«Mio padre oggi? Prenderebbe di mira la caduta dei valori, la perdita del gusto. Ma non rinuncerebbe mai alla sua ironia»
È un legame vivo, pieno di sentimenti e di ricordi, quello che unisce oggi imprenditrice di successo, a capo della società di comunicazione Goigest a suo padre, il , scomparso nel 2003
Il 25 gennaio avrebbe compiuto 80 anni. E Dio solo sa quanto avremmo ancora bisogno del suo pensiero libero, della sua arguzia, del suo sguardo profondo sulle vicende umane
«Dobbiamo seguire l'esempio straordinario che ha lasciato. In questo senso si muovono le iniziative del Piccolo Teatro, dove abbiamo organizzato anche serate con Luca e Paolo, Neri Marcorè e tanti altri, e quelle del Festival Gaber, la kermesse itinerante che da 5 anni ha base a Camaiore
Anche mio figlio Lorenzo sta facendo qualcosa». «Gira tutto l'anno per le scuole superiori dove racconta chi era Gaber, i suoi spettacoli, le sue canzoni
E i riscontri degli studenti sono sempre molto positivi, anche sui social». «Direi di no
Negli ultimi anni della sua vita, papà criticava soprattutto il ribaltamento dei valori: Un tempo il figo era il medico del paese - diceva - oggi altri personaggi»
«Ad esempio, sì». «Sì, perché lui diceva che era di sinistra, non della sinistra
Distinzione sottile ma non troppo. Ebbe tanti problemi con il Movimento, specie dopo Polli d'allevamento
La sinistra gli chiuse i teatri, furono tempi duri». «In quella canzone non risparmiava nessuno, dal Pci ad Aldo Moro
Gli costò molte critiche, anche pesanti». «Oggi sarebbe ancora più spaesato, ma non farebbe mancare il suo pensiero
Ecco, il bello era che la gente andava in teatro dicendo ora sentiamo cosa dice Gaber
Oggi è dura trovarne un altro così». «Era simpaticissimo. Le più grandi risate della mia vita me le sono fatte con papà
Era molto presente, affettuoso. Anche se la sua vita era sempre in tour: non faceva vacanze, viveva per il palco
Il resto del tempo lo dedicava alla famiglia e agli amici». «Mai, neanche i dolci col liquore
In famiglia siamo tutti astemi». «Lui viveva in teatro, era maniacale: partiva la mattina, si mangiava un toast, proseguiva con le prove tutto il giorno, la sera faceva lo spettacolo, poi riceveva la gente in camerino, andava a cena a commentare, poi a casa
E la mattina riprendeva, sempre allo stesso modo». «Decisamente. Lui preferiva il rapporto diretto col pubblico
E faceva una gran fatica a entrare in sintonia con le indicazioni della Rai. Gli censurarono persino la canzone Goganga per via di un'ingenua pernacchietta
Ed è la mia preferita!». «È divertentissima, con quel dialogo tra un medico e un povero paziente colpito da vari difetti di pronuncia
Alla fine guarisce, ma con la pernacchietta: era troppo per la Rai del 1968». «Più ancora del , a me piace Far finta di essere sani del 1973
Lì ha capito che quella sarebbe stata la sua strada, insieme a Sandro Luporini, il pittore e paroliere col quale ha firmato tanti suoi spettacoli»
«Non è stato per i diritti d'autore! È stata una buffa coincidenza dovuta anche al tipo di vita che facevamo: fin da quando avevo 6 mesi, mi deportavano a Viareggio perché Sandro Luporini ci si trasferiva tutta l'estate
Alla fine è stato fatale trovare lì il fidanzato». «Mio padre le disse che non era d'accordo, ma che accettava la sua decisione
Mia moglie è una brava persona, la voterò, diceva». «Lo odierebbe. Lui detestava le mediazioni, voleva sempre essere libero
Io cerco di mantenere la sua determinazione, però». «Il Comune ha già deliberato
È un teatro pazzesco, nel cantiere abbiamo già presentato il disco di Fossati. Ora speriamo che riescano a concludere i lavori in tempi brevi»
«Quello di un condomino della casa di Milano dove abitava, in via Londonio 28. Il 25 alle ore 19 farà mettere una targa in onore di papà»
Μια πηγή στην Πάρνηθα με πλούσια λαογραφική ιστορία | Η πηγή της Φυλής | The fountain of Phyli - Duration: 4:15.
