Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019

 The scoreline was the same, the venue the same, the outcome the same, the matchday the same

 While in January 2018 it was the previously unbeaten Manchester City being put to the sword in the 23rd Premier League match of the season, last Saturday Liverpool managed to eke out the three points in a 4-3 thriller against Crystal Palace

 There, though, Jurgen Klopp's side will hope the similarities with 12 months ago end

 And for good reason.    Liverpool's win over Palace was only the seventh time they have triumphed by a 4-3 scoreline during the Premier League era

 That may surprise some. But what will be of greater alarm is the Reds' record in games immediately afterwards

 By definition, a seven-goal thriller isn't a run-of-the-mill encounter. They are usually intense rollercoasters, goals traded at either end, the momentum of the match shifting from one to the other

 Players are often spent, emotionally and physically. And that can take a toll in the days that follow

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  Liverpool's most famous 4-3 Premier League win, and probably the most celebrated top-flight fixture of the last 25 years, came against Newcastle United at Anfield in 1996

 Notoriously, though, the Reds were beaten 1-0 at relegation-threatened Coventry City three days later, a result which effectively ended their title hopes

 A year later, Newcastle were again beaten 4-3 at Anfield. This time, a 1-1 draw at Nottingham Forest five days later, when Ian Woan equalised Robbie Fowler's opener, saw a one-point gap to leaders Manchester United become three with eight games remaining

 Liverpool were never as close to United again that season.  There was a better outcome in 2001-02 when a seven-goal scrap at home to Blackburn Rovers was followed three days later by a thumping 5-0 win over Ipswich Town on the final day of the campaign to secure second place

 And when Swansea City were beaten by the odd goal in seven at Anfield in 2014, the next week Liverpool scored an impressive 3-0 win at Southampton

 But the two previous 4-3 league wins under Klopp have come at a price.  The first was on the opening day of the 2016-17 term at Arsenal with Sadio Mane scoring a magnificent goal on his debut

The next week, Liverpool dismally slumped 2-0 at Burnley.    Which brings us to last season and the remarkable defeat of champions-elect City

 Having beaten the team at the top, eight days later Liverpool travelled to the team at the bottom - and promptly lost 1-0 at Swansea City

 It underlined the progress the Reds still needed to make, and ended any hopes of sneaking second place, even if it didn't prove terminal in the race for Champions League qualification

 There is no such leeway, no such breathing space this time when Klopp's side step out next time at home to Leicester City on Wednesday

 By then, City could have closed the gap on the Premier League leaders to a solitary point

 While five of the previous six 4-3 wins have been followed by an away match, that Liverpool are again at Anfield - where they haven't lost a top-flight match since April 2017 - could prove a key difference

Keep up to date with all the latest Liverpool news and transfer rumours here  So too the lengthy break between matches, allowing legs to be recharged and heads cleared

 Regardless, there is no room for yet another seven-goal hangover from Liverpool

For more infomation >> Liverpool, City and the seven-goal curse Klopp will want to banish - Duration: 4:55.


💪 Testosterone Lowering Source Of Water - Toxin Warning - Duration: 5:26.

Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,

After War World 2, a lot of things starting falling apart when it comes to health.

We have higher levels of heart disease, cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and other

health related problems.

And one reason is because we've dumped thousands of chemicals into the world since WWII - which

not only negatively affects the environment, but also our health.

An unfortunate example of this problem that affects us guys is that testosterone levels

are lower in men these days, compared to 30 years ago and for sure over 75+ years ago.

Guys have a harder time gaining muscle and strength now because of it.

Sperm count has been cut in half.

Pre WWII the average was about 100 million per milliliter and in 1990 it was 50 million.1

… and continues to drop even lower in the past 30 years.2,3

There's also a decrease in the quality of semen as well.4

What's The Cause In The Lower Testosterone?

Of course, there's never one specific cause of the decrease in testosterone - there are

lots of factors, stressors and toxins which can cause the negative changes in the hormonal

endocrine system.

However, one thing is for sure - higher levels of estrogen is a major cause in the decrease

of testosterone.

This also explains why there are much higher incidences of Gynecomastia5 ("man boobs"

or "bitch tits") these days -- guys have more estrogen.

As estrogen goes up, testosterone comes down.

Now, there are lots of reasons for higher estrogen levels - both "Endogenously"

(internally), as well as "Exogenously" (externally).

For example, fat cells produce more estrogen.

Thus, the higher your body fat, the higher your estrogen.

This would be an "internal" Endogenous cause.

So, one goal to lower estrogen internally, would be to decrease your body fat.

Then there are lots of "external" Exogenous causes, from the foods we eat... to the chemical

toxins in the environment.

However, today I want to focus on a major "external" toxin and that's BPA (bisphenol


This is an environmental estrogen that's far more harmful to your body than natural


BPA is a man-made, toxin.

It's one of the most common synthetic chemicals which enter the human body from plastic bottles,

food packaging and even dental materials.

It causes endocrine and hormonal disorders.6

It also increases your risk for testicular and prostate cancer.6

It's even linked to insulin resistance, higher blood sugar levels and diabetes.7

Point is, BPA is very bad for you and your man-hood.

The Major Source Of BPA Toxin So I bring all of this up because a major

and primary source of BPA in most people is from plastic water bottles.

Now, you may have already known this - that plastic water bottles are bad for you.

But, you probably didn't know why or just HOW bad - especially for your testosterone


So, the first thing you need to do is STOP using plastic bottles.

They're horrible for the environment, as well as your body.

Better to get a water filter at home and fill up a glass bottle.

Or, make sure you use only BPA-free plastic water bottles.

There should be a triangle on the bottle with a number in the middle.

It's typically found at the bottom of the bottle.

The following image shows you what's safe and what you should avoid:

For sure, you need to avoid a 3, 4 and 7.

If you decide to still use these toxic bottles, make sure you

NEVER heat the bottle NEVER leave it in the sun

Don't re-use it.

And the truth is, in the past I did use these bottles.

They're convenient.

But, I've stopped and after doing the research, I wish I had done so a long time ago.

Needless to say, it's never too late.

You can for sure still improve your hormone levels, at any age.

In the meantime, you want to make sure you optimize your total and free testosterone

levels, while minimizing negative, "testosterone KILLING" hormones such as female and stress


And, you can do this naturally.

Just click the link below in the description area and discover a proven solution that I've

used for almost 20 years, which helps optimize my hormone levels, resulting in higher libido,

bigger muscles, less fat and more energy.

Did you like this?

Make sure you share the health and let other people know about this video so they can benefit

as well.

Make sure you're subscribed to this channel and then click the bell icon!

Have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 💪 Testosterone Lowering Source Of Water - Toxin Warning - Duration: 5:26.


土屋太鳳「嬉しくて」明かしたゴチ制服の裏話 - Duration: 1:52.


女優の土屋太鳳(2 )が、新メンバーに 任した日本テレビ系 ぐるぐるナインティ イン」の人気コーナ 「グルメチキンレー ゴチになります! の衣装である学生服 関する裏話を明かし 。

土屋は24日更新の ンスタグラムに、主 映画「春待つ僕ら」 着た制服姿の写真を ップ。この衣装に対 る思いをつづった流 で、「ゴチ」の制服 ついて言及した。

「御存知のように制 が相棒となるのです 、実はこの制服、参 する人によってどう う制服をどんな方法 用意するのかは自由 のだそうです」とい 裏話を披露。そして 身の衣装については 映画専用にオリジナ で制服を作ってくだ った最初の作品、映 『PとJK』の衣裳 タッフのかたが今回 役ではなく私に、制 を作って下さったの した…」と明かし、 本当に…どれだけ感 を伝えても足りなく 。嬉しくて、嬉しく 、嬉しくて」とつづ た。

For more infomation >> 土屋太鳳「嬉しくて」明かしたゴチ制服の裏話 - Duration: 1:52.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


【大爆料】冯伟衷生前曾坦承,在国外时身边有只女鬼! - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 【大爆料】冯伟衷生前曾坦承,在国外时身边有只女鬼! - Duration: 3:55.


