Camo & Krooked - Hot Pursuit (Dead Battery Remix) (Hospital Records)
Bruce - How Can I Explain New Version (New Effect Version) (G-NOT RECORDINGS)
Kid Butcher - Smoke My Joint (Datablender)
Valentine B - Someone Like You (Unreleased)
SveTec, Instigator - Images That Haunt You (Hominazed)
Mechanical Brothers - The Girl You Lost To Cocaine (Bootleg) (Unreleased)
Q-IC, Stephan Strube - Ejaculator (Toffmusic)
Broken Rules - Dirt Box (Broken Rules Dirty Free Remix) (Signal Flow)
Jason Little - Dr Evil Song (Bad Brains)
Jason Little - Angel (Bad Brains)
Doctor P - Tetris (Circus)
SveTec - Ragga (Cannibal Society)
Unknown Artist - We Will Rock You (Schranzformator)
Robert Natus & Arkus P. - Americano (Schubfaktor)
DJ Hammond - Showdown In Kiev (Datablender)
Jason Little - We Are All Alone (Datablender)
Frame of Mind - Lethal Vibes (The Third Movement)
For more infomation >> MARIO RANIERI 🎧 Schranz Festival @ Baby'O Ilz, Austria 🇦🇹 24.3.2012 (Official Video) - Duration: 45:34.-------------------------------------------
The MOST Satisfying Puzzle Ever!! - Duration: 10:20.
10 INTERESTING THINGS TO DO IN PARIS | Paris Hidden Gems 2019 - Duration: 7:37.
Everyone knows the Eiffel Tower or the famous shopping avenue Champs-Élysées.
We even made a video with Top 10 things to do in Paris.
But the city of lights is also full of interesting hidden gems.
In this video, we'll show you top 10 interesting things to do in Paris.
And don't forget to like this video, subscribe to our channel and enable notifications.
And share your Paris experience or suggestions in the comments below.
Here are our top 10 picks.
NUMBER 10: See the fake statue of Liberty
Did you know that Paris has its own Statue of Liberty,
looking exactly like the one in New York City? Except, it's smaller.
In fact, it is a quarter-scale replica of Liberty Enlightening the World,
commonly known as the Statue of Liberty.
The one in Paris is located on Île aux Cygnes, an artificial island in walking distance of
Eiffel Tower and was given to the city of Paris in 1889 by the American community in
Paris to celebrate the hundred-year anniversary of French Revolution.
And if you still want to see more Statues of Liberty in Paris, there are others, like
the one in Musée d'Orsay and its copy at Jardin Luxembourg.
Or the one at Musée des Arts et Métiers.
Or if you just want to see the flame, there's one known as Flame of Liberty Paris.
NUMBER 9: Drive around Paris in unique vehicles
Have you heard about the recent invasion of electric scooters
in bigger cities around the world?
Paris is a large city and walking can take you a lot of time,
while there is something beautiful and new to discover around every corner.
So rent an electric scooter and drive around Paris instead.
Electric scooters are super easy and fun to use.
All you need to do is download the app and find the scooter located closest to you.
And when you've arrived at your destination, you simply park it there and the scooter will
be waiting for their next driver.
Or if you want a super authentic experience,
reserve a retro car tour where you can, for example, see Paris from your own sidecar.
NUMBER 8: See the secret apartment in the Eiffel Tower
There is a small secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
It was built by Gustaf Eiffel to entertain the science elite like Eiffel's friend Thomas
Edison, and some say also to make some Parisians jealous.
You can see Eiffel's cozy apartment if you take the tour to the top of the Eiffel tower.
NUMBER 7: Window shopping
Feel like shopping? Or maybe window shopping?
Well, Paris offers plenty of that too.
But not only on the famous shopping avenue of Champs-Élysées.
Visit Galeries Lafayette, a 750,000 square feet department store
with an impressive dome stretching over four floors.
Most of the store space is dedicated to fashion but you will find plenty of other items too.
The storefronts are especially interesting during the Christmas season when they create
unique Christmas-themed displays.
You can also visit the Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville, located close to the Notre Dame cathedral.
NUMBER 6: Unusual bars and cafés
Paris is famous for good food, sweet pastries, and interesting and unusual bars.
You can visit Lavomatic, where you literally enter through the washing machine.
We tried it and had so much fun!
Try Ice Kube Bar where you can order a cocktail from an ice bar in an iced glass.
There are plenty more to discover, so let's just name a couple of them:
Little Red Door Paris, La REcyclerie, Le Comptoir Général,
Le Dernier Bar Avant la Fin du Monde.
Check the description for more awesome ideas.
NUMBER 5: Visit cool small and unusual museums, galleries, atelier or shops
Paris is home to numerous boutique museum, shops, small art galleries and ateliers that
you will hardly find anywhere else in the world.
You can visit the Artists' Studios at 59 Rivoli, an art collective in a former squat
with 30 artists' studios and an exhibition space.
l'Atelier des Lumières is a digital art museum located in a former foundry where you
can experience art through light presented using 140 video projectors.
If you like perfums, visit the Musée du Parfum Fragonard,
a paradise for both perfume connoisseurs and amateurs.
On the other hand, well, Paris also features a Sewers Museum,
which is currently closed for renovation.
There are many other interesting unique places to visit such as the Museum of Montmartre,
Museum of the History of Medicine, Hotel de Cluny, Les Caves du Louvre and other.
Check the description for more cool ideas.
Number 4: Try French pastry
Paris and France are known for its amazing pastry.
Try the famous macarons at Ladurée or one of the other well-known pastry shops.
If you like crepes, order one at City Crepes Café or other small unique crêperie.
Or find your preferred pastry shop like Lacroix Patissier and try crème brûlée, soufflé,
croissant, profiterole, or mille-feuille.
And if you want a truly unique experience, attend a cooking class or use an app called
EatWith where you can book a dinner hosted by locals.
Check the description for the links and more suggestions.
NUMBER 3: Canals
While many people think that canals are only located in Venice or Amsterdam,
you'd be surprised that Paris is full of canals too.
The Canal Saint-Martin is almost 3 miles long and was built in 1825 to supply fresh water
to Parisians and to help prevent diseases such as cholera.
In 19th century parts of the canal were even covered to create more open space above.
You will find many popular bars, restaurants, and other attractions along the canal.
Or you can even take a boat ride on the canal.
NUMBER 2: Visit at least one of the beautiful Parisian streets
Paris is full of amazing and unique streets, markets, and neighborhoods offering an insight
into Parisian culture and art.
Each street offers a completely different experience.
To see a collection of colorful facades, visit Rue Crémieux.
Paris is a romantic city, but if you want to take it up a notch,
visit Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole, a.k.a. the romantic street.
For an amazing graffiti collection visit Rue Denoyez.
There are many more like Rue des Rosiers, Rue Lepic, Quai d'orsay,
Rue Cler, Rue Montorgueil and many others.
Check the description for more information.
NUMBER 1: Chase space Invaders
Have you heard about the Space Invaders
or how people have been chasing "them" around the city?
Space Invaders are pieces of art made from mosaics glued to the walls and other surfaces
by a French urban artist Invader.
The inspiration for the art comes from the 1970s video game Space Invaders.
The art appears and disappears overnight in different places all over the world.
You can find them in Los Angeles, Rome, Hong Kong, and other cities.
People chase art with their smartphones using a popular app called FlashInvaders.
Are you ready to find a few yourself?
Check the description for more info.
Of course, Paris offers many other interesting and unique places and experiences.
Do you have your favorite hidden gem or something interesting to do in Paris,
or have you been to one of the places we presented in this video?
Share it in the comments below.
And don't forget to like this video, subscribe to our channel and enable notifications
so that we can keep bringing you more awesome content.
9 фишек Android 9! Скрытые функции Android 9 - Duration: 5:33.
【流れ・変わる】2019/2/20(水)FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く! 生放送280回目🎤★☆★現在収支+5,260,990円★☆★ - Duration: 7:44:11.
Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.
In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with
the links to where you can buy the new Black Sheep x Nike SB Dunk High.
If you're new to the channel or haven't yet, make sure you hit that subscribe button and
notification bell to be notified every time i upload a video.
