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For more infomation >> NIN Recruitment 2019 | NIN Scientists Recruitment 2019 | Latest Government Jobs 2019 - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
グリニッジにて、パガーニのワンオフモデル「ウアイラ・ロードスター"Big Bird"」が納車。リヤには謎の王冠マーク?! - Duration: 3:11.
Marrone 1971(マローネ1971)を採用したブラウン系のフェラーリ「F430スパイダー」がオークションにて出品へ。その気になる予想落札額は? - Duration: 2:48.
FOX TV - Top City figures give their stock tips for 2019 - Duration: 12:22.
To mark the festive season, we have asked Three Wise Men of the stock market to give us their share tips for 2019
They have each given two recommendations: one for brave investors, who would like to add spice to their portfolio and are prepared to take some risks; and one for the more cautious investors who prefer a safety-first approach
We also take a look back at the Daily Mail City Office share tips for this year, and assess how they have performed
Our Three Wise Men of the stock market have each given two recommendations: one for brave investors, who are prepared to take some risks; and one for more cautious investorsAs always, readers should be aware that share tips involve risk
Values can go down as well as up.Happy investing! RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Energy firm SSE to sell half of telecoms network business to
What does 2019 have in store for investors? Watch our. Investors are worried about Prime Minister Corbyn and a
Turn the income tap on and off: How to make share dividends. Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP How to choose the best (and cheapest) DIY investing Isa Andy Bell - Chief executive of AJ Bell AJ Bell boss Andy Bell believes BAT looks an interesting bet at 2528
5pFor the Brave: British American TobaccoTobacco stocks, including British American Tobacco, were hit when news of a proposed ban on menthol cigarettes and restricted sales of flavoured ecigarettes in the US first emerged
However, the reaction to the ban is probably overdone, as it will take years to implement, could face legal challenges and people are likely to switch products rather than quit entirely
As such, BAT looks interesting at 2528.5p. However, globally the number of smokers is still falling, with the total set to be down about 4 per cent this year as people pursue healthier lifestyles
For the Cautious: National GridThe big reason to buy National Grid at its current price of 785
3p is for the inflation-protected income.The electricity and gas utility group has committed to increasing its dividends in line with inflation for the foreseeable future
With the RPI measure of inflation now at 3.3 per cent and expected to be high for some time, this is valuable for shareholders
It is also more protected from tariff price caps than other utility stocks.But National Grid faces a triad of risks: regulatory changes (particularly energy watchdog Ofgem's price control proposals), strike action and one-off costs
Richard Stone - Chief executive of The Share Centre Online fashion retailer Boohoo is Richard Stone's risky tipFor the Brave: BoohooIf you have teenagers, you will know all about Boohoo, which is an online fashion retailer aimed at 16 to 30-year-olds
The business was founded in 2006 and had sales in 2018 of almost £580million. Shares have risen from around 25p three years ago to a peak of 240p in 2018, and now stand at 157
7p.This AIM-listed retailer has increased sales and profits steadily over the past four years
The fashion firm is benefiting from the widespread trend among consumers of looking online for clothing instead of making the trip to the High Street
With chief executive John Lyttle coming over from Primark in March, the company looks set for further growth
However, the shares have already risen strongly.And while the barriers to entering the online fashion market are relatively low, there is growing pressure to make taxation on retailers a more level playing field by increasing it for online-only firms
For the cautious: GlaxosmithklineOne of the biggest pharmaceuticals companies in the world, under Emma Walmsley, its first female chief executive, has embarked on a major restructuring
It has merged its consumer health business with Pfizer's, creating a huge company that will be spun off within three years and listed on the UK stock market separately from the pharmaceuticals and vaccines side
Healthcare companies are among the best performers this year. They provide good defensive qualities, but also offer good longer-term growth prospects as the population ages and spends more on healthcare
GSK has invested well in its product pipeline to offset the loss of exclusivity on many of its blockbuster drugs, such as Advair
Sales of new drugs to the market have been growing at a rapid pace, with the expectation of more approvals to come along soon
Recent merger and acquisition activity by GSK points to a company more focused towards pharmaceutical products
Earlier they announced the sale of the Indian unit to Unilever.At 1507.2p, it's a relatively low-risk stock with a track record of paying solid dividends
But one thing to note is that the recent acquisition of US rival Tesaro has been questionable, given the premium paid and the limited synergy potential
Justin Urquhart Stewart - Co-founder of Seven Investment Management Justin Urquhart Stewart believes there is still great value within WPPFor the Brave: WPPWPP was founded in the mid-1980s by Sir Martin Sorrell, who transformed it from a tiny seedling into a global media and advertising giant
Sorrell, 73, was ousted last year and has set up a new business of his own, and the company is now run by Mark Read
The shares in WPP were as high as £19 in February 2017 but have fallen to around half that and now trade at 866
4p.On the upside, there is a breadth of value of WPP businesses around the globe, which means there is still great value within the company
Many of these businesses are dependent on the human talent, much of which is still there
Sorrell, however, has been scathing about the new top team and, given his track record, he deserves a hearing
The big consumer brands are looking to keep a tight rein on marketing and advertising costs
WPP will be an exciting ride.For the Cautious: Lloyds Banking GroupBailed out by the Government after its rescue takeover of HBOS during the financial crisis, Lloyds has finally repaired its balance sheet and returned to some sort of normality under chief executive Antonio Horta-Osorio
Recent share performance has been disappointing, well down from its May 2015 levels of around 90p to 51
51p.After the support from us taxpayers, this bank is now in a much better state. It was a big offender on PPI mis-selling and has paid billions in compensation, but most of those costs are now behind it
As a longer-term investment, with the dividend restored, Lloyds looks attractive.But as the share price shows, the market is nervous about banks in the Brexit discussions
Lloyds' fortunes are closely linked to those of the UK economy, and this has depressed the share price in the turmoil over leaving the EU
How our tips fared in 2018 It has been a difficult year for investors. The FTSE 100 index is down nearly 13 per cent so far this year – and is on course for one of its worst Decembers ever as hopes of a Santa Rally fade
Our portfolio also struggled, falling by 18.8 per cent.It was a particularly bad year for Metro Bank, which first borrowed £250million to fund growth plans and then tapped shareholders up for another £300million, even after chief executive Craig Donaldson insisted that he wasn't going to
Ceres Power and Hollywood Bowl were the bright spots. But it was not enough to offset losses elsewhere
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えっ、マジ?日本に納車されていた"Hideto Blue"カラーのブガッティ「シロン」、カラーオプションだけで1億円という衝撃事実 - Duration: 4:31.
Celia Villalobos deja la política orillada por Casado: "Alguien tenía que ser la figura de los que p - Duration: 5:17.
Celia Villalobos (Benalmádena, Málaga, 1969) ha anunciado hoy que abandonará la política cuando se disuelvan las Cámaras ante la convocatoria de elecciones generales
"Me hubiese gustado terminar mi carrera político con un acuerdo en el Pacto de Toledo", ha justificado la diputada del PP y ex ministra de Sanidad
En declaraciones a Antena 3, Villalobos se ha resignado a ser la imagen de la derrota del sorayismo en el congreso del PP: "Me parece normal, alguien tenía que ser la figura de los que han perdido y soy yo, no me importa para nada"
Fuentes del PP aseguran que hay más motivos para su marcha. El primero y principal, que Pablo Casado no tenía previsto darle un lugar de importancia en las listas electorales
De hecho, su repetición como diputada estaba en el aire. Dardo a Casado con el Pacto de Toledo Además, en el PP recalcan que el Pacto de Toledo no se iba a firmar de todas maneras, porque hoy por hoy no se puede pactar "nada" con Sánchez
De esta manera, entienden que Villalobos ha soltado un dardo al presidente de su partido, que no le hubiese permitido "terminar su carrera" con esa guinda
No ha sido la única queja velada de Villalobos. La diputada por Málaga ha recordado que ha tenido siempre "muchas diferencias" con su partido en los temas sociales como el matrimonio gay, el aborto o el divorcio, ya que ella es menos conservadora, pero ello no le supuso nunca una minusvaloración
"A los presidentes sucesivos a lo mejor no les gustaban muchas cosas de las que yo hacía, pero me mantenían", ha apuntado, haciendo una distinción entre José María Aznar y Mariano Rajoy, que sí contaban con ella, y Pablo Casado, que la apartó de la diputación permanente el pasado mes de agosto
Hay que recordar que la ex ministra (2000-2002, en el segundo mandato de Aznar) fue la voz más dura contra Casado durante las primarias del partido
Lo situó en la extrema derecha, lo asimiló a Albert Rivera ("para copias, me quedo con el original") y llegó a asegurar que si ganaba, ella se iría a "cargar cebollinos"
Después, ha "liderado" las críticas internas al pacto con Vox, según fuentes de la dirección del PP
"Han sido unos años muy felices en esta casa (el Congreso): he aportado mucho, he luchado mucho, he conseguido muchas cosas como portavoz de las áreas más complicadas de mi partido, las áreas sociales", ha recopilado Villalobos, esposa de Pedro Arriola, gurú de Mariano Rajoy
Su marcha se suma, entre otras, a las de José Ramón Bauzá y Álvaro Nadal, que han anunciado igualmente su paso al lado
En el caso del ex presidente balear, se ha ido incluso del partido. En el del ex ministro de Energía, su marcha se producirá ante su irrelevancia en el nuevo equipo del partido
Volverá a su labor de técnico comercial. Su hermano, Alberto Nadal, tiene los mismos planes
【Doki Doki Literature Club Song】Doki Doki Forever by OR3O ft rachie, Chi chi, Kathy chan★(Vietsub) - Duration: 3:22.
Youtube New Update aaya Kya hoga 25 February Ko??? - Duration: 4:15.
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✅ Ex-peoa Cátia Paganote anuncia biografia e promete revelações íntimas - Área VIP - Duration: 3:13.
