My Neighbor Joan
For more infomation >> My Neighbor Joan | Music For Children | Cartoon Videos by Kids TV - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Stunning Chïc Shack Park Home with Floor Plans by Maisons Bonneville - Duration: 2:14.
Amazing Stunning Chïc Shack Park Home with Floor Plans by Maisons Bonneville
Fata unor romi căldărari a cântat operă la Românii au talent. Cine este Isabela Stănescu - Duration: 4:50.
TÜRKİYE'NİN EN İYİ PUBG OYUNCULARI !-PUBG MOBİLE KozmikKarınca,BarışBraa,Mithrain,Coffin,FatihSayar - Duration: 10:25.
Abia a divorțat, că este din nou fericit! Cristi Daminuță se iubește cu femeia care i-ar fi fost ama - Duration: 5:26.
Larisa de la "Puterea Dragostei" a cântat imnul studioului de videochat la care a făcut avere - Duration: 6:09.
Incredibly Wonderfully Cozy and Well Kept House in Torp 310 - Duration: 3:36.
Incredibly Wonderfully Cozy and Well Kept House in Torp 310
Ford Kuga 1.5 Titanium | Navi | Airco | Cruise | Automatisch inparkeren | LM velgen | - Duration: 1:15.
Tin Hóng Hớt - H"Hen Niê kiệt sức nhập viện, không thể về quê Tết khiến người hâm một xót xa - Duration: 1:22.
Ngay ngày đầu năm mới, H'Hen Niê khiến người hâm mộ không khỏi lo lắng khi chia sẻ hình ảnh cô nhập viện
Mới đây, trên trang cá nhân của mình, Hoa hậu Hoàn vũ H'Hen Niê vừa khiến người hâm mộ không khỏi lo lắng khi chia sẻ hình ảnh cô nhập viện truyền nước ngày đầu năm mới Kỷ Hợi 2019
"Nằm đây suy nghĩ những điều quan trọng để giữ sức khỏe: ngủ nghỉ, dinh dưỡng, thể dục"
Với lịch trình dày đặc ngày cuối năm đã khiến H'Hen Niê kiệt sức và gục ngã ngay ngày đầu Xuân
Chia sẻ hình ảnh truyền nước ngày mùng 1 đầu năm trong khi mọi người đang nô nức ăn Tết, H'Hen Niê cũng không khỏi chạnh lòng còn người hâm mộ thì cảm thấy lo lắng, xót xa
Theo như quản lí truyền thông cho biết vì sức khỏe không được tốt nên H'Hen Niê không thể về quê đón Tết cùng gia đình mà quyết định ở lại Sài Gòn ăn Tết
Mặc dù kiệt sức đến mức phải nhập viện như vậy nhưng xuất hiện trước công chúng, H'Hen Niê vẫn luôn thể hiện hình ảnh rạng rỡ, tràn đầy sức sống khiến công chúng càng thêm yêu mến nàng Hậu
Trước đó, H'Hen Niê cũng chia sẻ cô đã từ chối các lịch diễn để về sum vầy cùng gia đình trong ngày đầu năm mới
Dù bận rộn không được dành nhiều thời gian bên gia đình, bố mẹ nàng Hậu cũng rất thông cảm cho cô
"Biết con gái là Hoa hậu, đồng nghĩa với việc trở thành người phụ nữ của cả cộng đồng, xã hội rồi, không còn là của riêng bố mẹ nữa, nên bố mẹ không buồn mà chỉ động viên Hen ráng giữ gìn sức khỏe để không ngã bệnh"
*Cùng đón xem tin tức sao Việt mới nhất trên YAN News nhé!
[AION 6.75] Meanwhile in Russia. - Duration: 3:29.
Hey, everyone!
I've been exploring 6.75 update for a while and discovered a few interesting things.
According to, you can use Coins of Challenge to buy new items.
These brand new items are legendary and ultimate manastones.
