台北市長柯文 哲與高雄市 長韓國瑜為 台灣現在最 紅的政治人 物
一舉一動都被 用放大鏡檢 視。
有名網友比較 兩人近日作 為
並替柯文哲抱 屈
指柯每天工作 10幾個小 時還被嗆無 心市政、
台北燈會也被 批史上最爛
他怒轟「這有 天理嗎?」 這篇文章引 發許多討論
其中有人冷回 「有沒有可 能你覺得別 人誤解柯
你也同時誤解 了韓呢?」 針對台 北燈節挨轟 史上最爛
柯P今直言「 最爛…會嗎 ?還好啊! 還好啦
他說自己開幕 那天有去
第二天也有坐 車去看一下
雖然人數沒有 開幕那麼多
但還是維持一 定聲量。
至於是不是最 爛燈節?柯 文哲先反問 「跟哪屆比 」
接著表示「跟 歷屆比覺得 差不多」。
網友geth appin ess在P TT發文比 較柯文哲、
他說一個每天 工作10幾 個小時、
被嗆無心市政 ;台北燈會 也被嗆史上 最爛。
另一個每天四 處站台、
累到直接不去 市政會議
結果大家好心 疼、
拚經濟拚到累 倒;此外
2020總統 選舉民調還 打趴所有人 。
該網友說實作 四年比不上 一個講好聽 話三個月
怒轟「這有天 理嗎?」 對此
網友紛紛表示 「有沒有可 能你覺得別 人誤解柯
你也同時誤解 了韓呢?」 、
「白粉崩潰」 、
「你先說說 哪來『每天 』四處站台 」、
「每天工作1 2hr搞網 紅
當然無心市政 」、
「得民心的人 只要順應自 然而為就能 讓老百姓幸 福
反之只要違逆 天道
就算整天嗡嗡 嗡的做
老百姓也不會 得到幸福」 。
但也有網友認 為「還在蜜 月期的本來 民調就會比 較高啊」、
「執政到第二 任多少有包 袱
我覺得他被這 樣打人氣還 這個程度算 不錯了」。
For more infomation >> 柯韓比一比!他替柯P抱屈轟「有天理?」遭一句話冷回 - 当天的新消息 - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
「邦尼LOOK」S10+ / S10 / S10e 正式登場!Samsung Galaxy S10 系列不開箱短評測(Dynamic AMOLED、Exynos 9820、12GB RAM - Duration: 3:55.
Hey everyone
It's my Oden
Watch the last Galaxy Fold movie
Bonnie then brings first-hand information on the Galaxy S10 full range
As the flagship mobile phone closer to the consumer market
Soon today, there are already physical machines in Taiwan.
Follow-up Bonnie will also bring first-hand real machine full depth evaluation
Please give us some time.
Good back to the point
Ten years
If Galaxy Fold is Samsung's ten-year honor
That S10 is leading consumer newsletter
New models to the next generation
Also officially announced that the 5G era is coming
First look at S10 and S10+ to change the maximum appearance
Galaxy S10 pulls the screen ratio away again
The same new Infinity-O Display
Both S10+ and S10 use surface design
In size, S10+ 6.4 吋S10 6.1 吋
The opening is S10+ dual lens S10 single lens
And both use the world's first on-screen ultrasonic fingerprinting
Compared to the previous light sensing identification scheme
Ultrasonic energy has a more stable and higher recognition rate
Other than this
Also announced Samsung's ultrasonic fingerprint identification
Also officially unlocked in the market
Both of them are brand new on Samsung.
Dynamic AMOLED display screen
And support HDR10+
VDE certified
Mobile phone supports 100% DCI-P3 color gamut
Contrast is coming to 2,000,000:1
Other than this
New Eye Comfort screen technology
Reduced harmful blue light by 42%
There are five lenses in the camera part S10+
The next three are
F2.4 12 million remote support OIS
+ 12 million pixels F1.5/F2.4 variable aperture 77 degree wide-angle lens
Same support for OIS
The last one is quite shocking.
16 million pixels F2.2 123 degree super wide-angle lens
Here, through the proofs, let everyone feel how the difference is.
Of course the most complete evaluation content
Still looking forward to the full depth evaluation of S10 brought by Bonnie.
On the video
This is also the world's first recording machine to support HDR10+.
Can greatly restore the scene's true light and shadow and color information
This really makes Bonnie look forward to it.
Of course, the effect looks good. Super Steady Camera
Anti-shake is also a highlight
Self-timer has 10 million pixels
+ 8 million color depth of field camera
And there is no accident in performance.
Taiwan should still be equipped with Exynos Samsung's own processor
Up to 12GB of RAM and 1TB of ROM
You can also insert expansion cards for a total of 1.5TB
Even if you record 4K, it should be quite enough.
Also supports dual card dual standby
WIFI is the network performance with WIFI 6
Cooling on S10+ with soaking plate cooling system
S10 and S10e maintain advanced heat pipe cooling systems
S10+ and S10 power
4100mAh and 3400mAh respectively
Full range of support IP68 waterproof and dustproof
And the main difference between the three
Finally, simply reorganize it.
S10+ and S10 both use curved screens
On-screen ultrasonic fingerprint recognition three lenses
S10e is a flat screen
Side entity fingerprint
Other minor differences
Just wait for our follow-up evaluation and let everyone see it.
Ok, this show is here first.
Bonnie will be launched soon
First-hand evaluation of Taiwan's listed version of the Galaxy S10 physical machine
Don't forget to vote on the Galaxy S10 in the upper right corner
Or leave a message to tell the Bonnie team
You still want to know which function
Or want to see the product test
If you like this program, don't forget to subscribe to Bonnie to help you.
And track our Facebook Instagram
And join Line@ to discuss with us
If you have other questions, don't forget the message below.
Then we will see you next time.
柯韓比一比!他替柯P抱屈轟「有天理?」遭一句話冷回- 热门新闻 - Duration: 3:04.
台北市長柯文 哲與高雄市 長韓國瑜為 台灣現在最 紅的政治人 物,
一舉一動都被 用放大鏡檢 視。
有名網友比較 兩人近日作 為,
並替柯文哲抱 屈,
指柯每天工作 10幾個小 時還被嗆無 心市政、台 北燈會也被 批史上最爛 ,
他怒轟「這有 天理嗎?」 這篇文章引 發許多討論 ,
其中有人冷回 「有沒有可 能你覺得別 人誤解柯,
你也同時誤解 了韓呢?」 針對台 北燈節挨轟 史上最爛,
柯P今直言「 最爛…會嗎 ?還好啊! 還好啦,
我覺得還好」 ,
他說自己開幕 那天有去,
那天人也很多 ,
第二天也有坐 車去看一下 ,
雖然人數沒有 開幕那麼多 ,
但還是維持一 定聲量。
至於是不是最 爛燈節?柯 文哲先反問 「跟哪屆比 」,
接著表示「跟 歷屆比覺得 差不多」。
網友geth appin ess在P TT發文比 較柯文哲、 韓國瑜,
他說一個每天 工作10幾 個小時、被 嗆無心市政 ;台北燈會 也被嗆史上 最爛。
另一個每天四 處站台、四 處發紅包、 天天嗆總統 ,
累到直接不去 市政會議,
結果大家好心 疼、拚經濟 拚到累倒; 此外,
2020總統 選舉民調還 打趴所有人 。
該網友說實作 四年比不上 一個講好聽 話三個月,
怒轟「這有天 理嗎?」 對此,
網友紛紛表示 「有沒有可 能你覺得別 人誤解柯,
你也同時誤解 了韓呢?」 、「白粉崩 潰」、「你 先說說 哪 來『每天』 四處站台」 、「每天工 作12hr 搞網紅,
當然無心市政 」、「得民 心的人只要 順應自然而 為就能讓老 百姓幸福,
反之只要違逆 天道,
就算整天嗡嗡 嗡的做,
老百姓也不會 得到幸福」 。
但也有網友認 為「還在蜜 月期的本來 民調就會比 較高啊」、 「執政到第 二任多少有 包袱,
我覺得他被這 樣打人氣還 這個程度算 不錯了」。
柯韓比一比!他替柯P抱屈轟「有天理?」遭一句話冷回 - Duration: 3:24.
APEPDCL Assistant Engineer Recruitment 2019 | Latest Government Jobs In AP - Duration: 4:04.
APEPDCL Assistant Engineer Recruitment 2019
Latest Government Jobs In AP
柯韓比一比!他替柯P抱屈轟「有天理?」遭一句話冷回 - Duration: 2:19.
有意問鼎20 20總統大 位,
前立法院長王 金平表示與 高雄市長韓 國瑜「心意 相通」、「 他願意配合 我」。
今天韓國瑜受 訪表示尊重 也同意王金 平的說法。
國民黨內多人 有意選總統 ,
由於韓國瑜人 氣高,
媒體報導王金 平是否擔心 韓國瑜影響 到他的大選 之路,
王金平說與韓 國瑜「心意 相通」、「 他願意配合 我」。
韓國瑜在議會 出席一場記 者會後受訪 表示,
與王金平互動 很好,
尊重也同意王 金平說「心 靈相通」。
王金平多次告 訴他不能忽 略宗教家的 情懷,
要用宗教家的 心執行公權 力,
未來會讓高雄 市這個城市 充滿和諧與 愛。
媒體再追問是 否2人心靈 相通?韓國 瑜說,
2人互動非常 好,
在立院也是很 好的朋友、 同事,
他也是立院老 長官,
所以心靈上完 全相通、完 全沒問題。
國民黨主席吳 敦義表示對 韓國瑜參選 2020抱 持「開放」 態度,
不排除徵召韓 。
他要帶頭衝高 雄市的經濟 ,
也要努力發展 影視產業等 ,
心思都在衝刺 經濟,
希望暫時不要 討論總統大 選的事。
市府觀局長潘 恆旭與媒體 對話時說了 ,
如果前新北市 長朱立倫民 調未來未突 破台北市長 柯文哲,
韓國瑜不排除 被徵召。
如果中央一直 砲打高雄,
未來幾個月韓 國瑜問鼎2 020一事 會有變化等 。
潘恆旭向他( 韓國瑜)說 明媒體扭曲 了談話內容 ,
有關對話並非 潘的本意等 ,
他已要求潘恆 旭減少總統 大選議題的 發言,
希望他把觀光 業務做好就 功德無量了 。
Trang trại nuôi bò sữa Mộc Châu chia sẻ bí quyết chăn nuôi! || Máy băm cỏ 3A - Duration: 6:51.
[기억, 하리2] 선공개 #02 우리 이제… 친구에서 연인으로…?|신비아파트 외전 웹드라마 - Duration: 1:26.
Hey, seriously?
Studying even while we're on a trip?
I was just reading a novel.
What's it about?
Something difficult again?
It's a romance novel which is not difficult at all.
