Monday, July 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2018

Cheryl Tweedy: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Cheryl Tweedy, who is also known as Cheryl Cole but just goes by Cheryl in her professional career, and her boyfriend, Liam Payne, have split.

Cheryl, 35, rose to fame as part of the all-girl singing group, Girls Aloud.

While with the group, Cheryl launched her solo career.

She is well-known in the U.K., and works as a television host and model.

She is a mom of one son, Bear, who recently turned 1.

Here's what you need to know:.

She & Payne Announced Their Split on Social Media & Are Dedicated to Raising Their Son, Bear, Together‌.

Cheryl and Liam Payne — who is 10 years her junior — started dating in 2015, after meeting on the UK version of X Factor when Cheryl was a judge.

In early 2016, the couple's relationship was red hot — and X Factor judge Simon Cowell told The Sun that the two were very happy together.

"I saw them together and we had a really nice dinner.

They were on good form.

They're like two little chipmunks madly in love.

Literally, they were so cute.

But importantly they both seemed very happy over here and very relaxed.

I'm happy for them," Cowell, who is responsible for putting together Payne's former band, One Direction, told the outlet.

In February 2017, Cheryl confirmed that she was pregnant with Payne's child by posing with her baby bump in a photo for The Prince's Trust and L'Oreal Paris.

She gave birth to their son, Bear, in March 2017.

Cheryl and Liam Payne announced their split on their respective social media accounts on Sunday, July 1.

"We are sad to announce that we are going our separate ways.

It's been a tough decision for us to make.

We still have so much love for each other as a family.

Bear is our world and we ask that you respect his privacy as we navigate our way through this together," the message read.

The couple has refrained from sharing photos of their son on social media.

The most recent was posted by Payne and only shows Bear's little hand.

You can see it below.

  Can't believe my little man is one today, where does the time go? Happy birthday son you're my world.

For more infomation >> Cheryl Tweedy: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 4:24.


Jason Washington Was Shot Dead by PSU Cops | - Duration: 6:19.

Jason Washington Was Shot Dead by PSU Cops |

Jason Washington was shot dead by Portland State University cops while trying to break-up a fight outside of a bar, witnesses said.

The incident happened at around 1:30 a.m.

on June 29, close to the Cheerful Tortoise bar.

Police had been responding to a disturbance call in the area.

Witness Keyaira Smith told KPTV, "It started a little earlier in the night and it led up to yelling across streets.

And then, from there, it just kind of took a turn from the worst." A video posted by Fox Portland's Tyler Dumont shows the officers opening fire on the man:.

Keyaira Smith told Oregon Public Broadcasting that the incident began with a man wearing blue using racial slurs.

KPTV reports that Washington was armed with a gun in a holster on his hip and that police could be heard saying, "Drop the gun," prior to opening fire.

Keyaira Smith told the station, "He had fallen and hit the ground, and you hear the pistol hit the ground, and from there I didn't see if it had fallen out of his pocket – they said it fell out of his pocket, and that he picked it back up." The KPTV report says that Washington had apparently been attempting to hold back his friend.

Smith told Oregon Public Broadcasting, "The gun slipped out of the holster when he had fallen, and I think he may have tried to retrieve it.

Then they said 'gun.' There was absolutely no hesitation at all.

[The officer] went straight for his gun." Smith said Washington had his back to the officers when he was shot.

According to his Facebook page, Washington was a U.S.

Navy veteran.

Since November 1997, Washington had worked for the U.S.

Post Office.

He says on his LinkedIn page that he work as a city carrier Washington graduated from Franklin High School in Portland, Oregon.

He also attended Portland Community College.

KOIN was the first to report that the cops in question were Shawn McKenzie and James Dewey.

No officers were injured during the shooting.

McKenzie and Dewey are listed as "Campus Police Officers" on the Portland Police Department website.

KPIC reported in April 2018 that James Dewey graduated from the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training Basic Police Class.

Both Dewey and McKenzie have been sworn PSU officers since 2016.

McKenzie has been a public safety officer since 2002, Dewey since 2014, reports KOIN.

In November 2013, McKenzie had been the arresting officer in a trespass case involving a Japanese PSU student who was accused of trespassing for parking in a school garage without a proper permit.

The charges against Koji Ono were dropped on the day of his trial.

In a statement, the Portland Police Department said that both of the officers involved in the shooting have been placed on administrative leave.

The press release reads, "The investigation is in its early stages and additional information will be released as the investigation continues and more information is learned." Washington was found dead at the scene.

Witness Andy Hansen, who was working nearby, told the Oregonian that the gunfire "sounded like a burst of firecrackers.

" Hansen shortly after the shooting he saw around 10 police cruisers at the scene.

The Portland State University police have been armed since a 2014 vote by the board of trustees, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting.

When the announcement was made that police on campus were to be armed, a student was quoted in a survey as saying, "I am so worried about having armed police at school.

I am a tall African American Male.

I have had to swallow my pride too many times to get away from 'Jumpy Officers' alive.

I hate to think of paying so much money to be at PSU and have the potential to have negative experiences with someone I help to pay.".

For more infomation >> Jason Washington Was Shot Dead by PSU Cops | - Duration: 6:19.


Presentación curso Proceso de Informes CNULD - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Presentación curso Proceso de Informes CNULD - Duration: 6:28.


