New bhojpuri holi song 2019
For more infomation >> जबरदस्त New Bhojpuri Holi Song 2019 || भौजी के भिंगल ना जोबनमा || Ravi Sajanma || ANANYA FILMS - Duration: 3:32.
Karl Lagerfeld : Il a soutenu son grand amour jusqu'à la mort - Duration: 8:12.
Karl Lagerfeld et Jacques de Bascher : une douloureuse histoire d'amour- NT - Duration: 4:32.
Medellin Metrocable in Medellin, Colombia - Duration: 7:06.
Ce Que Vous Ne Saviez Pas Sur Karl Lagerfeld - #part 2/2 - Duration: 6:16.
【鹿島】"戦力ダウン"下馬評は適材適所補強と若手成長で覆す…PO勝利の背景を「読み解く」 - Kyo News - Duration: 3:08.
Tin Việt - 'Đỉnh cao' VAR: Đuổi xong gọi ra đuổi thêm lần nữa - Duration: 1:22.
Tiếp đón Cracovia trên sân nhà ở vòng 22 giải VĐQG Ba Lan, Legia Warsaw được đánh giá cao hơn hẳn khi họ đang xếp thứ hai còn đối thủ chỉ đứng giữa bảng xếp hạng
Tuy nhiên, các vị khách đã gây ra bất ngờ lớn khi quật ngã đội chủ nhà bằng tỷ số 2-0
Không ít người nghĩ tới tỷ số này nhưng suy cho cùng luôn có những bất ngờ tồn tại trong bóng đá
Thứ duy nhất khiến trận đấu này nhận được sự quan tâm đông đảo chính là tấm thẻ đỏ của William Remy, cầu thủ bên phía Legia
Phút 74, ngôi sao người Pháp có tình huống cực kỳ thiếu fair-play khi anh chủ đích giẫm vào người Javi Hernandez bên phía Cracovia đang nằm sân
Trọng tài chính lập tức rút thẻ vàng dành cho pha phạm lỗi của Remy. Do đã nhận 1 thẻ vàng trước đó, cầu thủ bên phía Leiga buộc phải rời sân
Câu chuyện có lẽ sẽ dừng ở đây nếu vị vua áo đen không bất ngờ sử dụng VAR. Sau khi tham khảo tổ trọng tài video, trọng tài chính quyết định gọi Remy trở lại sân để xóa thẻ vàng rồi
tặng anh thẻ đỏ. Ban đầu, ngôi sao bên phía Legia còn tưởng mình được minh oan. Nhận thông báo xóa thẻ từ trọng tài, anh hớn hở chạy vào sân nhưng rồi bị gọi lại và tặng ngay tấm thẻ đỏ "cực thốn"
Quyết định xóa thẻ vàng rồi tặng thẻ đỏ của trọng tài bắt chính trận đấu giữa Legia và Cracovia là khá bất ngờ, tuy nhiên, nó hoàn toàn xứng đáng
Remy không phạm lỗi thô bạo nhưng cách anh cố tình giẫm lên người Hernandez lại đi ngược với tinh thần fair-play của môn thể thao vua
生体データ×VRでストレスコントロール、5Gで実現する新たな代替療法 – 起業家医師から見た医療×VRのいま - Duration: 11:30.