Also hit that like button to help me rank higher in YouTube.
As you know NIKE SB will be releasing the Black Sheep x Nike SB Dunk High collab.
I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any
resale Predictions.
Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase
links daily.
Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this
video or that thumbs down if you didn't.
I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.
Hyundai Elantra 2019 review: Sport How practical is the space inside? - Duration: 2:47.
Kristýna Leichtová přiznala: S novorozenou dcerou cestuje ilegálně - Duration: 4:14.
S partnerem Vojtěchem Štěpánkem má Kristýna Leichtová holčičku Dorotku. Malá dcerka je vůbec v ničem neomezuje
Naopak cestují s ní klidně i za hranice. „Je to přesně půl roku a čtyři hodiny, co ses poprvé nadechla! A co jsi všechno za ten půlrok stihla! Několikrát jsi přejela autem i vlakem celou republiku! Třikrát jsi spala v hotelu
Jednou ses koupala na chalupě ve dřezu. Asi osmkrát jsi byla ilegálně (bez pasu) za hranicemi v Polsku
Už máš pas!" přiznala Leichtová, která s dcerkou riskovala. Herečka se navíc rozplývá nad tím, jaké pokroky děvčátko dělá
„Místo hnědého bláta děláš každý ráno a večer zelený (nebo oranžový) bobky do záchodu (když máma stihne rozpoznat signál)
Za půl roku jsi stihla objevit svoje nohy! Dokážeš se otočit ze zad na břicho, ale neděláš to moc často
Tak jasně, není kam spěchat, že jo! Taky už víš, že když děláš takový ty žvatlavý a pískavý zvuky, táta s mámou se řežou jako blázni
A to tě celkem baví. Umíš tahat za věci (nejradši mámu za vlasy a tátu za vousy)
Baví tě prohánět babičky a tetičky náhlým pláčem, a když v zoufalství zavolají mámu nebo tátu z divadla, jako mávnutím proutku najednou usneš
" Kristýna se herectví nevzdala ani na mateřské dovolené a tu a tam skočí do divadla a svou Dorotku bere s sebou
„Znáš různá zákoutí různých divadel a tam, kde tě to baví, si vynutíš kojení, abys měla čas na pozorování
Třeba před začátkem představení ve foyer divadla. Máš ráda nošení v šátku nebo v nosítku a odpolední šlofík venku v kočárku
Máš ráda mrkvičku a květák (a baví tě, jak se u krmení máma znechuceně odvrací)," popsala společné chvilky s dcerou
Za tak krátký čas Dorotka stihla poznat sníh, vánoční stromeček, ale také ohňostroj
Už za pár dní třeba poprvé pozná naopak čvachtání v bazénu a třeba bábovičky z písku někde u moře
7 Comidas Latinas Que No Debes Comer si Quieres Bajar de Grasa - Duration: 7:57.
Zase zahnul! Kardashianovou partner podvedl s kamarádkou její sestry - Duration: 2:54.
Podle serveru TMZ mělo k nevěře mezi basketbalistou Tristanem Thompsonem a modelkou Jordyn Woods dojít v noci z neděle na pondělí na jedné domácí party
„Každý se dobře bavil až do doby, než nám bylo oznámeno, že musíme okamžitě odevzdat mobilní telefony, nebo odejít
V přítomnosti celebrit to na různých večírcích není zase tak neobvyklé, že senesmí používat mobil," prozradil jeden z účastníků akce
„No a poté, co všichni své telefony odevzdali, Jordyn a Tristan se po sobě začali plazit a rozhodně to nebylo jen přátelské
Nemohli se od sebe odtrhnout," dodal. Tyto spekulace pak potvrdil i jeden americký instagramový účet zaměřený na celebrity, který přitom sleduje i samotná podváděná Khloe
Společně s Tristanem mají malou desetiměsíční dcerku True, kvůli níž to prý Khloe bolí nejvíce
Podle TMZ je Khloe absolutně zničená a mezi ní a Tristanem je definitivní konec. Basketbalista nevěru samozřejmě popírá, a na svůj twitter napsal, že se jedná o tzv
„fake news", tedy výmysl. Jenže po chvíli tento příspěvek ze své sociální sítě odstranil
Nejlepší kamarádka Jordyn a mladší sestra Kloe, Kylie Jennerové, se k celé aféře zatím ještě nevyjádřila
VIDEO: Khloe Kardashianováa její módní styl v ulicích Kalifornie Video délka: 10:01 720p 360p REKLAMA Khloe Kardashian youtube
Karl Lagerfeld A Ouvert Un Compte En Banque Pour Son Chat ! - Duration: 4:29.
Finnish CHat feat. Antti Niemi and Artturi Lehkonen - Duration: 3:49.
Hi, I'm Artturi Lehkonen.
I'm here with Antti Niemi and this is a special version of The CHat, and it's going to be in Finnish.
So, do you want me to start?
You know the game?
We're going to ask each other questions. -Yeah.
Would you let me choose your next tattoo?
If I'd let anyone, it would be you, but I wouldn't get one right now.
You wouldn't? Do you have a tattoo?
No I don't.
I would let you pick my first tattoo.
It would be very interesting.
I would have to think about what it could be.
You would choose Tottenham's logo somewhere.
Right, something different. Not on your glutes though.
Your turn.
How have I changed since we met the first time?
Almost a year ago?
You've become a father.
That's true.
I was thinking not too much has changed.
You haven't changed too much, but you've become a father and that has maybe changed you a little.
More mature.
- Right.
Now you have more responsibilities.
Adding to everything else.
Which of my off-ice skills would you want to learn from me?
A skill?
Well, there are a few great answers to that.
And one of them is...
Especially soccer?
That wasn't on my list...
but you have some great short hits in badminton that are pretty impressive.
And also hitting from the back of your own end over the net was quite impressive.
That was one of the best shots I've ever done in my life.
Also the fact that if we are in a cold place, you can keep going for hours at a time.
That's really cool.
Are you referring to Kohtala and what happened? You have to keep hopping.
Would you let me post something to your Twitter account without you knowing what it is?
I would let you use my Twitter account.
I trust you enough, so even if you tweeted something more fierce, I would still trust you.
I'm not sure if I would tweet anything too bad.
I would know it was you later anyway and I would take my revenge after that.
Yeah exactly.
Do we have time for one more?
All right. One more.
Imitate me.
Imitate you?
It would go back to the stationary hopping, wearing a jacket three sizes too big.
A jacket that was too big for me. I was just a little bit cold at that point.
Ok, do one more question.
What do you think about my Snapchats?
Well I'm of course very proud of your Snapchats, because you don't have any.
You're staying away from social media.
I'm trying.
Well that's it.
Thank you.
Cinematic London Wedding Highlights - Sony A7III 2019 - Duration: 1:02.
never be afraid of showing your other half how important they are to you
how they are the brakes to murder bike with his breath to a newborn life like
dream that is your wasn't house
Trump denies that he tried obstructing Michael Cohen investigation - Duration: 3:49.
Good Trouble's Cierra Ramirez Breaks Down 'Intimidating' Threesome, Raves About Director Troian Bell - Duration: 2:33.
Good Trouble went there! The Fosters spinoff proved, once again, it isn't afraid to take major risks during the Tuesday, February 19, episode, in which 's Mariana got herself into a sticky situation with a guy – and his girlfriend
However, rather than run away, Mariana leaned into the hookup and finally, for the first time since moving to Los Angeles, felt wanted! However, while Mariana appeared more confident than ever, Ramirez was pretty nervous about the threesome scene! "Am I blushing?" the actress, 23, said, in Us Weekly's exclusive interview above
"[I was] very nervous. I don't think I slept the night before!" Luckily, the Texas native was surrounded by people who were extremely supportive on the set of the Freeform drama – specifically the episode's director
"The beautiful, wonderful directed that episode, and she could not have been better," Ramirez explained of the Pretty Little Liars vet
"She made me feel so comfortable. I mean as a Freeform fam, I've seen her show, grown up on her show, and watching her navigate that set, I learned so much that week
" While the scene was "very intimidating" to shoot, she was surrounded by support
, who plays Mariana's sister, Callie, couldn't get enough of the story line. "It's my favorite thing ever
I laughed so hard when I read the script," Mitchell, 25, told Us, before looking to her on-screen sister
"You did amazing – the episode is one of my favorites." Good Trouble airs on Freeform Tuesdays at 8 p
m. ET.
