Saturday, May 26, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018


Hi and welcome to the studio

Though on the end of the last video I promised a travel vlog from germany

I did not manage

I tried couple of shots

but i didnt like the result

Im no good recording without the tripod

So... today

We`ll continue working on this design

I hope we`ll manage to finish it as there is a lot of details in it

but hopefully we`ll do

We started working on it in the 5th or 6th vlog I think

where we did Thor in the bottom part, bit blured

because of the focal lenght, i think it is called focal length

Basicly the main object

in here Hulk in the back

is where the focus is

because its the dominant part of the picture

and Thor in front softly blured

So.. today... this


have u seen the new Avengers movie?

I enjoyed it a lot

so I`m realy looking forward for the second part

Even Deadpool 2 hit the cinemas meanwhile

Also cool one

Did u like/disliked it?

Let me know in the comment bellow, I dont want this to by just my monologue

Ok, I`ll prepare the inks, workplace first of all

Let`s go to work

Well whats interesting - challenge for me now is fitting the stencil right

there is something in the skin allready and fitting the stencil on place will be the most difficult part

besides the tattoo itself

but tattooing is fun, the rest is the hard work

So... we just finished for today, dont let the clock fool you, the battery went dead there

Nearly 7 hours

and it aint finished yet

the stencil was nearly a full A4 paper size

plus some background

You can see it in here... see? stencil

So we will need some more work to do on this, there is the video

and the photo on instagram and facebook

if you liked it I will appreciate every subscriber

so thats it for today, its friday evening so Im going out for a dinner, c u next time

For more infomation >> Marvel Hulk vs Thor tattoo / tetovanie (Ragnarok trailer, eng subs) | Morty`s tattoo studio vlog 15 - Duration: 5:04.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI S-EDITION '10 2x S-line Clima Xenon Navi - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI S-EDITION '10 2x S-line Clima Xenon Navi - Duration: 1:12.


6 mauvaises habitudes qui vous font grossir ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> 6 mauvaises habitudes qui vous font grossir ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 8:08.


Voici comment maigrir d'après les nutritionnistes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Voici comment maigrir d'après les nutritionnistes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:17.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S COSMO Airco Cr.control - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S COSMO Airco Cr.control - Duration: 1:11.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I MULTIDRIVE CVT - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I MULTIDRIVE CVT - Duration: 1:05.


Nightcore - I hope you know i mean it ~ (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:32.

This video include lyrics on screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - I hope you know i mean it ~ (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:32.


Demon Blades of Muramasa | Famous Weapons of Japan - Duration: 6:16.

He lived in the Muromachi Period and was said to be one of the best.

Muramasa Sengo, one of the most famous swordsmiths in Japan.

The swordsmithing school he founded was famous for making blades even sharper than those

sold in infomercials.

They could cut through wood, metal, plastic...

and can be yours for three easy payments of $29.95!

The man himself had a unique reputation.

He wasn't very nice.

He was insane.

He would erupt into violence at those around him.

His mind swayed over the edge, about to fall into madness at any moment.

A genius, unstable, bloodthirsty demon who made good swords.

A dark mythos emerged around Muramasa swords.

People associated his toxic personality with his swords, as if he imbued them with his

demonic spirit.

All kinds of outrageous rumors spread.

They said the swords were as bloodthirsty as their creator.

Once you drew a Muramasa blade, it demanded the taste of blood before you could sheath


Even cutting down an enemy was not enough if the blade did not deem the enemy worthy.

And if there were no worthy enemies around, you had to draw your own blood, or even kill


When left sheathed for too long, the blade hungered and pushed for its owner to find

a victim.

While wielding a Muramasa, people gained the power of

anonymous Internet commenters:

extreme toughness, protection from harm,

and an irrational hatred for everyone around them.

There were stories of people blindly striking down their friends and family, people who

went crazy under the wicked grip of their swords, people killing themselves to escape

the madness.

These were merely stories, of course, but one person who took them seriously was Tokugawa

Ieyasu, the legendary founder of the Tokugawa shogunate.

A series of coincidences convinced Tokugawa Ieyasu that Muramasa swords had it out for

the Tokugawa clan.

