This is Geekcreit® LCR-T4 KIT
It's a all in one electronic components tester
There is a LCD to show information and a universal socket for components
I buy version with acrylic box
Hand strap ?? great !!
First I will take off protection foil from acrylic
They missed one peace in hole :D
There is no instruction so I need to think how to assembly it
I don't know what this hole do
Let Me check on internet pictures :D
Hole on left is for lever and on right bottom is for hand strap
Longer supports go on bottom
Nuts go on bottom and supports go on top
In this moment I need to put battery and test it
No, it will not "Blow" :D
Tester have automatic off
Also put hand strap in this moment
And ready :) Look great !!
First I will test some resistors
750 Ohm
From left test pins are 1 2 3 1 1 1 1
Detected that it's a resistor and measured 749. Ohm
Now 160 Ohm
I can use any of number 1 pin with 2 or 3 pin
157,9 out of 160 Ohm
I don't have certificated tester so i can't confirm parameters
100k resistor
95.25 kOhm
Now 104 100nF capacitor
85.38 nF and also show vloss (what ever is that :D )
1000 uF capacitor
Also show ESR
What about polarity if I rotate it ??
No change, still test it :)
Now diode
Yes, that worked also :)
It's also showing direction :)
5v stabilistor
Nope !!, it's the only component that this device could not read :)
PNP transistor
yes and also show where is Emitter, Base and Collector :)
Can also test NPN :)
Now inductors
No problem :)
What about a LED diode ??
No problem but can't detect max voltage
You can see how device send test impuls
For this money it's My favorit test tool !!
Look how many component's You can test
Here how strap is mounted
Working with electronic ?? GET THIS DEVICE !!
It's also great for kids :)
For more infomation >> Geekcreit® LCR-T4 Electronic components tester - MUST HAVE !! - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
【韓國瑜】2/17臉書直播親自體驗網友製作的高雄跑BAR路線 - Duration: 34:26.
國防部自豪募兵戰力強 柯P:他們就這樣認為吧- 热点新闻 - Duration: 1:38.
台北市長柯文 哲日前談及 兩岸關係
批評中央喊台 獨又取消徵 兵
質疑大陸如果 打來
國軍是否撐得 過兩天
國防部昨晚間 緊急發布新 聞稿反駁
表明募兵制量 小、
柯文哲17日 聽聞表示
「那他們就這 樣認為吧! 」 台北 市長柯文哲 17日出席 陽明山花季 開幕
對於他近期表 示「政府喊 台獨卻取消 徵兵?」他 說
台灣如果要走 募兵制
整個國防思維 要變成精兵 制
幾乎要變藍波 兵團
如果要比較常 態的就用徵 兵制
不過這實在太 複雜
在這種國防的 思維要有統 一的想法
另外純募兵制 要到足夠數 量
人事費相當高 。
對於國 防部昨回應 募兵制戰力 就很雄厚了
柯說「那他們 就這樣認為 吧!」媒體 詢問是否對 國軍戰力沒 信心?柯說
建軍要有建軍 的思維
等他去以色列 看回來在講
現代化戰爭也 不像以前的 打法
像網軍就是另 外一個方面 。
對於被民 進黨籍台北 市議員梁文 傑反問「想 選總統的柯 文哲敢主張 恢復徵兵嗎 ?」一事
柯文哲聽聞後 未正面答回 答說「不想 回答這些新 潮流的題目 」。
Can we give Probiotics to our corals to cure disease? - Duration: 8:53.
【Kagamine Rin 】envy.【cover】 - Duration: 4:22.
【PV】【UTAU カバー】くるくるぱぁ【Ƨamuel CVVC】 - Duration: 3:31.
I shove it all in a tortilla to eat
Gotta make sure you're getting that Vitamin C
I'm taling all these supplements... but I'm terrible with pills...(so that's why~)
I wash it all down with some espresso!
When it comes to that nearly inedible spicy curry
what's the trick to eating it quickly?
Chew it up real good, to put it simply. The flavor is like "your first love" (of course I'm lying~)
It's more like a "wash it down with water & forget it" kind of crisis
My head is spinning, searching for answers at what feels like 7200 rpm
putting on the charm full-blast, wanting you to try & catch me...
Showing that cheeky side of me, turning on every excess feature I got
These feelings are going super-critical, it all turns into some simple plea "Kiss me on the forehead!"
I'll surely overcome whatever challenges I face!
Wait, did I not get enough taurine or something?
It feels like my grit & determination are just slipping away, the fatigue is swooping in (so that's why...)
it's back to downing espresso shots
I can't figure out why the world is going to ruin
What's the secret to being efficient & effective?
I'm totally chill right now, not a single worry my heart is a picture of serenity (as if~!)
If I'm too honest about myself, I doubt love will ever work out...
My head is spinning, searching for answers at what feels like 7200 rpm
putting on the charm full-blast, wanting you to try & catch me...
Showing that cheeky side of me, turning on every excess feature I got
These feelings are going super-critical, it all turns into some simple plea "Kiss me on the forehead!"
US FIREDOX : Angry Jussie Smollett denies complicity in the attack - Duration: 3:46.
Hip Fracture | Exercises To Improve Strength And Function | Part 4 - Duration: 0:35.
This video demonstrates the hip extension kickback for improving gluteal
strength. Keep your spine in a neutral position while the hip extends and
flexes. Maintain a slightly bent knee on the stance lag for the entire exercise.
This movement is a great exercise to improve your ability to walk and
negotiate stairs. Try this exercise today!
US DIREFOX : Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton's Reaction To Miranda Lambert Getting Married Is Made-Up - Duration: 4:44.
DID SMOLLETT SET IT UP? Empire actor Jussie Smollett denies paying Nigerian brothers £2,714 to stage - Duration: 7:40.
EMPIRE star Jussie Smollett has denied paying two Nigerian brothers £2,714 to stage a 'racist' street attack and put a noose around his neck
The actor was even said to have paid for the rope that was used in the alleged assault – with police sources claiming it was rehearsed days before, according to CBS
Brothers Abimbola 'Abel' and Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo, who worked as extras on Empire, are understood to have told detectives that Smollett orchestrated the attack
But Smollett has now hit back at the hoax claims, saying he feels "angered and devastated"
"As a victim of a hate crime who has cooperated with the police investigation, Jussie Smollett is angered and devastated by recent reports that the perpetrators are individuals he is familiar with," a statement from his lawyers read
"He has now been further victimized by claims attributed to these alleged perpetrators that Jussie played a role in his own attack
'I AM NOT LYING' "Nothing is further from the truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying
" Smollett's attorneys, Todd S. Pugh and Victor P. Henderson, pointed out that one of the brothers was Jussie's personal trainer who he hired to ready him physically for a music video
"It is impossible to believe that this person could have played a role in the crime against Jussie or would falsely claim Jussie's complicity," the statement said
Sources say at least one of the brothers bought the rope, which was purchased at the Crafty Beaver Hardware Store in Ravenswood, at Smollett's request, according to CBS
EMPIRE STAR 'PAID FOR ROPE FOR NOOSE' It has been claimed that the Empire actor paid for the rope
The brothers, who were questioned by police this week before being released, were paid £2,714 ($3,500) before leaving for Nigeria and were promised an additional $500 upon their return
They left for Nigeria later in the day on January 29, hours after the attack. Documents reportedly prove that one of the Osundairo brothers bought the rope which was found around Smollett's neck in Chicago
The brothers were arrested on Wednesday but were released on Friday without charge after police said new evidence emerged during their interrogations
Police are now "eager to speak to Jussie Smollett" in light of the new information that was uncovered, according to ABC News
On Saturday, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told CBS Chicago: "We can confirm that the information received from the individuals questioned by police earlier in the Empire case has in fact shifted the trajectory of the investigation
'RACIST AND HOMOPHOBIC ATTACK' "We've reached out to the Empire cast member's attorney to request a follow-up interview
" Jussie, 36, who is black and gay and who plays gay character Jamal Lyon in Empire, claimed he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack
He told how he was punched and kicked by masked attackers shouting "This is MAGA country" (Make America Great Again) in the early hours of January 29
The actor said he was battered, doused in acid and had a noose put around his neck by the men, who also called him a "f***ot"
He previously denied claims that he faked the Chicago attack because he was being written out of Empire
Cops initially said the Osundairo brothers were persons of interest after they were recognised from CCTV footage in the area where Smollett said two men jumped him at 2am
After the Nigerian brothers were arrested, their lawyer, Gloria Schmidt, told CBS News they were not involved in the attack
In the wake of the assault, Jussie has hit back at claims that the attack was faked
SMOLLETT DENIES FAKING ATTACK Speaking out about the hoax claims, Jussie said: "I'm p***ed off
It's the attackers, but it's also the attacks." Holding back tears, he said:"Like, you know, at first it was the thing of like, listen, if I tell the truth then that's it because it's the truth
Then it became a thing of, like, how can you doubt that? How can you not believe that? It's the truth
"Then it became a thing of, like, it's not necessarily that you don't believe that this is the truth
You don't even want to see the truth." The performer went back to work two weeks ago for the first time since two masked men attacked him and put a rope around his neck in Chicago, USA, in January
The Chicago Sun Times reported that he told the crowd at the Troubador in West Hollywood: "The most important thing I can say is 'thank you so much, and I'm OK
" "I'm not fully healed yet, but I'm going to be, and I'm gonna stand strong with y'all
" Detectives have recovered more surveillance footage of Jussie walking home from a Subway restaurant that morning, including video of him arriving at his apartment building with a rope around his neck
However, his phone records were rejected by police for being heavily redacted' in the investigation into his brutal racist attack
TMZ reported that the PDF file the 35-year-old star submitted could have been "manipulated" - claiming that numbers may have been added or deleted - although police told the publication that there is no evidence that the file had been altered
Got a story? email or call us direct on 02077824220. We pay for videos too
Click here to upload yours.
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush - All Specials Attack || Gameplay (Android/IOS) 2160p (4k) PART 1 - Duration: 7:44.
