Friday, January 25, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019

Puff Pastry

Melted Butter



Garlic Powder

Italian Herbs

Bake 200ºC / 392ºF for 10-12 Minutes

This is the leftover of Chicken Pot Pie from previous video

Don't forget to like, comment and share

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For more infomation >> Parmesan Cheese Sticks - Duration: 2:18.


25/01/2019 18:34 (8 Hoàng Hoa Thám, P. Nguyễn Trãi, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 25/01/2019 18:34 (8 Hoàng Hoa Thám, P. Nguyễn Trãi, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 5:00.


25/01/2019 17:37 (326 Nguyễn Lương Bằng, P. Thanh Trung, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 25/01/2019 17:37 (326 Nguyễn Lương Bằng, P. Thanh Trung, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 5:00.


25/01/2019 17:47 (8 Hoàng Hoa Thám, P. Nguyễn Trãi, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 25/01/2019 17:47 (8 Hoàng Hoa Thám, P. Nguyễn Trãi, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 3:35.


25/01/2019 18:39 (374 Điện Biên Phủ, P. Bình Hàn, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 25/01/2019 18:39 (374 Điện Biên Phủ, P. Bình Hàn, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 2:24.


25/01/2019 17:42 (5a Phạm Ngũ Lão, P. Lê Thanh nghị, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 25/01/2019 17:42 (5a Phạm Ngũ Lão, P. Lê Thanh nghị, Thành phố Hải Dương, Hải Dương,) - Duration: 5:00.


ชุดขาวจัดหนักพร้อมทุ่ม 43 ล้านป. + 1 แข้ง แลกซื้อ "ฟีร์มิโน่" เสริมทัพ - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> ชุดขาวจัดหนักพร้อมทุ่ม 43 ล้านป. + 1 แข้ง แลกซื้อ "ฟีร์มิโน่" เสริมทัพ - Duration: 2:00.


Monitor Full HD UltraWide LG LED IPS 29" - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Monitor Full HD UltraWide LG LED IPS 29" - Duration: 1:26.


【初音ミク】 KiMO - ヘタクソガール(헤타쿠소 걸) 【オリジナル】 - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 【初音ミク】 KiMO - ヘタクソガール(헤타쿠소 걸) 【オリジナル】 - Duration: 4:05.


Monitor Full HD UltraWide LG LED IPS 34" - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Monitor Full HD UltraWide LG LED IPS 34" - Duration: 1:24.


soi cau xsmb ngày 26.1.HỘI ĐỒNG SOI CẦU.soi cau xsmb chinh xac 100.thuận vũ 286.soi cầu tuyệt mật - Duration: 16:41.

For more infomation >> soi cau xsmb ngày 26.1.HỘI ĐỒNG SOI CẦU.soi cau xsmb chinh xac 100.thuận vũ 286.soi cầu tuyệt mật - Duration: 16:41.


Nơi Sản Xuất Các Bộ Bàn Ghê Gỗ Mun Đẹp Và Uy Tín Nhất Làng Nghề Gỗ Đồng Kỵ Bắc Ninh - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Nơi Sản Xuất Các Bộ Bàn Ghê Gỗ Mun Đẹp Và Uy Tín Nhất Làng Nghề Gỗ Đồng Kỵ Bắc Ninh - Duration: 5:20.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration Automaat | Navigatie | Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration Automaat | Navigatie | Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:22.


Tutorial: Nvidia Grafikkarte mit Adaptive-Sync / Freesync-Monitor - Anleitung mit einem AOC G2790PX - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Tutorial: Nvidia Grafikkarte mit Adaptive-Sync / Freesync-Monitor - Anleitung mit einem AOC G2790PX - Duration: 3:01.


I've Been Having Monthly Periods FOR NO REASON?! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> I've Been Having Monthly Periods FOR NO REASON?! - Duration: 3:33.


Nová léčba pro děti s mozkovou obrnou pomocí kmenových buněk - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Nová léčba pro děti s mozkovou obrnou pomocí kmenových buněk - Duration: 2:49.


La libération de Paul Vanden Boeynants à Tournai - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> La libération de Paul Vanden Boeynants à Tournai - Duration: 1:26.


Caroline de Monaco, de « tristes adieux » à Ernst-August hospitalisé - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco, de « tristes adieux » à Ernst-August hospitalisé - Duration: 1:27.


Tradition Trumps All - The Whirlpool - Duration: 7:32.

Hello, faithful Whirlpool viewer.

Just a quick reminder that, in order to keep The Whirlpool financially viable for the foreseeable

future, we've begun incorporating advertising into the show.

Rest assured, we've gone to great lengths to ensure only godly advertisers will be featured,

and that the ad breaks themselves will be as unintrusive as possible.

Thank you for your support and your understanding, and God bless you.

Welcome back to The Whirlpool, where fibs and fabrications are pulled under and drowned.

I'm Michael Whirly.

Before we begin this week's show, there's a slight change of which you, our loyal viewers,

should be made aware.

As you know, the last Whirlpool of every month is when I select a few of your letters or

emails to answer during the show.

As you also know, it has been my practice to embellish the presentation by enclosing

each message received from a viewer in a colorful plastic sphere, and select which messages

I answer by pulling random spheres out of a canvas duffel that would be suspended from

the ceiling and hang next to me, right about here.

Unfortunately, over the last several months certain bad faith individuals, "trolls"

if you will, have been attempting to ridicule me, this show, and our godly work by deliberately

misconstruing the name of the viewer mail segment and using it as the basis for countless

rude and obscene remarks, most of which were left as YouTube comments, some of which were

emailed to me personally.

