Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2017

Hey there welcome to my channel well this video is about

Nearly ace but it's not an ace, so I'm trying to clutch it, but I failed.

So, sometimes shit happens..

Let's check it out

Some of us trying to do eco I guess. You know, only pistol.

And I don't know somehow. They just get killed, all of them..

And I'm alone. One versus five and I'm like oof, okay then! so

I'll try it what can I do? what else can I do?

I didn't get that why he just left the bomb behind like this

AFK yeah of course!

I just throw a smoke to window and they killed one guy

You know, at B. B apps. And he just types there AFK - yeah of course

Oh the damn flash !

Here we go well I got the plant.

And after the plant I was like you know, so stressed out..

How unlucky I'm ! Who comes with two people from short? Oh God.. I never do that, but they do so..

Boom Boom- Failed ! I think it's a nice try and it makes me so sad that I couldn't clutch the fifth guy..

But again, still nice try.

So, thanks for watching if you liked it, please give me a like subscribe and write comments see on next video

For more infomation >> 1 VS 5 clutch fail.. sometimes shit happens T_T - Duration: 2:54.


Coupe de France : Lille-Fives s'incline logiquement face à Dunkerque (0-2) - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Coupe de France : Lille-Fives s'incline logiquement face à Dunkerque (0-2) - Duration: 1:42.


Top 10 STRONGEST Pokemon in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Feat. MysticUmbreon - Duration: 9:11.

The Alola region has brought about a lot of new and interesting pokemon in the last year.

And with new pokemon being introduced to the meta game there are going to be some that

are weak and of course there going to be some that are really OP.

And since Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have just come out recently I thought it would

be fun to discuss the Top 10 STRONGEST Pokemon In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon . But

since this is a top 10 video I really don't feel like recording all by myself…

What can I say I get lonely.

So I decided to bring on a very special guest to help me with this video.

Oh man lazy much?

But yeah I'm here to help this guy out with this top 10 strongest Pokemon in Ultra Sun

and Moon.

Now we both know there are quite a few ways to categorize what makes a Pokemon strong.

In our case, we will ranking them in how well they do within the games themselves such as

using them in a standard playthrough.

These Pokemon are only going to be ones that you can capture within the games so they can

be any pokemon varying from gens 1-7.

We are also going to be excluding legendaries, ultra beasts, etc.

We're doing this because we want to give more spotlight to the regular Pokemon.

If this list had legendaries literally all of them would be legendaries and that's

kind of expected.

For a little more spotlight for these Pokemon though, we'll also be mentioning little

details of how well they do in the meta mainly 6v6 format because we don't play VGC.

Real men and women play Smogon, VGC is for squares.

Not really we just don't play it we're just kidding don't get triggered.

As you can also tell by the title of this video this is a part 1 and as you guessed

we did part 2 over on my channel so if you guys would like to see waaay stronger pokemon

be sure to head over to my channel.

Trust me some of those Pokemon will surprise so just go go click the video it will be fun.

But if you guys disagree with our list then be sure to leave a comment down below of what

pokemon you think are the strongest.

If you guys enjoy this video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with

a friend and with that being said let's get started.

10 Starting off this list we have a pokemon that

I actually decided to pick up for my team, Toxapex.

Now it maybe a difficult process to evolve mareanie but when it actually happens, it's

well worth it.

I mean just look at its defense stats, toxapex it is one of the best defensive pokemon in

the entire game.

And even though every other stat is terrible it has a variety of good moves to shield that

weakness the one that pops out to me being scald.

Plus with a defense that great it doesn't need to have that good of stats, it can work

well doing chip damage.

I mean this thing works in Uber and OU for a reason.

But like I said in my my team video I just wish it had regenerator as a regular ability.


Squirming its way into our 9 slot we have the Pokemon Golisopod.

If you guys have played any bit of generation 7 you know how powerful this Pokemon is ether

by playing the meta or watching Guzma's wreck your whole team because that's what

happened to me.

This Pokemon can shred the games in Alola if you have patience and want to evolve Wimpod.

Golisopod gets a great movepool and an arsenal of very powerful bug and water attacks most

notably First Impression and Liquidation.

This Pokemon would be higher on the list the only problem is wimpod.

The difficulty of trying to capture this Pokemon to me is fairly difficult it runs away a lot

so you have to time yourself carefully and think about positioning.

If you're an MLG super star that caught this thing on your first try go brag in the

comments because I sucked at capturing mine.

After capturing it though, you're stuck with it till level 30 and can't use it in

battle at all practically.

It only gets struggle bug and sand bug the good part is, it's only level 18 so it's

not that bad.

The reason it's at number 9 is because of Wimpod but I will say that Golisopod is very

powerful use it, if you need a powerful water pokemon and have patience it's a crazy strong


This thing in the meta too, yeah just use it prepare to get some sweeps.


Well this next pokemon, if you can find one, is definitely one of the strongest pokemon

in game or in the meta.

I am of course talking about one of my least favorite pokemon, Salamence.

If you can manage to find one of these rare level 9-12 salamence I can tell you now that

you will easily cruise through the entire game.

Although I hate it, which if you want to find out why check the video here, there is no

denying how powerful this pokemon really is.

I mean it's a pseudo legendary for pete sake is there any more I really need to say?

But I will say you do need to capture the level 9-12 salamence.

I like bagon, but it's really not that good and the wait to get a salamence is longer

than the lines at the supreme store when new merch drops.

Which leads to my next problem with this pokemon, in that it's a really hard pokemon to find,

one of the rarest in fact.

But if you can obtain one, it's well worth it.


For the first time since like ever Gamefreak decided to make Zorua easy to obtain by making

it a wild encounter at the trainer's school.

For an early encounter Pokemon Zorua does a great job through anyone's playthrough.

Once it evolves into Zoruark you have the options of all these great moves and you can

run a physical one or special one depending on what you want.

You can practically run any move on this Pokemon and it will come in handy for you in your

playthrough or even in the meta.

The Meta gets really fun because of its ability illusion.

You can play mind games with your opponent tricking your opponent into thinking that

Zoruark could be any other pokemon on your team.

It's a great strategy if you can pull it off especially in league format.

Zoruark shines in this form of battling.

Dark Types also do great on a journey through Ultra Sun and Moon and Zoroark is one of the

best options.

With the dark typing domination of Alola and the moves it gets i think Zoroark has earned

a pretty good spot on this list!


