If life breaks your heart
You break life
I didn't defeat death,
It defeated me
I don't believe you
It's so dark out there
I can hear your breathing.
I can hear your heart beat.
I know you are here
FABRIZIO FRIZZI: FUTURO IN RAI PER LA MOGLIE CARLOTTA MANTOVAN? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
How Computers Find Naked People in Photos - Duration: 9:33.[♪ INTRO]
If you'd taken an engineering job at Google before March 2017,
you would've had to sign an unusual waiver.
It was an agreement accepting that in the course of your work,
you might be exposed to adult content, including pornographic images.
That policy has since changed,
but the fact that it existed at all is a stark reminder that the internet doesn't censor itself.
Someone has to build the software that avoids showing naked people
to users who aren't supposed to see naked people.
Those engineers spend a lot of time designing, training, and testing algorithms,
the set of rules a computer follows to accomplish a task, for filtering adult content.
Which might mean poring over images that in any other setting would
be totally not safe for work.
And building those algorithms is no easy task.
Even we humans have a hard time defining pornography, as US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart
famously admitted when all he could say was "I know it when I see it."
But at least we can usually agree on whether there's a naked person!
For computers though, even that is complicated.
When you look at a photo, you see people, and desks, and chairs,
but all the computer sees is this.
Little blocks of color, a million times over.
Where in this fuzzy mess of pixels do the body and chair even start and end?
And let's say you've figured out whether you're seeing distinct objects.
How can you tell what they are, and whether one of them is a nude human?
After all, even two pictures of the exact same thing can look very different.
For example, four photos of limbs might look very different,
when they're actually all from the same person.
With the differences in lighting, angles, and stuff in the way,
it's hard to tell that they're all Michelle Obama's arms.
Then sometimes you have the opposite problem,
when things that are totally different look weirdly similar.
Take dogs, for example.
You might think you know a dog when you see one,
but then along comes a viral meme and now you can't be sure whether that's a
puppy or whether it's a mop, a muffin, or a marshmallow.
Our brains have evolved to do a tremendous amount of this work subconsciously.
In fact, around 30% of your brain's cortex is dedicated just to vision!
But engineers are starting from zero.
Somehow, they have to get from a description of an image as a collection of tiny dots
of color to a higher-level description: textures, shapes, objects;
all the imprecise, big-picture stuff that tells us humans what we're looking at.
In the prehistoric era of computing, we're talking the 80s and 90s here,
the generally accepted approach was to think really hard about what
features of an image might make for decent high-level descriptions.
And then you'd design specialized algorithms to extract those features.
Some of the most popular features to look for were things like edges,
contiguous shapes, and so-called keypoints,
pixels whose neighbors stay roughly the same if the image is resized or otherwise tweaked.
These let you summarize an image in a way that didn't change too much
with small adjustments like rotation or lighting.
The hope was that if you had, say, an image of a kitten, the edge contours and keypoint
arrangements should be fairly similar to other pictures of kittens.
So you could use those features to build a specialized algorithm to decide
which images should be returned when a user searches for kittens.
In the case of finding naked people, this style of image analysis was used in a foundational
paper from 1996, a few years after porn websites started to go live on the web.
The paper was titled, appropriately enough, "Finding Naked People."
The first step the researchers took was to identify possible patches of skin.
This meant finding pixels containing yellows or browns, maybe with some reddish tones.
Skin also doesn't usually show much texture, at least in porn.
As the paper comments, "extremely hairy subjects are rare."
So any pixels showing skin shouldn't vary too much from the areas around them.
Next, if at least 30% of an image was marked as possibly skin,
the algorithm would try to piece those pixels together into body parts.
It would group straight-ish strips of skin color into longer segments.
Touching segments could be paired into limbs, and limbs and segments could
combine to form either spine-thigh groups or limb-limb groups.
Finally, the system would check which groups were geometrically possible given human physiology.
For example, it ruled out configurations that could only be formed by someone
lifting their leg up and flipping their knee backwards.
Any groups that weren't eliminated were assumed to be naked humans.
Methods like this worked OK, but they had some serious downsides.
First, those handcrafted rules were super brittle.
For example, humans don't usually position their trunk between their thighs,
but it can happen, especially in porn.
If it does, the rules might not recognize a nude person.
Similarly, there were a lot of finicky thresholds and settings to be fine-tuned.
