How to operate the dishwasher, types of species washed inside, and utensils not used inside the Ariston dishwasher
For more infomation >> ايه اللى بيحصل فى غسالة الأطباق وريفيو عن غسالة الأطباق اريستون لكل ست بيت زى ماطلبتوا 👍 - Duration: 6:06.
Treadle Hammer Safety Features - Duration: 1:12.
把柯P、韓國瑜綁起來一起打 港媒爆民進黨最後結局- 热门新闻 - Duration: 2:27.
2020大選 戰局,
民進黨面對臺 北市長柯文 哲、高雄市 長韓國瑜的 南北夾擊,
綠營最近的新 戰略就是把 柯韓綁起來 一起打,
但最終民進黨 很可能會因 小失大,
加速權力基礎 的解體。
香港媒體《中 評網》分析 指,
綠營把柯、韓 兩人的兩岸 論述、兩岸 立場捆綁起 來批判,
不遺餘力地抹 紅。
蔡英文總統、 民進黨主席 卓榮泰等人 高調批柯韓 的兩岸言論 ,
陸委會甚至不 懷好意地喊 話,
將兩人捆綁攻 擊的意圖相 當明顯。
不過去年一整 年的事實證 明,
柯韓兩人卻被 越打越旺。
綠營之所以明 知會越打越 旺,
就是因為有3 點盤算:1 .
強化敵我意識 :繼續分裂 臺灣社會鞏 固基本盤,
獲取政治利益 。
柯韓對兩岸看 法與綠營相 違背:柯韓 對兩岸關係 生動的比喻 ,
確實代表了不 少臺灣民眾 對兩岸的看 法,
本質上也與民 進黨奉行的 反中臺獨、 聯美抗陸等 路線相違背 ,
綠營當然要跳 出來批判。
藉柯韓的高人 氣刷存在感 。
當民進黨選擇 站在柯韓的 對立面,
也就是站在臺 灣主流民意 的對立面。
雖然從表面上 看,
現階段把柯韓 綁起來打,
符合蔡政府的 政治利益及 選舉策略,
但最後他們很 可能會因小 失大,
反會加速自身 權力基礎的 解體。
民进党"捧韩"引柯文哲爆粗口 台湾网友:算计! - Duration: 3:05.
民进党"捧韩"引柯文 哲爆粗口 台湾网友 :算计! 核心提 示:台北市长柯文哲 和民进党"新潮流" 派开战?据台湾《中 时电子报》报道
日前柯文哲与台北市公 园处处长黄立远聊天 时
提到某案被议员当成政 治议题操作
台北市长柯文哲和 民进党"新潮流"派 开战?据台湾《中时 电子报》报道
日前柯文哲与台北市公 园处处长黄立远聊天 时
提到某案被议员当成政 治议题操作
柯文哲得知是民进党籍 台北市议员许淑华时
许淑华要柯文哲学习高 雄市长韩国瑜的气度
民进党竟然开始"捧韩 打柯"?更有网友表 示这是算计
"民进党这棒子故意" 藉韩打柯"
然后再打韩"! 柯文哲日前参加阳明 山花季开幕
与公园处长黄立远聊天 时
提到某案被议员当成政 治议题操作
黄说是民进党籍议员许 淑华
这是一笔八百万元重植 杜鹃花的预算
在接受台湾媒体访问时 表示
但是在韩国瑜身上就没 有看到失言和爆粗口 的状况。
而柯文哲今日受访则 表示
"私底下讲话被人家偷 录拿去放
更被问及是否因许 淑华隶属"新潮流"
所以柯文哲反应比较大 ?柯回说
"你都知道你还问"? 对于许淑华拿韩 国瑜打柯文哲
"韩(国瑜)被民进党 批得一文不值
"当初'新潮流'是怎 么搞在北农的韩(国 瑜)的
结果现在巴着韩的却是 '新潮流'"、
"民进党这棒子故意' 藉韩打柯'
✅ A oposição quer que o ex-ministro Gustavo Bebianno preste esclarecimentos ao Congresso Nacional so - Duration: 3:28.
A oposição ao governo de Jair Bolsonaro no Legislativo federal quer que o agora ex-ministro da Secretaria-Geral Gustavo Bebianno vá ao Congresso Nacional prestar esclarecimentos sobre as denúncias de candidaturas de laranjas no PSL, partido do presidente da República
Líder da minoria no Senado, Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), havia protocolado requerimento de convocação do ministro na CTFC (Comissão de Transparência, Governança, Fiscalização e Controle e Defesa do Consumidor)
No entanto, como não é mais o titular da pasta, Bebianno não pode mais ser obrigado a comparecer
Por isso, na noite dessa segunda-feira, o senador reapresentou requerimento à CTFC, agora pedindo que o ex-chefe da Secretaria-Geral seja convidado a falar
O mesmo pedido foi apresentado à CCJ (Comissão de Constituição e Justiça)
Bebianno caiu após uma crise instalada no Palácio do Planalto com a revelação pela Folha da existência de um esquema de candidaturas de laranjas do PSL para desviar dinheiro da verba pública eleitoral
A sigla era presidida interinamente por ele durante as eleições de 2018, quando Bolsonaro fez do discurso de ética e combate à corrupção um dos cavalos-de-batalha de sua campanha presidencial
Senado "Este episódio não será superado com a exoneração", afirmou Randolfe, autor do requerimento
"O ministro Gustavo Bebianno fez graves e pesadas acusações ao presidente da República e ele próprio tem explicações a dar sobre como ocorreu o financiamento das candidaturas do presidente da República e do próprio presidente
" Ainda na avaliação do senador, com a saída de Bebianno o governo perdeu um de seus poucos interlocutores com o Legislativo, o que pode dificultar a tramitação de projetos como a reforma da Previdência e o pacote anticrime
Câmara Na Câmara dos Deputados, o PSOL também avalia se entrará com um requerimento para convidar Bebianno
O partido havia apresentado uma convocação para que o ministro desse esclarecimentos ao plenário, mas ele não chegou a ser votado
"O caso Bebianno não se restringe aos laranjais, porque senão teria que demitir também o ministro do Turismo, e o Luciano Bivar
O problema é que ele sabe tudo da campanha, das fake news", afirmou o líder da legenda, Ivan Valente (SP)
A demissão de Bebianno mobilizou a oposição também nas redes sociais
"Este é o padrão do governo Bolsonaro: confusão, intrigas e uso da máquina pública para proteger seus aliados
O partido que ia acabar com a corrupção virou o Partido Só Laranja (PSL) e se afunda, cada dia mais, nos esquemas que armou", disse o deputado Henrique Fontana (PT-RS)
"O fato é que Bolsonaro é tão covarde que não tem sequer coragem de confirmar que a demissão de Bebianno é motivada pelas acusações de crime eleitoral e desvio de recursos", disse a deputada Margarida Salomão (PT-MG)
"A demissão de Bebianno não encerra o assunto do Laranjal. Seguiremos exigindo investigações independentes e punição dos responsáveis
E esperamos que Bebianno fale o que sabe sobre as irregularidades da campanha do PSL", escreveu Guilherme Boulos
Filiado ao PSL, o deputado Alexandre Frota (SP), disse que, com a demissão, Bolsonaro cumpriu uma promessa
"Bebiano caiu. Bolsonaro cumpriu o que falou", elogiou o ex-ator na internet
Bolsonarocandidaturas-laranjascongresso nacionalPSL
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
모델 겸 배우 배정남, 콜한 2019 S/S 전속 모델로 발탁 - Duration: 2:19.
'콜한(COLE AAN)'이 모델 겸 배우로 활약하 배정남을 201 S/S 시즌 전 모델로 발탁했다고 밝혔다. 콜한 전속모델로 발탁 배정남은 최근 라마와 예능 프로 램 등에서 활발하 활동하며 패션감 은 물론 최근 방 을 통해 선보인 간미 넘치는 모습 로 남녀 노소를 문하고 인기를 누 고 있다. 전 모델 발탁과 함께 콜한이 이번 시즌 새롭게 내놓는 ' 데이 트레이너( ll-Day Tr iner)' 슈즈 트레이닝, 업무 미팅 등 다양한 TPO에 맞게 자 스럽게 매치할 수 있는 라이프스타일 로써 통기성이 우 한 니트소재와 편 한 착화감을 갖추 으며, 세련된 디 인으로 일상의 모 순간에 완벽하게 소화 가능한 것이 특징이다. LF 관계자는 "건강한 사고방식과 자신만 세련된 라이프스 일이 점철된 일상 로 많은 대중들에 영감을 주는 배 남의 모습이 콜한 브랜드가 추구하는 이미지와 부합하여 전속모델로 선정했 "며 "이번에 공 하는 세 가지 콘 트의 봄 화보는 벼운 트레이닝과 즈니스, 또 반려 과의 산책 등 그 일상을 자연스럽 녹여내 브랜드의 뿌리인 아메리칸 이프스타일이 주는 편안한 가치를 담 다"고 설명했다. 사진=LF
109 Carla & Susanne - Duration: 15:28.
== Hello, you two! == Charlie! == Hello.