I knew this Pokemon would make the list and I am super glad it did.

Reason being is because this pokemon reminds me a lot of the movie nacho libre.

(nachoooooo) and I really wanted to put this in my video.

Like seriously the resemblance is uncanny.

(Put a picture of me side by side with Nacho Libre).

But yeah, Hawlucha's 118 speed and 92 physical attack is a really tasty combination.

And I think the best part about this pokemon though, is that you can obtain Hawlucha right

before the first trial.

It's typing of Fighting and Flying dominates these games because its so diversive and you

can use it for almost any battle... aside from electric types of course.

I mean this Pokemon made mystic's best team for Ultra Sun and Moon so that's gotta mean

something right?

The meta for this Pokemon is also fairly good.

Having that 118 speed can make it outspeed a lot of Pokemon.

But there are certain walls that can block out that 92 physical attack but I mean what

pokemon doesn't have its weaknesses.

However it is still decent enough to hold its own in OU and shreds through the gameplay.

Fighting and flying together has to honestly be one of the best dual typings.

It's just so useful.

Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a

like and let me know in the comment section below.

If you haven't already subscribe to the channel to become an Eryibro today.

And if you guys would like to comment down below which pokemon you think is the strongest.

I also would like to thank my good friend mysticUmbreon for joining me today

No problem my guy a pleasure working with you like always.

As I mentioned in the earlier part of this video, we did a part 2 of this list over on

my channel so you guys will definitely want to make your way down there for more powerful


Link to that video will be on the left.

Also I like Umbreon and it's a cool eeveelution and I make best teams, what if scenarios for

Pokemon, theories and other really cool Pokemon countdowns so if that's up your alley definitely

come on down to my channel and give me that old subscribe!

And if you guys are here from mystic's channel, what the heck is wrong with you?

Who watches lists backwards?

But if you guys are still hungry for more pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon content check

out the playlist on the right.

And with that being said I will see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Top 10 STRONGEST Pokemon in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Feat. MysticUmbreon - Duration: 9:11.


Concours pour les 40 abonné(e)s !! - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Concours pour les 40 abonné(e)s !! - Duration: 1:30.


WAR GAMES: A Walking Dead Cocktail w/ Mari Takahashi! - Duration: 5:31.

This is beautiful!


It makes me want to like, go like this.



You know with like a furrowed brow.


"Can you do a furrowed brow real quick"


Hey everybody.

Welcome to Skybound Happy Hour.

I'm your host Leo Camacho, and (laughs)

And nobody takes me seriously.

Joining me today, I have Pete Capella

You make drinks professionally

And to be very clear, I do not make drinks for a living.

I just play videogames.

You do!

This looks like it's really fancy.

I have never made a fancy drink for myself ever.

He's got quite a formula cooking up for you today

and this is of course per usual

it revolves around what's happening in the show

so as you know a lot has happened

and a lot is going to be happening

we're- we're sort of in the eye of the hurricane

in that null zone right now

we need a moment to reflect

a moment to kind of take it all in

and you've prepared a drink that will allow us to do that.

We're going to do a take on the classic Vesper Martini

which Ian Fleming wrote about in James Bond

in Casino Royale

Cause I figured he's cool under pressure

and I would like to be the same

if I were at war.

This is a magic potion.

Genie bottle.

Yes. Exactly.

This is orange bitters

So we're going to do two dashes of orange bitters.



And then we're going to do a bar spoon of

fresh squeezed lemon juice

That, ooh, that was a couple of extra drops.

What an adorable cute sp-ohh my god.

.25 ounces of a fortified white wine. - okay

In Casino Royale

they put a "whisper" of fortified white wine in there

- A whisper for the Vesper

This is like cooking!

Which is another thing that I don't do.

We're going to take our Cîroc Vodka

and we're going to do 1.25 ounces

This is much more than a whisper.


A lot more.

This is a "shout" of Vodka.

(laughs) a "shout" of Vodka.

Hey! Put some vodka in it!


And just throw some ice in here

so I want to distill a little bit more water into this

'cause it's all alcohol

So, uh, we're going to do 52 times.

Yeah so it really depends on which war you're fighting

Are you actually counting?


okay so I shouldn't be talking to you.

Are you like maybe on number 32?

Or maybe on like 19?

Trust me, no I'm on like 47

Oh, maybe 42?

It's one of those situations where you can do whatever you want

but now mater what y-done!

Yeah I can't wait to see the comments below this

on how it wasn't exactly 52

Someone's going to get you.

I can't wait.

This is great.

It'll take three days but this is great.

You're distilling the vodka at this point.

I'm very thorough!

(Laughs) She's like making fire in that cup

Whatever you're guessing




Don't they have a machine to do this yet?

If I take a sip of that - You know

And I taste 46 circles

I'm protesting.

And It will be very obvious.

We're going to take some fresh thyme sprigs.

I don't have "thyme" for you.

So we're going to rest that on top of there.

And we are going to take our handy-dandy brûlée torch

and we are going to set this thing on fire.

Good to know you brought your own blow torch.

Got it.

And you're just kind of getting the

smoke down in that glass

And then it's going to sit in that glass

and it's not really going to go anywhere.

Dude you gotta be careful.

You're killing thyme here.

Can you make the torch like even more?

We're going to do 1 plus sign.



That looks a bit advanced..

Oh.. oh, there's so much thyme everywhere

inside of the drink.

Is that bad?


I think I like burnt it.

So this is a dehydrated lemon

We're going to float this on top

float it.

Float it on top

And there you have it.

This is kind of a thinking man's drink

And by man I mean "hu-man"

The collective.

The collective man.

To war.

To war.


I'm a pirate.

War... lord..

It smells like fire so I'm getting this like

rugged sort of smell


and like the thyme kind of makes me think

of like.. Almost like family and like thanksgiving

or something like that

I smell like a summer camp fire

Alright yeah, yeah

I was like "enough talking!"

Have some now you're just staring at it.


May I see how you did?

That is a fancy lemonade.

For some reason I taste the lemon in yours more.

Do you remember why?

Did she go a little ham on the- whoops!


I don't remember that happening at all.

And is it necessary to keep this on the drink?


If you feel like you're getting too much of the thyme.

or if you're consuming food with this

I would pull the thyme off.

Take some "thyme" off.

That's the good one.

And then drink it like this because the-

that smoke is already

you've smoked the glass with the thyme

so that's already in there.