The first incident happened with the grandfather of Tokugawa Ieyasu, a man named Matsudaira

Kiyoyasu, we'll call him Grampa Kiyoyasu.

There are many versions of this story, with small details changed, but the gist is the


Grampa Kiyoyasu was the head of the Matsudaira clan.

They were in a conflict with the Oda.

A rumor circulated that a loyal retainer of Grampa Kiyoyasu, Abe Sadayoshi, was secretly

on the enemy's side.

The rumors ate at Sadayoshi, and he feared his execution was coming.

Sadayoshi called his son and told him even if he were executed, his son should continue

serving the Matsudaira.

In another version of the story, he told his son to kill him to prove his loyalty.

One day, the son heard a ruckus outside, the sound of horses and of Grampa Kiyoyasu shouting.

Thinking his father's execution was taking place, he burst outside.

We'll never know if he wanted to witness it, to stop it, or to kill his father himself

(as his father requested) to protect the family's honor.

Upon seeing Grampa Kiyoyasu, the son drew his sword, adrenalin in his veins, and struck.

The sword cut deep and clean, killing the lord of the Matsudaira.

Yashichi, the son's name, heard his lord's final words before he himself was cut down

by a bodyguard.

"Yashichi," said the lord.


delete my Internet history."

When they inspected the blade Yashichi used, it was revealed to be a Muramasa.

The next incident involved the father of Tokugawa Ieyasu: Matsudaira Hirotada.

Daddy Hirotada was cut in his sleep by an assassin.

Bleeding, he crawled outside and called out.

The guards chased after the assassin and killed him.

Daddy Hirotada survived, apparently the attacker was drunk and missed his mark.

When they removed the assassin's sword from its handle, it revealed the famed Muramasa


Tokugawa Ieyasu himself had run-ins with the Muramasa blades.

As a child, he accidentally cut himself with his sword.

Guess what, it was a Muramasa.

Later in life, Ieyasu was in an alliance with the Oda clan, led by Oda Nobunaga.

Nobunaga suspected Ieyasu's wife was secretly plotting with their mutual enemy, the Takeda.

Ieyasu needed this alliance, so to quell suspicions, he ordered his wife executed.

He then ordered his son to commit seppuku, ritual suicide.

Ieyasu admitted that he did not suspect his son, but could not risk his son avenging his

mother's death.

He went on to win father of the year later that year.

His son did his duty.

During seppuku, someone stood behind you to cut off your head.

Turns out the sword the decapitator used on Ieyasu's son was...a Muramasa.

Just one more incident, I promise.

After a battle, Tokugawa Ieyasu was amazed that someone had pierced a spear clean through

an enemy's head and helmet.

While inspecting the spear, he cut his hand, then made a joke, "ha ha it must be a Muramasa."

After checking, lo and behold, it was!

Ieyasu said "Jesus Christ" and banned all Muramasa blades from Earth.

There is some debate on how much this ban was enforced, but many swords were destroyed

or melted down.

Now swords were expensive, and many family swords were heirlooms passed down for generations.

So instead of destroying the swords, many people simply removed the Muramasa signature

or changed it to something else.

The myth that Muramasa blades thirsted for Tokugawa blood endured, and enemies of the

Tokugawa actively sought out these blades.

This created a kind of black market for them and many forgeries.

Unfortunately for us, this makes it hard to determine if a Muramasa today is real or fake.

So why did the Tokugawa have so much trouble with Muramasa swords?

Was there really a curse?

Of course not! What is this, anime?

It was all coincidental, confirmation bias.

And the coincidences were not that big.

Muramasa swords were popular, many people had them.

So if someone was killed by a sword, there's a decent chance it was a Muramasa.

For more infomation >> Demon Blades of Muramasa | Famous Weapons of Japan - Duration: 6:16.


Spring cry with the children at Lekhytte klint along Bergslagsleden - Duration: 3:05.

Hi! Today we are going to spring cry!

We do that every year.

So we are on our way up to the cliff Lekhytte klint.

We found a nice stream,

it is flooded,

and then we found frog eggs.


Watch out so the crocodile doesn't bite you!

