Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2017

It's that time of year again, the time where we embrace the meaning of the holidays by

relentlessly spending our money at various shrines to consumerism around the world, and

covering our homes in a superfluous amount of lights.

I'm not so much a fan of the former, but I do like lights.

And in this video, I'll be showing you my favorite kind.

This is the part where you say, "This isn't what I thought the next video was going to

be about!", and you're right.

I just came back from a family trip and still have to finish that one up.

For now, though, I want to show you a special kind of light.

These lights seem to be fairly uncommon, which is a shame because the effect they produce

is in my opinion unparalleled.

As you shall soon see.

First a few qualifiers.

If I were to refer to these as Hmm hmm lights, I'd annoy a particular set of people.

And if I referred to them as hmm hm hm lights I'd annoy the opposite particular set of


So I'll take the British approach and refer to these as Fairy Lights.

Now you're both annoyed.

This video will focus mainly on incandescent fairy lights because the sets I'm talking

about fall under that category.

So first, some general info.

Note that this is from an American perspective where fairy lights run at 120 volts.

Incandescent fairy lights of this style tend to be constructed as cheaply as possible.

The wiring is done point-to-point, with the lamp holders simply being a plastic tube thing

with the wires just sorta poking up through the bottom and being held to the sides.

The lamps are equally primitive.

Just a glass envelope with a tiny filament suspended between two support wires that go

straight out the bottom of the glass.

A removable plastic base holds the glass with the wires bent up the sides, and it lines

up with the lamp holder, which presses the wires of the bulb into the wires at the sides

of the base.

A set of 100 lights is typically made of two series circuits of 50 lights each, with the

lights running at about 2.4 volts.

If you remove a light from the string, that opens the circuit, and half the strand goes


This is the cause of much frustration, let me tell you.

But, to prevent a burnt out bulb from opening the circuit and thus killing half the string,

the bulbs are constructed with a clever little feature.

At the base of the bulb, wrapped around the support wires, is a little wire loop.

This wire is coated with a weak insulator that will prevent current from flowing through

it at the normally low operational voltage.

But if the filament breaks, the full 120 volts is briefly present at the lamp because none

of the other lamps are receiving current and dropping the voltage down.

The insulation around the wire loop will usually break down with such a high voltage, which

turns it into a shunt, thus shorting out the lamp and continuing the circuit.

This is known as an antifuse, and I said the insulation usually breaks down because we

have all had a set of lights that just refuses to work for no apparent reason, and this is

a possible culprit.

That's what light repair devices are used for--by detecting voltage at each of the lamps,

you can travel along the string to find out which light is the last to receive voltage,

and thus which one is likely the cause of a fault.

As an unfortunate side-effect of this feature, each shorted lamp increases the voltage across

the remaining lamps.

With 49 operational lamps instead of fifty, each lamp now gets about 2.45 volts.

They're rated at 2.5 volts, at least in these sets, so one or two burnt out lights

won't be too harmful.

But with only 45 lights working, each remaining light gets 2.66 volts.

With 40 operational lamps, the rest get a whole 3 volts.

Each burnt out light makes the rest work harder, and thus increases the likelihood of future

lamp failures.

Eventually, the set will experience a rapid cascade failure of all the lamps, turning

the whole string into a short circuit, and the fuse in the plug will blow.

It's for this reason that you should replace a burnt out lamp as soon as possible in a

string of miniature fairy lights.

So, now that you understand the operation of fairy lights a little more, let's get

to the subject of this video.

Most conventional strands of lights come with a couple of flasher bulbs, identified by a

red tip.

These contain a bimetallic strip that reacts to the heat from the filament, causing it

to bend.

After a certain amount of time, the bimetallic strip bends sufficiently to break the circuit.

Once it cools down, the circuit will be reconnected, and the filament will re-light, which reheats

the bimetallic strip, and it goes out again.

This repeats over and over and over again.

When you replace any lamp with one of these suckers, it will cause half of the light strand

to flash because it will break the entire circuit once the bimetallic strip has warmed

up, and will reconnect it once it cools.

I've always found this to be a rather dumb looking effect, and I think most people agree

because these flasher bulbs seem almost never to be used.