- Smell it But if you really like- but you liked it.

So I want to know what she would prefer

I think I prefer having the thyme in there.


If I were just drinking the cocktail, so would I.

Like right- cause it's right under your nose.

No it's better with it.

- Yeah. Don't take it off.

It's kind of an experience with it.

This a... "thyme" well spent.



Why don't you tell everyobody where they can find you guys.

You can find me on Instagram @petecapela

My personal social media everywhere at @atomicmari

You can follow me @mrleozombie everywhere on the internet

And make sure that you subscribe to this channel

if you want to see more videos like this

and make sure you follow everything

that Skybound does

We've got comic books! We've got TV!

We've got it all.

Watch it all. Subscribe to it all.

Thank you guys for hanging out

Thank you guys for watching

and enjoy your drinks at home!

For more infomation >> WAR GAMES: A Walking Dead Cocktail w/ Mari Takahashi! - Duration: 5:31.


Channel i News 4 December 2017 Bangladesh news Today Bangla Breaking News all Bangla - Duration: 15:44.

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For more infomation >> Channel i News 4 December 2017 Bangladesh news Today Bangla Breaking News all Bangla - Duration: 15:44.


Claw Machine Cake | How to Make an Edible Claw Machine - Duration: 10:19.

hey everyone's James from fun foods and today I'm working with gamer green to

show you how to make this edible claw machine cake that actually works you can

work it just like a claw machine and you can eat it including the glass so thank

you so much for gamer green who sent me a little mini claw machine so I can use

the mechanism for it so it'll operate just like a real claw machine you can

find out more about gamer green and the link below in the description but for

right now let's keep watching and I'll show you exactly how to make this cake

now what we're gonna do is make our glass panels now of course we can't use

real glass because we need to eat this so we're gonna make hard candy that

looks just like glass that you can see through and to do that it's pretty

simple to do we need a very big pot and we need a whole lot of sugar even more

sugar than this so in this big pot I'm gonna put 10 cups of sugar in here I'm

also gonna put some light corn syrup and some water and then we're gonna heat

this over the stove until it comes to a boil and then we need to get it up to

305 degrees which is the hard crack stage and then we can pour it into a

mold now I'll show you this is just one mold this is just a side panel mold

that's how big this cakes gonna be and that in comparison to this see how much

bigger it is so it's going to be a massive cake for this mold I cut out

around where the joystick is gonna go and where the prize hole is going to be

now we're going to make our cake recipe and I'm gonna have to make a total of

four of these sheet cakes now this is a twelve by seventeen inch pan and our

recipe that I'm gonna do I'm gonna have to double just to get one of these

filled so keep that in mind if you're gonna make this first in a large bowl I

have one cup of softened butter that's just softened at room temperature I'm

going to add to that two cups of sugar and one teaspoon of vanilla extract

and we're just going to mix this up cream it all together when that's all

done just take this set this aside we'll come right back to it shortly next for

our dry ingredients I have a medium bowl here and I have three and a half cups of

flour in it I'm going to add to that two teaspoons of baking soda and about a

half a teaspoon of salt just whisk that up really good now back to our wet

ingredients and to that I'm going to add three large eggs and two cups of whole

milk mix that in really good when that's mixed in we're going to start to add our

dry ingredients slowly I'm going to do about half at a time

now here's the secret to make this a moist cake but still keep a dense I'm

adding pudding this is just one package of vanilla pudding now just take this

put this in the oven at 325 degrees for anywhere between 80 and 90 minutes when

your cakes have come out of the oven they've cooled down completely what we

need to do is start building our cakes on top of our platform now I just have

this it's a nice decorative little thing here this is gonna be my base this is

where all the stuffs gonna go on now I'm not gonna put the cakes right in the

middle I'm gonna put it back a bit and you'll see why as we go ahead and build

this but the first thing I want to do is just take some frosting you can use

canned frosting that where you can make your own I'm gonna put it out on the

bottom just to smear it a bit so it acts as the glue to hold the cake in place

I'm not gonna do a lot just just a bit and it doesn't have to go all over

there we go now I'm going to take one cake at a time I'm gonna flip it over

and like I said it's gonna be back towards the back a little bit and I have

it so the cake won't just come out right away and in between each layer I'm gonna

put more frosting this is again going to bond the two layers of cake together and

we're gonna have three layers all together just for the bottom

there we go

this is gonna be our base we are going to carve it out a little bit so it's not

gonna look exactly like this but it's a good start I've made another batch of

hard candy to act as glue to join the sides together we have to work quickly

apply and hold in place until it dries

after that dries surround the cake with it

add the back piece

cut out pieces of the cake for the prize slot and the controllers

cut an extra piece of the cake to surround the controllers

cover the cake parts with fondant

put more cake around the top of the claw machine and decorate it with fondant

now what we got to do is actually try our cake plate it see if it works if it

works just like the claw machine or not we're gonna see we're gonna test out

right now and of course we can't use just any money to operate this thing we

have to use chocolate tokens you know these little chocolate money here you go

mmm I guess I shouldn't eat all the

tokens or else I won't be able to play the game but here you go let's stick this

in here and get it going it is a little big so it won't fit in there completely

but luckily it came with these little tiny tokens I'll pop that in there now

here goes let's see what should I get

come on wonder if I can get two prizes

Oh, I don't think I got it

I'll missed it let me try doing it again let's uh move over a bit maybe

this time yeah I think I got it I think I got it come on come on make it come on

back let's get that thing in there move it over this way

nope wrong way and drop it yes winner I got it it is a little plush toy that came with

the claw machine so there's a lot of fun playing this I'm gonna keep playing this

because why not it's a cake that we can actually play like a claw machine you

gotta love that

well now it's time for the taste test I'm gonna cut me a piece

of this cake and try it out so I think I'll go from the side here

nothing like having a claw machine that you can actually eat I'm gonna dig into

this cake and see how it tastes mmm it's good well thanks everyone for

watching I hope you enjoyed watch when you make this edible claw machine cake

it was a lot of fun and you can win prizes and eat a cake can't go wrong

with that now can you so if you enjoyed this video please hit

that like button also hit that big red subscribe button if you're not already

subscribed you get new videos every week and as always check out some of the

videos I have off to the side to think you may enjoy those as well a big thank

you to gamer green for sponsoring this video and as always I'll see you guys

next week

For more infomation >> Claw Machine Cake | How to Make an Edible Claw Machine - Duration: 10:19.