(Friendship turning into Love)
What's wrong?
Over there…
I think I saw someone passing by.
That might not be Uncle Furry as he went to meet his guests..
Wasn't that silly Hari again?
I don't think that was Hari.
Do you think so?
한때 '백종원의 골목식당' 빌런이었던 필동 멸치국수집 사장이 뚝섬 경양식·장어집 사장들에 전한 말 - Duration: 1:43.
SBS '백종원 골목식당' 두 째 골목 필동 편 출연했던 멸치국 집 사장 이은수씨 방송 당시에는 빌런'이라 불렸다 백종원의 솔루션 도 자신의 고집을 굽히지 않는 모습 보였기 때문이다 그러나 '골목식 '이 회를 거듭할 수록 셀 수도 없 만큼 많은 '빌 '들이 쏟아져 나 고, 지난 1월에 시청자들에게 ' 런'으로 찍혔던 섬 편 출연자 장 집 사장과 경양식 사장이 유튜브 송을 통해 "골목 당 출연으로 피해 입었다"고 주장 기도 했다. 이에 '원조 빌런'이었 이씨도 유튜브 송을 통해 한 마 를 더했다. 이들 향한 동조가 아 강력한 일침이었 . 지난 13일 씨는 자신의 유튜 채널 '호호아줌 필동멸치국수'를 해 "뚝섬 경양식 장어집에 대해 충 로 필동 멸치국수 사장님의 한 마디 라는 제목의 영상 게시했다.
Win Free Toys At Playtime With Parker. Hot Wheels Toys For Free.
Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 P250 AWD R-Dynamic S Black Pack NP: € 77.525,- - Duration: 1:25.
Zdravotní stav známého producenta a dabéra Jiřího Pomejeho (54), který bojuje s rakovinou hrtanu, se - Duration: 2:22.
Podle Pavla Páska, který promluvil pro Blesk.cz si Jiří Pomeje ani neuvědomil, že v soukromé Nemocnici Na Pleši tolik zhubl
„Je tam spokojený, na nic si nestěžuje a těší se, že ho tam dají do kupy a on odtamtud vypadne," říká Pomejeho blízký přítel
„Člověk by řekl, že ani nemusí být v nemocnici. Ale musí. Dostává potřebné kapačky a pořád kolem něj někdo lítá
Je už moc slabý, pohybovat se může jen stěží, takže čtyřiadvacetihodinovou péči vážně potřebuje," dodal ještě filmový producent Pásek na adresu svého kamaráda
Pavel Pásek Jiřího Pomejeho navštívil v nemocnici poté, co strávil několik týdnů na dovolené v Mexiku
Hned jak přiletěl do České republiky, tak se za ním stavil. To, jak jeho kamarád pohubl, ho zpočátku velmi vyděsilo
Když ale Pásek viděl, jak místní personál o Pomejeho pečuje, tak se zklidnil. Pásek si také všiml, že od té doby, co Pomeje nepije alkohol, je na tom psychicky mnohem lépe
„Paráda si s ním povídat," řekl s úsměvem Pásek. Tak alespoň to. Psychická pohoda může být pro Pomejeho v boji s rakovinou velmi silnou zbraní
Céline Dion, une situation financière compliquée, la rumeur court - Duration: 1:30.
swing golf:Comment améliorer le contact de balle avec la jambe pivot - Duration: 5:50.
LOTTO RESULT 4PM | FEBRUARY 21 2019 | PCSO - Duration: 1:31.
Good day! Here are the results of the Lotto draws this morning, 4pm Feb 21 2019
As an important reminder, please do not share or entrust your tickets
and you must be at least 18 years old to play the lottery
EZ2 Lotto 4pm Feb 21 2019
Suertres 4pm Feb 21 2019
Pares 9pm 4pm Feb 21 2019 Swe3 9pm 4pm Feb 21 2019 2 Digits 9pm 4pm Feb 21 2019
Congratulations to all the winner!
'Michael Jackson abused me when I was seven - but he was also so kind to me' - Duration: 6:12.
As the 10th anniversary of his death approaches, Michael Jackson 's legacy is still very much alive
The star revered as the King of Pop retains an army of devoted fans and his many hit songs mean his estate rakes in more than £300million a year
But child abuse allegations, never proven in his lifetime, have remained a blemish on the singer's name
Now, explosive documentary, Leaving Neverland, could be about to deal his reputation a killer blow
Its trailer reveals the first glimpses of harrowing interviews with alleged victims Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who stayed with Jackson as kids and shared his bed
Wade tells viewers: "He was one of the kindest people I knew but he also sexually abused me
"I was seven years old. Every night I was with him, there was abuse. I want to be able to speak the truth as loud as I had to speak the lie for so long
" The four-hour Channel 4 film contains graphic details of sex acts Jackson allegedly made his victims perform
They also detail other things the singer made them do while he masturbated in front of them
And they say he gave them alcohol and showed them porn when they got older. James says in the film: "It was all a big seduction
It still feels shameful." Director Dan Reed spent four years making Leaving Neverland and after interviewing Wade and James and their families, he has no doubt Jackson was a child sex abuser
He said: "For so many years, Jackson claimed he shared a bed with children for innocent reasons
If we hadn't had these graphic, shocking descriptions of the sexual activity that took place, people might just think it was only hugs that were a bit intimate
"We thought it was important to make clear that this was sex, not just affectionate touching
" But the film is controversial as Wade and James previously defended Jackson when other child abuse allegations surfaced
Jackson, who died aged 50 on June 25, 2009, always denied sexually abusing children
In 2005, he was acquitted of molesting Gavin Arvizo, 13. Wade said at the trial the singer had never abused him and gave evidence to support him
But in the film, he says he felt obliged to help because Jackson was so kind. He claims Jackson said if their "secret" ever came out they would both go to jail
Wade insists he only recently came to terms with the abuse and told his family. Jackson's estate has criticised the film in a 10-page letter to HBO, which will air it in the US
They deny the allegations and condemned Dan for not speaking to them or their legal team
The Jackson family calls the film "yet another lurid production in an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in on Michael"
A statement adds: "Wade Robson and James Safechuck both testified under oath that Michael never did anything inappropriate
" And Jackson's brother Jermaine said: "There was no real evidence. Our family are tired
Let this man rest, there is no truth to this." Wade and James visited Jackson at his Neverland Ranch in California many times as children – with their families and, later, alone
The film also claims Jackson seduced the families of alleged victims with holidays and gifts
As the trailer was released, Dan said: "The majority of fans will be shocked to hear this compelling case of abuse, as I was
When I came into this I had no fixed opinion about whether he was or wasn't a paedophile
"I believed he was a good guy, made good music, seemed nice to children, and I think most people were in that grey area
Sadly, it turns out he was a sexual predator and I think a lot of people are going to rethink their view of him
" James met Jackson as a 10-year-old model and actor when he worked on the singer's 1988 Pepsi advert
They became close, with Jackson staying at the Safechuck family home. He even took James on his Bad tour as a performer
At around the same time, Jackson met Wade after he won a lookalike dance contest in Australia
Wade, like James, says he has now found the courage to speak out and claims the star abused him from seven to 14
Dan thinks more victims will come forward after the film airs. He told Vice magazine: "We wanted to focus on James and Wade and their families, who had long relationships with Jackson
I'm sure there are others who will come out when the time is right for them. We'll see
" Now, what also remains to be seen is whether Jackson's legacy will remain intact
Sacar a flote meaning - Duration: 1:18.
When we use this expression, what we mean is that
we save a very bad economic situation or, at least,
that we manage to have a decent life
I'll give you two examples to make it clearer.
Despite being a single mother, she was able to get her three children afloat.
If I can not get my company afloat, I'll have to close.
If you want to practice, use an example below and I'll correct you.
remember to "like" this post and
Remember that if you want more Spanish classes, you can visit YOURSPANISHGUIDE.COM
You have free stuff and things that are premium
but they are worth it.
See you in the next video, bye.
"Mystère aux bords des gaves" un escape-game des Archives départementales des Landes - Duration: 2:53.
Cold exposure in the lake | otuzovanie Zlate piesky 17.2.2019 - Duration: 1:46.
My glasses...
What's with them?
Hello from Zlate piesky lake in Bratislava,
I am here with Marcelka,
and we're gonna take some evening bath,
because the sun is already set.
The sun is here.
So we're looking forward to the water.
You've not taken bath for some time.
Perhaps for 3 weeks.
So we're gonna enjoy it for two minutes, at least.
Let's go for it.
Good... although you can't see nothing,
but we're going into the water.
Just wait, let there be light.
You can see, now.
We're ready in the swimsuits,
and here is the water.
Can you see? This is the moon.
Two of them.
Once a "moon"/month (in Slovak the same word)
and in two months (just a wordplay)
We are back! We are alive.
Just wake up (to the phone).
It was great, we did it.
- It was awesome. - It looks we were there for 5 minutes.
But we enjoyed it a lot. Fantastic soft water,
view to the moon, fabulous, stars above our heads,
- it was a real pleasure. - yes, it was great.
So I look forward to next time.
Bye there!
US: LOOK: Zion Williamson sprains knee, blows through shoe vs. UNC, sending Twitter into a frenzy - Duration: 2:31.
Breaking Celeb News | Serena Williams, Amal Clooney co-hosting Meghan Markle's baby shower - Duration: 2:41.
【Samsung Galaxy S10+ S10】懶人包 3 分鐘睇盡10大重點 - Duration: 10:56.