== This one is available. == Great.
== So, what would you like to drink? == For me, a water.
== For me, a plain ordinary beer. == Sure.
So, after my parenting problems, now it's your turn. You didn't have any success in Frankfurt?
No. And now the big question is whether anyone at all will grant me a loan.
The fact my last fiscal year was a very positive one, that I even managed to erect a townhouse development...
... today, no bank is interested in that
But a polluted construction site that will have to be cleaned up...?
THAT sets off everybody's alarm bells
Sorry, once again I wasn't tuned in. Should we have gone someplace else?
On account of Carla? Nonsense.
I've come to terms with the fact that she doesn't want anything more than a friendship
I can tell how hard it is on you to see her, though
It's all right. But we were talking about you. How are you going to proceed from here?
Keep looking for a lender
As long as the soil is contaminated, I can't build a kindergarten on it
What about a loan from the Lahnstein Bank?
Carla is the director. She knows you...
No. The Lahnsteins are taboo for me.
What would be wrong with a loan from the Lahnstein Bank?!
But you have to do something! Otherwise, you can't finish building the kindergarten, and might have to shut down Brandner Construction!
Yes, we almost came to that once before. BECAUSE of the Lahnsteins.
When I think about that fiasco with the conference center...
I know what happened back then
But in the meantime, a great deal has changed. Ansgar isn't director of the bank anymore!
Oh, the senior count wasn't much better! He lied to me, deceived me... until finally that money-under-the-table affair was exposed. - Charlie...?
== Two espressos, please, == Yes.
But now you would be dealing with Carla! My god, why are you being so obstinate!?
And since when have you started singing the praises of Carla von Lahnstein again?
Carla is a trustworthy, dependable businesswoman. That counts!
Hello. I'm glad you have time.
Of course
The boss will take care of this!
Good day, ladies. - Countess Lahnstein. Would you like something to eat?
Thanks, not for me. A black tea, please.
== For me too, please. == Sure.
== Quite the atmosphere between us right now, hm? == Mm hm.
Susanne, I'm really sorry I overwhelmed you like that on the Rhine the other day. When I started talking about Hanna.
She was your great love. And if the situation reminded you of her...
Still, that's no reason to be so tactless. You didn't know her. You don't know how much she meant to me.
So... two black teas
== Thanks. == You're welcome.
That was really okay
It's just that...
I don't handle the topic of death very well, in general. That was too much for me.
Yeah. And so don't worry about it anymore.
Carla, I have another question
Well... it's actually more of a request
Could you do me a favor?
Hello. You came by personally?
Ohh! You received it?
"Businesswoman of the Year". Congratulations!
Thanks. But that isn't why you came, is it?
I don't mean to be pushy, but I was simply too curious!
Unfortunately, I have to turn down your father
Excuse me?
I'm sorry. I've reviewed the documentation, but it in no way meets our criteria for granting a loan.
Wh...what kind of criteria?? Have you written off Brandner Construction?
Susanne, there are standards we've put in place to protect our exposure
Brandner Construction fails on several fundamental points!
But you're the bank director! Certainly you have options!
I can't change our rules out of personal sympathy. I separate private from business.
You don't WANT to help me
What is this?
My father is in a desperate position and you have all the power in your hands
And you're hiding behind some kind of ridiculous rules?!?
Is it possible you're just using this loan as a pretext?
What's going on here has to do with something else
You are not that important to me
Paul, I'm having a computer problem I really need to resolve. Uh, can you help me with it, please?
Sure. How long will it take?
You won't starve. Come...
So you went to see the Lahnsteins again. About Brandner Construction?
And did I not explicitly say that I didn't want that!?
She flat out denied the loan. She doesn't want to help us.
She doesn't want to help YOU!!
And I don't want any dealings with that bank, and you know why!
But exactly BECAUSE the Lahnsteins betrayed you, Carla MUST give you the money!
You're dreaming, Susanne! Carla von Lahnstein is thinking professionally! She's acting in the interest of her firm!
Not in accordance with the wishes of... her admirer
Darn! That would've been MY goal!
She behaved impossibly, and then tried to make me feel guilty about it!
What, is your blood pressure still 200? The poor guys on the field here are suffering!!
I feel like one of those slimy fat cats! Like Ansgar!
== Yess! == Hey! 5 to 9!
I'll get you yet!
You know I have no illusions about Ansgar
Susanne is really beginning to get on my... nerves!!
Carla, what do you expect? She's in love with you and you're not...
It can only go wrong
With you and Susanne
I was just about to leave. Did Ms. Käppler forget to tell you?
Oh! Presumably she's peeved because you declined her invitation to tea.
Carla, I can't take this anymore
Susanne, please understand. I had to react that way.
Oh... that thing with the loan. I was so flustered, I just wanted some kind of sign!
I probably also reacted... way too harshly
I'm not blaming you
You don't want anything from me and that's finally clear to me now
Sorry, I don't know what else I'm supposed to say
I can't see you anymore
We should end our friendship
But why??
Because I can't get a grip on my feelings for you!
To be so close to you...
...and yet so far away...! Oh...
Dammit, I don't know what else I'm supposed to say
It just won't work anymore
But you're important to me
On the Rhine... when you were telling me about Hanna... That was horrible for me!
I know!
I thought you understood how much she meant to me!
That doesn't make it any easier
It became clear to me...
...that you don't WANT to fall in love
At least not with me
I don't think there's anything left to say
I should be going!
I believe you're going to get wet! Today is sprinkler day. I'd totally forgotten.
Does it last long?
Normally a couple of hours
Sorry, but I can't help being reminded of a really absurd story
May I ask what's so funny about it?
I caught my husband, Alex, in bed with another woman once
I see
Do you remember that movie "Down by Law"?
When that woman threw Jack's,... noo, it was Zack's clothes, out on the street?
Mmh, yes! Vaguely...
== Uhm... == Yes, it was...
== Uh... Tom Waits?! == Tom Waits! Tom Waits... that's right!
"Not My Shoes"
Yep! I did the same thing.
== You did!?? == Yep, threw out all his stuff.
From the fourth floor! Even his damn stereo equipment.
Oh man! It was coming down in torrents!
== Like Noah's Flood. == Awwhh!
But in my fury, I threw out all my own stuff, too
Then I had to go down after it
Oh my... I looked like a wet cat. And made a complete fool of myself!
And all in front of the bimbo playmate of my ex
What an ass
Yeah...! The one time one would wish to have poise.
I'm gonna go now
Well, I guess you're gonna get wet! Today is sprinkler day!
That doesn't matter now either!
Wooohh!! Wooh!
Wooh! I'll be going now!
The last time I did that, I was 6 years old!
== Oh, were the ladies showering themselves along with the lawn? == Oh, Ansgar.
I'll be going now
== No way! You can't go anywhere like that, you'll catch your death! == Oh, don't exaggerate.
== Come, I'll give you some of my clothes. == Oh, I can't possibly accept that.
You could also, of course, go ransack the nearest used-clothing bin. Would surely be completely in keeping with the tastes of your... playmate.
Oh, "playmate"?!
Are you so twisted you can't imagine any other kind of relationship between two people?
Well then, come... playmate!
Count...? The keys.
Right, thank you. I fear we're going to be seeing more of that person.
Oh, I look as if I've been crying for hours
With Ansgar's dimwitted comments, it would be no wonder
I look terrible!
No, quite the opposite
You're just saying that
Not at all
Well, I'll deal with it later
Do these look okay? Or do I have to wait until dark before I can go?
All right, fine, when does it get dark?
No! You...
Those look perfect
== Really? == Yes, sure!
And I thought I couldn't dare go out like this
The sprinklers are off now, too, so I can go. Do you maybe have a bag I can use?
== I could also put your things in the laundry here. == That will take too long.
Well, you don't have to take them with you today. Would you like some tea, too?
No, thanks
Something else? Come, we have to drink a toast.
To what?
Well, to the fact that fate has something against our simply giving up our friendship
As far as I'm concerned, fate can be against it all it wants. I know, however, that it won't work.
And that's why I'm leaving now
As you wish. Unfortunately, I can't just lock you in here.
