Monday, February 18, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2019

Our Universe is full of mysteries.

Astronomers have always tried to decipher the night sky and gain a better understanding of the Cosmos,

but what are the hottest topics right now in astronomy?

Every night, telescopes like ESO's

are used to investigate a host of astronomical mysteries.

We asked astronomers to identify some of the most exciting questions in cutting-edge astronomy.

These scientists are part of the team who review thousands of observing proposals every year.

They make sure that only the most interesting science is done with ESO's telescopes.

One of the major science questions at the moment in cosmology is trying to understand the dark side of our Universe.

We know that there are two entities on the dark side, something called dark matter,

which is the strong gravitational force in our universe, and something called dark energy,

which is mysteriously causing the expansion of our Universe to get faster and faster each and every day.

Now if we want to understand these dark components of the Universe,

then what we have to do is take really large

surveys of the sky to really map out where the dark matter is and really constrain how dark energy is

changing how those structures of dark matter evolve with time.

On the galaxy side, one of the big

new science areas that's been coming out is a really exciting science case that looks at very distant quasars.

Now it looks at the light from these distant quasars, and as that light travels towards us on earth, it gets

absorbed by some of the clumps of gas and stuff that's in between us and them, and so they can use these

observations to map out where all of the gas is in our Universe between us and those quasars.

It's a really newly emerging field, where you can use this information to look at how that gas is moving,

how it's funneling in and feeding galaxies and creating new stars.

These distant quasars can also be used to understand an era in the very early universe,

an era known as reionisation.

The Universe nowadays is ionised, since almost the beginning of the Universe with the Big Bang.

After the Big Bang there was a period of neutral Universe,

we call it the dark times and after that the reionisation started,

and we don't know very well what produced that reionisation.

Can be quasars, can be galaxies. So many teams are

devoted to that kind of science.

Another hot topic is what is the life cycle of a galaxy? A galaxy is formed by gas, which accretes

gravitationally into a potential world, but then you may ask the question:

how do the metals, the heavy elements that we see in the circumgalactic medium and

perhaps also in the intergalactic medium get there? How are these metals

transported back from the galaxy to the

surroundings of the galaxies.

Galaxies aren't the only structures we don't yet fully understand.

Astronomers are also

investigating globular clusters,

spherical groups of stars, which orbit the cores of galaxies.

Globular clusters were thought to be all very

monotonic all the same types of stars born at the same time with the same metallicity living the same life,

but it turns out in fact there are multiple populations of stars, which means they were either

born at different times or they lived a slightly different life, or maybe they came in from the outside.

And so trying to understand this process that's a lot of proposals on this particular subject at the moment.

There's also a lot of interesting proposals on what are called transient objects,

which are objects that go off and then that's it.

And you want to catch them when they go off. There are proposals that are trying to look for candidates

to see where they are and then when they go off, you know what they were before, and

some of these transients they go off, but then they have an afterglow,

and you want to be able to catch these with different sorts of instrumentation

to find out what's happening to them afterwards because then you can figure out what they are.

A particularly interesting type of transient event is


These dazzling explosions can fade from view after only a matter of weeks,

but which stars do they originate from?

Supernova type 1a progenitor, that's a kind of

supernova, which are

important because astronomers

believe that the energy produced during such an event is more or less the same for all of them so they are used in

cosmology as

standard candles.

We know how big is the universe, how it evolves. We know all this by using this object as this

distance calibrator. These objects provide this information, but yet we don't know their progenitors.

We never saw a star which erupted as such a supernova before the eruption and that's something which people

are very interested in and we hunt for them.

Supernovae aren't the only mysterious objects in our Universe. In fact more and more are being discovered.

There are a number of very interesting topics that people are trying to pursue at the moment.

Some deal with the supermassive black holes that reside in the centre of galaxies, and

how they connect with the rest of the galaxy.

Others are

about very small and very faint galaxies that we actually discovered only a few years ago that they exist and

just trying to get their

properties is a very difficult and challenging task. And there are also

proposals that deal with things that we've known for many years

but the explanation of the physical processes that are happening is eluding us.

Many astronomers are also excited about what we will discover much closer to home.

I think the hot science is really in the field of extrasolar planets, in particular observations.

There are two things happening with them. The first is


through either direct or indirect means of smaller and smaller planets around dimmer and dimmer stars,

so you're looking really we're on the hunt now for Earth-like planets around

Solar type stars as well as red dwarfs, right.

And then also at the same time we have the capability now on ESO to really actually study their atmospheres

directly, right, which is which is absolutely mind-boggling.

These topics are being investigated by astronomers around the globe using world-class facilities like ESO's.

Their findings will deepen our understanding of the Universe.

Transcribed by ESO; Translated by –

For more infomation >> ESOcast 194: Cutting Edge of Contemporary Astronomy - Duration: 8:00.


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FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.

NLE Choppa Type Beat - Choppa (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp)

For more infomation >> FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.


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For more infomation >> "Ștefan Bănică jr. și Mihaela Rădulescu au fost împreună la cinema, la "Titanic"!" Prietena Răduleas - Duration: 3:08.


Ce se întâmplă cu partajul dintre Roxana Ciuhulescu și fostul ei soț? Vedeta s-ar putea reîntâlni în - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Ce se întâmplă cu partajul dintre Roxana Ciuhulescu și fostul ei soț? Vedeta s-ar putea reîntâlni în - Duration: 4:38.


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For more infomation >> Easy Mehndi Design | Simple Mehndi Design | Simple Easy Trick draw net from comb - Duration: 4:34.


ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 3:19.

拡大写真 Ne flixオリジナル リーズ『アンブレラ アカデミー』(配信 )原作者のジェラル ・ウェイ(元マイ・ ミカル・ロマンスの ーカル)(C)Ge ty Images  15日よりN tflixで世界同 配信が開始されたオ ジナルルシリーズ『 ンブレラ・アカデミ 』(全10話)

原作は、日本武道館 ライブを実施した経 を持ち、2013年 月、惜しまれながら 解散した米ロックバ ド「マイ・ケミカル ロマンス」のボーカ スト、ジェラルド・ ェイが手掛けた同名 ミックだ(作画はガ リエル・バー)

マイケミの頃とは見 目は変わったが、自 の才能の豊かさをど どん引き出している 【場面写真】『アン レラ・アカデミー』 1話より ジェラル 、レイ・トロ(G) マイキー・ウェイ( )、フランク・レロ G)、ボブ・ブライ ー(Dr)ら、マイ ケミカル・ロマンス メンバーは、全員ニ ージャージー出身

02年に地元でイン ィーズデビューし、 4年7月に、アルバ 『スウィート・リベ ジ』でメジャーデビ ーを果たすと、いき りブレイクし、全米 100万枚を突破す プラチナディスクを 得した

同年8月には、『S MMER SONI 2004』に出演 るため、初来日して る

For more infomation >> ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 3:19.


ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 2:26.

拡大写真 N tflixオリジ ルシリーズ『アン レラ・アカデミー (配信中)原作者 ジェラルド・ウェ (元マイ・ケミカ ・ロマンスのボー ル)(C)Get y Images  15日より etflixで世 同時配信が開始さ たオリジナルルシ ーズ『アンブレラ アカデミー』(全 0話)

原作は、日本武道 でライブを実施し 経験を持ち、20 3年3月、惜しま ながらも解散した ロックバンド「マ ・ケミカル・ロマ ス」のボーカリス 、ジェラルド・ウ イが手掛けた同名 ミックだ(作画は ブリエル・バー)

マイケミの頃とは た目は変わったが 自身の才能の豊か をどんどん引き出 ている。【場面写 】『アンブレラ・ カデミー』第1話 り ジェラルド、 イ・トロ(G)、 イキー・ウェイ( )、フランク・レ (G)、ボブ・ブ イアー(Dr)ら マイ・ケミカル・ マンスのメンバー 、全員ニュージャ ジー出身

02年に地元でイ ディーズデビュー 、04年7月に、 ルバム『スウィー ・リベンジ』でメ ャーデビューを果 すと、いきなりブ イクし、全米で1 0万枚を突破する ラチナディスクを 得した

同年8月には、『 UMMER SO IC 2004』 出演するため、初 日している

For more infomation >> ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 2:26.


ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 3:14.

拡大写真 N tflixオリジ ルシリーズ『アン レラ・アカデミー (配信中)原作者 ジェラルド・ウェ (元マイ・ケミカ ・ロマンスのボー ル)(C)Get y Images  15日より etflixで世 同時配信が開始さ たオリジナルルシ ーズ『アンブレラ アカデミー』(全 0話)

原作は、日本武道 でライブを実施し 経験を持ち、20 3年3月、惜しま ながらも解散した ロックバンド「マ ・ケミカル・ロマ ス」のボーカリス 、ジェラルド・ウ イが手掛けた同名 ミックだ(作画は ブリエル・バー)

マイケミの頃とは た目は変わったが 自身の才能の豊か をどんどん引き出 ている。【場面写 】『アンブレラ・ カデミー』第1話 り ジェラルド、 イ・トロ(G)、 イキー・ウェイ( )、フランク・レ (G)、ボブ・ブ イアー(Dr)ら マイ・ケミカル・ マンスのメンバー 、全員ニュージャ ジー出身

02年に地元でイ ディーズデビュー 、04年7月に、 ルバム『スウィー ・リベンジ』でメ ャーデビューを果 すと、いきなりブ イクし、全米で1 0万枚を突破する ラチナディスクを 得した

同年8月には、『 UMMER SO IC 2004』 出演するため、初 日している

For more infomation >> ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 3:14.


ニュース ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 2:31.

拡大写真 Netfli オリジナルシ ーズ『アンブ ラ・アカデミ 』(配信中) 作者のジェラ ド・ウェイ( マイ・ケミカ ・ロマンスの ーカル)(C Getty mages  15日よ Netfli で世界同時配 が開始された リジナルルシ ーズ『アンブ ラ・アカデミ 』(全10話

原作は、日本 道館でライブ 実施した経験 持ち、201 年3月、惜し れながらも解 した米ロック ンド「マイ・ ミカル・ロマ ス」のボーカ スト、ジェラ ド・ウェイが 掛けた同名コ ックだ(作画 ガブリエル・ ー)

マイケミの頃 は見た目は変 ったが、自身 才能の豊かさ どんどん引き している。【 面写真】『ア ブレラ・アカ ミー』第1話 り ジェラル 、レイ・トロ G)、マイキ ・ウェイ(B 、フランク・ ロ(G)、ボ ・ブライアー Dr)ら、マ ・ケミカル・ マンスのメン ーは、全員ニ ージャージー 身

02年に地元 インディーズ ビューし、0 年7月に、ア バム『スウィ ト・リベンジ でメジャーデ ューを果たす 、いきなりブ イクし、全米 100万枚を 破するプラチ ディスクを獲 した

同年8月には 『SUMME SONIC 2004』に 演するため、 来日している

For more infomation >> ニュース ミュージシャンでコミックライター、ジェラルド・ウェイの多才ぶり - Duration: 2:31.


Mercedes-AMG C 63 2019 Review – Australia - Duration: 4:28.

Beating heart  The heart of Mercedes-AMG is beating a little stronger today with the arrival of the latest C63 S

 Everything in AMG-land orbits around the mid-size sports sedan, coupe and wagon range and, for 2019, it picks up the improvements from the updated C-Class range and adds some extra go-faster tweaking

 There is no more power or torque from the 4.0-litre twin-turbo V8 -- the headline numbers are still 375kW and 700Nm -- but the big change is a nine-speed MCT transmission that brings quicker shifts, as well as softer suspension that makes the whole package more compliant

 As a result, it's more enjoyable for more of the time.  AMG models contributed 20 per cent of Mercedes-Benz sales in Australia last year and that number is likely to rise in 2019, with strong demand for the three-strong C 63 range and a considerable order bank

Some eager buyers have been on the waiting list for more than a year. "Historically, in its launch years the C 63 is our best-selling AMG," says company spokesman, Jerry Stamoulis

 "If there is one model from our AMG range that is for a repeat buyer, it's the C 63

In 2008, when we launched, it really brought the AMG brand to Australia. They love this car

" The nose that shows  The big visual hint to the updated Mercedes-AMG C 63 is a nose that picks up the styling direction from the Mercedes-AMG GTs -- both two- and (new) four-door

 It's more overt, more obvious, but still looks good and is known by insiders as the 'Panamericana Grille' because it has visual ties back to a Benz that raced in the Panamericana road race in the 1950s

 But the good stuff in the newest 63 is also picked up from the cooking cars in the C-Class family, which got 6500 changes last September -- right down to three squirters for the windscreen washers in place of the usual two

 The external stuff is nothing particularly special with just a general sharpening of the look, and there has been a lot of work on refinement and quality, but the obvious difference is in the cabin

 The 10.25-inch media display is conspicuous from the start, and so also is the AMG steering wheel which now has a couple of extra buttons including one for the mode settings and the nine-position traction control

 "They operate all the AMG functions without you having to take your hands off the wheel," says senior product manager, John Vasilj

 "The full digital media display is AMG-specific. You can configure it in the way you want

It can display g-force, turbo boost, even kiloWatts and Newton-metres at any point in time

