Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Youtube daily report May 2 2018

welcome to my first plan with me video1

I filmed this last night, and then the end got cut off kind of weird,

because... I had my phone sticky tacked to my ceiling,

but then the, like, protective screen on my phone came off,

because my phone is cracked

so, like, it just cuts off weird.

but that's okay!

because it's my first time, I also wasn't a hundred percent good with, like, framing?

so that's why the framing in this is a bit... weird?

um but I kind of like how it looks.

it feels very, like, low-key and stuff

so yeah... I hope you like it!

so the first step is to write out the month,

and I'm using this dark blue yoobi gel pen,

and it has, like, glitter in it which is super cool-

like glittery-type sequins.

and I really like it, and I really like how it looks.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

the next thing I do is I write down a kind of little mini calendar of the dates this month,

so that I can refer back to it if I need help.

I'm using a pilot G-2 07 pink pen to write the days of the week,

and I start my calendars on Monday because that's just what works for me,

as someone who goes to school Monday through Friday and then has the weekend.

I like having the weekend, you know, on the end.

um and then I'm going through with my pilot G-2 07, like, lime green pen,

and I'm writing down all the, like, numbers... dates... yes *laughs*

(zoned out by joakim karud)

so, before I started filling everything out, I did choose what pen colors I wanted to use.

but then I waited until I had figured out which would kind of be a more prominent color

to go through and choose what washi tape I wanted to use.

I'm not that good at doodling, so instead of that, I use washi tape to accent.

so here's me going through my, frankly quite large, washi tape collection

and getting the first round of contenders for the tapes that I want to use this month.

and then I go through a second time and get it down to, like, three or four. maybe five,

depending on what I'm doing that month.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

on the page facing my, like, opening page, I put a habit tracker.

and so my habits for the month of May are:

eating one meal a day every day, and then eating two meals a day every day,

brushing my teeth every day, washing my face every morning,

doing my nighttime skincare routine, taking my meds every morning,

and wearing my retainer every night.

all of these things are things that I really really need to work on.

also, the way that I organize my habit tracker is:

the first, like, row is the first half of the month,

and then the second chunk is the second half of the month.

I felt that this just fit better, especially into this specific journal.

I used to do, like, a grid that took up like a whole page,

and I just really wasn't a fan of how that looked.

so I changed it to this, and I like this so much better.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

what I'm doing here is kind of my monthly overview type thing.

I do half of the month on one page and then half of the month on the other page,

so that I have a nice, like, chunk of space underneath.

and I put the date in my little green,

and then I go through and I write, like, the day of the week that it is in my pink.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

what I'm blocking off here is the weekends so that I know,

because every other weekend I have specific things I do.

I change my sheets and I water my plants

and it's nice to just kind of have my month sectioned off a little bit.

what I'm doing here with just like this plain black pilot G-2 07 pen

is I'm going through and cordoning off every two weeks,

so that I know when I end my bi weekly vlog.

I'm also doing vedim this month,

so I went through and I made sure that I had two pages blocked off to make a vedim schedule,

which I then fill in later in this video.

so I keep a google calendar,

and what i'm doing here is i'm going through and i'm switching stuff over

from my Google Calendar into my bullet journal.

that includes every other weekend, like I said I do my plants and my sheets,

and then I, also, with my skincare routine-

alternating between exfoliating and doing a skin mask-

so I write down what days I'm supposed to do what.

because time is very hard for me to keep track of without something written down.

this was right after I realized that I could pull my laptop closer,

so I didn't have to reach at a really awkward position

to scroll through the days on my Google Calendar.

and also I- you can't really see it in this angle because of how I filmed this-

but I'm going through and I'm putting in everything that's happening

over the course of the month.

I'm a lot more busy the first half of the month, because I'm still in school,

whereas the second half of the month is mostly empty.

this is the last little bit I got

before my phone decided it didn't like me anymore.

and it's just me filling in the vedim schedule

and making it into a calendar so that I can plan stuff out.

so here is my final overview!

you can see that I've put some really cute little spring washi tape around my may front page,

and then I also added a little space for what media I watch, read, etc. this month.

and then also a place to brainstorm my may favorites video.

so I'm super happy with how these first two pages look!

and then here is my final monthly overview, all filled out and ready to go.

and I have a little space for where- what clothes I don't wear this month,

and I will go over why I have that in a video I'm planning on putting out about how I organize.

and here is the best spread I think I have ever done.

it's the one I'm most proud of.

it's my vedim schedule.

you can see that I wrote down what video I'm planning on putting out each day,

and I have little things to track how far along I am on making the video.

and I am just so so happy with how this looks.

I'm so proud of myself honestly.

and this last little page is just a simple little list

of the projects that I have to do for the end of the semester in may.

and I don't actually have as many as I expected, which is awesome.

(waves by joysic)

For more infomation >> may 2018 rainy day plan with me // vedim 2018 day 2 [cc] - Duration: 9:44.


VLOG en français × rien special - Duration: 16:26.

For more infomation >> VLOG en français × rien special - Duration: 16:26.


Fruit dat je gezicht verjongt - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Fruit dat je gezicht verjongt - Duration: 8:27.


Sofía: la niña bromista, natural y despierta cuyo destino comienza a separarse del de su hermana - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Sofía: la niña bromista, natural y despierta cuyo destino comienza a separarse del de su hermana - Duration: 6:42.


Watch "Promise"

For more infomation >> Watch "Promise"


Audi A4 2.0 TFSI 180pk AUT S-Edition S-Line Navi/Dak/Xenon - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 TFSI 180pk AUT S-Edition S-Line Navi/Dak/Xenon - Duration: 0:53.


La Villa des cœurs brisés 4 : Dylan s'explique sur sa participation ! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> La Villa des cœurs brisés 4 : Dylan s'explique sur sa participation ! - Duration: 3:33.


Can The "Vertical UFO" Flying Over City In The Middle of The Night Be Explained ?? And More - Duration: 16:18.

In this video

a mysterious glowing ball

in the woods

an exclusive UFO case


a woman shares her UFO experiences

for peer-to-peer review.

Local earthquake to

unexplained scars on her body.

Clouds giving an elegant show

Moon ufos

most recent UFO sighting and

a short interview


Angry Truthseeker

I'm Heathcliff, your host, this is

Lions Ground

On the 27th of April

the video

"Strange Light in Woods"

appeared on the YouTube channel


where I again caught Secureteam10

on a small lie.

No, DAL V did not send him the video

Absolutely not

He's just telling this

To sound more interesting

He asked

DAL V as you can see

I always say small lies become big lies

which have been proven

in my previous video.

In his beautiful video

and I leave a link

in the video description

you see in

the almost 10-minute during video

DAL V standing outside

with his camera during a thunderstorm.

It's not about the weather

but about bright moving balls

during a thunderstorm.

This is 27 feet from his home

in North Kansas City, Missouri.

Here is a piece of the video to show you

what I'm talking about, video by DAL V

DAL V is enormously surprised.

He cannot identify it and

try to explain what he sees.

He describes the bright balls

as if someone is playing with a lighter or

as if someone

lights a cigarette.

This is about the natural

but very rare phenomenon

Ball Lightning

which up to now has no scientific


In hope to solve this mystery they come

up with numerous theories

such as the Vaporized silicon hypothesis

where it concerns

vaporized silicon

burning through oxidation to theories


Transcranial magnetic stimulation

or simply in plain English

hallucinations, but

that can be ruled out in this case

because it is recorded on camera.

Ball lightning can be produced

with your microwave.