「Hatake Takahashi」 | BREAKING NEWS | 大麻使用の韓流アイドル退院も、「BIGBANG」のT.O.P、車いすで報道陣に「申し訳ありません」 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 「Hatake Takahashi」 | BREAKING NEWS | 大麻使用の韓流アイドル退院も、「BIGBANG」のT.O.P、車いすで報道陣に「申し訳ありません」 - Duration: 2:49.


A New Way to Play Pokémon: Use Your Poke Ball Plus to Capture Pokémon In These Nintendo Switch Games

For more infomation >> A New Way to Play Pokémon: Use Your Poke Ball Plus to Capture Pokémon In These Nintendo Switch Games


大s引產後憔悴現身,與汪小菲秀恩愛,坦白婚後經常吵架 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 大s引產後憔悴現身,與汪小菲秀恩愛,坦白婚後經常吵架 - Duration: 3:58.


Land Rover Freelander 2.2 TD4 S - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Freelander 2.2 TD4 S - Duration: 0:49.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic Automatic S Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic Automatic S Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Atomic Bomb Scene / Wolverine Saves Yashida | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.

Hey, you!



That was a B-29, bub. There's no outrunning what's coming.


Yashida, what are you doing?! Come here!

Yashida, come here!

You're better off down here.

- Yashida! - Yes, I'll be right there!

I'd hurry if I were you.

Run. Now!

Stay down!

No, wait! No, no. Wait.

No. It's not safe.

For more infomation >> Atomic Bomb Scene / Wolverine Saves Yashida | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.


Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:07.


Un bon exercice de diction : je veux et j'exige... - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Un bon exercice de diction : je veux et j'exige... - Duration: 4:27.


Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 1:07.


又一大國挺身反對美國,寧願不買美先進武器,也要購伊朗石油 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 又一大國挺身反對美國,寧願不買美先進武器,也要購伊朗石油 - Duration: 3:54.


4 choses importantes sur le sperme que les femmes et les hommes doivent connaitre - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> 4 choses importantes sur le sperme que les femmes et les hommes doivent connaitre - Duration: 6:45.


✅ Plus belle la vie : Samia et Boher réconciliés ? Ils s'embrassent ! - Duration: 2:01.

 Entre Samia (Fabienne Carat) et Boher (Stéphane Henon), c'est je t'aime moi non plus ! Le couple emblématique de Plus belle la vie (qui est diffusée du lundi au vendredi à 20h30 sur France 3) n'a pas fini de surprendre les fans de la série française

Si leur divorce sera officiellement prononcé dans l'épisode de ce lundi 2 juillet 2018, les futurs ex-mariés vont tout de même se rabibocher

   Selon nos confrères de Télé-Loisirs, Boher et Samia seront de plus en plus proches quand cette dernière se retrouvera derrière les barreaux

Ne la supportant plus et voulant son malheur, Ariane (Lola Marois) sera responsable de son arrestation. Entre les deux jeunes femmes, rien n'ira plus ! Boher prendra connaissance des manigances de sa compagne contre la mère de sa fille, Lucie

Surpris, il apprendra aussi qu'Ariane "a mis un mouchard" sur le téléphone de Samia. Suite à ça, le couple se disputera et Samia sera libérée de sa cellule

   Après ce gros rebondissement, Samia et Boher se réuniront à la salle de sport. "Je voulais juste vérifier que tout allait bien", lancera l'inspecteur de police à sa future ex-femme

Ce à quoi Samia répondra : "Ta meuf, elle a peur." Boher surenchérira : "Pourtant, on vient de divorcer. Tout est clair entre nous, non ?" C'est à ce moment-là que la mère de Lucie n'arrivera plus à résister et finira par embrasser son ex-mari

Une chose est sûre, la relation entre Samia et Boher n'est pas prête de se terminer.

For more infomation >> ✅ Plus belle la vie : Samia et Boher réconciliés ? Ils s'embrassent ! - Duration: 2:01.


Coupe du monde: buteur et passeur décisif, Neymar envoie le Brésil en quarts - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde: buteur et passeur décisif, Neymar envoie le Brésil en quarts - Duration: 3:58.


Qui est le non-binaire interrogé par Daniel Schneidermann et devenu la cible des homophobes - Duration: 7:01.

LGBT+ - Ne dites pas à Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas qu'il est un homme. Sur le plateau d'une l'émission du site "Arrêt sur images" ce vendredi 29 juin, à la veille de la Marche des Fiertés, Daniel Schneidermann a dû s'excuser de n'avoir pas su comment identifier la personne en face de lui

"Ah non je ne suis pas un homme, monsieur", a répondu l'un des "quatre hommes" que le journaliste croyait présenter

Se disant "non-binaire", Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas, administrateur de l'Inter-LGBT qui organise la Marche des fiertés à Paris, se définit ni comme masculin, ni comme féminin

Une personne non-binaire est une personne qui ne se sent pas en accord avec les catégories de genre binaires "homme" ou "femme" et préfère une autre identité de genre non-binaire

Selon Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas, son interlocuteur ne doit donc pas "confondre identité de genre et expression de genre" à cause de son apparence et de sa barbe

La séquence s'achève quand Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas explique qu'il n'est pas "blanc", contrairement aux trois autres invités