And in the nick of time, Russian publisher decided the NPC won't be selling new stuff.
Not the best decision, cuz there aren't that many sources of getting those legendary
& ultimate manastones in game.
Now I'd like to highlight a couple of facts regarding Gold Sand Shop.
In one of my previous videos I already told that the prices for Transformation Contract
and Daevanion Skill Chest were lowered.
On top of that, this white contract was replaced with a better one, which contains new transformations.
Meanwhile the skill box wasn't updated and you can get only old skills from it.
If we check, it says the skills should've been replaced as well.
One of GMs replied on forums that any region is eligible to modify the variety of goods
in Gold Sand Shop.
Also, I'd like to answer some frequently asked questions.
The first one is about equipment.
Players are wondering, if we need less evolution materials to upgrade the gear in 6.75?
As you see, the cost is completely the same.
It's not actually a part of the patch, btw.
There was an anniversary event in Korea, and the amount of mats was reduced
for a limited period of time.
And the second question is about Honor Point season.
Was it a really successful idea? And how are russian servers doing atm?
Let me show you something.
This is Neviwind Canyon reward.
If you're a GP user, you get 80 HP for winning and 40 HP for losing.
All other players receive 40 and 20 HP respectively.
Now look up here!
You see this '+' button?
It means you can actually get more entries with lunas and, basically, p2w the whole season.
It's not cool, it's demotivating and discouraging… and guess what Russian publisher did?
They basically reverted the changes to the state of 6.2,
where you don't get any HP in Neviwind Canyon.
They prevented the whales from invading the ranking list.
I'm not sure, how this situation will be handled in EU, but I'm pretty sure this
issue will take place.
Will Gameforge do something similar, or they will come up with other decision, or maybe
they gonna keep the patch as it is, without any modifications?
– Who knows.
That's all news for today!
If you got questions - feel free to ask them in the comment section.
Wanna see more interesting info?
Subscribe, like & share this video with your friends.
Thx for watching and see u soon!
TÜRKİYE'NİN EN İYİ PUBG OYUNCULARI !-PUBG MOBİLE KozmikKarınca,BarışBraa,Mithrain,Coffin,FatihSayar - Duration: 10:25.
Mesut Ozil quotes Bergkamp in cryptic tweet to hint he will fight for Arsenal future - Duration: 2:00.
Mesut Ozil appeared to indicate he would not be forced out of Arsenal against his will in a cryptic Twitter message which featured a quote from Gunners great Dennis Bergkamp
The German has fallen out of favour at the Emirates Stadium under Unai Emery and has started just one game, against Cardiff, since the turn of the year
He did not travel to Belarus for Arsenal's Europa League defeat to BATE Borisov on Thursday night, having still been feeling the effects of illness
There has been intensive speculation over the future of the 30-year-old midfielder, who signed a new contract worth a reported £350,000 a week before tax in January last year which ties him to the club until 2021
On Friday evening, Ozil posted a picture of himself wearing the Arsenal captain's armband along with a quote from Bergkamp which read: "When you start supporting a football club, you don't support it because of the trophies, or a player, or history, you support it because you found yourself somewhere there; found a place where you belong
" Fans' favourite Bergkamp is considered one of Arsenal's greatest ever players and has a statue outside the Emirates
Ozil has divided opinion among Gunners fans since joining from Real Madrid in 2013
According to the Daily Mail, the German is not going to make Emery's push for him to leave the club any easier and is extremely reluctant to agree to a loan deal
With various other potential suitors unwilling to cough up anything like Ozil's current wage, though, a permanent move away looks equally unlikely for the foreseeable future
Hey Guys ! It's Randy. I hope you are well !
Today I'm back for a hair video.