Melt a candle,

add two matches,

light it with a blowtorch

and place in your microwave.

The Youtuber UniSotonChem

demonstrates it for you.

Lions Ground UFO case,


A peer-to-peer research case

exclusively on

On April 21 I presented the case live


A UFO case with more than 100 photos

and couple of videos

The woman who shared this information

with us

went on August 9, 2017

on a camp trip

in Cascade, Iowa, US.

She described strange gray

cloud formations

that suddenly appeared emitting light and


described by the witnesses as

a disk-shaped object.

I quote

"She stated that she was facing north, at

the north edge of the cemetery when she

spotted a very unusual grey cloud that

continued to

grow rapidly

Her friend was still in the car at this point

in time.

The cloud, which was thin and not a

heavy cumulus rain cloud

flashed a white light

and then moved toward her

as if it "noticed" her

according to the witness.

The cloud continued to move to the

southeast while she took numerous


In her vision, she noticed about

6 to 8 white orbs to her left (northwest).

She yelled to her friend to get out of the

car, she emerged, and they both watched


cloud as it got closer, and then,

a disk-shaped,

solid object split off from the main cloud

and headed off in the opposite direction

toward the NNW"

But the peer-to-peer research concludes

that this is about a far distant cloud

formation that is illuminated

from underneath

by the sun or possibly an airplane with


But the explicable events are

accompanied by inexplicable things.

I quote:

"Most impressively, she described what


when they drove down the gravel road

in pursuit of the disk-shaped cloud.

By the time they got to that road,

the disk-shaped cloud and the grey cloud

were gone, but they

continued on and stopped at the

crest of the hill.

She said that they both got out of the car

and the telephone lines

began to shake violently.

She said that her friend called her brother

in Dubuque and he told them to get out of


Before they got back into the car

she said that a vibration came up from

the ground and

into her legs permeating her whole body


making her hands numb.

They then drove home"

No matter the peer-to-peer research

is still ongoing

99% of the material has a

natural explanation.

Despite this case having many

explanatory elements

there are some things that we are

very interested in.

This picture was taken because

according to the witnesses

something is visible behind her.

We at Lions Ground think this is part

that belongs to the hat.

To confirm this,

I asked if the witnesses wanted to take a

picture of her hat with enough light.

The witnesses also share photos with

scars around her stomach area.

More information has been requested

to continue the investigation.

Until today no feedback is received

from the witness.

What is your input?

On April 29, a video appeared on Youtube

of a strange flying object

made in Germany.

The self-proclaimed researcher who never

solves his research but uploads video

and involves

another video and claims that this is a

similar sighting with pulsating light and

stops with

further explanation.

Habide Garcia made this high-profile


First, the video from Germany

is just a piece of white cloud that hovered

over a light source.

What the light source is is unknown

but this can be street light to

light of a building.

The second UFO video with the

pulsating light

is city lights covered with a thick layer

of clouds.

The pulsating light, what do you think?

What does every plane have?

The flashing light that is required in

air traffic.

This video appeared on Dailystar

that is depicted as Nibiru,

so the story can get crazier.

Apparently the researcher has never

seen clouds.

Here are even more beautiful

high-profile images of clouds.

On April 24, a video of the moon appeared

on Youtube in which you see

three unidentified flying objects.

In the video with more than

1 million views,

the moon was recorded with a telescope.

The person was surprised when

three flying objects drifted by.

Here is the moment that

the UFOs drifted by.

Video by Do not Stop Motion.

The term UFO is fully well-founded

because the person cannot identify it.

Some theorize that this is balloons

but I'm not sure because the telescope is

zoomed into

the moon so the balloons should be

out of focus.

The altitude of the balloons is so limited

that it should not be far enough to get

them in focus.

For this reason, I do not support this


I too can not say for certain what this is.

But thousands of objects fly around

our planet.

These objects are called

Near-Earth objects

called NEO.

Here you see an animation of NEOS

that surround our planet.

This can be space debris to asteroids.

The moon catches light from the sun

and as soon as the NEOs crosses the

earth and moon

you get this result.

The chance that you capture an NEO

on camera is reasonable.

The video was recorded on April 22, 2018.

And according to the NEO database

an NEO passed by that date.

What do you think these objects are?

Share your opinion in the

comment section.

Now the latest UFO sighting.

This UFO sighting took place on 28 April.

The witnesses labeled it as a tall

structure moving north west that did not

change altitude.

The witnesses stated it did not move like


The person who recorded this actually did

not know what the hell it was and was

freaking out a bit.

Video material based on my

technical analysis looks reliable.

The video is made with an

Android version 8.0 and

is encoded on April 29 3:58 am UTC.

The mobile has left no

location fingerprint.

This is disabled and for that reason the

location can not be verified.

What is this?

A balloon?

Copy of the analysis is in the

video description.

Now it's time for a short interview with

Angry Truthseeker

to see what he has to say about

the UFO video.

Hello and welcome to the show


You are the brother of

Ken the astronomer,

so you have a lot of experience

in analyzing

UFO videos.

What can you say about

the UFO sighting?

Come close to my P***es

You smell your sister

Shut the f*** up

Let me say it politely

Go f***** yourself


This is the end of this video,

in the video description,

you will find links to the sources

discussed in this video.

Post your comment below, but remember:

respect each other.

Are you not following Lions Ground?

click the red subscribe button and

enable the bell notification icon next to it

So you have never to miss a video

Want to attend my live session,

this Saturday I will go live

exclusively on

So, become a member!

I'm Heathcliff, your host

I'll see you in the next

Lions Ground episode

For more infomation >> Can The "Vertical UFO" Flying Over City In The Middle of The Night Be Explained ?? And More - Duration: 16:18.


Nightcore - SAD! (XXXTENTACION/COVER) - Lyrics 【1 HOUR】 - Duration: 1:00:44.

This video include lyrics on screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - SAD! (XXXTENTACION/COVER) - Lyrics 【1 HOUR】 - Duration: 1:00:44.


No Charges For 1 Of 2 Protesters Arrested Outside Sacramento DA's Office - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> No Charges For 1 Of 2 Protesters Arrested Outside Sacramento DA's Office - Duration: 0:35.


Updating Your Beliefs with Bayes (e.g. how it can help you see what's behind you) - Duration: 12:06.

Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and Welcome back to Crash Course Statistics. We ended the last

episode by talking about Conditional Probabilities which helped us find the probability of one

event, given that a second event had already happened.

But now I want to give you a better idea of why this is true and how this formula--with

a few small tweaks--has revolutionized the field of statistics.


In general terms, Conditional Probability says that the probability of an event, B,

given that event A has already happened, is the probability of A and B happening together,

Divided by the probability of A happening - that's the general formula, but let's

give you a concrete example so we can visualize it.

Here's a Venn Diagram of two events, An Email containing the words "Nigerian Prince"

and an Email being Spam.

So I get an email that has the words "Nigerian Prince" in it, and I want to know what the

probability is that this email is Spam, given that I already know the email contains the

words "Nigerian Prince." This is the equation.

Alright, let's take this part a little. On the Venn Diagram, I can represent the fact

that I know the words "Nigerian Prince" already happened by only looking at the events

where Nigerian Prince occurs, so just this circle.

Now inside this circle I have two areas, areas where the email is spam, and areas

where it's not. According to our formula, the probability of spam given Nigerian Prince

is the probability of spam AND Nigerian Prince which is this region... where they overlap…divided

by Probability of Nigerian Prince which is the whole circle that we're looking at.