"Je suis à moitié libanais", l'entend-on expliquer. "C'est intéressant qu'on interroge tous nos stéréotypes autour de la table

Parce que sans même m'avoir posé la question vous supposez que je suis un homme, seulement par mon apparence vous estimez que je suis blanc", résume Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas

Depuis vendredi, cet échange a largement été commenté et partagé sur les réseaux sociaux

L'extrait de l'émission, re-publié à de nombreuses reprises sur Twitter, Facebook et YouTube, cumule des centaines de milliers de vues

Sur Twitter, la scène a été légendée différemment par des internautes qui ont vu dans cet échange un ressort comique, sur la base de l'incompréhension entre Daniel Schneidermann et Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas

Des entreprises comme Winamax ou l'association Les Produits Laitiers ont pris part à ces parodies

Des tweets considérés par certains comme "homophobes" et "banalisant le harcèlement en ligne"

D'ailleurs, ce lundi dans l'après-midi, le compte Twitter des Produits Laitiers a fini par supprimer son tweet

L'association s'est excusée "suite aux débordements des commentaires et l'incompréhension" de son message

Comme l'explique le site Arrêt sur images, "l'extrait isolé s'est propagé sur Internet, sur le mode incrédule, vindicatif ou moqueur, principalement dans la fachosphère : FdeSouche, Egalité et réconciliation, Elements"

A titre d'exemple, l'une des réponses au tweet du compte @LesProLaitiers montrait une agression homophobe ultra-violente

"Le pire porte-parole possible pour la cause" Porte-parole en charge des questions internationales pour l'inter-LGBT, Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas est habitué à l'exposition médiatique

Le porte-parole avait dénoncé en avril 2017 l'existence en Tchétchénie de prisons pour homosexuels où "entre 30 à 40 prisonniers par cellule sont rackettés pour payer leur nourriture et électrocutés pour obtenir les noms d'autres homosexuels"

Dans son combat quotidien pour les droits des LGBT en France, Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas s'était étonné sur RMC de "la grande hypocrisie de la société" concernant les questions de sexualité: "On n'en peut plus qu'on nous pose la question 'qui fait l'homme ou qui fait la femme dans les couples de mecs'"

Dans un billet de blog publié ce lundi 2 juillet, Daniel Schneidermann a pointé du doigt le déchaînement de "haine" et de "sarcasme" de la "fachosphère" sur Twitter

"Qu'est-ce qu'ils vous ont donc fait, tous ceux qui doutent de leur sexe de naissance?", demande le journaliste aux "binaires", aux "bien dans leurs braguettes" en questionnant la "panique" des "sûr

e.s" d'eux. Toutefois, le journaliste d'"Arrêt sur images" affirme qu'"il faut bien reconnaître" qu'Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas "s'est montré le pire porte-parole possible pour la cause qu'il souhaitait défendre", avouant avoir "été pris de court par le happening" et regrettant de ne pas avoir eu "toute la présence d'esprit" pour poser toutes les questions qu'il aurait souhaité

"Quand Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas entre dans une boulangerie, et que la boulangère le gratifie d'un 'bonjour Monsieur', il est peu probable qu'il lui lance son pain au chocolat à la figure, et lui reproche de l'avoir mégenré", image-t-il, renvoyant Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas a "tous les signes (prénom, voix, barbe, vêtements) d'une appartenance au genre masculin, agressivité comprise"

Contactés par Le HuffPost, ni Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas, ni l'Inter-LGBT n'ont encore répondu à nos demandes de réactions

À voir également sur Le HuffPost: À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Qui est le non-binaire interrogé par Daniel Schneidermann et devenu la cible des homophobes - Duration: 7:01.


Coupe du monde 2018: Neymar est «une honte pour le football», le sélectionneur du Mexique se lâche - Duration: 1:57.

 «C'est une honte pour le football», s'est plaint le sélectionneur du Mexique Juan Carlos Osorio, sans jamais nommer Neymar, mais l'accusant clairement de jouer la «comédie», après l'élimination de son équipe contre le Brésil (2-0) en 8e de finale du Mondial, lundi à Samara

 «Nous avons perdu beaucoup de temps de jeu à cause d'un seul joueur, à cause de l'arbitrage qui a trop souvent arrêté le jeu pour trop de fausses fautes, par exemple quatre minutes à un moment, c'est un mauvais exemple pour le monde et tous les enfants qui regardent le match», a dit le technicien d'origine colombienne

« C'est un sport d'homme »  Il a pointé cette action de la seconde période où Miguel Layun a touché la cheville droite de Neymar avec ses crampons, un geste non sanctionné par l'arbitre mais critiquable

La star brésilienne a alors hurlé de douleur en se roulant par terre.  «C'est un sport d'homme, il ne devrait pas y avoir autant de comédie, ça a eu un impact sur notre jeu, mes joueurs se sont énervés», a poursuivi Osorio

 Interrogé par une journaliste brésilienne pour savoir s'il était juste de blâmer Neymar pour le geste de Layun, le coach a répondu: «Je respecte votre opinion»

 Et quand il lui a été demandé s'il visait bel et bien Neymar et pourquoi il ne le citait pas, Osorio a répondu: «Vous l'avez mentionné, pas moi, c'est votre interprétation, je ne l'ai pas mentionné lui»

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde 2018: Neymar est «une honte pour le football», le sélectionneur du Mexique se lâche - Duration: 1:57.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.