📱 Xiaomi Mi Mix 3, l'encoche et le trou dans l'écran c'est fini ! - Duration: 2:04.
Jérémy Frérot « s'invite » chez Vincent Cassel et Tina Kunakey - Duration: 2:12.
David and apos . s Forecast Snow tapers off this morning - Duration: 1:05.
David and apos . s Forecast Snow tapers off this morning
OMAHA, Neb. WOWT Snow showers continue to fall around the area this morning, but the steady snow will quickly come to an end by mid morning. Additional accumulation will be less than an inch. Light snow showers or flurries will continue to be possible through the rest of the day, but should not cause additional problems. Roads may be slick and hazardous through much of the day. With cloudy skies and northwest winds, it will be a struggle to warm up. Highs today likely only climbing into the middle 20s. Snow showers and flurries will come to and end entirely by this evening, with dry, cloud and cold conditions expected overnight with lows falling into the lower teens.
Well get a break in the active weather on Monday with partly to mostly cloudy skies but still cold conditions. Highs on Monday likely only making it into the lower 20s, with highs in the teens north and east of the metro area. Conditions will stay quiet and cold through Tuesday afternoon, with temperatures generally in the teens to around 20.
Another round of snow appears more likely by late Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday evening. Light to moderate snow will spread into the area from the southwest, lasting through the night into Wednesday morning. Temperatures once again will be quite cold, so snowfall accumulation will be very efficient. Several inches of snow appears possible, though the heaviest will be to the east and southeast of the metro. Stay tuned for updates on this forecast.
Once that storm moves out, temperatures moderate slightly by Friday with highs potentially climbing to near or just above freezing. Yet another winter weather event appears possible by Friday night and Saturday.
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Making Your Own Homemade Graham Crackers | Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 5:53.
Hi and welcome to Bold Baking Basics!
This is where we get stuck into the fundamentals of baking.
These videos are about getting you to bake with confidence anytime anywhere.
So if you watch a lot of bigger bolder baking you'll know I use a lot of graham crackers
however they're an American cookie and they aren't always available worldwide.
So what do we do in this situation?
I show you how to make your own and trust me they're even better than store bought.
As always the recipe can be found on okay let's get started in a nice big bowl.
Add in your whole-wheat flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt.
And then just mix these ingredients together.
So into our dry ingredients we're going to add our room temperature butter.
And then with your nice clean hands or you can use a dough cutter we're going to run
in the butter until it resembles kind of coarse breadcrumbs.
And what I mean by that is that you have some big lumps of butter and some small lumps.
So if you've never had a graham cracker before it's a whole-wheat cookie with a little bit
of honey and cinnamon they're really delicious.
Traditionally they're used in making s'mores, I also use them a lot for the bases of pies
and cheesecakes, they're just really really great.
So those are our dry ingredients now let's mix together our wet.
In a separate jug I'm going to add a little bit of milk, some runny honey, and some vanilla
And then just mix all these ingredients together.
You'll notice that there's no egg in this recipe, which is great, not all cookies need
eggs, and it just makes it that bit crisper.
Okay great, now what you want to do is add your wet ingredients into your dry.
Then with a spatula just mix it together.
Oh my gosh this smells really good.
So you'll see it kind of clump together, what you might want to do is get in there with
your hands and pull it together until it forms a ball of dough.
So my rule about cookie dough is that they always need to be chilled before you go to
roll them out cause it makes it so much easier so I'm gonna cover this in some cling wrap,
like so.
So right now I'm gonna pop this into the fridge for a minimum of one hour it'll make it so
much easier to roll out once it's cold.
What you can do at this stage also is leave it in the fridge for up to 3 days also it
freezes really well for up to 8 weeks.
So it's been an hour you wanna make sure dough gets really cold because it is a soft dough.
Now it is ready to be rolled out so on a floured surface with my rolling pin, I'm going to
roll this out until it's around a quarter of an inch thick.
I like these cookies a little bit on the thicker side but if you want them thinner you can
absolutely have them so.
So there you go I've got kind of a funny looking square circle this is perfect this is the
thickness that I want so here I have a pizza cutter and I have my ruler, I always have
to have a ruler in the kitchen, super important.
So what I'm going to do is just cut these cookies 2x5in now these are the traditional
shape of a graham crackers if you want different shapes go for it you can make them square
smaller whatever you like.
But I'm gonna cut these 2x5in.
Try and get them as even as you can.
So I have the shape that I want, now like I said this is a soft dough so you do want
to move kind of quickly, and carefully lift it up off the countertop and place them onto
your baking tray lined with parchment.
This cookie dough is on the softer side because of the honey.
If you're trying to add more whole wheat to your diet this is a sneaky little way of doing
it you get a cookie and you get whole wheat at the same time.
There we go lovely.
So I'm just gonna do one tray.
Like so.
Okay perfect.
Now they're the shape of graham crackers, they smell like graham crackers but we have
to make them look like graham crackers.
So I'm just gonna get a little knife and I'm gonna put a line down the center and across.
And then with a fork I'm just going to prick it on either sides.
Just to make sure it really looks like a traditional graham cracker.
So there you go our homemade graham crackers definitely look the part now they're gonna
be baked off.
So bake your graham crackers off at 350°F/180°C for roughly 10-12 minutes if you want them
really crisp, do 12 minutes.
So while our cookies are in the oven I'm gonna tell you something that I learned recently
that I thought was really interesting.
Graham crackers are called graham crackers because they're made with something called
graham flour.
That's right, graham flour is actually a thing, it's a whole wheat flour kind of coarsely
ground, and used a lot in baking and in breads and things like that so it's not just the
name of a cookie, it's actually the name of a flour used in the cookie.
Graham flour is actually named after preacher called Sylvester graham and he believe that
we all should be eating a diet high in whole wheat.
So these cookie take no time at all to bake they smell absolutely amazing.
Once they're cooled they'll be a little bit like this, they're snappy, they're crunchy,
they're delicious.
Without a doubt these blow store bought graham crackers out of the water like they're not
even in the same playing field.
These have a great flavor, with lovely cinnamon, honey.
You can use these in any of my recipes where I use graham crackers for something like my
homemade s'mores, or even my no-bake s'more pie, they'll make a great addition.
Head over to my website right now and check out how you can make homemade marshmallows
from scratch and homemade brown sugar.
I'll see you back here really soon for more Bigger Bolder Baking.
Les 4 signes « VOLEUSES DE MARIS » les plus dangereuses du zodiaque - Duration: 3:16.
Rainbow Six Siege | Operation Burnt Horizon – Gridlock & Mozzie | CZ Titulky - Duration: 1:32.
Creative Destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 1:25:28.
Claire Holt's Miscarriage Brought Her and Husband Andrew Joblon Closer Together: 'I Wouldn't Change - Duration: 3:42.
Finding the silver lining. admitted to Us Weekly exclusively that she "wouldn't change" the tragic miscarriage she experienced because of its positive effect on herher husband 's relationship
"It was just really amazing to have a partner who was relentlessly there for meso supportivefights his own pain to help me out through it all," the Vampire Diaries alum, 30, said
"It was a really beautiful experience, as well. Obviously what we went through was tragic, but it brought us so much closer together
And I think it's difficult to say this because I would have loved to have had the babyhave the pregnancy work out … but I wouldn't change it because I learned so much,it really strengthened our relationship
" The Originals alumJoblon, 35, tied the knot in August 2018 after she suffered a miscarriage earlier that year
In October 2018, Holther husband announced that they are expecting again. "My heart is bursting
I'm so happy to share with you that we are having a baby!" the H2O alum who has partnered with Ava, maker of the "fertility Fitbit" cycle-tracking bracelet wrote on Instagram at the time
It still doesn't feel real. These past few months have been filled with excitement, anxiety, tears, joy, uncertainty but most of all gratitude
You never forget the deep pain of loss. It dims with time but it informs many of your experiences
" Even though the Australian actress was certain she was pregnant with a baby girl, the couple actually has a son on the way
"I just can't wait to meet him," Holt told Us. "It feels like it's just been 10 years of pregnancy for me,I can't wait to get through this oneto meet my little boy
But I'm nervous. It's unknownI have no experience with it, so of course I want to do the best job I can as a mother
I want to be able to give my son the greatest opportunities in life." She added: "I'm so blessed to have been given this opportunity to have a family,hopefully I've been openhave been able to share my experience with other women
" In fact, through her Ava partnership, Holt has been able to "build a conversation around" infertility
"I know that we feel like we have to do it allwe have to be strong,it's difficult sometimes," the mom-to-be said
"So to have a community around … 'This is tough,' or, 'I struggle with this,' or 'This is what happened to me,I wasn't aware of it,' that sort of stuff really helped
" With reporting by Emily Marcus
Here's What Happens When You Hit a Deer - Duration: 5:41.
it's time for show-off Sunday where everyone has a chance to show off their
own car, and here's this week's winner, hi Scotty thanks for the introduction
my name is John and today I'm gonna be talking about my 2002 Chevy s10, right
now it has just over 170,000 miles on it, I am the I'm only the second owner and I
plan on maintaining it just as well as the original owner did
in May of 2016 I was driving one night it was pitch black, I was coming around the
curve it was on a minor highway around here, and suddenly in front of me was a
deer I had no time to react whatsoever, and I hit it head-on
going 55 miles an hour, and I pulled over and I got out and I couldn't believe the
destruction on that front end surprisingly the radiator wasn't leaking,
there were no flow fluids leaking, so I was able to get it to where I needed to
get it, and eventually got that the whole front clip replaced,
the radiator did have a hairline crack in it,
so we went ahead and replaced that too and my good friend of mine bill Dionne
who has a shop in Savannah Illinois called bloody knuckle repair, he did all
that work for me and did a fantastic job and so I got all set to paint it I had
it all primed on the front end, and realized you know why not just paint
the whole thing, not only for the matching issue but also because there
was a lot of rust here and there especially on the rear wheel wells
got a grinder and I got all that rust down to the surface, there were a few
places where there was pitting and tiny holes and I filled that in with bondo
and got it all sanded down, I put on the por-15 which is supposed to be a rust
inhibitor, also to seal it against oxygen and moisture and things like that, and it
seemed to do a really good job, I don't know if you can see very well I'm
sorry for all that salt on there that's just that's the reality of living around
here, the original plan was to paint it the
factory color which was a sandalwood metallic, and instead I decided to go
with this it's kind of a desert sand color
I forget the actual name of the paint, it was a Krylon you know rattle-can and
took about probably a dozen cans really to do it and I waited for days that
weren't too windy, and not a lot of dust and stuff like that flying around, and
then the black on the bottom is plastidip, and I'm really happy with the
way that came out, and that seems to have really sealed in and kept the rust from
popping out again, take a look at the inside it's in fairly good condition the
previous owner took really good care of it
there's some fading on the upholstery but other than that it's in very nice
shape, if you look at the dash it's a pretty simple layout, nothing too complicated
simple instrument cluster, there nothing more than what you need nothing less, CD
player it would make you think that it's got a carousel that you
could put six CDs in, well it doesn't it only fits one CD unfortunately, but
that's okay, very simple temperature controls, does
have the five-speed stick as you can see, it has the window cranks so no worrying
about whether or not a motor is going to burn out for the windows,
plus I have the extended cabs so I'll take a
look here in the back, and see it has the jump seat that folds down, my little guys
love riding back there, only one at a time of course
well that was this week's video and remember to have your car video
highlighted here on my channel, check this out
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember
to ring that Bell!
