Sunday, January 27, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2019

 Zlověstná diagnóza přišla bez varování. „Ve 20 letech mi zjistili osteosarkom dlouhé kosti, dětskou nemoc, jíž onemocní jen tři dospělí z milionu

Celý život se mi změnil. Byla jsem už i na vozíku, musím se ve všem omezovat," popisuje Andrejka

  Na rakovinu jí zemřel manžel, teď ji má jejich pětiletý syn. Neuvěříte, kdo jim pomáhá nejvíc!  Místo kolene má implantát a přišla i o kus nohy

To ale zákeřné nemoci nestačilo – dívce odebrali z plic pět nádorů, tři jí tam zůstaly

Nález má nyní také na ledvině, a ten mocně metastazuje. Andy, jak ji oslovují kamarádi, žije s hadičkou pro dávkování léků zabudovanou v podpaždí

Za sebou má desítky chemoterapií a další před sebou.   Video délka: 04:13 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA  Andrejku napadl plicní nádor

Přišla o koleno i část nohy Karel Janeček, Blesk Rodiče o ni nemají zájem  Nebýt babičky Anny (64), která o ni pečuje, byla by vyučená kuchařka a zahradnice v koncích

Rodiče o její osud totiž ztratili zájem…!  „Nikdo mě nezaměstná. I proto, že jezdím často po chemoterapiích," konstatuje Andrejka

Při delším i jednoduchém pohybu se zadýchává. Chodit se už opět naučila, ale delší krok neustojí

Dříve ráda jezdila na bruslích, kole a lyžích, to už ale nepřipadá v úvahu

  Je to naposledy: Otec umírá na rakovinu a jeho děti mu připravily tuto dojemnou oslavu! Život za 3,5 tisíce  „Babička mě drží nad vodou psychicky, a taky finančně

Důchod mi vyměřili 3 320 korun, nyní je to 3 497 korun. Z toho bych nezaplatila ani nájem," podotýká Andrejka

 Každý týden jí vozí do brněnské nemocnice sanitka, aby se omezilo nebezpečí infekce, která pro ni může být i smrtelná

„Musím být silná, jinak to nejde. S babičkou si i popláčeme, vzpomínáme na dědu, kterého jsem měla ráda a který nedávno umřel," dodává statečná dívka

Řídí se ale starou pravdou, že každý den je jen jednou v životě! Může dostat víc?  „Obecně lze říct, že stát v tíživých životních situacích pomáhá dávkami z takzvané sociální podpory

Lze doporučit, aby klienti konzultovali situaci s odborníky z Úřadu práce

Pro úplnost uvádím, že postup stanovení výše důchodu je uváděn v Rozhodnutí o důchodu," vzkázala Jana Buráňová z České správy sociálního zabezpečení

  Jako Spider-Man navštěvuje vážně nemocné děti: Štěstí v jejich očích dojme i vás! Co je osteosarkom a metastáza?  Osteosarkom je označení pro jeden z nejčastějších zhoubných nádorů kostí

V poměru s ostatními zhoubnými nádory se ale vyskytuje jen asi v 1 % případů

Osteosarkom patří k jednomu z nejagresivnějších nádorů vůbec. Skutečnost, že Andrejce nález na ledvině metastazuje, znamená, že tu vznikají další ložiska nádorových buněk

Schopnost metastazovat je jedním ze základních znaků jejich zhoubnosti

Chcete pomoci?  Kdo by chtěl Andrejce Šulajové finančně přispět, může zavolat její babičce Anně Hradílkové na číslo 730 818 117


For more infomation >> ✅ Proti rakovině bojuje jen s babičkou: Rodiče o Andrejku (22) ztratili zájem - Duration: 2:30.





Benalla a déclaré la perte d'un passeport - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Benalla a déclaré la perte d'un passeport - Duration: 5:16.


M. Legrand : qui sont ses quatre enfants ? - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> M. Legrand : qui sont ses quatre enfants ? - Duration: 4:49.


