Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019

Not long ago I was watching Monty Don, the English gardening guru, as he

wandered among and expatiated about the fabulous water features of the Villa

d'Este in Italy, during a segment of his television series on great Italian

gardens. When he sauntered by the three ducts of Le Cento Fontane (The Hundred

Fountains), out of which dozens of gargoyles spouted streams of water on

the lowest level, I kept seeing the face of Adamo Macri's distinctive portrait,

Dust Roe. Given its peculiarities, such a face could well have been sculpted and

secured to a brick wall for the sole purpose of pouring crystalline waters

out of the conch shell replacing its mouth. Art and water enjoy long and

varied history around the world in which masterpieces abound: Botticelli's

Birth of Venus, Monet's water lilies, Dufy's Baie des Anges (a favourite of mine),

Hokusai's Great Wave, and paintings by Turner, Homer, to name a few. The list is

endless and must also include the art of photographers, filmmakers and writers.

Moby Dick anyone? Whether it's a turbulent ocean or a still pond, a lake

or fountain, water with its energies, complexities of colour and depths of

meaning has always attracted the artist, and everyone else as well. We are drawn

to it, yearn for it, praise, fear it, and damn it.

It washes through our erotic dreams, and symbolically imbues Macri's exquisite

Dust Roe. I don't wish to digress into theories of evolution here, but our

attraction might have something to do with our origins in the primeval sea.

Although no water is specifically depicted in Macri's Dust Roe, there is

delicate aquamarine, and there is the combination of shells attached to, or

emerging from the face. I have returned to this portrait many times in a state

of dry quandary. It was only during Monty Don's charming stroll through the

waterworks of the Villa d'Este that the pressure of wish and wonder burst

like a broken main, and I experienced a silent flooding of ideas and feelings,

all related to the implicit waters of Macri's Dust Roe. I was submerged, and

would not come up for air until I had done, even at the risk of drowning in

confusion. In Dust Roe, Macri is either immersed in implications, or I am

changing my view of it as often as Proteus changes shape. Speaking of that

slippery god, who assumes any number of identities to avoid foretelling the

future if we try to grasp him between our hands, I must also mention the sea's

mutability. By its very nature, water changes and flows, gives and takes, just

as a Macri portrait assumes the various meanings we shape around it, then seeps

away, leaving us neck deep in our speculations. Somewhere in his writing (no,

I don't have a footnote here), Jung suggests that Proteus is an apt symbol

of the unconscious, but I wont wade in that murky sea. You see where a

prolonged study of Dust Roe has led me, over my head in dangerous water. Dust Roe

is complex it's strange and lovely; it is also brilliant. Throwing adjectives at a

work of art however never helps me understand why I find it so compelling.

Yes, yes, I know: one need only feel and not think too much. So they say. I do not.

Feeling and nothing but feeling leaves me floundering like, dare I say, a

flounder out of water. I need to connect feeling with the hard ground of thought,

even as I immerse myself in the destructive element if I may be allowed

to use Conrad's famous bit of dialogue from his novel Lord Jim a novel of the

sea. Actually, what Stein, a character in the novel, says to Jim bears repeating

because it reflects Macri's own conception: …man that is born falls into a

dream like a man who falls into the sea. if he tries to climb out into the air as

inexperienced people endeavor to do, he drowns—nicht wahr?... No! I tell you! The way

is to the destructive element submit yourself, and with the exertions

of your hands and feet in the water make the deep deep sea keep you up.