But, there are some strands of lights that use a different kind of flasher bulb, and

use many of them.

These seem to be sold as "twinkling" lights, and their approach is completely different.

These are the subject of this video, and I really really like them.

These strands use many flashers, typically every fifth light, and these flashers don't

break the circuit when the bimetallic stip bends.

Instead, they short out when the strip bends.

This does two things.

First, the current bypasses the filament as it takes the path of least resistance, and

the bulb goes out.

But, it also increases the voltage to the rest of the strand.

When you first power one of these sets up, the entire light strand is illuminated.

But as the flashers heat up, they start to randomly go in and out.

This is a great effect on its own, but because they short themselves out when they're not

lit, they slightly affect the brightness of the entire strand.

This is most easily seen with a new set still wrapped together, because this entire bundle

has no flashers among it.

Notice how it shimmers.

This happens because the voltage across these lamps is constantly changing as the flashers

do their thing.

Yet another great side effect of the way these work is a gradual transition in brightness

with each flasher.

Normally, flasher bulbs produce a very sudden on-off effect since the entire strand goes

on and off at once.

Because the strand as a whole sees 120 volts when it first receives power, the filaments

nearly instantly achieve full brightness.

The voltage between them doesn't drop to 2.4 volts until they're all hot, as the

resistance of an incandescent lamp is about 15 times greater when it's hot compared

to when it's cold.

But since the lamps in a twinkling set only see between 2.4 and 3 volts across them as

they twinkle, they don't have 120 volts to get them started, so they don't suddenly

turn on and off like a conventional set.

See, when you apply just 2.4 volts to a normal bulb, it lights up very slowly compared to

just plugging a set into the wall, because the lower voltage will pass less initial current

through the filament, and thus heat it more slowly.

This creates a more gradual turn-on for the flashers which I find very nice.

Now, you might ask, why am I making this video?

The short answer is, I find these sets of fairy lights to be nothing short of delightful.

They're a nice enhancement to a static display without being annoying, and their randomness

is appealing.

Though animated LED based strands are available, they don't come close to these in my opinion.

And, these sets are harder and harder to find.

In fact, I don't think many people realize they exist.

I rarely see people using them.

The only place in my area that seems to reliably stock them every year is Menards.

Now if you're not an American midwesterner you probably don't know Menards, but they're

a local chain of hardware stores, essentially a larger, quite a bit more eccentric version

of the Home Depot or Lowes, complete with a banjo-filled jingle.

♪ Save Big Money at Menards! ♪

ACE hardware also had a small number of sets for sale, but clearly they don't sell too

well as they're kind of left alone among dozens of other offerings.

The Home Depot doesn't appear to sell them, and neither does Walmart.

I don't have a Lowes near me, otherwise I'd have checked.

If anyone knows of other places you can find these, please let us know in the comments.

It may be that they're uncommon because the rest of the lights are designed to tolerate

the increased voltage the flashers let through.

They aren't your standard 2.4 volt bulbs, in fact they're 2.9 volts,

a somewhat rare rating.

This high voltage rating allows them to spend most of their existence being underrun; they

will see their rated voltage only in the rare instance that nine or more flashers along the 50 light

circuit are currently in the off state, which virtually never happens with 10 total flashers.

On average they only see 2.66 volts.

And while we're on the subject of fairy lights, allow me to express a few grievances.

This, I'm sure, is more preference than anything, but there's only one retailer

near me, that's ACE hardware, that sells what I consider to be the "correct" color

combination of simply Yellow, Red, Green, and Blue for multi-colored light strands.

Nearly everyone else uses orange instead of yellow, and adds purple or pink.

Sometimes there's even a cyanish blue in there.

I'm most bothered by the replacement of yellow with orange because yellow is a very

bright color and provides contrast from the others.

Orange is too dark and similar to red.

But that's just my humble opinion.

Also, I really don't care for most multicolored LED fairy lights offered today, largely because

of the way they are implemented.

Perhaps I'm out of touch, but I am not a fan of the monochromatic blue LEDs used in them.

They produce a visual effect for me of a fuzzy halo and are almost hard to focus me eyes on.

In fact, I find all of the colors but red to be a bit jarring precisely because they

are monochromatic.