No, you can't
Thank you for the clothes. I'll bring them back as soon as possible.
Just give me a call
Colton Underwood's Childhood as the "Chunky, Awkward, Weird Kid" | - Duration: 5:24.
Colton Underwood's Childhood as the "Chunky, Awkward, Weird Kid" |
Colton Underwood, The Bachelor's 23rd bachelor on the show, spoke about his childhood and the issues he faced while growing up on the first, three-hour premiere episode earlier this season.
The show delved into this Bachelor's past, and gave fans a glimpse of Underwood's life as a kid, including sharing pictures and stories from his childhood.
During the episode, Underwood revealed that he was "the fat kid" at a Christian school who struggled to make friends and gain social acceptance from his peers.
He said that he was awkward, "chunky," and grew up in a "conservative environment.".
"Grade school Colton would probably be really shy and timid at the fact that he was just named the Bachelor," he said.
"I grew up in a pretty conservative environment.
I was at a Christian school and I was always like the fat, chunky, awkward, weird kid.
I didn't have girlfriends.
I wanted to fit in so bad, but I felt very alone.
A lot of days, I didn't want to go to school.".
"My confidence in myself didn't come until my later years in high school," Underwood continued.
"The one thing I knew how to do really well was football.
When things were good, it was because of football, and that's why I got lost in it.".
Underwood was born in Indianapolis, Indiana before his family relocated to Washington, Illinois, where he spent most of his childhood.
His parents Scott and Donna Underwood divorced shortly after the move.
As he got older, Underwood attended Washington Community High School in Washington, Illinois, and Illinois State University, where he played college football for the Illinois State Redbirds.
According to, Underwood was brought on as an un-drafted free agent by the San Diego Chargers on May 10, 2014.
Heightline reports that the position only lasted three months, and he was waived on August 30 of the same year.
He went on to join the practice squad with the Philadelphia Eagles, and then re-signed with the Chargers, but was waived once more when he was put on injury reserve.
The Oakland Raiders signed him to their practice squad on December 1, 2015, but he was let go a final time on August 29, 2016.
Underwood says that he mostly overlooked a love life while he was working toward his football career, although he doesn't regret the sacrifices he's made.
"I made it to the NFL, and, for me, it was so special," he said in the season premiere.
"I've had such a great life.
I've had so many cool opportunities, but the one thing I've been missing is somebody to share those with.".
According to Romper, after Underwood's lonely, awkward adolescence, he suffered a few unhealthy relationships later in life due to his unresolved issues with trust during his childhood.
However, he eventually found his footing and blossomed into the successful man he is today, including a stint as a professional football player with the NFL and the reality television star he is now.
READ NEXT: Colton Underwood Sexually Harassed By Fans at Charity Event.
Dancing On Ice ratings 'plunge by 2.6m' after Gemma Collins' exit - News Today - Duration: 2:19.
Dancing On Ice 's ratings plunged by a reported 2.6 million after Gemma Collins ' exit
The diva was given the boot a week ago and it sent viewing figures into a nosedive
According to reports, Gemma gave the 2019 series a massive boost as ratings soared to an average of more than 6
5 million every time she took to the ice. Around 6.3 tuned into the episode in which Gemma was voted off, but there was a huge slump once she left
Ratings for this Sunday's show - which featured no GC - dropped to just 3.7 million, according to The Sun
A source said: "This was always producers' fears — that when Gemma went, interest would wane
" It comes after viewers branded Sunday's episode "boring" and threatened a boycott in the aftermath of Gemma's exit
Gemma's departure may be terrible news for producers, but it's proving to be pretty good for The GC
Mirror Online reported she's set to make a fortune from spin-off deals after the show raised her profile to new heights
She's even managed to save her self-named clothing brand, which was struggling last year
Despite causing chaos on the series with her diva-style antics, she's set to make some serious cash as she's been flooded with lucrative offers
As well as endorsement deals, Gemma will be looking to land more TV work to make the most of her heightened fame
An insider told us: "Gemma is obviously very business-savvy and is keen to strike while the iron is hot
"It could end up being a huge step forward in her career." A source close to Gemma added: "She's been inundated with offers
Her market worth has shot up since she joined the show." Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at webcelebs@trinitymirror
com or call us direct 0207 29 33033 Read More Gemma Collins
Lagu Barat terbaru 2019 | Lagu Terbaru 2019 Barat Terpopuler - Duration: 1:51:11.
ايه اللى بيحصل فى غسالة الأطباق وريفيو عن غسالة الأطباق اريستون لكل ست بيت زى ماطلبتوا 👍 - Duration: 6:06.
How to operate the dishwasher, types of species washed inside, and utensils not used inside the Ariston dishwasher
Marvel's Jessica Jones, Punisher canceled at Netflix - Duration: 4:46.
That's it for the Marvel-Netflix universe. The streaming giant has canceled The Punisher after two seasons as well as Jessica Jones ahead of its third season, which is still set to air, EW has confirmed
The double cancellation rounds out Netflix's purge of Marvel content, which began in October with the axing of Iron Fist, then Luke Cage (both after two seasons), and finally Daredevil (after three seasons) in November
"Marvel's The Punisher will not return for a third season on Netflix," the streamer said in a statement
"Showrunner Steve Lightfoot, the terrific crew, and exceptional cast including star Jon Bernthal, delivered an acclaimed and compelling series for fans, and we are proud to showcase their work on Netflix for years to come
In addition, in reviewing our Marvel programming, we have decided that the upcoming third season will also be the final season for Marvel's Jessica Jones
We are grateful to showrunner Melissa Rosenberg, star Krysten Ritter, and the entire cast and crew, for three incredible seasons of this groundbreaking series, which was recognized by the Peabody Awards among many others
We are grateful to Marvel for five years of our fruitful partnership and thank the passionate fans who have followed these series from the beginning
" Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb also released a letter to fans, thanking them for tuning in to the series, while hinting that the characters could always appear again elsewhere
"Our Network partner may have decided they no longer want to continue telling the tales of these great characters…but you know Marvel better than that," he wrote
"As Matthew Murdock's Dad once said, 'The measure of a man is not how he gets knocked to the mat, it's how he gets back up
' To be continued…!" The library of Netflix-Marvel content began with four standalone character-centric series set in New York: Daredevil, about the blind lawyer-turned-vigilante played by Charlie Cox; Jessica Jones, about the super-powered private investigator starring Krysten Ritter; Luke Cage, about the bulletproof hero of Harlem starring Mike Colter; and Iron Fist, about the billionaire-turned-mystical-martial-arts-expert played by Finn Jones
The Punisher starring Jon Bernthal as the trigger-happy Marine Corps veteran spun off of the second season of Daredevil, while the original quartet teamed up in the miniseries The Defenders, then dispersed for further seasons of their individual shows
And though the project had been popular with fans — Daredevil's ending particularly shocked viewers — the decision not to air subsequent seasons on Netflix is unsurprising: Disney's own streaming service, Disney+, is set to launch this year and will feature new Marvel shows, and Marvel TV just inked a new partnership with Hulu that will include four standalone animated series culminating in a crossover
(Sound familiar?) Still, the end of the Marvel-Netflix universe hasn't gone unnoticed by invested fans — some have begun a campaign to save Daredevil — as well as the cast and creators behind the various series
Bernthal posted a message on Instagram lamenting The Punisher's demise: Iron Fist's Jones responded similarly last fall: And Cox, who helmed the flagship series Daredevil, expressed disappointment in the cancellation as well
"A lot of us really expected to keep going, and I certainly did," Cox told EW in December of saying goodbye to Matt Murdock
"The truth is, I felt like we had a lot of stories to tell, and although I understand [the cancellation], I'm very saddened by that
" Related content: Charlie Cox breaks silence on Daredevil cancellation: 'I'm very saddened' Hulu announces four new Marvel animated shows
Actualité TV - Exclu. Marlène (Mariés au premier regard) se confie sur sa nuit de noces : "On était - Duration: 2:29.
春なのにスマホが売れない? 「通信料値下げ議論」がもたらした"異変" - Duration: 3:42.