I understood, in time, that in Medjugorje Mary or rather God wanted us to change
full of life ... by placing God in the first place.
Indeed, God wants us to change lives ...
A person was telling me recently that he could not be nice and nice,
in his everyday life because a lot was making fun of him.
I myself experienced this situation and I decided to radically change
life. I have long waited for things come to me and nothing came ... so
I took things in hand and it's there that Mary came to me .... I him
said, "I can do a lot for you, on the other hand I'm afraid of loving you too much ".... and
a priest said to me, "you can love him so much you want, we never love Marie too much ...
God wants change, He wants you change your life radically.
First, place the Mass in your week, then every day organize yourself,
to have 1 hour of prayer, by car by cutting the radio, a walk in the forest, go to
the church at 6 pm, to worship Jesus ... then you put the rest, your work, your
family, your house, your friends ... the priority being, the mass, the confession, the adoration,
a rosary and a minimum of 1 hour of prayer ...
Enjoy the presence of Mary in Medjugorje, to have a calmer, happier life,
surrounded by good people ... God did not start a job with you,
to give you up on the road ... no, he'll go all the way to you ... until
what Jesus is coming for you ... The path is difficult, you know it all ...
Mary said, because you, you have me listened, the world will change ... you do not
not do extraordinary things, but your "good will" was enough. Continue to do
efforts ... do not forget, Marie comes every day at 6:40 pm ... if it comes
every day is that we need her every day ... put yourself in prayer
at 18:40 and talk to Marie for at least 10 minutes ... you can make a sacrifice
24 hours ... No cigarette, no cake, no beer, no games, no
drug ... she will be delighted and she will help you to make this sacrifice ...
Mary came in "Queen of Peace" so she came to bring Peace, Peace
in your families, peace in your heart, peace with God ...
She did not come to announce the end of the world, nor even the 3rd world war.
Concerning Muslims do not worry not,
it's not your problem it's her problem and she's going to fix it ...
To subscribe follow the arrow, click on the logo now because you can come back
to the video after ...
Miracle, apparition of Mary ...
September 15, 2017, a video is published where we can see an apparition of Mary
in the clouds.
Indeed, we see in the clouds, the silhouette of the Blessed Virgin Mary and after 30
seconds it disappears ...
Subscribe and especially do not forget the little bell, to be alerted at each
new publication ...
On the left you can access our memories, by clicking on the link and on the right
you can see all our videos or the most watched videos ...
Now you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...
Lr - X (Prod EDOBY) - Duration: 2:26.
Sennelier Test Pack soft pastels-i like bumble bees! - Duration: 3:36.
Hello friends!
It's Kat, from Meow Meow Kapow!
I'm gonna be real honest with you and say that the power in my apartment went out for
a good long while and threw the biggest of wrenches in my plans for this week's video.
It's kind of hard to write a script, edit footage, and record a voiceover when you don't
have a computer to do any of that on.
So, once my power came back on I searched the archives and found some unused footage
for me playing around with these Sennelier soft pastels!
Like their watercolor test pack, it's just a little taste of what they have to offer
and while I'm not going to review these properly in this video I will tell you that
I liked them enough to buy a set of 20 more of them with the intention of making a skillshare
course around using chalk pastels.
It'll happen eventually, some day.
Just need to finish the other classes I have in mind first!
Instead, I just wanted to talk about how I like bumble bees and how when I was a kid
I used to play with them like they were pets or little friends.
For a couple of years, my sisters and I lived in a house that had an incredible garden out
front with all sorts of glorious blooms-including an entire island section covered in gorgeous
purple and pink butterly bushes, rows and rows of Black Eyed Susans, tulips and pansies
and carnations in colors even the rainbow would be jealous of, and a healthy army of
Hydrangea bushes.
There were probably hundreds of different plants in that garden and I loved every single
square inch of it…. as did all of the bugs.
We had more species of butterflies in that one garden than probably and one park normally
sees, and ladybugs and praying mantises were guarded and prized as champions in our household.
For me, though?
I was enthralled with the bees.
With how many flowers we had, of course our yard was always a buzz with bee activity-it
was hard to walk more than a few inches without seeing one just completely covered in pollen
and totally drunk off its conquest.
I realized that the more coated in bright yellow dust these bad boys were, the more
docile they were… so one day I started to just pick them up and play with them like
they were my sweet little babies who just wanted to be pet.
If you ever touch a bumble bee, they're very soft and fuzzy-especially on their bright
yellow booty.
No idea why I decided this was a fun thing to do, or why I never stopped twice to worry
about getting stung when now that's probably my third thought upon seeing a bee but….
These are sweet memories for me.
I used to talk to my little bee friends and carry them around on my finger and tell them
stories while we went on adventures around the garden or while climbing the giant holly
tree in the front yard.
I don't remember ever having been stung by a single one of them, nor do I remember
ever having done any kind of harm to them before they decided it was time to be on their
I just remember hours and hours of play with little yellow fuzzballs in our magical forest
of fragrances, keeping each other company until we both had to go home for dinner.
Good memories.
Gotta hold onto them when they come to you, but not too tightly so you don't break them
apart and stop them from warming you again the next time they're able to visit.
If you want, I'd love to hear some of your good memories-maybe you also had unusual friends
or maybe you had somewhere that felt like magic to you.
Personally, for me, that house has a lot of good memories attached to it-like the smell
of fresh pasta sauce on the stove or the cold tile floor in the small little room I had
all to myself, or the secret drawer in the little end table I built myself that I miss
pretty desperately.
It's kind of funny thinking about all the little things that bring me joy, especially
because so many of them are bizarre and silly, like a little girl talking to her bumblebees
in a time before the land of liking and subscribing was even possible.
Until I see you next time, I wish you peace, love, and good memories.
🔥 OrelSan - Tout ce que je sais (feat. YBN Cordae) INSTRUMENTAL (101K Remake) 🔥 - Duration: 2:55.
Nikki Bella Reveals Why 1st Date After John Cena Split With Peter Kraus Was 'So Awkward' - News Tod - Duration: 4:08.
Nikki Bella's 1st date after ending her engagement with John Cena wasn't exactly picture perfect! In a new interview, the WWE star admits that she got 'totally drunk' when 'Bachelorette' alum, Peter Kraus took her out on what was her 1st date in '6 or 7 years!' Nikki Bella, 35, has been back on the dating scene since she end her engagement with John Cena, 41, in early 2018
But, every outing hasn't been a fairytale. In a new interview, the WWE pro recalled her first date since the split, with Bachelorette alum, Peter Kraus, which was documented on Total Bellas
The January 13th episode showed how Nikki's sister, Brie set her up on the date with Peter
"That was like my first date, in what, over six or seven years. It was so awkward!", Nikki admitted during an appearance on Busy Tonight on February 19, with her sister, Brie, 35, who agreed
"You were very awkward! I saw the date back," Brie said. "And, I totally got drunk," Nikki revealed
Busy went on to commend the twins on how they live their lives in front of the camera, before she asked Nikki if it was more stressful to get back into the dating scene while being filmed
"Oh my gosh, so much," Nikki said. "I think that's what embarrassed me a lot was, here I'm having this first date, and here I look to my left and it's like two camera crews
And, I'm like, 'Oh my God, this is so weird.'" Nikki added that she didn't even want to flirt with Peter because it was that awkward
That's when Brie chimed in. "No, but you flirted because I watched the footage back
But, it was really bad. I was like, 'My sister needs help on dating, she's not a good dater," she said
"Oh sorry it was the first time in seven years," Nikki hit back, adding that Brie "would be terrible" if she were to be in her shoes
"When we watched it back I got so bright red. I couldn't even watch it, I was so embarrassed of myself
" So, would Nikki ever consider being The Bachelorette? — "Hell no! I don't know how they do that and they kiss like everyone," she admitted
"How do they not spread germs? … That's just weird. And, I don't do well with pressure anyways, so, to know that, 'Oh sh-t I have to propose to someone in four weeks, no way
' I'd be the worst." Peter may have been more comfortable on their date, seeing as he's no stranger to reality TV
He appeared on Rachel Lindsay's season [13] of The Bachelorette in 2017. Although he made it to the final two on the hit ABC series, Rachel ended up choosing her current fiance, Bryan Abasolo
Despite the awkwardness of getting back in the dating pool, Nikki told HollywoodLife in early February that she's embracing "single Nikki," and loving it
"I mean, it feels a lot better than what [the show] has been explored, I guess in the past," she explained, adding that she enjoys watching "single Nikki" on the current season [four] of Total Bellas
"I think I'm in such a better place now. So, for me, I can finally bring my fans back into the happy version of me
Because, for a while, it was tough for me to watch me be so down," she said in reference to her relationship with Cena
"But now, I just spend a lot of time on myself. I'm just finally in this place where I feel like I found me, and I'm happy
I love me. — That's the most important." Total Bellas airs Sundays at 9 PM, on E!