I'd like to see a set of multicolored LED lights made with entirely warm white LEDs

but with tinted diffusers just like in the good old days.

I think these would be easier on the eyes.

In fact, that gives me an idea…

I'm gonna do some experimentation and report back in another video.

In general I think LED fairy lights have gotten very good lately, and the warm white color

is becoming better every year, plus I think applications like icicle lights or snowflake

type things are a good application for cool white LEDs.

I particularly like the fact that since they use so little power you can string many sets

together without worrying about capacity.

But I don't like the fact that they're constructed just like incandescents sets.

In fact, I purchased this set of lights just to confirm my suspicions, and though I don't

want to suppose this is convention, I find it rather funny that these are just regular

LEDs with their pins shoved down a regular lamp holder and bent up the sides, with the

rest of the light strand design being essentially identical to an incandescent one, aside from

this little doodad which I'm assuming is a diode and capacitor to limit current.

I know other sets use fancier diffusers with other shapes, but the sockets are usually pretty similar

But on that note, it seems nearly every LED set I've encountered is only half-wave rectified

with no smoothing at all, which makes them flicker like mad.

Spin them around and you can see that they're lit perhaps only 10% of the time, owing to

them only being lit at the very peak of the positive cycle.

Anyway, I'm all for energy efficient lighting as anyone who follows this channel knows,

but I haven't seen an LED set that can duplicate this twinkling effect so well.

Most of them are animated strings like this, but they don't address each bulb individually

so it's an unsubtle and predictable effect.

I have seen some applications of prelit figurines with a small percentage of LEDs that do twinkle,

but if memory serves the individual LEDs flashed at a steady rate.

They weren't all the same flashing rate, so they drifted apart from one another, but

there was no randomness in each one.

Also the rest of the lights were unaffected.

I'm afraid I'll have to just be a fuddy duddy a little longer and keep buying a few

backup sets of these each year.

I've got 5 extra now.

And no, I don't have a problem.

Thanks for watching, and I hope you found this video interesting.

Like I said, I want these lights to survive and I want more people to know about them.

I'll leave you a view of the lights on my balcony so you can enjoy them.

If you're new to this channel and like what you saw, please consider subscribing!

Of course, thank you to all of my Patreon supporters for keeping this channel possible.

You really make all the difference.

You can support this channel through the link that will appear shortly on your screen, or

by visiting the link down below.

Thank you for your consideration, and I'll see you next time.

(Strained) Oh, god.

Those were very hot.

For more infomation >> The Twinkling Light Set: An increasingly rare but delightful type of decorative lighting - Duration: 11:51.


I Left My 9-5 Job and You Can Too - Duration: 4:16.

Hey everyone, it's Amen here, I wanted to introduce you to my new office

which is where I'm gonna be working starting tomorrow Monday morning and

It's kind of a scary feeling because a couple of days ago, I left my stable permanent

nine-to-five job to do this

and this is

Acting as a coach to help people lead more creatively fulfilling lives and to pursue

My passion as a documentary filmmaker

and also as a

Freelance film producer. I think you probably just heard my voice crack a little, because I'm just so nervous right now

And I'm kind of scared to talk about all this, it just it feels really weird.

Also, it just feels weird talking to myself on my computer, but anyway

yeah, I've just been trying to process everything that's happened in the last few weeks, and how I got to this point because

You know - what I mean by this point is: how I got to this point where I decided

I'm gonna take away this enormous source of stability in my life and just essentially throw myself to the wind.

Because logically on paper it doesn't make sense what I'm doing, but I know

For me in terms of

My own mental well-being, this is the most logical step for me at this point in my career and

It's funny because last year in 2016, I did something really similar

At an even more extreme end, where I left the stability of a career in the public service

to start working in the broadcasting sector.