Selena Gomez loves how 'vulnerable' Justin Bieber is after reuniting - Duration: 1:50.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

Selena Gomez loves how vulnerable Justin Bieber is after reuniting he's been really open Selena Gomez 25

Has been thrilled with Justin Bieber's vulnerability during their recent time together

And it's been working wonders for their relationship

Justin has been very open about his feelings towards her and she appreciates and values his candidness and willingness to be vulnerable

With her now more than he had during their first relationship

Stints Selena is enjoying the refined and mature Justin and she is taking everything a step at a time so

Not to ruin the great vibes and energy. They share together

Justin has definitely seemed to grow and live a different life than he has in the past

With regular visits to church and joining a hockey team he appears to be trying to live as normal a life as he possibly

Can and we are so happy that he and Selena have been able to find love once again

They have been seen together in various public places and seem to be having a great time

Selena has been going through quite a transition after having to have a kidney

Transplant last summer due to her battle with Lucas and her breakup from the weakened 27 whom she dated for 10 months

Finding her way back to Justin has made jelena fans everywhere rejoice and proves that Selena is

Cherishing all the people important to her as much as she can we can't wait to see what happens with the popular doula next

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez loves how 'vulnerable' Justin Bieber is after reuniting - Duration: 1:50.


#06 - Etapas do Exame Pericial nos Crimes Cibernéticos - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> #06 - Etapas do Exame Pericial nos Crimes Cibernéticos - Duration: 6:48.


Occidental Santa Cruz Contemporáneo in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain (Europe) - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Occidental Santa Cruz Contemporáneo in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain (Europe) - Duration: 5:12.


কক্স বাজার পানির নিচে রাস্তা - Duration: 5:13.


For more infomation >> কক্স বাজার পানির নিচে রাস্তা - Duration: 5:13.


Soleil Sorgé: effusioni al concerto con Marco Cartasegna, l'incontro con Luca s'avvicina - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Soleil Sorgé: effusioni al concerto con Marco Cartasegna, l'incontro con Luca s'avvicina - Duration: 3:44.


벤츠, 더 뉴 S 클래스 고객 인도 개시..AMG는 연내 계획 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> 벤츠, 더 뉴 S 클래스 고객 인도 개시..AMG는 연내 계획 - Duration: 2:33.


구혜선도 당했다…드라마 출연료 2억 6000만원 미지급 | SuperStar - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 구혜선도 당했다…드라마 출연료 2억 6000만원 미지급 | SuperStar - Duration: 2:43.


Meet the female candidates ...

For more infomation >> Meet the female candidates ...


Feinstein sees 'obstruction of justice' in firing of Comey | Meet The Press | NBC News - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Feinstein sees 'obstruction of justice' in firing of Comey | Meet The Press | NBC News - Duration: 1:17.


The Twinkling Light Set: An increasingly rare but delightful type of decorative lighting - Duration: 11:51.

It's that time of year again, the time where we embrace the meaning of the holidays by

relentlessly spending our money at various shrines to consumerism around the world, and

covering our homes in a superfluous amount of lights.

I'm not so much a fan of the former, but I do like lights.

And in this video, I'll be showing you my favorite kind.

This is the part where you say, "This isn't what I thought the next video was going to

be about!", and you're right.

I just came back from a family trip and still have to finish that one up.

For now, though, I want to show you a special kind of light.

These lights seem to be fairly uncommon, which is a shame because the effect they produce

is in my opinion unparalleled.

As you shall soon see.

First a few qualifiers.

If I were to refer to these as Hmm hmm lights, I'd annoy a particular set of people.

And if I referred to them as hmm hm hm lights I'd annoy the opposite particular set of


So I'll take the British approach and refer to these as Fairy Lights.

Now you're both annoyed.

This video will focus mainly on incandescent fairy lights because the sets I'm talking

about fall under that category.

So first, some general info.

Note that this is from an American perspective where fairy lights run at 120 volts.

Incandescent fairy lights of this style tend to be constructed as cheaply as possible.

The wiring is done point-to-point, with the lamp holders simply being a plastic tube thing

with the wires just sorta poking up through the bottom and being held to the sides.

The lamps are equally primitive.

Just a glass envelope with a tiny filament suspended between two support wires that go

straight out the bottom of the glass.

A removable plastic base holds the glass with the wires bent up the sides, and it lines

up with the lamp holder, which presses the wires of the bulb into the wires at the sides

of the base.

A set of 100 lights is typically made of two series circuits of 50 lights each, with the

lights running at about 2.4 volts.

If you remove a light from the string, that opens the circuit, and half the strand goes


This is the cause of much frustration, let me tell you.

But, to prevent a burnt out bulb from opening the circuit and thus killing half the string,

the bulbs are constructed with a clever little feature.

At the base of the bulb, wrapped around the support wires, is a little wire loop.

This wire is coated with a weak insulator that will prevent current from flowing through

it at the normally low operational voltage.

But if the filament breaks, the full 120 volts is briefly present at the lamp because none

of the other lamps are receiving current and dropping the voltage down.

The insulation around the wire loop will usually break down with such a high voltage, which

turns it into a shunt, thus shorting out the lamp and continuing the circuit.

This is known as an antifuse, and I said the insulation usually breaks down because we

have all had a set of lights that just refuses to work for no apparent reason, and this is

a possible culprit.

That's what light repair devices are used for--by detecting voltage at each of the lamps,

you can travel along the string to find out which light is the last to receive voltage,

and thus which one is likely the cause of a fault.

As an unfortunate side-effect of this feature, each shorted lamp increases the voltage across

the remaining lamps.

With 49 operational lamps instead of fifty, each lamp now gets about 2.45 volts.

They're rated at 2.5 volts, at least in these sets, so one or two burnt out lights

won't be too harmful.

But with only 45 lights working, each remaining light gets 2.66 volts.

With 40 operational lamps, the rest get a whole 3 volts.

Each burnt out light makes the rest work harder, and thus increases the likelihood of future

lamp failures.

Eventually, the set will experience a rapid cascade failure of all the lamps, turning

the whole string into a short circuit, and the fuse in the plug will blow.

It's for this reason that you should replace a burnt out lamp as soon as possible in a

string of miniature fairy lights.

So, now that you understand the operation of fairy lights a little more, let's get

to the subject of this video.