Meet The Stomach Of Steel 5 Real Human Superpowers - Duration: 6:23.
Stomach of Steel.
Michel Lotito was a French entertainer.
born in Grenoble.
famous for deliberately consuming indigestible objects.
He came to be known as Monsieur Mangetout.
("Mr. Eat-All").
His performances involved the consumption of metal.
rubber. and other materials.
He disassembled.
cut up. and consumed bicycles.
shopping carts.
televisions. and a Cessna 150.
among other items.
The Cessna 150 took roughly two years to be "eaten".
from 1978 to 1980.
He began eating unusual material as a teenager. at around 16 years of age.
and performed publicly beginning in 1966.
Lotito had an eating disorder known as pica.
Doctors determined that.
Lotito also had a thick lining in his stomach.
and intestines. which allowed his consumption of sharp metal.
without suffering injury.
Do not try this at home.
He was awarded a brass plaque. by the Guinness Book.
to commemorate his abilities.
He consumed it as well.
Velu Rathakrishnan.
Another Malaysian.
who can pull trains weighing hundreds of tonnes. using only his teeth.
In 2003.
Velu used his teeth to pull 2 KTM Komuter trains.
with total weight of 260.8 tonnes.
He pulled up to 13 ft in distance along the rails.
of the KL Railway Station.
We learnt that he got the power to do this.
because of an Indian guru. who taught him to channel all his energies
and power.
to a single part of his body.
One Punch Man.
Masutatsu "Godhand" Oyama. is the kind of karate legend that.
martial arts movies are made of.
Mas began studying martial arts at a young age.
and boy did he take to it.
devoting himself to karate. after serving in the Japanese Army in World
War II.
Mas would train nonstop alone in the mountains.
breaking rocks with his hands.
jumping over plants.
enduring freezing waterfalls. and using trees as punching bags.
He came out of those mountains.
an even bigger boss than he'd already been.
To showcase the power of his karate. he would fight bulls.
Yeah, that's right, bulls.
Not only did he take on and win against 52. of these massive animals.
but he managed to kill three of them instantly.
with just one punch.
49 of them.
he managed to chop off their horns. with knife hand blows before defeating them.
Violence against animals isn't always cool.
but you've got to admit, that's pretty cool.
The bulls were all headed to the slaughter.
so at least Mas gave them a flashy exit.
Godhand also accepted all-human challengers.
but as you can predict.
most of those fights ended with one punch as well.
Mas opened his own dojo. and developed the martial art of Kyokushin.
which heavily influences all of karate today.
He was a hardworking man.
who believed in training your butt off.
so you can accomplish the equivalent of.
one-shotting bulls. with your bare hands in whatever field you
Stretchy Skin.
Garry Turner has the stretchiest skin in the world.
Garry suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
a group of disorders that affects your skin.
joints. and blood vessels.
Garry's strain is even rarer.
resulting in his ultra-stretchy skin.
His abdominal skin is what snatched him.
the record for stretchiest skin.
reaching 6.25 inches away from his body.
As you'll see in the video above.
he enjoys using it as a table to serve drinks.
Rather than hide his power for fear. of giving the heebie-jeebies to just about
Garry loves showing off the novelty. of his ability as part of the circus.
Though his disease still causes him pain.
his love of the stage.
keeps an extra big smile on his face.
Dean Karnazes.
In 1976. as a high school freshman at San Clemente
Karnazes joined the cross country team.
under Benner Cummings.
Cummings' running theory was that.
running is about finding your inner peace.
his motto was "run with your heart".
That season.
Karnazes was awarded "Most Inspirational" team member.
Karnazes also ran his first endurance event that year.
a fundraising run on a track for underprivileged children.
finishing in just under six hours.
and raising a dollar a lap from his sponsors.
While most students ran only 10 to15 laps. around the track.
he ran 105, a full marathon.
Karnazes was not compatible with.
his high-school track coach. and stopped running for fifteen years.
Dean Karnazes has what might be the closest thing.
to an actual superpower on this list.
Most famous for running 50 marathons. in 50 states in 50 consecutive days.
he has also run 350 miles nonstop. on a running machine for over 80 hours.
Medical investigations have determined that.
his muscles suffer far less damage from sustained running.
than they should.
If he could be kept fed and hydrated.
while on the move.
he is capable of running at 7 to 10 miles per hour.
almost indefinitely.
Pelosi And Schumer React To Trump'S Emergency Declaration And Are Very Unhappy - Duration: 3:21.
Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer are coming out swinging against President
Trump's emergency declaration he made on Friday.
Fox News reported that on Thursday, Pelosi theorized that if President Trump can declare
a national emergency in order to bypass Congress to fund a border wall, there's no reason
that a Democratic president in the future can't employ the same measure to deal with
gun violence in the country.
Pelosi made the remarks during a press conference in the Capitol Thursday – the anniversary
of the Parkland massacre in Florida that left 17 people dead.
The top Democrats on Capitol Hill wasted little time Friday bashing President Trump's decision
to declare a national emergency at the southern border, portraying the move as "unlawful"
and vowing to take quick action to block it.
Asserting that there is no security crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) warned that Trump's maneuver
tramples the Constitution's clear-cut separation of powers while threatening to drain funds
from programs more vital to public safety and national security.
"The President's unlawful declaration over a crisis that does not exist does great
violence to our Constitution and makes America less safe, stealing from urgently needed defense
funds for the security of our military and our nation," Pelosi and Schumer said in
a statement.
"This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed President, who has gone outside the bounds
of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative
Moments earlier, speaking from the White House Rose Garden, Trump had declared a national
emergency at the border in order to sidestep Congress and liberate funds from other programs
to launch new construction of the long-promised wall that was central to his 2016 campaign.
"It's a great thing to do because we have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion
of people," Trump said.
The move was highly expected.
Just a day earlier, the president had announced that he would reluctantly sign an enormous
spending bill to avert a second government shutdown — a package that excluded the billions
of dollars he had requested for the wall — but would compensate the difference by declaring
a national emergency, thereby charging ahead with the wall construction without explicit
approval from Congress.
The strategy has been widely panned by lawmakers of both parties, as even many of Trump's
Republican supporters have framed the move as an act of executive overreach — a common
GOP criticism of the Obama administration.
Yet Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), wary of Republicans suffering the
political fallout of another shutdown, vowed to support the emergency declaration in order
to get Trump's signature on the spending package.
The Democratic leaders minced no words in proclaiming the pronouncement unconstitutional.
They're eyeing resolutions to block the declaration legislatively, as well as possible
legal challenges that could tie Trump's hands for months.
"The President's actions clearly violate the Congress's exclusive power of the purse,
which our Founders enshrined in the Constitution," Pelosi and Schumer said.
"The Congress will defend our constitutional authorities in the Congress, in the Courts,
and in the public, using every remedy available."
O svá dědická práva se bije syn Ladislava Smoljaka Filip. Ten je ve sporu s Českým rozhlasem, který - Duration: 7:26.