医療向けAR/V は米国を中心に導入 進んでおり、活用範 の規模と質の両面に いて進化を続けてい す。外科医等のトレ ニング、手術のシミ レーション、リハビ 、疼痛や不安の軽減 ど、領域は拡大
AIとの組み合わせ 医療機器として承認 得るなど、治療方法 しての価値も高まっ います。 本記事 は医療向けAR/V の今を、起業家医師 視点で切り取ってい ます
バイオフィードバ ク×XRでストレス コントロール 米 より、Story p XR社が提供す Healium X というサービスをご 介します。Heal um XRは、スト スコントロールを目 としたVR/ARコ テンツ
ウェアラブル端末か 生体データ(このサ ビスでは脳波と心拍 )を取得、VR内の ジュアルに反映する とでバイオフィード ック(※)を行いま 。例えば、ユーザー 心拍数が下がると、 R内の太陽が明るく いたり、花が咲いた と視覚的に明確な変 が起きるのです
(※バイオフィ ドバック……知覚や 御が困難な生体情報 、電気的な信号など 変換し、視覚・聴覚 通して本人が認識す ことによって、当事 が意識的に生理反応 制御する技術や理論 指す) 心療 科医である私にとっ 、バイオフィードバ クは身近な存在です
その歴史は1960 代にまで遡り、心身 またがる医学分野で 用されてきました。 ealium XR 古典的なアプローチ ビジュアル化するこ で、ワクワク感とい 新たな付加価値を生 出しました
私自身が学んできた 身医学的手法にどん 新しい価値を加える とができるのか、ひ つひとつ向き合って きたいと思います。 本トピックに関し 筆者オリジナル記事 Facebookに 掲載しています
よろしければこちら ぜひご覧ください。 (参考:heal hiAR、2019 2月19日時点) R療法で繰り返す悪 を撃退 米国では およそ30%から5 %の子供と15%の 人が悪夢を見ていま
これは苦痛であるだ でなく、慢性的な睡 不足や不安など、深 な影響をもたらしま 。 悪夢の治療に いては、イメージリ ーサル療法(IRT Imagery R hearsal T erapy)が、現 点での"ゴールドス ンダード"と考えら ています
悪夢の映像をそれほ 恐ろしくないもので き換えることを患者 教えるというもので 。しかし成功率は人 よりまちまちで、特 子供にとっては難し 場合が少なくありま ん
米ボストン 学のPatrick McNamara教 とWesley J Wildman教 らは、悪夢障害の治 法としてVR(バー ャル・リアリティ) 活用したプログラム ReScript」 、患者に有効な結果 もたらす調査結果を らかにしています
この調査ではV を基盤としたIRT Imagery R scripting サービス名:ReS ript)のパイロ ト・スタディが1か にわたり実施され、 繁に悪夢を見る19 の患者が参加
Oculus Ri tとコントローラー 使って、恐怖を感じ 映像を修正し、悪夢 恐怖を軽減すること 確認されたとのこと およそ2週間に1度 頻度で、参加者の不 、悪夢による苦痛、 して悪夢による日常 活への影響のレベル 確認したところ、研 終了までに全ての参 者が3つの領域全て 改善を認めました
研究は「VRが 像を作り出して提示 ることで、患者自身 映像を自らイメージ る負担を軽減できる と結論づけています 特に自力で映像を描 ことが難しい子供に っては、大きな福音 なることが期待され す
筆者が担当する 来でも悪夢を訴える 者さんは少なからず らっしゃいます。正 なところ、有効な対 策を提示することが しい訴えです。VR 使って自ら映像を修 するという作業は、 めて能動的であるこ から「自分で対応で た!」という自己効 感を得られるという からも優れていると えます
こちらのテーマ ついて、筆者オリジ ル記事をFaceb okにも掲載してい す。よろしければこ らもぜひご覧くださ 。 (参考:VR cout、2019 2月19日時点) R/AR×5Gが実 する新たな代替療法 米国より、通信事 者AT&T;とVI AS Health are(米国を代表 るターミナルケア提 事業者)が、ホスピ 患者の慢性的な痛み 不安の軽減に向け、 R/ARを用いた研 をスタートした旨が じられました
新たに利用可能とな た次世代通信5Gを 用し、遅延のないV /ARコンテンツを ンデマンド・ストリ ミングで提供。患者 心地よく心穏やかに 精神的に充実した状 で過ごすための代替 養として活用できる どうかを検証
研究では、不安や痛 への対処を支援する ンテンツや、バーチ ル空間での家族との 出といったコンテン を提供し、患者から フィードバックを評 します。 ホ ピス患者の多くは、 動上の制約などで室 に閉じこもることが くなります
外の世界から孤立す 状況は、心身の衰え 拍車をかける可能性 あるのです。 こ した不安や疼痛を緩 するVRコンテンツ 、医療機関で術後や 産時等に活用されて り、ある意味「定番 と言えるコンテンツ あると筆者は考えま
このレポートのポイ トは「①5Gを採用 ることで、遅延がほ なくなり、VRやA の体験がより豊かに ること」「②ホスピ をはじめ、不安や疼 、孤立等の問題に直 しているあらゆる医 介護分野への広がり 期待できること」こ 2つにあるでしょう
研究段階から身 なサービスへと育て ためには、信頼性の いエビデンスを地道 蓄積していくことが となります。医療V /ARサービスを手 ける者として、医療 介護の現場の方々と 連携を一層厚くして きます
本取り組みにつ て、筆者オリジナル 事をFaceboo にも掲載しています よろしければこちら ぜひご覧ください。 (参考:ZDNe 、2019年2月1 日時点) Bi SEEでは、BiP EE XR Upd tesという筆者の リジナルコラムを発 しています
本記事の詳細や補足 報は、BiPSEE XR Update (https:/ www.faceb see.vr/)を 参照ください。Bi SEE XR Up atesの発信はT itter(htt s://twitt EE_VR)でお知 せしています
Bald is Beautiful: How one K-State athlete is inspiring others to embrace their inner beauty - Duration: 2:23.
