Is your head spinning with all the things
it takes to really be effective online?
Are you overwhelmed by the work it'll probably take?
So, you throw up your hands, just stay put
with your website and a nearly dormant
Facebook page, and call it good?
What are you getting from it? Almost nothing—right?
Well, if that's the case, stay with me, because we're
going to walk through seven steps to get your
digital marketing strategy tuned up, in short order.
To really move the needle, you'll need to add more to the mix.
It won't cost you much at all, but it will take dedication,
time, and persistence. Take them, one at a time,
and keep chipping away. You'll see things begin to happen.
Hi, I'm Perry Alexander, and today, I'm going to share with you
my seven basic digital marketing strategy tips.
Before I dive in, make sure you subscribe to this channel—
and hit the bell icon to be notified
when I share more videos about digital marketing.
Sometimes, new marketers can get ahead of themselves—
tempted to jump into advanced tactics, without building
a good foundation and full understanding of how things
mesh together for a solid digital marketing strategy.
So, tell me, are you getting all you want from
just having a website and maybe a Facebook page?
If you are, leave a comment that says, "yes."
If not, leave a comment that says "no," so I can
focus my future videos to help get where you want to go.
And, let's get started.
Number 1: Before you do anything else,
give a lot of thought and get crystal clear, in your own mind,
about all the things that really set you apart from everyone else.
And, then, distill that down to a few sentences
that just roll off your tongue at a moment's notice.
This is your Unique Value Proposition, or UVP—
and it's fundamental. It's your "elevator" speech.
Get your UVP down pat, and your
messaging will be more consistent and powerful.
2: When you've built a list of customers and contacts, find out
what they like and what they'd like to see improved.
Use a free tool like SurveyMonkey to ask them a few questions.
Have them rate your product offerings and customer service,
and maybe the website itself.
This can really help to refine your UVP, that I mentioned earlier.
3: You have to prioritize your digital marketing goals.
What do you want more of?
Leads? Inquiries? Name recognition? Online sales?
Profitability? Overall revenue?
If it's more leads, for instance: add a form to your website that pops up,
where you offer something free in exchange for an email address.
HelloBar and others have free tools to do just that.
I've posted a link below.
Prominently link from your website to your YouTube channel
and your latest social media post,
and ask for likes, follows, shares, and comments.
The simple act of asking
significantly raises your chances of getting them.
If your goal is to get more online sales,
take a hard look at your site's shopping experience.
Is it a chore to navigate? Confusing? Are the descriptions complete?
Is your check-out process a hassle? Is your return policy easy to find?
Do you offer free shipping? How about delivery times,
after-sale follow-up, and customer service?
You might even consider partnering with Amazon, Etsy,
or other consolidator, depending on what you're selling.
Each goal requires its own strategy and set of tactics.
4: Leverage your website and social media.
If your last Facebook post was three years—
or even a month ago, you need new content!
Add fresh, new material through blog and
social media posts—once a week, if you can manage it.
And when you research keywords that people are using to find you,
make sure those words and phrases are included in your posts
and particularly in headlines.
UberSuggest is a great, free, SEO keyword research tool.
I've posted a link below.
And, to analyze how your own site content is doing,
be sure to connect the free SEO Google tools to your site,
called Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
5: Make sure your blog and social media posts are all about
useful information on topics you know inside and out,
and resist the temptation to jump into a heavy-handed sales message—
but do include a call to action—like asking people to subscribe, comment,
or share your post, and offering something free
in exchange for their email address.
You'll build trust and authority with a steady diet of actionable,
free content, and people will naturally come back for more.
Inevitably, some of them will contact you
about purchasing your products or services.
6: Make videos. Do a short home-page video,
with a brief welcome message, and maybe share your business philosophy,
and mention a few things they shouldn't miss on your site.
It shows your personality and how you do business.
You'll build trust, and people will stay on your site longer.
Launch a separate and ongoing series of helpful videos
on your area of expertise, and make sure you
create a YouTube channel, which is so important to
building your audience and your Google search ranking.
And, your videos don't have to be highly polished.
Even make your first few on your phone.
Again, go heavy on information about your topic,
and ease off on the selling.
And, as always, include your keywords.
When you also post your videos on Facebook and
other social media, don't just link the videos from YouTube.
Rather, individually upload them to each platform, for better ranking.
And—this is really important—
Google or Facebook can't search a video for keywords,
so always include a transcript of your videos.
Don't depend on the automatic transcription—
Google doesn't give that much weight,
because it's usually only about 60% accurate.
7: This is all great in theory, but you have to get started, and stick to it.
Your digital marketing can produce great results at very little cost,
but you have to put the work in, and you can't let up.
But, sometimes the toughest part is to just get started!
You've got to devote the time and effort—
or bring in an expert to get things set up
and help you manage and produce it all.
So, let's review the seven basic steps
to power up your digital marketing.
1: Establish your Unique Value Proposition—or UVP.
2: Survey your customers and contact list to learn
what they love and what to improve.
3: Prioritize your digital goals, so you can build a solid strategy.
4: Leverage everything with keywords.
Use free tools to understand the keywords and phrases
that are likely to produce results for you,
and pepper them throughout your content.
5: Load up your blog, social media, and video content
with useful information, and barely touch on a sales message.
6: Tap the power of YouTube as a place to ramp up
your following and recognition of your authority.
7: Get started! It doesn't cost much at all,
but it takes consistent effort over time.
While these seven steps are a solid start,
there are plenty of other ways to power up your
digital marketing strategy even more.
So, if all this sounds inspiring, but feels a little daunting—
or maybe a lot—check out my digital marketing company website
and let's talk about how we might work together
to get you on the right track and lighten your load.
Thanks for watching. And, if you liked this video,
please subscribe, hit the bell, tell others about it, like it,
and leave a comment below or even a quick question, and I'll be sure to answer.
and I'll be sure to answer.
For more infomation >> 7 Steps First to Power Up Your Digital Marketing Strategy | P - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
Watch Where You Step, Kevin - Duration: 5:03.
EAT LIKE A KING! Steaks, Picanha, Chicharrón, Desserts, Beans, Yuca and More! - Duration: 12:31.
Welcome back to Guga Foods everybody today a little different type of video I
had to take a quick trip to Brazil and my best friend invited me for dinner.
So I'm gonna share with you a little bit of my trip. This is my hometown in Brazil!
What's going on everybody. I was invited and I'm so thrilled from
one of my very good friends to have a nice traditional Brazilian lunch and
he's gonna make it for me together with his wife and I'm gonna show you guys how
they do it here traditionally. Should be really good let's check it out!
So you see that guy right now I'm following him he's the one that is gonna make us some
beautiful dinner, I mean that's what he said at least I don't know what he's planning
So that's the plan, we are going to see what we got here today.
Look he got security here everybody, he got security. He's ready
Check it out everybody, they got the wooden fire here, they also got the other one. It's Beautiful!
They are gonna make this nice beautiful dinner for us you guys gonna get to watch it
and see how traditionally it's done. It's their little kitchen look at that, it's
very nice. Beautiful kitchen. And we got the baby! Cute baby, baby!
It is not uncommon in my city to have a wood fire stove Brazilians claim that it
makes a different flavor. But to be honest it does not it just gets nice and
hot and that's why we like it. But we gotta blame the wood!
That was my best friend's wife her name is Nayana, and she's the master chef.
And she was letting me know that this is okra . She's gonna be preparing several different dishes today
including chicharrones Brazilian style which are first done in the pressure
cooker and then she fries them to get them crispy.
And this is a very traditional appetizer in Brazil, we call it torresmo. She
also made some rice balls. I've made it on my sous vide channel before but hers
is just way better and she gave me the recipe so stay tuned for it real soon.
I had to steal one because she said that it has some type of different kind of cheese that's called catupiry.
Oh man that is good!
So this is how we know a person really knows how to cook very well, they grow their own
chives everybody and they got obviously here rosemary,
beautiful rosemary also they're growing garlic as you can see right here
I mean they have all kind of spices and if you're wondering about the egg which
is I asked her I said why in the world you put an egg in here and the reason is
the butterflies were laying the eggs here so it was eating all their you know
spices and plants and things like that. Once she put the egg shell in there they
completely disappeared. So that was pretty cool.
And that's their spice garden there you go that's what it is.
A real spice rack for real. So Nayana is a machine she just keeps putting dish
after dish with nonstop action and my friend Marcelo wanted to treat me to a
beautiful picanha and he knows what's up. Here he is showing you the three veins.
And as you know anything after the third vein
it is not picanha. So believe it or not he just cuts it out and give it to his dogs.
Yes I did say dogs, I know he's crazy but he said you know that tastes
like bleep so I rather not eat it. I was like ok!
Then right after cutting the dog's portion he proceeded to cut it into
steaks. And if you can see it, he is cutting it with the grain. But apparently
his knife is not that good he needs some sharpening, his wife saw it and took charge.
Check this out!
No good. No good? Ha, Ha!
And that's how you sharpen everybody. Good! Now is good? Good!
See she is the real cook everybody.
Now that he has a very good sharp knife we finished cutting the steaks. Then
like always he seasoned everything with rock salt nothing else.
He was telling me he likes to wait a little bit
so that the salt can penetrate. Unlike the salt I use here
in the US which are salt flakes the sodium Brazil is like a rock salt
and it takes longer to penetrate that's why he likes to let it sit and then
season the other side.
And then of course you're gotta have some homemade drinks. That's a liquor
everybody. This is a traditional cup that you drink it in.
Saude! Cheers!
By this time you already know what's going on. When you're having a good time with your friends,
you forget your meat and
sometimes you overcook it. And that's okay.
Are you recording? Yes. Ok
You're ready?
Cheers everybody!
Hmm he's the man! He's very shy everybody he is very shy. Ha, ha.
It is incredible. Oh look that's how you do it everybody a little bit traditional
you got a little bit of this is called mandioca. You get a little bit of mandioca.
Which is basically yuca you put it together like that
very traditional.
Boa Nayana. Good Nayana.
After that his wife finished off all the side dishes so we
can have dinner and this is called tutu, which is basically blended beans and
cassava flour together. And it is amazing. And other side dishes like potato salad,
and yes she makes her mayo from scratch. That okra we saw earlier Feijão Tropeiro
which is beans, with sausage, bacon, cassava flour, kale and Brazilian sausage.
She also made frango caipira which is free-range chicken that is slow cooked
for hours and she also got the leftover picanhas and sauté it with some onions.
Let's also not forget about boiled yuca, deep-fried yuca, that beautiful potato
salad and tabbouleh salad. And there you have it a very traditional Brazilian
dinner now comes my favorite part. Let's go Nayana. Let's go!
Carne Asada Churrasco.
Thank you Marcelo.
You're welcome! Your welcome. He's learning English everybody my best
friend right here everybody. All right so we're gonna give this a try.
It's so much food guys we don't know which one to try it first
this is wonderful. Tabule, tabule. He doesn't even know the names because
there's so much traditional food. Here we go!
mmm this is an traditional as it gets, tutu.
Wow! So here is the deal everybody when you
make it directly on the wood fire stove there, it does give a different type of
flavor because it's so hot. Not necessarily because it's smoky it's not
that it's smoky is a different way that the food is cooked and the browning and
the charring when she's cooking it directly on the wood fire stove, it is
almost impossible to replicate. All her pots that she uses has been used for
years, years, many, many years so you know that flavor is almost impossible to
replicate to be honest with you it is as good as it gets. Guys I hope you enjoyed
this video. If you do enjoyed this video let me know in the comments down below
and give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for
future videos remember if you are interested in any of
the equipment I use everything is always on the description down below. Thank you so
much for watching, we'll see you guys on the next one. Take care bye bye. Bye bye Marcelo, bye bye
Hold on a second I thought everything was done but then to my
surprise she went a little crazy and did a little Brazilian dessert for us
everybody. We got figs over here, we got crema de leite, homemade she made this
from scratch this is dulce de leche, homemade queso blanco.