Hi! welcome to the bar. Would you like som water?


I found something thats written.

It is really hard to see. You can only make out J and G.

It's something here, it's an I or J or similar.

This is a J.

Over there is a carving in the rock.

It says "1914 Erhard Ester".

1914, that's more than hundred years ago.

Dad think that they made the carving since they were in love,

for Ester is a girl and Erhard is a boy.

And hundred years later it is still carved in the rock.

Thats cool!

Finally it was time, cover your ears, here comes our spring cry!

Three.... two.... one...

The last spring cry of 2018!

There you see, the spring comes when I call for it /Ronja the robber's daughter

Do you want to se more?

Don't forget to like, subscribe and comment

For more infomation >> Spring cry with the children at Lekhytte klint along Bergslagsleden - Duration: 3:05.


De Lustkapper op heterdaad betrapt - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> De Lustkapper op heterdaad betrapt - Duration: 0:15.


Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:09.


In gesprek met de Lustkapper - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> In gesprek met de Lustkapper - Duration: 3:25.


La teoría y la práctica de los hábitos saludables - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> La teoría y la práctica de los hábitos saludables - Duration: 7:43.


✅ Bude Meghan Markle pro prince Harryho manželkou, nebo matkou? - Duration: 3:00.

Princi Harrymu bylo teprve dvanáct let, když jeho milovaná matka Diana zemřela. Ač obklopen celým královským dvorem, málokdo si tehdy uvědomoval, jak moc to mladého prince zasáhlo a ovlivnilo jeho vnímání světa

Angela Levin dokončila knihu Harry: Hovory s princem (překlad redakce), v níž tvrdí, že mladší z princů zůstal po Dianině smrti v „chaosu", který mu Meghan Markle svým mateřským přístupem pomohla překonat, matku mu prý dokonce nahrazuje

Podle Angely Levin, autorky nové biografické knihy, je princ Harry (33) tragickou smrtí matky poznamenán mnohem víc, než by se mohlo zdát

Princovi tehdy bylo pouhých dvanáct let, když se svým bratrem Williamem kráčeli za rakví princezny Diany

Podle Harryho vlastních slov by žádné dítě takovému traumatu nemělo být vystavováno

  Diana toužila své syny vždy chránit, což se jí bohužel příliš nedařilo, na malé děti od dětství přenášela odpovědnost, která jim nepřísluší

Svou rodičovskou roli z nevědomosti a zoufalství svého troskotajícího vztahu kladla na bedra svých dvou synů

Když se Diana s princem Charlesem domluvili, že půjdou od sebe, Diana to přišla svým dvěma synům oznámit do školky a malý Harry jí tehdy odpověděl, že doufá, že takto budou oba spokojenější

Později po Dianině smrti hledal princ Harry útěchu v armádě a přál si na plný úvazek chránit svou zemi, což mu dlouhodobě nebylo umožněno

Když pak poznal Meghan Markle, našel nový smysl a podle autorky knihy, která měla možnost nahlédnout do zákulisí Harryho života, mu americká herečka začala matku nahrazovat

„Ona mu tak trochu dělá matku, ale on to potřebuje, a některé ženy to dokonce dělají rády

Ona umí vycítit, co princ potřebuje, a mezi tím je i mateřská péče," píše autorka ve své knize

Meghan Markle podle autorky vycítila princovo trauma a zaujala vůči němu automaticky ochranitelský postoj

Je nabíledni, že pro Harryho bude nejen manželkou, ale částečně i matkou, o niž předčasně přišel

For more infomation >> ✅ Bude Meghan Markle pro prince Harryho manželkou, nebo matkou? - Duration: 3:00.


20歲出道走紅,曾上春晚,上吊自殺十多天才被發現,享年59歲! ✔ - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> 20歲出道走紅,曾上春晚,上吊自殺十多天才被發現,享年59歲! ✔ - Duration: 8:41.


Tým celé SuperStar by se měl začít opevňovat! Kazma (32) se totiž stůj co stůj snaží zachránit pokaž - Duration: 4:21.