Волочкова вновь оказалась в центре скандала: балерина объявила о пышной свадьбе с известным певцом - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Волочкова вновь оказалась в центре скандала: балерина объявила о пышной свадьбе с известным певцом - Duration: 4:44.


TOP 12 Best Small Hatchback Cars - Duration: 8:37.

TOP 12 Best Small Hatchback Cars

For more infomation >> TOP 12 Best Small Hatchback Cars - Duration: 8:37.


Жена Антона Макарского о секретах счастливого брака: «Отнесусь с пониманием к его роману на стороне» - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Жена Антона Макарского о секретах счастливого брака: «Отнесусь с пониманием к его роману на стороне» - Duration: 4:39.


Phim PUBG - Truy Bắt Ông Trùm Ma Túy Hành Động Cực Hay (Battlegrounds Film) - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> Phim PUBG - Truy Bắt Ông Trùm Ma Túy Hành Động Cực Hay (Battlegrounds Film) - Duration: 10:26.


Why do Christians reject Islamic Faith? - Duration: 10:08.

Hi Friends!

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the three major monotheistic religions in the world.

These Abrahamic religions have many things in common: all three have their faith in One

God, all trace their lineage back to Abraham, and all believe that God spoke through the

prophets in various era,…

Among the three, the most ancient one is Judaism, originated probably one and half millennia

before Christ.

They believed in their Messiah, the Christ to come, the anointed one of God as prophesied

by their prophets and scriptures.

When Jesus began his public ministry, many believed that he was the Christ and his life

was the fulfilment of all the prophesies; and these followers of Jesus are called Christians.

Thus, the origin of Christianity was in the first century AD.

The Jews still await their Messiah.

In the sixth century AD, a man named Mohammed started a new religiopolitical movement in

the Arabian Peninsula claiming himself to be a prophet, not merely an ordinary one,

but the last and probably the greatest among all the prophets ever lived on the planet.

The religion he founded was Islam.

However, it was not a religion per se, but a sociocultural and political movement, where

every aspect of the life of the follower was constrained by a set of laws.

Although he accepted all the prophets before him including Moses and Jesus, and himself

claimed to be another prophet, neither Jews nor Christians accepted him as a prophet nor

the book he introduced, the Quran.

So today, I will try to show why Christians rejected Islam, Muhammad and Quran.

Before I begin, let me make it clear, this is not an Islamophobic video.

I have many good Muslim friends and I respect their faith, their belief and their culture.

This video is only a Christian perspective and response, why we reject Islam or Quran.

The faith of Muslims is based on two important aspects, the prophethood of Mohammed and the

inerrancy of Quran.

If any of them is not true, the entire belief system falls apart.

It's similar to the Christian faith that centred on the person of Jesus and his resurrection

from the dead.

Coming to the person of Mohammed, he was totally different from the person of Jesus and his

teachings were in contradiction to that of Christianity.

Quran speaks little about the life of Mohammed; we know about him from Hadith.

Hadith are the written documents about the life and teachings of Mohammed just like we

have Gospels.

Although there are several of them, only a few are considered really authoritative by

the majority of Muslims.

Among them Al Bukhari and Al Islam are considered really important ones, the former being the

most authentic source about the life and teachings of the prophet.

What is the idea we get about him from these sources?

Unlike what many Muslims claim and portray him, he was a man of war and bloodshed.

He encouraged many offensive battles against non-Muslims, unbecoming of a religious leader.

Many of his followers today justify them as defensive and just wars.

But, how can one justify what happened in Battle of Trench where he slaughtered around

five hundred Jewish men and boys?

This was only a single example.

There are plenty of them.

He even encouraged his followers to have forced sex on the women captured during the war,

even in front of their husbands!

How cruel that can be!

All these are not my words, it's all in the Quran and Hadiths and yet many ignore

them while exalting their prophet as the perfect human ever walked on earth.

He let his followers to marry up to 4 wives at a time and yet he kept at least 7 of them,

because he was a prophet of Allah.

However, he didn't give the same privilege to women, because he had a world view where

women were inferior to men.