Most conventional strands of lights come with a couple of flasher bulbs, identified by a

red tip.

These contain a bimetallic strip that reacts to the heat from the filament, causing it

to bend.

After a certain amount of time, the bimetallic strip bends sufficiently to break the circuit.

Once it cools down, the circuit will be reconnected, and the filament will re-light, which reheats

the bimetallic strip, and it goes out again.

This repeats over and over and over again.

When you replace any lamp with one of these suckers, it will cause half of the light strand

to flash because it will break the entire circuit once the bimetallic strip has warmed

up, and will reconnect it once it cools.

I've always found this to be a rather dumb looking effect, and I think most people agree

because these flasher bulbs seem almost never to be used.

But, there are some strands of lights that use a different kind of flasher bulb, and

use many of them.

These seem to be sold as "twinkling" lights, and their approach is completely different.

These are the subject of this video, and I really really like them.

These strands use many flashers, typically every fifth light, and these flashers don't

break the circuit when the bimetallic stip bends.

Instead, they short out when the strip bends.

This does two things.

First, the current bypasses the filament as it takes the path of least resistance, and

the bulb goes out.

But, it also increases the voltage to the rest of the strand.

When you first power one of these sets up, the entire light strand is illuminated.

But as the flashers heat up, they start to randomly go in and out.

This is a great effect on its own, but because they short themselves out when they're not

lit, they slightly affect the brightness of the entire strand.

This is most easily seen with a new set still wrapped together, because this entire bundle

has no flashers among it.

Notice how it shimmers.

This happens because the voltage across these lamps is constantly changing as the flashers

do their thing.

Yet another great side effect of the way these work is a gradual transition in brightness

with each flasher.

Normally, flasher bulbs produce a very sudden on-off effect since the entire strand goes

on and off at once.

Because the strand as a whole sees 120 volts when it first receives power, the filaments

nearly instantly achieve full brightness.

The voltage between them doesn't drop to 2.4 volts until they're all hot, as the

resistance of an incandescent lamp is about 15 times greater when it's hot compared

to when it's cold.

But since the lamps in a twinkling set only see between 2.4 and 3 volts across them as

they twinkle, they don't have 120 volts to get them started, so they don't suddenly

turn on and off like a conventional set.

See, when you apply just 2.4 volts to a normal bulb, it lights up very slowly compared to

just plugging a set into the wall, because the lower voltage will pass less initial current

through the filament, and thus heat it more slowly.

This creates a more gradual turn-on for the flashers which I find very nice.

Now, you might ask, why am I making this video?

The short answer is, I find these sets of fairy lights to be nothing short of delightful.

They're a nice enhancement to a static display without being annoying, and their randomness

is appealing.

Though animated LED based strands are available, they don't come close to these in my opinion.

And, these sets are harder and harder to find.

In fact, I don't think many people realize they exist.

I rarely see people using them.

The only place in my area that seems to reliably stock them every year is Menards.

Now if you're not an American midwesterner you probably don't know Menards, but they're

a local chain of hardware stores, essentially a larger, quite a bit more eccentric version

of the Home Depot or Lowes, complete with a banjo-filled jingle.

♪ Save Big Money at Menards! ♪

ACE hardware also had a small number of sets for sale, but clearly they don't sell too

well as they're kind of left alone among dozens of other offerings.

The Home Depot doesn't appear to sell them, and neither does Walmart.

I don't have a Lowes near me, otherwise I'd have checked.

If anyone knows of other places you can find these, please let us know in the comments.

It may be that they're uncommon because the rest of the lights are designed to tolerate

the increased voltage the flashers let through.

They aren't your standard 2.4 volt bulbs, in fact they're 2.9 volts,

a somewhat rare rating.

This high voltage rating allows them to spend most of their existence being underrun; they

will see their rated voltage only in the rare instance that nine or more flashers along the 50 light

circuit are currently in the off state, which virtually never happens with 10 total flashers.

On average they only see 2.66 volts.

And while we're on the subject of fairy lights, allow me to express a few grievances.

This, I'm sure, is more preference than anything, but there's only one retailer

near me, that's ACE hardware, that sells what I consider to be the "correct" color

combination of simply Yellow, Red, Green, and Blue for multi-colored light strands.

Nearly everyone else uses orange instead of yellow, and adds purple or pink.

Sometimes there's even a cyanish blue in there.

I'm most bothered by the replacement of yellow with orange because yellow is a very

bright color and provides contrast from the others.

Orange is too dark and similar to red.

But that's just my humble opinion.

Also, I really don't care for most multicolored LED fairy lights offered today, largely because

of the way they are implemented.

Perhaps I'm out of touch, but I am not a fan of the monochromatic blue LEDs used in them.

They produce a visual effect for me of a fuzzy halo and are almost hard to focus me eyes on.

In fact, I find all of the colors but red to be a bit jarring precisely because they

are monochromatic.

I'd like to see a set of multicolored LED lights made with entirely warm white LEDs

but with tinted diffusers just like in the good old days.

I think these would be easier on the eyes.

In fact, that gives me an idea…

I'm gonna do some experimentation and report back in another video.

In general I think LED fairy lights have gotten very good lately, and the warm white color

is becoming better every year, plus I think applications like icicle lights or snowflake

type things are a good application for cool white LEDs.

I particularly like the fact that since they use so little power you can string many sets

together without worrying about capacity.

But I don't like the fact that they're constructed just like incandescents sets.

In fact, I purchased this set of lights just to confirm my suspicions, and though I don't

want to suppose this is convention, I find it rather funny that these are just regular

LEDs with their pins shoved down a regular lamp holder and bent up the sides, with the

rest of the light strand design being essentially identical to an incandescent one, aside from

this little doodad which I'm assuming is a diode and capacitor to limit current.

I know other sets use fancier diffusers with other shapes, but the sockets are usually pretty similar

But on that note, it seems nearly every LED set I've encountered is only half-wave rectified

with no smoothing at all, which makes them flicker like mad.

Spin them around and you can see that they're lit perhaps only 10% of the time, owing to

them only being lit at the very peak of the positive cycle.

Anyway, I'm all for energy efficient lighting as anyone who follows this channel knows,

but I haven't seen an LED set that can duplicate this twinkling effect so well.

Most of them are animated strings like this, but they don't address each bulb individually

so it's an unsubtle and predictable effect.

