How to remove and change window landscape in photoshop - Duration: 15:54.Hi and thank you for watching
'Ctrl J' to make a copy
'Ctrl +' to zoom in
Right click and select 'make selection'
After we're done making the selection hold the 'Alt' key and hit the mask symbol to create a mask as shown
Let's smoothen up the sharp edges using the blur tool
Add a new background
Hold Alt+Shift and drag it from the lower right corner to make larger as shown
Hit 'Enter'
'Ctrl J' to make a copy of the new background
Rasterize the new layers
Click the mask thumbnail, hold the 'Alt' key and then drag it down to the new backgroung copied layer to create a clipping mask
Hit 'Ctrl T' to transform
Right click and select 'Flip horizontal'
Hover between the layers while holding the 'Alt' key andclcik to create a clipping mask
hit the bracket keys to make brush size bigger or smaller
Hold shift and paint once from one point to another to create a perfect painting
Click the top layer and then hold shift and click the last one and then hit 'Ctrl G' to put them all in a group
Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more!
Amazing Stunning Two-story Container Home Floor Plan THE HELM by CARGOHOME - Duration: 2:31.Amazing Stunning Two-story Container Home Floor Plan THE HELM by CARGOHOME
Phim PUBG - Truy Bắt Ông Trùm Ma Túy Hành Động Cực Hay (Battlegrounds Film) - Duration: 10:26.-------------------------------------------
Музыкальный центр Micro Hyundai H-HA520 обзор - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Man City trip to Everton moved forward due to Carabao Cup final - Duration: 2:03.A testing time for Manchester City just got tougher after their Premier League game with Everton was confirmed for Wednesday February 6
The trip to Goodison Park was scheduled to take place on Saturday February 23, but with Pep Guardiola's side booking their place in the Carabao Cup final the next day they had to find a new date for Everton
That has now been confirmed as soon as next Wednesday - between games against Arsenal and Chelsea at home - to make City's run for February even more daunting
The Blues have had an excellent January to put memories of three Premier League defeats in December to bed
Starting with a 2-1 win over Liverpool, Guardiola's team have scored 30 goals in seven games this month to close the gap at the top of the table to four points and progress to the final of the league cup and the fifth round of the FA Cup
City travel to Newcastle on Tuesday night hoping to make it a perfect month and with the chance to move to within one point of Liverpool; the league leaders are at home to Leicester the following evening
City's February schedule Feb 3: Arsenal (h) Feb 6: Everton (a) Feb 10: Chelsea (h) Feb 15-18: FA Cup 5th Round Feb 20: Schalke (a) Feb 24: Chelsea (N) Feb 27: West Ham (h)
Le dernier roi de France en Laponie, Louis Philippe d'Orléans - Argosraconte #9 - Duration: 10:58.-------------------------------------------
La socialización de los medios de producción | Ludwig von Mises - Duration: 4:23.Under socialism all the means of production are the property of the community.
The community alone disposes of them and decides how to use them in production.
The community produces, the products accrue to the community,
and the community decides how those products are to be used.
The Marxian persuasion, lay great emphasis on designating the socialist community as Society,
and describing the transfer of the means of production to the control of the community as 'Socialization of the means of production'.
In itself the expression is unobjectionable
but in the connection in which it is used it is particularly designed
to obscure one of the most important problems of Socialism.
of which socialist propaganda was not thought to be able to do without.
The word 'society', with its corresponding adjective 'social', has three separate meanings.
It implies, first, the abstract idea of social interrelationships,
and secondly, the concrete conception of a union of the individuals themselves.
Between these two sharply different meanings, a third has been interposed in ordinary speech:
the abstract society is conceived as personified
in such expressions as 'human society', 'civil society'.
Now Marx uses the term with all these meanings.
This would not matter as long as he made the distinction quite clear.
But he does just the opposite.
He interchanges them with a conjurer's skill whenever it appears to suit him.
When he talks ofthe social character of capitalistic production he is using social in its abstract sense.
When he speaks of the society which suffers during crises
he means the personified society of mankind.
But when he speaks of the society which is to expropriate the expropriators
and socialize the means of production he means an actual social union.
And all the meanings are interchanged in the links of his argument whenever he has to prove the unprovable.
The reason for all this is in order to avoid using the term State or its equivalent,
since this word has an unpleasant sound to all those lovers of freedom and democracy,
whose support the Marxian does not wish to alienate at the outset.
A programme which would give the State the general responsibility and direction of all production
has no prospect of acceptance in these circles.
It follows that the Marxist must continually find a phraseology
which disguises the essence of the programme,
which succeeds in concealing the unbridgeable abyss
dividing democracy and Socialism.
2 игрушки школьников 80-х - 90-х годов! Смотри субтибтры! - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Phim PUBG - Truy Bắt Ông Trùm Ma Túy Hành Động Cực Hay (Battlegrounds Film) - Duration: 10:26.-------------------------------------------
How to remove and change window landscape in photoshop - Duration: 15:54.Hi and thank you for watching
'Ctrl J' to make a copy
'Ctrl +' to zoom in
Right click and select 'make selection'
After we're done making the selection hold the 'Alt' key and hit the mask symbol to create a mask as shown
Let's smoothen up the sharp edges using the blur tool
Add a new background
Hold Alt+Shift and drag it from the lower right corner to make larger as shown
Hit 'Enter'
'Ctrl J' to make a copy of the new background
Rasterize the new layers
Click the mask thumbnail, hold the 'Alt' key and then drag it down to the new backgroung copied layer to create a clipping mask
Hit 'Ctrl T' to transform
Right click and select 'Flip horizontal'
Hover between the layers while holding the 'Alt' key andclcik to create a clipping mask
hit the bracket keys to make brush size bigger or smaller
Hold shift and paint once from one point to another to create a perfect painting
Click the top layer and then hold shift and click the last one and then hit 'Ctrl G' to put them all in a group
Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more!
