Saturday, January 26, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2019

 Rodák z Nové Včelnice Luděk Munzar začal svou hereckou dráhu v roce 1956, kdy mu bylo 23 let

Nastoupil tehdy do Městského oblastního divadla v Mladé Boleslavi. V říjnu roku 1957 přišel ale obří zlom a byl angažován jako člen činohry Národního divadla v Praze

 Zde si zahrál nespočet významných rolí, například Merkucia v Romeovi a Julii či Agamemnóna v Oresteii

 Ve stejném roce se Munzar oženil se svojí první manželkou. Tou byla loutkoherečka Naděžda Musílková

Spolu přivedli na svět dceru Johanu. Vydrželi spolu deset let. Naděžda se poté provdala za Ivana Krause, bratra známého moderátora Jana Krause

  V roce 1968 Kraus s Naděždou i Johankou emigrovali. Munzar ale dlouho sám nebyl, zamiloval se do herecké kolegyně Jany Hlaváčové, která byla tehdy vdovou

V roce 1971 se jim narodila dcera Barbora, která následovala své rodiče a stala se také herečkou

 Munzar s Hlaváčovou přinášeli divákům radost v mnoha nezapomenutelných rolích. Za zmínku stojí také fakt, že nikdy neslevili ze svých morálních hodnot

V roce 1977 jako jedni z mála umělců nepodepsali Antichartu. V roce 1990 zase společně odešli z Národního divadla, jelikož nesouhlasili se směrem, kterým se činohra ubírala

 Poslední roky žil Luděk Munzar s Janou Hlaváčovou v domě v pražských Modřanech, k němuž se váže velmi zajímavý příběh

Munzar si modřanskou vilku přímo zamiloval a snil zde o klidném a spokojeném životě se svou manželkou

 Původně Munzar vyhlédl dům pro kolegu Karla Högera (†67). Tomu se ale parcela a místo nelíbily, a tak se do domku nastěhoval Munzar se svou ženou

  Tip na příjemnou lokalitu dostal od tehdejšího kolegy Jaroslava Vojty (†81), který zde už bydlel a je po něm pojmenovaná ulice, v níž Munzar s Janou Hlaváčovou žili

 Dům i lokalitu si herec přímo zamiloval. Ale z vysněného domu se brzy stal „dům hrůzy"

Dceři Barboře se v modřanské vilce rozpadlo manželství s hercem Jiřím Dvořákem, Munzara s jeho ženou zase jako by zde začaly pronásledovat zákeřné choroby

 V devadesátých letech prodělal Munzar rakovinu ledvin a o několik let později i rakovinu prostaty

Před rokem měl zase slabý infarkt a musel na operaci srdce. Kromě toho ho poslední dobou trápily problémy s klouby

 S velmi těžkou nemocí už několik let zápasí také jeho manželka Jana Hlaváčová. V roce 2011 jí byla diagnostikována Parkinsonova choroba, navíc se přidaly i deprese

Dokonce prý tak silné, že podle informací týdeníku Sedmička Jana Hlaváčová není schopná vyjít z domu

 I přestože byl na tom Luděk Munzar po zdravotní stránce velmi špatně, o svou těžce nemocnou manželku se do poslední chvíle staral, jak jen mohl

 „Je to blbý, ale přál bych si, aby byli všichni u nás v rodině zdraví. A věřte mi, že to teď hodně potřebujeme," přiznal zdravotní trable své ženy Luděk Munzar před časem v rozhovoru pro Český rozhlas

  Manželskému páru, jejž trápily vážné zdravotní problémy, udělala za poslední dobu jistě největší radost událost z minulého léta

 Jejich dcera Barbora (47) si v létě na zahradě domu v Modřanech vzala svého dlouholetého přítele Martina Trnavského (48)

Jednalo se o utajenou svatbu, kam bylo pozváno jen zhruba dvacet lidí. Tehdy i přes velké bolesti dovedl Luděk Munzar svou dceru k oltáři

 Luděk Munzar dovedl svou dceru k oltáři. Na Luďka Munzara nebudou filmoví fanoušci vzpomínat pouze jako na představitele skláře Jakuba Cirkla

Byl to také výtečný dabér. Propůjčil například svůj hlas americké legendě Paulu Newmanovi

  Je ale velká škoda, že tak výjimečný herec, který se proslavil také jako velmi úspěšný automobilový závodník, nedostal větší příležitost u filmu


For more infomation >> Životní příběh Luďka Munzara (†85): Prokletý dům, rakovina a parkinson - Duration: 7:26.