Co se vlastně stalo? Syn Ladislava Smoljaka tvrdí, že Český rozhlas poměrně intenzivně užil autorská práva Ladislava Smoljaka aniž by dostal souhlas od jeho čtyř dědiců
„Český rozhlas tak učinil několikrát bez našeho souhlasu, tedy bez licenční smlouvy
Je to o to smutnější, že za užití majetkových autorských práv zaplatil někomu jinému než autorům
Občas se stává, že někdo něco užije bez souhlasu autora omylem nebo z nedbalosti, většinou se to ale nakonec vyřeší třeba dohodou o narovnání
V tomto případě to ale bude dost obtížné, protože poměrně vysoká částka byla vyplacena nesprávnému subjektu zcela záměrně a se zřetelnou snahou věc utajit," tvrdí v rozhovoru pro info
cz Filip Smoljak s tím, že Český rozhlas musel vědět, že jsou peníze vyplacené špatnému subjektu, přesto se tak stalo
Ten dokonce v rozhovoru tvrdí, že se jak zástupci Českého rozhlasu, tak Divadelní agentury Echo, spol
s.r.o., kterou vlastní otec Vojty Kotka Václav Kotek, snažili smlouvu utajit. „Součástí smlouvy jsou práva k rozhlasovému vysílání a na základě této smlouvy Český rozhlas odvysílal v říjnu 2016 k padesátému výročí slavnostní divadelní představení Cimrmanovy hry Cimrman v říši hudby přímým přenosem hned na dvou stanicích, na Dvojce a na Radiožurnálu
To je samozřejmě velmi významné užití autorských práv. Rozhlas ovšem tvrdí, že šlo o jakési nedopatření, nebo spíš nedorozumění," tvrdí Smoljak
Sice přiznává, že Divadelní agentura Echo zastupuje herce Divadla Járy Cimrmana včetně Zdeňka Svěráka, což jí dává v jistém ohledu výsadní postavení, ale co se týče smlouvy s Českým rozhlasem, tak podle něj překročila svoje pravomoce
Zdeněk Svěrák a Václav Kotek. „Jednat i za potomky Ladislava Smoljaka a ponechat si jejich peníze tedy rozhodně nemůže
Ze smlouvy s Českým rozhlasem není patrné, s jakou motivací tak agentura činila. Pokud se ale podíváme na celou smlouvu, zjistíme, že se v ní zavazuje k poskytnutí i dalších zajímavých služeb, které poskytnout nemohla
Pronajmout sál, v němž se představení konalo a který jí nepatří, prodat vstupenky na představení, které nepořádala, a tak dále
Je to zcela nevídaný smluvní závazek, který Český rozhlas bez váhání proplatil. A jenom za samotná práva agentura inkasovala 310 tisíc korun plus DPH
Za další služby dalších půl milionu plus DPH," říká Filip Smoljak, který se kvůli dědictví po svém otci dokonce rozkmotřil se Zdeňkem Svěrákem, jenž mu byl celý život doslova strýčkem
„Co na to říká Zdeněk Svěrák, se lze dočíst v jednom z loňských čísel Respektu, kam Svěrák napsal článek Filipika
Doslova v něm píše: „zatímco my hrajeme, Filip se soudí". Skutečnost je ovšem taková, že zatímco dílo stvořili Smoljak - Svěrák, peníze inkasují Kotek – Svěrák
Nejvíc se mě ale dotklo nepravdivé tvrzení, že poškozuji práva svého otce, přestože si i vrabci na střeše cvrlikají, že je poškozuje právě Svěrákův agent," říká nekompromisně Filip Smoljak
Zdeněk Svěrák a Ladislav Smolják byli nerozluční. Toho prý velmi překvapilo, jak se o něm Svěrák vyjadřuje
„Nevěřím tomu, že si nezjistil, jak se věci ve skutečnosti mají a na čí straně je pravda," dodává Smoljakův syn s tím, že Svěrák má obrovský talent na zcela nevhodné a nedůvěryhodné administrativní spolupracovníky
Zajímavé je, že Filip Smoljak zůstal ve při sám. Jeho sourozenci se totiž s Českým rozhlasem dohodli
To přisuzuje silnému vlivu nejrůznějších právních a agenturních zástupců. „Například moje mladší sestra žije dlouhodobě v Irsku a o celé kauze možná ani neví
Po Praze se ale pohybují velice podivní lidé, kteří tvrdí, že ji zastupují. Při tom je o nich známo, že zastupují především silné producenty nebo různé mocné agentury," tvrdí Filip Smoljak
Tomu ale mnoho času na vyřešení situace nezbývá. Promlčecí lhůta je totiž tři roky a ta vyprší letos na podzim
Filip Smoljak nemá problém se o dědictví po svém otci podělit. Chce o tom ale rozhodovat sám
Nejde ale o první spor, který Smoljakův syn kvůli dědictví po svém otci vede. Počátkem loňského roku u hradeckého krajského soudu neuspěl s žalobou o uznání režijní koncepce jako autorského díla
Od kulturních domů požadoval zaplacení autorského poplatku za režii cimrmanovských her, které uvedly
Soud ale jeho žalobu shodil ze stolu.
Can we give Probiotics to our corals to cure disease? - Duration: 8:53.
US FIREDOX : Angry Jussie Smollett denies complicity in the attack - Duration: 3:46.
Alex Bodi e distrus! Iubitul Biancăi a fost impresionat de drama trăită de o româncă în Italia: "A m - Duration: 2:41.
S&B Elite Fitness - Duration: 3:27.
APEX LEGENDS RAP | " Bajo el trono " ft. Vau Boy - Iker Plan - Duration: 4:10.
🚴 Quel capteur de puissance choisir ? Tests Garmin, Powertap et Assioma - Duration: 12:42.
筧美和子、TikTokを使った投稿に初挑戦 - Duration: 2:18.
タレントの筧美和子 24)がこのほど、 内で行われたショー 動画コミュニティー TikTok」の日 初となる公式オフ会 TikTok CR ATOR'S LA .2019」に出席 、トークショーを行 た。
TikTokについ 「ついつい見てしま 。気軽に何かを作れ ツールがあることが いなと思います。青 だなと思います」。
TikTokを使っ 投稿に挑戦。お気に りというブレイク中 お笑い芸人・夢屋ま る(20)の「パン ーキ食べたい」と歌 ながら、パンチを繰 出すダンスに臨んだ 動画は撮影と同時に クリーンに映し出さ 、会場に紹介。普段 られない貴重なリズ ダンスを披露した筧 「踊れていたのかは からないですが、大 夫ですか」と照れ笑 。拍手をもらい。安 していた。
同イベントではユー ー投票という形で、 年間の高品質動画を り返る「TikTo 総選挙 2018 の表彰式などを開催 オリジナル部門を始 、リズム部門、ペッ 部門、ファミリー部 、美食部門の各部門 2本計60本の動画 再生回数と、内容充 度に基づいて選出。 強動画1本、優秀動 2本が決まった。
Virginie Calmels, la story d'une secrète - Duration: 11:42.
🚴 Quel capteur de puissance choisir ? Tests Garmin, Powertap et Assioma - Duration: 12:42.
Félix 🐱le chat sauvé de la noyade & vos messages - Duration: 5:40.
Le Fast and Curious d'Ali - Duration: 3:01.
tusadivi: Guess the skin
more videos and greetings
Les 4 signes « VOLEUSES DE MARIS » les plus dangereuses du zodiaque - Duration: 3:16.
L'idylle inattendue entre le porte-parole de François Fillon et le bras droit d'Alain Juppé - Duration: 2:49.
Ariana Grande - 7 rings (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:59.
Hey! Type <3 if u see this :P
Top 10 Scary Antarctica Theories - Duration: 11:36.
So, it seems you guys love Antarctica!
Who knew!
Our video, the Top 10 Things Found Frozen Under Ice In Antarctica reached the Youtube
Trending page so we thought we would give you another icy helping.
I am Danny Burke and this is The Top 10 Scary Antarctica Theories.
It is a good time of year for it, isn't it!
I don't know about where you live but it is basically Antarctica in Toronto Canada
right now!
The question I want to ask you today is how cold does it get where YOU live in the winter?
I think the coldest it gets here in Canada is negative 30 degrees Celsius?
Let me know in the comments section down below and while you are down there, leave a thumbs
up on this video and click that notification bell so you never miss a trending video!
Also, check out the links to our Instagram in the description box.
For now though, sit tight as WINTER is coming.
Starting off at number 10 now we have Aliens[a].
Wherever there is a mysterious piece of land - someone will say that aliens have been there
- Antarctica is one of those places.
One of the more recent claims came in April 2017 when conspiracy theorists claimed to
have found evidence of an underwater base off the coast of Antarctica.
The 500m long object was spotted on Smyley island.
This image was posted by to the Website for -UFO Sightings Hotspot- … the first thing
people usually say is that - it looks like its just an iceberg that split away from the
The UFO Sightings website disagrees though - they say the object does not fit in with
the normal shapes of usual categories of iceberg.
They said that the shapes and forms from this iceberg look very different when compared
with icebergs - they believe that it could be a vessel in disguise.
Next up at number 9 we have The Ice Wall.
Ahh, flat earthers!
Don't they always have the best theories!
A lot of Flat Earth critics raise the very fair question of what exactly happens when
people sail or fly to the end of the earth and how we don't, you know, fall off.
The Flat Earth society believes that there is a massive 150 foot ice wall surrounding
the coast of Antarctica.
Not only is it tall, it is also thick… several hundreds of metres thick to be precise.
Flat earthers often cite the explorer James Clark Ross – the British expeditions went
to Antarctica in the mid 1800s.
In his travel notes he wrote of an icy wall – saying : It was ... an obstruction of
such character as to leave no doubt in my mind as to our future proceedings, for we
might as well sail through the cliffs of Dover as to penetrate such a mass.
Although, of course, many historians and those who have actually read the full extent of
his journals will know that he is talking about an ice shelf – the Ross Ice Shelf
that was named after him…although this shelf is just 50 metres high and was 600 kilometres
long until it recently broke apart.
To end this point about the ice wall, let me read one of my favourite quotes from the
Flat Earth society: Beyond the 150-foot Ice Wall is anyone's guess.
How far the ice extends; how it terminates; and what exists beyond it, are questions to
which no present human experience can reply.
Apart from…you know… humans who study science….humans with telescopes… humans
who have been to space.
Forget about them!
Moving on to number 8 we have Atlantis[b].
For centuries - people have been searching for Atlantis - the lost island Plato wrote
about in The Republic.
It was the home of the Atlanteans - a technologically advanced civilization who were said to possess
almost mystical qualities beyond the average human.
Some people dismissed it as fictional but others have become convinced that the island
was real and that it was submerged under the water thousands of years ago.
Theres a theory that Atlantis was not submerged though and that it is actually frozen in the
ice of Antarctica.
In April 2018, the YouTube channel Conspiracy Depot shared a Google Earth image which shows
a strange area in the Antarctic ice.
The image shows a series of lines that, according to to the video, have an artificial origin
and have recently been exposed due to melting ice in the area.
They said the object is split into 3 parts that are all about 7m long - it seems too
perfect to be formed naturally.
OK moving on now to number 7 we have Nazis[c].
I remember one video I did a while back where I discussed in detail the theory that the
Nazi party survived World War 2 and and are currently living in a base on the dark side
of the moon.
Yeah, that was an interesting theory - but so is this.
A lot of people think that this secret base was actually in Antarctica.
They say that scientists in the 3rd Reich mapped out an area of rivers and caves across
Antarctica - then, they discovered a large underground lake.