Všichni už asi znají historku o tom, jak Kamil Bartošek (32) nad Leošem Marešem (42) podvodem vyhrál luxusní káru

Moderátor Evropy 2 se totiž vsadil, že bude měsíc jezdit v trabantu a kdo ho nachytá v jiném autě, tomu dá klíčky od svého mnohamilionového pojízdného miláčka

Jenže protože Mareš porušil podmínky v nouzi kvůli fingované autonehodě, odmítl auto předat

Od té doby ho Bartošek trollí a snaží se stůj co stůj auťák získat. Podle nejčerstvějších zpráv se nyní něco velkého chystá rovnou v přímém přenosu SuperStar

Trknout do nosu může už to, že Julián Záhorovský, finalista první řady SuperStar, držel při přímáku transparent 1/10

Což je Kazmovo poznávací znamení – tím označuje vše, co se jeho kauzy s Leošem týká, a dělá si tím srandu i z Mareše, jenž si videa také čísloval

Kazma chtěl Leoše asi vydeptat, avšak ten transparent vůbec nespatřil. „Doteď jsem o něm vůbec nevěděl, takže mě to nijak rozhodit nemohlo," svěřil se Mareš naší redakci

Jenže náš pisálek teď získal informace od člověka, který seděl hned za Juliánem a nechtěně viděl hodně zajímavé věci na jeho mobilu

„Celý přenos si s Kamilem psal. Ten mu dával pokyny. Kazmovi lidi znám a kromě Juliána tam měl další čtyři svoje lidi," překvapuje informátor

A čím Kazma Záhorovského úkoloval? „Psal mu, kdy je v televizi, kdy má ceduli zvedat a taky ať mapuje, kde stojí jací bodyguardi

Celé to vyznělo tak, že se asi připravují na to, aby vtrhli do přenosu," tvrdí svědek

„Nevím, o čem mluvíte. Že jsem si psal s Kazmou při přenosu SuperStar? Známe se dlouho

Naposledy jsme si tuším esemeskovali ve chvíli, když jsem byl ve vaně," snažil se zlehčovat situaci Záhorovský

Na přímý dotaz, jestli chystá se známým nachytávačem jakousi kulišárnu, pak odpověděl vyhýbavě

„To jsou mi ale otázky…" Podle našich zpráv z týmu Kazmy se však opravdu něco velkého chystá

Podaří se mu to aspoň tentokrát bez ztráty kytičky?

For more infomation >> Tým celé SuperStar by se měl začít opevňovat! Kazma (32) se totiž stůj co stůj snaží zachránit pokaž - Duration: 4:21.


FOTO VIDEO Rupere de nori la Aiud. Mai multe străzi au fost inundate şi colmatate cu pământ şi pietr - Duration: 2:13.

O rupere de nori a provocat sâmbătă seara inundaţii pe câteva străzi din municipiul Aiud

Circulaţia autovehiculelor s-a desfăşurat cu greutate, situaţia fiind amplificată de pământul şi pietrele antrenate de apă de pe străzile din zona Aiudului de Sus

Lucrările nefinalizate pe câteva străzi din din Aiudul de Sus au făcut ca apa să vină la vale cu tot cu asfaltul măcinat pus ca "plombă" în gropile de pe străzile neincluse încă în planurile de modernizare ale primăriei

  Ploaia din seara a transformat Aiudul într-o Veneţie în miniatură. Dacă oraşul a fost inundat de apă, paginile de socializare au fost inundate de reacţii însoţite de poze ale cetăţenilor nemulţumiţi de calitatea străzilor, şi de gropile din asfalt care le distrug maşinile

Străzile Ţiglăriei, Nicolae Bălcescu, Viilor şi Zorilor au devenit un amestec de pietriş, gropi, apă şi puţin asfalt în urma ploii

Şi cei care folosesc mijlocul de transport în comun au avut nevoie să fie inventivi

Pentru a nu sta cu picioarele în râul proaspăt format, un grup de aiudeni s-au urcat cu picioarele pe banca din staţie şi au aştepta liniştiţi autobuzul

For more infomation >> FOTO VIDEO Rupere de nori la Aiud. Mai multe străzi au fost inundate şi colmatate cu pământ şi pietr - Duration: 2:13.