I have seen some applications of prelit figurines with a small percentage of LEDs that do twinkle,

but if memory serves the individual LEDs flashed at a steady rate.

They weren't all the same flashing rate, so they drifted apart from one another, but

there was no randomness in each one.

Also the rest of the lights were unaffected.

I'm afraid I'll have to just be a fuddy duddy a little longer and keep buying a few

backup sets of these each year.

I've got 5 extra now.

And no, I don't have a problem.

Thanks for watching, and I hope you found this video interesting.

Like I said, I want these lights to survive and I want more people to know about them.

I'll leave you a view of the lights on my balcony so you can enjoy them.

If you're new to this channel and like what you saw, please consider subscribing!

Of course, thank you to all of my Patreon supporters for keeping this channel possible.

You really make all the difference.

You can support this channel through the link that will appear shortly on your screen, or

by visiting the link down below.

Thank you for your consideration, and I'll see you next time.

(Strained) Oh, god.

Those were very hot.

For more infomation >> The Twinkling Light Set: An increasingly rare but delightful type of decorative lighting - Duration: 11:51.


MATTE MAKEUP! Matowy Makijaż / Veronica Marie - Duration: 5:31.

Okey! Hi, welcome back to my channel!

My name is Veronica and as I promised: I'm back

and here is another makeup video!

I couldn't wait to film it so I hope you're gonna like it

I don't want you to think that I feel like a makeup pro or something

that's not the point

I just wanted to show you some of my new product

which I love and share it with you guys

they work really good for everyday makeup

especially if you put as much as I do

you know


so I can start it!

As you can see the first

product I'm gonna use is

is Oil Control Lotion by MAC Cosmetics

it's really great and it can let my makeup stay fresh longer

and it also gives my makeup amazing matte finish

Now I will use my Smashbox Primer Stick

it's really easy to use

and foundation looks so pretty with it

I'm going to wear my Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation and blend it with a sponge

it doesn't work nice if you want to have a light and natural makeup, it's pretty heavy

I'm gonna use Kat Von D Lock It concealer

It's one of my favourites and It always keeps all of my pimples hidden

I don't want to spend too much time working on my eyebrows

so I will use my eyebrow pomade in shade dark brown

If you want to know more about the products I use

just look into description box

now I will use my eyebrow gel to make it look more natural and hairy

PAESE Rice Powder is going to make it less shiny and stay longer

and obviously perfectly matte

I'm going to use my ABH eyeshadow palette for eye makeup

The first thing is the lightest shade for base colour

and I'm putting it on with concealer brush

Now I will put brunt orange on the top and blend it all over

and darker brown into the crease

and I will run brown upper the crease so I can get my eyeliner there late

the eyeliner I've been using lately is Kat Von D famous Tattoo Liner in black

It can do literally anything you want

I'm using it to get it the way it matches my eye and face

but you can do what you feel best with

as you probably know

the first mascara I'm going to use is

is Roller Lash mascara from Benefit Cosmetics

it brushes and curls lashes in the perfect way

to let it stay longer and give it more volume

I will put waterproof Better Than Sex mascara

from Too Faced

and now it looks like it's faux lashes!

for the bottom lashes I will use

Extended Play Lash mascara from MAC Cosmetics

and I've heard it works best for that part

I'm using my Smashbox Contour Kit to contour my face

it's my second palette actually

I've loved it since I remember

I will use MAC Fever Blush

It looks really good if you need matte makeup

Chocolate Lip Scrub will help you peel off everything you don't need anymore

and to put my lipstick on and make it look fresh

you can eat it, it's all made of sugar

The lipstick I've chosen is

the famous Matte Velvet Teddy Lipstick from MAC Cosmetics

and it looks so good

and here it is!

I hope you like my video

and see you in the next one!

if you're here comment with a heart emoji

so I can see everyone of you!

see you!

For more infomation >> MATTE MAKEUP! Matowy Makijaż / Veronica Marie - Duration: 5:31.


How to Root Samsung Galaxy Tab A or Any Other Samsung Device Running Android Nougat or Marshmallow - Duration: 7:11.

Extract the ' .ZIP ' File Now

Press 'VOL+' Button to Confirm

For more infomation >> How to Root Samsung Galaxy Tab A or Any Other Samsung Device Running Android Nougat or Marshmallow - Duration: 7:11.


Argentina vs. Spain | Group E | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 29:31.

Another of the most anticipated games of this world cup:

Argentina against Spain, in the Signal Iduna Park, Dortmund, Germany.

Hi! How are you? Welcome.

This is the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany.

You are watching JCATV: a real virtual world.

We are already in the first matches of Group E,

which opens with the two strongest and favorite teams to qualify for the next round.

The four world cups won by Argentina seem to be more a thing of the past.

While they remain a strong team in the JCA Universe,

we must not forget that in the World Cup of Serbia 2014 they were beaten by Tunisia

and they were eliminated in the first round.

It seems that the proposal could be a 4-3-3, or 4-1-2-3.

In the last matches we have seen a Messi very delayed, which played against the albicelestes.

The defense is its weak point. Hopefully those four stars on the shirt today do not weigh them.

Spain is a somewhat stronger team than Argentina and could use a similar lineup,

a 4-3-3 although more classic and with the most open extreme forwards.

I risk saying that if I have to choose between these two teams to bet who would win,

I lean more for Spain than for Argentina.

The Spanish have a pillar in each section of the team:

De Gea, solid goalkeeper, the duo Sergio Ramos and Pique in defense,

a born distributor and creator of opportunities like Iniesta in the center of the field

and Nolito from the far left who could have a party with the weak Argentine defense.

We'll see if this is the line-up that the manager will use.

A cold night in Dortmund but only for the weather,

because the meeting has already raised enough temperature to allow us to think

that this meeting will be epic.

The anthem of JCATV is going to start so I leave them with Mariano Closs and Fernando Niembro.

We just enjoyed one of the most exciting matches of the whole cup. What do you think?

Argentina came out to win it from the first minute.

Messi, again, we saw him delayed with respect to his usual position.

The albicelestes developed very well the beginning of the game but, as soon as it was complicated,

the team lost its axis and disarmed.

Spain remained calm and, once the pressure increased and saw the possibilities, he took advantage of them to tie the match.

Near the end, Argentina could have lost. Messi disappeared completely.

