Friday, January 25, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019


4 00 g soft wheat flour

100g fine semolina

baker's yeast



3 olive or vegetable oil

cumin grain or powder

Warm milk about 250ml

leave the dough brewing



green & red peppers

Salt pepper turmeric cumin

carrot 1 zucchini

Parsley & coriander mixture

1 egg + drops of vinegar

Oven 200 degrees Cooking 15/20 minutes


1 egg + drops of vinegar

Grated cheese

thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Recette Salées Facile À Ne Pas Rater ! Cuisine marocaine - Duration: 14:15.


VISITING A FISH FACTORY IN JAPAN (MOCHIMUNE) しらす工場見学 Eng & FR Subs - Duration: 8:11.


What's your name ?

I'm Ade !

Ade san, I'm David!

Nice to meet you!

Where are you from ?

From Indonesia.

Indonesia ?

When did you come to Japan ?

I arrived 2 years ago.

Already 2 years ?

Do you plan to stay in Japan all your life ?

No I'm staying here 3 years and then I will go back to Indonesia.

You will go back home after your 3 years stay in Japan.

So, you still have 1 year left here.


Do you enjoy Japan ?

Of course!

Are you working here in Mochimune ?


What is your job?

Shirasu (Whitebait)

It's a tiny fish, isn't it ?

Do you fish shirasu ?

It depends on the day.

I boil the fish.

You boil it ?

Yes. And then I pack it.

That's a really nice experience.

I really think so.

Which part of Mochimune do you like the most ?

I love the seaside.

So, I really enjoy the seaside park at Mochimune.

You know, the seaside park with the big pirates boat!!

You're talking about Hirono Park!

That's the one!

That park is incredible, isn't it ?

I took many pics there.

So, you love pictures.

That pirates boat looks like the one in One Piece!

Yes, it's really beautiful!

Earlier, we talked about Shirasu fish (Whitebait)

Your job is about packing it, right?

But do you like eating it?

I usually eat it with some soy sauce on the top.

It's really good this way.

You can eat it ?

But I cannot eat it raw without sauce.

With a good sauce, it's delicious.

So, you still have one year left in Japan.

Is there anything you want to do?

Until you left Japan.

I would like to climb MT FUJI.

Climbing Mt Fuji ?

You never climbed it ?


I climbed it!

Really ?

It was hard!

When do you plan to go ?

During summer vacation.

At the beginning it's really hot but it become colder and colder.

On Mount Fuji peak, it's really freezing.

Anything else ?

I would like to visit Okinawa and Hokkaido.

You don't need to go to Okinawa, you can swim in Mochimune.

At Mochimune beach.

Do you often go to the beach ?

I CANNOT swim!

That's a shame.

You will go back home next year, isn't it ?

Do you have any plan in Indonesia ?

Once in Indonesia, I will build a Tofu factory.


You really mean a tofu factory ?

There's Tofu in Indonesia ?

Of course!

Like the japanese one ?

There are some similar Tofu and some different types too.

You will work in a Tofu factory ?

I'm going to build one.

You will build it ?

So, you will be the BIG BOSS ?

Yes, I want to be the CEO!


Nice to meet you Mister the chairman.

So, If I visit Indonesia...

can I have some Tofu ?

I want to taste CEO's tofu!

Is it difficult to communicate with Japanese people ?

Do you study japanese ?

Yes, I'm studying it.

I have no problem understanding my japanese coworkers.

No problem with simple conversation.

You are really good!

You spent only 2 years in Japan.

Your Japanese level is really good.

I spent already 9 years in Japan.

I'm your Sempai!

9 years.

It will be so sad when you'll leave Japan.

Yes, but I have to let my job to my Kohai. Every year new Indonesian worker are coming here.

And they are working at the same company ?


Some new person will come from Indonesia to work here, is that right ?


I would like to take a look at your factory.

I think it's a really interesting place.

I want to visit it.

Is it okay ?

You're welcome!

Let's visit it, rigth now!

It was great!

Everybody was so concentrated

and doing their job carefully.