আপনি কি করছেন || Jack Ma Motivational Quotes in bangla || Life Changing Video - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> আপনি কি করছেন || Jack Ma Motivational Quotes in bangla || Life Changing Video - Duration: 3:31.


Homeless Count - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Homeless Count - Duration: 2:02.


💪 Testosterone Lowering Source Of Water - Toxin Warning - Duration: 5:26.

Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,

After War World 2, a lot of things starting falling apart when it comes to health.

We have higher levels of heart disease, cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and other

health related problems.

And one reason is because we've dumped thousands of chemicals into the world since WWII - which

not only negatively affects the environment, but also our health.

An unfortunate example of this problem that affects us guys is that testosterone levels

are lower in men these days, compared to 30 years ago and for sure over 75+ years ago.

Guys have a harder time gaining muscle and strength now because of it.

Sperm count has been cut in half.

Pre WWII the average was about 100 million per milliliter and in 1990 it was 50 million.1

… and continues to drop even lower in the past 30 years.2,3

There's also a decrease in the quality of semen as well.4

What's The Cause In The Lower Testosterone?

Of course, there's never one specific cause of the decrease in testosterone - there are

lots of factors, stressors and toxins which can cause the negative changes in the hormonal

endocrine system.

However, one thing is for sure - higher levels of estrogen is a major cause in the decrease

of testosterone.

This also explains why there are much higher incidences of Gynecomastia5 ("man boobs"

or "bitch tits") these days -- guys have more estrogen.

As estrogen goes up, testosterone comes down.

Now, there are lots of reasons for higher estrogen levels - both "Endogenously"

(internally), as well as "Exogenously" (externally).

For example, fat cells produce more estrogen.

Thus, the higher your body fat, the higher your estrogen.

This would be an "internal" Endogenous cause.

So, one goal to lower estrogen internally, would be to decrease your body fat.

Then there are lots of "external" Exogenous causes, from the foods we eat... to the chemical

toxins in the environment.

However, today I want to focus on a major "external" toxin and that's BPA (bisphenol


This is an environmental estrogen that's far more harmful to your body than natural


BPA is a man-made, toxin.

It's one of the most common synthetic chemicals which enter the human body from plastic bottles,

food packaging and even dental materials.

It causes endocrine and hormonal disorders.6

It also increases your risk for testicular and prostate cancer.6

It's even linked to insulin resistance, higher blood sugar levels and diabetes.7

Point is, BPA is very bad for you and your man-hood.

The Major Source Of BPA Toxin So I bring all of this up because a major

and primary source of BPA in most people is from plastic water bottles.

Now, you may have already known this - that plastic water bottles are bad for you.

But, you probably didn't know why or just HOW bad - especially for your testosterone


So, the first thing you need to do is STOP using plastic bottles.

They're horrible for the environment, as well as your body.

Better to get a water filter at home and fill up a glass bottle.

Or, make sure you use only BPA-free plastic water bottles.

There should be a triangle on the bottle with a number in the middle.

It's typically found at the bottom of the bottle.

The following image shows you what's safe and what you should avoid:

For sure, you need to avoid a 3, 4 and 7.

If you decide to still use these toxic bottles, make sure you

NEVER heat the bottle NEVER leave it in the sun

Don't re-use it.

And the truth is, in the past I did use these bottles.

They're convenient.

But, I've stopped and after doing the research, I wish I had done so a long time ago.

Needless to say, it's never too late.

You can for sure still improve your hormone levels, at any age.

In the meantime, you want to make sure you optimize your total and free testosterone

levels, while minimizing negative, "testosterone KILLING" hormones such as female and stress


And, you can do this naturally.

Just click the link below in the description area and discover a proven solution that I've

used for almost 20 years, which helps optimize my hormone levels, resulting in higher libido,

bigger muscles, less fat and more energy.

Did you like this?

Make sure you share the health and let other people know about this video so they can benefit

as well.

Make sure you're subscribed to this channel and then click the bell icon!

Have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 💪 Testosterone Lowering Source Of Water - Toxin Warning - Duration: 5:26.


Fortnite Weekly Guide | Season 7 Week 8 | ZeddieLittle Gaming - Duration: 3:48.

How's it going it there Fortniters!

Once again we have another set of weekly challenges to complete,

I hope many of you are ready because I sure am!

If you're new to Fortnite then allow me to inform you of the battle pass.

It is an exclusive pass that will unlock an extra set of challenges each week.

If you complete all of these challenges they'll help you level up your battle pass.

By leveling up your battle pass you will unlock extra virtual goodies like skins, emotes, and many more!

I will post a link in the description that will explain more!

Now onto the challenges!

The first set is the free set of challenges that anyone can complete.

The first challenge requires you to place a campfire or a launch pad in 3 different matches.

Remember that these have to be 3 seperate matches and won't count if you try to place all 3 in one match.

For the second challenge you need to build 250 structures.

You can easily complete by simply building a wall, floor, stair, or roof.

Just remember to build 250 of these in any order and you'll complete the first challenge.

Now this last one can be a bit tricky if you don't explore the map.

What you need to do is search between a "mysterious latch, a giant rock lady, and a precarious flatbed".

Now we all know the mysterious latch is located in Wailing Woods, it has been in the game since season 3.

But the precarious flatbed is located east of Wailing Woods and it's hanging off the edge of a cliff.

As for the giant rock lady you can find her on top of this hill.

Now go between all 3 of those points and there will be a battle star waiting for you. Grab this to complete this challenge.

Alright with those complete we move onto the battle pass challenges.

The first challenge is split into 3 stages.

The first requires you to visit Paradise Palms and Salty Springs in a single match.

Completing this will unlock the next stage, but be careful because if you don't complete this in one game then the stage will be reset in the next game.

The second stage is to visit Junk Junction and Loot Lake in a single match.

These locations are a bit farther from each other, than the previous one.

I recommend doing this in a big team mode.

Now the last stage will require you to visit Haunting Hills and Wailing Woods in a single match.

This one can be hard if you're not in a big team mode.

Moving onto the second challenge. It is to search 7 chests at Shifty Shafts or Lonely Lodge.

Find 7 in total and you will complete this challenge.

Once again the big team modes are your best friend, because chests show up more frequently in those game modes.

Now the third challenge can be a bit tricky.

What it requires you to do is to damage an enemy while riding a vehicle, you will need to accumulate 100 damage.

Your best bet for this is to grab a plane and start shooting at enemies.

I recommend that you do this in a big team mode like team rumble.

You can also do this with the quad crasher but my guess is that it will take longer.

The last challenge is to get 3 kills with explosive weapons.

You can do this with the rocket launcher, quad launcher, and grenade launcher.

Do this 3 times and you will complete the challenge.

You can do this in any game mode but I recommend the big team modes for casual players.

Using grenades and dynamite may or may not work.

Once you have complete all of those then you will have unlocked the loading screen #8.

Go to your locker and look for #8. Fullscreen this picture and look to the right of the feet of the ice king.