So much so that the best of the team was Di Maria,

who is usually irregular but when the spark is turned on, it becomes a fundamental part of the South Americans.

Spain was on the verge of winning the match but Romero, this time,

protected the Argentine goal and saved the albiceleste from starting with a difficult defeat.

Now both teams are forced to win in their next matches, if they want to qualify.

What did you think about the game? Can we say that it has been the best, until now? Could Spain have won it?

What do you think of Messi's performance on the field? Share your opinions in the comments.

The next match will be Ghana against Poland, also by Group E, at Borussia Park Stadium.

This is all friends! This is the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany.

I'm JCA and you're watching JCATV: a real virtual world.

Do not forget to subscribe, like, comment and share.

See you soon! Bye!

For more infomation >> Argentina vs. Spain | Group E | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 29:31.


Hello Internet - I'm back | LaySongTV - Duration: 4:38.

Hello, and welcome back?

It has been

Quite some time since i made my last video in fact it's been, about a, year

My, last video, was right at the beginning of 2017 and

As you all know

17 is about to end in a couple of weeks so


consistency has not been, my thing in the last couple of months and

It was the sweetest thing ever

That some of you

Messaged, me and asked, me if it was okay and and if everything, was all right or

If i needed any help

I'm fine. I just i didn't i really feel like

making videos and today i'm making this little video in my sleeping shirt

On this snowy, cold, day

just to

Like catch up and and start making videos again, because i really missed it and... look at this... look at

this, what the hell, is this?

You know this is what happens when i wash my hair and go to bed like i'm really going bald, well i'm not

so, what has been going on since i made my last video nine months ago

I finally, made it into college which is also a reason that i didn't make videos

Studying has turned out to be a lot more

Time-consuming than i expected it to be i was like really naive i felt like i could just go there sit there

Listen and then i'll just know

What it is about but that is not how it's going down so i have to put some time into studying

The next reason for me not being on youtube is my job which i also

got recently


Just with the job and my studies i am working

About 120 percent so there is not much time for me to do anything except for studying or working

But, also that is the reason why, i want to start making videos again

I i feel, like there is nothing i'm just doing for myself

there is nothing anymore i

Do, my, free time because i don't have, any, free time anymore

And that has turned, my, life, upside down quite a bit because before that i didn't really know, what to do with

My time i was bored all the time i'm not bored at all anymore but i did realize that i miss making videos for

one simple reason

It did make me feel more comfortable with myself

It gave me self-esteem, which sounds so stupid and like

so cliche but it really is like that i

Noticed those last month's that i have again started like feeling really, bad about myself



So critical towards myself and setting myself, goals that are

impossible to reach

In the time frame i'm setting myself before that when i was still making videos i kind of?

Was able to see myself in a more realistic light and not in the

negative kind of way i

tend to see myself

and so i

Kind of i just, want to make videos again

because i miss talking to people i miss getting comments of course that is good for my self-esteem i'm not gonna lie and


miss having a hobby that has nothing to do with work and nothing to do with, my studies so i

Really, hope i'm not promising too much and i really hope i can, stick to it but i want to revive this

Channel i wanted to live i wanted to breathe again

And i think now it's the time for me to, do that so i hope you guys, don't hate me for being

Away for so long and i hope that


Gonna watch, my videos i don't know, what they're, gonna be about?

In the future probably just

Rambling talks, about whatever the, hell

I, want to talk about as it was and i am really looking forward to talking to you, again, see you soon bye

For more infomation >> Hello Internet - I'm back | LaySongTV - Duration: 4:38.


Comment gagner de l'argent sur Youtube. Mon salaire sur Youtube - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Comment gagner de l'argent sur Youtube. Mon salaire sur Youtube - Duration: 8:29.


remede naturel avec vi@gr@ naturel - 6 remèdes efficaces à tester contre les angines - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> remede naturel avec vi@gr@ naturel - 6 remèdes efficaces à tester contre les angines - Duration: 4:16.


Boato sobre bactéria que 'come carne humana' circula nas redes sociais - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Boato sobre bactéria que 'come carne humana' circula nas redes sociais - Duration: 0:53.


Coupe de France : Lille-Fives s'incline logiquement face à Dunkerque (0-2) - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Coupe de France : Lille-Fives s'incline logiquement face à Dunkerque (0-2) - Duration: 1:42.


Homem que inspirou o 'Desafio do Balde de Gelo' morre aos 46 anos - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Homem que inspirou o 'Desafio do Balde de Gelo' morre aos 46 anos - Duration: 1:11.


Most Expensive Alcohol Taste In the World - Duration: 3:21.

Welcome To fewcast

I collected 10 Expensive.

And Taste Alchols

1.Vieille Bon Secours Ale $1000

It's 10 years old, and it comes in a 12-liter bottle, so at least there's enough to drown

your buyer's remorse.

Except, you'll also be mourning the fact that you had to buy a ticket to London, seeing

as it's only sold at a bar there called the Bierdome.


The Gigi's $14000

This cocktail is made with 1990 vintage Cristal, 1888 Samalens Vieille Relique Vintage Bas

Armagnac, Angostura Bitters and sugar But what drink is complete without a gold leaf


The good news is that you pay for the full bottles of champagne and armagnac.

3.Legacy By Angostura- $25000

This rum is the top of the line and is a special blend of 7 of Angostura's most rare and

coveted rums.

4.Château D'quem 1811.$117000

This bottle of white wine is the most famous of what is known as a 'comet vintage a year

where a comet sighting precedes the harvest and great wine is a result… naturally.

It sold for 6 figures at the Ritz in London in 2011.

5.Penfolds Ampoule- $168000

What makes this one so special?

It contains the highly-prized 2004 Kalimna Block 42 Cabernet Sauvignon.

If that doesn't make you want to throw your life savings at it, perhaps the container


It's an airtight hand-blown glass vial suspended by a glass plumb bob in a timber cabinet

6.Dalmore 62- $180000

Forget Johnnie Walker, in 2002 the Dalmore released their 62-year-old scotch that immediately

became the most valuable in the world.

Supposedly even the wood presentation case took 100 hours to create.

7.Armand de Brignac Midas-$190000

Known as the "Ace of Spades," a bottle of one of the world's top champagnes will

cost you quite a bit.

The most expensive bottle is 30 liters, but we all know how long that lasts in champagne


8.Diva Vodka- $1 million

It's first ice-filtered, then charcoal-filtered and finally filtered through a sand made of

precious stones.

