Friday, February 15, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2019

高雄市長韓國 瑜的名言「 禿子跟著月 亮走」

以前月亮是台 北市長柯文 哲

現在是高雄市 民。

面對韓「變心 」

還喚醒高雄巨 人

柯P似乎內心 不是滋味


台北要發展的 不是「攤販 經濟」

結果韓國瑜回 敬「喝了陳 年老醋」


昨天改口稱韓 比較溫暖


高雄好熱 鬧 柯P: 台北非發展 攤販經濟 韓國瑜當上 市長後

高雄今年春節 假期人潮變 多

觀光氛圍也比 台北市熱絡 。

柯文哲12日 受訪時說

台北要發展大 規模長遠的 經濟

不是「攤販經 濟」

台北還是有它 的作為台灣 首都的格局 。

這話雖有點道 理

但外界是解讀 柯文哲因為 網路聲量不 如韓國瑜

講話「酸酸的 」。

攤販經濟 太沉重 韓 國瑜:應說 庶民經濟 柯文哲用「 攤販經濟」 形容高雄的 發展

韓國瑜不以為 然

受訪時回應寧 用「庶民經 濟」形容

因為庶民經濟 太蕭條

他必須拉起來 。


台北市是首善 之都


他樂見台北經 濟蓬勃發展


像吃一碗滷肉 飯般的觀光 業也非常重 要



要大魚大肉還 是在產業。

韓國瑜談 兩岸 柯文 哲也補槍 柯文哲對韓 國瑜的話有 意見不只一 樁

韓接受媒體專 訪

稱兩岸關係是 「你儂我儂 」


柯認為應該要 「先友後婚 」

暗指韓比喻失 當 。

柯對韓的 態度改變

國民黨台北市 議員羅智強 譏諷

柯文哲過年前 對韓「你儂 我儂」

過年後變成「 將『瑜』打 破」

像喝光一大缸 醋的深宮怨 男

什麼事都要去 「酸」一下 韓國瑜。

柯文哲則不認 為自己在酸 韓國瑜

「我只是講話 比較直接」 。

被指喝了 陳年醋 柯 改口誇韓是 暖男 柯文 哲展開中南 部訪問行程

外界解讀目的 在串連「總 統之路」

並因把韓國瑜 當成假想敵

才會接連針對 韓「說三道 四」。

柯文哲昨 出席山水綠 生態公園「 台北能源之 丘2.

0」啟用典禮 時說

韓國瑜是台灣 網路聲量T op 1

「人家好的我 們學習」。

柯還稱讚 韓國瑜鼓動 風潮、



但每個人都要 照著自己的 棋風下棋

「像我平常很 搞笑

但我在工作看 起來比較像 雍正

外科醫生的背 景

讓我覺得我比 較像冷酷型 的酷吏。

」 韓國瑜 開嗆 小英 :以為多了 好幾位陸委 會主委 把 韓國瑜當成 假想敵

開口酸韓的不 只柯文哲。

韓談兩岸關係 、


嗆蔡英文總統 不知道要把 國家、

把2300萬 人民帶到哪 裡去。

蔡總統選 在西洋情人 節這天貼文 回應

強調國家的方 向只有一個





她每天的工作 就是努力壯 大台灣


對區域安全穩 定的貢獻


台灣正在正確 的道路前進 。

蔡總統的 臉書正文言 之有物

只是最後標註 「以為多了 好幾位陸委 會主委」

明顯衝著韓國 瑜發言而來

也被網友評為 酸言酸語。

被酸被踩 無所謂 韓 籲蔡:告訴 人民方向 韓國瑜說

他有看蔡總統 的臉書

但她還是沒有 說清楚要帶 領台灣23 00萬人民 何去何從。

蔡總統可以批 判他、



踩他兩腳或打 他腦袋、

看不起他都沒 關係

重點是要告訴 全民要去哪 個方向

這是總統的基 本職責所在 。


蔡總統如果答 不出他提出 的個題

就應讓中華民 國、

九二共識繼續 走下去


白冰冰代 言高雄觀光 丁允恭酸 話遭圍剿 籠罩高雄的 「酸氣」也 曾撲向但任 高雄元月觀 光代言人的 白冰冰

因為時任行政 院副發言人 的高雄市新 聞局前局長 丁允恭

在臉書說「城 市質感的形 成是緩慢的 堆積

而摧毀它則可 以很快」



觀光局長潘恒 旭、


網路評論家紛 紛跳出來挺 白冰冰。

丁允恭事 後表示

貼文不是針對 個人

而是對城市行 銷策略做一 個整體的提 醒。



還在臉書寫下 「最近感到 身心俱疲

想要休息一陣 子」文字

日前出任民進 黨新聞部主 任。

蘇貞昌對 決侯友宜 經典語錄也 酸酸的 行 政院長蘇貞 昌去年投入 新北市長選 舉

與競選對手侯 友宜攻防


蘇也留下幾句 帶有酸氣的 經典語錄。

選舉期間 深澳電廠議 題吵得很凶

蘇貞昌除批侯 數字大錯特 錯

還酸侯友宜反 對燃煤




「怪不得被網 路指為『四 反人』。

」 侯友宜 被爆料大群 館爭議

以及利用家族 企業又昱公 司購入新莊 復興段25 3地號土地 未如實申報




「一輩子當警 察領薪水的 人怎麼這麼 有錢?」「 過去標榜道 德、

正義形象面對 社會


這樣子怎麼對 得起國家、

對得起社會? 」也讓人彷 彿聞到酸味

For more infomation >> 韓國瑜回敬一句 柯P酸氣現形…改口誇他暖男 - Duration: 7:02.


News24 - Ravel Morrison reveals where his Man Utd career went wrong - Duration: 2:49.

  Ravel Morrison believes an unfair reputation was behind his downfall at Manchester United

  Morrison made his debut at the age of 17 in 2010 but featured just a handful more times before he was moved on to West Ham two years later

 Sir Alex Ferguson hailed Morrison as a "brilliant footballer" after letting him go - but insisted he needed to move away from Manchester

 The 26-year-old has since had spells at QPR, West Ham and Lazio and now finds himself at Swedish side Ostersund

 He believes he developed an unfair reputation during his teenage years and has failed to shrug that off

  "It was always 'Ravel's done this, Ravel's done that,'" he said. "The one thing I took was a pair of football boots that the player didn't wear any more

But watches? Phones? That was ridiculous to say," he told the Times.  "There were times when I did something wrong, but often it was just wrong time, wrong place, wrong crowd and it wasn't even me doing something  "I don't go out drinking, getting p*****, causing trouble, drink-driving, smoking, taking drugs

Other players get away with those things.  "Can you imagine if I was done for drink-driving? If I do something, it sticks against me for ever

I made mistakes when I was young, but it's nearly ten years ago. Everyone makes mistakes when they're young

"  Morrison's comments come after Rio Ferdinand claimed he was the "most gifted" youngster he had seen

 Speaking last month, he said: "He possessed as much natural talent as any youngster we ever signed, but he kept getting into trouble

 "It was painful to sell him to West Ham in January 2012 because he could have been a fantastic player

But, over a period of several years, the problems off the pitch continued to escalate and so we had little option but to cut the cord


For more infomation >> News24 - Ravel Morrison reveals where his Man Utd career went wrong - Duration: 2:49.


韓國瑜拋「你儂我儂」!沈富雄超喜歡 提16字新論述- 热门新闻 - Duration: 2:42.

高雄市長韓國 瑜日前接受 媒體專訪,

指兩岸應該是 「你儂我儂 」、互相深 愛對方的關 係,

「就像換手抓 癢,

你癢我幫你抓 、我癢你幫 我抓」,

一席話引起外 界討論。


前民進黨立委 沈富雄15 日在TVB S《少康戰 情室》直言 「我喜歡」 ,

認為此說法既 機靈又刁鑽 ,

建議藍營應該 把「你儂我 儂」加入兩 岸政策。

韓國瑜日前在 專訪中批評 蔡政府的兩 岸政策,

同時也提出新 想法,

指九二共識有 政治嚴肅性 ,

柯P的「兩岸 一家親」則 屬情感層面 ,

「把兩岸一家 親講得很高 ,

我心裡在偷笑 。


如果用情感層 面來談兩岸 ,

應該是「你儂 我儂」、互 相深愛的關 係,

就像換手抓癢 ,

「你癢我幫你 抓、我癢你 幫我抓。

」 沈富雄 認為,

韓國瑜的厲害 之處不在於 素養,

而是他的機靈 和刁鑽,

比起台北市長 柯文哲的空 無一物,

「這個刁鑽是 有用的」; 至於對方拋 出的論述,

他直言自己很 喜歡,

因為「你儂我 儂」和「互 相抓癢」都 是對等關係 、同樣屬於 一種共識,

還能讓大陸國 家主席習近 平「打也不 是罵也不是 」,

實在非常難纏 。


韓國瑜的說法 被很多人批 評格局不夠 高、沒有總 統高度,

甚至是沒有格 調,

但自己相當不 以為然,

他甚至替國民 黨想好了新 的兩岸政策 ,

就是「九二共 識、一中各 表、互相抓 癢、你儂我 儂。


其實韓國瑜的 立場就是「 一中各表」 ,

但發揮了小智 慧加上「你 儂我儂」,

這便是以小事 大。

For more infomation >> 韓國瑜拋「你儂我儂」!沈富雄超喜歡 提16字新論述- 热门新闻 - Duration: 2:42.


La femme spéciale a vécu heureux avec 2 hommes|LSF TV - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> La femme spéciale a vécu heureux avec 2 hommes|LSF TV - Duration: 3:44.


EMPIRE ATTACK ARRESTS Jussie Smollett cops arrest two Nigerian brothers who worked as Empire EXTRAS - Duration: 6:04.

TWO brothers who reportedly worked as Empire extras have been arrested over the allegedly racist and homophobic attack on actor Jussie Smollett

 Jussie, 36, told how he was beaten, doused in acid and had a noose put around his neck by white attackers shouting "This is MAGA country" (Make America Great Again)

 So the investigation into Jussie's account took a sharp turn today when cops announced they had arrested two black men with ties to Empire

 It came hours after Jussie hit back at claims he faked the Chicago attack because he was being written out of Empire

 Nigerian brothers Abimbola 'Abel' and Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo have been identified as "persons of interest" in the alleged hate attack which took place in the early hours of January 29

 The men worked with Jussie on the set of his hit TV show Empire and worked out with him at the gym, according to reports

 Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said authorities had probable cause to believe the suspects committed assault and battery against Jussie

 They were picked up at Chicago's O'Hare Airport on Wednesday on their return from Nigeria but had not been charged as of Friday afternoon

 Guglielmi would not comment on a possible motive. BROTHERS WORKED ON EMPIRE  Their lawyer, Gloria Schmidt, told CBS News that the brothers are "baffled" about why they are people of interest

 "It's an awful thing that happened to Jussie, but it's not my guys.  "This is someone that they know, this is someone that they've worked with," she said

 "So they don't want to see somebody go through that."  Jussie - who is known for playing Jamal Lyon in Empire - told cops that he was walking alone down a Chicago street at 2am when two men jumped him

'RACIST AND HOMOPHOBIC ATTACK'  The actor, who is black and gay and who plays a gay character in the hit Fox drama, said the men also called him a "f***ot"

 Cops released grainy CCTV photos which show two men walking down a nearby street at around 1

45am on January 29.  Jussie has stated the men in the dark, grainy image released last month are definitely his attackers

 Cops are not confirming the Osundairo brothers are the men in that photo.  In the wake of the attack, Jussie has been hit by claims that the attack was faked

'NO EVIDENCE ATTACK WAS A HOAX'  The police spokesman said that there is "no evidence to say that this is a hoax" and that Smollett "continues to be treated by police as a victim, not a suspect

"  Speaking out about the hoax claims, Jussie said: "I'm p***ed off. It's the attackers, but it's also the attacks

"  Holding back tears, he said:"Like, you know, at first it was the thing of like, listen, if I tell the truth then that's it because it's the truth

Then it became a thing of, like, how can you doubt that? How can you not believe that? It's the truth

 "Then it became a thing of, like, it's not necessarily that you don't believe that this is the truth

You don't even want to see the truth."  The performer went back to work two weeks ago for the first time since two masked men attacked him and put a rope around his neck in Chicago, USA, in January

 The Chicago Sun Times reported that he told the crowd at the Troubador in West Hollywood: "The most important thing I can say is 'thank you so much, and I'm OK

"  "I'm not fully healed yet, but I'm going to be, and I'm gonna stand strong with y'all

"  Detectives have recovered more surveillance footage of Jussie walking home from a Subway restaurant that morning, including video of him arriving at his apartment building with a rope around his neck

 However, his phone records were rejected by police for being heavily redacted' in the investigation into his brutal racist attack

 TMZ reported that the PDF file the 35-year-old star submitted could have been "manipulated" - claiming that numbers may have been added or deleted - although police told the publication that there is no evidence that the file had been altered

 Got a story? email or call us direct on 02077824220

 We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours.

For more infomation >> EMPIRE ATTACK ARRESTS Jussie Smollett cops arrest two Nigerian brothers who worked as Empire EXTRAS - Duration: 6:04.


S e a l - Duration: 0:13.

it is time, brothers.









For more infomation >> S e a l - Duration: 0:13.


[MISSION THE BOYZ] 2019 황금돼지편(Golden Pig SP) ep.1 (EN/JP) - Duration: 14:36.

NEW love you

Hwall I love you

Q I love you

- I love you Eric - I love you Haknyeon

Jacob I love you

- Kevin - What?

I love you as a member of THE BOYZ

(MISSION THE BOYZ) (Congratulations! Back at an amusement park after 1 year)

We're back!

After one year!


We're going to have a blast

(Before we get started we're going to reveal the mission)

(2019 Golden pig)

(Back at the amusement park after one year! Complete the golden pig mission)

(A. A golden medal will be given after three missions are complete)

(B. The members must feed the pig with the golden medals until it's 1.2kg)

(If the mission is a failure they cannot eat meat for a month)

(The penalty is filming a video of members showing 1206% "skinship")

(2019 Golden Pig Episode The three missions)

(1. "Do it together and see better results")

(Hand heart:1 medal / Hand & feet heart:2 medals / Jump heart:3 medals)

(Wear a pig item and take a heart photo)

(Medals will be given according to level of difficulty)

(2. Just say "I love you" Say "I love you" every 15 minutes...)

(and receive one golden medal, but none if you say it without emotion!)

(3. We're happy pigs this year - Walk around with friendship bracelets)

(and multiply the number of golden medals by 2)

(Cute pig team: Eric, Haknyeon)

(Dancing pig team: Juyeon, Q)

(Tall pig team: Jacob, Younghoon)

And we are your Sun and Moon

(Sun & Moon pig team: Sunwoo, Kevin)

We're the coolest team (Coolest pig team: Hwall, Hyunjae)

(The voice of heaven pig team: Sangyeon, New)

- The voice of heaven - Let's get it

- Let's start! - Let's get it

- Giddy giddy up! - We're going to complete the mission!