While I am loathe to alter the show in response to the actions of these nullifidian vulgarians,

most of whom I suspect are millennials or members of generation z, I have decided to

remove this unwanted distraction and simply rename the viewer mail segment.

Therefore, while I will continue to respond to your letters and emails, I will no longer

be showing you my dangling ball bag here on YouTube.

I'd hoped I would never have to say that.

But now that that's over with, it's time to move on with the new segment where I answer

your questions:

That's right, my sack is full and begging for release, so let's relieve the pressure

by pulling out some of the good stuff that's inside.

This first one is from Marge Wickenhammer from right here in Wilkes-Barre:

"Michael, will you be at Traditio-Con?

I need to know so I can decide whether or not I'm going."

Marge, and everyone else, make your plans now because I will indeed be there at Traditio-Con,

March 15, 16, and 17 in Harrisburg.

Not only will I once again be tabling in Apostle's Alley, taking pictures and signing autographs

for only $50 each per person, I will also be presenting this year.

The organizers, in their wisdom, and by the grace of Our Heavenly Father, have given me

the coveted 4 p.m. Saturday slot.

I can't tell you what my talk will be about yet, but I can assure you it will be fire.

I have requested a headset microphone, and I intend to use it.

If so-called 'Christian booksellers' run by protestants or the Conciliar Church just

aren't for you, try Paschalis, the Traditionalist Catholic book store.

Maybe you're looking for help studying Our Heavenly Father's word the right way, or

you just want to relax with a cup of coffee at our St. Drogo's Cafe.

Either way, we're here to serve you.

Come see us at Crossroads Shopping Center, on Sans Souci Parkway in Wilkes-Barre.

We're the only book store left!

Next one from Jordan Kebbell, also from right here in Wilkes-Barre:

"What is the official OTC position on President Trump?"

Jordan, as you well know, as a religious organization, the One True Church cannot take an official,

partisan political position, because to do so would be to risk losing its tax-exempt


Therefore, the OTC takes no official position on President Trump or any other political

issue, candidate, or office-holder.

However, since I am not an official representative of the OTC, I can tell you that I think our

president is doing a wonderful job.

Or to put it more correctly, Our Heavenly Father is doing a wonderful job through our


Donald Trump is the kind of leader God has been preparing the way for all these years:

an empty vessel, unencumbered by personal principles and utterly incapable of shame,

who will say and do anything to win the favor of godly people such as myself.

He's already fixed the economy, cut our once mighty nation free from its entanglements

with globalist so-called allies, and put Mexico on notice that the free-for-all of drug trafficking

and child prostitution back and forth across our southern border is coming to an end – just

think of what else he can do.

Will Trump be the president who finally orders the military to invade the depths of Hell

itself, defeats the armies of Satan, and retakes this world for the Kingdom of God?

I don't know.

But if I were one of those hateful fiends who dwell beneath the surface of the hollow

earth, I'd be more worried than I had been in a long, long time.

Finally, here's one from Jerry Fingleman from Scranton:

"If the One True Church is truly the one, true church, why is it so much smaller and

less influential than the Roman Catholic Church?"

The so-called Catholic Church, or what we more properly refer to as the Conciliar Church,

does have greater wealth and power in this sinful world than the One True Church, that

is true.

But that is only a reflection of Satan's power in this fallen realm, not of the legitimacy

or authority of the Conciliar Church.

In fact, the situation is quite the opposite.

Because the evil one rules over this world, the relative size and influence of the One

True Church is precisely what we would expect.

The fact that it is smaller and has far less wealth and influence than that Whore of Babylon

outfit currently run by Pope Jorge actually proves that the OTC is exactly what it says

it is: the One True Church.

Think of it like this: men with large penises are often drawn into the tawdry, profane world

of pornography, the domain of Lucifer, while men with average or perhaps just slightly

below average sized penises are more likely to devote their lives to serving the real

and living god.

So what they say is true: size does matter.

But to Our Heavenly Father, the smaller, the better.

For The Whirlpool, I'm Michael Whirly.

For more infomation >> Tradition Trumps All - The Whirlpool - Duration: 7:32.


Ofengemüse Rezept I Möhren, Kartoffeln und Avocado mit Hummus I EDEK - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Ofengemüse Rezept I Möhren, Kartoffeln und Avocado mit Hummus I EDEK - Duration: 6:08.


Phineas a Ferb - Puberťačka Perry - Duration: 0:30.

♪ Puberty mammal action hero. ♪

♪ Redhead with the brain of the platypus still drifts. ♪

♪ Spy training has, her's MP3 plays. ♪

♪ It's just like a machine, so huray ojojoj. ♪

I will not get rid of those silly songs.

♪ Perry, Perry, our teenager. ♪

For more infomation >> Phineas a Ferb - Puberťačka Perry - Duration: 0:30.


邓伦发博宣传与马思纯新剧,1个细节让CP粉认定在和杨紫互动? - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 邓伦发博宣传与马思纯新剧,1个细节让CP粉认定在和杨紫互动? - Duration: 3:19.


Le livre d'Olivia : American Elsewhere - Duration: 3:54.