It was so interesting to see how the fish is boiled and packed.

Ade san was focused on his work and doing his best!

Thank you, Ade! It was a really fun interview.

For more infomation >> VISITING A FISH FACTORY IN JAPAN (MOCHIMUNE) しらす工場見学 Eng & FR Subs - Duration: 8:11.


ZING SPEED MOBILE ★ Hành Trình Top 1 Map Ướp Lạnh - Thất Bại Đầu Tiên - Duration: 22:39.

For more infomation >> ZING SPEED MOBILE ★ Hành Trình Top 1 Map Ướp Lạnh - Thất Bại Đầu Tiên - Duration: 22:39.


11 choses qui arrivent à votre corps quand vous mangez des œufs|LSF TV - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> 11 choses qui arrivent à votre corps quand vous mangez des œufs|LSF TV - Duration: 5:37.


Incredibly Beautiful GRADUATE SERIES 6000DLS Park Model from Tiny Homes - Duration: 2:36.

Incredibly Beautiful GRADUATE SERIES 6000DLS Park Model from Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> Incredibly Beautiful GRADUATE SERIES 6000DLS Park Model from Tiny Homes - Duration: 2:36.


[最新ニュース] うさぎと戯れる超特急ユースケ&タカシ、森久保祥太郎最新ライブツアーを今夜紹介 ...*[JP]'' - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> [最新ニュース] うさぎと戯れる超特急ユースケ&タカシ、森久保祥太郎最新ライブツアーを今夜紹介 ...*[JP]'' - Duration: 1:26.


Yamaha WR250F / Hovdala Endurotrack Close To Hässleholm In Sweden - 16 - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Yamaha WR250F / Hovdala Endurotrack Close To Hässleholm In Sweden - 16 - Duration: 8:45.


What is a DUI conviction? | Palm Springs DUI Defense Lawyer - Duration: 0:58.

A DUI conviction means that you've been found guilty of either DUI, driving while under

the influence of alcohol or drugs, or you've been found guilty of driving with a .08 or

more blood alcohol concentration.

Either you plead guilty, meaning you decided to throw in the towel and be done with it,

or a jury found that there was enough evidence that the government had proved your guilt

beyond reasonable doubt.

So if you've been arrested for a DUI, and want to know what's the best way to defend

your case, give me a call so that we can examine the facts related to your arrest, analyze

the evidence, and then figure out what's the best way to defend the case, because the

bottom line is you don't want to get a DUI conviction.

For more infomation >> What is a DUI conviction? | Palm Springs DUI Defense Lawyer - Duration: 0:58.


Hulk Captain America Iron Man Vs Dr-Doom Iceman - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.

Hulk Captain America Iron Man Vs Dr-Doom Iceman - BAAM BAAM Toys

For more infomation >> Hulk Captain America Iron Man Vs Dr-Doom Iceman - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.


Becoming the industry standard when standardisation is not standardised - Duration: 4:59.

Many people are not aware of them, but every day we are surrounded by standards.

From Wi-Fi and 4G to connect to the Internet, to the central heater in your house

and the bank card you use for purchases. They all involve technology

that has become the standard in their field. Researcher Paul Wiegmann of

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, studied how standards come

into existence. He explains that there are basically three different ways, but

if a corporation wants their product to become the standard they have to

creatively combine them. So how do standards then come into being?

It actually turns out that there are three different ways of how standards can emerge.

Well you could say three different modes of standardisation.

The first mode is the committee based mode. In this mode you have lots of different

interested parties that just sit around a table and try to jointly develop a

solution to a problem. A very well-known example of a standard that emerged in

a committee is the A-series of paper sizes, so A4 A5 and so on. The second way in

which standards can come into being is through a market battle. In this market

based standardisation you have different companies that all put their products

onto the market and then basically compete against each other, until one of

them becomes the dominating one that supersedes all the other ones.

And the classic example of that would be the VHS versus Betamax battle back in the 80s

when home video was something new. And finally you have government based

standardisation where the government basically just picks a solution

and uses its hierarchical position to impose that on actors in the market.