They decided this would be the perfect place for their secret base.
They supposedly called it -Base 22- or -New Berlin- … for the conspiracy theorists who
believe all this - they are now split between the ones who think the base is lost beneath
the ice, and the ones who think it is still home to a Nazi community all these years on
Next up at number 6 we have The Bloop[d].
You may have heard me mention this one before.
The Bloop was nickname given to a strange sound picked up by hydrophones across the
Pacific in 1997.
The hydrophones are essentially like giant microphones - they are positioned over 5,000km
apart so its not very often that they all pick up the same thing - except this time.
A number of them picked up the same loud, ultra low frequency sound across the pacific.
Take a listen.
To many people, that sounds like an animal - some sort of creature that made a noise
so loud it was picked up across Earths biggest ocean.
If such a creature did exist, it would be bigger than anything weve ever seen - thats
the only way it could make a sound that loud.
Well, scientists said this is not true and that the sound was actually caused by icequakes
in the Antarctic - its the sound of ice breaking up and cracking and the sound was picked up
as The Bloop.
Others arent buying it and say that the sound may have come from Antarctica, but it was
definitely biological …
Moving on to number 5 we have Hollow Earth[e].
Youve heard of the flat Earth theory, but have you heard of the Hollow Earth theory.
As you can probably guess from the name - it proposes that the planet is entirely hollow
on the inside - that we all live on a shell that is 500 miles thick - which is only a
fraction of the way to the centre of the Earth.
So, where does Antarctica come into this?
Well, in December 2016 - a study was published indicating that there seems to be a massive
anomaly underneath the ice of Antarctica.
Some researchers believed it to be the remains of a truly massive asteroid that is more than
twice the size of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Another theory is that is could be the portal or entrance to the Hollow Earth.
I also read an article about Russian scientists drilling down through the ice in Antarctica
- hopefully they don't pierce through to space inside …
Moving on to number 4 we have Area 51[f].
It doesnt matter what kind of video I do about conspiracy theories - Area 51 will always
crop up - even in Antarctica.
In March 2018, news articles began circulating about Arrival Heights, a secret laboratory
located deep in the mountains of Antarctica that is called Area 51.
That kinda makes you think of how many secret bases theyve made between 51 and 122.
I guess the answer is 71.
Journalists from New Zealand investigated the lab and found that it was filled with
old technology.
It was very strange.
Like something out of a movie.
The computers had floppy drives - there was a huge computer called the Dobson spectrometer
which had a periscope sticking up out of the roof.
So what is it all for?
Well, they say its to study the hole in the ozone layer above the continent.
The old equipment is so sensitive that even breath or speaking too loudly is said to damage
Some people say that the base is hiding more secrets and that Area 122 could be the new
Area 51.
Moving on to number 3 we have The Pyramids[g].
In 2013, an article on Scienceray.
Com claimed that three ancient pyramids had been discovered in the Antarctic by a team
of American and European scientists.
Relatively little is known about the pyramids and the team behind their discovery has remained
silent ever since.
One piece of information that emerged was that they were planning an expedition to the
pyramids to research them properly and determine if they were natural or man made.
If theyre natural, they could simply be the product of erosion or tectonic activity - btu
if theyre man made - that would open up the suggestion of ancient civilizations.
We know of only a handful of civilizations that built pyramids as big as the ones discovered
in Antarctica - most notably the Aztecs and the Ancient Egyptians.
Conspiracy theorists are already jumping on board with the Antarctica Pyramids as proof
of a lost pyramids building civilization …
Next up at number 2 we have The Big Melt[h].
As Im sure youre aware, Antarctica is covered in a sheet of ice - at some points its 3 miles
And, as Im sure youve seen on the news, the ice caps are melting.
When you see those images of glaciers drifting out into the ocean - its natural to think
- what if it all goes?
Well, that would be a disaster.
Some estimates state that if all the ice on the Antarctica sheet were to melt, sea levels
would rise by 200ft.
To give you an idea of what this would do - the entire east coast of the US would be
underwater and Florida would vanish - it would be almost entirely underwater.
Another scary aspect of all this is that we don't know how much or how quickly this could
happen or even what it would look like.
Climate scientists still have a lot to understand when it comes to this process - but their
worst case scenarios paints a pretty grim picture …
And finally at number 1 we have Ancient Diseases[i].
As we know, Antarctica is pretty cold.
So cold, land is buried under two kilometres of ice.
Recently in Siberia, in part of the arctic circle, nomadic tribes were effected by an
outbreak of anthrax that came as a result of permafrost melting an unleashing an ancient
A 12 year old boy died and thousands of reindeer became infected.
Obviously there are many reasons to be worried about the ice caps melting, but it seems that
ancient diseases could be trapped under the ice that modern day humans and animals have
no resistance to.
As the ice is so thick, we literally cannot know what is under there, and what might be
It seems that permafrost provides the perfect conditions for bacteria to remain alive, dormant
for millions of years.
Scientists are worried that a pandora's box of illnesses we don't know how to cure
are out there waiting to emerge one day.
Aaaaand we are done!
Thats two Antarctica videos in quick succession - how do you like that?
Do you want a 3rd?
I think Rebecca might be doing one very soon.
Shall I do one about the north pole?
Is it cold places you guys like in general?
Maybe Ill do one about Mt Everest.
Either way, let me know - thanks for watching as always guys, my name is Danny Burke and
Ill see you all in the next video!
Jérôme Chartier-Virginie Calmels, une romance dans l'ombre de la primaire LR - Duration: 12:05.
Here's What Happens When You Hit a Deer - Duration: 5:41.
it's time for show-off Sunday where everyone has a chance to show off their
own car, and here's this week's winner, hi Scotty thanks for the introduction
my name is John and today I'm gonna be talking about my 2002 Chevy s10, right
now it has just over 170,000 miles on it, I am the I'm only the second owner and I
plan on maintaining it just as well as the original owner did
in May of 2016 I was driving one night it was pitch black, I was coming around the
curve it was on a minor highway around here, and suddenly in front of me was a
deer I had no time to react whatsoever, and I hit it head-on
going 55 miles an hour, and I pulled over and I got out and I couldn't believe the
destruction on that front end surprisingly the radiator wasn't leaking,
there were no flow fluids leaking, so I was able to get it to where I needed to
get it, and eventually got that the whole front clip replaced,
the radiator did have a hairline crack in it,
so we went ahead and replaced that too and my good friend of mine bill Dionne
who has a shop in Savannah Illinois called bloody knuckle repair, he did all
that work for me and did a fantastic job and so I got all set to paint it I had
it all primed on the front end, and realized you know why not just paint
the whole thing, not only for the matching issue but also because there
was a lot of rust here and there especially on the rear wheel wells
got a grinder and I got all that rust down to the surface, there were a few
places where there was pitting and tiny holes and I filled that in with bondo
and got it all sanded down, I put on the por-15 which is supposed to be a rust
inhibitor, also to seal it against oxygen and moisture and things like that, and it
seemed to do a really good job, I don't know if you can see very well I'm
sorry for all that salt on there that's just that's the reality of living around
here, the original plan was to paint it the
factory color which was a sandalwood metallic, and instead I decided to go
with this it's kind of a desert sand color
I forget the actual name of the paint, it was a Krylon you know rattle-can and
took about probably a dozen cans really to do it and I waited for days that
weren't too windy, and not a lot of dust and stuff like that flying around, and
then the black on the bottom is plastidip, and I'm really happy with the
way that came out, and that seems to have really sealed in and kept the rust from
popping out again, take a look at the inside it's in fairly good condition the
previous owner took really good care of it
there's some fading on the upholstery but other than that it's in very nice
shape, if you look at the dash it's a pretty simple layout, nothing too complicated
simple instrument cluster, there nothing more than what you need nothing less, CD
player it would make you think that it's got a carousel that you
could put six CDs in, well it doesn't it only fits one CD unfortunately, but
that's okay, very simple temperature controls, does
have the five-speed stick as you can see, it has the window cranks so no worrying
about whether or not a motor is going to burn out for the windows,
plus I have the extended cabs so I'll take a
look here in the back, and see it has the jump seat that folds down, my little guys
love riding back there, only one at a time of course
well that was this week's video and remember to have your car video
highlighted here on my channel, check this out
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember
to ring that Bell!
Pelosi And Schumer React To Trump'S Emergency Declaration And Are Very Unhappy - Duration: 3:21.
Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer are coming out swinging against President
Trump's emergency declaration he made on Friday.
Fox News reported that on Thursday, Pelosi theorized that if President Trump can declare
a national emergency in order to bypass Congress to fund a border wall, there's no reason
that a Democratic president in the future can't employ the same measure to deal with
gun violence in the country.
Pelosi made the remarks during a press conference in the Capitol Thursday – the anniversary
of the Parkland massacre in Florida that left 17 people dead.
The top Democrats on Capitol Hill wasted little time Friday bashing President Trump's decision
to declare a national emergency at the southern border, portraying the move as "unlawful"
and vowing to take quick action to block it.
Asserting that there is no security crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) warned that Trump's maneuver
tramples the Constitution's clear-cut separation of powers while threatening to drain funds
from programs more vital to public safety and national security.
"The President's unlawful declaration over a crisis that does not exist does great
violence to our Constitution and makes America less safe, stealing from urgently needed defense
funds for the security of our military and our nation," Pelosi and Schumer said in
a statement.
"This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed President, who has gone outside the bounds
of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative
Moments earlier, speaking from the White House Rose Garden, Trump had declared a national
emergency at the border in order to sidestep Congress and liberate funds from other programs
to launch new construction of the long-promised wall that was central to his 2016 campaign.
"It's a great thing to do because we have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion
of people," Trump said.
The move was highly expected.
Just a day earlier, the president had announced that he would reluctantly sign an enormous
spending bill to avert a second government shutdown — a package that excluded the billions
of dollars he had requested for the wall — but would compensate the difference by declaring
a national emergency, thereby charging ahead with the wall construction without explicit
approval from Congress.