All of these were against the life and teachings of Jesus, whom Islam calls as the Word of


Mohammed even had suicidal tendencies and attempted to commit suicide on several occasions,

far from being a perfect human, if not a prophet.

Coming to Quran, Muslims believe that Quran was dictated by Allah himself verbatim through

Angel Gabriel and hence it is accurate literally.

But we know that Mohammed himself didn't write them down, but it was compiled only

after his death from various people who heard him speak.

Although Muslims claim that Quran cannot be wrong, it is full of contradictions.

In some places it praises Christians, and some places it refers them as damned and to

be shown no mercy at all.

Sometimes Quran wishes peace for everyone and yet sometimes it asks to kill those who

do not believe in Islam.

The list of examples goes on.

Many modern Islamic scholars counter this by upholding the doctrine of abrogation where

the later words abrogate the earlier ones in case of any contradiction.

And yet the Quran says it is the eternal word of Allah.

If a verse in Quran can be cancelled by a newer one, how can it be the eternal word

of God?

A critical study of Quran can explain many of its contradictions.

Mohammed began preaching Quran in Mecca in Saudi Arabia but was not very successful initially.

Quranic verses from this period has the message of peace and high respect for Christians.

Later when he went to Medina, and Islam was established as a political religion, the tone

of Quranic verses changed as one of peace to that of violence.

However, I doubt if many devout Muslims would ever accept it.

Another important part of the Islamic belief is that the literal accuracy or the inerrancy

of the Quran.

From this comes the principle of Bucailleism: the principle that Quran is accurate even


As a student of science, it's really hard for me to digest that.

Quran make many unscientific claims: earth is flat, sky is solid, sperm comes from between

ribs and backbone…

These are only few examples which we know can't be true at all.

Then someone can say that Bible also contains scientific inaccuracies, but Bible itself

does not claim that it is scientifically true.

Christians don't believe in the divine dictation of the Bible, but only the divine inspiration.

The most important thing that struck me while reading the Quran was its misunderstanding

of the doctrine of Trinity.

Quran falsely accuses Christians for believing in three gods.

It also misunderstands the persons of the Trinity.

Instead of Holy Spirit, it mistook Mary the mother of Jesus as the third person of the


Such a fallacy can never be the Word dictated by God!

And they also believe that the Quran was perfectly preserved word by word.

And yet Hadiths explain how Quranic verses were either lost or removed while editing.

Even the people who were close to Mohammed objected this omission when the current Quran

was compiled after his death.

And finally, Quran and the majority of the Muslims deny the death of Jesus, which is

nothing but a historic fact.

Hence, it is impossible for the Christians to accept neither the person of Mohammed nor

the Quran.

It is impossible for us to go against what Jesus preached and showed through his life.

Muslims try to quote the book of Deuteronomy and the Gospel of John in the Bible as prophecies

about their founder, but the former talks about a Jewish prophet and the latter is about

the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, a morally imperfect person according to Christian standards cannot be taken as

a model in Christianity and so do his claims.

Thus, the Christianity vehemently opposed and continue to reject Mohammed as a prophet

of God.

That said, Christians are called to love everyone, because God is love and he loves everyone.

It's really sad that many Christians show forth Islamophobia.

The Church appreciates the good things of the Muslim community, their brotherhood, faith

in one God, prayer life, charity works and so on, but that doesn't mean that we accept

their prophet or Quran.

I am sorry if my words were harsh and hurt anyone.

All I intended to say were the reasons for why we don't accept Islamic faith.

A Muslim may have his own answers and opinions.

And this video is no way of hatred towards Muslims.

I love them while rejecting their ideology.

Thanks for watching.

Pease like, share and subscribe to my channel.

God bless.

For more infomation >> Why do Christians reject Islamic Faith? - Duration: 10:08.


Lisa Rinna Starts Wild Dance Party With All Of The Real Housewives At Andy Cohen's Baby Shower - Ne - Duration: 2:27.

Andy Cohen's baby shower was the site of an absolutely crazy Real Housewives dance party! An eyewitness told HL EXCLUSIVELY that Lisa screamed 'dance now, you bitches!'