Cátia Paganote causou nos últimos meses com sua participação em 'A Fazenda', a ex-peoa acabou sendo expulsa do reality ao agredir Evandro Santo, algo que é proibido dentro do confinamento
Para os próximos meses a loira está preparando o lançamento de sua biografia que contará diversos momentos de sua vida
Em conversa com o Uol, Cátia disse que o livro revelará também histórias mais íntimas, como seus namorados da juventude, embora ela esclareça que não revelará o nome de ninguém mas dará pistas
"Venho recebendo ligações de muitas pessoas que não me ligavam há muito tempo
Todo mundo curioso com o que vou revelar e eu só digo que tudo que está escrito são fatos que aconteceram na minha vida
Não estou falando da vida de ninguém, estou falando da minha". "Claro, que falo de muitos famosos, mas nada ofensivo
Vou evitar dar muitos nomes porque não quero confusão na minha vida, mas vou dar pistas e as pessoas podem até descobrir de qual celebridade estou falando
Eu quero evitar processos", brinca a ex-paquita. Em outro momento Cátia antecipa um dos capítulos do livro: "Tive muitos namoricos e 'peguei' muitos famosos: ator, jogador de futebol, deputado, empresário, nadador, sertanejo e pagodeiro
Dois do mesmo grupo de pagode! Estava solteira". Sobre ser uma paquita a loira conta: "Nós nos divertíamos bastante, mas tínhamos regras e condutas de comportamento que eram conduzidas pela Marlene Mattos, como se manter magra, por exemplo
Esse capítulo tem humor, drama e sofrimento. Foi uma época de muito aprendizado"
Por fim, o livro vai citar também a participação de Cátia no reality 'A Fazenda', no qual ela comemorou ser expulsa, uma vez que isso acabou gerando uma grande repercussão e colocando seu nome em destaque
Cátia Paganote posa de biquíni e celebra o verão Aos 42 anos, a ex-paquita Cátia Paganote publicou uma foto, na sexta-feira (4), de biquíni e arrancou elogios dos seus seguidores
No click ela aprece com um biquíni cavado exibindo o corpão. Na legenda a ex participante da 'A Fazenda', celebrou o dia ensolarado
"Verão", escreveu Cátia na legenda…Veja o post! Cátia Paganote posa ao lado de Xuxa após encontro de paquitas A participação no reality 'A Fazenda' trouxe Cátia Paganote de volta para a mídia e a peoa deu o que falar após ser expulsa do programa
Agora livre do confinamento, a loira aproveitou a tarde do último domingo para se encontrar com as antigas colegas de trabalho
Xuxa promoveu um encontro de suas paquitas e posou sorridente ao lado de Cátia
Na legenda de uma foto com a eterna 'rainha dos baixinhos' a ex-peoa escreveu: "Hoje a tarde foi maravilhosa
Estive recordando momentos da minha vida que sempre vão ser lembrança e sempre estarão presentes na minha vida
" "Minhas eternas amigas, minhas irmãs, amiga de trabalho e pessoa que eu vou levar no meu coração para toda a vida
Amei a nossa tarde…já estou com saudades", escreveu. Confira o click! Veja também:
Holden Acadia 2020 update revealed - Duration: 2:16.
GMC has unveiled a mid-life facelift for the US-spec Acadia large SUV, which is a strong hint at what's in store for the Australian version, which wears Holden badges
Even though the local version has only been on sale since October 2018, the US model has been around for three years
This update brings a more premium look thanks to more chrome, as well as new technology, an updated interior and the adoption of 2
0-litre four-cylinder turbo petrol option. The refreshed front end features a huge new chrome grille and redesigned headlights with new LED daytime running lights and LED internals
The lower grille has also been redesigned with extra chrome, while there are new alloy wheel designs in sizes up to 20-inches
The rear end features new LED tailights. The rear end has also received some changes, with redesigned tail-light internals with new LED outer rings
The variant pictured here is a new addition to the GMC range, called the AT4, which features more off-road flavoured styling with black styling cues and black alloys with off-road tyres
The interior of the Acadia has also seen some changes, with a new push button gear selector taken from the smaller GMC Terrain, as well as a new lower centre console thanks to the lack of a traditional transmission selector
The interior materials appear to be more upmarket as well, with dashboard stitching, USB C inputs, a wireless phone charging pad, new woodgrain trim and a colour heads-up display
The US-spec Acadia has received the same 8.0-inch media system with Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and satellite navigation as the existing Holden model, as well as a digital instrument cluster that also debuted in the Holden
The 8.0-inch media screen comes standard with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. The 173kW/350Nm 2
0-litre turbocharged four-cylinder petrol engine is likely a version of the unit we see in the Equinox and Commodore
The 231kW/367Nm 3.6-litre V6 fitted to Australian Acadias is unchanged, as is the nine-speed automatic transmission
In the US, a naturally aspirated 143kW/255Nm 2.5-litre four-cylinder petrol engine remains the entry level option, though thankfully is unlikely for Australian consumption
North American-spec Acadias have also seen suspension revisions developed by Holden, which are said to enhance the car's ride quality and handling
Holden is yet to comment on the facelifted Acadia, with local spokesperson Daniel Cotterill advising CarsGuide that the company does not comment on future product
"It would be premature for us to discuss any facelift - we've only just launched the vehicle
" he said. "We launched with some features in ours that the facelift vehicle is only just getting
" Given the Holden Acadia is sourced from GM's Tennessee plant in the US, we'd be surprised if the facelifted model didn't appear down under within the next 12 months
Will you be waiting for the Acadia facelift? Let us know in the comments below. More News Volkswagen Golf GTI 2019 priced at $47,990 drive-away Volkswagen Australia has introduced revised drive-away pricing for the 2019
Bentley Bentayga Speed 2019 claimed as world's fastest SUV Bentley has launched what it claims is the world's fastest SUV: the
Lamborghini Miura 'blown up' in the name of art You might imagine Lamborghini, or anyone who owns one of its classic Miuras,
Win Free Toys At Playtime With Parker. Hot Wheels Toys For Free.
2019-02-20: Minuta s XTB - Duration: 1:10.
한국의 북한 위협 무력화 돕는 S-400 기술. - Duration: 10:45.
Harto de SUV´s: Prueba un familiar campero | Volvo V90 Cross Country - Duration: 13:13.
Les scientifiques découvrent que les cellules cancéreuses peuvent s'autodétruire - Duration: 8:55.
Chaque cellule du corps humain contient un « code de destruction » qui peut être déclenché pour s'autodétruire.
C'est la découverte faite par des chercheurs de la Northwestern University, dans l'Illinois, qui pensent qu'elle pourrait être utilisée pour la lutte future contre le cancer.
Plus précisément, ils prévoient que les cellules malignes pourraient être encouragées à «se suicider» sans faire appel à la chimiothérapie.
Actuellement, dès que les protections naturelles des cellules sentent qu'elle est en train de muter en cancer, elle active automatiquement un code de destruction pour s'éteindre.
Les scientifiques ont estimé que ceux-ci ont été introduits il y a plus de 800 millions d'années pour protéger le corps contre les maladies.
Cependant, bien que cela limite la maladie, cette protection naturelle ne rivalise pas avec les tumeurs agressives.
Par conséquent, nous « droguons » les cellules cancéreuses par la chimiothérapie notamment.
En dupliquant par synthèse, ce code naturel d'autodestruction, le patient pourrait en bénéficier sans les effets secondaires des traitements actuels.
Le cycle de vie des cellules.
Nos cellules suivent un cycle de vie uniforme :
Phase G1 : Croissance et préparation de la réplication.
Phase S : Réplication de l'ADN.
Phase G2 : Croissance et préparation de la mitose.
Phase M : Division cellulaire.
Au cours de ces différentes phases, les cellules ont des points de contrôle qui permettent de corriger les éventuelles anomalies de l'ADN.
Dans le cas de la propagation de la cellule cancéreuse, des anomalies passent au travers des points de contrôle et transforment la cellule touchée.
A force de division cellulaire successive, la cellule devient cancéreuse.
Cette transformation peut prendre plusieurs années avant de devenir cancéreuse.
Les mutations cellulaires sont liées au hasard ou à un risque extérieur.
Ces mutations peuvent entrainer une multiplication anarchique de ces cellules.
Les mutations.
3 principaux types de gènes sont responsables du cancer.
Ce sont les gènes :
Ce sont des gènes qui régulent la multiplication des cellules.
En cas de mutation, elles n'arrêtent jamais la prolifération.
Suppresseurs de tumeur.
Ce sont les gènes qui programment la mort de la cellule (apoptose).
Ainsi la mort programmée des cellules est annulée laissant les tumeurs proliférées.
De Réparation.
Ces gènes en charge de réparer les anomalies sont bloqués et ne réparent plus les mutations.
Les mutations se font par :
Insertion, un fragment d'ADN supplémentaire s'intercale.
Duplication, de trop grandes copies sont créées.
Délétion, un fragment n'est pas reproduit et l'ADN est corrompu.
Translocation, un fragment se casse et se fixe à un autre chromosome.
Inversion, le chromosome se casse à 2 endroits et les fragments s'inversent.
Les résultats de l'étude.
« Maintenant que nous connaissons le code de destruction, nous pouvons déclencher le mécanisme sans recourir à la chimiothérapie et sans jouer avec le génome »,
a déclaré l'auteur principal de l'étude Marcus E.
Peter, professeur du métabolisme du cancer de l'école de médecine Feinberg de Northwestern University.
« Nous pouvons utiliser ces petits acides ribonucléiques directement, les introduire dans des cellules et déclencher le bouton d'arrêt ».
« Mon objectif n'était pas de trouver une nouvelle substance toxique artificielle », a-t-il ajouté.
« Je voulais suivre l'exemple de la nature.
Je veux utiliser un mécanisme que la nature a conçu.
Il a ajouté : « Sur la base de ce que nous avons appris dans ces deux études,
nous pouvons maintenant concevoir des micro-acides ribonucléiques artificiels qui sont beaucoup plus puissants pour tuer les cellules cancéreuses que ceux développés naturellement.
» Cependant, il a souligné qu'une thérapie potentielle est longue à mettre en œuvre.
La recherche est désormais détentrice d'une information à exploiter.
(Hardcore)Resident Evil 2 Remake Leon B {S+} 1:06:14 No Saves/Loads - Duration: 1:11:51.
Kočka zesnulého Karla Lagerfelda (†85): Chtěl se s ní oženit, teď bude dědit! - Duration: 0:46.
Vůbec byste nevěřili, že se pracovní prostředí může tak rychle změnit. A to vše k lepšímu
Nadřízený je rovněž překvapený, protože to rozhodné nečekal. Hlavně se nenechte nikým manipulovat
Vypadá to, že vás chce někdo škaredě využít. Už je to tady
Gain of function mutations: not evidence for evolution (Creation Magazine LIVE! 7-19) - Duration: 28:31.
Occasionally genetic mutations cause a living thing to do something it has never done before,
but does that support evolution?
'Gain-of-function' mutations are not evidence for evolution
this week on Creation Magazine LIVE!
Welcome to Creation Magazine LIVE!
My name is Thomas Bailey.
and I'm Matt Bondy.
This week, our topic is: Gain-of-function mutations are not evidence for evolution.