Hi geeks! Today I am going to speak to you

of one of my best discoveries,

it's American Elsewhere

A good block of 778 pages

American Elsewhere is a fantastic novel

published in September 2018 on the occasion of

launch of the new collection

Albin Michel Imaginary

It was written by Robert Jackson Benett

a 34-year-old author who was recently

noticed for his fantasy trilogy:

the Divine Cities

American Elsewhere is his 8th novel

and won the Shirley Jackson Award

Petit Point if you do not know what the Shirley Jackson Award is

The Shirley Jackson Award is a prize

literary awarded since 2008

it rewards suspense books

and psychological horror such

that was written by Shirley Jackson

But if you know this author of the 60s - 70s

who has written

"The Haunting of Hill House"

You have to learn everything huh

So American Elsewhere is the story of a small town

perfect looking, where houses are well aligned

are home to a charming neighborhood

But in Wink, where life is good

some details come to disturb

this idyllic landscape

First, the city does not appear on any map

A bit like your grandmother's village

in the hollow but less friendly

Second to Wink the moon is pink

Good until then you will tell me nothing terrifying:

a perfect city with a pink moon we are

closer to Barbie than

of The call of Cthulhu or Dreamcatcher

But 2 events come

disrupt this abnormal calm

The killing of an inhabitant and

and the arrival of Mona Bright who has

inherited a house in the neighborhood,

except that apparently no one ever goes to Wink

Mona, an ex cop broken by life inherited

this house of his mother,

who committed suicide 30 years ago.

This is the perfect opportunity for her to learn

more about this mysterious woman that she

did not know and understand why

this daddy is suicide

abandoning his little girl

By leading little to can the survey Mona surrenders

account terrible secrets

who link his mother to Wink town

In parallel we follow the point of view of small

gangsters holding the roadhouse

a house of passage at the extreme frontier

of the city but also the one

other inhabitants of Wink

This multiplicity of points of view

far answer the many questions

that one poses increases the mystery

and we're constantly trying to do

the link between the different elements of the puzzle

It reminded me a bit of Stephen King's pen

in Dream Catcher

Besides, one of the first reasons

made me love the book

it's his inspirations and more

especially his lovecraftian inspirations

On many points this novel reminded me

Lovecraft news as

The Shadow out of time or The Whisperer in Darkness

We also find this idea

very characteristic of Lovecraft of humanity

helpless in the face of realities and cosmic horrors

which she can not bear the sight of

The second reason I liked

this novel is totally different from Lovecraft,

it's about the importance of

the female sex in the novel

Because Lovecraft and women ...

the vast majority of "strong" characters

of the novel are women,

and they are characterized by their courage,

their determination and ingenuity.

Be it Mona our protagonist

very endearing and far from clichés

Mrs. Benjamin: the little old lady

very mysterious or Mallory:

the right arm of the boss of the Roadhouse.

By the way when we think that

Prince Charming may be coming

Mona breaks her mouth

There are also religious and psychological dimensions

in the novel but they are also marked

by femininity and motherhood.

The mother is a deity whose

protagonists seek to be loved.

In short, all this mess is still well tied

and rendering is explosive.

I hope this video will have given you

want to read it, we'll see you soon

on the Petit Point Geek, Kisses! 106 17: 06: 16,613 -> 00: 03: 31,444

For more infomation >> Le livre d'Olivia : American Elsewhere - Duration: 3:54.


►拉姆有幾噗◄ 眼睛受傷了 貓咪戴頭套的各種狀況┃When cat wearing e-collar ♤ - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> ►拉姆有幾噗◄ 眼睛受傷了 貓咪戴頭套的各種狀況┃When cat wearing e-collar ♤ - Duration: 8:56.


World's Most Beautiful, luxurious And Warm Paul Tay Home for Lease - Duration: 3:52.

World's Most Beautiful, luxurious And Warm Paul Tay Home for Lease

For more infomation >> World's Most Beautiful, luxurious And Warm Paul Tay Home for Lease - Duration: 3:52.


我的配備升級了!Rode Video Micro 簡易開箱! - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> 我的配備升級了!Rode Video Micro 簡易開箱! - Duration: 4:09.


【马哈迪现身金马仑】原来是为了这样的事情!? - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 【马哈迪现身金马仑】原来是为了这样的事情!? - Duration: 4:24.


13 raisons scientifiques qui prouvent que les petits seins sont les meilleurs|LSF TV - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 13 raisons scientifiques qui prouvent que les petits seins sont les meilleurs|LSF TV - Duration: 4:53.


The Lazy Man's Toy Car Track - ENG Subtitles Available - Duration: 0:16.

Hello! I´m Kaitsu and I will show you The lazy man's toy car track!

Check it out!

[ LAP 4762 ]

[ LAP 4763 ]

There´s nothing lazy to drive circle, but the whole idea of engineering... the cable tie!


For more infomation >> The Lazy Man's Toy Car Track - ENG Subtitles Available - Duration: 0:16.


Unger Academy Trading Hero: Interview to Riccardo Parise - Duration: 9:32.

Hi everybody, my name is Riccardo, I'm from Vicenza province but in fact, I'm living in

Shanghai China for several years, close to 10.

I'm not doing systematic trading as my main activity, I have a company that does interior

design and also trading but we are importing high level, high-end Italian pieces of furniture

to Chinese and in general Asian markets.

I decided to approach the systematic trading because at the moment this is not my main


My main activity, the one I've just explained before, takes me most of my time outside my

office traveling, taking flights all around Asia so I cannot spend my time, and I wouldn't

in fact, just in front of a monitor deciding to buy or sell something.