For more infomation >> THE MOST COMPLETE KODI BUILD EVER 🔥 FOR KODI 17.6 BUILDS JANUARY 2019 🔥 DOMINUS BUILD KODI - Duration: 13:11.


Türkçe Çeviri! #11 15 Ocak 2019: Mandy Rose'nin Uso ailesine oyunları (SmackDown Live) - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Türkçe Çeviri! #11 15 Ocak 2019: Mandy Rose'nin Uso ailesine oyunları (SmackDown Live) - Duration: 3:47.


Token Type Beat - 'Reach' | 2019 Hard Rap Beat (Prod. By JCO) - Duration: 3:05.


For more infomation >> Token Type Beat - 'Reach' | 2019 Hard Rap Beat (Prod. By JCO) - Duration: 3:05.


Chimène Badi se confie sur ce deuil qui lui avait fait prendre du recul - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Chimène Badi se confie sur ce deuil qui lui avait fait prendre du recul - Duration: 2:07.


Unger Academy Trading Hero: Interview to Riccardo Parise - Duration: 9:32.

Hi everybody, my name is Riccardo, I'm from Vicenza province but in fact, I'm living in

Shanghai China for several years, close to 10.

I'm not doing systematic trading as my main activity, I have a company that does interior

design and also trading but we are importing high level, high-end Italian pieces of furniture

to Chinese and in general Asian markets.

I decided to approach the systematic trading because at the moment this is not my main


My main activity, the one I've just explained before, takes me most of my time outside my

office traveling, taking flights all around Asia so I cannot spend my time, and I wouldn't

in fact, just in front of a monitor deciding to buy or sell something.

The Markets are usually the common ones, like the American one and the European one but

just because I'm living here, since a couple of years, I also started to approach to the

Asian markets, in particular the Hong Kong exchange and

the Japanese Osaka exchange.

Actually, I'm using MultiCharts and TradeStation, of course, TradeStation also as a broker,

with TradeStation I am using Interactive Brokers for some data feed, most of the data feed

I use is from TradeStation and of course as a broker.

I have a VPS, now it's in Germany because at the beginning I was trading a lot of Eurex


Now I'm moving it to the US because at the moment, most of the future I'm trading are

in the US so I will move it soon there.

It's something strange because I started from the end, in fact, I started with "Portfolio

Secrets" then I joined the Forum and there I found a new world because every day there

are a lot of people that are posting their ideas, their comments, and there I learn a

lot of things and then at the end I bought the "Trading System Supremacy" program, the

best one, and then the "Money Management".

The main problem was that I didn't have a method to approach the markets and so I was

trying to use a kind of sixth sense, trying to understand the nature of each market but

without any particular good result.

This question is just really linked to the previous one.

Before I didn't have a method, after I took Andrea's programs I have a method to approach

the markets that is very clear, very systematic and so there are no doubts about how to move.

I decided to join Andrea and follow his programs because Andrea is not only the 4 times world's

champion but because Andrea every day uses his money to trade.

So he uses his money to earn money, so I think this is the best guaranty that what Andrea

teaches us is absolutely the best.

No any particular reason, I was just curious to know what there was inside this educational

aids compared to the cost of them and then I found that the price is absolutely reasonable

considering all the content of these programs.

It seems strange but the best result is that in this crazy 2018 I'm not losing money.

It looks something, again, strange because we do this because we want to earn money but

we know everybody how this year was.

So I know that this year I'm not losing money because I strictly followed Andrea's method,

I'm sure about that.