In case you hadn't heard, Andy Cohen's baby shower was low-key one of the most lit parties of the year so far. In fact, video has surfaced of nearly all of the Real Housewives getting down and turning up at his bash. And according to an eyewitness, Lisa Rinna instructed them all to get on the dance floor by yelling, "I want every mother f***ing housewife to dance on a table right now. F***ing dance now you bitches. Now!" Of course, not only was Lisa seen grooving on the booth of the table, Kyle Richards slayed, and we mean SLAYED her table dance moves in the best pantsuit ever. Check out the epic and wild dance party in the video below.

We reported earlier how Andy's baby shower had nearly every Bravo star imaginable. The celebs in attendance included a wedding ring-less Teresa Giudice, 46, Kyle, 50, Sonja Morgan, 55, Ramona Singer, 62, Nene Leakes, 51, Lisa Rinna, 55, Dorinda Medley, 54, and more. However, it's worth noting that while Lisa Vanderpump was invited, she did not attend.

While the partying went down at The Palm Restaurant in Beverly Hills, the after-partying apparently went down at Craig's. And how did the Real Housewives stars enjoy themselves? Our eyewitness told us that Kyle gushed, "This is an epic baby shower. I've had 4 babies and I've never had a shower like this. We love you Andy, yes!" Meanwhile, Cynthia Bailey told HollywoodLife, "Amazing. So much fun. We never get to hangout with all of the different franchises. Its so cool to meet the older girls and the new ones."

We'll keep you posted with all of the latest details from Andy Cohen's baby shower. In the meantime, check out photos from the big event below.

For more infomation >> Lisa Rinna Starts Wild Dance Party With All Of The Real Housewives At Andy Cohen's Baby Shower - Ne - Duration: 2:27.


REYNMEN'İN KIRDIĞI REKORLAR! Reynmen - Derdim Olsun - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> REYNMEN'İN KIRDIĞI REKORLAR! Reynmen - Derdim Olsun - Duration: 3:17.


আপনি জানেন কি ব্রকলি খেলে কি হয় ? - The Benefits of Broccoli! - Duration: 3:13.

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

The Benefits of Broccoli!

For more infomation >> আপনি জানেন কি ব্রকলি খেলে কি হয় ? - The Benefits of Broccoli! - Duration: 3:13.


Caroline de Monaco, des ennuis de santé, sa mise au point au lancement de Mawoma - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco, des ennuis de santé, sa mise au point au lancement de Mawoma - Duration: 1:17.





The Grand Tour - s02e01 Past, Present Or Future CZ titulky

For more infomation >> The Grand Tour - s02e01 Past, Present Or Future CZ titulky


Benalla a déclaré la perte d'un passeport - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Benalla a déclaré la perte d'un passeport - Duration: 5:16.


Les scientifiques ont enfin prouvé que l'huile d'olive était bonne pour la santé! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Les scientifiques ont enfin prouvé que l'huile d'olive était bonne pour la santé! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:22.


Laura Smet disparue des radars, une absence qui inquiète - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet disparue des radars, une absence qui inquiète - Duration: 1:13.


Vanessa Paradis a-t-elle couvert Johnny Depp ?, encore une pénible accusation - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis a-t-elle couvert Johnny Depp ?, encore une pénible accusation - Duration: 1:31.


Sophie Marceau terrassée par la maladie, elle va très mal - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Sophie Marceau terrassée par la maladie, elle va très mal - Duration: 1:27.


Romina Power lancia un appello struggente . Michelle Hunziker compie 42 anni, la dedica ... - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Romina Power lancia un appello struggente . Michelle Hunziker compie 42 anni, la dedica ... - Duration: 9:58.


¿Que OCULTA esta CASA ABANDONADA en su INTERIOR? El OLOR era REPUGNANTE - Urbex España - Duration: 10:04.