试了100个口红颜色后选出最美的口红都在这里啦 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 试了100个口红颜色后选出最美的口红都在这里啦 - Duration: 3:29.


大家都说坐奔驰开宝马,他们之间到底有什么不同? - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 大家都说坐奔驰开宝马,他们之间到底有什么不同? - Duration: 4:19.


Alfonso Bonafede caccia le toghe rosse dalla magistratura - Duration: 2:45.

 La svolta potrebbe arrivare tra sabato 8 e domenica 9 luglio. Quando 9.500 toghe andranno al voto per il rinnovo dei 16 membri del Consiglio superiore della magistratura

Che, come riporta la Repubblica, non sarà più a trazione Pd, ma forse in mano a un vicepresidente leghista

E, dopo quanto accaduto lo scorso 4 marzo per le politiche, l'attesa è per un exploit di Autonomia e Indipendenza, il gruppo di Piercamillo Davigo, al quale da tempo ormai si attribuiscono simpatie grilline (e che prima delle elezioni Silvio Berlusconi aveva più volte indicato come il vero premier se le elezioni le avessero vinte quelli del Movimento 5 Stelle)

Se così fosse, significherebbe che i magistrati si sono definitivamente lasciati dietro le spalle le simpatie leghiste

 La partita per la de-sinistrazione della magistratura la sta giocando, scrive sempre Repubblica, lo stesso neoministro della Giustizia Alfonso Bonafede, che cita una "toga di grande esperienza" che ha richiesto l'anonimato

"Certo che Bonafede sta giocando la partita: basta vedere cos'ha fatto in via Arenula , con uno spoil system, un ricambio, a 360 gradi, come mai s'era visto prima

Nello staff del neoministro non figurano esponenti di Area, la corrente che riunisce le toghe rosse di Magistratura democratica

Le sigle che spiccano sono quelle di Unità per la costituzione, il gruppo moderato e di centro, e di Autonomia e indipendenza, i davighiani

 Lo stesso Bonafede, poi, ha stoppato l'ingresso nei suoi uffici di due figure della sinistra, l'ex ministro del Pd Anna Finocchiaro e l'ex senatrice bersaniana Doris Lo Moro, che hanno chiesto al Csm di rientrare in magistratura ma hanno subito l'altolà del Guardasigilli, che ha frenato anche sul via libera a Felice Casson, anche lui ex senatore di di Mdp

For more infomation >> Alfonso Bonafede caccia le toghe rosse dalla magistratura - Duration: 2:45.


Mexicanos en el Ranking - Duration: 2:13.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- A pesar de no haber pasado el corte la semana anterior en el BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation del Web

com Tour realizado en Greer, Carolina del Sur, el originario de Irapuato, Guanajuato, José de Jesús “Camarón†Rodríguez continúa siendo el mejor exponente mexicano en el Ranking Mundial

  El “Camarón†, quien esta semana tendrá participación en el Nashville Golf Open Benefitting the Snedeker Foundation, se ubica en el sitio 193 del Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR) con un promedio de puntos de 0

8435, mientras que el tamaulipeco Abraham Ancer se ubica en el puesto 201 con 0.8263

  Más abajo en la clasificación se colocan el tapatío Carlos Ortiz, sitio 431 con un promedio de unidades de 0

3876, el de Chihuahua Oscar Fraustro, quien gracias a su top ten en Carolina del Sur, ascendió al puesto 511 con 0

3149. Completa el top cinco de mejores mexicanos en el OWGR el veracruzano Roberto Díaz en el casillero 570


For more infomation >> Mexicanos en el Ranking - Duration: 2:13.





Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse New A 180 d Automaat AMG Line | Advantage Pack | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse New A 180 d Automaat AMG Line | Advantage Pack | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse GLA 220 d 4Matic Automaat Prestige | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse GLA 220 d 4Matic Automaat Prestige | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:53.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:47.


Why Does Nature Make You Feel Better? - Duration: 5:45.

[♪ INTRO ]

It's probably no surprise that nature is beneficial to our mental health.

From hitting the beach, to taking a long stroll through the park, multiple studies have shown

that there's something about nature that helps us feel happier, more focused, or just generally better.

But why that happens is trickier to figure out.

From what psychologists can tell, though, it's not just about getting in some sunshine

and Vitamin D. Instead, it might have to do with our sense of belonging.

The idea that nature is healing isn't a new one, and exposure to natural environments

has been an important part of mental health treatments for a long time.

As early as the Middle Ages, monasteries for those with mental illnesses created so-called

restorative gardens.

And in the 1800s, people designing mental hospitals would try and make sure their buildings

were surrounded by acres of natural land.

So far, modern research really supports this idea, too.

Studies have shown that being exposed to nature — whether it's a wilderness preserve or

a tree-lined city street — can improve wellbeing in a bunch of ways, both in those with and

without clinical conditions.

For example, a 2011 meta-analysis looked at studies involving a total of almost 850 participants

— mostly students.

It found that exercising in a natural environment resulted in higher feelings of revitalization

than doing the same exercise indoors.

And another study from 2012 found that walking through nature for 50 minutes provided a mood

boost and other cognitive benefits for twenty participants with depression.

There's also evidence to suggest that those with schizophrenia, ADHD, and a whole host

of other illnesses experience similar benefits from just taking in a little scenery.