Destruction here, as in Macri's vision evident throughout his artistic oeuvre,

means re-creation and transformation, a kind of wisdom born of experience and

knowledge derived from the recognition of the deep and necessary nature of

change and energy. We remain vital and alert in sensuous immediacy and in the

creative eroticism of life in the midst of decay. Nicht wahr? Isn't that true? One

doesn't necessarily drown after all, although I recall Macri's haunting

portrait, Memento Mori, which shares features with Dust Roe, a

portrait rich with allusions to mortality of which Macri is acutely

aware. Still there is that living seemingly roving eye the other one

buried in the invisible depths of a shell protruding from the socket: one

visible eye, singular, dark, peering upwards, and therefore emphatic. What does

it portend: a fish eye, the Masonic eye, a spiritual eye, or the malocchio of

Italian folklore? I don't think we need to nail it down to one meaning. Suffice

it to say that the presence of the eye in a face covered with shells of various

sizes, attached to each other and forming a remarkable mask, directs me to look

where it's looking. And seeing what precisely? It's puzzling, a response

perhaps Macri symbolizes by the placement of a flat white puzzle piece

on the right cheek. I marvel at the silk-washed skin as smooth as marble; garlands

of sea weed, shells and crystals in aquamarine; black hair so flattened as to

form a tight-fitting cap; a loose undershirt reflecting the colours of the

portrait; an opaque, sandy backdrop, a cord or string of bleached coral around the

neck; and subtle shadows as if light is flickering beneath the surface of a calm

sea. The carefully chosen elements of this portrait connect seamlessly, the

consequence of Adamo Macri's subtle, multi-faceted artistry. I

did not at first notice, for example, that the garland seems to grow out of an ear,

and there's a trace of a beard beneath the mollusk shells. And I was led by the

colour, details and implications of this portrait to similarities in Macri's

stunning Hinterland portrait. Is it a mask or some inner force that emerges

from the face of Dust Roe, a transformation of identity in the sea?

Macri has long been fascinated with cellular changes and the slow breaking

down of shape and structures in both organic life and inorganic matter

Moreover, he often merges human and inhuman in his art, a cross-fertilization

of seeds from different species, if you will, as in the Epizoochory series. That

phenomenon remains a perennially fascinating aspect of his art, the

endless mutability of it, which eliminates rigid definitions and

embraces change and fluidity. By the way, he has recently posted portraits called

Coral Bleach, a nice play on words, and I can't help but think that flesh is

nibbled away by fish and bones ultimately are bleached white by the

salty sea. What of the title, Dust Roe? Why does he draw attention to fish eggs? On

board a small, less than luxurious ship cruising the Volga in Russia several

years ago, I lathered orange and black caviar on blinis for breakfast, eaten

along with cucumbers, mushrooms, eggs, and shots of vodka sans orange juice. Dust

is not so appetizing: an earthly reminder perhaps, almost Biblical and funereal,

as in ash to ash, dust to dust. In Dust Roe there is indeed a suggestion of

earthiness, or the sea floor beyond the reach of sunlight. Given Macri's ironic

propensities in his portraits (you don't really stand on terra firma with this

artist), I believe in the fundamental truths of his art: the mystery of

beginnings; the relentless passage of time and consequent entropy;

the transformation of inner selves and external reality; the incorporation of

mythic elements to in our contemporary, digital fantasies; the playful shifting

of identities; and, not least, the ultimate absurdity of insisting on one point of

view to the exclusion of all others. Both dust and roe, therefore, make sense: out

of something, call it an egg, and I can't help at this moment but allude to

Brancusi's sensuous, egg-shaped sculpture entitled Beginning of the

World. We develop parallel identities even as we also break down into

something far from the original, at least in outward appearance. Beyond this point

I do not wish to go at the moment. Adamo Macri often leads me (and I can't be

alone) along the mysterious paths of a complex, otherworldly garden and into

sea changes caused by speculation and wonder. As long as my imagination is

awash with his unique portraits and other works of art, I remain in a

a condition of change in a sea of alternatives. My swimming gets stronger,

even as the clock keeps ticking to the end. As Macri himself has said: I love the

concept of mystery because it's reflective of life it holds the essence

of newness because it doesn't ever fully reveal itself.

There isn't anything more intriguing, elusive and ambiguous than the idea of

time. Change can be significantly drastic, the shift in transformations become

unrecognizable. The outer surface reinvents itself as the internal remains

constant. These measures play with the concept of

time, commonly understood as a gradual process. I'm known for being a masked

artist in a constant state of flux.