Like, why is 30% the minimum amount of skin to accept?
Why not 15, or 35?
Also, to make improvements,
engineers would have to rethink all those custom-designed algorithms and how they interact.
And most importantly, it was entirely up to engineers' creativity to come up with high-level
descriptive features that were effective, and those features could only be as subtle
or detailed as the engineers were willing and able to code up.
So the criteria for nudity would be very rough and involve sometimes comically naive approximations.
I mean, looking for "blotches of skin color with plausible geometry" misses some of
the more, uhh, obvious features of naked bodies.
You know, like breasts and genitals.
Over the past few decades, though, a new method has started to take over the world
of image processing, including adult image detection.
It's called a convolutional neural network.
The core idea is that instead of manually defining which higher level features are important,
you can build a system to figure that out for itself.
You show it thousands of training examples:
pictures labeled safe for work and not safe for work.
Then, you let it find recurring patterns, like spots of contrast or color,
and piece together how those patterns combine into bigger patterns like lines and edges.
Then it can learn even bigger patterns like skin textures and hair against skin.
And then it can start to recognize things like nipples and belly buttons
and guess whether it's seeing a naked person.
The underlying technology here is the same thing that's driven many recent advances
in artificial intelligence: deep neural networks, or DNNs.
DNNs are loosely based on networks of brain cells,
in a "based on a true story" kind of way.
A DNN contains neurons in the same sense that a game of SimCity contains factories:
the software simulates a very crude version of the real-world thing.
The simulated neurons are arranged into virtual layers.
Each neuron gets a bunch of inputs, for example,
the colors of some pixels or the output from the previous layer.
Then, it performs a simple calculation based on some internal settings,
and passes the result on to the next layer of neurons.
The last layer's output is the network's best guess at an answer.
As the network sees each training example, it guesses what it's seeing.
If it guesses wrong, it twiddles the settings on each neuron so that
the error is less likely to happen next time.
There are a lot of kinds of DNNs, but convolutional neural networks, or convnets,
are the type most often used for image processing.
In the first layer of a convnet, each neuron examines one small tile of the input image,
and outputs how strongly that tile matches a simple image template,
maybe a blob of pink, or a spot of contrast between light and dark.
That template is what gets learned when the neuron's
parameters are updated as the network is being trained.
And actually, there's a whole grid of these neurons, one for each tile in the image.
All the neurons in this grid update their settings together,
so they all learn to match the same template.
This is where the "convolutional" part of the name comes from,
applying the same template detector to each tile.
Now, within that first layer, there might actually be dozens of grids like this,
and each of them learns to match a different template.
So overall, what that whole first layer outputs is how
strongly each template matches at each location in the image.
The second layer is similar, but instead of looking for patterns directly in pixels,
it looks for patterns in the color blobs and
contrasts and all the other output of the first layer.
Because each second-layer neuron grabs inputs from a whole bunch of tiles from the first layer,
it gets information from a bigger swath of the original image.
The same thing continues up the hierarchy: each layer looks for patterns in the patterns
detected by previous layers, until finally the highest layers
end up looking for naked torsos and groins.
Convnets have a lot of advantages over the older methods.
They can check situations where there's maybe a penis close-up without engineers having
to guess that nude images would likely contain lots of those close-ups
and then custom-build penis-detection algorithms.
Another plus of convnets is that everything is based on a sliding scale of similarity
rather than hard and fast rules: each neuron is asking itself,
"How closely does this patch of the image resemble a line or a foot or whatever?"
That means the network can be flexible about integrating multiple lines of uncertain evidence.
Convnets also change the paradigm for how to improve a system: if it's getting too
many false positives on swimsuits, just feed in loads of swimsuit photos with training
examples, and let the network figure out for itself how to distinguish them from true nudity.
In fact, you could even take a convnet designed for filtering porn
and retrain it to detect doge memes.
Now, that doesn't mean a convnet is all-powerful.
There are still lots of task-sensitive choices the engineers have to make about how exactly
to structure the network, what size tiles to use, and so on.
So you might still have to do some surgery on your network if you're trying to catch,
say, tentacle-filled adult anime, which has very different characteristics from photos.
Convnets also don't help as much when you need social context
to recognize what makes an image not safe for work.