The strategy has been widely panned by lawmakers of both parties, as even many of Trump's
Republican supporters have framed the move as an act of executive overreach — a common
GOP criticism of the Obama administration.
Yet Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), wary of Republicans suffering the
political fallout of another shutdown, vowed to support the emergency declaration in order
to get Trump's signature on the spending package.
The Democratic leaders minced no words in proclaiming the pronouncement unconstitutional.
They're eyeing resolutions to block the declaration legislatively, as well as possible
legal challenges that could tie Trump's hands for months.
"The President's actions clearly violate the Congress's exclusive power of the purse,
which our Founders enshrined in the Constitution," Pelosi and Schumer said.
"The Congress will defend our constitutional authorities in the Congress, in the Courts,
and in the public, using every remedy available."
Jérôme Chartier et Virginie Calmels, le couple secret de la primaire à droite - Duration: 6:32.
Can we give Probiotics to our corals to cure disease? - Duration: 8:53.
TikTok musically - Duration: 2:28.
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Episode 17 Saison 3 Partie 6 vostfr (FIN SAISON 3) - Duration: 2:43.
'I just want you back' - Mum's letter to daughter year after she was killed - News Live - Duration: 6:08.
Last Valentine's Day 14-year-old Alyssa Alhadeff woke up, got dressed, and did her hair and make-up ready for school as ususual
Before she left her mum Lori handed her a gold gift bag containing a pair of earrings, chocolate bar and some hairbands
They both said 'I love you' as Alyssa opened the car door and headed to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida
Later that day a former student opened fire, killing 14 students and three teachers - including Alyssa
Lori never saw her little girl again. A year after her death, Lori has penned a heartbreaking letter to her daughter
"Mothers know. Intuition prevails", she writes. "Mine came as soon as someone told me there'd been a shooting at school
"I knew you were gone. You were with me. I knew it." She talks about how her daughter wasn't looking forward to Valentine's Day as she didn't have a Valentine
She says it still feels like yesterday, writing: "I wish I could take all the bullets for you
I just want you back." She writes about the final time she saw Alyssa, and updates her on all the things her two brothers have been getting up to
Since the horrific shooting Lori has campaigned for change and set up the organisation Make Our Schools Safe
She made headlines around the world after she appeared on CNN the day after the shooting pleading with President Donald Trump to increase security in schools
Lori has published her full letter online, alongside a link to her school safety organisation's fundraising page , with the title 'A Parkland mom's Valentine's Day letter to her daughter
Lori's letter in full It's Valentine's Day. A day full of love, chocolates and flowers
For me, it is more than that now. Last Valentine's Day was the last time I saw you
You wore a black and white dress. Your long dark hair dangled. Your makeup looked just right
Of course, your white Converse sneakers protected your feet as you walked in to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Valentine's Day is now about memories. Today, like all days, I remember. I remember you weren't looking forward to going to school that day
Like many 14 year old girls, you wanted a Valentine and were disappointed that you didn't have one
High school love is magic. I was 14 once and those butterflies had whirled inside of me too
I wanted that for you. I remember the golden gift bag I gave you that morning. It held a pair of diamond earrings to make you feel pretty, a chocolate bar to make you smile, and hair ties so you wouldn't ask for mine
I touched your ears, putting the stems of the earrings through your lobes. You said you were ready to go to school after that
You opened the car door. "I love you," I said. "I love you, too," you said. Valentine's Day
The last time I saw you alive. **** A year has been a long time without you. So much has happened I want to tell you about
I watch your brothers miss you terribly. They want you to know they miss fighting with you
They say thank you for convincing dad to get unlimited WiFi. Dad fights for you every day
He's your voice. Grammy has honored you and became a school safety activist
We got a dog! Her name is Roxy and she's a soccer player, like you. She kicks the ball around the yard, but sometimes puts it in her mouth
And your soccer, what a group. They wear your number eight on their sleeves and have started using it sideways to honor you
Infinity. Oh, and I found out about the time you jumped off a bridge down by the beach?! Alyssa, you jumped off a bridge?! **** There are things I do in your memory that I never thought I could or would ever do
See, a mother's protective instincts don't leave when we lose the ones we love
I talk to other moms who have lost children. We talk about you. We talk about their kids
But when we look into each other's eyes, we see it. A fire. I ran for the school board
I won! I screamed on national TV—words of rage directed at the President! I started a non-profit called Make Our Schools Safe and there is a law named after you in New Jersey--Alyssa's Law
**** Mothers know. Intuition prevails. Mine came as soon as someone told me there'd been a shooting at school
I knew you were gone. Rabbi Gutnick said, "Have faith, Lori." I said, "No, you must start planning now
" You were with me. I knew it. We lost 14 students and three teachers. 17 beautiful people we, as a community, needed to bury
You were the first. The next day, Rabbi Gutnick presided and hundreds of people came from all over the country
If you remember from Bat Mitzvah classes, shivas last seven days when a loved one dies
In those seven days, I got so many hugs from people who loved you. From family. From people I'd never met
So many that I injured my neck. People, in a sense, loved me until it hurt. **** It's Valentine's Day
As I remember you, grief washes over me. But that grief emboldens me to fight for change
I wish I could take all the bullets for you. It's been a year since I saw you. You, in that black and white dress, those Converse on your feet, and that smile
I'll never forget that smile. It feels like yesterday. I just want you back. Love forever, Mom
C'hwi a gano 2 | Rann 05 - Episode 5/5 (2019) - Duration: 12:57.
These Sporty-Chic Track Pants From Olivia Culpo's Collection Are Slaying Us - Live News 247 - Duration: 7:08.
The best pairs of track pants out there are the ones that are not only extra comfortable, but don't embarrass us if we don't have time to change out of them after a gym session
We have high expectations and no, we won't lower them. These pants not only save us from embarrassment, but transform us into style icons
We're wearing them even on our rest days! Guess this is what happens when a model designs our clothes
Recognize 's High-Waisted Stripe Track Pants? They're one of the hottest pieces from the model's fire collection available exclusively at
Culpo designed her collection to empower all women no matter the occasion, and these bold pants have Us feeling strong and inspired
And cute. We're also wearing a huge smile on our face, because these babies are 40% off! Go, go! See it: Get the High-Waisted Stripe Track Pant (originally $80) for just $48 exclusively at ! These bottoms are made of a soft and stretchy fabric, as any good track pants should be
They're not reserved for a run around the local football field, though! Everywhere we look, there's another stylish accent slaying us over and over again
We can't ignore the daring yet darling side stripes lining the outsides of the legs, nor would we want to
This fearless detail deserves our full attention and we're more than willing to give it
The wide white stripes begin just below the pants' slant pockets, forming a slick and pointed diagonal line parallel to the pockets' opening
The stripes run continuously down the leg, stopping cleanly as they reach the cuffed hems which sit comfortably around the ankle, tapering slightly for a skinny-pant effect
The rest of the pants are a little more relaxed, but we'd say they're a minimum of 100 miles away from being baggy
These track pants are not only fitted in a figure-flattering way, but they're high-waisted! How many other track pants out there are high-waisted? This revolutionary rise takes these bottoms from "work out" to "work it
" They're too perfect for pairing with a cropped tee or a tucked-in top! Complete the look by adding on the matching jacket for the full effect
These pants are currently available in two colors. We can grab the black pair if we want to add a wear-everywhere pant to our wardrobe
Of course we want that! The black pants work wonderfully with the bold white stripe for a classic yet updated look to fit the athleisure aesthetic that's so popular today
We can pair the black version of these pants with any color top. Any pattern, print or texture is a go, so go crazy! These pants will provide all of the support we need to try out something new or stick with something timeless
See it: Get the High-Waisted Stripe Track Pant (originally $80) for just $48 exclusively at ! Feeling extra bold? The red version of this pant is a comfort-zone killer and if we had to choose one piece to break our monochromatic routine, it would be these bottoms
The color is bright and unashamed, and it helps us to feel the same, inspiring confidence for days
We would pair the red version of these pants with a white top to match the stripes, or black to offset them
We can also go even bolder by picking out a bright blue shirt or sports bra! Taking a risk is the best way to feel the empowerment radiating from this collection! We want to note that these pants aren't made solely for wearing with sneakers
Seriously! Try them with a pair of heels for a life-changing effect. Culpo wanted her collection to fit all occasions, and some occasions require a higher heel, right? Just prepare to be a total trendsetter
At 40% off, these pants are a huge score. They already were, so this is just the bonus on top of the bonus
The cherry on top of the cherry. currently has 40% off almost everything, so this is just one of the amazing deals we can take advantage of while the offer lasts! Don't wait until everything's gone! See it: Get the High-Waisted Stripe Track Pant (originally $80) for just $48 exclusively at ! Not your style? Check out the rest of the Collection here and other casual bottoms from here! This post is brought to you by Us Weekly's Shop With Us team
The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful
Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post
The Shop With Us team may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test
In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from the manufacturer of the products we write about when you click on a link and then purchase the product featured in an article
This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product or service is featured or recommended
Shop With Us operates independently from advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback at ShopWithUs@usmagazine
com. Happy shopping!
COMMENT SE FAIRE RESPECTER ? Capsule #39 - Duration: 4:27.
Top 10 Scary Antarctica Theories - Duration: 11:36.
So, it seems you guys love Antarctica!
Who knew!
Our video, the Top 10 Things Found Frozen Under Ice In Antarctica reached the Youtube
Trending page so we thought we would give you another icy helping.
I am Danny Burke and this is The Top 10 Scary Antarctica Theories.
It is a good time of year for it, isn't it!
I don't know about where you live but it is basically Antarctica in Toronto Canada
right now!
The question I want to ask you today is how cold does it get where YOU live in the winter?
I think the coldest it gets here in Canada is negative 30 degrees Celsius?
Let me know in the comments section down below and while you are down there, leave a thumbs
up on this video and click that notification bell so you never miss a trending video!
Also, check out the links to our Instagram in the description box.
For now though, sit tight as WINTER is coming.
Starting off at number 10 now we have Aliens[a].