For more infomation >> Sea Change: Adamo Macri's Dust Roe - Duration: 11:39.


Me Too - Meghan Trainor (Music Video) | SImplyNikki - Duration: 1:10.


For more infomation >> Me Too - Meghan Trainor (Music Video) | SImplyNikki - Duration: 1:10.


World News - Single mother, 25, reveals she made $10,000 by CHARGING men for dates - Duration: 7:51.

A single mother who was struggling with mounting debt has revealed how she made $10,000 in a year by charging men to take her on dates

Though she worked hard in customer services, Sabrina Perez, 25, found her wage was not enough to cover the cost of running the home she shares with her four-year-old daughter, who she does not wish to name, in Boston, Massachusetts

At her lowest ebb, she even feared she would be evicted as the bills continued to pile up

Sabrina's luck changed, though, when in early 2018 a friend told her about WhatsYourPrice

com, where affluent suitors bid generously for the chance to go on a first date with attractive singletons

Hitting back at anyone who compares it to escorting – something the site specifically bans - she said: 'People have a huge misconception about the sorts of girls who use WhatsYourPrice, but really, it's no different to dating in the real world in that, if you don't want to go out with someone, you don't have to

'You don't owe these men anything, and most of them just want a companion. But, if you do get someone interested in only one thing, you just move along

'I don't pick anybody I wouldn't date in the real world, so the way I see it, if I'd go out with them for free anyway, I may as well get a little financial help out of it

'  Though initially nervous, Sabrina has made around $10,000 (£7,724) since signing up a year ago – as well as bagging lavish gifts like designer clothes, perfume and jewelery

 After her last relationship, which lasted 12 months, ended around two years ago, Sabrina had become accustomed to being single

Share this article Share But, though she said her 'friendly, outgoing' personality meant she never struggled to meet men, she did fear she was attracting the wrong sort

'I'd either meet people through work, or in bars when I went out. But I don't want somebody that's just going to use me,' she said

'I'm looking for someone mature, who knows their mind and their goals.'I want a proper connection, and to find somebody I can one day introduce my daughter to, as I am very protective about who she meets

''I'd been having a very difficult time. Being a single mother means it's all down to me, 'But trying to pay for everything – my own home, my daughter's schooling, all our bills – was taking over my life

'It all had a knock-on effect. My car broke down, and I couldn't afford to fix it, which meant I couldn't get to work easily, which meant less shifts

'It was very stressful. I worried we would end up being evicted.'So, after hearing about WhatsYourPrice

com, Sabrina saw an opportunity to both make a little money, and meet the mature suitor she had always dreamed of

Within 24 hours of setting up her profile, the messages began to flood in – and with them, the bids

She explained: 'You can either request an amount of money you'd like to receive for a date, or men bid

'I was getting bids of $200 (£154), $300 (£231), even $400 (£308).'I reached out to a few men that I liked the look of too, then weeded through the messages to see who I thought would be the most suitable

'Within days, Sabrina had secured her first date with a bachelor 15 years her senior, who paid $300 (£231) to take her to an upmarket Italian restaurant

She recalled: 'I was nervous, but he was great. He was very easy to open up to.'Though she no longer sees the man she first went out with, Sabrina has since gone on a string of dates with other would-be suitors

The most she has ever been offered for a single meeting is $2,000 (£1,753), which she used to put toward a new car to make it easier for her to get to work

In total, she estimates she has made $10,000 (£7,724) in the year she has been on the website

She has also been taken on luxury shopping sprees, and treated to gifts such as a $912 (£700) jacket, designer trainers, a Swarovski crystal bracelet and Versace and Chloe perfume

'The men I have met have been far better than anybody I got talking to before. They are more mature, know what they want and have their goals in mind, and are actually looking to settle down rather than party or use you for the wrong thing,' she said

'I haven't introduced anybody to my daughter yet, as I want to keep that part of my life separate while she's young, but I hope to one day meet someone special enough

'Currently, Sabrina is seeing a couple of men from the website, and said she feels very content with where she is at in life

'To anybody who may be sceptical, I'd say that, just like with any other date, you can walk away at any time and say no to anybody you don't feel comfortable with, or anything you don't feel comfortable doing,' she said

'I don't want somebody who is just interested in one thing, so I stay away from those men

'But there's nothing wrong with putting yourself out there and trying new things. At the end of the day, dating is just about being in that moment with someone and enjoying that connection


For more infomation >> World News - Single mother, 25, reveals she made $10,000 by CHARGING men for dates - Duration: 7:51.