在香港時間今日凌晨,Samsung 就在美國三藩市發佈了新一代的 S 系旗艦手機 S10 系列,
究竟全新的 Galaxy S10 系列有甚麼特點?就讓 Edward 用 3 分鐘時間為大家簡單介紹它們的 10 個重點設計及功能吧
1. 機邊弧度似 Note 9 熒幕更大
在設計上,S10 / S10 Plus 與上代 S9 / S9 Plus 差不多,不過熒幕尺寸分別增加至 6.1 吋及 6.4 吋,
最難得是機身體積未有比上代 S9 系列大很多
不過弧度就採用 Note 9 般彎得比較急的設計,有別於上代 S9 系列「慢慢收」的弧度的風格,
這改動是否好就見仁見智,不過筆者覺得這種設計,加上機身厚度由上代 8.5mm 減至今代的 7.8mm,
2. 採用 Infinity-O 真正全熒幕
去年不少具備屏佔比高設計的手機,都採用「M 字額」或者「水滴型」全熒幕設計,
不過 Samsung 就早已在 A8s 上使用了在左上角開孔放入前置鏡頭的 Infinity-O 全熒幕設計,
Samsung 今次推出 S10 系列,
就再次應用這個 Infinity-O 熒幕,不過前置鏡頭開孔位就改為在熒幕右上角
3. S10 Plus 支援雙前鏡設計
相信心水清的讀者也會見到,S10 與 S10 Plus 的前置鏡頭是有分別的:前者只有 1 個鏡頭,
而後者就有 2 個鏡頭,原因是 Samsung 在 S10 Plus 上同時加入了 RGB Depth 鏡頭,
而 S10 就因為只有一個前鏡頭
4. 首度引入超聲波熒幕下指紋。除了 3D 人臉辨識外,Samsung 亦在 S10 及 S10 Plus 上內建了採用 Qualcomm 技術的超聲波熒幕下指紋辨識器,
這亦是首個 Samsung 應用此技術的旗艦手機系列
5. 首度採用 Exynos 9820 / Qualcomm S855 處理器 + 12GB RAM + 1TB 內存
除了機身設計外,Samsung Galaxy S10 系列在性能上亦十分強勁,無論是比較入門的 S10e,
又或者是 S10 或 S10 Plus,也內建了採用 8nm 制程的 Exynos 9820 處理器或 7nm 制程的 Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 處理器
(港版估計應會是採用後者),如果屬實,相信應是首部在香港發佈採用 S855 處理器的港行手機
除了處理器外,S10 系列最基本的版本,也已內建了 8GB RAM + 128GB 內置儲存空間,
而最頂級硬件配置的 S10 Plus 版本,更內建了 12GB RAM 及 1TB 內置儲存空間,
在手機上同樣屬於首次!由此可見,Samsung Galaxy S10 系列在硬件上,確實屬於怪獸級別
6. 全新熒幕大幅減少藍光更護眼
顯示方面,Samsung 在 S10 系列上亦有突破,它首次內建了 Dynamic AMOLED 熒幕,
它採用了 DCI-P3 100% 色域,相比以往的 Super AMOLED 熒幕,不但可以顯示更多顏色,色準亦更加準確
此外,它支援 1,200nits 亮度,即使在日光下也可以清晰看到熒幕上的內容
另外,S10 系列的熒幕更通過了 TUV 萊恩減低藍光認證,
相比前代 S10 系列的熒幕藍光大幅減少了 42%,而且不會出現輕微偏黃的問題,值得一讚
此外,它亦支援播放 HDR 10+ 格式的影片,
但它暫時只支援瀏覽 Amazon Prime 及部分 YouTube 平台的 HDR 10+ 影片,Netflix 上的就要再等一等了
7. 更快無線充電兼可逆向充電。去到 Galaxy S10 / S10 Plus,Samsung 當然仍保留了無線充電功能,而且更升級至無線快充 2.0 制式,
相比去年推出的 S9 及 Note 9,無線充電速度可獲 33% 及 29% 的提升
另外,Samsung 亦在 S10 系列中加入了無線逆向快充功能,不但可以為其他支援無線充電的手機充電,亦可以為配件進行無線充電
8. 加入超廣角鏡更適合群拍。至於鏡頭方面,Samsung Galaxy S10 / S10 Plus 亦採用了 3 鏡頭設計,
分別為主攝鏡、超廣角鏡及遠攝鏡,當中的超廣角鏡頭,拍攝廣角可達 123 度,
9. 多色設計 + 首現陶瓷機身
今代 Samsung S10 系列,Samsung 仍然保留了多種機身顏色的設計:S10 就有 4 種基本顏色白、黑、灰、藍,
而 S10 Plus 就在基本色的基礎上加上了粉紅色,而較入門的 S10e,就在基礎色上加入了獨家的黃色機身
值得留意的是,S10 Plus 更同時推出特別版,採用了黑、白兩種顏色的陶瓷機身,相比一復玻璃機背,明顯更加漂亮
10. 3 月 5 日正式推出售價待定
至於推出日期,Samsung 在發佈會中就公佈會在 3 月 5 日正式推出,首批發售的國家及地區,
香港亦有包括在內,換言之半個月後,大家就可以玩到這部新一代 Samsung 旗艦手機了
LOOK: Zion Williamson sprains knee, blows through shoe vs. UNC, sending Twitter into a frenzy - Duration: 2:49.
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Mazda MX-5 : une très rare version coupé est à vendre - Duration: 3:21.
Xi Jinping, l'appli-propagande qui fait chauffer les smartphones - Duration: 7:41.
土屋太鳳&志尊淳、年男・年女で「バンブルビー」アフレコ - Duration: 2:01.
写真拡大 (全2枚
女優、土屋太鳳(2 )と俳優、志尊淳( 3)が21日、東京 都内で米映画「バン ルビー」(スティー ン・S・デナイト監 、3月22日公開) 日本語版吹き替え版 フレコを行った。
同作は、大ヒット米 画「トランスフォー ー」シリーズの原点 描く。地球外生命体 主人公、バンブルビ とヒロイン、チャー ー(土屋)、チャー ーに恋心を抱く少年 メモ(志尊)の友情 語。
収録は別々に行われ が、この日は2人で われ、身ぶり手ぶり 土屋と、表情豊かな 尊の掛け合いは、息 ピッタリ。土屋が「 一緒できてやっと会 た、うれしい気持ち す」と興奮すれば、 尊も「役に寄り添う とを考えて演じた」 充実の表情を見せた
また、2人が199 年生まれの年男・年 で土屋が今月3日、 尊が3月5日のこと ら、バンブルビーを した黄色の特製ケー がサプライズで贈ら ると2人は「うわっ すごい」と大喜び った。
「DYNAMIC CHORD the STAGE」のティザービジュアルと追加キャストが発表された。 - Duration: 1:53.
Cristi Borcea și Carmen Dan, legătură neașteptată! Cum a ajuns sora Ministrului de Interne să-și ofe - Duration: 3:35.
BASİT AMA ETKİLİ - Iron Snout Türkçe Oynanış - Gameplay - Duration: 10:55.
Sophie Marceau célibataire, elle refuse les avances d'un célèbre réalisateur - Duration: 1:09.
swing golf:Comment améliorer le contact de balle avec la jambe pivot - Duration: 5:50.
Vinaigre de figue de Barbarie | Recette et bienfaits - Duration: 4:02.
Hello everyone.
Here is how to make prickly pear vinegar.
Clean and purée the prickly pears.
Remove the black areoles with a knife, like this.
Wash the fruits and keep the peel.
Purée the fruit.
Put the pulp in a jar.
The ideal storage temperature range is: 25-30 °C / 77-86 °F.
Cover the jar with a cloth and rubber band to let the gasses escape...
...and prevent bugs from entering.
Since it is winter, I had to store it a little longer.
Here is the result after 2.5 months (temperature: 18-19 °C / 64-66 °F).
Notice the mother of vinegar..
This gelatinous substance.
You can check the pH level with litmus paper.
My vinegar has an acidity level of about 4, so it is ready.
Filter the vinegar.
Betalains give to this vinegar a beautiful color.
It is absolutely delicious.
Prickly pear vinegar has several therapeutic properties.
It is a natural antibiotic and antibacterial agent.
It is a source of malic acid: a powerful detoxifying agent.
If you liked this recipe, support my project on Tipeee. Thanks, until next time!
(Eng Sub) 슈앤트리 그것이 알고싶다! (Q&A 답변) - Duration: 10:24.
Hello! This is SHU AND TREE
I've found so many replies from the Q/A video.
It seems that those questions are quite similar
So, I'd like to answer them from now on.
Question1 What made you the pet(dog) groomer?
6 years ago,
I was an ordinary office worker.
I didn't graduate from a special grooming school.
My family had little puppy, Yorkshire Terrier, JJong.
She used to be an abandoned dog but my daddy decided to have her.
She became one of my best friends.
Someday, I gave her a little haircut.
just with a clipper!
My sister came back home and asked me.
'Has she got a hair cut at a dog grooming shop?'
I told her that I groomed her.
But she never believed me.
Suddenly, I realized that I may be talented at pet grooming.
That's the why I started the pet grooming.
I registered for a evening pet grooming class after work.
My life was tough at that time since I had to go to the class right after working.
I always practiced at the class until the closing time.
It was so much fun for me even though I got sometimes tired.
Enjoying the grooming,
I got a certificate and prize, working as a grooming trainer.
I finally met SHU at that time.
This is the reason i stared the grooming work.
hope it's a good answer for you.
Question2 How many years have you worked as a groomer?
I went to the grooming class for a year
and worked as a grooming trainer for the next year.
Well, But I didn't enjoy training
I was interested in grooming than in training.
After quitting the trainer job, I started to grooming at a pet shop.
At a veterinary clinic and my shop, Shu and Tree,
I've been working for 5 years.
It is total 7 years including 2 year experience at grooming class.
Question3 Happy/unhappy experience as a pet groomer.
Let's begin with the happy things.
It's the best job that I can be with my puppies, Shu and Tree
I'm really pleased that the customers are happy with the grooming.
One more,
I feel thrilled with the likes and support of you on video reply.
Next, Hard things,
I can spend days telling you this.
First, It's physically tough.
5 minute video is edited
form 3 or 4 hour grooming.
It's not easy work with 3 or 4 hour scissoring since I feel tired for my fingers and arms.
I exhausted if the puppy gets easily distracted.
You know, puppies can't talk.
I wish they could tell what they like or hate while grooming.
Then I can be more careful for what they don't like.
It's absolutely important talking with the owner about the puppy before grooming.
Communication with them let me know more about the puppies.
If you have a plant to go to any grooming shop,
Communication with the groomer about any detail for the puppy would help her.
Question4 How to make puppies relax while bathing and grooming.
This is kind of difficult to answer.
I have to be honest that no puppy likes grooming.
There might be exception.
But most of them get stressed.
They certainly need the bathing and grooming.
except for some breeds.
It's tough but important to groom
not making puppies get so much stressed.
I try to make them feel comfortable as much as I can.
Spa can be the way!
If the puppy doesn't get scared of water,
I can make him relaxed with the spa.
I can also focus on grooming with him.
at a quiet atmosphere.
There is no such special skill.
Please let me know if you have a better idea!
Question5 What hair-cutting tools I use.
I've found many groomer, trainee and pet owner who gives his pet the hair cut.
I'd like to briefly introduce my tools.
These are Madan's Curve Scissors.(from Japan)
I use it to delicately trim around paws and in front of eyes.
A lot of people asked about these scissors.
It's no brand.
I got them from Taobao.
These are better at cutting than plain ones.
These are normal A-shin Scissors.(from Korea)
I use them conveniently for any parts.
These are Utsumi Super Curve Scissors.(from japan)
I love these Japanese ones
and use them for making a round shaped head.
Question6 What made you create the grooming videos?
I wanted to keep the memory of Shu and Tree with making video
and share it with others.
It's same for the grooming videos.
They are actually my portfolio.
Many people started to be interested in our channel and videos.
Thank you for your likes and support.
I will continue to make good videos that can make you happy and smile.
We are so grateful for your support.