There you will find coordinates for the secret banner.

The 4 coordinates are A8, A9, B8, and B9.

Head towards that location and you will find the secret banner.

And that will conclude todays video.

I hope many of you enjoyed it and found it helpful.

If you missed the stream be sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you don't miss out on any live streams.

As for me I have to get ready for next week's video and I will see you guys next week!

For more infomation >> Fortnite Weekly Guide | Season 7 Week 8 | ZeddieLittle Gaming - Duration: 3:48.


Le Message Vocal Terriblement Prémonitoire D'Emiliano Sala - NT - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Le Message Vocal Terriblement Prémonitoire D'Emiliano Sala - NT - Duration: 4:32.


Emiliano Sala, une vie pour le ballon rond - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Emiliano Sala, une vie pour le ballon rond - Duration: 10:31.


Le Message Vocal Terriblement Prémonitoire D'Emiliano Sala - NT - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Le Message Vocal Terriblement Prémonitoire D'Emiliano Sala - NT - Duration: 4:32.


Disparition d'Emiliano Sala: le pilote avait admis être "un peu rouillé"... - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Disparition d'Emiliano Sala: le pilote avait admis être "un peu rouillé"... - Duration: 4:51.


Emiliano Sala, Le Conte De Fées Vire Au Cauchemar - Duration: 12:27.

For more infomation >> Emiliano Sala, Le Conte De Fées Vire Au Cauchemar - Duration: 12:27.


Emiliano Sala, une vie pour le ballon rond - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Emiliano Sala, une vie pour le ballon rond - Duration: 10:31.


Film vs Digital - Mamiya 6x7 vs Nikon FF - Real World Shootout - Duration: 5:43.


I Recently started the shooting film and thought.... Can you see that?

Okay, I

thought I want to do comparison between my

recently purchased Mamiya 6x7 medium format film


all mechanical no battery at all and

my d750 digital camera, which is

24 megapixel

when I first started shooting


My first digital SLR was a D70s

it's a 6 megapixel camera and you can see images are very clear. Very usable. I

Was always happy with it

And then switched to a full-frame D700 again very usable image

12 megapixel very happy with that camera

The image plane on the film camera is four times greater than the image plane in the digital camera. The main goal of this video

Will be resolution or sharpness. Full discloser

I think the digital will win over the film because digital is so so clean and so high-res

Always been impressed with this camera. This is gonna be a real world shoot at will be outside shooting

So no test patterns is so upfront costs this camera and lens cost me

$300 u.s

this camera lens cost $1,800. 85mm f/1.8 and

This of course is the 180mm lens the 180mm and the 85mm should give us similar

Field of view the film lens on the medium format opens up to f/4.5. Okay, and

The digital camera opens up to f/1.8. We will be trying to match the depth of field on each camera

I'll be using Kodak Tmax 100

Which is a low grain film from what I understand and I'm gonna set the digital camera to ISO 100 also

Okay, first up we've got portraits

I Developed the negative myself, and I'm not an expert developer

but I'm looking for large differences, so

If my images are slightly more grainy or slowly more dirty

That's not only going to be an issue because I'm looking for large difference in film and digital

You could see images are almost identical with the digital edging out the film only slightly

But not enough to really make a difference in usability.

I digitized the film using what's called the DSLR scanner method

Basically, I photographed the negative. Now you say

how can you compare film with digital if you're taking a picture with the same digital camera?

Well, I photographed it four times four images and then stitched it in Photoshop so that

Resolution is much greater on the film than it is on the digital

Next up a shot real-estate

Basically looking at the lines on the house and the lines of the fence and you can see in this one

The digital is quite a bit clearer

So in this one the digital wings out

Next up I want to shot this fishing pier

Digital is a little bit clearer than the film but it's so close. I would again call this a tie

And lastly I did a test with some Christmas lights and you can see the bouquet a beach lens is very very similar

So this one is a tie

This was an interesting test overall

I'd say film was more art than science

And digital is more science than art. Film is more challenging and enjoyable and not perfect.

I'd like to suggest that that sparked the fun. It's like reading a book versus watching a movie

the book is always going to offer a more immersive story experience. Film photography offers a more engaging

photographic experience. Digital is more precise if you need photos that replicate exactly what's in front of a camera

Then today's digital might be a better choice. I think there's no real winner here

Just different tools in camera bag. Thanks for watching. And if you have done any similar testing

Please share a link in the comment section below

I'd love to see them and as always click the like button the subscribe button help support this channel. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Film vs Digital - Mamiya 6x7 vs Nikon FF - Real World Shootout - Duration: 5:43.


BROLY GOT THEM BARS! Broly vs Goku and Veget RAP BATTLE Parody REACTION - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> BROLY GOT THEM BARS! Broly vs Goku and Veget RAP BATTLE Parody REACTION - Duration: 5:44.


Advice from the Garage: Masculinity Reexamined - Lifelong Learning - Duration: 48:10.


hey thank you can you hear me all right okay okay good just the one hour right

okay so again as it says advice from the garage masculinity reexamined and as I

was perusing for images obviously this one popped up and I'm like I just

absolutely have to use this one so but thanks again for inviting me here to

ruminate further on a topic of really great interest to me up front let me say

though that the subtitle of the talk is masculinity re-examined just re-examined

I'm not going to claim that I'll resolve this issue tonight or even define the

term adequately enough for you as Judith mentioned I spent 14 weeks last semester

teaching this course or what I've done is boiled 14 weeks into one hour so

again we'll get as many answers as we can some of the students in that class

however are here tonight and so they'll be quite helpful won't they notice how

quiet it suddenly got alrighty well again hopefully we'll create a dialogue

that will continue well beyond this room for years to come to keep this

conversation alive and changing ever for the better the study of masculinity has

really only been around for the past couple of decades believe it or not but

also too if we think about a gender and Women's Studies has only been around for

about 40 years as disciplines within academia and so excuse me many many

scholars have started writing about it but again not necessarily to define it

rather to determine better how to talk about it so we might someday come to a

better understanding as to what masculinity zhh plural are for example

Michael Kimmel the famous sociologist on masculinity recently came out with the

third edition of his book manhood in America 2012 but it was first published

in 1998 and the book blurb claims and this is a really good way to start to

talk for more than three decades the woman's

movement and its scholars have exhaustively studied women's complex

history roles and struggles in manhood in America author Michael Kimmel argues

that it is time for men to rediscover their own evolution drawing on a myriad

of sources he demonstrates that American men have been eternally frustrated by

their efforts to keep up with constantly changing standards Kimmel contends that

men must follow the lead of the women's movement which by the way includes men

and women it is only by mining their past for its best qualities and worst

excesses that men will free themselves from the constraints of the masculine

ideal not to free them from masculinity but again from the constraints of the

masculine ideal and again we'll pick that apart as we talk further and again

if I ever go awry I'm sure any of my students will be like hey we didn't talk

about that so I'm not to that part of the lecture yet by the way you're

prominently featured later hi Luke so again it's those constraints that we're

gonna work on why is it that men feel the need to be masculine and that only

they can be masculine but what again what does that mean and does it only

apply again to members of the male persuasion well as I hope to show it was

written with this particular men must be in charge I deal in history and part

went looking for it but at history left out a lot of men and women who were in

fact masculine but it is those constraints of the masculine ideal what

Kimmel would also refer to as the stereotypical yet dominant form and view

of masculinity so let's reread that history not change it I mean it did

happen after all but read deeper into it to truly see masculinity for what it was

