THanks you for watching
위암 발병 경로 알아내|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
DUEL PENTRU PRIMUL LOC MONDIAL WTA LA AUSTRALIAN OPEN ÎNTRE KVITOVA ȘI OSAKA! - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI Automaat 5-DRS ACTIVE (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
JAF ARMAT LA SUCURSALA UNEI BĂNCI DIN CRAIOVA! CÂȚI BANI A REUȘIT SĂ HOȚUL SĂ IA - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne: Claudia Dionigi pensa di essere la prescelta di Lorenzo Riccardi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Travis Scott Type Beat - Hang | Drake x Kendrick Lamar | Hip Hop Trap Rap Beat Instrumental 2019 - Duration: 3:32.Travis Scott Type Beat
Drake Type Beat
Kendrick Lamar Type Beat
Hip Hop Beat
Rap Beat
Type Beats
Konge MØRBRADgryde | Mormor mad | GoCook by Coop - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
"Hindafing": Die Fortsetzung kommt Ende 2019 - Heute Nachrichten - Duration: 4:20."Voraussichtlich Ende 2019 im BR" Die vielfach ausgezeichnete und sogar für den renommierten Grimme-Preis nominierte TV-Serie "Hindafing" (2017) geht endlich in die zweite Runde
Wie der Bayerische Rundfunk im Rahmen des BR Filmbrunches am Freitag im Münchner Literaturhaus bekanntgab, wird die zweite Staffel "voraussichtlich Ende 2019 im BR Fernsehen" ausgestrahlt
Drehstart ist im Februar. Auch in der Fortsetzung der bitterbösen Satire-Serie dreht sich wieder alles um den verschuldeten, intriganten, korrupten und drogensüchtigen Politiker Alfons Zischl, gespielt von Maximilian Brückner (40, "Pregau")
Darum geht's in der zweiten Staffel Nach seinem Rücktritt als Bürgermeister von Hindafing wird Alfons Zischl überraschend zum Landtagsabgeordneten in München berufen
Sein Vorgänger ist über einen Skandal gestolpert und Zischl soll vor der nächsten Landtagswahl retten, was zu retten ist
Doch das Leben als Abgeordneter ist härter als gedacht. Statt Ruhm und rotem Teppich in der Landeshauptstadt erwarten Zischl mühsame Fleißarbeit und lähmender Fraktionszwang im provinziellen Stimmkreis
Als er auf der Suche nach Wählerstimmen durch ein Missverständnis einem, von der Pleite bedrohten, dubiosen Rüstungsunternehmen seine Unterstützung zusichert, findet er sich schnell in einem politischen Fiasko wieder
Beim Versuch, aus der Sache unbeschadet wieder herauszukommen, rutscht Zischl immer tiefer hinein
Weitere Filmhighlights Die Zuschauer dürfen sich im laufenden Jahr aber auch über viele weitere Produktionen freuen, darunter drei neue München-"Tatorte"
Leitmayr (Udo Wachtveitl), Batic (Miroslav Nemec) und Kalli (Ferdinand Hofer) ermitteln im Frühjahr in "Die ewige Welle", im Frühsommer in "One Way Ticket" und im Winter in "Unklare Lage"
Bereits am 24. Februar sind die Kollegen aus Franken dran. Und die neue Ermittlerin und Hanns-von-Meuffels-Nachfolgerin im BR-"Polizeiruf", Elisabeth "Bessie" Eyckhoff - gespielt von Verena Altenberger -, tritt im Herbst ihren Dienst an
Regie-Star Marcus H. Rosenmüller war nach seinem Nockherberg-Engagement ebenfalls nicht untätig
Im Herbst startet seine Doku "Dreiviertelblut - Mia san ned nur mia!" (AT) über das gleichnamige folklorefreie Volksmusikduo in den Lichtspielhäusern
Die Doku "Woodstock" wird dagegen im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt, der Termin ist noch nicht bekannt
Porträtiert wird darin die Geschichte des Konzertes, das zum prägenden Ereignis einer ganzen Generation und zum Höhepunkt der Hippiebewegung wurde
Teil der Präsentation beim BR Filmbrunch waren auch Kinofilme wie "Kirschblüten & Dämonen" von Doris Dörrie, der am 7
März in den Kinos startet, oder der neue Eberhofer-Krimi "Leberkäsjunkie", der wie gewohnt im Hochsommer, konkret am 1
August anläuft. Anzeige
BLOOPERS End of 2018 (Eng subs) - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
Choisissez : Pain au chocolat OU Chocolatine ? - Duration: 10:40.Hello it's dayoung!
Thank you to come in my TVshow again!