1月末から2月頭にかけて、通信会社各社の決算会見が開催さ た。 電機メーカーなどが中国経済の失速に足を引っ張られる 、NTTドコモ、KDDI、ソフトバンクとも堅調な数字を叩き出 た
KDDIは通信ARPA収入が325億円下落したが、これ 2017年にスタートした料金プラン「auピタットプラン・au ラットプラン」の影響が出た模様だ。割引キャンペーンなどがひと 落すれば、通信ARPAは第4四半期には持ち直す見込みだ
値下げ率先したドコモと、一転して追従姿勢のKDDI だ、KDDIとソフトバンクの両社が懸念しているのが、2019 第1四半期に実施されるというNTTドコモの料金値下げだ
昨年8月に菅官房長官が「日本の携帯電話料金は国際的に見 も高い。4割程度、値下げできるのではないか」と発言。NTTド モは官邸からの圧力により、2019年第1四半期に2〜4割の値 げを実行すると発表した
すべてのユーザーが対象にはならないようだが、NTTドコモでは 000億円規模の顧客還元になると試算する。 KDDIの高 誠社長は当初、「官邸からの宿題は終えている」として、値下げは 施済みで、すでに3800億円程度の還元をしているとアピールし いた
しかし、NTTドコモの発表を受けて「NTTドコモが踏み込んだ 下げをしてくるのであれば、競争上、しっかりと対抗していく」と 意向を示した。 KDDIの高橋誠社長 KDDIではすで 端末と通信料金を分離し、端末の割引を適用しない「auピタット ラン・auフラットプラン」を導入している
NTTドコモが同様のプランを導入する程度であれば、対抗策は打 ないが、さらに安くなるような料金プランを出してくるのであれば しっかりと対抗値下げで競争していくと宣言したのだ
ソフトバンクは「値下げはワイモバイルで対応済み」の姿勢 一方、ソフトバンクは、現在、ソフトバンクとワイモバイル、L NEモバイルという3つのブランドを展開している
ソフトバンクは、月間50GBで動画やSNSが見放題とな 「ウルトラギガモンスター+」がメイン。ワイモバイルはS、M、 というデータ容量で低価格、LINEモバイルは家電量販店やウェ を中心に安価なプランを売っていくという棲み分けになっている
そのため、ソフトバンクでは、大容量を安心して使いたい人 けにウルトラギガモンスター+を訴求しつつ、「格安スマホが気に る」という人にはワイモバイルやLINEモバイルを売っていくと うスタイルになっている
宮内謙社長は「NTTドコモの値下げにはワイモバイルで対 していく」として、ウルトラギガモンスター+は値下げすることな 、ワイモバイルがNTTドコモの対抗軸として据えていくようだ
ソフトバンクの宮内謙・代表取締役社長執行役員兼CEO 宮内社長は「できれば、(ワイモバイルの料金プランを)微調整で り切りたい」とも語っており、NTTドコモの値下げには対抗する 、極力、いまの料金体系を変更することなく、戦っていきたいよう
L'alcool cause 41.000 décès par an en France, selon cette étude - Duration: 4:00.
SANTÉ - La consommation d'alcool est responsable d'environ 41.000 décès par an en France, selon une estimation rendue publique mardi 19 février par Santé publique France, un impact sanitaire en baisse mais encore "considérable"
L'alcool reste ainsi la deuxième cause de mortalité évitable après le tabac, avec 7% du nombre total de décès de personnes âgées d'au moins 15 ans en 2015, conclut l'étude publiée dans le bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire (BEH) de l'organisme public
La précédente estimation de ce type, fondée sur des chiffres de 2009, avait évalué à 49
000 le nombre de décès dus à l'alcool, soit 9% du total. Cette baisse "s'explique en grande partie par la diminution de la mortalité pour les causes liées à l'alcool et, dans une moindre mesure, par la baisse de la consommation, passée de 27 à 26 g d'alcool pur par jour sur cette même période", expliquent les auteurs de l'article
Ce facteur est beaucoup plus important chez les hommes, pour qui l'alcool est à l'origine de plus d'un décès sur 10 (11%), contre 4% chez les femmes
Un "fardeau sanitaire" plus lourd que chez les pays voisins, soulignent les auteurs, même si la comparaison est "délicate", du fait de méthodes statistiques différentes
En Ecosse, l'alcool causerait ainsi 6,8% des décès chez les hommes et 3,3% chez les femmes, en Suisse, 5% et 1,4% respectivement, et en Italie, 3% et 2%
Cette étude, menée par Christophe Bonaldi, biostatisticien à Santé publique France, et Catherine Hill, épidémiologiste à l'institut Gustave Roussy, se fonde sur les consommations déclarées par un échantillon de 20
000 personnes, mais également sur les chiffres de vente d'alcool, les enquêtes déclaratives tendant à minimiser le nombre de verres pris
Ils ont ensuite recoupé ces chiffres avec l'ensemble des causes de mortalité pour lesquelles l'alcool modifie le risque
Cela leur permet d'estimer qu'en 2015 la consommation d'alcool a été à l'origine de 16
000 décès par cancer, 9.900 par maladies cardiovasculaires, 6800 par maladies digestives et 5400 par une cause externe (accident ou suicide)
La très grande majorité de ces décès (90%) "sont liés à des consommations supérieures à 53 grammes par jour" d'alcool pur, soit plus de 5 unités d'alcool
Toutefois, "même à la dose relativement modérée de moins de 18 grammes d'alcool pur consommé par jour (moins de deux verres standards) (
) le risque global est augmenté", soulignent les auteurs de l'article. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
Hailey Bieber 'Dedicated' To Supporting Justin During 'Challenging Time': She Loves Being His Wife - - Duration: 3:04.
Hailey Bieber is worried about hubby Justin Bieber and she is determined to be there for him during his current reported struggles with depression
Justin Bieber, 24, has been making headlines for reportedly getting treatment for some struggles with depression, and his wife, Hailey Bieber, 22, is planning on being there for him every step of the way, no matter how difficult things could get
"Hailey worries about Justin all the time," a source close to the couple EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife
"She loves him with all her heart, and wants him to be happy, so it hurts to see him struggling with his emotions
Hailey loves being Justin's wife and looks forward to loving and supporting him through his good times and these challenging ones
She wants to stay with him forever, even during his most difficult times. She is dedicated to Justin and will never turn her back on him, even when he is struggling
Hailey will always love and support her man, she is not going anywhere." It sounds like Hailey is taking her vows seriously, and at a time when Justin may need it most! Word about the singer's current struggles spread on Feb
12, after sources told People he was going through a rough patch and seeking treatment, but luckily, it has nothing to do with his devoted wife
"Justin seems down and tired. He has been struggling a bit," one source told the outlet
"It has nothing to do with Hailey — he is very happy being married to her. It's just something else that he struggles with mentally," the source continues
"He has good help around him and is receiving some treatment. He seems confident he will feel better soon
" Justin opened up about his mental health struggles as well as his marriage to Hailey in the March issue of Vogue magazine
One of the many shocking things he admitted to was risking his life by taking a large amount of Xanax back in 2013, around the time he was caught going to a Brazilian brothel
"I found myself doing things that I was so ashamed of, being super-promiscuous and stuff, and I think I used Xanax because I was so ashamed," he told the outlet
"My mom always said to treat women with respect. For me, that was always in my head while I was doing it, so I could never enjoy it
Drugs put a screen between me and what I was doing. It got pretty dark. I think there were times when my security was coming in late at night to check my pulse and see if I was still breathing
" We're wishing Justin a healthy and happy road ahead during this difficult time in his life
韓國也往隱身戰機俱樂部擠,打的什麼算盤?幾斤幾兩? - Duration: 4:52.
✅ Substituto de Gustavo Bebianno, o general da reserva Floriano Peixoto liderou o socorro internacio - Duration: 4:11.