Increasingly we see that these three different modes of standardisation

become mixed. So if you look at trends for example like making things smart,

so if you have smart cities, smart industries, if you look at big sustainability

challenges, you see that actors from a lot of different industry sectors, a lot

of different countries, come together to set standards and they all bring their

own experience in standardisation into this process. And as a result quite often you get two

or even all three of these modes included in the same standardisation

process, which can lead to very dynamic developments with lots of competition

and lots of interaction between different players. A good example of a

process where all three modes of standardisation were active in parallel is

the process they took to standardise this charging plug for charging electric

cars in Europe. In that case a number of companies were active in the committees

to agree on a common design, but at the same time some of them were already

putting their designs in the market and building up installed bases to

strengthen their position in the discussions. When it turned out that the

European industry could not agree on a common design, the European Commission

stepped in and used its hierarchical position to choose this design as the

common standard in Europe. A German medium-sized company used all of the

three modes very strategically and as a result they were successful in getting

their design accepted as the standard for charging electric cars all over Europe.

There is an increasing number of cases were more than one mode of

standardisation plays a role in the emergence of a standard. For example when

different mobile telecommunication standards were competing on a global scale

there was an element clearly of market battle in there, but also strong

involvement by various governments that tried to promote their own national developments.

If you want to look at a case that involves both committees and

governments then look no further than the ISO shipping container. And a good

example of a case that involves both committees and markets is the

development of a common file format for office documents on your computer.

So what does this mean for companies? If you want to influence the next standard

that's being developed in your industry to reflect your preferences you really

need to be aware of these three modes and how you can use them strategically.

For example if you engage in a committee that can help to increase the legitimacy

of a solution. If you bring new products into the market that can really help you

to build up an installed base. At the same time you also have to be aware of

what your competitors are doing. For example if your competitors go into a

committee and you don't join, then you might be left out of the discussion.

If they put product into the market and you don't, then maybe

you get a disadvantage there. Finally you also have to be aware of the

standardisation culture in your industry. For example if in your industry also in

your country standardisation committees are not used very often, it might be

difficult to join discussion partners if you want to use community based standardisation.

If you use all of these options well and strategically then you

really can increase your chances of getting a standard that reflects your preferences.

For more infomation >> Becoming the industry standard when standardisation is not standardised - Duration: 4:59.


Mes Tiktok (sous titrés) #4 😂 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mes Tiktok (sous titrés) #4 😂 - Duration: 1:13.


婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)高品質ダイヤモンド - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> 婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)高品質ダイヤモンド - Duration: 0:50.


AK-69、約1年半ぶり日本武道館2days公演にToshl (X JAPAN)・UVERworld・SWAYら豪華客演ゲストアーティスト決定 - Duration: 5:22.


2017年10月1 日。日本武道館ライ 「DAWN in UDOKAN」を開 し、全席完売・満員 礼の大観衆の中、日 のHIP HOP史 新たな1ページを刻 だAK-69。

そんなAK-69が 1年半ぶりに日本武 館公演2daysを 催することが発表さ ていたが、2日間の 本武道館公演をAK 69と共に盛り上げ 客演ゲストアーティ トがついに発表され 。

1日目、3月30日 土)に行われる「A -69 THE A THEM in B DOKAN "RE STA is BA K -2004~2 11-」には、般若 MACCHO・"E qual・HI-D LIL'J・ZAN HAOZI・Ka assy Niko fら8組。また、2 目、3月31日(日 に行われる「AK- 9 THE ANT EM in BUD KAN "RED AGIC BEYO D -2012~2 19-」には、To hl (X JAP N)・UVERwo ld・SWAY・t Ace・Lui H a・OZworld a.k.a R'k ma・Hideyo hi・CITY-A E・HIDE春の計 組が出演することが ナウンスされている 尚、第二弾のゲスト ーティスト発表も控 ているとの事なので しみに待とう。