Tìm chú 64 tuổi bị tâm thần đi xin ở chợ nuôi mẹ già 89 tuổi giúp Việt kiều Canada - Duration: 30:29.
Le Président des ultra-riches - Monique Pinçon-Charlot et Michel Pinçon - Duration: 4:28.
Cheltenham Festival 2019 - News Today - Duration: 2:53.
is hopeful of breaking his Cheltenham Gold Cup hoodoo with four horses heading for the prestigious race
The Gold Cup has eluded Mullins' grasp so far but Kemboy, Bellshill, Al Boum Photo and Invitation Only give him a favourable hand for this year's festival
With Kemboy winning the Savills Chase at Christmas and Bellshill landing the Irish Gold Cup, they appear his two big guns - but Al Boum Photo and Thyestes winner Invitation Only are not to be taken lightly
"There's Al Boum Photo, Invitation Only, Kemboy and Bellshill - and I'll probably run as many as I can
Those four can run there, anyway," Mullins said at a press morning at his Clossuton yard
"It would be nice to win the Gold Cup, and we have as good a chance this year as any
You can make cases for them all. "Belshill jumps particularly well, and we saw Kemboy skip over those fences in Leopardstsown
I hope he'll be able to do the same in Cheltenham. "I don't think we've seen the best of Al Boum Photo yet
We decided we'd take Al Boum Photo to Cheltenham fresh. He shouldn't have any problem with the Gold Cup trip
"Invitation Only probably has to step up a bit. That's the way I see the four of them
" Kemboy burst on to the Gold Cup scene at Christmas when a very impressive winner - and good ground would aid his cause
"Kemboy put in a huge performance at Christmas in Leopardstown on very good ground
If it comes up like that on the fourth day of Cheltenham - which it can - he must have a very good chance
"I think the further he goes the better he'll be, too. He's one that has sort of jumped out this season
He got a very brave ride at Christmas, and it paid off." Asked whether David Mullins would keep the ride, Mullins added: "I haven't made any jockey arrangements at all for the Gold Cup
We'll do what we normally do and leave it until the last week, but he and David are a very good combination
" He added: "Bellshill has lots of stamina and jumps particularly well, I think
That's a huge plus for him. "Cheltenham hasn't been Bellshill's luckiest place. Maybe this is the year that he's going to change that
"He's handling left-handed tracks well, so that will do for me going over there
"I think he is now the horse we thought he would be. I think it's all coming together this season
Valcos & Chris Linton - Without You [NCS Release] - Piano Tutorial / Piano Cover - Duration: 2:41.
Valcos & Chris Linton - Without You [NCS Release] - Piano Tutorial / Piano Cover
Karl Lagerfeld : l'enfant qui a bouleversé sa vie - NT - Duration: 2:52.
Ce chien pousse le fauteuil roulant de son maître lors d'un festival - Duration: 2:17.
Live In The D: Alex Trebek Interview - Duration: 3:55.
taille d'onglon taureau - Duration: 4:16.
Horacio : un argentin à la maison, partage de culture et d'histoires - Vive Voie rencontre - Duration: 21:46.
Boogie - Rainy Days (feat. Eminem) [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:17.
"Produits de l'année" & Détach'UP : l'emmerdeur fait tache - Duration: 9:44.
Kia cee'd SW 1.6 GDI 20TH ANNIVERSARY - GARANTIE 2020 - Duration: 1:23.
Frozen for 24 years - and still alive! - Duration: 4:37.
This is really crazy - Human life frozen for 24 years and now alive.
Can people soon be frozen and then woken up decades or even centuries after, when, for
example, their incurable disease can be cured?
The most important facts on the World Record for Frozen Human Life Now on Clixoom Science
& Fiction.
Don't forget to subscribe to never miss one of the three fascinating new science videos
every week!
Emma Wren Gibson is a very special baby.
She was frozen as an embryo 24 years ago on October 14, 1992 and on November 25, 2017,
Emma was born.
Her mother, Tina Gibson, who gave birth, is now 26 years old.
When Emma's embryo was frozen, she was still a baby herself.
How would that work?
Now let's start at the beginning: Emma's story begins in October 1992.
An anonymous donor agrees to provide her already fertilized egg cells.
Some women do this, for example when their own family planning is completed.
The embryos are produced in so-called in-vitro fertilization: Here the egg and sperm cell
are combined in the laboratory.
The embryo can then be transferred to the uterus.
In the US, you also have the option to freeze the embryo first.
It is done by certain clinics, such as the National Embryo Donation Center in Knoxville,
Tennessee, USA.
The motto: "Adopt an embryo".
According to the website, more than 680 children have already been born thanks to this technique.
There are estimates that up to one million embryos are being stored in the US alone.
They are also known as "snow babies".
It's a chance for people like the American Tina Gibson and her husband Benjamin, who
desperately want children but can't conceive naturally.
He suffers from the metabolic disease cystic fibrosis - and that stands in the way of their
desire to have children.
The couple took care of foster children and thought about adoption.
But then they learnt about the possibility of adopting an embryo.
The two thought about it for a long time, but then their decision was clear.
Tina got appropriate medication and there was a lot of in-depth research to see if such
an embryo transfer could actually work.
In addition, the family situation and the home of Gibsons was examined very carefully:
Just to see if a child can grow up properly in this environment; similar to a "normal"
adoption process.
Then time had come: The embryo was implanted in Tina's uterus.
The doctors tell the anecdote that at that time she probably said the following: "She
could have been my best friend."
And indeed: The snow baby had been conceived in October 1992 and was thus frozen for 24.5
Before that, Tina and Benjamin actually had the choice.
From about 300 profiles of different embryos they could choose.
Tina said: "It is overwhelming.
There are so many - who do you choose?"
The couple decided, among other things, that it should be a child, which will not be particularly
tall as an adult, because they too are rather short.
Finally, Tina got a female embryo implanted whose profile best suited the Gibson couple.
The pregnancy worked immediately; The nine months were relatively straightforward.
Although everybody calls it a "World record" now, it's actually not that easy to identify
the oldest known embryos.
US companies are only required to report the outcome of the pregnancy, not the age of the
In any case, a 20-year-old embryo was reported in a 2011 study.
The Gibsons do not care about any of that.
Tina says, "I just wanted a baby, I do not care if it's a world record or not."
According to media reports, siblings are probably also possible for Emma.
Because even more embryos with this DNA are still in the clinic.
Is this an indication that we can freeze and revive people in the future?
We will keep you updated!
One thing seems safe so far: With creating life, death will one day follow, or will it?
To find out more on the question "Does death have to be lethal" click right here.
Stay tuned and see you soon!
Karl Lagerfeld A Ouvert Un Compte En Banque Pour Son Chat ! - Duration: 4:29.
Here's What You Need To Know Before Trading For The First Time - Duration: 6:50.
- What's up, Tim Sykes, Millionaire Mentor and Trader,
here with a very special interview
with my top student Tim Grittani,
who has $1500 now into over $7 million.
It wasn't easy, it didn't happen overnight,
learn from his journey.
(dramatic music)
- So I first got into trading back in February of 2011,
that's when I joined Pennystocking Silver,
and I got into it because really, I just wanted freedom.
That was what it boiled down to,
like I didn't go into this with the idea
of I want to be a millionaire.