Now...if we want to know the proportion of times when an email is Spam given that we

already know it has the words "Nigerian Prince", we need to look at how much of

the whole Nigerian Prince circle that the region with both Spam and Nigerian Prince


And actually, some email servers use a slightly more complex version of this example to filter

spam. These filters are called Naive Bayes filters, and thanks to them, you don't have

to worry about seeing the desperate pleas of a surprisingly large number of Nigerian


The Bayes in Naive Bayes comes from the Reverend Thomas Bayes, a Presbyterian minister who

broke up his days of prayer, with math. His largest contribution to the field of math

and statistics is a slightly expanded version of our conditional probability formula.

Bayes Theorem states that:

The probability of B given A, is equal to the Probability of A given B times the Probability

of B all divided by the Probability of A

You can see that this is just one step away from our conditional probability formula.

The only change is in the numerator where P(A and B) is replaced with P(A|B)P(B). While

the math of this equality is more than we'll go into here, you can see with some venn-diagram-algebra

why this is the case.

In this form, the equation is known as Bayes' Theorem, and it has inspired a strong movement

in both the statistics and science worlds.

Just like with your emails, Bayes Theorem allows us to figure out the probability that

you have a piece of spam on your hands using information that we already have, the presence

of the words "Nigerian Prince".

We can also compare that probability to the probability that you just got a perfectly

valid email about Nigerian Princes. If you just tried to guess your odds of an email

being spam based on the rate of spam to non-spam email, you'd be missing some pretty useful

information--the actual words in the email!

Bayesian statistics is all about UPDATING your beliefs based on new information. When

you receive an email, you don't necessarily think it's spam, but once you see the word

Nigerian you're suspicious. It may just be your Aunt Judy telling you what she saw

on the news, but as soon as you see "Nigerian" and "Prince" together, you're pretty

convinced that this is junkmail.

Remember our Lady Tasting Tea example... where a woman claimed to have superior taste buds

...that allowed her to know--with one sip--whether tea or milk was poured into a cup first? When

you're watching this lady predict whether the tea or milk was poured first, each correct

guess makes you believe her just a little bit more.

A few correct guesses may not convince you, but each correct prediction is a little more

evidence she has some weird super-tasting tea powers.

Reverend Bayes described this idea of "updating" in a thought experiment.

Say that you're standing next to a pool table but you're faced away from it, so

you can't see anything on it. You then have your friend randomly drop a ball onto the

table, and this is a special, very even table, so the ball has an equal chance of landing

anywhere on it. Your mission--is to guess how far to the right or left this ball is.

You have your friend drop another ball onto the table and report whether it's to the

left or to the right of the original ball. The new ball is to the right of the original,

so, we can update our belief about where the ball is.

If the original is more towards the left, than most of the new balls will fall to the

right of our original, just because there's more area there. And the further to the left

it is, the higher the ratio of new rights to lefts

Since this new ball is to the right, that means there's a better chance that our original

is more toward the left side of the table than the right, since there would be more

"room" for the new ball to land.

Each ball that lands to the right of the original is more evidence that our original is towards

the left of the table. But, if we get a ball landing on the left of our original, then

we know the original is not at the very left edge. Again, Each new piece of information

allows us to change our beliefs about the location of the ball, and changing beliefs

is what Bayesian statistics is all about.

Outside thought experiments, Bayesian Statistics is being used in many different ways, from

comparing treatments in medical trials, to helping robots learn language. It's being

used by cancer researchers, ecologists, and physicists.

And this method of thinking about statistics...updating existing information with what's come before...may

be different from the logic of some of the statistical tests that you've heard of--like

the t-test. Those Frequentist statistics can sometimes be more like probability done in

a vacuum. Less reliant on prior knowledge.

When the math of probability gets hard to wrap your head around, we can use simulations

to help see these rules in action. Simulations take rules and create a pretend universe that

follows those rules.

Let's say you're the boss of a company, and you receive news that one of your employees,

Joe, has failed a drug test. It's hard to believe. You remember seeing this thing on

YouTube that told you how to figure out the probability that Joe really is on drugs given

that he got a positive test.

You can't remember exactly what the formula is...but you could always run a simulation.

Simulations are nice, because we can just tell our computer some rules, and it will

randomly generate data based on those rules.

For example, we can tell it the base rate of people in our state that are on drugs,

the sensitivity (how many true positives we get) of the drug test... and specificity (how

many true negatives we get). Then we ask our computer to generate 10,000 simulated people

and tell us what percent of the time people with positive drug tests were actually on


If the drug Joe tested positive for--in this case Glitterstim--is only used by about 5%

of the population, and the test for Glitterstim has a 90% sensitivity and 95% specificity,

I can plug that in and ask the computer to simulate 10,000 people according to these


And when we ran this simulation, only 49.2% of the people who tested positive were actually

using Glitterstim. So I should probably give Joe another chance...or another test.

And if I did the math, I'd see that 49.2% is pretty close since the theoretical answer

is around 48.6%. Simulations can help reveal truths about probability, even without formulas.

They're a great way to demonstrate probability and create intuition that can stand alone

or build on top of more mathematical approaches to probability.

Let's use one to demonstrate an important concept in probability that makes it possible

to use samples of data to make inferences about a population: the Law of Large Numbers.

In fact we were secretly relying on it when we used empirical probabilities--like how

many times I got tails when flipping a coin 10 times--to estimate theoretical probabilities--like

the true probability of getting tails.

In its weak form, Law of Large Numbers tells us that as our samples of data get bigger

and bigger, our sample mean will be 'arbitrarily' close to the true population mean.

Before we go into more detail, let's see a simulation and if you want to follow along

or run it on your own - instructions are in the description below.

In this simulation we're picking values from a new intelligence test--from the normal

distribution, that has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 20. When you have a

very small sample size, say 2, your sample means are all over the place.

You can see that pretty much anything goes, we see means between 5 and 95. And this makes

sense, when we only have two data points in our sample, it's not that unlikely that

we get two really small numbers, or two pretty big numbers, which is why we see both low

and high sample means. Though we can tell that a lot of the means

are around the true mean of 50 because the histogram is the tallest at values around


But once we increase the sample size, even to just 100 values, you can see that the sample

means are mostly around the real mean of 50. In fact all of the sample means are within

10 units of the true population mean.

And when we go up to 1000, just about every sample mean is very very close to the true

mean. And when you run this simulation over and over, you'll see pretty similar results.

The neat thing is that the Law of Large numbers applies to almost any distribution as long

as the distribution doesn't have an infinite variance.

Take the uniform distribution which looks like a rectangle. Imagine a 100-sided die,

every single value is equally probable.

Even the sample means that are selected from a uniform distribution get closer and closer

to the true mean of 50..

The law of large numbers is the evidence we need to feel confident that the mean of the

samples we analyze is a pretty good guess for the true population mean. And the bigger

our samples are, the better we think the guess is! This property allows us to make guesses

about populations, based on samples.

It also explains why casinos make money in the long run over hundreds of thousands of

payouts and losses, even if the experience of each person varies a lot. The casino looks

at a huge sample--every single bet and payout--whereas your sample as an individual is smaller, and

therefore less likely to be representative.

Each of these concepts can help us another way ...another way to look at the data around

us. The Bayesian framework shows us that every event or data point can and should "update"

your beliefs but it doesn't mean you need to completely change your mind.

And simulations allow us to build upon these observations when the underlying mechanics

aren't so clear.

We are continuously accumulating evidence and modifying our beliefs everyday, adding

today's events to our conception of how the world works. And hey, maybe one day we'll

all start sincerely emailing each other about Nigerian Princes.