¿Que OCULTA esta CASA ABANDONADA en su INTERIOR? El OLOR era REPUGNANTE - Urbex España - Duration: 10:04.How about how are you welcome to a new video of abandoned places today
we go to a huge site completely abandoned it is a
abandoned apartment complex since 2009 we were more or less made
time but we believe that in one of them something very strange happens
let's try to see what happens there I wanted to tell you that I am
very happy with the support that you are giving the channel remember to subscribe to
channel activate the bell so that they all the notifications of the
videos that we are going to upload that give like and share it on the networks
social with your friends if you want that greet them at the end of the video let me
written in the comments we started
the area designated according to restaurant says in quality
from the bar of the tiles of the bar
its glass
here were the bathrooms
Here we always see painted
of witchcraft and Satanism
and this was the dining room as we see quite broad was going to be the
truly a rather fancy site
another patio that crossed from the dining room to the spa
sure there were terraces here
Did you notice the detail of the columns?
they are like palm trees
this was the spa
here the jacuzzis had to be
the jacuzzi the sauna and here we have what was the sauna
and this was the showers even in some
still has the button Y
this was like the reception area of the complex
even for the quality of the materials
if it should be the reception, look at the glass
with the office in the background look at the domes
or vaults, they are amazing
and here the elevator
is the one that we saw on the outside that came down here
let's go to the housing area
with pool
notice how all this is
here there may be like 50 homes or more
all abandoned
this is the small pool for children
and the big one is clean
very good pool
With its steps and everything
pretty big
they burned it again the other time we found a room with walls full of blood
and the truth struck us quite
and let's see if that room is still there or they have burnt it
look look is burned
if all that was up
let's go up the stairs
it's open? Hello
look there have been dogs that before I was not
look and that door was closed
yes this door was closed
if there was something here we can not know if they took it
Maybe they had someone locked up here, because of drug issues
look at all the toothbrush sheets and the shirt
aloe vera, toothbrush, all
look at the bathtub, that's disgusting
I do not know how they could keep something here
the smell gentlemen is to vomit
look at the walls full of blood, I do not understand this
this room is a fucking madness
all the clothes here
the bed was thrown to the ground
or themselves
yeast royal, I do not know what this is, it was a small closet
it was a small closet, chamomile water bottles
look at the photo
raymond gaja self-esteem and happiness the clamp looks more photos
a guy jumping
bleach down
look at the Argentina shirt
yes yes there is everything here
here are medications
as Bokine said, greetings to all the Argentine subscribers and those who join the channel that welcome
that we are waiting for you here
sure they burned here
they probably burned the pan
yes and it burned the whole wall here I leave you what was written on the wall yes
Some Italian knows what to tell me meaning
in the comments I would be grateful
look up there is like a boat to feed the dogs
is closed
the window lined with paper
it's closed, let's go
let's look from the balcony to see if you see something
or if someone is staying
shhhhhhh (silence)
Gentlemen we do not know ... it's full of flies
we do not know if something or someone died and it's in there closed or ...
died the animal that lived there
we do not know anything like the door is closed
let's go from here
as they are repairing it is better to leave in case something happened that they discover
that's why I tell you we'll find out by the news if something happened
let's go into a place where there was a stolen car is a pretty weird place
yooosss the car is still here
this here was not before and the armchair either
these modules if they were from the Spa
Look, gentlemen, they brought a car here
yoosss have probably cleaned everything out
and they just have to open and throw it in here
the car they brought him here they robbed everything
they opened the hood and did not take the engine
they took only what they needed
Well this is all we wanted you to see
good guys and girls up here the today's video I hope you liked it
Greetings to all remember Subscribe to the channel and give it a like
important for us to follow making videos of abandoned places and
see you in the next video memories to all
La socialización de los medios de producción | Ludwig von Mises - Duration: 4:23.Under socialism all the means of production are the property of the community.
The community alone disposes of them and decides how to use them in production.
The community produces, the products accrue to the community,
and the community decides how those products are to be used.
The Marxian persuasion, lay great emphasis on designating the socialist community as Society,
and describing the transfer of the means of production to the control of the community as 'Socialization of the means of production'.
In itself the expression is unobjectionable
but in the connection in which it is used it is particularly designed
to obscure one of the most important problems of Socialism.
of which socialist propaganda was not thought to be able to do without.
The word 'society', with its corresponding adjective 'social', has three separate meanings.
It implies, first, the abstract idea of social interrelationships,
and secondly, the concrete conception of a union of the individuals themselves.
Between these two sharply different meanings, a third has been interposed in ordinary speech:
the abstract society is conceived as personified
in such expressions as 'human society', 'civil society'.
Now Marx uses the term with all these meanings.
This would not matter as long as he made the distinction quite clear.
But he does just the opposite.
He interchanges them with a conjurer's skill whenever it appears to suit him.