" The 2019 Mercedes-AMG C 63 comes standard with AMG sports seats, 20-inch alloys, the AMG performance exhaust and luxury stuff from automatic air-con to Nappa leather upholstery

Let's get going  The old seven-speed auto is gone and the replacement is a nine-speed unit -- not a dual-clutch but an automatic with a wet clutch instead of a torque converter, effectively making it an automated manual gearbox based around an automatic transmission rather than a manual one

 The result is ultra-slick shifts and more closely-stacked ratios. There is also a race start setting

 The electronic controls of the engine and transmission have been revised and now include both Race and Slippery modes, the softest setting reducing power and flattening the engine's torque curve for snow and other nasty surfaces

 The ESC settings are also integrated into the AMG dynamic package, which give more control to the driver and allow more choices of the width of the safety net

The package was first fitted to the Mercedes-AMG GT3 racer, then morphed onto the GT R road car before trickling down to the C 63

 "It's to provide greater agility and safety as well. It allows the driver to have a more precise influence on the handling," says Vasilj

 The adaptive damping is probably the biggest change, even if there are still three familiar settings for the dampers -- Comfort, Sport and Sport+

It's softer overall, but significantly more compliant in the rear damping when the driver selects Comfort

Softly, softly, then up and away  Like the latest C-Class sedan on which it's based, the 2019 Mercedes-AMG C 63 is a little nicer in most areas, a touch more refined and visually different enough to justify the price hike

 Fire the engine and there is the familiar and welcome rumble of an AMG V8, which gets ever fruitier if you touch the 'open-flow' button on the centre console or switch the AMG model to Sport

 But the obvious difference, from the first 50 metres, is the softness in the suspension

The Comfort setting really is comfortable and at first it seemed the rear suspension was a touch under-damped because there was lots of travel

 What that means, best of all, is that the rear-end soaks up bumps and also the output from the V8

So a city commute will not be a chore, as it was before, and when you tickle the torque it doesn't mean an instant display of traction control warnings or a thump through the back-end

 The new nine-speeder sits quietly in the background on light throttle openings, but once you get a bit eager it responds with noticeably sharper shifts

 Being honest, the latest C 63 was always a bit of a pain to drive in the city. Now feels just as quick but is more friendly, more comfortable and less likely to trigger a tension headache after a tough day in the office

Into the country  The explosive impact of the Mercedes-AMG C 63 should always be reserved for quiet days and quiet roads, or better yet a racetrack, but as you move the AMG needle up from Comfort to Sport and beyond the car really comes alive

 It's a raucous romper that feels just as sharp as in the past, but with a little more comfort and compliance

The combination of more compliance in the rear -- it's best to leave the dampers on Comfort unless you're on a track -- and the slick shift means the car is probably a touch quicker than before but far less demanding to drive quickly

 On meandering country roads past the Blue Mountains, after trolling through Sydney traffic, the C 63 comes alive and is wicked quick without complaints

 It also turns smartly, even over crests into tightening curves, and the boom of the twin-turbo V8 gets your pulse going

Some people still pine for the old naturally-aspirated V8, but trust us this one delivers the sound and response to please any purist

 It's fun to play with the AMG stuff on the steering wheel and watch the various displays turning up their feedback and assistance, but it's simple things like the latest seats and the new AMG wheel -- which is far easier to handle for people who don't have a gorilla grip -- that complete the package

Arrive smiling and happy  The Mercedes-AMG C 63 has always been a landmark car for Benz, and a benchmark for the class

 The mid-size German muscle-car has gone from good to better and then best, and the legions of fans of the brand and the C 63 badge keep coming back for good reason

 There are design and tech improvements that make the latest C 63 a bit better, for sure, but the chassis retune also makes it considerably more user friendly and easier to live with

These days, that's a winning combination.  How much does the 2019 Mercedes-AMG C63 S sedan cost? Price: From $160,900 (plus ORCs) Engine: 4

0-litre twin-turbo V8 petrol Output: 375kW/700Nm Transmission: Nine-speed MCT automatic Fuel: 10

4L/100km (ADR combined) CO2: 237g/km (ADR combined) Safety rating: Five-star (ANCAP 2014)

For more infomation >> Mercedes-AMG C 63 2019 Review – Australia - Duration: 4:28.


FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.

NLE Choppa Type Beat - Choppa (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp)

For more infomation >> FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.


为什么人们,对王菲和张柏芝的评价差别这么大?赵薇八字说出根本! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 为什么人们,对王菲和张柏芝的评价差别这么大?赵薇八字说出根本! - Duration: 3:33.


Pregnant teen on Universal Credit faced starvation - then something incredible happened - Duration: 4:38.

  A teen couple expecting their first baby were fearing weeks of hunger on Universal Credit before something amazing happeed

 Jaedyn Overbury and Lizzie Mason, both 18, hit hard times after moving out of a YMCA homeless shelter and into a house share in Erdington, Birmingham

  The cash-strapped couple lived off dry toast for three days after Jaedyn was signed off sick from his job stacking shelves at ASDA with General Anxiety Disorder, Birmingham Live reports

 The £230 they received each month through Universal Credit soon vanished on rent, smart price food, phone top-ups and public transport back and forth to hospital appointments

Read More Man, 22, just '10 days from death' after horror abuse from girlfriend speaks out    With weeks of nothing but a few slices of bread stretching out in front of the engaged couple and their unborn baby, Jaedyn put out a desperate plea to their new community

 The response from kind-hearted locals was astonishing.  As soon as his request for advice about food banks began to circulate online residents rallied together to donate a huge hamper of food

 Where before they had the bare essentials, the couple quickly found themselves with a fridge full of bacon, fruit, soup, pasta, crisps, bread and dozens of tins, as well as eggs, milk, butter and cheese

 The pair said the food haul will last them up to two months and will help four-weeks pregnant Lizzie to enjoy a healthy pregnancy

  Read More Flybmi collapse: UK airline grounds ALL flights - what next and can YOU get a refund?    Jaedyn said: "I was amazed by the response we got, we didn't expect it at all

 "We had food from about three people, picked up by one of the ladies and dropped to us all on the first night that we had put the post up

 "And then from there to yesterday we have had four more people drop food to us."  While doctors have recommended that the teen should not work at the moment, he is still looking for a job to make ends meet

Read More Libby Squire: Concerned strangers raise £11k for missing student's family    Jaedyn continued: "The universal rate for being signed off is awful to live on so I'm still looking for part time work, even when advised by the doctors not to be in work for the time being

 "I struggle quite badly with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and I also have problems with my chest and breathing which makes physical tasks difficult, still waiting on x-ray and blood results to figure out why my breathing is so limited

 "I can barely make it up a set of stairs without gasping for air so any physically job wouldn't work