Wherever there is a mysterious piece of land - someone will say that aliens have been there
- Antarctica is one of those places.
One of the more recent claims came in April 2017 when conspiracy theorists claimed to
have found evidence of an underwater base off the coast of Antarctica.
The 500m long object was spotted on Smyley island.
This image was posted by to the Website for -UFO Sightings Hotspot- … the first thing
people usually say is that - it looks like its just an iceberg that split away from the
The UFO Sightings website disagrees though - they say the object does not fit in with
the normal shapes of usual categories of iceberg.
They said that the shapes and forms from this iceberg look very different when compared
with icebergs - they believe that it could be a vessel in disguise.
Next up at number 9 we have The Ice Wall.
Ahh, flat earthers!
Don't they always have the best theories!
A lot of Flat Earth critics raise the very fair question of what exactly happens when
people sail or fly to the end of the earth and how we don't, you know, fall off.
The Flat Earth society believes that there is a massive 150 foot ice wall surrounding
the coast of Antarctica.
Not only is it tall, it is also thick… several hundreds of metres thick to be precise.
Flat earthers often cite the explorer James Clark Ross – the British expeditions went
to Antarctica in the mid 1800s.
In his travel notes he wrote of an icy wall – saying : It was ... an obstruction of
such character as to leave no doubt in my mind as to our future proceedings, for we
might as well sail through the cliffs of Dover as to penetrate such a mass.
Although, of course, many historians and those who have actually read the full extent of
his journals will know that he is talking about an ice shelf – the Ross Ice Shelf
that was named after him…although this shelf is just 50 metres high and was 600 kilometres
long until it recently broke apart.
To end this point about the ice wall, let me read one of my favourite quotes from the
Flat Earth society: Beyond the 150-foot Ice Wall is anyone's guess.
How far the ice extends; how it terminates; and what exists beyond it, are questions to
which no present human experience can reply.
Apart from…you know… humans who study science….humans with telescopes… humans
who have been to space.
Forget about them!
Moving on to number 8 we have Atlantis[b].
For centuries - people have been searching for Atlantis - the lost island Plato wrote
about in The Republic.
It was the home of the Atlanteans - a technologically advanced civilization who were said to possess
almost mystical qualities beyond the average human.
Some people dismissed it as fictional but others have become convinced that the island
was real and that it was submerged under the water thousands of years ago.
Theres a theory that Atlantis was not submerged though and that it is actually frozen in the
ice of Antarctica.
In April 2018, the YouTube channel Conspiracy Depot shared a Google Earth image which shows
a strange area in the Antarctic ice.
The image shows a series of lines that, according to to the video, have an artificial origin
and have recently been exposed due to melting ice in the area.
They said the object is split into 3 parts that are all about 7m long - it seems too
perfect to be formed naturally.
OK moving on now to number 7 we have Nazis[c].
I remember one video I did a while back where I discussed in detail the theory that the
Nazi party survived World War 2 and and are currently living in a base on the dark side
of the moon.
Yeah, that was an interesting theory - but so is this.
A lot of people think that this secret base was actually in Antarctica.
They say that scientists in the 3rd Reich mapped out an area of rivers and caves across
Antarctica - then, they discovered a large underground lake.
They decided this would be the perfect place for their secret base.
They supposedly called it -Base 22- or -New Berlin- … for the conspiracy theorists who
believe all this - they are now split between the ones who think the base is lost beneath
the ice, and the ones who think it is still home to a Nazi community all these years on
Next up at number 6 we have The Bloop[d].
You may have heard me mention this one before.
The Bloop was nickname given to a strange sound picked up by hydrophones across the
Pacific in 1997.
The hydrophones are essentially like giant microphones - they are positioned over 5,000km
apart so its not very often that they all pick up the same thing - except this time.
A number of them picked up the same loud, ultra low frequency sound across the pacific.
Take a listen.
To many people, that sounds like an animal - some sort of creature that made a noise
so loud it was picked up across Earths biggest ocean.
If such a creature did exist, it would be bigger than anything weve ever seen - thats
the only way it could make a sound that loud.
Well, scientists said this is not true and that the sound was actually caused by icequakes
in the Antarctic - its the sound of ice breaking up and cracking and the sound was picked up
as The Bloop.
Others arent buying it and say that the sound may have come from Antarctica, but it was
definitely biological …
Moving on to number 5 we have Hollow Earth[e].
Youve heard of the flat Earth theory, but have you heard of the Hollow Earth theory.
As you can probably guess from the name - it proposes that the planet is entirely hollow
on the inside - that we all live on a shell that is 500 miles thick - which is only a
fraction of the way to the centre of the Earth.
So, where does Antarctica come into this?
Well, in December 2016 - a study was published indicating that there seems to be a massive
anomaly underneath the ice of Antarctica.
Some researchers believed it to be the remains of a truly massive asteroid that is more than
twice the size of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Another theory is that is could be the portal or entrance to the Hollow Earth.
I also read an article about Russian scientists drilling down through the ice in Antarctica
- hopefully they don't pierce through to space inside …
Moving on to number 4 we have Area 51[f].
It doesnt matter what kind of video I do about conspiracy theories - Area 51 will always
crop up - even in Antarctica.
In March 2018, news articles began circulating about Arrival Heights, a secret laboratory
located deep in the mountains of Antarctica that is called Area 51.
That kinda makes you think of how many secret bases theyve made between 51 and 122.
I guess the answer is 71.
Journalists from New Zealand investigated the lab and found that it was filled with
old technology.
It was very strange.
Like something out of a movie.
The computers had floppy drives - there was a huge computer called the Dobson spectrometer
which had a periscope sticking up out of the roof.
So what is it all for?
Well, they say its to study the hole in the ozone layer above the continent.
The old equipment is so sensitive that even breath or speaking too loudly is said to damage
Some people say that the base is hiding more secrets and that Area 122 could be the new
Area 51.
Moving on to number 3 we have The Pyramids[g].
In 2013, an article on Scienceray.
Com claimed that three ancient pyramids had been discovered in the Antarctic by a team
of American and European scientists.
Relatively little is known about the pyramids and the team behind their discovery has remained
silent ever since.
One piece of information that emerged was that they were planning an expedition to the
pyramids to research them properly and determine if they were natural or man made.
If theyre natural, they could simply be the product of erosion or tectonic activity - btu
if theyre man made - that would open up the suggestion of ancient civilizations.
We know of only a handful of civilizations that built pyramids as big as the ones discovered
in Antarctica - most notably the Aztecs and the Ancient Egyptians.
Conspiracy theorists are already jumping on board with the Antarctica Pyramids as proof
of a lost pyramids building civilization …
Next up at number 2 we have The Big Melt[h].
As Im sure youre aware, Antarctica is covered in a sheet of ice - at some points its 3 miles
And, as Im sure youve seen on the news, the ice caps are melting.
When you see those images of glaciers drifting out into the ocean - its natural to think
- what if it all goes?
Well, that would be a disaster.
Some estimates state that if all the ice on the Antarctica sheet were to melt, sea levels
would rise by 200ft.
To give you an idea of what this would do - the entire east coast of the US would be
underwater and Florida would vanish - it would be almost entirely underwater.
Another scary aspect of all this is that we don't know how much or how quickly this could
happen or even what it would look like.
Climate scientists still have a lot to understand when it comes to this process - but their
worst case scenarios paints a pretty grim picture …
And finally at number 1 we have Ancient Diseases[i].
As we know, Antarctica is pretty cold.
So cold, land is buried under two kilometres of ice.
Recently in Siberia, in part of the arctic circle, nomadic tribes were effected by an
outbreak of anthrax that came as a result of permafrost melting an unleashing an ancient
A 12 year old boy died and thousands of reindeer became infected.
Obviously there are many reasons to be worried about the ice caps melting, but it seems that
ancient diseases could be trapped under the ice that modern day humans and animals have
no resistance to.
As the ice is so thick, we literally cannot know what is under there, and what might be
It seems that permafrost provides the perfect conditions for bacteria to remain alive, dormant
for millions of years.
Scientists are worried that a pandora's box of illnesses we don't know how to cure
are out there waiting to emerge one day.
Aaaaand we are done!
Thats two Antarctica videos in quick succession - how do you like that?
Do you want a 3rd?
I think Rebecca might be doing one very soon.
Shall I do one about the north pole?
Is it cold places you guys like in general?
Maybe Ill do one about Mt Everest.
Either way, let me know - thanks for watching as always guys, my name is Danny Burke and
Ill see you all in the next video!
Kim Zolciak Slams 'RHOA' & Says She'll Never Film Bravo Show Again: 'F*** No' - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 2:46.
Kim Zolciak didn't hold back her feelings about not wanting to appear on 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' again when she gave an open interview to 'OK!' about her negative experience on the show
Kim Zolciak, 40, only appeared on a few episodes of the popular series Real Housewives of Atlanta, when she made her highly anticipated return to its 10th season in 2017, but apparently that was enough to convince her to never go back again! The reality star opened up about her negative experience with filming the show, and even admitted to not watching it on TV when she gets a chance
"F**k no," she told OK! in an interview. "I do not [keep up with the show at all]
No. Last year was enough for me to handle. I will never go back to Housewives again
" Kim's shocking statement is a result of her feeling the show has not progressed in the way she thinks it should, and she admitted that when she initially decided to return in season 10, it was because she was "oblivious to the lack of growth
" "I like positive happy fun things, you know? And I feel like [the show and its environment] can be [filled with] a lot of negativity," she explained
As fans of the show know, Kim first appeared as one of the original housewives on the series when it premiered in 2008, but left during its fifth season in 2012 and started her own spin off show, Don't Be Tardy
When it comes to her former RHOA co-stars, Kim said that although she hasn't kept in touch with them on a regular basis, she does reach out in big life moments, like when Nene Leakes' husband, Gregg, was diagnosed with cancer last June
"I reached out to Nene when Gregg was diagnosed [and sent them a care package] and I congratulated Porsha [Williams] on the pregnancy," Kim said
"I don't know that there's a whole lot of animosity [between me and the rest of the cast]
I just [think] we all kind of have our own separate lives…or at least I do." That separate life includes her own show
Although Kim has seemed to write RHOA off completely, it hasn't stopped her from filming her family reality series, Don't Be Tardy
Season seven of the Bravo show will premiere on Feb. 17 at 9 p.m. and a new episode of RHOA premieres the hour before at 8 p
【關於我家】台北21坪套房租金、傢俱|全空屋裝潢便宜實用必買高品質傢俱|挑選購買組裝|高級優質套房捷運共構北歐工業文青風格|台北租屋生活大公開|極簡主義者Home Tour歡迎參觀我家|ikea - Duration: 5:07.
