Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Youtube daily report May 2 2018

Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats

For more infomation >> Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat ft. Lucas Coly - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats - Duration: 4:06.


TOP 5 / Hits de TRAP no muy conocidos /MX - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 / Hits de TRAP no muy conocidos /MX - Duration: 4:03.


"Mi stanno massacrando": Al Bano sull'orlo del collasso, la paura dei fan | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> "Mi stanno massacrando": Al Bano sull'orlo del collasso, la paura dei fan | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:09.


Pesci in pericolo - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Pesci in pericolo - Duration: 2:43.


Marta rifiuta Nicolò dopo i baci bollenti con Virginia? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Marta rifiuta Nicolò dopo i baci bollenti con Virginia? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.


얼굴의 반점을 없애는 5가지 자연 요법 ► Love In The MoonLight Plus ► - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 얼굴의 반점을 없애는 5가지 자연 요법 ► Love In The MoonLight Plus ► - Duration: 5:15.


LEGO City - Gold Mine Grief

For more infomation >> LEGO City - Gold Mine Grief


Tum Ho Na || A Modern fairytale love story || Full movie || Sidharth malhotra || Kriti kharbanda - Duration: 13:34.

Tum ho na full song

Modern Fairy Tales Love Story

Sidharth malhotra and kriti kharbanda

Oppo f5 song

Oppo f5 ad kriti kharbanda

Oppo f5 ad sidharth malhotra

For more infomation >> Tum Ho Na || A Modern fairytale love story || Full movie || Sidharth malhotra || Kriti kharbanda - Duration: 13:34.


'무한도전' 컬벤져스도 소녀로 만든 '강다니엘X태민 매직' - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> '무한도전' 컬벤져스도 소녀로 만든 '강다니엘X태민 매직' - Duration: 4:57.


Aitana aclara por qué borró sus fotos en bikini que suscitaron la polémicaetc - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Aitana aclara por qué borró sus fotos en bikini que suscitaron la polémicaetc - Duration: 2:33.


4 Common Myths About Getting a Master's Degree Abroad 🎓 - Duration: 4:55.

You are one of three types of people tuning into this video:


You're ready to take the next step in your education, and exploring your options for

graduate school abroad; which is something you've heard about, but

didn't really know if it was real.


You applied for a master's degree program abroad, and now the anxiety is settling in.


Somewhere between the first two—or a curious parent of a student going abroad.

Whatever brought you here—HI!

It's so nice to see you.

I'm sure you have a tooonnnn of questions about getting a degree abroad.

So feel free to leave those in the comments below.

[And we'll be here to answer them!]

But, let's get to the REAL reason why you're here.

Have you been hearing mixed reviews about getting your graduate degree abroad?

You want the TRUTH.

Well, call us the Myth Busters!

(Except, don't, because we don't want to get sued…)


We're here to dispel some common myths about getting a masters degree abroad.

So, stick around.


Earning a degree at home is more valuable than a masters degree abroad.

Okay, okay, listen up.

Does the difference between education systems make it hard to evaluate degree programs and

compare them with programs in the U.S.? Sure.

It doesn't mean it's automatically better.

In fact, plenty of international institutions are actually higher than U.S. institutions

in global rankings.

Seriously, Google it!

So, don't go knocking off international degree programs before trying them.

Now, if you're a local Goldie Locks struggling to find a program that fits you just right,

you might want to expand your search to include international universities and programs.

Get out there and explore a whole new world of international opportunities.

Classes are classes are classes—

no matter where you go.

Don't judge a book by it's cover or compare U.S. schools to international ones…


That still applies here.

The hidden truth behind this myth, is that you might find similar course material—

like, a math program in Holland will probably cover the same theories as a program in the U.S.

But more importantly, in addition to any new material,

you'll be exposed to new ways of thinking and learning informed entirely by your host culture.


Maybe 2+2 doesn't equal 4???

A graduate degree abroad costs too much $$$$$$

Definitely not the case.

I'm about to blow your student-loan fearin' mind.

While cost-of-living in-country might be a little steeper than you're used to,

your degree itself might actually be CHEAPER.

Let me repeat that just a little bit slower: Getting your masters degree abroad will likely

be CHEAPER than a degree in the U.S.

That's probably the most jaw dropping thing you'll hear today.

Not only will tuition fees be a little lower, but there is so much funding and scholarships

for masters degree abroad programs just waiting to be scooped up.

Plus, a lot of international graduate programs are one year, rather than two,

saving you a whole year's-worth of tuition!

All the dollar signs might have you doubting whether or not it's a good idea.

Just remember, your education is a long-term investment in your future!