I mean they're just spoiling me here you know it's my family and my
friends, haven't seen them in a long time so that just went all out. She even made
this one this is called romeu e julieta. Guava this is kind of like a guava thing
on top this is like a cream everybody. We're gonna give this a try right now.
We're having an argument here which one to go with first because we're
full we ate so much food everybody. But it's so fantastic so we're gonna dig in
Sorry this is too much!
Traditional. Look guys here you got a little bit of the
queso blanco okay and you put homemade dulce de leche everybody.
You can make this at home everybody, I showed how to make this you can do this at home.
Wow she's the real chef everybody, the real deal. Thank you! Thank you.
Thanks for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care bye bye
18/02/2019 8:27 SA (3 Hoàng Văn Thụ, P. Đáp Cầu, Bắc Ninh,) - Duration: 10:56.
Pete Davidson's Got Moves - Duration: 4:34.
【500万は目標から通過点へ】2019/2/18(月)FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く! 生放送278回目🎤★☆★現在収支+5,023,575円★☆★ - Duration: 7:27:31.
ตัวเลขพิสูจน์ยูเว่กำลังได้ทุนคืนจากโด้คุ้มซะยิ่งกว่าคุ้ม - Duration: 2:09.
#RonTheRecruiter - EP:12 Start a BRAND NEW Career TODAY! - Duration: 0:51.
Hi friends, another episode of 'Ron The Recruiter'.
US Health Advisers is an amazing place to work.
It's an amazing place for you to grow an incredible career.
Helping other people everyday.
But don't take my word for it.
(Woow Woohoo)
Hi, I am Alex Cantos.
I have been working with Ron
and US Health Advisers for almost two years.
I guess it has been a year and a half
and what I love most about this job is
that I get to help people every single day.
I got to understand health insurance which has gotten so complicated.
I have just been able to really be a value to other parents.
As a single mom myself, I help so many moms.
I help their families with one of the most important decisions
that they are going to make
and to me that's so valuable.
Carmen de la Sălciua face dezvăluiri: "Viața mea e o furtună, dar acum e vreme bună"! L-a detronat p - Duration: 4:49.
J.B. Holmes rallies to win marathon at Riviera - Duration: 5:43.
LOS ANGELES -- A marathon finish was only part of the challenge facing J.B. Holmes
He also had to contend with a four-shot deficit against Justin Thomas on greens that were increasingly bumpy with so many foots over nine hours, and wind that made Riviera tougher than ever
With one good break, two big putts and plenty of help from Thomas on the back nine, Holmes won the Genesis Open on Sunday for his first PGA Tour title in nearly three years that earned him a trip back to the Masters
So difficult was the final round of a 34-hole day that Holmes didn't make a birdie over the last eight holes and closed with a 1-under 70
Editor's PicksTiger cites fatigue after falling out of contention Tiger Woods, after an apparent momentum-seizing birdie off a deft bunker shot on No
7 in the Genesis Open, promptly stalled instead. Afterward, he blamed the effects of a long week
How slow play, bad play and foul weather made for a long week at the Genesis Open J
B Holmes won, but he certainly took his time doing it. Plus, Jordan Spieth melted down and Justin Thomas let one slip away
It was a weird week in L.A.1 Related "I knew it was going to be very difficult to shoot a low score," Holmes said
"I needed some help from Justin." Thomas shot a 65 in the morning to complete the third round with a four-shot lead
Holmes says his caddie, Brandon Parsons, asked him at one point if he thought Thomas would get to 20-under par, a score only two other players have reached at Riviera
"I was like, `You mean this round?' He was playing unbelievable there that third round," Holmes said
Thomas played a big part in Holmes' victory, however. He took 19 putts in a wild back nine that featured three two-shot swings because of putting
Thomas, who closed with a 75, three-putted from long range on the 10th as Holmes made birdie for his first lead of the week
Holmes returned the favor on the next hole when he turned birdie into a shocker of a bogey , three-putting from 3 feet
And then it was back to Thomas, and what turned out to be the decisive moment. Holmes missed the 13th green to the right and chipped to 12 feet
Thomas was some 65 feet away and lagged his putt to 8 feet. Holmes made the par putt , and not only did Thomas miss his putt for par, he lipped out the next one for a double bogey
That took Thomas from one ahead to one behind, and he never caught up. Holmes delivered another dagger with a 12-foot par save on the 16th right before Thomas made birdie to avoid another two-shot swing, and Thomas couldn't convert birdie chances from 6 feet and 20 feet on the last two holes
"To take two steps back with a double is huge because it was so hard to make birdies, especially with 14, 15, 16 coming up, three holes dead into the teeth," Thomas said, alluding to the wind
"I'm sure he would say that was probably the biggest turning point of the round for him, and that putt on 16
" Thomas said he struggled putting in the wind and it "showed a flaw in my game." "J
B. won. He played great," Thomas said of his fellow Kentuckian, whom he has known since he was a kid
"It's always a bummer to hand a tournament. I feel like I should have won that thing
" Holmes, who finished at 14-under 270, moved up from No. 100 to No. 42 in the world, making him eligible for the World Golf Championships in Mexico City next week
But it's been a long stretch, and he decided not to play. As for that invitation to the Masters? "Let me think about it," he said with a grin
"No, it's always good to go back." Tiger Woods shot 65 to finish his morning third round, though he was never in range of winning
Woods closed with a 72 in the afternoon, and tied for 15th. "I got tired," Woods said
"I don't know if I'm the only one, but I definitely felt it today. Wind, cold. I was at 10 (under) and I slipped four shots coming in
That's the way it goes." He said he wouldn't touch his clubs on Monday as he goes from cold air at sea level to Mexico City next week
Maybe the biggest break for Holmes was at the par-4 seventh, when his wedge from a bunker didn't clear the lip and buried into the grass framing the sand
He at first feared he couldn't find it. Once he did, he was given relief from an embedded ball and escaped with a bogey
Holmes and Thomas weren't the only ones who struggled on greens. Adam Scott was right in the hunt until he missed six consecutive putts from under 10 feet that dropped him out of contention quickly
Scott closed with a 76 and tied for seventh. "You're going to miss a few out there," Scott said
"We saw some four-putts and three-putts, but you can't miss every one for six straight holes
. If you look at J.B., why he won, he holed unbelievable putts and I didn't today
" Si Woo Kim had a 66, the low score of the final round, and finished third. Rory McIlroy almost got back in the game when he holed a bunker shot on the 16th to get within two shots, but he failed to birdie the par-5 17th and was fooled by the wind in making bogey on the final hole for a 69
He tied for fourth with Marc Leishman (68). No one had a tougher time than Jordan Spieth, whose final round included a birdie, par, bogey, double bogey, triple bogey and quadruple bogey, the latter on the 10th hole when he hit four shots out of bunkers
He shot 81, his second-highest score as a pro.
要韓國瑜千萬別推這2本書 馮光遠:推了「一定出事」 - Duration: 3:09.
要韓國瑜千萬別推這2 本書 馮光遠:推了 「一定出事」 高 雄市長韓國瑜上任後 決定推出「每月好書 」系列活動
第一波(12日)親自 推薦亞都麗緻大飯店 前總裁嚴長壽著作《 在世界地圖上找到自 己》
馮光遠以「緊急! 韓導絕對不能推薦的 書」為題在臉書表示
韓國瑜每個月要推薦一 本書這很好
強調「韓導你絕對不要 推
他指出這2本書分 別為吳音寧的《江湖 在哪裡?──台灣農 業觀察》與王彥喬《 表裏柯P:迷思與真 相──市政記者的柯 文哲千日紀實》。
勸韓國瑜別推薦《江湖 在哪裡?──台灣農 業觀察》這本書的原 因
是因為這本書針對台灣 農業這些年的發展及 其面臨的困境
用文學家的悲憫之心所 書寫的另類台灣農業 史
其中書中有一章名為「 黑道的故鄉」。
講的是黑道怎麼搞壞台 灣農業的產銷制度、
其實也正是『北農總經 理吳音寧」在台北從 事改革的基礎
另一本由年輕記者王彥 喬所寫的書《表裏柯 P:迷思與真相── 市政記者的柯文哲千 日紀實》
兩個程度差不多的網紅 市長
柯媽媽會很不高興的」 。
Девушки-сампан: смертельная секс-экзотика Таиланда - Duration: 5:09.
Top 10 Calciatori Più Pagati della Serie A 2018-2019 - Duration: 2:11.
洩密小S粗口對罵錄音曝光,忍了14年終於離婚,老公偷食嫩模遭抓包?- 娛樂新聞熱點 - Duration: 3:57.
洩密小S許雅 鈞粗口對罵 錄音曝光
忍了14年終 於離婚
老公偷食嫩模 遭抓包? 在大家的印 象裏
小S一直都是 一個性格彪 悍、
叱吒一方的女 人!其實這 都只是外表
小S骨子裡也 是一個非常 傳統的女人
可以為了家庭 付出所有。
在綜藝節目 《小姐姐的 花店》裏
小S和宋佳聊 起了家常
一通寒暄問暖 之後
小S率先進入 正題
笑著對宋佳說 :姐姐每天 都會發一些 罵我和老公 的文章! 宋佳看到小 S強顏歡笑 的樣子
直接一針見血 :小S
你知道我跟你 聊半天最大 的感受是什 麼嗎?你一 點都不愛你 自己。
沒有到就因 為這句話
直接戳中了小 S內心的最 後防線
她放下了堅強 的外表
情緒激動的說 了句:你這 是要逼我哭 嗎?然後就 捂著臉哭了 起來。
不知道為什 麼
看著這個以往 活潑無比
自帶綜藝感的 女孩哭的時 候
我竟然也淚流 滿面。
尤其是她說 出那句"我 就是個媽媽
我就是個中年 婦女"的時 候
像是在說每一 個故作堅強 的母親。
小S還是一個 風風火火的 靚女
並且接連生下 三個女兒後
她仿佛掉進了 萬丈深淵
一夜間從熱情 火辣的女主 持
變成了隔三差 五就哭泣的 中年婦女。
小S雖然在 鏡頭前工作
可當她褪掉藝 員的光環後
也只是一個普 通的母親
要照顧孩子們 的衣食起居
小S嫁給許 雅鈞這麼多 年來
接連生下了3 個女兒
生活中不僅要 照顧孩子們
可這些不但沒 換來丈夫的 珍惜
反而頻頻傳出 深夜約會辣 妹的消息。
小S在失望 的同時
看著孩子們天 真的容顏
眼淚硬是憋了 下去
因為她不想讓 孩子們擁有 一個殘缺的 家庭
只能一次又一 次包容丈夫 。
由於未能生 下一子
小S在家中的 地位非常低 。
婆婆喜歡富 麗堂皇的裝 修風格
而小S則喜歡 中式風格
但沒人會尊重 她的感受
最終還是丈夫 在設計家庭 空間時
為她謀得了一 張夢寐以求 的拇指餐桌 。
許雅鈞不僅 花心
脾氣還非常暴 躁
常常毆打小S 。
小S在直播時 鼻青臉腫、
甚至還大罵髒 話
小S卻撒謊稱 自己摔倒了 。
可是孩子不會 撒謊啊
女兒在小S直 播時說:爸 爸又打你了
一句話讓粉絲 心疼不已。
小S一次又 一次的包容
換來的卻是老 公無情的傷 害
只能說她愛的 太卑微!對 此粉絲也都 直言:求求 你快離婚吧
一個愛你的人 不會讓你受 這麼多委屈 ! 對於小 S的經歷
大家有什麼想 說的嗎
Unboxing Our New Ronin-S - Duration: 1:54.
- So what.
We'll do this. (loud beep)
It's dumb, what do I do,
- with my hands?
(loud beep) (rhythmic popping)
- [Interviewer] Like alright.
(loud beep) (upbeat soul music)
- Hey guys it's Dom with LocalEyes Video Production.
We just picked up the Ronin-S,
and the new Ronin-S Focus Motor.
And we're going to test it out.
So right now I'm using the MoVI-M10,
and a Focus Wheel with the FS-5.