I answered some of your questions.
hope it is the good answer for you.
I will try to answer more question
and communicate with you all.
Thank you for watching the video!
See you again!
To be continued.
Waddup, humans? Kurumi here!
And welcome to the Mobile Legends Boot Camp!
In this video, we are going to talk about the mage-fighter, Guinevere.
Guinevere has a good set of blink, crowd-control skills, and burst skills.
Our Miss Violet, Guinevere, is a mage-fighter hero.
I consider Guinevere as a mobile fighter-mage since her skills,
grants Guinevere the ability to dash and blink.
Her second skill grants a jump into an area, knocking up enemies hit.
Not only that, her passive lets her chase an enemy by dashing.
She also doesn't require mana to use her skills, which is a good thing.
Her basic attack is converted to Magic Damage from her Physical and Magic Power.
Now, let me share some tips and tricks on how to use Guinevere based on my experience.
I will also teach you some combos and techniques on the latter part of this boot camp.
But before that, let me explain her skills one by one for further understanding.
Guinevere's passive, Super Magic,
boosts her attack and lets her chase enemies effectively.
When Guinevere hits an enemy that is knocked-up,
the damage dealt will be increased by a certain percentage.
The bar below her health points is the bar for her accumulated super magic.
She gains super magic for each damage dealt to enemies.
When the bar is full, her next basic attack is enhanced,
making that attack dash or chase towards the enemy.
The damage dealt by the chase is based on a percentage of her Physical and Magic power.
Not only that, it also recovers a percentage of her lost health points.
Guinevere's first skill, Energy Wave,
lets Guinevere send an energy orb towards a specified direction.
It deals a certain amount of Magic Damage to the first enemy hit,
and slowing the target hit by a certain percentage.
When this skill hits an enemy,
the cool down of her skills are reduced by 1 second.
Her second skill, Magic Thump, lets Guinevere thump to the designated area.
If she hits enemies, she will knock the enemies up in the area.
Enemies hit will receive Magic Damage dealt by the skill.
After using the skill, she now gains a new skill Spatial Migration.
Spatial Migration lets Guinevere dash towards the designated direction,
leaving a magical image behind, and disappearing briefly.
The illusion left behind explodes and deals Magic Damage upon disappearing.
Guinevere's ultimate skill, Violet Requiem, releases her Magical Power,
dealing Magic Damage to nearby enemies within 2 seconds.
If the enemies hit are on a knocked-up state, they will have an additional knock-up effect.
Each enemies hit that are knocked-up will be continued to be knocked-up for 6 times.
Take note that this skill is channeling.
Meaning, when you move or use a skill, your ultimate skill will stop.
There are so many items that you can buy for Guinevere.
You can either focus on cool down items,
or items that gives you high magic power and durability.
For me, I choose to buy items that grants cool down reduction,
magic penetration, and health points.
As for starting item, you can consider buying Rapid Boots,
this will grant you 80 additional Movement speed.
Its Unique Passive will reduce your movement speed by 40 upon dealing damage to enemies.
You might want to consider Calamity Reaper.
This grants you Magic Power, Mana, Mana Regen, and Cool Down Reduction.
But do take note that Guinevere doesn't have Mana.
Its unique passive will buff your next basic attack after using a skill.
Your next basic attack will deal extra true damage,
equivalent to a percentage of your Magic Attack.
This unique passive has a short cool down.
Your movement speed is also boosted after being granted with the buff.
Buying attack items such as Berserker's Fury can boost your damage effectively.
This item gives you additional physical attack and critical chance.
Its unique passive grants you additional critical damage on your critical hits.
Also, dealing critical hits will increase your physical attack by a certain amount,
for a short period of time.
For Guinevere, physical attack still affects her basic attack,
which is converted to Magic Damage afterwards.
You can also consider Scarlet Phantom.
This item grants physical attack, attack speed, and critical chance.
Its unique passive grants you additional attack speed and critical chance,
after dealing a critical hit to an enemy.
This buff lasts for a few seconds.
Another item to keep in your tab is Concentrated Energy.
It provides additional Health Points, magic power, and magical life steal.
Magical Life Steal can greatly increase your survivability,
since this also lets you life steal with your magical basic attack.
This is pretty helpful since Guinevere usually dives in team fights.
Lastly, you can consider Divine Glaive.
This item grants magic power.
Its unique effect grants a certain percentage of magic penetration on your skills.
In addition, its unique passive grants extra magic penetration
when your HP is above a certain amount.
The item build for Guinevere really depends on the enemy's line up.
So make sure to read each item's description so you can adapt in-game.
One of the best spell to be used on Guinevere is Petrify.
You can use petrify to deal magic damage to enemies around you,
and petrifies them for a few moments.
This can really help you, and your team mates, attack enemies peacefully when they are petrified.
You might also want to consider Sprint.
This grants you additional movement speed.
After using Sprint, it reduces the time controlled on your hero,
and it grants you immunity against slowing effects for 3 seconds.
In my opinion, the best emblem set to be used is the Custom Mage Emblem set.
Custom Mage Emblem could provide extra stats according to your needs as a Fighter-Mage.
Set Agility to its Max level because it can give you additional Movement Speed.
Higher Movement Speed means higher chance to chase enemies or escape death.
Setting Observation to max level will provide additional magic penetration on your skills.
Higher magic penetration deals more magic damage to enemies.
That means, your skills will be more explosive.
Get Impure Rage to deal extra damage depending on the enemy's current HP.
Impure Rage also restores your mana.
But do take note again that Guinevere has no mana.
For me, it's the best thing to get since Impure Rage has only 5 seconds cooldown.
This makes her skills more powerful with Impure Rage since it has low cooldown.
Set first skill to max level first.
Prioritizing this makes the base damage higher, and cool down lower.
That means, you can deal more damage to the target with this skill.
Prioritize second skill less since first skill is what you need for slowing down enemies.
Always upgrade ultimate skill when available for upgrading.
Guinevere can be considered as one of the fighters with good crowd-control.
With her second and ultimate skill,
these can be a good alternative for Minotaur's ultimate skill.
Guinevere's basic attack is a combination of her Physical and Magic Power,
which is converted to Magic Damage.
On this scenario, take note of my basic attack damage.
Now, I'll buy an item to increase my Physical Attack.
You can see a slight increase in my basic attack.
Now, I'll buy an item to increase my Magic Power.
You can see a slight increase in my basic attack as well.
This just means that both Physical and Magic Power,
affects her basic magic attack damage.
Her first skill lets you slow down enemies.
You can use it to either chase enemies, or use it to run away from the enemies.
Just make sure to aim this skill properly,
since having this skill hit an enemy will reduce your skills' cool down by 1 second.
Her second skill has a really long range.
This is somehow similar to Gatot Kaca's Ultimate skill.
This lets her knock-up enemies hit.
You can also use this skill to dash towards the area to chase enemies,
or escape death.
For her skill Spatial Migration, This lets her dash towards your specified direction,
just like Gusion's ultimate skill on its second activation.
This skill makes her pretty mobile,
making it easy for her to control the crowd in team fights.
Make sure to anticipate enemies' movement, to make this skill hit.
Her ultimate skill is very useful, specially in combo with her second skill.
This lets her knock-up the enemies again 6 times more.
I find this skill pretty useful with Saber's ultimate skill.
Watch closely as the enemy will be knocked-up to eternity.
Good for the enemy, she can view the blue skies from above.
In terms of combo with her ultimate skill, I usually follow a combo for Guinevere.
First, I jump towards the area using Magic Thump.
Then, when the enemies are knocked-up, I use Violet Requiem.
This will let them stay longer in the air.
Then, I use my first skill.
This will lessen my skills' cool down by 1 second.
Then, if there is a need, I use Spatial Migration to chase the enemy.
In terms of combo without her ultimate skill, I usually follow a combo for Guinevere.
First, I use Magic Thump to knock-up the enemy.
Then, I use my first skill to slow the target down.
Then, I deal basic attacks to gain Super Magic charges for my passive.
Then, I use Spatial Migration to chase if the enemy tries to run away.
Additional tip, always remember that when using your second skill,
you are not a superhero with skin of steel.
You are still a human being who still gets hurt.
The tips I mentioned are just some of the ways you can use Guinevere.
This video just guides you on how to use Guinevere, the Kurumi way.
So, once again.
This is Kurumi and that's how you use Guinevere.
Thanks for watching!
Do not forget to like and share this video.
Also subscribe to my channel for more contents by clicking on the subscribe button below.
For our skin giveaway events, check out the featured video on our channel for the mechanics.
See you on the next Mobile Legends Boot Camp!
Audi A1 30 TFSI : plus polyvalente que jamais - Duration: 2:05.
Mazda 3 Skyactiv-G 2019 Moteurs Mazda 3 2019 - Duration: 2:06.
Les symptômes du cancer : 6 signes qu'il faut absolument aller voir votre médecin - Duration: 5:05.
Le cancer fait partie des maladies les plus redoutées à travers le monde, et le simple fait de le mentionner suffit à en faire frissonner plus d'un.
En effet, cette maladie se décline d'une multitude de manières, et sa capacité à toucher plusieurs organes séparément ou de façon simultanée en fait un ennemi difficile à abattre.
Au vu des dernières données publiées par l'OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé), dépister le cancer à un stade précoce devient plus important que jamais.
En effet, la maladie aurait entraîné la mort de 9,6 millions de personnes en 2018, face à un chiffre alarmant de 18 millions de nouveaux cas dépistés mondialement.
Avant de se pencher sur les symptômes qui le caractérisent, il est primordial de comprendre en quoi le cancer consiste. Cancer : explication.
Si l'on tient à synthétiser le procédé par lequel le cancer se manifeste, l'ouvrage The Cell : A Molecular Approachest un allié de taille pour en comprendre le mécanisme de manière simple et précise.
Comme l'explique son auteur, le professeur Geoffrey M
Cooper, lauréat du prix NAS en biologie moléculaire, le développement du cancer résulte d'un développement anarchique de cellules cancéreuses,
dû à une accumulation d'anomalies au niveau des systèmes régulateurs des cellules.
Lorsque les cellules normales commencent à se multiplier de façon irrégulière et désordonnée,
les risques de prolifération de cellules cancéreuses augmentent, menaçant ainsi d'affecter les tissus voisins et de se propager dans tout l'organisme. Types de cancer.
Selon l'Institut National du Cancer en France, cette maladie se décline en plusieurs types en fonction de la nature du tissu dans lequel elle se développe.
Ainsi, il existe les carcinomes qui affectent les tissus recouvrant les surfaces internes ou externes du corps (organes ou peau),
les sarcomes qui affectent les tissus de support (les muscles, la graisse, et les os) et enfin les cancers hématopoïétiques qui se manifestent au niveau du sang et des organes lymphoïdes.