Today i am gonna try to film new concept of my video
I think you already know becaue i alerady have done to you so many times
Like "You have to choose one"
In this game you have to choose one answer in 2
But problem is your game is too much extreme
Yes! this is why this game is funny
And this game make me get a headache all the time
So not to make you get any headache today im gonna give you just only 3 questions
- Just 3? - Yes just 3
So you have to choose one ok?
Don't avoid to choose something this is forbiden!
You guys you have to choose one with us too also plz make a comment for your choices
Yes! make some comments
I think first question is easy actually i would to ask all of french people for that
Baguette VS croissant
Baguette VS croissant?
Easy! - Easy? What is your answer?
Baguette for you?
Of course - Because for me croissant!
Because croissant is more sweeter and delicious !
I think all of french people will choose baguette
baguette is like exactly rice for korean people
if i consider baguette as a rice i will choose baguette of course! BUT...!
I'm korean! so definitely i like croissant!
Croissant is definitely one of my favorite
But you make me choose one between baguette and croissant so i choose baguette
Ok so you cant eat croissant anymore
Say adieu! ADIEU~~~~
This is her way if i choose one she make me say good-bye for the other answer
Yes but this is your choice
Yes but that's a game
This is just game!!
This is your responsibility for your answer~~~~
Context is matters!!!
Context...matter.... so Croissant ADIEU
Never! when i go back france i will eat a lot of croissant
So you can't eat baguette
You have to choose only one
Ok first question is easy this is kind of warming up - this is just only first???? shit!!
If someone follow you to kill you which one is you will choose serial killer VS Ghost
What is better for you ! less worse!
I guess Serial Killer?
Because i can also kill serial killer too
I can do something
But for ghost what can i do ...?
You will call ghost busters ... or....
Me too i afraid ghosts...
Because i cannot see any ghost and when i watch ghost movie they can kill me without any physical attacking
So i afriad for this reasons
And ghosts looks like disgusting
They have big mouth and no eyes
Night mare
At least i know serial killer will kill me with knife or gun or whatever!
But ghost ? who knows ghost just wanna make me crazy
Serial killer will try to kill you
So maybe you can do something to killer you know
So im gonna be serial killer too
Serial dada...?
Serial snipper dada
So what about you guys
What is less worse for you
Serial killer VS ghost
Number 3
3~ number 3
i already ask this question on my instagram story
If you have to eat what you will eat Poo with cury tasty VS cury with poo tasty
You have to choose one
Why do i have to this
Actually 57% people choose CACA with poo tasty
But i prefer Cury with poo tasty
Honey who knows we never try to eat caca so we don't know poo tasty exactly
Who knows Poo is just digested food
So maybe poo tasty is not that much bad i think
Do you wanna try to eat mine? i can give you now
I prefer eat mine not yours you know?
This is just sharing you know
We are couple so we have to share
Anyway you have to anwer you didnt answer yet
Ok i prefer eat real curry but poo tasty
Like me?
But it doesn't mean i like poo tasty it is just at least i know this is not poo this is food curry
Do you have eaten any poo before beb? - NO
- So we don't know poo tasty
That's suprised
We don't know
Yes maybe poo tastes like rollypop
So Guys if you have already eaten poo can you make some comments this is not shame at all
Thi is not shame at all
This is a just special experience
Why not
Ok i think you enjoy a lot my you can choose one game - That's finished ?
Yes but i wanna give you one more
Ok (DADA NOTE : Togen looks so happy)
This is my note book i made 100 lists for you can choose one game
So i will take last question in this book - i will burn this book
I remember all of lists
Im gonna make 3 books more
Ok last question Number 4!
If you have your gf or bf which style you prefer so doesnt care about you VS too much in your side
Always this person have to know with who you text
Where are you and what are you doing things
Also doubt on you a lot
If you have to choose one
I wanna choose first one (doesn't care one)
ah doesn't care
But you will not feel 서운해 for that?
But i will feel 서운해 too if she is too much in my side
If she is too much in my side i will feel she try to control me
This is not good
Actually me too i don't like too much in my side
If you ask me where are you dayoung, what are you doing every single second
If you control for all of my life
I think all of french people are gonna agree with us too
But i think a lot of korean people will choose... - controling? - yes...
Because jealosy can be provement for love in korea
What a suprise
In my side i never get any jealousy from you
Do you wanna play one more game?
Ok bonus!
I think this quetion will make big discussion in my video comments
Pain au Chocolat VS chocolatine
I already know your answer and mine too
We are gonna choose pain au chocolat
We even doesn't need to choose cuz chocolatine doesn't exist
Doensn't exist? wow this is so extreme
This is not extreme i just say trues
So why some people use thi word chocolatine
I think they need to wake up
They are still in their dream?