So it's sort of a similar mental leap, except now I'm on the other extreme, you know, as an entrepreneur and

Anyway, I wanted to to talk this out with you because I think it's important to share this journey

That I'm on

Because this is the journey that I want to help take you I want to help you get to the same point where

That's the next - where

it's not even a question what your next logical step is. You're unhappy in your life, and you're

Going into a job. It could be 9:00 to 5:00 or it could be something else and

The sole reason that you're going to it is because it's, you know, paying the bills, it's paying your mortgage

It's helping to feed your kids. It's helping to put food on the table. Which is all very important. Don't get me wrong

That is that is completely important, but then at the end of the day you're unhappy as a result of it

And if you're unhappy then that's gonna affect other things in your life. It's gonna affect your relationship with your partner, with your kids

With really everyone close around you and so

Yeah, so I want to show you how to get to that point where

you can lead the the

Type of life that you've always wanted to lead and that it doesn't feel like this

This distant dream. That's not possible. It's you know it's possible for

Bob on Facebook, you know the one that you see in those Facebook ads

But it's not possible for you, and so I want to I want to talk to you. I want us to connect on this.

My next newsletter that I've coming out. I'm I'm offering an

exercise worksheet

This is a new worksheet that I'm creating on how on the steps that you can take to

Transition into the creative sector, and so I'm gonna list the link you can go to down below

to subscribe to my newsletter and

and to get yourself a copy of that and

Again reach out to me

I'm happy to connect

And I'm really excited to share

The next steps in my journey as an entrepreneur with you and and to lead myself a more creatively fulfilling life

So take care, and I'm gonna be doing more of these video blogs, so you'll hear from me again soon. Okay. Bye now.

For more infomation >> I Left My 9-5 Job and You Can Too - Duration: 4:16.


Ylenia Carrisi, il ricordo di Romina Power a 24 anni dalla scomparsa | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Ylenia Carrisi, il ricordo di Romina Power a 24 anni dalla scomparsa | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:09.


Belen, nuovo arrivo in casa: un "fratellino" per Santiago - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Belen, nuovo arrivo in casa: un "fratellino" per Santiago - Duration: 1:24.


Isola dei Famosi 2018: i nomi dei probabili naufraghi del nuovo cast | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi 2018: i nomi dei probabili naufraghi del nuovo cast | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:38.


Rae Sremmurd x Gucci Mane Type Beat - "Black Beatles" - Club Banger | Rap Hip-Hop Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:54.

For more Type Beats & Instrumentals visit

For more infomation >> Rae Sremmurd x Gucci Mane Type Beat - "Black Beatles" - Club Banger | Rap Hip-Hop Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:54.


Grande Fratello Vip: Cecilia Rodriguez ha conosciuto la famiglia di Moser | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip: Cecilia Rodriguez ha conosciuto la famiglia di Moser | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:56.


[영상]스즈키, '뉴 레트로 알토' 공개…연비가 무려 ′37km/l′ - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> [영상]스즈키, '뉴 레트로 알토' 공개…연비가 무려 ′37km/l′ - Duration: 3:25.


GF Vip, l'incredulità di Daniele Bossari a un passo dalla finale: Non avrei mai pensato di - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, l'incredulità di Daniele Bossari a un passo dalla finale: Non avrei mai pensato di - Duration: 2:51.


[영상]알파로메오, 4C 스파이더 양산형 동영상 살펴보니 - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> [영상]알파로메오, 4C 스파이더 양산형 동영상 살펴보니 - Duration: 1:46.


A Day In The Life of a Google Photographer | iPhone 7 Plus | Canon 5D - Duration: 3:24.

I'm taking you with me today

to a day on the job.

I have a photoshoot

I'm going to make an indoor Google Street View

for an naughty cinema.

The advantage of wearing this hat is

that if you accidentally open your camera

your double chin is invisible.

This is nice waking up,

but this even more so.

I'm Batman.

Too bad Halloween's over.

Apparently, the owner of the cinema

canceled via email.

But still, I was there for an hour and a half, or two.

I had a very good conversation

with a man who works there.

Let's go to the next shoot!

As you can see, I traded my bear suit

Super fancy and stylish, take a look.

I even have a waist belt.

I'm so happy with this outfit.

Looking forward to the whistles of all the construction workers!

Look at that!

What do you think of my outfit?!


A shining example!

If it were blue, you'd be a smurf!

The sun has entered.

No fear for me and my camera?

No mam'

Are you ready? - We are ready!

Outfit change!

You you feel different now you're wearing a different jacket?

Not so much with this one, compared to the other jacket.

Look, we've brought all of this!

