Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019

For more information please comment me

For more information please comment me

For more information please comment me

For more infomation >> Banking Jobs in Pakistan 2019 Bank Jobs NBP, MCB, HBL, SC, UBL - Duration: 2:43.


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Comment être productif et se concentrer pour réussir en business - Duration: 8:13.

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Ahorra tiempo y dinero en aprender inglés - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Ahorra tiempo y dinero en aprender inglés - Duration: 5:08.


[60초숏터뷰] 뭐라구!? 내 데이터의 가치가 무려!? 00만원!? - Duration: 3:57.

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Five Little Elephants | Junior Squad Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids Tv - Duration: 37:30.

Five Little Elephants

For more infomation >> Five Little Elephants | Junior Squad Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids Tv - Duration: 37:30.


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Comment être productif et se concentrer pour réussir en business - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Comment être productif et se concentrer pour réussir en business - Duration: 8:13.


Wix vs Weebly vs Wordpress Comparison: Which is Best For Small Businesses? - Duration: 3:56.

What is better for building a website Weebly or wicks or WordPress?

Stick around.

I've had my website with all three of these platforms and have interacted with them a

whole bunch.

To me The winner is so easy, it's WordPress and here is why.

So WordPress is open source, meaning it's not one central company that comes out with

all the features and add-ons a lot of people are contributing and there are so many plugins

and add-ons and a very high percentage of websites are built with WordPress.

So pretty much anything you want that website to do on WordPress.

There's some plugin or feature or even changing the CSS of your page that can make that happen.

The big problem and issue I ran into between Wix and Weebly.

I feel like Wix has a little bit more features, but both of them you're relying on one company

to stick around you know if they go under your website will go away but also you're

relying on them for any features that you want.

So it may be a little easier to build the initial web page that goes up it is you know

a lot more just drag and move stuff around.

It's kind of like using Photoshop so that's pretty easy, however with WordPress you know,

a page builder like Elementor makes it pretty comparable and a lot easier to your to you

know, build that together.

But yeah, as time went on, especially for your business, if you just want a personal

page that you're never going to make money or and you're not going to try to drive a

whole bunch of traffic Wix can be an easy method to get started.

It's very easy to set up.

However, if it's anything related with the business I just found as time went on, there's

more and more and more features that it didn't offer on wicks or Weebly that are incredibly

important to build.

Your audience.

The final straw for me was I'm building up my Pinterest platform.

And a really powerful thing for sending people to your blog is rich pins, which, you know,

Link people directly.

Pinterest is a really fast-growing social network.

That's very powerful.

And they didn't even offer that feature at all.

And there's several things that it was unclear if they were ever going to offer the features

that I really needed and wanted.

So I did make the switch over I have been incredibly happy with it.

It's a little more challenging to set up, but honestly, you can hire someone else to

do it.

And I think realistically a very easy site, it is possible to build it and have it finished

in around 12 hours might took a little longer, but it has a whole bunch of pages and brand

new content.

So when you're debating if it's just for personal and you're not going to need a bunch of features,

you know, Wix can work fine, it is a bit more expensive than WordPress.

You know, with my hosting it's around $65 a year whereas Wix was costing me closer to

180 a year based on the plan that I was on.

But I know WordPress will stick around.

I know it offers basically an infinite number of features.

And also it's better search engine optimized, you can just tweak so much and there are powerful

plugins for any businesses.

I do think that WordPress is so much better than Weebly or wicks.

And I've used these quite a bit and kept bumping up against one of them not having the features

that I want.

I've never had that issue with WordPress.

I'm very happy I made the switch but I would love to answer your questions please subscribe

and click the bell for notifications.

I'll have a ton more content just like this.

Thanks for watching this video.

I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Wix vs Weebly vs Wordpress Comparison: Which is Best For Small Businesses? - Duration: 3:56.


[FREE] Lil Baby Type Beat 2019 - "Particles" | Free Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:51.

[FREE] NBA YoungBoy x Lil Baby Type Beat 2019 - "Particles" ( prod. HittahBeats )

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