(Bye!) Let's go!

(MISSION THE BOYZ Let's start, now!)

- Hello! - Hello!

We're the smart team

Why are we smart? Oh, I see

- We're the smart team - Yes, the smart team

- There are a lot of people - We're back after one year

at the amusement park

and this time

We're going to accomplish the mission well and get first place

Let's go!

Jacob I love you

Younghoon, I love you

(The committed team says 'I love you')

(Matching the alarm every 15 minutes) I like how you're prepared!

(They look for pig items for 15 minutes) Are there any gold headband or gold pig?

If you have Haknyeon by your side you won't need to find any items

He's literally a pig

('Literally a pig' team Haknyeon X Eric)

- We're finally here at this place! - Where are we?

- Lotteria! - ...

I'm sorry

Lotte World!

(Trying too hard to be funny results in embarrassment)

We're now connected

(This red string reduces some embarrassment)

I'm a bit nervous

I'm anxious because it's been a while since I've been at an amusement park

If you look below you can see the place that we're headed to soon

(The ice rink!)


There are athletes there!


The junior athletes are training

There are junior athletes

(Forget the mission, let's watch) They're cool

We're going to go there soon

The Sun and Moon are now one team

This is destiny

(A typical fatalist's expression)

Are you dissatisfied?

(Juyeon) We're THE BOYZ

We're at Lotte World!

Sunwoo, it's the new year (Nod)

I love you


You can't act embarrassed

(I don't agree)

(Trying to overcome the embarrassment) Sunwoo, it's the new year

(Kevin "This isn't a proposal) Because I love you, we're like the sun and moon"

(Kevin "Again, this isn't a proposal) I'll always be by your side"

I love you Sunwoo

This was a bit moving

(These two overcome the embarrassment of saying 'I love you' for the first time)

- Do I have to say it too? - 15 minutes later

There's something else that's special

We're all wearing casual clothes

That's right

And so

- That shocked me - Me too

- I got shocked too - Anyways!

It's fun checking out what kind of clothes they like

and also what style they're into

(Next up, is Hwall and Hyunjae!) Let's go!

We're going to take a commemorative photo!

Today's mission is

(Since it's the year of the pig) Wearing a pig item

So we're going to buy a pig item!

Let's get it

Pig item


(The pig items are all mine)

Pig items

There's a pig right there

Where? I see

(Not my style) Let's not wear headbands

I like this (Cute)

You like that one?

Then, I'll get this one

We bought two pig dolls

(Wearing the pig items) Let's greet them! Oink oink

We just need to take three different types of heart photos

- Cool? - Yes, three cool heart photos

What's a cool heart photo?

(This is a cool heart photo)

(Golden medal +1)

Hwall I love you~

Hyunjae I love you

(Photo mission & I love you mission complete!)

(Juyeon and Q team)


- Here we have a pig - It's 7000 won

It's expensive

It is but since it's the year of the pig

Of course (I want to buy it...)

(What do you think, THE B?)

Since it's the year of the pig we're going to buy them

And take a photo

This is cute! You can wear this while I wrap this around my waist

Juyeon, wear it


- Headbands are essential - Do I have to?

(The B really likes these moments)

They're asking us for a cool pose What are there?

Something like this?

(It's hero costume play)

Is it something like this?

(Juyeon doesn't know what cool is)

How about this instead of headbands?

Let's choose between headbands and key rings... what do you want?

But don't you think headbands are essential?

(Or not?)


- Let's go with headbands! - Okay

(Q selects a pig headband)

QXJuyeon wear their items

- Juyeon got a key ring and I got a headband

Juyeon, we're bigger than this

We are

(He carefully puts it down)

It feels like I'm a kid since I'm here

It's like when we were young!

It brings back memories!

When the alarm rings, Sangyeon is going to say to me 'I love you'

I'm going to egg him on

You have 5 seconds left

4, 3, 2, 1

New I love you~

- The alarm just rang - Yes

I'm going to reset the alarm

We have to do this

The mission is a biting heart

Let's do a biting heart first

Do we just need to do this in front of the camera?

(Read the mission)

We just need to do it in front of here?

We're not taking a picture

Alright then

There are a lot of people here

(Let's focus)


That's cute

Hurry up!

Hurry up so we can go somewhere else

(All right)

(Sangyeon's change in mentality)


That's cute

Wait, Younghoon!

I think the time has passed


I love you~

Jacob, I love you too

Do you know where the best place is to take a photo?

- Here - Yes

But I want to go over there

We have to wait if we want to take a photo

Because there are a lot of people

1 2 3


(A cute photo one more time!)

1 2 3

(THE B are satisfied)

(Title: Biting heart)

(Title: A present for THE B from the smart team!)

- Let's take a picture here! - A picture! Me too!


(Title: Is this a heart or a triangle)

All the other teams have headbands or dolls

They have matching items to take their photos

- We're the only ones without them - I know

We have to take one again

(What a relief they know their rules now)

Shall I wear this on the side?

(Cute pig pin complete)

- Let's go take a photo - We're all ready

We'll come back after taking the photo

(Title: 1 second before eating a hamburger)

(Title: Take our hearts, THE B)

(Title: A solemn heart)

(Title: Something's wrong with this heart!)

(Title: Flying heart)

- I love you Eric! - I love you Haknyeon!

- We're done! - How many times do we need?

- I love you 15 times?

10 times, each one every 15 minutes!

- It's been 15 minutes - We'll remember if we say every 5 times

Now that I think about it Kevin is...

I've never said 'I love you'

- To him! - Really?

And so...

With the excuse of this mission

and also, we've also did performances together

Of course

And you stayed up all night for our performance

and produced the beats

I think it really shows that Kevin is a true artist

I also think that you did that out of your love for me

And so, Kevin



The moon can shine brighter thanks to the sun

That's right

They shine brighter because they're opposites

And so, Kevin I love you

Sunwoo, but we have to do this 5 times

But you just poured everything out at once

Yes, I revealed everything all at once

And I'm going to reveal little by little


I love you

(Me too)

(Receive our hearts, THE B)

I think there's something good to eat

(HyunjaeXHwall have their foodiators on)

- What is it? - Popcorn chicken and coke

Popcorn chicken and coke!

Popcorn chicken and coke are essential!

(I got you now!)

(Plenty of sauce)

(You guys must love ketchup)

(HyunjaeXHwall are done buying(?) ketchup)

Let's wait in line for the viking ride

Do you want to ride the Atlantis?

Let's first check out the line

I bet it's really long

- It's the most popular - I know

How about we do the heart mission?

- Heart? - While looking at the castle

- How should we do it? - Let's check it out first



I love you!

(Your turn)

- It's been already 15 minutes? - Yes

Hyunjun! I love you

- Hwall! - Hwall?

- Hwall or Hyunjun, it's the same - It doesn't matter

Hwall, I love you~ Are you better now?

- You have to say it with passion - I did

Add some passion into it

Hyunjae I love you~

- I can't hear you - The camera can hear it

(I'm letting you go this time because you're cute)

Hold the camera Don't hand it to me

The camera just nodded

It heard me

I'm here to take a couple shot with Hyunjae

(You can anticipate the photo in 5 seconds)

(Title: They really took a couple photo)

(Title: There's a heart in the middle too)

We got it! We got the heart!

Move over please!

Move over!

The heart is a success

(Show us too...)


(The jump heart is a success)

Let's succeed in one turn

- Right now? - Right now

(THE B, just concentrate for 3 seconds)

(The biting heart is a success!)


Let's do the second heart too

What was it?

(Just like professional dancers they show off a perfect line)

(Lastly, they try the jump heart)

Grab my hand and let's join our feet

Shall we try it?

1, 2, 3


Did we succeed?

One more time

1, 2, 3

(Juyeon and Q's efforts are admirable)

(We're let you by just looking at your effort and determination)

- I think it's enough - Yes, this is enough

They're going to think this is enough for sure

(Great, you're great)

We've accomplished the mission early

Let's go ride a fun ride

- We can't ride the bumper car - Why not?

(Because we're connected by this string)

We can't ride the bumper car

Let's get out

(NEW X Sangyeon are leaving the bumper car)

I thought this mission would be...

very lovely

Or do you want to try?

It's impossible

The string is going to break

- The 15 minute timer is up! - 15 minutes?

Sangyeon, I love you

Do you want to ride the one outside first or the one inside?

The cold one first

Gyro Swing? I'm excited

That's the most...

- It's going to be so much fun - according to what people say

People say that the Gyro Swing is the scariest

I really like rides

Let's take a photo there

(The leader prioritizes the mission)

1, 2, 3

(Too much drive causes a collision)

Your head is made of stone!

What do you mean? It hurt me even more!

Was the photo shot? It wasn't!

It wasn't?

(Second try for the jump shot)

- Did we succeed? - Yes

(We'll let you fly since you have worked hard)

This is embarrassing

(Well, we completed the mission but how embarrassing was that?)

We can't have the string breaking

- Younghoon - The monster house is really boring

I love you~

Why? Hahaha

Jacob I love you too

You had me there for a second

I love you Haknyeon

I love you too, Eric

- Okay, we go it! - It was very sincere!

Sangyeon, I love you!

This is great!

New I love you

Wasn't that too loud?

- Kevin! - Yes!

I love you as a member of THE BOYZ

I love you Sunwoo

Hwall I love you

I love you!

Q, I love you!

- Juyeon, I love you - Thanks

(Mission score) (Sangyeon&New: 3 medals, 4 hearts, bracelet successful)

(Hyunjae&Hwall: 7 metals, 4 hearts, bracelet successful)

(Jacob&Younghoon: 3 medals, 3 hearts, bracelet successful)

(Haknyeon&Eric: 6 medals, 3 hearts, bracelet successful)

(Juyeon&Q: 6 medals, heart 2, bracelet fail)

(Sunwoo&Kevin: 0 medals, 3 hearts, bracelet successful)

(MISSION THE BOYZ See you in the second episode!)

For more infomation >> [MISSION THE BOYZ] 2019 황금돼지편(Golden Pig SP) ep.1 (EN/JP) - Duration: 14:36.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse AMG C 63 S Estate | Performance uitlaten | Distronic - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse AMG C 63 S Estate | Performance uitlaten | Distronic - Duration: 1:01.


Si vous souffrez de diabète, de problèmes cardiaques et d'inflammation des articulations essayez ce - Duration: 4:34.

Le Tamarin est un fruit originaire d'Asie et d'Afrique et utilisé également dans la culture indienne.

Il s'est répandu dans de nombreuses régions tropicales et provient du tamarinier.

Il se présente sous forme de gousse à pulpe comestible, de couleur brun foncé lorsqu'elle est mûre et mesure environ 15 centimètres de longueur.

Outre son goût aigre doux et agréable qui accompagne de nombreux plats épicés, le fruit du Tamarin présente de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé.

Il est riche en vitamines A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C et en minéraux, tels que le calcium, le cuivre, le fer, le magnésium, le phosphore, le potassium et le sélénium.

Dans une étude élaborée par le département de pharmacologie à l'Institut de technologie en Inde,

le Tamarin est depuis longtemps utilisé dans la médecine traditionnelle indienne pour traiter les douleurs abdominales,

la diarrhée, le paludisme, la fièvre, la constipation, les inflammations et les maladies des yeux.

De même, ses composés phytochimiques lui permettent de traiter le diabète, de lutter contre les microbes, d'avoir une activité hépatoprotectrice et antioxydante.

Il s'agit d'une plante arboricole jugée polyvalente avec un potentiel considérable pour la santé.

Voici les raisons pour lesquelles, il est essentiel de consommer ce fruit pour le bien-être de votre organisme.

Il permet d'améliorer la vue; La richesse de ce fruit en vitamine A permet d'améliorer la vue et de diminuer le risque de développer une dégénérescence maculaire, qui a un rapport avec l'âge.

Il permet de réduire l'inflammation des articulations; Le fruit du Tamarin possède des propriétés anti-inflammatoires qui permettent de soulager la douleur et de protéger les tissus conjonctifs.

Dans une étude, il a été démontré que l'extrait de graine de Tamarin, permet de réduire l'arthrite causée par l'inflammation et le stress oxydatif du cartilage.

Il traite le diabète; Le taux élevé des extraits de graine de Tamarin en flavonoïdes et en polyphénols, permet une bonne gestion du diabète.

Et d'après une étude, ce fruit permet de réguler le taux de sucre dans le sang ; il a été conclu ainsi, une possibilité de fabriquer un nouveau médicament à base de cette plante pour traiter le diabète.

Il est bon pour la santé cardiaque; Le Tamarin est un fruit riche en antioxydants comme les polyphénols et les flavonoïdes qui permettent de réguler le taux de cholestérol,

notamment pour abaisser le mauvais cholestérol (LDL) ainsi que les triglycérides, d'après une étude.

De même, d'après une étude publiée dans Science Direct, les propriétés hypocholestérolémiantes et antioxydantes permettent de prévenir les dommages oxydatifs liés au mauvais cholestérol, source de maladies cardiaques.

Il protège le foie; Les toxines sont généralement liées aux maladies du foie et peuvent de ce fait, engendrer un grand problème de santé.

Les feuilles de Tamarin, ont d'après une étude, un effet anti-apoptotique et protecteur du foie.

Il permet de contrôler le poids; Dans un programme de perte de poids, il a été démontré, selon la même étude, que l'extrait des graines de Tamarin a permis d'enregistrer une perte de poids,

Il a un effet antiulcéreux; Selon une étude réalisée au département des sciences pharmaceutiques de l'Université Guru en Inde,

on a évalué un effet antiulcéreux lié à l'estomac. due probablement à leur composition en flavonoïdes et polyphénols.

Il a été démontré que les extraits méthanoliques du Tamarin peuvent faire office de médicaments antiulcéreux chez les animaux.

C'est un antihistaminique; Dans une étude, il a été rapporté que l'extrait des graines de Tamarin a un effet sur l'asthme et la toux allergique,

grâce à ses effets antihistaminiques. Le Tamarin est disponible assez facilement dans les épiceries exotiques.

Mise en garde; En raison de sa teneur en tanin et d'autres composés qui peuvent rendre la digestion un peu difficile,

il est conseillé de consommer ce fruit après l'avoir fait bouillir ou mis dans l'eau pendant quelques heures.

Il est conseillé aux femmes enceintes de demander conseil à leur médecin traitant avant d'en consommer.

For more infomation >> Si vous souffrez de diabète, de problèmes cardiaques et d'inflammation des articulations essayez ce - Duration: 4:34.


예루살렘 어머니의 황당한 주장에 대한 진실! - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 예루살렘 어머니의 황당한 주장에 대한 진실! - Duration: 4:29.