How about how are you welcome to a new video of abandoned places today

we go to a huge site completely abandoned it is a

abandoned apartment complex since 2009 we were more or less made

time but we believe that in one of them something very strange happens

let's try to see what happens there I wanted to tell you that I am

very happy with the support that you are giving the channel remember to subscribe to

channel activate the bell so that they all the notifications of the

videos that we are going to upload that give like and share it on the networks

social with your friends if you want that greet them at the end of the video let me

written in the comments we started

the area designated according to restaurant says in quality

from the bar of the tiles of the bar

its glass

here were the bathrooms

Here we always see painted

of witchcraft and Satanism

and this was the dining room as we see quite broad was going to be the

truly a rather fancy site

another patio that crossed from the dining room to the spa

sure there were terraces here

Did you notice the detail of the columns?

they are like palm trees

this was the spa

here the jacuzzis had to be

the jacuzzi the sauna and here we have what was the sauna

and this was the showers even in some

still has the button Y

this was like the reception area of ​​the complex

even for the quality of the materials

if it should be the reception, look at the glass

with the office in the background look at the domes

or vaults, they are amazing

and here the elevator

is the one that we saw on the outside that came down here

let's go to the housing area

with pool

notice how all this is

here there may be like 50 homes or more

all abandoned

this is the small pool for children

and the big one is clean

very good pool

With its steps and everything

pretty big

they burned it again the other time we found a room with walls full of blood

and the truth struck us quite

and let's see if that room is still there or they have burnt it

look look is burned

if all that was up

let's go up the stairs

it's open? Hello


look there have been dogs that before I was not

look and that door was closed

yes this door was closed

if there was something here we can not know if they took it

Maybe they had someone locked up here, because of drug issues

look at all the toothbrush sheets and the shirt

aloe vera, toothbrush, all

look at the bathtub, that's disgusting

I do not know how they could keep something here

the smell gentlemen is to vomit

look at the walls full of blood, I do not understand this

this room is a fucking madness

all the clothes here

the bed was thrown to the ground

or themselves

yeast royal, I do not know what this is, it was a small closet

it was a small closet, chamomile water bottles

look at the photo

raymond gaja self-esteem and happiness the clamp looks more photos

a guy jumping


bleach down

look at the Argentina shirt

yes yes there is everything here

here are medications

as Bokine said, greetings to all the Argentine subscribers and those who join the channel that welcome

that we are waiting for you here

sure they burned here

they probably burned the pan

yes and it burned the whole wall here I leave you what was written on the wall yes

Some Italian knows what to tell me meaning

in the comments I would be grateful

look up there is like a boat to feed the dogs

is closed

the window lined with paper

it's closed, let's go

let's look from the balcony to see if you see something

or if someone is staying

shhhhhhh (silence)

Gentlemen we do not know ... it's full of flies

we do not know if something or someone died and it's in there closed or ...

died the animal that lived there

we do not know anything like the door is closed

let's go from here

as they are repairing it is better to leave in case something happened that they discover

that's why I tell you we'll find out by the news if something happened

let's go into a place where there was a stolen car is a pretty weird place

yooosss the car is still here

this here was not before and the armchair either

these modules if they were from the Spa

Look, gentlemen, they brought a car here

yoosss have probably cleaned everything out

and they just have to open and throw it in here

the car they brought him here they robbed everything

they opened the hood and did not take the engine

they took only what they needed

Well this is all we wanted you to see

good guys and girls up here the today's video I hope you liked it

Greetings to all remember Subscribe to the channel and give it a like

important for us to follow making videos of abandoned places and

see you in the next video memories to all

For more infomation >> ¿Que OCULTA esta CASA ABANDONADA en su INTERIOR? El OLOR era REPUGNANTE - Urbex España - Duration: 10:04.


КАК СДЕЛАТЬ 360 ФЛИП (ТРЁХУ) / HOW TO 360 FLIP - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> КАК СДЕЛАТЬ 360 ФЛИП (ТРЁХУ) / HOW TO 360 FLIP - Duration: 9:57.


The Sunday Talk - Words Of Wisdom - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> The Sunday Talk - Words Of Wisdom - Duration: 9:27.


Canalul YouTube , gata sa va aduca bani ? - Duration: 2:52.