In which I wanted to share with you my opinion, my point of view
About the rice water used on hair
I know there are already a lot of videos on youtube about it
But I also wanted to test this product
You may wonder where does this idea of using rice water on hair come from
I've read an article in which it was written that in some asian countries
women used rice water to make their hair grow
So I told myself I will test it and see what it will do to my hair
It said that rice water is used to fortify hair
To soften it , to nourish it
So I wanted to test it to form my own opinion
Rice contains nutrients that are good for hair
like starch which will soften the hair
There are also proteins
So I consider rice water as a protein treatment
to not overuse
So now what did I think about it ?
Honestly I loved it !
After application I had this sensation my hair was stronger and softer
So I recommend this haircare
In any case rice is not expensive
I think most of us eat it
Tell me if you have already tested in the comments section
what did you think about it
Concerning me I will use it once a month
Not much because it contains proteins
And too much proteins on hair can lead to breakage
which I don't want to get
Now that i've finished with all my "blabla"
I'm going to let you watch the video
If you have any requests, suggestions feel free to let them in the comments section
And I will see you on my next video
I let you with the video I started to make on wednesday until friday
I let you and give you big kisses !!
【食レポ】高級寿司屋だと寿司苦手な人も美味しく食べられるのか|韓国人の反応|【韓国語付き】 - Duration: 21:51.
TÜRKİYE'NİN EN İYİ PUBG OYUNCULARI !-PUBG MOBİLE KozmikKarınca,BarışBraa,Mithrain,Coffin,FatihSayar - Duration: 10:25.
婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)店舗の上空に虹が出現♪ - Duration: 0:48.
佐野和弘 - 真冬のダンス - Duration: 0:35.
Kazuhiro Sano - Dance of Midwinter
Kazuhiro Sano - Dance of Midwinter One foot slides on the frozen ground
And the foot that was standing was also slid
But this
It is not "falling over"
To stand up
Get up
To stand up
ベッキー結婚に祝福殺到/倖田來未、レディー・ガガらセレブとの写真続々公開/けやき坂46「日向坂46」へ改名発表【週間ニュース】 - Duration: 6:49.
週間ニュース の1週間にも様々な ュースがあった。そ 中で話題となった主 音楽やアーティスト 関連したニュースを ックアップし、2回 わたってお伝えする 【写真】倖田來未 レディー・ガガら海 セレブたちとの交友 真を続々公開に反響 大物ばっかり」 ◆ やき坂46が「日向 46」へ電撃改名発 けやき坂46が「日 坂46」に電撃改名 発表し、話題になっ
けやき坂46は、2 11日(月・祝)に ンバーの柿崎芽実、 藤史帆、齊藤京子、 々木久美、佐々木美 、小坂菜緒が動画配 アプリ「SHOWR OM」にて、「ひら なからのおしらせ」 して、今後の活動に ける重要な発表を行 た
その中では、「3月 7日に単独シングル ビュー決定」や「デ ューカウントダウン イブ開催決定」など 発表がなされたが、 後に準備されたサプ イズ動画でグループ の改名が知らされた
この発表に、会場の ンバーからはあまり 驚きに悲鳴が上がっ が、 メンバーの齊 京子は、 「(日向 46という名前が) っちゃ良い!!めっ ゃ良い!!」と喜び 爆発させていた
この改名発表は大き 話題を呼び、Twi terのトレンドに 関連ワードがランク ンしていた。 ◆倖 來未、レディー・ガ ら海外セレブたちと 交友写真を続々公開 反響倖田來未が、数 にわたって、豪華ア ティストたちとの写 を次々公開し、話題 なった
倖田は、日本時間の 月7日にロサンゼル に滞在していること 報告。「芸術やショ を見て、ただ今刺激 受けに来てます!」 、滞在の理由を明か ていた。その翌日に 「プライベートで、 ady Gagaち んのSHOW!!を に行ったのですが、 んっと歌がうまいっ 」とレディー・ガガ ライブに足を運んだ とを報告