The Markets are usually the common ones, like the American one and the European one but

just because I'm living here, since a couple of years, I also started to approach to the

Asian markets, in particular the Hong Kong exchange and

the Japanese Osaka exchange.

Actually, I'm using MultiCharts and TradeStation, of course, TradeStation also as a broker,

with TradeStation I am using Interactive Brokers for some data feed, most of the data feed

I use is from TradeStation and of course as a broker.

I have a VPS, now it's in Germany because at the beginning I was trading a lot of Eurex


Now I'm moving it to the US because at the moment, most of the future I'm trading are

in the US so I will move it soon there.

It's something strange because I started from the end, in fact, I started with "Portfolio

Secrets" then I joined the Forum and there I found a new world because every day there

are a lot of people that are posting their ideas, their comments, and there I learn a

lot of things and then at the end I bought the "Trading System Supremacy" program, the

best one, and then the "Money Management".

The main problem was that I didn't have a method to approach the markets and so I was

trying to use a kind of sixth sense, trying to understand the nature of each market but

without any particular good result.

This question is just really linked to the previous one.

Before I didn't have a method, after I took Andrea's programs I have a method to approach

the markets that is very clear, very systematic and so there are no doubts about how to move.

I decided to join Andrea and follow his programs because Andrea is not only the 4 times world's

champion but because Andrea every day uses his money to trade.

So he uses his money to earn money, so I think this is the best guaranty that what Andrea

teaches us is absolutely the best.

No any particular reason, I was just curious to know what there was inside this educational

aids compared to the cost of them and then I found that the price is absolutely reasonable

considering all the content of these programs.

It seems strange but the best result is that in this crazy 2018 I'm not losing money.

It looks something, again, strange because we do this because we want to earn money but

we know everybody how this year was.

So I know that this year I'm not losing money because I strictly followed Andrea's method,

I'm sure about that.

I'm sorry, I repeat again, but for me, this is Andrea's curses key, it's the method!

So trigger, setup, filters.

Following all the steps that Andrea clearly teaches it's for me the best guaranty to have


Probably one of the best things of Andrea's programs is that they are made of videos,

and each video is like 15-20 minutes long.

So not so long, very easy to listen and in this short time Andrea just clearly expresses

all the concepts.

I would say to everybody even if probably not just the beginners, those ones who are

starting from zero.

You need to have some knowledge about this world, about trading systems, but different

programs have different levels so a good range.

My suggestion is don't try to do everything by yourself, try to follow someone who is

trading in real, exactly how Andrea is doing and also because you can learn a lot of things

from the web, from books, but talking with other people it's really really important

and don't hesitate to give your ideas to give your systems to someone else, being sure that

they will give you back their ideas, their systems.

This is the best way to upgrade.

Nothing in particular to add, it's maybe something funny, but sometimes people ask me: "Why do

you play with stocks, with futures?

". I reply I don't play, I play casino, but I don't play with those kinds of markets.

So trading is something serious, it's a job.

Maybe it's not your first job, it is t the second the third the fourth one but it's a

job and like all the other jobs you need to know what you are doing you need to have a

method and I think Andrea method is, I would say the best one, for sure that the best one

I know probably one of the best one in the world.

For more infomation >> Unger Academy Trading Hero: Interview to Riccardo Parise - Duration: 9:32.


TOP 5 My 2019 Snowboard Gear List - Duration: 4:03.

Snowboard Gear List

For more infomation >> TOP 5 My 2019 Snowboard Gear List - Duration: 4:03.


La denuncia del Consiglio d'Europa: "I politici italiani incitano all'odio e al razzismo" - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> La denuncia del Consiglio d'Europa: "I politici italiani incitano all'odio e al razzismo" - Duration: 5:40.


PSG et enfarinage : 4 anecdotes sur Adrien Taquet, nouveau secrétaire d'Etat - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> PSG et enfarinage : 4 anecdotes sur Adrien Taquet, nouveau secrétaire d'Etat - Duration: 1:38.


Caroline de Monaco, de « tristes adieux » à Ernst-August hospitalisé - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco, de « tristes adieux » à Ernst-August hospitalisé - Duration: 1:27.


Le livre d'Olivia : American Elsewhere - Duration: 3:54.

Hi geeks! Today I am going to speak to you

of one of my best discoveries,

it's American Elsewhere

A good block of 778 pages

American Elsewhere is a fantastic novel

published in September 2018 on the occasion of

launch of the new collection

Albin Michel Imaginary

It was written by Robert Jackson Benett

a 34-year-old author who was recently

noticed for his fantasy trilogy:

the Divine Cities

American Elsewhere is his 8th novel

and won the Shirley Jackson Award

Petit Point if you do not know what the Shirley Jackson Award is

The Shirley Jackson Award is a prize

literary awarded since 2008

it rewards suspense books

and psychological horror such

that was written by Shirley Jackson

But if you know this author of the 60s - 70s

who has written

"The Haunting of Hill House"

You have to learn everything huh

So American Elsewhere is the story of a small town

perfect looking, where houses are well aligned

are home to a charming neighborhood

But in Wink, where life is good

some details come to disturb

this idyllic landscape

First, the city does not appear on any map

A bit like your grandmother's village

in the hollow but less friendly

Second to Wink the moon is pink

Good until then you will tell me nothing terrifying:

a perfect city with a pink moon we are

closer to Barbie than

of The call of Cthulhu or Dreamcatcher

But 2 events come

disrupt this abnormal calm

The killing of an inhabitant and

and the arrival of Mona Bright who has

inherited a house in the neighborhood,

except that apparently no one ever goes to Wink

Mona, an ex cop broken by life inherited

this house of his mother,

who committed suicide 30 years ago.