一般発売前ラストチ ンスとなる、同公演 チケット先行の申し みが行われているが 先着受付となり、規 枚数に達し次第受付 了となるとのこと。 た、プレミアム&通 ファンクラブ会員の ッズ付き2次抽選先 も同時にスタートし いる。


AK-69 THE ANTHEM in BUDOKAN " EDSTA is ACK -2004 2011-2019 3月30日(土)O EN 17:30 START 18 30

★ゲストアーティス ★般若 / MAC HO / "E"q al / HI-D / LIL'J / ZANG HAOZ / Kalass Nikoff a d more…

AK-69 THE ANTHEM in BUDOKAN " ED MAGIC EYOND -20 2~2019-20 9年3月31日(日 OPEN 15:0 / START 6:00 / CL SE 18:00( 定)

★ゲストアーティス ★Toshl (X JAPAN) / VERworld SWAY / t Ace / Lui Hua / OZw rld a.k.a R'kuma / ideyoshi CITY-ACE / HIDE春 a d more…

■チケット料金・2 通しチケット<非売 LIVE DVD付 :14,000円( 込)・1日チケット 7,500円(税込 ※DVD、オリジナ グッズは当日会場で お渡しとなります※ 席指定となります※ 歳以上有料。3歳未 のお子様はひざ上鑑 の場合のみ入場無料 ただし、お席が必要 場合は有料となりま )

For more infomation >> AK-69、約1年半ぶり日本武道館2days公演にToshl (X JAPAN)・UVERworld・SWAYら豪華客演ゲストアーティスト決定 - Duration: 5:22.


Defense Ministry demands Japan's evidence for denying its low-altitutde flight claim - Duration: 1:49.

Tokyo rejected claims by Seoul that a Japanese patrol plane carried out another low-altitude


South Korea responded: if that's the case, then Japan should provide evidence.

Yesterday the the nation's defense ministry released photos of the "threatening" flight.

Kan Hyeong-woo gets us up to speed with the developments.

On Friday, Seoul's Ministry of National Defense urged Tokyo to provide evidence... if it really

thinks the Japanese plane did not fly in a threatening way near the Korean ship.

A day earlier, the defense ministry released five photographs taken from the naval destroyer

Daejoyeong showing what it said was a Japanese maritime patrol aircraft flying near the ship

in an "aggressive" manner at a low altitude.

But Tokyo has denied Seoul's claims,... saying the plane was on a regular mission -- that

it was not flying in a threatening way and that it was not at the low altitude South

Korea asserts.

"I received a report from the Defense Ministry saying that there was no proof that a Maritime

Self-Defense Force patrol plane flew in the way South Korea claimed, and that it had flown


In response to Japan's denial,... an official at South Korea's defense ministry said if

Japan believes the pictures Seoul released are not proof, then Tokyo has to explain why

and provide its own evidence.

But according to Kyodo News Agency, Japan's Ministry of Defense told reporters on Friday

that Tokyo does not intend to offer such evidence.

The latest flyby has raised tensions between the neighbors even further.

This series of disputed encounters between their militaries began last month in the East

Sea when Japan claimed a South Korean warship used its targeting radar on a Japanese plane,...

something Seoul says there is no evidence for.

Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Defense Ministry demands Japan's evidence for denying its low-altitutde flight claim - Duration: 1:49.


Result of effectiveness of artificial rain in reducing fine dust to be announced next month - Duration: 1:59.

South Korea is creating artificial rain to try and reduce fine dust.

A pilot project is launched today, with planes spraying siver iodide over the western coastline

of Gyeonggi-do Province.

Hong Yoo starts us off with this new measure to improve the nation's air quality.

Early Friday morning, South Korea began its first national-scale test of artificial rain

to study its effectiveness in reducing fine dust.

A plane took off from Gimpo Airport near Seoul, carrying silver iodide, a chemical that helps

form water droplets inside clouds.

It headed for the western coast of Gyeonggi-do Province and went all the way down to the

coast of Jeollabuk-do Province.

As it went, the plane sprayed 24 bursts of silver iodide above the clouds that had formed

over the sea.