I'm sorry, I repeat again, but for me, this is Andrea's curses key, it's the method!

So trigger, setup, filters.

Following all the steps that Andrea clearly teaches it's for me the best guaranty to have


Probably one of the best things of Andrea's programs is that they are made of videos,

and each video is like 15-20 minutes long.

So not so long, very easy to listen and in this short time Andrea just clearly expresses

all the concepts.

I would say to everybody even if probably not just the beginners, those ones who are

starting from zero.

You need to have some knowledge about this world, about trading systems, but different

programs have different levels so a good range.

My suggestion is don't try to do everything by yourself, try to follow someone who is

trading in real, exactly how Andrea is doing and also because you can learn a lot of things

from the web, from books, but talking with other people it's really really important

and don't hesitate to give your ideas to give your systems to someone else, being sure that

they will give you back their ideas, their systems.

This is the best way to upgrade.

Nothing in particular to add, it's maybe something funny, but sometimes people ask me: "Why do

you play with stocks, with futures?

". I reply I don't play, I play casino, but I don't play with those kinds of markets.

So trading is something serious, it's a job.

Maybe it's not your first job, it is t the second the third the fourth one but it's a

job and like all the other jobs you need to know what you are doing you need to have a

method and I think Andrea method is, I would say the best one, for sure that the best one

I know probably one of the best one in the world.

For more infomation >> Unger Academy Trading Hero: Interview to Riccardo Parise - Duration: 9:32.


Des photos d'Emmanuel Macron avec une autre femme que Brigitte : combien ça coûte ? - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Des photos d'Emmanuel Macron avec une autre femme que Brigitte : combien ça coûte ? - Duration: 1:56.


Bilal Hassani (Destination Eurovision), victime d'une remarque jugée homophobe dans TPMP - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Bilal Hassani (Destination Eurovision), victime d'une remarque jugée homophobe dans TPMP - Duration: 2:23.


Console/Controller Fortnite Is Broken...Here's Why! (PS4 + Xbox Fortnite Battle Royale) - Duration: 11:00.

Hey what is going on guys, in this video today we're gonna be going over the biggest problems

with controller/console Fortnite.

I actually made a video about this same topic a while back, maybe 5 or 6 months ago, and

it's good to see that the majority of problems I covered in that video have for the most

part been solved.

We've seen the addition of things like custom button binds, building sensitivity multiplier,

and builder pro builds instantly, all of which have gone a long way when it comes to leveling

the playing field between mouse and keyboard Fortnite vs. controller Fortnite.

However, it still definitely isn't perfect.

There are some major issues that if handled correctly, could make the game so much better

for so many Fortnite players.

And me personally, I'm someone that's played with a controller since the very begging.

I've played on console, I've played on PC, I know what it's like from pretty much every

perspective, so I feel like this is a topic thats really right up my alley.

And, I know the majority of my viewers are either console or controller players, so a

lot of you guys will probably be able to relate to most of the things we discuss.

So, without further ado, let's get right into it.

Alright so let's start this video off by discussing the FPS problems of console Fortnite.

In my opinion, the max FPS advantage that PC Fortnite has over console Fortnite is the

biggest reason the 2 platforms aren't on an even playing field.

And unfortunately, due to the fact that every single model of the PS4 and Xbox is capped

at 60 FPS, this is a problem that, to my knowledge at least, is pretty much unfixable.

However, the max FPS being capped at 60 isn't the issue that I want to focus on in this

section because that isn't really a Fortnite problem.

What I want to focus on is the amount of frame rate drop that console Fortnite players have

to deal with on a daily basis, and why Epic IS responsible for THAT problem.

Let's start with the most extreme example of this.

So, I don't know how many of you guys watching this video have ever played in a ery populated

scrim lobby on console before, if you have I'm sure you know what I'm about to say, and

if you haven't let me paint you a picture of what that's like.

Playing in something like a quote unquote "stacked" tfue or mfam scrim means that there

will be about 40-50 people still alive in the final 3-4 end game circles.