Fan Catches Drake In Traffic

For more infomation >> Fan Catches Drake In Traffic


4 choses qu'attend une femme de la part d'un homme et qu'elle ne recevra jamais - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> 4 choses qu'attend une femme de la part d'un homme et qu'elle ne recevra jamais - Duration: 8:56.


Volvo S80 2.4D SUMMUM / NAVI / LEER / AUTOMAAT verkocht - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo S80 2.4D SUMMUM / NAVI / LEER / AUTOMAAT verkocht - Duration: 1:08.


Voici comment maigrir d'après les nutritionnistes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Voici comment maigrir d'après les nutritionnistes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:17.



For more infomation >> Peugeot Expert 220C 1.9D AVANTAGE VOORZIEN VAN AIRCO+BIJRIJDERSBANKJE !! BTW VRIJ !!! - Duration: 1:06.


Fencing's Never-Ending Second | Strangest Moments - Duration: 5:27.

Fencing is a noble pursuit.

For a sport that has its roots in medieval score-settling,

controversy is surprisingly rare.

It has featured at every Summer Olympic Games

since the birth of the modern Olympic movement in 1896.

During those years, fencing has stayed largely

out of the spotlight.

As a minority sport where honour and respect are key,

scandal is practically unheard of.

That all changed in 2012.

Before we get to all that,

a quick guide to Olympic fencing.

Epee bouts are the most straightforward type

of fencing contest to watch and referee.

The rules are simple -

the first fencer to hit their opponent,

on any part of their body, earns a point.

After each point, the fencers

return to their "en garde" positions

and they go again.

Whoever has the most points

when time expires is the winner.

If the two fencers hit each other at the same time,

they're both awarded a point.

The exception to this rule is when the scores are tied

and the next hit would win the match.

In these circumstances,

the scores remain the same and the bout restarts.

The women's Epee semifinal in 2012

saw reigning Olympic champion Britta Heidemann

take on South Korea's Shin A-lam.

As we just said, whoever could land the most hits

in the time available would win the bout.

But that's not strictly true. It isn't quite that simple.

Before a sudden-death extra minute starts,

one fencer is randomly assigned "priority",

meaning that in the event of a tie they're awarded the win.

Going into the extra minute Shin A-lam had priority,

so a draw would be enough

for her to progress to the final.

It was cagey.

As they entered the extra minute,

the scores were locked at 5-5.

The priority rule meant

that the onus was on Heidemann to attack.

Shin was in control.

With 24 seconds remaining,

Heidemann went on the offensive.

In the space of 20 seconds, she registered five hits.

Unfortunately for her,

each one was successfully countered by Shin,

resulting in a series of double hits,

none of which registered as points.

Time was running out.

With one second on the clock, it was do-or-die for Heidemann.

Another attempt failed.

She tried again. No luck.

The official clock was still showing one second.

She tried again.

Shin forced another double hit.

Incredibly, the clock still displayed one second.

The fencing clock ticks down

in increments of one full second.

So whether there's one thousandth

of a second remaining or a full second remaining,

the clock will display one second.

But after three Heidemann attacks,

Shin knew that there could only be fractions of a second left.

Victory was in sight.

The referee asked the timekeeper

to ensure that the clock was correct.

The timekeeper misinterpreted this instruction,

and started the clock, which immediately hit zero.

The crowd thought it was all over,

and Shin appeared to have won.

But the bout hadn't officially restarted,

so the elapsed time didn't count.

It was up to the referee to put time back on the clock.

The smallest number that could go on the clock

was a full second.

REFEREE: En garde, s'il vous plait.

It was inaccurate, but she had no choice.

Heidemann had another chance, and she had time to play with.

Shin was distraught.

COACH: One second!

Her coach was furious,

but his protests fell on deaf ears.

It meant there would be another chance for Heidemann,

who wasn't ready to give up her title of Olympic Champion.

REFEREE: En garde. Allez.

It was a clean hit as time expired.

Heartbreak for Shin.

The Koreans launched an appeal.

According to fencing rules,

Shin A-lam could not leave the piste

while the officials analysed the appeal.

She waited. And waited...

And the winner of the second semifinal,

representing Germany,

Britta Heidemann.