Now, officials on a ship are analyzing the changes in fine dust density and rain.

It'll take a month to determine the effectiveness of the technique, but the government will

announce the progress of their analysis next Monday.

Some experts, however, have doubts about artificial rain, which has been tried in countries like

Thailand and China.

It has had a success rate of only about 40 percent.

To reduce fine dust density by 10 percent... would require more than 10 millimeters of

rain in a period of three hours.

"Clouds in Thailand tend to rain a lot when seeded, but clouds in Korea are not the right

kind for cloud seeding."

Plus, making artificial rain in regions with high levels of fine dust could cause problems

for other regions.

"The amount of moisture in the atmosphere is limited.

If you make it rain in one spot or a certain spot that you want, other people are going

to lose that amount of rain.

Droughts being severe in our country,... other people will lose that rain."

The government has 14 more tests planned for this year.

Hong Yoo, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Result of effectiveness of artificial rain in reducing fine dust to be announced next month - Duration: 1:59.


Seoul withholds approval of request to visit Gaeseong Industrial Complex and check assets - Duration: 2:59.

South Koreans who ran businesses at the now-suspended inter-Korean joint factory park, the Gaeseong

Industrial Complex, had hoped to visit the complex to check their assets there.

They sent their 7th request to the government to let them visit the complex... but Seoul

announced today that they're withholding the approval.

While next month marks three years since the factory park's closure, concerns are high

for the business owners.

Oh Jung-hee has the story.

The hopes of nearly 200 South Korean businesspeople to visit the now-suspended inter-Korean factory

park and check on assets left over there... has fallen through once again.

Earlier in January, the businesspeople sent a request to Seoul's unification ministry...

to let them visit the complex.

The Seoul government gave it a review, even extending their deadline by a week,... but

in the end decided to withhold approval.

"The government withholds the approval of the 179 businesspeople's request to visit

the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, until necessary conditions are set.

We understand and agree on the need to check the assets there.

The government will try to make it happen as soon as possible."

It was their 7th failed attempt to visit the complex since it was shut down three years


In fact, 2019 had started bright for the businesspeople.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un explicitly expressed his willingness to resume the Gaeseong

Industrial Complex (quote)"without any precondition or price."

And South Korean President Moon Jae-in welcomed Kim's remarks,... saying everything that needs

to be sorted out with North Korea in resuming the project are resolved.

Amid the upbeat atmosphere, South Korean firms that ran businesses in Gaeseong, submitted

their 7th request to the government to visit the complex north of the border.

"Companies have plans for the new year, which have to be set after checking the assets there.

We just want to visit the complex.

We are not even talking about resuming the businesses there.

It will just be a visit that doesn't violate sanctions."

But, the barrier of international sanctions still remains high.

An unnamed unification ministry official hinted... of difficulties earning the international

community's understanding on this front.

This, in other words, refers to the ongoing sanctions regime... and the image that inter-Korean

economic cooperation could seem to be getting ahead of progress in denuclearization talks.

South Korea says it's always sharing with the U.S. the specifics regarding the Gaeseong

business owners.

"But concerns are high for the business owners.

They had to leave behind their assets following the sudden government decision to shut down

the complex in 2016.

And next month marks three years of the factory park's closure.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Seoul withholds approval of request to visit Gaeseong Industrial Complex and check assets - Duration: 2:59.


TipOfTheWeek: 1. Outlook - skróty klawiszowe - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> TipOfTheWeek: 1. Outlook - skróty klawiszowe - Duration: 1:57.


S. Korea installs first plaque at home of independence activist - Duration: 0:48.

This year, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the March First Independence Movement,

the South Korean government is putting up commemorative plaques at the homes of people

who distiguished themselves in the fight for independence from Japanese colonial rule.

Today, the first plaque was put up... at the home of 99-year-old Lim Woo-chul.

According to the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, Lim fought against the ideological

campaign in which Japan taught that Korea and Japan are one nation... to justify its


Lim was chosen first... since it's the hundredth anniverary and he turns 100 this year.