The source of Kyra or else the source of Fili is a source of central Parnithos with a rich folklore history
but also reports of strange phenomena from local residents.
It is located on the road leading from Hassia to Dervenohoria.
Its current form is based on the reformation of the local authorities
so that visitors enjoy the greenery and nature.
The source is famous for its famous crystal clear water, which thirsts the visitor after the difficult climb of the mountain,
which is in some way a commemoration of tradition during tradition.
What impresses the visitor beyond natural beauty is the ancient theater of the source
which is built alongside the ruins of an ancient temple of Pan from an adjacent location.
An important element, the existence of a sanctuary of Pan, in a nearby location,
whose materials helped rebuild the current form of the source as reported by local residents.
In the source area the visitor can also observe a huge plane tree that generously offers its shade and at the same time its protection at the source.
In the area we also encountered an iconostasis that is probably related to the small chapel that exists in the adjacent location.
Below we quote the reference made by the writer and researcher Ioannis Giannopoulos in his book Secret Athens and Attica.
In a source of the richest in water, that of Kyra, the old say that in the afternoon in the winter, when the sun is now lost,
the walker should not be near there because he will certainly meet the little girl with his white and mother.
The little girl pops up between the spur on the left of the spring, without saying "import".
She wears a blue-haired dress with a blue ribbon around her waist, but everything is old-fashioned like the images we see last century.
(Note to us: a variation of the bourgeois myth is that the little girl started from the sanctuary of Parnitha while she was seriously ill,
in order to drink from the thermal water of the spring, which he did not manage as he drove in mid-way)
The image of the girl comes towards the traveler with outstretched hands and tears in the eyes.
When she approaches, she sees that the military officer is not her mother and leaves where she came.
Rangoli Designs With Dots: 15x1 Flower Kolam Muggulu | Easy Kolam | Pongal Rangoli 2019 new muggulu - Duration: 5:35.
Rangoli Designs With Dots: 15x1 Flower Kolam Muggulu | Easy Kolam | Pongal Rangoli 2019
Daniela Crudu l-a părăsit pe fiul lui Gabriel Oprea după doar două zile! Gabriel Jr a avut timp doar - Duration: 2:42.
여성의 건강을 위협하는 자궁내막암 경고 신호 가지|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 4:16.
Rangoli Designs With Dots: 15x1 Flower Kolam Muggulu | Easy Kolam | Pongal Rangoli 2019 new muggulu - Duration: 5:35.
Rangoli Designs With Dots: 15x1 Flower Kolam Muggulu | Easy Kolam | Pongal Rangoli 2019
SKY WAY CAPITAL News Release 150 - Duration: 6:38.
Dear investors, partners and viewers of the SKY WAY CAPITAL News Channel!
My name is Dmitrii, and now you will see the next digest of SkyWay video news, in which
we tell you about all important events and achievements of the SkyWay Group of Companies and SKY WAY CAPITAL.
Today in our release.
On 10 February, 2019, at 23: 55 Moscow time, there will be a decrease in the current discount.
The Professor of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art Mikhail Matveyev told
the network edition «Expert-Ural« in his interview that the SkyWay project met all
the requirements of the transport system, which could become the main one for comfortable and safe cities of the future.
CJSC «String Technologies» expands its production facilities.
The Head of the construction Oleg Kudyolko is telling us in his new interview what opportunities
the increase in the production capacity will open.
Andrey Zaitsev, the Head of the Rolling Stock of CJSC "String Technologies", is telling
us in his interview what new there will be in the tropical Unicar: the upgraded braking
system, hydraulic suspension and improved system of technical vision, etc.
Let us focus on these events in more detail.
The SkyWay Information Service reminds you that the current 13th stage of the SkyWay
development, unlike all previous ones, was divided into three additional sub-stages,
during which the actual discount will be gradually reduced.
This decision was made by the management in order to provide investors with more flexible
planning of their own investment strategy amid the growing investment attractiveness of the SkyWay project.
We remind you that the sub-step change will take place on 10 February, 2019 at 23:55 (Moscow
time), and will be followed by the decrease in the current discount.
Mikhail Matveyev, Professor of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art, told the
network edition "Expert-Ural" in his interview about his vision of urban development.
In his project, Mikhail Matveyev proposed the concept of formation of the elevated city
with its gradual construction and all the infrastructure on the second level.
According to the architect, the construction should be carried out around a multilevel transport system.