For example, it's a lot harder to build a detector for images of human trafficking,
because you can't just look at the pixels; you need a lot of background knowledge
about what's actually happening in the photo.
But for the most part, convnets get really good results.
They've revolutionized image processing,
from image search to vision for self-driving cars.
And flagging sexually explicit content is one of the most visible applications,
or maybe the least visible.
Because if adult image detection is working, most of the time you don't notice.
So the next time you're searching for pictures of nude tights and aren't bombarded with porn,
take a moment to appreciate the algorithms, and the engineers, that make it all possible.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!
If you're interested in more deep dives into complex topics like this one,
you can check out our technology playlist over at youtube.com/scishow.
And don't forget to subscribe!
well well well... we meat agen - Duration: 2:45.oh hai der
look at me im danceing
onf onf riiiiiiiiiikod on ofn ri-kood
me no type cuz u cant c da RAEL words
*geting over it / overwatch*
OOF det line was bad..
foot bwaoawol
cone on he hed
8 ex dee
8 yet agen
*in da distens* "kameHAME-"
hhhhhha on his hed
w8 wut...
no plz i need det part
ok i give up
Il lupo capisce l'uomo, e diventa cane - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Bra och dåligt med Dell XPS 13 9370 - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
may 2018 rainy day plan with me // vedim 2018 day 2 [cc] - Duration: 9:44.welcome to my first plan with me video1
I filmed this last night, and then the end got cut off kind of weird,
because... I had my phone sticky tacked to my ceiling,
but then the, like, protective screen on my phone came off,
because my phone is cracked
so, like, it just cuts off weird.
but that's okay!
because it's my first time, I also wasn't a hundred percent good with, like, framing?
so that's why the framing in this is a bit... weird?
um but I kind of like how it looks.
it feels very, like, low-key and stuff
so yeah... I hope you like it!
so the first step is to write out the month,
and I'm using this dark blue yoobi gel pen,
and it has, like, glitter in it which is super cool-
like glittery-type sequins.
and I really like it, and I really like how it looks.
(zoned out by joakim karud)
the next thing I do is I write down a kind of little mini calendar of the dates this month,
so that I can refer back to it if I need help.
I'm using a pilot G-2 07 pink pen to write the days of the week,
and I start my calendars on Monday because that's just what works for me,
as someone who goes to school Monday through Friday and then has the weekend.
I like having the weekend, you know, on the end.
um and then I'm going through with my pilot G-2 07, like, lime green pen,
and I'm writing down all the, like, numbers... dates... yes *laughs*
(zoned out by joakim karud)
so, before I started filling everything out, I did choose what pen colors I wanted to use.
but then I waited until I had figured out which would kind of be a more prominent color
to go through and choose what washi tape I wanted to use.
I'm not that good at doodling, so instead of that, I use washi tape to accent.
so here's me going through my, frankly quite large, washi tape collection
and getting the first round of contenders for the tapes that I want to use this month.
and then I go through a second time and get it down to, like, three or four. maybe five,
depending on what I'm doing that month.
(zoned out by joakim karud)
on the page facing my, like, opening page, I put a habit tracker.
and so my habits for the month of May are:
eating one meal a day every day, and then eating two meals a day every day,
brushing my teeth every day, washing my face every morning,
doing my nighttime skincare routine, taking my meds every morning,
and wearing my retainer every night.
all of these things are things that I really really need to work on.
also, the way that I organize my habit tracker is:
the first, like, row is the first half of the month,
and then the second chunk is the second half of the month.
I felt that this just fit better, especially into this specific journal.
I used to do, like, a grid that took up like a whole page,
and I just really wasn't a fan of how that looked.
so I changed it to this, and I like this so much better.
(zoned out by joakim karud)
what I'm doing here is kind of my monthly overview type thing.
I do half of the month on one page and then half of the month on the other page,
so that I have a nice, like, chunk of space underneath.
and I put the date in my little green,
and then I go through and I write, like, the day of the week that it is in my pink.
(zoned out by joakim karud)
what I'm blocking off here is the weekends so that I know,
because every other weekend I have specific things I do.
I change my sheets and I water my plants
and it's nice to just kind of have my month sectioned off a little bit.
what I'm doing here with just like this plain black pilot G-2 07 pen
is I'm going through and cordoning off every two weeks,
so that I know when I end my bi weekly vlog.