And that has been just an awesome setup.
But what I like about the Ronin-S,
is it'll take up much less space when I travel.
And it's just easier to transition between,
filming on the Gimbal and filming on the Tripod.
I'm going to be able to pop it on and off of a Tripod.
Can stick it on the end of a Monopod.
And you can just get more creative shots with it.
Even though I already have a Focus Motor,
I wanted to get the Ronin-S version.
Because you can plug it right into the Ronin-S,
and use the built in thumb wheel.
And that way you don't have to add,
any more weight or anything to the top of the camera,
and you can keep it nice and simple.
(upbeat music)
(chiming bells)
Alright I think we're ready to take it for a spin.
(upbeat music)
So overall I think this is,
just great to have in the tool kit.
I love how compact it is.
I love that there's feet on the bottom.
We have a Blackmagic that's arriving in a couple of days.
A new Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K.
And we'll mostly be using this thing with that.
And I think that together is going to be,
just a winning combo.
Alright guys.
Let me know know if this video is helpful in the comments.
Or if you want to see any other videos in the future.
And I'll see you next time
T.I.'s Sister Hospitalized After Terrible Car Crash: Production On 'Friends & Family Hustle' Halted - Duration: 2:42.
Oh no! T.I.'s sister, Precious Harris, was in a serious car accident in Atlanta last week
As a result, she was taken to the hospital and her brother decided to halt production on their show 'Friends & Family Hustle
' T.I. and Tiny Harris know that family never gets left behind! The pair shut down production of their show T
I. & Tiny: Friends & Family Hustle after the rapper's sister got into a horrible car crash
Production was halted on Wed. Feb. 13 after they learned that Tip's sister, Precious Harris, was involved in a serious car accident in Atlanta earlier that morning, sources close to the situation told TMZ
It's not clear what led to the car crash, but sources told the media outlet that Precious, 66, hit a pole, triggering an asthma attack
She was then taken to a hospital and is currently in the ICU. Her exact condition is unknown
T.I. and Tiny were devastated after hearing the news and decided it was best to put the show on hold until Precious got better, TMZ's insiders said
Two days after the incident, Tiny asked her fans on Instagram to keep her sister-in-law in their thoughts
She shared a photo of herself with Precious and captioned it, "Anybody that really know me knows how special & how much I cherish & love this lady, my sister @preciousharris1913 Pls pray for my sister & family
She's a true fighter…always have been & God has the last word…" View this post on Instagram Anybody that really know me knows how special & how much I cherish & love this lady, my sister @preciousharris1913 Pls pray for my sister & family
She's a true fighter…always have been & God has the last word… 🙏🏽👑💔💔💔 A post shared by Majorgirl (@majorgirl) on Feb 14, 2019 at 2:43pm PST Our thoughts are with T
I. and Tiny's family, and we hope Precious has a speedy recovery. HollywoodLife reached out to T
I.'s rep for comment, but did not receive an immediate response.
Lesson 25. Feelings/ Hisslər - Duration: 2:47.
Today I am really angry
She is married. So she is happy.
My grandmother is ill.
I am interested in that book.
I am scared of darkness/ I am afraid of darkness.
I was surprised when I saw him here.
I am unhappy because I failed my exam.
-How are you today -I am well/ I am fine
Audi Q5 3.2 FSI QUATTRO S-TRONIC S LINE - Duration: 1:14.
Regeringen 2019 / Vi Har Tyvärr Inte Så Mycket Att Säga Till Om / Undertext - Duration: 12:57.
Obrovská radost Bagárové a jejího bojovníka MMA! Nečekaný posun ve vztahu - Duration: 1:18.
Minulý týden se Monika Bagárová v krátkých videích na sociální síti pochlubila nákupy ve známém řetězci s nábytkem a doplňky
Bylo tedy zřejmé, že se s přítelem Makhmudem chystají ke společnému bydlení. Milenci netroškařili a místo bytu si pořídili domek za Prahou
„Ještě čekáme, až nám pustí vodu. Pak už bereme krabice a stěhujeme se. Je to nový dům a v úterý, nebo ve středu bychom se měli stěhovat," svěřila se zpěvačka, která svého partnera poprvé vyvedla na Česko-Slovenský ples do Obecního domu
Pro bojovníka to byla premiéra, přece jenom je zvyklý na jiné prostředí. „Je to něco jiného, ale mám tady Moniku, kamarády, cítím se v pohodě a jsem rád, že jsem tady," netajil se Muradov
VIDEO: Monika Bagárova poprvé se sým bojovníkem venku! Jejich plány vás překvapí Video délka: 04:06 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA Monika Bagárova poprvé se sým bojovníkem venku! Jejich plány vás překvapí David Turek, Aleš Brunclík
乃木坂46・白石麻衣が、DISH//・北村匠海に容赦のないハリセンツッコミ! ソフトバンク『ギガ国物語』第3弾CM完成 - Duration: 16:58.
掲載:M-ON! USIC NEWS ■「ビバ! かぞー ーく!」 岡田准一 土屋太鳳、白石麻衣 北村匠海出演、『ギ 国物語』第3弾「家 会議」篇放映開始! 土屋と白石の爆笑W B動画も公開!岡田 一(V6)、土屋太 、白石麻衣(乃木坂 6)、北村匠海(D SH//)が出演す ソフトバンクの新テ ビCMシリーズ『ギ 国物語』第3弾「家 会議」篇が2月20 より全国で放映開始 なる
新テレビCMシリ ズ「ギガ国物語」は 岡田准一演じるリー ーの「オカダ」、土 太鳳演じる真面目で 粋な妹的存在の「タ 」、白石麻衣演じる ねに冷静沈着でりり い「シライシ」、北 匠海演じる気弱で他 本願ながら愛されキ ラの「タクミ」の4 の旅人と、高性能A 搭載ロボット「サト 」という個性的な面 が、「ギガ国」で起 ている様々な現状に 面しながら旅をする トーリー
第3弾は、慢性的 ギガ不足に悩む「ギ 国」のファミリーレ トランを訪れた個性 かな4人の旅人と1 のロボットが、スマ をめぐる家族会議を 撃するところから始 る
岡田准一演じる「オ ダ」が思わず家族愛 叫んでしまった、そ 家族会議の内容とは ? さらに、本日2 19日から土屋太鳳 白石麻衣が出演する EB 動画「撮影中 す…土屋さん」「撮 中です…白石さん」 2本がソフトバンク 公式YouTube カウントにて公開
撮影の合間に、ス ホで動画を楽しむふ りは、動画に夢中に りすぎて、「まもな 本番です!」と声を けられてもまったく 付かない。「あのー …」と何度呼んでも 応のない土屋、白石 スタッフは遠慮がち 声をかけ続ける
土屋バージョンで 、連呼するスタッフ 声にまったく気づか 何かを思いついたよ につぶやくと、なん 撮影現場から立ち去 てしまう……。白石 ージョンでは、普段 優しい白石とは真逆 Sキャラに豹変! い目つきでスタッフ 怒鳴られてしまうこ に……
ふたりが夢中になっ 見ていた動画の内容 はたして……。 動 はYouTubeの かにも、LINE、 acebook、I stagram、T itter、TVe 、AbemaTV、 YAO!、TikT kバージョンの動画 公開中
こちらも要チェック 。 【ギガ国物語『 族会議』篇 ストー ー】春を迎えた「ギ 国」の、とあるファ リーレストランで食 を取ることにした4 の旅人と1体のロボ ト
つかの間の休息をし いると、突如、店内 「お願い!!」とい 少女の声が。 思わ 目線をやると、そこ は中学生くらいの娘 何やら父親におねだ をしている様子。「 れは……?」と不思 そうな顔で見つめる オに、リーダーのオ ダが「家族会議だ… 」と答える
すると、「お願い スマホ買ってよぉ !」と立ち上がって だる少女を見て、「 マホをめぐる…」「 子の…」「せめぎ合 …」と口々につぶや 旅人たち。「一生に 度のお願い!!!」 懇願する少女を見て 「嘘よ……!」と冷 にタオ
それを聞いたAIロ ットのサトウは「サ ドメ、サンドメ!」 訴える。サトウの言 を聞き、「三度目だ ……!?」と少女を 視するオカダ。「ち んと勉強するからぁ !」と続ける少女に 「絶対嘘だー!!」 タクミが頭を抱える 、「あんたと同じに るな!」と、どこか かハリセンを持ち出 てタクミの頭を叩く ライシ
必死のおねだりに いに折れた父親が「 かったよ」と承諾す と、「やったー!! 」と両手を高く上げ 大喜びする少女。そ 微笑ましい家族会議 「ビバ!!」と大声 立ち上がり、「かぞ ーーく!!!」と大 で叫ぶオカダ
驚きの表情でオカダ 見上げる旅人たち。 深刻なギガ不足に悩 されているこの国に 、家族愛に溢れた明 い春があるのかもし ない。少し温かい気 ちになった4人と1 は、休息を終えると た街へと歩きだすの った……
【撮影エピソード ■今度はタクミの頭 ハリセンで叩く! ツン"が全開の白石 デレに期待していた ければ」前回での撮 では、タクミ役の北 の頬を容赦なくつま というクールさを見 た白石
今度は、頭を抱え タクミを巨大ハリセ で叩くというハード ぷり。「前回つまん ときも(北村さんは 全然大丈夫です! 言ってくださいまし が、やはりちょっと 躇してしまいます
ツンデレの役と聞い いましたが、今のと ろ"ツン"の部分し 出てないですよね( )。これから"デレ が出るのかどうか私 もわかりませんが、 待していただけたら と話した
■カメラが回ると 時に変わる!土屋の 眼力(めぢから)" 強さに注目今回は全 的にセリフが短いシ ンが多かったため、 ャストたちは表情作 がとても大変だった のこと
その中で土屋は、 メラが回ると瞬時に い"眼力"になり、 つもとは異なる表情 。そしてカットがか ると、また途端にい もの優しい笑顔に戻 白石と仲良くおしゃ り
その様子は、まるで 当にファミレスで女 トークをしているか ようだった。「最初 撮影のときは緊張し 全然話せなかったけ 、今はお互いなんで 話せるようになって 撮影の合間もすごく しいです」と語って たふたり
これからますます仲 しになっていくふた から、目が離せない ■今日の演技は1 0点満点!! 天才 役の美羽ちゃん少女 を務めた新井美羽ち んは、「私もスマホ 買ってもらったとき 同じようにファミレ でおねだりをしたの で、とてもびっくり ました」とコメント
演技の出来を聞くと 「岡田さんにご挨拶 たときに、"演技う いね。天才かも!" てほめてもらえたの 、100点満点です すっごくかっこよ ったです!」と照れ 様子でかわいいエピ ードを披露した
■疲れ知らずの岡 准一。力強く家族へ 愛を叫ぶ!!「ビバ かぞーーーく!」 叫ぶシーンが印象的 本作品。声の大きさ 「かぞーーーく」と ぶ長さを変えたりと 度も撮影を重ねるた 、岡田は何度もハイ ンションで叫ぶこと
回数を重ねても全く れ知らずの岡田に、 OK!」のカットが かるとスタジオから 拍手が沸き起こった <出演者コメント ■岡田准一Q:撮影 終えての感想A:( 井)美羽ちゃんがか いかったですね
思わず「君は天才な じゃないか」って言 たら、その後のコメ トですごい持ち上げ くれてましたよね( )。 Q:"一生に 度のお願い"につい A:昔はよく使った あ……
親とか友達にちょっ したことで「お願い お願い! 一 生の 願い!!」って。今 えるとしたら、この の続きが知りたい! すごく強そうな格好 してるんですけど、 だ「ギガ国」にたど 着いてご飯を食べた けなので(笑)
どうなっていくのか になって気になって …。なので、「続き 教えて、一生のお願 !」って言いたいで (笑)。 ■土屋太 Q:撮影を終えての 想A:不意にテレビ この「ギガ国」のテ ビCMが流れている を観ると、自分が出 させていただいたは なのに「どうやって ったんだろう」って うぐらいスケールが きいので、周りから よく「続きの展開を りたい」「そもそも の4人はどこから来 のか」と聞かれます
エピソード0的な物 やスピンオフも生ま るような作品なんじ ないかなとワクワク てます。そして、ぜ 「ギガ国」の人々が 顔になるよう、「タ 」として力を尽くし いと思います! Q "一生に一度のお願 "についてA:一生 お願いをしたことは だないですね
もしするとしたら、 世界中の人が幸せに りますように」です ひとりだけ幸せに っても幸せとは言え いし、「世界中の人 の中には私も入るの 、いろいろなことが 決しそうな気がしま
もちろん「ギガ国」 慢性的なギガ不足も ■白石麻衣Q:撮 を終えての感想A: 回もセットが豪華で 画並のスケールなの 、撮影ではすごく緊 してしまうんです。 も、共演者の方々や タッフの方々が皆さ 優しい方ばかりで、 当に助けていただい います
特に土屋太鳳さんと 前回の撮影の後に別 お仕事でもご一緒し ので、今回は撮影の 間でプライベートの とかもできて、本当 楽しかったです。 :"一生に一度のお い"についてA:一 に一度のお願いは、 でも(乃木坂46の メンバーや家族のよ な身近な人にはけっ うすぐ使ってしまい すね(笑)
ちょっとしたことで ぐ「一生のお願いー 」って言ってます。 使えるとしたら…… うーん……今はお願 ごとはないので、と ておきます(笑)! ■北村匠海Q:撮影 終えての感想A:白 さんはツンデレの設 ですが、すごく気遣 てくださる優しい方 すね
土屋さんはもともと 識があるので、すん り会話ができました 岡田さんとは前回あ りお話する機会がな ったのですが、今回 ゆっくりお話させて らえてうれしかった す
どっしりしてるとい か、放つオーラがと もある方だなと改め 感じました。 Q: 一生に一度のお願い についてA:両親に 何度かありますね。 と、小学生のときに 校内で流行ってまし よね! みんな、何 とすぐ言ってました (笑)
今使えるとしたら… 1 週間くらいで、 だ行ったことないと ろへ一人旅に行きた です! ヨーロッパ 行ったことなくて。 ムステルダムとか、 築物が好きで行って たいので、このセッ の世界観も、大好き ジャンルのアニメの 界に入り込んだみた ですごく好きで
いるだけでワクワク てます。 ソフトバ ク公式YouTub アカウントhttp ://www.yo hannel/UC MKfz1n6L6 rIlyyowlO A ギガ国特設サイ ※02月19日( )午前9時更新ht ps://www. oftbank.j /mobile/s ecial/gig koku/
Royal Az - See Leanne and Steve Ford Tackle a 'House of Lucky Charms' in a Restored By the Fords Se - Duration: 4:48.
