deportivo de la Asociación Argentina de Futbol (AFA) en Buenos Aires con miras al Mundial

 El atacante del Barcelona participará junto al equipo argentino de una práctica abierta al público el domingo en el estadio de Vélez Sarsfield y el martes próximo jugará ante Haití en la cancha de Boca Juniors, en un amistoso que servirá de despedida de la "Albiceleste" antes de emprender el viaje a Europa

 Argentina debutará en el Mundial el 16 de junio ante Islandia en Moscú, el 21 jugará ante Croacia en Nizhni Nóvgorod y el 26 completará su participación en el grupo D frente a Nigeria en San Petersburgo

 Reuters Por si te interesa: Luis Suárez: El niño malo de Uruguay

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