"  As well as the food the couple received plenty of advice as to which food banks to go to and how to get vouchers

Read More Couple steal food from Iceland to feed baby after 'waiting weeks for benefits'    Jaedyn's heartbreaking appeal on the Erdington community group on Sunday, February 10 read: "Me and my misses are new to area (moved here from a homeless shelter in Worcester) and we have been here for about four months now

 "We have moved into a house share of four people and unfortunately due to having a shared kitchen keep having our food vanish out the freezer

 "We have informed our support staff but they can only recommend calling police (which we don't want to do over a few bags of frozen food

 "We have completely run out of food and we don't get any money between us until Thursday (as long as Universal Credit can sort us out payments otherwise then it will be 23rd for next pay)

 "We want to know where the nearest food bank is and how to get vouchers for it? My misses is pregnant and I don't want her to go without anything to eat for the next week, possibly month

 "We are really struggling with finding something to eat.  "We both don't have contact with family and no friends in the area, it's just the two of us

" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Pregnant teen on Universal Credit faced starvation - then something incredible happened - Duration: 4:38.


ESOcast 194: Cutting Edge of Contemporary Astronomy - Duration: 8:00.

Our Universe is full of mysteries.

Astronomers have always tried to decipher the night sky and gain a better understanding of the Cosmos,

but what are the hottest topics right now in astronomy?

Every night, telescopes like ESO's

are used to investigate a host of astronomical mysteries.

We asked astronomers to identify some of the most exciting questions in cutting-edge astronomy.

These scientists are part of the team who review thousands of observing proposals every year.

They make sure that only the most interesting science is done with ESO's telescopes.

One of the major science questions at the moment in cosmology is trying to understand the dark side of our Universe.

We know that there are two entities on the dark side, something called dark matter,

which is the strong gravitational force in our universe, and something called dark energy,

which is mysteriously causing the expansion of our Universe to get faster and faster each and every day.

Now if we want to understand these dark components of the Universe,

then what we have to do is take really large

surveys of the sky to really map out where the dark matter is and really constrain how dark energy is

changing how those structures of dark matter evolve with time.

On the galaxy side, one of the big

new science areas that's been coming out is a really exciting science case that looks at very distant quasars.

Now it looks at the light from these distant quasars, and as that light travels towards us on earth, it gets

absorbed by some of the clumps of gas and stuff that's in between us and them, and so they can use these

observations to map out where all of the gas is in our Universe between us and those quasars.

It's a really newly emerging field, where you can use this information to look at how that gas is moving,

how it's funneling in and feeding galaxies and creating new stars.

These distant quasars can also be used to understand an era in the very early universe,

an era known as reionisation.

The Universe nowadays is ionised, since almost the beginning of the Universe with the Big Bang.

After the Big Bang there was a period of neutral Universe,

we call it the dark times and after that the reionisation started,

and we don't know very well what produced that reionisation.

Can be quasars, can be galaxies. So many teams are

devoted to that kind of science.

Another hot topic is what is the life cycle of a galaxy? A galaxy is formed by gas, which accretes

gravitationally into a potential world, but then you may ask the question:

how do the metals, the heavy elements that we see in the circumgalactic medium and

perhaps also in the intergalactic medium get there? How are these metals

transported back from the galaxy to the

surroundings of the galaxies.

Galaxies aren't the only structures we don't yet fully understand.

Astronomers are also

investigating globular clusters,

spherical groups of stars, which orbit the cores of galaxies.

Globular clusters were thought to be all very

monotonic all the same types of stars born at the same time with the same metallicity living the same life,

but it turns out in fact there are multiple populations of stars, which means they were either

born at different times or they lived a slightly different life, or maybe they came in from the outside.

And so trying to understand this process that's a lot of proposals on this particular subject at the moment.

There's also a lot of interesting proposals on what are called transient objects,

which are objects that go off and then that's it.

And you want to catch them when they go off. There are proposals that are trying to look for candidates

to see where they are and then when they go off, you know what they were before, and

some of these transients they go off, but then they have an afterglow,

and you want to be able to catch these with different sorts of instrumentation

to find out what's happening to them afterwards because then you can figure out what they are.

A particularly interesting type of transient event is


These dazzling explosions can fade from view after only a matter of weeks,

but which stars do they originate from?

Supernova type 1a progenitor, that's a kind of

supernova, which are

important because astronomers

believe that the energy produced during such an event is more or less the same for all of them so they are used in

cosmology as

standard candles.

We know how big is the universe, how it evolves. We know all this by using this object as this

distance calibrator. These objects provide this information, but yet we don't know their progenitors.

We never saw a star which erupted as such a supernova before the eruption and that's something which people

are very interested in and we hunt for them.

Supernovae aren't the only mysterious objects in our Universe. In fact more and more are being discovered.

There are a number of very interesting topics that people are trying to pursue at the moment.

Some deal with the supermassive black holes that reside in the centre of galaxies, and

how they connect with the rest of the galaxy.

Others are

about very small and very faint galaxies that we actually discovered only a few years ago that they exist and

just trying to get their

properties is a very difficult and challenging task. And there are also

proposals that deal with things that we've known for many years

but the explanation of the physical processes that are happening is eluding us.

Many astronomers are also excited about what we will discover much closer to home.

I think the hot science is really in the field of extrasolar planets, in particular observations.

There are two things happening with them. The first is


through either direct or indirect means of smaller and smaller planets around dimmer and dimmer stars,

so you're looking really we're on the hunt now for Earth-like planets around

Solar type stars as well as red dwarfs, right.

And then also at the same time we have the capability now on ESO to really actually study their atmospheres

directly, right, which is which is absolutely mind-boggling.

These topics are being investigated by astronomers around the globe using world-class facilities like ESO's.

Their findings will deepen our understanding of the Universe.