It's time to wake up guys
You should know something funny thing is korean people use pain au chocolat too
Of course they use truth! normal things normal standard
- normal standard - people doesn't need to use chocolatine cuz just a few city use chocolatine
This is pain au chocolat that's it guys
Ok you have to choose one pain au chocolat VS baguette
Baguette of course
Pain au chocolat VS Croissant
Croissant VS tart au Pome
Croissant ! i don't like tart au pome - Really?
Don't blame my tart au pome (Tart au pome is dada's best)
Ok guys i hope you enjoy my a lot cuz i like to ask to someone you have to chooe one!
And im super happy when they consider a lot their anwer for my questions
You can make comment for my questions
You should know something guys she always have asked to me and her friends... it make me get super heavy headache
She just wanna know answering
But my bf and all of my friends start to piss up for my asking so....
It's my audience's turn
You are next welcome!!!
You know i told my friends im gonna make video for you have to choose one game
And they said you will lost all of your subscribers ....
They are right
No way!!
After you publish this video you will lost....
No way im sure my barbapapa like my new game
Ok let's see on comments - Yes!
Thank you to watch my video today too don't forget to like my video and subscribe my channel too
Also dada's secret make special event everyday so you can check on descriptions
If you wonder my life in korea you visit and follow my instagram too!
Ok i'm gonna back soon with another amazing video guys
Do you wanna play one game more?
Why you never answer me
Travis Scott Type Beat - Hang | Drake x Kendrick Lamar | Hip Hop Trap Rap Beat Instrumental 2019 - Duration: 3:32.Travis Scott Type Beat
Drake Type Beat
Kendrick Lamar Type Beat
Hip Hop Beat
Rap Beat
Type Beats
Tech news from Porsche, GMC & Toyota | Chris on Tech - Duration: 7:16.-------------------------------------------
COMMENT SURMONTER UN DIVORCE ET ÊTRE HEUREUX ? Le coaching de Sandrine pour gérer une rupture - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Облицовка декоративным камнем - Duration: 5:13.Hello dear friends
I decided to make a video for you in which I will be revetting
Its stove in the house, which is called "rough" decorative stone
This stone can impose not only a furnace, but any opening.
in your house, any wall or arch
This stone is a concrete base, therefore it is suitable for a stove.
Since gypsum cannot be used, it will crack with temperature.
Just took a special glue for stoves and fireplaces, withstands 200 degrees Celsius
I put some glue in the middle and start revetting
All the excess glue that comes out, wipe it off with a wet sponge
I put the stones in a chessboard order, so they went one on one
Notches for masonry can be made with any sharp object.
In places where it is difficult to support, you can glue a piece of adhesive tape until the glue hardens.
Despite the fact that my oven is varnished
And the stone is kept only on the notches in the plaster
I can say that the glue has excellent strength
I mix the glue very thickly so that the stones stay on the vertical wall during laying out.
This stone is not necessary to cut tool
Any piece that needs to be removed can be bitten off with pliers.
In places where it is difficult to support, you can tighten several self-tapping screws on the level
On plaster thickness
And when everything is grabbed, unscrew them
Next, I needed to glue one row below
For this, I took an aluminum profile
And fastened it on two bolts, he served as a support until glue froze
When the glue grabs, unscrew the profile
And we continue the layout
For the third row of tiles turned out a good hiding place (stash), which the wife will not find)))
Next, I had to paint the wall near the firebox, where it was impossible to impose a stone
For this, I took a special heat-resistant thermo varnish
And wanted to mix it with black paint
BUT it turned out that the varnish is very liquid
Like water, and when mixed, varnish and paint exfoliated.
Therefore, I decided to just paint
After staining, I protopil several times
And I can say that the paint does not crack and keeps well
That's what happened, I hope this video was useful.
This stone was in three colors and they can decorate any place in your home.
The stone looks very beautiful
Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to the channel, have a good day everyone !!!
THE NEW BEST BUILD FOR KODI KRYPTON - JANUARY 2019 - D.S - Duration: 11:02.-------------------------------------------
📷 Meilleur appareil photo compact 2019 pour DEBUTANT ! - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Judge Releases Ex-President Donald Trump Adviser Roger Stone On $250K Bond | NBC News - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Roger Stone arrested by FBI and released on $250K Bond, live updates - Duration: 16:13.-------------------------------------------
파리 여행이 정말 특별했던 한 가지 이유 - Duration: the way this is Stevie
Sola's really good friend
I don't like my hair
You look great don't worry
Great Answer
For me it's uh I just wanted to say I don't know what to say.
Do you know what I mean?
I want to touch it can we go touch it?
Sola fell down the stairs
People were all saying "are you okay?"
Awh poor baby are you okay?
Oh no come here
Shh shhh it's okay
Okay I am okay lol
can I put your pain and misery on YouTube for entertainment?