O general da reserva Floriano Peixoto Vieira Neto, novo titular da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República, liderou os esforços internacionais de socorro às vítimas do terremoto de 2010 no Haiti e protagonizou negociação diplomática com os Estados Unidos para evitar que os norte-americanos assumissem o controle da segurança no país caribenho, sob controle brasileiro na época
Ele foi anunciado hoje para o cargo no governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro após o anúncio da demissão de Gustavo Bebianno (PSL), cuja saída já era esperada desde a última sexta-feira
O agora ex-ministro foi citado em reportagens da "Folha de S.Paulo" sobre candidaturas laranjas do PSL no período eleitoral, quando ele era o presidente do partido
Dos sete ministros do governo Bolsonaro ligados às Forças Armadas, Floriano Peixoto é um dos mais reservados e tem fama de pragmático e enérgico, fruto de sua experiência em combate
Por outro lado, a vivência acadêmica –que inclui a academia militar de West Point, nos Estados Unidos – e a participação em negociações de alto nível no ambiente da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) fizeram com que seja visto com "grande visão de mundo" por seus colegas
Antes da exoneração de Bebianno, dois generais ocupavam postos-chave na Secretaria-Geral
Floriano Peixoto era secretário-executivo, e o também general da reserva Maynard Santa Rosa chefe da Secretaria de Assuntos Estratégicos
A imprensa apurou que um dos motivos da opção por ele foi que Santa Rosa seria muito ligado a Bebianno e poderia não se sentir à vontade para substituir o ex-chefe
Em novembro passado, Bolsonaro havia dito que cogitava Floriano Peixoto para a assumir a Secom (Secretaria de Comunicação Social) e Santa Rosa para o PPI (Programa de Parcerias e Investimentos) – ambos permanecem na Secretaria de Governo, sob o comando do general Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz
Floriano Peixoto é um dos cinco ex-comandantes da missão de paz da ONU no Haiti escolhidos para ocupar postos estratégicos no Executivo e Judiciário
Os outros são os generais Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira, ministro-chefe do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional, Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, ministro-chefe da Secretaria de Governo, Edson Pujol, comandante do Exército, e Ajax Porto Pinheiro, assessor especial da presidência do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal)
O substituto de Bebianno foi um dos primeiros militares brasileiros a trabalhar na missão de paz do Haiti
Em 2004, serviu como oficial de operações sob o comando do general Heleno e participou de ações de combate contra ex-militares rebeldes e gangues de criminosos
Em sua segunda passagem pelo Haiti, Floriano atuou como comandante das forças da ONU no país em 2009-2010
O seu comando coincidiu com o terremoto que no dia 12 de janeiro de 2010 provovou cerca de 300 mil mortes
No momento do sismo, Floriano Peixoto estava nos Estados Unidos, prestes a voltar para o Haiti
Diversos membros da equipe dele e autoridades das Nações Unidas morreram no colapso do hotel Christopher, quartel-general da ONU em Porto Príncipe, onde o general trabalhava normalmente
Ao chegar ao Haiti logo depois do terremoto, o general passou a coordenar os esforços de resgate de sobreviventes, distribuição de água e comida, desobstrução de vias e enterro dos mortos em covas coletivas
Queda-de-braço com os EUA Na época, os cerca de 8 mil combatentes da ONU coordenados pelo general receberam auxílio de aproximadamente 16 mil militares norte-americanos enviados de forma emergencial por Washington dias depois da tragédia
Contudo, os norte-americanos quiseram assumir o controle da missão – responsabilizando-se inclusive pela segurança no país, papel que cabia à ONU
Floriano Peixoto era amigo pessoal do general americano Ken Keen, que liderava as tropas dos Estados Unidos, e negociou uma solução na qual as forças da ONU sob o comando do Brasil continuariam responsáveis pelo controle da segurança no país
Os americanos atuaram estritamente na ajuda humanitária. Floriano e Ken Keen apareceram juntos publicamente para reforçar a imagem de parceria
Anos após o episódio, o general brasileiro afirmou diversas vezes que não houve desentendimento com os Estados Unidos e que o relacionamento das duas nações foi harmonioso durante a operação de ajuda humanitária
BebiannoBolsonaroFloriano Peixotogoverno federalhaitiministroministros militaresSecretaria-Geral da Presidência
Самоправка. Урок 06 - Duration: 4:08.
Syrie : le lourd tribut des Kurdes - Duration: 5:40.
Cédric Villani, jusqu'au bout de la nuit - Duration: 10:32.
Rassemblement contre l'antisémitisme : la classe politique se mobilise - Duration: 7:57.
BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D Executive Modern Line - Duration: 1:13.
L'alcool cause 41.000 décès par an en France, selon cette étude - Duration: 4:00.
SANTÉ - La consommation d'alcool est responsable d'environ 41.000 décès par an en France, selon une estimation rendue publique mardi 19 février par Santé publique France, un impact sanitaire en baisse mais encore "considérable"
L'alcool reste ainsi la deuxième cause de mortalité évitable après le tabac, avec 7% du nombre total de décès de personnes âgées d'au moins 15 ans en 2015, conclut l'étude publiée dans le bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire (BEH) de l'organisme public
La précédente estimation de ce type, fondée sur des chiffres de 2009, avait évalué à 49
000 le nombre de décès dus à l'alcool, soit 9% du total. Cette baisse "s'explique en grande partie par la diminution de la mortalité pour les causes liées à l'alcool et, dans une moindre mesure, par la baisse de la consommation, passée de 27 à 26 g d'alcool pur par jour sur cette même période", expliquent les auteurs de l'article
Ce facteur est beaucoup plus important chez les hommes, pour qui l'alcool est à l'origine de plus d'un décès sur 10 (11%), contre 4% chez les femmes
Un "fardeau sanitaire" plus lourd que chez les pays voisins, soulignent les auteurs, même si la comparaison est "délicate", du fait de méthodes statistiques différentes
En Ecosse, l'alcool causerait ainsi 6,8% des décès chez les hommes et 3,3% chez les femmes, en Suisse, 5% et 1,4% respectivement, et en Italie, 3% et 2%
Cette étude, menée par Christophe Bonaldi, biostatisticien à Santé publique France, et Catherine Hill, épidémiologiste à l'institut Gustave Roussy, se fonde sur les consommations déclarées par un échantillon de 20
000 personnes, mais également sur les chiffres de vente d'alcool, les enquêtes déclaratives tendant à minimiser le nombre de verres pris
Ils ont ensuite recoupé ces chiffres avec l'ensemble des causes de mortalité pour lesquelles l'alcool modifie le risque
Cela leur permet d'estimer qu'en 2015 la consommation d'alcool a été à l'origine de 16
000 décès par cancer, 9.900 par maladies cardiovasculaires, 6800 par maladies digestives et 5400 par une cause externe (accident ou suicide)
La très grande majorité de ces décès (90%) "sont liés à des consommations supérieures à 53 grammes par jour" d'alcool pur, soit plus de 5 unités d'alcool
Toutefois, "même à la dose relativement modérée de moins de 18 grammes d'alcool pur consommé par jour (moins de deux verres standards) (
) le risque global est augmenté", soulignent les auteurs de l'article. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
STUPID DOG!| Let's Play: Undertale pt. 4 - Duration: 34:08.
Liverpool's predicted line up vs Bayern Munich - Duration: 9:23.