以前、雑誌の対談を たことをがあり、ガ が来日した際にはバ クヤードで挨拶をす 仲と明かした上で「 さかベガスでもガガ ゃんに会えるなんて とコメントを添え、 ディー・ガガとの2 ョットを公開した
また2月9日には、 oung Jeez に肩を組まれた2シ ットを、そして、2 11日には、Ty olla $ign FAT JOE、J Balvinとの、 人それぞれとの2シ ットを公開していた
この写真の数々に、 ァンからは「いろん 方と交流しててすご 」「さすが世界の倖 來未」「色んなアー ィストさんに会えて ましいです」「大物 っかりすごい」「す !!!!」「くぅち んの人脈の広さに驚 ~」「凄い人達と会 て勉強してるんです 」と大きな反響が寄 られていた
◆ベッキーの結婚 告に祝福の声殺到2 13日、ベッキーが 身のInstagr mで片岡治大・読売 人軍内野守備走塁コ チと結婚したことを 告した。ベッキーは 身のInstagr mで「私事ではあり すが、先日、読売巨 軍内野守備走塁コー の片岡治大さんと結 いたしました
」として、「これか も、感謝の気持ちを れず、ゆっくりと、 っかりと歩んでいき す。」と自身の気持 を綴った。そして最 は「今後ともどうぞ ろしくお願いいたし す
」という挨拶で締め くった。この発表を ったファンからはお いのコメントが数多 寄せられ、合わせて 々な著名人からも祝 の言葉がおくられた 森進一は「おめでと ございます 幸せに ってください 心か 祝福します」、IS Aは「おめでとう」 河北麻友子は「きゃ ああああ ベッキー んおめでとうござい す」、水川あさみは おめでとうーーーー 」といったメッセー を寄せていた
また、NON ST LE・井上裕介は自 のTwitterア ウントで「ベッキー ん、結婚おめでとう 色んな事があった分 その何倍も何倍も幸 になることを心より っております みん が笑顔でハッピーが 番!!」とツイート ていた
5분 만에 등록 거절 당한 한국어교실 후기 - Duration: 6:17.
I have to take a Korean test
Korean level test
I don't feel good about this man
It's okay
I'm gonna f&*k up
Your Korean is terrible?
I didn't know enough
You didn't tell me it was going to be a verbal test. You said it's going to be a written test.
even the written test. I like scanned it but I don't think you can get anything
and another thing is like she was talking to me really slow so I felt so stupid
Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
She was just trying to see if I can understand it I get it like I kinda understand what she was saying
but I was so nervous and I felt so stupid
Ahh I feel so stupid man
so they have three semesters a year and the classes are so popular especially for the beginner level
that in the first hour of open registration it's already gets booked up really fast
and we missed that window because we were in Europe
and we didn't really expect it to be that popular of a class so the hope was that I could kind of pass the written test
and then maybe be able to go to a higher class but that didn't happen because
Do you know your phone number?
And I was like f&*K
And then I gave him a little hint and they said
You are not supposed to give him hint
I mean they were nice. Really really nice
They were super nice people
We will come back for second semester which is May
And we are going to study a little bit harder
So that if we cannot get into the beginner class we can get into a different class
What is your name?
What... Is... Your....Name..??
Do you know your phone number?
So once she said that I was like "Do I have a handphone"?
I'm like no that's a stupid question everyone has a handphone
Then I'm like okay then she is probably asking for my phone number
And then I forgot numbers
I forgot numbers completely I was so nervous
But you know numbers
I know numbers but I f&*kin* forgot the numbers man all of them
I forgot my phone number
I should have just went 010-1111-1111
I should have just done that
You ever heard of the expression it's called "Deer in the headlights"?