Transcribed by ESO; Translated by –

For more infomation >> ESOcast 194: Cutting Edge of Contemporary Astronomy - Duration: 8:00.



alright fellas we're ladies and ladies yeah please forget the ladies how do I

forget the ladies and the children well anyway you see you just got the truck

washed ninety dollars Walter is scared to death he don't like the truck wash

but we've never got the trailer washed and it needed it and now I'm only

washing the truck cause you know it's a little dusty and everyone into

California and thought but hey we better do it

okay - GoPro went crazy because the battery decided it was insufficient for

what I've been doing with it but I felt alright

GoPro there's a fix your battery life GoPro come on you can do it the dogs

went all crazy Walters terrified grace wants to kill the Queen build

interesting literature up and Walter was just scared this is his first check wash

so we're in exit zero in Texas lutely house hands and eggs is zero I

have not a clue and we're lollygagging because we don't want to go into San

Francisco at 10 o'clock in the morning so we're gonna lollygag the day away in

a way right so we can go in there after garden you made her drive so I can

wildly gag and sleep tonight I knock out another seven hundred miles

drive slow how they do some better probably under 600 miles today

how about hope that I can do it I'm a driving machine just like CPAP no see

that's better

you're gonna have dinner later um what's for dinner

you decided broccoli chicken alfredo do you want no I spent one no I want you

about the profit chicken afraid oh I think that's what

what Danse Macabre soft having an effect coffee I guess

I might get jacked up coffee might be like that little kid what's it looking

say I'm all jacked up I'm ten years old but

I'll beat your ass ain't that funny I love that movie Ricky Bobby story it was

stupid Bobby hey dear baby Jesus I know honey

yeah try it yes dear baby Jesus dear Lord baby Jesus or as our brothers to

the South call you hey Zeus I see part of a movie about that well that's your

kind of movie I mean that I think will Thoreau speed eat that like that movie

just like I like Joe Dirt I love children so you say that me and that's

my kind of movie now offbeat humor is what I mean oh yeah

you better clarify there well there's different kinds of humor you know it's

hopper out humor there's slapstick humor and I might conduct curtains well I like

the adult cartoons a whole lot I like him a little more adult than she

does though oh my gosh I like the Simpsons and Family Guy in Paradise PD

yes Paradise PD that's what we was watching that day and it was really good

I did like that I finished it without you and I kind of like that's the one

that had the foot fetish thing going on no not her I forget I kind of like that

one girl in that one cartoon that's married to the big chunky guy and the

dog was always following it around and wants to kill her or something the white

dog hey my guy the family guy yeah doesn't for me I don't know why you know

they make Meg out to be ugly but if you look Meg looks exactly like her mom her

body ain't but her face and everything is her mom's it's just different hair

color the only thing about her mom is she Emile's know the daughter you don't

know I don't know their names I just they're just they're my numbing things

that's going on in the background when I'm doing math or something and I can

look at her because she's kind of cute and mommy sort of later

I don't know I like moms look I say you know a sign for wet-and-wild Waterworld

I know it's right over there you want to go to wet and wild

maybe all right guys I'm gonna let you go we'll talk to you a little bit we're

going to wet well I'll get to girl all wet and wild whoo no she's tired I can't

go I'm tired I'm gonna take a man back to tuk yeah Oh suppertime

I'm gonna put you away all right let's go

oh good people of the world boys and girls ladies and gentlemen little

children's No look who we already am today oh you

don't know who it is it's Alex Express hello Alex is gonna

tell us all about his self and his his mission in the world who the hell of a

hand good by doing those strange look at myself in it always throws me off to

this I'm looking at the cameras here but the cameras here and so you know it

messes me up too anyway these guys are great they fed me chicken and Brock oh

my gosh he's eating diet food with us oh he

works out he eats right the strike scare yourself

does Formica guys I live for a lot more everybody to definitely my life and

working off running I avoid everybody tasks nobody wants to do all that stuff

but I like it I know you're that you feel your dietitian and I thought was as

if I was hanging out in the same spot I'd be like let's go to the gym workout

and sweat it out I'd be like let's have a beer afterwards but I'd still be like

let's work it out and the thing is they're a fun couple what you see is

what you get a real life I'm not I'm not getting paid to say this

okay broccoli okay weird rocky yeah and now Kratos all's that was pretty good um

and I gave pay with this look at these dogs they look I'm getting pay with love

unconditional love to me bro everybody look at this whatever but if you love

you for it scratch your face you're back by your

back she loved this she I just love in here for these Bob my gosh look at this

one that face excuse me okay come here buddy

look at that face they love people we are still on our way to San Francisco

I'm locked out y'all Feeny music F wait was gonna

lollygagging down there we was gonna lolly gigs we didn't want to get their

lunch time so we found the perfect thing to do talk to Alex now the security

people don't run us off but Alex language all right I'll stay there for

another few hours all right it was Spanish it's not a secret

Oh Gracie's gonna give you kisses now come here so you couldn't see this look

it is free see this right here free goodness she remembers me everybody

should have a little bit of that yeah see look look at this look at this guys

can you see this kind of see jumping you know I mean rice has got a big fan

club she really does people love grace I mean everybody has

their own individual tasting dogs and some people like little dogs and some

people like well community I like em all everybody likes all of them but they

have you know some people like what I gonna like guys he's right this one's

neat come in this one here Shh good people like grace cuz she minds her

business it took a long time for a heart action for me to for me to start liking

her like I should I write because I don't know why I mean he's got all the

brains in the family right she does link in your face yeah she's trying to lick

your face off yeah and like little dog over here he's

the alpha male so he's gonna come and buy her he's gonna let you know he's

about right here right now he's trying to get on can I think they left one of

her ovaries in her what is she guys spayed

oh yeah well that's what they do now kill him do that they do now they can't

head I can't reproduce believe the numbers are very low they still have

hormones that keeps me from getting cancer fine and then half of it out like

don't like a whole package steal something you know there's an operation

cellar right oh yeah they're separated so they can take one and leave it now

they're leaving dogs one of their testicles also for the same reason

oh because it keeps them healthy that's just animals humans I guess if you need

to be nutter give me a call I can I'll leave you one you know I've

noted some cats if I can let her okay better you bike

I'm turning out to laugh I'm serious I've done it I mean just look you got

somebody you don't like being drunk you make uh a lot of YouTube none I just

don't got love our fans and we're subs my neighborhood night my neighbor's cat

used to come welcome back and they go home without their nose oh these are

great animals um my governess three of these things so

I'm just used to it you think it's your girlfriend Chuck

with you and but she hates driving that's the only thing Laura whether you

ain't driving

maybe she likes Ratan ah she hates I mean I didn't get her a TV in it kitchen

in it was better I said this is a tough like the TV he watches the camera to see

where this one knows when he's on the light is it look at the light he knows

that we're all it's like okay Showtime primetime called prime time dogs but um

um yeah I lost my train of thought I'm just done

it is like the loves that is unreal here I mean you get the love from the guys

here on TRC prissypants by the way prissypants Shh no saying on

guys great channel coming pretty soon crazy pants it's not a big

yes down low though huh yeah we can't you I don't want to buy now not five

thousand six thousand people you gotta hear this from us

hey preview time oh I mean she's a moderator and all the top sites so show

me and what's it mean he can't look at me

you can't be serious but today they turned around oh I forgot what I was

saying again oh pretty PES channel guys it's gonna be you know I'm neither was

he nothing she's already moderator when you see her

pretty face subscribe to his channel get ready she's not a trucker she's a

person motorcycle riding workouts diet tips cooking

you see this old man that it is anyway we will see you guys from San Francisco

sometime tomorrow love y'all bye guys




For more infomation >> LE PREMIER PAS de CLAUDE MICHEL SCHÖNBERG - Duration: 3:36.


FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.

NLE Choppa Type Beat - Choppa (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp)

For more infomation >> FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.


Zũ Lầy TV | Troll Vợ Ngày Valentine 14/2 - Tuấn Vũ Hà Xuyên - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> Zũ Lầy TV | Troll Vợ Ngày Valentine 14/2 - Tuấn Vũ Hà Xuyên - Duration: 9:52.


【MUKBANG】 Colorful Salmon Roe Rice Bowl Using Golden Salmon Roe!! [7500kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:37.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i made a 2 colors salmon roe rice bowl using golden salmon roe

the yellow thing here is golden salmon roe from Yamame salmon

salmon roe go down to ocean in spring time...

that's why it can't eat any crabs or prawns, what preserve its eggs from becoming red

that's why it's yellow

the surrounding salmon roe is a normal one

the dish is ready but let's see first how we made it

let's make 2 colors salmon roe rice bowl

jaaan! this is the golden salmon roe

it's yellow and this is beautiful

this is not the right place to put it in

but I would like to put it in the middle to make it easier to distinguish

and here the normal salmon roe

aaah !!

let's cut the leaves

let's put it in the edge

and we add some wasabi

jaaa! we did it

looks so yummy

salmon roe is so beautiful isn't that

it was so easy to make and this is amazing


we are going to use some soy sauce

and today's soup is chicken and lotus root soup

let's start with the golden salmon roe

what a nice color

mmmmm !

it's popping up in your mouth and the taste is strong

and here the normal salmon roe

a lot of it

mmmm! rich with flavor

but the previous one is much more huge

the 2 colors

mmmmm !

salmon roe rice bowl is really yummy, isn't that !

mmmm! truly delicious !

this is really the best

let's try the soup

the taste of chicken is strong and the lotus root is crispy and delicious

mmmmm !

Yamame normally grows to around 20-30cm. what makes its eggs huge

mmmm! yummy !

wasabi goes so well with salmon roe

the salmon roe that pops up in your mouth is so much fun

exploads with flavors

but the golden one exploads more, and its flavors are stronger

salmon roe sparkling and brilliance is very beautiful

the last bite, itadakimasu


we did it !


2 colors salmon roe rice bowl using golden salmon roe was so tasty

salmon roe goes so well with rice

its texture is so good and it pops up, the taste is strong and was really yummy

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

and as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day !

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Colorful Salmon Roe Rice Bowl Using Golden Salmon Roe!! [7500kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:37.


Creación de planos con VFX en Nuke | Un curso online de Ramón Cervera - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Creación de planos con VFX en Nuke | Un curso online de Ramón Cervera - Duration: 3:03.


Glokknine - Boot Up - Duration: 5:16.

You know, niggas been doin' like I been on my brain, 'cause I'm real right

Bitch ass hoe, dumb bitch, look

I told em, "I don't think, I like to paint."

They prancin' where you sleep, Jitterbugs masked up with drac's

Kel-Tec, Glock and K, KK Coop He been jumped off the stoop, got the business

back stuck on boot Nigga talking out his neck, I'll be the first

knock out his tooth I'm throwin' up my set all in the club

like fuck a booth These Jitterbugs the truth, they kill for

me Put a nigga in a seat, I'm talkin' 'bout

a killin' spree Bullets stinging, I'll strike ya, a bumble

bee Got that pack off overnight, I'm black and

white no referee All them crackers daily, tryna indict him

soon as he free I promise when he die, I'm gettin' a shirt

sayin' R.I.P

I told em, "I don't think, I like to paint."

They prancin' where you sleep, Jitterbugs masked up with drac's

Kel-Tec, Glock and K, KK Coop He been jumped off the stoop, got the business

back stuck on boot Nigga talking out his neck, I'll be the first

knock out his tooth I'm throwin' up my set all in the club

like fuck a booth These Jitterbugs the truth, they kill for

me Put a nigga in a seat, I'm talkin' 'bout

a killin' spree Bullets stinging, I'll strike ya, a bumble

bee Got that pack off overnight, I'm black and

white no referee All them crackers daily, tryna indict him

soon as he free I promise when he die, I'm gettin' a shirt

sayin' R.I.P

I'm finna paint the world red, so, picture this

Curtains in my Phantom Wraith, swaggin' on a bitch

Cutter and a dagger, I been jackin' wit' my clic

.40 got a dildo, this bitch came with a dick Trey 80 got a long nose, like slangin' sticks

I been with the shits since my diaper stuffed with it

Dad ain't step up to the plate, naw, ain't raise a Jit

I got one on the way, so I gotta take care of it

'cause, I was born a hot dog, I was scared Put bullets in the wind, 4 of these shots

finna hit They won't rock, no not at all, gon' miss

their kids Keep makin' all them songs but I be everywhere

with it I told my dawgs "We movin' on from the

older, watch what we sayin'.

We gon' hit the road, rock shows, fuck hoes, and set some trends."

Trey 80 got my back like we thuggin' till the end

He gon' rock and roger that, [?] shit again

I told em, "I don't think, I like to paint."

They prancin' where you sleep, Jitterbugs masked up with drac's

Kel-Tec, Glock and K, KK Coop He been jumped off the stoop, got the business

back stuck on boot Nigga talking out his neck, I'll be the first

knock out his tooth I'm throwin' up my set all in the club

like fuck a booth These Jitterbugs the truth, they kill for

me Put a nigga in a seat, I'm talkin' 'bout

a killin' spree Bullets stinging, I'll strike ya, a bumble

bee Got that pack off overnight, I'm black and

white no referee All them crackers daily, tryna indict him

soon as he free I promise when he die, I'm gettin' a shirt

sayin' R.I.P

I told em, "I don't think, I like to paint."