This is the perfect opportunity for her to learn

more about this mysterious woman that she

did not know and understand why

this daddy is suicide

abandoning his little girl

By leading little to can the survey Mona surrenders

account terrible secrets

who link his mother to Wink town

In parallel we follow the point of view of small

gangsters holding the roadhouse

a house of passage at the extreme frontier

of the city but also the one

other inhabitants of Wink

This multiplicity of points of view

far answer the many questions

that one poses increases the mystery

and we're constantly trying to do

the link between the different elements of the puzzle

It reminded me a bit of Stephen King's pen

in Dream Catcher

Besides, one of the first reasons

made me love the book

it's his inspirations and more

especially his lovecraftian inspirations

On many points this novel reminded me

Lovecraft news as

The Shadow out of time or The Whisperer in Darkness

We also find this idea

very characteristic of Lovecraft of humanity

helpless in the face of realities and cosmic horrors

which she can not bear the sight of

The second reason I liked

this novel is totally different from Lovecraft,

it's about the importance of

the female sex in the novel

Because Lovecraft and women ...

the vast majority of "strong" characters

of the novel are women,

and they are characterized by their courage,

their determination and ingenuity.

Be it Mona our protagonist

very endearing and far from clichés

Mrs. Benjamin: the little old lady

very mysterious or Mallory:

the right arm of the boss of the Roadhouse.

By the way when we think that

Prince Charming may be coming

Mona breaks her mouth

There are also religious and psychological dimensions

in the novel but they are also marked

by femininity and motherhood.

The mother is a deity whose

protagonists seek to be loved.

In short, all this mess is still well tied

and rendering is explosive.

I hope this video will have given you

want to read it, we'll see you soon

on the Petit Point Geek, Kisses! 106 17: 06: 16,613 -> 00: 03: 31,444

For more infomation >> Le livre d'Olivia : American Elsewhere - Duration: 3:54.


Boite postale octobre-novembre (enfin !) - Duration: 15:42.

For more infomation >> Boite postale octobre-novembre (enfin !) - Duration: 15:42.


Spegnitori di lampioni. Un nuovo mistero? - Strane Storie - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> Spegnitori di lampioni. Un nuovo mistero? - Strane Storie - Duration: 12:41.


海贼王931话:索隆遇上大问题,最棘手敌人上线,卡二预言要实现 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 海贼王931话:索隆遇上大问题,最棘手敌人上线,卡二预言要实现 - Duration: 3:52.


Ford Focus 1.5 EcoBoost ActiveBusiness Automaat |Nieuwe Focus| Nu al te bestellen!| Kom langs voor d - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.5 EcoBoost ActiveBusiness Automaat |Nieuwe Focus| Nu al te bestellen!| Kom langs voor d - Duration: 0:55.


Master Nom | Om Nom Around The World | Cartoon Videos For Children | Shows For Kids - Duration: 2:39.

Master Nom Om Nom Around The World Cartoon

For more infomation >> Master Nom | Om Nom Around The World | Cartoon Videos For Children | Shows For Kids - Duration: 2:39.


'Secret Footballer' names the worst diver he ever played against - Duration: 2:32.

  'Secret Footballer' Dave Kitson says he once got so angry with Cesc Fabregas that he called the former Arsenal and Chelsea star "a cheating little c***"

 Ex-Reading and Stoke forward Kitson has been widely named as 'The Secret Footballer' online, with the 39-year-old believed to be the player behind a variety of columns and best-selling books detailing what life is like on the inside of the game

  And in his Sun column touching on the recent 'diving' controversies around Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah, Kitson said that Fabregas was the "worst" for diving controversies that he faced

 "I'd get frustrated at everything, but nothing more so than players dropping to the ground to win free-kicks, which I believe is a bigger epidemic than diving to win a penalty," he wrote

Read More 'Secret Footballer' Dave Kitson says Paul Pogba is opening himself up to get hurt with celebrations  "Cesc Fabregas was the worst for this

 "When facing his own goal under pressure, his legs would collapse while his arms hit the heavens

 "He'd get a free kick every single time."  Kitson goes on to describe Fabregas performing "a dying swan act" when he played for Arsenal

 "During a game at the Emirates when I played for Reading, I had Cesc pinned in by the corner when he performed his dying swan act," he continued

Read More 'Secret Footballer' reveals moment he was ashamed to share pitch with Cristiano Ronaldo  "When players on your team do the same thing it is like a gift from the Gods in terms of relieving pressure and buying the team some time

 "But when it happens to you it's the most frustrating act of gamesmanship.  "Cesc picked himself up and walked straight in to my volley of abuse

 "'You cheating little c***', I barked, 'you're a f***ing joke'".

For more infomation >> 'Secret Footballer' names the worst diver he ever played against - Duration: 2:32.


Flashback Friday: Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging Telomeres & Cap It All off with Diet - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Flashback Friday: Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging Telomeres & Cap It All off with Diet - Duration: 10:03.


[ Теренсай - Новоорск - Орск ] - Duration: 31:59.

For more infomation >> [ Теренсай - Новоорск - Орск ] - Duration: 31:59.


Gini Wijnaldum brilliantly catches fan red-handed on plane - Duration: 2:10.