'A pretty straight forward selection' Ian Doyle: A pretty straightforward team selection for Jurgen Klopp, I believe
And a pretty straightforward team selection for me also. Even if Dejan Lovren had been fit - he isn't - the preparations have centred around Fabinho starting at centre-back alongside Joel Matip
That is the way I would go, leaving Jordan Henderson to return in midfield. In terms of formation, it's a 4-3-3 again, presuming Roberto Firmino shakes off his virus
Divock Origi would be my choice if he doesn't. Trent Alexander-Arnold can come in at right-back after recovering from injury, while I'd stick with Naby Keita in midfield ahead of James Milner and Xherdan Shaqiri
My team (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Fabinho, Matip, Robertson; Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita; Salah, Firmino/Origi, Mane
'It's back to basics in midfield' Paul Gorst: Champions League football is back at Anfield to offer a welcome distraction from the small matter of that title challenge on the domestic front
It's been said that Bayern Munich are a European giant in something of a transition, but the apparently fading force is still jam-packed with class all over the field
That's why I'm going to have to go back to basics in midfield and rest Naby Keita for Jordan Henderson, Gini Wijnaldum and James Milner
It's harsh on Keita who is starting to come into a bit of form, but he will have more chances elsewhere for the remainder of the campaign
That midfield trio helped Liverpool to the final last season, so I'm backing it once more
That means Fabinho is centre-back with Joel Matip with Andy Robertson and Trent Alexander-Arnold flanking them on the left and right, respectively
It's unfortunate that Fabinho isn't able to continue his impressive form in the engine room, but needs must with Virgil van Dijk suspended and Dejan Lovren injured
Liverpool's lightning starts on nights like these went a long way to sealing a place in last season's final and a front three of Sadio Mane, Mohamed Salah and Roberto Firmino might just be enough to do so again
My team (4-3-3) Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Fabinho, Robertson; Wijnaldum, Henderson, Milner; Salah, Mane, Firmino
'Tuesday night could well be Henderson's' Theo Squires: Liverpool fans became accustomed over the years to famous Anfield European nights being Steven Gerrard nights
Nights in which the Reds captain thrived, dragging his team over the line against some of the continent's finest sides
While it has now been four years since Gerrard last played for Liverpool, the Anfield European nights continue and the Reds will once again rely on their skipper when they take to the field against Bayern Munich
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Tuesday night could well be Jordan Henderson's night
He might not pop up with a decisive goal the way his predecessor regularly used to on such occasions, but he will be Jurgen Klopp's most important player on Tuesday night
With Virgil van Dijk suspended and the Reds' defensive crisis leaving Joel Matip as their only available centre-back, his leadership skills and experience will be vital as Liverpool look to draw first blood against one of Europe's biggest names
I'd start Henderson in midfield with Gini Wijnaldum and Naby Keita, with Fabinho partnering the Matip at the heart of defence
Keita was much improved against Bournemouth and it will be a big night for him against a side he is used to facing off against from his time in Germany
Trent Alexander-Arnold makes his first start for over a month at right-back following injury with Andy Robertson making up the back four in front of Alisson
Meanwhile, the front three pick themselves as Liverpool continue with their recent return to 4-3-3
Xherdan Shaqiri will have to make do with a substitute appearance if he is to come back and haunt his former side
My team (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Fabinho, Robertson; Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita; Salah, Firmino, Mane
'Lovren's absence a real shame' Joe Rimmer: It's a real shame that Dejan Lovren is unlikely to be fit to start this one, because it's the type of game that Fabinho could shine in
That said, the Brazilian makes more sense as a centre-back than Jordan Henderson, so that's where I'm going to have to put him
Trent Alexander-Arnold also returns at right-back in place of James Milner. Jordan Henderson is in midfield, alongside Gini Wijnaldum and Naby Keita, both of whom deserve to keep their place
Then it's Divock Origi, Daniel Sturridge and Xherdan Shaqiri up front.just kidding
You know exactly who should start up top. My team (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Fabinho, Robertson; Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita; Salah, Mane, Firmino
'A great chance for Keita to shine' Connor Dunn: Nobody will need reminding just how big this game is for Liverpool
The home leg of any Champions League tie is an opportunity, particularly for the Reds, to assert a stronghold on the contest
Of course this is the time where you want to pick your very strongest team but Jurgen Klopp has some well-documented selection issues in defence
We have to presume Dejan Lovren is not going to be fit and Virgil van Dijk is banned so with that in mind the makeup of the backline has to consist of Trent Alexander-Arnold, Fabinho, Joel Matip, and Andy Robertson
Fortunately Trent returned to full-training before the Premier League game against Bournemouth and was given some game time against the Cherries so should be raring to go on Tuesday night
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Fabinho takes his place in the heart of defence because of his versatile ability to play there which he showed against both Wolves and Brighton and the fact Liverpool have prepared for this eventuality
Now, this team selection is about the defence but with that in mind an attack minded starting XI could be used to great advantage by the Reds in taking the pressure off the backline particularly considering this game is at Anfield
A 4-2-3-1 selection is my choice then with Naby Keita playing in the three with Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mane while captain Jordan Henderson and Gini Wijnaldum are the holding two
Keita has taken time to settle in at Liverpool but the Guinean has started to come into his own recently and will know Bayern well from his time in the Bundesliga so this could be a good opportunity for him to shine again
Mohamed Salah, of course, leads the line while Alisson is in goal. My team (4-2-3-1): Alisson, Alexander-Arnold, Fabinho, Matip, Robertson, Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita, Firmino, Mane, Salah
Road rage B2207 - Duration: 0:30.
VFX cloud rendering in Houdini as cheap as possible. openFirehawk. open source. - Duration: 2:24.
<font color="#ffffff">I want to create a more interesting ecosystem</font>
<font color="#ffffff">when it comes to cloud based infrastructure</font>
<font color="#ffffff">because</font>
<font color="#ffffff">I don't want to be locked in to any particular</font>
<font color="#ffffff">vendor's way of working and their proprietary</font>
<font color="#ffffff">approaches to the way problems are solved with visual effects.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">It's already difficult enough when we have</font>
<font color="#ffffff">the granular control that we do within a visual</font>
<font color="#ffffff">effects pipeline</font>
<font color="#ffffff">onsite.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">And so it makes sense that we have to do the same</font>
<font color="#ffffff">thing in the cloud.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">You need the exact same level of control which is absolute.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">So the OCD in me decided that I was going</font>
<font color="#ffffff">to build my own</font>
<font color="#ffffff">to build my own cloud based infrastructure from scratch.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">What I've been able to do is</font>
<font color="#ffffff">a really good foundation</font>
<font color="#ffffff">for how I would like to interact with effects heavy data</font>
<font color="#ffffff">workloads in the cloud.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">A couple of days ago</font>
<font color="#ffffff">we ran this test where we had</font>
<font color="#ffffff">I don't know, about 16 million</font>
<font color="#ffffff">particles running in a simulation.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">The simulation took about two hours</font>
<font color="#ffffff">and then when the simulation finished we had our</font>
<font color="#ffffff">rendered frames coming off the backside of that.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">and the heavy data stayed in the cloud.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">So the simulation stayed there but if I want to I can</font>
<font color="#ffffff">interact with that data on the other side</font>
<font color="#ffffff">with a virtual workstation.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">so I can operate my</font>
<font color="#ffffff">workstation here and get the full grunt</font>
<font color="#ffffff">No latency. Then when it comes time to submission</font>
<font color="#ffffff">that simulation is going to run and the heavy</font>
<font color="#ffffff">simulation data is going to stay on the other side in the cloud.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">And then when the renders complete they'll come back home.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">Right now I'm mainly just interested in being able</font>
<font color="#ffffff">to have that same data sit there and interact</font>
<font color="#ffffff">with it as I choose.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">Because every single case is going to be quite different.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">If I want to interact with the data on the otherside</font>
<font color="#ffffff">I can spin up a virtual workstation on the otherside</font>
<font color="#ffffff">with Teradici and I can spin up Houdini FX</font>
<font color="#ffffff">which will pull a license from my license server</font>
<font color="#ffffff">here and I can interact with the heavy data</font>
<font color="#ffffff">through a virtual workstation.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">It's actually just about being able to optimize</font>
<font color="#ffffff">for wherever the heavy data is.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">As to where my workstation license is being used.</font>
Royal BOMBSHELL: How monarchy was 'DONE' during upheaval of 1980s Britain - Today News US - Duration: 4:25.
Speaking in Amazon Prime's 'The Story of Diana', various commentators outlined the chaos that permeated a wild decade in British history
Fashion journalist Meredith Etherington-Smith said: "People throwing cabbages at each other at bus stops
" Biographer Amanda Foreman also claimed strikes were "so bad" and remembered "rubbish wasn't taken off of the streets, there was electricity blackouts all the time"
'You're KILLING the monarchy!' David Attenborough's shock royal ran. Royal SNUB: How Prince Edward did NOT hold Diana and Fergie in 'hig
And fashion designer Vivienne Westwood's controversial Sex Pistols shirt was the ultimate in protest fashion
The artist Jamie Reid created the wildly subversive images of Queen Elizabeth for the Sex Pistols's "God Save the Queen" record sleeve, gleefully deconstructing Cecil Beaton's portrait of Her Majesty with a safety pin through her nose
ABC's Chris Connolly said, against such a background, the Royal Family "were done"
Jess Cagle, editor of PEOPLE magazine, said: "There was a huge disdain for the Royal Family
" Mr Cagle said: "A growing part of the population felt 'Why are we supporting these spoiled aristocrats when we can't put food on our table?'" ABC's Mr Connolly claimed: "'No future', the punk band Sex Pistols would sing
" He adds: "And now, all of a sudden, here comes the future." The documentary suggested, at that time, it seemed Princess Diana was the future
Vivienne Parry, Diana's former charity partner said: "Diana was a disrupter. "She came at a time when the Royal Family was seen as being stuffy and old-fashioned
"She was new. She was the right way to start a fairy tale". While England was plagued by anti-conservative social unrest, the Queen saw the crucial distraction in a royal wedding
Watched by 750 million people around the world, the ceremony sparked new public interest in what was perceived as a stale monarchy
Royal-watchers described the lavish wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1981 as the wedding of the century
Recalling the 1981 wedding for Amazon Prime's "Princess Diana: Behind the Headlines", Jess Cagle, said it was a "dark time" for England
He added: "The economy was terrible, the Royal Family was just considered by most people in England as this artefact that really resented having to support
" Kim Hubbard, associate editor at PEOPLE Magazine said: "People were really anti-monarchist at the time
The country was in a really bad state. "There was my mum who always reminds me the bins weren't being collected, there was garbage everywhere, you'd have electricity strikes
"And then you had these people who just inherited well, inherited power and were extremely privileged and there was a lot of resentment
"And people started to question, do we need this monarchy." However, for the British people, the wedding of Charles and Diana was a breath of fresh air from the stream of bad news in England
Actualité TV - Exclu. Marlène (Mariés au premier regard) se confie sur sa nuit de noces : "On était - Duration: 2:29.