Then we're gonna have to do some belief-updating. Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Updating Your Beliefs with Bayes (e.g. how it can help you see what's behind you) - Duration: 12:06.


Pippa Midd­le­ton enceinte : qui est son mari James Matthews ? - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Pippa Midd­le­ton enceinte : qui est son mari James Matthews ? - Duration: 3:26.


Le jour où Emma­nuel Macron et son équipe ont failli tuer François Bayrou - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Le jour où Emma­nuel Macron et son équipe ont failli tuer François Bayrou - Duration: 3:30.


[CZ Titulky] Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer #3 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> [CZ Titulky] Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer #3 - Duration: 2:09.


Renault Clio 1.5 DCI ECO DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.5 DCI ECO DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 1:12.


被芒果台封杀,得罪舒淇周杰伦,曾和小S并肩现因人品差惨过气! - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> 被芒果台封杀,得罪舒淇周杰伦,曾和小S并肩现因人品差惨过气! - Duration: 8:15.


may 2018 rainy day plan with me // vedim 2018 day 2 [cc] - Duration: 9:44.

welcome to my first plan with me video1

I filmed this last night, and then the end got cut off kind of weird,

because... I had my phone sticky tacked to my ceiling,

but then the, like, protective screen on my phone came off,

because my phone is cracked

so, like, it just cuts off weird.

but that's okay!

because it's my first time, I also wasn't a hundred percent good with, like, framing?

so that's why the framing in this is a bit... weird?

um but I kind of like how it looks.

it feels very, like, low-key and stuff

so yeah... I hope you like it!

so the first step is to write out the month,

and I'm using this dark blue yoobi gel pen,

and it has, like, glitter in it which is super cool-

like glittery-type sequins.

and I really like it, and I really like how it looks.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

the next thing I do is I write down a kind of little mini calendar of the dates this month,

so that I can refer back to it if I need help.

I'm using a pilot G-2 07 pink pen to write the days of the week,

and I start my calendars on Monday because that's just what works for me,

as someone who goes to school Monday through Friday and then has the weekend.

I like having the weekend, you know, on the end.

um and then I'm going through with my pilot G-2 07, like, lime green pen,

and I'm writing down all the, like, numbers... dates... yes *laughs*

(zoned out by joakim karud)

so, before I started filling everything out, I did choose what pen colors I wanted to use.

but then I waited until I had figured out which would kind of be a more prominent color

to go through and choose what washi tape I wanted to use.

I'm not that good at doodling, so instead of that, I use washi tape to accent.

so here's me going through my, frankly quite large, washi tape collection

and getting the first round of contenders for the tapes that I want to use this month.

and then I go through a second time and get it down to, like, three or four. maybe five,

depending on what I'm doing that month.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

on the page facing my, like, opening page, I put a habit tracker.

and so my habits for the month of May are:

eating one meal a day every day, and then eating two meals a day every day,

brushing my teeth every day, washing my face every morning,

doing my nighttime skincare routine, taking my meds every morning,

and wearing my retainer every night.

all of these things are things that I really really need to work on.

also, the way that I organize my habit tracker is:

the first, like, row is the first half of the month,

and then the second chunk is the second half of the month.

I felt that this just fit better, especially into this specific journal.

I used to do, like, a grid that took up like a whole page,

and I just really wasn't a fan of how that looked.

so I changed it to this, and I like this so much better.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

what I'm doing here is kind of my monthly overview type thing.

I do half of the month on one page and then half of the month on the other page,

so that I have a nice, like, chunk of space underneath.

and I put the date in my little green,

and then I go through and I write, like, the day of the week that it is in my pink.

(zoned out by joakim karud)

what I'm blocking off here is the weekends so that I know,

because every other weekend I have specific things I do.

I change my sheets and I water my plants

and it's nice to just kind of have my month sectioned off a little bit.

what I'm doing here with just like this plain black pilot G-2 07 pen

is I'm going through and cordoning off every two weeks,

so that I know when I end my bi weekly vlog.

I'm also doing vedim this month,

so I went through and I made sure that I had two pages blocked off to make a vedim schedule,

which I then fill in later in this video.

so I keep a google calendar,

and what i'm doing here is i'm going through and i'm switching stuff over

from my Google Calendar into my bullet journal.

that includes every other weekend, like I said I do my plants and my sheets,

and then I, also, with my skincare routine-

alternating between exfoliating and doing a skin mask-

so I write down what days I'm supposed to do what.

because time is very hard for me to keep track of without something written down.

this was right after I realized that I could pull my laptop closer,

so I didn't have to reach at a really awkward position

to scroll through the days on my Google Calendar.

and also I- you can't really see it in this angle because of how I filmed this-

but I'm going through and I'm putting in everything that's happening

over the course of the month.

I'm a lot more busy the first half of the month, because I'm still in school,

whereas the second half of the month is mostly empty.

this is the last little bit I got

before my phone decided it didn't like me anymore.

and it's just me filling in the vedim schedule

and making it into a calendar so that I can plan stuff out.

so here is my final overview!

you can see that I've put some really cute little spring washi tape around my may front page,

and then I also added a little space for what media I watch, read, etc. this month.

and then also a place to brainstorm my may favorites video.

so I'm super happy with how these first two pages look!

and then here is my final monthly overview, all filled out and ready to go.

and I have a little space for where- what clothes I don't wear this month,

and I will go over why I have that in a video I'm planning on putting out about how I organize.

and here is the best spread I think I have ever done.

it's the one I'm most proud of.

it's my vedim schedule.

you can see that I wrote down what video I'm planning on putting out each day,

and I have little things to track how far along I am on making the video.

and I am just so so happy with how this looks.

I'm so proud of myself honestly.

and this last little page is just a simple little list

of the projects that I have to do for the end of the semester in may.

and I don't actually have as many as I expected, which is awesome.

(waves by joysic)

For more infomation >> may 2018 rainy day plan with me // vedim 2018 day 2 [cc] - Duration: 9:44.




For more infomation >> AYANNA"S FIRST BIRTHDAY SPECIAL! - Duration: 3:05.


Views From The Top - Cicero'...

For more infomation >> Views From The Top - Cicero'...


How Computers Find Naked People in Photos - Duration: 9:33.


If you'd taken an engineering job at Google before March 2017,

you would've had to sign an unusual waiver.

It was an agreement accepting that in the course of your work,

you might be exposed to adult content, including pornographic images.

That policy has since changed,

but the fact that it existed at all is a stark reminder that the internet doesn't censor itself.

Someone has to build the software that avoids showing naked people

to users who aren't supposed to see naked people.

Those engineers spend a lot of time designing, training, and testing algorithms,

the set of rules a computer follows to accomplish a task, for filtering adult content.

Which might mean poring over images that in any other setting would

be totally not safe for work.

And building those algorithms is no easy task.

Even we humans have a hard time defining pornography, as US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

famously admitted when all he could say was "I know it when I see it."

But at least we can usually agree on whether there's a naked person!

For computers though, even that is complicated.

When you look at a photo, you see people, and desks, and chairs,

but all the computer sees is this.

Little blocks of color, a million times over.

Where in this fuzzy mess of pixels do the body and chair even start and end?

And let's say you've figured out whether you're seeing distinct objects.

How can you tell what they are, and whether one of them is a nude human?

After all, even two pictures of the exact same thing can look very different.

For example, four photos of limbs might look very different,

when they're actually all from the same person.

With the differences in lighting, angles, and stuff in the way,

it's hard to tell that they're all Michelle Obama's arms.

Then sometimes you have the opposite problem,

when things that are totally different look weirdly similar.