Sibling duo Leanne and Steve Ford are back! In a clip teasing the second season of their hit HGTV show, Restored By the Fords, the brother-sister home renovators attempt to make some interiors magic in a family's dated house in their hometown of Pittsburgh, Penn
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"Growing up, Steve was always the handyman, and I was always the creative one," Leanne, who is expecting her first baby in March with husband Erik, says in the episode
"Not much has changed, except now we take on quirky homes and turn them into works of art
" Adds Steve, "I love to see what Leanne does—it's amazing where she's able to find inspiration
" RELATED: Pregnant HGTV Star Leanne Ford Selling L.A. Cabin She Designed, for $995,000 — See Inside During the season opener, Leanne's former high school lacrosse teammate and her husband ask the pair to help them transform their Craftsman-style house into a more welcoming retreat
In a clip that premiered exclusively with PEOPLE, the Fords take on the challenge by putting drywall on the ceiling, tearing down walls in the living room, adding French doors, exposing the brick fireplace and painting it white
RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Get a First Look at HGTV Star Leanne Ford's Glorious Gold Lighting Line at Target "This is the house of lucky charms," Steve declares in the clip, as they uncover some old brick under the fireplace facade
He teases Leanne by using one of her favorite quotes. "It's light, bright and airy, right
" "Stop quoting me," Leanne says, but Steve plows on in a show that proves you're never to old to bicker with your siblings
"Is it the pièce de résistance?" he mocks, to which Leanne responds, "Ok, that's worse
Keep painting." Steve goes on to explain that there are "lots of Leanne-isms" (aka phrases that his sister uses all the time when decorating), and begins counting them on his fingers
"Bright and airy, pièce de résistance and voila, which is magic talk," Steve says
"I hate when you say that word," Leanne responds while visibly cringing. During their second season, the Fords will take on a number of new home projects, and Steve even asks Leanne to help him design his first house — a bachelor pad located in an abandoned 1940s warehouse near downtown Pittsburgh
In addition to their new season of Restored By the Fords, Leanne and Steve's new digital series Ford Family Classics will premiere on HGTV's digital platforms
In those episodes, the siblings will review their childhood home movies as they are joined by other members of their family along the way
RELATED: 5 Things to Know About HGTV's Restored by the Fords Hosts Leanne and Steve Ford The pair are also currently working on revamping the famousBrady Bunch house alongside other HGTV stars and six of the original cast members from the hit 1970s sitcom for the forthcoming show, A Very Brady Renovation, which will premiere in 2019
Need to catch up with the Fords before season two? The full first season of Restored By the Fords will be available on demand across all of the network's digital platforms and their app beginning Tuesday, March 5
Restored By the Fords returns March 19 at 9p.m. ET with back-to-back episodes on HGTV
James Bond 25 to get re-write after news release date is pushed back two months - Duration: 2:30.
It's only been a day since the news Bond 25 has been pushed back two months was announced
The film was set for a Valentine's Day release in 2020, but now it's set for Easter, April 8, 2020
Now there's another upset - a new screenwriter has been reportedly hired to work on the script for Daniel Craig 's final Bond outing
According to The Playlist , Eon Productions has got Scott Z. Burns on board to rewrite the script originally penned by Bond stalwarts Neal Purvis and Robert Wade
The report says Burns won't be just tinkering with the script, but instead a big script overhaul has begun
The Playlist dubs Burns "one of the top emergency rescue script doctors in Hollywood"
" If your script is hemorrhaging, he's one of the first people you call," it reports
He worked on Ocean's 12, The Bourne Supremacy and Widows as well as Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Burns had been working on The Report, and apparently had already been asked to work on Bond 25, but was kept busy with the other film
Now The Report is done Burns is free to help out. The news is yet another hiccup for the next Bond movie, with director Danny Boyle leaving earlier in the process
He was replaced by Cary Fukunaga. Bond may be on rocky ground at the moment, but the new Easter box office opening may work in its favour
The franchise also always manages to draw in audiences, and with it being Craig's last Bond film there's the extra interest
Skyfall became the top grossing film in the franchise taking in $1.1 bullion worldwide
Spectre in 2015 earned $880 million. Bond 25 is due for release in cinemas on April 8, 2019
Dites adieu aux mauvaises herbes grâce à cet herbicide 100% naturel ! - Duration: 8:56.
Pour faire face aux problèmes des mauvaises herbes qui envahissent les jardins et les parterres fleuris,
plusieurs d'entre nous ont recours aux produits chimiques disponibles en grande surface.
Cependant, ces herbicides présentent de nombreux dangers, que ce soit pour l'être humain, les animaux ou l'environnement de façon générale.
Pour préserver votre santé et celle de vos proches, voici un désherbant 100% bio, très simple à préparer.
Les mauvaises herbes sont une vraie plaie au quotidien, surtout lorsqu'elles détruisent des heures de jardinage acharné ! Pelouse,
jardins et allées, elles s'incrustent partout et peuvent devenir un vrai fléau.
Par conséquent, il est normal de vouloir s'en débarrasser de manière efficace.
Seulement, notre tendance à utiliser des herbicides chimiques de manière instinctive est un très mauvais réflexe pour notre santé et pour l'environnement.
On s'explique…
Le glyphosate : l'herbicide tueur.
Une grande partie d'herbicides chimiques contient du glyphosate, produit très controversé.
Nos confrères du Guardian se penchent sur ce fléau qui engendre de plus en plus d'inquiétude à l'échelle mondiale.
Dans un article écrit par Erin Brokovich en personne, militante de l'environnement la plus redoutée des entreprises américaines,
cet ingrédient serait utilisé dans plus de 750 produits, dont l'herbicide Roundup,
produit appartenant à l'entreprise Monsanto et herbicide le plus utilisé à travers le monde.
En effet, il aurait provoqué un cancer du système lymphatique chez Dewayne Johnson, jardinier de profession, qui travaillait à l'époque pour la société de pesticides.
Après un long et hargneux procès, Monsanto a été reconnu coupable et a dû verser la somme faramineuse de 250 millions d'euros à cet homme dont les jours sont désormais comptés.
Par ailleurs, le journal Le Monde s'intéresse également à ce débat.
En effet, le glyphosate serait le produit favori des agriculteurs français :
« Ce produit est le premier désherbant utilisé par les jardiniers amateurs — qui sont quelque 17 millions en France.
Au total, 2 000 tonnes de cette substance sont utilisées chaque année par les particuliers et 8 500 tonnes par les agriculteurs et autres professionnels »
Monsanto-Bayer : sujet à controverse.
C'est désormais une bataille sans merci que ce géant américain, filiale depuis 2018 de la compagnie allemande Bayer,
se livre avec les organisations non gouvernementales pour défendre le glyphosate.
La France n'y a pas échappé, en effet, Emmanuel Macron avait déclaré vouloir complètement bannir ce produit du territoire d'ici 2020 :
«J'ai demandé au gouvernement de prendre les dispositions nécessaires pour que l'utilisation du glyphosate soit interdite en France dès que des alternatives auront été trouvées ».
Mais comme l'explique LCI, son projet finira par être rejeté en mai 2018 par l'Assemblée Nationale.
En pleine reconstruction de son image, Monsanto-Bayer, désormais appelé Bayer uniquement, fait déjà l'objet de plaintes portées cette fois-ci par les apiculteurs de l'Aisne.
Nos confrères de Libération relayent cette histoire où le glyphosate aurait été retrouvé dans le miel distribué par la Famille Michaud Apiculteurs, plus gros vendeur de miel en France.
La controverse qui entoure cet ingrédient identifié comme « cancérigène probable » par The International Agency for Research on Cancer est loin d'être terminée.
En effet, les avis se multiplient sur le taux et la durée d'exposition nécessaires avant que les effets néfastes du glyphosate ne se manifestent.
Face à un ingrédient qui engendre autant de débat, il n'y a rien de mieux que de se tourner vers les alternatives naturelles et bio, qui elles sont saines et ne nuisent pas à l'organisme.
Voici donc une recette d'herbicide naturel à préparer chez vous et qui vous permettra d'atteindre les résultats escomptés.
4L de vinaigre blanc.
500g (2 tasses) de sels Epsom (disponibles en pharmacie ou en supermarché)
60ml (1/4 de tasse) de liquide vaisselle bio.
Mélangez tous les ingrédients dans un vaporisateur.
Vaporisez votre mélange sur les mauvaises herbes, de préférence lors de journées ensoleillées à climat sec.
En effet, il faut utiliser ce produit lorsqu'il n'y a pas de risque de pluie.
Pourquoi ce mélange est efficace ?
Comme l'explique le SFGATE, site parent du San Francisco Chronicle, la cuisine est un endroit riche en ressources pour fabriquer son propre désherbant.
En effet, l'acide acétique du vinaigre ainsi que le sel d'Epsom dessèchent les mauvaises herbes tandis que le liquide vaisselle permet au mélange d'adhérer aux plantes.
Mises en garde.
Cet herbicide agit sur tout ce qu'il touche, alors faites attention à ne pas en vaporiser sur les plantes que vous souhaitez garder dans votre jardin !
LA GENERATION 68 A ECHOUE ... - Duration: 3:37.