Selon les dernières données recueillies par cet organisme : "On estime à 382 000 le nombre de nouveaux cas de cancers (incidence) et à 157 400 le nombre de décès (mortalité) en 2018 en France.
Les cancers les plus fréquents sont ceux de la prostate, du sein, du côlon-rectum et du poumon".
En dépit du fait que chaque type de cancer possède des symptômes qui lui sont propres, plusieurs d'entre eux s'appliquent de manière générale.
The UK National Health Service (NHS) identifie six symptômes auxquels vous devez absolument prêter attention afin d'aller consulter votre médecin au plus tôt.
Celles-ci peuvent apparaître dans différentes parties du corps, et se caractérisent par une croissance rapide. L'apparition de masses dures ou de boules. 1.
Situées notamment au niveau des seins, des aisselles, ou encore des testicules, elles nécessitent un examen professionnel avant d'être considérées bénignes.
Si la toux dure plus de trois semaines, et que vous êtes sujet à un essoufflement persistant ou des douleurs thoraciques, faites appel à un avis médical. Une toux persistante.
Ces symptômes pourraient être reliés à un cancer des poumons ou à un cas de pneumonie sévère. Un changement au niveau des selles .
Ces changements peuvent inclure du sang au niveau des selles, des ballonnements persistants,
une diarrhée ou une constipation sans raison apparente, ainsi qu'une douleur au niveau de l'abdomen ou de l'anus.
Si ces symptômes durent plusieurs semaines, une visite médicale est impérative. Des saignements inexpliqués.
Comme pour les selles, les saignements qui se manifestent dans l'urine, dans les vomissures,
mêlés à la toux, et entre les périodes de règles chez la femme doivent obligatoirement être contrôlés par un médecin.
Ceux-ci font partie des symptômes les plus communs d'un cancer. Un changement au niveau des grains de beauté.
Comme l'explique NHS, les grains de beauté peuvent représenter un mélanome malin (cancer de la peau),
surtout si vous observez les changements suivants : Une forme asymétrique ou irrégulière. Un bord irrégulier ou un contour imprécis.
La présence de plus d'une couleur sur un grain de beauté (marron, noir, rose, rouge, ou blanc).
Des démangeaisons, des croûtes, ou des saignements. Un diamètre supérieur à 7mm. Une perte de poids inexpliquée.
Bien que plusieurs facteurs puissent influencer la perte de poids, il est recommandé de consulter un médecin si celle-ci ne peut être justifiée par un changement de régime alimentaire, la pratique d'un exercice physique, ou un stress quotidien.
Don Johnson's Family: Married 5 Times and 5 Kids - Duration: 4:06.
Don Johnson is a real Hollywood macho, who captured the hearts of millions of women all
across the globe.
Heroic roles in dozens of movies let him create a successful career in the filmmaking business
as well as become an international star.
As a child, Don dreamt of pursuing a career in sports, however acting won his heart and
he started performing at school plays and later in the University.
He first debuted on a big screen in 1970, yet shot to fame only in 1980s, having featured
in a TV series Miami Vice.
For the role of a bad cop he received the Golden Globe Award and was literally piled
up with offers after that.
Despite the fact that Don is successful professionally, he can also boast of a bright and vivid personal
life and five children.
Don's father Wayne had several jobs such as a carpenter, a plumber and an electrician.
When Don's mother Nell died, he remarried a woman named Darlene and had been with her
until the death in 2017.
The mother Nell worked the biggest part of her life in a beauty salon.
She gave birth to a movie star at the age of 17 and then produced three more children
with Wayne.
She suffered from cancer and in 1975, at the age of just 42 passed away.
Linda is a younger sister to a famous performer.
She is a singer, who is known as Jamie Skylar.
She has tough relationship with Don and once even accused him of dealing with drugs and
Greg is another sibling but there is no information about him.
It is only known that he is married to a woman Vanessa.
Casey was one more brother who died in 2008, aged 51.
Unfortunately, nothing much is known about his life.
From the dad's second marriage, there is a half-sister named Deanne.
No information about her life or occupation is available.
When Wayne was alive, he once stated that he had a son Kim, who also died.
The famous film star was married five times.
The first time he tied the knot was in 1968 and the second time in 1973.
Both of these marriages didn't last long and were very soon cancelled.
Perhaps, that's why even the names of the first two wives are not known.
Nonetheless, they say that the first one was a dancer and the second one a lover of some
rich man.
Since 1981 and till 1985, Johnson had been in a relationship with Patti D'Arbanville,
who is a model and an actress.
Melanie Griffith was the actor's spouse twice.
They met in 1972 when she was only 15 and began dating.
In 1976 they got married but divorced a couple of months later.
In 1989 they walked down the aisle once again and had been together until the divorce in 1996.
In 1999, Don walked Kelley Phleger down to the altar and ever since that time they have
been happily living together.
With the ex-girlfriend Patti, the Hollywood star has a son Jesse, who was delivered in
Like a famous dad, he is also a recognized actor.
With Griffith, there is a daughter Dakota, who was born in 1989.
She works as an actress as well as a model.
With the fifth wife Kelley, there are three kids.
Atherton was welcomed in 1999 and she works as a photographer as well as a model.
In 2002, the couple became parents to a son Jasper, who is now a basketball player.
The third and the youngest child is a son Deacon, who became a wonderful addition in
He is very passionate about video games and is quite popular on social media.
Dragonlight by CAMystery - The KineMasters - Duration: 1:11.
Hello, everyone! I'm Hui. Welcome to CAMystery.
First, stabilize your phone with a tripod. Find a suitable light source.
Take a video similar to the one on screen.
In KineMaster, create a vertical project and import your video.
Slide the timeline to the moment the dragon should appear. Tap 'Layer' then 'media' to import the dragon video.
Tap 'Blending' then 'Screen'.
Scale and position the dragon.
That's it!
Cristiano Ronaldo: You'll never believe what Juventus star did AFTER Atletico loss - Duration: 2:57.
Ronaldo, who has won the last three Champions Leagues with Real Madrid, was part of the Juve team beaten 2-0 in the last-16 first leg
It comes in his first season with the Old Lady, having made an £88million switch from the Spanish capital last season
But the Portuguese star returned to the city last night in the crunch tie. Ronaldo was booed by Atletico fans after his success with rivals Real Madrid
And Ronaldo couldn't resist getting his own back during the game as he held up five fingers to signify the amount of Champions League titles he has to his name
Four of those came with Real Madrid while Ronaldo also won one crown with Manchester United
Atletico Madrid have never won the Champions League, finishing runners-up as three times
Twice of those were to Ronaldo and Real Madrid with the most recent coming in 2016
And despite Diego Simeone's side getting the better of Juventus, Ronaldo reminded Atletico of his tally post game
When walking through the media mixed zone, Ronaldo again put up his hand before showing a zero sign, signifying five titles for him and none for Atletico
When asked about his gesture, Ronaldo simply responded: "I have five Champions Leagues, you have none
" And after Atletico's second, scored by Diego Godin, deflected off Ronaldo, the five-time Ballon d'Or winner was warned by ESPN pundit Alejandro Moreno
"There was a moment in the game where Ronaldo flashed five fingers on his hand to the crowd," Moreno said
"If you're going to be that guy, you cannot then be the same guy that turns away from Diego Godin when he's about to score the second goal
"Then you have to defend. Because otherwise you turn your back, it deflects off you and goes in
"If you're Cristiano Ronaldo and you like the attention then you've got to like it both ways
Leonardo DiCaprio, un enfant caché, la photo choc - Duration: 1:20.
小米 9 正式登場,三主相機 + 水滴屏設計 - Duration: 5:34.
早早已經自曝部分外觀設計和規格的小米 9,終於正式在發佈會上亮相了
是由 12MP f/2.2 遠攝相機、48MP f/1.75 廣角相機、16MP f/2.2 117° 超廣角相機,
其中標準廣角相機更特意重調是用上 Sony IMX586 感光元件,
也支援 1.6μm 畫素四合一技術和鐳射 + 相位自動對焦
其 AI 相機的功能能夠辨識不同場景和手持夜景模式,
6.39 吋的小米 9 用上 FHD+(2340x1080)的 AMOLED 水滴屏,顯示比例是修長的 19.5:9,
同時支援第五代屏下指紋和以前置 20MP 相機來實現的面部解鎖方案
特別的是小米 9 是用上新的 2.5D 第六代大猩猩玻璃來保護螢幕,
採用全曲面設計的機身則是第五代大猩猩玻璃包裹著;整台機僅重 173g,說是同尺寸競品中屬於最輕薄的一款
小米 9 不意外地是用上高通 Snapdragon 855 處理器,除了雷軍早前表示透明尊享版會有 12GB RAM 之外,
小米 9 標配為 6GB RAM + 128GB 儲存空間,另有 8+ 128 的選擇
然而小米 9 並沒有趕上首波 5G 手機的潮流,只有支援雙 4G 雙待的連線,而全功能 NFC 和藍牙 5.0 也有在了
這次小米 9 的包裝盒裡並沒有像小米 MIX 3 般附上無線充電板,只有一個 18W 充電器,
但手機本身卻支援 27W 有線快充和最快的 20W 無線充電技術,
前者只要一個小時就能充滿小米 9 的 3,300mAh 電池,
後者只要一個半小時就可以了;支援 20W 無線充電技術的充電板另售定價為人民幣 99 元
但最終還是能定出 6+128 版本的定價在人民幣 2999 元;8+128 版本為人民幣 3299 元,透明尊享版則為人民幣 3,999 元
最後的最後,雷軍突然再拿出一台縮小到 5.97 吋的小米 9 SE 手機,說是保留了小米 9 大多的賣點,
包括 48MP 主相機,與 8MP+13MP 組成三相機組合,另外這水滴屏上也有搭載第五代的屏下指紋模組
然而這台「輕旗艦」還是有些犧牲的,它的電池容量下降至 3,070mAh,只有 18W 快充能力,無線充電模組更因為成本問題而被拿走了
不過小米 9 SE 是市場首台使用 Snapdragon 712 處理器的手機,據指這顆中階處理器的表現可以媲美不少高階產品
6+64 版本定價為人民幣 1,999 元、6+128 定價 2,299 元
小米 9 今晚 6 點開始預售,2 月 26 日 10 點全平台開售
Cristiano Ronaldo: You'll never believe what Juventus star did AFTER Atletico loss - Duration: 2:46.