I wasn't trying to get rich quick or anything like that.
I just wanted a way out of the only path that I saw.
And at time, I mean I had been working summers at State Farm
and I mean, it was a fine job,
but it certainly did not make me happy.
And I had been a finance major who really didn't like much
in the field of finance,
so I didn't even have the slightest idea
of what path I could pursue going down that road.
So trading, I mean it appealed to a bit of my background too
like the adrenaline junkie gambler,
who you know, I liked poker, I liked sports betting,
stuff like that, so it just kinda seemed
like the most exciting financial thing I could think of.
Like being a day trader.
And it seemed like a way to achieve that freedom
if I could be successful at it.
So it took a while, I mean I definitely think
it took longer than I anticipated.
You go into it and the concepts sound really simple,
and you just think oh, this'll be a breeze,
and I'll be like all these other traders
I see doing well.
And that really wasn't the reality for me.
I took three months to study before I made my first trade.
In six months I'd blown up my first $1500 account,
and I had to refund from State Farm summer money
because that was all I really had left.
And so I put another 1500 in,
and had learned my lessons and gotten more successful.
But it still took time to dig out of that $1500 hole,
get back to break even.
You know as I said started studying in February 2011,
and by the end of 2011 I was up $4000.
And then, 2012 is where the pace really started to pick up.
And by mid 2012, at that point I had graduated college,
I had moved back home with my parents,
and I was trading from home.
And once I felt like I had my feet under me financially
is when I could really get that freedom
that I had desired from the start.
And so I moved away, I went to Columbus, Ohio,
and have really been on my own,
with my now wife, since, but I guess I achieved
my goal in that sense.
Like I got the freedom that I wanted,
and I managed to also scale things up
much quicker than I had expected to be possible.
When it comes to advice that I wish I had known
from when I started that could of made the process
a whole lot easier for me, I think one of the first
main things that comes to mind is just being told
to chill out early and not try to do everything so fast
because that is what got me into trouble,
and end up blowing up my first account
is you know, I had no idea what I was doing,
and I was looking for some kind of guidance.
So I was in three or four different services,
and I was trying to just find anything
that sorta stuck out to me, and made sense
that I thought I could ahead and try on my own,
and find success with.
And that's not a bad approach but the problem
is that I was doing it all at once.
And so I mean, I was under the Pattern Day Trader Rule.
I had a few different brokers,
so nine day trades a week.
But I had a dozen different strategies I wanted
to try to trade with.
And that's just way too much when you're new
because instead of really trying to master one
or two things, I was trying to be good at 12 things
that I didn't really understand all that well.
So it really was no surprise that I blew it off my account
and a lot of it came from trying to short sell
before I was ready mentally.
Because it is a different thing mentally
and it's a lot riskier because a short sell is potentially
unlimited losses if you're not cutting it.
And that scared me knowing that fact.
So I got into short selling saying I'm going
to be very good about cutting my losses.
And really I was too good because what happened would be
I was trying to short a pump and dump that basically
traded sideways for three weeks.
And I knew the fundamental idea.
I said, okay this is a pump.
It's eventually going to go to zero.
And yeah, eventually it went to zero.
But during the three weeks it was going sideways.
Every dip where it looked like it was supposed to crack,
I would short.
And then they would support it and it would pump back up
a little bit and I'd get scared because I'm so psyched out
by shorting and I'd take a two or three cent
per share loss plus commissions.
And I did that over and over and over again
and just chewed myself up.
And that's really the key example I think of with one
of the things I did wrong early was just taking one setup
I didn't really understand and just going nuts with it
before I was ready.
So I wish I had gone into it with a little more patient
of an approach.
For new traders I do think that it's important
to try new things.
I do think that you need to figure out who you are
as a trader because trading is a very personal thing.
What works for me may not work for you.
And all of the successful traders I know,
no one does things exactly the same way.
Everyone's got their own style,
their own little finesse they put on similar setups.
And what works for them is great.
But I see some traders who might be great at dip buying
and I know I'm terrible at that.
I can't wrap my head around it.
And every time I try, I seem to lose.
So I've cut that out.
It's not something I do anymore.
And you only learn that through experience
and that screen time and making your own trades.
So you have to balance it early on.
You have to be trading small enough size that if you do
blow up an account, you're not gonna be so badly wiped out
you can never try again.
But you also want to not do a dozen setups
like I did really.
I mean, take it three or four setups at a time.
Try different things.
See where you succeed, where you fail,
where you're comfortable, where you're not,
and then take that feedback from yourself.
Really what your emotions are telling you,
what your results are telling you.
And don't worry about what other people are telling you.
Let your own performance be your guide.
- Hey Tim Sykes Millionaire Mentor and Trader.
Thank you for watching my videos.
I hope that they help you.
I wanna share everything that I've learned over the years.
You can check out more videos right over there
and also click subscribe so that you can watch
all of these videos, get that knowledge,
and become my next millionaire student.
Here's What a $900 Truck Looks Like - Duration: 7:15.
welcome to wacky Wednesday's where everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods and here's this week's winner, hey everybody this is my 1969 Ford f-100
360 cubic inch Ford Fe motor, two barrel carb, 3 speed on the tree, this is a very
solid truck for being 50 years old, paint jobs not the best what do you expect for
a 50 year old vehicle, I bought this truck originally from a place here in
Nashville Tennessee, I bought it for $900 actually has a rebuilt motor and the guy
that owned the auto shop did not want it anymore, didn't want it sitting in his
lot anymore, and he said for me to take it for a thousand, I said well how about
900 and he said go for it and so ended up with the truck, this is a I believe a
Ranger I'm not a hundred percent sure on that part but it is a long wheelbase
short wheelbase are a lot more expensive of course, this has a 15 inch
tire all the way around, four nine inch rear end, a lot of people mistake these
old trucks for hiboys which highboys came a lot taller than this from the
factory, going back to the story about having bought this truck from a mechanic
shop, the guy I originally thought this was his a high school truck that he had
during the mid to late 70s and thought it was his original truck which he said
it was red at the time, and yeah like down here and these little strap holders
and back there in the bed it's kind of hard to see, but yeah this is a very very
structurally sound truck like I said the paint job isn't the best, you know not
really looking forward to sinking a whole lot of money off into this thing
just something that I like to drive around on the weekends and once summer
gets here take to a couple shows and stuff, so
let's take a look at the interior oh and if you notice too, I have two
different mirrors I have the bracket in the back of the truck for that, just
really got to find a mirror, people tell me go to O'Reilly's but I want an original
forward mirror, that's understandable this is the inside, I got the truck with
these speakers in it I really don't like that, but you get to do something with it
yeah that's my that's my speaker, now got a crack here but you know all things you
can expect out of a 50 year old vehicle that's in such a condition it's
been sitting for a while, we've got a Bosch two I believe illuminated tachometer,
and just a Sun Pro old pressure gauge and the dash cluster isn't in the best
of shape, the odometer works 58,000 miles steering wheel is not in the best
condition, carpets fair good or whatever you say, I have no idea what that stain
is over there but I've tried washing it away it's not coming off so I have to
try something a little bit stronger but still easy on the paint,
there's my stock radio, I'm not 100 percent sure this is stock because
I would think it would have an 8 tracks original heat controls, heat works and
I'm not the best but you can't like I said you can't expect much of a
vehicle like this, you know the classic dice, three-speed on the tree, I consider
a modern day anti-theft device most people don't know how to drive a three
speed unless you're 50 years or older I've got a straight piped exhaust system
that sounds sweet, true dual, get back here and
look at the other side of it, yeah True dual, still have
exhaust manifolds on the vehicle, just overall fairly nice truck, now under the
hood I don't know what's going on with this wiring job but is not perfect, lot
of this wiring was like this when I picked up the vehicle, like the tach the
tach has been recently installed you can tell just because of how clean the wires
are compared to the other ones, and that little dinky thing right there was
already on the car but I wish I had the one that actually came on it cuz I
don't like that at all, but one interesting thing here is wires for the
tach we can see it actually come out through one of the master cylinder bolt
holes, everything runs fine, got good oil
pressure, this truck does not miss a lick, and we'll get a good listen of the
exhaust system, like I said straight piped, 16-inch tips, still exhaust
manifolds on it no headers, maybe for a later day, but kind of sounds good as it
is right now, so let's give it a listen it's a great little truck I really enjoy it,
here again you know you can you can see the red still fading through and the
tops not that clean, sat under a tree at the mechanic shop that I bought it from so
it's quite a bit of tree sap on it, it's hard to wash off but I've got most of it
off from when I purchased it, good little weekend truck I really enjoy having this
truck and driving it around, the cops don't enjoy it too much but you know
it's a fun little piece of history I guess you could say, it's is an
original Dearborn plant truck from you know Michigan, so pretty cool about that,
last thing I like say I want to thank Scotty for allowing me to showcase my
truck to you all, really means a lot to me and I want to thank you everybody for watching
this video and especially thanks Scotty and wish everybody a good weekend,
well that was this week's video and to have your car mod shown on my channel
here check this out so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
#МОНТЯН: Метаморфозы придворных политолухов - Duration: 13:46.