 We've all been there. You catch a glimpse of someone famous and suddenly you've got to try and look cool and style it out

 You could be in the street, in a bar or just bumping into them randomly during some menial activity, but the key thing is that you don't want the famous person to cotton on that you are completely and utterly starstruck in their presence

 But uh oh, what if the famous person notices you noticing them?  What then?  Well if you're Liverpool's Dutch midfielder Gini Wijnaldum, you clearly take great pleasure in catching people red-handed as they catch sight of you

Read More Liverpool transfer gossip: Hudson-Odoi to snub Reds as Firmino rumours return   The former Newcastle and Feyenoord man uploaded a video to his Instagram Story on Friday as he took his seat on an EasyJet plane behind a fellow passenger, who had just spotted him and was sending a message to the world about it

 Wijnaldum saw the passenger type in his name on the phone, and so zoomed in to see what he was saying

 He tweets: "I'm 99% sure Georginio Wijnaldum is on my EastJet flight. Am I going to embarrass myself by saying Feyenoord with an awkward thumbs up on the way out? Almost certainly

"  And what's more, we've only gone and tracked down the tweet:  Only 99 per cent sure mate? Really?!  We'd love to see that awkward conversation when the plane lands

Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories

For more infomation >> Gini Wijnaldum brilliantly catches fan red-handed on plane - Duration: 2:10.


《博人傳》史上最沒牌面的瞳術出爐,連名字都沒有就下線了! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 《博人傳》史上最沒牌面的瞳術出爐,連名字都沒有就下線了! - Duration: 3:51.


Canciones Infantiles | Video | ENFERMO | Mini Disco - Duration: 3:11.

I am sick, my head is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

I am sick, my tummy is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

Doctor, can you tell me? Why am I in pain?

Please can you help Make this pain go away!

I am sick, my throat is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

I am sick, my ear is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

Doctor, can you please Tell me what's your plan?

A needle in my bum Of that I'm not a fan

Ow! My tummy

Ow! My head

Ow! My throat

Ow! Ow! Ow!, Ow!, Ow!

Ow! It hurts, my arm is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

Ow! It hurts, my leg is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

Doctor, wait one moment, no bandages for me And also no medicine, that doesn't work for me

Ow! My tummy

Ow! My head

Ow! My throat

Ow! Ow! Ow!, Ow!, Ow!

I am sick, my throat is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

I am sick, my ear is sore I must see the doctor, who knows what for

Doctor, can you please Tell me what's your plan?

A needle in my bum Of that I'm not a fan

Doctor, listen please No needles now for me

Just stick a plaster Then you'll see no tears from me!

For more infomation >> Canciones Infantiles | Video | ENFERMO | Mini Disco - Duration: 3:11.


La libération de Paul Vanden Boeynants à Tournai - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> La libération de Paul Vanden Boeynants à Tournai - Duration: 1:26.


Man City News - Jose Mourinho's 'SECRET' Real Madrid visit - Journalist exposes former Man Utd mana - Duration: 2:41.

 Jose Mourinho took over as Real Madrid manager from Manuel Pellegrini on May 28, 2010

During his three seasons, he won the La Liga, Copa del Rey and the Spanish Super Cup

However, the Portuguese manager never managed to secure Champions League success with Los Blancos

  And former football journalist Rob Beasley has revealed the great lengths he went to in a bid to outfox his rivals and lift one of football's most glamorised prize

 During his 2016 book: "Jose Mourinho: Up Close and Personal", Mr Beasley recalls one moment in 2012 the Special One underwent a 'top secret spying mission'

 He wrote: "In the autumn of 2012 Real Madrid had been drawn in the same Champions League group as Manchester City – Group D

 "Obviously I wanted a reaction from Jose and sent him an email within minutes of the draw being made "He didn't reply until the following lunchtime, but his plans for the first match [vs CIty] were already in place

  "Mourinho replied 'eh eh eh eh, I'm going to Manchester tomorrow, top secret, to see what the manager is working on already'

 "Clearly he was already working the mind games with a secret visit leaked for me

" Mourinho was sacked by the Red Devils on December 18, 2018. Since then he has been jobless, despite being heavily linked with a move back to Madrid

  The La Liga giants have enjoyed a shaky season so far too, placing them now 10 points behind bitter rivals Barcelona

  With 18 games left to play, they may feel like they can pull it back.  However, history is not on their side

  Should they manage to turn things around, they will become the first team in the history of the competition to do so

For more infomation >> Man City News - Jose Mourinho's 'SECRET' Real Madrid visit - Journalist exposes former Man Utd mana - Duration: 2:41.


YOSHIKI、ハリウッド映画『トリプルX 4』音楽監督&出演決定! - Duration: 2:25.

拡大写真 『 リプルX』シリー の最新作で音楽監 を務めるYOSH KI   X APAN のYO HIKIが25日 ハリウッド映画『 リプルX 4(原 ) / xXx 』の音楽監督就任 あたり、都内で会 を開いた

事前に、本作のテ マソングをはじめ 曲関連の総指揮を ることを発表して たYOSHIKI が、この日の会見 は、劇中に俳優と て出演する場面も ることを明かした

本作のテレビシリ ズでプロデュース 面でも協力してい ことを発表した。  同作は、ヴィン ディーゼル演じる 破りなシークレッ エージェントの活 を描く大ヒットア ション『トリプル 』シリーズの最新

この日は、前作『 リプルX:再起動 に続いてメガホン 取るD・J・カル ソー監督と、プロ ューサーのマーク ジョンソンも来日

監督一行に先駆け 場入りしたYOS IKIは「先ほど 本に着いたばかり 、夢の中にいるよ 」とこぼしつつ「 リウッドに住み始 て20年以上

自分の住んでいる ころでも仕事がで るのが嬉しいです と喜びを語る。

For more infomation >> YOSHIKI、ハリウッド映画『トリプルX 4』音楽監督&出演決定! - Duration: 2:25.