So far, there are several factors that have been floated around as possible explanations for this.

One is that nature allows us to recover from stress and attention fatigue.

This is the idea that urban environments have too many things competing for our attention.

Other studies suggest that nature offers exercise opportunities, facilitation of social interaction

and development, and opportunities for personal development in general.

But a lot of these factors haven't been investigated in rigorous depth.

They also don't really explain the mechanisms of how we gain psychological benefits just

from existing in nature, rather than running around in nature, chilling with friends with


In fact, most research on the subject seems to describe the mechanisms as 'elusive'.

Which is psychologist speak for, "We dunno.

We're workin' on it."

Still, that doesn't mean we don't have a hypotheses or two.

Some researchers argue that these positive effects, at least in part, come about because

of an increased sense of connectedness to the natural world.

One significant experiment about this was published in 2009 in Environment and Behavior,

and it looked at the effect of exposure to nature on mood and problem solving.

In this study, 76 students were asked to complete questionnaires on mood, along with the Connectedness

with Nature Scale – or CNS – which measures pretty much what the name implies.

It asks participants to rate how they feel about some vaguely hippy-ish stuff, like 'Right

now I'm feeling a sense of oneness with the natural world'.

Or 'I'm feeling like the natural world is a community to which I belong'.

After rating 13 of those peace and love statements, the students were split into two groups, and

bundled onto buses for a field trip.

They took a 20-minute drive to either a nature reserve or a downtown parking lot.

Then, they spent around 15 minutes silently walking, sitting, and taking in the scenery

before filling out those questionnaires again.

The results showed that participants who went to the nature reserve reported significantly

more of a mood boost from their trip.

Their feelings of being connected to nature were also higher than those who took a stroll

in the parking lot.

Now, this in itself isn't massively surprising.

You can imagine it's probably hard to feel at one with the universe standing on a stretch

of concrete.

What was more interesting is that the CNS survey results seemed to mediate the effects

of the environment.

More specifically, when people reported that they felt part of nature, their mood boost

tended to be bigger.

So it wasn't just about seeing nature; it was about feeling like they are part of it.

The scientists behind this experiment argue that it's that sense of connectedness that

causes all those positive benefits.

And they cite something called the biophilia hypothesis as a possible mechanism for this.

The hypothesis theorizes that since, evolutionarily speaking, we're used living in natural environments,

we all have some innate urge to seek out nature.

The researchers suggest that we need to see ourselves as part of it, belonging to the

same group as the various plant and wildlife species we share our planet with.

It can be hard to prove evolutionary hypotheses like this, especially when they're as abstract

as this one.

But the concept that we need to belong to groups to stay mentally healthy is one of

the main principles of social psychology research.

In fact, it's such an important concept that having a sense of belonging with other

people is seen as a core human need in some models.

Not having this sense of belonging can lead to things like lowered immune response, and

poorer sleep quality.

And, conveniently, those are exactly the kind of functions researchers have seen improve

when we're exposed to natural environments.

So it's not that huge of a stretch to think that maybe that need to feel like we belong

extends beyond human interactions, to seeing ourselves as part of the wider ecosystem on

our planet.

It's a plausible idea, and the results of this study certainly support it.

But like with a lot of other big ideas, it would help to have more research to be sure.

If nothing else, though, studies do suggest that time in nature is really good for you.

So even if we don't totally know why, it's probably worth visiting your local park sometime.

Your brain — and your mood — will thank you.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you enjoy hanging out in nature and want to learn more about it, you can check out

one of our new sister channels, Nature League!

In it, SciShow Psych's very own Brit Garner explores all things wild — and takes you

on some field trips as a bonus.

You can find it at

[ ♪ OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> Why Does Nature Make You Feel Better? - Duration: 5:45.


Voilà pourquoi la coupe menstruelle peut changer beaucoup de choses dans la vie d'une femme - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Voilà pourquoi la coupe menstruelle peut changer beaucoup de choses dans la vie d'une femme - Duration: 6:44.


Un bon exercice de diction : je veux et j'exige... - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Un bon exercice de diction : je veux et j'exige... - Duration: 4:27.


Iridology Terms - Strong vs Mild Constitution - Duration: 3:14.

hi I'm Beth Hovis from Trinity School of natural health when looking at someone's

iris one of the first things we notice in Iridology is the person's Constitution

that person's ability to overcome and resist illness and disease

what is a constitution? it's how close and how tight the fibers of the iris are so

someone who has a very strong Constitution or a strong Constitution

will have iris fibers that are nice and dense and tightly woven together in the

iris as we progress along our charts we will see that the iris fibers start to

separate and as the more that they separate the less resilient that person

is to overcome illness and disease we start out with a very strong or strong

Constitution and we move to resilient moderately resilient and mildly resilient

when we see someone who has a moderate or mildly resilient iris

we know that the separation of fibers has happened almost all over in that

person's iris and when we see that we know the person has less ability to

overcome illness and disease these people tend to be very sensitive and

realized that they have a difficulty overcoming illness or disease and they

are the ones that will tend to rest take a break and relax more often than

someone with a strong constitution someone with a strong Constitution on

the other hand is going to be someone who keeps going no matter what they

don't tend to get sick and if they do they overcome it really easily but they

are also the ones who will keep on working and keep on going no matter what

until suddenly they've come down with something and they can't imagine how it

happened what happened to cause them to get sick when we are looking at

someone's irises and we notice these different constitutions we want to help

support that person the best way possible so when I see someone who has a

strong constitution I will make suggestions on slow down take it easy

pay attention to what your body's saying because it's really easy for someone who