What is it?
deer in the headlights
In America there is a lot of deer right
And at nighttime if a car is driving and the deers on the road and headlights hit the deer's eyes they freeze
and they can't move
and so there's a lot of car accident's like that because the deer just freezes in the headlights
So it's an expression people use
so I felt like a deer in the headlights
you know I was the deer and she was like headlights like the headlights
Like I knew what she was saying but I couldn't it
It's okay
I'll get it next time
I'm coming back for you
You know living in Korea as a foreigner is really easy because
majority of the Koreans know English pretty well
also it takes a few hand full of Korean expressions to be able to get by every single day
In almost any situation which is my case
And also I have my Korean woman with me almost everywhere I go
Whenever I don't understand something or I need her help she is always there to help me
I got in this comfort zone and I got in this lazy zone
to where it really really stopped my Korean language growth
And it's my fault. I don't have an excuse
Other than the fact that
I got comfortable
I need to fix it I have to fix it
Im going to fix it
Before you go I wanted to say something really really quick
On the last video that I posted everyone has given so much support and love for me and Sola
And I just wanted to say truly thank you so much
I really appreciate everything that everyone has said
I'm so happy with the results I'm so happy you are happy
It's such a good feeling it feels like an Internet family
And I appreciate my Internet family
it feels real
But one small misconception you guys have
You think that we are married
we're not married yet, we are getting married soon
Maybe it's my fault in the editing. Maybe I messed up somewhere
But I did want to clear the air so you guys don't get confused in the future
But thank you again for all the congratulations I really do appreciate it
As always thank you so much for watching
Have a wonderful day
Until next
Jak vyměnit přední pružina na FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 8:47.
연애의 맛,김종민,황미나, 방송국 몰래 따로 만나, 역술가의 조언은 뭐길래? - Duration: 3:54.
Những Tài Năng Chưa Được Thể Hiện Hết Của Dàn Idol Kpop - Ông Tám Kpop #049 - Duration: 14:42.
TÜRKİYE'NİN EN İYİ PUBG OYUNCULARI !-PUBG MOBİLE KozmikKarınca,BarışBraa,Mithrain,Coffin,FatihSayar - Duration: 10:25.
Jak vyměnit přední uložení tlumičů na FIAT 500 ABARTH [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 8:26.
「TikTok」日本初の公式オフ会 "総選挙"の表彰式も実施 - Duration: 4:44.
拡大写真 「 ikTok」日本 の公式オフ会『T kTok CRE TOR'S LA . 2019』の 様 (C)ORI ON NewS nc. 若 層を中心に人気の ョートムービーア リ「TikTok 日本初の公式オフ 『TikTok REATOR'S LAB. 201 』が16日、都内 行われた
ユーザー投票を通 て、年間の高画質 画を表彰する「T kTok総選挙2 18」や、豪華ゲ トによるスペシャ ステージが展開さ た
【写真】授賞式プ ゼンターを務めた 美和子 総選挙は オリジナル」「リ ム」「ペット」「 ァミリー」「美食 の部門に分けて、 画の再生回数と内 充実度に基づいて 5部門ごとに12 を選出
1人1日5票をル ルに投票を行い、 投票数88万強の から、各部門の「 強動画」と「優秀 画」が決定した
総選挙のプレゼ ターはタレントの 美和子が務め、受 者たちにトロフィ を贈呈した
「すごく、ステキ 空間ですよね。み さんが、それぞれ り上がっていく感 があって、いいで ね
私は初心者なので が、ついつい見ち うんですよ。飽き いで、ずっと見て られるし、気軽に かを作れるツール ていいな、青春だ と思います」と声 弾ませていた
■「TikTok 選挙2018」受 者一覧オリジナル 門最強動画:しな 優秀動画:きょー い、莉犬くんリズ 部門最強動画:南 桃伽優秀動画:り りこ、かつくんペ ト部門最強動画: 犬コマリ優秀動画 びっけ学園、ch ファミリー部門最 動画:ゆうひなた 秀動画:K-FI Eマミー、まい美 部門最強動画:k -dai(ソナポ )優秀動画:オト のゴハン、クロワ さん
[外部サイト]【 真】グアムで…白 まぶしいBODY 披露した筧美和子 写真】ヌーディド スで美肌を見せた 美和子【写真】" 人JKハーフ姉妹 エリカ&マリナが ールではしゃぐ! 写真】「Tik ok」で話題のエ カ&マリナ、グラ アデビュー【写真 あご乗せオブジェ どイベントを楽し エリカ&マリナ川 春奈「TikTo 」初挑戦 人気キ ラ・ブルベアのラ コールでコラボ実
Как да сменим маслен филтър и моторно масло на FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [ИНСТРУКЦИЯ AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:19.