Hip Fracture | Exercises To Improve Strength And Function | Part 4 - Duration: 0:35.
This video demonstrates the hip extension kickback for improving gluteal
strength. Keep your spine in a neutral position while the hip extends and
flexes. Maintain a slightly bent knee on the stance lag for the entire exercise.
This movement is a great exercise to improve your ability to walk and
negotiate stairs. Try this exercise today!
岩手ローカルレポーターの現役看護師・柳川あい、1st DVD『天使のヒミツ』でファンを癒す - Duration: 2:03.
拡大写真 柳 あいファーストイ ージDVD『柳川 い 天使のヒミツ (C)Line ommunica ions.,In 現役看護 でアイドルの柳川 いが、ファースト メージDVD『柳 あい 天使のヒミ 』(ラインコミュ ケーションズ)を リース
【写真】柳川あい ァーストイメージ VD『柳川あい 使のヒミツ』より 現役看護師で、 人のエンターテイ ントをコンセプト したアイドルユニ ト『L』のメンバ
そして、岩手のロ カル番組『いいコ !』(岩手朝日テ ビ)30年度みな のいいコト!リポ ターに就任してい 柳川あい
デビュー作『天 のヒミツ』では、 ース役を体当たり 熱演。慈愛に満ち 88cm Fカッ バストで観るもの 癒してくれる
◆柳川あい(やな わ・あい)199 年11月11日生 れ。身長168c 、B88(F)・ 58・H90趣味 イラストを描く、 ーム特技/柔道、 役看護師[外部サ ト]モデル・グラ アの素質を磨く撮 会を経験 201 年度 第34回ミ 湘南コンテスト第 回キスカプリンセ 後期サバイバル ーディションミス D2018、バー スク東京で働く看 師のたまご・リオ 受賞現役救急看護 グラドル・稀水こ く、抜群のクビレ 魅了コスプレイヤ ・桃月なしこ、大 進の2018年を り返る「激動の一 でした」
TikTok musically - Duration: 2:28.
岩手ローカルレポーターの現役看護師・柳川あい、1st DVD『天使のヒミツ』でファンを癒す - Duration: 1:29.
現役看護師でアイ ルの柳川あいが、フ ーストイメージDV 『柳川あい 天使の ミツ』(ラインコミ ニケーションズ)を リース。 現役看護 で、大人のエンター イメントをコンセプ にしたアイドルユニ ト『L』のメンバー
そして、岩手のロー ル番組『いいコト! (岩手朝日テレビ) 0年度みなみのいい ト!リポーターに就 している柳川あい。 デビュー作『天使の ミツ』では、ナース を体当たりで熱演
慈愛に満ちた88c Fカップバストで るものを癒してくれ 。◆柳川あい(やな わ・あい)1990 11月11日生まれ 身長168cm、B 8(F)・W58・ 90趣味/イラスト 描く、ゲーム特技/ 道、現役看護師
永野芽郁、1st写真集発売を記念してパネル展開催決定!グッズも発売 - Duration: 4:44.
拡大写真 ( )SDP 優・永野芽郁のフ ースト写真集『m ment』(SD )が3月5日に発 される
このほど、写真集 発売を記念して3 5日からHMV& OOKS SHI UYAで『永野芽 「moment」 imited S ore』の開催が 定した
『永野芽郁「m ment」Lim ted Stor 』では永野本人も ロデュースに加わ 、写真集の収録カ トを使用したパネ 展をはじめ、本人 描いたロゴやイラ トを使用したオリ ナルグッズも販売 定
オリジナルグッズ ビッグTシャツや ートバッグなど豊 なラインナップを 定しており、グッ のデザインやその 詳細は後日発表予 だ
(C)SDP な パネル展は、大阪 HMV&BOOK SHINSAI ASHIでも開催 れる予定
パネル展の開催 定に永野は「パネ 展にどの写真がど 使われるかはお任 しているので分か ないのですが、喜 でいただけるんじ ないかと私自身も クワクしています
会場には、私も一 ら参加して考えた ッズもありますの ぜひ楽しみにして ださると嬉しいで 」とメッセージを せた
(C)SDP(C SDP 『永野芽 「moment」 imited S ore』はHMV BOOKS SH BUYAで3月5 ~25日に開催
[外部サイト]田 圭、永野芽郁らが エランドール賞」 人賞を受賞永野芽 、1st写真集の カット解禁遠山茜 、漫画とのコラボ ラビアでギャルに 制服や水着姿披露 制コレ18」グラ プリ・来栖りんが ンジャン表紙に登 !北海道で水着姿 露パトレン3号・ 山かずさが1st 真集発売決定!最 露出に挑戦安座間 優、1st写真集 初のランジェリー 影に挑戦!辰巳奈 子、9年ぶりの写 集発売!セクシー ョットは「攻めす てしまった」山田 奈、ファースト写 集で瑞々しい水着 を披露!お天気キ スター池岡星香が 群のプロポーショ を発揮!初の写真 が発売河合奈保子 4万円越えプレミ 雑誌がデジタル写 集で復活!どんぎ ね・吉岡里帆の1 t写真集「ぼくの ばにきみがいる」 公開!佐川郵便で く55人が登場! 真集『佐川女子』 発売清純派な雰囲 にギャップあふれ ボディ!徳江かな 写真集『kana が発売中え、Fカ プ?!わたなべ麻 、自身最大露出の ァースト写真集が 売中
岩手ローカルレポーターの現役看護師・柳川あい、1st DVD『天使のヒミツ』でファンを癒す - Duration: 1:29.
現役看護師でアイ ルの柳川あいが、フ ーストイメージDV 『柳川あい 天使の ミツ』(ラインコミ ニケーションズ)を リース。 現役看護 で、大人のエンター イメントをコンセプ にしたアイドルユニ ト『L』のメンバー
そして、岩手のロー ル番組『いいコト! (岩手朝日テレビ) 0年度みなみのいい ト!リポーターに就 している柳川あい。 デビュー作『天使の ミツ』では、ナース を体当たりで熱演
慈愛に満ちた88c Fカップバストで るものを癒してくれ 。◆柳川あい(やな わ・あい)1990 11月11日生まれ 身長168cm、B 8(F)・W58・ 90趣味/イラスト 描く、ゲーム特技/ 道、現役看護師
岩手ローカルレポーターの現役看護師・柳川あい、1st DVD『天使のヒミツ』でファンを癒す - Duration: 2:43.
拡大写真 柳 あいファーストイ ージDVD『柳川 い 天使のヒミツ (C)Line ommunica ions.,In 現役看護 でアイドルの柳川 いが、ファースト メージDVD『柳 あい 天使のヒミ 』(ラインコミュ ケーションズ)を リース
【写真】柳川あい ァーストイメージ VD『柳川あい 使のヒミツ』より 現役看護師で、 人のエンターテイ ントをコンセプト したアイドルユニ ト『L』のメンバ
そして、岩手のロ カル番組『いいコ !』(岩手朝日テ ビ)30年度みな のいいコト!リポ ターに就任してい 柳川あい
デビュー作『天 のヒミツ』では、 ース役を体当たり 熱演。慈愛に満ち 88cm Fカッ バストで観るもの 癒してくれる
◆柳川あい(やな わ・あい)199 年11月11日生 れ。身長168c 、B88(F)・ 58・H90趣味 イラストを描く、 ーム特技/柔道、 役看護師[外部サ ト]モデル・グラ アの素質を磨く撮 会を経験 201 年度 第34回ミ 湘南コンテスト第 回キスカプリンセ 後期サバイバル ーディションミス D2018、バー スク東京で働く看 師のたまご・リオ 受賞現役救急看護 グラドル・稀水こ く、抜群のクビレ 魅了コスプレイヤ ・桃月なしこ、大 進の2018年を り返る「激動の一 でした」
宇垣&みな実ペアヌード説 - Duration: 2:36.
今春、TBSを退 し、フリーに転身す ことが明らかになっ いる宇垣美里アナ( 991年4月16日 ・27歳)。「仕事 っちのけで、12月 どはドイツ、マカオ ど海外旅行ざんまい
フリーに向けて、英 を養っているようで 」(前出・女子アナ オッチャー) 昨年 月、情報番組『あさ ャン!』を降板させ れたことが面白くな ったようだ。「プロ ューサーから降板を げられると逆ギレ
"なんで、なんでっ !"と叫びながら、 ーヒーの入った紙コ プを壁にブン投げた うですから。以後、 内では孤立無援状態 ようです」(芸能ラ ター・小松立志氏) しかし、あの"爆乳 は健在
「昨年10月、TB アナのカレンダーが 売された際、ハプニ グが起きました。胸 が開いたVネックの 装を着ていたため、 ゃがんでポーズを作 た瞬間、Fカップの いやGカップの、い いや"Hカップ"の 間がポロリしちゃっ のです」(同) 独 後、手本となりそう のが、TBSの先輩 今はフリーの田中み 実(32)なのだと
「実は水面下で、2 のヘアヌード写真集 計画されているんで 。ギャラは1人50 0万円で計1億円。 人のおっぱいをコス 合わせた"パイ合わ "はもちろんのこと "貝合わせ"の構図 プランされているよ ですから、実現した 大ベストセラーにな こと間違いなしです (中堅出版関係者)
PUSUYA DÜŞÜRÜLDÜM ! - PUBG Mobile - Duration: 14:25.
We Love England and English
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