So, we've given away the conclusion already, now we'll give you a summary of evidences
to support that statement.
We'll show examples of genetic change producing features in living things that
they haven't done before.
Things like bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, fish becoming resistant to polluted
rivers, sickle cell anemia, beetles on windy islands losing their wings so that they don't
get blown off the island and die.
These are all new features that resulted from genetic change.
Yes, these types of things are often hailed by evolutionists as evidence for evolution.
"Look, it's evolution happening right before our eyes.
You Christians, how silly you are, can't you see the evidence for evolution
happening right here?"
But is that really evolution?
We could ask questions like: is all change in living things evidence for evolution?
What kinds of changes are evidence for evolution?
Are there types of changes that would not be evidence for evolution?
Those are helpful questions to ask, and we're going ask those questions today as we explore
examples of genetic change that evolutionists insist support the evolution of particles
into people.
Ok, let's start with the basics: what are mutations and what is the genetic code?
The genetic code is like software that runs the hardware of living things.
It's a very complex instruction code that directs the activity of cells.
Every one of your trillions of cells has the complete genetic code to build and operate
That code is written on a part of the cell called DNA.
And all living things, of course, have DNA.
That's right. Genetic mutations are random changes to the genetic code.
And that's what evolutionists look to as the main mechanism for evolution.
The code changes, which results in new programming, and the organism does
something it hasn't done before.
Now, without the information written on DNA, life would be impossible.
Even if you had all the chemicals to assemble a cell in the hypothetical 'primordial soup',
you still wouldn't have life.
It's the instruction code, the information, that makes life possible.
So let's think for a moment about the type of change that evolution requires.
Think of the story of evolution, let's start with the single cell.
Don't ask where that came from, but let's just start there.
This cell is supposedly going to give rise to all the life we see on earth today.
Now think of the genetic code required for that cell.
We could represent that here with these books.
The cell would have needed the information for things like the thousands of components
inside the cell.
Even granting that it may have been simpler in the past, for it to be living and to reproduce
it must have been extremely complex.
Now evolution says that the single cell went on, over millions of years, to evolve into
a multi-cellular creature, for example, like this.
So, the kinds of changes to the genetic code that would be needed involve adding huge
amounts of new, never-before-existing, genetic instructions to build all of the things that
the single cell didn't have.
That's right.
The single cell didn't have the genetic instructions for things like hands and fingers, fingernails,
muscles, hair, heart, arms, legs, knees, feet.
It just wasn't there.
So then, for evolution to work, the central feature, the main thing we should see, is
that genetic information is
increasing, to build all these bigger and better structures
that the single cell didn't have.
And after a quick break we'll begin looking at examples in living things where there has
been genetic change to see if it's the right kind of change for evolution.
See you in just a minute.
Have the fish in New York's Hudson River evolved into 'super mutants'?
A large proportion of the river's Atlantic tomcod fish have developed resistance to certain
poisons, and the mass media has heralded this as a dramatic example of evolution in action!
However, far from supporting microbes-to-man evolution, these mutant fish have actually
devolved, not evolved!
That's because the fish have become resistant through a loss of genetic information.
Non-resistant fish have special proteins in their cells that allow the poisons to bind.
However, due to a genetic mutation, the proteins of resistant fish cannot bind the poisons
as readily.
So, 'corrupted' proteins have made the fish resistant.
And in the poison-rich environment of the Hudson River, it's no wonder that the mutated
gene facilitating resistance has quickly spread throughout the tomcod population.
It is misleading to call these changes 'evolution', because evolution requires the addition of
new genetic information, but these resistant fish have only demonstrated information loss.
To find out more from Creation Ministries International, visit our website
If you've just tuned in, this week we're looking at genetic changes and seeing if they are
the kinds of changes that would be predicted if evolution was true.
Yeah, well, there's no mystery here, we already gave away the conclusion: scientists haven't
found the kinds of changes required for evolution.
Okay, but let's look at some examples.
Let's start with antibiotic resistance.
Most of you are probably familiar with that term.
It occurs when bacteria are found to be resistant to the antibiotics that are meant
to kill them.
And that can be very dangerous, even deadly, if you happen to have these resistant bacteria.
Yeah, this actually happened to Dr Wieland, the founder of Creation magazine.
He wrote an article in the magazine about the experience that he had with resistant bacteria.
He says, "After over 12 years as a medical practitioner, I suddenly found myself an avid
consumer, rather than a provider, of medical care.
Involved in a serious road accident in 1986, I spent many months in hospital, including
weeks in an intensive care unit.
While in intensive care, I became infected with one of the varieties of so-called 'supergerms',
which are the scourge of modern hospitals.
These are strains of bacteria which are resistant to almost every (and in some cases every)
type of antibiotic known to man."
He continues, "Several others in the same unit with me died as a result of infection
by the same bacterial strain.
The germs overwhelmed their immune systems and invaded their bloodstream, untouched by
the most expensive and sophisticated antibiotics available.
This 'supergerm' problem is an increasingly serious concern in Western countries.
It strikes precisely those hospitals which are more 'high-tech', and handle more
serious illnesses.
Applying more disinfectant is not the answer; some strains of germs have actually been found
thriving in bottles of hospital disinfectant!
The more antibacterial chemical 'weapons' are being used, the more bacteria are becoming
resistant to them.
The reality of increasing bacterial resistance seems at first to be an obvious example of
onwards and upwards evolution.
But the facts, when carefully examined, show otherwise."
Okay, he hinted here at the end that this antibiotic resistance is not evidence for
Does that surprise you?
Most people have heard, through the media and the education system that antibiotic resistance
is evidence for evolution.
So let's look at why it isn't.
Well, f or starters, note that there are a number of different ways that these 'superbugs' can
become resistant to the antibiotics that are meant to kill them.
A 'superbug' is, by definition, resistant to many different antibiotics.
It may have become resistant to antibiotic A in one way, to antibiotic B in a completely
different way, and to antibiotic C in another way.
So if we look at all the known ways of resistance arising in a population of germs, let's see
if any of them are uphill, information-adding processes.
Yeah, okay. Firstly, some germs already had the resistance.
I mean, out of a million bacteria, if five already have a feature which makes them resistant
to say, penicillin, then soaking them in penicillin will kill all of them except for the five.
That's right. The body's natural defences will often mop up such a small population before it can multiply
and cause harm, so resistance won't become a problem.
But if that doesn't happen, and those five germs multiply, their offspring will also
be resistant and within a short time, there will be millions of germs resistant to penicillin.
Ok, a couple of things to notice here: First, this is why multiple resistances to major
antibiotics is more common in hospitals which treat more serious conditions.
It's because these are the hospitals that will be using the sophisticated, expensive
'heavy artillery' antibiotics, so this sort of 'natural selection' will happen more often.
And secondly, in this kind of instance, the information to resist the antibiotic was already
there in the bacterial population.
It didn't arise by itself, or in response to the antibiotic.
So this is, obviously, not evidence for evolution.
No, it's not
Ok, but how do scientists know that some germs were already resistant to man-made antibiotics?
Well, it's actually common knowledge to microbiologists.
Germs in soil samples from villages where modern antibiotics have never been used, show
that some germs are already resistant to drugs, like methicillin, which has never
existed before in nature.
Also, bacteria revived from the frozen intestines of explorers who died in polar expeditions
carried resistance to several modern antibiotics, which hadn't been invented when the explorers
Okay , so no evidence for evolution here.
Number 2, Some germs directly transfer their resistance to others.
In an amazing process which is, I guess, the closest thing to sex in bacteria, one germ inserts
a tiny tube into another, and a little loop of DNA called a 'plasmid' transfers from one
to another.
This sort of gene transfer, which can pass on information for resistance to a drug, can
even happen between different species of the same bacteria.
But, notice, again, that the information for the resistance must already exist in nature
before it can be passed on.
There's no evidence of anything totally new arising which was not there before.
This is information transfer, not information creation.
Right! Okay, now so far, we've dealt with situations in which resistance was already there.
The final way in which bacteria can become resistant is through a mutation.
But where this happens, there is, once again, no clearcut evidence of information arising.
All these types of mutations appear to be losses of information, degenerative changes,
and those kinds of changes will never evolve a single cell into a human.
It's the wrong kind of change!
For example, loss of a control gene may enhance resistance to penicillin.
Some antibiotics need to be taken into the bacterium to do their work.
There are sophisticated chemical pumps in bacteria that can pump nutrients from the
outside, through the cell wall, into the germ's interior.
The germs that do this efficiently, when in the presence of one of these antibiotics,
is going to pump into themselves their own executioner.
Okay, but what if one of these bacteria inherits a defective gene, by way of a DNA copying
mistake or a mutation, which will interfere with the efficiency of the pumping mechanism?
Well, of course the bacterium won't be as good at surviving in normal circumstances, but
the defect actually gives it a survival advantage when there's a man-made poison
right outside the cell.
But once again, we see that information has been lost or corrupted, not gained.
Antibiotic resistance, while on the surface seems to provide support for evolution, when
you examine why the bacteria are resistant, it's actually going in exactly the opposite
direction for evolution.
And we'll continue with that thought after the break.
With all the responsibilities most pastors have it is often too much to ask them to keep
up with all the latest science that supports the Bible and creation.
The Information Department at CMI reviews the leading evolutionary
science publications so that our scientists and speakers are both constantly updated with
the latest evolutionist information and able to refute it.
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Ok, welcome back.
So, as we were just saying, antibiotic resistance doesn't provide evidence for evolution.
The germs are actually going in the opposite direction that evolution requires.
It does seem kinda strange though.
I mean, the germs seem to have gained power over the antibiotic.
But it's because the mutations that cause the resistance are in some form or another
The so-called supergerms are not really 'super' at all.
They're actually 'wimpy' compared to their close cousins.
Yeah, that's right.
Dr Wieland recalls, "When I was finally discharged from hospital, I still had a strain
of supergerm colonizing my body.
Nothing had been able to get rid of it, after months in hospital.
However, I was told that all I had to do on going home was to 'get outdoors a lot, occasionally
even roll around in the dirt, and wait.'
In less than two weeks of this advice, the supergerms were gone.
The reason is that supergerms are actually defective in other ways, as explained.
Therefore, when they are forced to compete with the ordinary bacteria which normally
thrive on our skin, they do not have a chance.
They thrive in hospital because all the antibiotics and antiseptics being used there keep wiping
out the ordinary bacteria which would normally outcompete, wipe out and otherwise keep in
check these 'superwimps'."
Let's go roll in the dirt.