Isn't it amazing

And you have to look at this detail!

Do you understand anything about money?


Well, me neither.

But this gentleman does!

And he even makes it fun as well!

Just have a good conversation with each other!

No combination of words

is in it's meaning

or it's feeling

strong enough

to describe how tired I am right now.

For more infomation >> A Day In The Life of a Google Photographer | iPhone 7 Plus | Canon 5D - Duration: 3:24.


Harvard-Educated Lynch Gets Owned by Congressman From Humble Background - Duration: 3:53.

Harvard-Educated Lynch Gets Owned by Congressman From Humble Background

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch might seem less than aboveboard in a lot of her dealings, but it really is one thing to hear about it and an entirely different matter to actually see it happen in front of you.

A video posted on YouTube last year makes the point. In a July 16 exchange between Georgia Rep. Doug Collins and Lynch in the House Judiciary Committee,.

Collins tried to get Lynch to deliver a straight answer on a variety of questions, some of which could be answered definitively at absolutely no political cost to her.

She didnt deliver one straight line. Lynch, a Harvard Law graduate, was utterly embarrassed by Collins, who graduated from Atlantas John Marshall Law School, according to his website.

Theres nothing wrong with Atlantas John Marshall Law School, but which of those two schools had you heard of before now?.

Some of the questions and topics were politically charged — Collins brought up Lynchs infamous tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton, for example — and although its unacceptable for her to dodge and evade, at least its understandable.

Its when Collins brings up traffic law that things start to get weird. I got a question for you, Collins said. Riding down the road speed limit says 55, Im doing 65, have I broke the law?.

Now, thats a softball. It almost sounds like a question MSNBC would lob to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to make her feel better about losing the election.

Lynchs response was baffling.

You would have to ask the highway patrol, they would likely write you a ticket, she said.

Its as if the words yes and no were just erased from her mind. Of course, those in the room erupted in laughter.

What else is there to say? The attorney general of the Untied States just failed Drivers Ed.

Its sad, but its in perfect keeping with Democrat politicking doctrine: If you dont give people a solid answer, theres no solid answer to be used against you later.

It sounds utterly sleazy, and it is — but at the same time, with a group like the Democrat party, whose tastes and trends are often dictated by what video they most recently saw pop up in their news feed, its what Democrat official do to stay in power.

What do you think about this story? Please share this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know!.

What does this exchange tell you about Loretta Lynchs time as attorney general? Scroll down to comment below!.

For more infomation >> Harvard-Educated Lynch Gets Owned by Congressman From Humble Background - Duration: 3:53.


'Mini Víctor' cumple dos años - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 'Mini Víctor' cumple dos años - Duration: 2:21.


María Jesús Ruiz: "Fui mala. Muy mala. Engañé a la gente" - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> María Jesús Ruiz: "Fui mala. Muy mala. Engañé a la gente" - Duration: 5:58.


Exámenes de física resueltos - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Exámenes de física resueltos - Duration: 5:13.


"드라마 찍느라 연습 빠졌는데 경연 1위한 유키스 준"(더유닛 영상) - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> "드라마 찍느라 연습 빠졌는데 경연 1위한 유키스 준"(더유닛 영상) - Duration: 2:19.


The Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds - Duration: 8:49.

The Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

01 Golden Retriever The Golden Retriever is among the worlds most popular dog breeds and one of the friendliest dogs around. On the surface, the breed may seem goofy, but a Golden can learn to do just about anything.

Its intelligence and love for people make this breed one of the best for work as a service dog. The Golden also excels in all kinds of dog sports.

The breed makes an excellent companion for almost any kind of household. Honorable mention goes to this breeds cousin, the Labrador Retriever, which shares many of the same traits as the Golden.

02 Jack Russell Terrier The Jack Russell Terrier seems to be missing from many smart dog breed lists. Perhaps it is because this clever little dog moves too fast to be noticed by some.

The Jack Russell, along with the closely related Parson Russell Terrier, is a fearless, energetic dog with a sharp wit and a stubborn streak. Theres no fooling this little terrier.

Good luck trying to stop this dog from getting what he wants. Because of their energy and brain power, JRTs and PRTs excel at dog sports like agility and barn hunt.