Pubg Mobile First Win on Season 5 (Enable Subs pls) - Duration: 32:50.

Hey guys I am uhm, recording another video of PUBG Mobile\R

I am gonna.. actually try to win this time

Lets see what uhm.. Fuck.

*Sharp Inhale* \R Uhh sorry I dont wanna go with a squad

I wanna go alooone. Okay so\R *Sharp inhale*

Turn ooff Auto-Match, okay! aand start.

And yeah guys I know I'm wearing shitty clothes *says in a shitty british accent*

But I have reasons for that I guess *earrape in the background*

Im broke basically *earrape continues*

Yeah now I have someone coming after me, I shouldn't have done that. \R It's so annoying when they do that. (such hypocrisy much wow)

Get hit by an apple Betch

Betch , a Betch

Appuru, take dis appuru

Appuru wo Tabetekuda saai

Kono appuru Tabetekuda saaai

What is wrong with dese people coming to ht me just because \R I hit em with an apple *tries to imitate british accent and fails*

Okay... *inaudible*



UHHHHHHaaauuhhhaOkay so

Rozhok, maybe?

*Earrape continues*

*More earrape*



Or maybe here...

Yeah there.


Waadu Waadu WaaduHecc


Yiiikes that was close

K sooo Bandajaaaz.

Wat els? wat have you got for me brah?


wat eels? ah energy drink and a Piiistool

uhhhh oka.

Supressa SMG, oooh nice timing


Red dot. smokku.

Vestu uzzz.. oka man shut up. aaand..

where da fuk ?


Wadu hecc

Waduhec? there's someone here. Waduhec?

I hate how I cant talk when I'm in stressful situations..

*Gasp* Ima gon die.


Yea He here..

Yeah he is *inaudible*

Just dun wanna get down.

*says that and gets down anyway*

*Instant Regret*

My Lane. (woah we've got a badass over here.)

*his heart abt to die*

*boom boom madafaka*

*caution level 99%*

Need Loot.\R (why didnt u loot the guy u just killed..)

Need loot.

okaaa m16 uhhhh *making screechy noises*

Oh I dont have a bag fuuuuk..

I must go take... loot.

Next house.. I wanna go there.


*fail again*

*Another fail*

*one more*\R

That was really noob, My God! (I know right?)


How noob can one person get? (Don't hurt yourself too much over it xD)

I'm talking abt me not anyone else btw. ( We know :') )

*random humming*

My nose is itchyy. I think I'm gonna die.


Should go to the roof but I don't think this house has a roof.

*more random humming*



Oh man it must be so painful for u guys to keep watching me.

Not even sure u guys are even watching.

Not sure if I'm gonna show this to anyone.


*best imitation of a bot :'D*


Tried to pretend to be a bot right there but it didn't workout so I'm just\R gonna.. Be myself.

And try not to pretend to be anything else. (smart kid.)

*sigh*kay *random Humming noises*

Oh. There's a roof here.

*clears throat*

*clicks tongue* there's a Kar98 here. Ya Nice timing Brah

Okay, now i need to RUN.

YAY! GG! I forgot about..

The ZooOoOne.

Forgot about the existance of zones in this game. My god!

How long haven't I played it?

ehh maybe im just nervous cuz im recording or something.. \R like that? (understandable)

*Random Bull crap*

I found a car prolly gonna use it, oh another car YAY! im gonna use it!

*More random bullcrap*

Oh um i mean uh Drive like the.. what the... (Same.)


Although if u have the EYE of a tiger then how can u be louder than the\R Lion?