Ronaldo, who has won the last three Champions Leagues with Real Madrid, was part of the Juve team beaten 2- in the last-16 first leg
It comes in his first season with the Old Lady, having made an £88million switch from the Spanish capital last season
But the Portuguese star returned to the city last night in the crunch tie. Ronaldo was booed by Atletico fans after his success with rivals Real Madrid
And Ronaldo couldn't resist getting his own back during the game as he held up five fingers to signify the amount of Champions League titles he has to his name
Four of those came with Real Madrid while Ronaldo also won one crown with Manchester United
Atletico Madrid have never won the Champions League, finishing runners-up as three times
Twice of those were to Ronaldo and Real Madrid with the most recent coming in 216
And despite Diego Simeone's side getting the better of Juventus, Ronaldo reminded Atletico of his tally post game
When walking through the media mixed zone, Ronaldo again put up his hand before showing a zero sign, signifying five titles for him and none for Atletico
When asked about his gesture, Ronaldo simply responded: "I have five Champions Leagues, you have none
" And after Atletico's second, scored by Diego Godin, deflected off Ronaldo, the five-time Ballon d'Or winner was warned by ESPN pundit Alejandro Moreno
"There was a moment in the game where Ronaldo flashed five fingers on his hand to the crowd," Moreno said
"If you're going to be that guy, you cannot then be the same guy that turns away from Diego Godin when he's about to score the second goal
"Then you have to defend. Because otherwise you turn your back, it deflects off you and goes in
"If you're Cristiano Ronaldo and you like the attention then you've got to like it both ways
Gullit urges Callum Hudson-Odoi to leave Chelsea this summer - Duration: 3:47.
Former Chelsea manager Ruud Gullit has urged Callum Hudson-Odoi not to give up on a move to Bayern Munich and believes he should seek an exit at the end of the season
The England talent was heavily linked with a move to the Bundesliga champions in January but Chelsea blocked an exit and he has quickly fallen down the pecking order once again since the window slammed shut
He had been playing regularly for Maurizio Sarri during a period of intense speculation over his future
The Italian now finds his own future in doubt after a series of poor results and two heavy defeats to Bournemouth and Manchester City
With Jadon Sancho excelling at Borussia Dortmund, a mark has been set for British youngsters to go and make a name for themselves abroad and Gullit believes young talent is wasted at the top of the Premier League
"It's the best thing to do for a lot of English youngsters. Go abroad, go and play, go wherever because the top six in England have no time for youngsters, they need instant success," he told BeIn Sports
"Holland, Germany, France, wherever, because you play, you play at a different level and because you play a different football
"Sancho, fantastic. He would never get a chance in England. And now all of a sudden they say 'oh we want this player, we want him back'
How much is he worth now? "There is a lot of players in Holland who will say to 'don't go to the Premier League' because you don't play anyway, and then you get a loan somewhere
"It has been done by a professor, they found out that all the youngsters that play from 18 to 19 constantly playing first-team football, they're going to make it later on
The ones who play in the second team, on the bench, they will not make it. "Hudson-Odoi, it's a big thing for him, I would say to him to go
You have all these players, Willian in front of you, Pedro in front of you, what are you going to do? You're not going to play
" Gullit's view is echoed by former Manchester United striker Andy Cole, who added that Sancho would not have been getting chances at Man City if he stayed in England
"The young boys now, go and play football. Go to Germany, go wherever, go and play football
You have to play games, especially at that age. "If Sancho didn't decide that he wanted to leave Man City to go to Germany, would he be playing now? No, he'd be nowhere near it
" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football
london via the free football.london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
Home Birthday Diy decor Photos hanger/ Diy deco Anniversaire Maison avec Photos - Duration: 5:22.
Cristiano Ronaldo: You'll never believe what Juventus star did AFTER Atletico loss - Duration: 2:40.
Ronaldo, who has won the last three Champions Leagues with Real Madrid, was part of the Juve team beaten 2-0 in the last-16 first leg
It comes in his first season with the Old Lady, having made an £88million switch from the Spanish capital last season
But the Portuguese star returned to the city last night in the crunch tie. Ronaldo was booed by Atletico fans after his success with rivals Real Madrid
And Ronaldo couldn't resist getting his own back during the game as he held up five fingers to signify the amount of Champions League titles he has to his name
Four of those came with Real Madrid while Ronaldo also won one crown with Manchester United
Atletico Madrid have never won the Champions League, finishing runners-up as three times
Twice of those were to Ronaldo and Real Madrid with the most recent coming in 2016
And despite Diego Simeone's side getting the better of Juventus, Ronaldo reminded Atletico of his tally post game
When walking through the media mixed zone, Ronaldo again put up his hand before showing a zero sign, signifying five titles for him and none for Atletico
When asked about his gesture, Ronaldo simply responded: "I have five Champions Leagues, you have none
" And after Atletico's second, scored by Diego Godin, deflected off Ronaldo, the five-time Ballon d'Or winner was warned by ESPN pundit Alejandro Moreno
"There was a moment in the game where Ronaldo flashed five fingers on his hand to the crowd," Moreno said
"If you're going to be that guy, you cannot then be the same guy that turns away from Diego Godin when he's about to score the second goal
"Then you have to defend. Because otherwise you turn your back, it deflects off you and goes in
"If you're Cristiano Ronaldo and you like the attention then you've got to like it both ways
Européennes : Debout la France écarte une candidate controversée - Duration: 4:42.
Mazda MX-5 : une très rare version coupé est à vendre - Duration: 3:21.
Литые диски RW H-497 цвет DDN F/P - Duration: 1:33.
Литые диски RW H-417 цвет BK F/P - Duration: 1:35.
Welcome to the beautiful world of aquascaping!
I'm so excited, because I'm going to the airport,
to pick up the Aquaflora team,
together with Filipe Oliveira,
one of the best aquascapers in the world!
♪ Hey now honey I've been driving around in my car ♪
Filipe is going to rescape the tank,
that actually George Farmer scaped
one and a half years ago, in 2017.
That tank is empty now, we took it apart.
Sorry George!
You actually told me that you really like Filipe's tank,
the one he scaped in the UK, at Aquarium Gardens.
[George Farmer] This was aquascaped by Filipe.
He did this as part of a workshop.
A classic triangular composition, really complex.
This is my favourite scape in the store.
♪ Having a good time and doing no harm... ♪
They have done so much for the aquascaping world
in the last years.
You could just sell plants... Sit in the office
and sell plants to us.
But you're going out and you're helping everybody,
to promote this hobby.
This is a wonderful thing!
Really looking forward to this event!
Stay tuned!
♪ Hey now honey, I've been driving around in my car ♪
♪ Looking for some kind of open bar ♪
♪ It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright. ♪
So you guys were not kidding!
Really-really nice!
So it's the time! Shall I say it?
Welcome to the beautiful world of aquascaping!
[ Laughs ]
George, I will take good care of the tank for you.
So sorry!
Maybe in one year they will tear down this one
and then you can scape it.
But I can do the grandpa walk!
[Groaning] "Oahh"
They call me grandpa because of the beard
and I look a little bit old.
So... But it's always the wisdom.
It's the experience!
So you'll see it tomorrow!
Most of the people nowadays
are so focused on the hardscape.
In mono-species types of aquascapes.
Sometimes these - after that first impact -can be boring.
And then I think we should add new elements with the plants
and give them color.
Because a layout like this
depends on how you trim it,
and depends on how it grows with time.
You can give it a different shape.
All the time, it's changing!
It's like a canvas. You're retouching it,
you're painting it again.
You can even take out some parts of the plants
and put in new ones.
And the layout will be completely different.
This is what I think about aquascaping. It's the challenge.
So no pressure!
No pressure for tomorrow, no pressure!
[Laughs] - No pressure!
No problem, I like challenges!
And usually, when it gets more serious,
it's when the results are better.
I like that!
If it is just comfortable, in your comfort zone...
It's not a challenge anymore.
You will start getting a bit lazy.
So tomorrow you can expect something different.
I will give my best!
I'm Esther from Aquaflora.
Aquaflora was founded by my father,
in 1965,
so we are 53 years old already.
Apart from selling plants...
We're producing and selling plants
all over the world, and mainly in Europe.
A few years ago, we came out with our T-shirt, which says:
"Aquascaping Makes My World Go Round"
And we take this very literally!
Because we travel all over the world,
we meet people from all over the world.
It's like a big community, a big family!
In all the shops of aquascaping that we have visited,
- also in Asia, where they are very beautiful -
I think this is the most beautiful shop.
Every detail is perfect!
I think none of the tour visits will be as professional, as this one.
With Balázs, as a cameraman.
And look at all the equipment! It's just amazing!
And then the background... all these beautiful tanks,
which brings me to my next theme:
which is Filipe Oliveira.
He's been working for Aquaflora for...
I think - eight years, nine years now?
[Filipe] "Yeah, eight years"
[Filipe] "...or nine years"
He's a big pro!
Filipe is the Tree-Man.
But I doubt that he's going to make a tree today.
I don't think so.
[Filipe] "No to trees."
Okay, so Filipe, I think it's time for you!
[Filipe] "Thank you guys!"
[Esther] "Good luck!"
Thank you so much!
Nowadays the time is really too short.
We are very busy and everything.
One of the things, that I have learnt,
with the time passing:
If you're going to use your free time,
do it well!
I always give my best in everything that I do.
I love challenges, so when Viktor invited me to be here,
of course I already knew that this shop was amazing.
Because I've seen it on pictures.
And I must say that live - it is more impressive.
Because it's like going to Lisbon,
to the Oceanario.
We can see a lot of pictures and videos of the space,
but nothing prepares you for the first part.
Just getting to that place, looking to the tank and saying
♪ The things you always better dream of ♪
This shop is more or less the same.
Those guys are doing an amazing job on YouTube.
They make professional videos -
I can see. Now I'm feeling very important
to be on those cameras!
♪ As the pain begins to ease ♪
Those guys received some Manzanita.
I'd say: Why not?
I was going to use some fossilized wood rocks,
but then the color of the wood
would not make a contrast with the sand.
It would be too much "mono-colored" for what I really want.
So this is why I'm going to use landscape rocks.
These are the grey rocks.
Also, I don't see too many scapes,
where those rocks would be visible.
Unless... No!
None... One, two three.
So one of the things that I usually do,
is just to place down the hardscape on the floor.
In a way so that I can look at the textures, the size,
and start building it.
For some of you, it might seem as if
the guy was throwing rocks inside, into the tank.
I can explain to you the reason why.
And why do I still like to put those rocks inside.
I place them in my head,
like a small puzzle.
I place in the first rock and all the other ones will follow.
If it doesn't work, just take it out.
Because it isn't meant to be there.
I remember a some words from Amano...
In Lisbon:
"Just throw them!"
Of course they will roll down and settle in a place,
they'll look more natural.
Of course I'm not doing this here,
but when we make the details,
it's this way, how it works.
We fill up a cup, with the small rocks,
and just make it like that. [sprinkling motion]
You're not gonna go there with a pinzette,
like for a gourmet food, just to place them one by one.
So we just throw them.
The first thing that I do in a tank
I will put the soil in.
Even before I take care of the nutrition base layer,
like the ADA Power Sand or even root sticks...