Now, this many people being so close together leads to the game not really being able to

handle it, and it compensates for this by lowering the frames per second each player

is getting.

On PC this is certainly noticeable and it will get definitely players killed from time

to time, but it doesn't even begin to compare to what console players have to deal with.

The FPS that you're getting at this point in the match, honestly, it makes it seem more

like you're playing minecraft or going through one of those paper flipbooks where if you

flip through it really fast, an image starts to move across the pages.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that in a lot of these end game scrim scenarios, the

game is simply borderline unplayable.

There's a reason why for the winter royale, out of the 200 total players who qualified

for the event, I believe 1 played on console.

It's funny because Epic always tries to preach that all Fortnite platforms are on a totally

even playing field, if that's true, why did all of console Fortnite combined make up 0.5%

of qualifying players, while PC made up 99.5% of qualifying players?

There was a somewhat decent amount of controller on PC players who qualified, but only 1 controller

on console.

But, even if you don't play in any kinda of scrims, pop-up cups, or qualifier events with

stacked end games, you're still bound to run into a variety of console performance issues.

Hitches, lag spikes, freezes, random frame drops out of nowhere, I'm sure that kinda

stuff also does happen on PC, but it's on a way way way less consistent basis.

It doesn't matter if you have a regular ps4/xbox, ps4 pro, xbox one x, or any other model, you're

bound to run into these problems.

There's a reason why someone like NickMercs who always played on console, was forced to

play 1 LAN tournament on PC, came back home, and said he could never play on console again

after that.

Now here's whats interesting about this problem.

Many really smart people believe that it could fixed to some degree, or at the very least

improved, by allowing players to play on lower graphical settings.

This is something that's possible on PC fortnite, and, is also possible on other console games

as well.

An example that I saw someone bring up was the game Forza Horizon 4.

On xbox, there's a setting in that game called "performance mode" which when enabled, lowers

the overall quality of the graphics, but allows you to play on 60 FPS vs. the standard 30

FPS that the game usually gets.

If a setting like that can make a different game get an extra 30 FPS, I think it's totally

realistic that something similar on Fortnite could make the game less glitchy and at the

very least feel bit smoother.

And it doesn't even need to be as crazy as entirely new quality modes.

We're in season 7 of Fortnite, and console players still don't have the option to turn

off specific graphic enhancements such as shadows and motion blur.

It just doesn't make a ton of sense to me that guys who play on a $3000 PC can lower

their Fortnite graphics settings, but people playing on a console who are way more likely

to need lower graphic settings can't.

The next thing I wanna dive into are the custom bindings for Fortnite controller players.

Epic really did an incredible job when adding this feature into the game.

And by doing such a good job, they almost leveled the playing field between keyboard

binds and controller binds as much as humanely possible.

The only major binding problem that still remains is the lack of the ability to custom

bind our inventory slots.

Right now, I believe that every button layout for controller Fortnite except for standard

uses the bumpers to switch inventory slots.

So barring any unusual binds, on PS4 that will be your L1 and R1 buttons and on Xbox

it's RB and LB.

On PC however, players are able to bind their inventory slots to whichever buttons they

would like.

And, even though I'm not an expert on keyboard binds specifically, I believe that the most

common way players bind their inventory slots is by binding them to the number keys, so

like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

That is pretty considerable advantage over the way it's done on console for 2 main reasons.

First off, speed.

When each inventory slot is bound to a specific button, you are able to go immediately from

1 slot to another no matter how far apart they are in your inventory.

So, let's say you're healing with a med kit in slot 4 and an enemy suddenly comes out

of nowhere and jumps into your 1x1.

With the press of 1 button you can go from using that med kit in slot 4 to having your

pump shotgun in your hand which was in slot 2.

With a controller however, that same action would instead take multiple button presses.

If you have enough presence to mind in that situation to use L1/LB it would take you 2

button presses: going from slot 4 to slot 3 to slot 2.

However, in my experience.

a lot of players would just use R1/RB in that situation so it would take them 3 button presses:

going from slot 4 to slot 5 to slot 1 and finally to slot 2.