Take dogs, for example.

You might think you know a dog when you see one,

but then along comes a viral meme and now you can't be sure whether that's a

puppy or whether it's a mop, a muffin, or a marshmallow.

Our brains have evolved to do a tremendous amount of this work subconsciously.

In fact, around 30% of your brain's cortex is dedicated just to vision!

But engineers are starting from zero.

Somehow, they have to get from a description of an image as a collection of tiny dots

of color to a higher-level description: textures, shapes, objects;

all the imprecise, big-picture stuff that tells us humans what we're looking at.

In the prehistoric era of computing, we're talking the 80s and 90s here,

the generally accepted approach was to think really hard about what

features of an image might make for decent high-level descriptions.

And then you'd design specialized algorithms to extract those features.

Some of the most popular features to look for were things like edges,

contiguous shapes, and so-called keypoints,

pixels whose neighbors stay roughly the same if the image is resized or otherwise tweaked.

These let you summarize an image in a way that didn't change too much

with small adjustments like rotation or lighting.

The hope was that if you had, say, an image of a kitten, the edge contours and keypoint

arrangements should be fairly similar to other pictures of kittens.

So you could use those features to build a specialized algorithm to decide

which images should be returned when a user searches for kittens.

In the case of finding naked people, this style of image analysis was used in a foundational

paper from 1996, a few years after porn websites started to go live on the web.

The paper was titled, appropriately enough, "Finding Naked People."

The first step the researchers took was to identify possible patches of skin.

This meant finding pixels containing yellows or browns, maybe with some reddish tones.

Skin also doesn't usually show much texture, at least in porn.

As the paper comments, "extremely hairy subjects are rare."

So any pixels showing skin shouldn't vary too much from the areas around them.

Next, if at least 30% of an image was marked as possibly skin,

the algorithm would try to piece those pixels together into body parts.

It would group straight-ish strips of skin color into longer segments.

Touching segments could be paired into limbs, and limbs and segments could

combine to form either spine-thigh groups or limb-limb groups.

Finally, the system would check which groups were geometrically possible given human physiology.

For example, it ruled out configurations that could only be formed by someone

lifting their leg up and flipping their knee backwards.

Any groups that weren't eliminated were assumed to be naked humans.

Methods like this worked OK, but they had some serious downsides.

First, those handcrafted rules were super brittle.

For example, humans don't usually position their trunk between their thighs,

but it can happen, especially in porn.

If it does, the rules might not recognize a nude person.

Similarly, there were a lot of finicky thresholds and settings to be fine-tuned.

Like, why is 30% the minimum amount of skin to accept?

Why not 15, or 35?

Also, to make improvements,

engineers would have to rethink all those custom-designed algorithms and how they interact.

And most importantly, it was entirely up to engineers' creativity to come up with high-level

descriptive features that were effective, and those features could only be as subtle

or detailed as the engineers were willing and able to code up.

So the criteria for nudity would be very rough and involve sometimes comically naive approximations.

I mean, looking for "blotches of skin color with plausible geometry" misses some of

the more, uhh, obvious features of naked bodies.

You know, like breasts and genitals.

Over the past few decades, though, a new method has started to take over the world

of image processing, including adult image detection.

It's called a convolutional neural network.

The core idea is that instead of manually defining which higher level features are important,

you can build a system to figure that out for itself.

You show it thousands of training examples:

pictures labeled safe for work and not safe for work.

Then, you let it find recurring patterns, like spots of contrast or color,

and piece together how those patterns combine into bigger patterns like lines and edges.

Then it can learn even bigger patterns like skin textures and hair against skin.

And then it can start to recognize things like nipples and belly buttons

and guess whether it's seeing a naked person.

The underlying technology here is the same thing that's driven many recent advances

in artificial intelligence: deep neural networks, or DNNs.

DNNs are loosely based on networks of brain cells,

in a "based on a true story" kind of way.

A DNN contains neurons in the same sense that a game of SimCity contains factories:

the software simulates a very crude version of the real-world thing.

The simulated neurons are arranged into virtual layers.

Each neuron gets a bunch of inputs, for example,

the colors of some pixels or the output from the previous layer.

Then, it performs a simple calculation based on some internal settings,

and passes the result on to the next layer of neurons.

The last layer's output is the network's best guess at an answer.

As the network sees each training example, it guesses what it's seeing.

If it guesses wrong, it twiddles the settings on each neuron so that

the error is less likely to happen next time.

There are a lot of kinds of DNNs, but convolutional neural networks, or convnets,

are the type most often used for image processing.

In the first layer of a convnet, each neuron examines one small tile of the input image,

and outputs how strongly that tile matches a simple image template,

maybe a blob of pink, or a spot of contrast between light and dark.

That template is what gets learned when the neuron's

parameters are updated as the network is being trained.

And actually, there's a whole grid of these neurons, one for each tile in the image.

All the neurons in this grid update their settings together,

so they all learn to match the same template.

This is where the "convolutional" part of the name comes from,

applying the same template detector to each tile.

Now, within that first layer, there might actually be dozens of grids like this,

and each of them learns to match a different template.

So overall, what that whole first layer outputs is how

strongly each template matches at each location in the image.

The second layer is similar, but instead of looking for patterns directly in pixels,

it looks for patterns in the color blobs and

contrasts and all the other output of the first layer.

Because each second-layer neuron grabs inputs from a whole bunch of tiles from the first layer,

it gets information from a bigger swath of the original image.

The same thing continues up the hierarchy: each layer looks for patterns in the patterns

detected by previous layers, until finally the highest layers

end up looking for naked torsos and groins.

Convnets have a lot of advantages over the older methods.

They can check situations where there's maybe a penis close-up without engineers having

to guess that nude images would likely contain lots of those close-ups

and then custom-build penis-detection algorithms.

Another plus of convnets is that everything is based on a sliding scale of similarity

rather than hard and fast rules: each neuron is asking itself,

"How closely does this patch of the image resemble a line or a foot or whatever?"

That means the network can be flexible about integrating multiple lines of uncertain evidence.

Convnets also change the paradigm for how to improve a system: if it's getting too

many false positives on swimsuits, just feed in loads of swimsuit photos with training

examples, and let the network figure out for itself how to distinguish them from true nudity.

In fact, you could even take a convnet designed for filtering porn

and retrain it to detect doge memes.

Now, that doesn't mean a convnet is all-powerful.

There are still lots of task-sensitive choices the engineers have to make about how exactly

to structure the network, what size tiles to use, and so on.

So you might still have to do some surgery on your network if you're trying to catch,

say, tentacle-filled adult anime, which has very different characteristics from photos.

Convnets also don't help as much when you need social context

to recognize what makes an image not safe for work.

For example, it's a lot harder to build a detector for images of human trafficking,

because you can't just look at the pixels; you need a lot of background knowledge

about what's actually happening in the photo.

But for the most part, convnets get really good results.

They've revolutionized image processing,

from image search to vision for self-driving cars.

And flagging sexually explicit content is one of the most visible applications,

or maybe the least visible.

Because if adult image detection is working, most of the time you don't notice.

So the next time you're searching for pictures of nude tights and aren't bombarded with porn,

take a moment to appreciate the algorithms, and the engineers, that make it all possible.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you're interested in more deep dives into complex topics like this one,

you can check out our technology playlist over at

And don't forget to subscribe!


For more infomation >> How Computers Find Naked People in Photos - Duration: 9:33.


Emma & Mason - Duration: 13:42.

(upbeat music)

(elevator dings)

- Mondays, am I right?