10 INTERESTING THINGS TO DO IN PARIS | Paris Hidden Gems 2019 - Duration: 7:37.
Everyone knows the Eiffel Tower or the famous shopping avenue Champs-Élysées.
We even made a video with Top 10 things to do in Paris.
But the city of lights is also full of interesting hidden gems.
In this video, we'll show you top 10 interesting things to do in Paris.
And don't forget to like this video, subscribe to our channel and enable notifications.
And share your Paris experience or suggestions in the comments below.
Here are our top 10 picks.
NUMBER 10: See the fake statue of Liberty
Did you know that Paris has its own Statue of Liberty,
looking exactly like the one in New York City? Except, it's smaller.
In fact, it is a quarter-scale replica of Liberty Enlightening the World,
commonly known as the Statue of Liberty.
The one in Paris is located on Île aux Cygnes, an artificial island in walking distance of
Eiffel Tower and was given to the city of Paris in 1889 by the American community in
Paris to celebrate the hundred-year anniversary of French Revolution.
And if you still want to see more Statues of Liberty in Paris, there are others, like
the one in Musée d'Orsay and its copy at Jardin Luxembourg.
Or the one at Musée des Arts et Métiers.
Or if you just want to see the flame, there's one known as Flame of Liberty Paris.
NUMBER 9: Drive around Paris in unique vehicles
Have you heard about the recent invasion of electric scooters
in bigger cities around the world?
Paris is a large city and walking can take you a lot of time,
while there is something beautiful and new to discover around every corner.
So rent an electric scooter and drive around Paris instead.
Electric scooters are super easy and fun to use.
All you need to do is download the app and find the scooter located closest to you.
And when you've arrived at your destination, you simply park it there and the scooter will
be waiting for their next driver.
Or if you want a super authentic experience,
reserve a retro car tour where you can, for example, see Paris from your own sidecar.
NUMBER 8: See the secret apartment in the Eiffel Tower
There is a small secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
It was built by Gustaf Eiffel to entertain the science elite like Eiffel's friend Thomas
Edison, and some say also to make some Parisians jealous.
You can see Eiffel's cozy apartment if you take the tour to the top of the Eiffel tower.
NUMBER 7: Window shopping
Feel like shopping? Or maybe window shopping?
Well, Paris offers plenty of that too.
But not only on the famous shopping avenue of Champs-Élysées.
Visit Galeries Lafayette, a 750,000 square feet department store
with an impressive dome stretching over four floors.
Most of the store space is dedicated to fashion but you will find plenty of other items too.
The storefronts are especially interesting during the Christmas season when they create
unique Christmas-themed displays.
You can also visit the Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville, located close to the Notre Dame cathedral.
NUMBER 6: Unusual bars and cafés
Paris is famous for good food, sweet pastries, and interesting and unusual bars.
You can visit Lavomatic, where you literally enter through the washing machine.
We tried it and had so much fun!
Try Ice Kube Bar where you can order a cocktail from an ice bar in an iced glass.
There are plenty more to discover, so let's just name a couple of them:
Little Red Door Paris, La REcyclerie, Le Comptoir Général,
Le Dernier Bar Avant la Fin du Monde.
Check the description for more awesome ideas.
NUMBER 5: Visit cool small and unusual museums, galleries, atelier or shops
Paris is home to numerous boutique museum, shops, small art galleries and ateliers that
you will hardly find anywhere else in the world.
You can visit the Artists' Studios at 59 Rivoli, an art collective in a former squat
with 30 artists' studios and an exhibition space.
l'Atelier des Lumières is a digital art museum located in a former foundry where you
can experience art through light presented using 140 video projectors.
If you like perfums, visit the Musée du Parfum Fragonard,
a paradise for both perfume connoisseurs and amateurs.
On the other hand, well, Paris also features a Sewers Museum,
which is currently closed for renovation.
There are many other interesting unique places to visit such as the Museum of Montmartre,
Museum of the History of Medicine, Hotel de Cluny, Les Caves du Louvre and other.
Check the description for more cool ideas.
Number 4: Try French pastry
Paris and France are known for its amazing pastry.
Try the famous macarons at Ladurée or one of the other well-known pastry shops.
If you like crepes, order one at City Crepes Café or other small unique crêperie.
Or find your preferred pastry shop like Lacroix Patissier and try crème brûlée, soufflé,
croissant, profiterole, or mille-feuille.
And if you want a truly unique experience, attend a cooking class or use an app called
EatWith where you can book a dinner hosted by locals.
Check the description for the links and more suggestions.
NUMBER 3: Canals
While many people think that canals are only located in Venice or Amsterdam,
you'd be surprised that Paris is full of canals too.
The Canal Saint-Martin is almost 3 miles long and was built in 1825 to supply fresh water
to Parisians and to help prevent diseases such as cholera.
In 19th century parts of the canal were even covered to create more open space above.
You will find many popular bars, restaurants, and other attractions along the canal.
Or you can even take a boat ride on the canal.
NUMBER 2: Visit at least one of the beautiful Parisian streets
Paris is full of amazing and unique streets, markets, and neighborhoods offering an insight
into Parisian culture and art.
Each street offers a completely different experience.
To see a collection of colorful facades, visit Rue Crémieux.
Paris is a romantic city, but if you want to take it up a notch,
visit Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole, a.k.a. the romantic street.
For an amazing graffiti collection visit Rue Denoyez.
There are many more like Rue des Rosiers, Rue Lepic, Quai d'orsay,
Rue Cler, Rue Montorgueil and many others.
Check the description for more information.
NUMBER 1: Chase space Invaders
Have you heard about the Space Invaders
or how people have been chasing "them" around the city?
Space Invaders are pieces of art made from mosaics glued to the walls and other surfaces
by a French urban artist Invader.
The inspiration for the art comes from the 1970s video game Space Invaders.
The art appears and disappears overnight in different places all over the world.
You can find them in Los Angeles, Rome, Hong Kong, and other cities.
People chase art with their smartphones using a popular app called FlashInvaders.
Are you ready to find a few yourself?
Check the description for more info.
Of course, Paris offers many other interesting and unique places and experiences.
Do you have your favorite hidden gem or something interesting to do in Paris,
or have you been to one of the places we presented in this video?
Share it in the comments below.
And don't forget to like this video, subscribe to our channel and enable notifications
so that we can keep bringing you more awesome content.
My Strange Addiction: Anime - Duration: 0:45.
Hello, my name is Zakeya, I'm 20 years old, I'm from the British Virgin Islands (Big up, Big up) and I am addicted to anime.
I think of it, I dream of it, I love it in all of its forms.
Even the love of my life is an anime character
It all started when I was 7 years old
And I saw my home boy Naruto crying on that one specific swing set
Y'all know that I mean
It shook me to tears
I always thought anime was a mere form of entertainment
for time to pass by
But next thing I knew my whole life flew by
Le Président des ultra-riches - Monique Pinçon-Charlot et Michel Pinçon - Duration: 4:28.
Drink THIS 30 Min. BEFORE Exercise To Burn MORE Fat - Duration: 4:00.
Hi, welcome from the video that you were just watching.
And yes, this is an ad.
And I have something for you today.
It's very important that I've got to share.
Now, if you've seen this apple cider vinegar deal, right?