Lagu Romantis Terbaru | Lagu Barat Romantis Love Songs Terpopuler saat ini - Duration: 1:22:53.

For more infomation >> Lagu Romantis Terbaru | Lagu Barat Romantis Love Songs Terpopuler saat ini - Duration: 1:22:53.


Blac Chyna and Soulja Boy Spend Valentine's Day 2019 Together After Sparking Romance Rumors: Pic - U - Duration: 2:42.

   Heating up! and spent the most romantic day of the year together amid buzz of a budding relationship between the two

 "Happy Valentine's Day," the Grammy nominee, 28, captioned an Instagram pic of himself with the Rob & Chyna alum, 30

 Two days prior, the twosome sparked romance rumors after the "Crank That" rapper posted a different photo of himself holding hands with the businesswoman on Instagram

"DrakoChyna Grammy Party Celebration," he captioned the snap.  He shared a shot of the Lashed by owner leaning on his chest as well

 The pair were also together on Monday, February 11, for a club appearance, as shared with fans on his Instagram Stories

 Chyna was most recently linked to prior to being seen with , while the reality star is currently appearing on Marriage Boot Camp: Hip-Hop Edition with ex-girlfriend

 Earlier on Monday, the model railed against exes and over child support she said she never asked for

 "We went to court mediation and s–t and I squashed it 'cause I never wanted no money from Rob, 'cause it was never about that, period," she said of the Arthur George entrepreneur, 31, in a now-deleted Instagram Live

"I have kids by two guys that f–king tricked me, whatever, and they don't give me s–t, no child support and I'm sick of that s–t

"  Chyna, who shares 2-year-old daughter Dream with the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star, began dating in January 2016

He proposed that April, but one year later, the pair had split.  Prior to her relationship with Kardashian, the former stripped dated , 29, for more than two years

The couple called it quits in August 2014. The former pair share son King, 6.

For more infomation >> Blac Chyna and Soulja Boy Spend Valentine's Day 2019 Together After Sparking Romance Rumors: Pic - U - Duration: 2:42.


震撼! 她的婆婆强迫大S与王小飞离婚。 怎么了? 背后的原因真的很悲惨! - Duration: 16:37.

For more infomation >> 震撼! 她的婆婆强迫大S与王小飞离婚。 怎么了? 背后的原因真的很悲惨! - Duration: 16:37.


トランプ氏が大統領選再選に向け公約「実現」誇示 共和党の一部から懸念も - Duration: 2:53.

【ワシントン= 黒瀬悦成】ト ランプ米大統 領がメキシコ 国境での壁建 設問題に関し 、国家非常事 態を宣言して 議会を通さず に壁建設予算 を確保する方 針を決めたの は、来年の大 統領選での再 選を目指し、 万難を排して 先の大統領選 での重要公約 を「実現」さ せる姿勢を支 持者に示す狙いがある。 しかし、野党・民主党は予算の決定権を握る議会をないがしろにする憲法違反の「無法行為」(シューマー上院院内総務)だとして猛反発しており、与野党の対立先鋭化は確実だ。

 トランプ氏が 国家非常事態 宣言に急傾斜 したのは、壁 建設費用とし て57億ドル (約6200 億円)の予算 計上を求めて いたにも関わ らず、14日 、上下両院で 可決された予 算案に盛り込 まれた壁建設 費が13億7 千万ドルにと どまったこと に強い不満を 抱いたためだ 。

 トランプ氏の 要求額では長 さ215マイ ル(344キ ロ)の壁を建 設できるはず が、予算案で は55マイル 分の建設費し かない。 しか もコンクリー ト製の壁では なく、違う素 材を使った「 障壁」にする よう定めてい たことも、ト ランプ氏の拒 絶姿勢を強め たとみられる 。

 CNNテレビ によると、非 常事態宣言で トランプ政権 が確保を見込 む壁建設費は 計約80億ド ル。 国防総省 の米軍関連の 建設予算など から拠出する としている。

 一方、民主党 が法廷闘争に 入ることを決 めた場合、国 境での壁建設 に緊急性はな いと主張し、 非常事態宣言 の差し止めを 求めて争うと みられる。 リ ベラル派判事 のいる連邦地 裁で提訴すれ ば、連邦最高 裁で最終判断 が下される数 カ月間は大統 領令の執行を 先延ばしでき るとの戦術だ。

 しかし、非常 事態宣言に関 しては、民主 党のみならず 、与党・共和 党の一部から も懸念の声が 浮上している。 将来、民主 党の大統領が 誕生した場合 、全く同じ手 法で議会を通 さずに特定の 政策に予算を つけることが 可能になるか らだ。

 共和党のルビ オ上院議員は 「いかなる危 機であれ、憲 法違反を正当 化する理由に はならない」 と指摘した上 で、「もし将 来の大統領が 『グリーン・ ニューディー ル』(民主党 が最近提出し た急進的な環 境保護政策) を導入するた めに同じ方法 を使う恐れが ある」と懸念 を表明した。 民主党のペロシ下院議長も「トランプ氏は憲法で定められた議会の権限や、議会から監視を受ける責任を回避している」と非難した。

For more infomation >> トランプ氏が大統領選再選に向け公約「実現」誇示 共和党の一部から懸念も - Duration: 2:53.


Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - U - Duration: 3:21.

 A scary ride! Friends alums and were aboard a plane that was forced to make an emergency landing on Friday, February 15, Us Weekly can confirm

 The former costars and BFFs were headed to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for a girls' trip when things went awry

According to TMZ, their private jet experienced difficulties around 11 a.m. when the aircraft lost a wheel during takeoff

 A source tells Us that film producer and 's wife, , who both worked with Aniston on Dumplin', were also on board

 "She's going to take a new plane from Ontario to Cabo later today," the insider revealed on Friday

 TMZ reports that the crew didn't feel comfortable landing in Cabo with the missing tire, rerouting to Ontario, Canada, with a full fuel tank

They then reportedly circled for hours to burn off enough fuel in order to make a safe landing

 CBS reported that while the jet's landing was a little wobbly, no one on board was injured

 Days earlier, the Oscar nominee celebrated her 50th birthday with a swinging party attended by hoards of celebrity guests, including , , , and ex-husband

 The Cougar Town alum, 54, posted a sweet note for her longtime pal on her special day, sharing a photo of the two of them together on Instagram

"The world definitely got brighter the day this girl was born," she wrote on Monday, February 11

"Happy birthday sweetheart! Love you!"  The two women have been friends since their time on their NBC hit in 1994

The Office Christmas Party actress was also spotted leaving Cox's home in February 2018 following news of her split from ex-husband

 Aniston opened up about the pair's friendship to More magazine in January 2014

"There's absolutely no judgment in Court," she said at the time. "You'll never feel scolded

She's extremely fair, ridiculously loyal and fiercely loving. I've slept in her guest bedroom a lot

Without giving away too much of my private stuff, all I can say is she's been there for me through thick and thin


For more infomation >> Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - U - Duration: 3:21.


Kim Zolciak Is 'Not Open' to Her Daughters Having Plastic Surgery 'at This Time' - US News - Duration: 3:21.

 Drawing the line. said she is "not open to any plastic surgery" for her daughters and "at this time

"  "I tell them… 'When you're done having kids and all that good stuff, worry about that stuff later on down the road, if that's what you want to do," Zolciak, 40, recently told Entertainment Tonight

"But you guys are beautiful and so young."  The family matriarch and , 21, have both been transparent about getting lip injections in the past, something Zolciak doesn't consider to be plastic surgery

 "We're very open with the things that I've done. 's only done her lips," the Real Housewives of Atlanta star told Us Weekly days before the premiere of the family's reality show, Don't Be Tardy

"All these people [who] think she's had all this plastic surgery crack me up. She's 21 years old

Get a life. She did her lips and that's it."    The "Love Me First" singer also said she's not phased by trolls who think her lips look too big

"I don't know why they think my lips look so crazy. I don't really give two s–ts because half of them are calling the same doctor that did them and wants my lips, so it's bizarre

I'm comfortable and happy with who I am."  While the Florida native said is equally good at letting comments from haters roll off her back, Ariana, 17, can be a bit more sensitive

"I monitor a lot of Ariana's social media," revealed Zolciak. "She has a much different personality than

So I've always had to kind of monitor Ariana's social media, delete comments, delete comments off of my page, because she's a lot more sensitive

"  In the season 7 premiere of Don't Be Tardy, which airs February 17, fans will see Ariana getting upset while trying on a prom dress, a moment that Zolciak said inspired her daughter to focus more "on her health and working out

"  No matter what, the Bravo star says her ultimate goal is to build her daughters' confidence: "They're so beautiful on the inside and I definitely focus on that

"  Along with and Ariana, Zolciak is the mother of Kroy Jr., 7, Kash, 6, and 5-year-old twins Kaia and Kane, with husband

 Don't Be Tardy airs on Bravo Sundays at 9 p.m. ET.  With reporting by Sarah Hearon

For more infomation >> Kim Zolciak Is 'Not Open' to Her Daughters Having Plastic Surgery 'at This Time' - US News - Duration: 3:21.


Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - - Duration: 3:22.

 A scary ride! Friends alums and were aboard a plane that was forced to make an emergency landing on Friday, February 15, Us Weekly can confirm

 The former costars and were headed to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for a girls' trip when things went awry

According to TMZ, their private jet experienced difficulties around 11 a.m. when the aircraft lost a wheel during takeoff

 A source tells Us that film producer and 's wife, , who both worked with Aniston on Dumplin', were also on board

 "She's going to take a new plane from Ontario to Cabo later today," the insider revealed on Friday

 TMZ reports that the crew didn't feel comfortable landing in Cabo with the missing tire, rerouting to Ontario, Canada, with a full fuel tank

They then reportedly circled for hours to burn off enough fuel in order to make a safe landing

 CBS reported that while the jet's landing was a little wobbly, no one on board was injured

 Days earlier, the Oscar nominee celebrated her 50th birthday with a swinging party attended by hoards of celebrity guests, including , , , and ex-husband

 The Cougar Town alum, 54, posted a sweet note for her longtime pal on her special day, sharing a photo of the two of them together on Instagram

"The world definitely got brighter the day this girl was born," she wrote on Monday, February 11

"Happy birthday sweetheart! Love you!"  The two women have been friends since their time on their NBC hit in 1994

The Office Christmas Party actress was also spotted leaving Cox's home in February 2018 following news of her split from ex-husband

 Aniston opened up about the pair's friendship to More magazine in January 2014

"There's absolutely no judgment in Court," she said at the time. "You'll never feel scolded

She's extremely fair, ridiculously loyal and fiercely loving. I've slept in her guest bedroom a lot

Without giving away too much of my private stuff, all I can say is she's been there for me through thick and thin


For more infomation >> Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's Jet Makes Emergency Landing En Route to Girls' Trip in Cabo - - Duration: 3:22.


Secrets to Fantastic Beasts special effects - the Niffler moment you missed - News Today - Duration: 10:39.

  One of the crowning achievements of the Fantastic Beasts franchise is the imaginative creatures - oh and the vast magical landscapes

 Fantastic Beasts earned two Academy Award nominations for its production design and costume design, winning an Oscar for the latter

The more recent Crimes of Grindelwald was nominated for a BAFTA for its visual effects too

  But who is behind the wizardry we see on screen? is one of the minds behind the creatures and visual effects that bring JK Rowling 's wizarding world to life

  Crimes of Grindelwald isn't the first time Manz has worked with director David Yates - he also has credits as far back as the Harry Potter films

 At the beginning of pre-production Yates challenged Christian and the team to push creativity on the film and to have fun with the creatures

  Christian recently gave a talk about his work on the film at The VFX Festival , Mirror Online caught up with him after to talk all things Fantastic Beasts, VFX and what the future holds for the industry

 No time to read? Click on the video above to listen to our interview with - with bonus secrets about Harry Potter and Dobby! Fantastic Beasts creatures - the  The film is quite the operation

There are 1,500 artists working on the film at multiple facilities around the world, with about 100 people working on a single character

 Harry Potter always had it's creatures, from the hippogriff to Dobby, but Fantastic Beasts takes it even further

 "The was particularly difficult," Christian says. "It had to be one, what Jo had written, and two, what everyone wanted - the Chinese creature - and in the end we designed a particularly bonkers design

 "David, the director, wasn't sure at first. But one of our animators loved it so he quickly built it, modelled it, and animated it and that's what got us the because David loved it

"  The is quite a detailed design. It's a monstrously large feline beast, as big as an elephant, with a striped body, scraggly mane, four fangs that curl out of its mouth, long sharp claws, and a disproportionately long, ruffled multicoloured tail

 "By the nature of its face it was quite hard, with big bug eyes, it's quite difficult to emote and you actually had to have quite a lot of subtle controls in there," explains Christian

 It paid off though, and ended up giving us one of the funniest moments of the film

 "The bit where Newt waggles the 's toy in the air, everybody laughs at that and that's because they're seeing something, everyone has a dog or cat that would do the same thing

 "What our animators do is study real animals, they closely study the natural world to see all those behavioural things

The big thing with the beasts is they are animals, not characters, but every dog or cat has a character

"  When done right of course, the creatures give us some of the best humorous moments in the Fantastic Beasts franchise

The moment we all missed  "With the - especially with the first and second film - you are trying to think of funny things," Christian said

"It's those things that lift it."  To create the funny moments, it's all about finding what's relatable, but it's also about the tiny moments you don't always see at first

 "With the there's the times he's dragging his belly on the ground or he's taking the gold," Christian says

"It's something you've seen, but it's subtle animation - again you see his little heart going under the feathers, you see the pauses, it's some of the most difficult things to do

I think it's as much of what he doesn't do as he does do."  Christian adds there's one particular moment in the Crimes of Grindelwald that the audience don't always spot

 "There's a shot in there where which hardly anybody ever sees," he says. "[The ] steals something in the background, with Eddie in the foreground as Newt, and he sort of is surreptitiously stealing something

"  The movement and inspiration for the actually came from another animal.  "That originally came from looking at a honey badger rifling through someones rubbish in South Africa I think," Christian reveals

"The insatiable desire to get in the fridge and get the food. Nothing was going to stop it, and getting that over in this is what makes it funny

" Locations so convincing they tricked the French  While creatures are a huge part of why we love Fantastic Beasts, the actual world the wizards and witches live in is another

 Christian works with closely with Stuart Grey who worked on the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beast films to create the world we see on screen

 "A lot of Paris still exists as it did in the 1920s, and New York, so Stuart starts with concept images of all the different streets that appear in the film and he'll be using real locations, but using other buildings or shifting buildings around to create nice compositions

"  The team then had a "shopping list" to take to Paris, where they spent a month scanning whole streets, whole buildings, taking thousands of photographs before they come back

They then have digital models of all those buildings to match the concepts for the shots they film