So they're 'weaker', and the reason they cause so much death and misery in hospitals is because
the 'normal' bacteria have been eliminated in the clean hospital environment, so the
weaker but resistant bacteria are able to thrive.
Also, environments that tend to 'select' such resistant germs, like intensive care units,
are precisely the places where there will be critically injured people, physically weakened
and often with open wounds.
Okay, so there are four conclusions we can draw.
Number one: 'Supergerms' are actually not 'super' at all.
They are generally less hardy, and less fit to survive outside of the special conditions
in hospitals anyway.
Two: There are many instances in which germs become resistant by simple selection of resistance
which already existed, including that 'imported' from other bacteria.
And three: where a mutational defect causes resistance, the survival advantage is always
caused by a loss of information.
In no case is there any evidence of an information-adding type of 'uphill' change.
Four: 'Supergerms' give no evidence to sustain the claim that living things evolved from
simple to complex, by adding information progressively over millions of years.
Okay, there are other examples that we'll mention, but we've spent a lot of time walking
through the details of this example of antibiotic resistance.
Because you'll see similarities between this example and the many other examples of genetic
change that evolutionists use to try to support the idea that mutations can cause a
single cell to eventually turn into a horse or a human.
And it can get complicated because evolutionists focus attention on the new feature (in this
case, resistance to antibiotics) and say that's evolution.
It's complicated because the organism is, in fact, doing something it hasn't done before,
from a certain point of view.
Everyone can see that.
But when the details are examined, that type of change, even though it's doing something
new, is not the kind of change that evolution needs.
Yeah, okay
So after the break we'll look at other examples where there's been a change
( the organism is doing something new) and it's written up as evidence for evolution, but
it isn't evolution at all.
We'll be right back.
In 1994 the prestigious journal Science shocked the scientific world by publishing sequence
data from DNA retrieved from dinosaur bone said to be 80 million years old.
DNA is a fragile molecule, and so it breaks down quickly.
Measurements of DNA stability suggest it could last thousands of years, at best, under the
likely conditions.
But 80 million years was just too incredible for other skeptical scientists.
Eventually, these skeptics were vindicated as it became apparent that the original researchers
had sequenced contaminating human DNA, not dinosaur DNA.
However, in 2012 a different group of researchers published new results supporting the discovery
of actual dinosaur DNA.
These new results appear much harder to disprove, with the researchers applying multiple checks
against contamination from non-dinosaur sources.
The preservation of dinosaur DNA doesn't make sense from an evolutionary perspective.
But it fits biblical history, whereby dinosaurs lived thousands of years ago,
not millions of years ago.
To find out more from Creation Ministries International, visit our website
Our subject this week is: gain-of-function mutations are not evidence for evolution.
Let's look at other examples to clarify why new features in living things, when carefully
examined, turn out to be evidence against evolution.
Living things are actually de-volving not evolving.
Okay, here's an example of genetic change that was, again, cited as evidence for evolution.
This is an example from long ago.
Darwin called attention to wingless beetles on the island of Madeira.
It's often windy on Madeira and many of the normal winged beetles get blown off the island
into the ocean and die.
There was a mutation that caused some beetles to lose the ability to produce wings.
The wingless, mutant beetles then became the dominant population on the island, and that's
still the situation today.
So, a genetic mutation causing a loss of wings, caused population change over time.
So, just like in the example of antibiotics, the beetles have become adapted to their environment,
in this case as a result of a mutation.
These wingless beetles are now better adapted to the windy environment than the non-mutant,
winged beetles.
That's a great example of natural selection and adaptation' but it's not evolution.
Still confused?
It's about the kind of change that took place.
The beetles used to have wings, now they don't.
That's actually the opposite of what evolution needs.
They've lost the ability to fly.
If they keep losing abilities, eventually they're going to lose the ability to live.
That sounds more like extinction not evolution!
By the way, creationists wrote on natural selection and adaptation long before Darwin.
Those are scientific facts supported by a lot of good examples.
God created living things with the amazing ability to adapt to changing environments
without going extinct at the slightest climate change for example.
It's good engineering!
It's exactly what we would expect if God created.
Exactly. That's right.
Think of the term 'beneficial mutation'.
Evolutionists use that term quite a bit.
But is there such a thing as a beneficial mutation?
Yes, there is.
A beneficial mutation is simply one that makes it possible for its possessors to contribute
more offspring to future generations than the creatures that lack the mutation.
The mutation in these beetles can be called a 'beneficial mutation'.
I guess from a certain point of view.
But it's not beneficial for evolution!
The mutation puts the beetle on the path to extinction.
It is becoming genetically worse.
And that's the point.
At a genetic level it's going downhill, not uphill; the exact opposite of evolution.
That's right
Another famous example is sickle cell anemia.
Sickle cell refers to the shape of the blood cell.
This terrible disease causes the normally roundish, doughnut shaped red blood cells
to take on a sickle shape.
And this causes all kinds of problems including a higher chance of blood clots.
Yes, but this is taught as evidence for evolution because the people who have this disease are
less susceptible to malaria.
But, again, by looking more closely at the details, it is not evidence for evolution.
Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu, one of the world's leading experts in sickle-cell anemia says,
"People who have both the sickle gene and the 'good' gene (heterozygosity is the technical
term) will have the benefit of suffering neither from sickle-cell anemia nor dying from malaria
in childhood.
They are therefore more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation than those
with both of the 'good' genes.
Thus, the sickle gene is much commoner in malaria-infested places, especially in Africa."
Hmmmm, so does this mean that Darwinian evolution is a fact?
Well, Dr Konotey-Ahulu firmly rejects this.
He said, "Observing selection/adaptation involving a mutation does not indicate that the more
complicated forms seen today arose from simpler forms traced back ultimately to one-cell organisms."
Then he cautions, "Demonstrating natural selection does not demonstrate that 'upward evolution'
is a fact, yet many schoolchildren are taught this as a 'proof' of evolution."
He pointed out that "the sickle-cell gene is still a defect, not an increase in complexity
or an improvement in function which is being selected for".
And he pointed out the unhappy downside, that "having more carriers of the sickle-cell genes
results in more people suffering from this terrible disease."
Yeah, and as he mentioned, this is yet another example that is taught as evidence for evolution.
But can you see how it isn't?
We'll be right back with one more example.
Refuting Evolution is a powerful, concise summary that explains where the common 'evidences'
used to promote evolution in textbooks are wrong, while at the same time showing how
creation is better supported by scientific observations.
It will stimulate much discussion and help students and teachers think more critically
about the creation/evolution debate, particularly the often overlooked differences between operational
and historical science and how they relate to the topic of origins.
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Welcome back.
Let's give one more example that was hailed as evidence for evolution, but when scientists
dug deeper, it turns out to be evidence against evolution.
Yes, helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that lives in your stomach.
It attacks the lining of your stomach and can lead to ulcers and even stomach cancer.
Now, it's treated with an antibiotic.
And here's how it works; the antibiotic is absorbed into the cell, into the bacteria,
and inside the bacteria there's an enzyme, which reacts with the antibiotic, and it converts
the antibiotic into a poison.
The poison kills the bacteria.
Yes, however there's a mutant variety of h. pylori.
The mutation causes the bacteria to lose the ability to produce the enzyme.
So the antibiotic is not converted into a poison, and the bacteria lives.
In other words, it survived because of a loss of function.
Notice the similarities here to the other examples we've mentioned.
And that is: a loss of something produces a survival advantage.
Or, let's say something that was working becomes degraded, or stops functioning altogether,
and that produces a survival advantage.
Yes, these are great examples of natural selection and adaptation, but terrible examples of evolution.
Evolutionists focus on the new thing that the organism is doing, and, from a certain
point of view we could agree that new things are happening.
But 'gain-of-function' mutations are not evidence for evolution.
That's right. To clarify these examples, and how they don't help evolution, we could change the terminology
a little.
In the case of the H. pylori, for example, instead of saying that the enzyme not metabolizing
the antibiotic was H. pylori 'doing something new', it's perhaps more accurate to say that
it's just not doing something old, that is, something that it did before
which was metabolizing the antibiotic.
So then it's not really doing anything new.
You can think of it this way: if I used to run but then had an injury and am no longer able to run
my not running isn't doing something new, it's not doing something old simply because
I've lost that ability.
And, by the way, adding millions of years isn't the answer.
For instance, a challenger might say, 'Mosquitoes have evolved resistance to DDT in
just forty years.
If that's not evolution happening before our eyes, what is?
Most Christian responses focus on the amount of change.
For instance, they will say, 'Well, that's just variation within a kind.'
Or, 'The mosquito's still a mosquito'.
Yeah, well both those replies are true, but they're not completely adequate, because they miss
the main point.
It's also rarely impresses the challenger, who thinks, 'Well, give it a million years
and imagine what sort of change will happen then!'
The point is the direction of the change.
If the sorts of changes that scientists see happening in living things, like the examples
we mentioned today, continue for millions of years those creatures will be extinct.
They will not have evolved into something bigger or better or more robust.
All groups of living things are getting worse over time not better.
Yeah, that's right.
So things like antibiotic resistance are not a gain of function, they are a loss of function.
And of course, evolution needs genetic information to increase over time, and science doesn't
support that.
On the other hand, the creation account in the Bible has the information for all living
things appearing right at the start.
Genetics, and what we know about the information in living things supports the biblical account
in this area.
Genetic information, or programming must have been there when living things began.
Yeah, that's right.
Originally the creation was described as "very good" by God.
There was no sin, death or disease, and the Bible also describes the current world as
Once again, science confirms that things are deteriorating, the creation groans, so we
would expect to see genetic information getting corrupted.
And science supports that, it happens all over the place really.
For those of you who've never considered the Bible and the claims that it makes about God,
Heaven, Jesus and what happens after we die, can we encourage you to think about what the
Bible says about these things?
So we'll see you next week and remember Christianity is an evidence based faith.
And science supports scripture.
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Принцу Уильяму следует поостеречься: любовник Ольги Бузовой объявил о романе с герцогиней Кейт Миддл - Duration: 4:15.
Biba Putt | Daljeet Chahal | New Song 2019 - Duration: 0:34.
my father is very much serious about me
i m bringing up and don't get distracted
Don't take tension father
i m in your words oh my father
don't worry about me
your shinda son never let you down
dad don't worry and just be happy
your shinda son never let you down
dad don't worry and just be happy
תנועת חזון - מדינה יהודית והרוחניות הישראלית - Duration: 28:20.
【Doki Doki Literature Club Song】Doki Doki Forever by OR3O ft rachie, Chi chi, Kathy chan★(Vietsub) - Duration: 3:22.