In this video I want to show you

How to find out if you can get money from Youtube videos

We're going to our channel

Just to pay youtube we have to meet two conditions

We have at least 1,000 Subscribers per year

Minimum 4,000 hours of views per year

4,000 hours to watch the world at our clips

I'm going to Youtube Studio Beta

This is a new version of the Youtube studio

It's not yet ready

I'm going to go to the Classic Studio

The one I've worked with so far

I suspect you and you are accustomed to it

Now find the number of hours and the number of subscribers

I'm going to analytics

Here we have the duration of viewing

Here at, compare value

More Values

Watching time in hours

What interests us

He appeared to his right

This is the last 28 days

Youtube wants in the last year...

We have to choose the last 365 days

Now are the hours of the last year

Here you have to defend at least 4,000

youtube requirement

If you have over 4,000 hours it's ok

Now we find the number of subscribers

Click subscribers

We had the last 365 here

Normally the last 28 appear

I have 462 last 28 days

Dam for the past 365 days

The last 365 you must have at least 1,000 subscribers

If you have 1002 it's ok

The more the better

If you meet the conditions you enter the channel

Here I have already activated

You will appear to activate your monetization

After that youtube will pay for your views

For more infomation >> Canalul YouTube , gata sa va aduca bani ? - Duration: 2:52.


Lamborghini Urus Matches A Hellcat On The Straights, R8 V10 Plus In Corners - Duration: 2:44.

Given its provenance, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the all-new Lamborghini Urus is an absolute performance animal capable of things once reserved to expensive two-door supercars

Even so, the crew over at Car and Driver recently had the opportunity to performance test the super-SUV and were able to achieve some incredible things

The figures confirm that the Uber is just as potent as we'd imagined – and then some

During Car and Driver's tests, the Italian SUV was able to rocket to 30 mph (48 km/h) in a staggering 1.3seconds, 40 mph (64 km/h) in 1.8seconds, 50 mph (80 km/h) in 2.4seconds and 60 mph (96 km/h) in a mere 3.2seconds

The Urus then goes on to hit 100 mph (160 km/h) in a staggering 7.6seconds, exactly the same time needed for the Dodge Challenger Hellcat to reach the same mark (as the graph from Reddit below shows)

When placed on an open drag strip, the Urus ran the quarter mile in 11.4seconds at 121 mph (194 km/h), making it quite comfortably the quickest SUV tested by Car and Driver, beating out the likes of the Bentley Bentayga, Range Rover SVAutobiography LWB and Maserati Levante GTS, none of which dipped below the 12-second mark during testing

It's not just in a straight line where the Urus proves itself.While its roadholding was being tested on a 300-foot skid pad, it was able to record 1.02 g, a figure generally reserved for supercars such as the Audi R8 V10 Plus.

The Urus is also quite capable when the huge brakes are applied

In fact, it can brake from 70 mph (112 km/h) to a standstill in 149 feet, despite tipping the scales at a hefty 5314 lbs (2410 kg)

Now, what else might Lambo's SUV need to conquer? Let's see… the infamous, and headline-making, Nurburgring track, perhaps?

For more infomation >> Lamborghini Urus Matches A Hellcat On The Straights, R8 V10 Plus In Corners - Duration: 2:44.


Steve Sidwell Tips Arsenal to Sign Man Utd Defender Eric Bailly Amid Gunners Defensive Crisis - Duration: 2:10.

Former Arsenal youth team star Steve Sidwell has backed his old club to complete the unlikely signing of Manchester United defender  Eric Bailly this month, as Unai Emery seeks defensive reinforcements to bolster his depleted defence

Laurent Koscielny and Sokratis Papastathopoulos in the 3-1 FA Cup loss to Manchester United, Arsenal's defence is threadbare - with  Hector Bellerin and Rob Holding both sidelined with long-term injuries

Bailly could be in line for a surprise move to the Emirates, following the "We've seen them do deals before," he told Sky Sports (as quoted in the ​Star