And like, tigers aren't louder than lions, I dont get that part in that song...

So weird. Like, I know It's just a part of the lyrics yeaah, zihan. stop being dumb.\R I know, I know but still!\R

It's still weird!

I mean I'm probably not the only one who thinks..

That's weird.

*more random humming*

Ohhh there's a crate right there.. There are probably people there...\R I dont wanna go there...

Me no like people :'(

Has this place been looted? hmmm... doesn't seem so..

There might be someone up here..


Anything here? That I need?


I thought I saw..

Oooh Pain Killers! Yaiss! I needed Yah.

Suppressor SMG, Already have one.

If I had a squad, to play with, I'd prolly give it to someone and go like\R "Yay I have an smg suppressor, wanna-wanna-wanna"

*laughs in pain*

Y'know? Y'Know? ask-ask your friends?? if they want a smg suppressor?

Because I don't have friends..

*sniff sniff*


My hands are getting numb because I haven't played a video game on mobile\R for very long..

5.5 YAY!

Ohhh there's an 8 times.. fuk I dont have anything to use it on.\R Should've taken the kar98 FUK!!

But there wasnt any ammo lying around so why would I take it? ( nah bro u were blind.)




*Making retarded noises*

Now to go to that warehouse there. Should've checked out *indistinctive chatter*

If I find a cool gun, Yay me!

So now I'll leave it on Auto-Run and try to get rid of the numbness from\R my haands.

*Indistinctive chatter due to screeching noises*

What the fuk? Oh! 592 ms. Nice.

Gonna switch to data!!... Nevermind It's back to normal I'll be fine.

Inb4 I go.. Oka oka this place has been looted.. I think.

50% Sure.

Oh God! I keep forgetting about the damn zone!

Caaaar!! Come to meee!!

I mean this wont do that much damage Right? Riiight?... Riiiiiight??

Uhmm! Imma walk towards the car! car! car! where u car!! I mean run towards\R the car..

*Random Humming*

Inb4 the last people who I have to fight are a whole squad.

Nice Radio Music going on here.

Play me some of that jumping music. *cringe.*

*Random demonic noises*

If only there was an option in game like, you know? like when I'm playing\R to turn off the radio. You know like sanandreas or smt.

Yeah i know that's an old game but aaah pochinki faaaaaaaak, gonna die\R gonna die gonna die!

Wheeee!! Survived!

For now. Oh my God!

Probably shouldn't stop here...

Why's there someone here! WADUHECC!!

Buuut stay on the outskirts maybe? Yeah!

Place doesn't seem to be looted.

However, there's always that one chance that you're gonna die.

You know? That one chance.

You can never be too sure.

Oooh its a Scar! Maybee I should abandon M16A4 and take the Scar!\R Actually I think I'll use the Scar yeah!

Uhhhhhhh drop drop Uhhhhhh 8x Pick up.




Whys there someone here! WADUHEC!

My haaands are nummb WADUHECC!

Gonna Run!

Need cover!

If I gon shoot, I need covah!

*Noob Intensifies*

Oh my GOD! (Same.)

Where'd you go?


Okay I'm Kinda.. addicted to that word sooo, please don't mind me.

Oh! Oh Oh OH! I see dis a lot here now!

*keeps phone on table*

My hands are numb! numb number than theyyy should bee!! why are my \R hands so Numb! numnumnumbambam!

Gonna run! Gonna run! Chigarun! Gonna run! Gonna run!

Now where are u my friend~ Who was supposed to kill me~

Totally scared... *inhales* Im gonna die :(

N-word Don't come after me :'(

Oh... uhm... yeah.. I just said that yeah.. mmhmm..

Why am I so worried? It's not like I'm even gonna upload dis... *inhales*\R Uhhhhh


Know for a fact that staying in a house wont save you buut, Instincts.

*weird background noise continues*

You know? like, human instincts where you think that staying somehere will \R be safe for you like how staying under a blanket is safe for you?

I mean it feels safe under a blanket. (probably just you bruh.)

thinking that if u stay under the blanket... no one can hurt you..