Pandemonium - Duration: 21:32.

For more infomation >> Pandemonium - Duration: 21:32.


13 raisons scientifiques qui prouvent que les petits seins sont les meilleurs|LSF TV - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 13 raisons scientifiques qui prouvent que les petits seins sont les meilleurs|LSF TV - Duration: 4:53.


BUDGET Lenses you NEED for Canon EOS M50 - Duration: 11:57.

There is one question I am getting all the time from people who own Canon EOS M50.

And the very same question I see online I see in the Facebook groups and other media

and the question is.

What is the best lens to buy for Canon EOS M50?What other lenses should I get?

What is the next lens I should buy when it comes to this camera?

Well, that question I am going to answer very honestly in today's video and it will be based

on my life experience as a photographer.

And since not everyone can effort those very expensive lenses, I am gonna be talking about

budget friendly lenses in today's video, so stay tuned, all of it is coming up.

And if you are new on my channel, my name is Zdenka Darula.

I work as a professional photographer for number of years.

I am a former model and few other things.

I make tutorials here and fun vlogs....

I get it no v-logs.

It's vlogs.

So you might want to hit the subscribe button.

In today's video I will be talking about STM line of lenses.

What does STM really means?

STM means that it features Canon's Stepper Motor technology.

Canon introduced this motor design to be a quieter and smoother focus system that allows

for near-silent focusing during video recording.

There you have it.

What is nice about it the price range is in hundreds, not in thousands like the other

lines so you will save some money on that and if you are starting out, if you are new

photographer, that's completely ideal tool for you to get.

Now that doesn't mean that you cannot make living out on it.

I am the proof.

I am actually using it as we speak.

I am using it for photography and other stuff.

I am selling the photos and videos so I am making living out of it so I am using it professionally

as well.

So yeap… that is professional line.

Just you will save few bucks.... few hundred bucks.... well... few thousand bucks.

The first lens I am going to talking about and I am super excited about that one is 15-45mm lens.

It's f/3.5 - 6.3 IS STM lens.

Now, I am using it as we speak.

I am recording with Canon M50 and that lens is on it right now.

If you look at all my past videos, I've been pretty much shooting on this set up and the

only difference is that the previous videos are done in HD and today I am shooting in


I want to see how camera can handle autofocus.

I want to see the quality, if it's worth it to do all my other videos in 4K as well.

Also most of my thumbnails on my videos on Youtube here are shot with this camera and

this particular lens, so you can check it out and see how it performs for photography.

This lens is made of plastic which is making it very nicely light and very compact, so

when I throw it at the Canon M50 and put it in my purse, I can walk around and nobody

really knows I am a photographer.

That's what I prefer.

I don't like to walk around with my big camera bag and sort of scream out "look at me, I

am a photographer".

Not my style.

When it comes to moisture, you have to be little careful with this line of lenses and

also dust, but you are careful with your gear anyways right?

15 - 45mm is equivalent to 24 - 72mm on a camera with full frame sensor.

It will allow you to take stable shots because it has image stabilizer and we all love that


Well if you want to make video with this kind of lens you will really appreciate the silent

autofocus which these STM lenses offer.

It is not the fastest lens because the f is 3.5 - 6.3 but if you have good lighting conditions

like this one, you will be very surprised with the results.

It will impress you big time.

And if you go outdoors and you shoot during very bright day, you can fit 49mm ND filter

on it which is very cheap and that will bring it down to 3.5 so your object will be very

sharp and you will get that bokeh effect behind that object.

Everybody likes that look these days.

It's a very nice general lens.

What I love about it is the zoom that I can actually go pretty close if I want to I can

go wide as well.

And if you buy it as kit, if you buy that camera with that lens as a kit then you will

save some money on it for sure.

I have to return to ND filters.

Some of you actually left me a question in the video description in my past videos asking

what ND filter do I need for my lens?

Well, let me help you out.

When you look at the lens like the lens is looking at me right now, look at that circle

and look at the bottom number.

I see 49mm.

That's diameter of the filter you need for your lens.

So all lenses have it written there.

It's just at the bottom, you see there that number.

That's the filter you need to get.

By the way, I linked all lenses in the video description below so you don't need to take

notes, you can just keep watching the video and once you are done, you can just click

on those links and check those lenses out.

So that is the general lens and the next step I would most likely buy zoom lens.

Especially when you travel and you see that beautiful castle in the back and you want

to zoom in and take photo of it and you don't have it.

Well, I usually don't travel with the other telephoto lens I have which is EF lens.

It is very heavy and it's very big so it stays home.

I don't travel with it.

And if I had the STM line lens, that would probably fit in my bag and I would definitely

take it with me.

I was in Czech and Slovakia in the summer and there were so many situations I wish I

had that telephoto lens.

When it comes to lighter telephoto lens Canon offers EF-M 55 - 200mm lens which is equivalent

to 88 - 320mm lens on camera with full frame sensor.

Also right now it is the most powerful zoom you can get for this camera which is Canon


And you know what?

You can also enjoy it for portrait photos.

Why do I say portrait?