Whatever you want to put in.
I will place the power sand only after I already have the first layer of Aqua Soil inside.
We are going to use the ADA,
the normal Aqua Soil, not the Light one.
First layer of soil will help people place the rocks in the tank.
They will not slide.
So they also help me to give the shape I want.
Cover it, where I need to make them stand in one place.
And then, build the structure up.
Maybe one more, you know.
You want strong nutrition - a base layer substrate.
Try to get the nutrients to the plants.
The concept or the idea is to make it similar to this.
But not in a triangle shape, but in a V-shape.
Okay, let's give it the shape that I need!
Wearing a glove is not obligatory.
But usually, when I finish scaping a tank,
it's like being in agriculture for my hands.
Start placing the first rock!
This is a heavy one.
I'm looking at its texture.
I like this side.
See? It's much easier.
If you need to move it somehow...
It will be easier, because there's soil underneath it already.
So, let's make the construct work!
The idea or the concept of the Iwagumi style
- somehow - is the composition of the rocks.
So when you look at the tank, instead of being alone,
the rocks are in a group formation.
It's like you looking at the nature,
and the wind, the rain...
It takes care... Joins the particles of the soil around it.
So it's like errosion.
So we take that and make it seem like
the composition has been there for a long time.
The idea of making something here
will be more or less the same.
Trying to place the rocks in. In a way
so they look like a group composition.
In the back, I will use stem plants on both sides.
Epiphyte plants in the front, like Anubias, Microsorum, Bolbitis.
I try to use this piece of wood.
This piece of rock does not have too much volume.
It doesn't mean that placing a rock
will more or less give the volume you need.
It's looks like it's a part of it already.
I took this one, it's not a normal rock.
It can always be used to give
some detail or depth to the tank.
Do you have any doubts about it so far?
Are you looking at me?
I just follow my instincts in putting it there.
Of course here, since I started placing the wood into position,
I will disguise the parts that I really don't like.
Always take your time doing the hardscape!
The most important thing.
If you are comfortable growing plants,
you can always disguise those small parts
that are not working properly, or are not so perfect,
by placing plants on them.
Now placing Power Sand in the area that I will plant in.
It's good!
It's... I know it's the same, but... [Cracking sound, groan]
[Balázs] "Can you do it again?"
This is the one that will float.
Okay? Just take notes.
I'm leaving that to you.
[Woman from audience] "Aren't you going to choose the big one?"
That one?
[Audience] "Yeah"
It's a bit weird.
The shape of it.
I don't want to break another one...
The way it works is just to take this part off from here.
When you place it in the tank...
There is no space for placing this in.
I know this came from the United States,
it probably cost a liver.
I just break it on the...
And say "Arghhh, oh no!" again.
So, I will leave it.
Let's go!
For this job, I prefer to use liquid glue.
Liquid is nice, because you can use the drops.
Just press it a little bit and drop it on the part
that you want to glue.
So what I usually do is to grab some cigarette filters,
and place the filter here.
So the idea is just to place the glue.
The liquid type is much-much better.
Then you use the soil,
'cause the soil is very porous.
It will help to keep the...
And you can even make a little bit of powder.
It will help you to keep the wood in place.
♪ Not often we can see... ♪
♪ The beauty in the pain ♪
♪ Not often we can see ♪
♪ The value that we gain. ♪
♪ Now listen little-one! ♪
♪ The wounds will heal in time ♪
♪ I know it weighs a ton ♪
♪But baby you'll be fine ♪
Don't forget to cover the Power Sand quite well.
This soil is very rich in nutrients.
If you leave it in contact with the water,
it will allow the release of a lot of nutrients
and then you will get algae problems.
So what I'm doing is...
to put in the rest of the soil, finish the details
and leave the gluing of the wood for the end.
♪ Start living for the moment ♪
♪ Letting go of the past-past. ♪
The idea is just to make it into a V-shape.
Plants will grow like over here
and here.
Leave this space for...
I can always use plants to make their lives difficult with the maintenance.
A little bit of Monte Carlo, a little bit of Eleocharis.
In that corner.
♪ The value that we gain ♪
♪ Now listen little one ♪
You guys may ask:
"And here, this part of the tank, there's nothing in here!"
"Do you not intend to put at least sand in there?"
One thing that I've learnt with time:
The sand is the last thing to be put into the tank.
♪ Will be fine-fine-fine-fine-fine"
But I had a not so nice experiences using ADA Aqua Soil
in the past.
It was half sand and half soil.
I have put all the soil in, I have put the sand in first,
and everything else too - before I started planting.
And then I started putting the plants in.
Then I filled the tank, and I didn't spray the wood and the soil.
As I should've.
Afterwards, the soil started floating a bitl
And with so much space to fall, it fell in the front of the tank.
it fell in the front of the tank.
So all the white sand was sprinkled all over with the black soil.
We learn with the mistakes, so now spray it!
And then, at the end we pray.
Not only for the wood to not float,
but also for the soil not to get into the front.
♪ I know it weighs a ton ♪
♪ But baby you'll be fine. Fine-fine-fine-fine-fine. ♪
I really like this T-shirt!
"Aquascaping Makes My World Go Round"
Did you see Filipe?
The way that he puts in all of the Aqua Soil
and all the rocks?!
Just like a ninja!
Really quick!
He's the fastest handed aquascaper that I know.
I hope that you liked this episode,
I really liked the way that he used the wood,
the Mazanita wood,
and then the way that he glued it to the rocks.
I really like the V-shape,
this is something that we haven't done before at Green Aqua.
So there are quite a few novelties,
and he had so much to say
and we really liked it,
so we're gonna continue it next week.
With the planting and some more,
really useful tips with Filipe.
Stay tuned! Subscribe, if you didn't do so,
or hit the bell button,
to get notified of our future uploads!
Until next week for part two,
Stay tuned, bye!
"Next week on Green Aqua"
My style has always been as minimalistic, as possible.
Tools make the difference in the way you plant.
Some of them are more comfortable, than the others.
The tweezer... Don't grab it too much on the front side!
Put it in-between!
Don't forget that you are filling the tank!
I already messed up my house, twice.
This is not the low budget, huh?
Jaguar F-Pace 3.0 R-SPORT AWD 30D NP € 113.350,- - Duration: 1:25.
Cold exposure in the lake | otuzovanie Zlate piesky 17.2.2019 - Duration: 1:46.
My glasses...
What's with them?
Hello from Zlate piesky lake in Bratislava,
I am here with Marcelka,
and we're gonna take some evening bath,
because the sun is already set.
The sun is here.
So we're looking forward to the water.
You've not taken bath for some time.
Perhaps for 3 weeks.
So we're gonna enjoy it for two minutes, at least.
Let's go for it.
Good... although you can't see nothing,
but we're going into the water.
Just wait, let there be light.
You can see, now.
We're ready in the swimsuits,
and here is the water.
Can you see? This is the moon.
Two of them.
Once a "moon"/month (in Slovak the same word)
and in two months (just a wordplay)
We are back! We are alive.
Just wake up (to the phone).
It was great, we did it.
- It was awesome. - It looks we were there for 5 minutes.
But we enjoyed it a lot. Fantastic soft water,
view to the moon, fabulous, stars above our heads,
- it was a real pleasure. - yes, it was great.
So I look forward to next time.
Bye there!
印度:不跟俄罗斯搞五代机了 和一个欧洲大国直接研制六代机 - Duration: 4:34.
印度:不跟俄罗斯搞五代机了 和一个欧洲大国直接研制六代机 在新年伊始
正式服役F 35隐身战斗机。
图:歼-20编队向全国人民拜年 在此之前
真的可以完成第6代战斗机的生产设计吗? 图:俄罗斯苏-57战机 关于这一点姑且不论
图:英国六代机模型 当然
也没有选择入股美国F 35项目。
图:六代机示意图 在10年之前
图:英国伊丽莎白女王号航母试航 当然
Liverpool news and transfers LIVE - Duration: 4:54.
Video LoadingVideo UnavailableClick to playTap to playThe video will start in 8CancelPlay now Chris Beesley and the rest of the team will be with you today from 7am to ensure constant coverage of all things LFC, including news, great photos, nostalgia, live interviews and much, much more
The ECHO will also provide you with the very latest transfer news as it happens throughout the week, with every rumour and story digested and analysed each day with updates from full-time LFC reporter James Pearce, Ian Doyle and much more
There will also be all the latest team news before games, plus every one of Jurgen Klopp press conferences covered live and with video
We want you to get involved too - tell us your thoughts on what's happening at Anfield by tweeting @LivEchoLFC or @CBeesleyEcho
Join the debate right now and get involved.07:58Reds eye World Cup winner's son Roy and Dean Saunders; Kenny and Paul Dalglish; Tony and Mark Hateley; Brian and Nigel Clough; Harry and Jamie Redknapp - there are many famous football father and son combinations (there are just a few with Anfield links)
As the old adage goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and many of those lads inherited their dad's footballing genes
Therefore, it's with great interest that Liverpool are reported to be tracking the progress of World Cup winner Lilian Thuram's son
Thuram senior, capped 142 times by France, lifting the World Cup in 1998 and European Championship in 2000
According to Caughtoffside, Monaco could be forced to fend off Liverpool and Chelsea this summer, as the Premier League giants are eying a move for Khephren Thuram
The 17-year-old has impressed at youth level for the Ligue 1 outfit, while he has also featured for the senior side this season in the Champions League and Coupe de la Ligue
Ole Pohlmann of Germany U16 challenges Khephren Thuram Ulien of France U16 (Image: Filipe Farinha/Getty Images)07:31Salah and Mane can benefit from Mourinho sacking So says Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher ahead of his old side's trip to Manchester United
The ex-Reds defender told Viasport: "The way they (United) are setting up now, they're really attacking, on the front foot, exciting to watch
"Maybe that will give Liverpool more chance in terms of space at Old Trafford. "Whenever Mourinho's teams played against Liverpool at Old Trafford there was very little space for Mane and Salah, they always found it really difficult in the last couple of years
"So maybe that might change, maybe a more open game. "But Liverpool's record is really poor at Old Trafford since Sir Alex Ferguson left so that is something that has to change
"If Liverpool could get a result there they have a big week, Watford then Everton
"But Manchester United is the real big one, that's the one where Man City expect Liverpool to drop points
If they get three points there it will be a little body blow to Manchester City." Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane of Liverpool (Image: Andrew Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)07:16Chris BeesleyGood morning Hello everyone and welcome to today's Liverpool Live Blog
Now you've all had a day to reflect on the Bayern Munich game, thoughts are rapidly turning to this Sunday's showdown at Old Trafford
Always the biggest game on the Premier League calendar regardless of the circumstances, this particular encounter has even more riding on it than usual
Stick with us throughout the day for all the latest news and views on the Reds.