- It's Wednesday.

- Sosa Catering, this is Emma.

How may I make your event more spectacular?

I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number.

(upbeat music)

(elevator dings)


TGIF, am I right?

- It's Thursday.

- Right.

Sosa Catering, this is Emma.

How may I make your event more spectacular?

Didn't you call yesterday?

I can't fill prescriptions.

- Hey, where are you going for lunch today?

- D'Ambrogio.

- Can I come?

- Yeah, sure.

(upbeat music)

(glasses clink)

- You're the elevator guy.

- I'm sorry?

- It's just, you're usually already in the elevator.

Yeah, it's like when you're a kid and you're out

with your parents at like, the grocery store or

something, and you see your teacher, and you're like,

"Whoa! You exist in a totally different place!"

It's like...

It's like that.

- Well, I took the subway today.

- Oh, okay.

(elevator music)

- The parking garage is one floor below.

- Right.

- So when I drive, I park in the garage.

But today I didn't drive, so...

- That's why you weren't in the elevator.

- Yes.

- Okay. Yes.

We should solve mysteries together.

Is that an actual planner?

- Mm-hmm.

- It's just, I rarely see those anymore.

- Well, I remember things better if I write them down, so.

- That's why I like my phone.

They don't call 'em "smart" for nothin'!

That is not my joke.

My dad told me that joke.

It's important that you know that's not mine.

- Well, I guess we've solved the case

of the stolen joke then, huh? (laughs)

- Yeah, right.

- And that's my joke.

Can't even blame my dad for that one.

(Emma laughs) (elevator dings)

- This is me.

- Hey, you should write that down,

so that you don't forget it.

That was a good joke, right?

- Yeah, it was great.

(upbeat music)

(relaxed strumming music)

- So this isn't the elevator guy?

- Elevator guy?

No. I don't even know that guy's name.

Besides, he doesn't know that I exist.

No, this is Mason.

What do you think?

You think I look like I belong at

a wine bar art gallery thingy?

- With a necklace, yes.

- Right.

- So what time is he picking you up?

- We're meeting there.

- Ugh. (laughs)

- Stop it. Not every girl needs to be picked up for a date.

He likes art. He sounds smart.

I really need this one to be good, okay?

So could just have a little faith?

- Fine!

You look great.

I'm sure he'll be charming.

Nothing like the last five I warned you about.

- Five?

- I'm counting the water polo player from psych 201.

- [Emma] Oh, yeah. Five.

- What are the odds?

Six in a row?

Have fun!

Go get 'em, girl!

- [Emma] Thank you. Alright.

- Wait. Different bag.

- Right.

- [Both] Muah.

- You just gonna spend the entire night in my bedroom?

- Um...

- Don't get gelato on my sheets.

- Excuse me?

Hey, are you Emma?

- Yeah. Mason, hi.

- Hey. Were you just standing out here all alone?

Why didn't you come in?

- Oh, I thought we had planned to meet out...

Doesn't matter.

- Alright. Let's go in.

- Okay. - [Mason] Yeah.

- [Emma] Thank you. - [Mason] Uh-huh.

- [Mason] Silly goose.

(rhythmic, jazzy music)

Yeah, I hang out with a lot of artists.

I'm friends with most of these people, actually.

You should grab some wine.

Get the red, the white is...

Get the red. (chuckles)

- Ready, set, wine.

- [Man] Mason, is that you?

- [Mason] Verner. - [Verner] Come here!

- [Mason] Hello. How are you?

- Excuse me, are you in line?

- [Woman] Are you trying to order some wine?

- Yes, but this gentleman was here first.

- That's actually an art installation.

- [Emma] Oh, my gosh. (chuckles)

- Don't be embarrassed.

People have been doing it all evening.

What can I get for you?

- A glass of the red, please.

- The cab? I just ran out.

But, the pinot gris is much better anyways.

- Sounds great.

- They're asking just for a $5 donation.

It's to provide art programs for foster children.

- Oh, yeah. Of course.

- That jar is actually another art installation.

- [Emma] Okay. (laughs)

- Just.

Perfect. Enjoy.

- Thank you.

- I'm very excited for this one.

I have not seen it yet, but I've heard good things.

Oh, boy.

- [Emma] Huh.

- I guess Tower of Shoes would be appropriate.

(Emma laughs)

This is haunting.

- What does he do?

(leaf blowers whirring)

(Emma laughing)

- No, no, no, no.

Isn't this amazing?

- What is it?

- Raw emotion.

(Emma laughs)

- Oh.

- Hmm. You shoulda gotten the red.

Far superior.

- Well, they were out, and the lady

said that this one was actually better--

- I actually took wine tasting in college, so, huh.

I'm in corporate real estate.

I'm responsible for a few floors

in some pretty tall buildings.

- Oh, my mom's a real estate agent.

- Ooh, I'm not an agent. I get paid more.

Right now I'm at 65 K, when I get promoted it'll be 70.

- Oh.

- That's a lot.

For someone my age, it's a lot. Trust me.

- Oh, yeah. Sure.

- How much do you make?

- I don't really feel like that's

a first date kinda question.

- Aw. You said you're in catering?

Okay, so it can't be more than 40 K.

- The only reason I'm there is to actually

learn a little bit about the business.

I'm gonna open up my own food truck.

It's gonna be painted like the countryside,

and there's gonna be a windowsill at the back--

- Food trucks are tough.

Most can't even pay for their own gas.

- Well, it's not gonna be easy, but.

It's my dream, so.

- What do you think of this one?

- I actually like this one.

- Mason, my love.

- [Mason] Yurn.

(both smooching)

- [Mason] Oh, what a fabulous party.

- I know. I see you've got some wine.

- Mmm.

- Hi, I'm Emma.

- [Yurn] Yurn.

- Yearn, like to long for?

Or like yarn with a U?

- Like Yurn.

- Yurn is the best arts events planner in NoHo.

- So you're a planner?

I recently just met somebody

who still uses an actual planner.

Like a book planner, not like a person planner.

- Did you see Good Boy?

- Oh, simply incredible.

- The glaze?

Actual Sudanese dog urine.

Oh, Mason.

I'm so glad that our journeys have crossed again.

- Oh, thank you Yurn. Thank you.

- [Yurn] First time to the city?

- (sighs) Yurn's terrific.

I actually just spent two weeks in London with her.

Ever been? Transformative.

Oh, I stayed in a chum's flat.

I mean, apartment. (Emma laughs)

Oh, I'm back in the colonies, Mason!

- I was actually in London last summer.

- Oh, you should've stayed with a local.

- I stayed with my aunt--

- Completely different.

Seriously, though.

How much do you make? 35, right?

(Emma chuckles)

- Not enough to afford any of the stuff here.

- Is it 30?

You gotta invest.

If I can give you one piece of advice, you've gotta invest.

- You know, I've--

- You having fun?

Girls seem to like doing something like this

more than just going out to eat or whatever.

- You go on a lot of these?

- This is the best one yet.

Good save?

- No.

- Well.

Ooh! I'm gonna get more wine.

(leaf blowers whirring)

That lady gave me this crazy bitchy look.

It's a donation, that means optional.

- Are you serious?

- Right?


- [Emma] Hello. - [Woman] Hello--

- [Emma] Thank you for the wine. It was very good.

This is for that guy.

I am really sorry about him--

- What are you doing? They don't actually need the money.

Foster kids in this country

actually have it pretty good, okay?

- That's--

- [Mason] Hold on, how much do you make?

- You are an awful person.

- Actually, I'm a patron of the artistic community.