) "We've seen [Robin] Van Persie, [Henrikh] ​Mkhitaryan, [Alexis] ​Sanchez, so I wouldn't say no," said Sidwell speaking about the likelihood of the defender switching allegiances to rivals Arsenal

"I think with Bailly, I look at him, I feel sorry for him at times. "It was just the inconsistency with how he played

 He had some outstanding games when you're watching him the next time, he'd be really poor

"I think the times that he has been poor he's just been overexposed." Midfielder Ainsley Maitland-Niles has been filling in at the back for ​Arsenal in recent weeks and Emery could utilise the loan market to add numbers to his squad - ​with Gary Cahill another name linked

​Bailly joined ​United for a fee of around £34m in 2016 under Jose Mourinho but has failed to impress in just eight outings this term

However, despite Sidwell's backing, a deal with Arsenal seems unlikely with ​reports indicating that the Red Devils have already rejected an approach

For more infomation >> Steve Sidwell Tips Arsenal to Sign Man Utd Defender Eric Bailly Amid Gunners Defensive Crisis - Duration: 2:10.


Dinlendirici Klasik müzik Toccata in D minor by Bach - Duration: 3:16.

Classical music Toccata in D minor by Bach

For more infomation >> Dinlendirici Klasik müzik Toccata in D minor by Bach - Duration: 3:16.


REYNMEN'İN KIRDIĞI REKORLAR! Reynmen - Derdim Olsun - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> REYNMEN'İN KIRDIĞI REKORLAR! Reynmen - Derdim Olsun - Duration: 3:17.


The Faboulous World Of Kāmila Holyt - Duration: 0:32.

Hi this is Evelin, the woman who wears the wig

and takes the name of Kāmila Holyt

This channel is a way I have found

to help myself decrypting the Universe

and so I hope it is useful for you, too,

to build your own tool box...

for your existence!

For more infomation >> The Faboulous World Of Kāmila Holyt - Duration: 0:32.


Набор стаканов д/воды Полло 6шт 470мл стекло обзор - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Набор стаканов д/воды Полло 6шт 470мл стекло обзор - Duration: 0:34.


The Sunday Talk - Words Of Wisdom - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> The Sunday Talk - Words Of Wisdom - Duration: 9:27.


Lisa Rinna Starts Wild Dance Party With All Of The Real Housewives At Andy Cohen's Baby Shower - Ne - Duration: 2:27.

Andy Cohen's baby shower was the site of an absolutely crazy Real Housewives dance party! An eyewitness told HL EXCLUSIVELY that Lisa screamed 'dance now, you bitches!'

In case you hadn't heard, Andy Cohen's baby shower was low-key one of the most lit parties of the year so far. In fact, video has surfaced of nearly all of the Real Housewives getting down and turning up at his bash. And according to an eyewitness, Lisa Rinna instructed them all to get on the dance floor by yelling, "I want every mother f***ing housewife to dance on a table right now. F***ing dance now you bitches. Now!" Of course, not only was Lisa seen grooving on the booth of the table, Kyle Richards slayed, and we mean SLAYED her table dance moves in the best pantsuit ever. Check out the epic and wild dance party in the video below.

We reported earlier how Andy's baby shower had nearly every Bravo star imaginable. The celebs in attendance included a wedding ring-less Teresa Giudice, 46, Kyle, 50, Sonja Morgan, 55, Ramona Singer, 62, Nene Leakes, 51, Lisa Rinna, 55, Dorinda Medley, 54, and more. However, it's worth noting that while Lisa Vanderpump was invited, she did not attend.

While the partying went down at The Palm Restaurant in Beverly Hills, the after-partying apparently went down at Craig's. And how did the Real Housewives stars enjoy themselves? Our eyewitness told us that Kyle gushed, "This is an epic baby shower. I've had 4 babies and I've never had a shower like this. We love you Andy, yes!" Meanwhile, Cynthia Bailey told HollywoodLife, "Amazing. So much fun. We never get to hangout with all of the different franchises. Its so cool to meet the older girls and the new ones."

We'll keep you posted with all of the latest details from Andy Cohen's baby shower. In the meantime, check out photos from the big event below.

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