the best and the worst but also can now become Judith halberstam wrote a book on

female masculinity and and will be much more on that a little bit later but she

wrote what is masculinity if masculinity is not the social and

cultural and indeed political expression of maleness then what is it are you not

claimed to have any definitive answer to this question but I do have a few

proposals about why masculinity must not and cannot and should not reduce down to

the male body and its effects so in reexamining this topic we must

first take it apart look at its historical moments its internal workings

its external expert appearances and finally instead of putting it back

together as it was or as it appeared it was keep putting the pieces of this

puzzle together in different ways to come to a picture that we like sort of

like an Escher puzzle right where the pieces can go into each other spots and

yet we still have a very much same or similar image you know pieces in

different places different colors in fact a different image in the same

puzzle or as the top image shows an evolution of images moving and melting

into and out of one another yet with similar purposes along their own paths

again as we mentioned I taught this course last semester and it really did

provide a very interesting platform for all sorts of these types of discourse

and discussions to take place and several of the student contributions you

will also see tonight in this presentation I was very proud of the

work that they put into this brand-new course and into a topic that you know

again with in general and studies could be difficult I saw that fist-bump

students you know you got to watch him every minute so we're gonna look at this

somewhat overlooked topic of masculinity now you might be saying overlooked well

in a sense yes go back to the quotes I just mentioned there are many

assumptions about the term because we seem to know I know I hate air quotes

too but we seem to know what the term means but there's so much more

discussion in academia about how to view and define femininity I mean look at

this time magazine cover very recently this was just February 8th just very

recently and and through a toy okay but when GI Joe underwent a significant

change not as much discussion happened so the 60s and 70s GI Joe 12-inch figure

this is what he looked like I had one of these when I was a child then he became

this I mean the clothes don't even come off

like this one I mean these they're melted onto him I mean it's all part of

the bulky muscular because for the old GI Joe when the clothes came off nobody

complained about that body shape or shapes or

sorry about all the the nudity there are now men in masculinities Institute's

there are men's rights groups which claimed that the softening of America

through feminism has undercut masculinity there's female masculinity

gay masculinity metrosexuality retro sexuality effeminate men masculine women

of the list goes on so these are just some of the discussions will engage in

this evening again I'm just here to kind of get us to start thinking about this

topic that we tend often not to put conscious thought into again because of

the assumptions I took my talk from the title of this book

advice from the Attic perilous pearls of wisdom on Beauty charm and etiquette by

Monica Dale and I just want to read a few examples and these are real 19th

early 20th century etiquette books for women and how they should behave there

are some persons who spray when they talk this is very annoying to their

associates friends speak about the necessity for carrying an umbrella when

around Mary Mary knows that she has this affliction but has it never occurred to

her to cure herself to obviate this difficulty all Mary would have to do

would be to talk more slowly and be very careful when saying words that begin

with the letters B and P and perhaps with a c d e f g h i j k l m n o QRS TUV

wxy and possibly z with those exceptions she could speak with these and give no

thought to the showers or for a woman to persist in wearing her hair short unless

there's some special necessity for it shows a perverted taste woman de tracks

from her charm just insofar as she tries to look like a man right so again we're

looking at these comparisons this dichotomy but now you know women wear

pants today is an automatic default to masculinity

if a man wears a dress he is a crossdresser crossing gender and sex

boundaries but if a woman wears pants well she's a woman wearing pants she's

stylish he's weird but wait this isn't always the case ancient Roman men and

women wore togas which were dressed like Joan of Arc was prosecuted and executed

for wearing pants this is what she was again condemned for unheard of in the

19th century for the most part for women to wear pants but now is standard but

again isn't it just a pair of pants see how we can sometimes get so focused on

defining and mapping out how gender must be that we sometimes lose sight of the

change pants are comfy better suited for certain situations jeans more than

slacks but on occasion we still hear the expressions of someone saying to another

man put on your man pants who wears the pants in the family

right we're still gendering pants again we tend to associate these etiquette

books with women but not with men there's that unspoken assumption about

how men should act right if anything Father's will teach sons but it's an

understood way but women would need a book but also why the Attic what do we

store in attics old things we keep out of sentimentality nostalgia things often

associated with the histories of our families and I'll admit when I have a

question I do first go to my mother and ask her about the history whereas the

garage seems to also hold such things but maybe more current things may be a

little less organized as stereotypically again maybe like a man's gym bag or

stereotypically as sometimes I've been accused of my mind I'm being a bit

facetious here okay but how did two seemingly common rooms of a house become

so gendered the Attic towards women and femininity the garage to men and

masculinity but for the most part notice the terms I've been using man woman male

female these are more biological terms masculine feminine are gendered terms

and as scholars have come to discuss gender is much more fluid for as many

people that are in this room I truly believe are as many genders in this room

if we open up that discussion again that multiplicity will grow but again

masculinity tends to be overlooked because I said it's an assumed

afterthought that we know that these ideas about masculinity and men are

hardwired this brings me into my first clip mm-hmm I want to show you and this

is from Bill Engvall he's a comedian with the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and he

constantly talks about the differences between men and women and in Part II

talks about them in this idea of being hardwired and hopefully this is still

where I had it apparently not oh maybe

don't worry this won't take long to find

again listen to what he's talking about in this again this idea of hardwired

right that biological ideal versus the gendered which is kind of a socially

constructed ideal that we'll be looking into

am I about to hit a button or something or okay just checking

um you'd all like the white screen right I'm nothing if not accommodating

I think the biggest difference between men and women is this men are basic just

basic there's not a whole lot of frills that's why ladies when you ask the

fellow question a lot of times the answer you get is hmm basic

women are details detail detail detail yeah hearing garage and you know got the

details do not talk to a woman I'll give you a great example my friend Joey and I

were working out at the gym the other day Joey says to me hey man I'm getting

a divorce and I said all that sucks can you spot me that was our home

I understood it he understood it so I go home and I tell my wife I go hey Joey's

getting a divorce oh my god what happened

she said what do you mean who was he cheating on her was she cheating on him

I said again baby I don't know I'm not holding anything back here you got a

better chance to getting the answer out of the dog and that's when it hit me

that's why dogs don't talk they blur

she said bill how can somebody tell you they're getting a divorce and you don't

ask any questions and I said baby because he didn't ask me a question all

right what he said was a statement he said I'm getting a divorce which said to

me I have the situation hand and require no further input on your part now had

Joey said what do you think about me getting a divorce then I would have said

well you're gonna be dating again you need to work on your abs so again right

you can see how he's kind of you know building on this the stereotypical

construct of men and women and the differences and you know and building

off of Bill and his you know jokes you know he's talking about this idea of men

being hardwired kind of as these in almost insensitive jerks but you know

how then would he rework that to understand masculinity that actually

would benefit them that they would just become sensitive jerks but part of his

jokes trust me there are hardwired things right Anatomy items Adam's apples

are usually more prominent in men facial hair for men grows quite quickly it must