And it's ultimately worth every penny.

You have to be fluent in a language to make it work

Well, that's just a bold-faced lie.

There are plenty of universities offering full degree programs entirely in English—

University of Tokyo, Free University of Berlin, and University of Bergen (in Norway), just

to name a few.

They have a lot of great options and courses for you to choose from.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't challenge yourself to learn a second language during

your graduate studies abroad, however.

What a wasted opportunity that would be!

Many students actually choose to get a masters degree abroad specifically to brush up on

their foreign language skills, and we think that's a maaahvelous idea!

Don't let the language barrier hold you back.

Now that we've debunked some myths and misconceptions about getting a degree abroad,

you can be more confident in your decision to apply for masters degree programs abroad—

or, broaden your search to include international universities!

Because while it might feel a little awkward at first,

stepping outside of your comfort zone always makes meaningful travelers shine.

Develop yourself personally and professionally, and—


All this sounds really, really good.

Maybe I should sign up for something?!

Who knows?

You might stay there forever!

You'll actually have to do it to learn the rest of the reasons why it's AMAZING!

For more infomation >> 4 Common Myths About Getting a Master's Degree Abroad 🎓 - Duration: 4:55.


Buvez de l'eau pendant un mois et le résultat est quoi? - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Buvez de l'eau pendant un mois et le résultat est quoi? - Duration: 5:10.


美國人:我們也在南海建島! - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> 美國人:我們也在南海建島! - Duration: 5:30.


President Trump Hits Robert Mueller Where It Hurts, Could End Investigation - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> President Trump Hits Robert Mueller Where It Hurts, Could End Investigation - Duration: 4:39.


Entrepreneur Skills - Learn To Learn - Duration: 1:23.

Scott Bintz here. I often get asked...

What entrepreneurial skills are needed to start a business?

You need to learn to learn

People cannot always teach you everything

You need to learn to learn on your own

and it pays to ask questions

It's always best to learn from the people that know the most on the topic

Look for experts in that space

Books, Twitter and YouTube are also great resources

We were able to learn and execute remarketing in a few days

Learn to learn. Till next time, Smile!

For more infomation >> Entrepreneur Skills - Learn To Learn - Duration: 1:23.


Kanye West toujours en froid avec Beyoncé et Jay-Z? Rappeur revient sur leur brouille en interview - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Kanye West toujours en froid avec Beyoncé et Jay-Z? Rappeur revient sur leur brouille en interview - Duration: 3:02.


Star Wars 9 : John Boyega tease un petit changement pour Finn - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Star Wars 9 : John Boyega tease un petit changement pour Finn - Duration: 2:37.


Princesse Charlotte fête ses 3 ans : Pourquoi aucune photo de son anniversaire ne sera dévoilée ? - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Princesse Charlotte fête ses 3 ans : Pourquoi aucune photo de son anniversaire ne sera dévoilée ? - Duration: 2:08.


MAY 2018 BULLET JOURNAL Plan With Me + weekly log | bluelahe - Duration: 2:48.

Hello everyone I'm Yu from @bluelahe and today

I'm going to show you my May set up. My voice might be a little weird as I have the flu

But hopefully it's not too much

Anyway, let's get started. So for the calendar, I decided to change it a little bit

I wanted it to be bigger than the previous calendar because I think I'll need more space for may

The title is really simple. It's just my usual gradient

For the drawing, I'm doing a yellow flower in a glass bottle and

I'm just sketching it out in pencil and then

I erased the sketch a little bit to make the line art a little easier to do

You don't have to be perfect with it as it's a flower so it has flaws

it's natural. And then I colored it with the same colors of the title and

also, the bottle using different shades of blue for the water

I didn't explain much

How I drew the flower because I'm still working on the tutorial

Hopefully I will the time to film it soon

For the weekly log

I'm doing pretty much the same style of the calendar just with more orange shades than yellow

And I added some little decorations and

also a mini calendar that I did on piece of paper

I think it adds a really nice touch to the spread and

Then I did the daily logs

you may have noticed that I made a couple of mistakes

I wrote April instead of May

but as I can't correct it easily with correction tape I'm just leaving it here because

It's okay. It's something little that I can overlook and

So I finished the spreads and it's time to say goodbye. Thank you so much for watching and

Hopefully you found some inspirations

For more infomation >> MAY 2018 BULLET JOURNAL Plan With Me + weekly log | bluelahe - Duration: 2:48.


OVC Partnerships With Law Enforcement - Duration: 6:06.