It says that normally abs are normally made in the kitchen,
And although that may be partially true,
today I have a secret for you.
I have absolutely two secrets to share with you,
and the first one starts here with apple cider vinegar.
Now, first let me tell you who I am.
My name's Dan.
I'm actually in the fitness industry and nutrition,
and I've actually trained people for over 20 years.
Moms, dads, kids, Olympians, military, NFL--
you name it, I have trained them all.
And I have helped them get their dream bodies.
Today, I'm going to share two secrets with you that
are going to help you get your dream body.
The first one is I want you to take this apple cider vinegar.
Now, this brand is called "Brad."
You can get this apple cider vinegar in any store.
You're going to take 1 to 2 teaspoons of this apple cider
vinegar and add it to warm water.
Remember, what I'm saying--
warm water, not cold water, OK?
Your body is already at a temperature that is warm.
I want you to take warm water, add that to it.
And if you'd like to sweeten it, you
can actually take 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey or maple
syrup to add to it to give it a little bit of a sweetener, OK?
Once you've gotten that sweetener in there,
I want you to consume that apple cider vinegar.
Now, you can do this about 30 minutes before a workout.
That will activate even more by burning more
through the metabolism, and also you do this late at night.
Now, the second thing that I have
for you is a secret that because you've stopped here today,
the most important thing you have to realize is not only
do these type of gimmicks work-- they do work, OK?
But you also have to spike your hormones
to release stubborn fat, especially
if you're over the age of 40.
And how are you going to do that?
I'm 45 years old, by the way.
Not only are you going to use apple cider vinegar,
you're going to spike with not only
a specific type of movement that you can use there are protocols
that are geared for you, you can actually
do this in only 12 minutes.
Now, you're going to see a link on here in a second.
I don't want you to click it just yet,
but you're going to see that link.
I want to reveal to you that metabolic secret at this link,
but don't forget the recipe.
The recipe is one and 2 teaspoons
of the apple cider vinegar added to the warm water--
8 ounces.
Do that one to two times a day.
That's going to help you absolutely
shed some of the unwanted belly fat simply without exercise.
But if you want to accelerate that
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that belly fat, I want you to click the link right here, now,
to get the metabolic secret.
It only takes 12 minutes.
And I promise you if you're over the age of 40,
you're going to be thanking me later.
I want to thank you for stopping on this feed with me
here today.
Thank you for taking the time out
from watching the cats, or the dogs,
or whatever it was that you were just on.
Don't forget what I told you here on this secret.
But now, it's your turn.
Click this link-- takes you right to the metabolic secret
that you're not only going to see me,
you're going to see my wife.
She's 42 years old with three amazing kids
living with her dream body.
And you're also going to see my partner and awesome friend,
Shawn Hatsell.
He's a ripped grandpa with six-pack abs.
Yes, and they were made in the kitchen partially.
Also, you're going to see his wife.
She's 58 years old.
She's not only living with her dream body,
but she's beat out colon cancer, shocking doctors
around the world using this exact system.
Takes 12 minutes.
Take one second to click this link,
and I promise you you'll be so much happier
and thanking me for not only this secret but the secret
at this link now.
Click the link now.
I'll see you again hopefully on the page here.
Click the link now.
Your Business Coach Is Screwing You Over. Act Now - Duration: 5:12.
- In today's video find out
why most marketers and coaches suck,
and also find out how to avoid falling into their trap.
"Those who have the capacity to give good advice
generally have too much sense to waste their time
trying to get rid of it."
All right, so we just talked about
the epidemic of these rent-a-friend style coaches
where people will give encouragement,
tell you you're great, but won't give any specific advice.
A smaller subset though, will actually give you
specific advice which is a huge upgrade
from the rah rah, you're so perfect and great folks.
They'll outline a plan for you, give you real feedback
on what you should be doing, and try to outline
what you should be doing with your business,
your diet, whatever it is that they're coaching you on.
And that's a marked improvement from the people
we just talked about.
What people still have to be careful of is making sure
that the people who are giving them this advice
are actually experts in the thing they're advising on.
Because people love to give advice.
They love to be heard and they will readily tell you
what they think and what their opinion is
and that's irrespective of whether they actually
know what they're talking about or not.
So simply being specific isn't enough.
Just because somebody's willing to give you their opinion
doesn't mean that that opinion is worth anything.
And like the quote that we had at the outset mentions,
the people who are often the most willing to give out
their opinion, are often the least qualified
to actually be giving out opinions.
So ultimately, what advisors are saying
is mostly comprised of their opinion.
There aren't a lot of hard-and=fast rules in a lot of things
so it comes down to what their judgment is,
so we really wanna make sure that people's background
is sound enough to where they have good judgment
and that the advice that they're giving you
is actually rooted in true knowledge
and not just stuff that they're pulling out of thin air.
And you'll see examples of this all the time,
where people are giving advice that, by definition,
does not match the reality of their lives.
I'll see life coaches all the time
who are in their early 20's
and haven't really accomplished anything.
They haven't faced any real struggles,
they haven't had great achievements
because that's an early stage in their lives,
and that's fine, but they'll still try to tell people
how they should be living their lives,
what they need to do to achieve, what they need to do
to get to the next step, when they haven't actually
been able to achieve that themselves.
I'll see these life coaches all the time,
to where they'd be working at Starbucks,
or having it to where they were bagging groceries somewhere,
which is totally fine, but it didn't give you
a whole lot of confidence that they had
the firsthand experience to be able to
really give you advice that was actionable,
that you knew you could trust.
You see the same thing with multi-level
marketing things all the time.
Anybody who pitches an MLM is always gonna tell you
that it's life-changing, that it's easy money,
that they wish they had done it sooner,
that this is how they're supporting themselves,
that it's the greatest thing they've ever done,
but they all have other jobs.
None of them are running around taking trips
around the world every week because of this massive
endless wealth that's being generated,
because that's not the reality.
They're not actually getting those results,
they're just claiming they are.
My favorite example is, I was coming back from a conference,
sitting next to a girl who was probably in her late 20's,
early 30's, and she was a coach,
and her niche was coaching people
on how they could quit their jobs
and work full-time for themselves, as coaches.
That was her specific thing that she coached
everybody on, but she worked full-time,
as an employee, for somebody else.
So the very thing that she was telling people
how to do, she hadn't been able to accomplish herself.
You see this, it can be an epidemic in the coaching space.
First we look and see if the people can actually
give you specific advice and not just encourage you,
but even then you have to look very closely
at the reality and look at what their lives
are showing you about what they're saying
and if their lives don't match what they're telling you
you can accomplish, then you might want to be
a little more careful about hiring them,
and even if they're willing to give you the advice for free,
whether or not you wanna take that advice from them.
So if you enjoyed the video, give it a like,
and if that resonated with you, if you've ever been
through something similar, we'd love to hear
your experiences and what you thought about it.
(jazzy music)
DANS L'APPART DE... CYNTHIA DULUDE | Silo 57 - Duration: 4:04.
Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.
In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with
the links to where you can buy the new Black Sheep x Nike SB Dunk High.
If you're new to the channel or haven't yet, make sure you hit that subscribe button and
notification bell to be notified every time i upload a video.
Also hit that like button to help me rank higher in YouTube.
As you know NIKE SB will be releasing the Black Sheep x Nike SB Dunk High collab.
I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any
resale Predictions.
Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase
links daily.
Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this
video or that thumbs down if you didn't.
I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.
Samsung Galaxy F Smartphone will get a 5 3 inch display with a thin frame - Duration: 1:26.
Samsung Galaxy F Smartphone will get a 5.3-inch display with a thin frame
Resource PhoneArena shared the image, which captures the current flagship smartphone Samsung
Galaxy S5 and the not yet announced Galaxy F model.
As can be seen from the photos, the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Galaxy F smartphones have comparable
In addition, the Galaxy F model has a larger display, and the frames around it are thinner.
As for the technical characteristics of the device, then, according to @evleaks, the new
smartphone will get a 5.3-inch display with QHD resolution (1440 × 2560 pixels).