The population of France has
changed since the 1980s, many of young people would have wanted to live in the years
80, but at the time there was respect for women, respect for the disabled
and fragile, they were helped on occasion, fights between boys stopped at
the sight of the blood there was no stubbornness, we respected the police and we obeyed them,
after a stupidity, a verbal warning was enough, we could do
confidence and we did not make false statements, we had a pride so we do not
did not do anything to get the agent ... We respected each other and so we did not talk
not high way in public transport, we did not shout in the street ... yes
a few times, we did not respect these rules but it was quite rare ...
Yes, the French population has changed and yet we have not changed the sanctions ...
I remember hearing a sixty-one saying that we needed the return of the
Christian values like knowing how to live, respect for others, strive to be kind,
to seek to improve, to control oneself, to help the weak,
respect the woman ... he said we were not have to believe in God but
needed these values ... and that the generation of 68 had failed and made
wrong way …. On the internet, some youtubers give
advice on religion, but they do not specify their religion, they say they are
Christians or religious ... in reality they did not not the same Bible and not the same priests ...
To subscribe follow the arrow, click on the logo now because you can come back
to the video after ...
Argentina 2015 ...
At the sanctuary of Alta Gracia in Cordoba in Argentina, the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary
placed under the cross was removed for to be restored.
Once removed, at the location of the statue, the pilgrims found that the
silhouette of the statue was engraved on the blue sky background ... Look at the pictures ...
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new publication ...
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Cold exposure in the river | otuzovanie Karloveske rameno 2.2.2019 - Duration: 4:24.
Hi there.
Greetings from Karloveske rameno, the arm of Danube.
I'm on the Wim Hof method workshop
led by Martin Tham.
Today is nice warm weather, 8°C
so I decided to go into the water, too.
Let's do it.
"With confidence, nice."
"Stay focused, ok?"
Focus on yourself.
When exhale, we'll go down.
"Don't hesitate, go."
"Hey, don't hesitate, go with them, it's unity."
"Shoulders, good."
"Great. Just relax your shoulders, good."
"Look at me, for a memory."
"Great job."
"You're there over one minute,
the second minute will be easier."
"Try to relax your shoulders in every exhale,
and totally accept this situation in every inhale."
"Although it is strong, just let it go during exhaling."
"Keep the easiness."
"Good... try to slow down your breathing. Good..."
"I feel tingling in my body."
"Look, just a few seconds to two minutes."
- "totally" - "just enjoy five seconds"
It belongs to it, just receive it.
"It's totally ok, don't worry you're dying."
- "Are you sure?" :) - "Yes, it's normal."
"Enjoy it... congrats, you've done it. Two minutes."
"Now you can go slowly out. No rush, ok?"
"Congrats, big things..."
"That's courage."
"You made my day."
Fantastic bathing in the arm, I enjoyed it.
Also with girls.
Great feelings, fantastic... I'm really glad.
The whole group is behind me.
It's great, it's warm outside,
I didn't experience it for a long time,
because there was minus temperature last days.
I can really feel the difference when the air is 8°C.
So I'm glad, after long time I was in the flowing water,
fantastic.. have a good time, bye.
Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy : Rhetor - Duration: 15:12.
Mathieu, sortant de l'ASE accompagné par le dispositif "La Touline" - Duration: 1:14.
Faltar a clase meaning - Duration: 1:13.
Faltar a clase can be translated into English as "miss class"
Indeed it means that: not attending a class
or several classes.
I'll give you 2 examples, as always.
When I went to college I always missed accounting classes. I did not like it at all.
My girlfriend has been missing yoga classes for two weeks.
If you want to practice, use an example below.
And if you want more Spanish resources or support this page,
Check out YOURSPANISHGUIDE.COM. See you in the next class and well,
Have a good weekend, bye.
Correr peligro meaning - Duration: 1:27.
When we say that something or someone CORRE PELIGRO,
What we want to say is that this "something" or that "someone"
is exposed to a risk situation.
There are many things in this life that may be in danger.
Your health, your job, your love relationship,
your own life, in short, many things.
I'll give you two examples.
There are many animal species that are at risk due to climate change.
Example numbers 2. The victim of the accident is no longer in danger,
his life is under control.
If you want to practice, use an example below.
Remember to also "like" this video so I keep doing more,
and also, if you want more resources of Spanish, remember to take a look
at YOURSPANISHGUIDE.COM. See you in the next video, bye.
Власти Армении надеются на новые проекты с компанией "Сименс" - Duration: 1:50.
ॐ Heart Love Mantra ♥ Krishna Mantra of Govinda - Duration: 10:02.
Radhe Radhe Govinda Bolo Radhe
Zed On - Les Mots d'Autres Langues en ANGLAIS #1 - Duration: 6:35.
How long was it since my first video
on French words in English?
And my last video, when was it published?
Oh God!
OK, 2019, I have to go heavy, go big!
OK, a three-part episode
on words from languages around the world in the English language!
Uh… thanks?
And welcome to Zed On! I'm Zed
and let's talk today about what the English langage borrow from other languages.
That's why we're looking at "loanwords"
"mots emprunts" in French.
And in today's episode, we're focusing on languages from Europe
and let's begin in a country close to France. Germany.
With this word:
it's literally "gardin for kids" in German
and that's a name for preschool in the US.
By the way, it's often pronounced as "kindergarden" with a "d" sound
first because American English has the habit of changing "t" into "d"
and because it simply sounds like a "garden."
Yeah, I should have mentioned that
the grade name "kindergarten" in the US lasts only one year...
So 3 years of kindergarten is absurd!
And nobody repeats kindergar- OK!
You know what, the US school system, that's for another day!
And it's a German word because the idea of "kindergarten"
was invented in Germany in the 19th century,
a century during which a lot of German people had to move out of Germany to go live in the US
bringing with them, the concept of "kindergarten."
And almost 2 yearrs later, in 1990,
it's an Austrian man called Arnold Schwarzenegger
who came to the US to put kindergaten in order.
Next, we have "doppelganger"
meaning more or less "double walker."
Originally, it was a spirit that could take the appearence of someone.
But in English, it's a word for a "dead ringer" (a "sosie" in French).
And finally let's go over to "zeitgeist."
OK, that's not the most common word, but I find it funny.
It's all the culture, philosophy and trends that represent and define an era.
Let's say that our era's zeitgeist is
memes and… Fortnite?
That's all I've got.
OK, we're moving a couple of kilometers to Sweden where we can find:
Yes, that is an English word.
In Scandinavia, it's a food buffet.
But in today's English, it can refer to "a range of things".
And sometimes, it's pronounced as "shmogasbord" like in this clip:
And in this "smorgasbord" of languages and countries,
we're moving on to the South of Europe, with Spain!
There are many Spanish words in the English language,
especially because Mexico, where people speak Spanish,
is a border country of the United States.
But two words caught my eye:
The first is "mosquito" ("moustique" in French).
I'm putting it on the list, because I had never realized that it was a Spanish word.
But now that I know that, it seems obvious!
And the second one is "vigilante."
It refers to a person or a group who decides to fight crime
because the law can't or won't.
That's how superheroes are often nicknamed in TV and film.
In French, it'll be transtaled to "justicier."
And finally, let's go back in time
and talk about some common phrases in English, but coming from Latin.
For example, "ad nauseam"
meaning "repeat Something over and over"
until you want to throw up, "ad nauseam".
Or "per capita" meaning "per person."
But if you like cop show and movies,
be sure you heard at least once of the term "M.O."
That's the method by which a criminal commits their crimes.
In French, it's their "mode opératoire."
Well that's the same initials
because in English, it's just the original Latin "modus operandi."
And finally, let's me go into this Latin word:
literally meaning "of good faith" but will be used to mean "authentic"
One reason I'm talking about it today
is that we can find this word in the song "Friend Like Me" from Aladdin.
I've used this song only once before on Zed On
and it was for the very first video on the channel, about French words in English,
to talk about "maitre d'".
The other reason is that it's confused me for a while
because I've heard two pronunciations.
The one from Aladdin "bonuh fihday."
And another that sounded more English "bonuh fyde."
And I've learned that there was a third one, "bonuh fyday."
By the way, this pattern of different versions of the word
also happens with the other Latin words we just came across.
For example, some people write "ad nauseum" with a "u" instead of a "a"
because Latin words ending in "um" seem correct.
And "modus operandi" can be pronounced "operan-die."
But when it comes to "bona fide"
it's because of something people who follow this channel will be familiar with:
The différences between American English and British English!
In the US, they tend to go for the easy option where "bonuh fyd" is more common.
In the UK, we get a "bonuh fyday" that can be seen as classier.
But if you wan to boast about your knowledge of Latin,
go for the "bonuh fihday" version.
And that's all for this first part about English words from other languages
with Europe!
But next week, we're traveling to another continent!
And I also have an Instagram account @zedonzedoff
where I post every single day a picture as well as a fact about English and French.
And on that,
Live In The D: Twists and turns on "The Enemy Within" - Duration: 4:29.
Live In The D: Talkin' with Tati - Favorite winter activity - Duration: 1:11.
Live In The D: Music Monday - Jeff Grand & Harmonica Shah - Duration: 4:42.
Hors série 4 : Analyse partielle d'une conférence climato-sceptique - Duration: 29:21.
Dealing With Emails: Manage Email Overload Using The Four D's - Duration: 3:17.
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3 Techniques For Effective Time Management - Duration: 9:59.
I know you don't have a lot of time. We're going to go over 3 techniques
for effective time management. And that's going to help. First of all, time
management. Yeah, it's a myth. Sorry. You can't manage time. You can't save it. We
talk about saving time, where would you keep it? You can't manage it, you can't
save it, you can't slow it down, you can't speed it up. All you can do with time is
spend it. Use it to do something. So, it might be more realistic to talk about
activity management or choices for how we're going to spend our time. Or a
prioritization of different things that we value. So, with that beginning, let's go
over 3 specific strategies that we can use to better our more effectively
or in a more satisfactory way, spend our time. Before we get into the tips, a quick
mental experiment. Let's pretend for a moment that I grant you
$86,400, US currency. If you need to check the
exchange rate. $86,400. But there's a catch. You
have to spend it all today. Would you take that on? Would you enjoy that task?
That'd be kind of cool. Now, if you don't spend it all today, you lose it. But don't
worry. I'll give you another $86,400 tomorrow.
But the catch is you got to spend it all tomorrow. That's kind of a strange
experiment. It's actually exactly what we're doing
with our time. 86,400 is the number of seconds in one 24-hour day. 86,400
seconds that you have to spend today. You can't save them for tomorrow. If you
don't use them, you lose them. But don't worry, you'll get another 86,400 seconds
tomorrow. One of my buddies asked me once, "Hey Paul,
if you could choose between having more time or having more money, which one
would you choose?" Time. Hands down. Because if I have more time, I can make more
money. Time probably the most precious commodity that we have. And you get a
fresh allotment of 86,400 seconds every single day. So now on to our 3 tips.
Number 1, do it now. Let me clarify. You can't do everything right now. But any
time you do anything, it is now. Check your watch. Whenever you're doing
something, when is it? Oh, it's now. So, when you're doing it, it will be now. When I
say do it now... I like the way my friend Ron Zeller put this. Ron is a world-class
leadership training expert. And he defined now as being a start time and
end time. And a very specific way you're going to spend your time in between.
Start time, end time, specific activity in between. That's how we're going to define
a now. What if you've been telling yourself that you're going to get that
garage cleaned out. You're going to write that paper, you're going to
start that book. Whatever it is. Okay, when are you going to do it? Your answer is
now. Not right now because you and I are having a conversation right now.
What "Now"? Pick a time on your calendar that has a start time and end time. And
that one's important by the way don't leave it off because psychologically, you
don't want to get thrown into some endless nightmare. If you put an end time
on it, it gives you a psychological out. You can do anything for a little chunk
of time. And one of the reasons you avoid things is because it seems overwhelming.