When he talks ofthe social character of capitalistic production he is using social in its abstract sense.
When he speaks of the society which suffers during crises
he means the personified society of mankind.
But when he speaks of the society which is to expropriate the expropriators
and socialize the means of production he means an actual social union.
And all the meanings are interchanged in the links of his argument whenever he has to prove the unprovable.
The reason for all this is in order to avoid using the term State or its equivalent,
since this word has an unpleasant sound to all those lovers of freedom and democracy,
whose support the Marxian does not wish to alienate at the outset.
A programme which would give the State the general responsibility and direction of all production
has no prospect of acceptance in these circles.
It follows that the Marxist must continually find a phraseology
which disguises the essence of the programme,
which succeeds in concealing the unbridgeable abyss
dividing democracy and Socialism.
The Money Question - The JSquared Circle #4 (Q&A) - Duration: 26:23.Hey everybody, JSquared Jon Jeremy here back with another
Q&A session. We're going to do things a little differently
with this video because there's one question that I feel deserves
kind of a longer answer. And if we spend. today's video focusing
entirely on that question, I think that's okay in order for me
to get my point across
in a way that is clear and understood so let's get back to
the question. The question comes from Naprimjer or Naprimjer
and the question is, will the Patreon be relevant again
sometime in the future, and I wanted to dive a little deeper
into that and talk about monetization as a whole when it comes to this
YouTube channel and with YouTube as a whole so. Thank you for the
question Naprimjer, many of you know, or at least
understand that the YouTube
content creators out there, a good number of them not everybody, but a
good number of them are monetized and what that means is
that depending on, you know, the number of views that someone
gets there are ads that are placed in these videos. You have
seen them on my channel, if you are not using ad blocker and in
doing so, the creatores, the content creators receive a portion of
that revenue from those advertisers. Now I don't know
which advertisers are placed on my channel. I don't know which
ads are placed on my channel. I just know that they're there and
that you know after a certain duration that ad pays out.
Now I've always been leery when it comes to this sort of concept
because there's very little transparency in this. There's
very little in the know we kind of have to hope that all goes
well and that YouTube will do its part and pay out
as far as this goes and in the past, there was no trouble at
all. You know, I remember when I was first monetized back in the
day. This was back in two-thousand and twelve actually right
before I joined up with my.
With my real life work at Microsoft. In fact, I had to
kind of have a discussion with that with the company
because of you know what , what boundaries were there
when it came to being paid. So we managed to get that
done but it was something that I took very seriously.
this is also back in the day when many you know, content creators,
not everybody, but many content creators had to join what are
now called Multi channel networks. These MCN's,
Machinima, which recently closed its doors after the sale to Full Screen,
was an MCN, Full Screen itself is an MCN. There have been
others out there. Freedom comes to mind. Cursed network, was
another. And these MCNs would take a portion of the revenue
that the creators received from YouTube after YouTube took its own
portion of revenue and then basically allowed the creator to be
monetized, maybe throwing in some benefits like royalty free
music or licensed music rather or they would say that they
would help you gain better ad rates
Which I'm never really sure if that actually was a thing or
not, but it definitely was mentioned time and again and they
would say like "Hey, if you want to partner up, you know, we will have one of
our employees talk to you about how you can grow your channel." So
that was that era two-thousand and twelve and, you
know, at that time things were okay, you know, then you fast
forward a few... a few years later, come to find out that YouTube
had started a demonetization program and many
of you maybe are aware of this
or have heard the term adpocalypse before for those that
are not. I found a good primer. That's available on it, and
basically what happened is that if you can see this chart here
we've got the video being released and then you know the blue line
indicates the revenue for that individual and the orange line
indicates views for that video. You'll note that at a certain
point in that chart, the views don't drop, but the revenue
plummets. That's due to this demonetization program that was
being run and it's taken several years for YouTube to kind of
make it more transparent around you know what are the guidelines
around demonetization where the
guidelines around advertiser friendly versus not advertiser friendly
content and YouTube content creators have been trying to
figure this out because many you know, many do this is a full
time job. You know they do this is a full time gig to create
content for you to watch. I'm not one of them but,
if I had been, you know, this would have been super scary. You
know terribly scary because you're literally just dropping
revenue and at that time, there wasn't really a good
explanation. It's kind of progressed since then. So
getting back now to my personal monetization. I have
had videos of mine demonetized or deemed not advertiser
friendly. Not my entire catalog. I've been kind of spared that
but it's funny what it picks.
My Dead Island series for example, I don't think it likes
the word dead because pretty much that series and dead
island Riptide were almost entirely demonetized, our visual
novel playthrough the Fruit of Grisia that was pretty much
demonitized. And there were a few other videos here and there that
were demonetized as well. And now YouTube allows for manual
review, it takes time to do that and you have to meet a certain
qualification in order for you to do that, but it can be
manually reviewed and, if it's deemed appropriate you know it can
switch basically, they flip a switch and it's now monetized
again. The problem for many content creators, these days is
that they're producing content without 100% knowing before it's
released whether or not, it's going to be monetized
or not, and there have been instances where content has been
demonetized at its release. And if it is, you know the views
that are generated on a video within forty-eight hours, you're going to
get a majority of your views unless it's kind of like a viral
video that catches on later on. So
content creators are taking a risk by putting out these
videos, maybe that are on the fence of being
monetized or demonetized advertiser friendly versus
not advertiser friendly and you know they're just kind
of hoping, wishing that it goes well so.