小米 9 正式登場,三主相機 + 水滴屏設計 - Duration: 5:34.
早早已經自曝部分外觀設計和規格的小米 9,終於正式在發佈會上亮相了
是由 12MP f/2.2 遠攝相機、48MP f/1.75 廣角相機、16MP f/2.2 117° 超廣角相機,
其中標準廣角相機更特意重調是用上 Sony IMX586 感光元件,
也支援 1.6μm 畫素四合一技術和鐳射 + 相位自動對焦
其 AI 相機的功能能夠辨識不同場景和手持夜景模式,
6.39 吋的小米 9 用上 FHD+(2340x1080)的 AMOLED 水滴屏,顯示比例是修長的 19.5:9,
同時支援第五代屏下指紋和以前置 20MP 相機來實現的面部解鎖方案
特別的是小米 9 是用上新的 2.5D 第六代大猩猩玻璃來保護螢幕,
採用全曲面設計的機身則是第五代大猩猩玻璃包裹著;整台機僅重 173g,說是同尺寸競品中屬於最輕薄的一款
小米 9 不意外地是用上高通 Snapdragon 855 處理器,除了雷軍早前表示透明尊享版會有 12GB RAM 之外,
小米 9 標配為 6GB RAM + 128GB 儲存空間,另有 8+ 128 的選擇
然而小米 9 並沒有趕上首波 5G 手機的潮流,只有支援雙 4G 雙待的連線,而全功能 NFC 和藍牙 5.0 也有在了
這次小米 9 的包裝盒裡並沒有像小米 MIX 3 般附上無線充電板,只有一個 18W 充電器,
但手機本身卻支援 27W 有線快充和最快的 20W 無線充電技術,
前者只要一個小時就能充滿小米 9 的 3,300mAh 電池,
後者只要一個半小時就可以了;支援 20W 無線充電技術的充電板另售定價為人民幣 99 元
但最終還是能定出 6+128 版本的定價在人民幣 2999 元;8+128 版本為人民幣 3299 元,透明尊享版則為人民幣 3,999 元
最後的最後,雷軍突然再拿出一台縮小到 5.97 吋的小米 9 SE 手機,說是保留了小米 9 大多的賣點,
包括 48MP 主相機,與 8MP+13MP 組成三相機組合,另外這水滴屏上也有搭載第五代的屏下指紋模組
然而這台「輕旗艦」還是有些犧牲的,它的電池容量下降至 3,070mAh,只有 18W 快充能力,無線充電模組更因為成本問題而被拿走了
不過小米 9 SE 是市場首台使用 Snapdragon 712 處理器的手機,據指這顆中階處理器的表現可以媲美不少高階產品
6+64 版本定價為人民幣 1,999 元、6+128 定價 2,299 元
小米 9 今晚 6 點開始預售,2 月 26 日 10 點全平台開售
Chelsea vs Malmo TV channel: What channel is Chelsea vs Malmo on TONIGHT? - Duration: 2:27.
Chelsea head into their Europa League round of 32 second-leg clash with Malmo in a commanding position
The Blues defeated the Swedish side 2-1 in the first leg, meaning Malmo must score twice tonight to stand a chance of progressing
Ross Barkley and Olivier Giroud scored the goals that handed boss Maurizio Sarri a much-needed boost, but he will need another big display to secure his job
The Italian boss has come under intense pressure from fans during a rocky patch of form with Chelsea's latest defeat coming against Manchester United on Monday
The Blues were dumped out of the FA Cup by United following a limp display that left fans enraged
They shouted: "F*** Sarriball" referring to the former Napoli manager's style of play
Chelsea have been toppled 4-0 and 6-0 by Bournemouth and Manchester City respectively in recent weeks and will be desperate to record a win over Malmo ahead of this Sunday's Carabao Cup final clash with City
Fans will be curious to see how Chelsea fare following Monday's disappointment, but where can you watch the game? Express Sport has all the details on how to watch Chelsea vs Malmo below
Chelsea vs Malmo – how to watch Live coverage of the match will be shown on BT Sport 2 and BT Sport 4K UHD
The game kicks off at 8pm, with coverage starting at 7:30pm. BT Sport customers can access the game via TV, online player and their app on a range of devices
BT Sport 3 will host coverage of Arsenal vs BATE which kicks off at 5:55pm UK time
Chelsea vs Malmo latest odds Chelsea – 1/4 Draw – 9/2 Malmo – 11/1 (Odds from Skybet, winner in normal time)
Liverpool news and transfers LIVE - Duration: 5:24.
Video LoadingVideo UnavailableClick to playTap to playThe video will start in 8CancelPlay now Chris Beesley and the rest of the team will be with you today from 7am to ensure constant coverage of all things LFC, including news, great photos, nostalgia, live interviews and much, much more
The ECHO will also provide you with the very latest transfer news as it happens throughout the week, with every rumour and story digested and analysed each day with updates from full-time LFC reporter James Pearce, Ian Doyle and much more
There will also be all the latest team news before games, plus every one of Jurgen Klopp press conferences covered live and with video
We want you to get involved too - tell us your thoughts on what's happening at Anfield by tweeting @LivEchoLFC or @CBeesleyEcho
Join the debate right now and get involved.07:58Reds eye World Cup winner's son Roy and Dean Saunders; Kenny and Paul Dalglish; Tony and Mark Hateley; Brian and Nigel Clough; Harry and Jamie Redknapp - there are many famous football father and son combinations (there are just a few with Anfield links)
As the old adage goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and many of those lads inherited their dad's footballing genes
Therefore, it's with great interest that Liverpool are reported to be tracking the progress of World Cup winner Lilian Thuram's son
Thuram senior, capped 142 times by France, lifting the World Cup in 1998 and European Championship in 2000
According to Caughtoffside, Monaco could be forced to fend off Liverpool and Chelsea this summer, as the Premier League giants are eying a move for Khephren Thuram
The 17-year-old has impressed at youth level for the Ligue 1 outfit, while he has also featured for the senior side this season in the Champions League and Coupe de la Ligue
Ole Pohlmann of Germany U16 challenges Khephren Thuram Ulien of France U16 (Image: Filipe Farinha/Getty Images)07:31Salah and Mane can benefit from Mourinho sacking So says Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher ahead of his old side's trip to Manchester United
The ex-Reds defender told Viasport: "The way they (United) are setting up now, they're really attacking, on the front foot, exciting to watch
"Maybe that will give Liverpool more chance in terms of space at Old Trafford. "Whenever Mourinho's teams played against Liverpool at Old Trafford there was very little space for Mane and Salah, they always found it really difficult in the last couple of years
"So maybe that might change, maybe a more open game. "But Liverpool's record is really poor at Old Trafford since Sir Alex Ferguson left so that is something that has to change
"If Liverpool could get a result there they have a big week, Watford then Everton
"But Manchester United is the real big one, that's the one where Man City expect Liverpool to drop points
If they get three points there it will be a little body blow to Manchester City." Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane of Liverpool (Image: Andrew Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)07:16Chris BeesleyGood morning Hello everyone and welcome to today's Liverpool Live Blog
Now you've all had a day to reflect on the Bayern Munich game, thoughts are rapidly turning to this Sunday's showdown at Old Trafford
Always the biggest game on the Premier League calendar regardless of the circumstances, this particular encounter has even more riding on it than usual
Stick with us throughout the day for all the latest news and views on the Reds.
小米9 發佈,機甲風透明機身,拍攝能力大提升 - Duration: 6:52.
在2月20日,小米召開了內部代號為「戰鬥天使」的小米9 年度旗艦發布會,
在發布會上不僅僅帶來了主角小米9,還有小米9 透明尊享版、小米9SE 和 小愛觸屏音箱
讓小米9 擁有彩虹般的金屬質感,在手中隨著光線的流轉而變幻,像握著彩虹,極具未來感
正面採用了 6.39吋的 Samsung AMOLED 屏幕,103.8%NTSC 超廣色域,
最高亮度600nit(HBM),獲得德國電氣工程師協會 VDE 低藍光護眼認證
賣點二,「超級能打」。全球首批量產Snapdragon 855,全球首款29W無線閃充,Sony 4800萬超廣角微距三鏡
Snapdragon 855 採用了7nm製程工藝
配以 Game Turbo ,。增加了智能感知遊戲場景、遊戲觸控模式、遊戲顯示增強以及遊戲工具箱2.0,
還有LPDDR4x + UFS2.1 + 底層系統優化,玩遊戲不再擔心窒機,官方稱,在模擬18個月使用後,系統卡頓降低35%
充電如此之快大家會擔心安全問題,德國萊茵 TÜV 安全快充系統認證2.0,似乎亦有點保障
拍攝上,後置採用4800萬 SONY 主鏡,擁有超乎想像的解析力+1200萬人像鏡頭,擁有夢幻般背景虛化,
擁有2倍光學變焦,+ 1600萬超廣角鏡頭,可拍下更多內容,同時支援4cm微距
小米創造性的加入了月亮模式,不需要加望遠鏡和架三角架,只需要小米9 月亮模式,每個人都能隨手拍月亮,月亮的紋理都一清二楚
經過小米相機測試實驗室的不斷鑽研,小米9 拍照品質進一步提升,DxOMark 相機評分107分,排名世界前三!影片拍攝世界第一!
小米9 在屏下指紋解鎖上,採用了第五代光學指紋識別模組,速度提升25%
除此之外,小米9 還有雙頻GPS、NFC、紅外等百項體驗升級
同場加映 小米9 透明尊享版。獨特科幻機甲風,來自未來的透明設計,Snapdragon 855+12GB RAM,挑戰極限性能
主鏡頭改為 7P 鏡頭 + f/1.47大光圈
小米9 將與今晚18點中國開放預售,在2月26日早10點首賣:
6GB+128GB 為¥2999(約HK$3500 或 NT$13750)
8GB+128GB 為¥3299(約HK$3850 或 NT$15100)
透明尊享版 為¥3999(約HK$4670 或 NT$18320)
小米9亮相 預計3月下旬登台 - Duration: 3:29.
小米9 SE等3款手機正式亮相;預計2月26日在中國大陸市場現貨開售,小米9售價2,999元人民幣起,
小米9 SE售價1,999元人民幣起;至於台灣市場,預計3月下旬正式在台灣市場發表
小米9亮相,搭載全新Qualcomm Snapdragon 855旗艦處理器、
並首發12GB超大高速記憶體;另外,同場亮相的小米9 SE同樣擁有相同的SONY 4800萬主鏡頭及奈米雷射全息外觀
小米9 6GB+128GB版本售價2,999元人民幣,8GB+128GB版本售價3,299元人民幣,
小米9 透明尊享版12GB+256GB售價3,999元人民幣
小米9 SE 6GB+64GB版本售價1,999元人民幣,6GB+128GB版本售價2,299元人民幣
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