Start time end time. And a specific task in between. You're not going to do other
things during that time. I have a lot of things that I want to do. I'm not doing
them right now because right now I'm talking to you. Actually when you're
viewing this, I'm probably doing something else because this is recorded.
Which is a little interesting thing about how you can spend your time. That's
probably going beyond the scope of this particular video. But you've got it, right?
Start time, end time, specific tasks in between. Do it now. Not right now. This now.
The second tip that I have for you today about time management is called the Ohio
principle. Now, for those of you listeners, if you live in Ohio, I'm talking to you.
If you don't live in Ohio, that's fine because the Ohio principle is simply
this. It stands for Only Handle It Once. --Ohio.
O-H-I-O. Only Handle It Once. This is huge especially for all of the stuff that
comes in through your inbox. When stuff shows up for you, if you're doing the
Ohio principle, you only handle it once. I have a little confession to make. I'm an
amateur hoarder. Maybe you can relate to this because I don't do the Ohio
principle as well as I want to. I'm still working on it. Sometimes when
things come into my inbox, I look at it. I'm handling it now. I look at it and I
think, "You know what? This is interesting I'm going to do something with that
later." And I put it on a pile. Those piles grow to the point where eventually I'm
like, "Oh, this pile is really annoying me." And I sweep away the pile. I get rid of
it. I toss it. Or I spend hours going through the pile trying to sort it out
and handling it again. Now, I'm handling it at least twice. Maybe 3 times. Only
handle it once. The Ohio principle is when this hits me for the first time,
this is the only time I'm going to handle this. I'm going to make a decision
about this thing. This task, this demand this request. Whatever it is. This piece
of mail. Here it is. Is this important to me? Do I value this? I'm going to ask a few
of those questions. And there's yes or no answers to those. Is this valuable to
someone that I'm close to or someone that I love? I'm going to answer that too. So,
that I can assess how much value does this have to me. What is this asking me
to do? Now, if it's something that requires less than a minute of my time,
I'm going to do it now. If it's going to require an extended
period of time, I'm going to put it into and now like we talked about in that
first tip. I'm only going to handle at once. If I create a now for it then it's
been delegated to be handled in that now. The Ohio principle. Now, one final tip for
you and then I'm going to let you get on to your next now. The final tip is to
create a "Stop doing" list. Most of us get really good at creating these long
lengthy lists of things to do. We even call it our to-do list. You're going to
start working on a Stop-doing list. Why? Because you've only got 86,400
seconds. And if you're spending it on stuff that is less valuable to you,
you're wasting your valuable seconds. Stop doing list helps you to get clearer
about the things that are taking you away from the things that you truly
value. As you're investing in your own personal development through this and
other videos, check out our positive personal development playlist here on
the channel. And also, would you consider sharing this channel and these videos
with other people in your realm of influence? I think they'd appreciate you
for that. And if you're visiting us here I'm
LinkedIn, you've got a lot of connections that are really going to benefit from
this episode.
Recette Tajine Facile et Rapide Cuisine marocaine - Duration: 10:24.
TAJINE Moroccan
Pieces of turkey meat or your choice
Small bowl Raisins dry
Dried plum
1 glass of water in what a little saffron
Pepper Salt Turmeric Ginger
3 crushed garlic cloves
2 onions
2 tomatoes
2 oranges
Green olives
Half glass mixing olive and vegetable oil
Cook an hour and a half
Watch Where You Step, Kevin - Duration: 5:03.
Pete Davidson's Got Moves - Duration: 4:34.
More Than Meets the Eye – Multiplex 10 - Duration: 4:23.
[Ominous music plays.]
[We hear people booing.]
CUSTOMER #1: Come on, what's the holdup?
CUSTOMER #2: Yeah, the movie was supposed to start fifteen minutes ago! What's taking so long?
KURT: We had a slight projector malfunction, but… uh… everything's…
What are you DOING, Franklin?!
FRANKLIN: What do you think I'm doing?! I'm trying to fix this frickin' thing!
KURT: I'm calling Becky. Becky's smart!
FRANKLIN: I'm smart! The movie has been fine all week. And now all of a sudden… it's not!
The DCP isn't corrupted. There's nothing in the crash logs. It just—
CUSTOMER #3: How hard is it to push a button?!
KURT: Sorry for the delay, folks! "Bumblebee: A Transformers Story" will be up and running shortly!
CUSTOMER #5: If you don't start the movie, I'm gonna Bumble BE pissed!
KURT: That doesn't even make sense!
I'm canceling the screening and calling Becky!
WAIT! Let me try a soft reboot before we totally give up.
KURT: Soft reboots never work, Franklin! We don't even know why it's not working!
It's just going to not work again for exactly the same reasons!
FRANKLIN: I'm telling you, I'll just change up a couple things and it'll be awesome again, like before!
[Taps furiously at the control panel.]
[Holy s--t! Electrical zappy sounds! Music intensifies!] FRANKLIN: What the?! KURT: GAHHH!!!
KURT (from the walkie-talkie): Becky! The projector's broken! [indecipherable]
BECKY: …What?
MELISSA (in terror): You should run.
BECKY: ohmygosh!
CUSTOMER #6: Your mother is a trash robot from the trash planet Junkion and
she would sing "Dare to be Stupid" to you as a child
and you have done her proud by being VERY STUPID!
KURT (frantic): Just a couple more minutes and you'll all be watching the new Transformers movie. I promise!
CUSTOMER #6: HEY! I've got a transformer for ya!
[He makes the Transformer sound. CHOO CHA CHEE CHO CHOO or whatever.]
[BECKY gasps!] BECKY: What have you done to my baby?!
FRANKLIN: I can't figure out what's wrong with it…
BECKY: Oh! …Hi, Franklin! [trying to sound flirty] How are you?
I checked the DCP… The projector controller…
FRANKLIN: I even checked the server. It SHOULD be working!
[FRANKLIN's brain has broken.] It… just…
BECKY: It just isn't. Here —
Let me take a look.
CUSTOMER #7: If I miss the sex scene between the chick from "Pitch Perfect" and the VW Beetle
KURT [totally snotty]: Hailee Steinfeld wasn't even in the first "Pitch Perfect," only TWO and THREE...
GO! I've got this.
KURT [smugly]: I told you she was smart.
FRANKLIN: And I'm telling YOU, there's nothing wrong with that thing! It just hates me!
[Oh yeah, there's been music this whole time. It kind of trails off here.]
BECKY [sighing]: They see you and all they see is a machine.
They work you day and night, 365 days a year…
…and never think about what it's like for you up here, showing one terrible movie after another.
How many times did they make you play "Venom"?
[softly] You poor thing.
You just… need a little TLC now and then.
There. [She flips a switch, and the projector fan starts.]
[The audience CHEERS. Music starts up again.]
BECKY: Good boy.
Those guys just don't know how to treat you like I do, huh?
PROJECTOR 6: You complete me.
BECKY: FU-U-U-U-UCK this. I'm out of here.
[Music intensifies.]
[Music plays. This is a really awesome track.]
[We hear sounds from "Bumblebee." Not really, because of copyright, obviously.]
PROJECTOR 6: The audiences seems to be really enjoying this new "Transformers" movie!
But it's so different from all the others!
I mean, where's the Beef?
What even ARE the mighty Transformers without Shia LaBoeuf or Mark Wahlburger?
There are no DELIGHTFULLY racist jokes…
I can actually see what's happening in the action scenes.
How is THAT exciting?
And this human woman!
Why is she wearing so much clothing?
Is she cold?
What a plothole!
And yet… they love it!
These gullible fools will watch ANYTHING.
[A drum goes: BUMM BUMMMM.]
Jan Richardson Sight Words | Level G | Good | Jack Hartmann - Duration: 3:29.
Hi, I'm Jan Richardson
And I'm Jack Hartmann
Let's work together and learn our sight words even better
I love learning my sight words
I have fun with sight words
I know lot's of sight words
They help me read and write
Let's learn the sight word good
Here we go
Read it out loud
Read it quietly
Read it in your head
Now look carefully and tell me
What's the missing letter?
Say it before I do
Now look carefully and tell me, the two missing letters
g d
I love learning my sight words
I have fun with sight words
I know lot's of sight words
They help me read and write
Now mix and fix the sight word good
Put the letters in the right order
What letter comes first?
What letter comes next?
What letter comes next?
What letter comes last?
I love learning my sight words
I have fun with sight words
I know lot's of sight words
They help me read and write
We learned the sight word good
Doing This Will Make Your Wheel Bearings Last Twice as Long - Duration: 9:45.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna show you how to make your wheel bearings last
twice as long, now in the olden days and I was a young mechanic, wheel bearings
were part of maintenance, you would take the cover off, you would take the wheel
bearings out, you would regrease them with wheel bearing grease, then put them all
back together again, now I was going to show you some wheel bearing grease that
we used to use, but it's been so long since I had to do one, I couldn't find
any in my garage, I know there's some back there somewhere, but it's so old and
dried out it's probably not even good anymore, and if somebody brought me a really
old car, I'd have to go buy a new can of the stuff, because modern-day wheel
bearings most of them are like this hub assembly, the wheel bearing is built
inside, you can't take it apart, you have to replace the whole unit, and it's
sealed unit with seals on both sides to keep dirt out, now in the old days when
we had to repack them if you were bad and you didn't and they wore out, you
could get a set of front wheel bearings for like twelve dollars
they didn't cost much, well with these modern systems, something like the front
bearings on this Celica which isn't that modern it's 94, there pressed on
you can't lubricate them, but you need a machine press to take it apart and put
it back together again it's a real expensive job, the newer ones they're a
whole assembly and some of these assemblies not only do they cost a small
fortune, but on kind of oddball cars like European ones, just replacing them can
cost thousands of dollars, so of course you want to make it last as long as they
possibly can, and here's tips on how to do that, now since they're all sealed
units there's no greasing for you to do, but seals what I do, they break down over
time, my advice is you want to stay away from both deep water and especially from
saltwater in the ocean, driving on the beach by the ocean may seem cool, but you
get that sea mist water and it gets inside there, it'll start eating up your
bearings, and the next one as nutty as it sounds is, take care your tires, if you
have the wrong air pressure, don't have enough air, they ride more squashed
that strains the bearings more, the more you strain the bearings, the faster
they're gonna wear out, even worn out struts or shocks, making it bounce a lot
more, there will be more damage done from the friction and bumping, and it can wear
them out faster, and of course be careful where you're driving, say you hit curbs maybe
your wife hits curbs all the time, that little bump might not seem like much but
if it knocks the alignment off or slightly bend something, then it's not on
the wheel bearings sitting right it's got more pressure on one side or the
other, and over time it'll wear out, over the years I seen this literally hundreds
of times, a customer will come in, I can hear the wheel
bearing roaring away, I'll say well your wheel bearing is bad just on the one side
I'll say, now has this car ever been wrecked, and they'll say yeah last year
it got wrecked on that side, the car got wrecked on that side obviously a little
bit damage was done to the suspension, it can take thousands and thousands of
thousands of miles to wear out these wheel bearings, because their steel
ball bearings and some of the older ones were roller bearings, but if they're off
a little bit you think how many millions of times that thing is spinning while
you're driving down the road, eventually that little bit off is gonna wear the
metal and then the wheel bearings will start making noises, so you if you see any
of those big potholes coming up, hey slow down or
try to go around them or over them if your cars wider than the pothole, because
every time you hit those potholes that's damaging the suspension, and the wheel
bearings can wear out, and conversely even if you haven't hit anything, if
you're going down the highway and your car is
starting to get the shakes and your alignment is off, something's going on
with anything in suspension, you want to get that fixed cuz over time all that
shaking is eventually gonna make the wheel bearings wear out faster, now if
your wheel bearings do wear out, here is a tip if you want the new ones to last