That may not seem like a big deal, but especially in close range fights which is where this

is most critical, those 2 extra button presses are gonna be the difference between you or

your enemy getting that pump shot off first in a lot of cases.

And the second reason why this is important is because of consistency.

If you know every time that slot 4 is the 4 button on your keyboard, you're able to

build muscle memory that allows you to navigate your inventory without looking at it, or even


This is especially important in chaotic situations where you don't have time to sit still for

3 seconds and re-arrange your inventory.

Every one on console is so used to setting up their inventory in a specific way that

when you're in a situation where your inventory is something crazy like shotgun - rocket launcher

- healing - AR - healing, it becomes really difficult to navigate.

I actually found a really interesting picture online which offers a potential solution to

this issue.

As you can see, it proposes binding each inventory slot to some combination of L1/LB and R1/RB.

In this example, slot 1 is pressing L1, slot 2 is double tapping L1, slot 3 is double tapping

R1, slot 4 is pressing R1, and slot 5 is pressing R1 and L1 at the same time.

This wouldn't totally fix the speed of switching problem because certain slots would still

take 2 clicks to switch to.

However, it does fix the consistency issue which is a big deal.

And, I'll admit this probably isn't the perfect solution, but, it's just one example of how

the current system could be improved.

And one last thing I just wanna quickly tack on at the end of this video is the sound problem

in Fortnite.

I'll keep it really short because this isn't a problem that's exclusive to console/controller

players, but, apparently the sound quality of the game is worse on console, so, it probably

is a bigger issue on there anyway.

But, I'll give Fortnite props because they really have tried to fix this problem multiple


However, it still is a major weakness of the game.

Footsteps are way too unreliable to be tracked even with a great headset, and so many items/weapons

just have super odd sound levels.

Some things like planes and zombies are way too loud while an item like balloons are totally

silent most of the time.

It's really weird and any kind of improvement would be a huge positive for Fortnite as a


So I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you watched the entire thing be sure to

let me know with a comment down in the comment section below.

I wanna know, when you play fortnite are you a console player, mouse and keyboard on pc

player, or controller on pc players?

Be sure to leave a like, leave a comment subscribe, turn on post notifications, do whatever the

heck you want, and I will catch you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Console/Controller Fortnite Is Broken...Here's Why! (PS4 + Xbox Fortnite Battle Royale) - Duration: 11:00.


Bernard Tapie : face au cancer, il peut compter sur le soutien de sa fille Sophie - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Bernard Tapie : face au cancer, il peut compter sur le soutien de sa fille Sophie - Duration: 2:14.


Chimène Badi se confie sur ce deuil qui lui avait fait prendre du recul - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Chimène Badi se confie sur ce deuil qui lui avait fait prendre du recul - Duration: 2:07.


Champion: quand la boxe s'invite à l'opéra - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Champion: quand la boxe s'invite à l'opéra - Duration: 2:32.


HIGH SPEED MINI RC Quadcopter! Eachine E010 review! - Duration: 2:18.

This RC quadcopter is a ton of fun, easy to fly, and it has a good price!

Wha-wha-wha-what's going on guys, Dingy Dawg here, and today we're going to be taking a look at the E010

quadcopter from Eachine.

This is a very interesting machine, it has quad-blade propellers for extra velocity.

It also has rings around each of the propellers to protect

against high speed crashes. I really love the spaceship look of this drone. It adds a

futuristic theme to it. Now, a lot of people are doing a very interesting experiment to this drone

Where they'll add an

fpv camera and

solder it to the main power supply.

I would not recommend doing this, as it will drain the battery in seconds, but you might try

Something else like a Blade Inductrix, which is very similar to the E010,

only a lot more expensive and a lot more powerful, and capable of supplying an FPV camera on board.

Underneath you will find a tray for a 3.7 volt

LiPo battery which is included, and takes about 30 to 50 minutes completely charge for about a

10-minute flight time. Pretty good!

A button on the controller allows you to do

one-key 360-degree flips with the drone, which can really amaze your friends.