Even after the official appeal was rejected,

she remained on the piste in tears,

eventually being escorted off by officials

from the International Fencing Federation.

In total, she was there for 70 heart-breaking minutes.

The image of Shin sat alone on the piste

weeping uncontrollably

became an iconic moment of the 2012 Olympic Games.

And the fans inside the Excel Arena left

knowing that they had witnessed

a bizarre slice of Olympic Games history.

For more infomation >> Fencing's Never-Ending Second | Strangest Moments - Duration: 5:27.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat AMG Line | Prestige | COMAND | LED - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat AMG Line | Prestige | COMAND | LED - Duration: 1:07.



For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner 170C 1.9 D DISTRIBUTIE SET + KOPPELINGSSET VERVANGEN VESTIGING LIMMEN !!! - Duration: 1:05.


Mitsubishi Pajero 3.2 DI-D INSTYLE VAN AUTOMAAT!! Leder/Climate/Cruise - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Pajero 3.2 DI-D INSTYLE VAN AUTOMAAT!! Leder/Climate/Cruise - Duration: 1:12.


How Some People Echolocate Like Bats - Duration: 4:15.

SciShow is supported by Skillshare.


You may know that animals like bats and dolphins

can use sound to 'see' their surroundings.

It's called echolocation, and it's kind of like sonar.

They make noises that travel around them and bounce off nearby objects.

Their brains are actually able to translate the reflections of those sounds

into a kind of three dimensional picture of their surroundings.

Which is a pretty neat trick.

And, as it turns out, it's one your brain can perform, too.

That's right—humans can echolocate, thanks to our big, flexible brains.

It's just that we usually don't, because most of us can rely on our vision.

Most of the people who echolocate are blind,

and it helps them navigate what they can't see.

By making clicking noises that last a few milliseconds

and then listening to the reflected sound waves,

they're able to obtain information about the size, shape and texture of objects

as well as their distance from them.

And that allows them to build a mental map of their surroundings—

detailed enough for some that they can go hiking or even ride a bicycle.

The clicks can vary in volume and number as needed,

and are higher in frequency than normal speech.

Other echolocating animals use higher frequency sounds, too,

probably because they provide greater resolution,

even though they don't travel as far.

And human echolocators emit their sonar-like sound

in a focused, 60-degree 'cone of perception'.

Practice makes the clicks faster and sharper

than the clucking sounds you might make,

so they're more directed and the returning sounds are less muddled.

These clicks only detail what's in front of the echolocator, though.

When researchers prevent head turning, human echolocators have trouble

understanding their surroundings and are more easily disoriented.

And that's different from bats, which have rotating ears

to allow them to hear sound reflections from all around.

Echolocation in dolphins is a whole other thing,

as they use specialized fat deposits to focus their sounds

and basically hear with their whole heads.

And, of course, they just echolocate naturally—we don't.

Some blind people do sort of stumble into echolocation.

But relatively few navigate this way, even though it can be taught.

We don't know exactly why that is,

but experts suspect it's because most don't realize it's an option.

Even people who aren't blind can learn to echolocate,

though it takes time and not everyone who's tried is great at it.

Those that are may actually rewire their brains to quote "see" sounds.

A 2011 study used functional magnetic resonance imaging—

a technique which monitors blood flow to see brain activity in real time—

to compare the brains of two people with normal vision

to two blind echolocators: one who was blind from infancy,

and one who lost their sight as a teenager.

In both blind subjects, parts of the brain normally used for visual processing

were active during echolocation.

That suggests that those parts of the brain can get rewired

to "visualize" the world using sound instead.

But the study was small and it didn't compare sighted echolocators to blind ones,

so we don't know if similar changes can occur for everyone who learns the skill.

And unfortunately, most of the few studies examining human echolocation

have been similarly tiny, so our understanding of it is very limited.

Still, the fact that any people can echolocate at all

shows just how adaptable our brains really are.

And you're watching SciShow so I bet you like to

teach your adaptable brain new things.

Skillshare is an online learning community with over 20,000 classes

in video production, technology and pretty much anything you're interested in.