Jak vyměnit olejový filtr a motorove oleje na FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:19.
Můj malý pony: Přátelství je magické - Šití šatů - Duration: 1:44.
♪ For Twilight I have to make a dress, ♪
♪ I cut out the pattern and the exact cut. ♪
♪ Just make the fabric beautify, ♪
♪ Have a modern color, ♪
♪ I still have to keep up the tempo and be careful, ♪
♪ dress for Twilight I sew. ♪
♪ Another part, watch out for details, ♪
♪ With a collar I'll be done quickly ♪
♪ I will sew her the perfect dress, even if there is no time, ♪
♪ And I'll watch the detail, ♪
♪ I know her well, ♪
♪ Next Applejack I have to sew. ♪
♪ Sewing is easy, ♪
♪ For Pinkie I want pink, ♪
♪ for Fluttershy blurred, ♪
♪ Play with colors, maybe gold? ♪
♪ Bold, attractive, ♪
♪ attention wants, we will have it. ♪
♪ Check that it's sitting as it should, ♪
♪ spells are now called guest, ♪
♪ Even though they're colorful enough, ♪
♪ Rainbow will surely fit well. ♪
♪ I must sew dress for Rainbow. ♪
♪ Part by part, we cut, ♪
♪ The final is coming, ♪
♪ shoulder, wedge, sow, ♪
♪ especially calm. ♪
♪ I already have the dresses for all. ♪
Truong Iron | cẢ gAn đI mUa bỘ đỒ cHơi tIền tỶ và cÁi kẾt kHông tIn đƯợc - Duration: 10:36.
Meghan Fashion - Meghan Markle's father Thomas texts every day but she never replies - Duration: 4:10.
Meghan Markle's frozen out father today revealed he texts her every day and begs her to get back in contact but his 'very controlling' daughter has never replied
Thomas Markle appeared on ITV's Good Morning Britain and said he hopes the Queen will intervene to heal the bitter rift between him, his pregnant daughter and Prince Harry - the son-in-law he has never met
Explaining why he believes Meghan has shut him out Mr Markle said: 'She has always been a very controlling person and that is part of her nature - but she has never been rude
She has always been in charge'.The 74-year-old, who last spoke to the Duchess of Sussex on the eve of her wedding in May, claims he sends her text messages 'every day' and has also sent letters to Kensington Palace
He said: 'I've been ghosted. I'm not sure why it's happening. I love my daughter very much
I wish she would reach out, send me a text, anything. There has to be a place for me
I'm her father'.And in a message of reconciliation for his estranged daughter, who is believed to be around five months pregnant, Mr Markle stared down the camera and said: 'I love you very much
I would like to hear from you. Whatever difficulties we've had I hope we can work through them
We're family'. In an extraordinary and wide-ranging interview, the retired Hollywood lighting engineer told GMB:Thomas Markle describes his youngest child as 'very controlling' and 'always in charge'Meghan has 'ghosted' her own father since she married Prince Harry in MayMr Markle texts every day and has sent letters to Kensington Palace but has heard 'nothing'Reclusive 74-year-old hopes that the Queen will now intervene at Sandringham over Christmas to repair the fissure in the Markle familyMr Markle believes his daughter's first child - due next April - could 'soften' rift and still hopes to meet his grandchildMeghan cut off contact with her father after he failed to walk her down the aisle and has rebuffed all his attempts to make contact with her since then
But Mr Markle hopes the birth of her child will break down that 'barrier', adding: 'I think she will make a great mum and maybe things will soften a bit and we will get back in contact'
He added: 'I'm certainly hoping that everything goes well that they produce a beautiful baby
I hope I'll get to see a little Meghan or a little Harry'. Mr Markle has said that this will be his first Christmas without a card, call or visit from his beloved youngest child, who will spend it with the Queen at Sandringham
Thomas Markle said he hopes Her Majesty will help him and said: 'I would be grateful for anything she can do
'I would think she would want to resolve any family problems. All families, royal or not, need to be together, especially in the holidays'
Speaking from San Diego, Mr Markle said the rift 'can't continue forever' and he would keep trying to connect with his daughter