Their desire to keep moving can make training challenging at first but rewarding once you see how well these dogs can perform.

03 Rottweiler The Rottweiler is one of those dogs that really knows how to read people, often showing a different side of its personality based on how much the person is trusted.

The typical Rottie has an affectionate, playful side shown to trusted family members and a stoic, controlled side shown to strangers. These dogs have no trouble telling you what they really think about you and whatever youre trying to do.

Dont try to pull a fast one on them or the people they protect.

04of 10 Papillon Dont be fooled by the delicate frame of the Papillon. This is more than a lap dog. In fact, the Papillon is one of the smartest of all the toy breeds. This breed is friendly, alert, and active.

It might snuggle on your lap for a bit, but before long, the Papillon will be looking for something interesting to do. Like many small dogs, the Papillon has a bit of a stubborn streak.

However, if you can make training worth his while (find the rewards he likes best) then he will learn quickly. Teach this cute little dog a variety of fun tricks and youll impress your friends!  .

05 Shetland Sheepdog The Shetland Sheepdog is smarter than you might think at first glance. At times, the breed is misjudged as aloof.

The Sheltie is sometimes quiet and graceful; other times it is energetic and playful. Independent and wise, the breed is always watching its environment and waiting for a signal from you.

This breed is very good at reading people and often tunes into their personalities. Shelties are eager to learn and please.

Their sheepdog roots make the breed very driven and responsive to itssurroundings. Shelties form close bonds with their owners and are extremely responsive to training. Honorable mention goes to the Collie, a close relative of the Sheltie that has similar intelligence.

06 German Shepherd Dog The German Shepherd Dog might be too smart for its own good. This loyal, protective breed has so much energy and intelligence that it sometimes acts high-strung or anxious.

The GSD thrives when given an important job to do. It may be something as simple as supervising and protecting the children that gives a sense of purpose to this breed.

However, the GSD needs plenty of mental stimulation and exercise in order to thrive. Many GSDs find their calling by working with police or military operations.

They can learn most actions in just a few steps. Once trained, GSDs will do what you ask and then look for the next task to perform.

07 Australian Cattle Dog The Australian Cattle Dog is an extremely focused and driven dog breed that forms a close bond with its owner. The ACD was bred to herd cattle, so the breed lives to work.

Like most intelligent dog breed, the ACD is happiest with a job to do. Without it, and the ACD will find ways to keep busy that you might not like (often destructive behavior or wandering away to explore).

Treat your ACD well and the two of you will be friends for life. These dogs love to stick close to their owners and makesure everything is running smoothly. Like most smart dogs, they are very good at reading people.

08 Poodle Despite its fancy or even prissy appearance, the Poodle is a highly intelligent dog. Toy, Miniature, or Standard in size, this breed is gifted with some of the best canine brain power.

The Poodle originated as a hunting dog and continued to be a diligent worker and trusty companion.  Poodles are often seen as performing animals, especially the smaller ones.

You can teach a Poodle to balance on a ball, jump through a hoop, or do a wide range of other actions.

09 Australian Shepherd One of the worlds most intelligent dog breeds, the Australian Shepherd is brilliant, active and friendly. Its background as a sheepdog has made this breed a diligent worker that desires physical activity and mental challenges.

The Aussie will learn much faster than you expect and be quickly ready to move onto something new.  Aussies need to be kept busy with work or they become bored and frustrated.

Dogs sports are ideal for this breed, especially those that engage the Aussies natural athletic ability. 10 Border Collie The Border Collie is perhaps the smartest of all dogs.

If most dogs have the intelligence of the average two-year-old, then a Border Collie might be as smart as a four-year-old. Extremely energetic, athletic, and driven, it seems that the Border Collie is always up for learning something new (much like the Australian Shepherd). In fact, if you dont keep this breed constantly moving, learning, and working, he will find his own way to keep busy.  Border Collies can perform just about any job you can give them.

However, they love work that keeps them moving and using their brains at the same time, just like their sheepdog histories prepared them to do. The Border Collie is the overachiever of the canine world.

This breed excels at just about everything, including dog sports.

For more infomation >> The Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds - Duration: 8:49.


Cynthia Shumate, Regeneron at DataArt Question Time 7, New York 2017 - Duration: 2:09.