Well, when you look at my website and look at all the fashion and glamour shots I did

and the models, they are all pretty much all done on telephoto lens.

I do have 50mm lens at home but it has no zoom and I honestly, I tried it many times...

I just don't like it.

I don't like to always move back and forth, I am wasting my time that way.

I just like to zoom in, zoom out quickly and I don't know.

I get more for the time I am working.

I always liked that better anyways.

But everybody is different.

You might enjoy the prime lenses more.

It depends on your photography style.

Anyways, back to 55 - 200mm lens.

It's light, it's great for travel.

It is made of plastic so you have to be little bit careful when it comes to moisture and


The stabilizer is great, autofocus is very quiet so it is great for photo and video.

So we talked about general lens and we talked about zoom lens.

There is one more lens I would definitely get and it is the wide angle lens.

Again when you travel and you see that beautiful town square or you see some interesting interior,

like in a castle, you want to take very wide shot.

So for travel you really want to go wide and when I was in Europe I've seen very many interesting

places but I didn't have that with me so couldn't get it.

Here Canon offers wide angle lens for landscape, interiors and architecture.

EF-M 11 - 22mm f/4.5 - 5.6 IS STM lens.

It is equivalent to 18 - 35mm on camera with full frame sensor.

This lens is great for vlogging as well.

It has image stabilizer and the autofocus again is very quiet.

Again it is not the best in the low light conditions because it is f/4.5 - 5.6 but if

you have good light again you will get good results.

The focusing distance is 15cm so you can get very close.

Well I know for sure that if I had these 3 lenses, that's really exactly all I really


Now I've been shooting for 13 years, I do lot of portraits, weddings, glamour, fashion,

stock photography, sports, hm.... did I forget anything?

I don't think so.

So yeah, those 3 lenses, that's all it is for me.

But I am a minimalist, I really don't need crazy amount of gear to get the results and

to make living with it.

Do you like macro shots?

Well I can definitely recommend one macro lens as well.

I don't shoot macro photos that often, but once in a while you know when I am at wedding,

when I need to do some creative photos of wedding rings or another jewelry.

Canon offers EF-M 28mm f/3.5 Macro IS STM lens. 28mm is equivalent to 45mm on a camera

with full frame sensor.

Currently it is the only macro lens available for Canon M50 where you actually don't need

an adaptor.

And again it's very light lens.

And you can get very, very, very close to your subject because focusing is only 30mm.

There are 2 leds on the front of the lens.

So when you are focusing on a subject it will actually decide on it's own how strong light

it should use and it will remove that shadow you might be creating by lens so you get that

crispy clear beautiful shot.

By the way, you can use this lens for portraits too.

And these are all lenses if you are on a budget for Canon EOS M50.

If you are hobbyist, starting out, or you want something cheaper.

My chair needs to be replaced too.

It drives me crazy today.

And by the way all the links to those lenses are in a video description below.

So if you liked today's video, please give it thumbs up and subscribe for more future

videos like these.

If you have any questions or comments, or just you know what, just let me know what

kind of lenses you are using.

I would love to know.

Please leave it in the video description below, you know I read them all and I always respond

or if you just want to say hello, I'll say hello back to you.

Thanks again and I'll see you in the next one... the chair is saying Bye too....

For more infomation >> BUDGET Lenses you NEED for Canon EOS M50 - Duration: 11:57.


FINFR!NGE kaikille avoin jokamiesluokka JokKISS - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> FINFR!NGE kaikille avoin jokamiesluokka JokKISS - Duration: 0:42.


Peugeot 107 1.0 68PK 5D Active - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0 68PK 5D Active - Duration: 1:11.


我的配備升級了!Rode Video Micro 簡易開箱! - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> 我的配備升級了!Rode Video Micro 簡易開箱! - Duration: 4:09.


FREE | Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - "The Wave" Free Trap/Rap Beat - Duration: 2:12.

Hey there, hope you like the beat, if you do consider subscribing thanks!

For more infomation >> FREE | Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - "The Wave" Free Trap/Rap Beat - Duration: 2:12.


TBS宇垣美里、フリー転身後の不安払拭のために「カラダを張って」営業中! - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 1:54.

  3月末にTBSを退 することが決まっている 宇垣美里アナ。2014 の入社直後から、"可愛 ぎる女子アナ"と注目を め、その推定Fカップバ トにも男性視聴者からの い視線が注がれて人気ア となった彼女だけに、退 後も引く手あまた──か 思ったら、これがどうも う簡単にはいかない様子

 「ゴールデンタイム 人気番組などの司会経験 なく、明らかに経験不足 毒舌&闇キャラで注目さ た『サンデー・ジャポン 以上の使い道が見当たら 、すでに売り込みを開始 ている新しい所属先のオ カープロも苦戦している いいます」(芸能記者)   宇垣アナも、そんな 状に危機感を募らせてい のだろう

退社までの約2カ月は、 底的に"サービス"に徹 た売り込み期間に充てよ としているようだ。   1月22日放送の『ひる び!』には、冬の女子の いの中で最も視聴者を釘 けにさせる白いニット姿 登場

ボディラインにピタリと り付いて、豊かなバスト これでもかというほど強 していました。また20 の『サンデー・ジャポン のUSJの最新リポート は、珍しく闇キャラを封 し、ルパンのジャケット プリントされたTシャツ でカメラに向かってダッ ュ

小気味よくバストを弾ま る大サービスがありまし ね」(テレビ誌記者)  お次は大胆なグラビア 期待したい!  (露口 義)

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