DARLENE HUTCHINSON: The Office for Victims of Crime

has been serving millions of victims

now every year through a lot of state partners

and different agencies,

where our goal is to change attitudes and policies

related to how crime victims are treated,

and the justice and the healing that they receive

in the aftermath of being a victim.

The Crime Victims Fund was established

through the Victims of Crime Act in 1984,

and the funds are collected from

federal criminal defendants once they're convicted.

And the dollars that are deposited

into the Crime Victims Fund end up

trickling down to the states--

it's non-taxpayer money--

and the states administer the dollars

through compensation programs and assistance programs,

and then there's some national programs

that we handle here from our office.

Working with law enforcement is absolutely key

to reaching victims and making sure

that crime victims know what the services are

that are available to them.

DOMINGO HERRAIZ: Crime victims are a critical constituency

for law enforcement.

Throughout the last several years we've seen

many high-profile incidents,

whether we've seen them in San Bernardino,

Orlando, Ferguson.

The OVC Collective Healing Project with IACP

is a wonderful opportunity to really

look at what's happening in our communities

and how we can make them better,

focusing on where there has been harmful incidents

in the community and how can we provide

community healing at the end.

LINDSAY WALDROP: Well, what we know and what Vision 21

has also enforced is that it is not just

the direct victim,

it's not the law enforcement officer

that was there on scene, that are always impacted;

it is also their families, the communities.

We also know that one incident often uproots

years of historical trauma

or of mistrust with law enforcement.

And so without fully attending to these incidents

and looking at the trauma that's there

and actively working on healing,

these incidents will just leave a scar

on the community.

And that definition of victim is really expanding.

OVC is hoping--with IACP, NAACP,

and the Yale School of Medicine,

their trauma center--

we're hoping to learn from the communities

that we're working with what it would take

to really change culture from within

law enforcement so that the trauma-informed

response is ready both before

and after one of these incidents.

We're hoping to learn what is needed

in terms of a change of policy and procedure

and community engagement so that a community

is ready when this incident happens,

so that we can share these lessons learned

nationally, as well.

IACP held a focus group of law enforcement

executives from around the country that have

experienced harm in their community,

disruptions--whether it's riots or protests

or an officer-involved shooting--

to where they can bring the community members

together and really identify what happened

in that community both before,

during, and after an event.

This advice from law enforcement executives

really helps us to identify what we need

to put in place when we're looking at this project,

Collective Healing in the Wake of Harm.

How do we address the need

for a rapid response team,

what happens before an incident occurs,

what happens during, and what happens after.

So that advice that we learn from the chiefs

will help us inform this project

for many years to come.

SHARRON FLETCHER: Law enforcement is often the first contact

that crime victims have,

so it's important for us to make that contact

as informative and helpful to crime victims

as possible.

TIM CONROY: ELERV stands for the Enhancing Law Enforcement

Response to Victims.

This is an initiative

and it's also an organizational strategy

for law enforcement personnel in order

to enhance their response to crime victims.

SHARRON FLETCHER: So what makes ELERV unique is that

it doesn't cost departments additional funds

to implement the strategy,

so they're able to follow the strategy

and implement without spending additional dollars.

Technical assistance is provided through

IACP, and through their leadership they will guide

departments through the ELERV process.

And most importantly, departments aren't required

to hire additional staff or stand up

victim service units to implement the strategy.

The ELERV strategy addresses the seven

critical needs of victims, such as safety,

support, access, and continuity,

and, of course, justice.

TIM CONROY: The current iteration of ELERV

is police departments working with evaluators,

research partners, to be able to develop

needs assessment tools to be able to monitor

and evaluate the implementation process

of the ELERV strategy.

We're addressing and strengthening partnerships

within the community.

This strategy is not just having a police department

creating a crime victims unit.

This is a strategy that is building an environment

and encouraging a victim- centered environment

to be able to be sustained for years on.

Vicarious Trauma is a very important factor

that we've got to consider as we respond

to survivors of crime,

but also to those who work with crime victims,

whether that's victim service providers

or law enforcement, the community.

And the agencies need to be aware

of what the vicarious trauma might be doing

to their staff and their personnel.

And we have a Vicarious Trauma Toolkit

that OVC produced, and that's a wonderful tool

to be able to help these agencies

so they're not reinventing the wheel.

We want them to be as healthy as possible

so that they can continue doing what

they enjoy doing and help victims in the future.

DOMINGO HERRAIZ: These programs are very important

to law enforcement because it gives us

the opportunity to enhance services

back to the community.

Between the partnership with IACP and OVC,

we're able to look at what law enforcement

can actually deliver and be on the front lines

as they address and meet with victims

of crime every day.

(inspirational music)

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