But you see brotha there's gonna be all those hoes out there who's gonna \R hurt you in different ways..

*Indistinctive chatter*

Yiiikes. (that's just sad man)

my dude...

Where were you shot fromm?!?

Gon die if I stay here soo...

Prolly best if I get up there!

*Alert level 99%*

But there is a chance of u know?


Wonder how youtubers do this...

I mean, they have to keep ooon talking and talking and talking

Even in serious situations which is so damn hard.

Being a youtuber isnt as easy.. and I'm not a youtuber...

It's not as easy as people think it is...

*weird background continues*

Everybody be snakin!

*terrible background continues*

*misses terribly*

*background music continues*

*bad shots*

*plays waiting game*

*boom boom madafaka!!*


Ma hart dyin. :'D

It legit dyin bro!

*shoots at nothing*

Can't put the game down right now!

My arms, my haands they are assivefa :(

Assivefa means... that they're numb!

I shouldn't get out of cover...

Oooohh someone messaged me... there a two people.. its a squad!! \R (Bruh! a squad is 4 ppl! u mad bro?)

I am almost outta the zoone!

where da fuhh...

*boom boom shakalaka!*

killed one.. now he knows where I am, I am dead.

*random coughing in the background*

Where?? (on the inside: WHEREE ARE YOUUU!!!!)

*Shoots the ground*


(technically my best this season cuz this was my first match this season xD)

ah well i snaked my way through.. but..


was pretty cool

prouda myself :")

cya guys in the next video (if i ever make another one)

For more infomation >> Pubg Mobile First Win on Season 5 (Enable Subs pls) - Duration: 32:50.


Como decorar tus lápices con Conejos en Foami - Duration: 17:48.

Hello Art Friends in Your Hands for today we are going to share how to perform

these little dolls, these rabbits for decorate the ends of the pencils as

now we are in school season in some countries then this is a very

good idea to decorate the tools of our girls, of our children I hope

accompany us throughout the step by step so that they learn to do it together with

us here on your channel Arte en Tus Hands remember that if you have not yet been

subscribed subscribe there on the button red and also click on the little bell

to receive notifications when we make premieres, give us your

I like and share this video with your friends and family then we started

here in Art in Your Hands

and these are the materials that

we need for this project we are going to use frosty foami, del

traditional if they find it decorated with points or how you like it

can you choose it for this project we're going to use acrylic paints in color

black white and fuchsia hot silicone and liquid silicone we're also going to

Use scissors brushes number 000 and 00 an orange stick of this pint

points and we will also use of These little noses are like bunnies

they come here as you can see with this nut we will remove it

also at the time of applying the Bunny or the rabbit and with these

materials then we begin remember that in the description they

we leave the list of materials and also the link where they find the molds of

this project here I am going to teach you what are the molds to be given

an idea, these are the molds that we

we share on the blog and on the page in facebook Arte en Tus Manos for example

here for the one who can not find the nose then this piece would be the one

would apply as a nose in the project then with these materials we begin

well here we have then the pieces of bunnies are two ears

for each long two short also would be two ovals that would be the

head also the base part where we're going to put the pencil or the pen and already

I've advanced a little bit here so least I gave a bit of form to the

rabbit head now I'm going to do it with the other here as it is totally

What I'm going to do is take a little the

iron if you are going to see only one I give it as a circle

I move away and then you start to give shape

like just a little bit because if I put it The piece shrinks for a long time, so it remains

well, it is with a little bit of form already taking the form

equal the other piece and I put it and I give it like three circles and separated it because

tends to shrink the piece that we only need to bend a

little but not that we shrink

another time, so

It is not necessary that there be much left with a little is enough that's for us

give some relief at the moment of start to form the head,

let's drink

then the pieces that are oval and I'm going to apply some silicone

around the edge, on the edge, at least half so far

I take the other

and I'm going to hit it and wait for it to dry and these contours I'm removing the