There's a button on the controller which allows your drone to return back to you.

It can be really helpful if it starts to drift

away with the wind. I found this will work pretty well.



...aaand it's on the shed.

It also has steering trims and throttle trims on the controller and it has very fine controls.

I found it to be very

responsive and agile.

There's also a button to switch your speed,

Speed 1 is for beginning pilots, and Speed 2 is much faster for more experienced pilots.

So would I recommend this drone?

I definitely would! It's definitely a fun indoor and outdoor toy, especially good for rainy days

when you can't go outside and fly bigger drones.

If you liked this video, please be sure to give it a big thumbs up! Click the like button and the subscribe

button so you don't miss out on any new videos

every week. I'll have this product linked in the description

along with extra batteries for it in case you want to be out flying for a longer time, and

I guess I'll see you in the next video.

Bye for now, have a good day!

(signature Dingy Dawg closing)

Hey, that looks like a cool video!

You should totally click on it.


For more infomation >> HIGH SPEED MINI RC Quadcopter! Eachine E010 review! - Duration: 2:18.


Laeticia Hallyday, ce scoop qui excite la presse - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, ce scoop qui excite la presse - Duration: 1:34.


ZULA GROWE EN İYİ VURUŞLAR - !! KAR-98 KOMBO ŞOV !! #FB #ESPOR w/ Reynmen - Derdim Olsun ( - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> ZULA GROWE EN İYİ VURUŞLAR - !! KAR-98 KOMBO ŞOV !! #FB #ESPOR w/ Reynmen - Derdim Olsun ( - Duration: 4:06.


Acun Ilıcalı Kanser Hastası Canerin Dileğini Gerçekleştirdi - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Acun Ilıcalı Kanser Hastası Canerin Dileğini Gerçekleştirdi - Duration: 5:33.


Ferat Üngür Gülüm (O SES TÜRKİYE YARI FİNAL) 2.TUR - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Ferat Üngür Gülüm (O SES TÜRKİYE YARI FİNAL) 2.TUR - Duration: 2:11.


ZULA GROWE EN İYİ VURUŞLAR - !! KAR-98 KOMBO ŞOV !! #FB #ESPOR w/ Reynmen - Derdim Olsun ( - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> ZULA GROWE EN İYİ VURUŞLAR - !! KAR-98 KOMBO ŞOV !! #FB #ESPOR w/ Reynmen - Derdim Olsun ( - Duration: 4:06.


Ferat Üngür Gülüm (O SES TÜRKİYE YARI FİNAL) 2.TUR - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Ferat Üngür Gülüm (O SES TÜRKİYE YARI FİNAL) 2.TUR - Duration: 2:11.


Acun Ilıcalı Kanser Hastası Canerin Dileğini Gerçekleştirdi - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Acun Ilıcalı Kanser Hastası Canerin Dileğini Gerçekleştirdi - Duration: 5:33.


Γιώργος Μητσικώστας: Αποκαλύπτει άγνωστο περιστατικό με τον Θέμο Αναστασιάδη!| News | - Duration: 1:18.

 Στην κάμερα της εκπομπής «Oh la la!» παραχώρησε συνέντευξη ο Γιώργος Μητσικώστας

 Ο ίδιος αποκάλυψε στον δημοσιογράφο Μαρίνο Βυθούλκα πότε και πως γνωρίστηκε με τον Θέμο Αναστασιάδη και μοιράστηκε και ένα περιστατικό από το παρελθόν

 «Τελευταία φορά τον είχα δει πριν από δύο χρόνια στην εκπομπή του στο "ΟΛΑ". Ήταν καλά τότε

Μπορεί να μη βλεπόμασταν συχνά αλλά είχαμε μια αμοιβαία συμπάθεια. Θαύμαζα πάρα πολύ το πνεύμα του, το μυαλό του, όπως και της Μαλβίνας, αυτή την οξυδέρκεια

Είναι μεγάλη απώλεια».  Δείτε στο βίντεο το περιστατικό που αποκάλυψε ο Γιώργος Μητσικώστας…   

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