Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019

R - R - R - R - Ric and Thadeus on the beat

For more infomation >> [FREE] Takeoff x Offset Type Beat 2019 "My Cheddar" | PROD. By RicandThadeus Music x Cratos - Duration: 2:57.


10-Foot Wide Tiny Home with an Amazing Bathroom and 2 Lofts - Duration: 3:27.

10-Foot Wide Tiny Home with an Amazing Bathroom and 2 Lofts

For more infomation >> 10-Foot Wide Tiny Home with an Amazing Bathroom and 2 Lofts - Duration: 3:27.


Athlete of the Week: Alex Hiltbrand - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Athlete of the Week: Alex Hiltbrand - Duration: 2:10.


Incredibly Luxury STUDIO SERIES 3600NL Park Model from Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:48.

Incredibly Luxury STUDIO SERIES 3600NL Park Model from Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> Incredibly Luxury STUDIO SERIES 3600NL Park Model from Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:48.


BLUE SPAN IMMORTAL ON ARCHON (practicing Least Played Heroes) DOTA 2 - Duration: 7:51:45.

For more infomation >> BLUE SPAN IMMORTAL ON ARCHON (practicing Least Played Heroes) DOTA 2 - Duration: 7:51:45.


토론영어 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 빈칸추론 어휘 숙어 고2영어 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 토론영어 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 빈칸추론 어휘 숙어 고2영어 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:37.


공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 지구과학 물리 화학 생물 고2과탐[건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 지구과학 물리 화학 생물 고2과탐[건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:36.


Styrofoam Recycling Machine SH-C100 Install at Tongyeong-si in Korea - Duration: 0:38.

SH-C100 made by Seho Engineering Introduce Styrofoam compressors.

SH-C100 is available for PP, EPS, PSP, EPP, EPE Marine BUOY, plastic, etc. You can compress.

Let's start with the compressed results.

Styrofoam is added to grind.

The weight per hour is 60 ~ 100kg.

It is the state that moisture which was inside was getting out.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Styrofoam Recycling Machine SH-C100 Install at Tongyeong-si in Korea - Duration: 0:38.


Disparition d'Emiliano Sala - La soeur du joueur réclame la poursuite des recherches - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Disparition d'Emiliano Sala - La soeur du joueur réclame la poursuite des recherches - Duration: 1:25.


Como decorar tus lápices con Conejos en Foami - Duration: 17:48.

Hello Art Friends in Your Hands for today we are going to share how to perform

these little dolls, these rabbits for decorate the ends of the pencils as

now we are in school season in some countries then this is a very

good idea to decorate the tools of our girls, of our children I hope

accompany us throughout the step by step so that they learn to do it together with

us here on your channel Arte en Tus Hands remember that if you have not yet been

subscribed subscribe there on the button red and also click on the little bell

to receive notifications when we make premieres, give us your

I like and share this video with your friends and family then we started

here in Art in Your Hands

and these are the materials that

we need for this project we are going to use frosty foami, del

traditional if they find it decorated with points or how you like it

can you choose it for this project we're going to use acrylic paints in color

black white and fuchsia hot silicone and liquid silicone we're also going to

Use scissors brushes number 000 and 00 an orange stick of this pint

points and we will also use of These little noses are like bunnies

they come here as you can see with this nut we will remove it

also at the time of applying the Bunny or the rabbit and with these

materials then we begin remember that in the description they

we leave the list of materials and also the link where they find the molds of

this project here I am going to teach you what are the molds to be given

an idea, these are the molds that we

we share on the blog and on the page in facebook Arte en Tus Manos for example

here for the one who can not find the nose then this piece would be the one

would apply as a nose in the project then with these materials we begin

well here we have then the pieces of bunnies are two ears

for each long two short also would be two ovals that would be the

head also the base part where we're going to put the pencil or the pen and already

I've advanced a little bit here so least I gave a bit of form to the

rabbit head now I'm going to do it with the other here as it is totally

What I'm going to do is take a little the

iron if you are going to see only one I give it as a circle

I move away and then you start to give shape

like just a little bit because if I put it The piece shrinks for a long time, so it remains

well, it is with a little bit of form already taking the form

equal the other piece and I put it and I give it like three circles and separated it because

tends to shrink the piece that we only need to bend a

little but not that we shrink

another time, so

It is not necessary that there be much left with a little is enough that's for us

give some relief at the moment of start to form the head,

let's drink

then the pieces that are oval and I'm going to apply some silicone

around the edge, on the edge, at least half so far

I take the other

and I'm going to hit it and wait for it to dry and these contours I'm removing the