 The data has to be shared with the facilities in the UK and Canada.  "We still shoot a lot of set it's not all green screen," Christian says

 They work off of this, creating shadows and effects so it looks "as real as possible"

Sometimes too real.  "I did a talk in Paris recently and they asked us which parts of Paris we shot in and we didn't go there at all!"

and using Harry Potter's Hogwarts again  Of course, one of the most iconic buildings - Hogwarts - is also brought to life thanks to Christian and the team

 For all the seven Harry Potter films they'd built it digitally.  "The team used the same material to re-build it and zhuzh it up for 2018," Christian says

 The Hogwarts interior was the same location for Harry Potter one and two.  For the Great Hall, they scanned the hall at Warner Bros Studio Tour London

 "We digitally created the whole set, but using the real set in the tour and referencing all the photographs and the films themselves," Christian explains

 The Ministry of Magic was the same, with the team using drawings and photos from 10-15 years ago

 "We were ringing up sculptors asking for their work," he says. "This franchise is unique it's all there in the museum, so it feels as authentic as possible

" Harry Potter v Fantastic Beasts - what's changed?  Even though the first films still provide a wealth of material, things have changed since the first movie's release

 "The big change is the amount of visual effects content," Christian says. "When you go to  Harry Potter tour, things like the hippogriff, that was digital but there was physical build of the creature

When you go to the tour you see they built a lot of stuff, which you don't necessarily do anymore

A lot is imagination based now. We can do more.  "If you were doing Fantastic Beasts at the time of Harry Potter, with New York, with Paris, we wouldn't have been seeing as much of that city as we're able to show today

"  That's mostly down to technology of course.  "Computers have got quicker, and artists, we're getting more and more experience every year

 "Visual effects is playing catch up to an industry that's been going for more than hundred years

The biggest difference for people coming into it now is they've got access to all of that, much more easily than I did, as a person who started not being able to use a computer

"  There's plenty of young talent working their way up now too. The festival discovered 71 per cent of the future workforce aged 16-25 said they have a desire to work in the Creative Industries, despite an absence of careers guidance

 But Art and design is losing popularity, as both parents and students rank it as the least important subject to study at school, despite showing an increased interest in creative careers

 There's still hope for the future of visual effects, and plenty of work to be done - after all JK Rowling did say there's another three Fantastic Beast films

 But while people speculate how films will develop and use visual effects, Christian thinks there's one way it can go

 "There will be more of [special effects], but where's it is going is you won't notice it as much

Now it's a craft, the use of it now is to create a world and enable the director and writer to come up with things you wouldn't do before - whether it's a space ship or creature

 "Film making has been going towards more and more green, less and less set, and there's all the talk that there won't be actors anymore

I believe there will be actors, there will still be performance.  "The key thing with digital characters is getting the authentic performance and that's still driving ahead and us embedding ourselves into it

"  For Christian it's "augment and not create as much as possible".  What will really want to know? Will we get more Fantastic Beasts creatures?  "It's trying to push the envelope of what is fantastic," Christian says

"It's trying to find the next . That's the biggest struggle. The struggle for me is ideas really, not in technology

You just have to think of ideas. I think when a film captures the audience's imagination - with this type of film - is when they see something they haven't seen before - that's the hardest thing to do

"   The VFX Festival 2019: Emerging Talent  took place in February 2019 and was hosted by Escape Studios, a leading provider of VFX, Games, Animation and Motion Graphics courses

Join industry professionals at  The VFX Festival 2019: After Hours  or school and college students at  The VFX Festival 2019: EDU  events during June 2019; find out more at  thevfxfestival

com Read More Fantastic Beasts 2

For more infomation >> Secrets to Fantastic Beasts special effects - the Niffler moment you missed - News Today - Duration: 10:39.


,ニュース よしこ&中島健人、直美&佐藤流司の妄想物語をマンガ化、名塚佳織や沢城みゆきが声吹き込む - Duration: 3:03.

 よしこがのを 手に妄想したス ーリーが、本日 月16日(土) 夜にMCのバラ ティ「妄想!わ まマンガ」(フ テレビ)でオン アされる。 よ こ(前)と(後 )

(c)フジテレ   「妄想!わ まマンガ」は芸 人の"わがまま 胸キュン妄想" 人気マンガ家に ンガ化してもら うという実験的 番組。さらに人 声優が声を吹き み、完成したそ 作品を妄想した 人と妄想の相手 一緒に鑑賞する

 28年間の人 で一度も恋人を ったことがない いうよしこの妄 を「SSB―超 春姉弟s―」の マンガ化。よし の声を「交響詩 エウレカセブン のエウレカ役、 コードギアス 逆のルルーシュ のナナリー役な で知られるが、 島の声を「おそ さん」松野おそ 役、「コードギ ス」枢木スザク のが務めた

完成した作品を 賞中、密室で中 と2人きりにな たよしこに異変 。一方で中島は さに少女マンガ 思わせる"神対 "を見せ、スタ オで鑑賞するや 驚かせる。 ま 、ミュージカル 刀剣乱舞」シリ ズで主演を務め は直美との物語 妄想

がマンガ化し、 ルパン三世」3 目峰不二子役の 直美の声を、「 ☆戯☆王ZEX L」の神代凌牙 のが佐藤の声を 当した。22世 計画「妄想!わ まマンガ」 フ テレビ 201 年2月16日( )25:55~ 6:55<出演 >MC:ゲスト / 滝沢カレ / () / よしこ / かよしこの妄想 マンガ:声優: 役) / (よ こ役)の妄想  ンガ:声優:( ) / (役) 沢カレンの妄想 マンガ:声優: 滝沢カレン憧れ 人物役) /( 沢カレン役)

For more infomation >> ,ニュース よしこ&中島健人、直美&佐藤流司の妄想物語をマンガ化、名塚佳織や沢城みゆきが声吹き込む - Duration: 3:03.


【北京】人気観光スポット7選 - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 【北京】人気観光スポット7選 - Duration: 4:58.


元徴用工判決受け、講演会や勉強会相次ぐ - Duration: 5:49.

いわゆる元徴用 工訴訟の判決 をめぐり、日 本では各地で 、さまざまな 立場の団体が 講演会や勉強 会を開催して いる。 15日 には日韓外相 会談が開催さ れ、訴訟の原 告側代理人弁 護士らが韓国 最高裁に賠償 を命じられた 新日鉄住金を 訪問し、長期 化の様相だ。 講演会などの 主催者は、問題の複雑な歴史的経緯を分かりやすく伝えることで、日韓関係をめぐる国民の意識を高めたいとしている。 (江森梓、細田裕也、浜川太一)

 「彼らが仕掛 けてきた歴史 戦争を知らな ければ、後手 にまわってし まう」

 昨年11月下 旬、日韓関係 などを研究す る有識者らに よる「歴史認 識問題研究会 」が判決を受 けて東京都内 で開いた緊急 集会で、ジャ ーナリストの 櫻井よしこさ んが参加者ら に呼びかけた。 ほかにも、 有識者や超党 派の国会議員 が続々登壇。 「韓国最高裁 の判決は不当 」という立場から、日本の置かれた危機的状況に警鐘を鳴らす。

 同会は翌12 月にも、この 問題の経緯を 説明する講演 会を都内で実 施。 計約15 0人が参加し たといい、出 席者らは熱心 な様子でメモ をとったり、 「徴用工は亡 くなっている のに裁判を起 こすことがで きるのか」な どと質問した りした。 担当 者は「日本企 業の財産が差 し押さえられ実害を被るから、関心も高いのではないか」とした上で「この問題の本質を正しく知ってもらいたい」と話す。

 一方、原告側 を支援する市 民団体も、訴 訟を理解して もらおうと、 同月に京都市 内、今月に大 阪府茨木市内 で開かれた集 会に出席し、 講義を行った。 担当者は韓 国最高裁の判 断を批判する 日本政府の対 応を念頭に、 「民事裁判に 政府が介入す るのは違和感 がある」と指 摘。 「日本と韓国であまりに主張が違う。 日韓関係に影を落とすほど大事(おおごと)になっているのに、何が問題なのかはあまり知られていない」と語った。

こうした講演会 や勉強会など は今後も開か れる予定とい う。

 専門家は判決 をどうみるか。 韓国の歴史 問題に詳しい 神戸大大学院 の木村幹教授 は、英国のイ ンド支配など を例に挙げ、 「国際的にも これまで植民 地支配が違法 だとする判例 は見たことが ない」と説明。 その上で、 「普通の民事 裁判でも、示 談するときに その内容に慰 謝料が含まれるのが普通の解釈。 (2005年公表の外交文書などで)徴用工問題は請求権協定の過程で議論したのが明らかで、慰謝料があったとしても協定に含まれないというのは無理がある」と指摘している。


 いわゆる元徴 用工訴訟の焦 点となってい るのは、19 65年に日韓 国交正常化の 際に結んだ日 韓請求権協定 だ。 条文には 「日韓両国と その国民の財 産、権利並び に請求権に関 する問題が、 完全かつ最終 的に解決され たことを確認 する」とある 。

 日本政府は協 定を基に、無 償3億ドル、 有償2億ドル を韓国政府に 提供。 韓国政 府は軍人の補 償金や公共工 事に充てたと される。 ただ 、計5億ドル の位置付けは あいまいで、 日本側は「経 済支援」、韓 国側は「事実 上の賠償」と みなしてきた 。

 そうした中、 91(平成3 )年の参院予 算委員会で柳 井俊二・外務 省条約局長( 当時)が同協 定について「 両国が国家と しての外交保 護権を相互に 放棄したとい うものであり 、個人の請求 権を消滅させ たというもの ではない」と 答弁。 これに 呼応するよう に、韓国では 訴訟を起こす動きが広がった。

植民地支配は不 法か

 2005年、 現在の文在寅 (ムンジェイ ン)大統領ら が中心となっ た盧武鉉(ノ ムヒョン)政 権は、請求権 放棄を明記し た日韓協定締 結当時の外交 文書を公開。 1965年当 時、請求権を 持つ個人(元 徴用工ら)に 対する補償義 務は「韓国政 府が負う」と 韓国外務省が 明言したことも明らかになった。

 文書公開にあ わせて発表し た盧政権の政 府見解では、 元徴用工の賠 償請求権につ いては日本が 韓国に供与し た無償3億ド ルに「包括的 に勘案された 」と明言。 つ まり、両政府 ともに「解決 済み」という のが公式見解 だ。

しかし、ソウル 高裁は201 3年7月に賠 償を命じる原 告勝訴の判決 を言い渡し、 日本企業は上 告していた。

 韓国最高裁は 今回の判決で 、1910年 の日韓併合条 約を念頭に、 「不法な植民 地支配と直結 した日本企業 による強制動 員被害者の請 求権は日韓協 定の対象に含 まれない」と 判断。 つまり 、協定に記さ れている請求 権とは別に、 「個人の慰謝 料」を請求す る権利が協定 の外にあると認めたことになる。

 国家間の公式 見解を"ちゃ ぶ台返し"と なった判決に 、日本政府は 一貫して「条 約や併合の時 期は合法だっ た」との立場 で、サンフラ ンシスコ平和 条約によって 応ずべき法律 上の義務も消 滅している、 との姿勢だ。

For more infomation >> 元徴用工判決受け、講演会や勉強会相次ぐ - Duration: 5:49.


Giọng Ca Vàng Hải Ngoại 2019 | Karaoke Liên Khúc Vẫy Tay Chào Nhau | Thanh Sơn KOVA ✔ - Duration: 21:31.

For more infomation >> Giọng Ca Vàng Hải Ngoại 2019 | Karaoke Liên Khúc Vẫy Tay Chào Nhau | Thanh Sơn KOVA ✔ - Duration: 21:31.


Actualité TV - Nouvel an: réseaux sociaux et messageries toujours plus utilisés pour l'envoi des vœ - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Nouvel an: réseaux sociaux et messageries toujours plus utilisés pour l'envoi des vœ - Duration: 2:27.


Ret. Lt Col To GOP: Confronting Trump Is Not Omaha Beach On D-Day | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Ret. Lt Col To GOP: Confronting Trump Is Not Omaha Beach On D-Day | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 6:45.


Do Likes On Instagram Actually Equal Dollar Signs? | Rules To This Sh!t - Duration: 14:11.

Social media is like crack right now.

If you don't have a lifestyle that go with the music,

nobody will hear it.

Social media is really important.

There's no defeating internet.

There's no defeating Twitter. You can't beat Instagram.

It can get ugly real fast.

Older artists, we have this conversation and it goes like,

I'm so glad social media wasn't out when I was young,

like (bleep) like, damn.

I was so young and wild that honestly,

honestly I would've never had this career

had social media been out when I was young.

I did some stupid shit that I'm like (bleep)

word of mouth go, you hear that stupid ass shit that

Too $hort did? And the shit just kind of fizz out.

No. Now, you do stupid shit

and the word of mouth is social media

and that shit is like don't

(bleep) around and go viral because that shit lasts forever.

Man, social media is everything. It's even crazy right now.

It's like crack right now. You know what I'm saying?

I didn't even want to get

so caught up into the social media thing,

but if you want to be able to make some good money right now

and be able to be on top of what's new

and what's trending and stuff like that,

you got to be in tune with the internet.

The dislike about it for me is that I'm just such a real (bleep)

you know?

I'm not really for the hype, but I have to be.

My team would tell me like, you got to post videos more,

interact with your fans, take pictures,

go out to these events and stuff like that.

I initially just like to make music,

but now I have to do both.

And nowadays, it's almost more important for you

to have the image

than it is for the music, so it's crazy out here.

It's like you have to be an actor and an artist now.

You not just an artist no more. You got to be an actor too now.

You got to get on your social media every day.

That's your TV show,

and you got to sell yourself everyday on your TV show.

You got to make your TV show interesting

because if it ain't, like the rest of the TV show,

it kind of fades out.

I signed up to do music, man,

but with the way the culture shifted into social media,

you got to actually give people who you are.

They got to know who you are.

I got to post. I got to post my life.

Imma post this. Imma post that. People ain't buying music.

They don't want to buy your music.

They only want to buy your friendship.

They want to feel like they know you.

They want to feel like they hang with you.

So, every day you got to get up and you got to hang with them.

My Instagram, my Twitter, my Facebook, my Snapchat,

and you going to go to it

and you going to learn who London Jae is.

Looking at all these pictures and videos.

Oh, he signed to TI. This how I allow you to hang with me,

so if I'm not present on social media,

I'm not present in music. You could drop this album.

It could be the dopest shit on the planet.

If you don't have a lifestyle that go with that music,

nobody will hear it.

I try to post on Instagram or Snapchat

or anything social media because that's where your fans

feel like they're connected with you the most.

I try to let people know that I'm active

because I think that's very important too, your fan base.

I actually get a lot of DM's saying,

can I be your friend or something.