Aftershow: Season 3 Episode 13 - This Is Us (Digital Exclusive - Presented by Chevrolet) - Duration: 5:23.
Beth Makes Peace with Her Mom - This Is Us (Episode Highlight - Presented by Chevrolet) - Duration: 4:01.
Les sept secrets de Karl Lagerfeld a révélé - Duration: 14:52.
WATCH: Vans Employee Fired for Cursing at Teen in MAGA Hat | - Duration: 4:18.
WATCH: Vans Employee Fired for Cursing at Teen in MAGA Hat |
A Vans shoe store employee in Kansas was fired after he was caught on video appearing to curse out a teenage customer because he was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.
A video uploaded to Twitter shows the unidentified employee apparently saying "f**k you" to the 14-year-old who was in the store with his family.
"He did nothing to you — what did you say to my son? To my 14-year-old son?" the boy's mother asked the worker in the video.
"I'm sure he's heard it before," the man replied.
The video was posted on February 17 and occurred at the Oak Park Mall in Overland Park.
"I was hoping he would hit me," someone, possibly the teen, is heard saying in the video.
The Boy's Mom Says The Verbal Attack Was Unprovoked.
The teen's mother is seen telling another Vans employee in the video that her son had done nothing before he was cursed at by the employee in the video.
"My son walked into this store.
That gentleman [appearing to point at the employee] cursed and told him, 'Take off your hat,'" she said.
"He said nothing to him, 14-year-old child, then he said, 'F you' to my son.
My son said nothing to him, did nothing," she added.
'I Was Hoping He Would Hit Me'.
The woman is later seen demanding the contact information of the company's corporate office.
"I came in to have a very decent discussion with him and once again got totally disrespected by him.
It's all on your video," she said.
"I tried to have a very respectful, very respectful conversation with him and it was disgusting how it was handled, to 14-year-old children that did nothing to him.
And then he came up and got into the face of one of them also.".
As the manager is giving the mother a pen to write down the information, a voice from behind the camera is heard saying "I was hoping he would hit me.
The video was posted by Ryan Fournier of Students for Trump.
"Let's get him fired," he tweeted.
The Worker Was Fired From His Job.
Vans said in a statement to Fox News that the employee in the video is "no longer with the company.
The company said its "primary focus is to provide the best customer service experience.
"The actions and comments from one employee in our Oak Park location are in contrast with our company's values and belief in personal expression," the statement said.
READ NEXT: Rookie Teacher, 23, Charged With Statutory Rape of Student, 16, After Just 95 Days on The Job.
Gorgeous White 399 Square Feet Park Model 516 from Athens Park Model RVs - Duration: 3:21.
Gorgeous White 399 Square Feet Park Model 516 from Athens Park Model RVs
जबरदस्त New Bhojpuri Holi Song 2019 || भौजी के भिंगल ना जोबनमा || Ravi Sajanma || ANANYA FILMS - Duration: 3:32.
New bhojpuri holi song 2019
Medellin Metrocable in Medellin, Colombia - Duration: 7:06.
'아내의 맛' 이만기♥한숙희, 장모님 댁에서 개 목욕시키다 꿩 잡은 사연 - Duration: 5:44.