According to the expert, SkyWay meets all the requirements:
«It's unmanned, high-speed, eco-friendly transport.
It should be both individual, and group one, and you can enter it directly from the apartment,
without even going downstairs for that.
These types of transport have already been created and are being implemented in mega-cities.
For example, the EcoTechnoPark is being built near Minsk, where SkyWay will be used— the
elevated transport system in which the movement is organized by means of suspended rails stretched between the supports."
You can read about other details of Mikhail Matveyev's project on our website.
The SkyWay Information Service continues to tell us about the most important news of the
project, among which is the expansion of CJSC «String Technologies» production areas.
It is no secret that the developers of the string transport have received a proposal
which is impossible to refuse: a place in the Innovative Research Technology Park of
the Emirate in Sharjah, in the UAE.
As for SkyWay, CJSC «Strings Technologies» will be adapting vehicles to the conditions
of the Middle East.
In addition to this site, another large area is allocated in the neighboring emirate, where
high-speed SkyWay will be tested.
Despite the development of the new regions, the development of the company in Belarus
does not stop.
On the contrary, all this caused the need to build a new production area for CJSC «String
Technologies» next to the existing one.
In the new interview, the Head of the construction Oleg Kudyolko is telling us what opportunities
the increase in the production capacity opens.
Under the leadership of the General Designer of CJSC «String Technologies» Anatoliy Unitskiy,
the specialists of the company are carrying out the unique in its complexity work in the
framework of the project of the string transport construction in the Innovative Research Technology
Park of Sharjah (UAE), the Silicon valley of the Middle East.
The whole SkyWay transport and infrastructure complex will be presented in Sharjah, but
today, we will focus only on the rolling stock, the first of the eight types, which will soon be ready for operation in the tropics.
So, welcome the Unicar U4-431-01, or Unicar-T. "T" in the name means that it is designed
specifically for the tropical climatic conditions of the SkyWay Innovation Centre in Sharjah.
The Unicar-T will have a number of improvements.
As an example, the maximum operating temperature will increase from +40 up to +60; the vehicle
will be equipped with the hydraulic suspension and the improved technical vision system.
You can get to know about the rest from the interview with Andrey Zaitsev, the Head of
the Rolling Stock of CJSC "String Technologies", on our website.
That has been all breaking news this week.
We will follow the development of the key events and will share them with you.
Watch us on YouTube and vimeo-channels, do not forget to subscribe to our groups in social
networks and remember that SkyWay is our future today!
I say goodbye to you for now.
Dmitrii has been with you today!
See you next week!
Новости недели SKY WAY CAPITAL 150 выпуск - Duration: 5:50.
Λιποθυμίες από ακραίες σκηνές σεξ και βίας σε παράσταση με την Κέιτ Μπλάνσετ - People Greece - Duration: 0:30.
H παράσταση «When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other» (Όταν έχουμε πια βασανίσει αρκετά ο ένας τον άλλον) του Εθνικού Θεάτρου του Λονδίνου, με πρωταγωνίστρια τη βραβευμένη με Όσκαρ ηθοποιό Κέιτ Μπλάνσετ, έχει διχάσει το θεατρόφιλο κοινό της Βρετανίας
Δείτε τη συνέχεια στο Ethnos.gr
Una Fantasía - J Tian HD - Duration: 3:01.
IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort 360 Slimming Girlfriend J... - Duration: 12:33.
Новости недели SKY WAY CAPITAL 150 выпуск - Duration: 5:50.
Top 5, |Coffee Makers| -Review 2019 - Duration: 8:08.
Coffee MakersYou
The K elite Brewer from Keurig makes it easy to enjoy your favorite beverages at the touch of a button
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Need hot water for instant soups or oatmeal just press the hot water button the large
removable reservoir holds 75 ounces which means you can brew 8 cups with just one fill on the go simply remove the drip tray to
Accommodate a travel mug and the programmable on/off
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NBC 10 News at 6 p.m. - Duration: 8:29.
Индексация пенсии по возрасту в 2019 году. Какую надбавку получили пенсионеры. - Duration: 2:01.
Bài #15 (1/9) - Âm đôi /ɔʊ/: Giới thiệu - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 1:08.
Can you hear the difference between the words
Can you say these words accurately?
Can you say the sentence:
Accurately, like this?
The English sound we are going to work on today is the /ɔʊ/ gliding vowel,
which occurs in words such as:
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