Cătălin Botezatu, scandal monstru de dragul Biancăi Drăguşanu! "Ce ipocrizie! Voiați să fie sfânta F - Duration: 4:38.
Light Work - Duration: 14:10.
Les ateliers de CREY132 avec Emmaüs – english subtitles available – - Duration: 3:02.
Here we are in Plessis-Trévise,
Cité de la Joie more precisely, a block of housing projects
which originally was an initiative from Abbé Pierre
and is, to this day, managed by Emmaüs Habitat.
So, I've been coming here for over a decade;
I direct a kids' workshop
during the winter holidays,
and we paint decorations all over the windows
in every hallway on the block.
For this workshop, I work in two stages.
First and foremost I'm going to draw sketches,
as in the original lines
and patterns on the window
and then, with about ten kids,
another adult and I split into two groups
and both help them color
color those sketches and thus,
come to a finished piece.
Due to the time of the year, with the festivities
we are going to draw Santa Clauses,
or write joyful sayings such as
"Happy new year", "Merry holidays"…
How I got here?
Well, quite organically through
just meeting people.
A few years back, I was approached
by some street educators
with ties to Emmaüs Synergie,
a structure itself attached to Emmaüs France.
And those educators back then told me:
« Well David, you're causing trouble on the streets
painting around the neighborhood, maybe we can help you
get on a more constructive track towards something
that might take you places ».
From then on, I gradually worked my way
to here in this area, organizing this workshop.
Yes, getting involved past one's
own artistic endeavor is important,
it's something I personally try to use
and feed off of.
Being here with kids,
knowing the general context in the neighborhood,
it drives you to push yourself
further and further forward every day.
It's more than just painting.
I've always liked Emmaüs' values,
so painting here I feel
like I'm standing up for them,
representing them, sharing them.
When you see the kids – laughing, smiling –
you realize it's just all raw happiness.
I am Crey 132, graffiti artist.
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Miten vedetään käteen? - Duration: 0:31.
I wonder... wanking, how do you do it?
Well, usually the word wanking refers to caressing your penis with your hands.
The most common way is probably to hold your hand around the penis, making up-and-down strokes.
Then there are also sex toys than can be used for stimulating the penis.
Hah! I am the wanking king at our school!
Oh. Be my guest.
Okay, bye!
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Voici Une TECHNIQUE UNIQUE pour déboucher les toilettes sans besoin d'un Plombier ! - Duration: 1:55.
Lorsque le niveau d'eau monte, on se rend compte immédiatement que nos toilettes sont bouchées, et on peut également deviner que nous allons assister à un scénario calamiteux dont l'odeur affreuse sera l'héroïne.
Il est temps d'appeler un plombier pour régler ce désastre et nous ruiner par la même occasion car son tarif horaire varie entre 30 euros et 40 euros.
Et alors pourquoi ne pas penser à une alternative débrouillardise et moins coûteuse sans l'intervention d'un plombier.
Par ailleurs, nous vous suggérons quelques techniques pour déboucher vos toilettes et pour se débarrasser de cette puanteur : la ventouse : la technique la plus classique pour régler ce genre de problème,
elle est vendue dans les grands magasins de bricolage.
Cette pièce souple est efficace consiste à placer la ventouse au fond de la cuvette afin que l'air ne passe plus dans l'orifice,
faites des mouvements de haut en bas jusqu'à ce que les déchets soient débloqués et le bouchon sera dispersé, ensuite videz la cuvette et n'oubliez surtout pas de tirer la chasse.
Mais il peut être utilisé pour déboucher les toilettes. Le balai espagnol : a priori, il sert à nettoyer les sols.
Cependant, il faut commencer par protéger la tête du balai dans un sac plastique pour ne pas l'endommager. Cette technique reproduit le mécanisme de la ventouse.
Le furet fait main : comptez environ 6 euros pour acheter cette tige métallique qui agit efficacement sur les gros bouchons.
Cette technique consiste à introduire le crochet dans le bouchon, désencombrer et tourner la manivelle jusqu'à ce que le bouchon soit éjecté Le système D : si vous ne disposez pas d'une ventouse, ne paniquez surtout pas.
Une bouteille en plastique peut faire l' suffit de la couper vers le bas, ensuite tenez la par le goulot et faites des mouvements de haut en bas.
Charlotte Casiraghi « maman poule », cette décision implacable pour l'équilibre de son fils - Duration: 1:20.
Karine Ferri, grosse déception avec Baby Boom, cette attaque qui la chagrine - Duration: 1:27.
Alain Delon, un trésor caché, la surprenante confidence de son fils Anthony - Duration: 1:35.
김미진간사 강의 ▪ 재물 얻을 능력을 주시는 하나님 ▪ 왕의재정 - Duration: 43:58.
Rio Ferdinand's analysis of Fabinho v Bayern Munich following Liverpool's 0-0 draw - Duration: 3:47.
Many people feared for Liverpool ahead of their Champions League last-16 first leg against Bayern Munich on Tuesday night after the team line-ups were released
The Reds - without the suspended Virgil van Dijk and injured Dejan Lovren - started with Joel Matip and Fabinho at the heart of their defence
Facing them was one of the greatest strikers of the modern era, Robert Lewandowski
The chances of Liverpool keeping a clean sheet felt remote. BT Sport pundit Rio Ferdinand wasn't convinced Matip and Fabinho would be able to cope with Bayern's attack, and Lewandowski in particular
On the Polish striker, he added: "He'll be looking at this game thinking 'if I don't come out of this game with at least one goal', he'd be disappointed I'm sure
" However, Matip and Fabinho managed to stifle Lewandowski and the rest of his Bayern Munich teammates
Liverpool kept a clean sheet as the two teams played out a 0-0 draw. Speaking after the match, Ferdinand reserved special praise for Fabinho, who exceeded his expectations at centre-back against the Bavarian outfit
"I thought he was fantastic," Ferdinand told BT Sport. "I think for any player to come into the backline in such a big game – all eyes on him – especially having to replace the talisman, the best player in Virgil van Dijk, he did an admirable job
"I thought every question asked of him he answered well, in the right way. He was aggressive when he needed to be
"These kind of players are invaluable to a team; someone who can fill in, in variable positions – he can play right back, centre-half now, centre midfield
He scores goals, he's assisting at the moment, so he's having a great impact on this team
Very, very positive." Fabinho was on top of his game from a defensive perspective and he needed to be
Without the Brazilian, Liverpool probably would have conceded and would have been left with a mountain to climb ahead of next month's return leg at the Allianz Arena
But it's all to play for following Tuesday night's stalemate and Ferdinand believes Liverpool will advance to the quarter-finals
"I'd be in that changing room and thinking: 'You know what boys, we can [do] this
'," the former Manchester United star added. "I'm confident Liverpool will go through, I really am
Just because of the attacking prowess they've got, the devastation that they wreak
"If I'm a Liverpool player or the manager I'd be happier. I'd think I can go there and score
[FREE] Kodak Black Type Beat 2019 - "Python" | Simple Trap Instrumental - Duration: 2:31.
[FREE] Kodak Black Type Beat 2019 - "Python" | Simple Trap Instrumental
Nick Sandmann Sues The Washington Post For Over $250 Million"This Is Just The Beginning." - Duration: 3:24.
Covington Teen Nick Sandmann, Through His Attorneys, Have Just Announced That They Are
Suing The Washington Post For More Than $250 Million, And Warned "This Is Only The Beginning."
Fox News Reports That Attorneys Representing The Kentucky High School Student Involved
In A Confrontation That Went Viral On Social Media Last Month Announced Tuesday That They
Were Suing The Washington Post For $250 Million In Compensatory And Punitive Damages.
The Lawsuit, Which Was Filed In Federal Court In Kentucky, Accused The Post Of Practicing
"A Modern-Day Form Of Mccarthyism" By Targeting Nicholas Sandmann And "Using Its
Vast Financial Resources To Enter The Bully Pulpit By Publishing A Series Of False And
Defamatory Print And Online Articles … To Smear A Young Boy Who Was In Its View An Acceptable
Casualty In Their War Against The President."
Sandmann, A Junior At Covington Catholic High School, Became A Target For Outrage After
A Video Of Him Standing Face-To-Face With A Native American Man, Nathan Phillips, While
Wearing A Red "Make America Great Again" Hat Surfaced In January.
Sandmann Was One Of A Group Of Students From Covington Attending The Anti-Abortion March
For Life In Washington, D.C., While Phillips Was Attending The Indigenous Peoples' March
On The Same Day.
Sandmann And The Covington Students Were Initially Accused Of Initiating The Confrontation, But
Other Videos And The Students' Own Statements Showed That They Were Verbally Accosted By
A Group Of Black Street Preachers Who Were Shouting Insults Both At Them And A Group
Of Native Americans.
Sandmann And Phillips Have Both Said They Were Trying To Defuse The Situation.
The Lawsuit Claims The Post "Ignored The Truth" About The Incident And Says The Paper
"Falsely Accused Nicholas Of … 'Accost[Ing]' Phillips By 'Suddenly Swarm[Ing]' Him
In A 'Threaten[Ing]' And 'Physically Intimidat[Ing]' Manner … 'Block[Ing]'
Phillips Path, Refusing To Allow Phillips 'To Retreat,' 'Taunting The Dispersing
Indigenous Crowd,' [And] Chanting, 'Build That Wall,' 'Trump2020,' Or 'Go Back
To Africa,' And Otherwise Engaging In Racist And Improper Conduct.
…"Sandmann's Attorneys Accuse The Post Of Publishing Seven "False And Defamatory"
Articles About The Incident Between Jan. 19 And 21 And Claim The Paper "Knew And Intended
That Its False And Defamatory Accusations Would Be Republished By Others, Including
Media Outlets And Others On Social Media."
Earlier This Month, Sandmann's Attorneys Sent Preservation Letters To More Than 50
Media Organizations, Celebrities And Politicians Including The Post, The New York Times, Cnn,
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., And Actors Alyssa Milano And Jim Carrey The First Step
In Possible Libel And Defamation Lawsuits.
This Is Just The Beginning Folks.
Let's Pray That Justice Is Served.
God Bless.
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Alysha: Enfance. [Sous Titré FR/ENG][Sims4] - Duration: 4:01.
Our new home
I'm Alysha LosAngeles. The little girl. We are moving into this quiet neighborhood
My mom Meridia and my dad Jean-Yves. No comment but he is adorable
The first weeks, my parents were happy to live in the countryside. Ils parlaient de projets
they are so much closer than in San Myshuno
Ah. Always the nose in the phone mmh
And me, i work on my computer. I like to learn so much things on the world
I have a friend, after 3 month at this new school. I come from the city so they dont like me so much.