I was inspired by the idea of visualizing a space I've never seen before

and checked out this Concept Art course on drawing imaginary worlds.

Definitely not the same as echolocation,

but still a really cool, in-depth look at how one artist builds worlds.

If you want to drawing your own imaginary world, or pick up any new skill,

Skillshare is offering SciShow viewers 2 months of Skillshare for FREE!

To get access to over 20,000 classes,

click the link in the description to sign up and start adapting your brain today!


For more infomation >> How Some People Echolocate Like Bats - Duration: 4:15.


How to chnage your grill // VLOG_#05 // midnight. チェーシング・ドリームズ - Duration: 7:56.

Welcome. Today we open the packages!

Let's see what's inside :P

This one and this one

Let's goooooo!

There is some dirt, collected over the years

Gonna clean it just a little bit.


There are also a lot of old bugs D:

Let's install the grill and see, what it looks like

ohhh myyy gooood

there is another big one ... what's that S:

Out there are so many cops!

I just can't tell why..

Wait .. will show you..

There are like everywhere in this area

whatever, let's continue the install..

The problem is we got the standard holes..

like the OEM one, but...

But this one got some custom made ones right there

Which obviously aren't on the new one

That means I have to improvise.

Some where here I guess... will do the job :D

That will do .

I guess it's centered, isn't it?

Okaaaay , I think it's installed for the most part.

But here's the result.

Okay, now all fits right in..

I think it looks way better

I hate the grey'ish plastic the OEM had

Ahh forgot!

I will let you hear the OEM Exhaust, so you have a comparison for another VLOG

New Exhaust/Muffler Installation coming in the next VLOG!!

I will end the VLOG now

Somewhere in the next 3 VLOGS I will do another roadtrip

Will keep the destination a secret :P

Guess then we finally get some fresh content !

Stay tuned for that! Thanks for watching.

Wieder schauen, rein gehauen :P

For more infomation >> How to chnage your grill // VLOG_#05 // midnight. チェーシング・ドリームズ - Duration: 7:56.


Mitsubishi Pajero 3.2 DI-D INSTYLE VAN AUTOMAAT MARGE/GEEN BTW/Leer - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Pajero 3.2 DI-D INSTYLE VAN AUTOMAAT MARGE/GEEN BTW/Leer - Duration: 1:12.


Pour vous débarrasser de la graisse en trop en un mois, mangez CECI au petit-déjeuner ! - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Pour vous débarrasser de la graisse en trop en un mois, mangez CECI au petit-déjeuner ! - Duration: 7:08.


Dodo: Uśmiech Twój zobaczyć chcę ( Soy Luna 3: Quiero verte sonreir ) polska wersja - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Dodo: Uśmiech Twój zobaczyć chcę ( Soy Luna 3: Quiero verte sonreir ) polska wersja - Duration: 3:16.


Plumbing Video Inspection San Juan Capistrano CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Video Inspection Capistrano - Duration: 1:10.

Plumbing Video Inspection San Juan Capistrano CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

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We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Plumbing Video Inspection San Juan Capistrano CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Video Inspection Capistrano - Duration: 1:10.


La taille de votre bouche pourrait révéler votre caractère amoureux. - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> La taille de votre bouche pourrait révéler votre caractère amoureux. - Duration: 6:58.


Les gens toujours en retard sont les plus optimistes - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Les gens toujours en retard sont les plus optimistes - Duration: 9:41.


The basis for Stork Part 1 / Marina Klyatskaya - Duration: 14:08.

For more infomation >> The basis for Stork Part 1 / Marina Klyatskaya - Duration: 14:08.


6 mauvaises habitudes qui vous font grossir ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> 6 mauvaises habitudes qui vous font grossir ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 8:08.


Real Madrid - Liverpool. La tentative de Sergio Ramos, Mohamed Salah a été contraint d'abandonner - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Real Madrid - Liverpool. La tentative de Sergio Ramos, Mohamed Salah a été contraint d'abandonner - Duration: 1:41.


UBC Blue & Gold Campaign for Students - Aarthi Gobinath interview - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> UBC Blue & Gold Campaign for Students - Aarthi Gobinath interview - Duration: 1:39.