I don't like that method, but again, I try and keep my
continents as appropriate as possible. I've never been one
for vulgar language, too much. I mean when I was in my younger
days on the channel definitely there was
more of that, but even before this demonization things
started. I definitely kind of toned it down because I didn't
like hearing myself say those words anyway. So getting back to
now, today, you know, what does monetization look like today for
me? Yes, there are still
ad rates and advertisements played on my videos if you are a
YouTube premium member. You don't get those ads anyway and
just by you watching my videos there is a revenue share
included in that as well so for those of you that use YouTube Premium thank you.
But more recently, YouTube has released a new
method for content creators to receive revenue in the form of
what's called channel memberships, now channel
memberships are very similar to, if you're on Twitch or familiar
with Twitch, these
Twitch subscribers so see since YouTube already has subscribers
they can't really double down on that on that word so they call
them memberships. They used to call them sponsorships. And I
kind of prefer that a little bit more. But memberships is what
they decided on in the end and I actually had the
opportunity to speak with employees of YouTube back when
this was first rolling out an and there was a discussion
around well what does this mean? How can a content creator
you know really,
lay this out in a way that's understood and what are the
benefits of that for both the content creator and the viewer
so the feature was in beta for a very long time and then back in
the summer of last year they launch it as channel
memberships. Now I did not
participate in the launch of that program instead I had had a
Patreon set up where people, if they so chose could donate to
the Patreon orr pledge to the Patreon and then they would
receive individual perks.
As of the beginning of this year that Patreon has been closed down
and I have converted everything entirely into the YouTube
platform for channel memberships and I'll explain why.
The Patreon system while it allows for greater freedom. My
concern became the perks that were available to somebody on
Patreon didn't really benefit them if they were primarily
watching my content on YouTube. Yes, you could pledge to this...
pledge to the Patreon, and you know get access to a
special tier on the discord. But there really was no way for
let's say a reward to be granted specifically on the YouTube
platform where you were watching my videos and that really bothered me.
So what I did was I took a look at the channel memberships as
they are today and channel memberships as they are today
allow for a couple different features that are available that
weren't before and this coincides also with the launch
of the YouTube premier system
as well. In the past memberships were primarily just for
streaming and I don't usually do streaming on YouTube or anywhere
for that matter every now and again, I'll I'll get on
something but it was primarily focused point for streamers.
What they did when they launched YouTube premieres which we have
been using regularly ever since our return in January, is that the same set up
applies there's a live chat system that's there and the
people who are members are then able to have access to badges
that show off the fact that they are members similar to how
Twitch subscribers have a badge for being a subscriber to that
particular Twitch streamer and they have access to custom emoji
as well, again similar to how Twitch has their custom emoji
available. So I built built a channel membership platform for
the channel based off that and
we'll take a look here at the folder for the badges and you can see that the
biggest thing about these memberships is that they
coincide with different dates different time frames for how
long you've been a member, if you're at zero months, you get
access to the badge itself.
Which is just basically our avatar logo, at different
points, one month, 2 months, 6 months. You know, even going
into years you get a different batch showing showing that off
so I thought that was a great new benefit that I wouldn't have
been able to do
specifically on Patreon that now people can have access to on
the YouTube platform.
Same thing with the custom emoji so as we gain new
members, we then can create new custom emoji for the channel
that can then be used, like right now our four for example, here are
the battle emoji, the RIP emoji,
our royal crown, and our tithe Emoji 'cause, we know that I like
tithes. So they they coincide together as you gain new
members. You have access to create more emoji, which we can
then use based on our escapades on the channel whether it be in
bomber crew, in Crusader Kings 2 and other games in the future,
we build that platform together. We can even
have decisions on that together you know, I'm able to create
specific members only posts on our community tab and one
example of that could be. I could make a pole and that poll
could then be well all members
you have a vote in what new emoji we're going to be creating based on what
game as an example so this is all within the YouTube
platform. And I find it easier to handle then going through the
Patreon which is what we used to do. Now don't get me wrong
anybody who pledged to the patreon,
you know, I super appreciate it and I super appreciate your
support. I just felt like I wanted to make sure that the
rewards that were being granted were appropriate and you felt
like you got that reward through
a platform that you're on and that's on YouTube. That's not to
say everything's sunshine and roses, though there are
definitely a few issues that I feel need to be addressed.
First, and I want to be again as transparent as possible when it
comes to this because I know
that monetization and money are such sensitive topics, I want to be
as clear as possible when when it comes to these things because
I feel like you as the viewer who's watching this deserve that
sort of clarity, first as of right now, the custom badges in
the Custom badges and custom Emoji only work
through live chats and those are only available through first
watchings of the YouTube premieres so like for example,
at 7 o'clock Pacific standard time Monday through Fridays we
do Crusader Kings two video so
people who are members can have access to that custom emoji and
custom badge during the live chats, but only during those
videos... Only during the premiere of that video.
I know that YouTube is working on a solution to basically have
those badges and those emoji available across the platform
where if you comment directly on the video. It then shows off the
badge and it shows off custom emoji I think their biggest
problem is going to be, you know, how do you kind of share
that across channels but discord already does it
through their discord Nitro system so it shows that it can
be done. I think even Twitch does it as well so I know
its' something they are working on it just wasn't
originally built,
the YouTube platform wasn't really built with this in mind,
so it's taking them some time to do, but that is definitely like
number one on my list of things that I want to see done for
members is to be able to have access to their emoji and their
badges wherever they are on ther YouTube platform.