excess silicone I'm removing it with be very careful not to go to burn

then when it's warm I take it off, let it dry well I continue

hitting on the bottom and I'm going to leave a small space a hole of this

part to introduce silicone cotton like what I did here, how can

see I stuck around the contour I left a hole about one centimeter and

medium and add a little cotton silicone is little is not for it to go to

be full because then we are can open in what we have stuck in

this part of the foami (rubber eva) then when hit then applied again a little


I stick and hold it must be left to cool very well and for example if we have left

leftover leftovers that suddenly we do not the two pieces are even, then

we take the scissors and cut that excess then we fill in and we follow

here then I have the little heads armed now I'm going to start working

in what the ears are, they can be shaped with the

same hand here I have not stuck them yet, I'm going to stick them with liquid silicone

the liquid silicone makes it stick also very well that it is very beautiful, the

hot is much faster and then so I'm applying

the silicone liquid

just like that, she allows that being the liquid that

it takes longer to dry also allows that we fit the piece well

It gives us like a time to suddenly correct some error here and I leave

dry off

and meanwhile I'm working and this another here as I was showing you

you can shape it with your hand to the little ears

they are staying as folded here then is in the head

I'm going to stick it in the back I can do it with silicone

hot, we apply silicone

in the lower part

I'm accommodating

I do the same with the other

I also arrange it here

and the same thing with the pink ones I hold

now let's take the rectangles that we have cut out of these pieces and we are going to

take any pencil and we're going to start rolling that piece in the pencil

for what? so that it gives us as the measure just what we need for space

where are we going to place it, we are going to locate the pencils or the pens we adjust

well that the best is the tightest that can be because the background while

we work can be a bit here already we apply hot silicone because the

liquid would take longer to dry, then better hot silicone

we join the pieces and we wait until it dries well and that

is going to give us this piece then so the lower part of the ornament for

introduce the pencil there and allow which is then decorating the pencil now

when it's a little warmer silicone that I just applied then

we remove this excess that is not going to see us

it's already a little cooler then we can manipulate wait for it to dry

totally now let's make the bow that will decorate the rabbit then here

we have a piece that is the same with the we made these rolls

approximately it has 3 centimeters by 5 centimeters equal in the

molds there is indicated all the measures then here I'm going to double in the

center I'm going to apply some silicone here

in the middle too

and I return the bottom and as if it were going to be a

accordion but as well as They make the bows in the foami (rubber eva) well here

I wait moment and do the same for the another side I apply silicone all over


and I bring the back piece more

you have to hold them very well to be able to Yes, when it's dry

then we have a bow and I'm going to expect that so very well

here then I finished holding the bun as you can see it is puckered

Now I'm going to put a piece that I cut 3 millimeters of about 5

centimeters long and I'll put it in the center like that, I hit it with

silicone and then the bow is armed with which I'm going to decorate the rabbit

now what we are going to start is to make you to the features of the faces of

rabbits remember that this was like a little button that has a screw, the

screw we remove it and remove and we're going to apply hot silicone in


and we put it in the center of the face of the rabbit

we let it dry well, we put pressure

centered and now when I'm a little bit colder then we started to

remove excess silicone let dry well and now with the pint

points with this tool or with the out of a brush that is bigger than

be the biggest brushes, let's start painting the eyes, let's do

some circles, we load the pt points well and we do

and so we have the eyes of the rabbit and now let's do those of the rabbit

we press

we should let it dry very well for can give the highlights

also that the nose is not totally dry then let dry and we can

Meanwhile make a bow for decorate the rabbit, a bun like this

this is with a silk ribbon that is one that is coarser, is more

hard there are some softer then we can make a bow for when we go to

start decorating meanwhile we let dry

we let it dry a bit and we give shades of light

and that makes the expression a lot most beautiful of the rabbit, now if

we let it dry completely to start with the next step

Now to give it a little color let's go to take

colors of these so they use a lot children at school and we are going to

start paint in the outline that can be

do also with vinyls, the technique can also be used

but it's very fast and it gives the same result use color

a little more of decoration to the ears of the rabbit

in the rabbit I did it too

and so I do all around, look here the rabbit also in all the

I made an outline in blue and in the little ears I put some paint on

intermittent lines also in the contour of the head and on the cheeks

I put a little pink tone then that It gives much more decoration to the head

of the rabbit and the same thing I'm going to do then with the head of the rabbit

the initial cylinder what are we going to place the pencil or the pen in the

top we apply a little bit of silicone and press when you're

completely dry then we paste the piece as we did here in the rabbit

here they will see it also in it

we put in the center

we wait for it to dry a little remove excess silicone

when it dries we start decorate

Well, the rabbit was left then, now I'm going to give a final touch with this

boa that is like feathers, a boa feathers and I'm going to put it here in the

outline of the rabbit's neck for that looks very glamorous

this will also allow the piece that is put in the pencil that this

fair, that we will not let go because this

will allow you to have better grip then let's turn it double to

that fits us well we cut

and we paste, we apply more silicone and paste then here

well then well they were already finished the rabbits that are the applications

for the pencils, in the back it also looks good

worked, clean decorate with bows, with boa, much little thing that are

details that you may like they are you can facilitate this application also

they can put it for example in baby shower to decorate bags

almonds, that is, decorations that soon perform, these rabbits also

they can be of help, the blue ones children and these pink with lilac to

girls, I hope you like it put into practice

we want to give greetings to all of us accompany in each project the

we appreciate very much and we hope we accompany in a next video here in your

channel Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Como decorar tus lápices con Conejos en Foami - Duration: 17:48.


