Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Youtube daily report May 2 2018


What's going on my great victims, it's your boy. Hey guys here and today

We are gonna be maxing out these season for battle pass oh

Okay here we are we got our girl. It's eclipse chilling in the middle first things first though

We need to add some V box

I don't know how much it's even gonna cost to max the entire battle pass out

I can probably go out to another youtubers video, but so far

I haven't seen any of the skins yet

So I'm gonna try to be surprised with what the unlocks

Actually are heading on over to the store though one hundred dollars ten thousand B. Bucks Plus that extra bonus oh

There we go man. Oh man the bank accounts gonna be drained at this one

Honestly, if this video performs low enough we may just make the money back, please


Thank you an email receipt has been sent to us perfect so now that we got all of our V Box

Let's just go and max this battle pass out lets it purchase

We're obviously gonna go with this one plus the 25 tears like no real reason for us not to do this

I don't really want to read everything we get I just kind of want to be surprised once

It's all taken care of so right here

battle pass has been upgraded and now let's just move all the way to the final page and just kind of start buying everything I

Normally buy these but I figured since season four just came out yesterday

Today would be like the perfect time to make this video, and I actually wanted to post this the other day

But I had some internet issues and that that really was impossible, but right here. We're slowly going through all these tears

Oh, my god. That skin is awesome. Oh

Geez okay, let's see what other cool stuff. There is I haven't really been paying attention to what I've been unlocking right now

I kind of just want to buy everything at once and then go through everything and see what we got okay here

We are at the end

We got some black panther looking dude now real quickly before we do purchase all the battle past tears down in my comments section below

Let me know what your favorite item of season 4 is. Oh my god here. We are. Oh my god

There's so many items right now

75 items to go through this this is gonna take some time

Any second now. Oh my god. There are so many things to go through although that one's badass a lightning

Okay, let's let's see what else will be got so far

I really liked that like Wonder Woman ripoff skin she looked so damn awesome

Also those electricity things those looked pretty cool as well back to our battle paths though

I'm just gonna continue going through all of our items. This is our person valor baler

Not fully sure on the name, but she is a total bad

I'm thinking we're gonna place her for our first game on. I'm not too sure though

We still have a lot of new things to go through right now. Oh, that was - holy crap

We have a lot of cool stuff getting on laughter now this duties he's pretty stupid

Why why is he unlocked near the end okay continuing back on though a little banana with the moustache. That's pretty cute

I mean that I mean yeah, cool cute. Oh, yeah get it continuing on though

What else are we gonna get we're almost at the end here is Omega

And now we can finally close that so heading on over to our locker

We actually got a whole bunch of new stuff so first off. We have Zoe and honestly

I don't think this is like a bad skin

Technique it's that's pretty cool. I guess I mean I probably won't ever use it

But nice to have now we have the squad leader screw that guy we have the battle hawk I mean

He's just like an average skin. Nothing to like blow my mind. What is cool though is this baler?

She is just such a badass. Oh my god, and then we have car car buy

This is a pretty cool. As well and to finish it off. We have Omega so for the sake of this video

We're just gonna play as Omega. Just because he's like the final person you unlock as far as our backpack goes

I'm thinkin wait wait wait. Wait a second kind to turn him around oh

Do we do that man this is gonna be a tough one? What what even looks good on him not too big? Oh?

What the hell those are crazy we may go with those you know what I'm thinking. No backpack at all

We're just gonna go Oh G as far as our pickaxe goes. We're gonna be rockin this one. This is pretty sick as well

I'll make she really hyped with everything in this battle pass. I thought like the trailers and all that was just really really bad

This glider kind of matches my pickaxe, so we just we might as well pick it and as far as our trail goes

Oh, I didn't even know about this one

I was gonna say this one looks super cool, but this retro sci-fi is pretty awesome as well

We're gonna go with the shooting star though, and then as far as our loading screen goes pretty

irrelevant but uh

Let's just go let's just go with our boy in the fish ball

This is a pretty chill one and there are some new emotes as well honestly

I'm not I'm not gonna change emotes for this video. Hopefully you guys are all cool with that now