The other thing that really bothers me is that one thing I
do want to have available to members that I feel would be a
huge benefit is early access to videos, the YouTube channel
system, the channel membership system, No, it's not necessarily
the cheapest method, I'll be again upfront and honest about this and if we
look at the membership. It breaks it down, based off of
$4.99 US, so they don't have this implemented in all systems
yet, but you can see here Australia for example, you're
paying $5.99 Australian dollars, in Japan, it's 490
yen, in the UK. It's 4.99 in British pounds, which is
actually more money in US currency and you know that
fluctuates depending on
the international rates versus the US dollar rates so things
are higher things or lower like it's not an easy system, it is not the
easiest system to understand but I wanted to make
sure that it was understood where I'm coming from as far as
the memberships go and why I
decided This membership system rather than continuing to do
it on Patreon.
Now In addition to the channel memberships system there's also
the new functionality of super chats, so super chat again is a
fixture available during YouTube premieres and during
livestreams. So we use it during our YouTube premieres and it's
available for anybody to use
while the YouTube Premieres going on and basically you are super chatting, you're
paying money to ensure that your comment is showcased or
highlighted, either at the top of the chat or on screen or
however it works out, so super chats are also available as a
monetization form on this channel. And as you can see here we've had
a few super chats recently. Now again, this is
just another method of monetization that's available
for all YouTube content creators that qualify for
having access to this particular system.
And I'm not really sure what the qualifications are besides
actually having monetization enabled. I don't know if there's
the specific requirements focus on them, but I again, I wanted to
be as transparent as possible when it comes to this. So that's
how that works and that's kind of why I've worked on soft launching
these channel memberships. I haven't really made a video
about it or talked about it as in depth as what even
I'm doing right now. I'm not advertising. It beyond talking
about it during the premiers and having a link in the description
so we hope that
that answers that question of Patreon, of monetization, and why were
transitioning to this method. Really I think it's a
benefit for content creators because it allows the direct
Support of their content without having to worry about I guess
advert, specifically advertiser friendly regulations. This is
available for people who are not advertiser friendly to YouTube as well.
So if they were concerned about ad revenue. They could go all in
on channel memberships, let's say, and then they would able to,
you know, have the revenue that they wanted to or at least a
portion of that, so it's available on my channel as well.
If you were to click the join button on my channel, which let
me let me bring that up here.
OK, so as you can see here we've got, you know, our latest bomber
crew video out right now. You can also see that I use 2buddy
to to help me track analytics here on YouTube as well. And if we
scroll down here, you've got that join button right there.
Right underneath the video that you're watching and probably underneath
this video as well truthfully, if your watching this right now.
I know it'savailable on the desktop. I know that it's
available on Android. I don't believe it's available on iOS
devices, yet, but you can join as a member.
And if you just click the button, it shows you exactly
what perks you get access to, it shows you what badge you get
access to, this was actually just recently updated this wasn't
this specific before, actually like this much better than
before, so this shows you exactly what your getting,
when you are, you know, clicking that button and looking to join
so it's there, if you wanted to do so. And I hope that we do
gain new members just because I think that's a fun concept to
have, I guess a VIP section now there's no restrictions on the content
I'm creating for that. At this time, there's no like I'm not
making a YouTube series, gaming series specifically on the
members only section I guess is what I'm trying to say so
you're not losing anything in the gaming
side by not becoming a member there are just a couple of like
bonus features that are available to you if you do. So
I hope that provides more clarity than this kind of
mysticism, that's not really the
right word, the cloudy haze that is YouTube monetization at least
for me personally. Like I said, I just wanted to try and be as
transparent as possible when it comes to this, you'll
probably see a specific channel membership video in the future.
I'm not really sure when I want to do one but
we're just kind of in, I've mentioned earlier a soft launch where it's
there, if you want to become a member of the channel and I
Super Super appreciate it and I think it would be awesome if
more people did because then we can further grow what
membership means as well.
So I know that was a long answer and I know I spent a lot of time
on it, but I wanted to again make sure that it was clear. I'm
happy to answer specific questions regarding this in the
comments of today's video as best as I can so if you have
questions regarding this you're more than welcome to post them in the comments of this video.