(easygoing instrumental music)

- One of the things I love about panels like this,

especially because so many of us know each other

and have known each other over a number of years,

is that it's still a very active conversation.

Whether you're talking about general policy

or negotiations or whatever,

we are still really engaged in the management of travel.

It's ever-changing.

We always have things to talk about,

and I think that's one of things

that is always so engaging about conversations like this

is that the conversation is alive

and we're still trying to figure it out.

And as much as technology moves forward,

we still are challenging and, you know,

it's a progression.

And at the end of the day,

it's all about our travelers, right?

And I think we found that. 90-plus percent

of our travelers really want to do the right thing.

They want to know what's in policy,

and what's not so that they can adjust their behavior

and they can understand what kind of buying decisions

that they can make all along the way

in that journey and that trip.

So, I think it's really important for us

to build travel policies that allow some choice

because we're not all the same person

and we don't all have the same needs.

So, you know, how we understand

who we're building policy for is really important,

but I think that 90-plus percent.

If we've got the right management structure,

and the right intention for our travel policies,

you know, that 90-plus percent will be pretty happy.

For more infomation >> Cynthia Shumate, Regeneron at DataArt Question Time 7, New York 2017 - Duration: 2:09.


Une recette ayurvédique facile, rapide et pas chère - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Une recette ayurvédique facile, rapide et pas chère - Duration: 3:11.


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For more infomation >> Michel Vedette - Together (Instrumental & Karaoké) - Duration: 3:35.


Rae Sremmurd x Gucci Mane Type Beat - "Black Beatles" - Club Banger | Rap Hip-Hop Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:54.

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For more infomation >> Rae Sremmurd x Gucci Mane Type Beat - "Black Beatles" - Club Banger | Rap Hip-Hop Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:54.


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Why Do Molecules Have Different Shapes? - Duration: 2:38.

Hello, my name is Sara and this video is going to be about a mystery.

So, on the left we have a picture of a water molecule with its classic shape, and it almost

looks like it has mouse ears on it.

And on the right we have a carbon dioxide molecule with all the atoms in a straight


This video is going to explore why these two molecules have such different shapes.

So, first, we need to look back at the structure of an atom.

So, it has the protons and neutrons in the middle, and it has tiny, negatively charged

electrons flying around the outside.

While the number protons determines what kind of atom you have, the electrons are going

to be the most important in chemical bonding.

And, specifically, the electrons that are farthest away from the nucleus are going to

be the most important.

So, in the case of water and carbon dioxide, we have covalent bonding, which is sharing


So you can have a single bond with one pair of electrons that are shared, a double bond

with two pairs, or a triple bond with three pairs.

To help us keep track of all these bonds and all these electrons, we're going to use a

simple diagram called a Lewis structure.

It uses lines to represent bonds, and it uses dots to represent extra electrons that can

get distributed as lone pairs.

So for water, you have, the oxygen single bonded to the two hydrogens, and two extra

lone pairs left over on the oxygen.

For carbon dioxide, you have carbon double bonded to the two oxygens.

To go from these structures of bonds to the 3D shape, we need to remember that electrons

are negatively charged, and things with the same charge repel each other.

This means all these places with electrons, called electron domains, are going to spread

out as far as they can.

So, for water, you have four electron domains.

You have the two bonds and you have the two lone pairs around the oxygen, so the most

they can spread out is to make a tetrahedral shape.

When you just look at the atoms without the lone pairs you get the bent shape that we're

used to.

For carbon dioxide, though, you only have two electron domains.

You only have the two bonds, so the farthest they can spread out is to be on opposite sides

of the atom, and then you get a linear shape.

So, to summarize the key points, the available electrons form bonds to make the molecule

the most stable possible, and all these electron domains in the most stable structure repel

each other and spread out as much as they can.

This is also called Valence Shell Electron Shell Repulsion, or VSPR (pronounced "vesper")


Also, check out the description for some cool links.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Why Do Molecules Have Different Shapes? - Duration: 2:38.


Rae Sremmurd x Gucci Mane Type Beat - "Black Beatles" - Club Banger | Rap Hip-Hop Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:54.

For more Type Beats & Instrumentals visit

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