If just the vodka is all you want, you can buy a bottle for $4,000.

The million dollar price tag is for a bottle filled with the precious and semi-precious


9.Henri IV Dudognon

Heritage Cognac Grande Champagne- $2 million What happens when you put good cognac in a

bottle dipped in 24 K yellow gold and sterling platinum and decorated with 6,500 diamonds?

You get a 17-pound bottle that contains 1-liter of alcohol.

10.Ley .925 Tequila Pasion Azteca Ultra Premium Anejo- $3.5 million

The cheapest version of this extravagant bottle costs $225000 and features a hand-crafted

white gold and pure platinum bottle.

For $1.5 million, you get diamonds on the bottle.

If you truly have nothing else to spend your money on, go for the world record-setting

$3.5 million bottle made of 8 pounds of platinum and covered in 6400 diamonds.

How many boxes of Franzia do you think you could buy with all of this money?

I hope like This video So don't forget Like comment Share Subscribe.

Thanks For watching

For more infomation >> Most Expensive Alcohol Taste In the World - Duration: 3:21.


Puigdemont enfría la hoja de ruta con ERC y CUP - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont enfría la hoja de ruta con ERC y CUP - Duration: 4:06.


2018 será um ano de muitos terramotos? - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> 2018 será um ano de muitos terramotos? - Duration: 1:23.


Xp33 Start procedure - Duration: 5:24.

5' to the start

we are port tack

We start to hoist the jib

Little visibility behind the jib

Attention we are windward and port tack

Attention to the boats with starboard tack

We have an overlap leeward boat that wants to luff

but we can't answer

because of the boats coming to starboard tack

We let the boats pass

and then answer the luff by tacking

3' to the start

We are lay line committee

Is it not forbidden to greet friends on other boats

We are now starboard tack

2' to the start

We control boats coming from behind

Without going too high towards the line

And too close to the leeward boat

For that we make big bear

Followed by fast luff

Once positioned, we control the distance to the line

Let's go, we have to speed up the boat

We take a look at the committee

And now, windward!!

For more infomation >> Xp33 Start procedure - Duration: 5:24.


Michel Vedette - Together (Instrumental & Karaoké) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Michel Vedette - Together (Instrumental & Karaoké) - Duration: 3:35.


Le fils d'Alain Delon en galère. Alain-Fabien peine à payer son loyer - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Le fils d'Alain Delon en galère. Alain-Fabien peine à payer son loyer - Duration: 1:59.


Welcome to My House-Roblox Music Video - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Welcome to My House-Roblox Music Video - Duration: 3:13.


Victime d'un coup de vent, Nicole Kidman se débat avec sa robe - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Victime d'un coup de vent, Nicole Kidman se débat avec sa robe - Duration: 2:14.


韋汝當單親媽「不屑豪門婚」!堅持不花「每月15萬」贍養費...狂接288通告賺很大! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 韋汝當單親媽「不屑豪門婚」!堅持不花「每月15萬」贍養費...狂接288通告賺很大! - Duration: 1:53.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


171204 F(x) Amber 에프엑스 엠버 - @ajol_llama Instagram Live - Duration: 23:03.

For more infomation >> 171204 F(x) Amber 에프엑스 엠버 - @ajol_llama Instagram Live - Duration: 23:03.


Dry Aloo Matar ( Dry Peas & Potatoes Vegetable) || आलू मटर की सुखी भाजी || - Duration: 6:54.

Chopped Potatoes- Medium size, 4 pcs

Green Peas - 1/2 Cup, 100 grms

Chopped Onion - 2 medium size

Chopped Tomato - 2 medium size

Chopped Garlic - 4 pcs

Chopped Chillies - 3 pcs

Chopped Coriander Leaves

Cumin Seeds - 1/2 Tsp

Turmeric Powder - 1 1/2 Tsp

Coriander Powder - 1 1/2 Tsp

Garam Masala - 1 Tsp

Red Chilly Powder - 1/2 Tsp

Salt as per taste

Oil - 2 Tsp

Water - 200 ml

Fenugreek Powder - 1 Tsp

Ghee - 1 Tsp

Put Frying Pan for heating on medium flame

Add oil and heat

Add Cumin Seeds, green chilly, garlic

Stir till garlic turns golden

Add chopped onion and stir

Heat till onion get soften

Add chopped potatoes

Mix with onion and cook for 5 min. with covering lid

Add Green Peas and sauté well

Add turmeric powder, Red Chilly Powder & coriander powder and mix well

Add chopped tomatoes and cook open for 5 min. Stir in between

Add water and cook for 15 min by covering lid. Stir in between

When potatoes got softer, add salt & Garam masala

Cook for next 5 min by covering lid.

Add fenugreek powder & Ghee for flavouring

Add coriander leaves for Garnishing

Dry Aloo Matar Ready For Serving

For more infomation >> Dry Aloo Matar ( Dry Peas & Potatoes Vegetable) || आलू मटर की सुखी भाजी || - Duration: 6:54.


A Day In The Life of a Google Photographer | iPhone 7 Plus | Canon 5D - Duration: 3:24.

I'm taking you with me today

to a day on the job.

I have a photoshoot

I'm going to make an indoor Google Street View

for an naughty cinema.

The advantage of wearing this hat is

that if you accidentally open your camera

your double chin is invisible.

This is nice waking up,

but this even more so.

I'm Batman.

Too bad Halloween's over.

Apparently, the owner of the cinema

canceled via email.

But still, I was there for an hour and a half, or two.

I had a very good conversation

with a man who works there.

Let's go to the next shoot!

As you can see, I traded my bear suit

Super fancy and stylish, take a look.

I even have a waist belt.

I'm so happy with this outfit.

Looking forward to the whistles of all the construction workers!

Look at that!

What do you think of my outfit?!


A shining example!

If it were blue, you'd be a smurf!

The sun has entered.

No fear for me and my camera?

No mam'

Are you ready? - We are ready!

Outfit change!

You you feel different now you're wearing a different jacket?

Not so much with this one, compared to the other jacket.

Look, we've brought all of this!

Isn't it amazing

And you have to look at this detail!

Do you understand anything about money?


Well, me neither.

But this gentleman does!

And he even makes it fun as well!

Just have a good conversation with each other!

No combination of words

is in it's meaning

or it's feeling

strong enough

to describe how tired I am right now.

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