We'll go back to a regular Q&A session and if
you want to have... If you want to ask questions outside of this
again post in the comments of this video here and we'll go
back to regular questions in next weeks video, but until next
time this is JSquared Jon Jeremy
signing out saying
so long and take
CLEAN WITH ME 2019 | ULTIMATE KONMARI DECLUTTER + EXTREME CLEANING MOTIVATION - Duration: 26:35.hey loves it's Breanna welcome back to my channel into an extreme kon Mari
clean with me 2019 are you ready for some serious decluttering and cleaning
motivation you are in the right place you can see how messy and disorganized
everything was before and I'll be sharing the tour at the end of how
everything turned out after I Marie Kondo at my master closet bathroom and
master bedroom you guys know my anxiety has been off the charts lately so
honestly at this point it calls for some extreme con mari style
decluttering like I just need my mental headspace back when it comes to how
cluttered and disorganized and dysfunctional that the space has become
so get ready to enter her boss mode and clean up this mess with me it took me
two days to film this extreme cleaning and organizing marathon for you guys so
make sure you let me know in the comments if this gives you cleaning
motivation and click the thumbs up if you like these videos on my channel okay
time to put on your favorite song and tackle the hardest thing you got to do
and before we get hard and heavy into this mess I'm so excited because this
video is a collab with the gorgeous Belinda Selene I feel like we are
long-lost YouTube soul sisters because we connected when we did an Instagram
collab this fall and I love everything about her she has amazing cleaning
videos I love her decor style we even had the same Buffalo check duvet for
Christmas and she does DIYs organizing and planning videos seriously you'll
love her channel so please after this one
check out her cleaning and decluttering video for extra cleaning motivation and
make sure you tell her I sent you in the comments and her video will be linked in
the description box down below and if Belinda sends you please introduce
yourself in the comments so that everyone else in the supportive
community can get to know you and make sure that you subscribe if you enjoy
cleaning routines and day-in-the-life vlogs we would love to have you here and
also you can join me over on my other social you can find me at bits of braid
so here we are in my hot mess of a closet I know this is sped up speed
cleaning style but not kidding this closet cleanup took me almost seven
hours clearly I had accumulated way too much stuff but I wanted to do a true con
Mari with everything every clothing item every shoe every bin bag every piece of
jewelry and actually asked myself do I need this does this bring me joy is this
sentimental have I used this in the past year or even the last couple of months
and if the answer was no I purged it and just wait until the end when you see how
much I approach you can place a guess right now how many boxes you think I
filled up from things that I decided to purge kind of insane but seriously this
needed to happen
and I just tried to group everything that I was keeping together by color or
by like items just so that it was displayed very neatly so I grouped
together all of my dresses by color then my pants and then I put all of my shirts
in rainbow order and I group tanks together t-shirts together long sleeves
together within each color and I think it did help make it look a lot neater so
for the first time in my closets history I have all whites hangers it is about
time you guys have commented every organization video I've done about the
hangers so finally all white and those are all the ones that I'm going to be
donating and then my jewelry had just gotten so out of control so I use these
two jewelry stands that I got on Amazon and these acrylic drawers to make sure
that everything was neater easier to find and again grouping everything by
like colors or similar style pieces
after a sweep of the closet with my new Dyson that I am obsessed with it's so
nice to finally be able to see the floor in here I'm going to move into the
bedroom to start tackling my dresser drawers now I had this dresser stuffed
to the brim and I kind of had it organized by like items at least the top
drawers were socks next layer of drawers were tanks next layer t-shirts and the
bottom drawers were long-sleeve shirts
but I completely emptied the dresser drawers did the same Kon mari test as in
the closet do I need this does it bring me joy is it sentimental and I perched
whatever I could and then folded everything Kon Mari style now I don't
think I'm an expert at folding like Marie Kondo but I am going to keep on
trying to do this because I could not believe the amount of space that this
saved in my drawers I got so much space back even if I didn't purge anything it
would have made everything so much neater and I would just recommend even
if you have an hour fold as many clothes as you can Marie Kondo style and I think
you will be so pleased with the results
moving to my bedside dresser it was just so full of clutter and I was able to
purge so much so it just feels so freeing to get rid of junk have more
space back the anxiety seriously melts away
and you can judge me I got rid of so many clothes guys but I'm so excited to
donate this stuff and anything that could be good for Poshmark
I will add it to my Poshmark closet so it is now after 10:00 at night I've been
doing this since about 3:30 this afternoon so nearly seven hours didn't
even stop to eat I was just trying to power through I don't want to do a
really good deep cleaning out the bedroom and a deep clean of the bathroom
and just kind Maurya all of the drawers in the bathroom too so I'm gonna pick
this back up tomorrow it's gonna be like a marathon con Mari decluttering and
cleaning video so I'm gonna deep clean the bedroom and the bathroom after I cut
Mario everything I'm ready to pass out
good morning good morning we're gonna keep on con Mari
what does it rhymes but we're gonna head into the bathroom
so of the PJs gotcha
and I've got this to fuel me through more kon Mari I'm ready
okay so while I go through the drawers and the baskets I'm going to start
getting my tub clean so I'm going to use the tub and tile so clean like the ring
around the bathtub you can see it thick and then I'm going to use this Oh yuck
Adam found this on Amazon we've already used it once um he was the one who
actually did it because you took a bath I think it really does work
so I'm excited to try this today nummy is the same tub and tile in here I just
decided to tackle cleaning the mirrors and the counters and the sinks while the
tub was filling up so that the bathroom would be nice and clean smelling while I
decluttered all of the drawers and under the sink and I pulled out my Rubbermaid
reveal cleaning brush it's like a cleaning powered bubble guys I love it I
tested a bunch of cleaning products in a video this summer and I love this gadget
if there's anything crusted on my drain or mold in the shower grout this is
perfect for getting it out
okay so it says once that this has filled up over the jacks
I'm gonna let this run for 15 minutes then while I clean some other stuff and
if you could maybe be like skunk floating so while many of those just run
and the Oh yuck do its thing I'm gonna tackle the toilet
and then clean out my shower stall and if you're new here I could not recommend
the Clorox toilet ones they are a lifesaver I hate cleaning out the toilet
but they make it so much easier I also bought this Clorox rotating scrub brush
for in the shower and the bath tub it's like the blown-up version of that
Rubbermaid brush and it makes it so much easier on my back to clean the shower
and the tub instead of scrubbing by hand
okay so I don't know if you guys can see very well but there is a lot of like
gunk floating did you guys see that oh that's low girls oh okay I'm gonna use
my scrub brush and like do the ring than doing this puppy
so fast verdict on this Oh yuck jetted bathtub cleaner based on all of that
gunk in the tub I would say yes it does work and after the tub drains you're
supposed to wipe it out with a damp cloth but I seriously think that Oh yuck
will be a new must-have for cleaning those jets now time to con Mari my
bathroom drawers starting with my makeup drawer and using that same method to
figure out if I needed to keep anything was I using it did I like it and I was
actually able to get rid of a lot of products that I just didn't use anymore
but I emptied every single drawer cleaned them all out with the mrs.