be maintained or is that groomed which one is the more masculine term but is it

masculine to have one or not in ancient Greece yes in ancient Rome no

the Middle Ages it depended if you live during the Carolingian era 750 to 950

mustache only the kings before them said beards absolutely and beards down to

your feet different versions so as you can see again his perception is based in

part on how women see men as well for masculinity it's not just men mm-hmm

masculinity also can be seen to have this component of being constructed by

women and how they see men and while I won't get into it here tonight there as

we saw in the class there's also all sorts of other discussions based on

class race sexual orientation again you know different components but I'm going

to kind of keep it more the binary for tonight so how do we all

see each other and specifically tonight in terms of masculinity have we made any

progress in the recent decades with respect to opening up masculinity or

have we regressed as opposed to progress or have we just plain dressed breasts

comes from the Latin word Gretta or which means to take steps but that could

mean forward it could mean backward it could mean sideways okay it just

means to take steps so let's look at a few instances of history and how

masculine was understood understood to help focus our attention and then to

bring us up to today and again in a way to try to understand how we seem to have

come to a sense of prescriptive behavior as in the sense of masculine behavior

must be performed this way versus descriptive behavior which means

masculinity has been performed and actually done this way okay and in a

multiplicity of fashions there there's a quote from Star Trek Voyager that I

really love and again it applies to all the genders in this room infinite

diversity in infinite combinations for when we dig into the history we find

that the stereotypes can be found there but so are the exceptions that truly

just might be more than norm so we're gonna move to ancient Greece are you

ready buckle up I don't see you putting on you

come on seat belts what it meant to be a man and again notice the term I'm using

here was a male who stood up for his polis a city state voted fought for it

produced heirs and loved other men because only men were capable of real

love emotionally spiritually sexually and that women were incapable of love of

that magnitude women could love their husbands but it wasn't a pure love like

that of man for man that would be as close to masculinity as we might come to

define for ancient Greece because again they're not as focused on sexuality as

we are today it was also on display in their art as you can see here men were

depicted nude women were not women were usually depicted clothed okay and the

idea here is what you're seeing in this perfectly sculpted body is that you were

also seeing a perfectly sculpted mind they went hand in hand for ancient Greek

men and masculinity and it's just very fortunate that the statute he's also

pointing at his head I did look and so again within here right we have a man

and a woman she is clothed he is not and again that was the standard

understanding for masculinity and femininity so we also see it in a

sculpture called the Torana sides these were two men a teacher and a student who

were also lovers and a tyrant wanted to steal the student away and together the

two of them were so in love they fought side by side to the death for one

another because of their intense love for one another

but it's also a signification of ideal masculinity and democracy this statue

was put up all over greece representing democracy that's what people saw when

they saw this statue of course in later times as slightly more prudish attitudes

came in they had to be covered up obviously not as much but they were

covered up but they were also found on ancient Greek coins you can see them

here in the corner so it's a very powerful masculine image for ancient

Greece for those of you have seen the movie 300 came out several years ago

Xerxes the Persian king nine feet tall all covered in bling well it seems like

he's a rather extravagant form of masculinity but to the Greeks he was a

barbaric masculine individual right that he was not being represented because

he's partially clothed he shouldn't be but who is his navel

worship commander over one thousand ships and their battles with the Greeks

they may know there'll be a quiz later so I'm just you know prepping you

Artemisia a woman

masculine/feminine strong leader leader is a genderless term except we still

tend to view leadership as masculine Halberstam and female masculinity raised

this issue she wrote masculinity in this society inevitably conjures up notions

of power and legitimacy and privilege so from Artemisia sper spective is she

masculine I'll leave that for you and part of that quote with the word power

in it it's also the reason I wore this tie tonight which has an outlet and a

plug and on the cord of the plug it says the answer is more power right

and of course right there's the gendered constructions for the cord and the

outlet from medieval Europe and again this is my point of study so I'm just

gonna talk about medieval Europe a lot tonight so either you're welcome or

tough you know we'll work with either the Bible was the focus as the church

had control over much of the political and intellectual landscape as well as

religious Eve was created from Adam this man was to be obeyed with their

expulsion we see that their punishments are also gendered farming for Adam

childbirth for Eve however the first time we encounter the creation story in

the Bible it merely says God created them male and female Genesis 1:27 sounds

rather equal the pronouns tend to bend toward he created them in His image for

God but the later more descriptive portion where this is you know where Eve

is created from the rib comes in Genesis to rabbi to Lucian wrote a book called

biblical literacy the most important people events and ideas of the Hebrew

Bible and and with the creation of Eve last

toluse can asks a very interesting question is such an explanation of

woman's creation demeaning to women on the one hand the claim that man was

created first and formed out of a part of him might suggest the male's inherent

superiority which is how medieval male theologians were interpreting that and

utilizing that for the masculine / feminine male / female ideals on the

other hand the fact that every new creature and this is Toulouse Caen every

new creature depicted in the divine creation is more

highly developed than the one that preceded it might indicate that woman

who is last to be created represents the apex of creation therefore more

masculine or is that that feminine then takes that place right in any event Tolu

chigan finishes the account in chapter 1 which states that both sexes are created

in God's image clearly suggests that they are equal in God's eyes I'm also

currently reading as Judith mentioned earlier I'm reading a biography of the

Queen Mother right now the mother of the current queen elizabeth ii the queen

mother died in 2002 at one point in her letter she's writing a letter during

world war ii and she says quote the war has disrupted social norms more and more

women went to work so even she is seeing a form of masculinity that is in her

writings as her writings seem to indicate is subverted by this disruption

of social norms with women working in men's jobs sort of how we were

discussing briefly you know the anvil clip and how he's thinking about this

hardwiring but we could almost say that World War two did help us to disrupt the

discourse of masculinity and show how leadership privilege and legitimacy

halberstam terms were a realm for men and women right we've seen this image

it's very prominent image we still see it today and it's many manifestations

Luke the independent the school newspaper here when recruiting for new

staff for new you know students to work there created a poster and again later

the star of the poster is sitting right back there

he'll be happy to sign copies for you later Luke was in my class and again I

hope you don't mind Luke but this is a it's a it's a marvelous example but when

you present it on the poster in class right you said that you hadn't quite

realized the masculinity discourse of this you just thought you were taking a

picture of you is Rosie the Riveter right that there wasn't anything

connected with masculinity or femininity but the course then brought up all of

these conversations right of a man forming rosy but he said no one had said

anything about it to him before when they were putting this all together it

just seemed natural Judith Butler another prominent scholar talks about

performativity in gender not about acting in a play performing but how we

do it every day right so my tie would seem to be me performing a masculine

piece of clothing right and I do it because I'm in countering and engaging

with students every day as part of that authority figure I deal maybe not

necessarily the masculine ideal but certainly Authority so my performance

changes it changed tonight when all of you came in the room and you saw you

know I was wearing a tie but you saw that it also is connected to the talk my

masculine performance shifted again and this is what Judith Butler's time oh we

change and shift daily so your gender tonight's gonna be different tomorrow

somehow someway maybe maybe not right so she but she's because she's learnt

largely looking at interactions right but it can also happen just on your own

so but again it's performing your masculinity your femininity your

identity and again women throughout all history have always been working

agrarian to industrial but how is it that the norm again is gendered toward

the masculine as such why must that external attribute define us and why -

can it not be applied across genders justice femininity can be for men but

usually when that has happened it's interesting that it gets renamed Judith

halberstam wrote a book female masculinity I haven't really seen a book

yet on male femininity what I have seen is the word metrosexual right

metrosexual men are men who are comfortable with their feminine sides

but you can't use the word feminine in the description you have to use the word

Metro which means City urban life which is also gendered toward the masculine

okay again like the gendered construct of the garage and you know and on one

other quick note - connection with this the use of eyeliner by men has been

termed guyliner it can't even just be eyeliner I kid you

not because over here as you can see it says because guys need their own type of

makeup so but here it's Captain Hook Jack Sparrow can swashbuckle without guy

liner and this is part of the metrosexual discussion again I do not

want to say that the history by men has caused all of these types of

constructions right it's it's multiple levels of society class race orientation

we need to simply look at how we have in fact examined the history to say this is

how masculinity developed and how masculinity should be back to the Middle

Ages for a moment you knew it was coming I mean I love the stuff the medieval

knight in shining armor who rescues the damsel in distress is not even a

medieval construct it was created later to describe the Middle Ages to make sure

we understood that they obeyed the masculine constructs of a knight in

shining armor rescues a damsel in distress no I've been studying the

Middle Ages for 30 years there are Knights there are women but

the damsel again that construct is more 18th century in fact many of the women

in the Middle Ages fought in battles many women in the Middle Ages kidnapped

men to force them to marry them and yet the terminology still used to describe

them as gendered King Henry ii fought battles with his wife Queen Eleanor of

Aquitaine Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine resisted him in battle well that's what