We're gonna hop into my first game of season 4

I haven't even seen the new map yet

so I really want to head to the dusty divot and just kind of see what's over there and do some exploring boom do your

Vast aah I wonder what everyone's thinking right now like did this loser

Actually, just Max's battle pass out because if I'm in a pre game lobby

And I see like someone with Mac skins the second day

I know they're a loser and I know they waste all their money on this game

So I mean I'm a loser, and I'm sure other people realized that well here goes. No, that'll only crap what the hell happened

It's so funny. How like Fortnight bamboozled everyone into thinking Tilted was gonna get blown up, but all reality

It's dusty Depot

What also my game is super quiet right now pulling crap whereas for night fortnight needs to get hella louder

Oh, it's too loud weak. Low. It's lower. It's like 50. Okay. We're going in

Where do we want to land and holy crap? There's people everywhere?

Oh God God God God. I thought there was gonna be a door on the back of this

Okay, not really what I wanted, but I'll take it. Let's go get this guy oh

crap I was

Okay, let's not make a fool of ourselves this time

We can we can do it have some faith because that last attempt was just god-awful. Holy crap

There's odd noises everywhere

So wait dusty is still kind of here. I guess I didn't really see this when I was coming down my first attempt

But where do we even land right now?

So there's all of these crystals on the ground and I could be wrong

But I think these crystals give you like a speed boost not fully sure on that

But that's that's what I got from things. Oh god. Okay. Oh, my god. Are you kidding, bro? This is unfair?

We are landing on literally the exact same spot as before so if we lose here. I'm gonna be pretty salty oh god

I hear shots ready. Oh my god. This is actually such a good start

Oh, no, we cannot choke this we cannot choke this we cannot choke this please do not die

What the heck was there why did he just jump so high all gone

Honestly this game is so damn loud. What would way here right now jeez Turin tilted got one of my boys with me

Let's see if this is gonna go any better because that dusty vivid stuff

I'm telling you. It just it wasn't working out for us

We were getting ranked we didn't stand a chance and it was it was just awful

So we are on our basic tilt around whenever I land tilted I usually always come here

I'm kind of like one of those boring Landers like I find a route that works for me

And I just keep on going there over and over and over yo UT come on duty. We're gonna get the dog here

I'm Tony

Maybe I just needed to not land anywhere near that meteorite to actually play well because it was just it was too much there

Man, I was getting outplayed it was spooky. Oh man oh


Didn't even like it. Have a second to even shoot there

Oh, you know what I think I think we're just gonna end the video here

Something is up with fortnight today where my brain and my skills just don't seem to be

Compatible so I think we're gonna be ending today's video here

hopefully you guys enjoyed my first fortnight video in a while, but this has been eclipse and

For more infomation >> OMG! GET The NEW 'FORTNITE' SEASON 4 BATTLE PASS! - Duration: 8:24.


Becky G fue víctima de bullying | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Becky G fue víctima de bullying | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:56.


배우 황찬호 심장마비로 이승을 떠나다....사람들은 슬퍼! - Edith G.Green - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 배우 황찬호 심장마비로 이승을 떠나다....사람들은 슬퍼! - Edith G.Green - Duration: 4:40.


Uomini e Donne: la confessione che sorprende prima della scelta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: la confessione che sorprende prima della scelta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


Audi A3 1.0TFSI 116pk Limousine | Navi | LED | Smartphone interface - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 1.0TFSI 116pk Limousine | Navi | LED | Smartphone interface - Duration: 1:08.


È tornato il sereno tra Giorgio Manetti e Anna Tedesco di Uomini e Donne Over? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> È tornato il sereno tra Giorgio Manetti e Anna Tedesco di Uomini e Donne Over? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:29.


라디오스타 고성희 5년간 예능금지 이유, 영어 능통 가능케한 국적은? - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 라디오스타 고성희 5년간 예능금지 이유, 영어 능통 가능케한 국적은? - Duration: 4:47.