excess silicone I'm removing it with be very careful not to go to burn

then when it's warm I take it off, let it dry well I continue

hitting on the bottom and I'm going to leave a small space a hole of this

part to introduce silicone cotton like what I did here, how can

see I stuck around the contour I left a hole about one centimeter and

medium and add a little cotton silicone is little is not for it to go to

be full because then we are can open in what we have stuck in

this part of the foami (rubber eva) then when hit then applied again a little


I stick and hold it must be left to cool very well and for example if we have left

leftover leftovers that suddenly we do not the two pieces are even, then

we take the scissors and cut that excess then we fill in and we follow

here then I have the little heads armed now I'm going to start working

in what the ears are, they can be shaped with the

same hand here I have not stuck them yet, I'm going to stick them with liquid silicone

the liquid silicone makes it stick also very well that it is very beautiful, the

hot is much faster and then so I'm applying

the silicone liquid

just like that, she allows that being the liquid that

it takes longer to dry also allows that we fit the piece well

It gives us like a time to suddenly correct some error here and I leave

dry off

and meanwhile I'm working and this another here as I was showing you

you can shape it with your hand to the little ears

they are staying as folded here then is in the head

I'm going to stick it in the back I can do it with silicone

hot, we apply silicone

in the lower part

I'm accommodating

I do the same with the other

I also arrange it here

and the same thing with the pink ones I hold

now let's take the rectangles that we have cut out of these pieces and we are going to

take any pencil and we're going to start rolling that piece in the pencil

for what? so that it gives us as the measure just what we need for space

where are we going to place it, we are going to locate the pencils or the pens we adjust

well that the best is the tightest that can be because the background while

we work can be a bit here already we apply hot silicone because the

liquid would take longer to dry, then better hot silicone

we join the pieces and we wait until it dries well and that

is going to give us this piece then so the lower part of the ornament for

introduce the pencil there and allow which is then decorating the pencil now

when it's a little warmer silicone that I just applied then

we remove this excess that is not going to see us

it's already a little cooler then we can manipulate wait for it to dry

totally now let's make the bow that will decorate the rabbit then here

we have a piece that is the same with the we made these rolls

approximately it has 3 centimeters by 5 centimeters equal in the

molds there is indicated all the measures then here I'm going to double in the

center I'm going to apply some silicone here

in the middle too

and I return the bottom and as if it were going to be a

accordion but as well as They make the bows in the foami (rubber eva) well here

I wait moment and do the same for the another side I apply silicone all over


and I bring the back piece more

you have to hold them very well to be able to Yes, when it's dry

then we have a bow and I'm going to expect that so very well

here then I finished holding the bun as you can see it is puckered

Now I'm going to put a piece that I cut 3 millimeters of about 5

centimeters long and I'll put it in the center like that, I hit it with

silicone and then the bow is armed with which I'm going to decorate the rabbit

now what we are going to start is to make you to the features of the faces of

rabbits remember that this was like a little button that has a screw, the

screw we remove it and remove and we're going to apply hot silicone in


and we put it in the center of the face of the rabbit

we let it dry well, we put pressure

centered and now when I'm a little bit colder then we started to

remove excess silicone let dry well and now with the pint

points with this tool or with the out of a brush that is bigger than

be the biggest brushes, let's start painting the eyes, let's do

some circles, we load the pt points well and we do

and so we have the eyes of the rabbit and now let's do those of the rabbit

we press

we should let it dry very well for can give the highlights

also that the nose is not totally dry then let dry and we can

Meanwhile make a bow for decorate the rabbit, a bun like this

this is with a silk ribbon that is one that is coarser, is more

hard there are some softer then we can make a bow for when we go to

start decorating meanwhile we let dry

we let it dry a bit and we give shades of light

and that makes the expression a lot most beautiful of the rabbit, now if

we let it dry completely to start with the next step

Now to give it a little color let's go to take

colors of these so they use a lot children at school and we are going to

start paint in the outline that can be

do also with vinyls, the technique can also be used

but it's very fast and it gives the same result use color

a little more of decoration to the ears of the rabbit

in the rabbit I did it too

and so I do all around, look here the rabbit also in all the

I made an outline in blue and in the little ears I put some paint on

intermittent lines also in the contour of the head and on the cheeks

I put a little pink tone then that It gives much more decoration to the head

of the rabbit and the same thing I'm going to do then with the head of the rabbit