I read a lot of the times in these documents but no she fought him she was

an amazing fighter and from jail he had put her in prison so he could have an

affair with another woman and she still fought battles and nearly beat him every

time and if you want a really good Hollywood depiction of this see the

movie lion in winter at Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn amazing film I

adore that film if you ask any of my students in here they get tired of me

saying that and probably seeing it because I show it

as much as I can so again we still do it in language right and again that that's

why I'm not going to offer a definition of masculinity for you just some

suggestions for how we can see in our conversations look to the obvious yet

overlooked ways we talked about it during the NFL playoffs the Carolina

Panthers were known for giving a child in the stands of football after a

touchdown during one playoff game with the first touchdown they gave a football

to a little girl the next time to a little boy however the announcer said

that young man will remember that for as long as he lives just as earlier that

little girl will you see how we're shifting the masculine discourse okay

but we don't necessarily notice it again the obvious but overlooked we still

create these imbalances in perception when Cam Newton lost the Super Bowl any

Broncos fans in here by the way I just thought okay I figured as much

he left his conference after only his press conference after only a few

moments and he was considered a poor loser and a pouty child which is a

genderless term he's no longer than masculine quarterback he is a genderless

child right but when Ronda Rousey who lost to Holly

Holmes later admitted to suicidal thoughts people had sympathy for her

many sports riders looked at this as being again gender biased you know men

must man up she has what some call a masculine body because people identify

those muscles with men with masculinity yet she's also supposed to remain

feminine but why these strict binaries external and internal you know and look

at her arms right they're strong they're built they're powerful but does that

mean they need to be masculine or feminine or simply powerful again but as

we discussed with Harbor stem masculinity tends to lead to the idea of

power I mean think about it right and this is gonna be very personal I hope

you don't mind here's my arm check that thing out right

I would probably not call this masculine I mostly would call it not in attendance

either but I wouldn't call it masculine but I'm also not going to call it

feminine right because we tend to take feminine to mean non masculine okay

rather instead right can't we just look at and say hey that's a pretty sexy or

cartoonish arm whichever you prefer right masculine feminine sexy cartoon

gay men are often considered effeminate therefore not masculine USERRA 200 lo of

the NFL would disagree with you this is him with his husband and his

children I'm not telling him he's a feminine female masculinity female by

definition does not mean masculine again Judith Halberstam book would disagree as

I've already discussed her book brought to the fore these discussions and truly

opened up how we talk about masculinity in light of biological sex power

legitimacy as well as history and over there left you can see the cover of her

book and then I just found that Tina Fey cover just recently with the again the

man arms so she's kind of crossing boundaries here isn't she at the Screen

Actors Guild Awards every one male and female are called actors the opening of

the show hi I'm so-and-so I got into the business by doing this I'm an actor and

proud of it male or female they say I am an actor not actress or outdoor but the

categories are still best female actor in a fill-in-the-blank male actor by

sexing the categories then again we're recreating the masculine feminine

dichotomy but gender along with race are still factors in the industry that we're

gonna be dealing with again you're the Oscars are on Sunday and again race is a

big component of that show and just to complicate matters just a little further

I mean wouldn't be any fun if I didn't do that

1982 the movie the year of living dangerously Linda hunt plays the male

photographer Billy Kwan a role for which hunt won the 1983 Academy Award for Best

Supporting Actress Eddie Redmayne has been nominated for

this year's Oscars for a transgendered woman in the Danish girl in the best

male actor category fluidity to say that there's only one way to define

masculinity I don't think so so again hopefully you can see that we really do

need to re-examine and re-examine and if I haven't mentioned it re-examine men

are strong so are women is strength than just a masculine construct or is it a

human construct there are masculine attributes that we

tend to identify but must they be confined by the male sex as Judith

Halberstam asked and as I've been thinking about this talk for quite a

while when Judith first asked me to do this every night I would go to bed turn

off the lights pull up the covers two minutes later I would jump out of bed

because I had another idea to write about for this talk it just consumed me

right even after a semester of this class it just the ideas just continue to

erupt and so finding a definition was getting harder and harder I think it's a

good thing doesn't mean we cannot come to some understanding no but we do need

to at first break those old stereotypes and begin to see each other for who and

what we are as we perform our gender and see ourselves as masculine feminine

human we can certainly come to some commonalities but does that mean has to

be total agreement differences are good but it isn't how we express those

differences that can make pardon the expression a difference I know a PhD and

and I use the same word three times my students get in trouble for that

I'm surprised not one of them spoke up their heads are doing this though

there are two main quotes though that I kept coming to Frank burns from mash and

I know that Frank intends right for us all to act the same but over the years

I've come to read this a little bit differently

and I have two clips for you to emphasize my point they both come from

Android phone commercials I am NOT a spokesman for them I'm not trying to

sell you their products it's just that their commercials worked really really

well so the first one is a clip where there are two pianos when it's monotone

one that is not obviously the monotone one I believe is Frank's piano the multi

one is the one I would recommend hopefully this'll work

again right as you saw 88 keys for Frank they're all individual keys but let's

all do it together in the exact same manner whereas we can all be similar

looking keys but we can all have signed different notes all these different

genders with different notes all right and but still we can play great

different tombs right every day we can come back to the same tone right but

we're still all being our own so mm-hmm the next clip then too I think is

helpful and this is just a minute long so remember back in school when you're

either invited the new kid over to your table where you didn't

if you did that was a cool move that was an ant move and moves take guts but they

can mean everything there and moves to put wings on a bicycle now we fly when

enough people have an and view the world changes forever

if you think about you're only here because of an and moment opening

yourself up isn't easy when you do it's hard to forget because it leads to

something new something better that's why we need this and this and then and

you yeah you watching this right now because everyone doing the same thing

won't move us forward everyone doing their own thing together can't

and be together not the same however lately more and more though we are

seeing some backlash to what would be called a renewed masculinity others are

calling it a reversion to femininity that men have lost their masculinity

some men's rights groups claim that feminism has reduced men to shameful

shells of themselves they go out into woods to have drumming ceremonies go

shirtless to shout to grunt to reclaim that masculinity so again remember when

I asked the beginning as to how we have breasts is it regressing is it a

reexamination or reapplying of old stereotypes that can in fact sometimes

be harmful and that the last clip that I'll show you what will bring that into

more perspective but why does fear about losing masculinity we hardly have ever

discussed it before but now to reclaim it without truly reexamining it might

cause more tension and misunderstanding about it this seems like a pulling away

as opposed to a coming together right some scholars have looked at the

economic decline in 2009 where men lost jobs were no longer the breadwinners and

that that aspect of masculinity created some of it but by re-examining and

redefining these self-identified masculine roles can expand recreate so

again let's not redefine masculinity around it to reclaim some sort of power

in that sense of legitimacy that halberstam was talking about but to

reclaim another masculinity and again a masculine not the one and only

masculinity plural masculine --'tis i can't stress that enough but as part of

that site backlash man can whine in a can

mr. gamma is another student's project their motto whack it back I like to sip

my wine but it looks like a can of beer fine but why does that then need to

define masculinity this could be just it's practical right if you want to take

wine on a rafting trip or a tubing trip right you put those cans in the water to

keep it cold a bottle might not make it the cans will make it a little dented

but they'll make it but again instead of saying that's

masculinity why don't we just say it's practicality okay and as I kept looking

for man canned stuff these two quotes kept coming up I couldn't get away from

them so I thought well then neither will you

so you're welcome all right good man can make you feel sexy and strong and able

to take on the world oh sorry that's wine wine does that and then from

Rudyard Kipling a man can never have too much red wine too many books or too much