How to Sharpen Chainsaw C...

For more infomation >> How to Sharpen Chainsaw C...



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I bring you guys a brand

new fortnite video so guys already seen already roll the intro and that is

because today we're gonna be getting straight into what I want to talk about

today today I'm gonna be showing you guys how the Carbide and the Omega look

with all their armor upgraded now if you guys do not know what this is I will

tell you guys later but first of all I want you to guys to subscribe hit that

notification bell button if you're new I'll be going live later today for sure

for sure so make sure you guys hit that subscribe and then of Keeseville and

then hit the like on this video to support me and then y'all stop in the

comments down below what is your favorite battle past season so we have

season to battle past with the nights we had season 3 battle paths with the

astronauts and now we have season for battle paths with the I guess

superheroes I mean I don't even know what the theme is supposed to be but I'm

gonna comment down below your favorite battle path so far but yeah anyways

let's get into the video so if you guys do not know what it means to upgrade

your skin basically the first game that you get is called the carbine now

basically what this is is it's a basic skin but if you guys really look at it

it says that has styles to it or whatever it says basically this means if

you do the certain challenges for the card brighter you guys can look at how

many challenges you have to reach level 10 20 30 40 50 and 60 to unlock

everything for this character so for example you hit level 10 you unlock the

chest piece you hit a little of 20 you unlock the leg piece and then you you

know from so on and so forth I'll show you guys images I'm just going to make

it more simple but yeah basically you can upgrade the first skin that you get

and basically I'm going to show you guys today how it looks when it's fully

upgraded because nobody really has reached level 60 at and they shouldn't

have unless they're somehow hack in the game but yes I'm gonna be showing you

guys how the Omega and a car might look like if you guys do not know what the

Omega is it's the last skin that you unlock in the battle path it looks

exactly like the first one is just black and red instead of black and blue and

his mouthpiece is covered for some reason honestly I feel like that's why a

lot of people don't like this battle pads you know the first game I'll asking

are basically the same thing and you know a lot of other skins aren't really

that cool I guess and I've talked i'ma show you guys how it looks like so guys

this is a video from Twitter so as you can see this is the Omega now I should

probably say this before I even showed you guys this but spoiler if you don't I

guess if you don't want to know how it looks like this how it looks like when

you fully oh great it's somewhat like this this is like a 3d model because

obviously nobody's reach level 60 yet but yeah this house was supposed to look

like for the Omega the last skin you unlock in the battle pass and here is

the carbide I'll be honest the carbide looks very very clean I can't wait to

unlock everything for it but yeah I mean I don't know it looks clean I only have

the chest piece for yet I do not have nothing else for it but it looks like

it's gonna be a very very clean skin I really do like the fact that they did

that with some of the skins and his battle pads they're probably just

experimenting during this battle pass don't feel like they were really trying

this hard to make the skins look nice but more of trying to experiment with

the skins I feel like this is a good thing but it shouldn't like ruin the

actual skins in the battle paths I feel like they should you know put an equal

amount of you know focusing in both places cuz imagine if for the season to

battle paths we had you know the normal blue Knight and we have to okay to make

it look like the Dark Knight I mean that would obviously not actually be even

more interesting because then you have to put more granite to it and more

people couldn't buy it I guess but yes so that's how both of these characters

look like when they are fully upgraded again you cannot buy these thank God so

basically if you see somebody running around with the full armor set they're

at level 60 or above saying you know I'm not saying people I love uh 60 or above

are any good because some of them couldn't you know just be camping each

match and you know level up I don't know I really like how they did this it shows

that if you put in a hardware you get something from and that's what I really

like I hate how everybody bought John wick last season I was like man it

doesn't really mean nothin no more but it's actually me something which I'm

really really happy about so yes that'll be pretty bit of you guys driven she's

like dude azonice tale too you know yeah I'll see you guys on the next which

is beat hardest foot Ryan and the motherfucking Hill cat if I

can shall I begin his head waiter recipes pops I need my miss Betty master

only subject I fail and I'm not riding in the mother fucking Hill

if I catch her I begin his head

For more infomation >> FORTNITE CARBIDE & OMEGA FULLY UPGRADED!!! - Duration: 4:15.