You look real cool. You sound like a real cool person.

I appreciate that, but I think it's just weird to ask,

can you be a friend? I will let you in on my life.

That's more than a friend. That's family.

I'm letting you in on my personal life.

Your family.

When I used to put music up or I'll see somebody comment

on something that I didn't like, I used to argue with people

and I used to be like, you're stupid.

You know what I'm saying? That's why it's just

I used to get so mad.

It turned ugly. You know what I'm saying?

Fights, all types of shit. You know what I'm saying?

But, I had to learn that I'm growing now.

You know what I'm saying? I'm becoming bigger now.

You know what I'm saying? I'm growing a fan base now.

I can't be doing shit like that.

Social media you can actually get paid off of that.

That's how you could make your money.

You know what I'm saying.

Just being on there and being sociable,

talking to people, and not being Hollywood.

That shows people, you know what I'm saying,

that they could shop with you.

They can talk to you whenever they want to.

So, for them to feel like they can come to you,

and, hey, can I get a beat bro? Sure. Why not?

You never know who the next artist going to be.

How I would get up in the morning and post videos,

it's a routine for me now.

I have to get up, get my hair done,

get my make up done, get on at a certain time,

do certain little stuff to keep people interested.

You can't just post pictures. You know what I'm saying?

You got to stay with the new girls

is doing the new hair, the new styles.

Like, oh, this is kind of what I've been doing all along,

but it's a job now.

That was our first income. Big income.

We were making like $5,000, $8,000

a month just from Instagram and YouTube videos and promos.

He had a lot of followers because when he made the verse,

he got like over 600K in like a week and a half,

and then a mil before he graduated.

So, he was walking around in school

with a million followers and my dad was tripping.

He was getting a lot of money,

so social media's really important.

The first thing that I ever recorded went viral.

I kind of just recorded the video

and it hit a million views in less than 24 hours,

and the next day I booked four shows off of

just this one video going viral.

The next week, I see TI comment on my Instagram

and I see Rick Ross liking my videos and Jermaine Dupri

and all these people that I grew up idolizing.

So, it was of course unreal to me.

Sometimes I still think I'm dreaming

and I'm going to wake up one day in my

or something.

You know, there's Snapchat. There's Instagram.

There's Instagram Live. There's Twitter.

There's (bleep) and it's like sometimes it's just like

you're almost spreading thin- Facebook, you know.

Spreading thin on all these things versus

just sometimes doing disappear and let me focus on my craft.

You know what I'm saying? Then, show you something,

but then it's the new age thing of the internet.

It's like you can't do that. You disappear and do that,

then don't nobody going to remember you.

One of the biggest mistakes I think

that some of the young talent make is they're over-accessible.

There is no mystique to a lot of the young talent today.

You just have to give consumers something

that they haven't consumed.

When consumers feel like they know everything

about you already,

it's kind of hard to surprise them

because a lot of times

you're already giving them everything for free

that once you start actually having a product

worth selling and worth buying that it's a lot harder

for them to see the value in that.

A lot of artists do stupid shit on social media.

I get the part about promoting. Look at my new shoes and shit.

Just got this. I get that shit. I just don't get the dumb shit.

Showing all the guns and shit. You showing the drugs.

You just convicting yourself on social media.

You just kind of got to get in where you fit in

because there's no defeating internet.

There's no defeating Twitter.

You can't beat Instagram. You can't outsmart it.

I saw a post like if the world was about to end,

there would be a meme joking about it.

It's just the way the worlds going, man.

I don't think the person that invented Twitter thought

that it was going to be that powerful.

That Donald Trump could literally almost start

a war off of Twitter. You know what I mean?

It's getting more and more powerful

by the day too, man. It's almost scary.

Where is this shit going?

When you young, you think you know you have all the answers.

You don't give a shit.

That's why so many old heads are mad.

These kids have no initiation. They had no jump in.

The people that are caring less about the generation before

and that's a problem because you don't know where you're going

unless you know where you've been.

It's O.K. Corral out here, man.

There's no rules unfortunately. Just no, just no rules.

So, these social medias popped up.

Facebook. We on Facebook.

You see all types of naked stuff going on and it gets attention.

10 million views. You go on YouTube.

Videos, girls got they tops off,

clapping they butt cheeks together.

That got 11 million views.

A guy who's spitting them real bars

and doing what he got to do. He got 14 views. And the 15th

is his just to check to see who else is watching.

But, that's the game. Some play it well.

Some play it whack. Who are you?

When we were coming up, music was the first thing.

It was primary.

If you wanted to be in music, you had to sacrifice.

I had to save my money, buy some turntables,

save my money, buy a drum machine,

save my money to get in the studio.

In this era, most kids have computers already.

You didn't have to save anything.

You didn't have to do-

You know what I mean? You didn't have-

You have headphones and a computer

and you can make a song,

and just hit send and it's out to the world.

Kids today not respecting the older generation,

I feel like that's nothing that's- It's not nothing new.

When you young, you think you knew you have all the answers.

You don't give a shit.

You just give (bleep) about what you want to give a (bleep)

about, like what's hot to you. I know what I got now,

and what I got now is hot and it's popping.

All that shit, y'all wasn't using Pro Tools

Y'all was using tape. I don't give a (bleep) about tape.

Not saying that's the smartest thing,

but I said, I don't think it's a lack of respect.

I just think it's lack of information.

Right now, there's a lot of young cats trying to take over.

There's a lot of- Well, they are taking over.

Not trying. The thing is these young cats,

they don't know really the background

and that's why a lot of these old heads are mad

because they know what they grew up on

and they know what sounds good

and what's real and what feels real.

They know that stuff, and then when they hear this stuff,

they know that that's not going to be around next month

or they ain't saying nothing.

That's not pushing you to do nothing positive in life.

They know that. That's why so many old heads are mad.

I'm not mad at these kids for the records they make.

They only know what they know. That's what they heard.

That's what they're mimicking.

The work ethic on trying to study

the cultures not there for them,

so only a few have taken the time to go to the back room

and pick up a book and study what came before them

and incorporate that into the new like we did.

We studied the 80's and the 70's.

And to hear somebody say that they don't know these legends.

That's where a lot of people get mad too

because you should know

those people if you're in this industry.

We had to know who The Cold Crush was.

We had to know who Run DMC was.

We had to know who Russell Simmons was.

We had to know who EPMD was.

We had to know who Slick Rick was and Doug E. Fresh.

We had to know who KRS-One was. You had to.

They were pillars, so it was our job to acknowledge that,

pay homage to that in order for us

to get initiated into this thing we call hip hop.

These kids had no initiation. They had no jump in.

They got in from home from their basement on the computer.

They snuck in, and now they feel like

because we snuck in and we're good, you owe us.

We didn't initiate you. We didn't say you were good.

Not to say we have to because we don't

because really there is no rule book to hip hop,

but we would've liked to have known that you recognize

that the reason why you're here is a lot

because of the backs you stood on.

I think that now the respect for our elders in hip hop

is diminishing, especially with teenage rappers.

I don't know if it's just

because it's such a big disconnect.

I don't know if you could've convinced me

that Big Daddy Cane was the greatest rapper ever,

but I would've never come out and said, screw Big Daddy Cane.

He ain't nobody. You know what I mean?

Because I know that he's a pioneer.

I think it's just getting to be- These kids are so drugged up

and they don't even really give a shit about anything.

You know what I mean? And, I think it's easy for them

to get out here and just say, Jay-Z's a old (bleep)

(bleep) him. You know what I'm saying?

It's like, you wouldn't be doing what you're doing

if Jay-Z wouldn't of done what he did.

You know what I mean?

I just think it's taking a big turn.

Everything is taking a big turn and people are caring less

about the generation before us, and that's a problem.

That's a major problem because you don't know where you're

going unless you know where you've been.


Mike check one one two.

I should be a professional mic checker.

Can you understand me?

Can I show y'all how much I (bleep) had?

So, the first question is the easy one.


How was that? That was good. You like it? You're smiling.

All right. Good.

For more infomation >> Do Likes On Instagram Actually Equal Dollar Signs? | Rules To This Sh!t - Duration: 14:11.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 1:12.


Si vous souffrez de diabète, de problèmes cardiaques et d'inflammation des articulations essayez ce - Duration: 4:34.

Le Tamarin est un fruit originaire d'Asie et d'Afrique et utilisé également dans la culture indienne.

Il s'est répandu dans de nombreuses régions tropicales et provient du tamarinier.

Il se présente sous forme de gousse à pulpe comestible, de couleur brun foncé lorsqu'elle est mûre et mesure environ 15 centimètres de longueur.

Outre son goût aigre doux et agréable qui accompagne de nombreux plats épicés, le fruit du Tamarin présente de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé.

Il est riche en vitamines A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C et en minéraux, tels que le calcium, le cuivre, le fer, le magnésium, le phosphore, le potassium et le sélénium.

Dans une étude élaborée par le département de pharmacologie à l'Institut de technologie en Inde,

le Tamarin est depuis longtemps utilisé dans la médecine traditionnelle indienne pour traiter les douleurs abdominales,

la diarrhée, le paludisme, la fièvre, la constipation, les inflammations et les maladies des yeux.

De même, ses composés phytochimiques lui permettent de traiter le diabète, de lutter contre les microbes, d'avoir une activité hépatoprotectrice et antioxydante.

Il s'agit d'une plante arboricole jugée polyvalente avec un potentiel considérable pour la santé.

Voici les raisons pour lesquelles, il est essentiel de consommer ce fruit pour le bien-être de votre organisme.

Il permet d'améliorer la vue; La richesse de ce fruit en vitamine A permet d'améliorer la vue et de diminuer le risque de développer une dégénérescence maculaire, qui a un rapport avec l'âge.

Il permet de réduire l'inflammation des articulations; Le fruit du Tamarin possède des propriétés anti-inflammatoires qui permettent de soulager la douleur et de protéger les tissus conjonctifs.

Dans une étude, il a été démontré que l'extrait de graine de Tamarin, permet de réduire l'arthrite causée par l'inflammation et le stress oxydatif du cartilage.

Il traite le diabète; Le taux élevé des extraits de graine de Tamarin en flavonoïdes et en polyphénols, permet une bonne gestion du diabète.

Et d'après une étude, ce fruit permet de réguler le taux de sucre dans le sang ; il a été conclu ainsi, une possibilité de fabriquer un nouveau médicament à base de cette plante pour traiter le diabète.

Il est bon pour la santé cardiaque; Le Tamarin est un fruit riche en antioxydants comme les polyphénols et les flavonoïdes qui permettent de réguler le taux de cholestérol,

notamment pour abaisser le mauvais cholestérol (LDL) ainsi que les triglycérides, d'après une étude.

De même, d'après une étude publiée dans Science Direct, les propriétés hypocholestérolémiantes et antioxydantes permettent de prévenir les dommages oxydatifs liés au mauvais cholestérol, source de maladies cardiaques.

Il protège le foie; Les toxines sont généralement liées aux maladies du foie et peuvent de ce fait, engendrer un grand problème de santé.

Les feuilles de Tamarin, ont d'après une étude, un effet anti-apoptotique et protecteur du foie.

Il permet de contrôler le poids; Dans un programme de perte de poids, il a été démontré, selon la même étude, que l'extrait des graines de Tamarin a permis d'enregistrer une perte de poids,

Il a un effet antiulcéreux; Selon une étude réalisée au département des sciences pharmaceutiques de l'Université Guru en Inde,

on a évalué un effet antiulcéreux lié à l'estomac. due probablement à leur composition en flavonoïdes et polyphénols.

Il a été démontré que les extraits méthanoliques du Tamarin peuvent faire office de médicaments antiulcéreux chez les animaux.

C'est un antihistaminique; Dans une étude, il a été rapporté que l'extrait des graines de Tamarin a un effet sur l'asthme et la toux allergique,

grâce à ses effets antihistaminiques. Le Tamarin est disponible assez facilement dans les épiceries exotiques.

Mise en garde; En raison de sa teneur en tanin et d'autres composés qui peuvent rendre la digestion un peu difficile,

il est conseillé de consommer ce fruit après l'avoir fait bouillir ou mis dans l'eau pendant quelques heures.

Il est conseillé aux femmes enceintes de demander conseil à leur médecin traitant avant d'en consommer.

For more infomation >> Si vous souffrez de diabète, de problèmes cardiaques et d'inflammation des articulations essayez ce - Duration: 4:34.


Le sandwich de Kaneki dans Tokyo Ghoul - Tokyo Ghoul Kaneki's ham sandwiches Recipe - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Le sandwich de Kaneki dans Tokyo Ghoul - Tokyo Ghoul Kaneki's ham sandwiches Recipe - Duration: 2:24.


NINTENDO POWER QUEST | Episode #2: Vol 150 - Duration: 2:57:47.

Qwarq: Luigi is terrified of the gamecube

theMrBigstick: the tabletop squadron war game "pick men and pike men"

cathidor: real magazine quality

Qwarq: if NP was still going, i'd subscribe in an instant

theMrBigstick: link and pikachu are my guys i have the amiobos

Tuskin38: I love Rogue Squadron, I still own all 3

Qwarq: n64 rogue squadron is extremely good

Tuskin38: Though I have the PC version of RS1, never owned the 64 version

theMrBigstick: the bad christmas commercial where i would like rogue squadron that game should be mine

Qwarq: i never got into the gc rogue squadrons that much

Tuskin38: I owned the GBA Doom 1 and 2 heh, bought it for a road trip to Toronto back in the day

theMrBigstick: there is a highly unpleasant unshit your pants spell in harry potter that makes you explode

cathidor: ah yes, peach repeatedly

theMrBigstick: youtuber panzersnack

Tuskin38: I had Perfect Dark on the 64, also bought the HD release on the XB360. Much better than Goldeneye by far.

theMrBigstick: the mental image of a crossbow bolt into an ingrown toenail is what i think of for tiny kong so not a fan

Grunular: Kim via the Internet

Tuskin38: Oof

drak0nid: i got here just in time to be mad

Qwarq: yikes

drak0nid: i got here just in time to be mad

theMrBigstick: wait look at that header on the logo

drak0nid: *points* this guy gets it

theMrBigstick: equal opportunity where leon goes first and takes all bullets

Grunular: Nintendo Power Magazine is slightly more curated than Twitter or Reddit.

theMrBigstick: a magazine has editors, kaubocks

drak0nid: a workin' womans outfit

theMrBigstick: whatever battle outfit gets you fired up to do the job thats the appeal of power rangers is anyone can do it and look cool

drak0nid: this guy almost got it, but, fell short

Grunular: I consider Sonic to be a video game villain.

Qwarq: sonic isn't a video game character. he's real.

drak0nid: squints

theMrBigstick: so i see you are still not wearing pants, link. was that your choice? Haiyaa!

mrthelazyone: Looks like I showed up just in time

Qwarq: this poor child

Grunular: I wonder what Jonah Petrinovic's Twitter is like.