as long as possible, get OEM wheel bearings, do not buy the cheapest ones
you can find that are made in China, over the years
I even tried a long time ago with my customers cars to save money that way
and always bit me in the rear end, and I see more guys they'll buy the cheap
Chinese wheel bearings and then a year year and a half later, guess what they
start roaring again and they're worn out, and since a lot of modern cars now have
ABS sensors built into the hub assembly with the wheel bearing inside, I've seen
guys buy the Chinese once and they either don't have the right sensor or they
don't have any sensor at all, and as soon as they bolt it up and start driving
along, their abs light starts flashing at them, and that's because that cheap wheel
bearing isn't made right to fit the computer software of your car and it
doesn't read the speed right, so the computer thinks there's something wrong
with the ABS system and it turns the light on, if you're going through all the
trouble taking all the suspension apart to get that hub off, use a quality OEM
wheel bearing assembly, don't go cheap on that, now realize most manufacturers
don't even make their own wheel bearings, they buy them from all their companies
like to Europeans often use these F a g wheel bearings, wheel bearings are kind
of interesting because wheel bearings are universal size, there's not English
there's not metric, so I've had in the past where somebody brought me an
expensive BMW that when a wheel bearing went out on it, I actually bought a Ford
oem wheel bearing because it was the same exact size, it costs a tons less than
what they want at the BMW dealer of course, and it worked perfectly fine but
that was in the older days when we would take them apart and put new ones in
today they're all hub assemblies and the Ford hub assembly isn't gonna fit on a
BMW assembly even if the wheel bearings inside are the same size, the hub will be
different, now another tip to make your wheel bearings last a long time is, if
you are changing them, when you finally put that nut back on that holds a drive
shaft to it, make sure you use a torque wrench, because when you're tightening
this nut when you're putting it in, you have to have the perfect amount of
torque so the wheel bearing isn't either too loose or too tight
I see more guys put on wheel bearings, and then a few months later the new ones
start making noise because they're wearing out, because they didn't torque it
right, torque wrenches are easy to use, in this case the numbers are here and you
just turn the handle until you're at the right reading 50 foot-pounds, you go to
50 foot-pounds and stop, they have the little part here that when
it does get to the right torque, it makes a loud click, then you know it's at the
right setting of foot pounds, so it's torqued down just right, and there's a
zillion sources of information for the right torque for the right parts, you can
use alldata .com you can get a book, you can go lots of ways, but you want to make
sure it's right because, if it's torqued too tight it'll overstress the bearing, the
bearings squeezed in and guess what, it's gonna wear out faster, and conversely if
it's too loose, that's actually even worse, because it's too loose then the
stupid thing is bouncing all over the place, and it's gonna wear out even
faster when it's loose, cuz there's a lot more friction, anything that's bouncing
around and moving it's going to create heat and friction and that'll where the
bearings out faster, plus it'll make an awful lot of noise and drive you crazy
now I'll tell you one thing not to do if you want them to last longer, I've seen
guys where they can hear noise in the wheel bearings, and even though they're
sealed, they'll get a little hypodermic syringe and hook it up to a grease gun
and they'll pump grease back in, well that's not really a good thing to do and
that's for two reasons, first if the seals gone dirt got in there, the dirt is
still gonna stay in there and it's gonna still be friction, it's still gonna wear
the bearings out, and if they're making noises they're worn already anyway and
two, wheel bearing grease is a very specialized grease, each manufacturer
often uses a different type of grease than the other manufacturers, and even
the same manufacturer over years changes the type of grease they put in a wheel
bearing, and if you mix two different kinds of wheel bearing grease, I've seen
that wear them out even faster, because they're not compatible, you got to have
the correct grease and only that type inside a clean environment, so don't try
to just pump some in after the grease seal, not a smart idea, because on the modern
cars, when they're worn out if you're getting a hub assembly that has
new seals, all the parts are new they're pre-greased, the grease is all inside and
done correctly, and all you gotta do is bolt the old one off and bolt the new one
on and do it with the right torque settings,
so now you know all about wheel bearing hey your entire car is spinning around
on these things one on each wheel and even though they have no actual
maintenance in modern cars, now you know how to make them last as long as
possible, and since this is mechanic Monday I'm give it away a nice torque
wrench, to have a chance to win this torque wrench so your wheel bearings
will be tightened up correctly, just place a clean non-offensive comment on
youtube comments below, and a winner will be chosen randomly by computer to get a
nice torque wrench so they put things together the right
way, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember
to ring that Bell!
Porsche Cayenne 3.0 D (Luchtvering - Adaptieve sportstoelen- Orig. NL) . - Duration: 1:13.
Oblique Crunch Prep For Half Get Up - Duration: 2:26.
Hey it's Nick Ortego here. I'm going to show you how to do this exercise that is
an oblique crunch type of movement. And it's a good prep for the Turkish get up
if you can't do the Turkish get up or the half getup part where you're coming up
off of the floor. This is a good way to develop the oblique strength and the
lat strength to be able to get yourself up off of the floor for a half
get up. So what you want to do is start with your feet spread about 45 degrees
about like this. Take one hand over to the opposite thigh. You have your one arm out
the opposite arm is out about 45 degrees. Take a breath in, keep the tongue on the
roof of the mouth and the chin slightly tucked. And on the exhale reach to the
top of your knee and come back down. Inhale and exhale and exhale. From the
side looks like this. Spread 45 degrees. One hand goes to the opposite thigh, arm
goes out 45 degrees. Breath in, chin is tucked, tongue is on the roof of the
mouth. Exhale, reach to the top that knee. Push that elbow into the ground. Pushing
the elbow into the ground really preps you for the half get up. Also gets the
lats activated, which are a part of the core technically. Give that a try if
you've got any benefit from this video leave a comment below. If you'd like to
get more content that's not on the blog or the regular YouTube
channel, then click the link that is connected to this video you'll have a
chance to sign up for the Run Better Now VIP club.
Andy Cohen Reveals Why RHOA's Kim Zolciak-Biermann Wasn't Invited to His Baby Shower - News Today - Duration: 4:59.
No one knows how to calm a Housewife down better than Andy Cohen. On Sunday's Watch What Happens Live, the host welcomed Don't Be Tardy star Kim Zolciak-Biermann into the clubhouse — and was forced to diffuse a potentially awkward situation when she called him out for not being invited to his baby shower last month
Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
"You were not invited to my baby shower, that is true," said Cohen, 50, who welcomed his first child, son Benjamin Allen Cohen, on Feb
4 via surrogate. "That's weird, right?" said Zolciak-Biermann, 40. "I will say that I texted you that day what I would consider to be a very nice text," Cohen pointed out
Zolciak-Biermann acknowledged the text and revealed that she probably wouldn't have been able to attend anyway since she'd just had back surgery
"But here is why you weren't invited: Because it was all current Housewives who were invited and it was thrown by like, the five current Housewives," Cohen explained of the Bravo-themed bash, which was hosted by the franchise's remaining OG Housewives Kyle Richards, Vicki Gunvalson, Teresa Giudice, NeNe Leakes and Ramona Singer
When Zolciak-Biermann began pulling faces at Cohen, he clarified that Leakes had brought former Atlanta Housewife Phaedra Parks as a surprise
"I was going to say, that bitch is old as f—," said Zolciak-Biermann, clarifying, "like, a couple years ago
" "That was a surprise," Cohen said. "But then that day I was thinking, 'Man, it would have been so great if Kim was there
' And that's why I texted you. I said, 'I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you and I wish that you were here
' " Cohena also revealed that Zolciak-Biermann (who left the Real Housewives of Atlanta in 2013 after five seasons) wasn't the only former Housewife who wished they'd scored the invite: Real Housewives of New York City alum Jill Zarin had also reached out
"The problem is that then — look, I would have loved [Real Housewives of New Jersey alum] Caroline Manzo to be there, too!" said Cohen
"It's a lot for you to deal with," Zolciak-Biermann admitted. "And you've done such a great job with all of our crazy f—ing a–es throughout the years
You really have. Because it's a lot pressure. Like, you can't go to my wedding and not go to NeNe's
So it's a balancing act for you and I have to give up to you because you do it tastefully
I do mean that." "Thank you," Cohen said. "I appreciate that." Speaking to PEOPLE and Weekly Editorial Director Jess Cagle in last week's issue, Cohen opened up about how supportive the Bravo stars have been on his journey to fatherhood
"The Housewives have given me a lot of advice," Cohen said. "All their mom instincts came out
As loud and funny and aggressive and wild and dramatic and everything you want to say about the Housewives, as much of all that as they are, they're all moms, pretty much
And they're all good moms." "They all really surrounded me and just wanted to protect me and help me in the sweetest, most humane and lovely way that has just continued to really tickle me," he added
"They've all been so lovely." Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen airs Sunday through Thursday at 11 p
m. ET on Bravo.
I Won't Grow Up... Or Will I? | The Early Night Show LIVE - Duration: 3:59.
(piano music)
♪ I won't grow up ♪
♪ I don't want my voice to change ♪
♪ It'll stay this high forever ♪
♪ It'll never get deranged ♪
♪ If in a year or two or three ♪
♪ My testicles will drop significantly ♪
♪ I'll never grow up ♪
♪ Never grow up ♪
♪ Never grow up ♪
♪ Not me ♪
- [Man] Not I.
- [Boy] Not me.
- [Man] Sorry, sorry.
- [Boy] What?
- [Man] Excuse me.
It's, it's not I.
I'm kind of a grammar police.
I tend to interject when people are wrong about things.
- [Boy] Okay, uh, am I able to...?
- [Man] Oh, no, you won't even know I'm here.
- [Boy] Got it.
♪ I won't grow up ♪
- [Man] That's interesting.
♪ I don't wanna wear a tie ♪
- [Man] That's a personal attack.
♪ I will stay a boy soprano ♪
♪ Right, boy, I'd like to see you try ♪
♪ Well, I'm happy with my voice now ♪
♪ But puberty is coming anyhow ♪
♪ I'll never grow up ♪
♪ Never grow up ♪
♪ Never grow up ♪
♪ Not me ♪
♪ You sure ♪
♪ Yep ♪
♪ So there ♪
♪ Always gonna be myself, that's right ♪
♪ You can always be yourself, just lower ♪
♪ If you always stay yourself ♪
♪ Then you'll be very well prepared ♪
♪ No need to be scared ♪
♪ I did grow up ♪
♪ You're six two I know ♪
♪ My voice did change ♪
♪ That does sound very good ♪
♪ And it's only gotten better ♪
♪ Now I have a different range ♪
♪ It's opened up new roles to do ♪
♪ I'm so excited, and you should be too ♪
♪ I think I'll grow up ♪
♪ Think you'll grow up ♪
♪ Think I'll grow up ♪
♪ Not right now but like you ♪
♪ Six two ♪
♪ Who knew? ♪
- [Man] See, Josh, no matter how tall you get
or how old you get, that never has to change
that you're young at heart.
You have so many things ahead of you.
The sky is the limit.
- [Boy] Second star to the right
and straight on till morning?
- [Man] That's basically the idea.
♪ I know a place where dreams are born ♪
♪ And time is never planned ♪
♪ It's not on any chart ♪
♪ You must find it in your heart ♪
♪ Never, Neverland ♪
♪ It might be miles beyond the moon ♪
♪ Or right there where you stand ♪
- [Boy] Or sit?
♪ Just keep an open mind and then suddenly you'll find ♪
♪ Never, Neverland ♪
♪ You'll have a treasure if you stay there ♪
♪ More precious far than gold ♪
♪ For once you have found your way there ♪
♪ You will never be afraid to grow old ♪
♪ So off you fly where dreams are born ♪
♪ And time is never planned ♪
♪ Just think of lovely things ♪
♪ And your heart will fly on wings ♪
- [Boy] Not sponsored by Red Bull.
♪ Forever in Never, Neverland ♪
Laeticia Hallyday meurtrie, le coup bas d'une ex-employée qui partage des secrets - Duration: 3:02.
Kate Middleton et Prince William, remariés en secret, la rumeur court - Duration: 1:46.
That's awkward! Spencer Matthews is slammed for his 'wooden' Good Morning Britain debut as he apolog - Duration: 2:42.