I am a good pupil even though I am bored at school.
I always stay outside. I can rediscover the nature.
I told you about a friend. It's her! Mikumi. She is asian (japanese). She lives alone with her father.
It's been 4 months now that I'm here. I laugh like an idiot at his two-piece jokes. Like the first day
It means that she will go out all the night
"Sleep tight my princess" says my dad.
They argue because she only came back this morning
I prefer to go out and wait for them to calm down
Finally the winter holidays!!! I wont spend a single day at home
(i don't know the translation, sorry <3 )
Oh a friend just join us. It's Maürhyo Val'Aktar. What a name from space!
The others avoid him but not Miku and me and for a reason:
"His eyes"
In his eyes, I see the Galaxy being consumed. He explained to me that it is "hereditary". I didn't get it.
Maü, Miku and I form a trio. I don't feel judged with them anymore
Every day I was waiting for the next one to join them at school.
2 years are chained. I did not regret a single day.
We challenge ourselves to the chess games Maü and me. I had taught him.
It's been 2 years that he wants to "show his domination"
*Ok Ally, show him that you're stuck*
-You have the right to do that? (Maürhyo) -I'm the one who teaches you. (Alysha)
-You dontt have the right Aly (Mikumi) -Help me you! (Alysha) -I am the referee (Mikumi)
We imitate the librarian. She looks like Maü when he does like an adult man. "I know how to do that"
I deserve what happens to me, no?
Fall soon
wow, in my memories, I wasn't so bitchy. Thankfully, Miku and Maü were mature enough to support me
I won't dwell on my childhood.
The rest of my life is even more important so be sure to be of age with a strong stomach.
US : 'RHOBH': Lisa Vanderpump Throws Shade At Dorit On Their Way To The Bahamas - Duration: 3:44.
野球ニュース - DeNA・佐野 一発アピールでラミ監督に認められた「すぐに1軍合流する可能性高い」 - Duration: 1:54.
<D・ロ>5 、DeNA先 打者の佐野が 越えソロを放 (撮影・村上 大輔) ◇練習試合 DeNA5― ロッテ(20 9年2月20 宜野湾) 2軍から試 参加したDe A・佐野恵太 野手がバット 猛アピールし
「6番・DH で先発出場す と、2回無死 塁で迎えた第 打席に二木か 右前打。さら 4回無死から 代わったばか の唐川のカー を右翼席へと んだ。「1軍 野手は多いし るスキは狭い もしれないが それでもアピ ルしないとい ない立場
今日はアピー できてよかっ 」と安どした 2軍の 手納キャンプ は打撃の時間 多く割き、強 に努めてきた いう。しっか 結果を残した 番号44に、 ミレス監督は 今日のパフォ マンスは驚く とではない
すぐに1軍に 流する可能性 高いと思う」 近日中に1軍 格する可能性 口にした。
Sydney Cost of Living Is Expensive - Duration: 8:07.
Due to rising cost of living spurred on by the over-inflated housing market, Sydneysiders
are giving up on the Sydney dream. Sydney has become too expensive for the average Australian.
According to the Economist, Sydney is the tenth most expensive city to live in in the
world — by far the most expensive Australian city — and is ranked as more expensive than
every single city in America. It has an index value of 102. For comparison, New York City
has an index value of 100. Singapore is the most expensive city to live in with an index
value of 116.
So what are Sydneysiders saying? Well, a lady by the name of Priscilla Meyer and her young
family are giving up on the Sydney dream. She has been living with her husband and toddler
at her mother's house for the past three years in the suburb of Parklea.
Just for your interest, I was born in Sydney and lived in the suburb of Baulkham Hills,
but even 30 years ago, my parents left because Sydney was becoming far too busy for them.
Parklea is about 1½ hours from the CBD, depending on how you travel. Due to high property prices
and rising cost of living, Priscilla and her family are looking to buy in Melbourne, Victoria,
where they can get a house an hour's drive from the CBD for under $500,000. Although
moving cities is not ideal, according to the Economist's Most Liveable Cities 2018, Melbourne
comes in at number two. Sydney is fifth on the list, while South Australia's Adelaide
comes in at number ten. Not bad Australia.
Ms Meyer stated:
"Sydney's just unaffordable for us. We can't even think about it anymore, we've stopped
dreaming about it."
Another Sydney resident, David Boyd, was once a high-flying banker. But everything went
south when he lost his job during the 2008 global financial crisis. He struggles to find
enough money to provide the basics for his 10-year-old daughter, Kali.
Mr Boyd stated:
"I was at the top of the tree. I was wining and dining and had the beautiful house on
the beach, half a million dollars in the bank and now I'm at the opposite end of the scale.
I've lost everything and now I'm struggling to make ends meet, I don't know where my next
meal will come from."
He's currently receiving Centrelink payments, but they're simply not enough. Almost three
quarters of his payments are swallowed up paying the rent for his small two-bedroom
flat that he shares with his daughter in Penshurst in Sydney's south.
His daughter has a skin condition and requires special serums and oils, but these are not
covered under the Australian Government's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as they are
non-prescription. With regards to his daughter, Mr Boyd said:
"I'm concerned to be able to feed my daughter … and I live for her, if I didn't have her
I wouldn't have kept going."
In March, there will be state elections in New South Wales and parties are making lots
of campaign promises to improve housing affordability. But according to the head of the NSW Council
of Social Service, Joanna Quilty, these measures will simply not help the people who need help
the most. She said:
"I think there is a focus on middle-income families and that is fair enough, but I think
it's those who are in low-income households who are really struggling, who aren't as vocal,
who are really being overlooked."
The New South Wales economy is actually booming at the moment, but public housing is severely
lacking. There were 60,000 people waiting for public housing at the end of last financial
year, and Ms Quilty has been trying to urge the State Government to do something about
"We know that the majority of people that are living below the poverty line are renting
and really struggle to find affordable accommodation. There needs to be a significant boost in investment
towards social and affordable housing. We certainly have a really strong economy and
we're in a good position so I think there's no excuse for leaving these people behind."
With regards to the Federal Government, she states that they really have the power to
improve these people's lives through increased Centrelink payments:
"Because the rate that they're set at, at the moment, is actually below the poverty
line, so people on those allowances are actually behind the eight ball from the start."
At the Federal level, the Australian Labor Party is promising a review of welfare payments
if elected, but has not committed to increasing them. The current government says its focus
is on helping unemployed people move into the workforce, but obviously, for a person
in the 50s or 60s, this is easier said than done.
Mr Boyd is a bit cynical about politicians' promises. He stated:
"Before an election, politicians will say anything and after an election, promises are
just scrapped. I look upon Gladys [Berejiklian] as Marie Antoinette — let the little people
eat cake. In terms of people doing it tough she's in another world."
Ms Quilty says that the NSW Council of Social Service have undertaken cost of living surveys
stating that dental care is by the far most unaffordable essential item. She stated:
"Strategies like forgoing medical treatment and medicine, we also hear that they skip
meals and limit their use of the car."
Priscilla Meyer's mother, Allison Williams, thinks that her daughter's generation are
more financially stretched than when she was a young parent. She said:
"It's so much harder now — they both have to work full time and if they don't there's
not enough money to try and save, plus childcare is so expensive, travel is so expensive."
Associate Professor Ben Phillips from Australian National University's Centre for Social Research
& Methods said that NSW standards of living started to plateau around 2013.
"Over the last 30 years we have had living standards increase very strongly by say 60,
70% both in NSW and Australia. The last 10 years things have turned though."
Both major parties are making campaign promises to help out cash-strapped Sydneysiders. The
Berejiklian Government have been rolling out various schemes such as $300 baby bundles,
and free car registration to those who spend $25 or more per week on Sydney toll roads.
The State Opposition are promising to give school children free bus travel, and provide
solar panel rebates if elected.
Independent polling analyst, Andrew Catsaras, stated:
"When you're promising to do something about the cost of living, it's almost like promising
people you're going to do something about ageing. It really is a very nice promise to
make but whether or not you can actually deliver is another thing all together and I think
voters see it that way. In small pockets with particular offers it may make a difference,
but across the board I don't think it makes much difference at all."
I'd like to finish this video with a breakdown of what the average Sydneysider actually spends
their money on. Between 2008 and 2018, the biggest increase in spending was with medical
expenses, which have increased from 2.8% of household income to 4%.
The second biggest increase was with international holidays, which increased from 2.2% in 2008
to 3% of their income.
Household maintenance increased from 2% to 2.7%. Childcare expenses increased from 0.8%
to 1.4% of income. And the fifth biggest increase came with restaurant meals, rising from 2.8%
to 3.4% of household income.
Although the media have been playing up the cost of energy, which has almost doubled over
the last ten years, people are actually using less. People have quickly adapted their behaviour.
It turns out that petrol prices are lower than they were ten years ago, so not as much
household income is being spent on fuel.
Housing is by far the biggest expense, but it turns out due to lower interest rates,
it hasn't jumped as much as other areas.
So there we go. Sydney has become unaffordable for the average Aussie. What are your thoughts?
Should people just pack up and move to a cheaper city, leaving their family and friends behind?
Or should people force the government to act to stop putting money before people? Or, will
Sydney just crash and burn and become Australia's next ghetto? Let me know what you think below.
Wenger tipped for shock return to management with Chelsea - Duration: 1:52.
David Seaman believes Arsene Wenger would be a "great" appointment for Chelsea if they sack Maurizio Sarri
The Blues boss finds himself under a pressure at Stamford Bridge after less than a year in charge following a poor run of results
The likes of Zinedine Zidane and Frank Lampard are believed to be under consideration to replace him
But Seaman believes Wenger would be an ideal candidate - although he does admit it is unlikely to happen
"Arsene always said he wouldn't come back to the Premier League because of his love for Arsenal , that he wouldn't feel right competing against Arsenal," he said on talkSPORT
"But obviously time's a healer and he could think, 'I want to go back there and prove a few people wrong'
"It looks like there could be a vacancy at Chelsea quite soon, depending on their next three games which are three big games for Chelsea
"He'd be great there, I think. He'd be great anywhere, he's a fantastic manager
"I would love to see him back, but I don't think it would happen." Wenger is yet to return to management since leaving Arsenal but has previously insisted he has no plans to retire
Speaking after winning the Laureus Lifetime Achievement award earlier this week, he admitted he was unsure about what his next step would be
"My future is unknown. Even for me," he said. "I enjoy daily life now and I have been travelling a lot recently all over the world
Appropriation de la phase 1 des Assises de l'eau par le Syndicat Départemental de l'Eau de la Manche - Duration: 1:56.