Cómo Reparar un Disco Duro dañado✅ externo o interno | Victoria HDD SSD | ACTUALIZADO 2019 - Duration: 12:53.
Hi everyone, a few months ago I did a tutorial on how to repair a hard drive using the
Victoria application, although now I want renew that video for two reasons.
The first is that in the comments you have left some doubts about certain aspects
of the program that I have been clarifying one by one, but I think it's better to make a new video
more complete where response to all of them.
In addition, there is currently one more version current program, so I take advantage
and I make this new video using the version now more recent.
The first logical thing is to download the program whose link I will leave you in the description of
video, and once we have it, we just have to unzip the Zip by right clicking
and clicking on Extract.
Now we enter the folder that was created and we have to execute the file called
Victoria.exe, although it is very important that let's do it as administrator, because if not
the program will not work correctly. To do this we simply right click
on the file, and then on Run as administrator.
Once with the program open, which as you have seen, it does not require installation,
We went to see each of the options and how they should be used.
The first thing we will see is this window, and here in the part on the right is where you
your storage units appear, so it is very important to select the
correct unit that you want to repair.
Also if you have a USB external hard drive, and is connected, the program also what
will recognize, for example I will connect a external hard drive, and you'll see how it appears
now also in the box.
In my case I now have a total of 4 discs hard, 3 internal and one external, which is precisely
the one that I'm going to repair.
When it comes to knowing which is each hard drive, you can be guided by their size, for example
in my case my external hard drive is this one 160GB so you have no loss, although
if in yours you have two hard drives of the same capacity and do not know how to differentiate
which is which one to insure you first of what disk you are selected
A method to know which name corresponds to each hard drive in the event that you saw
before the problem of not being sure which is what, it is to open the Disk Manager
of Windows, for that we write in the search engine Windows on the bottom right the word "Disco
Hard ", and we enter this application of here, "Create and Format Partitions of the
As you see we get this window with all our hard drives, and if we right click on
one of the boxes on the left, in the that corresponds to the disk that we want to see
your name, and then we enter properties, this window will open, where you can
see the name of the hard drive, so now you already know to which concrete unit it belongs.
Once, clarified this, I frame with the mouse the hard drive that we want to repair, and fix
that in the top part of the program also indicated the hard drive that I just
select, so remember that it is very important not to confuse you from disk.
Now we go to the tab that says SMART, and if we click on the "Get SMART" button
We can see information about the state of the disk.
In my case as you see, I leave several paramentos in yellow, and that's a bad sign, although
It would be worse if they came out in red.
To give you an idea, I will select another of my hard drives, that this almost new,
and so you see the difference, for example I select this one terabyte, I return to the SMART tab,
I give Get SMART, and I get almost everything in green, which indicates that the disk status
it's good.
While the Get SMART only gives us information about the general state of the disk, but what
important is how we do to repair or improve the state of our disk, and to
I re-select the disc I want repair, that this one here of 160GB, and we
we go to the tab that says "Test".
This tab is what you really have who learns to use, and for that we're going to see
what does each of the main options do?
If we look at the option "Ignore" it comes checked by default, and this option what
does it allow us to scan our disk hard in search of damaged sectors, but the
program will not repair them, just will tell us how many damaged sectors you have found
but without doing anything else.
So if I leave marked "Ignore" and then I press the "Scan" button
to start the scan, we'll see how the program start looking for defective sectors.
But as I say, this option is only informative, and in my case I want that if I repair the sectors
defective, and for that we have the option "Remap".
So I'm going to stop the scan by pressing Stop, and mark "Remap", pulse again
"Scan", and now the program does not just it will tell how many damaged sectors it finds
but also try to repair them.
If you look here we see a series of colored squares, and that's what it tells us
is the status of each scanned sector, the of white color that as you can see are the majority,
are those that are in perfect condition, while that the two in gray are sectors with
a slightly longer reading time, but even so it is also in a state
optimal and there is nothing to worry about.
For its part, the green color indicates that the sector has become somewhat slow, and if you look
the program gives me the option to mark those sectors to be repaired, but this
it's really not necessary, since a sector in green, it's not worrisome, so my
advice is that you leave the green sectors unmarked.