ammunition the students in my class really did help me with my own concepts

of masculinity in the world but also in myself for those of you who do not know

me I am a gay man who is masculine who is feminine I'm also a cook I'm also a

very very bad golfer and I epitomize the following I'm not kidding mm-hmm I'm a

feminist a lover of old movies of art fine wine of ties as we've been

discussing all night I have 879 ties in my collection right

now I know it's a small collection but it's growing it'll get there I promise

you I love football games I love basketball March Madness is coming but

even my gay friends have some backlash about my masculinity and how I perform

it they don't understand why I enjoy these manly read straight sports and not

more gay things but being a masculine gay man being means being able to enjoy

football basketball but overall it appears I enjoy masculine and feminine

things whatever those might be masculine can mean power but let's not

automatically default to the idea then that the feminine must mean weak or

powerless it is also power the two ideas need not be binary opposites how about

instead of contradictory binaries we have complementary binaries the times

are changing right you know I quoted Kimmel at the beginning of the talk it

is only by mining men's pass for its best qualities and worst

excesses that men will free themselves from the constraints of the masculine

ideal this next clip I think will bring pretty much everything together that

I've been trying to offer you tonight this was also part of a presentation a

student did in my class and I really again want to quickly here thank them

for all they taught me last semester and and then also gave me the privilege of

them speaking with you tonight about this topic this comes from a an

organization excuse me who put together a video of what did it mean to be a man

in 2015 and they're the first part of the video clip they ask some hard

questions about these masculinities again plural and then again the shifting

in the masculinity and then I promise after this will almost be done your mom

wants you to marry and this is a guy you got to run off to and read him to be

with him

nice package

you've called women you don't like fat pigs dogs slobs and disgusting animals

totally Rosie O'Donnell in an appearance on Russian television

tarpor chef referred to Sarina and sister Venus as the Williams brothers I

don't believe that in draping and some of them really is unbreakable students a

part of the Sigma Nu fraternity were behind these banners hope your baby girl

is ready for a good time

I really hope that eventually we never have a place in the NFL for people that

strike a one you're a feminist yep and you are a man yeah all those things you

know having some traits that are traditionally masculine doesn't exclude

me from wanting gender equality but this is an issue that only mothers should

have to think about family leave should be thought of as an option for both

parents I don't want to take any stereotypical yab roles like where this

is where my position stops and where my wife's positions start

I'm proud to call them my mother I'm proud to be your son

you made me the man that I am today

the most important thing that I could do with my daughter is lead our life with

love not success not fame big guys cry we do big guys are sensitive

what a good man man a service who persevered because he believed his

efforts would deliver a better life but those who followed sometimes I think

that's the best thing to hope for when you're eulogized just say somebody was a

good man

so ultimately I'm not saying stay out of the garage

we need the garage for many things park your car fix a bicycle chain

some people have washer dryers in there play music think about the many bands

that came out of garages built computers created animation and try not to name

names cuz after the whole Android thing I don't want to get into any more

copyright or you know sales issues but sometimes it's just a place to get away

and re-examine so go to the garage or go to the attic the kitchen the bedroom or

the room where all the major thinking happens the bathroom and continue the

conversation but continue the re-examination of what masculinity is

canon might be in all of its glorious forms thank you

For more infomation >> Advice from the Garage: Masculinity Reexamined - Lifelong Learning - Duration: 48:10.


Chronic Here I Come #Chronicrc #ChronicFlik or ChronicShawtz - Duration: 7:57.

Hope you enjoyed the video Chronic on top. Subscribe and sit on that noto button thanks #Chroniontop now enjoy this epic flick shot

For more infomation >> Chronic Here I Come #Chronicrc #ChronicFlik or ChronicShawtz - Duration: 7:57.


Ant and Dec surprised with World Record for most best presenter National Television Awards - Duration: 3:35.

View this post on Instagram The lovely folks from @guinnessworldrecords came down to #BGT auditions today and surprised us with these

How lovely! Thank you X A post shared by Ant & Dec (@antanddec) on Jan 23, 2019 at 12:34pm PST  Ant McPartlin's comeback after being arrested for drink driving is going swimmingly so far

 He was welcomed back to Britain's Got Talent as the auditions kicked off in London, and then went on to win an 18th National Television Award for best presenter alongside Declan Donnelly

 Now the duo have won a World Record for winning the most best presenter NTAs.  It has been 19 years since anyone other than Ant and Dec got the gong – Michael Barrymore won the trophy in 2000

 The presenters were surprised with the accolade during filming on Britain's Got Talent and shared the moment on Instagram

 'The lovely folks from @guinnessworldrecords came down to #BGT auditions today and surprised us with these

How lovely! Thank you,' they said. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video  Ant and Dec haven't been on TV together since Saturday Night Takeaway last spring when Ant decided to step down from his TV commitments after his arrest

Advertisement Advertisement  The pair were very emotional as they found out they had been named best presenter for an 18th consecutive year

 Ant said in a video message at the ceremony: 'This is a genuine shock especially this year

I'm shaking here. I want to say thank you to everybody. I really don't feel like I can accept the award this year

The one reason we won the award this year is this guy [Declan Donnelly]. Ant and Dec have won the NTA for best presenter 18 times (Picture: REX) 'His hard work, dedication, wit, funniness and being the best mate there is out there

I love you man, well done.'  A very emotional Dec added: 'Thank you. Thank you so much

Thank you to everybody who sent kind and thoughtful messages to us over the past year

They kept me going while I've been flying the flag for the two of us. But I've got him back now and now we're back together

 'This year probably more than ever thank you to all of you who picked up the phone and voted for us

Thank you. Special mention to Dermot, who said he was going to chuck the towel in if we won this year, so happy retirement Dermot

Olly and Caroline, you're back on the X!' Got a showbiz story?  If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you

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For more infomation >> Ant and Dec surprised with World Record for most best presenter National Television Awards - Duration: 3:35.


Bob Arum lays out Lomachenko's 2019 - Duration: 4:44.