Les ateliers de CREY132 avec Emmaüs – english subtitles available – - Duration: 3:02.
Here we are in Plessis-Trévise,
Cité de la Joie more precisely, a block of housing projects
which originally was an initiative from Abbé Pierre
and is, to this day, managed by Emmaüs Habitat.
So, I've been coming here for over a decade;
I direct a kids' workshop
during the winter holidays,
and we paint decorations all over the windows
in every hallway on the block.
For this workshop, I work in two stages.
First and foremost I'm going to draw sketches,
as in the original lines
and patterns on the window
and then, with about ten kids,
another adult and I split into two groups
and both help them color
color those sketches and thus,
come to a finished piece.
Due to the time of the year, with the festivities
we are going to draw Santa Clauses,
or write joyful sayings such as
"Happy new year", "Merry holidays"…
How I got here?
Well, quite organically through
just meeting people.
A few years back, I was approached
by some street educators
with ties to Emmaüs Synergie,
a structure itself attached to Emmaüs France.
And those educators back then told me:
« Well David, you're causing trouble on the streets
painting around the neighborhood, maybe we can help you
get on a more constructive track towards something
that might take you places ».
From then on, I gradually worked my way
to here in this area, organizing this workshop.
Yes, getting involved past one's
own artistic endeavor is important,
it's something I personally try to use
and feed off of.
Being here with kids,
knowing the general context in the neighborhood,
it drives you to push yourself
further and further forward every day.
It's more than just painting.
I've always liked Emmaüs' values,
so painting here I feel
like I'm standing up for them,
representing them, sharing them.
When you see the kids – laughing, smiling –
you realize it's just all raw happiness.
I am Crey 132, graffiti artist.
FrèreUntel 06 - Place aux autochtones - Duration: 5:33.
OM-D E-M1X Hands On Review - Michael Hurren - Duration: 3:12.
Hi, I'm Michael Hurren, I'm a cinematographer, photographer and Olympus visionary.
Shooting desert racing is both hard on the photographer and camera.
What drew me to the Olympus system was its small size, lightweight and ruggedness.
I'm often walking many kilometers in the central Australian desert,
with a full kit of cameras on my back, and the conditions I shoot in can be horrendous.
Off-road race cars can travel on rough terrain, sometimes faster than 200km/h.
Tracking and capturing these vehicles, air time between the bumps, is essential.
With the introduction of the OM-D E-M1 Mark II, I had a package
that was fast enough to shoot a trophy truck in the desert.
Now with the OM-D E-M1X, I have a camera where all of my favorite features are refined even more.
The vertical grip and button placement fit my hand perfectly,
and the new toggles give me quicker access to move my focus points.
Having a little bit more mass in the body also helps me balance along the lenses
like the M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO.
The new intelligent subject detection focus feature identifies that I'm shooting cars,
and locks on without me having to move my focus points.
That's one less thing for me to worry about,
and all I need to do now is frame and capture the truck using the camera's high burst rate.
To get the best shot, you've got to put yourself on the dirty side of the track.
Over the years I've used the OM-D system
I've put my cameras through so much punishment:
From glaciers, torrential rain, extreme heat, and loads of outback dust.
I've never once had to clean my sensor and my cameras have never stopped.
When you've walked so far into the desert and you only get one chance to shoot the cars as they pass,
you need to be able to rely on your gear.
With E-M1X's improved weather sealing and dust reduction, it's a camera I can rely on.
When shooting in the desert, lack of light isn't a problem,
so I put the OM-D E-M1X 7 stop stabilization to use on my panning shots,
giving me sharp pans at slow shutter speeds.
Also, when shooting out of a moving helicopter,
I find the range of the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS PRO super convenient—
the new intelligent subject detection means I can keep the truck in frame,
and the internal stablilizer combined with the in-lens stabilizer
gives me an extra half a stop for consistently sharp images.
When shooting jumps in sand dunes,
you don't get to see the truck until it's airborne and coming straight at you.
The E-M1X acquires the truck quickly, and holds focus until it's left the frame.
The E-M1X has changed the way I shoot motor sport.
Focus speed, high frame rate, ruggedness, reliability, and brand new technology like intelligent subject detection.
This camera lets me push the boundaries of my photography.
How to simplify the cumbersome KYC process in the education sector? - Duration: 5:02.
other thing we are just setting we have been effectiveness and rating system and
we have pretty couples from divisive doses all these taken together what do
you think our disconnect very shortly and disconnect what more to be done do
you think that investors education is sufficient in India for that matter
something more has to be done because even in the education space and the last
one do you think that the present regulation and the regulatory bodies are
exacting in here the responsibilities for both the market players very short
very precise answer thank you the two responsibilities from the existing
players in the market all stakeholders because I am dependent on it six seven
players in the market are very I am an investor /I'am having a SEBI I'am having a brokerage house/I'am having my own personal/I have my banker.
thanks doctor so in my opinion the next wave of
investors as it seems because I have also identified that also would come in
come in from the Millionaire. so to broaden and deepen the equity market or the capital
market in general in using If we have to look at it from that standard in my opinion,
has worked with the Millennials now when we look at fan Facebook Apple Amazon
Network and Google it is all about disintermediation it is about platform
application of services so if there's a kind of third part of the masses
question absolute transparency is inevitable that's the rule of the game
and that's what is going to take time via our country as well as this segment
to the next level second thing is thinking out the
combustion processes what does that mean once this intimidation happens and
communication is done then the digital employed walk how can that happen
India stack everybody wants other mobile phone and maybe other interpreters are
in place now given that what can really work is that whoever wants to save the
money what the saviors of the body on one hand and the consumers of the money
& the consumers of the money on the other hand.With the market has to grow than it has to be a platform. So, to drive
the best practices from the manufacturing sector. Just think about the scenario
how do millionaires think & can it be a disruptive way of going to capital
markets. So, in the assembly line approach in manufacturing their is an assembly line approach. So, their
is a platform & whoever is the itch in the manufacturer of PCR or a car or a mobile phone as a local supply chain so it's an
integrator in a model of an integrated whoever is the best of the class whoever
in a financial services industry there can be multiple entities who specialize
who specializing rule being KYC. Some could be only billing & player or one
segment would be the place who can offer recovery services
some players we can do this physical sign over the signature part of it
if the workflow gets designed there whenever that is let's say in credit
Let say the in credit rating legacy lets say the Cibil comes out with different scenarios. Who ever
is the best player within that can become the service provider or the supplier
f that supply chain. If we do that in my opinion it will really be the platform or available for
for the Millennials where it will the final point is when it comes from
when it comes to capital market it would not my personal opinion is it will not remain the economies
economies of scale or economies of customer experience So, if Facebook is doing
is doing a good job they can potentially extend into financial services also
quite well but it's just a natural extension so today we're gonna give you
idea was already come out with the blockchain which we'll be doing the
world wide cave KYC and which can interoperate with many of the block
chains and I already included in my thoughts people ready see whether it
gets published after the movie star the second information
While we were discussing you are really very fortunate to have Dr. Basu here
because when he spoke about block chain it look like a technology expert is speaking about that..
chartered accountant & as a faculty i think one has to really take advantage of his domain expertise. Which in mine opinion is a bassel
Feet Feet Song | Preschool Nursery Rhymes for Babies | Children Song - Kids Baby Club - Duration: 2:32.
Feet Feet Song
Cătălin Botezatu, scandal monstru de dragul Biancăi Drăguşanu! "Ce ipocrizie! Voiați să fie sfânta F - Duration: 4:38.
La sorgente della felicità - Duration: 5:54.
hello everyone I want to talk about this video of the source of the origin of the
happiness what is the source of happiness
here is a very interesting speech because there are people who go to
looking for happiness in fact external that is they believe that if they will succeed in
conquer that person then yes they will be happy then if they do not conquer it
they feel unhappy but even if the conquer this happiness after a while
it is exhausted and often happens that maybe then the relationship but also bad and
so you're much worse to come out of a relationship that when there is not
you had this relationship some believe that aset where if I found
a job I would be happy then find the work and after a while they realize that
they are worse than before they make a sacrificed life they can not
to do their hobbies to do the things that he likes become slaves of
this working system others believe that happiness is happiness
keep buying the new car the new home material objects of
any kind and even here they discover that these objects can support
to happiness over a period of time short
the problem with is that if you're unhappy in whatever you have
on the outside wherever you go you will take you always behind the unhappiness because ed
unhappiness it's a feeling, for example, think
threw to San Francesco they have deliberately renounced everything
what others believe give happiness such as money
the objects the riches san francesco and buda have renounced
yet they are happy people were people happy
think of mother Teresa of calcutta mother teresa calcutta could have
sleep peacefully in hotels a five stars instead slept in the brose
of and he was a happy person then the happiness is not in the things we do
we have but it is in our interiority it's inside us so it's not a
something you can look out for, on the contrary if you seek it out safe
mathematically that you will find many ways to be miserable, true happiness
he must find it inside you and here how do
how do you find happiness inside themselves
well you have to eliminate everything that gives unhappiness and what gives unhappiness
mental poisons are mental poisons there are two anger and attachment
from anger then envy is born the resentment born resentment from
attachments from attachment is born to jealousy
the desire to possess things is born born the desire to condition the
others and they are all things that they give of happiness
think of a jealous person but second you can somehow one
jealous person can be happy no you can not think of a person
envious but according to you it is possible that an envious person can be
happy no it is not possible then the true one
happiness is a flight on oneself and it consists in eliminating these
and mental eliminating mental poisons then we can go towards happiness
towards happiness and beyond pure wellbeing but we must learn to
liminal mental poisons eliminate the attachments and anger and replace them
with what Well, replace them with anger
replace it with a patience with the compassion, that is, to want to help
others to overcome new suffering attachments we can replace them
with love, love, not attachment attachment I want you to own
love I want you to be happy but also to love for ourselves
wish for ourselves happiness here if we can
transform mental poisons into we would really come out to be happy
have energy to live this mysterious experience but anyway
fascinating that is called life for this video is all follow me too
on the maximum instagram page taramasco subscribe to the channel and sign up
also to my new happiness channel well-being of which you place the link in
description hello to everyone
日文二手書店 點去 | 【古書店寫樂堂】| 銅鑼灣時代廣場出發! | 沙兒在哪裡買日文書? | Saaii - Duration: 2:01.
Chelsea latest news Chelsea FC identify Zidane, Lampard and Zola as potential replacements for Sarri - Duration: 4:06.