Qwarq: i knew a few people in high school who hated wind waker for those reasons

Grunular: I had a friend who said they'd stop being my friend if I played Luigi's Mansion.

jiggerstick: tbf those first screenshots they showed off back when everyone was calling it celda and laughing at the game being made for babies look fucking rough now

drak0nid: ppls wind waker opinions aged like shit

jiggerstick: yeah for sure, glad that opinion has generally changed and the game is appreciated more for what it is now

drak0nid: oh hell yes

Grunular: Ironically, the people who hated kiddie Zelda where the most childish

mrthelazyone: Oh god that 3d Joker

Rirse: kazooie after the adgq chat thread

drak0nid: lmfao

theMrBigstick: someone got fired for putting the GCN in that orange spiral

theMrBigstick: dreamcast

presidentark: it's not a spiral

Grunular: Perfectly square living room with a handle

presidentark: needs to have 4 controllers, authentically defective for optimal smash melee play

drak0nid: cubistic humans.........................

theMrBigstick: a guy wearing a gamecube costume

theMrBigstick: will approach and say play me

jiggerstick: theres some oooold wind waker, not as bad as i remembered but still doesnt represent the style of the game too well

theMrBigstick: oh no the guy who painted himself blue and ate bugs

theMrBigstick: egm or tips n tricks or x-gamer had coverage he shaved his head painted his entire body pikmin blue

Rirse: surprise that game hasn't showed up in the sarge club streams

Rirse: since it not a good game

drak0nid: the canadian has logged on

theMrBigstick: fast and precise on ice with footblades

theMrBigstick: football is ballet hockey is also a dance

Tuskin38: That Harley Quinn is terrifying.

KeepItWeird123: Crank that Korn

KeepItWeird123: I love Word Up

theMrBigstick: big head mode TPFufun

KeepItWeird123: (I don't love their Word Up)

Rirse: all I know about the tarzan game is Not Clayton

theMrBigstick: i love ameritoku like xena hercules tarzan and there was some trashy sci fi too

theMrBigstick: jackie chan is the man. stream over. agreed

KeepItWeird123: I refuse to play this unless I can play Uncle

KeepItWeird123: forget Jackie

Rirse: oh they did ports of sega games a lot

KeepItWeird123: a lot of Disney stuff

Rirse: like on the genesis

KeepItWeird123: i remember many lizzie mcguire games from them

Rirse: they are the ones who always porting the genesis games to consoles

Qwarq: murlock?

Qwarq: they ducked up the puns

mrthelazyone: Oh hey. I had that game.

mrthelazyone: My dumb kid self couldn't figure out how to play it

theMrBigstick: i got hooked on monster rancher 2

Qwarq: i'm sold

drak0nid: holy shit lmao

theMrBigstick: the zebrastripe tiger that came out of big willie style became battle champion

jiggerstick: thats the kind of n-sider information nintendo power brings you, the hard hitting facts

jiggerstick: that spinning gameboy sprite is pretty gooood

KeepItWeird123: i'll pay 10 copies

Qwarq: stab that snake

Rirse: we beat Dr Zaius

KeepItWeird123: do you want to die?

Grunular: Ape shall not kill snake

Rirse: we were just talking about BoF1 in Newbie stream since he playing 3

Rirse: 1 has TWO dream world dungeons

Rirse: they are both awful

Rirse: somehow my dad beat BoF1 several times

KeepItWeird123: oh cubix

KeepItWeird123: i just barely remember that

Aith0n: oh wow, still making GBC games then

Rirse: shame the later bof2 gba port didn't bother to fix the translation

theMrBigstick: epic gamers haven't had stripes in years the jacket patches you photograph your high score in an atari game and mail that off

theMrBigstick: smight's dad denim jacket

Rirse: Donkey Kong Raciing is coming out...totally

Rirse: and not getting canned

Rirse: oh fuck look what on the gamecube list

Rirse: under D

Rirse: under Donkey kong Racing

theMrBigstick: did it get pushback to wii game made with gamecube hardware?

Rirse: Kaubock, you see Duke Nukem Forever is coming to the Gamecube according to this page

Rirse: Kameo which is a xbox 360 game is on the list

theMrBigstick: cute puzzle game, coming soon to nintendo gamecube

Rirse: another victim of the rare buyout

Tuskin38: oh shit, IGN

jiggerstick: dang look at those big square coconuts

jiggerstick: just like grandma use to crack

OrangeHarrisonRB: is this 2002 or 2003

Edmond_SA: 2/3s of luigi just don't fucking move

Grunular: Does Luigi know Mario is missing yet?

Kasemoch: this music is jammin

Kasemoch: jinx

KeepItWeird123: I remember this game freaking me out as a kid, but I was also sick in the hospital with a oxygen tube up my nose so that prob didnt help

drak0nid: oh man i havent thought about the og luigis mansion in ages

drak0nid: god i rememberh aving this exact issue

goodguy3: DK64?

Qwarq: some friends made me start playing magic in high school. i've never forgiven them

AzureSen: 150 pages, 50 of them are Magic ads.

Qwarq: shut up wesley

Kasemoch: this is good background music

Grunular: I remember seeing an interview with Michael Dorn where he talks about how much he liked playing flight simulators on his computers.

KeepItWeird123: oh they were giving away my coin bank

KeepItWeird123: wasnt nintendo power the one that had the contest to get a chance to be in The Mask 2

KeepItWeird123: and then the mask 2 never happened and instead the winner got a shirt

drak0nid: lmao

goodguy3: AWWW YEAHH

goodguy3: "Push and hold the control stick left or right to move in that direction"

Grunular: The Kong Donker

Edmond_SA: brown bomber sounds like some military urban legend

Edmond_SA: like the phantom shitter

SystemX95: FLAME ON

SystemX95: fuck yeah THPS2

Stay_Hydrated_Bot: stayhyBottle Welcome to SHBv5: Mod+ can now type !emotehydrate to toggle emote mode when sending hydration reminders. Also your settings may now be changed from my chat while you are offline.


SystemX95: smell too

SystemX95: i always wondered

SystemX95: what his main dish is

drak0nid: the drop rates on some of those cards were an absolute bastard

jiggerstick: got so much use out of that exploit

SystemX95: i like to think that tip comes from the devs "yeah we didnt have time to fix this bug, here you go nintendo power"

theMrBigstick: rock gets lightning powers stone cold makes it rain broken glass for that audio sting of his intro music

SystemX95: apparently the rock was cooking pancakes, according to a GQ interview

drak0nid: i respect that choice of cookin

Edmond_SA: moon physics!

SystemX95: oh man, rage against the n64

theMrBigstick: rock's kitchen is the mini trailer gym that travels with him but he whips up a grand feast to charge up to wrestle

jiggerstick: i think these are suppose to be epic freeze frames?

Edmond_SA: no skybox, just the endless white void

SystemX95: all what cant stop us now?

SystemX95: like i cant actually understand it

SystemX95: were they not allowed to say hell?

theMrBigstick: made myself hungry

SystemX95: i had this on GBA and it owned

SystemX95: still have it somewhere

Edmond_SA: remember to delete your roms within 24 hours

SystemX95: how much you wanna buy it for kaubocks?

theMrBigstick: this game has a blue cartridge

SystemX95: i know you collect

jiggerstick: i think the 4 c-buttons are more or less the 4 face buttons that you'd have on the ps1 version

SystemX95: oh yes

jiggerstick: we've entered the matrix

SystemX95: slowmo ownes

SystemX95: owns too

SystemX95: look at them spark sprites

SystemX95: golden shower of sparks


KeepItWeird123: keep going

KeepItWeird123: never stop

goodguy3: More like "No! No! No! No!"

Edmond_SA: Never stop never stopping

SystemX95: gotta do that big vert beni

goodguy3: Ahahahah watRad

theMrBigstick: FBtouchdown

SystemX95: got the appropriate butt rock

Tuskin38: Oh my, this song

AzureSen: Oh god

AzureSen: I remember this song.

SystemX95: the sparks

SystemX95: on the grind

theMrBigstick: freak on a leash ah yes

SystemX95: its so

AzureSen: When I was a kid, my friend who had really strict Catholic parents would only let them play with this song, and as Spiderman because he didn't bleed.

SystemX95: lmao

theMrBigstick: spiderman punches swear words to change them

SystemX95: i need to find my GBA version so i can remember what they did for the music there

theMrBigstick: like getting pac man fever for the atari version

SystemX95: fuck that i still hold B when i catch pokemon

AzureSen: "Pokemon Bill" Who ever called him this

SystemX95: i know it doesnt do anything, but i hella believed as a kid that it did

theMrBigstick: something like the orange islands was there in fire red and leaf green

SystemX95: wizards shit themselves and magic it away

derkus_of_derkus: Kaubocks dropped out of wizard college

theMrBigstick: where does the shit go when its magicked away are they helping the monster from dogma level up?

SystemX95: honestly, that was my question @theMrBigstick

AzureSen: Hogwarts is like the least safe place in the wizard world, of course they'd warn you about it

Rirse: That was in the book

Rirse: It the lady class

SystemX95: @Kaubocks you read up about it, when the wizards magic away their poo where does it go?

theMrBigstick: should have spent more time in transfiguration class learn how to rearrange those letters

SystemX95: advance wars owned bones

SystemX95: is it a dead franchise now?

SystemX95: fire emblem owns way more, yeah

Edmond_SA: "How can I beat Death?"

AzureSen: IntSys is too busy milking FE now

Edmond_SA: You can't, Timmy. Nobody can.

SystemX95: advance wars is like baby's first C&C

SystemX95: oh man i have both the oracle games too

SystemX95: they were good as HELL

AzureSen: But that's not the Anju and Kafei quest

Edmond_SA: soooo

Edmond_SA: the cow level?

AzureSen: To get the Romani mask, you have to kill aliens and then shoot men in ghost masks.

SystemX95: i found my GBA and it has oracle of ages in it but i cant find my games and now i really wanna play some golden sun

Tuskin38: YESSSSS

Tuskin38: best game

SystemX95: lucas arts fuckin owned back in the day

AzureSen: My favorite part of 1 was using the Millennium Falcon.

SystemX95: i had tie fighter on PC back in the day

Edmond_SA: TIE Fighter was incredible

Tuskin38: all the 90s flght sims are on GOG and Steam now

SystemX95: the one i had, i may be wrong about the game

SystemX95: was a rail shooter

Edmond_SA: Gamma 1 is the Emperors Stool Pigeon!

AzureSen: I had TIE Fighter but was a dumb kid so I could never figure out how to play it.

SystemX95: i remember a canyon mission where i had to dark souls it

SystemX95: also heyo tuskin hows life?

Tuskin38: Goood you?

SystemX95: quite well, thanks, just got home from work

SystemX95: how did you feel about Solo?

Tuskin38: I think Rogue Squadron 2 is the better game, but RS3 had some great missions 2. I love the Assault on the Executor in RS3. Plus it has the Episode 2 Jedi Starfighter

Tuskin38: I enjoyed Solo

Edmond_SA: Solo was... fine

SystemX95: yeah i think the 2 main ones rule

SystemX95: kinda mad about them killing han

Edmond_SA: Rogue One though was VERY good

SystemX95: same actually,

SystemX95: a couple dates, a work thing

SystemX95: and yeah rogue one OWNED

SystemX95: rip

KeepItWeird123: unrip

SystemX95: hell yeah lets slap that exhaust port

goodguy3: It was a bonus level in Rogue Squadron 64 yeah

goodguy3: Was kinda meh too

goodguy3: in my oh so humble opinion

AzureSen: Yeah, the final level was a map of something from the comics.

SystemX95: love that hitbox

AzureSen: Trench Run, Hoth and...something else were bonus levels, I think?

SystemX95: when are you gonna LP it?

Edmond_SA: playing games... for FUN?

Edmond_SA: reported

KeepItWeird123: Spyro don't burn down these school bus seats

KeepItWeird123: you know how old those are

SystemX95: is he really warm?

SystemX95: does spyro have like, a fever?

AzureSen: People actually let their kids take their GBAs to school?

SystemX95: oh hey i have this too

KeepItWeird123: those are my favorites

SystemX95: its fuckin bad lmao

Qwarq: wow, cool cheetahmen crossover

KeepItWeird123: less allow, more sneak in your book bag when they weren't looking

Edmond_SA: No Mokujin no deal

SystemX95: hang on i'll load up the rom

goodguy3: At first I was like wtf is a tekken doing in Nintendo Power

goodguy3: but then I remembered. .

SystemX95: lmao SAME ROM

SystemX95: loaded it up at the same time

AzureSen: That sure is some compression they did.

SystemX95: this is so, so bad

SystemX95: look at king's 3d abs

goodguy3: haha wait does Up on the pad jump instead of

goodguy3: you know

goodguy3: eight way run

AzureSen: Could the AI just not handle turbo?

goodguy3: oh shit

goodguy3: They really did it the madmen!!!!

goodguy3: Migraine? You mean what this game's giving. .

SystemX95: gotta love those 2-button combos

SystemX95: just b, and a

SystemX95: one direction

SystemX95: oh no doubt

AzureSen: Rude boy? So he's into ska then.

Tuskin38: I have that on DVD!

Tuskin38: the movie

SystemX95: holy shit that hat owns

AzureSen: I remember seeing this movie in theaters.

SystemX95: same

JellyOmelette: I have that plush

SystemX95: jelly

jiggerstick: holy fuck i had this issue i remember getting so mad that this was the team they showed off that month

goodguy3: Butt Kicking to Go!!! watRad

jiggerstick: 6 fuckin mewtwo

AzureSen: Can you actually legit get a shiny Mewtwo?

SystemX95: lmao my dude i did that with red and blue, my friends hated me

SystemX95: i was the only one with a link cable and 2 gameboys

JellyOmelette: I'll find it and send you a pic

jiggerstick: yeah i dont think they started shiny locking until gen 5 so you should be able to get legit shiny mewtwos in some games

Edmond_SA: JOHN

Qwarq: aeiou



SystemX95: SPORT

Edmond_SA: [inner release intensifies]

KeepItWeird123: Excuse me its mr madden

goodguy3: FOOTBALL

goodguy3: Aauuuuuu

SystemX95: i had the clear one!

SystemX95: its right in front of me!

KeepItWeird123: whenever I played the 64 one with my cousin, I just picked whichever play looked cool

jiggerstick: powerful walmart customer with game boy magic

SystemX95: have*

KeepItWeird123: the fuck is a throw?

Edmond_SA: I CRAVED an SP back in the day

Edmond_SA: never got one :<

goodguy3: An N64 for $69? Nice. .