Minister Pi Woo-jin delivered the plaque on Friday to his home in Seoul.

By the end of the year, nearly 7-thousand-700 of the plaques will be put up at the homes

of other Korean patriots.

For more infomation >> S. Korea installs first plaque at home of independence activist - Duration: 0:48.


Mein Weg. Meine Zukunft. Meine Karriere. - #008 Andy // POLIZEIKARRIERE - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Mein Weg. Meine Zukunft. Meine Karriere. - #008 Andy // POLIZEIKARRIERE - Duration: 5:14.


[VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Huy Ca Ca (辉哥哥很暴躁) - "Hey Siri..." Tôi còn tưởng ông ngầu lòi thế nào =)) - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> [VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Huy Ca Ca (辉哥哥很暴躁) - "Hey Siri..." Tôi còn tưởng ông ngầu lòi thế nào =)) - Duration: 0:35.


Airport 2 Shadi Khao yaar very funny video 2019 HD | Kirlo aur airport | ki trrah UTVPK - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Airport 2 Shadi Khao yaar very funny video 2019 HD | Kirlo aur airport | ki trrah UTVPK - Duration: 4:00.


핫이슈 l YG가 첫눈에 반해 보자마자 당장 계약서 쓴 소녀 - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l YG가 첫눈에 반해 보자마자 당장 계약서 쓴 소녀 - Duration: 5:54.


2019K리그2,3월2일개막..전남vs아산스타트! - 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:49.







For more infomation >> 2019K리그2,3월2일개막..전남vs아산스타트! - 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:49.


最新ニュース | AA=、驚愕のトリプルドラム編成で10周年の祝砲を鳴らした最狂のライブ「THE OIO DAY」映像作品リリース決定 - Duration: 3:30.

 昨年10月20日 、ラウドロックシーン パイオニアである上田 士のソロプロジェクト AA="が活動10周 を迎え、その当日にT UTAYA O-EA Tで開催したワンマン イブ「THE OIO DAY」が映像作品と て3月27日(水)に リースされることが決 した

 AA=として活動1 周年を迎えた2018 10月20日、TSU AYA O-EAST てワンマンライブ「T E OIO DAY」 開催。特別な日に行わ たライブには、全国か ファンが駆けつけ、会 は超満員となった

その中で、初のAA= メンバー(上田剛士、 川貴善[BACK D OP BOMB / oshow]、児島実 ex.THE MAD CAPSULE MA KETS]、金子ノブ キ[RIZE]、ZA [The BONEZ Pay money o my Pain] YOUTH-K!!! ex. BAT CA E])が集結、新曲「 AW」のサプライズ初 露、そしてドラマー3 が一堂にステージに上 り披露した驚愕の超重 トリプルドラムでのパ ォーマンスなど、観客 期待と想像の遥か上を く演出に、その場にい 人全員の度肝を抜き、 きな評判を呼んだ

 音楽ライターや関係 からは"2018年の ストアクト"とも言わ るほどに話題を呼んだ イブ「THE OIO DAY」が、待望の映 作品化決定、3月27 (水)にDVDそして AA=初のBlu-r yでリリースされる

 作品化にあたり、数 の映像関連の賞を受賞 ている映像作家・番場 一が、2011年に公 した「the sho t film AA= #3」以来、約8年ぶ に監督を務め、20台 超えるカメラでライブ 撮影しその場の臨場感 再現

アンコール、MCを含 ライブ全編が完全収録 れる。記念すべきライ をできる限りその場の 気感に近い状態で記録 べく、AA=として初 Blu-rayもリリ スする運びとなった

 さらに、今作はあえ 初回盤は作らず、通常 1形態でのリリースと るが、ライブ映像だけ はなく、「THE O O DAY」をさらに しめるようになる豪華 ンテンツも収録予定で ファン垂涎の大ボリュ ム作品となる

 ロックシーンにおい AA=、そして上田剛 の圧倒的な存在感を示 た特別なライブをぜひ 感してみてはいかがだ うか。

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