Queen and Adam Lambert will rock the stage at the Oscars - Duration: 1:50.
This is the real life: Queen and Adam Lambert will rock the Oscars! On Monday, the Academy announced that Queen and Lambert, who has served as the lead singer for the band since 2011, will take to the stage to perform during the Oscars ceremony
The Freddie Mercury-biopic Bohemian Rhapsody has been nominated for five Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Actor for star Rami Malek who played the glam rocker in the movie and has already won a Golden Globe and SAG Award for his portrayal
Bohemian Rhapsody also received the Golden Globe for Best Drama Motion Picture. "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" the Academy tweeted on Monday, using the famous line from Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" to tease the news alongside a clip of Lambert and Queen band members Brian May and Roger Taylor performing the iconic intro clapping to the song
"We welcome @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert to this year's #Oscars!" Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? We welcome @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert to this year's #Oscars!https://t
co/7uDf42FbjJ — The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 18, 2019 Following a successful world tour from 2014-2018, which included a run of 10 sold-out shows at the MGM Park Theater in Las Vegas in September, the band and American Idol alum announced in December 2018 that they'd be hitting the road once again for a six-week North American tour, adding the success of Bohemian Rhapsody to their appeal
The Rhapsody Tour kicks off July 10 in Vancouver. The 91st Academy Awards will take place on Feb
24 and air live on ABC at 8 p.m ET/5 p.m. PT. Related content: Bohemian Rhapsody is now the second-highest-grossing music biopic domestically How Rami Malek became Freddie Mercury in Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody Bohemian Rhapsody is a standard rock biopic with a great lead: EW review Bohemian Rhapsody (2018 movie) type Movie Genre Biopic, Rock release date 11/02/18 director Bryan Singer Cast Rami Malek Studio 20th Century Fox Complete Coverage Bohemian Rhapsody (2018 movie)
Tin Việt - Shandong Luneng- Hà Nội: Hơn cả 4 tỉ đồng cho một chiến thắng! - Duration: 1:46.
Ông bầu Đỗ Quang Hiển nổi tiếng hào phóng hay chi thưởng đậm cho các cầu thủ thuộc CLB sở hữu hoặc yêu thích chỉ vì nghĩ họ chơi đẹp
Bầu Hiển cũng từng có tiếng là gây tầm ảnh hưởng đến nhiều đội bóng chơi ở V-League nhờ sức mạnh của đồng tiền
Thế nhưng ở cuộc chơi của Hà Nội trong trận play off trên sân khách Shandong Luneng, cái tin bầu Hiển chi mạnh tay 4 tỉ đồng cho một chiến thắng là rất vui
Thầy trò HLV Chu Đình Nghiêm vui vì ông chủ luôn sâu sát quan tâm đến họ, khiến ai cũng hết lòng trên sân bóng, như khi thắng sân khách Bangkok United 1-0 ở trận sơ loại AFC và vừa lấy chiếc siêu cúp Việt Nam với trận thắng B
Bình Dương 2-0. Còn người yêu bóng đá vui bởi hiểu rằng bầu Hiển cổ vũ thiết tha cho cầu thủ Hà Nội giành chiến thắng đội mạnh để chính thức ghi tên vào vòng bảng AFC Champions League
Bầu Hiển và giới hâm mộ tin rằng với nội lực mạnh mẽ của tám cầu thủ có mặt trên tuyển quốc gia lẫn sự phong phú trong đội hình lẫn cách chơi, Hà Nội có thể gây sốc ở đấu trường châu Á, như thầy trò HLV Park Hang-seo từng lập nhiều chiến tích
Dĩ nhiên ai cũng biết đẳng cấp của Hà Nội không thể sánh bằng Shandong Luneng nhưng thầy trò HLV Chu Đình Nghiêm quyết chơi tới cùng để thắng
Họ không mang tư tưởng thua từ trứng nước như quá khứ của nhiều CLB Việt Nam từng đem chuông đi đấm xứ người chơi cho xong nhiệm vụ
Đây cũng là lần đầu tiên đội bóng của bầu Hiển đặt ra tham vọng rất cao ở AFC Champions League sau nhiều lần vô địch V-League và cúp quốc gia
Có lẽ bầu Hiển đã ngán với những lần đăng quang trong nước như cách đây hơn 10 năm, bầu Đức muốn cho quân chơi sòng phẳng ở sân chơi châu Á
Tuy nhiên, có cái khác là bầu Hiển lặng lẽ chỉnh đốn lực lượng có chiều sâu trong suốt hai năm qua chờ thời cơ hôm nay, còn bầu Đức từng thất bại do chưa rõ hết người, hết ta
Bóng đá Việt Nam lâu nay chưa đủ trình độ chơi AFC Champions League mà chỉ quanh quẩn góp mặt cho đủ tụ tại giải thấp hơn là AFC Cup
Cho nên việc bầu Hiển lần đầu tiên cho quân đá hết mình và mong mất 4 tỉ đồng trước đối thủ mạnh hơn Shandong Luneng ở vòng một mất một còn cho thấy cách nghĩ không còn yếm thế
Và dẫu có kém thế chủ nhà đại diện Trung Quốc, đội khách Hà Nội chắc chắn sẽ cho thấy họ không dễ bắt nạt mà coi chừng còn gây địa chấn
Jewish MP Ruth Smeeth in tears at sombre first meeting of Labour MPs since split - News Today - Duration: 3:33.
Jewish MP Ruth Smeeth wept as she accused party chiefs of doing too little to tackle anti-Semitism, at a "sombre" meeting of Labour MPs
Jeremy Corbyn's remaining critics in Labour vented their anger at a tense meeting after seven MPs quit to sit as independents
MPs at the meeting on Monday evening said Ruth Smeeth was "very upset" and "distressed" as she claimed her friend Luciana Berger had been forced out of the party
One added: "She said she had raised the case of a member who'd said she and [fellow MP] Louise [Ellman] didn't have human blood
"And she raised it months ago and the person is still a member of the party and has not yet been suspended
"The specific thing wasn't addressed at all." Witnesses at the meeting said Stella Creasy complained she was sick of "warm words" and the "constructive dismissal" of MPs
Luciana Berger, who has suffered an onslaught of anti-Semitic abuse, was one of seven MPs who quit the party to sit as independents in the House of Commons
Ms Berger said she was "embarrassed and ashamed" to remain the Labour party which has become "institutionally anti-Semitic", and ridden with a "culture of bullying, bigotry and intimidation"
Other MPs in the group also cited the leadership's handling of anti-Semitism as their reason for quitting
But they also spoke of Mr Corbyn's handling of Brexit , his foreign policy decisions alongside his opposition to business and his leadership more generally
Speaking after the meeting, Labour MP Ian Austin said Luciana Berger had been "driven out" of the Labour Party
"I think constructive dismissal is a pretty good way of summing this up," he said
He added: "If that's the response from the leadership, it will make the situation much worse
I think you could see more people considering taking the same course of action. "I think a lot of people will be reflecting"
Asked if he was pushed any closer to joining the Independent Group, Mr Austin - a serial critic of Jeremy Corbyn - said: "I think people will be thinking about what's happened today and over the last weeks and months
" Labour Party chair Ian Lavery addressed the meeting, denying Labour was "institutionally anti-Semitic" and saying Jeremy Corbyn was disappointed at the MPs leaving
But Labour MP Louise Ellman claimed Mr Lavery's speech made things worse because he "just didn't seem to understand" the enormity of what happened
"He said he was disappointed. "He implied he was disappointed with them [the MPs] and people should stay in the party", she said
"There was no reassurance at all the Labour Party's going to deal with it." Ms Ellman said she was "just as concerned" as the MPs who quit the party, but she would stay and fight from within
One MP burst out of the PLP meeting complaining: "It was a complete an utter waste of time
Just talking rubbish". Another witness said the meeting was "sombre", with MPs repeating calls for action that have been made for months
"It was like Groundhog Day," the source said. Read More The Independent Group
Syrie : le lourd tribut des Kurdes - Duration: 5:40.
Самоправка. Урок 06 - Duration: 4:08.
Cédric Villani, jusqu'au bout de la nuit - Duration: 10:32.
Meghan Fashion - Doria Ragland made snacks for Oscar de la Renta designers - Duration: 3:23.