News24 - Angel di Maria opens up on his Man United nightmare - Duration: 2:41.
Angel di Maria has revealed how his time at Manchester United deteriorated following just one argument with manager Louis van Gaal
The Argentine had arrived at Old Trafford from Real Madrid for a British record fee of £60million in the summer of 2014 and his early performances were promising
But Di Maria's form fell off a cliff and he ended up leaving for Paris Saint-Germain the following summer having scored just four times in 32 matches for United
He has never gone into detail about his strained relationship with notoriously stubborn Dutch coach Van Gaal – until now
'I was at Manchester and everything was fine with Van Gaal during the first two months,' Di Maria told Argentine television programme ESPN Redes
'After one fight, things weren't the same. The relationship wasn't the same.'The fight with Van Gaal occurred because he was always showing me bad and negative things and all that held me back
'One day I fought with him. I told him I didn't want to see those things anymore, that I was doing things well and asked him why he wasn't showing me good things
'He did not like how I spoke to him and from there the whole problem started.'Van Gaal duly sanctioned the sale of Di Maria to PSG for £44m in the summer of 2015 and has found a fresh lease of life, scoring 59 times in 166 matches for the French champions
Di Maria was jeered by sections of the Old Trafford crowd on his return in the last-16, first leg of the Champions League last week but had the last laugh as PSG won 2-0
The Argentine had a bottle thrown at him at one point but assisted both goals as PSG took command of the tie
Di Maria appeared to shout 'f*** off' in the direction of United fans after their first goal but has escaped UEFA sanctions
Cristiano Ronaldo: Juventus star has extra motivation ahead of Atletico Madrid showdown - Duration: 2:44.
Cristiano Ronaldo is primed to start for Juventus when they lock horns with Atletico Madrid in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 clash
The 34-year-old has been in fine form this season but, with one European goal to his name so far, will be keen to build on that number
Ronaldo has haunted Atletico Madrid in the past during his time at Real Madrid, scoring a staggering 22 goals against Diego Simeone's side
And he will have extra motivation when Juventus continue their European conquest tonight
Atletico are primed to start Koke in their showdown. The Spain international would regularly clash with Ronaldo and, in November 2016, tempers reached breaking point
Koke allegedly called the then-Real Madrid star a 'f*****'. But a riled Ronaldo responded coolly by saying: "A f*****, yes
But a rich one, b******." Ronaldo could use his clash with Koke as another reason to help Juventus pip Atletico to Champions League glory
And fireworks are to be expected as a result. Ronaldo was brought in to win the Champions League for Juventus, who have lost a heartbreaking four finals since their last triumph in 1996
Should they fail, rumours are rife that Massimiliano Allegri may make way for Zinedine Zidane at the Turin helm
And Allegri has admitted his future is far from certain ahead of the Atletico clash
"Nothing is certain," he said. "I've been fine here at Juventus for five years and I'm happy
I have a contract and I am happy at Juventus. "I am focused on the present, on our targets for this season
We've won the Supercoppa, now we have to win Serie A and the Champions League."
Chelsea have identified Zidane, Lampard and Zola as potential replacements for Sarri - Duration: 3:43.
Maurizio Sarri's position as Chelsea manager is under threat. The Italian boss has only been at the helm for seven months, but a recent collapse in form means his stay at Chelsea could soon be over
To make matters even worse, it seems a vast number of Chelsea fans have turned on him, too
On Monday night against Manchester United, supporters of the west London club sang 'f*** Sarri-ball' as they let their grievances known
Despite the chants, Sarri insisted he is only focused on improving results and not what the fans think
"I have to work on my players, not on the fans," he said after their 2-0 defeat to United, per talkSPORT
"I'm concerned about the results. I can understand the fans because the result was not good, but I am worried about the result
" But who could Chelsea replace him with? According to Sky Sports, Chelsea are understood to be 'very concerned' about the team's recent performances and results
The board are aware of the scale of the problems at the club, especially after Chelsea fans' behaviour on Monday night
And they have already drawn up a list of potential replacements if Sarri were to be sacked
Zinedine Zidane has been out of a job since last summer and he is on Chelsea's radar
The Frenchman has proven his pedigree as a manager, winning three consecutive Champions League titles with Real Madrid
Chelsea legend and current Derby County boss Frank Lampard is also being considered
The 40-year-old doesn't have much experience in management - he's only been Derby boss since May - but he's made a good start to his career
He would undoubtedly be a popular choice and could have the same impact as Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has had at Manchester United
He addressed speculation about the job last week, saying per the Sun: "It's certainly a club I respect and a manager that I respect so it wouldn't make me smile or anything different because my job is here
"I'm working very hard and my whole thoughts are with Ipswich away on Wednesday, and travelling down to Brighton in the FA Cup [fifth round] at the weekend
" Chelsea are also considering putting Gianfranco Zola in charge until the end of the season
Zola currently works as assistant manager to Sarri and will already have an in-depth knowledge of the playing staff at Chelsea
If Sarri were to be sacked, who would you want to replace him? Have your say by leaving a comment below
移籍の浦和山中が開幕スタメン浮上,気負いはない? - Duration: 3:22.
移籍の浦和山中が開幕スタメン浮上「気負いはない」 - Duration: 3:45.
Amir Khan makes Twitter blunder over Shamima Begum - Duration: 2:23.
Amir Khan took to to slam the 'decision' to allow ISIS bride Shamima Begum back to the UK - then realised his mistake
The 19-year-old has had her British citizenship revoked and will not be allowed back in the country
But Khan, who is living in California ahead of his next fight, did not realise a decision had already been made
He tweeted: "They gunna let this ISIS bride #ShamimaBegum back in the UK, I think that's ridiculous
"You left to support terrorism, now live with it. "After watching her video she doesn't seem one bit upset and comes across so arrogant
UK isn't your home, stop giving us all a bad name please." But a few minutes later, he added: "F*** think I'm a bit late (different time zone)
" Begum was part of a trio of girls from Bethnal Green Academy to travel to the war-torn nation to support the terror group in February 2015
The Home Office said such decisions are "not taken lightly" and are carried out "in order to protect this country"
ITV News reported a letter from the department was received by Ms Begum's mother on Tuesday
"Please find enclosed papers that relate to a decision taken by the Home Secretary, to deprive your daughter, Shamima Begum, of her British citizenship," it read
"In light of the circumstances of your daughter, the notice of the Home Secretary's decision has been served of file today (19 February), and the order removing her British citizenship has subsequently been made
" The letter asked the mother to inform her daughter of the decision, as well as her right to appeal
The move comes after the teenager returned to the public eye when she was found heavily pregnant living in a refugee camp in northern Syria
She gave birth to a boy over the weekend, having already lost two children, and made pleas for forgiveness and to be accepted back in the UK
Chelsea have identified Zidane, Lampard and Zola as potential replacements for Sarri - Duration: 3:25.
Maurizio Sarri's position as Chelsea manager is under threat. The Italian boss has only been at the helm for seven months, but a recent collapse in form means his stay at Chelsea could soon be over
To make matters even worse, it seems a vast number of Chelsea fans have turned on him, too
On Monday night against Manchester United, supporters of the west London club sang 'f*** Sarri-ball' as they let their grievances known
Despite the chants, Sarri insisted he is only focused on improving results and not what the fans think
"I have to work on my players, not on the fans," he said after their 2-0 defeat to United, per talkSPORT
"I'm concerned about the results. I can understand the fans because the result was not good, but I am worried about the result
" But who could Chelsea replace him with? According to Sky Sports, Chelsea are understood to be 'very concerned' about the team's recent performances and results
The board are aware of the scale of the problems at the club, especially after Chelsea fans' behaviour on Monday night
And they have already drawn up a list of potential replacements if Sarri were to be sacked
Zinedine Zidane has been out of a job since last summer and he is on Chelsea's radar
The Frenchman has proven his pedigree as a manager, winning three consecutive Champions League titles with Real Madrid
Chelsea legend and current Derby County boss Frank Lampard is also being considered
The 40-year-old doesn't have much experience in management - he's only been Derby boss since May - but he's made a good start to his career
He would undoubtedly be a popular choice and could have the same impact as Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has had at Manchester United
He addressed speculation about the job last week, saying per the Sun: "It's certainly a club I respect and a manager that I respect so it wouldn't make me smile or anything different because my job is here
"I'm working very hard and my whole thoughts are with Ipswich away on Wednesday, and travelling down to Brighton in the FA Cup [fifth round] at the weekend
" Chelsea are also considering putting Gianfranco Zola in charge until the end of the season
Zola currently works as assistant manager to Sarri and will already have an in-depth knowledge of the playing staff at Chelsea
If Sarri were to be sacked, who would you want to replace him? Have your say by leaving a comment below
空自戦闘機墜落 直前に異常知らせる交信なし - Kyo Channel - Duration: 3:09.
Angel di Maria opens up on his Man United nightmare - Duration: 3:07.
Angel di Maria has revealed how his time at Manchester United deteriorated following just one argument with manager Louis van Gaal
The Argentine had arrived at Old Trafford from Real Madrid for a British record fee of £60million in the summer of 2014 and his early performances were promising
But Di Maria's form fell off a cliff and he ended up leaving for Paris Saint-Germain the following summer having scored just four times in 32 matches for United
Argentina ace Angel di Maria endured a torrid season with Manchester United in 2014-15 Di Maria fell out with United manager Louis van Gaal and then saw his form falter He has never gone into detail about his strained relationship with notoriously stubborn Dutch coach Van Gaal – until now
'I was at Manchester and everything was fine with Van Gaal during the first two months,' Di Maria told Argentine television programme ESPN Redes
'After one fight, things weren't the same. The relationship wasn't the same.'The fight with Van Gaal occurred because he was always showing me bad and negative things and all that held me back
'One day I fought with him. I told him I didn't want to see those things anymore, that I was doing things well and asked him why he wasn't showing me good things
'He did not like how I spoke to him and from there the whole problem started.' Di Maria celebrates PSG's opening goal against Man United in the Champions League last week The Argentine started life at United well but his form faltered and he left after just one yearVan Gaal duly sanctioned the sale of Di Maria to PSG for £44m in the summer of 2015 and has found a fresh lease of life, scoring 59 times in 166 matches for the French champions
Di Maria was jeered by sections of the Old Trafford crowd on his return in the last-16, first leg of the Champions League last week but had the last laugh as PSG won 2-0
The Argentine had a bottle thrown at him at one point but assisted both goals as PSG took command of the tie
Di Maria appeared to shout 'f*** off' in the direction of United fans after their first goal but has escaped UEFA sanctions
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