has a strong constitution to ignore warning signs that the body is giving

that person will ignore aches and pains and upset tummies where on the other

hand someone who has a mild or moderate Constitution takes note the first time

something comes around and they're the ones who tend to step back and rest

relax and treat themselves with love and care so what kind of Constitution do you

have go look in the mirror and see are your iris fibers tight and nicely woven

together or are they loose and separated some either way your irises are

beautiful and it's your body's way of telling you how to support yourself

For more infomation >> Iridology Terms - Strong vs Mild Constitution - Duration: 3:14.


Permit Patty Did Call 911 on Girl Selling Water | - Duration: 2:57.

Permit Patty Did Call 911 on Girl Selling Water |

Alison Ettel, the 44-year-old white woman from San Francisco who claims she asked politely for 8-year-old Jordan Rogers, an African-American, to sell her water more quietly.

She also said she'd only pretended to call police on the child in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle.

But Bay Area TV station KTVU obtained the 911 recording and it tells another story.

"…911 what's you location," the emergency dispatcher asks.

"Oh, yes.

I'm on the sidewalk …I have someone who does not have a vendor permit who's selling water across from the ball park." The dispatcher takes a few moments to respond, "Uh …" She asks, "Is there someone I can talk to about that?" He hesitates for a moment then offers to transfer her to police.

"Great, thank you." He connects her and the call ends.

KTVU reported the call came in as a "suspicious person" report and confirmed the call came from Ettel's cell phone number.

Ettel told NBC's Today Show she politely said, "Please, I'm trying to work.

You're screaming, you're yelling." Rogers mother Erin Austin said that never happened.

She said Ettel "just came out and demanded to see a permit from an 8-year-old.".

Known on the internet as #PermitPatty, Ettel, who has two master's degrees, co-founded a medical marijuana business.

She was forced to resign from the cannabis company she founded, Treatwell, after a number of industry businesses criticized her rant and call to police captured on cell phone video by Austin.

  First crazy #bbqbecky in Oakland now #permitpatty would you rather my daughter be out here getting into shit Fr cuz an 8 year old selling water in front of her apartment building where she's lived her whole life is NOT a reason to call the Police.

For more infomation >> Permit Patty Did Call 911 on Girl Selling Water | - Duration: 2:57.


7 choses à éviter avant de faire l'amour - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 7 choses à éviter avant de faire l'amour - Duration: 6:09.


Hang - Matchbox 20 (Acoustic Cover) - Duration: 4:03.

[Music] [Hang]

She grabs her magazines, she packs her things and she goes.

She leaves the pictures hanging on the wall. She burns all her notes.

And she knows, she's been here too few years, to feel this old.

He smokes his cigarette; he stays outside 'til it's gone.

If anybody ever had a heart, well, he wouldn't be alone.

And he knows, she's been here too few years to be gone.

And we always say, it would be good to go away, someday.

But if there's nothing there to make things change, If it's the same for you I'll just hang.

The trouble understand, is she got reasons he don't.

Funny how he couldn't see it all, 'til she grabbed up her coat, she goes.

She's been here too few years, to take it all in stride.

But still it's much too long, to let hurt go.

And we always say, it would be good to go away, someday,

but if there's nothing there to make things change, If it's the same for you I'll always hang.

The same for you I'll always hang.

And we always say, it would be good to go away, someday

but if things don't work out like they think, there's nothing there to ease this ache,

and if there's nothing there to make things change,

if it's the same for you I'll just hang.

For more infomation >> Hang - Matchbox 20 (Acoustic Cover) - Duration: 4:03.


Qui est le non-binaire interrogé par Daniel Schneidermann et devenu la cible des homophobes - Duration: 7:01.

LGBT+ - Ne dites pas à Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas qu'il est un homme. Sur le plateau d'une l'émission du site "Arrêt sur images" ce vendredi 29 juin, à la veille de la Marche des Fiertés, Daniel Schneidermann a dû s'excuser de n'avoir pas su comment identifier la personne en face de lui

"Ah non je ne suis pas un homme, monsieur", a répondu l'un des "quatre hommes" que le journaliste croyait présenter

Se disant "non-binaire", Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas, administrateur de l'Inter-LGBT qui organise la Marche des fiertés à Paris, se définit ni comme masculin, ni comme féminin

Une personne non-binaire est une personne qui ne se sent pas en accord avec les catégories de genre binaires "homme" ou "femme" et préfère une autre identité de genre non-binaire

Selon Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas, son interlocuteur ne doit donc pas "confondre identité de genre et expression de genre" à cause de son apparence et de sa barbe

La séquence s'achève quand Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas explique qu'il n'est pas "blanc", contrairement aux trois autres invités

"Je suis à moitié libanais", l'entend-on expliquer. "C'est intéressant qu'on interroge tous nos stéréotypes autour de la table

Parce que sans même m'avoir posé la question vous supposez que je suis un homme, seulement par mon apparence vous estimez que je suis blanc", résume Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas

Depuis vendredi, cet échange a largement été commenté et partagé sur les réseaux sociaux

L'extrait de l'émission, re-publié à de nombreuses reprises sur Twitter, Facebook et YouTube, cumule des centaines de milliers de vues

Sur Twitter, la scène a été légendée différemment par des internautes qui ont vu dans cet échange un ressort comique, sur la base de l'incompréhension entre Daniel Schneidermann et Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas

Des entreprises comme Winamax ou l'association Les Produits Laitiers ont pris part à ces parodies

Des tweets considérés par certains comme "homophobes" et "banalisant le harcèlement en ligne"

D'ailleurs, ce lundi dans l'après-midi, le compte Twitter des Produits Laitiers a fini par supprimer son tweet

L'association s'est excusée "suite aux débordements des commentaires et l'incompréhension" de son message

Comme l'explique le site Arrêt sur images, "l'extrait isolé s'est propagé sur Internet, sur le mode incrédule, vindicatif ou moqueur, principalement dans la fachosphère : FdeSouche, Egalité et réconciliation, Elements"

A titre d'exemple, l'une des réponses au tweet du compte @LesProLaitiers montrait une agression homophobe ultra-violente

"Le pire porte-parole possible pour la cause" Porte-parole en charge des questions internationales pour l'inter-LGBT, Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas est habitué à l'exposition médiatique

Le porte-parole avait dénoncé en avril 2017 l'existence en Tchétchénie de prisons pour homosexuels où "entre 30 à 40 prisonniers par cellule sont rackettés pour payer leur nourriture et électrocutés pour obtenir les noms d'autres homosexuels"

Dans son combat quotidien pour les droits des LGBT en France, Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas s'était étonné sur RMC de "la grande hypocrisie de la société" concernant les questions de sexualité: "On n'en peut plus qu'on nous pose la question 'qui fait l'homme ou qui fait la femme dans les couples de mecs'"

Dans un billet de blog publié ce lundi 2 juillet, Daniel Schneidermann a pointé du doigt le déchaînement de "haine" et de "sarcasme" de la "fachosphère" sur Twitter

"Qu'est-ce qu'ils vous ont donc fait, tous ceux qui doutent de leur sexe de naissance?", demande le journaliste aux "binaires", aux "bien dans leurs braguettes" en questionnant la "panique" des "sûr

e.s" d'eux. Toutefois, le journaliste d'"Arrêt sur images" affirme qu'"il faut bien reconnaître" qu'Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas "s'est montré le pire porte-parole possible pour la cause qu'il souhaitait défendre", avouant avoir "été pris de court par le happening" et regrettant de ne pas avoir eu "toute la présence d'esprit" pour poser toutes les questions qu'il aurait souhaité

"Quand Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas entre dans une boulangerie, et que la boulangère le gratifie d'un 'bonjour Monsieur', il est peu probable qu'il lui lance son pain au chocolat à la figure, et lui reproche de l'avoir mégenré", image-t-il, renvoyant Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas a "tous les signes (prénom, voix, barbe, vêtements) d'une appartenance au genre masculin, agressivité comprise"

Contactés par Le HuffPost, ni Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas, ni l'Inter-LGBT n'ont encore répondu à nos demandes de réactions

À voir également sur Le HuffPost: À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Qui est le non-binaire interrogé par Daniel Schneidermann et devenu la cible des homophobes - Duration: 7:01.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 1:11.


Coupe du monde 2018: Neymar est «une honte pour le football», le sélectionneur du Mexique se lâche - Duration: 1:57.

 «C'est une honte pour le football», s'est plaint le sélectionneur du Mexique Juan Carlos Osorio, sans jamais nommer Neymar, mais l'accusant clairement de jouer la «comédie», après l'élimination de son équipe contre le Brésil (2-0) en 8e de finale du Mondial, lundi à Samara

 «Nous avons perdu beaucoup de temps de jeu à cause d'un seul joueur, à cause de l'arbitrage qui a trop souvent arrêté le jeu pour trop de fausses fautes, par exemple quatre minutes à un moment, c'est un mauvais exemple pour le monde et tous les enfants qui regardent le match», a dit le technicien d'origine colombienne

« C'est un sport d'homme »  Il a pointé cette action de la seconde période où Miguel Layun a touché la cheville droite de Neymar avec ses crampons, un geste non sanctionné par l'arbitre mais critiquable

La star brésilienne a alors hurlé de douleur en se roulant par terre.  «C'est un sport d'homme, il ne devrait pas y avoir autant de comédie, ça a eu un impact sur notre jeu, mes joueurs se sont énervés», a poursuivi Osorio

 Interrogé par une journaliste brésilienne pour savoir s'il était juste de blâmer Neymar pour le geste de Layun, le coach a répondu: «Je respecte votre opinion»

 Et quand il lui a été demandé s'il visait bel et bien Neymar et pourquoi il ne le citait pas, Osorio a répondu: «Vous l'avez mentionné, pas moi, c'est votre interprétation, je ne l'ai pas mentionné lui»

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde 2018: Neymar est «une honte pour le football», le sélectionneur du Mexique se lâche - Duration: 1:57.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic Automatic S Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic Automatic S Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Where is your energy going? - Duration: 4:43.

Today one of the things that I invite you to reflect upon is:

Where is your energy going?