Top Rank's Bob Arum has outlined Vasiliy Lomachenko's route into the new year. With April 12 the expected date for the return of Hi-Tech, a Los Angeles venue will host a lightweight unification bout between Vasiliy and the winner of Richard Commey vs Isa Chaniev who meet on February 2 for the vacant IBF strap

Speaking to TalkSport at the Crawford-Khan presser on Tuesday, Arum was brief in his dissection of the year that lies ahead for his pound-for-pound star

"We're doing a fight February 2 for the vacant IBF lightweight title and both guys have signed to meet Lomachenko for April

If that happens, that will be his next fight." After Mikey Garcia decided to make the leap up in weight to face Errol Spence on March 16, his 135-pound title was subsequently binned as he skipped his mandatory, Richard Commey

Despite receiving his title shot in a much easier contest, Commey stated his disappointment of not getting the Garcia fight to British Boxing News

"I'm disappointed that the fight with Mikey Garcia hasn't happened. He is a very good fighter and I was looking forward to challenging myself against one of the best fighters out there

" "My management and promotional team of Michael Amoo-Bediako and Lou DiBella worked very hard to try and make the Garcia fight

It disappointed me that Garcia's team let negotiations drag on when they had no intention of fighting

I understand it is because they know it is a massive risk to fight me and lose any potential big paydays in the future

" Commey isn't short of confidence; despite us still being over a fortnight away from his title shot, the Ghanaian is already looking forward to a potential defence

"Unlike some fighters, I will fight anyone, anytime and when I become world champion I will defend my title against the best opposition out there!" In steps Lomachenko

Passing varying tests against the likes of Guillermo Rigondeaux, Jorge Linares and Jose Pedraza in the past year, a unification fight against the Commey-Chaniev winner will be seen as a light touch; Bob Arum is already looking past this bout in assumption that Loma will unify in style, setting him up for a trip to the UK this summer to face WBA mandatory — and former world champion — Anthony Crolla

"For the summer, I'd like to bring him over here and arrange this Crolla [fight]," Arum continued, speaking in London on Tuesday

"I know Loma would love to fight in the UK." Lomachenko has made a couple of trips to the UK in the past year

In attendance for Anthony Joshua's latest defence over Alexander Povetkin at Wembley Stadium, the 30-year-old was taken back by the spectacle a Joshua fight can produce

Speaking to Sky Sports after the fight, Loma joked about a future date in North London: "Maybe one day I will [get to fight at Wembley]

I need to have a fight with a very famous fighter in England. Maybe with Joshua?" Accompanying his friend and fellow world champion, Oleksandr Usyk, to his victory over Tony Bellew late last year, Lomachenko has also been exposed to Manchester - the home of Million Dollar Crolla

Crolla is a game competitor, heavily reliant on grit, heart, and body punching. His WBA world title win and defence against Darleys Perez and Ismael Barroso, respectively, raised his profile in the UK to unexpected heights between 2015-2016; he came crashing back down to earth with back-to-back defeats against Jorge Linares

At 32, with six defeats on his record, it's widely believed that Crolla is in the twilight of his career

Crolla has a Hatton-esque backing of Manchester, with a stadium fight against Lomachenko this summer not a million miles away

Old Trafford would be the preferred location, with the Manchester Arena still holding a healthy 21,000

If Lomachenko passes these two tests in 2019, the demand for the Garcia fight will reach boiling point

We all know the political issues in making this fight a reality, however, a year in boxing is a long time

For more infomation >> Bob Arum lays out Lomachenko's 2019 - Duration: 4:44.


火影:鬼鮫為什麼,動不動老想砍人腿?真相扎心了 - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 火影:鬼鮫為什麼,動不動老想砍人腿?真相扎心了 - Duration: 5:07.


【三菱 デリカD:5 新型】一般向け試乗会が開催、 欧州車で一般的なディーゼル+多段AT - Duration: 15:13.

For more infomation >> 【三菱 デリカD:5 新型】一般向け試乗会が開催、 欧州車で一般的なディーゼル+多段AT - Duration: 15:13.


满载排水量2.5万吨,又增加两艘轻型航母,F-35B次级效应开始显现 - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> 满载排水量2.5万吨,又增加两艘轻型航母,F-35B次级效应开始显现 - Duration: 6:03.


Film vs Digital - Mamiya 6x7 vs Nikon FF - Real World Shootout - Duration: 5:43.


I Recently started the shooting film and thought.... Can you see that?

Okay, I

thought I want to do comparison between my

recently purchased Mamiya 6x7 medium format film


all mechanical no battery at all and

my d750 digital camera, which is

24 megapixel

when I first started shooting


My first digital SLR was a D70s

it's a 6 megapixel camera and you can see images are very clear. Very usable. I

Was always happy with it

And then switched to a full-frame D700 again very usable image

12 megapixel very happy with that camera

The image plane on the film camera is four times greater than the image plane in the digital camera. The main goal of this video

Will be resolution or sharpness. Full discloser

I think the digital will win over the film because digital is so so clean and so high-res

Always been impressed with this camera. This is gonna be a real world shoot at will be outside shooting

So no test patterns is so upfront costs this camera and lens cost me

$300 u.s

this camera lens cost $1,800. 85mm f/1.8 and

This of course is the 180mm lens the 180mm and the 85mm should give us similar

Field of view the film lens on the medium format opens up to f/4.5. Okay, and

The digital camera opens up to f/1.8. We will be trying to match the depth of field on each camera

I'll be using Kodak Tmax 100

Which is a low grain film from what I understand and I'm gonna set the digital camera to ISO 100 also

Okay, first up we've got portraits

I Developed the negative myself, and I'm not an expert developer

but I'm looking for large differences, so

If my images are slightly more grainy or slowly more dirty

That's not only going to be an issue because I'm looking for large difference in film and digital

You could see images are almost identical with the digital edging out the film only slightly

But not enough to really make a difference in usability.

I digitized the film using what's called the DSLR scanner method

Basically, I photographed the negative. Now you say

how can you compare film with digital if you're taking a picture with the same digital camera?

Well, I photographed it four times four images and then stitched it in Photoshop so that

Resolution is much greater on the film than it is on the digital

Next up a shot real-estate

Basically looking at the lines on the house and the lines of the fence and you can see in this one

The digital is quite a bit clearer

So in this one the digital wings out

Next up I want to shot this fishing pier

Digital is a little bit clearer than the film but it's so close. I would again call this a tie

And lastly I did a test with some Christmas lights and you can see the bouquet a beach lens is very very similar

So this one is a tie

This was an interesting test overall

I'd say film was more art than science

And digital is more science than art. Film is more challenging and enjoyable and not perfect.

I'd like to suggest that that sparked the fun. It's like reading a book versus watching a movie

the book is always going to offer a more immersive story experience. Film photography offers a more engaging

photographic experience. Digital is more precise if you need photos that replicate exactly what's in front of a camera

Then today's digital might be a better choice. I think there's no real winner here

Just different tools in camera bag. Thanks for watching. And if you have done any similar testing

Please share a link in the comment section below

I'd love to see them and as always click the like button the subscribe button help support this channel. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Film vs Digital - Mamiya 6x7 vs Nikon FF - Real World Shootout - Duration: 5:43.


GH Sonny & Carly Collection Ep 8: 5/14/03 - Duration: 38:01.

For more infomation >> GH Sonny & Carly Collection Ep 8: 5/14/03 - Duration: 38:01.


Dry Flowers and Dollar Tree DIY - Duration: 7:05.

Hi team how are you doing, welcome back all you create a dolls this is another DIY

I have for you as I promised in my last video. It's another dry flower DIY so

continue to watch don't forget to Like comment turn on your post notification

and let's just see how this turns out in the end. Okay let's get started

as you see I have this pink tissue paper in the party section and I want it

cutting into strips that's all that I can have something in

the bottom of this DIY I'm getting ready to try to create for you.

Now I'm going to put some of these rhinestones self adhesive on this cup pardon of my desk here this made of glass and I got saran wrap

on it too protect it.

Thanks for taking the time out to watch everyone don't forget to turn on your

post notifications and be on the lookout for my next DIY and I will see you next


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