He went on: 'I don't plan to be silent for the rest of my life. I love my daughter very much and she has to know that, and I would really appreciate if she would call me, just reach out to me
'There has to be a place for me. I'm here, she knows it . I need her to reach back to me
' Questioned by Piers Morgan, Mr Markle denied Meghan had a tendency to dump people if she had no use for them, saying: 'That's really not a character trait
She's always been very polite to everyone, never been rude to anyone. I don't know what's really happening right now
' Piers Morgan calls out 'ghosting' Meghan and urges her to reach out to her father Piers Morgan also made a plea for his former friend Meghan Markle to heal the rift with her father Thomas
The GMB host has repeatedly lashed out at the former Suits star and accused her of 'acting her way to the top' and 'ghosting' him after she met Prince Harry
As he interviewed her father today Mr Morgan said: 'If Meghan is watching this and I feel she will because she will be intrigued
'Come on Meghan. This is your dad and it's Christmas.'I feel really sad about this and I hope it can be resolved because the longer it goes on the worse it can get
'He also said he did not believe this row would be allowed to continue if Princess Diana was still alive
Mr Markle said: 'My daughter lived with me from the age of 11 all through middle school and high school until she went off to college
We're very close.'What's happened, I'm not sure. I'd love to talk about it. I think it comes back to the fact that reporters pick up on interviews I've done and write their own stories and tell lies
' He added: 'If they are believing that, that's unfortunate. They've always told me not to believe anything
'Mr Markle concluded his interview by wishing Harry and Meghan a "merry Christmas" and saying he would spend the festive period with friends, giving out presents to unfortunate children
The pensioner has been cut off by his daughter and new son in law and said recently: 'Murderers are not punished like I've been'
Mr Markle appeared on GMB over the summer where the recluse claimed that Harry had said he was 'open' to Brexit and that people needed to 'give Trump a chance'
He also said that Meghan kept the fact that she was dating Harry secret at first, asking her father to refer to him by the codename 'H', and that Harry had already popped the question to his daughter by the time he asked for her hand in marriage by phone and when he did, Meghan was also on the line
He said he gave his permission for the couple to wed as long as Harry promised never to 'raise his hand' against his daughter and was 'grateful' to Charles for stepping in when he was forced to pull out of giving his daughter away due to heart surgery, but admitted he felt jealous
Kensington Palace declined to comment on the interview or the astonishing claims, but there is little doubt that the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex have again been left humiliated by the continuing Markle family soap opera
Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan confirmed that Meghan's father had pocketed 'a few thousand pounds' but insisted his 'ultimate motive was not money'
He claimed Mr Markle had turned down significantly higher offers from the US media but chose the British programme as he wanted the 'proper chance' to put across his 'side of the story'
Mr Markle's decision to 'sell out' will be frustrating for palace officials who, after a dramatic run-up to the royal wedding, managed to pull off an extremely successful global event and had no doubt hoped to see the back of any further Markle family revelations
The fact that Mr Markle chose not to discuss the interview beforehand with his daughter is likely to be seen by many as suggesting their relationship is fractured in the extreme
Royal sources have maintained, however, they have done everything they can to help and guide Mr Markle, and say he is a proud man who finds it difficult to accept assistance from his daughter
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