They prancin' where you sleep, Jitterbugs masked up with drac's

Kel-Tec, Glock and K, KK Coop He been jumped off the stoop, got the business

back stuck on boot Nigga talking out his neck, I'll be the first

knock out his tooth I'm throwin' up my set all in the club

like fuck a booth These Jitterbugs the truth, they kill for

me Put a nigga in a seat, I'm talkin' 'bout

a killin' spree Bullets stinging, I'll strike ya, a bumble

bee Got that pack off overnight, I'm black and

white no referee All them crackers daily, tryna indict him

soon as he free I promise when he die, I'm gettin' a shirt

sayin' R.I.P

[?] they said I did I'm blacker than the average tone, so what,

cuz' I just know I'm is They think that the youngan dikes the way

they brought them straps in here I stay rollin' round with a pipe, it's

part of what I wear Aye, you gon' die tonight, bet your life,

go on and gamble with it It's a new era, all you old niggas take

a listen This a Moncler, VVS's hittin when I'm

grillin' Pole tryna peep, wanna leak, like a faucet

fillin' Nina tryna squirt, Imma fuck her till that

bitch peel it We gon' put in work, burn the bitch, like

some damn skillet Posted on your turf, we stomp your ground,

everything holdin' Bet it ain't no less than 30 rounds, she

said she not your [?] [?] run around, on that nigga

I bet he kept the same niggas 'round, or he just been thuggin'

We just been some Jits, we some Mercy babies I'm so AFNF, that other shit fugaze

Strapped up all my niggas like I rap [?] we the Navy

I been earned my stripes like lil' Tigger tiger, what you name it

Now it's time to shit on all you niggas, get the picture painted

My lil' niggas been retarded with that heavy metal stainless

I provide the ammunition, tell them we're gon' paint it

Five slide Expedition, right turn view, I ain't thinkin'

I told em, "I don't think, I like to paint."

They prancin' where you sleep, Jitterbugs masked up with drac's

Kel-Tec, Glock and K, KK Coop He been jumped off the stoop, got the business

back stuck on boot Nigga talking out his neck, I'll be the first

knock out his tooth I'm throwin' up my set all in the club

like fuck a booth These Jitterbugs the truth, they kill for

me Put a nigga in a seat, I'm talkin' 'bout

a killin' spree Bullets stinging, I'll strike ya, a bumble

bee Got that pack off overnight, I'm black and

white no referee All them crackers daily, tryna indict him

soon as he free I promise when he die, I'm gettin' a shirt

sayin' R.I.P

I told em, "I don't think, I like to paint."

They prancin' where you sleep, Jitterbugs masked up with drac's

Kel-Tec, Glock and K, KK Coop He been jumped off the stoop, got the business

back stuck on boot Nigga talking out his neck, I'll be the first

knock out his tooth I'm throwin' up my set all in the club

like fuck a booth These Jitterbugs the truth, they kill for

me Put a nigga in a seat, I'm talkin' 'bout

a killin' spree Bullets stinging, I'll strike ya, a bumble

bee Got that pack off overnight, I'm black and

white no referee All them crackers daily, tryna indict him

soon as he free I promise when he die, I'm gettin' a shirt

sayin' R.I.P

For more infomation >> Glokknine - Boot Up - Duration: 5:16.


CHINGU TALK #2: OUR KPOP JOURNEY + GIVEAWAY [TURN ON CC] || 93 Line Chingu - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> CHINGU TALK #2: OUR KPOP JOURNEY + GIVEAWAY [TURN ON CC] || 93 Line Chingu - Duration: 7:57.


아빠 박주호와 친구 서현, 준희를 위해 '심부름'을 자청하고 나섰다. - Duration: 2:08.

아빠 박주호와 친구 서현, 준희를 위해 '심부름'을 자청하고 나섰다.

지난 17일 방송된 KBS2 '슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다'에서는 스위스 방문 이후 오랜만에 유치원을 찾은 나은이의 모습이 담겼다.

하원 이후 친구 서현, 준희와 방탈출 게임을 하며 즐거운 시간을 보낸 나은이는 허기진 배를 채우기 위해 아빠 박주호 손을 잡고 빵집에 들렀다.

이날 케이크과 쿠키를 주문한 박주호는 혹시나 아이들이 목이 막힐까 봐 오렌지 주스를 추가 주문하기로 결정했다.

그 순간 '심부름 요정' 나은이가 나섰다.

"내가 가져올게"라며 심부름꾼을 자청한 나은이는 친구들과 아빠의 주문을 하나씩 받기 시작했다.

친구들과 자신의 오렌지 주스 3잔에 이어 나은이는 아빠에게 '캐러멜 마키야토'라는 생전 처음 들어보는 메뉴를 주문받았다.

복잡한 이름에 당혹스러움을 드러낸 나은이는 일단 카운터로 향했다.

오렌지 주스는 쉽게 시켰지만 생전 처음 들어본 '캐러멜 마키야토'가 떠오르지 않은 나은이는 더듬더듬 기억을 찾아갔다.

"아이스.. 아이스 캐러멜.."을 반복하던 나은이는 결국 '아이스 캐러멜 마키야토'라는 제품의 정식 명칭을 주문하는데 성공한다.

나은이는 냉큼 달려와 아빠 박주호에게 자신의 심부름 성공 소식을 알리며 기쁨을 표현했다.

For more infomation >> 아빠 박주호와 친구 서현, 준희를 위해 '심부름'을 자청하고 나섰다. - Duration: 2:08.


건후 때리면 어떡해! 동생 건후 괴롭히는 철없는 아빠 혼낸 '천사' 나은이 - Duration: 2:06.

건후 때리면 어떡해! 동생 건후 괴롭히는 철없는 아빠 혼낸 '천사' 나은이

나은이가 동생 건후를 괴롭히는 아빠 박주호를 호되게 꾸짖었다.

지난 17일 방송된 KBS2 '해피선데이-슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다'에서는 울산 장생포 고래마을을 방문한 축구선수 박주호와 자녀 박나은, 박건후의 모습이 그려졌다.

이날 세 사람은 1970~1980년대의 교복을 입고 옛날 문화 체험에 나섰다.

그러던 와중 어릴 적 갖고 놀던 장난감을 본 박주호는 건후의 얼굴에 대고 장난을 치기 시작했다.

건후는 아빠가 장난을 치는 와중에도 간절한 눈빛을 보내며 장난감을 탐냈다.

하지만 박주호는 장난감을 순순히 내주기는커녕, 건후의 반응에 신난 듯 장난을 이어갔다.

그때 누나 나은이가 건후를 구하기 위해 나섰다.

나은이는 "이거로 건후 때리면 어떡해!"라며 단호하게 말했다.

나은이에게 혼난 박주호는 "그냥 장난친 건데..."라며 시무룩한 표정을 지어 보였다.

그러자 나은이는 "건후가 울잖아"라며 동생을 걱정하는 진심 어린 마음을 표현했다.

건후를 괴롭히는 아빠 박주호에게 일침을 날린 '동생 바보' 나은이의 모습은 하단 영상에서 확인할 수 있다.

For more infomation >> 건후 때리면 어떡해! 동생 건후 괴롭히는 철없는 아빠 혼낸 '천사' 나은이 - Duration: 2:06.


FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.

NLE Choppa Type Beat - Choppa (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp)

For more infomation >> FREE NLE Choppa Type Beat - "Choppa" (ft. Quin NFN x Smokepurpp) - Duration: 2:31.