- You are a rich, bad guy.

And because of your money or whatever, you're

probably never gonna address that about yourself.

- [Mason] Actually-- - [Emma] Fuck off!

- [Mason] Wow.

- Also, whoever painted this.

I really, really like this.

This is awesome.


(relaxed strumming music)

Is it me?

All these awful dates, there's only one thing in common.

- Everyone's terrible.

- I hope that's not true.

You would've hated this guy.

- Mm-hmm.

- He kept going on, and on, and on

about stuff he knew nothing about.

- A mansplainer.

I don't know why it's so hard for men to listen to women.

- Right? And that's it, right?

Just listening, just a guy who listens.

I think I get to want that.

I can have that.

- Yep, Felix, hold on a second. I gotta write it down.

Okay, okay, alright. Man.

Okay, Liam wants to have dinner tomorrow.

Seven, yeah, I actually have it available.

Okay, yeah. Alright, alright, bye.


(relaxed strumming music)


For more infomation >> Emma & Mason - Duration: 13:42.



hi hows it going guys its da gta masta here

and today i will show you brand new gta 7 leaks

and actual fucking real gameplay

but before that make sure to follow me on

to get a free chargespeed subaru wing

and a fucking daewoo tico rim

also make sure to follow me on twitter

to enter my toyota pod qna where i ask the car about the vietnam war

so lets get right into the explaining

first off we have some extreme leaked concept art

that ill show off like right now

first we go the late beta concepts

like this car

this is the lanca ES

and is the car commonly found at night

racing against random civics and

fucking exploding

and then we also have this extreamly hot car

which is the sonetti stinger

its like the gta 3 yakuza stinger but better and driven by

bald man sonettis main man cabot

ey, arooso

and heres the last late beta car

a very important car known as

the wu zi mu blista compact

this is the most important car in gta history

as you will find out in the gameplay leak

and the last late beta picture is this

picture, showing the fuck you car with a walton in the background

now i will show you the early beta pictures

keep in mind these are very early and unfinished

so first off we got the surubar bimpr

which is the fastest 4 seater in the game

(a documentary about 2 door cars in gta)

the next car is the legendary haczyroku

which is the best drift car in the whole game

becouse some car designer at rockstar is a weeb

and now the earliest concept art we know of

the doge gaytona 69 GT

its the fastest accelerating car

but turns worse then the average nfs2015 car

and now i will pull the most extreme mission in hisotry

i will call up an actual rockstar games worker and ask him about gta 7

there are subtitles on your screen right now, use them thanks

*dinekkk being a award winning actor*

ok so after that amazing deep convo about gta 7

we will now move on to the moment everyone has been waiting for

the actual real fucking gameplay

first off ill show basic footage of new features like this

you can read yes

this van has a nice paint scheme

fucking shitty golf

rusty piece of shit

my fucking corsa is better rusty piece of shit

oh shit, da crew has arrived

getting to bombai brb


we going to da liqour store

ok guys i think the plastic bumpers on the ford ka are honestly pretty hot and i like them



we arrived in radom

*og civic explosion*

the main reason im doing these subtitles: the mission









COME BACK HERE YOU *i have no idea how to translate that*








*what actually happens when you play trance in your car




*ask mew*






*fucking dies*



and now the most important of all, the story mode gameplay which starts from here

as you can clearly see it says the first payphoon

*godlike song*

hey, arooso

I got a warning for you from fuck knows who

get to da payphoon in vietnam for more information

dont forget to get shot

stealth mission

the most logical moment





*ask mew he can probably translate that*

*vietnamese man*






welcome to brum brum car dealership

may I offer you a rust free passat TDI a tuk tuk daewoo matiz

or perhaps a reliant robin

well, we have a very nice pimped blista compact for sale actually

thats a hot porsche right there

a cadrona

hey you asian boy

wanna race

ill fuckin destroy you

you see my turbo miata



you wanna race my crew ill fuckin race ya

what is this blista compact more like bmw compact

yo das some completely old ass shitbox

oh shit hes fast

holy shit

nigga probably put nitrous in dat

he cant turn

oh you bitch

im switching to gasoline

see ya later

oh shit

oh shit oh fuck

aw fuck nigga

time to unleash my 23hp engine

oh you fucking piece of shit no

dont slam my ride

bitch nigga

i have to win all the money for kielbasa


no i wont have money for beer

like żubr

who do you think you are cheatin on a street race

round da block

me and ma homies gonna spank yo

where are you runnin asian boy


no thats gon cost a lot my insurance wont cover dat

miata gay car fuck miata

ill find out where you live

ay da wheatha sure is nice ey

just putting bondo on my walton




*cannot place more subtitles without youtube age restricting the vid im actually sorry*

there are subtitles here if you didnt notice

*vietnamese scream*




fuji heavy industries subaru


*id place more subtitles but age restriction is bad*

*what actually happens when you play happy hardcore in your car

got da idea dat you got da job done an ting

i wanna say well done u know

now take ma fakin boat and get de fak bak to beijing maaan

and special thanks to youtube for not monetizing this

For more infomation >> GTA MASTA REMASTA: GTA 7 WU ZI MU EDITION LEAKED FOOTAGE - Duration: 24:07.


Sharam Diniz VLOG #13 MOMENTO EXCLUSIVO COM CEF - Duration: 9:42.

Hi everyone, welcome to another vlog.

As you can see, today I have a

precious instrument here. I love music,

I don't do anything without listening to music.

For e.g. shower,

get dressed,


a lot of things. Make up... and today

I have someone who's going to play for us,

because I don't sing or either play any instruments.

And this person is someone that you know,

he is angolan and

recently won 2 awards.

Best Male Artist 2017 as well as

Best Album 2017,

at Luanda Fashion awards.

Tell me a little bit more about your story. When did you start?

Or when did you realize that

you like music?

Because all that requires a bit

of school...

Learning how to play guitar, I also know that you play piano.

CEF: Thank you for the invite.

I've been singing since I was 9 yrs.

Not professionally... actually

music was a hobbie for me,

my dream was always to be a soccer player.

my older brother was such a "playa"

he used to give me letters to deliver to his girlfriends.

I used to go and give them

to this girl, one of his girlfriends called


if I'm not wrong.


Ximinha liked me so much that invited me to go to

her church.

I went there, saw a lot of children at my age singing.

I was super young at that time,

more than now.

I was touched and

I wanted to go back.

This is what I want for me.

I started doing rap, I was a really good rapper

killed a lot of MCs

really? yeah.

2013 was the year of my 1st album.

"Estátua ninguém se mexe" came out in 2015, I believe in November.

Your first album "Botão de rosa"?

"Botão de rosa" came in 2013

and at that time you were an independent artist.

Yes I was an independent artist,

How could you


or create an album being an independent


I had the help from Mi Mosquito.

Stayed at "Milionário" for 2 years

Milionário is a Record Label in Angola.

Mi helped me,

produce my cd but there was a time that

we had different interests.


I decided to leave

and started working on my own.

After leaving Milionário,

I got an offer from "LS Produçōes",

for the distribution...

to do the distribution of my album.

I thought I was ready to release an album

I said yes and released "Botão de rosa" cd.

In 2015, I got an invite

from Big Nelo to be a part of

"A Lenda" project.

It was a good project,

there are a few hits such as

Estátua ninguém se mexe,


Meu Broto.

After that I started releasing individual songs,

until I made the Cartel D'Amor album.

Which one do you think was your first hit?

That one song who made people

know who CEF is?

" Pintor de rua"

Who's from your first album.

and how do you learn to play guitar?

and piano?