Disparition d'Emiliano Sala : l'arrêt des recherches secoue les proches du joueur - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Disparition d'Emiliano Sala : l'arrêt des recherches secoue les proches du joueur - Duration: 7:03.


登坂広臣、中条あやみと映画イベント出席 現場で「モイモイ」大流行 - Duration: 2:10.

拡大写真 イ ントに出席した( から)高岡早紀、 坂広臣、中条あや 、中島美嘉  「三代目 J  OUL BROT ERS」の登坂広 (31)と女優の 条あやみ(21) 24日、都内で、 ブル主演映画「雪 華」(監督橋本光 郎、2月1日公開 のプレミアイベン に出席した

   切ない男女 恋物語で、約半分 フィンランドで撮 。現場では同国の いさつ言葉の「モ モイ」が大流行

登坂は「車乗った モイ、降りたらモ でした」、中条は フィンランド人の タッフと言葉を交 すのが楽しかった と振り返った

 [外部サイト] 条あやみ 14年 、35歳のときに えたいことは…「 」!?中条あやみ 古本で磨かれる本  引かれてる傍線 ら他者との思考を 較、自分の生き方 確認セクゾ中島  AIGOのものま 披露「何事も振り ってやることが大 」「ニセコイ」中 健人&中条あやみ "縁切り神社"で ったこと中条あや  今年やり残した とは「バンジージ ンプ」登坂広臣フ ンランド人フィン ンド

For more infomation >> 登坂広臣、中条あやみと映画イベント出席 現場で「モイモイ」大流行 - Duration: 2:10.


K-9 visits local elementary school - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> K-9 visits local elementary school - Duration: 1:02.


dev diary: シーズン2019 ランク、ノーマル、ローテーションゲームモード - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> dev diary: シーズン2019 ランク、ノーマル、ローテーションゲームモード - Duration: 3:27.


10-Foot Wide Tiny Home with an Amazing Bathroom and 2 Lofts - Duration: 3:27.

10-Foot Wide Tiny Home with an Amazing Bathroom and 2 Lofts

For more infomation >> 10-Foot Wide Tiny Home with an Amazing Bathroom and 2 Lofts - Duration: 3:27.


Get ready for ATEEZ - The Expedition Tour in USA - Duration: 2:48.

Eight makes one team!

Hello we are ATEEZ!


It's been a while our ATINY!

Thanks to the MAKES done by our ATINY on MyMusicTaste, we are..

Finally going to the US for our first tour!


Oh? But where are we going exactly?

That's what we will find out through the Keyword game.

Ah!! How are we doing this San?

We will have two key words describing the city.

Ah 2 keywords.

And then we have to guess the city.

Ah!! Good, let's start?

The first city is famous for having Santa Monica and Hollywood.

Ah! That place.

Right, we went to both these spots!

Yes, right!

I will answer this one!


LA!!! Los Angeles.

What's up LA!!

Now our second city has Cowboys and the Pioneer Square.


Does someone have the answer?

Cowboys...I heard Dallas is famous for having them...Right?

Yes, yeah true!

Oh wow!

Third city: Millenium Park and Sears Tower.

Oh! That's difficult.

I bet no one will get the answer.

Hearing Millenium Park, all I could think of is Chicago?

Ah...Chicago, right? I think it is right! Chicago!=

Wow! Chicago bulls!

You're a genius, how did you get all these right?

I feel like you all did your research before coming!


Next, our fourth city is known for Stone Mountain and the World of Coca-Cola! Coca-Cola!

Oh! I know this one!


World of Coca-Cola equals Atlanta!

Really, Atlanta?

Wow! Smart guys!

Guys you are geniuses!

The last city is really famous. Home to Central Park and Statue of Liberty!


I have the answer!

Oh, you know?

Who doesn't?

♪ In New York ♪

♪ Concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪

So, as you might have guessed it, we are going to Los Angeles, Dallas,

Chicago, Atlanta and New York!


We are so eager to meet our ATINY in the US.

And if you want to see us in other cities,

Please Make us on

Stop Wishing Start Making!


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