meyer's honeysuckle multi-surface spray which smells amazing and then I kept
going through every single item this does take a while but I put on some
Disney tunes while I did this so if you see my mouth moving it's totally because
I was singing along while I worked next I tackled the medicine cabinet and I
just got it more organized by grouping like things together there was a lot of
stuff that I got sent that I'm just putting in a storage bin and saving it
for later I just wanted this to be minimal and only put the products that I
use every single date on these shelves
underneath the sink had just become loads of hair and bath products that I
just wasn't using so I was able to get rid of a lot and make it a much cleaner
space and clear out a lot of the bins
in my shower I took out all the shampoos and conditioners that I'm no longer
using that helped free up this shelf space as well then I wanted to declutter
the overstuffed basket that I had next to the tub and I just got rid of any of
the bulky packaging or things I didn't use put everything more neatly into that
moving back to the bedroom I wanted to do a good dusting and clean of all the
mirrors in here and I'm using the same mrs. Myers honeysuckle mother surface
spray and then the method glass cleaner in mint which smells amazing I use this
on the shower stall and in the bathroom ears too
and I've actually got three trips in the next two months so I have some new
luggage from Cal pack and I got these organizing cubes in rose gold as well so
I cannot wait to put all this stuff to use and if you're new here I love doing
travel vlogs so yes I will be vlogging my trips okay so the final thing I have
to do is vacuum all the floors but mine Dyson I got a new one I'm obsessed with
it it's charging right now so I figured I would do a fast little tour to show
you how all of the drawers turned out and I'm like any if you've been
following my anxiety I like the weight is lifted off my chest like literally it
feels so good to like have all this stuff out and like be organized so here
is what my little cupboard in the bathroom looks like now so I kind of
grouped them by like face stuff teeth motion scent is so good by the way
my contact stuff deodorants tanning that's a jewelry cleaner and my vitamins
paid down in this drawer I have my actual like care of vitamins and then I
showed in another video recently I organized this one in like a Dollar Tree
DIY video this is a Dollar Tree bin so if you want to check out in fact video
and then this is gonna be all of my makeup that I don't either use on a
daily basis or it's the stuff that I like overbought you have some good sales
so I don't run out and a lot of my pallets and my brush cleaners are all in
this drawer and I got these clear organizers from either TJ Maxx or hung
good about a year ago I think and then this
route I decided to change it up because honestly it gave me a lot of anxiety of
how I couldn't like tightly keep all of my curling iron and blow dryer so I got
this new rose gold case way back in December from Ulta and I finally am
actually using I still need like I still need to cut the tag off of it but this
has been my everyday makeup and I like keeping it all in a case like this
instead of having it spread out because it's easier for me just to like set it
up here on my counter do my makeup throw it all back in and not worry about it
unorganized and then I like I can just throw it back in but it came with these
other cases so I just have them stored in there too so I can use those for the
upcoming travel then here honestly I kept these like the same way I had them
stacked before but the bins are just so much more cleared out because of all the
stuff I threw out so this is kind of my bath and Bodyworks bin I've got like the
offseason sense and candles and soaps in there this is now my hair bin I recently
switched to Monat I think I'm saying that right but my photographer Molly she
her hair looked amazing like I saw the difference in a month of her using it so
I'm switching to all of their products I need to figure out the hairspray though
I kept up my neck this hairspray I really do like this hairspray but if
they have like a better hairspray I'm gonna switch that out but that's why I
got rid of all the other like random hair products that I had in there this
is all of my travel sized goodies this is a Dollar Tree bin and I just put
anything that's traveling here so that when I go to travel I can take out just
like what I need for that trip this is like shaving razors I put a couple of
like face masks and like tani and just kind of I guess like a random drawer um
this one has all of my contact solution and teeth whitening and a pregnancy test
back there but I need to get my life together before about it
this drawer I have olive again the curling iron straightening irons load
dryer and brushes just because it's like if it could all fit into that compact
drawer and I really just don't have a good way to organize it that's just how
it's going to be and then this one is different hair products so in this
little jar which used to be like a bath and Bodyworks mini candle
I just don't the wax out is all the bobby pins this is another just tiny
container I think it was from either the Dollar Tree or TJ Maxx but I put like
clips in there and then this Dollar Tree bin I put the rubber bands hair ties
kind of I'm dividing it this is a little like treble rubber band and hair tie kit
and then I have all my headbands back here and I just this I had forever I
think I've had this since college it has all the different colorful hair ties but
figure I'll keep those because I think P probably eventually it's gonna probably
want all of those hair ties so I prefer and if you see right here
I prefer either using the neutral colored ones or my very favorite are
these ones I just think they do so much less damage on your hair it's actually
the one I'm wearing today and I showed in a video recently of just fast ways to
tidy up that don't cost you anything I like rolling my towels just because we
don't have a linen closet in our bathroom and I feel like it looks more
spa-like when they're rolled and in a basket than if they're just folded and
stacked in the baskets and then this basket is for when I do take my bubble
baths and relax in here and now that my tub is all clean and I've got my TV