Next are the Oranges, the Reds, and the Blues, which are sectors that really
they should worry, because the color Orange it indicates a reading time too much
elevated, that is, the orange sectors still work but possibly not long
so that they start to fail.
The Reds on their part are sectors that are in a defective state, while
that the Blues, are sectors that directly they give reading failure, that is, they are totally
Therefore, these blue sectors need be reassigned so the disk does not use them
more during its operation, at the time that are replaced by sectors in good condition
of the disk backup area, and for that We are using the "Remap" option, to
that the program makes a reassignment of these defective sectors.
By the way, before continuing, I also I commented that if you click on the option that
says "Grid", that is, grid in English, we can change the scan view, to
so instead of seeing squares, it will show a graph where it is easier to go seeing
the status of each sector of the disk.
Now that we know what the option is for "Remap", and how to repair bad sectors,
with her, I want to clarify that this method, does not erase information from the disk, so
it is safe to mark this option, and it is the I recommend you use.
The "Remap" what it does is try to recover the defective sector, to make it healthy,
or in the case that you can not, mark it as not functional and replaces it with one in good
state of the reserve area, since the discs hard bring spare sectors.
Now, that the hard drive is still repairing with the "Remap", I will explain other methods
of repair, which are precisely the that in the previous video, you had doubts.
Specifically one of those options is "Erase", or "erase" to sound easier. If we mark
this option, what the program does is that when we start the scan, and find a
damaged sector, it overwrites it by deleting all your information, as this can also be
fix a sector that has become slow, but this implies that we can lose part
of the information that we had saved On the disk.
That is, "Erase" you should only use it if the hard drive you are trying to repair,
he has nothing stored in him, or at least nothing that you care about losing, since you could
if you could lose some files, if the program just overwrites
those sectors in particular.
I want to clarify, that "Remap" and "Erase" are two complementary methods, that is,
you can use the "Remap" and once you have concluded that repair, re-repair
the disc using now "Erase", although in that case remember that as I said,
with "Erase" you can lose information, so it is only recommended to use it in
hard drives in which you have nothing saved.
And finally I want to talk about the option "Write", writing in English, which is
it's here, and it's the one you have to use with more concern of all, since what
what that option does is format the disk hard completely, that is with this option
the program does not stop to find what sectors are defective to repair them, if not
that directly overwrites the entire disk to completely erase the information.
Or what is the same erases absolutely all Hard disk sectors are damaged
or not, and in that way try to make them healthy, even those who were already
although as I say the price if you mark this option, is that all the disc information
hard will be completely erased, to the point that even the partitions will disappear
that you had on the disk, so only you must use this option if the hard disk
It does not contain anything you want to keep.
In fact, I'm going to do a test, and notice that If I check the "Write" option, it will not let me
mark any other option of the program, and when I hit the "Scan" button to
start scanning I get a window of warning asking me if I'm sure
to continue, since the entire hard drive will be erased.
That is why the option "Write" never it must be marked, unless you are very
sure that the selected disc does not contain absolutely nothing, and therefore you do not care
that all information is deleted. Further, check carefully if you have selected the disk
hard right, and do not go to erase another hard drive by mistake.
In any case, if you do not want to take risks, I recommend using only the "Remap" option
when it comes to repairing a disc, and if you have information in it, is in fact the only
option that you must use, to not lose anything.
In addition, I also want to emphasize, in that although the "Remap" option does not erase
information, that does not mean that it is advisable is that you always do backup
of all your important files, to avoid then lamenting.
Since a hard drive that has given samples of being in poor condition, we never know in what
moment a critical failure can occur that could endanger the information,
so again remember always do Backup everything you want
keep, just in case.
To conclude, as you can see the program has many more options and other tabs
which we have not spoken, but when you use it, never touch any of those options,
that you could damage the disk information hard if you do not know what you're doing,
what you simply work with only Get Smart, and Test tabs, always using
Only the options that I have commented.
That is, always note that the "Read" option marked, and if possible use only the
"Ignore" option if you only want see the bad sectors without the program
do nothing, or the "Remap" if you want to repair the disc without losing information.
And here the video, I hope that I have been useful, if so, you can give
Like, or if you have any doubt leave it in the comments, and do not forget to subscribe,
See you later.
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