Okay Thank you
Stevie what do you think?
Honestly, about this place
by the way you have to go through security it's free to get in here into this park
but yeah you just have to get everything on your pockets to go through the metal detector
I wanted to touch it
Stevie I have a question for you
how do you know Sola?
she's my high school friend
we're from the same high school
was she a bad student?
she was badass
she was?
was she rebellious?
of course
okay so question. Why did you like Sola?
I don't like her that much
I don't like her that much
Omg we have something in common man
Okay nice to meet you
Sorry baby
Fu$% you
So I tried to use French basic French
And it so sucks
Are you embarrassed?
Yeah ahah
It's okay you are doing great
what do you think Stevie?
Good answer
Chloe what is this place?
All of the words say I love you
In every language?
So baby
Who's Chloe?
My University friend
My best Friend
How does it feel to see her in Paris?
Ahhh so gooooodd
Maybe she doesn't like that
So good
It feels like its...
Paris doesn't really feel like a tourist place
Tourist place because of her
So sweet
Chloe what is this place?
In French?
In French
Sorry Chloe
You like it baby? Are you happy?
So beautiful
It's like a palace
Heidi Daus "Lovely Lavaliere" Charm Drop Necklace - Duration: 6:55.-------------------------------------------
Top 20 Best Songs by NCS (최고의 음악) | Best of NCS 2019 | 1 Hour Gaming Mix - Duration: 1:09:53.Where are you from? Leave a comment below <3
Leave a like and Subscribe if you want more Mixes like this one <3
Облицовка декоративным камнем - Duration: 5:13.Hello dear friends
I decided to make a video for you in which I will be revetting
Its stove in the house, which is called "rough" decorative stone
This stone can impose not only a furnace, but any opening.
in your house, any wall or arch
This stone is a concrete base, therefore it is suitable for a stove.
Since gypsum cannot be used, it will crack with temperature.
Just took a special glue for stoves and fireplaces, withstands 200 degrees Celsius
I put some glue in the middle and start revetting
All the excess glue that comes out, wipe it off with a wet sponge
I put the stones in a chessboard order, so they went one on one
Notches for masonry can be made with any sharp object.
In places where it is difficult to support, you can glue a piece of adhesive tape until the glue hardens.
Despite the fact that my oven is varnished
And the stone is kept only on the notches in the plaster
I can say that the glue has excellent strength
I mix the glue very thickly so that the stones stay on the vertical wall during laying out.
This stone is not necessary to cut tool
Any piece that needs to be removed can be bitten off with pliers.
In places where it is difficult to support, you can tighten several self-tapping screws on the level
On plaster thickness
And when everything is grabbed, unscrew them
Next, I needed to glue one row below
For this, I took an aluminum profile
And fastened it on two bolts, he served as a support until glue froze
When the glue grabs, unscrew the profile
And we continue the layout
For the third row of tiles turned out a good hiding place (stash), which the wife will not find)))
Next, I had to paint the wall near the firebox, where it was impossible to impose a stone
For this, I took a special heat-resistant thermo varnish
And wanted to mix it with black paint
BUT it turned out that the varnish is very liquid
Like water, and when mixed, varnish and paint exfoliated.
Therefore, I decided to just paint
After staining, I protopil several times
And I can say that the paint does not crack and keeps well
That's what happened, I hope this video was useful.
This stone was in three colors and they can decorate any place in your home.
The stone looks very beautiful
Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to the channel, have a good day everyone !!!
Volvo V60 2.4 D6 AWD Plug-In Hybrid Summum | LEDER | AUTOMAAT | CLIMA | NAVI | - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Chatham County K9 handlers heading to Super Bowl - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Книги декабря 2018 / Прочитано в декабре 2018 - Duration: 9:30.-------------------------------------------
Nadia: Tajemství modré vody - Písnička #3 (Marie) - Duration: 1:52.♪ Why are you all argue all the time? ♪
♪ Does nobody like nobody here? ♪
♪ So you are already an adult, ♪
♪ You should not behave like that. ♪
♪ How is it? Why? Who will give me the answer? ♪
♪ Here everyone is just grinning. ♪
♪ Normally it is not possible to talk. ♪
♪ Is not it better to tear flowers? ♪
♪ Do not argue and prefer to laugh? ♪
♪ How is it? Why? Who will give me the answer? ♪
♪ Come here, my dear King. ♪
♪ I'll tell you what worries me so much. ♪
See? See?
♪ Once-two-three. ♪
♪ Numbers, formulas, I do not like it. ♪
♪ ABC does not go to my head. ♪
♪ You can this and this can't, all time some precept. ♪
♪ How is it? Why? Who will answer me? ♪ (2x)
♪ How is it? Why? Who will give me the answer? ♪
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