the initial cylinder what are we going to place the pencil or the pen in the

top we apply a little bit of silicone and press when you're

completely dry then we paste the piece as we did here in the rabbit

here they will see it also in it

we put in the center

we wait for it to dry a little remove excess silicone

when it dries we start decorate

Well, the rabbit was left then, now I'm going to give a final touch with this

boa that is like feathers, a boa feathers and I'm going to put it here in the

outline of the rabbit's neck for that looks very glamorous

this will also allow the piece that is put in the pencil that this

fair, that we will not let go because this

will allow you to have better grip then let's turn it double to

that fits us well we cut

and we paste, we apply more silicone and paste then here

well then well they were already finished the rabbits that are the applications

for the pencils, in the back it also looks good

worked, clean decorate with bows, with boa, much little thing that are

details that you may like they are you can facilitate this application also

they can put it for example in baby shower to decorate bags

almonds, that is, decorations that soon perform, these rabbits also

they can be of help, the blue ones children and these pink with lilac to

girls, I hope you like it put into practice

we want to give greetings to all of us accompany in each project the

we appreciate very much and we hope we accompany in a next video here in your

channel Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Como decorar tus lápices con Conejos en Foami - Duration: 17:48.


Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #40 (Gameplay) - Uragaan - Duration: 46:07.

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #40 (Gameplay) - Uragaan - Duration: 46:07.


Masameer [very funny Cartoon] (Eng subbed) - Duration: 9:03.


Please I don't like someone to tickle me

Why! you yelled at your mother

This is not good

This is not good

This is not good

This is not good

This is not good

This is not good

This is not good

This is not good

This is not good, This is not good

This is not good

a minute

no, a moment

Those are the charity organization for the bold penguins in Folkland

please give me a moment, I will answer them


Hello our dearly beloved

yes , what time is it at your place?

You make yourself caring

what do you want?

Today we went to Myrkott, the company that produce Masameer program


They told us something very important

They said that all cast in Masameer should be independent

it means that Manae is alone

Dr. Adel is alone

Bandar is also as an example holding a single role himself

Also, Pixel, even though he is still little, but he is holding a single role himself

Are you with me on the line?



They said it is just you, Saeed Alqhnam and the dog are trio

and you must be trio working together

so if the dog withdraws, we will be useless for the role in the program

Did you understand what I mean?

what do you want me to do?!

consider our situation, may god have mercy on your mother

we want you to come back

Now, you have become smart, Saltooh!

from the beginning, you made me ride on the car rear compartment in the cold weather and I was having flu

You said to me, you and Saeed Alqhnam, you told me that I am not different than a he-goat

eat s***

hey boy, Saltooh!

you are somewhere and I am somewhere else

What is this Masameer?

I became a son of a noble family

hey boy


my interests are different

hey boy

I am in different world, I have no business with you

my ambitions changed

hey boy

the doors of wealth opened for me


hey boy, money!

something can be counted and some cannot be counted

May god gives you more, we didn't say anything, but ...

the situation here is rotten

You are rotten!


come! come here

what is this?

what is this?

you cannot tell the difference between the fridge and the bed

this is carelessness

A lost generation that let technology play in its mind

come and take this head, and put it in the freezer

so we cook it tomorrow for the lunch

hey boy, turn this off, we got grilled

what, don't worry, this is an animal, it doesn't know anything


what did he say? hey boy, turn this off

Omg! , you are kidding

two hours ago

I could not sleep and I was watching nightmares

Saeed Alghnam and snakes

and I went to her room and said to her

Mom, come with me and make me sleep

she read a story till I took a nap

she also fell to sleep as well, thanks to her

May god have a mercy on her soul

what?!, what organization it is?!

hey boy, Is there such organization for this?!!!

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