I'm also doing vedim this month,
so I went through and I made sure that I had two pages blocked off to make a vedim schedule,
which I then fill in later in this video.
so I keep a google calendar,
and what i'm doing here is i'm going through and i'm switching stuff over
from my Google Calendar into my bullet journal.
that includes every other weekend, like I said I do my plants and my sheets,
and then I, also, with my skincare routine-
alternating between exfoliating and doing a skin mask-
so I write down what days I'm supposed to do what.
because time is very hard for me to keep track of without something written down.
this was right after I realized that I could pull my laptop closer,
so I didn't have to reach at a really awkward position
to scroll through the days on my Google Calendar.
and also I- you can't really see it in this angle because of how I filmed this-
but I'm going through and I'm putting in everything that's happening
over the course of the month.
I'm a lot more busy the first half of the month, because I'm still in school,
whereas the second half of the month is mostly empty.
this is the last little bit I got
before my phone decided it didn't like me anymore.
and it's just me filling in the vedim schedule
and making it into a calendar so that I can plan stuff out.
so here is my final overview!
you can see that I've put some really cute little spring washi tape around my may front page,
and then I also added a little space for what media I watch, read, etc. this month.
and then also a place to brainstorm my may favorites video.
so I'm super happy with how these first two pages look!
and then here is my final monthly overview, all filled out and ready to go.
and I have a little space for where- what clothes I don't wear this month,
and I will go over why I have that in a video I'm planning on putting out about how I organize.
and here is the best spread I think I have ever done.
it's the one I'm most proud of.
it's my vedim schedule.
you can see that I wrote down what video I'm planning on putting out each day,
and I have little things to track how far along I am on making the video.
and I am just so so happy with how this looks.
I'm so proud of myself honestly.
and this last little page is just a simple little list
of the projects that I have to do for the end of the semester in may.
and I don't actually have as many as I expected, which is awesome.
(waves by joysic)
Electrolyzed water can replac...-------------------------------------------
Iceland Wedding Full Of Adventure - Duration: 1:01.- We have gone through so many adventures together.
Remember our first hike as a couple?
That one summer night where we camped out in our car
just to see the shooting stars at Mt. Rainier
will always be special to me.
- Now here we are.
I get to marry my best friend and the love of my life,
have an epic wedding and explore Iceland,
a country packed full of adventures
that we're basically designed for.
♪ 'Cause you're what I need ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ I need you, you, you ♪
♪ I want you, you, you ♪
♪ I need you, you, you ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
Homekeepers - Carol Kent, Christian Prison Ministry - Duration: 28:30.-------------------------------------------
Can The "Vertical UFO" Flying Over City In The Middle of The Night Be Explained ?? And More - Duration: 16:18.In this video
a mysterious glowing ball
in the woods
an exclusive UFO case
at lionsground.com
a woman shares her UFO experiences
for peer-to-peer review.
Local earthquake to
unexplained scars on her body.
Clouds giving an elegant show
Moon ufos
most recent UFO sighting and
a short interview
Angry Truthseeker
I'm Heathcliff, your host, this is
Lions Ground
On the 27th of April
the video
"Strange Light in Woods"
appeared on the YouTube channel
where I again caught Secureteam10
on a small lie.
No, DAL V did not send him the video
Absolutely not
He's just telling this
To sound more interesting
He asked
DAL V as you can see
I always say small lies become big lies
which have been proven
in my previous video.
In his beautiful video
and I leave a link
in the video description
you see in
the almost 10-minute during video
DAL V standing outside
with his camera during a thunderstorm.
It's not about the weather
but about bright moving balls
during a thunderstorm.
This is 27 feet from his home
in North Kansas City, Missouri.
Here is a piece of the video to show you
what I'm talking about, video by DAL V
DAL V is enormously surprised.
He cannot identify it and
try to explain what he sees.
He describes the bright balls
as if someone is playing with a lighter or
as if someone
lights a cigarette.
This is about the natural
but very rare phenomenon
Ball Lightning
which up to now has no scientific
In hope to solve this mystery they come
up with numerous theories
such as the Vaporized silicon hypothesis
where it concerns
vaporized silicon
burning through oxidation to theories
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
or simply in plain English
hallucinations, but
that can be ruled out in this case
because it is recorded on camera.
Ball lightning can be produced
with your microwave.