How did these instruments

come to your life?

Actually this is a secret

that I'm not going to tell.

I learned how to play...

I mean, I started learning

when I was 14 yrs.

I was literally forced to learn

how to play guitar,

it was the solution of my problems.

I was kind of... somebody that doesn't stay still.

So my brother started giving me classes.

So you learned how to play guitar with your older brother

You didn't really go to music school for that?

No I didn't. What about piano?

I developed by myself while

playing guitar.

In your opinion, a singer

to be complete/ successful

has to know how to play instruments e.g.

guitar and piano?

I think

it is important,

a musician should know how to play any kind of instrument,

guitar/piano/whatever he can.

Because it helps

on the vocal control,

and creation &/or composition of the song.

Is easier to produce

and transform the song.

Is definitely important.

In terms of voice, is there any

specific preparation

when it comes to concerts?

If it is a live concert?

Because you had your first show recently

where was it?

Cine Atlântico.

For this show the preparation was

psychological first.

Everything seems to be


The fear that you gain is just


From our head.


Benfica or Porto?


Barcelona? I cheer for Real Madrid.


soccer or basketball?

I love soccer.

I can stay all day watching football.

Meat or Fish? CEF: I love fish.

I like meat too, but

I prefer fish, tastes better.

Pool or beach?


CEF thank you for

being with us and for accepting my invitation.

You're an extraordinary person,

CEF: Thank you, you too.

Extremely humble, simple,

It is a huge pleasure,

to appreciate your work, listen to your music

I'm sure I'm not the only fan,

I had the opportunity to work with him too,

for "Dica dos papoites" video.

Thank you, once again.

Don;t forget to subscribe,

leave your comments,


Kiss and see you soon.

For more infomation >> Sharam Diniz VLOG #13 MOMENTO EXCLUSIVO COM CEF - Duration: 9:42.


Welcome to the Jam「Splatoon 2: Fail Fleet Battles 🦑 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:10:54.

For more infomation >> Welcome to the Jam「Splatoon 2: Fail Fleet Battles 🦑 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:10:54.


Emma­nuel Macron : comment a-t-il pris les rumeurs sur son homo­sexua­lité, un proche raconte - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Emma­nuel Macron : comment a-t-il pris les rumeurs sur son homo­sexua­lité, un proche raconte - Duration: 3:02.


Françoise Hardy "toujours mariée" à Jacques Dutronc qui "vit avec une autre femme" - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Françoise Hardy "toujours mariée" à Jacques Dutronc qui "vit avec une autre femme" - Duration: 2:28.


Opposite Twin Fairies! // The Sims 4: Create A Sim +CC LINKS - Duration: 3:47.

Hi Guys! And welcome back to my channel Its Jellhay Beann here and I hope you guys are

having a wonderful day! Its Jellhay Beann here

And if you want, too you can rant down

how your day is going so far down in the comments below

Um, but yes! Uhh, Today.

We're creating opposite twins. Now I know

i've done this before with a collab with

uhhh Jodie Youtube

Or Simply Jodie, I always say Jodie Youtube and I don't know why

But, Simply Jodie

A little bit ago, but not too long ago. But, Today

I thought id do it with a slight twist, so typically

You see, these kinds of videos with just normal girls

And different personality's or stereotypes,

But, this time... I never really see like

Um, Like twins that are

Uh... whats something else, like Mermaids!

I never really see like mystical creatures

that could be sisters, so i thought that i should create

A, um ,

Im sorry i cant keep track of my own thought.

I should cut this out, but im not going to because im

to lazy and its to much hard work and then ill have to figure everything out

Eh. But ANYWAY...

I decided to create these two sisters, that were fairies. So,

right now were are creating our good personality

little sim here

she just loves caring for the world and

she likes to collect things, i think, i believe i made her that

I cant remember, but, its not necessarily

like good, "Im going to help save the world"

And then her sister be bad, and take over the little fairy kingdom.

Its not like that, its just sisters that

cant really get along, because

their personalities are so different. Thats how

i see them anyway, like take Tinkerbell

and then that one other fairy , ugh what was her name,

I think she controlled like the air...

and stuff like that. She was a wind fairy

Um, HER, -laughs-

If i can remember ill insert her name here (Vidia)

Um, But Yes, Thats pretty much how it is

Like how their relationship is, but

we're heading on to our "Bad'' but not really

"bad'' but, um just her sister.

her sister that has the totally opposite traits than her.

And they're both really pretty,

Then again they are twins, one cant be prettier than the other. I did make

her sidbfhsbfj (mumbles)

I did make her sister a lil bit chubbier,

But i dont think thats like a bad thing. Or anything, I just

decided to do that idk i feel like i dont make enough "chubby"

Or like...

Not really even chubby, just like normal sims...

I kinda make them all like really twig like, and im like

this isnt realistic, Its not like

Im an alpha creator, and everything

has to look realistic, not offense to you alpha creators.

But i do like maxis match, cartoony

typed people,

and i was like hmm maybe i should start changing that up a little bit.

and thats what i did with this sim.

shes not even that chubby, I just made her waist

a little bit bigger than usually and actually gave her a belly.

and, yeah, so

I hope you guys do like these sims...

Im going to start uploading Wednesdays and Saturdays!


If you guys did like this video, please leave a like and

comment down below which video idea you think i should do next.

What create a sim i mean. And yes, i will see

you guys in the next video... Goodbye loveliessss <3

For more infomation >> Opposite Twin Fairies! // The Sims 4: Create A Sim +CC LINKS - Duration: 3:47.


Bernard Tapie : en proie au cancer, il n'a toujours pas pris « le dessus sur la mala­die » - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Bernard Tapie : en proie au cancer, il n'a toujours pas pris « le dessus sur la mala­die » - Duration: 3:21.



For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D2 MOMENTUM NAVIGATIE CRUISE+CLIMATE CONTR LM PDC - Duration: 1:13.


La Villa des cœurs brisés 4 : Dylan s'explique sur sa participation ! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> La Villa des cœurs brisés 4 : Dylan s'explique sur sa participation ! - Duration: 3:33.


The Voice 7: découvrez avec qui Maëlle rêverait de faire un duo ! - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> The Voice 7: découvrez avec qui Maëlle rêverait de faire un duo ! - Duration: 3:39.


El convencional adiós a la libertad de Iñaki Urdangarin - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> El convencional adiós a la libertad de Iñaki Urdangarin - Duration: 4:37.


[VOSTFR] GI DLE (여자아이들) - LATATA - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] GI DLE (여자아이들) - LATATA - Duration: 3:42.


Emma­nuel Macron : son lapsus TRÈS COQUIN à la femme du premier ministre austra­lien - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Emma­nuel Macron : son lapsus TRÈS COQUIN à la femme du premier ministre austra­lien - Duration: 3:46.


World of Tanks - Kodzik Zaproszeniowy ;) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> World of Tanks - Kodzik Zaproszeniowy ;) - Duration: 0:52.


Maria Callas: Tosca, "Vissi d'arte" FR,ENG, ITA subtitles - Duration: 3:17.

I lived for art, I lived for love

I never did harm to a living soul

With a furtive hand,

so many troubles I encountered I soothed

Always with sincere faith

my prayer

rose to the holy tabernacles

Always with sincere faith

I gave flowers to the altars.

In my hour of sorrow

why, why, Lord ?

why do you repay me so?

I gave jewels to the Madonna's mantle,

and I gave my singing to the stars in heaven,

which then shined more beautifully

In my hour of sorrow

why, why, Lord ?

Why do you repay me so?


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