The designers behind Doria Ragland's royal wedding outfit have revealed how the 'sweet' mother of the bride brought along healthy snacks for them to fittings
According to Laura Kim and Fernando Garcia, the design duo heading up the late Oscar de la Renta's brand, Meghan's mother came to fittings in the run up to the big day armed with treats, but only healthy choices - 'no cookies'
They told Buro Middle East that royal bride Meghan - who wore a wedding gown by the British designer Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy - approached them for her mother's outfit because she wanted a US-based fashion house represented on her big day
After receiving a 'very exciting' email from Meghan's assistant ahead of the wedding, 'we flew to LA to meet Doria and she brought us snacks to the fitting,' Fernando said
He added: 'They were healthy snacks because she's a runner.' 'She's so sweet, her snacks were so cute too,' his fellow designer Laura added of the mother of the royal bride
'It wasn't like cookies, it was very thought out.' Doria's pistachio green mother-of-the-bride ensemble - with a chic co-ordinating beret style hat - was widely praised in the wake of the royal wedding, and the co-creative directors described the response on the morning of the event as 'insane'
'We had crazy press!' Laura said. But they confessed it was only when Doria emerged from the wedding car with her daughter before the ceremony that they knew for certain she had worn it
Fernando said the Palace had gone 'radio silent' in the days leading up to the wedding, but that the duo had simply been 'hoping for the best'
Of seeing her in what they'd created, Fernando recalled an 'eerie sense of unity' because the 'whole world was watching'
Yoga instructor Doria's passion for fitness is no secret. She's frequently been snapped out and about in LA in her workout gear, and has passed on her devotion to exercise to her daughter, who has previously said yoga is 'in my blood'
Before she became a royal, then actress Meghan was also fond of sharing her healthy food and fitness tips on her now defunct lifestyle blog, The Tig
The Duchess of Sussex, who is now expecting her first baby, has herself worn Oscar de la Renta on a number of occasions - including a spectacular tulle cocktail dress chosen for the Australian Geographical Society Awards in Sydney on her royal tour with Prince Harry
She also chose a more divisive blue and white floral maxi dress to attend the wedding of Celia McCorquodale, niece of the late Princes Diana, a month after her own big day
Rassemblement contre l'antisémitisme : la classe politique se mobilise - Duration: 7:57.
Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri hits back at 'f*** Sarri-ball' fan chants - 'I am not worried' - Duration: 1:38.
The Chelsea fans turned on Sarri during the game, booing his substitutions and singing "f*** Sarri-ball"
Chelsea play Malmo in the second leg of the Europa League round of 32 on Thursday
And then face Manchester City in the Carabao Cup final on Sunday. After the match, Sarri admitted he was concerned about Chelsea's results but not what the fans were saying about him
"I am worried about the result," he said. "Not about the fans. I can understand the situation because the result wasn't good
"We are out of the FA cup so I can understand. I am worried about our results." When asked if he heard what the fans chanted, he said: "Not very well, but sometimes yes
Sarri was then asked if the players had grasped what he wanted from them and replied: "Not completely at the moment, because especially in a situation like the second half when we need to move the ball faster, mentally and materially
"We need more movements without the ball and less actions individually because when you have spaces you can go for the individual action
"But when the situation is like this you must move the ball faster."
Your Financial Framework - Duration: 5:14.
I've had some really interesting discussions lately with people around
what financial advice is.
And there's quite a few different interpretations
you know, strictly legal sense in Australia -- it's a financial advice as any
recommendation or implication that encourages someone in to buy a financial product
To me that's always been such a narrow and shallow approach to what
advice actually is. So some of the conversations we've been having
would give a lot more shape to what that actually is, which really reflects our
feeling about it because,
frankly we think there's a little more than we can do to
help people rather than just picking and choosing the best super fund,
best insurance policy, best investment account....
Finance is a lot more important than just
limiting it to financial products.
One really useful conversation I've had
with somebody lately was to encourage us all to take that step back and think a
little bit about what we're actually doing with money and placing our
financial decisions and our money sense into that context.
it's a matter of looking at the framework
that you already have internally, for how you assess money.
Putting it in a really simple way,
Who taught you about money?
Did you learn directly by example?
Or did you learn indirectly by poor examples?
Is it something that you've picked up through family or friends? Or is it
something that you learned through school,or by reading, or by practice
or by experience, mistakes -- any range of things...
Taking the time to work through that
process of identifying how you learnt about money will help you
look a little bit about how you think about money...
Because how you think about money will then obviously influence
the decisions you make about money.
And as we've said before it's the accumulation of good decisions over time that will
really generate wealth and prosperity for you and your family.
If you make too many bad decisions or a significant scale
people can blow up this situation.
If you can keep making every one of those decisions that
you'll have to make about money over a day or a week
a month or a year..
If you can make more of them good and more positive than the alternatives,
You will make progress... you'll start feeling more
in control of your life you'll start taking that financial sort of the
"bull pulled by the scruff of the neck"
But it's really important that you take
a moment to consciously work through your feelings about money because we
would all know there are people that have perhaps some troublesome feelings about their money
that maybe don't align with your own values..
So take that time and build out
your own personal financial framework.
once you've placed your decisions in
that context and this is a promise that I can make it makes them a
lot easier to make those better decisions.
it's a matter of when you're down at the...
car park, and you see a flashy new car drive past and think,
"I really would like one of them"
If you have not built out their context
it's very easy for you to fall under the trap of saying, "Well if I want that, then
I need that.. If I need that I should get it right away. To get it right away, I get a car loan,
and a car loan gonna cost me this, but I can afford that because of my job,
Therefore, I'll get the car that I may want"
You can convert that thought process into ..
"That's a lovely car I really like that kind! One day I will get that car...perhaps,
but in the meantime I won't head down that path of the
moment because I need to take off A, B, and C.
And I've fallen into that trap before,
buying the shiny new thing and it's been to the detriment of my own sort of
stress levels and anxiety about money."
So, taking that step back and thinking about money,
I know I said it is terribly exciting,
buying a new car is far more fun than not buying one..
but gradually building out your financial house and
building out that financial life -- brick by brick and step by step,
You will achieve a level of comfort and financial security that perhaps is out of sight of the moment
The clients that we see that are the most stressed are the ones that
are making financial decisions, maybe because of a bad financial framework
or perhaps because of outside or external expectations...
We really encourage our clients to take that step back,
center themselves and work out what they actually want for money and to think
about how they learned about money. This is a huge topic it's a really big topic
we spent a lot of time dealing with this topic with our clients and having
discussions around money that people generally don't talk about and it is
most definitely outside the scope of what's your best superfund, what's the
best return of investment.
These are going to be conversations and
they're conversations you should be having before you start
picking those investments and those products.
So, go and see a financial adviser
speak to her about these sort of topics and make sure that they're in a
position to make you, to help you discover these things.
These are conversations you can have on your own.
You can have them with your family,
with your loved ones, and they can be a little bit awkward or a little bit difficult
but I really encourage you to have these conversations or at least
work through this thought process yourself because it will make
a world of difference for you.
So best of luck! I would love to hear any information that maybe
you've come across or some revelations you might have hit going through that process
pop in the comments below..
Otherwise, I'll speak to you soon.. Thanks a lot!
Divorce is Like Losing a Limb - Duration: 1:54.
For anybody going through a divorce at the moment, I'm sure that what I'm about
to say is going to sound pretty familiar - I don't think I'm telling you anything new.
But, one thing I realized the other day when we were working with one of our clients was that,
Divorce is really like somebody losing a limb,
or a hand, more specifically.
If you lose your left hand as we've all heard, the right hand will learn to compensate over time
You will learn to do more with your right hand, or your right hand will
strengthen and become more dexterous
and you will become more practiced than using that right hand.
You also want to use muscles that you may not have used before
in order to do those things.
Divorce is very similar to that.
You've lost your left hand, the future that you had planned
the future that you were looking at and working towards is now gone so it's
now going to be a matter of you learning those tasks, relearning how to use some
of those muscles taking responsibility for some of that planning yourself.
That can be really daunting, it can be really intimidating
so I think I would encourage everybody at it,
that's going through this process to do is,
firstly, take a step back -- you are not alone and you will get better and things will improve .
Take a step back, take a moment, and go on find somebody to
help you work through the process.
We recommend somebody in an arm's length,
friends and family, bless them.. They may not always be across all the
ins and outs and intricacies of such a big life change and obviously
their priority more about making sure that you are looked after in the moment.
Whereas a really good adviser, what they will do is,
they will map out your future
and make sure that you can get back on that right track.
They'll do it in a really sensitive and important way
so they can get back on track as quickly as possible.
A little bit like losing a hand.
I'm sure there's more of
that metaphor, that analogy, that we can work with
But I thought that's a good one to start with.
Thanks a lot!
韓國也往隱身戰機俱樂部擠,打的什麼算盤?幾斤幾兩? - Duration: 4:52.
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