Melt a candle,
add two matches,
light it with a blowtorch
and place in your microwave.
The Youtuber UniSotonChem
demonstrates it for you.
Lions Ground UFO case,
A peer-to-peer research case
exclusively on lionsground.com
On April 21 I presented the case live
on lionsground.com
A UFO case with more than 100 photos
and couple of videos
The woman who shared this information
with us
went on August 9, 2017
on a camp trip
in Cascade, Iowa, US.
She described strange gray
cloud formations
that suddenly appeared emitting light and
described by the witnesses as
a disk-shaped object.
I quote
"She stated that she was facing north, at
the north edge of the cemetery when she
spotted a very unusual grey cloud that
continued to
grow rapidly
Her friend was still in the car at this point
in time.
The cloud, which was thin and not a
heavy cumulus rain cloud
flashed a white light
and then moved toward her
as if it "noticed" her
according to the witness.
The cloud continued to move to the
southeast while she took numerous
In her vision, she noticed about
6 to 8 white orbs to her left (northwest).
She yelled to her friend to get out of the
car, she emerged, and they both watched
cloud as it got closer, and then,
a disk-shaped,
solid object split off from the main cloud
and headed off in the opposite direction
toward the NNW"
But the peer-to-peer research concludes
that this is about a far distant cloud
formation that is illuminated
from underneath
by the sun or possibly an airplane with
But the explicable events are
accompanied by inexplicable things.
I quote:
"Most impressively, she described what
when they drove down the gravel road
in pursuit of the disk-shaped cloud.
By the time they got to that road,
the disk-shaped cloud and the grey cloud
were gone, but they
continued on and stopped at the
crest of the hill.
She said that they both got out of the car
and the telephone lines
began to shake violently.
She said that her friend called her brother
in Dubuque and he told them to get out of
Before they got back into the car
she said that a vibration came up from
the ground and
into her legs permeating her whole body
making her hands numb.
They then drove home"
No matter the peer-to-peer research
is still ongoing
99% of the material has a
natural explanation.
Despite this case having many
explanatory elements
there are some things that we are
very interested in.
This picture was taken because
according to the witnesses
something is visible behind her.
We at Lions Ground think this is part
that belongs to the hat.
To confirm this,
I asked if the witnesses wanted to take a
picture of her hat with enough light.
The witnesses also share photos with
scars around her stomach area.
More information has been requested
to continue the investigation.
Until today no feedback is received
from the witness.
What is your input?
On April 29, a video appeared on Youtube
of a strange flying object
made in Germany.
The self-proclaimed researcher who never
solves his research but uploads video
and involves
another video and claims that this is a
similar sighting with pulsating light and
stops with
further explanation.
Habide Garcia made this high-profile
First, the video from Germany
is just a piece of white cloud that hovered
over a light source.
What the light source is is unknown
but this can be street light to
light of a building.
The second UFO video with the
pulsating light
is city lights covered with a thick layer
of clouds.
The pulsating light, what do you think?
What does every plane have?
The flashing light that is required in
air traffic.
This video appeared on Dailystar
that is depicted as Nibiru,
so the story can get crazier.
Apparently the researcher has never
seen clouds.
Here are even more beautiful
high-profile images of clouds.
On April 24, a video of the moon appeared
on Youtube in which you see
three unidentified flying objects.
In the video with more than
1 million views,
the moon was recorded with a telescope.
The person was surprised when
three flying objects drifted by.
Here is the moment that
the UFOs drifted by.
Video by Do not Stop Motion.
The term UFO is fully well-founded
because the person cannot identify it.
Some theorize that this is balloons
but I'm not sure because the telescope is
zoomed into
the moon so the balloons should be
out of focus.
The altitude of the balloons is so limited
that it should not be far enough to get
them in focus.
For this reason, I do not support this
I too can not say for certain what this is.
But thousands of objects fly around
our planet.
These objects are called
Near-Earth objects
called NEO.
Here you see an animation of NEOS
that surround our planet.
This can be space debris to asteroids.
The moon catches light from the sun
and as soon as the NEOs crosses the
earth and moon
you get this result.
The chance that you capture an NEO
on camera is reasonable.
The video was recorded on April 22, 2018.
And according to the NEO database
an NEO passed by that date.
What do you think these objects are?
Share your opinion in the
comment section.