SPENCER Matthews has been forced to apologise for his presenting debut on Good Morning Britain
The reality star admitted he gave a "wooden performance" when he turned up for his new job as showbiz correspondent on the ITV breakfast show today
The former Made In Chelsea star is taking over for Entertainment Editor Richard Arnold during half term but viewers weren't impressed and many rushed to Twitter to comment on the "car crash TV" they'd witnessed
Soon after reading the feedback, Spencer took to Instagram to apologise for his "wooden" delivery
"Such a huge amount of respect for people who regularly present live television - it's a skill and it's not easy," he said
"Had my first go this morning on @gmb and it's safe to say that it didn't go so well
Apologies for my lack of experience and wooden performance. I'll loosen up and get better with time, hopefully!" Viewers were left wondering why Spencer had been recruited in the first place as he has no background in journalism or presenting
Fans of the show cringed as they struggled to watch the reality star struggle read the autocue
Spencer is best known for appearing on E4's Made In Chelsea from 2011 to 2016
He has since gone on to star in ITV's I'm A Celebrity.Get Me Out Of Here! and competition series The Jump where his met his wife Vogue Williams
They recently landed their own show together Spencer, Vogue and Baby Too where they explore becoming parents to son Theodore
Got a story? email or call us direct on 02077824220
We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours.
Cold exposure in the river | otuzovanie Karloveske rameno 2.2.2019 - Duration: 4:24.
Hi there.
Greetings from Karloveske rameno, the arm of Danube.
I'm on the Wim Hof method workshop
led by Martin Tham.
Today is nice warm weather, 8°C
so I decided to go into the water, too.
Let's do it.
"With confidence, nice."
"Stay focused, ok?"
Focus on yourself.
When exhale, we'll go down.
"Don't hesitate, go."
"Hey, don't hesitate, go with them, it's unity."
"Shoulders, good."
"Great. Just relax your shoulders, good."
"Look at me, for a memory."
"Great job."
"You're there over one minute,
the second minute will be easier."
"Try to relax your shoulders in every exhale,
and totally accept this situation in every inhale."
"Although it is strong, just let it go during exhaling."
"Keep the easiness."
"Good... try to slow down your breathing. Good..."
"I feel tingling in my body."
"Look, just a few seconds to two minutes."
- "totally" - "just enjoy five seconds"
It belongs to it, just receive it.
"It's totally ok, don't worry you're dying."
- "Are you sure?" :) - "Yes, it's normal."
"Enjoy it... congrats, you've done it. Two minutes."
"Now you can go slowly out. No rush, ok?"
"Congrats, big things..."
"That's courage."
"You made my day."
Fantastic bathing in the arm, I enjoyed it.
Also with girls.
Great feelings, fantastic... I'm really glad.
The whole group is behind me.
It's great, it's warm outside,
I didn't experience it for a long time,
because there was minus temperature last days.
I can really feel the difference when the air is 8°C.
So I'm glad, after long time I was in the flowing water,
fantastic.. have a good time, bye.
3000 volt werd musicalster Arne fataal: 'Een flits en daarna vreselijk gekrijs' - Duration: 7:58.
Andy Cohen Reveals Why RHOA's Kim Zolciak-Biermann Wasn't Invited to His Baby Shower - News Today - Duration: 4:59.
No one knows how to calm a Housewife down better than Andy Cohen. On Sunday's Watch What Happens Live, the host welcomed Don't Be Tardy star Kim Zolciak-Biermann into the clubhouse — and was forced to diffuse a potentially awkward situation when she called him out for not being invited to his baby shower last month
Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
"You were not invited to my baby shower, that is true," said Cohen, 50, who welcomed his first child, son Benjamin Allen Cohen, on Feb
4 via surrogate. "That's weird, right?" said Zolciak-Biermann, 40. "I will say that I texted you that day what I would consider to be a very nice text," Cohen pointed out
Zolciak-Biermann acknowledged the text and revealed that she probably wouldn't have been able to attend anyway since she'd just had back surgery
"But here is why you weren't invited: Because it was all current Housewives who were invited and it was thrown by like, the five current Housewives," Cohen explained of the Bravo-themed bash, which was hosted by the franchise's remaining OG Housewives Kyle Richards, Vicki Gunvalson, Teresa Giudice, NeNe Leakes and Ramona Singer
When Zolciak-Biermann began pulling faces at Cohen, he clarified that Leakes had brought former Atlanta Housewife Phaedra Parks as a surprise
"I was going to say, that bitch is old as f—," said Zolciak-Biermann, clarifying, "like, a couple years ago
" "That was a surprise," Cohen said. "But then that day I was thinking, 'Man, it would have been so great if Kim was there
' And that's why I texted you. I said, 'I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you and I wish that you were here
' " Cohena also revealed that Zolciak-Biermann (who left the Real Housewives of Atlanta in 2013 after five seasons) wasn't the only former Housewife who wished they'd scored the invite: Real Housewives of New York City alum Jill Zarin had also reached out
"The problem is that then — look, I would have loved [Real Housewives of New Jersey alum] Caroline Manzo to be there, too!" said Cohen
"It's a lot for you to deal with," Zolciak-Biermann admitted. "And you've done such a great job with all of our crazy f—ing a–es throughout the years
You really have. Because it's a lot pressure. Like, you can't go to my wedding and not go to NeNe's
So it's a balancing act for you and I have to give up to you because you do it tastefully
I do mean that." "Thank you," Cohen said. "I appreciate that." Speaking to PEOPLE and Weekly Editorial Director Jess Cagle in last week's issue, Cohen opened up about how supportive the Bravo stars have been on his journey to fatherhood
"The Housewives have given me a lot of advice," Cohen said. "All their mom instincts came out
As loud and funny and aggressive and wild and dramatic and everything you want to say about the Housewives, as much of all that as they are, they're all moms, pretty much
And they're all good moms." "They all really surrounded me and just wanted to protect me and help me in the sweetest, most humane and lovely way that has just continued to really tickle me," he added
"They've all been so lovely." Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen airs Sunday through Thursday at 11 p
m. ET on Bravo.
Créer un template AFTER EFFECTS pour PREMIERE I tutoriel en français - Duration: 11:19.
Público e júri não estiveram de acordo, este sábado, dia 16 de fevereiro, na primeira semifinal do Festival RTP da Canção 2019
Na opinião dos jurados, Perfeito, interpretado por Matay e composto por Tiago Machado e Boss AC, foi o melhor tema escutado na primeira eliminatória do histórico certame de música, porém, foi a canção de Conan Osíris que arrecadou a pontuação máxima, através do televoto, dos espectadores
Poucos minutos depois de ter conhecido o veredito que o indicou como o favorito do público, o intérprete e autor de Telemóveis confessou, à TV7 Dias: «Ainda estou a tentar digerir isto, porque ser favorito é uma coisa muito polarizada»
Certo é que o tema de Conan Osíris foi o que mais impacto foi causando na Internet, inclusivamente na plataforma de vídeos YouTube, na qual foram disponibilizadas pela RTP, na íntegra, as 16 canções a concurso nesta 53
ª edição do concurso.E a de Conan destacou-se. A 24 horas de subir ao palco, Telemóveis já tinha ultrapassado a barreira do milhão e meio de acessos naquela plataforma
O segundo com mais visualizações, A Dois, composto e interpretado pelos Calema, fixava-se nas 655 mil e Perfeito, o preferido do júri este sábado à noite, tinha batido a meta das cem mil
A máscara irreverente e o significado «no segredo dos Deuses».A irreverência de Conan Osíris não se cinge à sua forma de compor e cantar
Para subir ao palco do Festival RTP da Canção, o músico escolheu uma criação de Luís Carvalho, conjugada com uma máscara desenhada pelo próprio e materializada por Adriana Ribeiro
Significado do visual, existe, mas não é tornado público. «Tem um significado que vai ficar no segredo dos Deuses da Eurovisão», diz, equivocado no certame em que atuou ou já a pensar no concurso em que poderá participar em maio, em Telavive, Israel, no caso de ser eleito representante de Portugal no Festival Eurovisão da Canção
«Poderia chegar aqui e 'fuck it all up'. Mas… funcionou».Conan Osíris, nome artístico de Tiago Miranda, relativiza estes dados
«O pessoal estava sempre a dizer-me isso, mas às vezes isso não quer dizer grande cena, porque as pessoas não estão a ver a parte visual
Imagine: poderia chegar aqui e 'fuck it all up' ['f***-se tudo']. Mas… funcionou», reage
Sobre a conceção visual de que fala, explica-nos: «Para nós [Conan e o bailarino que o acompanha em palco, João], foi um grande desafio, porque nós nunca ensaiamos nada ao vivo
Atuamos sempre um bocado por intuição. E, aqui, tínhamos de ter algum tipo de regras, as câmaras tinham de bater ao tempo correto, tivemos de arranjar a escada… Tivemos de ser nós a conceptualizar a atuação, os posicionamentos, os planos
Foi um crescimento forçado para nós, mas funcionou bué bem.».Com um lugar assegurado na final, a decorrer no dia 2 de março, na Portimão Arena, Conan Osíris defende que «ganhar é uma coisa à parte»
Prefere, antes, «pensar em dar um produto fixe [ao público] e uma cena fixe para Portugal»
«Acho bué ingrato impor o meu estilo a outro artista».Conan Osíris foi um dos compositores escolhidos pela RTP para criar um tema para este festival, mas nem na altura do convite o músico pensou na vitória
«Imagine: é como se tivesse a sua esposa e pedir-lhe um bebé. Só quer fazer o bebé e quer que o bebé seja saudável
Depois de o bebé ter nascido é que vamos ver como é que ele brinca, como é que ele come… É isso que está a ocorrer agora», diz-nos
Está a acontecer… e com um tema composto e interpretado pelo próprio. Por quê ser a voz da sua própria canção? «Na realidade, acho que não conseguiria encontrar uma pessoa para cantar uma música minha
Para transmitir o que quero a nível musical, tenho de ser eu. Posso e gosto de escrever para outros artistas, mas é no estilo deles
Acho bué ingrato estar a escrever com o meu estilo e impor esse estilo a outro artista», esclarece
Real Madrid defender Marcelo apologises to fans for poor display - Duration: 2:55.
Jenelle Evans & David Eason Spark Split Rumors With Cryptic Social Media Posts - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 2:46.
Oh no! Jenelle Evans and David Eason have been raising eyebrows from recent social media posts, sparking new rumors of a split between the married couple
Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans, 27, has been sparking new split rumors with her husband, David Eason, 30
Jenelle reportedly posted a Facebook picture on Feb. 16 and captioned the photo "Single AF," according to Us Weekly
That would seem pretty obvious in indicating a split, but sources revealed that that may not be the case
"They are fighting," a source told Us Weekly. "He hasn't been home." However, despite Jenelle's interesting Facebook status, and allegedly changing her relationship status to "separated" on the same social media site, per Us Weekly, their insider said that "they aren't broken up
" "What else is new? David and Jenelle are always fighting, he won't come home for days at a time," another source revealed to the magazine
"I would be surprised if they weren't fighting. Now that would be shocking." Things haven't appeared to be smooth sailing for the couple for some time
On the show they film together, Teen Mom 2, Jenelle called 911 in Oct. 2018 to report an alleged assault incident with her husband, and the clip aired on a Jan
28 episode. "My husband assaulted me," Jenelle claimed on the call. "He pinned me down on the ground in the yard, and I think I heard my f***ing collarbone crack, and I can't move my arms
" Since her call, though, Jenelle has said that the couple has "moved on" from what allegedly happened
"It was a stupid argument we had," Jenelle EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife. "Part of marriage sometimes is arguing and making up
I haven't even watched any episodes from this season yet." Jenelle continued, "David is upset everyone keeps bringing up old things that have happened and that we have moved on from
" Well, Jenelle said herself that arguing is definitely part of their marriage – maybe that explains the Facebook update! We guess we'll have to keep watching season nine to figure out what has happened with Jenelle and David! Until we see it for ourselves on television, we hope Jenelle is happy, no matter if she's working out things with David, or separated from him altogether
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