KeepItWeird123: yeah, it's that pic

SystemX95: N64 was the best of its generation and i will die on this hill

AzureSen: I think I still have my SP somewhere.

jiggerstick: you gotta play it

KeepItWeird123: If you're lucky, you could find the one I lost at the hospital

jiggerstick: and objectively tell us is razor better than tony hawk 2?

drak0nid: i still have my glacier gba somewhere, the battery cover is masking taped into place and the a button is very stiff

goodguy3: Oh man it's a Blockbuster Video exclusive!!!!

SystemX95: i have no battery cover on mine, lost to the ages

SystemX95: just exposed batteries

AzureSen: My SP can't hold a charge for more than 10 minutes but it still works.

jiggerstick: MOVE OVER TONY HAWK

goodguy3: "Radical Scooting"

KeepItWeird123: then I got another sp from a friend for my birthday, but that is also lost

KeepItWeird123: probably someone in this mess of a house

KeepItWeird123: chad

goodguy3: Chad

jiggerstick: chad has a cast, you know he goes hard

goodguy3: CHad seems to have a broken arm

SystemX95: can you name one famous scooter sportsperson? neither could anyone who made this game

SystemX95: so they named it after the brand

goodguy3: Splat

KeepItWeird123: boink

Edmond_SA: I love Krillin In The Name

drak0nid: this is like weirdly smooth

mrthelazyone: The menu made this look like a GBA game

SystemX95: lmao this game actually kinda owns

SystemX95: its coming back around from bad

goodguy3: God that face

SystemX95: this is like, the room good

AzureSen: Yeah but the N64 controller is also the worst controller.

SystemX95: so bad its a masterpiece

SystemX95: is there a combo list in the menu?

mrthelazyone: Move over Tony Hawk

SystemX95: make room for the stretcher, mr hawk

KeepItWeird123: I love to scoot

AzureSen: Ah yes, the halcyon days when Blockbuster existed.

SystemX95: scooting makes me think of when your dog drags its butt on the carpet

jiggerstick: get wheels, free daryl

SystemX95: not... that

KeepItWeird123: Chad Ami Daryl and Brittany

KeepItWeird123: all the cool names

jiggerstick: this is a fucking VIDEO GAME

JustHuxley: you scoot on dracula in the clocktower to free daryl

AzureSen: Wasn't Sky Fortress a Sonic level?

KeepItWeird123: Free Chippie

KeepItWeird123: huh

SystemX95: scooter crew

jiggerstick: razor scooters were built from the remains of metal sonic

SystemX95: too soon

KeepItWeird123: yes

SystemX95: prolly

KeepItWeird123: it's coupon law

KeepItWeird123: if it doesn't have an expiration date, it's forever

SystemX95: wave race was good thanks

duzeldorf: 'certificate is worth 1/100 of a cent'

SystemX95: its diddy kong racing but jet skis

jiggerstick: wave race is cool, but its no razor scooter

SystemX95: i'm ok with a pass

KeepItWeird123: someone's gotten rich hoarding coupons

KeepItWeird123: I believe this

SystemX95: i just shout out my favs

SystemX95: honestly thats all you need to play of wave race to get the full experience

SystemX95: i wanna see an AGDQ trial run here hoss

mrthelazyone: Oh

SystemX95: its so beautiful

SystemX95: oh hell yes is there an emulator that can?

KeepItWeird123: there it is

mrthelazyone: this music is wrong

KeepItWeird123: boop

SystemX95: oh man where are the barrels?

jiggerstick: doom has never looked better

Edmond_SA: jesus

The_REDjackeT: barrels? we cant afford barrels!

SystemX95: cant even see that fucking imp

Edmond_SA: This reminds me I keep thinking about reinstalling DOOM2016

mrthelazyone: Oh man. Putting this on 160p sure is something

JustHuxley: this music is very inappropriate

Grunular: You gotta strafe with the shoulder buttons

SystemX95: @mrthelazyone it kinda helps

SystemX95: actually

mrthelazyone: So they just got all the music wrong then

Edmond_SA: it's werid seeing this magazine call DOOM old

SystemX95: the nightmare is the music

KeepItWeird123: WE GOT KIDS

SystemX95: hell yeah

KeepItWeird123: In a word

KeepItWeird123: Golden

SystemX95: fuckin OWNS best game GBA

SystemX95: golden sun GOTY every year

The_REDjackeT: one of the only jrpgs i actually beat

SystemX95: eat my ass golden sun was primo

The_REDjackeT: "beat" as in, only the first one

mrthelazyone: Is Golden Sun the one where you had to be outside?

Qwarq: i played the hell out of the gba golden suns

mrthelazyone: Ah.

KeepItWeird123: oh

The_REDjackeT: golden sun is half a game with a neat class system that you dont need to use

SystemX95: loved this game so hard

SystemX95: i could marry it

SystemX95: my bae, golden sun

AzureSen: It's funny because saying no at the beginning of GS1 is actually the right answer.

Qwarq: the best part was spending an hour transferring my save to the second game because i didn't have a link cable

The_REDjackeT: well, i dont remember them having traits anyway

AzureSen: Ivan...doesn't know that reading minds is bad?

AzureSen: Mia is snarky once and people made it her defining trait.

jiggerstick: djinn summons had some hella grayfix for gba

SystemX95: yeah i mean you just slap them on to your people for different spells too

AzureSen: The combat system was super-interesting but there's only like two hard fights between the two games and they're both in TLA.

Edmond_SA: so it's a metroidvania?

Edmond_SA: :B

SystemX95: no, its a rpg chrono trigger style

SystemX95: top down view

Rirse: Golden sun lasting legacy is that kickass smash bros song

SystemX95: or are you havin a giggle

Edmond_SA: I was

AzureSen: Also it had a dumb quirk where if you killed an enemy anyone targeting that enemy will just...not do anything.

SystemX95: :P

Edmond_SA: :D

SystemX95: guess what i'm gonna play tonight?

SystemX95: its factorio because i have a problem and cant quit

SystemX95: but golden sun is like 2nd choice now

Rirse: Sarge on new page

mrthelazyone: Oh hey! Army Men games!

Rirse: Sarge lives

JustHuxley: what makes golden sun even harder to replay nowadays is the extremely long and bad dialogues

mrthelazyone: Sarge returns from the dead

SystemX95: its not a bad gradius

SystemX95: not good though

JustHuxley: budget Ricky

KeepItWeird123: this is no Backyard Sports

KeepItWeird123: that's for sure

mrthelazyone: Cubix!

JustHuxley: "the right to bear arms"

KeepItWeird123: I have no knowledge of cubix

KeepItWeird123: despite owning a toy of it

mrthelazyone: It was awful

AzureSen: Is that a Top Gun game?

Qwarq: super monkey ball: the perfect game

goodguy3: Golly, a perfect score!!

Kasemoch: even solid snake likes monkey ball

KeepItWeird123: this madden question is confusing me

KeepItWeird123: is madden real?

goodguy3: It's in the game, of course

The_REDjackeT: we need the disk size, we need to know its 1.35gb of luigi

mrthelazyone: Wow

KeepItWeird123: I feel like this could have used a 13hirteen ghosts refrence

Rirse: Kingdom hearts

Edmond_SA: that's a golden shower of praise

theMrBigstick: but you need to help one eye jack to stop the alien punx from getting phat

Edmond_SA: [get it]

Edmond_SA: I'll leave now

The_REDjackeT: golden sun is our golden son

KeepItWeird123: Get Phat

KeepItWeird123: that is all

Kasemoch: these puns

Kasemoch: I am dying here

mrthelazyone: Exclusively at Blockbuster!

The_REDjackeT: blockbuster exclusive!

The_REDjackeT: i forgot that was ever a thing

AzureSen: Why does that alien have big old man feet?

KeepItWeird123: an uglier ready 2 rumble boxing

JustHuxley: nhl hitz was fucking excellent

KeepItWeird123: many

mrthelazyone: A lot

KeepItWeird123: they did skip a few years though

KeepItWeird123: in between Disney selling it back to saban

KeepItWeird123: so they missed the train sentai

KeepItWeird123: yep

mrthelazyone: Wow

jiggerstick: sumos vs hockey players? sold

Rirse: Goodnight

Kasemoch: thanks for the show, been good times

massive_laser_zapper: good stream

mrthelazyone: Thanks for streaming

Qwarq: good stream

For more infomation >> NINTENDO POWER QUEST | Episode #2: Vol 150 - Duration: 2:57:47.


New Detective Pikachu footage here to remind us that real-life Pokémon are the frickin' worst [Video - Duration: 2:40.

 Just when we'd thought we'd fully acclimated to the world of the upcoming Detective Pikachu—what with its coffee-asshole yellow rats, fire-breathing murder dragons, and the upsetting, almost-human thing that is Mr

Mime—the Ryan Reynolds vehicle had to unleash a new bit of footage, just to remind us all that a world with real-life Pokémon would be really fucking gross

 Most of the footage in this new TV spot is old hat, so we'll direct you right to the bit that had our flesh crawling

It's at 12 seconds in, when we get our first look at this universe's version of that old Pokémon reliable, Lickitung

Or, even better: Here, have a GIF of hell unfurling.  Look, we know that "big gross tongue" is kind of Lickitung's thing—it is "The Licking Pokémon," after all

But still, we can only imagine the film's animators arguing about this particular addition to its universe

"Wetter," one of them whispers, daring the universe to strike them down with some sort of cosmic human resources strike

"The tongue needs to be so much wetter."  Detective Pikachu invites us into its nightmare on May 10

For more infomation >> New Detective Pikachu footage here to remind us that real-life Pokémon are the frickin' worst [Video - Duration: 2:40.


Actualité TV - Buffet de fête : 6 recettes faciles pour fins gourmets - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Buffet de fête : 6 recettes faciles pour fins gourmets - Duration: 9:54.


Joao Felix's agent makes bold claim amid transfer rumours - Duration: 1:34.

 Benfica starlet Joao Felix has quickly emerged as one of Europe's most in-demand young talents

 The 18-year-old wonderkid has enjoyed a stunning breakthrough season in the Portuguese top flight and is now being heavily linked with various massive clubs

  Manchester United are said to be closely monitoring Felix, whilst Liverpool reportedly had a bid turned down in January and Wolves are considering an audacious move

  La Liga giants Real Madrid and Barcelona are said to be leading the race, however, as they aim to take Felix to Spain instead of the Premier League

 His agent, Pedro Cordeiro, has now fuelled speculation over his future by hailing his client as a potential future winner of the Balon d'Or and stating he expects him to break the Portuguese transfer record

  "Joao Felix is ​​one of the best talents to emerge from the 1999 generation," Cordeiro told Portuguese newspaper Record

 "He has everything to become the most expensive transfer of Portuguese football, and to be a candidate for the Balon d'Or

"  Felix is being tipped to attract a huge fee as Benfica look to encourage a summer bidding war to cash in on their prized asset

 He has a huge release clause of €120million having penned a revised deal recently

For more infomation >> Joao Felix's agent makes bold claim amid transfer rumours - Duration: 1:34.


La femme spéciale a vécu heureux avec 2 hommes|LSF TV - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> La femme spéciale a vécu heureux avec 2 hommes|LSF TV - Duration: 3:44.


Joao Felix's agent makes bold claim amid transfer rumours - Duration: 1:46.

 Benfica starlet Joao Felix has quickly emerged as one of Europe's most in-demand young talents

 The 18-year-old wonderkid has enjoyed a stunning breakthrough season in the Portuguese top flight and is now being heavily linked with various massive clubs

  Manchester United are said to be closely monitoring Felix, whilst Liverpool reportedly had a bid turned down in January and Wolves are considering an audacious move

  La Liga giants Real Madrid and Barcelona are said to be leading the race, however, as they aim to take Felix to Spain instead of the Premier League

 His agent, Pedro Cordeiro, has now fuelled speculation over his future by hailing his client as a potential future winner of the Balon d'Or and stating he expects him to break the Portuguese transfer record

Read More Who is Joao Felix? Benfica youngster linked with Premier League move   "Joao Felix is ​​one of the best talents to emerge from the 1999 generation," Cordeiro told Portuguese newspaper Record

 "He has everything to become the most expensive transfer of Portuguese football, and to be a candidate for the Balon d'Or

"  Felix is being tipped to attract a huge fee as Benfica look to encourage a summer bidding war to cash in on their prized asset

 He has a huge release clause of €120million having penned a revised deal recently

For more infomation >> Joao Felix's agent makes bold claim amid transfer rumours - Duration: 1:46.


Les Chutes de Boali (Boali Waterfalls) in Boali, Central African Republic - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Les Chutes de Boali (Boali Waterfalls) in Boali, Central African Republic - Duration: 1:42.


BY1 Lawan AFRIZAL ADAM Sang Pro Bouncer !?!? | Lost Saga Indonesia - Duration: 9:09.


For more infomation >> BY1 Lawan AFRIZAL ADAM Sang Pro Bouncer !?!? | Lost Saga Indonesia - Duration: 9:09.


Royal Az - RHOC Alum Jeana Keough Lists Orange County Mansion for $2.9 Million: 'I'm Going to Be Bi - Duration: 2:46.

 Real Housewives of Orange County alum Jeana Keough is saying goodbye to her Coto de Caza mansion

 The former Bravo personality has listed her five-bedroom, six-bathroom home for $2

99 million. Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications

 "My daughter Kara Bosworth and my beautiful [grandbaby] Decker live in Jacksonville, Florida, so I am going to be bi-coastal!" real estate agent Keough, who is listed as the agent on her house, tells PEOPLE of splitting her time between the coasts

 In January 2016, Keough's daughter Kara and her husband Kyle Bosworth — they wed in 2014 — welcomed daughter Decker Kate Bosworth

 "I am in the process of getting licensed in Florida so I can flip houses with Kyle Bosworth, my son-in-law," says Keough

 Now that Keough, 63, has loved ones living on the east coast, she's packing up her 5,306-square-foot, 4-bedroom Orange County home

 The "beautifully remodeled custom estate" is located in a "private and secluded location in the gate guarded Coto de Caza," according the listing, which details that "a long private driveway leads you past an ancient oak tree and around to the circle driveway entrance to the home

"  The 1.2-acre plot boasts redwood trees, liquid ambers, sycamores, evergreens, apple, lemon and lime trees

 The property features a "newly graded" backyard that is "ready for a pool."  According to the listing, the entry has custom carved arched double doors and the kitchen is newly remodeled with a "freestanding wolf, sub zero refrigerator drawers, sub zero paneled refrigerator, a farmhouse sink and custom cabinetry

" There's also a breakfast nook, prep kitchen and walk-in pantry nearby   RHOC's Tamra Judge Sold Her Newly Renovated $1

8 Million Home in 'a Record 14 Days'  The master suite has tall ceilings and views of Saddleback Mountain

 "There is also a one bedroom guest house which has a marble spa bath, bedroom, living room and kitchenette," in the home, according to the listing," the listing states

 "I bought it a few years ago and gutted the home and the 1.2 acres of land had way too many trees," Keough says of the house

"My sons Shane and Colton have become realtors and have joined my team at Coldwell Banker Newport Beach

"  Keough said goodbye to RHOC in 2009, which also featured her three children — Shane, Colton and Kara — and ex-husband Matt Keough

 After she departed the show, Keough said everything was going great in her life

Her three kids were happy, and her business was booming — but she wasn't loving the way she looked

 "I went through menopause, I had gained weight, I looked terrible and I didn't date for years," former Playboy model Keough told PEOPLE

 Eventually, she'd had enough of feeling miserable. She got back into shape, but was then left with excess skin on her neck that she didn't like

 She decided to get a facelift with renowned plastic surgeon Dr. T.Y. Steven Ip in Newport Beach — and filmed the entire procedure for a PeopleTV special

 "I want to look 15 years younger because I like guys that are 15 years younger," she jokingly said of going  under the knife

 Thankfully, the procedure went smoothly and after a total six-week recovery, Keough was ready to reveal "the new me" to her girlfriends

 "I don't know how they'll feel about it, but I think I look great," she admitted

"And that's all the really matters."