Now the latest UFO sighting.
This UFO sighting took place on 28 April.
The witnesses labeled it as a tall
structure moving north west that did not
change altitude.
The witnesses stated it did not move like
The person who recorded this actually did
not know what the hell it was and was
freaking out a bit.
Video material based on my
technical analysis looks reliable.
The video is made with an
Android version 8.0 and
is encoded on April 29 3:58 am UTC.
The mobile has left no
location fingerprint.
This is disabled and for that reason the
location can not be verified.
What is this?
A balloon?
Copy of the analysis is in the
video description.
Now it's time for a short interview with
Angry Truthseeker
to see what he has to say about
the UFO video.
Hello and welcome to the show
You are the brother of
Ken the astronomer,
so you have a lot of experience
in analyzing
UFO videos.
What can you say about
the UFO sighting?
Come close to my P***es
You smell your sister
Shut the f*** up
Let me say it politely
Go f***** yourself
This is the end of this video,
in the video description,
you will find links to the sources
discussed in this video.
Post your comment below, but remember:
respect each other.
Are you not following Lions Ground?
click the red subscribe button and
enable the bell notification icon next to it
So you have never to miss a video
Want to attend my live session,
this Saturday I will go live
exclusively on lionsground.com
So, become a member!
I'm Heathcliff, your host
I'll see you in the next
Lions Ground episode
偷情小說 | 成人情色文學 | 成人文學 | 第149集 - Duration: 20:46.-------------------------------------------
Mariage du prince Harry : le défi que lui a imposé Meghan Markle pour le jour J - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
Entrepreneur Skills - Repeat - Duration: 0:55.Another entrepreneurial skill needed is the ability to repeat.
Rinse and repeat. Learn what works and doesn't work for you.
Work and adjust as needed.
Reserve the right to change your mind at any time
Repeat the things you do really well
Delegate the things you do poorly to people that can do them well.
Until next time smile
Entrepreneur Skills - Learn to Start - Duration: 0:56.Scott here, another entrepreneurial skill that's huge is...
Learn to start!
Often times people have an idea in their head and will never execute.
Nothing will be perfect before you start
Sometimes you will fail, but then you will overcome and learn to start again
Learn to start w/o perfection and it will keep your inspiration going...
Starting is huge!
Until next time, smile!
Entrepreneur Skills - Persuasion - Duration: 1:01.Scott Bintz here to talk about another entrepreneurial skilll
Persuasion: you can call it selling but...
you need to learn how to sell people on your ideas, attitudes and actions.
Learn how to re-package things and try again
When you are trying to convince someone, it is an art.
Convince them on an idea or how they can do better or to team up with you
It is an art, but you can get better at it as you go.
Till next time, Smile!
Black Men Arrested At Philadelphia Starbucks Settle For Symbolic $1 Each, $200K Program For Young En - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
Plan with Me MAY 2018 // Monthly Bullet Journal Setup // Veronica Marie - Duration: 8:45.hey everyone welcome back to my channel it's Veronica in today's video I'm gonna
be setting up my bullet journal for the month of May I know this one's a little
bit late coming out I tried to get this done over the weekend and then I didn't
end up getting it up until just now so sorry if you guys already planned out
your bullet journals but if you're interested to see how I planned out mine
then just keep watching so I'm gonna start out by doing my cover page as I
always do I'm just gonna write may on this one and this month I'm gonna keep
it seemed kind of floral like I did last month for April but this time I'm going
to try and include some more purples and blues so I'm just starting out by
tracing out all of my doodles before I paint it with my watercolor pens
I took a ruler and actually drew out two lines and in the middle is where I'm
going to draw me then I'm going to draw some floral accents on either side of
the two lines so once I finished drawing all of that I took an eraser and just
went over it a little bit so that the pencil lines weren't as bold and didn't
stick out as much that way they also don't bleed when I paint with the
watercolor paint so then I'm just going in with my watercolor pens these are the
ones I always use I'll have them linked below like I
always do as well as everything else I use in the video that'll all be down
there in case you guys are interested in what I use so I'm just gonna start out
by painting in my greens this is the most dominant color in the doodles so I
figured I'd start with this I'm also going to start with some light greens
and then as I go I'll add in the darker greens over top just to add some
shadowing in and I'll pretty much do that all throughout this with the blues
and the purples and everything as well I'll start with a lighter color and then
I'll kind of continue with a dark color
so then once I was finished painting and all of the watercolor paint was
completely dry I took one of my gel pens and I just went over all the outlines
and details so this just makes it pop out a little bit more and it always
makes it look a little cleaner I think