there but it's all of my bath salts and different face masks and this lip scrub
guys it is freaking amazing and it's like the best lip scrub in the world and
I have all of my oils and stuff in that basket it just got rid of like the extra
shampoos and stuff I wasn't using here so I feel like it really helped clear
out my side I mean Adam doesn't look horrible but I mean he can con Mary his
stuff next but seriously I think it's like the drawers it just blows me away
that like this used to take up two drawers of space
and now I put all of my socks into these organizers instead of using them for my
t-shirts and tank tops so it's like the socks used to all be in two different
drawers now they're all in one and it's so much easier to grab them they're
still probably like more I could even get rid of but all my tank tops are now
folded one drawer same thing my t-shirts were in two drawers now I just have more
space and my long sleeve tees these also used to take up two drawers one is now
completely empty so it is just crazy this space that you can save by folding
things a little neater and differently I feel happier with how the closet now
looks with all white hangers hi I just like gives me so much peace when I look
at it and I ended up I found these pins when I was looking for some ones under
the base or under the kitchen sink that I had in the basement and I don't know
if I'm gonna keep them here but I feel like they go with like the other black
and white bins so if I find a use for them I ended up just throwing in like a
couple accessory bags into this one I don't know if I'll keep them and just
seeing my jewelry in here too I don't know if you've watched me for a while I
had all my jewelry on this on my vanity in our master but Pressley honestly she
would play in it and it all got twisted together and destroyed so I think this
is kind of my like kid proof-reading way and I just went through things I didn't
use honestly I feel like that's the crazy thing of doing this is like once
you can actually inventory what you have you stop and think so much more like
could I just get rid of those like am I really gonna use it that much but you
know it's like do I really need all of these different colored dangly feather
earrings I'm not sure I could probably get rid of half of them and still live
my life but I don't know I try to keep the ones that I felt like oh I really
love these or I've totally you use them a lot and I want to hang on to them or
they're kind of like the staples they're like very sentimental ones that I just
don't want to let go of so all of this is what got purged between the bathroom
and the drawers and the closet feels so good but okay hopefully my
Dyson is charged right now I'm gonna finish doing the floors don't forget to
go check out my girlfriend Belinda Selene you'll love her like I
love her channel I feel like we're YouTube soul sisters I don't know why I
haven't known her the whole time I've been doing YouTube but I love her I know
you guys will too and I'm gonna finish sweeping up the floors here make sure
you subscribe and I hope that this inspires you to do whether it's cleaning
organizing a con Mari of your room your closet your house your doors whatever it
might be because if you especially are feeling any kind of anxiety like I've
been feeling it truly is a weight lifted off of my chest and has made such a
difference so I could not recommend this more it feels so good thank you for
watching hope you subscribe if you're new and I will see you in my next video
bye before you go let me know in the comments how you think everything turned
out and if there's something else you want me to con Mari next don't forget to
subscribe and I'll see you in my next video feel free to check out some of
these as well
#KarbalaSangat #ALIMOLA #majlis MOLA ALI a.s ka ALLAHswt Kaisa hai ?? - Duration: 6:17.MOLA ALI ka ALLAHswt Kaisa hai ??
The Grand Tour - s02e02 The Fall Guys CZ titulky-------------------------------------------
Canalul YouTube , gata sa va aduca bani ? - Duration: 2:52.Hello
In this video I want to show you
How to find out if you can get money from Youtube videos
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The one I've worked with so far
I suspect you and you are accustomed to it
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I'm going to analytics
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Here at, compare value
More Values
Watching time in hours
What interests us
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This is the last 28 days
Youtube wants in the last year...
We have to choose the last 365 days
Now are the hours of the last year
Here you have to defend at least 4,000
youtube requirement
If you have over 4,000 hours it's ok
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「Nightcore」Bad Liar - Duration: 4:05.Oh, hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year And terrors don't prey on innocent victims
Trust me, darlin', trust me darlin'
It's been a loveless year I'm a man of three fears
Integrity, faith and crocodile tears
Trust me, darlin', trust me, darlin'
So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see Perfect paradise, tearin' at the seams
I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it Wish I could erase it, make your heart believe
But I'm a bad liar, bad liar Now you know, now you know
That I'm a bad liar, bad liar Now you know, you're free to go
Did all my dreams never mean one thing? Does happiness lie in a diamond ring?
Oh, I've been askin' for Oh, I've been askin' for problems, problems, problems
I wage my war, on the world inside I take my gun to the enemy's side
Oh, I've been askin' for (trust me, darlin')
Oh, I've been askin' for (trust me, darlin') problems, problems, problems
So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see Perfect paradise, tearin' at the seams
I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it Wish I could erase it, make your heart believe
But I'm a bad liar, bad liar Now you know, now you know
That I'm a bad liar, bad liar Now you know, you're free to go
I can't breathe, I can't be I can't be what you want me to be
Believe me, this one time Believe me
I'm a bad liar, bad liar Now you know, now you know
That I'm a bad liar, bad liar Now you know, you're free to go
Please believe me
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