Let me explain; whenever I meet with a new client I always

ask them to share with me their thoughts on how they would

rate all the different aspects of their life because

I want to see from their perspective, how they view each dimension of their life.

And then I ask them, what do you want to create more of?

And what's very interesting is that typically people will focus in on a couple

of different areas, and it's usually the areas that are

already, according to their own perception, they're

already doing well in that area.

So they're wanting to develop more of what's already working and

sometimes what happens is their attention is not necessarily

going in the areas that deserve more attention and

that they themselves agree would benefit from having more attention.

Isn't that fascinating?

I'll share an example from my own life, again to

provide some clarity around this.

For a very long time, and I'm sure this won't come as a surprise given what I've admitted,

all of my energy and attention went into my career.

I was a workaholic really, I spent so much time working and advancing

my career and so what happened, I saw outcomes,

results and certainly success in that area.

But what happened as a result of that, other aspects of my life suffered,

one of them happened to be relationships, in other words, I hit the age

of 40 and I was still single, and I remember a friend

of mine saying to me at that point, Caro, have you ever I

thought about the fact that you might still be single

because you don't put any energy in relationships

and in finding and being in a relationship.

I really resented that comment because I thought really, is this another

area of my life where I need to put work into, does love require


And that's not really what she meant, what she meant was

energetically, energetically I wasn't putting any focus or

attention on that and so what that moment did, what

the A-ha for me was, when I was able to shift my

attention, I used to make a lot of excuses, I don't have

time, there's nobody good out there, all kinds of things but when

I was able to shift my attention and now put some

energy towards being in a relationship that was a

game-changer and it was very interesting how all

these opportunities then came up and eventually I did find the relationship, that is the joy

of my life, a great big joy of my life, and that was just from

deciding very, very intentionally to put energy there,

not work, energy.

So that's the difference is that intentionality, it's

I'm thinking about it, I'm opening myself up to the

possibilities, I'm putting myself in situations, whatever that looks like.

It's energetic, it's not necessarily work, like effort.

So that has now changed how I look at everything because any

time that there's an aspect of my life that's not

getting energy or attention, for example in the last

little bit it was my body, and so this year I've

been very very intentional about putting energy and attention

towards making sure that I'm leading a healthy life

and that is taking energy because

I need to focus on that instead of just focusing on

career, which comes a little bit easier for me.

So my question to you, as I share those examples in my

life, where does that come up for you? where does your

energy go to because maybe it's easier or it's your

go to spot?

And what are some us aspects of your life, other aspects of your life that

might deserve a little bit more attention because

with that attention and with that energy and with

that intention you might be able to see different results.

I want you to share that with me in the comments below.

For more infomation >> Where is your energy going? - Duration: 4:43.


美國把F-35交付土耳其,有個國家坐不住了 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 美國把F-35交付土耳其,有個國家坐不住了 - Duration: 5:40.


Belgium vs. Japan: Odds & Prediction For World Cup | - Duration: 4:51.

Belgium vs. Japan: Odds & Prediction For World Cup |

Romelu Lukaku rejoins the lineup as Belgium take on Japan.

The biggest mismatch of the Round of 16 kicks off on Monday, as Belgium look to secure a place in the quarterfinals by knocking off Japan.

The Samurai Blue are the story of the tournament, advancing through Group F over Senegal and Poland.

Belgium vs. Japan Odds.

Belgium are a big favorite on Monday, sitting at -250 on the moneyline according to

Japan is the biggest underdog of the Round of 16, priced as high as +1000 on some online sportsbooks.

Remember that's to win the match outright, without extra time or penalty kicks.

The draw is priced around +400.

Belgium are favored by 1.5 goals on 5dimes, another high for the round.

Belgium are a slight underdog laying 1.5 goals, priced at +117 on 5Dimes.

Conversely, Japan is a favorite at -130 getting 1.5 goals.

The goal total is set at 2.

5, with the over (-115) favored over the under (+105).

Belgium vs. Japan Prediction.

After Russia knocked off Spain, I'm not sure how to predict these games.

But make no mistake, this is a mismatch that Belgium should win handily.

Both teams played to an unconventional result in their final group game.

Belgium's backups defeated England's backups in a game nobody wanted to win, and Japan held off Senegal by keeping the ball deep in their own half, then advanced via Fair Play rules.

Belgium are full speed ahead with Romelu Lukaku, who returned to training after missing some time with an injury.

The Manchester United striker has been a force in the tournament, scoring four goals in two starts.

That scoring output matches Japan's total scoring through three games in Russia.

Belgium scored nine goals in the group phase while Japan scored four, with two coming against 10-man Colombia.

Like they did in a strong showing against Senegal, Japan will try to strike on the counter attack.

But there's a reason Japan has never won a World Cup knockout match, and a reason Japan has only won two of their last nine against European teams.

They don't have an Eden Hazard or a Dries Merterns to make the spectacular play, or even the consistent play that an elite World Cup team needs.

Premier League striker Shinji Okazaki, known to provide the scoring spark for Japan, is in doubt to play with an ankle injury.

While this has been a crazy World Cup, one defined by the performances of smaller nations, Japan don't have the skill at all levels like Belgium have.

The Red Devils are one of the more complete teams in the tournament, and should reach the quarterfinals for the second consecutive World Cup.

Prediction: Belgium win 4-1.

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