so that is it for my cover page then moving on this month I am going to do a
calendar last month I didn't I just did a tracker on the one page and I kind of
missed the big calendar so I'm gonna add that back in in this video so starting
off I'm just gonna take the one page to the left and I'm going to draw out a big
box and this is just going to end up being my calendar now this did show
through the page a little bit more than I'd like it to I don't know I might end
up trying to switch to a different pen I really like these gel pens but they can
be a little thick and they're very bright and colorful but sometimes that
shines through to the other page so I am gonna look into some other pens that
maybe don't believe well these don't really bleed through but like show
through is much then I just took my little ruler and I made 7 squares across
the page and then 5 squares down so then once I finished all these squares
I just wrote out the numbers for each day and then I really didn't like how
the top looks so I actually covered it up with some washi tape and then I put
my days of the week at the bottom
then continuing with that floral cluster sort of theme
I painted a bunch more Leafs and flowers and everything up on top of the calendar
now I'm actually gonna let this dry before I doodle over it again with my
gel pen and I'm gonna move on to my tracker page so this is just gonna be my
habit tracker just like usual I just wrote habit tracker out at the
top and then I made a little leafy vine with the blues and then I wrote out all
the numbers for each day of the week so we'll start with 1 all the way to 31 and
then I just wrote out all of the habits I wanted to try and do and then at the
bottom I did have some space so down here I put my notes for the month my
goals for the month and then also my to-do for that month then once all my
watercolor had dried I realized I did one a little bit more blue into this
whole theme so I went over some of the lighter colors with some blue watercolor
paint then of course I had to let this dry again so that was a little bit more
of a weight and then once that dried I just went over that with my gel pen
let me know if you guys think I think I almost want a little bit more space on
this maybe I'll do two pages for the month of June and then two pages for the
tracker as well let me know what you guys think do you usually use that much
space or do you not end up filling out that much let me know in the comments
down below and then that is it for my monthly set up so then moving on I'm
gonna set up these two pages for my weekly spread so for this week set up I
really wanted to try and do something a little different other than the boxes
that I usually do just for each day so I decided that I was going to try and do
this honeycomb looking theme that I've seen before so this actually took me a
while to plan out I took a pencil to start with because I knew if I did this
with a gel pen right off it would not work so I traced it all out with a
pencil and then I went over it with the gel pen
so I ended up making eight little boxes instead of just seven and then the
eighth box is going to be the spot where I put things to do for the following
week then I thought this page needs a little color so I added in some blue
watercolor paint just around the edges of this whole little setup then I
started filling in the days of the week and I also like I said put next week
down in the corner I had a little room up in the corner so I put a little
calendar there so I can kind of glance at what the month looks like and then I
started adding in a little bit of detail on some of the watercolor just some
little accents here there I also added some green leaves in there too I thought
the green complimented the blue really well and it also went with the rest of
the whole theme for this month let me know what you guys usually like to plan
out in your journal I usually like to have a place for each day of the week so
I can kind of make to-do lists for each day and then I also like to have kind of
goals for the overall week but that's really it for what I like to put in here
this time I did put a brain drop sort of spot where you can just write down
thoughts and notes and things and I'm gonna see how that kind of works out I
usually like keeping a separate journal for writing and then this bullet journal
as more of a planning journal so then I had a few little spots that I really
didn't like how they turned out so I just put some washi tape over them and
added that into the page a little bit I think that fit in there really well on
this washi tape I know they're a little honeycomb I keep calling them honeycomb
I guess I don't even know what they would be and then I just added a little
more doodles in and then that's it for my weekly setup so I really really like
how this setup turned out actually it's one of my favorite ones I think I've
ever done so we have my weekly set up and then all of my monthly set up with
my tracker and then the month of May so that's it for this video guys I hope you
did like it if you did then don't forget to leave a thumbs up down below the
video that way I know you guys did enjoy watching this and like my plan with you
videos don't forget to subscribe as well that way you won't miss any of my future
videos of you guys have a wonderful day and I will see you guys in my next video
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