'미우새' 김신영 34kg 감량 생생 경험담, 홍선영 다이어트 도움 될까 - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> '미우새' 김신영 34kg 감량 생생 경험담, 홍선영 다이어트 도움 될까 - Duration: 4:38.


Tin Việt - Kiểm toán Khu liên hợp Thể thao Quốc gia Mỹ Đình: Nhiều sai phạm, đề nghị thu hồi gần 23 - Duration: 1:52.

 Kết luận cho biết Khu liên hợp thể thao Quốc gia tự ý cho thuê mặt bằng, không đấu giá và công khai mức giá; chưa thực hiện kê khai, nộp tiền thuê đất của các hợp đồng cho thuê mặt bằng ngắn hạn và dài hạn

 Theo đó, đối với các hợp đồng cho thuê mặt bằng ngắn hạn thuộc khu đất chờ dự án để kinh doanh dịch vụ, kho bãi, Khu liên hợp Thể thao Quốc gia đã ký hợp đồng cho thuê chưa được sự đồng ý bằng văn bản của Bộ VH-TT&DL và Bộ Tài chính

Các hợp đồng cho thuê ngắn hạn chưa thực hiện đấu giá và công khai mức giá cho thuê tài sản theo quy định Khoản 3, Điều 14, Thông tư số 23/2016/TT-BTC ngày 16/2/2016

Chưa thực hiện kê khai, nộp tiền thuê đất theo quy định tại Nghị định số 46/2014/NĐ-CP năm 2014 của Chính phủ "Quy định về thu tiền thuê đất, thuê mặt nước" đối với các hợp đồng cho thuê mặt bằng ngắn hạn thuộc khu đất chờ dự án

 Qua kiểm tra một số hợp đồng cho thuê mặt bằng ngắn hạn (từ 3 tháng, 6 tháng, 1 năm), Kiểm toán Nhà nước phát hiện bản chất đây là hợp đồng dài hạn do đơn vị thực hiện ký nhiều hợp đồng tại các thời điểm khác nhau với cùng 1 công ty, tại một địa điểm hoặc ký từ 2, 4 phụ lục hợp đồng trong 1 năm và lặp đi lặp lại nhiều năm

 Việc này dẫn đến một số doanh nghiệp thuê đất đã đầu tư xây dựng trụ sở, văn phòng, nhà xưởng, kho bãi kiên cố không đúng như điều khoản trong hợp đồng quy định bên B (bên đi thuê) chỉ được triển khai tạo lập, lắp đặt, sửa chữa các hạng mục trên mặt bằng thuê là công trình, kiến trúc tạm thời, đơn sơ, sử dụng vật liệu nhẹ, không kiên cố và thời gian di dời thoát dỡ khi bên A (bên cho thuê) yêu cầu chấm dứt hợp đồng

 Ngoài ra, Kiểm toán Nhà nước cũng đề cập đến việc Chi cục thuế quận Nam Từ Liêm yêu cầu Khu LHTTQG nộp tiền thuê đất của các hợp đồng thuê mặt bằng ngắn hạn tại Thông báo số 2783/CCT-TBTK ngày 14/3/2018 với số tiền 45,43 tỷ đồng (chỉ tính tiền thuê đất của các hợp đồng đang cho thuê tại thời điểm kiểm tra, chưa tính tiền thuê đất cả năm 2017, cũng như chưa truy thu đối với các hợp đồng từ những năm trước)

 Đối với hợp đồng liên doanh, liên kết dài hạn, Khu LHTTQG chưa thực hiện kiến nghị của Kiểm toán Nhà nước về nộp thuế đất đối với các hợp đồng liên kết dài hạn theo quy định tại Điều 2, Nghị định số 46/2014/NĐ-CP

Số tiền thuê đất của các hợp đồng dài hạn phải nộp năm 2017 là 6,481 tỷ đồng và số luỹ kế tính đến 31/12/2017 còn phải nộp tiền thuê đất là 22,671 tỷ đồng

 Từ một số vấn đề kể trên, Kiểm toán Nhà nước đưa ra một số kiến nghị. Cụ thể: "Khu liên hợp chấn chỉnh công tác quản lý, sử dụng tài chính và tài sản; Chấn chỉnh, rút kinh nghiệm trong việc xây dựng giá cho thuê trụ sở, mặt bằng đất, thực hiện đấu giá, xác định giá cho thuê công khai, minh bạch; thực hiện thẩm định giá cho thuê tài sản, mặt bằng làm cơ sở tổ chức đấu thầu hoặc ký hợp đồng liên doanh liên kết, cho thuê mặt bằng theo quy định của luật Quản lý tài sản công; rà soát, xử lý dứt điểm công nợ phải thu, phải trả đối với một số tổ chức, cá nhân nợ tiền thuê cơ sở vật chất đến nay không thu được; thực hiện nghiêm túc ý kiến của Bộ VH-TT-DL về dừng khai thác, cho thuê toàn bộ diện tích đất đã đền bù giải phóng mặt bằng nhưng chưa triển khai các dự án theo quy hoạch

". Đối với các hợp đồng liên doanh, liên kết dài hạn, cho thuê mặt bằng ngắn hạn thuộc khu đất xen kẹt, đất chờ dự án, khu liên hợp báo cáo Bộ VH-TT-DL để làm việc với Bộ Tài chính và các cơ quan có liên quan của TP

Hà Nội để xác định vị trí, diện tích thuê mặt bằng, đất đai vào mục đích sản xuất kinh doanh, dịch vụ, làm cơ sở kê khai, nộp tiền thuê đất theo quy định

Thực hiện thu hồi, nộp ngân sách nhà nước về tiền thuê đất của các hợp đồng liên kết, cho thuê đất dài hạn đối với 5 hợp đồng còn nợ tiền thuê đất tính đến 31/12/2017 hơn 22,671 tỉ đồng (riêng 2017 là hơn 6,48 tỷ đồng)

 Kiểm toán Nhà nước đề nghị Khu LHTTQG Mỹ Đình phải thực hiện kiểm điểm rút kinh nghiệm đối với tập thể, cá nhân có liên quan trong việc để đơn vị thuê đất chờ dự án ngắn hạn đầu tư xây dựng nhà xưởng kiên cố, kho bãi, dẫn đến việc chậm thực hiện chỉ đạo chấm dứt hợp đồng của Bộ VH-TT&DL

 Kiểm toán Nhà nước đề nghị Giám đốc Khu LHTTQG Mỹ Đình chỉ đạo các bộ phận liên quan thực hiện nghiêm túc, kịp thời các kiến nghị trên và báo cáo kết quả thực hiện về Bộ VH-TT&DL để tổng hợp báo cáo Kiểm toán Nhà nước trước ngày 30/6/2019

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