乖乖崽蜕变冷漠男友风?王源演绎HM新系列遭粉丝买爆! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 乖乖崽蜕变冷漠男友风?王源演绎HM新系列遭粉丝买爆! - Duration: 3:21.


Volvo V40 Automaat 3-6-2018 - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 Automaat 3-6-2018 - Duration: 0:48.


Prom | Film School Shorts - Duration: 12:13.

(hip-hop music)

(zipper fastens)

- [Man] Huh?

- It's under the table.

(TV chatter)

(door closes)

(hip-hop music)

(hip-hop music)

(hip-hop music)

(TV chatter)

(TV chatter)

(man laughs)

(dogs barking)

(metal clangs)

(soft instrumental music)

(man mumbles in distance)

(man yells sharply)

(woman gasps)

- Are you ready?

- [Man] I'm ready.

- Yeah.

- Hasan Bader.


Oh, your dad's gonna murder you!

- No, man, he knows I'm going.

- Man, bullshit.

What'd you do to your hair?

So who you going with?


- This girl from Cal.


- White girl?


That's what's up!



Put that shit away.

- I can pay for it, man.

- Put it away.

Hey, Hasan.

(door opens)

- Hasan!


- Hi, Miss Wheeler, how you doing?

- I'm, I'm well, how are you?

- Great.

Uh, is Bethany ready?

- Um...

Honey, did Bethany not tell you?

- Tell me what?

- Well...

I know how much you wanted to go with Bethany,

but we have been discussing it and we...

Oh, look, you're great.

We love having you for dinner and for study sessions.

You just have a lot of family and friends back home

that will see pictures from tonight.


We felt it wouldn't be a good fit.

I hope you understand.

We thought Bethany had spoken to you.

- No, it's been a busy week.

- That's right.

You two had an exam.

How'd that go?

- It went well.

- Well, I'm sorry again for the mix-up.

Did you need a ride home?

- No, I'm okay.

- Hi, Mrs. Wheeler.

- Hi, Patrick.

- Hey, Hasan.

- Um, well...

Get home safe and...

We'll see you soon?

(door closes sharply)

(dog barks in distance)


- Hey.

- Hey.

You look nice.

- Thanks.

So do you.

- I had no idea where to buy one of these.

- They're waiting for me.

I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

(TV chatter)

(woman singing in native language on TV)

(exotic music)

(dish clinks softly)

(exotic music)

(exotic music)

For more infomation >> Prom | Film School Shorts - Duration: 12:13.


本能寺の変ダンスおばらよしお、傷害容疑で書類送検 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 本能寺の変ダンスおばらよしお、傷害容疑で書類送検 - Duration: 1:27.


本能寺の変 エグスプロージョン・おばらよしお、傷害容疑で書類送検 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> 本能寺の変 エグスプロージョン・おばらよしお、傷害容疑で書類送検 - Duration: 1:13.


Parents of slain Yarmouth K-9 officer call for change - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Parents of slain Yarmouth K-9 officer call for change - Duration: 1:35.


Začalo pršet - trailer + odkaz na film - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Začalo pršet - trailer + odkaz na film - Duration: 1:28.


Prova del Cuoco, addio della Clerici: lofferta rifiutata della Rai - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Prova del Cuoco, addio della Clerici: lofferta rifiutata della Rai - Duration: 4:09.


Royal Run 5K/10K - Duration: 0:56.

Hi everyone, we at Virtual Pace Series wanted to give you a closer look at our Royal Run

5K/10K medal.

The combination of the gold and the antique finish, the crown, the fleur-de-lis, it is

about 4.5 inches by 4mm thick, definitely gives it a rich-royal feel.

This particular event is for the celebration of Harry and Megan marriage and it benefits

the charity of his sweet mother Princess Diana.

How cool is that?

Goes all month long, and yet it can be completed anytime thereafter.

Check us out at

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