It also reports on the availability of a 4-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor, 3 GB RAM
and a camera equipped with a 16 megapixel sensor and an optical image stabilization
Smartphone Samsung Galaxy F will get a 5.3-inch display with a thin frame
According to available information, the official release of the smartphone Samsung Galaxy F
will be held in September.
Its estimated price is not reported.
The MOST Satisfying Puzzle Ever!! - Duration: 10:20.
Here's What a $900 Truck Looks Like - Duration: 7:15.
welcome to wacky Wednesday's where everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods and here's this week's winner, hey everybody this is my 1969 Ford f-100
360 cubic inch Ford Fe motor, two barrel carb, 3 speed on the tree, this is a very
solid truck for being 50 years old, paint jobs not the best what do you expect for
a 50 year old vehicle, I bought this truck originally from a place here in
Nashville Tennessee, I bought it for $900 actually has a rebuilt motor and the guy
that owned the auto shop did not want it anymore, didn't want it sitting in his
lot anymore, and he said for me to take it for a thousand, I said well how about
900 and he said go for it and so ended up with the truck, this is a I believe a
Ranger I'm not a hundred percent sure on that part but it is a long wheelbase
short wheelbase are a lot more expensive of course, this has a 15 inch
tire all the way around, four nine inch rear end, a lot of people mistake these
old trucks for hiboys which highboys came a lot taller than this from the
factory, going back to the story about having bought this truck from a mechanic
shop, the guy I originally thought this was his a high school truck that he had
during the mid to late 70s and thought it was his original truck which he said
it was red at the time, and yeah like down here and these little strap holders
and back there in the bed it's kind of hard to see, but yeah this is a very very
structurally sound truck like I said the paint job isn't the best, you know not
really looking forward to sinking a whole lot of money off into this thing
just something that I like to drive around on the weekends and once summer
gets here take to a couple shows and stuff, so
let's take a look at the interior oh and if you notice too, I have two
different mirrors I have the bracket in the back of the truck for that, just
really got to find a mirror, people tell me go to O'Reilly's but I want an original
forward mirror, that's understandable this is the inside, I got the truck with
these speakers in it I really don't like that, but you get to do something with it
yeah that's my that's my speaker, now got a crack here but you know all things you
can expect out of a 50 year old vehicle that's in such a condition it's
been sitting for a while, we've got a Bosch two I believe illuminated tachometer,
and just a Sun Pro old pressure gauge and the dash cluster isn't in the best
of shape, the odometer works 58,000 miles steering wheel is not in the best
condition, carpets fair good or whatever you say, I have no idea what that stain
is over there but I've tried washing it away it's not coming off so I have to
try something a little bit stronger but still easy on the paint,
there's my stock radio, I'm not 100 percent sure this is stock because
I would think it would have an 8 tracks original heat controls, heat works and
I'm not the best but you can't like I said you can't expect much of a
vehicle like this, you know the classic dice, three-speed on the tree, I consider
a modern day anti-theft device most people don't know how to drive a three
speed unless you're 50 years or older I've got a straight piped exhaust system
that sounds sweet, true dual, get back here and
look at the other side of it, yeah True dual, still have
exhaust manifolds on the vehicle, just overall fairly nice truck, now under the
hood I don't know what's going on with this wiring job but is not perfect, lot
of this wiring was like this when I picked up the vehicle, like the tach the
tach has been recently installed you can tell just because of how clean the wires
are compared to the other ones, and that little dinky thing right there was
already on the car but I wish I had the one that actually came on it cuz I
don't like that at all, but one interesting thing here is wires for the
tach we can see it actually come out through one of the master cylinder bolt
holes, everything runs fine, got good oil
pressure, this truck does not miss a lick, and we'll get a good listen of the
exhaust system, like I said straight piped, 16-inch tips, still exhaust
manifolds on it no headers, maybe for a later day, but kind of sounds good as it
is right now, so let's give it a listen it's a great little truck I really enjoy it,
here again you know you can you can see the red still fading through and the
tops not that clean, sat under a tree at the mechanic shop that I bought it from so
it's quite a bit of tree sap on it, it's hard to wash off but I've got most of it
off from when I purchased it, good little weekend truck I really enjoy having this
truck and driving it around, the cops don't enjoy it too much but you know
it's a fun little piece of history I guess you could say, it's is an
original Dearborn plant truck from you know Michigan, so pretty cool about that,
last thing I like say I want to thank Scotty for allowing me to showcase my
truck to you all, really means a lot to me and I want to thank you everybody for watching
this video and especially thanks Scotty and wish everybody a good weekend,
well that was this week's video and to have your car mod shown on my channel
here check this out so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
iPhone 7 Plus - 8 Triệu Chiến Game Vô Đối Trong Tầm Giá ? Nên Quất Ngay ! - Duration: 10:02.
✅ Breaking News - Maurizio Sarri deep in discussion with Gonzalo Higuain in training - Duration: 5:29.
It was business as usual for Maurizio Sarri as he led Chelsea's training session on Wednesday despite intense speculation over his future as manager
The Blues defend a 2-1 first leg lead against Swedish club Malmo in the last-32 of the UEFA Europa League on night and Sarri knows he cannot afford anything less than victory at Stamford Bridge
Maybe with that in mind, the Italian was deep in conversation with on-loan striker Gonzalo Higuain as the squad walked out to the training pitches at Cobham
Share this article Share And was Ross Barkley ensuring he gets a full 90 minutes with what looked like a heavy challenge on Mateo Kovacic?The Croatian midfielder was left wincing following Barkley's tackle from behind, though the Englishman seemed to hurt himself as well
Sarri has decided to replace Barkley with Kovacic or vice versa 20 times in all competitions this season (17 Premier League, two Carabao Cup and one FA Cup)
For many fans, it has come to represent an inertia with his 'Sarri-ball' tactics that simply aren't working in English football
Monday's FA Cup exit to Manchester United, in addition to recent heavy Premier League losses to Bournemouth and Manchester City, have left Sarri's job hanging by a threat
Chelsea play City again on in the Carabao Cup final but first must negotiate the test of Malmo and make it through to the last-16 of the Europa League
With the club currently sixth in the Premier League table - albeit just a point behind United in fourth - winning the Europa League could prove their ticket into next season's Champions League
Speaking at his press conference on Wednesday, Sarri insisted that a run of positive results could yet give him a long-term future as Chelsea manager despite open mutiny from fans on Monday night
Owner Roman Abramovich isn't known for his patience when it comes to managers and Sarri could well be on his way after just seven months in the job if they falter this weekend
'We need to win three, four matches in a row. It's the only solution,' said Sarri, when asked if he can change fans' views
'I can understand very well the frustration of our fans, because they are used to winning
Now we are in trouble, so I can understand very well.'There isn't another way. We can only have good performances and results
'Sarri says he has not spoken to Abramovich or director Marina Granovskaia this week
'I have to think that I will be the manager of Chelsea for a long time, otherwise I cannot work,' he added
'I am not sure (if I will be here for a long time), but I have to think this. I have to work and I want to work with a long-range target
'Of course in this moment it's very difficult to think we're able to win three, four matches in a row
As you know very well in football everything can change in one day.'I think we need first of all a good performance, a good result and with more confidence we are able to do anything
'Chelsea's congested fixture calendar makes finding solutions difficult for Sarri
Chelsea fixtures Premier League unless statedMalmo (H) Europa League last-32, second legManchester City (Wembley) Carabao Cup final Tottenham (H)Fulham (A) Wolves (H) Everton (A) 'It's not very easy because we have no time,' Sarri added
'We're trying to solve our problems. It's not easy. We're trying to talk with the players, trying to avoid some mistakes by video
'It's not easy, because we have to play every three days, so on the pitch we have no time
'The Italian's stubborn refusal to compromise on his 4-3-3 system and possession-based style known as 'Sarri-ball' was ridiculed by the home supporters on Monday
'The system is a false problem,' the 60-year-old added.'I know very well that when we lose I have to put a striker on the pitch
When we win I have to put a defender on the pitch. But I want to see football in another way
'Full-back Davide Zappacosta is a doubt with illness, winger Pedro with a stomach problem and goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga with a hamstring injury
Sarri is uncertain whether Kepa will be fit to play on Sunday, so Willy Caballero could be asked to deputise against his former club with a trophy at stake
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