Incredibles 2 Jack Jack

For more infomation >> Incredibles 2 Jack Jack


Soy Luna 3x29-Matteo megtalálja Emilia telefonját [magyar f.] - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3x29-Matteo megtalálja Emilia telefonját [magyar f.] - Duration: 1:14.


BREAKING: President Trump Just Scared The HELL Out Of - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: President Trump Just Scared The HELL Out Of - Duration: 11:10.


Real Madrid 0-0 Liverpool, LIVE score: Mohamed Salah forced off injured in Champions League final - Duration: 6:51.

Real Madrid 0-0 Liverpool, LIVE score: Mohamed Salah forced off injured in Champions League final

3min: No chances in the early moments of this match.

Good start from Liverpool though who are not showing too many nerves so far as they put the pressure on the holders.

6min: First opening for Liverpool as they win a free-kick on the corner of the Madrid box, but the ball played short for Mohamed Salah is well read by Madrid as they charge down the Egyptian's 23-yard drive.

9min: Madrid are looking a little rattled at the moment.

Keylor Navas is forced to rush out his goal to intercept a through ball with Liverpool just failing to take advantage of the keeper ending up in no-man's land.

11min: It has taken over ten minutes and for just about the first time in this game, Madrid have put together a passing move.

It results in Marcelo having a hit and hope from 25 yards and drilling wide of goal but that's the first we have seen them as an attacking unit.

13min: Toni Kroos won't get away with too any more of those, making a clumsy challenge to bring down Sadio Mane who was looking to counter after Liverpool won back possession.

Kroos gives away a free-kick but is perhaps rather fortunate to avoid a booking.

15min: More threats from Liverpool as James Milner, Salah and Mane all see shots blocked inside the box in a matter of seconds.

16min: Liverpool were error free inside the first 15 minutes but poor play leads to Madrid countering down the right through Cristiano Ronaldo, who after cantering inside the box fires just over the bar from an acute angle.

He wasn't far away but there were better options inside the box.

That is a let-off for the Reds who still look the better team.

18min: Chance for Liverpool! Dani Carvajal suffers a brain lapse after kicking the ball straight out for a corner (who knows who he was trying to pass to?) and from the set-piece Virgil van Dijk towers above Keylor Navas to loop a header over the bar.

21min: Madrid appear to be struggling with the Liverpool press.

Building from the back is constantly leaving the Spanish side with no options as Sergio Ramos is forced to hack the ball clear with no short passes available to him.

23min: Liverpool are getting closer! An unmarked Roberto Firmino collects a cut-back before seeing his shot blocked, with Trent Alexander-Arnold's follow up effort across goal on the rebound well gathered by Navas.

26min: Big problems for Liverpool.

Sergio Ramos and Salah tumble while trying to win the ball and it results in the Liverpool forward landing awkwardly on his shoulder.

He will need treatment at the very least on the pitch.

27min: Panic over? Salah is back to his feet and, although he still looks hurt, it seems he will continue.

29min: Now there is real concern for Liverpool.

Salah is down again and he is in tears, hinting his night is over.

Liverpool fans in the stands have hands behind their heads.

Understandable - this is a huge blow early in the game.

31min: Off goes Salah and on in his place is Adam Lallana.

Given how crucial Salah is to Liverpool it will be interesting to see how this affects their confidence now.

34min: Now Madrid have an injury concern, Dani Carvajal picked up a knock in the warm-up and he now has gone down injured - it's not looking good for him either.

37min: Not good at all.

With what looks like a hamstring injury, Carvajal is the second player limping off in tears as he is replaced by Nacho.

41min: Where has this first-half gone? The big shock is still no clear-cut chances, but those two injuries have ruined any chance of this game flowing in the last 10 minutes.

43min: Chance for Madrid! Ronaldo meets a a cross with a header that is brilliantly saved by Loris Karius before Karim Benzema tucks away the round.

The offside flag though is up and while it is not clear who it was for, Ronaldo was marginally offside for the header.

The top and bottom of it is Liverpool are saved by the offside flag.

45+3min: Last chance of the half but Karius always seemed to have Benzema's shot covered as the striker fired wide from 25 yards.

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