For more infomation >> Royal Az - RHOC Alum Jeana Keough Lists Orange County Mansion for $2.9 Million: 'I'm Going to Be Bi - Duration: 2:46.


Actualité TV - Nouvel an: réseaux sociaux et messageries toujours plus utilisés pour l'envoi des vœ - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Nouvel an: réseaux sociaux et messageries toujours plus utilisés pour l'envoi des vœ - Duration: 2:27.


IN THE MOONEY Coleen Rooney 'to land £70m in divorce if she dumps husband Wayne over his boozing' - - Duration: 4:11.

COLEEN Rooney could be set for a huge payout if she dumps her husband Wayne Rooney after his recent boozing scandal

 The Mirror report that the 32-year-old Wag would pocket a staggering £70million if she divorced the footballer

 Coleen and Wayne are currently fighting to save their marriage, with the mother-of-four said to have ordered that the star to go to rehab

 The beauty has also been pictured without her wedding ring - while Wayne, 33, has been pictured with his own ring defiantly on display

 The Mirror have now revealed that Coleen would be entitled to a "huge chunk" of Wayne's £100million fortune if she were to call time on their relationship

 The pair's 10-year marriage is said to be on the rocks after Wayne enjoyed a boozy night out with barmaid Vicki Rosiek earlier this month

 Coleen is said to have been left feeling "humiliated" by her husband's antics, which come after a nightmare month that also included Wayne's arrest for "public intoxication" and what would have been her late sister Rosie's 21st birthday

 A source previously told The Sun Online that Wayne would be "relieved" if his marriage ended in divorce - although he'd also be "devastated" by his relationship breakdown

 The insider explained that Wayne does not want to split from the mother of his four sons - but it could be for the best due to how unhappy they are

 They told us: "Wayne isn't bothered about the bad publicity his behaviour has sparked

 "But he is worried about how easily Coleen is swayed by people around her.  "He knows Coleen doesn't really want to leave him but is concerned that she might because there are far too many people in her ear

 "If she were to walk out on him he would be devastated but their relationship is facing so many problems he would be relieved at the same time

 "The atmosphere between them in the house is awful and has been for a while now

 "Wayne doesn't like being in the house because of it so goes out whenever he gets the chance

But this just makes Coleen even more unhappy so it's a vicious circle."  Coleen was pictured without her £200,000 wedding ring in Washington, where she and their boys relocated after the sportsman's transfer from Everton

 Pals say she has become increasingly isolated and lonely in the US city, with her mum Colette, 55, flying out to support her earlier this week

 Earlier today, both Coleen and Wayne broke their social media silences to wish their son Cass a happy first birthday, although they made no mention of each other

 The celebrity pair are also mum and dad to nine-year-old Kai, five-year-old Klay, and three-year-old Kit

 Got a story? email or call us direct on 02077824220.  We pay for videos too

Click here to upload yours.

For more infomation >> IN THE MOONEY Coleen Rooney 'to land £70m in divorce if she dumps husband Wayne over his boozing' - - Duration: 4:11.


Henny Rat Bizarre picture of New York City rat clutching an empty bottle of Hennessy goes viral D - Duration: 4:49.

Henny Rat Bizarre picture of New York City rat clutching an empty bottle of Hennessy goes viral D

Take a hike, Pizza Rat — s latest rat sensation is the Henny Rat. 

SNY anchor Chris Williamson was walking down a Brooklyn street on February 14 when he spotted the unusual sight of a rat that appeared to have been passed out on the sidewalk while clutching an empty bottle of Hennessy, he told . 

Williamson preserved the image and posted it on for posterity, alongside the caption, Just another day in New York City.    

SNY anchor Chris Williamson tweeted out this picture of a rat that appeared to have passed out on the sidewalk while clutching an empty bottle of Hennessy

Twitter users were quick to put a snarky spin on the situation in Williamsons photo

The tweet quickly went viral as social media users hurried to add their snarky takes on the prone rat and empty liquor bottle image. 

Mustve had a hell of a night, tweeted @JasmineLWatkins, to which Williamson joked in response, He/she was drinking away the pain from the Knicks 18th straight loss.   

The king of New York...heavy is the crown, @robkcostello tweeted. 

Pizza rat fell on hard times, @PardonMyRicci wrote. 

He was hanging with the pizza rat, @LBoogie213 wrote, prompting Williamson to note that Henny Rat and Pizza Rat are best friends. 

Yo I use to love Stuart Little, its a shame how much alcohol can change someone, @Brycekauf tweeted, referring to the main character of EB Whites classic childrens novel.

Both Williamson left and Patton Oswalt right tweeted out pictures of Henny Rat

Oswalt tweeted out an even more partied out shot of Henny Rat, this time with cigarettes

Many tweeters referenced Disneys food obsessed Ratatouille when tweeting about Henny Rat

Henny Rat joins a long line of famous New York City rats including 2015s Pizza Rat shown

Other tweets continued the fictional rodent theme by referencing Disneys animated film, Ratatouille. 

Patton Oswalt even got in on the action, tweeting out an even more partied out image of Henny Rat, along with the caption, First day shooting RATA2OUILLE! There were creative differences with [director] @BradBirdA113 but the new script and directing by Abel Ferrara are fantastic!

In Oswalts photo, which appears to have been first posted by Instagram user , and was tweeted out the day before Williamsons shot, Henny Rat can be seen lying on its back between the Hennessy bottle and an empty pack of Newport cigarettes. 

When asked which image came first, Williamson tweeted that he was pretty sure the cigarette and booze photo was the original and that he just stumbled upon the scene after he created the art. 

Henny Rat joins a long line of New York City rats — including pretzel rat, avocado rat and pole dancing rat — famous for their amusing shenanigans. 

Most notorious is Pizza Rat, which first came to fame in 2015 when it was spotted attempting to drag a slice of pizza, that was bigger that it was, down the subway steps in Manhattan. Pizza Rat, or its cousin, made another appearance in 2018, when a straphanger spotted the rat towing a slice of pizza behind it on the 6 train. 

Unlike the other NYC rats, Henny Rat appears to be a dead rat.  

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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd

Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday Metro Media Group

For more infomation >> Henny Rat Bizarre picture of New York City rat clutching an empty bottle of Hennessy goes viral D - Duration: 4:49.


Sendgrid Postfix Installation - Duration: 5:31.

sudo apt update

sudo DEBIAN_PRIORITY=low apt install postfix

sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix

sudo apt-get install libsasl2-modules

service postfix reload

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

sudo nano /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

[]:587 YourAccountName:YourPassword

sudo chmod 600 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

sudo systemctl restart postfix

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

For more infomation >> Sendgrid Postfix Installation - Duration: 5:31.


講師陣ベタ褒め!"合格に一番近い男"センター試験結果で高得点連発 - Duration: 3:17.

  12日、『ドラ ン堀江』(Abem TV)が放送された 高校3年生の夏の時 で"F判定"だった も関わらず、東京大 文学部に現役合格を たした堀江貴文が、 れずにくすぶってい 若手タレント3人を ずか半年間で東京大 に合格させるべく奮 する、型破りな"ガ 受験ドキュメント"

  今回はセ ター試験を終え、1 12時間の猛勉強で 合格に一番近い男」 言われる受験者、芸 のTAWASHIが 次試験を目指すため 強講師陣との面談に んだ

   試験前に正答 の目標は9割と豪語 ていたTAWASH だったが、手ごたえ 聞くと「当初予定し いたよりは取れなか た」と暗い表情を浮 べる。   し し、社会は日本史9 点、世界史88点の 180点で、理系担 の講師・たくみは「 や高い、ドンピシャ 割」と評価

文系担当の講師・大 育宙(XXCLUB も「異常ですよ」と き、たくみは「どん メソッドを使ったん すか?」とまさかの 逆質問"をした。   これにTAWAS Iは、特別な方法は らず繰り返し教科書 読み続けたと回答

彼の教科書は3か月 使用とは思えないほ にボロボロになって り、大島は「どんだ 濃密な時間をすごし んだ」と感心しきり った。   続 て国語は200点満 中174点で、TA ASHIは「おお! 嬉しいっす」と笑み こぼす

たくみは「高いです 。すごいな、9割近 でしょ?」「素晴ら いの一言、国語に関 て」と賛辞を贈り、 島も「TAWASH さん(の国語)に関 ては、教えることが まりないかもしれな 」と太鼓判を押して た

  (C)Abem TV  ▶︎【無料 信中】ドラゴン堀江 第14巻「東大合格 一番近い男」

For more infomation >> 講師陣ベタ褒め!"合格に一番近い男"センター試験結果で高得点連発 - Duration: 3:17.


EMPIRE ATTACK ARRESTS Jussie Smollett cops arrest two Nigerian brothers who worked as Empire EXTRAS - Duration: 6:04.

TWO brothers who reportedly worked as Empire extras have been arrested over the allegedly racist and homophobic attack on actor Jussie Smollett

 Jussie, 36, told how he was beaten, doused in acid and had a noose put around his neck by white attackers shouting "This is MAGA country" (Make America Great Again)

 So the investigation into Jussie's account took a sharp turn today when cops announced they had arrested two black men with ties to Empire

 It came hours after Jussie hit back at claims he faked the Chicago attack because he was being written out of Empire

 Nigerian brothers Abimbola 'Abel' and Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo have been identified as "persons of interest" in the alleged hate attack which took place in the early hours of January 29

 The men worked with Jussie on the set of his hit TV show Empire and worked out with him at the gym, according to reports

 Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said authorities had probable cause to believe the suspects committed assault and battery against Jussie

 They were picked up at Chicago's O'Hare Airport on Wednesday on their return from Nigeria but had not been charged as of Friday afternoon

 Guglielmi would not comment on a possible motive. BROTHERS WORKED ON EMPIRE  Their lawyer, Gloria Schmidt, told CBS News that the brothers are "baffled" about why they are people of interest

 "It's an awful thing that happened to Jussie, but it's not my guys.  "This is someone that they know, this is someone that they've worked with," she said

 "So they don't want to see somebody go through that."  Jussie - who is known for playing Jamal Lyon in Empire - told cops that he was walking alone down a Chicago street at 2am when two men jumped him

'RACIST AND HOMOPHOBIC ATTACK'  The actor, who is black and gay and who plays a gay character in the hit Fox drama, said the men also called him a "f***ot"

 Cops released grainy CCTV photos which show two men walking down a nearby street at around 1

45am on January 29.  Jussie has stated the men in the dark, grainy image released last month are definitely his attackers

 Cops are not confirming the Osundairo brothers are the men in that photo.  In the wake of the attack, Jussie has been hit by claims that the attack was faked

'NO EVIDENCE ATTACK WAS A HOAX'  The police spokesman said that there is "no evidence to say that this is a hoax" and that Smollett "continues to be treated by police as a victim, not a suspect

"  Speaking out about the hoax claims, Jussie said: "I'm p***ed off. It's the attackers, but it's also the attacks

"  Holding back tears, he said:"Like, you know, at first it was the thing of like, listen, if I tell the truth then that's it because it's the truth

Then it became a thing of, like, how can you doubt that? How can you not believe that? It's the truth

 "Then it became a thing of, like, it's not necessarily that you don't believe that this is the truth

You don't even want to see the truth."  The performer went back to work two weeks ago for the first time since two masked men attacked him and put a rope around his neck in Chicago, USA, in January

 The Chicago Sun Times reported that he told the crowd at the Troubador in West Hollywood: "The most important thing I can say is 'thank you so much, and I'm OK

"  "I'm not fully healed yet, but I'm going to be, and I'm gonna stand strong with y'all

"  Detectives have recovered more surveillance footage of Jussie walking home from a Subway restaurant that morning, including video of him arriving at his apartment building with a rope around his neck

 However, his phone records were rejected by police for being heavily redacted' in the investigation into his brutal racist attack

 TMZ reported that the PDF file the 35-year-old star submitted could have been "manipulated" - claiming that numbers may have been added or deleted - although police told the publication that there is no evidence that the file had been altered

 Got a story? email or call us direct on 02077824220

 We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours.

For more infomation >> EMPIRE ATTACK ARRESTS Jussie Smollett cops arrest two Nigerian brothers who worked as Empire EXTRAS - Duration: 6:04.


Blac Chyna and Soulja Boy Spend Valentine's Day 2019 Together After Sparking Romance Rumors: Pic - U - Duration: 2:42.

   Heating up! and spent the most romantic day of the year together amid buzz of a budding relationship between the two

 "Happy Valentine's Day," the Grammy nominee, 28, captioned an Instagram pic of himself with the Rob & Chyna alum, 30

 Two days prior, the twosome sparked romance rumors after the "Crank That" rapper posted a different photo of himself holding hands with the businesswoman on Instagram

"DrakoChyna Grammy Party Celebration," he captioned the snap.  He shared a shot of the Lashed by owner leaning on his chest as well

 The pair were also together on Monday, February 11, for a club appearance, as shared with fans on his Instagram Stories

 Chyna was most recently linked to prior to being seen with , while the reality star is currently appearing on Marriage Boot Camp: Hip-Hop Edition with ex-girlfriend

 Earlier on Monday, the model railed against exes and over child support she said she never asked for

 "We went to court mediation and s–t and I squashed it 'cause I never wanted no money from Rob, 'cause it was never about that, period," she said of the Arthur George entrepreneur, 31, in a now-deleted Instagram Live

"I have kids by two guys that f–king tricked me, whatever, and they don't give me s–t, no child support and I'm sick of that s–t

"  Chyna, who shares 2-year-old daughter Dream with the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star, began dating in January 2016

He proposed that April, but one year later, the pair had split.  Prior to her relationship with Kardashian, the former stripped dated , 29, for more than two years

The couple called it quits in August 2014. The former pair share son King, 6.

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